From the publishers of magazine 2015 in association with the New England Board of Higher Education.









2015 Guide to New England Colleges and Universities is published by Boston magazine in association with the New England Board of Higher Education. All contents are copyright 2014 by Boston magazine. For information, contact Boston magazine at 617.262.9700 or 300 Avenue, Boston, MA 02115.


THE ANSWER COMES IN THE FORM OF COUN- stepped on campus. University research colleges and universities in the other New TER QUESTIONS: Can they affff ord not to labs spin offff into new companies and in- England states when they pursue special- pursue a college education? What would dustries. Vibrant campuses energize towns ized majors. the impact be if they don’t get a college de- and cities with innovation. gree? Some students and families look to More than 9,500 students take advantage “return on investment.” And indeed, me- New England colleges and universities of this program every year, accessing over dian annual earnings for full-time work- serve more than 1.2 million students annu- 750 unique and cutting-edge academic de- ing college-degree holders ages 25 to 32 are ally from around the globe, sending them gree programs and saving $7,000, on aver- $17,500 greater than for those with high forth as teachers, skilled medical techni- age, each year on their tuition bills. school diplomas only—and the gap has cians, entrepreneurs, engineers, poets, and been widening. future Nobel laureates. Th ey are a second Since it was established in 1957, Tuition “home” to more than 60,000 foreign stu- Break has provided New England students But the return to both graduates and dents. Additionally, many other students, and families with over $1 billion in sav- college communities is much greater than from every corner of the world, access ings. And the six states have saved untold dollars and cents—such as the ability to courses and degree programs 24/7 from millions of dollars by avoiding duplication think critically and creatively, the acquisi- New England’s colleges via online learning of programs already available in other New tion of new and stronger skills, a deeper opportunities. England states. Learn more about the pro- understanding and knowledge of our gram in this guide or visit our website at complicated world, and the likelihood of a The New England Board of Higher Edu- better quality of life. cation (NEBHE) works to foster inno- vation and collaboration in the region. NEBHE thanks Boston magazine for the Here in New England, world-class educa- Created in 1955, NEBHE’s mission is to opportunity to work together to produce tion in fi elds ranging from art history to expand, through interstate cooperation, the 2015 Guide. It will be a valuable resource zoology is offff ered by the region’s 250-plus the education opportunities and ser- in connecting you with the region’s wide campuses—public and private, two-year vices available to the region’s residents, array of colleges, opening doors for con- and four-year, religious and secular, pro- with a focus on college affordability, tinued learning, degree attainment, career fessional and liberal arts. access, and success. advancement, and intellectual enrichment.

Th e region’s colleges and universities also For example, NEBHE’s “Tuition Break” prepare students for occupations that may program provides a discount on the out- Michael K. Thomas is president and CEO of the New England Board of Higher Education and publisher of The New England not have existed when those students first of-state tuition students pay at public Journal of Higher Education. Email: [email protected].



STAYING SOLVENT LET’S START WITH THE Keep in mind that tuition increases approximately five per- FINANCIAL SIDE, WHICH, cent annually, according to the College Board, so that the ALL BY ITSELF, ISN’T AN EASY SUBJECT TO TACKLE. So here is the projected tuition and fees over four years of study will be: skinny on real college costs, because tuition isn’t the only one. There are fees, which range from library use and athletics to ID cards. Then there are housing and meals, and books and supplies. THE DETAILS # -&'        THE COLLEGE BOARD REPORTS THE AVERAGE COSTS FOR THE 2013-2014 SCHOOL YEAR WERE: PRIVATE COLLEGE $129,700 $312,200  J %)! $)&-&$!!() ( $##'L$&'(( PUBLIC UNIVERSITY $38,300 $92,200   &' #('  $&$)($'((&' #('  #'((&' #(  J %& *($)&-&$!!() ( $##'L   TWO-YEARS OF $ 74,700 $179,800  J &$$"#$&L&#&$" ($)&-&%)!  COMMUNITY COLLEGE   $!!'($  (%& *($!!' AND TWO YEARS OF  J $$ '#')%%! 'L  (%)! $!!'#  ( PRIVATE COLLEGE   %& *($!!'



DON’T PANIC! FOR STUDENTS CHECK OUT THESE WEBSITES. You’ ll find AS ARTHUR DENT IN THE HITCHHIKERS GUIDE TO THE GALAXY SAYS, DON’T PANIC. online help with your journey, from There are financial aid packages available to virtually all institutions: some learning how to write essays, finding based on need (federal, state, or school grants; federal loans; work study), career ideas, visiting schools, preparing some on merit (determined by high school performance, test scores, or for tests, and more. talent) and some for athletics. CAPPEX.COM  'AB12;A?2C62D@.;1A<<9@A<0<:=.?20<99242@ THERE ARE FOUR FORMS YOU MAY NEED TO FILE FOR FINANCIAL AID: COLLEGEBOARD.ORG ?2@B6?2 COLLEGEPROWLER.COM  'AB12;A61L&2>B6?21/F.99  FB2 6?@A=2?@<;?2C62D@3?<:@AB12;A@  0<99242@A<?2026C23212?.9.;1  A<A520<99242 PRINCETONREVIEW.COM (BAB6?21/F:.;F=?6C.A20<99242@  3



SAVING YOUR FUTURE YOU WON’T END UP IN DEBTOR’S PRISON—especially if you still have time to start saving with MEFA— the Massachusetts 529 college savings plan, which combines significant tax advantages and age-based savings strategies.


 J ")%9.;@=?<0221@4<A< =B/960.;1=?6C.A2".@@   /.@210<99242@.;1B;6C2?@6A62@ -

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It’s probably preaching to the choir to say that financ- ing a college education is substantially less expensive if you pay with savings instead of loans, which must be repaid. MEFA shows that by saving $6,960, and earning $3,040 in interest, your actual expenditure in paying off $10,000 in college costs is only $6,960. By taking out a $10,000 loan, to continue the example, the interest accrued is $3,920, so the cost will actually be $13,920. Learn more at

USING YOUR HIGH SCHOOL THE CHANCES ARE YOUR STUDENT’S HIGH SCHOOL HAS NOT ONLY COLLEGE INFO SESSIONS FOR STUDENTS, BUT ALSO SEPARATE SEMINARS FOR PARENTS. Bob Hall, Guidance Team Leader at Colchester High School in Vermont says, “We hold three parent nights in the spring for juniors, a senior night in the fall, and a financial night for all parents in the fall. For freshman and sophomore parents we have one night, as well.”

“Dual Enrollment—taking college courses in high school—is often recommended for students. Not specifically to save money although the courses are free, but it is an opportunity for students to explore what they’re really interested in and stick their toe in the college water and get a sense of their readiness,” Hall explains.



TWO-YEAR OR FOUR-YEAR? GAP YEAR? ARE FOUR YEARS YES, IT WILL COST LESS FOR YOUR STUDENT TO START HIS COLLEGE CAREER AT A TWO-YEAR REALLY FOUR YEARS? COMMUNITY COLLEGE and then transfer to a four-year institution, if that’s what she wants, or what her grades dictate for admission, or he just needs some time to live at home and Taking a gap year continues to mature. There are many reasons why this can be a viable, even a good option. be a growing trend, and is even endorsed by some colleges. “The two plus two route does make financial sense for a lot of kids,” says Colchester High’s Bob Hall. “We also recommend that a community college be a financial safety school Sometimes it’s for financial when students make their list of ‘safe’ schools, because you never know what the financial reasons, but “increasingly, in a aid situation is going to look like, even with the cost calculators that each school has on culture which values choosing its website.” a major-to-career path from the outset, a structured gap year can Bill Boozang, Associate Vice President and Dean of Online and Continuing Education at Newbury College in Brookline says, “Transferring continues to gain popularity among offer both emotional maturity 18-22-year-old, first-time college attendees. For various reasons, earning an associate’s de- and better career focus for those gree while commuting or online, then completing a baccalaureate degree is the right choice uncertain of their professional for some students.” Newbury greatly values these transfers, accepting 54 percent of them. pursuits. So five- and six-year completion rates aren’t as unusual However, Andrew Flagel, Senior Vice President for Students and Enrollment at Brandeis as you would think,” maintains University in Waltham, maintains that, while he is “a huge fan of community colleges, there are still far more spaces of entry for first year students to the most competitive col- Bill Boozang. leges like Brandeis, than for transfer students. I certainly wouldn’t want to see any aca- demically qualified students count themselves out as a first-year because of cost because, by and large, those students will find financial support at the four-year institutions.”



CHOOSING THE RIGHT SCHOOL HOW DOES YOUR STUDENT GET INTO THAT IVY LEAGUE OR TOP complex yet easy to predict. It’s quite the opposite. It is fairly TIER SCHOOL? Colchester High’s Bob Hall always tells his kids simple, as it is predominantly about academic record, but it is that “there is no secret sauce. There is no formula that will very hard to predict.” Each year he finds students who believe get a student in to the school of her choice. But,” he says, “if they have to be funny or stand out, or come up with some your child is that strong, the secret sauce is that student. Work gimmick. That works against 90 percent of them because, hard, get excellent grades, have excellent test scores, and then “the application process is genuinely about showing yourself look for those schools that have full academic scholarships. to your best advantage and sharing your strong academic re- Why would you pay money to go to a Tufts or BU when you cord. That’s what makes the biggest difference at the most could go somewhere else for free or near free?” competitive institutions.”

Hall points out: “I think people get too hung up on good “The part that’s unpredictable,” Flagel continues, “is that there reputation. At the end of the day, no one really cares where is no way of knowing how, in any given year if the school is you went to undergraduate school. Only that you went and looking for another double reed instrument player for the graduated. It sounds cynical, but it’s the truth. There are a band, or if they have a few more spaces in physics than in lot of good colleges out there and a marquee named school biology. That complexity of trying to game the system is quite is not going to take a poor student and turn him into a impossible for students. But it feeds into the idea that it is a great student.” prize to be won in order to get into the ‘perfect’ college. The reality is there are probably dozens of ‘perfect’ schools for most Brandeis’ Andrew Flagel agrees, and goes further to explain, students. There are 4,000 colleges and universities, and most of “There is this mythology that college admissions are both them are quite successful at supporting students’ success.”



ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN AND OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL Patricia Peek WHAT TO INCLUDE IN YOUR advises, “The student should share a range of school- and community-based activities that demonstrate leadership, service, CHILD’S APPLICATION? and commitment; presenting a well-written essay that exhibits COLLEGES WANT TO SEE THE FOLLOWING IN YOUR APPLICATION PACKAGE: college-level composition and critical thinking skills; and YOUR HIGH SCHOOL GRADE POINT AVERAGE choosing recommenders whose ACT OR SAT SCORES (in some but not all cases) letters can give us an additional dimension of the students that we TEACHER AND OTHER PERSONAL RECOMMENDATIONS could not find elsewhere in the TIP: Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope to all who agree to write a recommendation for you. Be sure the application.” date you need it is written on it, and you might suggest topics you want them to cover. Write a thank-you note to TIP: Bragging is ok. each person. AN INTERVIEW YOUR PERSONALLY WRITTEN RESPONSE TO ESSAY QUESTIONS As Patricia Peek, Director TIP: A personal interview is your chance to of Undergraduate Admission at Fordham University, says, “In many cases, the application show your interest in the school and your is an admission offifficer’s fi rst opportunity to ‘meet’ the student. While the student should personality. Can you think about a memorable present himself or herself in the best light, that shouldn’t be at odds with his or her way to introduce yourself? Dress for success, authentic voice. We want students to be themselves, and convey who they are so that we’ll as if this is a job interview. No flip-flops or know if they fi t with who we are. We want students who will thrive at Fordham, and the cutoffs. Think about your answers before personal essay is part of the hard-to-quantify ‘fifit.’” responding, and prepare in advance an answer TIP: Carefully read what each school wants in an essay and don’t write the same one for every school. The to the question as to why you want to attend biggest no-no is sending a recycled essay with the wrong school name that you’ve forgotten to change because this particular college. Write a thank-you note it was buried in the body of the essay. It’s an automatic disqualifi cation. after each interview.


