Issued Tuesday Tuesday THURSDAY Issue Saturday The Courier-Gazette Knter«] *5 second Class Mall Matter THREE CENTS A COPY Volu m e 9 4 ...... Number 1. , Established January, 1846. Ry The Courier-Gazette, 465 Main St. Rockland, (Maine, Tuesday, January 3, 1939 The Courier-Gazette Bee mes Chief Warden Uncle Sam’s Help [EDITORIAL] THREE TIMES-A-WEEK FACTORY LOT IS SELECTED “The Black Cat” Thur t»n Resigns Deputy Editor Is Desired 'By the Fishing WHEN THE LAWMAKERS MEET WM. O. FULLER Associate Editor Co i missionership For a Industry— Aid To Farm­ An architect is due in Rockland the lot on which the factory is to be built. The news centers, especially for those who like to PRANK A WIN8LOW $3u a W eek Job ers C ited today to consult with Kntox Indus­ This lot is located on Camden ! read about the lawmakers, will soon be in Augusta Subscription, $3 00 per year payable tries, Inc., as to plans for the four- In advance: single copies thiee cen s. Thc resignation of William H. Sea and Shore Fisheries Commis­ street, which it faces for a length i and Washington, D. C. And one does not need to Advertising rates based upon clrcula- ' story factory building which is to tlon and very reasonable Thurst : of McKinley p, deputy sioner Arthur R. Greenleaf said of 256 feet, extending backward 235 I be told that momentous days are in the offing. Po­ NEWSPAPER HISTORY cemmi toner of Sea ..<] shore house the city's new industry. The feet toward the waterfront. The The Rockland Gazette was eatab- ... yesterday that he had requested litically the situation is exactly reversed in the two l!sh<-d In 1848 In 1874 the Courier was F l-t-’ and his acceptance of an plans and specifications will be site is to the northeastward of where established and consolidated with the eat as chie: ,Klen 3t Maine's congressional delegation to the Lime Rock Railroad crosses Capitals, the Republicans occupying an overwhelm­ Gazette In 1882 The Free Press was open to bids within a very short It was annoui support a campaign launched by ing majority of the seats in the Maine State House, e abllshed In 1855 and In 1891 changed 135 a ' b Com- time. Camden street, a little less than Its name to the Tribune These papers mlss’oi Arthur R. c two miles from the Rockland Post consolidated Mnrch 17. 1887 caf yes- Senator Tydings of Maryland to Meantime this corporation of lo­ while the Democrats are largely in the preponderencc tei da t ireenlea f said that this have the Federal government lend Of floe in Washington. 8f'*’ ’**'**,*-**-**, *v-,*'» * * '* -* .H cal business men has acquired from It has been used as a storage action in« as the result of a plan ( a helping hand to the seafood in- J By The Roving Reporter | » Such as are careless of them- Z .te reoi inize his Department's per-’dustry. Tydings, according to the Central Maine Power Company 1 place by the Power Company In the Nation’s Capital the largely increased Re­ ♦ selves can hardly be mindful of — i sr.nnel n a more efficient basis and Greenleaf is sponsoring a drive to publican representation can weld itself into a political ♦ others—Thales ~ : In nterest of economy. | have Congress appropriate several As A Citizen Saw It At The State Capitol power if it follows the mandate of the people, as ex­ "I am mightily interested in The Pointing out that a chief warden ' hundred thousand dollars to be used pressed at the polls in many States last November. was necessary under the new set-up in general development of the tech- Black Cat. and ’00k for it the first thing every issue" writes my old OreenU f said that both he and nical and marketing phases of the Albert Averill 'Describes Some Interesting Facts Con­ The voters in pivotal Commonwealths plainly ex­ Thurston agreed that it would be'industry. pressed themselves at variance with the eccentricities schoolmate JE.R. of Hartford, Gen. Berry Engine House cerning Makeup of New Conn "I have been expecting to Spying Auto Plates more piartical and economical to Declaring that the industry is of the New Deal, with the desire manifest for a hear," he added, “of the time that make o’v job of the two than to unable to cope single handed with Oil Hearing Legislature change. This should not be construed, however, as the horse Jumped through Pool- It's a bit early to be watching for create new one which would re­ the task of conducting technical Rockland, Dec. 31. Benjamin