Parish of the Most Holy Name of Jesus

Elmira, NY September 22, 2019 website : www.

Our Mission

We are a community of faith, rooted in Jesus Christ and led by the Holy Spirit, to give glory and honor to Almighty God through our worship, service and loving welcome to all. ! ! !

Our Churches

Our Lady of Lourdes 1100 W. Church St., Elmira St. Casimir 1000 Davis St., Elmira Perpetual Adoration Chapel (1012 Davis St)

St. Charles Borromeo 132 Oakwood Ave, Elmira Heights St. Mary 224 Franklin St., Elmira Southside St. Patrick 604 Park Place, Elmira Ss. Peter and Paul 556 St. Blvd, Elmira

*** Please use the “Most Holy Name of Jesus” on all checks and correspondence. Mail must be sent to the Office address below. Do not address to the church 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time locations. Thank you. ! ! !

Parish Office / Faith Formation Center

1010 Davis Street Parish Office Hours: Elmira, NY 14901 Alzheimer’s Prayer Service Phone: 607-733-3484 Monday: 7:30 am to 4:30 pm Fax: 607-846-3371 Tuesday: 8:30 am to 6:00 pm

Most Rev. Bishop Emeritus Clark Wednesday - Friday: in attendance 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

This week Parish Priests: Tuesday, September 24th ! Fr. Scott Kubinski , Pastor 734-6255 ext. 2 [email protected] St. Mary’s Church

Fr. Rick Farrell , Parochial Vicar 733-0300 6:30 pm [email protected]

All are Invited….Let’s Pray Together Fr. Walter Wainwright , Assisting 767-1508

Mass Times & Intentions

St. Joseph’s Hospital Chapel at 12:05 pm ~

Monday & Friday at Ss. Peter & Paul; Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at St. Joseph’s Hospital Chapel Sunday, September 29 7:30 am St. Casimir Deceased of McLaughlin Family by Jerry & Rose McLaughlin Saturday, September 21 9:00 am OL of Lourdes John B. & Winifred M. Hinds by Dick & Virginia 4:00 pm St. Mary Donald Allen by John & Mary Esther Hintz Woodhouse 5:30 pm Ss. Peter & Paul Wayne Monroe by Family 10:30 am St. Patrick Kelley Stage - Anniversary by Mary Ann O’Herron

Sunday, September 22 11:30 am St. Mary Jeanne Szerszen by Kurt & Mary Ann Hoyer 7:30 am St. Casimir John Petzke by Family 5:00 pm St. Patrick Jack Dunlavey by Marianne & Jack Connelly 9:00 am OL of Lourdes Jeanne Szerszen by Sisters 10:30 am St. Patrick Dan Ginardi by Mary Confession Times 11:30 am S t. Mary F lorence Beeman by Josh & Vickie Evans

Special Intention - Nick Viselli by Gerald & 5:00 pm St. Patrick Every Saturday weekly 2:45 - 3:45 pm St. Mary Charlotte Malanoski And

Monday, September 23 Tuesday September 24 5:00 - 6:00 pm St. Casimir 8:00 am St. Patrick Katherine Calzetti by Wilson Family 12:05 pm Ss. Peter & Paul John Hughes by Family Sanctuary Lamps: September 22 through September 29 Tuesday, September 24 St. Mary Call the Parish Office to schedule an offering 8:00 am St. Patrick Jack Dunlavey by Jack, Lorraine, Eric & Jill St. Patrick Albert ‘AJ’ Masone Jr. by Linda & Family 9:00 am St. Mary Florence Beeman by Family Ss. Peter & Paul Mack, Bolla, Peterson & Churchill Families Francis & Agnes Klobuchowski by Connie 12:05 pm St. Joseph Chapel St. Casimir William Melendez by Norma Melendez Bergh Joseph & Sarah Vazzana - Anniversary by wife, Our Lady of Lourdes Wednesday, September 25 Sarah St. Charles George Soper by Casimir Paluch 8:00 am St. Patrick Deceased of Leonard Kaminski Family

12:05 pm St. Joseph Chapel John Matejcik by Maureen Tuite Bread & Wine: September 22 through September 29

