Appendix 1 Monmouthshire Welsh Speakers by Ward

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Appendix 1 Monmouthshire Welsh Speakers by Ward County Hall The Rhadyr Usk NP15 1GA 28th May 2014 Dear Councillor CABINET You are requested to attend a Cabinet meeting to be held at The Council Chamber, County Hall, Rhadyr, Usk, NP15 1GA on Wednesday, 4th June 2014, at 2.00 p.m. AGENDA 1. Apologies for Absence 2. Declarations of Interest 3. Consideration of reports from Select Committees (none) 4. To consider the following reports (copies attached): (i) TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR SCHOOLS BUDGET FORUM Division/Wards Affected: Countywide Purpose: To agree the proposed changes to the terms of reference for the school budget forum, including membership. Author: Nikki Wellington, Finance Manager, Directorate for Children and Young People Contact Details: (ii) BREAKFAST CLUB PROVISION Division/Wards Affected: Countywide Purpose: A full review of the operating of Breakfast Clubs and proposals for future provision to ensure sustainability. Author: Nikki Wellington, Finance Manager, Directorate for Children and Young People Contact Details: 1 (iii) WELSH LANGUAGE MONITORING REPORT 2013/14 Division/Wards Affected: All Purpose: To ask Cabinet to note the contents of the attached Welsh Language Monitoring Report 2013 – 2014 that has been produced in line with the requirements of the Welsh Language Act 1993. The Monitoring report details our compliance with the action plan in our Welsh Language Scheme and records all evidence of good practice carried out by the Council over that 12 month period.. Authors: Alan Burkitt, Policy Officer Equalities and Welsh Language Contact Details: (iv) MONMOUTH SECTION 106 FUNDING Division/Wards Affected: Monmouth Purpose: To recommend to Council the setting up of a Capital Budget in 2014/15 for the Monmouth Off Site Open Space/Recreation Funding; and to decide on the allocation of grants to specific projects from the funding available. Author: Mike Moran, Community Infrastructure Coordinator Contact Details: (v) SAFEGUARDING AND CHILD PROTECTION POLICY NOVEMBER 2013 Division/Wards Affected: All Purpose: The Safeguarding Children in Education Policy November 2012 was signed off by cabinet on 23rd November 2012. It is good practice to review new policies within 12 months of implementation and consultation took place across agencies in August to September 2013 which was followed by a revised policy being developed in November 2013. The revised policy, Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy November 2013, contains minor amendments and additions which were based on consultation feedback. Authors: Jane Rodgers, Safeguarding Service Manager Contact Details: (vi) REVISED BUDGET MONITORING ARRANGEMENTS 2014/15 Division/Wards Affected: Countywide Purpose: A review of the budget monitoring arrangements for 2014/15 with the intention to improve the timeliness and access to budget monitoring information for Cabinet and Select Committees. Authors: Mark Howcroft, Assistant Head of Finance/Joy Robson, Head of Finance Contact Details: (vii) REVENUE BUDGET OUTTURN 2013/14 Division/Wards Affected: All authority Purpose: The purpose of this report is to provide Members with information on the revenue outturn position of the Authority at the end of the 2013/14 financial year Authors: Joy Robson, Head of Finance Contact Details: 2 (viii) CAPITAL OUTTURN REPORT 2013/14 Division/Wards Affected: All Purpose: The purpose of this report is to present the draft capital outturn expenditure for 2013/14 compared to the total budget for the year. The report identifies and provides explanations for variances against budget and the funding implications of the draft outturn position. The report also recommends slippage to be carried forward into 2014/15. Members are asked to note that the figures provided may be subject to change during the audit process. Authors: Joy Robson, Head of Finance Contact Details: (ix) WELSH CHURCH FUND WORKING GROUP Division/Wards Affected: All Purpose: The purpose of this report is to make recommendations to Cabinet on the Schedule of Applications 2014/15, meeting 1 on the 10th April 2014. Authors: David Jarrett, Central Management Accountant Contact Details: (x) To consider whether to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business in accordance with Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended, on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs1, 14 and 16 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Act. (xi) CAPITA GWENT CONSULTANCY PENSION ISSUE Division/Wards Affected: All employers participating in the Greater Gwent (Torfaen) Pension