C. Bubar. Jr., 21. of enmity to all measures. The major party will doubt­ | er's window and Chris. Norris fell 1939 automobile plates, but here are quire t! • services of another man. studies relating to production stand­ Editor of The Courier-Gazette:— Weston. Aroostook County, and less offer desirable measures— measures from which through the sidewalk Into the sewer. He san hat Thurston re :gned of ards and utilization of sea prod­ four just to start the ball rolling. Well, those were certainly classics his ow free will in order that he ucts. or economic studies of effec­ A report of the proceedings at a Charles J. Chase, 80, of Sebec, Pis­ the people at large will benefit— and these should not Maine In local history. It '-as skipped my might best co-operate in Greenleaf's tive means for broadening its mar­ meeting of the City Government cataquis County, will be the "baby'' be opposed simply because they are Democratic laws. Michigan mind who owned the horse, but the pregram for improving the work of kets. Greenleaf said he felt that Wednesday Dee 28 will be of inter-, n(J ..granddaddy. members of the The Republicans in Congress will be amply justified Illinois animal became frightened at some- the Department. Federal support should be given. est and concern to the public. This | Rhode Island was a special hearing before the i89111 Maine ^ ^ t u r e which goes in looking after the interests of their constituents, as tiling. ran down Limerock street, di­ As chief warden Thurston will act In many respects fishermen are board of aldermen to consider th e , In*0 action Wednesday, expressed in November, but we hope they will not rectly across Main, and leaped Let's see how soon we can get the in a supervisory capacity over the like farmers, but. unlike farmers, complete list. sale of the city property now oc- Chase, a State Senator will not be so politically biased as to attempt to defeat good through the window of Pooler’s patrol force of 30 men and assist the they have not been so fortunate in drug store, in what must have been And of course we want to spot the Commissioner in carrying out a obtaining Federal aid, he said. cupled by the Gen. Berry Engine i be new in legislative circles, hav- laws simply because from Democratic desks. A mi­ House at the junction of Main and ing bwn a of the upper the building now ocupied by Mo­ highest Maine number plate. Kelley (variety of projects. According to Oreenieaf the fish­ nority may be a force for the good, or it may become Water streets, and the granting of ran's insurance office. The terri­ B. Crle starts us off with a sedan Oreenieaf said that no other im­ eries of the nation employ approxi­ branch in 1913 and 1937. and also simply a flop. We believe that in this session, with a numhbered 159,892. mediate changes In personnel was a permit to Lawrence Miller to erect fied horse landed on the soda foun­ mately 600.000 persons, produce a House member in 1909. 1933 and Presidency hanging in the balance, that they will contemplated but that adoption of nearjy 5 000.OOO.fOO pounds of choice an oil-filling station there. tain bar. and slid half way acro.s COURIER-GAZETTE WANT ADS seme new methods of patrol, quali- ! food whlch for over j300.OOO.OOO Upon the reading of the petition, 1935. Bubar. however, will have exercise the judgment that statesmen are supposed to the store—terribly scared, but un­ WORK WONDERS fication and assignment of wardens and are definitely a basic industry. Alderman Quinn immediately moved his first experience as a lawmaker exercise, acting defensively at the same time on freak hurt. And if you think the horse that the permit be granted Aider- was scared, what do you think of could be expected Recently he an- •Such an important industry de­ He will be in the House where his or unwholesome legislation. man Condon objected to immediate Willard C. Pooler, his clerk and ( nounced that he would request Leg- serves Federal encouragement, es­ father, Benjamin C. Bubar. served action on this motion because of the At Augusta this winter the situation is quite the group of bystanders? That 1 islature to set-up a Civil Service pecially when it is faced with so presence of a group of citizens who in 1935. Young Bubar. a publisher radically different from that of two years ago when event wtl outlive the memory of ELECTRICAL program or his force. many serious obstacles,” he