Thursday, September 26 St. Mary Call the Parish Office to schedule an offering Special Intention - Anniversary, Lisa Barrett 8:00 am St. Patrick St. Patrick Call the Parish Office to schedule an offering by Harry Reidy Ss. Peter & Paul Mack, Bolla, Peterson & Churchill Families 12:05 pm St. Joseph Chapel Winnie Hinds by St. Joseph’s Auxiliary Vincent & Linda Rudzki - 50th Anniversary by St. Casimir 5:30 pm St. Casimir The People of the Parish Kreydatus Family Friday, September 27 Our Lady of Lourdes Call the Parish Office to schedule an offering 9:00 am St. Charles Agnes Paul St. Charles Call the Parish Office to schedule an offering Bob Lagonegro - Birthday by Maggie & 12:05 pm Ss. Peter & Paul Family

Thank you for your Contribution: September 8 Saturday, September 28

4:00 pm St. Mary Pat Baker - Birthday by Family Sunday $24,769.00 5:30 pm Ss. Peter & Paul Sasha Renda by loving Mother

2 Please make checks payable to Most Holy Name of Jesus Parish

Parish Calendar

Date Time Event Title Location Page

Mass Readings Sun, September 22 9:00 - 10:15 am Rel Ed Parent & Student Meeting Faith Formation Center 5 Sunday, September 22 10:00 am Spiritual Refresher St. Mary Rectory 8:4-7 Psalm 113:1-2, 4-8 4:00 - 5:30 pm Confirmation Year 2 Parent Mtg Faith Formation Center 5 1 Timothy 2:1-8 Luke 16:1-13 Mon, September 23 6:00 - 7:30 pm RCIC Session Faith Formation Center 5

Monday, September 23 Ezra 1:1-6 Tues, September 24 11:00am - 2:00pm Food Pantry 161 High St 9 Psalm 126:1b-2ab, 2cd-3, 4-6 6:30 pm Alzheimer’s Prayer Service St. Mary Church 1

Luke 8:16-18

Tuesday, September 24 Wed, September 25 4:30 - 6:30 pm Food Pantry 161 High St 9 Ezra 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20 Psalm 122:1-2, 3-4ab, 4cd-5 Thurs, September 26 11:30 am Rosary Ss. Peter & Paul

Luke 8:19-21 6:30 pm Parish Choir Rehearsal St. Mary 7

Wednesday, September 25 Ezra 9:5-9 Sat, September 28 8:00 pm Nocturnal Adoration Ss. Peter & Paul 6

Tobit 13:2, 3-4a, 4befghn, 7-8 Luke 9:1-6 Sun, September 29 10:00 am Spiritual Refresher St. Mary Rectory

Thursday, September 26 6:30-8:00 pm Parish Mission St. Mary Church 6

Haggai 1:1-8 Psalm 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a, 9b Mon, September 30 6:30-8:00 pm Parish Mission St. Mary Church 6

Luke 9:7-9

Friday, September 27 Tues, October 1 11:00am - 2:00pm Food Pantry 161 High St 9 2:1-9 6:30-8:00 pm Parish Mission St. Mary Church 6 Psalm 43:1-4 Luke 9:18-22 Wed, October 2 6:30 - 7:30 pm First Reconciliation Parent Meeting Faith Formation Center 5

Saturday, September 28 Thurs, October 3 11:30 am Rosary Ss. Peter & Paul Zechariah 2:5-9, 14-15a

Jeremiah 31:10, 11-12ab, 13 outside Luke 9:43b-45 Fri, October 4 6:30 pm Blessing of Animals Ss. Peter & Paul 6

Sunday, September 29 Fri & Sat, Oct 4 & 5 8a - 2p & 8a - noon Rummage & Bake Sale St. Charles 7 Amos 6:1a, 4-7 Psalm 146:7-10 Sun, October 6 9:00 - 10:15 am Sunday Rel Ed Class Faith Formation Center 5 1 Timothy 6:11-16 10:00 am Spiritual Refresher St. Mary Rectory

Luke 16:19-31 Mon, October 7 6:00 pm Family Ed Monday Group Faith Formation Center 5 6:30 pm Liturgy Committee Meeting St. Mary Rectory

We Tues, October 8 11:00am - 2:00pm Food Pantry 161 High St 9

extend our sympathy Wed, October 9 6:00 pm Family Ed Wednesday Group Faith Formation Center 5

to the families of the Sun, October 13 1:00 pm FORMED Evangelization Video Faith Formation Center

following recently deceased: ! Tues, October 15 2:00 p & 6:00 p Town Hall Meetings Faith Formation Center 7 !

