& Malling Borough Council Housing Land Supply Position as at 31 March 2020

1. Introduction

1.1 The purpose of this report is to explain and demonstrate the Housing Land Supply (HLS) position for Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council as at 31 March 2020. 1.2 The report identifies the measures of performance for the HLS before explaining the sites included within the five-year trajectory. 1.3 The report concludes with an assessment of the Council’s five-year HLS position.

2. Measures of performance

2.1 Standard method - Th principal measure of performance, in terms of housing supply, is the Government’s standard method for calculating housing need1. This is based upon the household projections published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS)2 and takes account of factors such as the median housing affordability ratio for the borough3. The outcome of this process is a housing need figure (as at 2020) of 843 dwellings per annum (dpa) or 4,215 dwellings over the five-year period (1/04/20 – 31/03/25). The figure of 843 dpa is capped at 40% above the annual average growth in households for the 10-year period 2020-2030, as per the standard method (step 3). 2.2 5% buffer - In the calculation of the five-year HLS position, the Council is required to apply a 5% buffer to the housing need generated by the standard method. This is to ‘ensure choice and competition in the market for land’, as made clear in the ‘Maintaining supply and delivery’ section of the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)4 . This has the effect of increasing the housing need figure over the five-year period to 4,426 dwellings.

1 Standard method for assessing housing need: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/housing-and-economic-development-needs- assessments#housing-need 2 2014-based Household Projections: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/2014-based-household-projections-in--2014-to- 2039 3 Median housing affordability ratio: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/housing/datasets/ratioofhousepricetoworkplacebasedearningslowerquartileand median 4 National Planning Policy Framework - see para.73a: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/810197/NPPF_Feb_2019_revised.pd f 1 2.3 Housing Delivery Test (HDT) - The HDT is an annual measurement of housing delivery. The latest HDT period covers the previous three financial years: 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20. Given that the Council’s adopted Local Development Framework is more than five years old, the measure of performance is a combination of the annual average household growth generated by the projections (for 2017/18) and the housing need generated by the standard method (for 2018/19 and 2019/20). 2.4 The HDT results for 2020 were published on 19 January 20215. The result for Tonbridge & Malling was 91%. This means that the supply of housing in Tonbridge & Malling across the three-year period of 2017-2020 fell only marginally short of the Government’s expectations. It should be noted that the Government did take account of the impact of COVID-19 on the sector at the end of 2019/20 by discounting the housing need figure by one month to reflect the impact of the national lockdown in March 2020. 2.5 As a consequence of achieving a HDT result that falls below the 95% threshold set by Government, the Council needs to prepare a HDT Action Plan. According to the Government’s planning practice guidance, the Action Plan needs to identify the reasons for under-delivery, explore ways to reduce the risk of further under-delivery and set out measures the authority intends to take to improve levels of delivery. This is being progressed by the Council. 2.6 Given that the HDT result for Tonbridge & Malling is above 85%, there is no need to apply a buffer greater than 5% to the housing need figure for the five-year period.

3. Deliverable sites included within the trajectory

3.1 The starting point for determining which sites can be included within the five-year trajectory is the definition of deliverable in the NPPF: Annex 2 – glossary. 3.2 The Willows case - Since the Council published the last HLS position, the Secretary of State (SoS) made an important concession in respect of what can be defined as deliverable housing, i.e., housing that is likely to be developed within the next five years. The concession was made in respect of a High Court case known as ‘The Willows’6. The Consent Order states (the Council’s emphasis): He (the SoS) concedes that he erred in his interpretation of the definition of deliverable within the glossary of the National Planning Policy Framework (“NPPF”) as a ‘closed list’. It is not. The proper interpretation of the definition is that any site which can be shown to be ‘available now, offer a suitable location for development now, and be achievable with a realistic prospect that housing will be delivered on the site within five years’ will meet the

5 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/housing-delivery-test-2020-measurement 6 East Northamptonshire Council and the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government and Lourett Developments Ltd, Consent Order, 12 May 2020 2 definition; and that the examples given in categories (a) and (b) are not exhaustive of all the categories of site which are capable of meeting that definition. Whether a site does or does not meet the definition is a matter of planning judgment on the evidence available. 3.3 Planning judgement - It is evident from this concession by the SoS that the decision of what is a deliverable site is ultimately a planning judgement based upon available evidence. 3.4 With this in mind, the Council has judged that sites that fall within the following categories are deliverable: i. Sites with an extant full planning permission as at 31 March 2020 ii. Sites with an extant outline planning permission as at 31 March 2020 and extant reserved matters permission(s) iii. Sites with an extant outline planning permission as at 31 March 2020 and reserved matters application(s) submitted iv. Sites with an extant outline planning permission as at 31 March 2020 and evidence of the intended submission of reserved matters application(s) 3.5 The first two categories do not need further explanation. 3.6 Sites with an extant outline planning permission as at 31 March 2020 and reserved matters applications submitted/intended to be submitted – These are included because the submission/intended submission of the reserved matters application(s) is clear evidence that there is a reasonable prospect that housing will be delivered on the site within five years. In making this judgement, the Council has taken account of current evidence. This is considered a reasonable judgement because the focus of the HLS position is on what is likely to be deliverable over the next five years (from 1 April 2020). If evidence is forthcoming that demonstrates that housing will be deliverable, it is reasonable to take this into account. 3.7 An example is Phase 3. At the base date (31 March 2020), the majority of this site already enjoyed reserved matters permissions and the site was being developed. On this basis alone, the Council would be reasonable in making a planning judgement that the remainder of the site would be deliverable because of the commitment shown so far and the fact that the site is available now, offers a suitable location for development now, and is achievable with a realistic prospect that development of the site will be completed within five years. However, the Council received a reserved matters application (ref: TM/20/02830/RM) for the residual on the outline permission (140 units) in December 2020. This evidence, and the commitment to delivery already shown on the site, confirms the Council’s judgement that development of this site will be completed during the five-year trajectory period for this HLS position. The involvement of three outlets on site provides confidence that Kings Hill phase 3 will be delivered by 31 March 2025.

3 3.8 A further example is Peters Pit (also known as Peters Village). As at 31 March 2019, the majority of this site was covered by reserved matters permissions and significant development, including a new bridge across the , had been completed or was under-construction. The Council engaged directly with the developers, Trenport, and sought their delivery intentions for the remainder of the site. Trenport responded, completing a pro-forma and housing trajectory for Peters Village, moving forward. These are set out in Appendix B. It is clear from this evidence that the developers intend Peters Village to be completed in 2024/25. Based upon this evidence and the record of delivery on the site, the Council considers it is a reasonable planning judgement that the remainder of Peters Village is deliverable because it is available now, offers a suitable location for development now, and is achievable with a realistic prospect that housing will be delivered on the site within five years. 3.9 There are two additional sites (one being a collection of three sites) worth noting which enjoyed an extant outline planning permission as at 31 March 2020 and where evidence is available that they are deliverable, namely: the Liberty Kings Hill 3 Appeal sites; and Land East of King Hill. 3.10 Liberty Kings Hill 3 Appeal sites – On 14 February 2020, three appeals were allowed and outline planning permission granted for a total of 350 dwellings7. At the Inquiry, the Council and the Appellant agreed that the application for approval of reserved matters shall be made before the expiration of 2 years rather than 3. Given the details of these decisions, and interest shown in these sites, the Council considers that it is a reasonable planning judgement that the majority of the sites will be deliverable because they are available now, offer a suitable location for development now, and are achievable with a realistic prospect that housing will be delivered on the sites within five years. 3.11 Land East of King Hill – Outline planning permission for 120 units was granted on this site in September 2019 (application ref: 18/01013/OA). In January 2020, the Council received a reserved matters application relating to layout, scale, appearance and landscaping (application ref: 20/00171/RM) pursuant to the outline permission. This was approved in July 2020. On the basis of this evidence, the Council considers that it is a reasonable planning judgement that land east of King Hill is deliverable. 3.12 Use Class C2 – The Council is also mindful that supply from Use Class C2 developments, e.g. residential care homes, can be included as part of the trajectory, providing there is evidence available to demonstrate that they are deliverable. 3.13 This is made clear in the Government’s Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) on ‘Housing supply and delivery’8, which states: The updated PPG on ‘Housing supply

7 Appeal references: APP/H2265/W/19/3235165; APP/H2265/W/19/3235166; and APP/H2265/W/19/3235171 8 PPG: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/housing-supply-and-delivery#counting-other-forms-of-accommodation, para. 035, reference id: 68- 035-20190722 4 and delivery’, as published in July 2019, allows housing provided for older people, including residential institutions in Use Class C2, to be counted as part of the housing land supply. It states: “Local planning authorities will need to count housing provided for older people, including residential institutions in Use Class C2, as part of their housing land supply. This contribution is based on the amount of accommodation released in the housing market” 3.14 This does not involve a direct count of bed spaces but a calculation of the amount of accommodation released in the housing market as a result of people moving from housing (Use Class C3) to specialist housing for older people. 3.15 The calculation involves dividing the number of bed spaces provided by the specialist housing by the average number of adults living in households as identified in the Census 20119. In the case of Tonbridge & Malling, the average number of adults living in households according to the Census 2011 was 1.89. 3.16 The list of C2 extant permissions, and the equivalent C3 dwellings number, is set out at the end of Appendix A.

4. Housing land supply assumptions

4.1 The projected supply on large sites (see Table 2) has been informed by various pieces of evidence including local records of delivery and feedback from some developers and land owners, e.g. Trenport in respect of Peters Village. 4.2 This has resulted in the assumption that 80 dwellings per outlet per annum can be delivered within the local housing markets. Where there are multiple outlets, the delivery rate of 80 units per annum is multiplied by the number of outlets. 4.3 In the case of Peters Village, the five-year trajectory has reflected the delivery intentions provided by Trenport (see Appendix B). 4.4 Small sites windfall projection – It is assumed that 44 dwellings per annum will come forward as windfall development on sites of fewer than five units, excluding garden development. This is based upon records of delivery from this source over the previous five years. To ensure a cautious approach is taken, the annual average amount from the trend period has been discounted by 50%. This is summarised in Table 1 (below). It is considered that due to the conservative approach taken towards the estimate of small sites windfalls, there is no need to discount this figure further in the first couple of years of the projected five year supply period.

9 Census 2011 data: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/housing-and-economic-development-needs-assessments#housing-need 5

Table 1: Small Sites Windfall Development

Year Completions Garden Completions Demolitions Totals (gross) developments (gross, (net) excluding garden development)

2015-16 135 16 119 -23 96 2016-17 139 22 117 -22 95 2017-18 164 20 144 -22 122 2018-19 84 10 74 -22 52 2019-20 109 19 90 -18 72

Annual Average 126.2 17.4 108.8 -21.4 87.4

Annual Average Discounted by 50% 44

5. Housing land supply

5.1 Based upon the housing need of 843 dpa plus a 5% buffer, the Council is able to demonstrate 2.93 years of housing land supply between 1 April 2020 and 31 March 2025. This position is summarised in Table 2. The full list of extant planning permissions as at 31 March 2020, including C2 permissions, is set out in Appendix A.

6. Implications for decision-taking

6.1 The starting position is the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework (2019), in particular para.11. For local planning authorities that are unable to demonstrate a five-year supply of deliverable housing sites – as is the case for Tonbridge & Malling – the presumption in favour of sustainable development applies when taking decisions on planning applications (para.11 d in the NPPF). 6.2 This means granting permission unless i) the application of policies in the NPPF that protect areas or assets of particular importance provides a clear reason for refusing the development proposed; or ii) any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in this Framework taken as a whole. 6.3 The application of the presumption has the effect of limiting the weight that can be given in decision-taking to policies in the Council’s adopted Local Development Framework that have a bearing on the supply of land for development, in particular those policies that constrain where and how much development can take place. 6.4 The application of the presumption does not limit the weight that can be given to other policies in the Council’s Local Development Framework, although the weight that should be afforded to them in decision-taking is determined by their currency and degree of conformity with the Government’s NPPF.


6.5 It is important to bear in mind that the NPPF, which is a key material consideration in decision-taking, does include a suite of policies including those that protect areas or assets of particular importance. Furthermore, the recent Court of Appeal judgement involving land promoter Gladman10 [Case no: C1/2020/0542/QBACF, 03/02/2021] made it clear that when making a complete assessment under paragraph 11d) ii of the NPPF, in which “adverse impacts” and “benefits” are fully weighed and considered, relevant policies in the development plan should be taken into account. This section, as observed by the judge, should be read in the broad context of the NPPF’s commitment to the “plan-led” system and its support for “sustainable development”.

