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THINGS TALKED ABOUI ALL AO3UT THAT GOAT. OWye WS DSW$.- THlE SUTTE OFFICE A cm sm eND gne lawt a sess ths Paw S.AYS HE'S STILL CHIEF Grn d numiemi .ntcrtainhmenm and bail ANDERSON & CRUTHERS. Ot ds $TAWDARDo I.1bl Chk . n, KnmtDavkk club on Moeayl .mmg I Ahearn rekuderh of Ow IlaushfletX 3. a by Anaeonda and BIDtr.r Mllch 1.-Tbh.s eee o D. H lU T. tswqr. Tds~pl.. C m ni tem - P. S111 a s Albs Depl- Ladle Lerics' wcbsswa. Tickets BLACKSMITH NO e C.a, the East Pak masset pewOarIeb. S.~.mil in Ia. L. e-aruet whb re-sle te snoaes 60 Use W UIl.Il No%'s go knowlng thaUn to have been stolen, ear Look outa for tLs Nikired line. plaet almost the senLse tinme of thue Mahan He Therefore Demands His Salary k Linsle'. STUART. - - Mont. *What People are Sayng About enernt S ed. (oasnt Atorsney and is the Spring eetilen appeased or she pramseeltism and su Deterbmied to Oo to As to the Onmo H~dld of Merleds 6 Holarn for thn the Courts if Neooesary Case. defence. Considerable Interest was anw to Oet It. Ifetesd by the eidtaes in the ease eanl h- the ldan' teto court room was Ilted with aspetsor. al WLtttaw re. Special oneawsm•see ot the tanai. thrauglrut Sthetral. Intmeas in thesars Blr'rc, MAGUIRE'S OPERA UTTiE RAiLWAY GUIDZ. March 1. Tme city of lautt, pre- TT*.~ McOMr HOUSE 1.--The city eaetion is Wirre, Marbh was ehmncedal h the fact that tbh de ctets the anomaly having LOUIS irst in April. and of St kear two R. VILLEMAIRK, - . - MUY71AxA UxJOX. to be held the Monday feadalst. Cohen, is well known in Butte ten who claimn to be- - MANAOSR at the couneil ntuetiag next Wedn-eday le.ally chief of po. and has hitherto een roa~rk as as lies. Today was pay slay for the police - Arve. ieaSve. nilbt the clerk will doubtleas be author- hotest and wos•th citisn. Evkltne for laul to ssme a call for the uame. The call the proseeutln amoupied tour bours. f•oe•r. 1anl LaNe P. Smith, who was slp- __I ~Lns. / I ta. posed --ust he ismaed a0 days before the elec- Citr Marshal McArthur swore be pro. to have hLenm kitocsed as chief of aue am. n at L..---fliR FORM ANCES OF (;RANI) ida'tihw saknua. tion. The conventions are uasually held cured a search warrant a d, witth O -tIe polcle the last mee-ting of the city OPERA---4 s searched ('ohen's, sho. "We concl. - the election, and must take Janu~s, nr- a•f ormal deanuaud oe ('ity ........ O pm. p.m days haeor found several trunks. all of which seemed IC3erk (raves for his salary up to Marrch IN ENGLISH. placm, therefore within the next to ha. i ut one. It was locked and 1. The request was N tt muaawithR two weeks. Neovrtbeless there in refused, het the city we *askleCohnto open it. He said he cter k maid he woul report the anutter at Amwdmatn ! I2: p.m. *~ a.t.. an nuusual lack of interest in had no key in open the trunk, as it be. the ne~t nwetinl of tle cousncil. It longed to sroua miner on the hill. After ....... ..~~.m 'ta iS:a.m. sS...ina th• elect.in, and there was never lear talk, seemos that Mr. Smith claimas that he was . one month before an electon, about can- a time we foulnd a key whlch wonkit open nomtIblly eleclamed as rhief; that h.e is Om-'4 at with locatboel Araaouda train. we found didates. The city has not yet recovered the trunk. aInd uponaopening it tberefore still chief of police of tin" city of Emma court. ('o. Juch two fir couts producedl in Grand of last fall. the ustt... Ae."•arlingly English a •ntly fromn the election uine4- his Ulmle.lup Opera Co. .o canddklates for mayor are yet de•n- hen did not mlake any explanation other dep•SitliI. he has hleen on ldntIy ntilhtly Uti(rr xOUX.% 1A t"L.?T*AL itely in the flekl, althobab a few natnes than that tlhe trunk hadl hen, left there by and lis. givenl iestnrctltione to hi- anall.. the dtirtectit n it ChairI.'" I: I.ockL" a• mentioned. Onte of Butte's leadin. somne miner." He lnow clanils his s.alary. .Mr. Slmitlh citizens said *to-day that noblo r .oonk Concerning the mnink coas Imluced in uimmew i chislainl .on a m'1ctlcnl whikla staLte a, Ilx: X1 I'Z make a better lro sthan M. J. ( oaneil., court and fIound in that trunk, th•e police that tlhellidef of ldlle sacmy he delsnu.dl 7."tt. Part tKi.prees . p.m. nos a.h. :o and nobody wo he more generally dle. ofllcers had furnished ('t3.e*n with a de- for nierltrt of eduty on at two-thinrs vo.te- of C IIi)RI 1 hIlerAoammUdata.. 