John Dombroski Jr., Edward Rothwell, We welcome the following children to the Pasquale Cardinale, community through the of Baptism: Ronald Thompson Jonas Christopher McPeak


Parish Articles & Insights

Here I Go Again, Another Story ! ! Surrendering to God’s will by Fr. Walt Wainwright is not a passive act…it’s a determined choice to act in accordance with God’s As you know by now, I have a great love for the will - in spite of ourselves. . This week I would like to share the story of one of God’s holy ones and I suspect that most of you have never heard of her. I chose to write about her today to show that God chooses all kinds of people to be His saints. !

I have a book entitled, “Traveling with the Saints in ,” which is a collection of several of the saints who have come from Italy. There are a lot of them. These are saints who lived many years ago. We know about St. , probably the best known of all Italian saints. We know about St. Catherine of

Siena, St. , St. Benedict and a whole list more.

The saint I want to tell you about today is Blessed Margaret of Castello. Margaret was born in the year 1287 of noble parents. Her parents were married several years before they were blessed with children. Finally they were expecting their first child. They were overjoyed and, of course, they expected their first child to be a boy, who would one day inherit the family titles and fortune.

God blessed them instead with a little baby girl. Very sadly they were disappointed and all the more so when their little girl was born blind, deformed, a dwarf, and they were devastated. Their disappointment was so great that they put their baby in the care of one of the maids in their castle and ordered her to keep the child away from anyone. They wanted to forget about her and pretend she did not exist.

For years Margaret was shunned and eventually was placed in a where she was taught about Jesus, how to pray and was allowed to attend Mass, though apart from any of the others present. When she became an adult she left the convent and lived on the streets depending on the charity of others for her livelihood. It was a miserable way of life but Margaret didn’t complain about it. She saw it as God’s will for her and this was the way she was to serve God.

Even with her blindness and deformity she overcame these afflictions and did not allow them to distract her from her love of Jesus Christ. When in her twenties she sought admission into a lay community of Dominicans called the Mantellate, she was accepted and followed their rule and joined in their works of service to others.

At the time of her death all the townspeople believed she was truly a very holy and saintly person. On the day of her burial, there was a couple who had a child with severe curvature of the spine and could not walk. They brought the child and begged that the child be allowed to touch the body of the deceased Margaret. There was a great commotion but permission was granted. The couple believed that Margaret was a saint and would cure their child. They placed the child next to Margaret’s body and began to pray. All of a sudden, Margaret’s hand reached out and touched the child and immediately the child was able to stand up straight and to walk.

The date of Margaret’s death was April 13, 1320. She was beatified several centuries later in 1609. She has not, however, been canonized though there is a movement today to renew her cause for .

Many call her the of surrender for she surrendered her life to God’s will in all things.

You see, God calls everyone to holiness. Saints come in all shapes and sizes, even like you and me.

The beautiful season of autumn begins tomorrow. Enjoy! !!!!!! Fr. Walt.


Faith Formation … Confirmation … RCIA / RCIC… Sessions

Faith Formation is LIFE LONG. It begins in childhood and continues past Confirmation and into adulthood. Please continue to grow your faith by participating in some of the following opportunities to grow your faith or your child’s faith. Of course, the single most important way to grow your faith (at any age) is to attend Mass weekly.

Upcoming SESSIONS include:

Sep 22, 9:00-10:15 Sunday Rel Ed Parent and Student Meeting FFC

Sep 22, 4:00-5:30 Confirmation Parent & Candidate (Year 2) Meeting FFC

Sep 23, 6:00-7:30 RCIC session FFC

Sep 29-Oct 1, 6:30 Parish Mission St. Mary Church

Oct 2, 6:30-7:30 First Reconciliation Parent Meeting FFC

Oct 6, 9:00-10:15 Sunday Religious Ed FFC

Oct 7, 6:00 Family Ed (Monday group) FFC

Oct 9, 6:00 Family Ed (Wednesday group) FFC

If your children or teens are not yet registered for the appropriate faith formation / confirmation sessions, please register them as soon as possible.