said. I Thurst a native of McKinley were plainly there to express their and printer and Chase, a merchant an untried governor became pilot of ship which had Rockland’s biggest fires. He predicted that Maine senators objections to the granting of th is1 ere Republicans. Bubar is single SERVICE j lias been connected with the De­ and representatives would do every­ been sadly lightened of its financial cargo, and whose permit. Two objections were unani-1 and Chase is a widower, The accident which befell Chris­ par men: lmO6t continuously for thing possible to support Tydings' Doorbells, Convenience Outlets, mously supported by all citizens Representative Charles W Per- crew was subdivided into blocs which at times topher C. Norris had its humorous Light* and Small Appliance* 20 > ears a d according to Greenleaf proposals. who were present at the hearing. I Bald, 79, of Levant. Penobscot showed a tendency to near mutiny. For a while Gov. features, but resulted indirectly in Installed and serviced she aid ix jst the right man for j the job of hief. Appointed deputy First—It was pointed out that'County will be the oldest member Barrows occupied a position not unlike that which his death not long afterward. Mr. Promptly an oil-filling at this point met no i of the House, serving his third term commlrsio er a year ago he has just Ruth Mayhew Tent was held by President Hoover. Some of his appoint- Norris was standing in front of the W. W. STRONG completed schedule of important public need of service as there were I 'n the lower branch. He served his j W H. Glover Co.'s office talking first term in 1896. ! ments did not find favor with the politicians; there with Woodbury Thomas. But if my special re arch and investigation Successful Installation Last already four oil-filling stations in 4$ GRACE ST, ROCKLAND The oldest House member in point was a constant fight to keep the appropriations down memory serves me correctly it was TEL. 19-W fot the D irtment. close vicinity to this situation— N ight — Mrs. Plummer namely, the Stanley and Say wood of service will be Hodgdon C. Buzzel and there was that extremely troublesome measure "Wood” who wa^ doing the talking. ol Belfast. Waldo County, former KNOX POMONA GRANGE Officiates stations near P’easant and Water known as the sales tax, which was like flaunting a red Pausing for lack of breath he turned president of the Senate in 1925. streets and the Harriman and Bos­ rag in the face of a bull. to ask Mr. Norris some question and Knox P :r.ona Grange will be en- The officers of Ruth Mayhew Tent, tick stations near Holmes and Cres­ who will begin his sixth term In the ( found that the latter had vanished. te rained >y Seven Tree Grange in D.U.V, were installed last night by- cent streets. Second—the chief ob­ Legislature When the Legislature session had ended prophets A large hole in the sidewalk indi- Union Sa ircay, at which time the Mrs. Eliza Plummer. P DF., assist jection wa’ the great inconvenience Senator Elton H. Lewis of Booth- were not lacking who said that Barrows was a one- | cated that he had gone through into bay Harbor, Lincoln County, start­ -Best fo..owing program will oe presented: ed by Mrs. Myra Dutch, guide; Mrs ar.d hazard to public safety that term governor, but the special session added greatly the bed of the brook, perhaps 15 Anne Smalley, chaplain; Mrs. Mar would be occasioned by an oil-fill­ ing his seventh term, has served feet below. A crowd gathered but Opening - ng. "When You And I to his prestige, and his strength increased so steadily Printed Stationery Were Y ;ng;” greeting. Walter aa Gower, secretary; Mrs. Grace ing station at this point. .the largest number of terms in thp there was no sign of the victim until Ayer ; re-p :vc. Dora Maxey; speak­ Mayo, senior vice president; Mrs. Prominent among the spokesmen: Legislature. He was a member of that he was triumphantly re-elected over a Democ­ about 15 minutes later, when he re­ er. Frank A. Winslow; roll call; "A Gertrude Decrow junior vice presi- for these objections were Milton M the House in 1931, 1933 and 1935 ratic "white hope,” who was supposed to be unbeat­ appeared. having followed the cotnmunity project our Grange dent, of Belfast; members of Emma Griffin and Charles A. Emery Both and the Senate in 1917. 1919 and able. Even today Gov. Barrows may not be what the brook to its outlet. 