Dialectical Materialism and Scientific Method - by SIDNEY HO01; Peace, Freedom and Socialism - Volume 7 No. 1 2 . The Monthly Review - The Dominium Hepublic Vol. 17 No. 4. THE EDITOH's VINIENTE GEBKAN IEON. Labour Monthly - Editor RALPH BOND. k lc The Peoples Song Book - WALDEMAR HILLE. The Second Peoples Song Book - Left Every Voice - by IRVIN SEBBER. Academic Freedom and Human Freedom. Journal of the International Commission of Jurist - by LESLIE MUNRO. For the Rule of Law - Bulletin of the International Commission of Jurists. The Story of Algeria's war for Freedom - Algeria Produced - by AFRIKA PUBLICATIONS. Unity Freedom - Progress. The White man in Africa. The Fourth of July Raids - MILES BROKENSHA and ROBERT KNOWELS. Cuba and the Rule of Law - INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OP JURISTS. Franz Kafka the Trial - PENGUIN BOOKS. The Today - by S.M. MANTON F.R.S. Turning Wheels - by STUASH CLOETE. New Left Review - by JOHN HUGHES AND OTHERS. New Left Review - by RAGGER MURRAY. Organising International Voluntary Work Camps - A Hand Book, The Soul of man under Socialism - OSCAR WILDE. Socialism Utopian and Scientific - by FREDERICK ANGELS. Marx on Economics - by ROBERT FREEDMAN. How Stallin Knows - The Story of the Great Atomic Spy Conspirac - by JUSTIN ATHALL. Marx on Economics - by ROBERT FREEDMAN. Franz Kafka - METAMORPHOSIS AND OTHERS. Russian Stories - GLEB STRUVE.1 Russiah Literature in the Soviet Period. The Socialist Sixth of the World - by HEWLETT JO Hi, -ON. One day in the life of Ivan - DENISOMVICH. Through - by C.J. HOGARTH. Through Russia - by C.J. HOGARTH. The Soviets in World Affairs - by LOUIS FISCHER. Russia under Krushchev - by ALEXANDER WORTH. The Origin of the Family - by FREDERICK ENGELS. The Soviet Power - by HEWLETT JOHNSON. The Dictatorship of the Proletariat - INTERNATIONAL I'-ihEBS. Philosophy and Myth in Karl Marx - by ROBERT TUCKE.i. Ashes and Diamonds - by GEORGE ANDRZEYET T Soviet Education - MAURICE SHORE. Che Intelligent Vomah's guide

h ti J.; ti0 X 1 H f* J. t h h i S 6 X x f i Xh2.Ii — v -l . -Tl is. - Zul~ - • y Political Mar. - SEYMOUR MARTIN LIPSET. Psychology briefer course edited - by GORDON ALLPORT. The Cassoeks and the Raid - LEO TOLSTOY. The State and the Citizen - by J.D. MALBATT. Howard Past Power - by METHUEN. Psychoanalysis Scientific Method and Philosophy - by SIDNEY HOOK Projective Psychology - by LAURENCE EDWIN ABT AND LEOPOLD BELLAK The Human Senses - PRANK A. GELDARD. The last of the Just - ANDRE SCHWARZ-BART. Experimental Psychology. 2 Uses and abuses of Psychology - H.J. EYSENCK. The Mentality of Apes - WOEFGANG KOHLER. 7 The Leopard - by GUISEPPE D.J. LAMPEDUSA. The Colonial Reckoning - by MARGERY PERHAM. Place called Estherville - by ERSKINE CALDWELL. Leo Tolstoy -J by AYHMER MAUDE. The Origins of the Second World War - by A.J.B. TAYLOR. Dubliners - by JAMES JOYCE. The Cordon of Susie Brown - by ESKINE CALDWELL. The War of the World - by H.G. WELLS. Death in Venice - by THOMAS MAN. The Woman who Rode Away - by D.H. LAURENCE. The Intelligent Woman's guide to Socialism, Capitalism, Sovietism and Facism - by BERNARD SHAW. Fact and Fiction in Physiology - by H.J. EYSENCK. J The Great Gatsby - by F. SCOTT FITZGERALD. The Shirailee - by D'ARCY