Albacete | | Cuenca | Guadalajara | Toledo Prime 1/6

VisitThe Holy Cathedral Church began to be built in 1227 on the foundations of the Visigothic Cathedral from the 6th century and which, in turn, was used as a . The building is Gothic with a clear French influence. The floor of the temple has the shape of a Christian cross and it is inscribed in a rectangle. The elevation marks the cross, creating a vertical triangular form, since the central and the have much greater width and height than the lateral , being the outer naves the lower ones. It measures 120 m long by 60 m wide. It is composed of 5 naves, supported by 88 columns and 72 vaults. The side naves extend behind the Great surrounding the high altar and creating an ambulatory with a double semicircular aisle. Its first architect is the master Martín, from France, who is the responsible for the traces of the plant and the beginnings of the work in the head of the temple. Until the 14th century, the side naves could not be closed and it is in this same century when the lower cloister with its outbuildings (the most notable is the San Blas Chapel) is built on the north side.

In the 15th century, San Pedro Chapel is built next to the entrance of the cloister and at the end of this century, in 1493, the last is closed and this magnificent construction is concluded.

In the 16th century, the altarpiece, high part of the choir, and bars are built. In the first half of the century, all the windows are closed and various plant modifications are made, such as the Hall, the Mozarabic Chapel and the Chapel of the New Kings.

To admire the grandeur of the cathedral, the best thing is to climb one of the towers in Toledo (the Library of Castilla-La Mancha, in the Alcázar, or the Church of the Jesuits). From there, we will see the roofs of the cathedral forming a perfect cross, surrounded by flying buttress and slender pinnacles.

The oldest gate of the temple is the north transept, inspired by the gate of the Parisian Notre Dame

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Cathedral, given the great importance that French Gothic gave to these entrances. The mullion with the Virgin and Child introduces the theme of the scenes of the life of Christ, carved on his tympanum. It is a kind of catechism in stone for the faithful from the 13th century. We must read it starting at the lower left, from the to the and the Transit of the Virgin on the top. Its current stone is from the beginning of the 17th century, covering the chapel of Corpus Christi, destined by mandate of the cardinal Cisneros, to the recovery of the , replaced by the catholic one, coinciding with the Christian conquest of Toledo, in 1085.

TOWER The tower is visitable and we can climb up to enjoy an amazing panoramic view. With its ninety meters of height, it was finished with the last octagonal body, finished with the three crowns by the master Hanequin de Bruselas in the 15th century.

GATES The main facade has three access gates, the “Perdón” gate (Forgiveness gate) or the “Reyes” gate (Kings gate) in the center, the “Palmas” gate (Palms gate) or the “Infierno” gate (Hell gate) next to the tower and the “Escribanos” gate (Scribes gate) or the “Juicio” gate (Judgment gate) bordering the Mozarabic Chapel. Another two are the aforementioned door of the north transept called the “Feria” (Fair), the “Chapinería”, the “Niño Perdido” (Lost Child) or the “Reloj” (Clock), which was placed by Cardinal Lorenzana at the end of the 18th century to mark the canonical hours, that is why it only has a hand. And finally, the “Puerta de los Leones” (the Lions gate), of the south transept, combining Gothic and sculptures, all of them of excellent quality.

So far the Orthodox Gothic layout is fulfilled. However, the Toledo cathedral has more entrances, two communicate with the cloister, Presentation and Santa Catalina, and the last, unusual for its location on the south wall, the neoclassical “Puerta Llana”, the only one that has no steps. This modest "service" gate, which for centuries let in all the stonework and sculptures for the temple, became the noble porch for the passage of the famous Custodia (Custody), when it comes majestically in a procession of Corpus Christi. Today it is also the gateway for visitors. We can enter the cloister by the “Puerta de Mollete” and there are five additional gates on the walls of the structures added to the temple.

Inside the Cathedral of Toledo there are areas that, along with their respective works of art, require a visit and a leisurely look. They are the so-called Museos Catedralicios (Cathedral Museums): the Sacristía, the Tesoro, the Capitular Room, the Coro and the Transparente.

For a detailed description, click here.

CHAPELS AND THE CAPITULAR ROOM In the interior, the greater chapel is one of the places of the Cathedral that holds more works of art. Closed originally by bars carved in stone, of which still a part is conserved, it treasures a great number of statues. In the two pillars that give access to the chapel we see, on the left, the legendary pastor Martín Alhaja, who gave very relevant information to win the battle of the Navas de Tolosa. On the right, the “Alfaquí”, portrait of Abu Walid, a Muslim who carried a message of tolerance to Alfonso VI, betting on the coexistence of Arabs and Christians.

