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Fostering sustainable, legal and traceable use and trade of wild native species in Mexico Part I: Project Information GEF ID 10689 Project Type FSP Type of Trust Fund GET CBIT/NGI CBIT NGI Project Title Fostering sustainable, legal and traceable use and trade of wild native species in Mexico Countries Mexico Agency(ies) UNDP Other Executing Partner(s) Executing Partner Type SEMARNAT Government GEF Focal Area Biodiversity Taxonomy Focal Areas, Biodiversity, Mainstreaming, Forestry - Including HCVF and REDD+, Species, Wildlife for Sustainable Development, Protected Areas and Landscapes, Terrestrial Protected Areas, Productive Landscapes, Community Based Natural Resource Mngt, Influencing models, Strengthen institutional capacity and decision- making, Stakeholders, Indigenous Peoples, Local Communities, Type of Engagement, Participation, Information Dissemination, Consultation, Communications, Awareness Raising, Public Campaigns, Private Sector, Individuals/Entrepreneurs, Financial intermediaries and market facilitators, Beneficiaries, Civil Society, Community Based Organization, Academia, Non-Governmental Organization, Gender Equality, Gender Mainstreaming, Sex-disaggregated indicators, Gender results areas, Access and control over natural resources, Participation and leadership, Capacity Development, Access to benefits and services, Capacity, Knowledge and Research, Learning, Knowledge Exchange, Knowledge Generation Rio Markers Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation 1 Climate Change Adaptation Climate Change Adaptation 1 Duration 60 In Months Agency Fee($) 881,257.00 Submission Date 9/28/2020 A. Indicative Focal/Non-Focal Area Elements Programming Directions Trust Fund GEF Amount($) Co-Fin Amount($) BD-1-1 GET 6,854,220.00 34,090,000.00 BD-2-7 GET 2,937,523.00 14,610,000.00 Total Project Cost ($) 9,791,743.00 48,700,000.00 B. Indicative Project description summary Project Objective To promote the sustainable, legal and traceable use and trade of wild native species in order to reduce biodiversity loss and improve livelihoods in selected landscapes throughout Mexico. Project Financing Project Outcomes Project Outputs Trust GEF Amount($) Co-Fin Amount($) Component Type Fund Ecosystem Technical 1.1. Increased biodiversity 1.1.1 New UMA/UMAFORES GET 3,263,915.00 16,233,333.00 integrity Assistan conservation and ecosystem created in key biodiversity ce connectivity through newly areas serve as productive created UMA/UMAFORES in key buffer zones around Natural biodiversity areas (KBA) Protected Areas (PA) and as adjacent to Natural Protected biological corridors between Areas (PAs). them, improving landscape connectivity. Indicators: 1.1.2 Maps of UMA / GEF Core Indicator 1.1 50,000 Ha UMAFORES show: of protected areas under improved management for Increased area coverage conservation and sustainable under conservation and use; sustainable management schemes. GEF Core Indicator 4.1 500,000 Ha. of landscapes under Strengthened connectivity improved practices (excluding between UMA/ UMAFORES and protected areas) neighboring PAs. Project Indicator: Fragmentation Index rating (estimated by GIS). 1.2.1 The UMA / UMAFORES model, and selected units recognized for satisfactorily 1.2. UMA/ UMAFORES systems meeting conditions of strengthened to conserve, sustainable management and reproduce, reintroduce (if recognized as other effective necessary and feasible) and area-based conservation sustainably use selected measures. species, as indicated by: GEF Core Indicator 1.2 Change in 1.2.2. Management plans with METT score of selected PAs. standardized methodologies Project Indicator: Population and best practices for the level of selected species and sustainable use of selected their habitat improved / not species by Indigenous Peoples deteriorated, as a result of and Local Communities (IPLC). project’s focused biodiversity 1.2.3. Effective technical conservation interventions capacities of wildlife and through sustainable use. forestry technicians for UMA/ Project Indicator: # of UMAFORES management and management plans created and of government personnel in updated with standardized charge of evaluating their methodologies by group of operation. species. 1.2.4 Capacities created in Project Indicator: # of forestry target IPLC to carry out and wildlife technicians trained participatory monitoring of the to manage UMA / UMAFORES state of their ecosystems and and # of government personnel species. to evaluate their operation. 