10 Case No: C1/2020/0542/QBACF, Date: 03/02/2021, Gladman Developments Limited and the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government and Corby Borough Council and Uttlesford District Council 7

Table 2: Housing Land Supply Position as at 31 March 2020

Standard method housing requirement of 843 dwellings per annum (dpa) - Projected housing land supply for the 5 year period from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2025

Sites With Tonbridge Central Liberty Kings Hill Liberty Kings Hill Liberty Kings Hill Completions from Sites with Small Sites Large Sites Kings Hill Phase Kings Hill - Holborough Peters Pit (aka Tonbridge Central Land East of King C2 sites 5 Year Supply Year Permission Area Completions Appeal Decision: Appeal Decision: Appeal Decision: Planning Total Completions 5 Year Totals Permission (1) Estimate (2) Windfalls 3 Complete Quarry Grange complete Peters Village) Area Demolitions Hill conversion to C3 2020/21-2024/25 Demolitions (1) and Permissions Appeal A Appeal B Appeal D Permissions (Net)

2011/12 119 90 100 22 113 444 444 2012/13 151 84 59 70 30 394 394 2013/14 257 108 12 82 149 608 608 2,845 2014/15 267 91 43 26 60 487 487 2015/16 441 74 64 14 319 912 912 2016/17 436 41 60 138 13 142 830 830 2017/18 616 31 101 231 139 48 1,166 1,166 2018/19 135 29 27 61 71 60 39 33 455 455 3,449 2019/20 118 -30 95 78 202 10 -2 6 477 477 2020/21 227 -17 44 25 50 109 45 -1 20 19 477 521 2021/22 169 -9 44 110 241 105 0 80 19 715 759 2022/23 160 -11 44 242 160 16 -2 20 42 627 671 2,594 2023/24 0 44 114 122 9 0 40 50 40 375 419 2,197 2024/25 7 44 20 13 30 80 30 180 224 2025/26 44 80 80 124 2026/27 44 0 44 2027/28 44 0 44 2028/29 44 0 44 220 2029/30 44 0 44 2030/31 44 0 44 Totals 3,103 -67 484 0 635 546 628 654 1,059 1,085 -5 70 210 70 120 119 8,227 8,711 8,711 2,594

5 yr Housing Requirement (3) 4,426 Difference -1,832 Note (1) Excluding listed large sites & Tonbridge Town Centre 5-Year Supply (4) 59% Note (2) Windfall projection from small sites (fewer than five units in capacity). Based on previous supply discounted by 50% No. of years of HLS (5) 2.93 Note (3) Housing requirement generated by the standard method (843 dpa) + a 5% buffer Note (4) Supply of housing sites as a % of the 5-year housing requirement (see footnote (3)) Note (5) Number of years of Housing Land Supply (HLS) measured against annualised housing requirement (843) + 5% buffer (see footnote (3))


Appendix A – Extant Planning Permissions as at 31 March 2020

7067R Area 17/02667/RM Area 17/01392/RM Areas 18/01609/RM Kings 13/01535/OAEA Development 18/03034/OAEA 9046R Phase 19/00486/RM Former 15/00998/RM 7041R Former 17/03461/RM 6036R Former 16/02326/RM M635Former TM063315 Site_App Malling Drive KingsHill Kent Drive KingsHill West Phase 3Gibson Malling Of Jubilee Wouldham Works Wouldham Works Wouldham Works ,Wouldham,ROCHESTER Works address 12KingsHill 1KingsHill Malling Hill 10, 5WorrallDrive SiteHall SiteHall SiteHall SiteHall KentAPPEAL KentME194QG Peters Peters Peters Peter's Phase3KingsHill 11And15KingsHill Way Rochester Rochester Rochester Rochester Kent SiteNorthAndEast West West KingsHill DriveKingsHill PitAndPeters PitAndPeters PitAndPeters Phase3Gibson Pit&Peter's Road Road Road Road Phase3Gibson Malling Malling B

Kent Kent Kent Kent West West

landscaping, landscaping, layout apartments (useclass assisted pursuant for theerectionof166dwellings All 210 Outline Reserved (junction Reserved recrea extension residential condition affordable Reserved access details of asection reserved access, Outline appearance oftheproposed access, units condition of aresidential appearance, Reserved outline associated TM/05/00989/OAEA pursuant Phase 4(Parcels appearance, Reserved appearance, landscaping, Reserved platforms TM/15/01485/OAEA pursuant units comprising Reserved community development platforms (condition community mixed‐use villagecentre(A1,A3 Details works

matters proposal Class with and (site5.2‐5.3) relatingtothesiting, open drainageand Application: planning ofphasing application living exceptformeansofaccesstheremoval ofTowerViewand toCondition Matters matters Matters C3residential tothecommunity tooutline tooutline Matters matters Matters matters housing 1(siting, development,amulti scale)forArea ancillary reserved 2ofTM/05/989)formation ofKingsHill parkingand ofa residential layout open including facilities spaceand and landscaping, landscaping, layout developmentcomprising developmentof212units application for132dwellings 2C,2D,2Eand2F),comprising (access, Application spaceand landscaping) units) and application beingappearance, ofthedevelopment application application Redevelopmenttoprovideup forfutureapproval design TM/15 strategic parking and and application application C3)with 1and and for157units. Formation residential landscaping units, scale)forAreas10, Avenue with landscaping, 12fortheerection ofan &creationofnew scaleforPhase3, appearance, associated layout layout design details and with centre, KingsHill buildings, otherassociated together (access, developmentof45 landscaping associated ancillary and forphase2being pursuant pursuant (including ‐functional Phase5for119 external all

ofdevelopment &B1use), landscaping, and pursuant development, in and and ayouth matters theerectionofa Area Avenue)being appearance, themeansof with landscaping, highway 75 external facilities pursuant exceptfor scale scalefor parking, of

involving to to 112 1 11and


to with works.

to to 15


212 0 1000 1000 132 0 166 0 192 635 210 0 045 119 0 157 0 075 capacity_orig

capacity_curr C3500000 0 U 0 0 0 315 UC C08 0 UC 0 166 UC 0 192 UC 0 210 NS U N U C075 0 UC C3 C034 C3 S1 site_status 67 1 56

900004 NS_G 11 65 UC_G 124 0 0 0 0 0 6001 2003 00000 CP_G 5005 0 0 0 0 0 NS_L 0 0 0 0 0 CP_L 403500 00000 8 0 0 17 0 0050080080 0 0 A001 05 68 07 phase 2020/21

Demo 2020/21 58 40 34 80 35 0 010121 0 13 122 160 20 70000 50000 90000 phase 2021/22

Demo 2021/22 28 00 20 80 92 phase 2022/23

Demo 2022/23

phase 2023/24

Demo 2023/24

phase 2024/25

Demo 2024/25 0 phase 2025/26

Demo 2025/26

phase 2026/27

Demo 2026/27

phase 2027/28

Demo 2027/28

phase 2028/29

Demo 2028/29

phase 2029/30

Demo 2029/30

phase 2030/31

Demo 2030/31 8003O Land EastOfKingHill 18/01013/OA The Sports 17/03053/LDP Sports 19/01621/FL The KingsHill 19/01190/RM Area 18/02788/RM Development 18/03033/OAEA Development 18/03030/OAEA 7033F Former Holborough 17/01333/FL 9022F Former Holborough 19/02282/FL 6019R Former 16/03169/RM Site_App Kings Hill Malling Malling 70 Gibson Kings Hill Kings Hill Malling Wood Kings Hill Kent Avenue Tower ViewAnd35KingsHill Kent Avenue Kent Holborough And Adjoining Kent Holborough And Adjoining Kent Holborough And Adjoining address APPEAL ME194QP 9Land Road Grounds Kent KentME194LG KentAPPEAL KingsHill KingsHill Holborough West Phase3Gibson West Avenue DriveKingsHill Pavilion KingsHill NorthOfHazenRoad A Road Road Road Community SiteBetween SiteBetween Malling Malling Land Land Land BeaconAvenue And8Abbey West West 200Beacon Snodland Snodland D West West Parcel Parcel Parcel Quarry Quarry Quarry Kent Kent Malling Malling Drive West Centre

23 1

Sports rooms, enhancementofexisting dwellinghouse landscaping, no. 2 no. Provision Road) 70 Class Outline access, Kings Hill landscaping, Outline (access arrangements/visibility),19(parking),23 and layout Reserved associated n sustainab and (lands landscaping, 70 Class dwellings small Lawful Reserved Outline the football All All public access access and and The erectionofapairsemi‐detachedcottages TM/01/02746/OAEA outline residential Revision Reserved and (previously including in additional outbuilding matters matters proposal additional details 10. undertakers house dual ancillary and open and Pavilion (Site (Site DevelopmentCertificateProposed:Siting open Application: Application: Application: planning C3residential C3residential Community tolayout ofanextension Matters Matters including usecourts(tennis changeofuseD2DiveSchool outbuildings Matters roads,parking,garagingandopen landscaping) pursuant reserved reserved dwelling, typeand 5.1) 5.6) and academy space,acommunity approvedunderTM/16/03169/RM) layout open open spaceand seniorgrasspitch, building (Sportsmans' toprovidetwoadditional andmodifications cemetery Application Application permission spaceand spaceand garage 40%affordable and application ofPhases8,9,and Demolition Redevelopmenttoprovideup Redevelopmenttoprovideup forfutureapproval forfutureapproval toconditions Centre re apartmentsamendments, units, units, fordetails tobeusedasaclassroom and landscaping scale)fortheextension for70dwellings ‐provision totheside with visitor erectionofup Bungalow, and together together toprovidenewhall, otherassociated otherassociated (appearance,scale, (access,

ofexisting associated sports orchard,landscaping pursuant 2no. netball 12(highways) ofphases housing, parking ofDiveSchool oftheexisting with with appearance, tennis pitches 124Teston exceptfor exceptfor and changing 10 to120

to with

courts, space 8, to1 works. works. with of 9 ofa ,13


to to


070 070 120 1 01 02 153 0 00 00 00 070 capacity_orig

capacity_curr S7 0 70 NS 0 70 NS S100 120 NS 1 0 UC 0 2 NS U 0 0 NS 0 0 NS 0 0 UC 0 70 UC

C04 site_status


71 UC_G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 CP_G 6004 001 00000 002 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NS_L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CP_L 00000 0 00000 0 00000 0 353500 40300 0 0 0 0 0 40300 0 0 0 20 A002 700000 phase 2020/21

Demo 2020/21 02 0 20 80 phase 2021/22

Demo 2021/22

phase 2022/23

Demo 2022/23

phase 2023/24

Demo 2023/24 0 phase 2024/25

Demo 2024/25 0 phase 2025/26

Demo 2025/26

phase 2026/27

Demo 2026/27

phase 2027/28

Demo 2027/28

phase 2028/29

Demo 2028/29

phase 2029/30

Demo 2029/30

phase 2030/31

Demo 2030/31 4034F 182 High 14/01354/FL OR 18/00036/PDV aspect A permission 17/03513/FL/O 7065F R Allen(Tonbridge) 17/02635/FL 7053F Land 17/03513/FL 5087F The Old 15/02817/FL OR 18/00047/PDV The CarCompany 18/01412/FL 77 ‐ 81 High 18/00893/FL 2 ‐ 12 Avebury 19/00287/FL Site_App

TN9 1BE(Land Road And EastOfUnits Tonbridge 4C Mills Land Kent Industrial And EastOfUnits Road Second Tonbridge Kent Tonbridge Crescent 4C Mills Kent Industrial Slade address TN91RX West West Tonbridge Tonbridge Tonbridge Floor Power Road Road Street Tonbridge EstateAylesford EstateAylesford ChambersPembury KentTN92BW KentTN91TF OfHermitage OfHermitage Street 4Quarry R/O) Quarry Quarry Tonbridge Avenue Station KentTN92HZ Kent KentTN91HR 4A4BAnd 4A4BAnd Priory Tonbridge Ltd Kent Wood Wood Hill The

Lyons Kent Road Lane Lane

residential 3 apartments; TM/12/03803/FL 13, Variation Living redevelopment units O) toprovide30x1bedunits (Class Prior Notification: redevelopment Hybrid office Prior Notification: Subdivision parking spaces(Useclass and Demolition or A3(restaurant/cafe?)units, ground existing Alteration, extension Village. all Demolition Living Hybrid (Class ancillary no. redevelopment redevelopment Village. all used asatraining Conversion erection o form 7residential redevelopment built and existing existing proposal 15, apartments, erectionof14no. anewbuilding on space(Class ApartmentsC2,40Dwellings B1)toresidential ApartmentsC2,40Dwellings C3)(Part3Class 17, Planning Planning floor,including Full Full building theexisting ofconditions retailstoragespaceatfirstfloor 18, developmenttogether buildings buildings ofexisting ofexisting ofTheOld ofretailunit planning planning provision 19and ofthesitetoprovide24Assisted comprising toprovideanewCentenary ofthesitetoprovide toprovideanewCentenary (Construction Application: Application: with toamixedusecomprise23 centre, units changeofusefromoffice changeofusesecond B1)to10residential comprising 21ofplanning rear and and permission permission 2, and associated 3beddwelling of15parkingspacesforthe warehouses(Useclass buildings Power 0) thecreationofA1(retail) 3, (useclass (Class toform3retailunits structuresand structuresand carpark C3) 5,6, into changeofusethe 14apartments of9townhouses Thedemolition Thedemolition Station, 7, and 5no. C3)(Part3Class 7no.

