United States Patent to (Ii) Patent Number: 4,956,076 Awbrey (45) Date of Patent: Sep

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United States Patent to (Ii) Patent Number: 4,956,076 Awbrey (45) Date of Patent: Sep United States Patent to (ii) Patent Number: 4,956,076 Awbrey (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 11, 1990 (54) METHOD OF SCAVENGING HYDROGEN 2,993,862 7/1961 Monroe et al. ..................... 252/396 2,993,863 7/1961 Monroe et al. ...... ... 252/396 HALIDES FROM LIQUID 3,310,497 3/1964 Hudson et al. .. ... 252/396 HYDROCARBONACEOUSMEDIUMS 3,375,460 5/1965 Barbie ......... 208/262.1 75 Inventor: Spencer S. Awbrey, Spring, Tex. 3,400,171 9/1968 Van Pool ......................... 208/262.1 3,403,198 9/1968 Van Pool ......................... 208/262.1 (73) Assignee: Betz Laboratories, Inc., Trevose, Pa. 3,413,237 11/1968 Foroulis .............................. 252/.393 9/1973 Sun et al. .... 208/262.1 3,761,534 21 Appl. No.: 414,049 3,779,905 12/1973 Stedman ............................... 208/47 (22 Filed: Sep. 28, 1989 4,430,196 2/1984 Niu ........................................ 208/47 (51) Int. Cl................................................. C10G 7/10 Primary Examiner-Helane E. Myers (52) U.S.C. .................................... 208/291; 208/474; Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Alexander D. Ricci; Bruce E. 208/262.1; 208/262.5; 585/950; 585/864; Peacock 252/346; 210/109; 210/705; 210/723; 210/729 ABSTRACT (58 Field of Search ............... 585/950; 208/47, 262.1, 57 208/291,47; 252/396; 210/705, 723, 729 Methods of scavenging hydrogen halide species from hydrocarbon liquids are disclosed. Preferred scavengers (56) References Cited includes allyl alcohol, benzyl alcohol and tertiary alco U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS hols such as tert-butyl alcohol. 2,415,161 2/1947 Camp .................................... 208/47 2,603,622 7/1952 Berger et al. ....................... 252/296 16 Claims, No Drawings 4,956,076 1. 2 deleterious corrosive effects of the halides in such medi METHOD OF SCAWENGING HYDROGEN S. HALDES FROM LIQUID HYDROCARBONACEOUSMEDIUMS SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION This and other objects of the invention are met by the FIELD OF THE INVENTION use of active alcohols that are added to a liquid hydro The present invention pertains to methods for reduc carbonaceous medium of the type prone to halide-based ing the hydrogen halide content of various and sundry corrosion. As used herein, the phrase "active alcohols' hydrocarbonaceous mediums. signifies an alcohol that will react with the particular 10 hydrogen halide corrosive at room temperature without BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION the aid of a catalyst. Suitable active alcohols include Petroleum hydrocarbon feedstocks such as petroleum benzyl alcohol, allyl alcohol and tertiary alcohols, such crudes, gas oil, etc., are subjected to various processes as tert-butyl alcohol. in order to isolate and separate different fractions of the As used herein, the phrase "liquid hydrocarbona feedstock. For example, in refinery processes, the feed 15 ceous medium' signifies various and sundry petroleum stock is distilled so as to provide light hydrocarbons, hydrocarbon and petrochemicals. For instance, petro gasoline, naphtha, kerosene, gas oil, etc. leum hydrocarbons such as petroleum hydrocarbon The lower boiling fractions are recovered as an over feedstocks including crude oils and fractions thereof head fraction from distillation zones. The intermediate such as naphtha, gasoline, kerosene, diesel, jet fuel, fuel components are recovered as side cuts from the distilla 20 oil, gas oil, vacuum residual, etc., may all be benefitted tion zones. The fractions are cooled, condensed, and by using the treatments herein disclosed and claimed. sent to collecting equipment. No matter what type of Similarly, petrochemicals such as olefinic or naph petroleum feedstock is used as the charge, the distilla thenic process streams, ethylene glycol, aromatic hy tion equipment is subject to the corrosive attack of 25 drocarbons and their derivatives may all be successfully various halide-based acids such as HCl. treated using the inventive treatments herein described HCl is probably the most troublesome corrosive ma and claimed and are within the ambit of the phrase terial and may be formed by hydrolysis of calcium and "liquid hydrocarbon aqueous medium' as used herein. magnesium chlorides originally present in the brines From about 1-10,000 ppm of such active alcohols are produced concomitantly with the feedstock. 