1937 might undertake.” Discussion. White Barker Tent. D.U.V A fea while moderate and conservative in world chooses to call a "politician,’’ but he has shown tare of the even ng was the presen- torn, clearly and forcibly explained Bernard L. Harkins. 28. of Lewis- “Now if I had been down home "Growing evergreen trees for the his ability to ride through heavy storms, and has be­ Christmas trade;" balance of pro­ 1 tation of the oldest members. Miss the objections that were supported ion Hou e member in 1937. will be j in Texas today y'know what I would gram to be- .-.applied by hest lecturer Rhoda Currier and Mrs. Minnie by all citizens preent at the hear­ the youngest Senate member. come to some extent a national figure. i have had for lunch?" asked Miller There will be only one woman Pettee. aunts of the retiring presi­ ing. They showed that traffic was W hat Legislature will do is always a problem. If Burgin, manager of the local Coca- dent. Each received a gift and made swift at that point it being the member of the Senate. Miss Gail Cola district New Year's day. We it squanders money right and left, pandering to ex­ most gracious remarks in return habit of drivers coming up fromLaughlin of Portland. Two all gave in. so he said it was hog Mrs. Priscilla Smith upon receipt of South Main street not to slacken Jears ago there were two women pensive hobbies; or if it adopts a “soak the thrifty” jowl, and black-eyed peas, with a the well earned past president's their open-road ;peed until afte.members of the upper branch. Miss policy it is going to be open to severe condemnation. little corn bread. I don't know HEALTH badge, presented by Mrs. Stella Mc- they passed this point and also Laughlin and Miss Marion E. Mar- We use the word “thrifty” because there are com­ that I ever heard of such a com­ ths speed of cars going South was to 'R) of Bangor. Both previous- Your name and address printed Rea, thanked ail for the loyal sup paratively few rich persons in Maine. The thrifty are bination. but Miller was enthusias­ on envelopes and paper or mono­ port and wished the newly installed picked up just before reaching this tic about it, and I would try any­ The House will have four women being taxed to the point of persecution until finally gram on sheets, addrses on en­ president. Mrs. Maude Cables, a verv point. Also there is a junction of thing once. velopes. Black, Blue, Green or CLINIC representatives, two less than in there may be an elimination of the ambition which happy administration. Mrs. Lina three streets here—Robinson. Water —o— Brawn ink. 1937. including Miss Neota A. Fowles Carroll was installed in the chair of and South Main. This complica­ actuates most persons in their effort to make the State Holiday cards came to The Black (R> of Whitefield, Miss Ruth WATER STRIPED VELLUM Thur: lay. Friday and Saturday I the Senior Vice President; Mrs. Bes- tion is aggravated by the practice a good place in which to live. Cat from Ellen D Tolman former White Deckle Edge | sie Haraden. Junior Vice President. of cars coming dtwn Main street Thorndike Clough (R) of Bangor, Rockland girl, who now resides in 36 folded sheets 4%x7% of this week, a Health Clinic will Mrs. Etta W. Robinson of South Other officers are. Chaplain. Mrs. and using this junction as a tum- The Legislature of 1939 has an opportunity—and Auburn. Mass "Your column is 36 envelopes 4x5% square flap be held in our office. Jennie Pietroski; treasurer. Mrs. ing point. There is much parking j Portland and Mrs. Florence M. a need— to exercise good hard-heady judgment or it most interesting," writes Miss Tol- 31.15 postpaid Latno (D> of Old Town, House A Chiropractor and an Osteo­ Josephine Lothrop; Mrs. Priscilla of cars here before stores and the can be beguiled by claptrap theorists. Which ? j man, "and fully appreciated by one OR member in 1935 and 1937. path will consult on all rases ex­ Smith, Mrs. Stella McRea. Mrs. Car­ cil-filling station at Saywards Gar­ j who wishes you the best things for The Senate will be comprised of 60 flat sheets 7%xl0% rie House. Council; Mrs. Lizzie age. To these already difficult traf­ the New Year." "Yes," is the an­ 50 envelopes 4x7% square flap amined. A consultation of this 30 Republicans and three Demo- ( French, secretary; Mrs. Mae Cross. fic difficulties, the new proposed was from Emily Qreeves, Mrs. swer to Miss Tolman's question con­ $1.40 