Cul\Lberland. BL'rgii-CPON-SANDS
DIRECTORY.] CUl\lBERLAND. BL'RGII-CPON-SANDS. 47 '!:welltyman J oseph Robinson, far11lcr Brough ~Iary (Mrs')J frmt. Beech hill Stoddart :Mrs. Elizabeth. postmistre!l~ ",Yard. J ane (Mrs.), shopkeeper • Cockton Kixon, shoemaker 'Yard \Villiam, shoemaker 'Wilson Math. stonemason, Bell Style I Elliot John, farmer, Clappers 'Yood 'Villiam, farmer ! Ferguson John, farmer Mealrigg. Hetllerington Amos, farmer Millican Mrs . Hope 'Yilliam, farmer COMMERCIAL. Langrigg. ! lrving Francis, blacksmith Balfour J amI'S, farmer BarnesJohn, Park house :JefYerson John & William, farmers Brown J oseph, farmer Pape ('1'he) Misses J efferson Daniel, farmer Hetherington Lancelot, farmer ;Litt, 'Villiam, farmer, Greenah Hodgson John, joiner COM~[ERCIAL. :Reay Jolm, Coach -& Horstls l' H. & Littleton Richard, farmer . ' Arnott Jeremiah, blacksmith Jomer Miller John, Joseph & RlChaTd, farmn Baxter John, farmer Shadwick Richard, farmer Murray George. farmer Renn John, Jefferson, grdnr. Greenah Stalker J onathan & Sewell, farmers, Stockdale John. farmer Bawness ·Wm. sllopkeeper Greenah Wood 'Villiam, farmer GREAT BROUGHTON is a township and village, dale. The area is 1,026 acres; rateable 'Value, £3,314; pleasantly seat{'d ahove the Derwent and. 1~ miles the population in 18g1 was 820. north frOlIl Broughton Cross station on the Cockermouth, . KBswick and Penrith and London and North Western Ribton is a townshIp consisting- of one cottage on t he nor t h bank of the Derw.ent and 2 farms, 5 milpll railway, 3 miles west-by-north of Cockermouth. Great west of Cockermuuth. The nearest railway station is at Broug~ton was formed into a parish, Sept. 15, 1863, C'a.rnerton, half a mile distant, on the London and North from Bridekirk parish, and comprises the townships of 'Yestern railway.
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