MILAND. The Concerto - by RALPH ILL. Science in Every Day Life - by J.B.S. HALDANE. Walden Thoreau - by ETHELBERT WHITE. The Trial - by FRANZ KAFKA. Georgia Boy - ESKINE CALDWELL. This Island Now - by G.M. CARSTARS. The Living Brain - by W. GREY WALTER. Human Groups - by V;.o.H. SPRATT. Disraeli - by ANDRE MAUROIS. The Misfits - by ARTHUR MILLER. The Art of;Living - by ANDRE MAUROIS. Main Street - by SINGLAR LEWIS. Major Barbara - by BERNARD SHAW. Children of Ashes - by ROBERT JUNGLE. Kiss and the Duel - by ANTON CHEKHOV. The Doctor's Delima - by BERNARD SHAW. The Press - by WICKHAM STEED. Summer in Salandar - by H.E. BATES. Goodbye to Berlin -by CHRISTOPHER ISHERWOOD. Shame - by EMILE ZOLA. Theories of Motiviation in Learning - by RICHARD C. TEVAN. Episode in Palmetto - by ESKINE CARDWEL. Europe and the Czeks - by S. GRAN DUFF. Social Evolution - by GORDON CHILDE. Thurden's Dogs - by JAMES THURDER. New Horizons in Psychiatry - by PETER HAYS. The Case for South Africa - by ERIC H. LOUwT^^ Coming of Age - by MARGARET MEAD. Finland Station - by EDMUND WILSON. The Age of Enlightenment - by ISAIAH BERLIN. Economic Philosophy - by JANS ROBINSON. The Road to Wigan Pier - by GEORGE ORWELL. The History of CAuthropology - by ALFRED C. HADDAN. The Great Illusion -Now - by NORMAN ANGELL. Animal without bones - by RALPH BUCKSBAUM. I Claddius - by ROBERT GRAVES. The Philosophy of Thinking - by ROBERT THOMSON. Lawrence of ARABIA - by SIR ROLAND STORRS. Morden German Art - by PETER THOME. Enquiry into the meaning of Truth - by BERTRAND RUSSELL. Ourself and Germany - by THE MARQUES OF LONDON BERRY. No Orchards for Miss Blaudish - by JAMES HARDLY CHASE.NLx, The Evolution of Life - M.H.P. RHODES. J Psychology for every Alan - by LARRY SKURNIK and FRANK GEORGE. Comant - by W.R. BURNETT. A History of Modern France - by ALFRED CALBAN. Selected Peoms - by H.R. HAYS. The Groes Academy - by MARRY MCCARTHY. Leo Tolstory - by ERNEST J. SIMONS. Addolescence to Maturity - by V.C. CHAMEERLAIN. The Crime of Modern Man - b.; EDGAR BERNSTEIN. The Last Confusion - by DENIS WARNER. J Overcoming Objections - Dy RICHARD C. GORDON. Lonely Lady - by D.H. LAWRENCE. Heavenly Discourse - by CHARLES ESKINE SCOTT WCCD. One Thousand Souls - by ALEXEI PISEM3KY. The Doors of Perseption - by ALDAUS HUXLEY. Russian - by DANIEL B. DEDSON. J The Normal Child - by C.W. BALENTINE. The Survey of Russian Music - by M.D. CALVOCORESSl. The Hoffmung Music Festival - by GERARD IIOFFMUNG. The Sand Pebbles - by RICHARD McKENNA. The Throat Cutters - oy BENOIST REY. The text hook of Theorophy - by G.W. LEAD BEATER. I. 3'tn 1 A1 ito-sorrow - 27 \'aT1.-„ I ':'7>T'Z-, r ^ ’tv/; *te <• .ill;: s'/lts - t’/ " :1'. iLw 1L4J J. The ;iie &hd work of Sigiaunci Freud - by LMKE5- JOIsSS. Reinfojoements by - ROBERT C. BERNEY. Under the Greenwood Tree - by THE MELLSTOCK QUIRE. Jung's Psychology - by FRIEDA FORDHAM. Southern Fried - by WILLIAM PRICE FOX. The Brigadier - by IVAN Brave New World - by ALDONS HUXLEY. American Earth - by ESHERIE CALDWELL. Patterns of Culture - by RUTH BENEDICT. Report from the Gallowes - by JULUIS FUCIK. Twiligh in Halu - by D.H. LAWRENCE. The Borgia Testement - by NIGEL BILCHAIN The Algerian Pralilem - by EDWARD BEHR. Sigmund Freud - by LEONARDO DAVINCI. Selected