1.2.5 Module 1 of MACOVIS is Project Indicator: # of generated. management plans per UMA/UMAFOR updated in line with standard management plans created Governanc Technical 2.1. Community-based business 2.1.1. Analysis of national and GET 2,797,641.00 13,914,286.00 e and trade Assistan models established to allow international markets for ce small enterprises to sustainably selected species (including use biodiversity with enhanced current market limitations). value chains through strategic 2.1.2. UMA/UMAFORES groups alliances with multiple with similar conditions stakeholders and multiple organized to meet needs, sectors. training and get support. GEF Core Indicator 11: 3,000 2.1.3. Technical and direct beneficiaries (1,500 commercial information women) as co-benefit of GEF exchange networks investment. established. Project Indicator # of technical 2.1.4. IPLC capacities and commercial information strengthened for self- exchange networks established governance and trade. Project Indicator: # of 2.1.5. Sustainable business sustainable business plans plans (realistic and grounded) developed developed and implemented. Project Indicator: # of 2.1.6. Value chains and fair- distribution networks trade opportunities identified established with tracing for products of selected mechanisms species. 2.1.7. Long-term financing for 2.2. Diversified sources of UMA/UMAFORES: income (species and products) i. UMA/UMAFORES-generated for UMA/UMAFORES by production and expanded legal increasing access to national trade provides sufficient and international markets income to ensure long-term Project Indicator: % increase in budget to sustain the net income IA # producers/ IPLC UMA/UMAFORES. implementing business plans for sustainable products ii. Public-private partnerships Project Indicator: # of selected between Indigenous Peoples species and new and Local Communities (IPLCs) species/products under and investors, companies and management per UMA/ markets established to provide UMAFORES increased income streams from Project Indicator: # of diversified legal and sustainable natural business plans that include resource use activities access to preferential markets occurring in the targeted UMA/ and products made for end UMAFORES. users 2.1.8. Distribution networks established with tracing mechanisms (labelling, document traceability, etc.) 2.2.1 Capacities created in target communities to carry out participatory monitoring of the economic impact of the projects. 2.2.2 Catalog of selected species and new species/products under management for legal and sustainable use made available to fair marketing mechanisms and with redistributive principles 2.2.3 Diversified business plans for communities include access to preferential markets and products made for end users 2.2.4 Sustainable production models implemented for selected species, allowing the inclusion of more species in the short term and diversification of the supply. 2.2.5 Report of the developed business plans and maps of value chains generated. 2.2.6. Module 2 of MACOVIS is generated. Inspection Technical 3.1 Effective community-based 3.1.1 Toolkit to strengthen the GET 1,865,094.00 9,276,190.00 and Assistan participatory inspection and inspection and surveillance surveillanc ce surveillance committees for capacities of LST at national e legal species trade (LST) in and international level (species capacities place to support law and product identification enforcement actions. guides, trafficking routes). Project Indicator: 3.1.2 Functional and funded community-based LST # of UMA/ UMAFORES with inspection and surveillance functional and funded committees. community- based LST surveillance committees and 3.1.3 Module 3 of MACOVIS is monitoring system. generated. Monitoring Technical 4.1 Systematized and shared 4.1.1 Dissemination and GET 1,398,821.00 6,957,143.00 and Assistan information on legal, sustainable communication strategies are knowledge ce and traceable trade of wild established on trade and manageme species with relevant species, available in the main nt (KM): international and national indigenous languages disseminati partners. 4.1.2 Strategy for disseminating on, Project Indicator: # of materials knowledge generated at various outreach created and made available in local, national and international and the main indigenous languages levels (e.g. website, reports, replication monitoring of results in Project Indicator: MACOVIS international forums). established and receiving uploads from stakeholders, 4.1.3 Information on UMA particularly IPLC projects and/ or products are publicly accessible and meet 4.2 Monitoring and Evaluation transparency standards. (M&E) assesses project impact and guides adaptive 4.1.4 The Comprehensive management, measured by % System for Monitoring, implementation of the project’s Sustainable Use and Trade of M&E Plan, Indigenous People Wild Species (MACOVIS) is and Local Communities Plan developed, implemented and (IPLCP), Stakeholder, financed. Stakeholder Engagement Plan 4.1.5 Capacity created among (SEP) and Gender Action Plan IPLC, technical service