A Future for Lusatia A Structural Change Plan for the Lusatia Coal-Mining Region IMPULSE A Future for Lusatia ABOUT IMPULSE REPORT A Future for Lusatia A Structural Change Plan for the Lusatia Coal-Mining Region PRODUCED BY Agora Energiewende Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2 10178 Berlin, Germany T +49 (0)30 700 14 35-000 F +49 (0)30 700 14 35-129 www.agora-energiewende.de
[email protected] PROJECT LEADS Dr. Patrick Graichen Dr. Gerd Rosenkranz
[email protected] Cover image: istock/hxdyl Please cite as: Agora Energiewende (2018): A Future for Lusatia: A Structural Change Plan for the Lusatia Coal- Mining Region. 132/03-I-2018/EN Published: April 2018 www.agora-energiewende.de Preface Dear readers, to formulate a concrete proposal that would accom- modate a broad spectrum of interests. In Germany’s most recent legislative session, the future of coal-fired energy generation was the What is ultimately at stake here is the structural devel- subject of frequent and vigorous debate. All par- opment of the Lusatia region for the 21st century. The ties were nonetheless unanimous that the regions key elements of this development include an innova- most affected by structural change in the lignite coal tive economy, a prominent place in Germany’s energy industry should not be left to fend for themselves. transition, up-to-date infrastructure, and a cultural sphere that encourages people to remain in or return Agora Energiewende made a key contribution to the to the region. Such a development process of course debate through the publication of its Eleven Principles works best when a region can shape its own future, for a Consensus on Coal.