COLLEGE GUIDE FOR PARENTS STEP AWAY FROM THE CONTROL NOW COMES THE HARDEST PART. When should you step away from the control and let your student manage their own college application process? Or should you be in- volved?

“College raises very large and often com- plex financial decisions for families,” so Brandeis’ Andrew Flagel feels that “parents are, by and large, the best support system for students. I find parents are tremendous partners in the education process. The idea is how do you balance your child’s independence and being supportive at the same time?”

He continues, “ThTh e complexity of our uni- versity systems makes it diffifficult for parents not to be engaged because the student is faced with a lot of bureaucracy, and adults are so much more experienced in navigating bureaucracy, that helping their student fi nd the right path and connect with the right folks, is not an unrealistic expectation.”

Lastly, Flagel urges parents to be involved as it pertains to the student who comes to campus with significant prescription medications, whether it is psychotropic or medication to treat ADD or ADHD. Many don’t report the information to the health and/or counseling center, even though those are entirely private organizations. THE NEXT STEP “Recognizing that there is sensitivity on the subject, coupled with the fact these IT’S YOURS TO TAKE. Walking that fi ne line of being a are powerful drugs, entrusted to students supportive and encouraging partner with your student, but re- who are on their own for the first time, it specting their wishes in wanting to take the responsibility of can create a good deal of risk. I always en- making their own decisions as they step into the next, adult courage families to engage the health side phase of their life. You can do it. Take a deep breath and smile. of the administration in making sure the institution is attending to that area of their student’s need.”



A COLLEGE’S LISTED PRICE INCLUDES TUITION, FEES, AND ROOM AND STEPS IN APPLYING BOARD (if provided on campus), as well as the estimated “indirect” Complete the financial aid application required by the costs of attending college, including books, supplies, transpor- college(s) where you are applying for admission, and submit it tation, and personal expenses. The listed cost surpasses $60,000 before their deadline. annually at some colleges. But very few students pay full price. For- tunately the entire cost is taken into consideration when colleges Complete the FAFSA (the federal government’s Free Applica- award financial aid. tion for Federal Student Aid) as soon as possible aftft er January 1 to receive aid for the following academic year. This applica- FINANCIAL AID: TYPES AND SOURCES tion is completed for every year of enrollment. File online at: Th ere are two basic types of fi nancial aid: scholarships and grants, For one-on-one help to complete the which don’t need to be repaid, and loans which need to be repaid FAFSA, check and your high school (unless forgiven under special circumstances). guidance offiffice.

Scholarships and grants are based on fi nancial need and/or some- Complete the College Board’s “Profifile” application if it is re- times other criteria, such as merit (academic and personal achieve- quired by the college(s) where you are applying. File online at: ment), program of study, religious affiffiliation, ethnicity, member- nancial-aid-profifi le. ships, hobbies, or special interests. Research and apply to other funding sources such as state fi- Financial aid comes from four basic sources: the federal govern- nancial aid agencies, private businesses, foundations, community ment, state government, colleges and universities, and the private organizations, and veterans’ groups. Check with high school coun- sector (such as foundations, corporations and banks). selors, the local public library, and search for scholarships online.


THE COLLEGE TAKES INTO ACCOUNT THE ESTIMATED TOTAL COST OF ATTENDANCE AND THE STUDENT’S FINANCIAL NEED (which is calculated based on the completed fi nancial aid applications and any other required documentation used by the college).

Th e college offffers the student a fi nancial aid package, which may be a combination of scholarships (need-based and/or merit) funded by the college or state; federal or state grants; federal work-study (which allows a student to earn up to a specififi ed amount); and low-interest federal loans (for the student and/or the parent).

Financial aid awards may vary from college to college. A college may be willing to improve the award, especially if there are unusual family circumstances which are not refl ected in the standard applications.


GENERAL: PARTICIPATE IN COMMUNITY SERVICE to earn education awards. FINAID.ORG (Smart Student Guide to Financial Aid) Visit or FINAID.ORG/CALCULATORS/FINAIDESTIMATE.PHTML NASFAA.ORG (National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators) ATTEND A LOWER-COST, TWO-YEAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE, then BIGFUTURE.COLLEGEBOARD.ORG/PAY-FOR-COLLEGE transfer to a four-year college to earn a bachelor’s degree. NETPRICECALCULATOR.COLLEGEBOARD.ORG FASTWEB.COM (scholarship search) COMMUTE TO COLLEGE FROM HOME instead of living on campus. COLLEGEGOALSUNDAYUSA.ORG (help completing the FAFSA) WORK FOR A COMPANY OR ORGANIZATION that provides STATE FINANCIAL AID WEBSITES: tuition assistance. Connecticut: CTOHE.ORG/SFA Maine: FAMEMAINE.COM - MESFOUNDATION.COM CONSIDER THE COLLEGE FINANCING OPTIONS AVAILABLE through the Massachusetts: OSFA.MASS.EDU - MEFA.ORG U.S. Department of Defense. Visit : NHHEAF.ORG - NHCF.ORG Rhode Island: CPCRI.ORG - RIHEAA.ORG START SAVING EARLY WITH A “529 PLAN,” a tax-advantaged college Vermont: VSAC.ORG investing and savings plan, in accordance with IRS Section 529. FILING THE FAFSA:* Visit STUDENTAID.ED.GOV/FAFSA - FAFSA.ED.GOV - PIN.ED.GOV NCES.ED.GOV/COLLEGENAVIGATOR (college & fi nancial aid info) CHECK IF YOUR DEGREE PROGRAM IS APPROVED FOR AN OUT-OF- COLLEGECOST.ED.GOV (US Department of Education link to college’s STATE TUITION DISCOUNT. Visit for 6 New net price calculators) England states; for 16 western states; for 16 Federal Tax Information: IRS.GOV/INDIVIDUALS/STUDENTS southern states; and for 9 midwestern states. Federal loans: STUDENTLOANS.GOV STUDENT.COLLEGEBOARD.ORG/CSS-FINANCIAL-AID-PROFILE Wendy A. Lindsay is senior director of NEBHE’s Tuition Break program and NEBHE editor *The FAFSA is fi led free-of-charge; students and families do not need to pay a service for fi ling. of the 2015 Guide. Email: [email protected].


THE NEW ENGLAND REGIONAL STUDENT from the RSP and saved an estimated total of ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM (RSP), CALLED “TUITION BREAK,” $56 million on their annual tuition bills. Each University of New Hampshire helps residents of the New England states– full-time student saved an average of $7,200. Eligible Residents: ME, MA, RI Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Th e RSP participating colleges received an Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont– estimated $66 million in tuition revenue from GAME DESIGN access and affff ord more than 750 special- enrolled RSP students. Th is year, 27 additional Fitchburg State University, MA ized degree programs offff ered by out-of- new programs were approved; 2 associate, 14 Eligible Residents: CT, ME, NH, RI, VT state public colleges within the six-state bachelors, and 11 graduate programs. MARINE AFFAIRS region. (Students who live outside New University of Rhode Island England may be eligible for similar re- EXAMPLE: Eligible Residents: CT, ME, MA, NH, VT gional programs. Information is available at,, and IN-STATE TUITION $9,000 RENEWABLE ENERGY OUT-OF-STATE TUITION $23,000 Vermont Technical College Students who are interested in studying a REGIONAL TUITION $15,750 Eligible Residents: CT, ME, MA, NH, RI specialized degree program may discover that a program is not offff ered by most TUITION SAVINGS $7,250 ROBOTICS AND MECHATRONICS colleges—including the typically more Central Connecticut State University aff ordable public colleges in their home In some cases, students may also qualify Eligible Residents: ME, MA, NH, RI, VT state. The good news is that their program when they live closer to an out-of-state may be offered by an out-of-state public college than to an in-state college offffering SUSTAINABLE FOOD AND FARMING college with a tuition discount through the RSP. the same program. Some of the state University of Massachusetts Amherst colleges and universities, and many of the Eligible Residents: CT, RI, VT When students enroll in academic pro- community colleges, allow this “proximity eligibility.” WIND POWER TECHNOLOGY grams that are approved through the Northern Maine Community College RSP, administered by New England Eligible Residents: CT, MA, NH, RI, VT Board of Higher Education (NEBHE), EXAMPLES they are charged a “regional” tuition Visit for details rate, which is between the college’s RSP TUITION-DISCOUNTED PROGRAMS AND on eligibility, degree programs and tuition lower rate for in-state residents and STUDENTS WHO ARE ELIGIBLE: rates and savings. higher rate for out-of-state students. DENTAL MEDICINE During the 2013-14 academic year, a total University of Connecticut Dental School Kiley Danchise-Curtis is coordinator for NEBHE’s Tuition of 9,533 New England residents benefifi ted Eligible Residents: ME, MA, NH, RI, VT Break program. Email: [email protected].




ngaging Academics E Marlboro is an intellectually demanding academic community, where students work closely with faculty to map out an individualized course of study based on their most passionate intellectual interests. After studying broadly and creatively across disciplines, students embark on a self-designed Plan of Concentration, an in-depth exploration of a focused academic area culminating in a major work of scholarship. Marlboro’s reputation is substantiated by an overall academic rating of 98 (out of 99) in Princeton Review’s 2015 edition of Th e Best 379 Colleges. Graduate & Professional Studies Creative Community For students interested in further study, Marlboro’s Graduate and Marlboro is intentionally small, an exceptionally close-knit learning Professional Studies programs provide the knowledge and practical community where individual students are seen, heard, known, and skills needed to advance their careers, lead thoughtfully, and meet valued. Students connect in meaningful ways with fellow community the opportunities of an ever-changing world. Designed for working members, from library staff to the president, and come to know each adults, Marlboro’s master’s and certifi cate programs in management other as independent thinkers. Campus life correlates directly with and education blend engaging online study with intentionally small, student interests, with extracurricular groups and activities evolving in-person classes at our graduate center in Brattleboro, Vermont. yearly with each incoming class. Th rough this ongoing collective creation of community, Marlboro students develop valuable teamwork Just the Facts skills as well as a strong sense of civic investment. Average number of students:...... 300 Student-faculty ratio: ...... 7:1 Inspiring Location Average class size: ...... 8 As one of Vermont’s premier colleges, Marlboro’s educational Number of degree fi elds: ...... 34 programs uphold the state’s unique character—from a commitment INFINITE to environmental stewardship and sustainability to a deep respect Number of Plan of Concentration topics: ...... 90 for individual and human rights. Marlboro’s inspiring natural Percentage of students receiving fi nancial aid: ...... setting provides students with space for quiet contemplation as well Number of fast food chains on campus: ...... 0 as myriad opportunities for outdoor recreation. With 17 miles of Average annual snowfall in inches: ...... 94 on-campus trails and the nearby Green Mountain National Forest, Average number of library books 40 students have easy access to hiking, mountain biking, skiing, caving, borrowed by students each year: ...... (the national average is 6) climbing, kayaking, and more.



