The New-York Historical Society Quarterly Bulletin

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The New-York Historical Society Quarterly Bulletin THE NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY QUARTERLY BULLETIN VOL. VI OCTOBER, 1922 No 3 GRACE CHURCH, NEW YORK, 1850. BROADWAY AT TENTH STREET NEW YORK: 170 CENTRAL PARK WEST PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY AND ISSUED TO MEMBERS • '-• .>.y.,..;,. l^;. £.« _^;. #. -%-^jffi i|)|i|^jy|gih( THE NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY, 170 CENTRAL PARK WEST (Erected by the Society igo8 ) Wings to be erected on the 76th and 77th Street corners OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY- Elected January 6, 1920, for Three Years, ending 1923 PRESIDENT FOREIGN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY JOHN ABEEL WEEKES ARCHER MILTON HUNTINGTON FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT DOMESTIC CORRESPONDING SECRETARY . WALTER LISPENARD SUYDAM ARTHUR CURTISS JAMES SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT RECORDING SECRETARY WILLIAM CHURCH OSBORN STUYVESANT FISH THIRD VICE-PRESIDENT TREASURER WALTER JENNINGS R. HORACE GALLATIN FOURTH VICE-PRESIDENT LIBRARIAN FRANCIS ROBERT SCHELL ALEXANDER J. WALL* * Elected to succeed Robert H. Kelby, now Librarian Emeritus. SAMUEL LOUDON (1727-1813) {Merchant, Printer and Patriot) WITH SOME OF HIS LETTERS Samuel Loudon, said to have been born in Scotland in 1727, lived the greater part of his life in New York. To antiquarians he is best known as a printer, for he established and printed one of New York's important newspapers, The New York Packet and the American Advertiser, which he began on January 4, 1776, and in 1784 changed to Loudon's New York Packet. Upon the occupa­ tion of the City by the British in September, 1776, he removed to Fishkill, where he continued its publication. Through the courtesy of Dr. Austin Baxter Keep, the Library secured photostat copies of thirteen letters written by Samuel Loudon between the years 1767 and 1795, the originals of which are in the pdssession of the Peck Library of the Norwich Free Academy, Norwich, Conn. These, addressed mostly to members of his family who resided at Norwich, Conn., tell of his various vo­ cations and seven, being of considerable local interest, are printed in this sketch of his life. Samuel Loudon was a resident merchant of the City as early as 1753 when he advertised a general line of merchandise for sale in Gaine's New York Mercury of October 15, 1753, viz.: "To be Sold by Samuel Lowdon, at his shop opposite the Old-Slip-Market, Choice Red Clover Seed;" also brimstone, Durham Mustard, dishes, saws, files, axes, shovels, speaking trumpets, lanthoms, pots and kettles, paper and twine, nails, hinges, locks, hats, powder and shot, "ready made coats and breeches, in the newest fashion" and a quantity of other things. On September 19, 1757, he advertised in The New York Mercury as a ship-chandler, viz.: "Sold by Samuel Loudon, Ship Chandler, on Hunter's Quey, New York,,.. Cordage of all sizes; 3 English cables, 9,10, and io}^ inch, one of which is 70 fathom in length, the other two somewhat shorter: A large quantity of cartridge paper. Also half worn sails, rigging and cables.—Vessels may be supply'd with all sorts of ship chand-?, lery at the Lowest Prices." 75 76 T H E N E W-Y ORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY At this time he was thirty years of age and he continued in this occupation until 1776, as is evidenced from the letters written to his brother-in-law, Elijah Backus, at Norwich, with whom he carried on quite a business in selling anchors. In fact he adver­ tised in his New York Packet as late as May 30, 1776, "Ship Chand­ lery, To be sold by Samuel Loudon." On February 3, 1766, Samuel Loudon and Gerret Slover with twelve others petitioned for a grant of 1,000 acres of land on the west side of Connecticut River between the township of Townsend and Tomlinson and south of Kent and that the same be erected into a township by the name of Warrinstown.1 From a series of letters in the Schuyler Papers (in possession of the New York Public Library), written by Samuel Loudon to Philip Schuyler at Albany, N. Y., 1769 to 1774, it is apparent that Loudon with others was speculating in upper New York State land and that they were trying to dispose of their holdings to Scotch people just arriving. By 1771 he had found it more profitable to enlarge his activ­ ities and he combined his business of selling ship supplies with that of "A Book Store just Opened" which he* advertised in the New York Mercury of December 23, 1771. He next established, in connection with his bookselling, a cir­ culating library which, according to Dr. Keep's "History of the New York Society