conversion with and 8, parking forthe forthe permission C3)and 9, 1x2bed FL FL afurthe dwellings residential 10, dwellings with currently 24 Assisted and and flats 11,


16no. 35OA 40OA of floor 12,

of of and B1)


099 20 99 20 012 012 014 014 014 023 031 010 capacity_orig

capacity_curr N 0 0 40 UC U 0 12 uc N N N 0 23 UC N S1 0 0 0 0 0 10 NS C075007 00000 S3 S1 S1 S1 S3 site_status 500003 400000400000 1 400000 1 100000 1 3 NS_G

UC_G 0 0 CP_G ‐6 0 0 NS_L 0 412 ‐14 0 CP_L 2300000 1 A003 200000 500000 phase 2020/21 ‐62 Demo 2020/21 0 80000 40000 40000 40000 10000 phase 2021/22

Demo 2021/22 00 10 phase 2022/23

Demo 2022/23

phase 2023/24

Demo 2023/24 0 phase 2024/25

Demo 2024/25 0 phase 2025/26

Demo 2025/26

phase 2026/27

Demo 2026/27

phase 2027/28

Demo 2027/28

phase 2028/29

Demo 2028/29

phase 2029/30

Demo 2029/30

phase 2030/31

Demo 2030/31 7034F 2 BardenRoad 17/03394/FL 1 BankStreet 18/01874/FL Bordyke 17/01566/FL 24 High 17/01735/FL OR 16/03366/PDV OR 18/02344/PDV 8093F Hope 18/02983/FL Riverbank HouseAngelLane 18/02222/FL 8084F The Burton 18/01814/FL 145 High 19/01287/FL Site_App Tonbridge Street TN9 1SGFirst 1 High Tonbridge First Tonbridge Tonbridge TN9 1TS TN9 1EJ Kent address Floor TN91DH House7Lyons Tonbridge Street Street End Street 4Quarry KentTN91HA Kent KentTN91EX Kent Building 59EastStreet Tonbridge Tonbridge Floor Tonbridge Tonbridge Tonbridge Kent Hill 62High Crescent Road Kent etPartial demolition Kent Kent Kent

conversion of BordykeEnd Demolition dwelling flats, and dwellings Bank Street the formation Rooftop studio and separate Class (Class Prior Notification: with extension, creationofrooflevelgarden terrace stairwell, including; with (C3) tocreateeightself‐contained Change ofusefromOffices(B1)toResidential Rooftop balustrade TM/15/02836/FL) Prior notification floor flat of conversion and School, Conversion within Use Demolition extension, removalofc chimney stacks flats creation ofdecking areasurrounded (resubmission (class with proposal into erectionof3storeyrear developthebasementasB1/D2useclass ofexisting externalaccess rear installation retailuse 0) B1)into B1)to9residential flat,and therestaurantat ground into 2x2bedflats extension extension with residential extensions internal with ofCoach ofancillary ofparttherearbuilding ofbuilding toprovide2no. 4no. conservatory ofthefirstand 7residential ofanewstaircase oflapsed ancillary toilet adding fromoffices ofnewmetalstaircase and forchangeofusefromoffices dwellings alterations Changeofusefromoffice and tocreate toprovide8additional addition dwelling Housefromoffices and area and rebuild newcustomertoilets currentlyusedasaDance outbuilding, storage planning removalofthree units ofrestaurantasa extension units extension, on backinto two,twobedroom residential ofthreestorey extension including second tooneflat ofcoretono theupperfloors (Class with leveltogether (class permission apartments, conversion common by toground floor C3)(Part3 residential C3) firstfloor aspart

into toallow 2bed single 1


08 09 02 02 02 12 04 07 08 01 capacity_orig

capacity_curr N N S02 0 NS 0 2 NS N NS200 0 4 NS N 8 0 UC N S800008S900000 00000 00900 S200002 00000 S700000 70000 S100001 00000 site_status


UC_G 0 0 0 0 CP_G 002 00000 000 20000 ‐102 000 04000 008 00000 NS_L


A004 phase 2020/21 ‐100000 Demo 2020/21

phase 2021/22

Demo 2021/22

phase 2022/23

Demo 2022/23

phase 2023/24

Demo 2023/24

phase 2024/25

Demo 2024/25

phase 2025/26

Demo 2025/26

phase 2026/27

Demo 2026/27

phase 2027/28

Demo 2027/28

phase 2028/29

Demo 2028/29

phase 2029/30

Demo 2029/30

phase 2030/31

Demo 2030/31 8095F 94 Mill 18/00995/FL 7094F Phoenix 17/00964/FL 20 Lyons 19/01554/FL 138 18/02094/LDP 195 High 19/00602/FL 6069F The VicarageChurch 16/03629/FL 8009F 169 ‐ 171 High 18/03049/FL OR 16/02279/PDV 7030F Former Somerfield 17/03350/FL 86 BardenRoad 19/01953/FL Site_App Kent ME20 7JN Kent Kent Kent Tonbridge 137B Kent Kent Tonbridge Distribution Road 7QR address High TN91DH TN91EY TN91BX TN91UB High AylesfordKentME20 Hall HouseForstal Crescent Street Street KentTN91HD KentTN91BX Street AylesfordKent Centre Street ME207AU Tonbridge Tonbridge Tonbridge Tonbridge Tonbridge

Station Street


to single Prior Notification: ground Change ofusefirstfloor other associated storey redevelopment Demolition in orthodontist upper fourfloors, Change ofusefromretailshop Change ofusefrontoffice previous Erection ofnewdwelling roof light space toformanewtwo‐beddwelling Conversion front elevation provision 3 bedroomselfcontained Erection of12No.3storey (Professional TM/14/01866/FL) maisonette, insertion conversion Part vacant site. including application space (Revisedscheme parking, roads,landscaping Construction

ordertoprovideadditional proposal changeofusecommercialbuilding; building floor dwelling applications changeofusestatus window ofatimberframedlanternlight ofupperfloors TM/13/03109/FL) oftheexisting and 3No.units leveland toallow of92dwellings Services)toUseClass with ofthesitetoprovideafive extension works (class together torear Conversion parkingand TM/11/02395/FL forexpansion ofrear 21residential tobeaffordable tothatapprovedunder C3)(Class (resubmission townhouse,with building ofexisting toformonebedroom flat townhouses with and with fromUseClass entrance facilities ofoffice above with public landscaping landscaping associated O) and A1(Retail) ofpractice flat units garage open door (class

and of on housing, over to on

and the A2

and B1)

at to the

01 01 012 021 092 1 00 01 11 01 capacity_orig ‐1 capacity_curr U N U 21 0 UC U NS000 0 0 NS 0 1 NS NS100 0 1 NS C100001 00000 C01 C4 S100001site_status 00000

04 NS_G

20001 11 UC_G 0 0 0 0

1004 CP_G 000 210000 0 0 ‐100 000 00000 000 1 0 01000 ‐100 001 00000 NS_L

CP_L A005 200000 14 phase 2020/21

Demo 2020/21

00000 phase 2021/22

Demo 2021/22

phase 2022/23 ‐1000 ‐1000 Demo 2022/23

phase 2023/24

Demo 2023/24

phase 2024/25

Demo 2024/25

phase 2025/26

Demo 2025/26

phase 2026/27

Demo 2026/27

phase 2027/28

Demo 2027/28

phase 2028/29

Demo 2028/29

phase 2029/30

Demo 2029/30

phase 2030/31

Demo 2030/31 9034F Little 19/02374/FL Quarry 19/02047/FL Brunswick YardPound 16/03380/FL 9056F Jungle 19/00586/FL Beechin Wood 18/02015/FL Primrose 18/02488/FL Development SiteCemetery 19/02743/FL Primrose 19/01890/FL 9014LPLand 19/00164/LDP 7027F 2 ‐ 4 High 17/01287/FL Site_App Development SiteAt Kent Lane Addington Kent Beechinwood Kent Hill ME19 5AL Kent Road Road Road Sevenoaks Kent Road address NorthOfLowerStreet ME185LW ME196QR Between Hermitage Tonbridge Snodland Tonbridge Borough CafeLondon House81Quarry Inn Inn Street West 112 112 LanePlatt Tonbridge Green A21 Farm Tonbridge Kent TN15 Kent Kent West 78Danns Malling Pembury Pembury AndRings Road

TN92JJ TN92JJ 8RW Malling Road Kent Hill Kent

to thetwoaccess associated development comprising commercial buildings residential the sitewith Demolition house, and Proposed extension detached garage. 4no. Conversion workers twelve Lawful garage commercial building houses Redevelopment todemolish Demolition the rear landscaping associated dwelling and detached dwellings dwelling Primrose Demolition landscaping associated Amended scheme associated Erection of6three from existing erection of9no parking facilities Demolition dwelling of public sustainable culverting and proposal redevelopment newdetachedresidential DevelopmentCertificateProposed: mobile building; and ofthesiteand houses houses with open Inn works, access, access, car use.Demolition theconversion ofexisting ofexisting oftheexisting oftheexisting oftheexisting urban extensions alterations Public Quarry associated parking,access homesforseasonal diversion space, residential erectionoftwopairs and and New points parkingand fortheredevelopment parking,infrastructureand parking,infrastructureand bedroomhouses and Housetoprovide4No. ofthesitetoprovide4no. and tothefrontofsite 2no. 3No.apartmentswith Hill works and buildings cafe, vehiclecrossover totheexisting provide5terraced onenewdetached tothel ofthewatercourse, alterations toPound roundabout, access, 10no. theconstruction Primrose office apartmentswith water into dwellings, oftheexisting bungalow associated commercialunit and minor dwellings fiveapartments and houses building landscaping tower Road landscaping agricultural Public toexisting residential and alterations access ofsemi‐

provision and with into and onto and

and ofthe





the to

010 012 15 15 05 05 06 06 07 09 capacity_orig

capacity_curr N 0 0 NS S50 5 NS 0 5 NS 0 5 UC N 0 0 UC 0 6 NS 0 7 NS 0 9 NS S1 S500005 00000 site_status


UC_G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CP_G 000 00000 ‐1 ‐1 0 000 00000 0 0 0 NS_L 0 0 0 0 0 0 CP_L 005 05 50000 0 06000 0 07000 0 09000 0 A006 000000 phase 2020/21

Demo 2020/21

phase 2021/22 ‐10000 Demo 2021/22

phase 2022/23 ‐1000 Demo 2022/23

phase 2023/24

Demo 2023/24

phase 2024/25

Demo 2024/25

phase 2025/26

Demo 2025/26

phase 2026/27

Demo 2026/27

phase 2027/28

Demo 2027/28

phase 2028/29

Demo 2028/29

phase 2029/30

Demo 2029/30

phase 2030/31

Demo 2030/31 9058F Garage 19/00588/FL Taddington 18/02273/RM AR 20/00210/PDV 5057F 92 TheRocks Road 15/00547/FL G BTathamAndCoLtd 19/02500/FL 41 Western 19/01024/FL Land 19/00652/FL Land 18/01338/FL 8077F Land 18/02777/FL 9085F Southways 19/00855/FL 3 Station 18/02230/FL Site_App West Farm London Land Malling Farm EastMalling Road 53 Medina Kent Borough Chatham 8AL Green Aylesford Kent Robin Maidstone Willow Addington And Park Addington And Park Sevenoaks Kent address TN15 KnownAsMeadowCrest Rear Between Between Snodland Malling Hood SevenoaksKent WentsMereworth BlockSouth Kent Green Road ViewLondon ViewLondon Kent Of73Holborough West West 8RL Road Kent 35A Wood Road LaneBlueBellHill ME196AU Kent Road Regents Regents Borough Kent Sevenoaks StaleysRoad TN15 ME185NF Malling Malling Ditton Borough West NorthOf AndRocks Addington West 8ER TN15 Road Road Court Court 9

