Dialectical Materialism and Scientific Method - by SIDNEY HO01; Peace, Freedom and Socialism - Volume 7 No. 1 2 . The Monthly Review - The Dominium Hepublic Vol. 17 No. 4. THE EDITOH's VINIENTE GEBKAN IEON. Labour Monthly - Editor RALPH BOND. k lc The Peoples Song Book - WALDEMAR HILLE. The Second Peoples Song Book - Left Every Voice - by IRVIN SEBBER. Academic Freedom and Human Freedom. Journal of the International Commission of Jurist - by LESLIE MUNRO. For the Rule of Law - Bulletin of the International Commission of Jurists. The Story of Algeria's war for Freedom - Algeria Produced - by AFRIKA PUBLICATIONS. Unity Freedom - Progress. The White man in Africa. The Fourth of July Raids - MILES BROKENSHA and ROBERT KNOWELS. Cuba and the Rule of Law - INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OP JURISTS. Franz Kafka the Trial - PENGUIN BOOKS. The Soviet Union Today - by S.M. MANTON F.R.S. Turning Wheels - by STUASH CLOETE. New Left Review - by JOHN HUGHES AND OTHERS. New Left Review - by RAGGER MURRAY. Organising International Voluntary Work Camps - A Hand Book, The Soul of man under Socialism - OSCAR WILDE. Socialism Utopian and Scientific - by FREDERICK ANGELS. Marx on Economics - by ROBERT FREEDMAN. How Stallin Knows - The Story of the Great Atomic Spy Conspirac - by JUSTIN ATHALL. Marx on Economics - by ROBERT FREEDMAN. Franz Kafka - METAMORPHOSIS AND OTHERS. Russian Stories - GLEB STRUVE.1 Russiah Literature in the Soviet Period. The Socialist Sixth of the World - by HEWLETT JO Hi, -ON. One day in the life of Ivan - DENISOMVICH. Through Russia - by C.J. HOGARTH. Through Russia - by C.J. HOGARTH. The Soviets in World Affairs - by LOUIS FISCHER. Russia under Krushchev - by ALEXANDER WORTH. The Origin of the Family - by FREDERICK ENGELS. The Soviet Power - by HEWLETT JOHNSON. The Dictatorship of the Proletariat - INTERNATIONAL I'-ihEBS. Philosophy and Myth in Karl Marx - by ROBERT TUCKE.i. Ashes and Diamonds - by GEORGE ANDRZEYET T Soviet Education - MAURICE SHORE. Che Intelligent Vomah's guide <to Socialism, Capit . - . t.. and Fascism - BERNARD SHAW. African Profiles - by RONALD SEGAL. /' The Two faces of Africa - BEN MARa IS. |\ From behind the Iron Curtain -- GEORGE REAVEYE. South East Asia in Turmoil - BRIAN CROZIER. The Russian Revolutions of 1917 - by JOHN SHELTON CURTISS. Soviet Short Stories - by PENGUIN BOOK. The Man Versus the State - by HERBERT SPENCER. Chekhou - The Major Plays. Aspects of Psychiatric Research - by D. RICHTER AND OTHERS. (HISTORY OF COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE SOVIET UNION). Bloody Precedent, The Peron Story - by FLEUR COWLES. Social Economic Movements - by HARRY W. LAIDLER. The Royal Game - by STEFAN ZWEIG. Forta Mara - by IGNAZIO SELONE. American Mercury - to bear witness to the Truth!- Kristin Laurands datter - by CHARLES ARCHER AND J.S. SCOTT. Geleenthede vir Gegradueeraes in Suid-Afrika - 1964. M.R.A. A Critical Examination - by TOM DRIEBERG. The Innertembrate - A manuel for the use of Students - by L.A. BORR4DAILE AND F.A. POTTS. The Social History of Art - ROUTLEDGE AND KEGAN PAUL. The Measurement of Abilities - by PHILLIP E. VERNON. Elementary Chemical Calculations - F.J. HOLINYARD. The Life of Galilio - by BERTOTII BRECHT. The Report on Unindentified flying Objects - by EDV/ARD J. RUPPELT. Guide