SESSIONS ARE HERE and in the upcoming weeks!

If you have questions, please contact the Faith Formation Office at 733-3484 or [email protected]. Registration information is available on our parish website, under “Faith Formation,” or by contacting the office.

Job Opening

Confirmation Coordinator / Youth Minister

We are still seeking to fill the position of Confirmation Coordinator / Youth Minister. Duties for this Full-Time position include: preparing our young people to receive Confirmation (a 20 month process) and coordinating opportunities for Youth Ministry. Candidates should be practicing Roman Catholics with appropriate Administrative, Organizational and Communication skills. Experience with sacramental prep preferred, as is a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in Theology or working toward Diocesan Certification. Inquiries may be directed to Fr. Scott at the Parish Office: 733-3484.


Parish Mission September 29 through October 1

Presenter – Fr. Geoff Rose, OSFS / Mark 5:11 Ministries

“Finding God in our World” 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. St. Mary’s Church

3 Evenings

“Behold, I am with you always…until the end of the age” Matthew 28:20

Sometimes we tend to forget, and need to be reminded that God is with us always .

If you are looking for a prayerful retreat-like experience…If you are looking for practical help to live a full Christian life in your own situation…home, work, etc., come to the Parish Mission September 29 through October 1 at St. Mary’s from 6:30 to 8:00 pm with Fr. Geoff Rose and experience what you are looking for. Come and enjoy a faith enriching experience. ~ Deacon Joe


October 4 - The Feast of St. Francis Wait for God, for I shall again praise Him, my Savior and my God. ( 42:6) Please be In honor of St. Francis, the Parish Life with us to deepen your joy of a loving, personal Committee will be collecting cat and dog items relationship with Jesus. Our prayer is a special to be donated to local shelters from adaptation of The , and includes exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, MONDAY, SEPT. 16 to MONDAY, psalms, spiritual readings, prayers, and silent SEPT. 30 . Collecting food, treats, play toys, adoration. Everyone is welcome, blankets, towels, bleach, Dawn dish liquid, on Saturday, September 28, 8:00 to 9:00 etc. and every dog's favorite - peanut butter! PM, at Ss. Peter & Paul Church. We meet on the last Saturday each month. Items may be left in church or brought to the Parish Office. "Woof and Meow" Assistance Needed with our thanks! I need someone to help monitor the inventory of the Lighthouse Catholic media kiosks in a couple churches Blessing of Animals and someone interested in evangelization to assist with the apostolate. If you would like to help, please contact Friday, October 4 at 6:30 pm me at [email protected] or 607-562-8630.

Outside at Ss. Peter & Paul Church Karen Kilpatrick


"I was too busy to clean my COIN BOX CAMPAIGN closet over the summer and I have things for donation. Elmira Community Kitchen Oh, my - what can I do???? Serving our Neighbors

The Altar Rosary Ladies will be holding a Rummage and Bake Sale in early October . Recently, a young adult stopped in to volunteer. He told Staff that when he was Collection dates: Sept. 30 & Oct. 1 from 1-3pm and Oct. 2 from 3-6pm in St. Charles Hall. Most a child, he and his Mom came often for items are accepted, especially children and adult meals and that “we saved them” – so he clothing. wanted to volunteer in gratitude! Our (Because of recycle practices, a few items cannot guests include families with children, be accepted.) The Sale will be Friday, Oct 4 low-wage working people, persons who from 8 - 2pm and Sat. Oct 5 from 8 - 12pm. are homeless, seniors, and persons with disabilities. We have learned over the years that nutritious food and companionship at SAVE THE DATE: PARISH HALL MEETINGS the table are equally important to human TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15 well-being and we offer both.