Green Kent Kent Of

building Prior Notification: two pairs Demolition land turning detached garages the erectionof5dwelling TM/17/02248/OA for:Outline associated Erection of4no. Demolition 53 Medina and A terrace Construction existing East Malling refuse Reserved together (3 No1bed/2personand construction style dwellings Erection offourdetachedthree associated the externalappearanceofbuilding flats, single and Demolition style dwellings Erection offivedetachedfourbedroomchalet Conversion existing proposal one3bedendofterrace erectionof4no. located and areas agricultural building toresidential with ofthree Matters ofsemi‐detachedhouses access, externalworks cycle Road ofexisting ofexisting ofexisting ofbuilding storey atRocksFarm, ofnewbuilding offour1‐bedflats and associated stores toformdouble residential landscaping with application 3bedhouses Changeofuseagricultural rear parkingand barninto houses (Part dwelling single office/workshop into associated extension,alterations amenityareas, 1No2bed/4person) houses 5self‐contained 3Class TheRocksRoad, dwellings family and with house 5dwellings pursuant Application landscaping and with bedroomchalet car conversion and 4apartments parking, Q):subdivide dwelling erectionof port attachedto parking 5 and building to and parking,

for on

and of to

05 05 04 14 04 04 ‐14 04 05 05 14 capacity_orig

capacity_curr S50 5 NS 0 5 NS S40 4 NS 0 4 NS 0 4 NS 0 4 NS NS400 N 5 0 NS U UC0400 C050000 50000 S400000 40000 site_status


UC_G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CP_G 0 0 000 04000 000 04000 000 40000 000 4 40000 ‐100 005 00000 NS_L 0 0 ‐14 00000 CP_L 00050 0 05000 0 A007 phase 2020/21

Demo 2020/21

phase 2021/22 ‐10000 Demo 2021/22

phase 2022/23

Demo 2022/23

phase 2023/24

Demo 2023/24

phase 2024/25

Demo 2024/25

phase 2025/26

Demo 2025/26

phase 2026/27

Demo 2026/27

phase 2027/28

Demo 2027/28

phase 2028/29

Demo 2028/29

phase 2029/30

Demo 2029/30

phase 2030/31

Demo 2030/31 8021F 624 Tonbridge 18/01221/FL 2 PrestonRoad 18/00624/FL 19/00096/RM The Old 19/01379/FL Stansted 19/02607/FL 8007F 22 TheLandway 18/03067/FL 7022F Land 17/02262/FL Kentish 17/00101/FL 8082F Platt HouseFarmFairseat 18/02802/FL 22 TheLandway 18/03067/FL Site_App ME18 5PU Kent Elm Stansted Wateringbury Buildings 8RG Green Road Kent Lane WrothamSevenoaks 8RG Green Tonbridge ME20 6AD Kent Queens Avenue Kent address LaneGolden TN91UH TN15 ME196PQ InQueensAvenue Ditton SevenoaksKent SevenoaksKent Road Quarryman StartledSaint SevenoaksKent LodgeFarm Tumblefield Kent 7QB AylesfordKent West Maidstone Nurseries Road Tonbridge TN11 Snodland Borough Malling 42New

0LH Road 120 TN15 TN15

Three Kent

garaging, bedrooms Construction bedroom terraced build Extension bedrooms Construction outbuildings Demolition dwellings. greenhouses and TM/18/01225/OA (Demolition amenity areas Demolition Preston Road associated Demolish replacement Proposed conversion,changeofuseland, amenity areas Demolition access) fordetails condition the rear Erection ofthree and to extantplanning Removal ofsundry Erection of3nos. Reserved houses replacement proposal landscaping 3dwellings and of42New storage Matters substantial 1ofoutline and All houses houses works oftheexisting ofexisting ofexisting associated and dwellings with oftwo3bedroomand oftwo3bedroomand matters and conversion atWisteriaVillas theconstruction asreplacement detacheddwellings new3bedroomdwellings toform3residential barnand and terrace 53BardenRoad,into application with with oflayout,scale, houses permission dilapidated Road redundant planning reserved access workshop workshop parkingspaces with associated associated Ditton of3x2bedroom oftwoproperties,2 wisteriavillas erectionof3 associated pursuant 18/00574/FL ofexisting buildings permission except dairybarnand buildings. buildings. with of3no. parkingand parkingand appearancea one2 one2 pursuant associated for dwellings access to three and and

at and


03 03 13 23 03 03 03 03 03 03 capacity_orig

capacity_curr N N NS300 NS300 0 3 NS 0 3 UC 0 3 NS 0 3 NS NS300000 U C300003 00000 S300003S300000site_status 00000 03000


UC_G 0 0 0 0 CP_G 0 3 0 ‐100 ‐203 000 03000 003 00000 000 03000 000 30000 NS_L


A008 phase 2020/21 ‐200000 Demo 2020/21

phase 2021/22

Demo 2021/22 3 phase 2022/23 ‐1000 Demo 2022/23

phase 2023/24

Demo 2023/24

phase 2024/25

Demo 2024/25

phase 2025/26

Demo 2025/26

phase 2026/27

Demo 2026/27

phase 2027/28

Demo 2027/28

phase 2028/29

Demo 2028/29

phase 2029/30

Demo 2029/30

phase 2030/31

Demo 2030/31 9002O Hillberry 19/01032/OA 8021F Gover 18/01231/FL 65 19/02106/FL 8056F Gardeners 18/01596/FL 11A 18/02683/FL Bridge HouseMill 15/03414/FL Land 19/02489/FL 9021F 108A 19/00281/FL 8038O Mobile HomeHillberryFarm 18/02368/OA 7024F 281 London 17/02224/FL Site_App Roughway Tonbridge Kent Sevenoaks Kent Malling 351 Tonbridge Malling Wateringbury TN11 Tonbridge Rochester Cottage LaneWouldham Malling Hill ME19 6JG ME19 6JG address Tonbridge Wateringbury Douglas TN92TA Adjoining Pembury 9SP Pound West West Kent Farm351 Kent Kent Kent Cottage31Keepers Road Road ME195AE Gover Malling Malling Road Kent Road Road 133 ME13FH TN92JJ TN10 TN15 West LaneBasted Tonbridge Road

Lavender East Hill

Kent Kent Kent 3ED 8PR


elevations Addition new dormers conversion Demolition Division detached dwelling residential Conversion of 2x3bedroomsemi‐detacheddwellings building Conversion Construction dwellinghouses pair of2no. residential Outline increased byproviding Outline with erection oftworeplacement and pitch Change ofusefromA1 Demolition into double bungalow Extension, the provision erection ofax1newtwobedroombungalow storey and with dwellings removed extension, and parking beneath two storey proposal hardand 2xonebedroomflats asingle associated associated roofextension semi‐detacheddwelling garage, Application: Application: ofexisting fromoffice of2newgablewindows and toformx2twothree alteration building mobile rear ofloft ofdetachedbungalow oftheexisting ofthepresentlyvacantformer and garage twobedroomedsemi‐detached ofasingle ofthree soft and replacedby3newsingle theexisting conversion extension access access, alteration into 3newrooflights lands homeand houses,erectionofanew flat Cottagesinto and usetoresidential Removalofexisting Existing with and residential athird and into atwostorey to3self‐contained parkingand block store, conversion dormer buildings oftheexisting with ofexisting farmbuildings landscaping twoflats farmhousetobe detacheddwellings replacement flat. of1xStudio access, houses undercroft units apairofsemi‐ windows tothe Addition bedroomtwo and totheroof. and turning side and ofexisting outhouse usewith parking, and erection storey the

tobe with flats,

flats the and of4


03 ‐13 02 12 12 12 13 03 03 03 capacity_orig

capacity_curr S30 3 NS NS300 NS200 NS200 NS200 UC2000 UC0120 U 0 3 NS 0 3 NS

C030003 00000 site_status


UC_G 0 0 0 CP_G 000 3 03000 ‐100 0 2 ‐200 2 ‐100 ‐102 000 03000 000 03000 NS_L ‐1 ‐11 00000 CP_L

A009 phase 2020/21 ‐100000 Demo 2020/21 2 phase 2021/22 ‐10000 ‐20000 ‐10000 Demo 2021/22

phase 2022/23

Demo 2022/23

phase 2023/24

Demo 2023/24

phase 2024/25

Demo 2024/25

phase 2025/26

Demo 2025/26

phase 2026/27

Demo 2026/27

phase 2027/28

Demo 2027/28

phase 2028/29

Demo 2028/29

phase 2029/30

Demo 2029/30

phase 2030/31

Demo 2030/31 8022O 121 18/01232/OA 5 Mill 17/01121/FL Arundel 18/00590/FL 9003F Cobdown 19/01053/FL 1 And2Great 18/00959/FL 4 ‐ 6 New 18/01394/FL Land 18/00922/FL Longcroft 18/00668/FL 7011F The NelsonArms 17/03131/FL 7041F Great 17/03471/FL Site_App West Road 1UP Street Chatham Kent Road Kent ME20 6BX Barn PratlingStreet Farm CottagesWithAdjacent Aylesford Kent Station SevenoaksKent Kent 9DE Kent address Teston TN11 Land ME207DQ ME206AU To Ditton Shipbourne Malling LaneBlueBellHill Budds Tonbridge Road NorthEastOf15 House88High Kent Road Lodge540 LodgeOldbury 9QD Adjoining Road AylesfordKent HouseMote Ditton Kent Cossington ME59RB ME206AD Ditton West Kent 19Cromer Tonbridge ME196NE Aylesford Aylesford London TN9

Malling Street

TN15 Lane

converted plots and Grade Conversion erection ofarear residential dwellings offices Change ofusebuilding Sub Outline to dormers Cottages, stables, greenhouseand Extension, associated Erection oftwo,2bedroomdwellings units Erection oftwodwellings detached garages erection of2no. to numbers1and create Conversion into Demolition Proposed twosemi‐detachedhouses proposal ‐division oneoasthouse twodwellings with and II‐listed twodwellings, atground application provision including Grade into alteration parkingand units ofexisting ofsingle ofcentralpartthederelictbarn to ofexisting dwelling, dwellings on fourbedroomhouses II‐ listed floor single 2Great installation fortheerectionof2No. ofanexternalstaircase theupperfloors; into flat toroofand together bungalow, and access sitecontaining storey oneGrade totwoself‐contained three out barnand toprovideClass Cossington two1bedroom buildings self‐contained extension with and sub garage, oasthouse II‐listed alterations alterations and ‐division Farm with and one and

B1 the


02 12 12 02 02 02 02 12 02 02 capacity_orig

capacity_curr S20 2 NS NS200 NS200 0 2 NS 0 2 NS 0 2 NS 0 2 NS NS200 0 2 NS S20 2 NS site_status


UC_G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CP_G 000 20000 ‐102 0 2 0 ‐100 002 00000 002 00000 000 20000 002 2 00000 ‐100 002 00000 002 00000 NS_L


A010 phase 2020/21 ‐100000 Demo 2020/21

phase 2021/22 ‐10000 Demo 2021/22

phase 2022/23 ‐1000 Demo 2022/23

phase 2023/24

Demo 2023/24

phase 2024/25

Demo 2024/25

phase 2025/26

Demo 2025/26

phase 2026/27

Demo 2026/27

phase 2027/28

Demo 2027/28

phase 2028/29

Demo 2028/29

phase 2029/30

Demo 2029/30

phase 2030/31

Demo 2030/31 7054F Crowhurst 17/03504/FL 9066F 23 TheAvenue 19/01616/FL Land AdjacentTo 19/01381/OA Land 19/01328/FL Orchard DeneWorks 19/01211/FL 63 ‐ 65 Western 19/00655/FL Land 19/00434/FL 9084F Willow 19/02844/FL 9077F Land 19/00707/FL 8002F 25 West 18/02072/FL Site_App Warren ME5 9RD Tonbridge Farm Road Kent 8EA Green High Lane Kent Borough Wateringbury Sevenoaks Kent Crouch Malling Wateringbury Rochester address Street ME196QX TN15 Between EastOf19BarmingRoad NorthAndWest SevenoaksKent CottageLong Borough West Road Street Green Kent Kent Coldstore 8AN EastPeckham Wouldham Tonbridge Malling Chatham Maidstone Road 102 West Borough Sevenoaks TN15 Road Green Cobbetts And110 East Bells Malling Mill Ashes Kent Of260 8QB




Lane Kent


floor dwellings bed dormabungalow, and Provision Outline Construct The demolition Conversion Avenue Erect detached dwellings parking landscaping erection oftwodwellings together modelling storey Demolition alterations associated Erection oftwodetacheddwellings storey dwelling Demolition new dwellings Demolish provision associated existing proposal theconstruction selfcontained 2newdwellings rear dwellings Application: access and with ofatwostorey ofanewaccess with 2existing apairofcottages oftheexisting parking,gardensand landscaping extension of2commercialbuildings ofexisting ofexisting erectionoftwodetached theconstruction in twostorey onto oftwoexisting with replacement toside flat buildings Long erectionoftwohouses of2newdwelling, integralgarages, and asanextension detachedtwostorey 1three travel and into dwellinghouse side Mill with wholesale rear with parking,and with 2Nostorey agentsand and extension,asingle Lane bedbungalow associated extension buildings ofapairsemi‐ associated access ancillary construct2 along re and to23The