Quincy & Plymouth, MA |

uincy College can get you where you need to be, whether you’re Q looking to earn a degree, take a single class, continue your education or change your career. off ers the programs you want, the fl exibility you need, and the price that makes it all possible.

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West Haven, CT |

niversity of New Haven—A Leader in Experiential Learning U Th e University of New Haven, located in West Haven, Connecticut, is one of the country’s leaders in experiential Through its College of Arts and Sciences, College of Business, A leaderlea in Experiential learning. UNH gives its students a singular education that combines a Education,Educ the University Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences, ofof NewN Haven has been Tagliatela College of Engineering, and Lyme Academy College recognizedrec as a top-tier strong liberal arts program with hands-on professional training. regionalreg university of Fine Arts, UNH offers over 100 undergraduate degree and by U.S. News and WorldW Report. 30 graduate degree programs (including concentrations). A private, coeducational institution situated on an 84-acre campus, 300 Boston Post Road | West Haven, CT 06516 | [email protected] | the University of New Haven has an enrollment of more than 6,000 which includes about 1,800 graduate students as well as more than 4,400 undergraduate students. Seventy-fi ve percent of undergraduate students live in university housing. study abroad program and service learning.

Th e university’s New England campus is within a short distance Th e University of New Haven prides itself on providing its students with of Boston and New York City, giving students great access to the an experiential education. UNH places emphasis on a practical approach amenities and learning opportunities of these metropolitan areas, and to learning that balances theory with hands-on learning. Th e experiential just fi ve minutes from the Connecticut shoreline. education at UNH promotes the methodology and philosophy of education, while augmenting academia with practical, real-world experiences and first- Over 100 Undergraduate Degrees are Available at the University hand observation. of New Haven Th e University of New Haven offff ers over 100 bachelor’s degrees, academic Hands-On Learning Through Research programs and 30 master’s degree programs throughout fi ve academic UNH focuses on hands-on learning through undergraduate research that colleges: the College of Business, the Henry C. Lee College of Criminal is faculty-mentored. Research at the university includes all kinds of study Justice and Forensic Sciences, the Tagliatela College of Engineering, the such as scientifi c, artistic, or scholarly activities. Research performed under College of Arts and Sciences, and the Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts. UNH’s faculty-mentored program is a major commitment of time and purposeful effff ort by both the faculty mentor and student alike. It also comes Some of the most popular programs of study include criminal justice, forensic with a several-semesters commitment. science, national security studies, legal studies, fire science, engineering, music, music and sound recording, computer science, marine biology, sports UNH students partner with faculty mentors through laboratory research, management, graphic design, interior design, and dental hygiene. independent study courses, and/or a thesis. The faculty-mentored research program ends with a major presentation or undergraduate thesis, which must Th roughout UNH’s over 100 undergraduate programs of study, students be approved by the student’s academic research department. Undergraduate prepare for careers via faculty-mentored research. The average classroom size research gives students structure for the interaction of mentor with student. is 23 students and students regularly participate in on-the-job training and It also provides an important opportunity for students to put to practice the hands-on experiences through co-ops and internships. They also have the principles of their education.


Plainfield, VT | [email protected] | 800.906.8312


he best way to prepare for a future fi lled with choices is to get an T education that teaches you how to choose. Goddard College is a small, progressive liberal arts college that offff ers low-residency programs leading to accredited bachelor’s and master’s degrees in education, creative writing, interdisciplinary arts, sustainability, health arts and sciences, psychology, and individualized studies. At Goddard, you don’t pick among courses already designed—you join faculty in creating just the independent studies you need. You learn to make decisions, take a leadership role, and assess yourself honestly. Goddard is a leader in transformative education that joins individual learning with action in the world. We cultivate knowledge, skills, and strategies that respond eff ectively to the changing needs of communities and circumstances. Applicants should exhibit competency in critical and reflflective thinking and writing skills documented in application essays, transcripts, and letters of recommendation. Test scores (such as SATs, GREs, etc.) have not been required since the 1950s.Goddard is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.


BOSTONMAGAZINE.COM 25 Fees: Mandatory fees charged to all students (Fees may vary by program, insurance coverage requirements, etc).

Room and Board: Average annual charge for double occupancy, on-campus housing with a meal plan (Charges may vary by housing options and meal plan).

Comprehensive Fee: Tuition, fees and room & board charged as one fee (at certain colleges).

Degrees Offered: Associate, Bachelor’s, M (Master’s), D (Doctorate).

PLA: Credit for prior learning through assessments such as CLEP (College Level Exam Program), DSST (Dantes test), ACE (American Council on Education), AP (Advanced Placement) and IB (International Baccalaureate.

Childcare: On-campus day care for students’ children.

HOW TO USE THE 2015 GUIDE : Discounts on out-of-state tuition available to eligible New England residents. COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES IN THE 2015 GUIDE ARE AUTHORIZED TO GRANT UNDERGRADUATE AND/OR GRADUATE DEGREES AND ARE NOTES REGARDING THE LISTINGS ORGANIZED BY STATE. LISTINGS BEGIN ON PAGE 29. INDEX BEGINS ON PAGE 45. Source: Information derived from a 2014 New England Board of Higher Education Colleges are designated as either P public Transfer Acceptance Rate: Percentage of (NEBHE) online survey. Institutional or I independent/private. transfer applicants from other colleges who participation was voluntary and responses were accepted. Note: Most colleges consider varied. Email and phone number(s) are for the transfer applications, but not all provided admissions offi ces. information on their transfer acceptance rates. Accreditation: The majority of colleges are “regionally accredited” by the New England Student/Faculty Ratio, Fall 2013: Academic Calendar: Typical academic year Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). Example: 20:1 means average of 20 students has two semesters (two equal units). Other Visit per faculty member. calendar types include: trimester (3 units); quarter (4 units); and 4-1-4 or 4-4-1 or 4-1-4-1 Independent Institutions: (Flagged with Enrollment Data, Fall 2013: Total (two terms of four months and one or more I) are nonprofi t, except these for-profi t enrollment includes full- and part-time month-long sessions). The non-semester institutions: , Daniel Webster students in undergraduate and/or graduate calendars are indicated in the listings. College, FINE Mortuary College, Lincoln programs (degree and non-degree students). College of New England, New England Deadlines for Fall Admission. Following breakdowns are listed as a Culinary Institute, New England Institute of Apply by: Application deadline for freshman percentage of total number of enrolled Art (The), Paier College of Art, Post University admissions (unless a graduate level-only students: (% of total, or % of undergraduate/ and the University of Bridgeport institution). Rolling indicates college % of graduate). considers applications year-round. Admissions Tests: Contact institutions Part-time • Female • Commuters regarding required admissions tests. Students Priority Deadline: Date by which students (Living off campus). applying as freshmen typically take the should apply for priority consideration. SAT and/or the ACT during their junior and/ Minority: (Race reported as Hispanic, Black or senior year of high school. Community Early Action: Application deadline for early or African-American, American Indian or colleges do not require the SAT or ACT. acceptance (not requiring an enrollment Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or commitment). other Pacifi c Islander, or two or more races). ACT: (American College Testing Program) Early Decision: Application deadline for International: (Permanent residents of other early acceptance (requiring an enrollment countries) Note: Percentages are rounded, SAT, SAT II: (College Board) commitment). except if less than 1%. List of colleges that do not require tests: Acceptance Rates, Fall 2013: Percentage of applicants who were accepted. Number of COST OF ATTENDANCE, FALL 2014: students who applied / number accepted by Annual costs for full-time undergraduate TOEFL: (Test of English as a Foreign the college / number who enrolled. (unless graduate-only institution) Language): Usually required for students whose native language is not English: Freshman Acceptance Rate: Percentage of In/Out: Tuition and fees at public institutions for freshman applicants who were accepted. in-state (state residents) / out-of-state students . SEE KEY ON NEXT PAGE


860.832.2278 | 888.733.2278 Enrollment: 5,179 undergraduate / 189 graduate CONNECTICUT Apply by: 6/1 (Priority: 10/15) Part-time: 15% undergraduate / 65% graduate Freshman acceptance rate: 64% Commuters: 47% 5,551 applied / 3,560 accepted / 1,293 enrolled Female: 54% Minority: 20% International: 1% I Freshman top 25% high school class: 21% Tuition (in/out): $4,600 / $14,886 Fees: $4,960 / $6,409 ALBERTUS MAGNUS COLLEGE Transfer acceptance rate: 77% (2,167 applicants) Room & board: $11,650 New Haven, CT | Student/faculty ratio: 16:1 Associate • Bachelor’s • M • Online • Accel • Coop • DL • [email protected] Enrollment: 9,771 undergraduate / 2,094 graduate ExtDeg • PLA • 203.773.8501 | 800.578.9160 Part-time: 22% undergraduate / 72% graduate FAIRFIELD UNIVERSITY I Apply by: Rolling Commuters: 79% Female: 51% Freshman acceptance rate: 73% Minority: 26% International: 1% Fairfi eld, CT | www.fairfi 243 applied / 177 accepted / 143 enrolled Tuition (in/out): $4,510 / $14,594 Fees: $5,617 admis@fairfi Freshman top 25% high school class: 11% Room & board: $10,872 203.254.4100 Transfer acceptance rate: 89% (189 applicants) Bachelor’s • M • D • Coop • DL • ESL • PLA • Apply by: 1/15 (Priority: 11/15) Early action: 11/1 Student/faculty ratio: 14:1 Early decision: 11/15 Enrollment: 1,278 undergraduate / 304 graduate Freshman acceptance rate: 70% Part-time: 6% undergraduate / 11% graduate CHARTER OAK STATE COLLEGE P 9,582 applied / 6,742 accepted / 963 enrolled Commuters: 29% New Britain, CT | Transfer acceptance rate: 41% (256 applicants) Female: 67% Minority: 41% International: 0.1% [email protected] Student/faculty ratio: 11:1 Tuition: $28,930 Fees: $490 860.515.3701 Enrollment: 3,873 undergraduate / 1,046 graduate Room & board: $12,960 Apply by: Rolling Part-time: 8% undergraduate / 63% graduate Associate • Bachelor’s • M • Online • Accel • DL • PLA Tuition (in/out): $6,312 / $8,304 Fees: $468 / $590 Commuters: 20% Associate • Bachelor’s • Online • Accel • DL • ExtDeg • PLA + Female: 61% Minority: 12% International: 4% ASNUNTUCK COMMUNITY COLLEGE P Tuition: $43,170 Fees: $600 Enfi eld, CT | CONNECTICUT COLLEGE I Room & board: $13,190 [email protected] New London, CT | Bachelor’s • M • D • Accel • DL • PLA 860.253.3010 | 800.501.3967 [email protected] GATEWAY COMMUNITY COLLEGE P Apply by: Rolling 860.439.2200 Tuition (in/out): $3,432 / $10,296 Fees: $434 / $1,262 Apply by: 1/1 Early decision: 11/15 New Haven, CT | Associate • DL • PLA • Childcare • + Freshman acceptance rate: 37% [email protected] 4,702 applied / 1,726 accepted / 489 enrolled 203.285.2010 | 800.390.7723 CAPITAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE P Transfer acceptance rate: 37% (192 applicants) Apply by: Rolling Hartford, CT | Student/faculty ratio: 9:1 Freshman acceptance rate: 97% 860.906.5000 | 860.906.5140 Enrollment: 1,915 undergraduate / 7 graduate 2,791 applied / 2,719 accepted / 1,570 enrolled Apply by: Rolling Part-time: 2% undergraduate / 43% graduate Transfer acceptance rate: 96% (2,064 applicants) Freshman acceptance rate: 66% Commuters: 0.5% Student/faculty ratio: 17:1 1,297 applied / 859 accepted / 660 enrolled Female: 61% Minority: 19% International: 5% Enrollment: 8,186 Transfer acceptance rate: 66% (686 applicants) Tuition: $47,420 Fees: $320 Part-time: 67% Commuters: 100% Enrollment: 4,178 Room & board: $13,155 Female: 58% Minority: 50% International: 0.5% Part-time: 76% Commuters: 100% Bachelor’s • M • Accel Tuition (in/out): $3,432 / $10,296 Fees: $434 / $1,262 Female: 70% Minority: 68% Associate • DL • ESL • Wknd • PLA • Childcare • Tuition (in/out): $3,432 / $10,296 Fees: $434 / $1,262 EASTERN CONNECTICUT STATE UNIVERSITY P Associate • Online • DL • ESL • PLA • Childcare • Willimantic, CT | GOODWIN COLLEGE I [email protected] East Hartford, CT | 860.465.5286 CENTRAL CONNECTICUT STATE UNIVERSITY P [email protected] New Britain, CT | Apply by: Rolling Freshman acceptance rate: 65% 860.528.4111 | 800.889.3282 [email protected] 5,111 applied / 3,299 accepted / 985 enrolled Apply by: Rolling Freshman top 25% high school class: 31% Freshman acceptance rate: 100% Transfer acceptance rate: 82% (892 applicants) Student/faculty ratio: 16:1

