Art Education Urbanism
ART EDUCATION URBANISM 1 2 RESILIENCE AND THE CITY: an opportunity to swap notes, compare strategies, establish common ground, and on some occasions, plot plans for future Art, Education, URBANISM collaborations. Reflecting upon the diversity, urgency, and vibrancy of these Selected Presentations from the Thematic Mobile Sessions contributions, and being aware of the ongoing need for 15th ELIA Biennial Conference knowledge exchange within the ELIA network, an invitation to publish was extended during the event. While this publication by no means represents the sum of the conference, which The 15th ELIA Biennial Conference, Resilience and the City: included performances, keynote speakers and panels, it Art, Education, Urbanism, was hosted by the Willem de nonetheless offers an impression of the Thematic Mobile Kooning Academy and Codarts University of the Arts from Sessions which took place at different venues across the city. 21 to 24 November 2018. Taking place in Rotterdam, a city experiencing rapid developments and challenges on a social, In terms of the publication’s structure, submissions have been political, economic, and environmental level, the conference organised in relation to the original four themes in which they explored four wide-ranging and intersecting themes: Shifting were presented, and alphabetically ordered according to Centres, Shifting Margins; Art and Social Cohesion; Art and authors’ surnames. While the contributions are not narratively Economy; and Art and Innovation. Each theme provided a woven together as cohesive chapters, there are numerous framework to examine how the arts can potentially play a vital overlaps in issues, methodologies, concerns, and contexts. role in building resilience, especially in urban contexts.
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