postpaid type will give each rase the bene­ crats. In the House there will be 125 I A Golden Wedding Guide; Mrs. Blanche Shadie and station would extend lines of traffic j True’s mald-of-honor. cerning the clipper ship Red Jack­ Republicans and 26 Democrats. AUTOCRAT DECKLE EDGE fit of a much broader scope of Mrs Allie Blacklngton. Guards; Mrs. east and west into Main and Water Mr True is a native of Hope, and et. The Roekland-built craft Thirty of the 33 Senate members Mr. and Mrs. E. P. True, White Vellum train'ng than if the examination Alta Dimick, musician; Mrs. Inez streets and also north into Main brother of L. P. True now residing gained world wide fame. have had previous legislative ex­ Square flap envelopes and folded Packard, Martha Seavey. Mrs. Ada street. It was emphasized that Married In England, Cele­ there. wes given by a single individual. perience. Sixty-nine of the House sheets Payson. Mrs. Susie Karl, color bear­ traffic here would be unduly hazar­ Quite a number of years ago when If you are apparently well but members previously served as law­ brate In Wrentham WHEN IT WAS 30 BELOW 50 envelopes 4x5% ers. A program was presented by dous unless protected by the service they were having flag raisings and makers. 60 sheets 4%x7% arc cener; ned about yourself for Mrs. Doris Ames with Mrs. Alta of a traffic officer which expense Dec. 27. 1888: Selby, England; torchlight processions instead of $1.35 postpaid should not be imposed upon the city : Editor of The Courier-Gazette:— seme rra .on. or if you are not well Dimick and, daughter Dorothy in canned campaign speeches the Re­ for the erection of this station that (From the Selby Times); "True. In tlie Saturday issue mention piano and mandolin duet; the publicans and Democrats of Rock­ and ban been unable to retain is not needed for public service M rs. G lover’s C lass I Milnes. Wistow. England. At the Thompson sisters in novelty dance, ; was made of the low temperature land and Camden were each holding your heal h bi the usual methods, Several property owners objected and Mrs. Pietroski vocal solo. Re­ C k n itm x i paris]l church by the Rev Henry 1 Qf ,933 Jn Iook(ng up that a rally in this city. The Democrats plan on attending this CUnic. to the uncalled for damage to their Holds Annual 1 Grecves, vicar, brother-in-law o f 1 marks by the visiting sisters, and re­ I date In my diary. I find that the marched bravely to Rankin block property values that would follow freshments brought to a close a most Supper Party; Cake With thc bride. Eugene Payson True of ! ad when a special trolley car ar­ Phone 1355 for your appoiit- the erection of this station in the temperature at our farm was 30 be­ enjoyable evening. Mrs Alta Dim­ Six Candles Bottle, Lancashire. England, for­ rived they passed over a liberal sup­ ment immediate vicinity of their holding.,. low zero in the morning, the coldest ick, Mrs. Elizabeth Murry and Miss ply of torches to the newcomers. To these specified objections no merly of Hope. Maine. U S A . and for 16 years. Looking back 16 years Annie Mullen were appointed on the Thursday evening the members of All w'ent well until it was discov­ rebuttal was offered by any citizen Annie Elizabeth Milnes, fourth I floral committee for the ensuing year. Mrs E. F. Glover's Church School j to Dec. 30, the records then show ered that the torches had been DONALD E. HASKELL present or by any member of the daughter of Jabez Milnes of Selby, Mrs. Plummer was presented with a Class met in the Universalist vestry that the thermometer registered 30 turned to Camden Republicans in­ Board of Aldermen At the con­ for their annual Christmas supper D. C. gift. England. below in the morning. This was the stead of Cimden Democrats. And Chiropractic Specialist clusion of the protests. Alderman and party. The prevailing epi- Dec 27, 1938: At Wrentham. then there was some fun not down Condon proposed that the hearing demic of colds etc. and absences ' Mass.. U.S.A. A small intimate \ da} of tlle b'g fire ,hat burned ,;nm 93 VNIO' ST., ROCKLAND, ME. The official inspection of Golden on tlie program. be postponed until the next regular I Rod Chapter. O.EB., took place Fri­ from the city lowered the possible group of relatives gathered to cele- I Brook to Limerock street. The meeting of the City Government. Your name and address printed day night, with Mr*. Sadie P. Orover