Essays of Schopenhauer - by ERNEST BELFORT.BAX. The Long March - by WILLIAM STYRON. Old Goroit by ^0 NO RE-DE-BAL ZAC. Master Piece - by EMILE ZOLA. J Twenty Two Cells in Merenberg - by DOUGLAS Me KELLY. Conscience of a Conservative - by BARRY GOLDWA'TEB. Short Stories - by DOROTHY PARKER & OTHERS. Steinbeck - by JOHN STEINBECK. Schopenhauer - by PATRICK GARDINER. Man and the Vertebrates 2 - by A.S. ROMER. >/Jack London's - by DAUGHTER OF THE SNOWS. Goethi - by JEANNE AUCELET HUSTACHY. World War II - by RALPH MARTIN and RICHARD HARRITY. The Scope Goat of History - by ALIER H. oONKER. J Ninety Three - by VICTOR HUGO. A Dictionary of Biology - by M. APERCROMBIE, C.J. HICKMaN, M.L. JOHNSON. Hastenanny Tonight - by JAMES F. LEISY. The Story of African Farm - by OLIVE SCHREINER. The Captains Daughter and other great stories - by .LEX NDER .-.'US Ha I ■. Shakespeare's Tragedy's - by LAWRENCE LERNER. Psycho analysis - by IRWIN G. SARSASON. J A Time to be Born - by DAWN POWELL. Ariel - by ANDRE MAUROIS. Witchcraft - by J.I. MONDAY ■ Four modern verse Plays - by T.S. ELIOT & 3 OTHERS. J The Voodoo Mad - by ALBERT E. FIELD STEIN. Dreams and Nightmares - by J.A. HADFIELD. Torture - by PIERRE VIDAL-NAQUET. Bread and Wine - by IG-NAZIO SILANE.

Freud and the Past - Freudials - by J.a .C.BROWN. Poeties of Music - by IGOR STRAVINSKY. Human Species - by ANTHONY BARNETT. Solitary confinement - by CHRISTOPHER BURLEY. As I 1 ay dying - by WILLIAM FAULKNER.

#ca. fo r Tj Q'a i os. Mor: - by PZIIR H0WC1D. n ■, ft, * a.-,*, fo r V.«: # o r-.o - r>y -- K-JL-J'. 2 1- II . A Dictionary of rsyo/.oiog-y - by JAMES D3E7ER. What is wrong with U.S. Foreign policy - by FRANK L. KLUCKHOLM. The psychology of Perception - by M.V. VERNON. For Esme - with love and Squelor - by J.D. SALINGER. My family and other Animals - by GERALD BURRELL. J Handbook for Boys - by BOYSCOUTS OF AMERICA. OhJ Careless Love - by MAURICE ZOLOTON. J Acres of Afternoon - by BOB H. DEAL. The Lady Bird - by D.H. LAWRENCE. The Secret of LUCA - by IGNOZIO SILONE. Grey Wolf - by H. ARMSTRONG. BILLY LIAR - by KEITH WATERHOUSE. A First French Book - by W.F.H. WHITMARSTER. Introduction to the Modern theory of Valency - by J.C. SPEAKMAN. Inorganic Chemistry - by E.J. HOLMYARD. Control of Industry - by D.H. ROBERTSON. Mines and Machines - by W. STANCKIN. The Jugle - by UPTON SINCLAIR. - V The tresspasser - by D.H. LAWRENCE. Naught for your comfort - by TREVOR HUDDLESTON Chinese poems - by ARTHUR WALEY. The Ordeal of GILBERT PINFOLD, - by EVELYN WAUGH J Major Thompson I. - By PIERRE DANISNS. The Red Lily - by ANDTOLE FRANCE. Saint Joan - by BERNARD SHAW. Moderne Erzahler - by HUGO BON HOFMEYER, STHCL. AssasinationJ The World stood Still - by JOHN COTTRELL. When you think of me - by ERSKINE CALDWELL. A Catcher in the Rye - by J.D. SALINGER. The Carelessness of Jhe Long distance Runner - by ALLEN SILLITOP. The College Brew - by LES KUPER. The Tresspasser - by D.H. LAWRENCE. Berlin Hostage for the West - by JOHN MANDFR. A simplified Guide to Statistics for Psycho, ogy and Educa ;ion - by G. MILTON SMITP. Appraisal of Unesco's Programs for the Economic and Social Council - by UNESCO. The Vintage Forgened"- by HARRY STEVENS. Best of Balzac - by RALPH BARTON. The Sound - by ROSS RUSSEL. Sick I Si