11 M1a.mn. f11np.m. sired as a esaa•kldate for that o•fice. But seription of the coat inmmediately after Oowef oa with Utah & Northern train for it is believed that Mr. Councll would it was stolaen fro llabhack Brothers. clahnl"l t'oc that nlo two-thirds vote of the and points " ad and eret on UiL'ao never permit his name to le used. Mr. 'ohen had also been warnel anot to p•r- coeuncilt was taken, alnd that tlie to mlay onnoll is at pent in the East, hut will chase such a coat if it should he offered has ceIvcr alu)rvel or dllulppruwvet the .1 rmummt.-mt :nmimImsNmmu.mm~t.rt..r~nm ii vin In thm w.riI. return before iawaen o. hilnl. 'ohen lhad offered no drjletion to action,. The comncil simuply auloptdal tha. C'IVOINXI AND AIHRiVAI. OFV MAILS. Aklderman Mueller is the favorite of the oficer, wlhen nearchllng this ston'. report .. f twe eonlanittee whlich nre.oall- many for the office of mayor and he There was one fur coat found by the ofil- Inei|t•al tiHe r"tirclllant of ('hiief Saunliti t., wouk undoaubtedly make a strson run. It cers in ('ohen's store lyiwg exgpnaoae upown tile rIslnks a4il tilteplacing of An•by COMMENCING THURSDAY, MARCH 13th. -- c---s. Arrhe. I[a)ten1 is doubtful if a more satisfactory choice a .seal. in hisltime.. Tlhi ren•lnaluealtioin lwa Mail fnrCaliiornl andthlhI : pm........... coukld be made. He is highly smlkcen of F. P. lager. esuployael tr s cnhlrk at M. carrie.l, halt ithelthe rouscwil pw•e•e•kel to. $outsro litatea.........j 7:30 am. I :30 a.a by all with whom coa•versation has Iven J. 'onncl••akith l nltt Felwnlary 119 u thie li-.ti.n Mall at viaL M. Ity 2:a0 p.m. ......... of Edl ('lrr.l os chief. If had and the only objectkilo that ha Ieet.a fur coat wat, stolen fromn M. J. ('onnell that Iatart 'if tIh, a.onlnittes. re Sort was [:rill. \ithtit. CARMEN. Mai fa RaM viLa MC. y 2:30 pa.m11. 0 p.m went aroumull Mall for West via N.P.Rt-............ 9:tA p In made to his nomnination is that his resig- aitld that evening the wmiteeie legall.y :arritl., tthe I)iemln 1tial ('arr.all nation as aklernan mighit weaken the to all the' pawn lmop antl 'eo ld-IHanul ar' h;l cI•.- hi.fn. If it was clnt earrieel tlwhn- GIRL. xItIIvrv MIaitinec. BOHEM IAN strength of the deallmorats in the ceuancil. s*mPoreill towl and wlarunel ti.lrwtlrletor. Smnith rnavzninan ciief annd acreuslt was BUTTE CURRENT 1lw) NOTES. Julge Barret is aontlher tman who would nut to ipurchae sutlh a 4'i*t. rl•e minil elLasoll ,lhi,f. in .any .lemvtIit i.'niks a. t,.tur.tav \i-ht. WILLIAM TELL. prr In emuort wasI eeii Iy the .slt Lake proclxrty is salil1I rapidly in be acceptable to all. antllwho would make coat dhacel thln•teih thin. arc- two (ahies.. Mr. Srnith tacapital mayor inl every senle of thi( wltn.'**n inl ('ohen's pawnII'Ishop. Marshal will Irn)ri .. cllimanin ,llumel will lNe' v•'ery' •lutte these days. I.II.."1(1)* \."I% word. Jamest A. Talhot is another gos.l McArthur whenll recallthd, ,id: ,"('ohenl legall,ni'an to coill elht hiiis saary il. to tlr.. l 1ISI.(II(( a11 " II(1 Ii..'...\ n. ." the ". 1ul1111* .C 311 tI. *'I.I'~lZI) in \."w \ p the Unln ... " hIwl...I I1.) There is plenty of c•reaga" witllhill oel told recently that he haId purlh-tneal ..mL. :ama.l ~'.amhimamm,*I.s. ., wah Is $2.00 t..r "rvt .m..I.. ";IS.. man who is urged by many. Int fact the n,e tislie lie' al;ll Is legally Iaulveal'. li 1.11" W01m1.4- w l IM' t it ". l :ruile of Butte City. henualtifuilly sitllated, ~t .h.a q.rii .'g.tmmm~ f them..I al.s.im.* ... i." I'i.- 1. "n . p'lm.m U. 3% "I t i,.." delaoeratiLe Iarty hasn plenty of good tin*- the nink-skin coat from .,ome, man wlhom will r•srt to lr•w-a-s of law itf l• .r...-iry-. I3,,hI.I , .m : InI)mm . I II,:r, lIt 1.r i t timIml+i 5. for sale cheap. ('Ohleen her. he dkl not know. aoumlhl not tell ,u.aaeerlPr" 1 II Is it pretty If1lill.. All the locals of the Knights of Labos The repIublicans on the other hlannd ar.