attendance from 80 to about one- brate with Mr and Mrs. Eugene (previous day registered 15 below, Joy at receiving regularly the on sheets and envelope* only Alderman Quinn demanded that Payson True for many years resi- ' and the following day the glass read Worthy Grand Matron of Fadette half that number, but those attend- issues of Tlie Courier-Gazette is the question be settled immediately PATRICIAN Chapter In York as inspecting ing made up for the absentees in (dents of Hyde Park. Mass., the 50th 25 below zero. voiced by Mrs. William E. Wilcox White Laid and without further argument or noise and fun. | anniversary of their marriage. The ( I think it was the winter of five who is making her home at 3364 Black, Blue, Brown, Green Ink WE BUY officer. Many out Of town guests at­ comment, the board voted to grant tended the impressive ceremonies, The usual “snack supper" was! group included their two sons, E. years ago that injured so many Pearl Harbor road. Honolulu. 60 folded sheets 4%x7% O L D G O L D the permit. Aldermen Condon and augmented by a beautifully decorat-( payson True and wife (nee Laura apple trees throughout the State 40 envelopes 4x5% end silver the several chapters represented, in­ Cates voting to deny the granting cluding Marlon of Gardiner. Wi- ed birthday cake, the candles de- Darling) of Concord. Mass.; Os- W. C. Lufkin There Is an old saying that "poli­ OR Clar « nce E. Daniels of the permit. noting the six years' existence of [ mOnd S. True and wife (nee Alma tics makes strange bedfellows." But JEWELER wurna of Waldoboro, Primrose of Owing to the inconvenience of the 60 flat sheets 6%xl0% 370 MAI'. ST. ROCKLAND Belfast. Seaside of Camden, Harbor the class. Santa Ciaus. in the per- Barber) of Scarsdale. N Y. a YOUR FAVORITE POEM what about the automobile parked 40 envelopes 4x6% hour and the short notice given son of E. E. Stoddard found a pres- I grandson. Edward K . and two Light of Rockport, Grace of Thom­ on Main street Thursday which had $1.15 postpaid when the hearing was held—at 5.30 If I had my life to live again I aston. Naomi of Tenant's Harbor, ent for everyone on ‘he gaily deco- granddaughters. Anna M. and Thel- a bewhiskered goat in the rear scat? I p. m — when most people were Just rated Christmas tree, after which j ma p., children of Mr. and Mrs. would have made a rule to read some GRAYTONE TWEED 1 Orient of Union. Forget-me-not of poetry and listen to some music at arriving home from their occupa the accompanying' rhymes were e . payson True. least once a week The lose of these There are now so few horses seen Vellum South Thomaston. Ivy of Warren, j tastes Is a loss of happiness.—Charles A LEADER!— tions, it was generally remarked read aloud. j Mr and Mrs. True enjoy fair on Main street that you can al­ 60 folded sheet* 4%x7% Fcndulac of Washington. Pioneer of Darwin. 40 envelopes 4x5% that at a later hour a large repre­ A beautiful song service followed, health and appreciated the Jokes most tell their step Mike Halli- Lisbon Falls. Oakland of Oakland, TO YOL'TII sentation of protesting citizens A short description of the Christ­ gan's. Overness Sarkeslan’s. and OR quality cream and Winona of Dorchester. Mass. and music by their children and ; Ym yoyth th(Ju.rt gnd , >m le(t would have been present. mas observances of different na- grandchildren, arranged to make a j Like yonder desolated bower. Lewis R Hastings.’ Know 'em? , 60 flat sheets 6%xl0% for your COFi'EE The work was very Interesting, sev­ Albert E. Averill tions was read aloud by Mrs Glover j pleasant entertainment for them ( i?a? and ^"en^flower. 40 envelope* 4x6% eral pleasing suggestions being made One year ago: Edward R. Veazic $1.15 postpaid and each reading was followed by ' and tioeir guests. Refreshments in- 1 by Mrs. Grover, who was presented the singing of the national carol by ! eluded a wedding cake, decorated in wocfd'thec^o^rolong'thy’^tay delivered his Inaugural address.— 3 5 C F u lf Quart with a gift. Refreshments and a some members of the class. Other keeping w.‘h Golden anniversary.; "^Vou'onTy7icd'Ummo™afSas?nadwaSyh’' Tlie Camden Fire Department held 20e for a Full Pint social hour were enjoyed in the ban­ READTHE ADS The carols were sung as chorus numbers Many telegrams and cards were re- its annual get-together—W. Ray­ Round Top Farms quet hall. Wup SteplVM. and the program closed with the ceive