Library," was the second and last successful book-seller's circulating library in Colonial New York. The very interesting announcement of his proposals appeared in Rivington's New York Gazetteer on December 30, 1773, which we reproduce. To further quote Dr. Keep's delightful History we learn "A few weeks later, in Gaine's Gazette and Mercury for January 24, 1774, the catalogue was announced, 'ready to be delivered to the subscribers, gratis.' This would 'shew a neat collection of books; to which the proprietor will be making additions by every oppor­ tunity of every new literary production of value.' Meanwhile, those persons 'willing to countenance the undertaking' were re­ quested 'to be speedy with their subscriptions.' "In the same paper for November 21st following, Mr. Loudon advertises a new catalogue, the collection having increased to 'upwards of a thousand volumes.' The proprietor takes pleasure in informing 'all such connoisseurs' as disparaged female intelli- 1 Calendar of New York Land Papers, p. 392. QUARTERLYBULLETIN 77 Samuel Loudon's. Circulating Library ILL be opened the firtt day of January 1774$ fak- W fcriptions for reading, are taken in at his houfe, at 20 ihillings per annum, half to be paid at fubferibing. Oc­ casional readers to pay by the week, or volume j the prices for which, with rules for reading, will be particularly affixed to the catalogue, which is now printing, and will be ready to deliver to the fubferibers, and other readers, next month. The defign is fet on foot at the defire of feveral very re- fpeclable inhabitants, and mall be conducted with all pofli- ble fidelity and diligence, in providing books, both inftruc- tive and entertaining, and written by authors of the moil eftablifhed reputation. It is hoped that all who approve of the undertaking, will do their utmoft to encourage it, and without delay, as every body may fee that it's exiftance and perfection, depends on the encouragement it meets with, by enabling the undertaker to provide, and keep in order, a fufficient number of valuable books. gehce and love of reading, that 'the ladies are his best customers, and shew a becoming delicacy of taste in their choice of books.' Lest this should arouse feeling, he hastens to add: 'Neither are the gentlemen deficient in shewing the ladies a laudable example in this respect.' The 'prices for reading' payable in advance, were: " 'A year 20 shillings, Half year 12 Shillings, A quarter 8 Shil­ lings. And occasional readers to pay one penny for each shilling the book they read is valued at. The library open every week day, from morning till night.' And from a 'sketch of the rules,' non-subscribers were 'to pay when each book is delivered, to give a note for the value of the book they receive, if required,—one book to be returned before another is delivered, the time allowed to read an octavo volume is one week, a quarto two weeks, and a folio four weeks,—readers in the country to be indulged with two or three volumes at a time, to be sent and returned (at their own 78 T H E N E W-Y ORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY risque and charge)—Books to be paid for if lost or abused.—Books are not to be lent by the subscribers.' " His entering the printing business and the fortifying of New York are told in his letter to his cousin, Dudley Woodbridge, Postmaster at Norwich: New York, 29 March 1776. Dear Sir, I having this opportunity by Mr Jn° Griffiths, inform you that our Family enjoy health, but we cannot say, but that, at Times, our minds are uneasy on ac­ count of the exposed state of this City. We yet remain Quiet. My Wife, as well as my self, wou'd be much pleased wou'd it answer, to come to Norwich; but I lately engaged in the Printing Business, as there was nothing to be done in the Merchantile; and as I have good encouragement to prosecute it, it will not do to leave the City till I'm obliged. I intend to keep my Office by head Quarters where the Posts meet, which will be in or near this City, and if there is apparent danger, to move my Family a little way in the Country.- Our City is now Fortifying;— every street is strongly Barracadoed & entrenched, & Battery's in every part round the City; and they are making a strong Fortification on a Hill behind the City; and opposite to it on Long-Island, We are intrenching and Forming a Strong Redoubt. Some thousands of the Citizens & Army are employed every day at the Works; which make them go on very rapid.- Some of the Troops from Boston are arrived here, and many more expected. We will have a large Army here soon, which I hope will be able to repell the Forces which Britain may send; And may the God of Armies grant success. Mre Loudon joins me in Love to Sister & family.
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