‐ road 1four

first and utilising and with


02 12 02 02 02 02 02 12 02 02 capacity_orig

capacity_curr S20 2 NS NS200 S20 2 NS 0 2 NS 0 2 NS 0 2 NS 0 2 NS UC2000 0 2 NS 0 2 NS site_status


UC_G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CP_G 002 2 0 00000 ‐100 000 02000 000 02000 000 02000 000 02000 000 20000 000 02000 002 00000 NS_L ‐10 CP_L

A011 phase 2020/21

Demo 2020/21 20000 phase 2021/22

Demo 2021/22

phase 2022/23 ‐1000 Demo 2022/23

phase 2023/24

Demo 2023/24

phase 2024/25

Demo 2024/25

phase 2025/26

Demo 2025/26

phase 2026/27

Demo 2026/27

phase 2027/28

Demo 2027/28

phase 2028/29

Demo 2028/29

phase 2029/30

Demo 2029/30

phase 2030/31

Demo 2030/31 9048F Scarborough 19/01448/FL Aldon 19/01576/FL 9076F Mount 19/01756/FL Buildings 18/03041/FL Garage 17/02390/FL 335 ‐ 337 17/01977/FL AR 20/00013/PDV AR 19/01651/PDV 595 Maidstone 19/02338/FL 9025F Little 19/01295/FL Site_App Plaxdale Sevenoaks Kent Unit CPlaxdale Elm Golden Hill Rochester Scarborough Kent Mabledon Offham ME19 5DP Postern LaneTonbridge Tonbridge Tonbridge Tonbridge ME19 5PH address Chatham LaneGolden Hilden ManorAldon MeadFord BlockNorthOf1 Green West Green AtPosternFarm Shipbourne Kent Kent Kent Kent Road West 36London LaneBurham Farm Kent Malling Nurseries Green Road Road ME13RD TN10 TN11 TN10 Tonbridge Green Malling ME59QX Lane Lane BlueBell Stansted 3EU 0LH 3DD Kent Road Farm Road

Kent Three Kent

dwellings of 1no Prior Notification: the side Proposed pairofdetachedbungalows and of 2no. Demolition ancillary Units agricultural Erection oftwodwellings access together construction Demolition Demolition Alterations to residential approved underTM/17/00137/FL create site (asapprovedunderTM/09/00951/FL) Revisions building Prior Notification: Erection of2newdwellings houses with to convert proposal construction building 1and apairofthesemi‐detachedunits agricultural 3bedhouses ofScarborough toresidential areas with toapproveddetachedhouse (Part thebuilding and of7single ofexisting ofexisting 2and building oftwonewresidential operations curtilage conversion and 3Class changeofuseto2no. oftwobungalows forthechangeofuseland Changeofuseand changeofuseagricultural building parkingprovision toancillary (Part garages domesticoutbuildings agricultural Q) Farmand reasonably ofremaining to2no 3Class in existing and garagingto newsite buildings residential construction Q)together with dwellings, necessary conversion on dwelling garden atrear as

land to and

at of

02 02 02 02 02 12 02 02 02 02 capacity_orig

capacity_curr S20 2 NS 0 2 NS C02 0 UC 2 0 UC 2 0 UC UC0200 0 2 NS 0 2 NS 0 2 NS 0 2 NS site_status


UC_G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CP_G 000 02000 000 02000 000 20000 000 20000 002 00000 000 00020 000 02000 000 02000 000 02000 NS_L ‐22 00000 CP_L

A012 phase 2020/21

Demo 2020/21

phase 2021/22

Demo 2021/22

phase 2022/23

Demo 2022/23

phase 2023/24

Demo 2023/24

phase 2024/25

Demo 2024/25

phase 2025/26

Demo 2025/26

phase 2026/27

Demo 2026/27

phase 2027/28

Demo 2027/28

phase 2028/29

Demo 2028/29

phase 2029/30

Demo 2029/30

phase 2030/31

Demo 2030/31 7047F 13 ArundelClose 17/02427/FL 9004F 52 Silverhurst 19/00024/FL 7047F Four 17/01437/FL Barnfield 18/00396/FL 9053F Land 19/00523/FL South 18/01561/FL Lower Street 17/02903/FL River 19/01406/FL 15 17/00536/OA 31 Medina 16/00568/FL Site_App Kent Kent TN11 Road Kent Road Tonbridge Street (Land Road Wagoners, Aylesford Kent Green Ightham SevenoaksKent Aylesford Kent Adj) 9JF Tonbridge

Station address WentsHampton TN92UG TN10 TN15 Rear View17A Hadlow Ivy Tonbridge 9RE Adj) ViewFenPond Hildenborough Road HatchSevenoaks CottageStone OfOmega Road Kent Kent 3QH 0NH Road Back Hildenborough FarmLower Tonbridge DriveTonbridge ME206DN ME206AU BardenPark Ditton Kent Lane (Land Ditton Tonbridge Stocks TN91XD Road Park

Street Kent TN15

removal erection ofanewtwostorey demolition residential two storey Demolition terrace 110SqM on Erection ofasingle landscaping associated with Re Proposed newdwelling Outline to serve demolition of vehicleaccess single, 3bedroomresidential Conversion that approvedunderreference dwelling TM/17/02453/FL) Demolition Proposed 3bedroomdetacheddwelling single weatherboarded stableblock,construction with Demolition 2 beddwelling clearance Demolition receptor

‐development ofthesitecomprising proposal 2no. ancillary storey ofdwellings Application: 52Silverhurst ofanexternalsand and site ofthesite,erectionasingle storey engineeringworks, annexatfirstfloor side ofexisting and ofexisting ofexisting ofexisting ofcommercialoutbuildings, ofstablebuilding parcelofland and selfcontained construction areas and erectionofreplacement extension ecological beingarevised detacheddwelling creationofanecology detacheddwelling (Resubmission Fordetacheddwelling indoor garage single timberframedand Drive with nexttoexisting and ofits enhancemen habitable school storey farmoffice dwelling riding and unit and creationof access, TM/15/03216/FL replacement proposal storeinto erectionof and of and attached arena, annexe parking, with and provision of the

garage storey



ofa a

01 01 01 01 01 01 11 01 01 01 capacity_orig

capacity_curr N N N N N N UC1000 N U N C100001 00000 S100000S100000 01000 10000 S100000S100000S100001 10000 S100001 10000 00000 S100001 00000 S100001 00000 00000 site_status




NS_L ‐10 01000 CP_L

A013 phase 2020/21

Demo 2020/21

phase 2021/22

Demo 2021/22

phase 2022/23

Demo 2022/23

phase 2023/24

Demo 2023/24

phase 2024/25

Demo 2024/25

phase 2025/26

Demo 2025/26

phase 2026/27

Demo 2026/27

phase 2027/28

Demo 2027/28

phase 2028/29

Demo 2028/29

phase 2029/30

Demo 2029/30

phase 2030/31

Demo 2030/31 8027R 11 18/00257/RM 9015F 7 Dry 19/02105/FL 7035F The CornerHouse321 17/03385/FL The LodgeCuttens 19/02263/FL 8046LP1 18/00496/LDP Overlea 18/02378/FL Martins 18/02518/FL Pumphouse 18/02473/FL Godwell 18/02330/FL Former OrchardDeneNursery 18/00839/FL Site_App Kent Sevenoaks Kent SevenoaksKent House FarmKemsingRoad Offham High Kent Malling Green Tonbridge Tonbridge TN11 Shipbourne ME19 5NX Kent Road Shipbourne Nutfields

Uridge address HouseLaneHadlow Land TN11 TN12 EastPeckham 9PP Hill Addington Kent West OastBack CottageAddington FarmChurch Park Crescent Kent Kent 9NL 5LN Adjoining Ightham Tonbridge Road South ME195BE Malling Crescent TN10 TN15 West Tonbridge Lane OfNew

Tonbridge Tonbridge 3BJ Kent 9EA Road Kent Bush

conditions bedroom dwelling (windows) (materials), 5(slab Reserved permission with Replacement ofaredundant and house/storage building Change ofuseformer bedroom bungalow private storage Demolition siting Lawful Replacement ofbarnwith carport/garage bedroom house. residential Proposed conversion to formasingle TM/18/00345/FL amendment toapprovedextant New class Change ofuseexisting dwelling Demolish and Demolition the existing to serve proposal gardenarea playhouse associated dwellinghouse C2)toanine ofacaravan/mobile DevelopmentCertificateProposed: The existing Matters Granary.Erect and 1(layout dwelling TM/16/02987/OA: ofcommercialstorage ofexisting curtilageofOverlea and 8(refuse)pursuant barnand provision residential Overlea Detachedopen application bedroomdwelling levels),6(externallighting), construction with and ofredundant triplegarage, into appearance), agricultural adetachedfour erectionofa2‐ detachedgarage Cottage vacantCare ofancillary asingle home dwelling. adwellinghouse Brick pursuant Detached3 Cottage. ofsingle oak‐framed residential barn(B8)and DryingBarn toplanning barnto workshop pump Proposed car Home(use 4 to parking garage within


01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 11 capacity_orig

capacity_curr N N N N N N N N U NS100 C100001 00000 S100000S100000 01000 01000 S100001S100001S100001 00000 S100000 00000 S100001 00000 S100000 10000 00000 01000 site_status



CP_G ‐101 NS_L


A014 phase 2020/21 ‐100000 Demo 2020/21

phase 2021/22

Demo 2021/22

phase 2022/23

Demo 2022/23

phase 2023/24

Demo 2023/24

phase 2024/25

Demo 2024/25

phase 2025/26

Demo 2025/26

phase 2026/27

Demo 2026/27

phase 2027/28

Demo 2027/28

phase 2028/29

Demo 2028/29

phase 2029/30

Demo 2029/30

phase 2030/31

Demo 2030/31 7009F The Coach 17/03049/FL 7042F 1 Mackenders 17/00482/FL 11 18/00257/RM 7082O 121 17/01872/OA AR 16/02547/PDV 151 Birling 18/01967/FL The CourtyardAlexander 18/00439/FL The Keepers 17/02591/FL 73 Plover 17/02366/FL 26 AlmaRoad 17/01393/FL Site_App Kent West Ightham SevenoaksKent Brooms Common Tonbridge Mile LaneEastPeckham Mount Kent House Comp Aylesford Kent Tonbridge Sevenoaks Kent Wrotham Hill Aylesford Kent Kent 9ED

Uridge address Woodside Land ME65ES ME196RP Malling PleasantFarmSeven Road Crescent Kent Kent HouseUpper Adjoining Road Cottage LaneOffham Kent Road West Close Road ME207JD ME206LA Larkfield TN12 TN92PB TN15 Snodland Road ME195NW Tonbridge Wrotham Malling Eccles



conditions bedroom dwelling (windows) (materials), 5(slab Reserved permission a fourbedroomtwo‐storey outbuildings accommodation/office Conversion accommodation Single Erection ofa2storey Demolition (with Outline side/rear extension Demolition of car with Demolition landscaping dwelling, agricultural Prior notification: Mackenders Change ofusetheexisting room, erectionofdetachedtwobedroomhouse TM/16/02270/FL) rear two storey shared with under Class Class building proposal extension re Q(a)and landscaping parking,landscaping storey ‐location Application: toresidential with Matters and 1(layout detachedresidential TM/16/02987/OA: ofsingle oftheexisting oftheCoach ofexisting building Q(b) host and Close and side associated tonumber1 8(refuse)pursuant associated ofswimming useofexisting forelderlyrelative hardsurfacing dwelling extension Changeofusean areserved application together (resubmission levels),6(externallighting), toallow and Erectionofnewdwelling toadwelling storey dwelling annexe/garage garage toprovidea3bedroom appearance), Houseand parkingand garage building and garage with dwelling toform theerectionofa matter) garage/workshop pool and pursuant Detached3 adjoining access associated and dwelling asingle of and underPart ancillary and and operations toplanning associated erectionof together

partofa 4 tobe utility provision to 1 storey works



01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 capacity_orig

capacity_curr U N N N N N N N N N C100001 00000 S100001 00000 S100001S100001S100001 00000 S100000 00000 S100001 00000 S100001 01000 S100001 00000 S100001 00000 00000 00000 site_status






A015 phase 2020/21

Demo 2020/21

phase 2021/22

Demo 2021/22

phase 2022/23

Demo 2022/23

phase 2023/24

Demo 2023/24

phase 2024/25

Demo 2024/25

phase 2025/26

Demo 2025/26

phase 2026/27

Demo 2026/27

phase 2027/28

Demo 2027/28

phase 2028/29

Demo 2028/29

phase 2029/30

Demo 2029/30

phase 2030/31

Demo 2030/31 AR 18/00645/PDV Boormans 18/02487/FL 8037O The 18/00357/OA 78 19/01288/RM Mount 19/00060/FL Cobblestones 18/00980/FL Offham 19/01349/FL OR 19/00369/PDV 9082F Ley FarmCottageSnodland 19/00832/FL 8058F 80 Salisbury 18/02538/FL Site_App 0JT Hadlow Boormans 0JT Hadlow Teston Faulkners 0DB Hadlow Malling Offham Lane Hadlow Trottiscliffe Malling Kent Road ME19 5PG TN11 ME19 6BZ Kent

