Congressional Record—Senate S1288
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S1288 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 28, 2018 activities relating to the training and S. RES. 407 And earlier this month, we saw the readiness of the reserve components of At the request of Mr. COONS, the Environmental Protection Agency the Armed Forces during a lapse in ap- name of the Senator from Massachu- renew its partnership with Bowie State propriations shall constitute voluntary setts (Mr. MARKEY) was added as a co- University to provide professional ex- services that may be accepted by the sponsor of S. Res. 407, a resolution rec- periences and advanced resources to United States. ognizing the critical work of human Bowie State students. S. 2403 rights defenders in promoting human We will continue to stand with our At the request of Mr. DONNELLY, the rights, the rule of law, democracy, and HBCUs, and help ensure they are pro- name of the Senator from Texas (Mr. good governance. viding the opportunities sought by so CORNYN) was added as a cosponsor of S. f many people of color and low-income families from across the Nation. 2403, a bill to modify a provision relat- STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED I also want to talk about legislation ing to adjustments of certain State ap- BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS portionments for Federal highway pro- my friend Senator BOOKER and I intro- grams, and for other purposes. By Mr. SCOTT (for himself and duced today to help combat Sickle Cell Mr. BOOKER): Disease. S. 2421 S. 2465. A bill to amend the Public Our Sickle Cell Disease Research, At the request of Mrs. FISCHER, the Health Service Act to reauthorize a Surveillance, Prevention and Treat- names of the Senator from Oklahoma sickle cell disease prevention and ment Act will do exactly what the title (Mr. LANKFORD) and the Senator from treatment demonstration program and suggests . aid in fighting sickle cell Indiana (Mr. YOUNG) were added as co- to provide for sickle cell disease re- through research, surveillance, preven- sponsors of S. 2421, a bill to amend the search, surveillance, prevention, and tion and treatment. Comprehensive Environmental Re- treatment; to the Committee on Currently, we don’t really know ex- sponse, Compensation, and Liability Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- actly how many people have Sickle Act of 1980 to provide an exemption sions. Cell Disease. There’s no real surveil- from certain notice requirements and Mr. SCOTT. Mr. President, as we lance and reporting in place at the Fed- penalties for releases of hazardous sub- close out Black History Month this eral level, and only a handful of states stances from animal waste at farms. week, I wanted to recognize a few peo- have a reporting process. S. 2430 ple and initiatives that we are really To best battle Sickle Cell, we have to At the request of Mr. COONS, the excited about. know the universe of what we’re fight- name of the Senator from North Da- Yesterday, I joined Congressman ing against. So, our bill establishes the kota (Mr. HOEVEN) was added as a co- MARK WALKER, Chairman of the Repub- National Sickle Cell Disease Research, sponsor of S. 2430, a bill to provide a lican Study Committee in the House, Surveillance, Prevention, and Treat- permanent appropriation of funds for to host our Second Annual Historically ment program to collect data on the the payment of death gratuities and re- Black Colleges and Universities Fly In. demographics and prevalence of Sickle lated benefits for survivors of deceased We hosted Presidents and Adminis- Cell as well as identify and evaluate members of the uniformed services in trators from HBCUs throughout the strategies for prevention and treat- event of any period of lapsed appropria- country, including four from my home ment. tions. State of South Carolina—South Caro- We’re also reauthorizing the Sickle S. 2455 lina State University, Claflin Univer- Cell Disease Treatment Demonstration At the request of Mr. BROWN, the sity, Allen University and Benedict Program (SDTDP) for four years, mak- name of the Senator from Pennsyl- College. ing some smart reforms and expanding vania (Mr. CASEY) was added as a co- We were able to host some great pan- support services for kids and young sponsor of S. 2455, a bill to encourage els on ensuring curricula are matched adults making the transition to adult United States-Ukraine cybersecurity with the needs of the workforce, how to care. cooperation and require a report re- best encourage entrepreneurship If you’ve ever met someone with garding such cooperation, and for other among students, and what steps we are Sickle Cell Disease, you know the pain purposes. taking at the Federal level to help our they go through. You see how hard it is S. 2456 HBCUs provide an invaluable