49639109, 49639110, 49535803, 49535801, 49639104). the Reviewer
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Literature Review Summary Chemical Name: Atrazine PC Code: 080803 Purpose of Review (DP Barcode or Litigation): Review for inclusion in the atrazine risk assessment Date of Review: 3/21/16 Summary Syngenta submitted the following list of studies describing the isolation, culturing and testing for atrazine toxicity on the algae Oophila sp., an algae that forms a symbiotic relationship with some salamander species (MRIDs 49639109, 49639110, 49535803, 49535801, 49639104). The reviewer read the following study reports provided to the agency and considered their science and reported results: Baxter, L.; Brain, R.; Rodriguez-Gil, J.; et al. (2014) Atrazine: Response of the Green Alga Oophila sp., a Salamander Endosymbiont, to a PSII-Inhibitor under Laboratory Conditions. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8):1858-1864. MRID 49535803 Hanson, M.; Rodriquez-Gil, J.; Baxter, L.; et al. (2014) Isolation, Identification, and Optimization of Culturing Conditions of the Alga Oophila sp., a Salamander Symbiont, for its Use in Toxicity Testing under Laboratory Conditions: Final Report. Project Number: ATZ2013B, TK0186283. Unpublished study prepared by University of Guelph. 30p., MRID 49639109 Hanson, M.; Baxter, L.; Rodriquez-Gil, J.; et al. (2014) Characterization of the Response of the Alga Oophila sp., a Salamander Symbiont, to Atrazine Under Laboratory Conditions: Final Report. Project Number: ATZ2013A, TK0186283. Unpublished study prepared by University of Guelph. 52p., MRID 49639110 Hanson, M.; Baxter, L.; Solomon, K. (2015) The Response of the Salamander Ambystoma maculatum and its Egg-Capsule Endosymbiont (the alga Oophila sp.) to the Photosystem II Inhibitor Atrazine Under Laboratory Conditions: Final Report. Project Number: ATZ2014, TK0224041. Unpublished study prepared by University of Guelph. 103pp. MRID 49639104 Rodriguez-Gil, J.; Baxter, L.; McConkey, B.; et al. (2014) Atrazine: Optimization of Culturing Conditions for Toxicity Testing with the Alga Oophila sp. (Chlorophyceae), An Amphibian Endosymbiont. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(11):2566-2575. MRID 49535801 Reviewer Conclusions: These studies are relevant to the potential effects due to atrazine environmental exposures and were submitted to address the identification of these effects as a potential risk concern in the 2012 SAP Problem Formulation for Atrazine (Oliver et al. 2010). A brief review of the study results indicate that the direct effects on the salamander eggs or algae do not result in more sensitive endpoints and thus would not contribute new data for refinement of current amphibian or non-vascular plant endpoints used in the risk assessment. Therefore these studies were not fully reviewed for inclusion in the risk assessment. If, at a later time, these data are to be utilized for regulatory decision making, then a complete review of the studies should be conducted at that time. Primary Reviewer: Frank T. Farruggia, Ph.D. Biologist ERB3 Digitally signed by FRANK FARRUGGIA DN: c=US, o=U.S. Government, ou=USEPA, ou=Staff, cn=FRANK FARRUGGIA, dnQualifier=0000048865 Date: 2016.04.29 09:59:24 -04'00'.