Fund Author: Graeme Russell Head of HR and Pensions TCBC/Joy Robson, Head of Finance MCC Contact Details: Yours sincerely, Paul Matthews Chief Executive 3 CABINET PORTFOLIOS 2013 County Area of Responsibility Partnership and Ward Councillor External Working P.A. Fox Organisational Development WLGA Council Portskewett (Leader) Whole Council Performance, Whole Council Strategy Development, Corporate WLGA Coordinating Services, Democracy. Board Local Service Board R.J.W. Greenland Innovation, Enterprise & Leisure WLGA Council Devauden (Deputy Leader) Innovation Agenda, Economic Development, Tourism, Social Enterprise, Leisure, Capital Region Tourism Libraries & Culture, Information Technology, Information Systems. P.A.D. Hobson Community Development Community Safety Larkfield (Deputy Leader) Community Planning/Total Place, Equalities, Area Working, Citizen Engagement, Partnership Public Relations, Sustainability, Parks & Open Spaces, Community Safety. Equalities and Diversity Group E.J. Hacket Pain Schools and Learning Joint Education Group Wyesham School Improvement, Pre-School Learning, Additional Learning Needs, Children’s (EAS) Disabilities, Families First, Youth Service, Adult Education. WJEC G. Howard Environment, Public Services & Housing SEWTA Llanelly Hill Development Control, Building Control, Housing Service, Trading Standards, Public SEWSPG Protection, Environment & Countryside. G. Burrows Social Care & Health Gwent Frailty Board Mitchel Troy Adult Social Services including Integrated services, Learning disabilities, Mental Older Persons Strategy Health. Partnership Group Children’s Services including Safeguarding, Looked after Children, Youth Offending. Health and Wellbeing. P. Murphy Resources Prosiect Gwrydd Caerwent Accountancy, Internal Audit, Estates & Property Services, Procurement, Human Wales Purchasing Resources & Training, Health & Safety. Consortium S.B. Jones County Operations SEWTA Goytre Fawr Highways, Transport, Traffic & Network Management, Waste & Recycling, Prosiect Gwyrdd Engineering, Landscapes, Flood Risk. 4 Connecting with people Our outcomes The Council has agreed five whole population outcomes. These are People in Monmouthshire will: Live safely and are protected from harm Live healthy and fulfilled lives Benefit from education, training and skills development Benefit from an economy which is prosperous and supports enterprise and sustainable growth Benefit from an environment that is diverse, vibrant and sustainable Our priorities Schools Protection of vulnerable people Supporting enterprise, job creation and entrepreneurship Valkues * Openness: we aspire to be open and honest to develop trusting relationships. * Fairness: we aspire to provide fair choice, opportunities and experiences and become an organisation built on mutual respect. * Flexibility: we aspire to be flexible in our thinking and action to become an effective and efficient organisation. * Teamwork: we aspire to work together to share our successes and failures by building on our strengths and supporting one another to achieve our goals. 5 6 AGENDA ITEM i SUBJECT: Terms of Reference for School Budget Forum. DIRECTORATE: Children and Young People Directorate MEETING: Cabinet DATE: 4th June 2014 DIVISION/WARDS AFFECTED: Countywide 1. PURPOSE: To agree the proposed changes to the terms of reference for the school budget forum, including membership. 2. RECOMMENDATIONS: 2.1 To agree the changes proposed in appendix 1. 3. BACKGROUND AND KEY ISSUES: 3.1 The school budget forum is the statutory consultative body that oversees and agrees changes to the budget and financing of schools. 3.2 They are regulated under the Schools Forums (Wales) Regulations 2003. 3.3 Monmouthshire has operated a very successful school budget forum since 2003. The original terms of reference were agreed by Cabinet at this time; on reviewing these there are some areas that need to be updated to ensure that they reflect our school community. 7 AGENDA ITEM i 3.4 The school budget forum meets 6 times a year and is consulted on any changes to the funding formula for schools. Members of the forum are integral to working groups established to discuss proposed changes. 3.5 Recent changes discussed include the funding for small schools, energy funding and new service level agreements for schools. 3.6 The membership is representative of all our schools, and membership is made up from school representatives and governorsand also includes a parent governor. 3.7 25% of the membership are non-school members and represent the portfolio cabinet member, CYP select committee, Church and Unions. 3.8 Attached in appendix 1 is a copy

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