Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 128 International Scientific Conference "Far East Con" (ISCFEC 2020) Renovationism (Obnovlenchestvo) as a Theological Instrument for the Adaptation of the Russian Orthodox Church to the Socialistic Revolution A A Radugin1, O A Radugina2, K A Rashkovskaya3 1Radugin Aleksej Alekseevich, Philosophy, Sociology and History Chair, Voronezh State Technical University, 20-years of October revolution st., 84, Voronezh 394006, Russia 2Radugina Ol'ga Alekseevna, Philosophy, Sociology and History Chair, Voronezh State Technical University, 20-years of October revolution st., 84, Voronezh 394006, Russia 3Rashkovskaya Kseniya Anatol'evna, Archive Communications Department, Russian State Archive of Literature and Art, Vyborgskaya st., 3, bd. 2, Moscow 125212, Russia E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] Abstract. In the article shows that the October Revolution brought about profound transformations in Russian society, which posed a serious challenge to the Russian Orthodox Church. The answer to this challenge was the ideological and theoretical activity of theologians, aimed at adapting the Russian Orthodox Church to these transformations. The theologians of Renovationism developed the principles of the social ethics of Orthodoxy, which allowed the church to adapt to the new social realities that emerged as a result of the October Revolution. One of the main tasks of Orthodox theology of that time was interpreted by the Renovationists as the task of religious and moral consecration of the October Revolution. 1. Introduction The first attempts to renew traditional religious consciousness in Russia using the methodology of Western philosophy, history and psychology began in the middle of the XIX century.