to Philosophy - by C.E.M. JOAD. Chose Freedom - DOROTHY THOMPSON. Contemporary Schools of Psychology - by ROBERT P. WOODWORTH. The Mind Alive - by HARRY BONARY QUERSTREET. Philosophy for out Times - by C.E.M. JOAD. Lion Feughtwanger - JEW StTSS Fotem and Tabo - by SIGMUND FREUD. Psychology and the Industrial Worker - by E.G. CHAMBERS. The Human needs of Labour - by B. SEEBOHN SOWNTREE. Child Psychology - by JOHN J.B. MORGAN. Physiological approach to the lower Animals - oy J.A. RAMSAY. Myths and Legends of the Bantu - by ALICE WERNER. Testing School Children - by WILLIAM STEPHENSON. The machinery of the Body - by ANTON J. CARESON AND VICTOR JOHNSON. Architects of Ideas - by ERNEST R. TRATTNER. What is Art and Essays on Art - by LEO TOLSTOY. J Twelth Night - by A.W. VERITY. Psychoanalysis, it's meaning and Practical Applications - by WULF SACKS. Parasitic Animals - by GEOFFREY LAPAGE. The Story of South Africa - by LEO MAR^UARD. J Penicillin, A Dramatic Story - by BORIS SOKOLCFF. A Junior Course of Practical Zoology - by A. MILNES MARSHALL. i Absolute Beginners - by COLLIN MACINNIS. Perspectives - No. 16. Statistical Analysis in Psychology and Education - by GEORC-E A. GERGUSON. N How to play Golf - SAM SNEADS. s' 'W- Destoeusky - THE BROTHERS EARAMAZOV. Gorky - NINA GEURFINKEL. Glory - JOHN KEIR CROSS. Ape and Essence - by ALDOUS HUXLEY. Three penny Novel - by BERTOLT BRECHT. Psychology of Personality - by J.L. McCARY. Principles of Animal Biology - by A. FRANKLIN, SHULL. Animal Biology - by LORANDE LOSS WOODRUFF. Erect Frown - THE SANE SOCIETY. Balzoe - by STEFAN ZWEIG. Jean Paul Sartre - by PHILLIP THODY. A History of the War - RUDOLF MODLEY. The Four Fears - by ALBERT D. THOMAS. The Dynamics of Culture Change - by BROVISLAW, MALNIQUSKI. Echinodermsj- by DAVID NICHOLS. ^Introduction to Economics - by ALEC CAIRN CROSS. Beyond Desire - by MOULIN ROUGE. Art and the Social Order - by D.W. GATSHALK. Folk Songs of Europe - by MAUD KARPELES. The Courses and Treatment of Backwardness - by SIR CYRIL BURT. Mental Testing - FLORENCE L. GOODENOUGH. Spanish American Poets - by H.R. HAYS. Animal Diversity. Conditioned reflexes and Psychiatry - by W. HORSLEY GAUTT. J The Film Sense - by SERGEI EISENSTEIN. The Art of Scientific Investigation - by W.I.B. BEVERIDGE. Outlines of Entomology - by O.W. RICHARDS. Inside Africa - by JOHN GUNTHER. The Life of Vertebrates - by J.Z. YOUNG. Interviewing in Social Work - by PAULINE V. YOUNG. History for Senior Certificate - by F.A. VAN JAARSVELD. The Nation's Intelligence - by J.L. GRAYE. Language and the Persuit of Truths - by J'OHN WILSON. J Man's Worldly Goods - by LEO HUBERMAN. The Structure of Competitive Industry. Northanger Abbey and Persuasion - by R. BRIMLEY JOHNSON. The Poet sings - by LENG DIXON. Close to Home - by ERSKINE CALDWELL. The making of South Africa - by M.S. GEEN. Songs of Britain - by FRANK .KXDSON AND MARTIN SHAW. The General - C-.S. FORESTER. Callendar 1966 - University of South Africa. ■The Catholic Church and the Race Question - the Rev. Father YVES M.J. CONGAR. Reports on Events in Panama. The Assistant - BERNARD MALAMEED. The Antic icuse - by ROBERT B. FALK. The Law of the Vultures - by PHYLLIS ALTMAN. Bauvard and Pechuchet - by GUSTAVE FLOUBERT. ■J The Wall has two sides - by FELIZ GREENE. Behind the Still Wall - by ARMID FREDBORG. J Here's How - by A.E. WALL. An Introduction to Motivication - by JOHN W. ATKINSON. Zoeloe Leerboek - deur J.A. ENGELBRECHT. The Pearl - by JOHN STEINBECK. Arrow in the Blue - ARTHUR KOESTLER. J The Shepherd of Gaudaloupe - by ZANY GREY. The Insulted ana Injured - by CONSTANCE GARNETT. 