education on their families to watch them suffer. for students for generations to come. At the request of Mr. PORTMAN, the The Medical University of South Representatives from the HBCUs names of the Senator from West Vir- Carolina has put so much effort into heard from Google, McDonalds, ginia (Mr. MANCHIN) and the Senator finding a cure, and over the past few Starbucks, Bank of America the More- from Ohio (Mr. BROWN) were added as years I’ve gotten to know some of the house College Entrepreneurship Center, cosponsors of S. 2456, a bill to reauthor- patients. Their perseverance is amaz- John Deere, Wal-Mart, the Center for ize and expand the Comprehensive Ad- ing. Entrepreneurship & Economic Develop- diction and Recovery Act of 2016. We have taken some great steps for- ment, and the Koch Foundation. I also ward, but we have to keep that momen- S.J. RES. 46 want to thank my friends Senator tum going. I want to thank Senator At the request of Mr. DAINES, the LANKFORD and Congresswoman TERRI BOOKER again for joining me in this ef- names of the Senator from Missouri SEWELL for joining us on our member fort, and I look forward to our col- (Mr. BLUNT) and the Senator from Ar- panel. leagues supporting the Sickle Cell Dis- kansas (Mr. COTTON) were added as co- For decades, HBCUs provided Ameri- ease Research, Surveillance, Preven- sponsors of S.J. Res. 46, a joint resolu- cans of color with educational opportu- tion and Treatment Act. tion proposing an amendment to the nities they would not have otherwise Mr. President, Black History Month Constitution of the United States au- had. For generations, they have given allows us to not only study and learn thorizing the Congress to prohibit the low-income students an education they from our past, but to see where we can physical desecration of the flag of the could not otherwise afford. go in the future. Our Nation has made United States. We have stood by them with the res- amazing progress in the past 50 years. S. RES. 404 toration of year-round Pell Grants, a Without a doubt, there are still chal- At the request of Mr. ALEXANDER, the top legislative priority from last year’s lenges ahead of us, and by remem- name of the Senator from New Hamp- fly-in, which benefits more than one bering the strength of folks like Dr. shire (Ms. HASSAN) was added as a co- million students. Martin Luther King, the Friendship sponsor of S. Res. 404, a resolution rec- I joined a bipartisan group of mem- Nine, Cleveland Sellers, and so many ognizing the coordinated struggle of bers of Congress, including Representa- other civil rights heroes, I am heart- workers on the 50th anniversary of the tive ALMA ADAMS, to ensure an in- ened that despite those challenges, we 1968 Memphis sanitation workers strike crease in the Department of Defense’s will continue to make progress. to voice their grievances and reach a HBCU and PMI grant program, boost- collective agreement for rights in the ing funding for this important collabo- By Mr. HATCH (for himself and workplace. ration to $40M. Mr. LEAHY): VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:49 Mar 01, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28FE6.017 S28FEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE February 28, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1289 S. 2466. A bill to encourage and facili- AR–15 military-style assault rifle that ported proposals. I strongly believe tate international participation in the he legally purchased at a gun store, to that lives are at stake. We can’t con- performing arts and for other purposes; kill former classmates and educators. tinue to watch our children get slaugh- to the Committee on the Judiciary. Along with 14 wounded, 17 beautiful tered. Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, Vermont lives were lost in this horrific attack. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said has a rich history of supporting vibrant Many of them were children and young that ‘‘we are confronted with the fierce arts in communities throughout our adults. Their whole lives were ahead of urgency of now. In this unfolding co- State and across the world. Local and them. nundrum of life and history there is foreign visiting artists alike make in- The overwhelming agony so many such a thing as being too late’’ and ‘‘we valuable social and economic contribu- victims and their loved ones are experi- must move past indecision to action.’’ tions to our communities. Today our encing is all too familiar to gun vio- Today, as students and communities complex, overloaded, and outdated im- lence victims and survivors all across all across our nation cry out for migration system often prevents for- America. This palpable agony and grief stronger gun laws, this message con- eign artists from coming to the United has emboldened students from Park- tinues to ring true.