Coop: Cooperative education program with Wknd: Weekend college available (classes LISTINGS KEY alternating class attendance and employment on weekends only) DL: Courses or instruction available via PLA: Credit for prior learning distance learning P : Public college Childcare: On-campus day care for ESL: English-as-a-Second-Language for non- students’ children I : Independent or private college native English speakers : Out-of-state tuition discounts M: Master’s degree ExtDeg: External degree program comprising for eligible New England residents D: Doctorate degree independent study with minimal or no classroom Online: Entire degree programs offered online attendance + Partial data was gathered from college’s Accel: Accelerated program to complete study Intern: Internships to earn academic credit for website. See How to Use the Guide on page 28 in fewer than usual number of years short-term, supervised experience for additional details.


635 applied / 635 accepted / 201 enrolled Tuition (in/out): $3,432 / $10,296 Fees: $434 / $1,262 POST UNIVERSITY I Transfer acceptance rate: 100% (996 applicants) AA>391B5I%=;9=5I>>?I"I)"I-:=4I&"I Waterbury, CT | Student/faculty ratio: 11:1 89;431@5I [email protected] Enrollment: 3,583 MIDDLESEX COMMUNITY COLLEGE P 203.596.4500 | 800.345.2562 Part-time: 83% Commuters: 100% Middletown, CT | Apply by: Rolling Female: 83% Minority: 48% International: 0.1% 860.343.5719 | 800.818.5501 Freshman acceptance rate: 82% Tuition: $18,900 Fees: $500 4,540 applied / 3,710 accepted / 452 enrolled Apply by: Rolling AA>391B5I1385;>@AI%=;9=5I"I)"I&" Transfer acceptance rate: 94% (1,878 applicants) Tuition (in/out): $3,432 / $10,296 Fees: $434 / $1,262 HARTFORD SEMINARY I AA>391B5I335;I"I)"I&"I  Student/faculty ratio: 23:1 Enrollment: 7,371 undergraduate / 711 graduate Hartford, CT | MITCHELL COLLEGE I Part-time: 61% undergraduate / 65% graduate [email protected] New London, CT | Commuters: 51% 860.509.9549 [email protected] Female: 60% Minority: 25% International: 0.6% Apply by: Rolling 860.701.5037 | 800.443.2811 Tuition: $26,250 Fees: $1,200 Acceptance rate: 66% Apply by: Rolling Tuition varies for accelerated programs. 95 applied / 63 accepted / 43 enrolled Tuition: $28,272 Fees: $1,740 Room & board: $10,500 Enrollment: 117 graduate Room & board: $12,492 AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#I%=;9=5I335;I"I)"I Part-time: 66% AA>391B5I1385;>@AI&" -:=4I&" Female: 53% Minority: 27% International: 10% P Tuition: $11,934 Fees: $50 NAUGATUCK VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE P QUINEBAUG VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Danielson, CT | Room & board: $4,905 Waterbury, CT | #II" [email protected] [email protected] 203.575.8040 860.412.7220 HOLY APOSTLES COLLEGE AND SEMINARY I Apply by: Rolling Apply by: Rolling Cromwell, CT | Freshman acceptance rate: 84% Tuition (in/out): $3,432 / $10,296 Fees: $434 / $1,262 [email protected] 2,489 applied / 2,086 accepted / 1,608 enrolled AA>391B5I"I)"I&"I  860.632.3010 Transfer acceptance rate: 84% (1,248 applicants) QUINNIPIAC UNIVERSITY I Apply by: Rolling Student/faculty ratio: 21:1 Hamden, CT | Freshman acceptance rate: 100% Enrollment: 7,294 [email protected] 10 applied / 10 accepted / 10 enrolled Part-time: 64% Commuters: 100% 203.582.8600 | 800.462.1944 Female: 58% Minority: 38% International: 0.1% Freshman top 25% high school class: 100% Apply by: (Priority: 2/1) Early decision: 11/3 Tuition (in/out): $3,432 / $10,296 Fees: $434 / $1,262 Student/faculty ratio: 13:1 Freshman acceptance rate: 67% AA>391B5I>>?I"I)"I&"I89;431@5I Enrollment: 58 undergraduate / 327 graduate 20,698 applied / 13,913 accepted / 1,800 enrolled Part-time: 38% undergraduate / 73% graduate Freshman top 25% high school class: 66% Female: 30% Minority: 17% International: 28% NORTHWESTERN CONNECTICUT Transfer acceptance rate: 60% (1,105 applicants) Comprehensive fee: $10,570 COMMUNITY COLLEGE P Student/faculty ratio: 11:1 AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#I%=;9=5I335;I"I)"I Winsted, CT | Enrollment: 6,542 undergraduate / 2,261 graduate &" [email protected] Part-time: 4% undergraduate / 43% graduate HOUSATONIC COMMUNITY COLLEGE P 860.738.6330 Commuters: 25% Bridgeport, CT | Apply by: Rolling Female: 63% Minority: 16% International: 2% Tuition: $39,170 Fees: $1,500 [email protected] Tuition (in/out): $3,432 / $10,296 Fees: $434 / $1,262 AA>391B5I"I  Room & board: $14,490 203.332.5200 1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I335;I"I&" Apply by: Rolling NORWALK COMMUNITY COLLEGE P Enrollment: 5,813 Female: 62% Norwalk, CT | RENSSELAER AT HARTFORD I Tuition (in/out): $3,432 / $10,296 Fees: $434 / $1,262 [email protected] Hartford, CT | AA>391B5I%=;9=5I"I)"I-:=4I&"I89;431@5I 203.857.7068 [email protected] Apply by: Rolling 860.548.2400 LINCOLN COLLEGE OF NEW ENGLAND I Freshman acceptance rate: 100% Apply by: Rolling 1,648 applied / 1,648 accepted / 1,172 enrolled Tuition: $1,545/credit Southington, CT | Transfer acceptance rate: 100% (1,052 applicants) M [email protected] Student/faculty ratio: 17:1 860.628.4751 | 800.952.2444 Enrollment: 6,556 SACRED HEART UNIVERSITY I Apply by: Rolling Part-time: 67% Commuters: 100% Fairfi eld, CT | AA>391B5I1385;>@AI%=;9=5I&" Female: 58% Minority: 55% International: 2% [email protected] 203.371.7880 LYME ACADEMY COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS I Tuition (in/out): $3,432 / $10,296 Fees: $434 / $1,262 Apply by: (Priority: 2/1) Early decision: 12/1 Old Lyme, CT | AA>391B5I"I)"I&"I89;431@5I Freshman acceptance rate: 61% [email protected] PAIER COLLEGE OF ART I 7,908 applied / 4,800 accepted / 1,267 enrolled 860.434.5232 Hamden, CT | Freshman top 25% high school class: 39% Apply by: Rolling [email protected] Transfer acceptance rate: 57% (542 applicants) Tuition: $28,824 Fees: $1,632 203.287.3031 Student/faculty ratio: 14:1 Room & board: $6,800 Apply by: Rolling Enrollment: 4,489 undergraduate / 2,494 graduate 1385;>@A Freshman acceptance rate: 86% Part-time: 16% undergraduate / 69% graduate MANCHESTER COMMUNITY COLLEGE P 36 applied / 31 accepted / 20 enrolled Commuters: 46% Manchester, CT | Freshman top 25% high school class: 19% Female: 68% Minority: 13% International: 2% 860.512.3210 Transfer acceptance rate: 86% (36 applicants) Tuition: $35,500 Fees: $250 Apply by: Rolling Student/faculty ratio: 4:1 Room & board: $13,514 Freshman acceptance rate: ~100% Enrollment: 155 AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I335;I"I)" 2,989 applied / 2,980 accepted Part-time: 28% Commuters: 100% I-:=4I&" Female: 66% Minority: 21% Transfer acceptance rate: 100% (1,620 applicants) SOUTHERN CONNECTICUT Student/faculty ratio: 15:1 Tuition: $14,000 Fees: $360 STATE UNIVERSITY AA>391B5I1385;>@AI&" P Enrollment: 7,571 New Haven, CT | Part-time: 64% [email protected] Female: 53% Minority: 39% International: 0.3% 203.392.5656 | 888.500.7278 Apply by: Rolling Freshman acceptance rate: 75%