We will offer Parish Hall meetings on Tuesday, October 15 , in an effort to update Thank you for welcoming the parish about our financial picture and future and feeding our neighbors! planning. As in the past, we will offer one session in the afternoon at 2:00 PM and the Q%`%H.:J$V% H.:J$V second session in the evening at 6:00 PM . C10V:  .VC10V:  .V CI1`:  Please note that the location of the meetings QII%J1 71 H.VJ*  will be at the Faith Formation Center , 1010 Davis St. in the auditorium. The auditorium has a much larger screen for the power point presentation, which, in the past at St. Charles, was difficult to see. There will be a time for questions and comments. All are invited.

Bulletin Deadlines PARISH CHOIR REHEARSAL Bulletin articles and information for A combined parish choir rehearsal, from all our Mass publication should be sent in 10 days prior to times and churches, will be held on THURSDAY, the Sunday that you are requesting via email. Sept. 26, 6:30 pm at St. Mary's Church . (Sorry no phone or verbal requests).

This Choir will sing for the Parish Mission Mass on Send bulletin information to our Email address: Tuesday, Oct. 1. We will review weekend Mass [email protected] hymns and psalm, and will discuss the upcoming Fall and Christmas Season of Parish Choir Masses. ♦ Deadline for the October 6 bulletin is YOU ARE INVITED 12:00 noon on Friday, September 27. to join if new, to come to search out the different ♦ Deadline for the October 13 bulletin is choirs, and get to know the wonderful people in the 12:00 noon on Friday, October 4. choir membership. We hope to see you there. THURS. SEPT. 26 - ST.MARY CHURCH - 6:30 pm. ♦ Deadline for the October 20 bulletin is Questions: Mary Montanarella 734-6255 X104 or 12:00 noon on Friday, October 11. leave a message at the Parish Office. 733-3484


A few scenes from the

Parish Picnic

God blessed us with nice weather and a good turn-out of people. Special thanks once again to Tom Petzke and crew for delicious food, Gene Deery for musical entertainment, Bill Bacon, grill expert and the many other set-up, food servers, and clean-up volunteers that made the day happen. Hats off to the kickball squad - do I hear a re-match for next year?????

Good news!! FORMED has Upgraded

The FORMED Catholic platform has been upgraded with many new improvements to enhance your viewing pleasure like increasing the speed by ten-fold, improving the search engine, adding smart TV access on Roku, Amazon Fire, Android TV, and offline playback.

And registration is even easier now. Just go to and register . All that is needed is the name of our parish and your email address. Sign up for the best of Catholic media access - for FREE - through Most Holy Name of Jesus parish.

FORMED Pick - Is the Bible more than just a collection of ancient writings, more than simply an important historical document to be appreciated but ultimately dismissed?

Go to and watch

Symbolon, Knowing the Faith: Episode 3 .


Social Ministry Committee 2019-2020

Anne Vieira - Chairperson

Site Contacts :

Peg Johnson (St. Patrick) Michele Nichols (St. Mary) Nancy Kline (Our Lady of Lourdes) Sue Hartman (St. Casimir) Elaine Harrington (Saints Peter & Paul)

Christmas Basket Team Leaders: Karen & Aimee Churchill

CRS Global Solidarity Team Leaders: Faith & Mike Tarby

Friends of Saint Francis Team: Terry McNamara

Elmira Community Kitchen Team Leaders: Mary Roe, Nancy Kline,

Terry McNamara, Sue Hartman, Don Holtz, Mary Kay Brown

Social Ministry Committee meets monthly on the first Tuesday at 6:30 PM at the parish office. More info: 733-3484 (Exceptions: Committee meets October 8 and April 14)


For Our Parish Food Pantry • Winter Coat Collection October 26/27 tuna, cereal, fruit, canned & packaged foods, Winter Coats (new or clean gently-used) for children, toilet paper, monetary donations. Please drop babies, adults/women & men - all sizes donations in boxes at all our churches on weekends or Tuesday at our pantry on High Please bring to Mass at any of our churches on the last Street. Open Tuesday 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM & weekend of October & place in designated bins or pews

4th Wednesday of the month 4:30 - 6:30 PM • New Socks Collection All Month Long For Our Parish Outreach Ministry at New socks for children, babies, adults (women & men) Elmira Community Kitchen Place in designated bins in all our churches Our parish community prepares three meals Socks will be given with our Christmas Baskets each month: dinner on third and fourth Wednesdays; and lunch on the third Thursday ; as well as dinner on fifth Monday in months Celebrate the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi with five Mondays . - October 4

Could you help? Please join us for lunch and a short program on We invite you to bake cookies, cake, brownies Laudato Si, the encyclical of Francis on: for dinners on September 25 or 30.