7 The Spirit of Catholisism - by KARL ADAM. Is Sex Necessary - by JAMES THURKER AND E.B. WHITE. The Decaneron of Giovanni Boccaccio - by JOHN PAYNE. The Educational Development of Children - by WILLIAM CLASSEY AND EDWARD? J. WEEKS. Vladimir Nakokov - by NAKOKOU'S DOZEN. A Week in Tureneuo - by ALEXEI TOLSTOY. Ego, Hunger and Aggression - by F.S. PERES. Condition Reflexes (Lectures) - by WALTER B. CANNON. Sigmund Freud - by HARRY K. WELLS. Every man's Library - by ERNEST RHYS. J The Brothers Karamazov - by CONSTANCE GARNETT. Science in Peace and War - by J.B.S. HALDANE. A Practical Psychology of Babyhood - by JESSIE. To Katanga and Back - CONOR CRUISE O'BRIEN. King Solomon's Ring - KONRAD Z. LORENZ. The Film Sense - by M. EISENSTEl'N. y The Concise usage and Abusage - by ERIC PARTRIDGE. J Studies in the Development of Capitalism - by MAURICE DOBB. 2 Studies on the Structure and development of Vertebrates - EDWIN S. GOODRICH. Society - by R.NACINER. Afrikaanse Taalstudies - deur T.H. LE ROUX. Meet Soviet Russia - JOHN GUNTHER. Katherine - by ANYA SETON. Ten Centuries "f Spanish Poetry - by ELEANOR L. TC.INBULL, PEDRO SALINAS. The Other America - Poverty in the United States -- MICHAEL HARRINGTON. An Introduction to Sociology - by WILLIAM McDOUGALL. The Machinery 01 the Brain - by DEA , OOLDRIDGE. New Writing - JOHN LEHMANN. *The Brothers Karamazov - by FYADOR DOSTOYEUSKY. Essays in Individual Psychology - to KURT A. aDLER. / } '-./ f: , ^ •>&/ e: — 0,/ <Tjr. ^ — — JL-T—» • h ti J.; ti0 X 1 H f* J. t h h i S 6 X x f i Xh2.Ii — v -l . -Tl is. - Zul~ - • y Political Mar. - SEYMOUR MARTIN LIPSET. Psychology briefer course edited - by GORDON ALLPORT. The Cassoeks and the Raid - LEO TOLSTOY. The State and the Citizen - by J.D. MALBATT. Howard Past Power - by METHUEN. Psychoanalysis Scientific Method and Philosophy - by SIDNEY HOOK Projective Psychology - by LAURENCE EDWIN ABT AND LEOPOLD BELLAK The Human Senses - PRANK A. GELDARD. The last of the Just - ANDRE SCHWARZ-BART. Experimental Psychology. 2 Uses and abuses of Psychology - H.J. EYSENCK. The Mentality of Apes - WOEFGANG KOHLER. 7 The Leopard - by GUISEPPE D.J. LAMPEDUSA. The Colonial Reckoning - by MARGERY PERHAM. Place called Estherville - by ERSKINE CALDWELL. Leo Tolstoy -J by AYHMER MAUDE. The Origins of the Second World War - by A.J.B. TAYLOR. Dubliners - by JAMES JOYCE. The Cordon of Susie Brown - by ESKINE CALDWELL. The War of the World - by H.G. WELLS. Death in Venice - by THOMAS MAN. The Woman who Rode Away - by D.H. LAURENCE. The Intelligent Woman's guide to Socialism, Capitalism, Sovietism and Facism - by BERNARD SHAW. Fact and Fiction in Physiology - by H.J. EYSENCK. J The Great Gatsby - by F. SCOTT FITZGERALD. The Shirailee - by D'ARCY MILAND. The Concerto - by RALPH ILL. Science in Every Day Life - by J.B.S. HALDANE. Walden Thoreau - by ETHELBERT WHITE. The Trial - by FRANZ KAFKA. Georgia Boy - ESKINE CALDWELL. This Island Now - by G.M. CARSTARS. The Living Brain - by W.
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