28 GUIDE TO NEW ENGLAND COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES | 2015 Enrollment: 2,835 undergraduate / 2,007 graduate Room & board: $14,426 Transfer acceptance rate: 80% (1,923 applicants) Part-time: 28% undergraduate / 44% graduate 1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I335;I"I-:=4I&" Graduate acceptance rate: 60% Commuters: 48% 1,219 applied / 726 accepted / 597 enrolled Female: 62% Minority: 43% International: 22% WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY I Student/faculty ratio: 14:1 Tuition: $27,900 Fees: $2,010 Middletown, CT | Enrollment: 8,257 undergraduate / 2,547 graduate Room & board: $12,710 [email protected] Part-time: 15% undergraduate / 66% graduate AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I"I)"I&" 860.685.3000 Commuters: 68% Apply by: 1/1 Early decision: 11/15 Female: 64% Minority: 29% International: 0.5% UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT P Freshman acceptance rate: 20% Tuition (in/out): $4,600 / $14,886 Fees: $4,557 Storrs, CT | 10,690 applied / 2,181 accepted / 741 enrolled Room & board: $11,289 [email protected] Freshman top 25% high school class: 91% AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I335;I>>?I" 860.486.2000 Transfer acceptance rate: 30% (460 applicants) IFB57I&"I Apply by: 1/15 Student/faculty ratio: 9:1 Freshman acceptance rate: 54% Enrollment: 2,895 undergraduate / 299 graduate ST. VINCENT’S COLLEGE I 27,479 applied / 14,745 accepted / 3,755 enrolled Part-time: 0% undergraduate / 36% graduate Bridgeport, CT | Freshman top 25% high school class: 82% Commuters: 1% [email protected] Transfer acceptance rate: 55% (2,500 applicants) Female: 52% Minority: 31% International: 9% 203.576.5513 Student/faculty ratio: 16:1 Tuition: $47,702 Fees: $270 Tuition: $20,250 Enrollment: 18,032 undergraduate / 7,879 graduate Room & board: $13,226 AA>391B5I&" Part-time: 5% undergraduate / 33% graduate 1385;>@AI#II&" THREE RIVERS COMMUNITY COLLEGE P Commuters: 28% Female: 50% Minority: 22% International: 9% WESTERN CONNECTICUT Norwich, CT | STATE UNIVERSITY P Tuition (in/out): $9,858 / $30,038 Fees: $2,842 [email protected] Danbury, CT | Room & board: $12,074 860.215.9020 [email protected] AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I335;I>>?I" Apply by: Rolling I)"IFB57I&"I 203.837.9000 | 877.837.9278 Freshman acceptance rate: 100% Apply by: Rolling 1,675 applied / 1,675 accepted / 997 enrolled UNIVERSITY OF HARTFORD I Freshman acceptance rate: 65% Transfer acceptance rate: 100% (637 applicants) W. Hartford, CT | 3,613 applied / 2,366 accepted / 784 enrolled Student/faculty ratio: 18:1 860.768.4100 Freshman top 25% high school class: 28% Enrollment: 4,757 Apply by: Rolling Early action: 11/15 Transfer acceptance rate: 78% (1,043 applicants) Part-time: 66% Commuters: 100% Freshman acceptance rate: 65% Student/faculty ratio: 14:1 Female: 59% Minority: 31% International: 0.1% 16,481 applied / 10,750 accepted / 1,493 enrolled Enrollment: 5,492 undergraduate / 533 graduate Tuition (in/out): $3,432 / $10,296 Fees: $434 / $1,262 Transfer acceptance rate: 48% (1,291 applicants) Part-time: 20% undergraduate / 87% graduate AA>391B5I335;I>>?I"I)"I&"I89;431@5I Student/faculty ratio: 10:1 Commuters: 75% Enrollment: 5,187 undergraduate / 1,633 graduate Female: 54% Minority: 28% International: 0.2% TRINITY COLLEGE I Part-time: 13% undergraduate / 56% graduate Tuition (in/out): $4,600 / $14,886 Fees: $4,477 / $5,926 Commuters: 32% Room & board: $11,311 Hartford, CT | Female: 53% Minority: 47% International: 10% AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I>>?I"I&" admissions.offi [email protected] Tuition: $32,758 Fees: $2,686 I89;431@5I 860.297.2000 Room & board: $11,518 Apply by: 1/1 Early decision: 11/15 I AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I335;I>>?I YALE UNIVERSITY Freshman acceptance rate: 32% "I&" New Haven, CT | 7,652 applied / 2,432 accepted / 604 enrolled [email protected] Freshman top 25% high school class: 59% UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAVEN I 203.432.9300 Transfer acceptance rate: 24% (236 applicants) West Haven, CT | Apply by: 12/31 Early action: 11/1 Student/faculty ratio: 9:1 [email protected] Freshman acceptance rate: 7% Enrollment: 2,331 undergraduate / 91 graduate 203.932.7319 | 800.342.5864 29,610 applied / 2,031 accepted / 1,359 enrolled Part-time: 5% undergraduate / 96% graduate Apply by: Rolling Calendar: 4-1-4 Freshman top 25% high school class: 99% Commuters: 10% Freshman acceptance rate: 74% Transfer acceptance rate: 3% (1,013 applicants) Female: 48% Minority: 21% International: 8% 10,169 applied / 7,567 accepted / 1,174 enrolled Student/faculty ratio: 6:1 Tuition: $46,796 Fees: $2,260 Freshman top 25% high school class: 41% Enrollment: 5,430 undergraduate / 6,679 graduate Room & board: $12,700 Transfer acceptance rate: 59% (1,000 applicants) Part-time: 0% undergraduate / 3% graduate 1385;>@AI# Student/faculty ratio: 16:1 Commuters: 12% Enrollment: 4,864 undergraduate / 1,691 graduate Female: 49% Minority: 40% International: 11% TUNXIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE P Part-time: 9% undergraduate / 45% graduate Tuition: $45,800 Farmington, CT | Commuters: 48% Room & board: $14,000 [email protected] Female: 50% Minority: 19% International: 13% 1385;>@AI#II335;I)" 860.773.1500 Tuition: $33,330 Fees: $1,300 Apply by: Rolling Room & board: $14,410 Student/faculty ratio: 17:1 AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I335;I>>?I" MAINE Enrollment: 4,225 I)"I-:=4I&" Part-time: 62% Commuters: 100% Female: 56% Minority: 29% International: 0.2% UNIVERSITY OF SAINT JOSEPH I Tuition (in/out): $3,432 / $10,296 Fees: $434 / $1,262 West Hartford, CT | AA>391B5I"I)"I [email protected] BATES COLLEGE I 860.232.4571 UNIVERSITY OF BRIDGEPORT I Lewiston, ME | Apply by: Rolling [email protected] Bridgeport, CT | Freshman acceptance rate: 64% 207.786.6000 | 855.228.3755 [email protected] 1,153 applied / 737 accepted / 153 enrolled Apply by: 1/1 Calendar: 4-4-1 203.576.4552 | 800.392.3582 Freshman top 25% high school class: 41% Freshman acceptance rate: 24% Apply by: (Priority: 4/1) Student/faculty ratio: 10:1 5,243 applied / 1,267 accepted / 500 enrolled Freshman acceptance rate: 64% Enrollment: 1,049 undergraduate / 1,591 graduate Freshman top 25% high school class: 87% 5,248 applied / 3,351 accepted / 541 enrolled Part-time: 24% undergraduate / 73% graduate Transfer acceptance rate: 2% (164 applicants) Freshman top 25% high school class: 27% Commuters: 62% Student/faculty ratio: 10:1 Transfer acceptance rate: 53% (1,030 applicants) Female: 90% Minority: 21% International: 0.8% Enrollment: 1,791 Student/faculty ratio: 16:1 Tuition: $33,205 Fees: $1,550


Commuters: 7% Enrollment:C=45@7@14C1B5 7@14C1B5 Student/faculty ratio:  Female: 50% Minority: 20% International: 6% Part-time:C=45@7@14C1B5 7@14C1B5 Enrollment:C=45@7@14C1B5 7@14C1B5 Comprehensive fee: $60,720 Commuters: 58% Female: 68% Part-time: 4% Commuters: 46% 1385;>@AI335; Minority: 11% International: 15% Female: 70% Minority: 13% International: 1% Tuition: Fees: Tuition: Fees: $680 I      BEAL COLLEGE Room & board:  Room & board: $10,400 Bangor, ME | 1385;>@AI# 1385;>@AI# [email protected] 207.947.4591 EASTERN MAINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE P MAINE MARITIME ACADEMY P Apply by: Rolling Bangor, ME | Castine, ME | Tuition: $7,260 [email protected] [email protected] AA>391B5 207.974.4680 207.326.2206 | 800.464.6565 Apply by: Rolling Apply by: Rolling I BOWDOIN COLLEGE Tuition (in/out): $2,640 / $5,280 Fees: $1,004 Tuition (in/out):     Fees:  Brunswick, ME | AA>391B5I  Room & board:  [email protected] AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#I&"I  207.725.3100 HEARTWOOD COLLEGE OF ART I Apply by: 1/1 Early decision: 11/15 Biddeford, ME | NEW ENGLAND BIBLE COLLEGE I Freshman acceptance rate: 15% [email protected] So. Portland, ME |  1??;954  1335?B54 5=@>;;54 207.284.8800 [email protected] Freshman top 25% high school class: Apply by: Rolling 207.799.5979 Transfer acceptance rate: 1??;931=BA Tuition: 3@549B Apply by: Rolling Student/faculty ratio: AA>391B5I1385;>@A Tuition: 3@549B Enrollment:  AA>391B5I1385;>@AI&" Part-time: 0% Commuters: 8% HUSSON UNIVERSITY I Female: 50% Minority: 30% International: 5% Bangor, ME | NEW ENGLAND SCHOOL OF Tuition: $46,354 Fees: $454 [email protected] COMMUNICATIONS I Room & board: $12,760 207.941.7100 | 800.448.7766 Bangor, ME | 1385;>@AI335;I89;431@5 Apply by: (Priority:  207.941.7176 | 888.877.1876 Freshman acceptance rate: 80% Apply by: Rolling CENTRAL MAINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE P  1??;954  1335?B54 5=@>;;54 Tuition: $15,717 Fees: $1,130 Auburn, ME | Freshman top 25% high school class: Room & board:  [email protected] Transfer acceptance rate:1??;931=BA 1385;>@AI&" 207.755.5273 | 800.891.2002 Student/faculty ratio:  P Apply by: Rolling Enrollment: C=45@7@14C1B5 7@14C1B5 NORTHERN MAINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Presque Isle, ME | Enrollment: 3,108 Part-time:C=45@7@14C1B5 7@14C1B5 [email protected] Part-time: 53% Commuters:  Commuters: 66% 207.768.2785 | 800.535.6682 Female: 53% Minority: 11% International: 0.6% Female: 60% Minority: International: 3% Apply by: Rolling Tuition (in/out): $2,700 / $5,340 Fees: Tuition: $15,210 Fees: $380 Room & board: $8,506 Room & board: $8,604 Tuition (in/out): $2,640 / $5,280 Fees: $1,134 AA>391B5I%=;9=5I&"I AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I335;I&" AA>391B5IFB57I&"I  CENTRAL MAINE MEDICAL CENTER COLLEGE INSTITUTE FOR DOCTORAL STUDIES IN THE SAINT JOSEPH’S COLLEGE I OF NURSING AND HEALTH PROFESSIONS I VISUAL ARTS I Standish, ME | Lewiston, ME | Portland, ME | [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 207.893.7746 | 800.338.7057 207.795.2840 207.771.8887 Apply by: Rolling Tuition: $7,635 Fees: $1,885 Apply by: Rolling Tuition: $27,700 Fees: Room & board: $4,425 Tuition: $30,500 Room & board: $8,610 AA>391B5I&" I" 1385;>@AI%=;9=5I335;I"I&" COLBY COLLEGE I KENNEBEC VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE P SOUTHERN MAINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE P Waterville, ME | Fairfi eld, ME | South Portland, ME | [email protected] 207.453.5000 [email protected] 207.859.4800 | 800.723.3032 Apply by: Rolling 207.741.5800 | 877.282.2182 Apply by: 1/1 Early decision: 11/15 Calendar: 4-1-4 Student/faculty ratio: Apply by: Rolling Freshman acceptance rate: 26% Enrollment: 2,263 Student/faculty ratio:   1??;954   1335?B54 5=@>;;54 Part-time: 71% Commuters: 100% Enrollment: 7,157 Freshman top 25% high school class: Female: 67% Minority: 3% International: 0.1% Part-time: 57% Commuters: Transfer acceptance rate: 1??;931=BA Tuition (in/out): $2,640 / $5,280 Fees: $618 Female: 48% Minority: 11% International: 0.5% Student/faculty ratio:  AA>391B5I%=;9=5I"I&"I Tuition (in/out): $2,700 / $5,400 Fees: $1,055 Enrollment: 1,820 Room & board: $8,688 Commuters: 5% Female: 52% LANDING SCHOOL I AA>391B5I"I&"I89;431@5I Arundel, ME | Minority: 20% International: 8% THOMAS COLLEGE I Tuition: $45,360 Fees: [email protected]   Waterville, ME | Room & board: $12,150 207.985.7976 [email protected] 1385;>@AI&" Apply by: Rolling Tuition:  Fees: $850 207.859.1101 | 800.339.7001 COLLEGE OF THE ATLANTIC I AA>391B5 Apply by: Rolling Bar Harbor, ME | Tuition:  Fees: $1,280 [email protected] MAINE COLLEGE OF ART I Room & board: $10,000 207.288.5015 | 800.528.0025 Portland, ME | AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#I335;I&" [email protected] Apply by: 2/15 Early decision: 12/1 Calendar: *@9<5AB5@ UNITY COLLEGE I Freshman acceptance rate: 73% 207.699.5026 | 800.699.1509 Unity, ME | 1??;954 1335?B54  5=@>;;54 Apply by: Rolling Early action: 12/1 [email protected] Freshman top 25% high school class: Freshman acceptance rate: 207.948.9100 | 800.624.1024 Transfer acceptance rate: 1??;931=BA  1??;954  1335?B54  5=@>;;54 Tuition: $24,620 Fees: $1,200 Student/faculty ratio:  Transfer acceptance rate:1??;931=BA Room & board:  AA>391B5I1385;>@AI&"