Cottenham address Nursery ME195JF ME207EW Birling 0AN Road Offham Kent West Methodist West Tonbridge Tonbridge Tonbridge Farmhouse FarmCourtLane FarmCourtLane West West Road TaylorsLane Offham ME195PE Tonbridge Malling Malling Church Close Teston Malling Aylesford Malling Kent Kent Kent Church East West Kent Street Kent Ashes Road TN11 TN11 TN11 Kent Kent

accommodation Q(b)) building Prior Notification: dwellinghouse agricultural Change ofuseand Conversion building TM/15/03921/FL) (New outline existing Proposed changeofuseand Demolition dwelling access area, Demolition Erection ofresidential home, with the nursery dwelling Outline Reserved dwellinghouse a second the Schedule of abuilding O): Developmentconsisting (Class Prior Notification: from ausefalling proposal erectionofacontemporarydwelling, thedesign detachedbungalow) B1)toresidential and planning Application: churchtocreate toonedwelling approvedunderplanning foranagricultural outbuilding. Matters landscaping ofanexisting oflogcabin, ofexisting building landscaping business and and permission anyland within application changeofuseagricultural changeofusefromoffice extension Erectionofadetached toformathree externalappearanceofthe toreplace Erectionofanew dwelling coachhouse (amendedsiting (Class reserved removal house Class single workshop within worker ofachangeuse TM/18/00781/OA remodelling ofexisting pursuant B1(a) C3)(Part3Class (Part dwelling themobile its ofhardsurface permission relatingto into building curtilage bedroom (offices) 3, Class to

living of ‐house of



01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 capacity_orig

capacity_curr S10 1 NS 0 1 NS S10 1 NS 0 1 NS 0 1 NS 0 1 NS 0 1 NS NS100 N 0 1 NS

S100000 01000 site_status


UC_G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CP_G 000 10000 001 00000 000 10000 000 10000 000 10000 001 00000 000 01000 ‐101 000 01000 NS_L


A016 phase 2020/21 ‐100000 Demo 2020/21

phase 2021/22

Demo 2021/22

phase 2022/23

Demo 2022/23

phase 2023/24

Demo 2023/24

phase 2024/25

Demo 2024/25

phase 2025/26

Demo 2025/26

phase 2026/27

Demo 2026/27

phase 2027/28

Demo 2027/28

phase 2028/29

Demo 2028/29

phase 2029/30

Demo 2029/30

phase 2030/31

Demo 2030/31 7001F 23 WheatsheafWay 17/03011/FL Picaroons 16/02309/FL 8047F Development PlotWest 18/01457/FL Woodgate Farm 16/03620/FL 24 19/01007/RM 67 Thorpe 18/00584/FL Hillside 18/01744/FL Crabdene CottageHatham 18/00020/FL Moonfield 17/01104/FL 9016F Victoria 19/02166/FL Site_App 8BD Green Tonbridge 8LB Platt SevenoaksKent Baltic Road Kent Trottiscliffe Green Kent West ME19 5EP Sevenoaks Kent TN11 Golden

Maidstone address TN10 ME195LH Addington Malling 0LS Road SevenoaksKent LaneStansted Green PilgrimsWay HouseVictoria Maidstone Kent Avenue TheStreet 4PR Tonbridge West Kent Road Tonbridge TN10 TN15 Tonbridge ME195LG Borough

TN15 Road 3PL 7PL Malling Kent TN15 Road Of39 Kent Kent

Application: TM/18/00690/OA dated6June2018 to garden; aterials) on associated glasshouse, access erection ofnewdwelling Reserved Demolition Double house Erection ofathree erection ofreplacement Demolition Demolition Works relative extension, including driveway, dwelling (Class phases storey removal replacement Demolition with Demolition landscaping Proposed replacement relative accommodation Single proposal integralgarage. B8)and storey dwelling fromMaidstone are rear and oftennis house Matters sharing planned swimming parkingand ofexisting oftheexisting ofthetwoexisting ofanexisting oftheexisting outline timbershedand and additional Erectionofnewdwelling with extension replacement (Class and side toenablecare courtand existing newsplit application storey, planning tobeundertakenover associated internal Alterationtodriveand extension pool C3) dwelling bedrooms/living dwelling landscaping toprovideancillary Road;engineeringworks onebedroombungalow and bungalow access bungalow workshop fourbed,detached and with leveldwelling erectionofasingle permission annexforelderly summerhouse garage; pursuant storage erectionof parkingand and with ofelderly asingle garage and newloft and building, for:Outline widen with buildings to space.



11 01 01 01 01 01 11 11 01 11 capacity_orig

capacity_curr UC100 0 1 NS S10 1 NS 0 1 NS 0 1 NS 0 1 NS NS100 NS100 0 1 NS NS100 site_status


UC_G 0 0 0 0 0 0 CP_G ‐101 000 01000 001 00000 001 00000 000 10000 000 01000 ‐101 ‐101 000 10000 ‐101 NS_L


A017 phase 2020/21 ‐100000 ‐100000 ‐100000 ‐100000 Demo 2020/21

phase 2021/22

Demo 2021/22

phase 2022/23

Demo 2022/23

phase 2023/24

Demo 2023/24

phase 2024/25

Demo 2024/25

phase 2025/26

Demo 2025/26

phase 2026/27

Demo 2026/27

phase 2027/28

Demo 2027/28

phase 2028/29

Demo 2028/29

phase 2029/30

Demo 2029/30

phase 2030/31

Demo 2030/31 8020O Land Between 18/02240/OA Lloyds 18/01868/FL 9042F 427 London 19/00482/FL Underpine 19/00305/FL The Old 18/02931/FL 109 West 18/01976/FL Land Adjoining 19/02995/RM Bridge HouseMill 18/02981/FL Coppice 18/02150/FL 8074F Rose CottageNorthDown 18/01714/FL Site_App Crescent Sevenoaks Kent And Redland Sevenoaks Kent Plaxdale Green Larkfield Aylesford Kent Fairseat SevenoaksKent Sevenoaks Kent ME18 5BG Wateringbury Ryarsh West Wyke Sevenoaks Kent 5BL 7LU address LodgeLondon Road Bank716 Farmhouse Court70Teston Green AylesfordKent Tonbridge Street CottageVigo Road Ightham Malling HousePart Maidstone Myrtle ME206DB 11Uridge Road TN15 TN15 TN15 London Wrotham Ditton LaneBasted Kent Borough Road Kent Stansted Cottage 8PR 7BB 7PB ME19 Road Road TN15 Of



conditions Wrotham permission (windows) (materials), 5(slab Reserved property Application: (planning Erection ofasingle of onechaletbungalow Construction of replacement to TM/18/01165/OA) landscaping Demolition The retention,refurbishmentand consent Demolition TM/15/03414/FL) the dwellings with bin area Change ofuseand bedroom dwelling and to create Outline Demolition parking and Crickets known Conversion unit accommodation under TM/07/00037/FL) proposal storage theconstruction fromB1(Office) associated asRoseCottagetoancillary application: Farmhouse forresidential on agardenroomand Matters application and 1(layout TM/16/02987/OA ofexisting ofexisting oftheexisting facilities and landscaping reserved land Detached3bedroomdwellin ofanewendterrace, tobeprovided 8(refuse)ofoutline dwelling alterations extension (previously adjacentto109 application with refurbishmentoffirstfloor levels),6(externallighting), dwelling into Single and toC3(Dwelling ofareplacement reference: (Reviseddesign outbuildings stables conversion associated (disabled appearance), works, offices residential ofexisting storey toretainparkingfor permittedatappeal setover atBridgeHouse lobby/entrance pursuant (Outline with and with

West dwelling. accessible) conversion and parkingand extant residential and planning extensions house) access, twolevels outbuilding dwelling and twostorey 4

erection 2 Street to erection siting with



01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 11 01 capacity_orig

capacity_curr S10 1 NS 0 1 NS C10 1 UC UC1000 0 1 NS 0 1 NS 0 1 NS 0 1 NS 0 1 NS 0 1 NS site_status


UC_G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CP_G 000 10000 001 00000 000 10000 001 00000 000 10000 001 00000 000 01000 001 00000 000 10000 NS_L ‐11 00000 CP_L

A018 phase 2020/21

Demo 2020/21

phase 2021/22

Demo 2021/22

phase 2022/23

Demo 2022/23

phase 2023/24

Demo 2023/24

phase 2024/25

Demo 2024/25

phase 2025/26

Demo 2025/26

phase 2026/27

Demo 2026/27

phase 2027/28

Demo 2027/28

phase 2028/29

Demo 2028/29

phase 2029/30

Demo 2029/30

phase 2030/31

Demo 2030/31 9076F George 19/00706/FL Crooked Chimneys 19/00750/FL 9014F 246 Robin 19/01124/FL 12A 19/01296/FL Land 19/00964/FL 5 OrwellSpikeWest 19/01212/FL The CaravanEastStreet 18/02972/FL 17 Priory 19/00611/FL 9056F The Dene66SevenoaksRoad 19/00566/FL 9097F Land 19/00967/FL Site_App Kent Addington Tonbridge Gover TN9 2AQ Hill ME19 5DH Trottiscliffe Aylesford Kent Peckham Farm CottagesStan Kent Borough ME19 5DP address Chatham Ditton ME194PB TN15 AndStables South Hill SevenoaksKent CottageFord Green Road Maidstone Roughway Hood Kent West 8AP CourtClose OfAllens West Kent ME206PQ Tonbridge Sevenoaks TN11 LaneBlueBell Malling 4Beech Malling ME59JY House LaneWest Malling Kent Lane Lane 9SP Ditton

Kent Kent Kent

Erection ofonenewdwelling linked residential A1 Change ofusetheground the west landscaping dwelling outbuildings Removal ofexisting Construction Demoliton Conversion Erection ofnewdwelling of logcabin extension Change ofusethebuilding the immediatevicinity Annexe. Regradingofdriveand detached single Demolition forming dwelling detached storage Conversion Demolition main additional garden, double new 5bedroomdetachedhouse proposal amenity space lean‐to and removal dormers

(retail) proposal dwelling storage garage provision partoftheexisting of with proportionate of5OrwellSpike,on includes touseClass garage ofexisting dwelling ofexisting ofexisting ofexisting and decorative outbuildings, foruseasresidential and ofnewworkshop,garage associated toadwellinghouse building and extension garage erectionofsingle fortwocars, oftwoparkingspots building theremoval landscaping residential and garage detachedbungalow logstoreand stableblock C3(residential) and tothebuilding, partdemolition hardand within theaddition ofredundant, toaresidential dwelling's theerectionofa floor and atland adjacenttothe land ofanexisting access caravanand rear siteboundary with annex workshop. (Class fromuseClass soft into detached currently installation grounds adjacentto detached and oftwo private and and

and partial a C3). of

rear with

The in

01 01 11 01 01 01 ‐11 01 01 01 capacity_orig

capacity_curr S10 1 NS 0 1 NS NS100 0 1 NS 0 1 NS 0 1 NS NS100 0 1 NS N 0 1 NS

S100000 01000 site_status


UC_G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CP_G 000 10000 000 10000 0 1 0 ‐100 000 01000 000 01000 000 01000 ‐100 000 01000 000 10000 NS_L


A019 phase 2020/21 ‐110000 Demo 2020/21

phase 2021/22

Demo 2021/22

phase 2022/23 ‐1000 Demo 2022/23

phase 2023/24

Demo 2023/24

phase 2024/25

Demo 2024/25

phase 2025/26

Demo 2025/26

phase 2026/27

Demo 2026/27

phase 2027/28

Demo 2027/28

phase 2028/29

Demo 2028/29

phase 2029/30

Demo 2029/30

phase 2030/31

Demo 2030/31 9024F Fir 19/01254/FL 9050F Old 19/01560/FL 11 ValeRiseTonbridge 19/01748/FL Cinders 19/01704/FL Honeycroft FarmThree 19/01146/FL Bartons 19/01077/FL Stables 19/00135/FL 453 Wateringbury 19/01428/FL 9030F 110 Station 19/01310/FL 9026F Land 19/01226/FL Site_App TN15 Wrotham SevenoaksKent Sevenoaks Kent 9QU Hadlow Kent Malling Pilgrims Way 0PY Plaxtol ME19 6JQ TN9 1TB Lane Golden Rochester Kent Kent Hildenborough Hutchings