civ] Sicki - by JULES REIFFAR J The Origin of Man - by NICHOLAS CORTE. Psychology - by H.G. WATT. Dying we Live - by REINHARD C. KUHN. Penguin Island - by ANATOLE PRANCE. Cassells Compact Latin English : English-Latin .Dictionary - by MILLICENT INGLES THOMAS. J The Girl with the Golden Eyes - by HONDE DE BALZAC. V Your God is too Small - by J.B. PHILLIPS. Blame it on Rhodes - by JOEL MIRUIS. J The people of the Abyss - by J.O. EVANS. Black like me - by JOHN HOWARD GRIFFIN. The Negro in the United States - by RAYFORD N. LOGAN. ■j Altona Men without Shadows that flies - by JEAN-PAUL SaRTRE. J Elmar Gantry - by SINCLAIR LEWIS. J Develop your powers of persuasion - by PAUL P. PARKER. Europe - by G.W. SOUTHGATE. Pere Goriot - by HONORE DE BULZAC. Penguin Modern Poets - by GREGORY CORSO LAWRENCE FERLINGATTI ALLEN GINSBERG. Call me when the cross turns Over - by DE ARCY NILAND. The Death o^ Ivan Glych - by LEOPTOLSTOY. The raggard trousered. Philanthropists - by ROBERT TRES3ALL. The Crimes of the Borgias - by ALEXANDRE DUMAS. Under pressure - by A. ALVAREZ. The Potenkin Mutiny - by RICHARD HOUGHE. Individualism Reconsidered - by DAVID RIESMAN. Revolt in the South - by DAN WAKEFIELD. Lord of Arabia - by H.C. ARMSTRONG. The Normal Child - by C.G.W. VALENTINE. Plays and Stories - by ANTON TCHEKHOR. Mussolini's Roman Empire - by G.T. GARRATT. Savage Parise - by EMILE ZOLA. J Sigmund Freud for Everybody - by SIGMUND FREUD. Film World - A Guide to Cinema - by IVOR MONTAGU. Eight Tales of Hoffmann - by G.M. COHEN. Two Short Accounts of Psycho-analysis - by SIGMUND FREUD. Verse and Worse - by ARNOLD SILCOCK. J Prophet - by KIHILL GIBRAN. Towards a Scientific psychology and psychiatry - by HARRY K. WEL- Leopard - by ARCHIE BALD COLQUHOUN. The Ape and the Child - by W.N. KELLOGG. Instinct in Man - by RONALD FLETCHER. The short happy life of Francis MacAmber - by ERNEST HENNINGWAY. Road to Volgograd - by ALLEN SILLITOE. Plays pleasant - by BERNARD SHAW. Belief and Actions - by VISCOUNT SAMMUELS. (19S4) Nineteen eighty fout - by GEORGE ORWELL. First Love - by FURGENEW. The Friend of the Family - by CONSTANCE BARNETT. v The Dream of a queer fellow and the pushkin Speech - by FYODOI DOSTOEVSKY. The Devels of London - by ALDOUS HUXLEY. The Gambler - by CONSTANCE GARNETT. Civilization - by CLIVE BELL. The Government Blue Book. The Theory Evolution - by J. MAYNARD SMITH. Science and Theory in Psychoanalysis - by IRWIN G. SARASON. •J Man's Emerging Mind - by N.J. BERBIL. The Pox and the Cavalier - by IGNAZIO SILONE. The Blood of Others - by SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR. Psychiatry today - by DAVID STAFFORD CLARK. Steinbeck - by ONE THERE WAS WAR. The Fancy Dress Party - by MORANIA. A long day in a short life - by ALBERT MALTZ. Three plays for puritous - by BERNARD SHAW. The Deceivers - by JOHN MASTERS. Why France Fell - by ANDRE MAUROIS. Leo Tolstoy - by ERNEST J.E. SIMONS. The Profuma Affair - Aspects of Conservatism - by WAYLAND YOUNG. If this is* a Rian - by PRIMOLEVINE. The War of the World - by H.G. WELLS. The Stoops to Conquer - by OLIVER GOLDSMITH. What Darwin really said - by JULIAN HUZALY. Short Stories - by GUY DE MAUPASSANT. Analects of Confucuis - by W.E. SOOTHILL. Zola - by MARC BERNARD. J The Winter of