30 GUIDE TO NEW ENGLAND COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES | 2015 P Freshman acceptance rate: 85% Enrollment: 1,583 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE 452 applied / 386 accepted / 104 enrolled Orono, ME | Part-time: 60% Commuters: 100% Transfer acceptance rate: 75% (88 applicants) [email protected] Female: 66% Minority: 7% International: 0.5% Student/faculty ratio: 12:1 207.581.1561 | 877.486.2364 Tuition (in/out): $2,640 / $5,280 Fees: $780 Enrollment: 892 AA>391B5I%=;9=5I335;I>>?I"I&"I Apply by: Rolling Early action: 12/15 Part-time: 51% Commuters: 63% Freshman acceptance rate: 83% Female: 70% Minority: 10% International: 0.9% 9,336 applied / 7,789 accepted / 2,166 enrolled Tuition (in/out): $6,660 / $18,480 Fees: $820 Freshman top 25% high school class: 46% Room & board: $8,178 Transfer acceptance rate: 68% (1,137 applicants) MASSACHUSETTS AA>391B5I1385;>@AI%=;9=5I>>?I"I&"I89;431@5 Student/faculty ratio: 16:1 I Enrollment: 9,182 undergraduate / 2,065 graduate Part-time: 14% undergraduate / 60% graduate UNIVERSITY OF MAINE AT PRESQUE ISLE P Commuters: 62% Female: 51% Presque Isle, ME | AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE I Minority: 8% International: 4% [email protected] Springfi eld, MA | Tuition (in/out): $8,370 / $26,250 Fees: $2,236 207.768.9532 [email protected] Room & board: $9,296 Apply by: Rolling 413.205.3201 | 800.242.3142 1385;>@AI#II335;I>>?I"I)"I89;431@5 Tuition (in/out): $6,600 / $9,900 Fees: $835 Apply by: Rolling I Room & board: $7,656 Freshman acceptance rate: 68% AA>391B5I1385;>@AI%=;9=5I335;I"I&"I89;431@5 1,928 applied / 1,306 accepted / 348 enrolled UNIVERSITY OF MAINE AT AUGUSTA P I + Augusta, ME | Transfer acceptance rate: 64% (629 applicants) [email protected] UNIVERSITY OF NEW ENGLAND I Student/faculty ratio: 14:1 207.621.3465 | 877.862.1234 Biddeford, ME | Enrollment: 1,513 undergraduate / 2,144 graduate Apply by: 8/15 (Priority: 6/15) [email protected] Part-time: 8% undergraduate / 14% graduate Freshman acceptance rate: 95% 207.283.0170 | 800.477.4863 Commuters: 52% Female: 69% Minority: 22% International: 0.5% 828 applied / 790 accepted / 464 enrolled Apply by: (Priority: 2/15) Early action: 12/1 Tuition: $30,940 Freshman top 25% high school class: 9% Freshman acceptance rate: 86% Transfer acceptance rate: 98% (892 applicants) 4,231 applied / 3,632 accepted / 633 enrolled Room & board: $12,515 Student/faculty ratio: 17:1 Transfer acceptance rate: 67% (320 applicants) AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I"I&" Enrollment: 4,770 Student/faculty ratio: 13:1 I Part-time: 64% Commuters: 100% Enrollment: 2,653 undergraduate / 3,379 graduate Amherst, MA | Female: 71% Minority: 7% International: 0.4% Part-time: 19% undergraduate / 17% graduate [email protected] Tuition (in/out): $6,510 / $15,750 Fees: $938 Commuters: 35% 413.542.2328 AA>391B5I1385;>@AI%=;9=5I335;I"I&"I Female: 72% Minority: 13% International: 0.6% Apply by: 1/1 Early decision: 11/15 Tuition: $32,880 Fees: $1,200 Freshman acceptance rate: 14% UNIVERSITY OF MAINE AT FARMINGTON P Room & board: $13,390 7,927 applied / 1,132 accepted / 466 enrolled 1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I335;I"I)"I&" Farmington, ME | Freshman top 25% high school class: 98% [email protected] UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MAINE P Transfer acceptance rate: 4% (471 applicants) 207.778.7050 Portland, ME | Student/faculty ratio: 8:1 Apply by: (Priority: 2/15) Early action: 11/15 [email protected] Enrollment: 1,785 Freshman acceptance rate: 84% 207.780.5670 | 800.800.4876 Commuters: 2% Female: 50% Minority: 43% International: 10% 1,638 applied / 1,371 accepted / 439 enrolled Apply by: Rolling Tuition: $47,720 Fees: $806 Freshman top 25% high school class: 43% Freshman acceptance rate: 82% Transfer acceptance rate: 91% (190 applicants) 3,993 applied / 3,284 accepted / 780 enrolled Room & board: $12,680 Bachelor’s Student/faculty ratio: 13:1 Freshman top 25% high school class: 34% Enrollment: 1,901 undergraduate / 160 graduate Transfer acceptance rate: 75% (1,494 applicants) ANDOVER NEWTON THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL I Part-time: 6% undergraduate / 100% graduate Student/faculty ratio: 14:1 Newton Centre, MA | Commuters: 53% Enrollment: 7,098 undergraduate / 1,825 graduate [email protected] Female: 67% Minority: 7% International: 0.7% Part-time: 40% undergraduate / 60% graduate 617.831.2430 | 800.964.2687 Tuition (in/out): $8,352 / $17,440 Fees: $865 Commuters: 82% Female: 59% Apply by: (Priority: 2/1) Calendar: 4-1-4-1 Room & board: $8,970 Minority: 8% International: 0.8% Acceptance rate: 86% 1385;>@AI#I335;I"I&"I89;431@5I Tuition (in/out): $7,590 / $19,950 Fees: $1,330 112 applied / 96 accepted / 77 enrolled Room & board: $9,820 Student/faculty ratio: 10:1 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE AT FORT KENT P 1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I>>?I"I)"I-:=4I Enrollment: 272 Female: 63% &"I Fort Kent, ME | Minority: 17% International: 2% [email protected] WASHINGTON COUNTY Tuition: Varies by program Fees: $1,145 207.834.7600 | 888.879.8635 COMMUNITY COLLEGE P Room & board: $8,050 Apply by: Rolling Calais, ME | #I Freshman acceptance rate: 63% [email protected] ANNA MARIA COLLEGE I 464 applied / 292 accepted / 162 enrolled 207.454.1000 | 800.210.6932 Paxton, MA | Freshman top 25% high school class: 7% Apply by: Rolling [email protected] Transfer acceptance rate: 82% (410 applicants) Student/faculty ratio: 16:1 508.849.3360 Student/faculty ratio: 14:1 Enrollment: 356 Apply by: (Priority: 3/1) Enrollment: 1,209 Commuters: 73% Part-time: 51% Commuters: 76% Freshman acceptance rate: 78% Tuition (in/out): $2,700 / $5,400 Fees: $980 2,081 applied / 1,614 accepted / 242 enrolled Female: 71% Minority: 6% International: 8% Room & board: $5,190 Transfer acceptance rate: 44% (292 applicants) Tuition (in/out): $6,600 / $9,900 Fees: $975 AA>391B5I"I&"I89;431@5 Student/faculty ratio: 11:1 Room & board: $7,729 Enrollment: 1,143 undergraduate / 411 graduate AA>391B5I1385;>@AI%=;9=5I335;I"I&"I YORK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE P Wells, ME | Part-time: 26% undergraduate / 43% graduate [email protected] Commuters: 37% UNIVERSITY OF MAINE AT MACHIAS P 207.216.4409 | 800.580.3820 Female: 53% Minority: 18% International: 0.3% Machias, ME | Apply by: Rolling Tuition: $31,920 Fees: $2,140 [email protected] Freshman acceptance rate: 50% Room & board: $12,730 207.255.1318 | 888.468.6866 651 applied / 325 accepted / 316 enrolled 1385;>@AI#I%=;9=5I335;I>>?I" Apply by: 8/15 Early action: 12/15 Transfer acceptance rate: 64% (438 applicants) Student/faculty ratio: 15:1