BankCoach address BankHouseHigh TN11 ME207JW AdjacentTo 7AE SevenoaksKent AndLand West BarnAshesLane Tonbridge FarmYopps Leigh Kent 0BS Road Green Wouldham Malling Road Tonbridge TN15 Road Aylesford EastOf The Road Kent Tonbridge Green Ivy Street Kent

0PE Kent TN15 Elm TN11 Hatch East

dwelling Conversion residential become Change ofuseland Conversion use in a replacement Demolition swimming with accommodation. Create formation dwelling Demolition separate Conversion Proposed residential Proposed single Convert garage and Proposed dwelling alterations, gardenarea, landscaping land use toresidential proposal amenityspace adjacentto11ValeRise,including associated conjunction aseparate partofthecurtilage'CindersBarn'. (Revision and self‐contained ofnewvehicularaccess pool. dwelling ofexisting ofgarage. and ofexisting ofresidential and garage, dwelling into externaland extension dwelling Construction retaining Removalofmodernlink unit ofapplication with with aonebedroomannexfor chaletbungalow replacement fromcommercialuseto Erectionoffivebedroom bungalow barntoself‐contained ofresidential dwelling with twobedroomdwelling associated fencin with annex'TheDen'toa wall ofbarntoresidential associated internal oflink/extension partial features and 18/00081/FL garage landscaping

erectionof changeof


parking and and

11 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 capacity_orig

capacity_curr NS100 0 1 NS S10 1 NS 0 1 NS 0 1 NS 0 1 NS 0 1 NS 0 1 NS 0 1 NS S10 1 NS site_status


UC_G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CP_G 0 1 0 ‐100 000 01000 000 01000 000 10000 000 01000 000 01000 000 01000 000 01000 000 01000 000 01000 NS_L


A020 phase 2020/21

Demo 2020/21

phase 2021/22

Demo 2021/22

phase 2022/23 ‐1000 Demo 2022/23

phase 2023/24

Demo 2023/24

phase 2024/25

Demo 2024/25

phase 2025/26

Demo 2025/26

phase 2026/27

Demo 2026/27

phase 2027/28

Demo 2027/28

phase 2028/29

Demo 2028/29

phase 2029/30

Demo 2029/30

phase 2030/31

Demo 2030/31 9095F Land 19/01975/FL Rear 19/00749/FL 9035F Hunters Lodge PaddockClose 19/02395/FL 1 PilgrimsWay 19/02493/FL Downs 19/02240/FL Stables 19/02201/FL 4 OrwellSpikeWest 19/02188/FL Springate 19/02030/FL Cherry 19/02170/FL Land 19/02036/FL 9084F 28 BatesClose 19/01844/FL Site_App ME1 3RB 7DE 8NN Platt SevenoaksKent Sevenoaks Kent Wouldham Kent Street Larkfield West Road Malling Wateringbury 6HU 6HU Aylesford Kent address Of278 ME194PB Rear EastOfHornsLane West Malling AylesfordKent Bungalow FarmPilgrimsWay Broadwater West AylesfordKent FarmBroadwater Of238 Malling Rochester Maidstone Lunsford Kent Malling Road Larkfield ME206TG Wrotham TN15 351

Kent East Road Malling TN15 Lane Kent ME20 Pratling 7DE Kent Kent

ME20 ME19

buildings Demolition detached garage Construction curtilage and storey existing with Erection ofdetachedtwo‐bedroombungalow Demolition treatment Demolition Remove and New detached dwelling building Conversion Erection ofdwelling bungalow bedroom two‐storey and Demolition Attached newthree One dwelling terrace porch proposal replacement toconstructaresidential associated 3bedroomendofterrace and dwelling house siteand toadwellinghouse theexisting and with dormer, ofexisting ofexisting ofexisting ofoutbuilding and of6/7bed2storey twoparkingspaces toreplace erectionofadetachedsingle garage with parkingand alteration construction and garage with newfrontporch bedroomdwelling twobedrooms,associated stables detachedhouse newfrontboundary office garage. 4bedbungalow. integralgarage, existing forexisting and ofaredundant and turning and ofadditional detachedchalet Subdivision erectionofafour‐ house building outbuildings storage house toexisting space dwelling with with





01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 11 capacity_orig

capacity_curr S10 1 NS 0 1 NS S10 1 NS 0 1 NS 0 1 NS 0 1 NS 0 1 NS 0 1 NS 0 1 NS 0 1 NS NS100 site_status


UC_G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CP_G 000 01000 000 01000 000 01000 000 01000 000 01000 000 01000 000 01000 000 01000 000 01000 000 01000 0 1 0 ‐100 NS_L


A021 phase 2020/21

Demo 2020/21

phase 2021/22

Demo 2021/22

phase 2022/23 ‐1000 Demo 2022/23

phase 2023/24

Demo 2023/24

phase 2024/25

Demo 2024/25

phase 2025/26

Demo 2025/26

phase 2026/27

Demo 2026/27

phase 2027/28

Demo 2027/28

phase 2028/29

Demo 2028/29

phase 2029/30

Demo 2029/30

phase 2030/31

Demo 2030/31 9057F The Stables 19/02567/FL Millers 19/02411/FL 0018F Land 20/00178/FL Mulberry Cottage230 19/03016/FL Land 19/02996/FL 103 Keats 19/02795/FL Stone 19/02953/FL Bridle 19/02605/FL 9044F 7 RowanClose 19/02414/FL 9083F Land 19/02803/FL Site_App ME18 5LD Addington Aylesford Kent Malling Water Wateringbury ME19 5PJ Tonbridge Maidstone Tonbridge Aylesford Kent Ightham SevenoaksKent ME20 7LP Tonbridge Orchards HighamLane 9DT address Rear Rear AtLittle Acre PathAldon LaneTrottiscliffe FarmYardWrotham Kent Road OfHayward Of8OrchardDrive Kent Kent Kent West Road Copt 94High Peppyns Maidstone AylesfordKent ME207AZ ME206TR Larkfield Hall Malling Hadlow Lane Street Road RedHill West Kent

TN15 Kent

bedroom dwelling Demolition parents Proposed extension living single part ofbuilding. dwellinghouse Conversion Change ofuseexisting barn tohouse dwelling stable building Conversion Construction approved extension pitched Demolition Two storey worker Orchard Drive, Conversion of dwelling Demolition building occupation storey workshop/garage and proposal theerectionofanattached area, storey side rooftoline into entrance extension rear/sideextension ofexisting ofexisting ofdwelling toinclude ofbuilding and ofaredundant onedwelling extension ofanewsingle amobile with Tonbridge toaonebedroomstudio changeofusefromequestrian Construction with through associated toformannexforelderly tonei and toserve theremoval barnand single tosingle and toprovideseparate homeforagricultural integraldouble utility agricultural forresidential single garage with storey storey ofreplacement asanannex alterations room/WCwith with family erectionof3 recently storey ofanbuilding and flat dwelling single storage

erection garage roofed rural


01 01 01 01 01 01 01 11 01 01 capacity_orig

capacity_curr S10 1 NS 0 1 NS S10 1 NS 0 1 NS 0 1 NS 0 1 NS 0 1 NS NS100 0 1 NS 0 1 NS site_status


UC_G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CP_G 001 00000 000 01000 000 01000 000 01000 000 01000 000 01000 000 1 0 01000 ‐100 000 01000 000 01000 NS_L


A022 phase 2020/21

Demo 2020/21

phase 2021/22

Demo 2021/22

phase 2022/23 ‐1000 Demo 2022/23

phase 2023/24

Demo 2023/24

phase 2024/25

Demo 2024/25

phase 2025/26

Demo 2025/26

phase 2026/27

Demo 2026/27

phase 2027/28

Demo 2027/28

phase 2028/29

Demo 2028/29

phase 2029/30

Demo 2029/30

phase 2030/31

Demo 2030/31 0012F Palavas PilgrimsWay 20/00182/FL AR 18/01579/PDV 9059F Little 19/01599/FL Dewpond 19/00009/FL Stag CottagePuttenden Road 19/02610/LDP White OwlBarnLondon 19/01792/LDP 90 19/01192/LDP Barfield CottageAldon 19/00680/LDP School 18/01840/FL SDR 19/00854/PDV 9036F Warren 19/00306/FL Site_App Maidstone Seven MileLaneMereworth TN15 Wrotham SevenoaksKent Sevenoaks Kent Hatham Green Barn AdjacentJanesFarm Addington Offham Kent Lane Shipbourne Land Plaxtol 9QY Hadlow Sevenoaks Kent Lane WrothamHeath Sevenoaks Kent ME19 5DD West 9SH ME19 5PH

TheHeathEastMalling address TN11 OnSouth MeadRoughway Lane Malling 7DD LaneCottageSchool Tonbridge West Wood Tonbridge PlattCommon West 9RT Kent Kent Malling EastSevenMile West LaneStansted TN15 TN15 TN15 Malling Tonbridge Kent Kent ME196JL Side

Kent 7PL 7SA 8JX Lane TN11 TN11 Road Kent Platt Of

and Prior Notification: side bedroom dwelling garage/residential accommodation Conversion Class within mobile Lawful into Prior Notification: Erection ofasingle (Amendment to17/01741/FL) of acaravan Lawful accommodation Replacement dwelling of amobile Lawful Change ofusefromtwodwellings dwelling construction Demolition of mobile Proposed ancillary of Barfield swimming TM/18/00079/FL) attached garage amendment toreplacement under reference proposal land asingle extension C3(dwellinghouse) Class DevelopmentCertificateProposed: Sitea DevelopmentCertificateProposed:Siting DevelopmentCertificateProposed:Siting homein within homeforelderlyrelative pool Cottage oftheexisting ofexisting hometoprovideancillary B8(storage dwellinghouse forancillary ofareplacement and and its thegarden and TM/18/02686/FL within Changeofuseabuilding Changeofuseexisting with curtilagefromausefalling accommodation roofenlargement detachedchaletbungalow outbuilding/shed; parking(resubmission outbuilding with theresidential single ordistribution) residential (Part dwelling (Part externalin dwelling storey 3, dwelling class 3Class into containing and on toa3 in use rear

approved residential theform P)

land curtilage ‐ground asingle

with toa Q) and of barn an

01 21 11 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 11 capacity_orig

capacity_curr S10 1 NS NS100 UC0100 0 1 NS 0 1 NS 0 1 NS 0 1 NS 0 1 NS 0 1 NS 0 1 NS UC0100 site_status


UC_G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CP_G 000 1 01000 ‐200 001 00000 001 00000 001 00000 001 00000 000 10000 000 10000 000 01000 NS_L ‐11 00000 ‐11 00000 CP_L

A023 phase 2020/21

Demo 2020/21

phase 2021/22 ‐20000 Demo 2021/22

phase 2022/23

Demo 2022/23

phase 2023/24

Demo 2023/24

phase 2024/25

Demo 2024/25

phase 2025/26

Demo 2025/26

phase 2026/27

Demo 2026/27

phase 2027/28

Demo 2027/28

phase 2028/29

Demo 2028/29

phase 2029/30

Demo 2029/30

phase 2030/31

Demo 2030/31 8012F 19 Dry 18/02132/FL The PumpHouseHill 18/00291/FL 7012F Kits CotyStables 17/00172/FL 74 MartinSquareLarkfield 17/01042/FL Heathcote HouseWindmill 19/01134/FL 7047F Langold 17/01417/FL 7037F Sandyridge 17/01387/FL 3 EstridgeWay 17/01410/FL 247 Robin 16/00479/FL Old 18/00382/FL Site_App TN15 Wrotham SevenoaksKent Farm WrothamHill Aylesford Kent Kent Road TN15 Lane IghthamSevenoaksKent Kent Hatch SevenoaksKent Kent Road Hill Hill 0NJ 7EW Sevenoaks Kent address WrothamHeath Chatham Rectory ME195JQ TN91LU TN10 Birling AylesfordKent 7QA 9AJ Hill House285 Hood Road 4JS PineTree CottageRectory West Kent ME206QN Tonbridge TN15 Tonbridge LaneBlueBell Salisbury Malling ME59QU Snodland Road ME20 Park LaneIvy 7SX TN15