our Discontent - by JOHN STEINBECK. Biography - by ERNEST RHYS. The Gladiators - by ARTHUR KOESTLER. The Aspirinage - by ISABEL LEIGHTON. J Life begins today - by STEPHEN FOOT. •J Stories of the Great Operas - by MILTON CROSS. Fiction - by ERNEST RHYS. To have and have not - by ERNEST HENNINGWAY. VThink and Grow Rich - by NAPOLEON HILL. Philosophers of Science - by COMMINS AND LINSCOTTS. The Plumed Serpent - by D.H. LAWRENCE. Selected Stories - by H.E. BOTES. The disinherited Mind - by ERICH HELLER. Love and Money - by ERSKINE CALDWELL. J The fatal, Skin - by HONORE DE BALZAC. J The Tempest - by SHAKESPEARE. Saint John's Ambulance Diary 1966. Science and the future of arid Lands - by GILBERT F. WHITE. General Zoology - by GORDON ALEXANDER. Perspectives - 3 The Social History of Art - by ARNOLD HOUSER. 4 The Social History of Art - by ARNOLD IIOUSER. V Germinal - by EMILE ZOLA. '/Apply and Demand - by SIR HUBERT ANDERSON. '/Resurrection - by LEO TOLSTOY. J Psychology - by WILLIAM JAMES. J Selected Stories - by ANTON CHEKHOR. J The Hidden Persuaders - by BARCE PACKARD. JD.N. LAWRENCE ) NOVILIST - by F.R. LEWIS. J The use of Poetry and the use of Criticism - by T.S. ELLIOT. ^The Affement Society - by J.K. GALBRAITH. ^Art of Love - ^ Albatross Book of Verse - by LEWIS MILER MAYER. J Secrets and Stories of the War - by KENDALL BEURT. ho\x can call it a Day - by PETER CHERNEY. JPlays - by ANTON CHEKHOV. J The Prince - by H. BUTTERFIELD. '/The Girl with the Golden Eyes - by HONORS BALZAC. JTragic Ground - by the AUTHOR OF GODS LITTLE ACRE. 'ZClandelle - Jby ERSKINE CALDWELL. '/The Life and Ideas of Marques - by JEOFFREY GORDI. ^Wood landers - by THOMAS HARDY. ^Stories of a Lifetime - by THOMAS MUD. ''Public speaking and Influencing men in Business - by DAL CORNEGI '/The Nation - by CAREY McWILLIAMS. ^Social Evolution - by GORDON CHILDE. ^Economics for Students - by LEO T. LITTLE. -/Nuttall Dictionary - by WARNS. JTo Kill a Mocking Bird - by HARPER LEE. '/Best of Balzac - by HONORE THE BALZAC. -/The Grass Harp - by TRUEMAN CAPOTE. ''The roman spring of Mrs. Stone - by TENNESSEE WILLIAM. '/The Rationalist - by DOLPHIN. JHow I raised Myself from Failure to Success in selling - by FRANK BETTGER. ^The Mandarins - by SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR. ^How towwin friends and influence people - by DALE CARNEG VThe secret of Luca - by IGNAZIO SILOIIE. ^Soldier from the War’s Returning - by GERRARD TICKELL. ^The Priest in the House. - by EMILE ZOLA. '/’Contemporary Research in Learning - by JOHN R. BROWN. ^Dianetics (55) - by L. RON HUBBARD. JIt must be True - by DENGIS PARSONS. '/The return to Religion - by HENRY LINK. ^Roman Britain - by J.A. RICHMOND. JGretta - by ERSKINE CALDWELL. JThe Psychology of Study - by C.A. MACE. ^First Class Test - by J Jew Suss - by LION FEUCHTWANDER. 