We invite you to donate food needed for dinner Friday, October 4 12:30 - 1:30 PM on the fourth Wednesday of each month: in the parish center following noon Mass at Ss. Peter & Paul Church spaghetti, tomato sauce, grated Parmesan cheese, Italian salad dressing. Please place in the bins St. Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of all who care at each church . for God’s creation. titled his encyclical,

Interested in volunteer service at Elmira Laudato Si or praised be , from the words of St. Francis Community Kitchen? Please call Kathy Dubel of Assisi’s Canticle of Brother Sun.

at 734-9784 x2135 In his encyclical, the Holy Father states that, “if the

For Catholic Charities Samaritan Center Pantry simple fact of being human moves people to care for the peanut butter, jelly, rice, pasta, sauce, tuna, environment of which they are a part, Christians in their canned fruit/vegetables, pudding, sandwich turn realize that their responsibility within creation and spread. Please place in the bins at their duty towards nature and the Creator, are an essential

part of their faith.” St. Mary’s Church.

Liz Maloney will host this lunchtime conversation Diapers for Babies Needed Year-Round about Laudato Si: On Care For Our Common Home. Please bring to any Mass. 9

Become a member Attention... of Perpetual Eucharist Hospitality and Bakers/Dessert Adoration and Ministers:

observe the Each September we like to update our changes that take volunteer lists for correct contact information place within your and hopefully add some new faces. If you can “Could you not watch own life and the bake or donate desserts that are needed for one hour with me?” lives for whom events, such as the Parish Mission, Town Hall Matthew 26:40 you pray. meetings, Family Ed... please call Anne at the Parish Office at 733-3484 . We try to use a Take this opportunity by calling 734-8691 or "call as needed" rotation.

pick up an invitation in our churches or the chapel. Can you provide a friendly face to greet Chapel is open for prayer from 6:00 am to people as they enter our buildings for special 6:00 pm. Security code available after these hours. events and services? We need you. Thanks!

Fatima Public Rosary Crusade

Please join other cities in the United States Thank you for scheduled to pray the Rosary together on Saturday, making a difference! October 12 at noon sponsored by America Needs

Fatima. The diapers that you donate make a difference

Join us in St. Casimir’s Church by offering for local families! They are distributed at our reparation for our sins and offenses committed against Samaritan Center Food Pantry and at our the Immaculate Heart of Mary and fervently pray on this Second Place East Homeless Shelter. day for the conversion of the United States. On average, 48 moms and dads come in to

Those unable to attend are encouraged to take the receive diapers for their children each month. time at noon to pray the rosary wherever they may be. The more diapers we have, the more we can distribute! Donations of diapers, wipes, pull-ups and overnight diapers are always needed for families. Items may be dropped off at our Samaritan Center (380 S Main St, Elmira) Monday - F riday, Life Chain 8:30am— 11:45am; 1pm —4:30pm. Can you spend one hour in silent prayer to witness for Looking for more ways to help? the dignity of human life? Visit our RightGift Wish List online! Please join us for the annual National Life Chain , You’ll find our current needs and th October 6 , 2019 between 2 and 3 PM , at the corner how you can help! of Church and N. Main St. in Elmira (Wisner Park) . Thank you for We will stand for one hour, holding signs supporting the partnering with us to dignity of all human life, in silent prayer, in solidarity help the children in with groups across the country doing the same thing at our community! the same time, rain or shine.