storey to create Erection of4bedroomattacheddwelling construction Demolition of newbuild Demolition Demolition construction Demolition temporary of existing erection ofadetachedstableblock,renovation of existing residential landscaping alongside Subdivision extension Proposed re Demolition storey replacement Proposed demolition new single Cottage fromTheOld Demolition annex concrete raising modifications application ref 6 bedroomdwelling outbuilding including dormer, proposal TM/18/02626/FL k) ifh l hi f ti extension eco‐home oftherooflevel.Proposedconversion theaddition frame a3‐bedroomdwelling removal associated ofexisting d workshop/store,provision barntoasingle annex storey mobile ref ofcoachhouse,relocation ofexisting and ofparttheexisting ofdisused ofanexisting ofplot and works ‐cladding, replacement ofcoachhouse ofadetachedresidential with tocreate TM/19/01008/NMA) barntobecome replacement theerectionofanewdetached itd orangery, oneand ofonechimneyand home(during toseparate (asapprovedbyapplication and dwelling parking,access offivenewdor ofexisting Rectory. storage re property di ld fourbedroomdwelling ‐modelling amendedby dwelling dwelling dwellinghouse, ahalf internal with ofexisting including barns,conversion Construction Old and with bungalow residential conversion storey/two unit ancillary and Rectory and construction and

and asingle of and dwelling and hipped

the building




01 11 01 01 01 11 01 01 11 11 capacity_orig

capacity_curr UC0100 UC010 U U U UC0100 U U UC0100 UC0100

C010001C010001C010001 00000 00000 C010001 00000 C010001 00000 00000 site_status




NS_L ‐11 00000 ‐11 00000 ‐11 00000 ‐11 00000 ‐11 00000 CP_L

A024 phase 2020/21

Demo 2020/21

phase 2021/22

Demo 2021/22

phase 2022/23

Demo 2022/23

phase 2023/24

Demo 2023/24

phase 2024/25

Demo 2024/25

phase 2025/26

Demo 2025/26

phase 2026/27

Demo 2026/27

phase 2027/28

Demo 2027/28

phase 2028/29

Demo 2028/29

phase 2029/30

Demo 2029/30

phase 2030/31

Demo 2030/31 7026F 16 Larkfield 17/03276/FL School 18/00998/FL 9024F 109 Swallow 19/01264/FL Land 19/01200/FL 3 AnnettsHall 19/01171/FL Land 18/02891/FL Heathcote HouseWindmill 18/02626/FL Applegarth FarmHigh 18/01440/FL 311 Canon 18/01220/FL Downland 18/00940/FL 8035F Streets 18/01375/FL Site_App ME1 3TS Wouldham Aylesford Kent Kent Road Maidstone Chatham Sevenoaks Kent Aylesford Kent Malling Malling Hill Trottiscliffe Broadwater Broadwater Sevenoaks Kent ME19 5DP address WrothamHeath TN15 Opposite Opposite Ivy FarmSchool End Kent Kent HatchSevenoaks Kent 16Warren 0NN LaneWateringbury Kent Rochester Ford West Close Road Road Road Borough ME59RD 132 132 ME206PY ME206BH TN15 TN15 ME185PJ Lane Malling West West Larkfield Larkfield

Lane Road 8DY 7SX Kent Cross Green


Reinstatement offormer annex, using 'Construction self‐contained and Demolish family outbuildings Demolition some internal application amendment todwelling garage provide residential erection ofareplacement Demolition one chaletstylebungalow Conversion single The demolition bungalow with Demolition Demolition Proposed newtwostorey parking Demolition 6 bedroomdwelling outbuilding proposal constructatwostorey associated residential member existing with ref ofexisting and ofexisting ofexisting ofanexisting ofgarage and and existing ofsingle alterations dwelling TM/18/02891/FL detachedgarage oftheexisting needinglevelaccess replacement access theerectionofanewdetached construction chaletbungalow single annex' side toannexforoccupation detachedgarage outbuildings. outbulidngs storey and storey barntocreate dwelling toexisting door detacheddwelling detacheddwelling and approvedunder building landscaping ofdwelling extension of2bedroom building detachedgarage, fromhouse extension and and and Erectionof usedasan Erectionof house associated

detached and and and anew toside to the


01 01 01 01 01 01 11 01 11 11 01 capacity_orig

capacity_curr C01 0 UC 1 0 UC C01 0 1 UC 0 UC 1 0 UC 1 0 UC 1 0 UC 1 0 UC 1 0 UC 1 0 UC C01 0 UC site_status


UC_G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CP_G 001 00000 001 00000 001001 00000 00000 000 10000 0 001 00000 0 001 00000 001 00000 001 00000 NS_L ‐11 00000 ‐11 00000 CP_L

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phase 2030/31

Demo 2030/31 9007F Pinewood 19/02087/FL Orchard Close 19/01950/FL 9073F Development SiteCemetery 19/02743/FL 1 RecreationAvenue 18/02038/FL 9086F 17 Epsom 19/01866/FL 0006F Chance 20/00096/FL Phase 5WorrallDrive 20/00092/FL Land Rear 20/00277/PIP The Rising 19/02412/FL Units 19/02961/FL Site_App TN11 Hatch SevenoaksKent Road Snodland Kent 0NJ Wouldham Malling Brooks DriveRyarshWest Drive AndUnits Kent Road Lane Dunks Teston Kent East Malling Kent address ME196NX TN11 ME196BX Hadlow Snodland 12And315Brooks 0HR Road CottageLong Kent Kent Close Of119 PineTree Sun 9SA Rochester Green West West Tonbridge Maidstone 125 ME65DX Kent 12And317 West And121 Malling Tonbridge Malling Mill LaneIvy

Mill Malling Kent TN15 Street Kent

house Construction Proposed twostorey New Parcels separate permission Construction Recreation Avenue Proposed newdwelling Construction first floor elderly relative existing (Amendment toTM/18/01166/FL:Demolition of cycle apartments, commercial/office Change ofuseand stable section Conversion associated Erection of6three extension Permission proposal dwellinghouse toreplace 2A store house CarPort/Stable side with and car in with ofexisting associated ofasingle ofnewhouse ofdetacheddwelling principle toasingle extension parking,access and 2B internal annex minor Plot22on building conversion erectionofareplacement bedroomhouses side public amendmenttothe forup alterations alterations on 3bedroomdetached and car block extension land into alreadygranted theadjoining garage. firstfloor house to3dwellings and ofexisting toconvert adjacentto1 5no. landscaping and into toforman and

residential rear provision 5flats,

site ‐ the


01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 capacity_orig

capacity_curr C01 0 UC 1 0 UC N N N N N N 1 0 UC 1 0 UC

S100000S100000S300000 01000 S500000 01000 S500000 03000 S600000 05000 05000 06000 site_status


UC_G 0 0 0 0 CP_G 001 00000 001 00000 001 00000 001 00000 NS_L


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phase 2028/29

Demo 2028/29

phase 2029/30

Demo 2029/30

phase 2030/31

Demo 2030/31 C2 Permissions 9052F 3 Gilletts 19/01532/FL AR 20/00224/PDV 16/00920/FL 2 17/03513/FL/C 8098F 31 Harrison 18/00988/FL 9001F Mereworth 19/00071/FL Managers Accommodation 19/02814/FL Site_App And EastOfUnits Malling Lane EastMalling Winterfield 4C Mills Land Kent Industrial Road Restaurant 15Old And TheOld West Lane Borough Sevenoaks Kent Orpines Residential Abbeyfield 8RU Green Maidstone address West AylesfordKent Malling SevenoaksKent Kent Wateringbury Road LaneEastMalling EstateAylesford OfHermitage Kent Greensted Home16The FarmWinterfield Lawn Road BarnKitsCoty ME196HY Kent Quarry Green TN15 ME185BP Borough SevenMile West 4A Chatham ME196AS

4BAnd Wood 8QY



Extant with garage form alarge Hub, Access Living Hybrid breakfast relocation agricultural Prior Notification 35 Dwellings redevelopment Village. all communal extra of 31Harrison new dwelling dwelling, accommodation Change ofusefirstfloor a WellnessCentre Change ofUse Construction Demolition Conversion Country Schedule necessary Class (Phase 2).Outline redevelopment Care charging points associated Demolition

existing proposal arear homeand C3)and care Apartments, C3NetTotals Planning toprovidemanagers Full Planning(General driveway 2, (Class fortheconversion,pursuant units ofaccess buildings alterations. facilities, extension ofexisting oftheexisting ofexisting building planning Part Roads,Landscaping kitchenand (all of1Nonewthree forbuilding and Road fromdwelling

ofthesiteto toprovideanewCentenary (C2useclass) C1),together the erectionof51 olderperson's Application: 3, toself‐contained matters ofproposed theextension planning (Class Class and 40Dwellings, Yearby and toadwellinghouse landscaping and permission tothemain single dwelling Installation crossover Q oftheTown C2) breakfast/dining structuresand reserved) operations Greensted Year(Gross ‐ demo) residential permission accommodation, garage Thedemolition house provide 24Assisted with with changeofuse bedroom into and and forthe and Community toserve building offices oftwocar replacement associated (Phase3) (Class abedand and alteration Parking reasonably parking Residential

forup to

(Use and porch. with room, C3)to the to



00 00 1 1 0 capacity_orig ‐1 ‐1 ‐1 capacity_curr UC UC S10 1 NS N NS000 NS000 NS000

S100000site_status 01000 2414 13 6 9945451 415 1999 99415 1999 NS_G

UC_G 0 CP_G 000 01000 ‐40 0 0 0 ‐100 0 0 ‐100 0 ‐100 0486655351080 180 375 585 696 458 ‐40 NS_L 1476 ‐31 CP_L 13 6 A027 Phasing 2020‐21 phase 2020/21 8705 ‐18 Demo 2020/21

Phasing 2021‐22 phase 2021/22 598 ‐9 Demo 2021/22

Phasing 2022‐23 phase 2022/23 ‐13375018008000000000000 ‐1000 ‐1000 ‐1000 Demo 2022/23

Phasing 2023‐24 phase 2023/24

Demo 2023/24

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Phasing 2028‐29 phase 2028/29

Demo 2028/29

Phasing 2029‐30 phase 2029/30

Demo 2029/30

Phasing 2030‐31 phase 2030/31

Demo 2030/31 19/02105/FL 9041R Land Rear 19/02431/RM 8017F Harpwood 18/02137/FL Site_App Kent London 7RY Heath SevenoaksKent Seven MileLaneWrotham 7 Dry Tonbridge address

Hill Road Park Of239 Kent Residential West Crescent TN10 To Malling 259 3BJ Home TN15

Grand Total C2 to deve to consist development ofland TM/17/00506/OA (Outline pursuant appearance, Reserved refuse home (useclass class Demolition class Change ofuse proposal C2)and C2)toanine C3conversion and toplanning Matters ofthedevelopmentanextra externallandscaping

ofexisting landscaping, erectionofareplacement C2)with existing Application: bedroomdwelling totals totherear application care Extant associated vacantCare layout application: homebuilding Details

ofLondon and

car scale Home(use of The care parking, care (use Road


capacity_curr UC site_status 42 19 09450 415 2079 800 00 0190 1904200000000000000000 NS_G


CP_G ‐4004770 71506270375018008000000000000 NS_L


A028 phase 2020/21

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phase 2030/31

Demo 2030/31 Appendix B – Peters Village: Evidence Demonstrating Deliverability

Housing Land Supply – Monitoring Outline Planning Permissions Pro forma

Introduction 1. The purpose of this pro forma is to help the Council’s understanding of housing delivery on those sites with extant outline planning permissions for major development (10 units or more). 2. The need for this flows from the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework (February 2019) updated Planning Practice on ‘Housing Supply and Delivery’. In particular the definition of deliverable and how this can be demonstrated. 3. Clear evidence needs to be provided to demonstrate deliverability. This may include, for example: • a written agreement between the local planning authority and the site developer(s) which confirms the developers’ delivery intentions and anticipated start and build-out rates. 4. With this in mind, the Council would be grateful if you could complete the following pro forma. Guidelines are set out in the relevant cells (green italic text – please overwrite). For the purposes of this monitoring exercise we simply need your delivery intentions. 5. The Council would be grateful if you could complete and return this form by Friday 10 January 2020. 6. Please e-mail the completed pro forma to

Housing Land Supply - Peters Village Monitoring of Outline Planning Permissions Pro forma

Site Name: Peters Village

Location Plan:

Indicative Plan - Not to scale

Outline Permission TM/05/00989, 1,000 units

Residual (units) on The number of units on the outline planning permission not covered by Outline Permission existing reserved matters permissions as at 31 March 2019 was 315 units.

Progress towards A reserved matters application for parcel 1 F (142 units) will be submission of submitted in early 2021. remaining reserved Assuming 1 F reserved matters approval by mid 2021 development matters would commence in say late 2021. Two outlets are envisaged, one applications market and one registered provider. The development would be completed by around 2023.

Submission of a reserved matters application covering parcels 3A and 3B (173 units) is anticipated during Q3 2021, to be approved in Q4 2021. Construction would commence in Q1 2022. One market plus one registered provider outlet is envisaged and we would expect each to achieve completions at the rate of 80 units per annum.

From the above it is assumed that Peters Village will be complete by 2024/25 . .

Name Martin Friend

Director, Vincent and Gorbing, on behalf of Trenport Investment Title Limited

Signature Date 1 December 2020