30 added to the particular liquid hydrocarbonaceous me Halide-based corrosion caused in such refinery sys dium for which such halide scavenging is desired, with tems may occur on the metal surfaces of fractionating a more preferred range of addition being about 1-1500 such as crude towers, trays within the towers, heat ppm based upon one million parts of the liquid hydro exchangers, etc. The most troublesome locations for carbon. corrosion are the overhead of the distillation equipment 35 which includes tower top trays, overhead lines, con PRIOR ART densers and the top pump around exchangers. It is usu Traditionally, attempts to minimize the problems ally within these areas that water condensation is caused by halide-based corrosion have involved the formed or is carried along with the process stream. The addition of amines and amides to the hydrocarbon me top temperature of the fractionating column is main 40 dium. These treatments, in most cases, form salts that tained close to or above the boiling point of water. The are less corrosive than the hydrogen halides but which condensate formed after the vapor leaves the column are still corrosive in their own right. Typical of such may contain significant concentration of the halide amine treatments is (Stedman) U.S. Pat. No. 3,779,905. based acids mentioned above. This high concentration In U.S. Pat. No. 2,415,161 (Camp), various low boil of acidic components renders the pH of the condensate 45 ing alcohols, such as methyl, ethyl, propyl, butyl and highly acidic and, as such, dangerously corrosive. amyl alcohol are used to inhibit corrosion of ferrous Petrochemicals, such as chlorinated hydrocarbons metals in processes in which hydrocarbons are con and olefin plant fluids, such as deethanizer bottoms, are tacted in vapor phase at high temperatures with such also subjected to corrosive attack of halide containing metals. This disclosure, although generally directed acids both during the product storage and shipment 50 toward corrosion prevention, is not specifically di steps as well as during the heat treatment steps em rected toward the particular corrosive source, namely, ployed in petrochemical synthesis, product isolation hydrogen halide corrosion, that is dealt with herein. and purification. For example, in the manufacture of The use of allyl and sundry other alcohols (Column 6, vinyl resins, such as poly(vinyl)chloride, ethylenedi lines 54-66) in coating compositions to coat metals to chloride (EDC) hydrocarbon is commonly dehydro 55 inhibit corrosion is taught in U.S. Pat. No. 2,509,785 chlorinated over a barium catalyst at about 500' C. (Schiermeier et al). Acetylenic alcohols are taught to (932 F) to form the desired PVC product. However, inhibit acid corrosion of ferrous metals in (Pumpelly et chlorides present in the EDC charge or those produced al) U.S. Pat. Nos. 2,913,408 and (Monroe et al) U.S. Pat. as a by-product in the PVC synthesis can cause severe No. 2,993,863 (Monroe et al). Of somewhat similar corrosion of distillation equipment, heat exchangers and 60 import is (Berger et al) U.S. Pat. No. 2,603,622 which product recovery equipment. discloses using acetylenic alcohols to inhibit acid-based Accordingly, there is a need in the art to provide an corrosion found in plastic masses. effective halide scavenger that is capable of reducing The use of certain phenolates to reduce or eliminate the halide content of petroleum feedstocks and petro corrosion in coal liquid fractionation towers is discussed chemicals both during the shipment and storage stages 65 in (Baumert et al) U.S. Pat. No. 4,511453. of same as well as during the heat processing thereof Other patents which may be of interest are (Hudson (such as at temperatures of from about 100' F. to 1000 et al) U.S. Pat No. 3,310,497; (Foroulis) U.S. Pat. No. F., more particularly 200' F-1000 F) to minimize the 3,413,237; and (Baumert et al) U.S. Pat. No. 4,514,281. 4,956,076 3 4. Despite the prior art efforts, there remains a need in reactant batch adapted to undergo dehydrochlorination the art for an effective hydrogen halide scavenger that by the Wulff processor other processes to form poly(vi is effective in reducing hydrogen halide content in liq uid hydrocarbonaceous mediums at room temperature nyl chloride). and even during the high temperature processing of 5 The active alcohols may be used neat or they may be same during refinery operations, synthesis, product dissolved in a suitable solvent or dispersed in a suitable recovery and/or purification stages. carrier liquid. Suitable solvents may, for comprise water or non-polar solvents such as heavy aromatic naphtha. DETALED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT O EXAMPLES In accordance with the invention, from about The invention is further illustrated by the following 1-10,000 ppm of an active alcohol is added to the de examples which are intended solely for the purpose of sired liquid hydrocarbonaceous medium comprising illustration and are not to be regarded as limiting the corrosive hydrogen halide species therein. The active scope of the invention or the manner in which it is to be alcohols can be used at ambient temperature so that 15 practiced. they minimize halide-based corrosion of the liquid hy drocarbonaceous medium during shipment or storage EXAMPLE 1. or they can be added to the liquid hydrocarbonaceous medium either before or during high temperature treat Hydrogen chloride (HCl) was added to xylene until a ment thereof in accordance with conventional refinery 0.7% (wit%) HCl concentration was present. 20.0 or petrochemical techniques. (wt.%) and 1.8 wt.%), respectively, of benzyl alcohol For example, with respect to refinery and petrochem were then added to the solution with the amount of ical distillation and heat treatment processes generally, benzyl chloride produced being monitored in each in the active alcohols may be injected into the charge stance.
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