In the interior we find the bars, of great quality, and the great altarpiece, summit of the flowery Gothic and last manifestation of it before the arrival of the . As opposed to it, the tomb of Cardinal Mendoza, attributed to the Italian Antonio Sansovino, is one of the first manifestations of the Renaissance art in Castile.

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The Mozarabic chapel is especially interesting due to the fact of having been designated by Cardinal Cisneros to restore the Mozarabic rite in Toledo. This form of celebrating the mass had been conserved among the Christians who lived in Muslim territory, from the Visigothic domination. The dome of the chapel is the work by the son of , Jorge Manuel Theotocopuli, the altar of bronze and marble of several colours, by Juan Manzano, and the Gothic bars by Juan Francés, 1524.

The chapel of the New Kings, today without worship, forms a small church, whose hall was made by the architect Alonso de Covarrubias. It owes its name to the new dynasty Trastámara that reigned in Castile, it holds numerous tombs of its kings, with interesting carvings.

Among the of the ambulatory, it stands out the access to the Capitular Room, with rich ornamentation, and the portraits of all the Toledo . Over them, one of the great sets of Spanish fresco , by Juan de Borgoña.

PAINTNG The collection preserved in the Sacristy, with “El Expolio” and “El Apostolado” by El Greco, by , , Van Dyck, Goya, Morales, Rubens, Bassano and many others, is excellent. Juan de Borgoña and Lucas Giordano should be mentioned separately, since their most outstanding paintings are the fresco ones that cover the walls of the Capitular Room, in the case of the first, and the ceiling of the Sacristy, the second.

STAINED-GLASS WINDOWS, “EL TRANSPARENTE” AND THE CATHEDRAL TREASURE The Primada Cathedral of Toledo has the largest number of preserved medieval stained glass windows, such as the ones in the rose window of the transept, those of the main chapel and those of great figures of saints and apostles on the east side.

The so-called “Transparente” is the great masterpiece of the sculptor Narciso Tomé, completed in 1732, and made in Genoese, Jasper and Bronze marbles. Conceived as an altarpiece, and illuminated by the skylights of the apse, it presents numerous figures and compositions representing passages of the Bible.

Another very present type of art is goldsmithing. The “Tesoro” keeps reliquaries, staves, clothes and liturgical objects in many displays, some of which are of great historical value. But without a doubt, the most spectacular one is exposed in the cathedral treasure: the imposing “Custodia” de Enrique de Arfe, composed of countless pieces as a lace of Gothic silver filigrees bathed in gold; the precious case for the true ostensory of the Sacred Form, a "small custody" of pure gold, made with the first gold that Christopher Columbus brought from America and which belonged to the Catholic Monarchs. Once a year, the “Custodia” de Arfe goes out to the streets of the city for the exaltation of the faith during the secular procession of Corpus Christi.

SCULPTURE The rich sculptural repertoire in every corner has doctrinal and didactic functions, as well as artistic ones. The chorus to the exterior shows numerous scenes of the Old Testament, and the Greater Chapel of the New.

Access Timetable

From Monday to Saturday: from 10:00 to 18:00 h. Closing time at 18:30 h. Sundays and public holidays: from 14:00 to 18:00 h. Closing time at 18:30 h.

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More information on closing days and special timetables at


Full visit: €12.50. Including: - Temple - Choir Museums, Capitular Room, “Tesoro”, Sacristy - Chapel of Kings - Cloister, Bayeu Paintings and San Blas Chapel - Tower - “Colegio Infantes” Museum (Museum of tapestries, textiles and goldsmiths SICP) - Audio guide

Visit without tower: €10.

Sunday: free access for those born in Toledo (presenting ID) or belonging to the Diocese; rest of Spanish special price of €2. More information at

General Ticket Office: C/ Cardenal Cisneros, s/n (Opposite Puerta Llana)

More information at

Visit Web

• Museo Catedralicio

En la Catedral de la ciudad de Toledo, podemos visitar varias colecciones de arte situadas en la Sacristía, la Sala Capitular, el Coro y la Capilla Mayor, con obras de importantes artistas como Goya, Tiziano, Zurbarán, Rubens o Rafael; aunque, sin duda, entre todas las obras destaca la Custodia de Enrique de Arfe que se halla en el Museo-Tesoro.

• Toledo

Toledo es una joya que tiene España. Abrazada por el río Tajo, ofrece entre sus murallas una espectacular muestra de la historia del arte español. Romanos, visigodos, musulmanes, judíos, cristianos...todos los pueblos que han configurado la historia de España dejaron en Toledo su impronta, haciéndola merecedora en el siglo XX de ser declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad. ¿Te apetece realizar un apasionante viaje a la Ciudad de las Tres Culturas, a una de las ciudades posiblemente más hermosas del mundo?