Apply by: 2/15 Early action: 11/15 BOSTON ARCHITECTURAL COLLEGE I ASSUMPTION COLLEGE I Freshman acceptance rate: 63% Boston, MA | Worcester, MA | 3,936 applied / 2,462 accepted / 361 enrolled [email protected] [email protected] Freshman top 25% high school class: 26% 617.585.0123 508.767.7285 | 866.477.7776 Transfer acceptance rate: 52% (706 applicants) Apply by: Rolling 2/15 Early action: 11/1 Student/faculty ratio: 17:1 Freshman acceptance rate: 100% Freshman acceptance rate: 74% Enrollment: 1,902 31 applied / 31 accepted / 17 enrolled 4,659 applied / 3,458 accepted / 502 enrolled Part-time: 24% Commuters: 59% Transfer acceptance rate: 100% (73 applicants) Freshman top 25% high school class: 40% Female: 57% Minority: 22% International: 0.6% Graduate acceptance rate: 100% Transfer acceptance rate: 54% (161 applicants) Tuition: $31,320 Fees: $1,550 96 applied / 96 accepted / 44 enrolled Student/faculty ratio: 12:1 Room & board: $12,000 Student/faculty ratio: 6:1 Enrollment: 2,015 undergraduate / 516 graduate AA>391B5I1385;>@AI335;I"I&" Enrollment: 578 undergraduate / 459 graduate Part-time: 1% undergraduate / 67% graduate Part-time: 29% undergraduate / 3% graduate Commuters: 13% BENJAMIN FRANKLIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY I Commuters: 100% Female: 46% Female: 63% Minority: 15% International: 1% Minority: 20% International: 7% Tuition: $35,510 Fees: $650 Boston, MA | www.bfi admissions@bfi Tuition: $23,570 Fees: $650 Room & board: $10,962 1385;>@AI# AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#I&" 617.588.1368 | 877.400.2348 Apply by: Rolling I I Freshman acceptance rate: 62% Boston, MA | Babson Park, MA | 662 applied / 409 accepted / 186 enrolled [email protected] [email protected] Freshman top 25% high school class: 15% 617.364.3510 | 888.235.2014 781.239.5522 | 800.488.3696 Transfer acceptance rate: 83% (111 applicants) Apply by: Rolling Tuition: $45,120 Student/faculty ratio: 10:1 Enrollment: 98 Room & board: $14,494 Enrollment: 470 Part-time: 24% 1385;>@AI# Part-time: 12% Commuters: 92% Female: 43% Minority: 15% Female: 10% Minority: 67% International: 1% Tuition: $13,500 Fees: $1,446 BARD COLLEGE AT SIMON’S ROCK I Tuition: $16,950 Fees: $1,200 Great Barrington, MA | Room & board: $8,102 Room & board: $13,900 AA>391B5I1385;>@AI&" [email protected] AA>391B5I1385;>@AI335;I)"I&" 413.528.7228 | 800.235.7186 I Apply by: 5/1 (Priority: 2/1) I Chestnut Hill, MA | Freshman acceptance rate: 92% Waltham, MA | 617.552.3100 | 800.360.2522 218 applied / 201 accepted / 145 enrolled [email protected] Apply by: 1/1 Early action: 11/1 Freshman top 25% high school class: 46% 781.891.2000 | 800.523.2354 Freshman acceptance rate: 32% Transfer acceptance rate: 100% (5 applicants) Apply by: 1/15 Early action: 11/15 Early decision: 11/15 24,538 applied / 7,905 accepted / 2,215 enrolled Student/faculty ratio: 6:1 Freshman acceptance rate: 44% Freshman top 25% high school class: 97% Enrollment: 350 7,493 applied / 3,281 accepted / 974 enrolled Transfer acceptance rate: 29% (1,384 applicants) Part-time: 3% Commuters: 6% Transfer acceptance rate: 51% (621 applicants) Student/faculty ratio: 13:1 Female: 58% Minority: 23% International: 10% Student/faculty ratio: 14:1 Enrollment: 9,049 undergraduate / 4,476 graduate Tuition: $47,442 Fees: $1,109 Enrollment: 4,247 undergraduate / 1,411 graduate Part-time: 22% graduate Room & board: $13,198 Part-time: 2% undergraduate / 47% graduate Commuters: 15% AA>391B5I1385;>@AIFB57 Commuters: 22% Female: 55% Minority: 28% International: 5% Female: 42% Minority: 18% International: 20% Tuition: $46,670 Fees: $766 BAY PATH UNIVERSITY I Tuition: $40,990 Fees: $1,521 Longmeadow, MA | Room & board: $13,186 Room & board: $13,949 1385;>@AI#I [email protected] 1385;>@AI#II335;I"I&" 413.565.1000 | 800.782.7284 BOSTON CONSERVATORY, THE I Apply by: (Priority: 12/15) Early action: 12/15 I Boston, MA | Freshman acceptance rate: 58% Boston, MA | [email protected] 908 applied / 523 accepted / 136 enrolled [email protected] 617.912.9153 Freshman top 25% high school class: 49% 800.237.5533 | 800.421.0084 Tuition: $40,150 Fees: $2,176 Transfer acceptance rate: 66% (265 applicants) Tuition: $37,800 Fees: $1,060 Room & board: $14,724 Student/faculty ratio: 11:1 Room & board: $17,372 1385;>@AI#I)" Enrollment: 1,458 undergraduate / 901 graduate 1385;>@AI#I>>?I"I)"I&" Part-time: 19% undergraduate / 54% graduate BOSTON GRADUATE SCHOOL OF Commuters: 47% BERKSHIRE COMMUNITY COLLEGE P PSYCHOANALYSIS I Female: 96% Minority: 26% International: 0.3% Pittsfi eld, MA | Brookline, MA | Tuition: $30,859 [email protected] [email protected] Room & board: $12,240 413.236.1630 | 800.816.1233 617.277.3915 AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#I%=;9=5I335;I>>?I"I Apply by: Rolling Apply by: 5/1 )"I-:=4I&" Freshman acceptance rate: 84% Acceptance rate: 75% 821 applied / 688 accepted / 469 enrolled 24 applied / 18 accepted / 13 enrolled BAY STATE COLLEGE I Transfer acceptance rate: 94% (190 applicants) Student/faculty ratio: 3:1 Boston, MA | Student/faculty ratio: 23:1 Enrollment: 147 [email protected] Enrollment: 2,400 Part-time: 69% Female: 69% 617.217.9000 Part-time: 66% Commuters: 100% Minority: 22% International: 14% Apply by: Rolling Female: 62% Minority: 17% International: 0.3% Tuition: $16,000 Fees: $850 Tuition (varies by program): $24,780 Tuition (in/out): $780 / $7,800 Fees: $4,980 #I Room & board: $12,100 AA>391B5I%=;9=5I"I)"I&"I89;431@5I AA>391B5I1385;>@AI%=;9=5I&" I Boston, MA | BECKER COLLEGE I BLESSED JOHN XXIII NATIONAL SEMINARY I [email protected] Worcester, MA | Weston, MA | 617.353.2300 [email protected] [email protected] Apply by: 1/1 Early decision: 11/1 508.373.9400 781.899.5500 Freshman acceptance rate: 37% Apply by: Rolling #

32 GUIDE TO NEW ENGLAND COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES | 2015 I Apply by: (Priority: 4/1) Early action: 12/1 Freshman top 25% high school class: 89% Cambridge, MA | Freshman acceptance rate: 87% Transfer acceptance rate: 33% (3,847 applicants) 800.877.4723 5,192 applied / 4,537 accepted / 657 enrolled Student/faculty ratio: 13:1 Apply by: Rolling Freshman top 25% high school class: 20% Enrollment: 18,165 undergraduate / 14,246 graduate Tuition: $14,550 Transfer acceptance rate: 49% (409 applicants) Part-time: 9% undergraduate / 35% graduate 1385;>@AI#II&" Student/faculty ratio: 11:1 Commuters: 25% Enrollment: 2,849 undergraduate / 225 graduate Female: 58% Minority: 24% International: 18% CAPE COD COMMUNITY COLLEGE P Part-time: 27% undergraduate / 11% graduate Tuition: $45,686 Fees: $978 West Barnstable, MA | Commuters: 28% Female: 62% Room & board: $14,030 [email protected] Minority: 17% International: 1% 1385;>@AI#II"I)" 508.362.2131 | 877.846.3672 Tuition: $33,750 Fees: $1,665 Apply by: Rolling Room & board: $13,510 I Tuition (in/out): $720 / $6,900 Fees: $4,350 1385;>@AI#I335;I&"I89;431@5 Waltham, MA | AA>391B5I335;I>>?I"I)"I-:=4I&"I [email protected] 89;431@5I  DEAN COLLEGE I 781.736.3500 | 800.622.0622 Franklin, MA | Apply by: 1/1 Early decision: 11/1 I [email protected] Freshman acceptance rate: 37% Worcester, MA | 508.541.1508 | 877.879.3326 9,496 applied / 3,517 accepted / 833 enrolled [email protected] Apply by: (Priority: 3/15) Early action: 12/1 Freshman top 25% high school class: 89% 508.793.7431 | 800.462.5275 Freshman acceptance rate: 69% Transfer acceptance rate: 33% (627 applicants) Apply by: 1/15 Early action: 11/1 2,684 applied / 1,850 accepted / 528 enrolled Student/faculty ratio: 10:1 Freshman acceptance rate: 62% Transfer acceptance rate: 78% (103 applicants) Enrollment: 3,614 undergraduate / 2,211 graduate 5,551 applied / 3,416 accepted / 621 enrolled Student/faculty ratio: 16:1 Part-time: 0% undergraduate / 19% graduate Freshman top 25% high school class: 73% Enrollment: 1,300 Commuters: 21% Transfer acceptance rate: 49% (272 applicants) Part-time: 17% Commuters: 11% Female: 54% Minority: 21% International: 21% Student/faculty ratio: 10:1 Female: 47% Minority: 25% International: 11% Tuition: $46,022 Fees: $1,536 Enrollment: 2,380 undergraduate / 1,171 graduate Tuition: $49,150 Fees: $300 Room & board: $13,192 Part-time: 5% undergraduate / 25% graduate Room & board: $14,760 1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5 @14>=;G Commuters: 29% Female: 58% AA>391B5I1385;>@AI)"I&" Minority: 15% International: 23% BRIDGEWATER STATE UNIVERSITY P Tuition: $40,380 Fees: $350 I Bridgewater, MA | Room & board: $7,800 Quincy, MA | [email protected] 1385;>@AI#II335;IFB57 [email protected] 508.531.1237 617.745.3711 | 800.883.6288 Apply by: (Priority: 2/15) Early action: 11/15 COLLEGE OF OUR LADY OF THE ELMS I Apply by: Rolling Freshman acceptance rate: 79% Chicopee, MA | Tuition: $28,062 Fees: $950 5,918 applied / 4,651 accepted / 1,474 enrolled [email protected] Room & board: $8,800 Transfer acceptance rate: 94% (1,667 applicants) 413.592.3189 | 800.255.3567 AA>391B5I1385;>@AI# Student/faculty ratio: 19:1 Apply by: Rolling Enrollment: 9,615 undergraduate / 1,652 graduate Student/faculty ratio: 13:1 I Part-time: 16% undergraduate / 73% graduate Enrollment: 1,674 Boston, MA | Commuters: 61% Commuters: 73% [email protected] Female: 60% Minority: 17% International: 0.7% Minority: 18% International: 0.4% 617.824.8600 Tuition (in/out): $910 / $7,050 Fees: $7,142 Tuition: $29,728 Fees: $1,460 Apply by: 1/15 Early action: 11/1 Room & board: $11,100 Room & board: $11,312 Freshman acceptance rate: 48% 8,198 applied / 3,933 accepted / 862 enrolled 1385;>@AI#I%=;9=5I335;I"I)"I-:=4I&"I AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I335;I"I)" 89;431@5I I-:=4 Freshman top 25% high school class: 68% Transfer acceptance rate: 63% (794 applicants) BRISTOL COMMUNITY COLLEGE P COLLEGE OF THE HOLY CROSS I Student/faculty ratio: 13:1 Fall River, MA | Worcester, MA | Enrollment: 3,731 undergraduate / 809 graduate [email protected] [email protected] Part-time: 2% undergraduate / 13% graduate 508.678.2811 508.793.2443 | 800.442.2421 Commuters: 42% Apply by: Rolling (Priority: 1/15 for health programs) Apply by: 1/15 Early decision: 12/15 Female: 65% Minority: 22% Freshman acceptance rate: 93% Freshman acceptance rate: 33% International: 5% 5,693 applied / 5,308 accepted / 2,908 enrolled 7,115 applied / 2,346 accepted / 722 enrolled Tuition: $36,650 Fees: $700 Transfer acceptance rate: 90% (792 applicants) Freshman top 25% high school class: 90% Room & board: $15,096 Student/faculty ratio: 18:1 Transfer acceptance rate: 20% (125 applicants) 1385;>@AI#II&" Enrollment: 9,335 Student/faculty ratio: 10:1 Part-time: 53% Commuters: 100% Enrollment: 2,912 EMMANUEL COLLEGE I Female: 61% Minority: 21% International: 0.1% Part-time: 1% Commuters: 92% Boston, MA | Tuition (in/out): $576 / $5,520 Fees: $3,602 Female: 50% Minority: 22% International: 0.9% [email protected] AA>391B5I%=;9=5I>>?I"I)"I-:=4I&"I Tuition: $45,080 Fees: $612 617.735.9715 89;431@5I Room & board: $12,350 Apply by: 2/15 (Priority: 12/1) Early action: 11/1 1385;>@AI335;I&" Freshman acceptance rate: 60% BUNKER HILL COMMUNITY COLLEGE P 6,623 applied / 4,006 accepted / 515 enrolled Boston, MA | CONWAY SCHOOL OF Freshman top 25% high school class: 54% [email protected] LANDSCAPE DESIGN I Transfer acceptance rate: 36% (423 applicants) 617.228.3398 Conway, MA | Student/faculty ratio: 14:1 Apply by: Rolling [email protected] Enrollment: 2,176 undergraduate / 260 graduate Freshman acceptance rate: 92% 413.369.4044 Part-time: 15% undergraduate / 93% graduate 3,871 applied / 3,543 accepted / 2,108 enrolled Apply by: Rolling Commuters: 28% Female: 74% Transfer acceptance rate: 97% (1,771 applicants) Tuition: $27,375 Fees: $4,075 Minority: 17% International: 1% # Student/faculty ratio: 20:1 Tuition: $35,312 Fees: $220 Enrollment: 14,023 I Room & board: $13,580 Part-time: 67% Commuters: 100% Milton, MA | 1385;>@AI#I%=;9=5I335;I"I&" Female: 57% Minority: 63% International: 4% [email protected] Tuition (in/out): $720 / $6,900 Fees: $3,510 AA>391B5I%=;9=5I335;I>>?I"I)"IFB57I 617.333.2210 | 800.669.0686 -:=4I&"I89;431@5I