'i Life Insurance Applied and Business' ’’eeds - by INSURA''-: J Here ban tile Law - by GECRGE 7ILLE. VHow to succeed in life Insurance Selling - by HUGH 3ELL. ^Pride and Prejudice - by JANE AITS?I". j In praise of Idleness - by BERTRAND RUSSEL. VRovering to Success - by KO.RD BADEN POwELL. JEngland my England - by D.H. LAWRENCE. '/Sola - by MARO BERNARD. ^Direct Mail - by J. <. ... OASSELS. ^Agter my Albatros - dear ANNA N. LOUW. JGreut Rules of Selling - by PERCY H. WHITEY. VJenny by Nature - by ERSjCINE CALDWELL. ^Commando - by DENEYS REITS. ^Letters from the Underworld - by DOSTOYEVSKY. JSecrets and Stories of the war - by LT. GENERAL, SIR BRAIN HORRACKE. Poems - by -.a. DE KLERK. '/The fever Tree - by RICHARD MASON. JSee the people and serve them - by JULLIaN8 L -.CKMaN. ^Battle for the mind - by W. SARGa NT. VThe first time - by CHANDLER BROSSARD. JHhe Ragged Trousers - Philanthropists - by ROBERT TRISSEL. ^Psychology - by ..EE. SARGANT. ^Marxist - by C. "’RIGHT MILLS. J?he Devils - by DOSTOYEVSKY. ^The Twelve Ceasors - by GANIS SUETONCIES. ^Soviet Short Stories - by IVABER & OTHERS. JThe Vintage - HARRY STEVENS. JThe Pearl - by JOHN STEINBECK. '/Teach yourself Psychology - by ,..E. SARGANT. ^Plato the Republic - by H.D.P. LEE. ^Shame - EMI LIS LOLA. /Poor folk - by XASTOYEVSKY. ^Djamila Boupacha - by DESELE TIILIMA ANT.) SIMON ^Animal Form - by GEORGE ORWELL. ^Invitation to a Beheading - by VALDIMIR NABOFCFJ. JPontamara - by IGNa SIO SILONE. /Physiology - by DaVID 1 •; VAY. * The Great tales of the Deep South - by T H ;. MaTOOM LEY. ^Sherlock Holmes - by SIR ARTHUR C NINON DOYLE. ^The Meaning of Art ~ by HERBERT READ. J The Story of Philosophy - by 7ILL DU RAN?. Junior Certificate Examination look (Hand Book). D. Histodreet. Republic of South Africa - Constitution. Social History and art - by ARNOLD HAUSER. Human Terms - by ROBERT ,\:RUERTY. East and West - by GORGES FRADIER. 7 Encounter - by STEPHEN SPUDER. Senior Certificate Examination (Handbook 1966). Rationalist Annual 1957. J The Adventures of a beach girl in search for God - by BERNARD SHAW. Race and Society - by MOROG BERGER. ■J A Personal Rapid Results College. J Abstraction - by R. GOLBWATER. Biology of Hector - by BERLOIZ. VThe Northern Renaissance - by WOLFGANG LATZ. v'The pleasures of Painting - by H.W. JANSEN. ^How to read a picture - by WOLFGANG. JOn the truth of Nature - by H.W. JANSEN. ^Scholar Critic - by ARTHUR KATHMARY. The International Student Movement 1963. 2 Race Relation Journal. 2 Investor's Financial diary of Southern Africa. Darmin and Butler - by BASIL WILLY. Native Administration Act 1927. Education andJProgress - by UNESCO. J Isometric - by LARRY SANDERS. The Aid - First Aid. The Morris Minor 1,000 Manual. JUnder the Greenwood Tree - by THOMAS HARDING. ^News and Newspaper - by IVAR BENSON. >/Know your Enemy. Verse for you (Book 3.) One Note Book. J Abridged Rate Manual 1964. Senior Certificate Examination 1964. J In anatomical Transparency, The Arm, the Heart, the Leg. Racial Myths - by JUAN COAD's. >/The Press and Public Opinion. J Future Security of your Son. >/Writing Pad - by Basildon Bond. 7 Pieces of Cardboard with writi Index Cards - A to Z. 14 Recorded tapes and two Tracks

4 3 pages efc thesis entitled :'A Critical Examination of Social EvoTwtion.....1 I Piece of notepaper with notes. \

1 Newspaper cutting with heading : Is ^ i e r e a Bug in Your Martini?'. 2 Pages of a Summary on Dialectics.

Collection Number: AD1897

ERNST, D and ARENSTEIN, RI and FINKELSTEIN, J, Trial records, 1966

PUBLISHER: Publisher:- Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand Location:- Johannesburg ©2013


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