• Cigarrales de Toledo • Museo de los Concilios y de la Cultura Visigoda

El Museo de los Concilios y de la Cultura Visigoda, de la ciudad de Toledo, se encuentra instalado en el

©2021 Turismo Castilla-La Mancha Albacete | Ciudad Real | Cuenca | Guadalajara | Toledo Prime Cathedral 5/6 incomparable marco de la Iglesia de San Román, bello exponente del primer mudéjar toledano, construida en el siglo XIII. El museo fue creado con la finalidad de conservar y proteger la cultura y los vestigios histórico-artísticos visigodos en Toledo.

• Museo de Tapices y Textiles de la Catedral

• Restaurante Mayoral

Toledo (Toledo)3 tenedores

Av. Castilla La Mancha 345003Tel.: 925 216 000

• Restaurante Locum

Toledo (Toledo)3 tenedoresEl Restaurante Locum se encuentra enclavado en pleno casco histórico de Toledo, cerca de la Catedral, en una antigua casa del s.XVII convertida en un flamante restaurante que une tradición y modernidad.

Locum, 645001Tel.: 925 223 235

• Restaurante Alfileritos 24

Toledo (Toledo)3 tenedoresEl Restaurante Alfileritos 24, situado en el número 24 de la Calle Alfileritos, de dónde toma el nombre, en el encantado y encantador casco histórico de la ciudad de Toledo, dispuesto en tres plantas, alrededor de un clásico patio toledano, y un sótano.

Alfileritos, 24 45001Tel.: 925 23 96 25 / 902 106 577

• Restaurante El Parador de Toledo

Toledo (Toledo)3 tenedoresUbicado en el Cerro del Emperador junto a un recodo del río Tajo, este Hotel en Toledo ofrece una panorámica inigualable de la Catedral, el Alcázar y las sinagogas.

Cerro del Emperador s/n45002Tel.: 925 221 850

• Restaurante El Ábside

Toledo (Toledo)3 tenedoresEl Restaurante El Ábside, en la ciudad de Toledo, está ubicado en un ábside mudéjar del antiguo Hospital de San Lázaro, del siglo XV, que constituye la ubicación del Hotel María Cristina, y en el que disfrutará de un ambiente sobrio, original e íntimo. Además, desde sus cristaleras se

©2021 Turismo Castilla-La Mancha Albacete | Ciudad Real | Cuenca | Guadalajara | Toledo Prime Cathedral 6/6 contempla una de las panorámicas más bellas de Toledo.

Marqués de Menndigorría 145003Tel.: 925 213 202

• Hotel Boutique Adolfo

Toledo (Toledo)5 estrellas

Tel.: • Hotel Casa Urbana Adolfo

Toledo (Toledo)3 llavesEn el casco de la ciudad de Toledo, se encuentra la nueva casa urbana de Adolfo, un nuevo concepto de alojamiento en la ciudad.

C/ Sinagoga nº 345002Tel.: 925 22 73 21

• Apartamentos Turísticos Casa de Los Mozárabes

Toledo (Toledo)3 llavesLos Apartamentos Turísticos Casa de Los Mozárabes están emplazados en una casa noble del siglo XVI rehabilitada en la ciudad de Toledo, en pleno casco histórico. Consta de 6 apartamentos y destaca por su fachada renacentista y su patio toledano con galerías abiertas y soleadas.

Callejón de Menores nº 1045001Tel.: 925 229 925 / 670 712 004

• Hotel Eugenia de Montijo, Autograph Collection

Toledo (Toledo)5 estrellasSituado a tan sólo doscientos metros de la Catedral de la Imperial Ciudad de Toledo, el Hotel Fontecruz Toledo, Palacio Eugenia de Montijo, te brinda la oportunidad de adentrarte en el casco histórico de esta monumental ciudad junto a la posibilidad de disfrutar de tu tiempo de descanso y de ocio en sus completas y cuidadas instalaciones.

Plaza del Juego de Pelota, 745002Tel.: 925 274 690

• Hotel Alfonso VI

Toledo (Toledo)4 estrellasMajestuoso Hotel, muestra, tanto en construcción como en decoración del típico castillo medieval, situado en el corazón del centro barroco y neoclásico de Toledo, ofreciéndote una oportunidad única de visitar la ciudad imperial.

General Moscardó 245001Tel.: 925 222 600

©2021 Turismo Castilla-La Mancha