Catholic Charities For more information, call Steve at 607-739-9282 or John at 739-1011. 607.734.9784 www.cs- 10 Cemetery Markers “Chemung County’s Only Full Service Funeral Home Serving the Community for Over 100 Years” DBA Five Star SERVING NEW YORK AND PENNSYLVANIA Limousine Service DON KALEC, JR. Licensed Manager/Owner Kalec Funeral Home Inc. Your Only Funeral Director Cremation, Pre-Arranging and Pre-Financing who is a Lifelong Parishioner • Email: [email protected] of Christ the Redeemer 607-734-6196 • or 1-866-734-6196 • 705 E. Church St., Elmira, NY 1490 1 Plumbing DIEHR’S DRIVING Heating SCHOOL PROFESSIONAL PHARMACIES, INC. Electric 607-732-2885 ´PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY SERVICE ´ Woodbrook 5 Hr. Pre-licensing Course 130 S. Main St. • 733-6696 Assisted Living Residence AC/R 6 Hr. Defensive Driving Courserse 215 Hoffman St. • 732-0597 ~ Elmira ~ Private Driving Lessons 2887 Westinghouse Rd. • 796-2193 Phone: 607-734-7741 562-2023 98 W. Pulteney • 936-3233 Gift Certificates Available Scott Tolbert COMPLETE LAWN CARE Lodge 607-733-5526 Maple Lawn Owner !"##$%!&'()^)%$+&,$-.&'( Fax 607-733-0961 Dairy and Restaurant 15 Lewis Rd. Pine City, NY Horton Landscaping Family Owned and Operated for over 30 years #/01231/143)+5340/6072 908 Pennsylvania Ave. • Elmira, NY 14904 3162 Lower Maple Avenue, Elmira, NY 607-731-0314 +38901:)2;3)+<=2;381).038)><8).?<)@3138/20<17 Complete Kitchens - AAA** 607-733-0519 [email protected] TIMOTHY @A)B"%."-C)"D-$% Each Unit A Suite EFGHIEJHKJLM)^)N&@)>('.+C)-$D)O"%P Anthony’s Field of Dreams Counseling PIETRO & SON WEST ELMIRA MINI STORAGE Restaurant 147 West Gray St, 2 nd Floor, Elmira, NY 14901 ITALIAN RESTAURANT 7 Hendy Creek Rd., Elmira, NY 607.734.0402 400 W. Washington Ave., Elmira, NY Elmira, NY P: 607-732-4140 • F: 607-732-0190 607-733-4400 NEW Climate-Controlled units! Buy one lunch or dinner entrée valued at $8.95 or higher Linda Riner PIZZA - SUBS, SEAFOOD, CHICKEN Call (607) 733-6511 & receive one entrée of equal/lesser value at half off. LCSW-R, RN, CASAC, ICADC, FAPA Catering Menu • Banquet for your special occasion ! .V`&CQH:QJ-&QJ&.Q% .&0:1J&:JR&1J& .V&3V1$. - Can’t be combined with any other offer/coupon. No substitutions or cash value. Not valid on Holidays. O"ce Hours • Monday - Saturday Wedding Rehearsal Dinner • Bridal & Baby Shower 24 Hour, 7 Days a Week Emergency Coverage Available Company Parties & More! 10% Off 1st Month’s Rent by presenting this ad.

607-846-3680 • “Known for our Victorian Apartments” Screen Printing • Embroidery • Sublimation (607) 732-5751 • Elmira, NY Lighthouse LLC. Liquors & Wines of Southport REAL ESTATE SERVICES 1141 Broadway, Elmira Southport Plaza Ask Me About the 100% Money Back Guarantee! Open Mon - Sat 9AM - 9PM • Sun - Noon - 6PM THE WHITE EAGLE CLUB William R. (Bill) Marks 364 Millard Street, Elmira, New York Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker 607-732-5856 [email protected] 215 West Church Street, Elmira, NY 14901 HALL RENTAL • REASONABLE RATES • WEDDINGS Cell: 607-738-5381 BIRTHDAY • RETIREMENT • ANY SPECIAL OCCASION Office: 607-733-2700 • Fax: 607-733-9740 Accommodations To 100 People Let Us Take Care of Your Special Occasion [email protected] Ask For Joe Duffy FLOWERS BY ANGELA 203 Hoffman Street • Elmira GEORGE HOARE MEMORIAL CO 607-732-4152 Custom Designed Memorials Since 1889 !"# Franklin Street, Elmira (Located Outside St. Peter & Paul Cemetery) (-./ ) /12342/1 Contact Savich to place an ad today! 23! N. Franklin St., Watkins Glen [email protected] or (800) 477-4574 x6384 Arnot Mall, Horseheads

Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 • Blessed Sacrament Parish, Elmira, NY 06-0115 McInerny Funeral Home Bonnie Collins, Agent Kevin C. McInerny Jerry Mirando 376 S. Main St. • 734–0531 Owner, Licensed Manager Licensed Funeral Director 502 W. Water St. Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois [email protected] (607) 733-6271 Elmira, NY 14905 Since 1946 M A R I N O S I G N C O. 2nd Generation of Quality and Service PLASTIC SIGNS • NEON • BACKLIT AWNINGS Designed • Manufactured • Erected LETTERS OF: METAL • PLASTIC • WOOD • NEON • SANDBLASTED SIGNS Langdon Plaza #4 • 303 N. Main Street • Elmira COMPUTERIZED VINYL LETTERS • BANNERS • TRUCK LETTERING 607-739-3579 732-3647 or 732-3746 SIGN INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE CRANE SERVICE Available MON." SAT. 11AM TO 10PM | SUNDAY 4 TO 9PM Phone/Fax 1-607-732-5267 31 Old Ithaca Road • Horseheads 904 GRAND CENTRAL AVE., ELMIRA, NY PORTABLE SIGNS Patricia C. Page NYS Lic. real Estate Salesperson 2493 Corning Rd, Elmira, NY 14903 81 Dr. Lawrence Waite, Optometrist [email protected] Albert Lucarelli, Optician Eye Examinations • Prescriptions Filled C: 607.734.5620 Contact Lenses O: 607.398.6416 733-2694 • 382 W. Church Street, Elmira

Michael “Robby” Robertson ROSEMARY’S BEAUTY SALON O’BRIEN Licensed Real Estate Salesperson ‘Serving Our Parish Faithfully’ HEARING AID CENTER 215 West Church Street, Elmira, NY 14901 102 W. Center St. Cell: 607.425.5122 227 Hoffman - Cor. of Church Phone 734-7760 Lynch Funeral Elmira, N.Y. Ofc: 607.733.2700 734-2849 – Call for an Appt. Fax: 607.733.9740 Tuesday - Saturday –Free Batteries - 1 year - w/purchase of [email protected] Home Inc. Rosemary Antuzzi - Operator Hearing Aid & This Ad – Rev. Fr. Raymond B. Hourihan 739-1301 NANCY A. MURPHY AGENCY 966 Pennsylvania Ave., Elmira, NY 14904 Council 229 318 West Broad Street Knights of Columbus Horseheads, NY Meeting 1st & 3rd Wednesdays monthly Family Owned & Operated by: James J. Lynch II 607-732-2133 Council Hall James J. Lynch II & Heather Ann Lynch [email protected] For information call 607-733-2561 leave message Licensed Funeral Directors

Darlene S. Weiermiller [email protected] Office: 607-796-9817 Ext. 216 Cell: 607-738-2199 Fax: 607-796-6638 Located in Wegmans Plaza 1100 Clemens Center Parkway $2 OFF Unit 4 | Elmira PURCHASE OF $20 OR MORE 607-215-0923 with coupon

Southern Tier Counseling Center , LLC Private Mental Health Practice providing services to the community for 15 years 14 Licensed Clinical Social Workers specializing in Individual, Family and Couples Counseling Most Insurance plans accepted • Open 6 days a week: Monday-Saturday • Evening & weekend appointments available 407 WEST WATER STREET • ELMIRA • 6077340980 The region’s largest provider of Long Term Care Karen Rupp Short Term Rehabilitation Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Alzheimer’s/Dementia Care Buying or Selling a Home? Adult Day Health Care Cell: 607.738.0673 Email: [email protected] 48 Colonial Drive, Horseheads 2783 Westinghouse Road 607-734-6106 607-739-3654 Horseheads, NY 14845 Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 • Blessed Sacrament Parish, Elmira, NY 06-0115