ENDICOTT COLLEGE I FRANKLIN W. Student/faculty ratio: 7:1 Beverly, MA | OF ENGINEERING I Enrollment: 6,671 undergraduate / 12,795 graduate =@>;;<5=B=C<25@A5F3;C45FB5=A9>=)38>>; [email protected] Needham, MA | Part-time: 0% undergraduate / 2% graduate 978.927.0585 | 800.325.1114 [email protected] 781.292.2300 Commuters: 1% Female: 48% 2/15 Calendar: 4-1-4 Apply by: 1/1 Minority: 30% International: 23% Freshman acceptance rate: 72% Tuition: $40,418 Fees: $3,528 3,732 applied / 2,682 accepted / 667 enrolled Freshman acceptance rate: 17% 782 applied / 131 accepted / 82 enrolled Room & board: $14,669 Freshman top 25% high school class: 39% Transfer acceptance rate: 100% (5 applicants) AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#II335;I" Transfer acceptance rate: 59% (209 applicants) Student/faculty ratio: 8:1 Student/faculty ratio: 14:1 I Enrollment: 355 Enrollment: 2,852 undergraduate / 2,435 graduate Newton Centre, MA | Commuters: 0% Female: 50% Part-time: 11% undergraduate / 84% graduate [email protected] Minority: 28% International: 10% Commuters: 15% Female: 67% 617.559.8610 | 800.866.4814 Tuition: $43,500 Fees: $525 Minority: 7% International: 1% Apply by: Rolling Room & board: $15,200 Tuition: $28,994 Fees: $500 1385;>@A Enrollment: 3 undergraduate / 184 graduate Room & board: $13,734 Part-time: 33% undergraduate / 64% graduate AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I335;I"I GORDON COLLEGE I Commuters: 100% Female: 66% International: 0.5% )"I&" Wenham, MA | Tuition: $24,060 Fees: $200 EPISCOPAL DIVINITY SCHOOL I [email protected] 1385;>@AI#I%=;9=5I" 866.464.6736 Cambridge, MA | HELLENIC COLLEGE HOLY CROSS GREEK [email protected] Apply by: 8/1 (Priority: 2/1) Early action: 11/15 Early decision: 11/1 ORTHODOX SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY I 617.682.1507 | 866.433.7669 Freshman acceptance rate: 43% Brookline, MA | 3,843 applied / 1,657 accepted / 480 enrolled Apply by: Rolling [email protected] Freshman top 25% high school class: 55% Tuition: $15,210 Fees: $400 617.850.1285 Transfer acceptance rate: 50% (264 applicants) Room & board: $13,000 Apply by: Rolling Student/faculty ratio: 14:1 #II" Enrollment: 92 undergraduate / 137 graduate Enrollment: 1,707 undergraduate / 367 graduate Part-time: 21% graduate FINE MORTUARY COLLEGE I Part-time: 2% undergraduate / 73% graduate Female: 24% Norwood, MA | Commuters: 11% Female: 65% Tuition: $21,940 Fees: $1,025 fi ne@fi Minority: 16% International: 4% Room & board: $16,192 781.762.1211 Tuition: $32,930 Fees: $1,460 1385;>@AI# Apply by: Rolling Room & board: $9,930 Tuition: $23,765 1385;>@AI#I>>? HOLYOKE COMMUNITY COLLEGE P AA>391B5I" GORDON-CONWELL Holyoke, MA | I THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY I [email protected] 413.552.2321 Boston, MA | Hamilton, MA | admissions@fi [email protected] Apply by: Rolling 617.236.8818 978.468.7111 | 800.428.7329 Student/faculty ratio: 18:1 Enrollment: 6,740 Apply by: Rolling Apply by: Rolling Part-time: 51% Commuters: 100% Tuition: $26,130 Fees: $145 Tuition: $18,303 Female: 60% Minority: 33% International: 0.3% AA>391B5I1385;>@AI%=;9=5I335;I"I)"I&" #II%=;9=5 Tuition (in/out): $720 / $6,900 Fees: $4,030 FITCHBURG STATE UNIVERSITY P GREENFIELD COMMUNITY COLLEGE P AA>391B5I%=;9=5I>>?I"I)"I-:=4 Greenfi eld, MA | Fitchburg, MA | I admissions@fi [email protected] HULT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL Cambridge, MA | 978.665.3144 | 800.705.9692 413.775.1801 [email protected] Apply by: Rolling Apply by: Rolling 617.746.1990 Freshman acceptance rate: 74% Tuition (in/out): $780 / $8,430 Fees: $5,387 3,818 applied / 2,834 accepted / 801 enrolled AA>391B5I%=;9=5I)"I&"I  Apply by: Rolling 1385;>@AI# Transfer acceptance rate: 92% (739 applicants) I Student/faculty ratio: 15:1 Amherst, MA | LABOURÉ COLLEGE I Enrollment: 4,239 undergraduate / 2,424 graduate [email protected] Dorchester, MA | Part-time: 19% undergraduate / 92% graduate 413.559.5471 | 877.937.4267 [email protected] Commuters: 59% Female: 63% Apply by: 1/15 Early action: 12/1 Early decision: 11/155 Calendar: 4-1-4 617.296.8300 Minority: 14% International: 1% Freshman acceptance rate: 70% Apply by: Rolling Tuition (in/out): $970 / $7,050 Fees: $8,315 2,827 applied / 1,990 accepted / 393 enrolled Tuition: $31,923 Fees: $250 Room & board: $9,020 Freshman top 25% high school class: 56% AA>391B5I1385;>@A 1385;>@AI#I%=;9=5I"I&"I Transfer acceptance rate: 72% (243 applicants) LASELL COLLEGE I FRAMINGHAM STATE UNIVERSITY P Student/faculty ratio: 11:1 Newton, MA | Framingham, MA | Enrollment: 1,492 [email protected] [email protected] Commuters: 18% Female: 57% Minority: 21% 617.243.2225 | 888.527.3554 Tuition: $46,680 508.626.4500 Apply by: Rolling Early action: 11/15 Room & board: $12,450 Apply by: (Priority: 2/15) Early action: 11/15 Freshman acceptance rate: 76% 1385;>@A Freshman acceptance rate: 56% 3,584 applied / 2,729 accepted / 485 enrolled 5,400 applied / 3,020 accepted / 809 enrolled I Transfer acceptance rate: 58% (303 applicants) Freshman top 25% high school class: 25% Cambridge, MA | Student/faculty ratio: 13:1 Transfer acceptance rate: 55% (1,323 applicants) 617.495.1551 Enrollment: 1,667 undergraduate / 394 graduate Student/faculty ratio: 16:1 Apply by: 1/1 Early action: 11/1 Part-time: 1% undergraduate / 70% graduate Enrollment: 4,584 undergraduate / 1,845 graduate Freshman acceptance rate: 6% Commuters: 22% Female: 65% Part-time: 15% undergraduate / 95% graduate 35,023 applied / 2,047 accepted / 1,659 enrolled Minority: 21% International: 5% Commuters: 50% Female: 69% Freshman top 25% high school class: 99% Tuition: $29,800 Fees: $1,200 Minority: 18% International: 0.2% Transfer acceptance rate: 1% (1,432 applicants) Room & board: $12,750 Tuition (in/out): $970 / $7,050 Fees: $7,130 1385;>@AI#I%=;9=5I335;I)"I&" 1385;>@AI#I%=;9=5I>>?I"I)"I&"I89;431@5 I

34 GUIDE TO NEW ENGLAND COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES | 2015 I Freshman acceptance rate: 8% Tuition (in/out): $576 / $5,520 Fees: $3,048 18,989 applied / 1,548 accepted / 1,115 enrolled AA>391B5I"I)"I-:=4I Cambridge, MA | Freshman top 25% high school class: 100% [email protected] Transfer acceptance rate: 4% (497 applicants) MCPHS UNIVERSITY (MASSACHUSETTS 800.999.1959 Student/faculty ratio: 8:1 COLLEGE OF PHARMACY AND HEALTH Apply by: (Priority: 2/5) SCIENCES) I Enrollment: 4,528 undergraduate / 6,773 graduate Freshman acceptance rate: 67% Boston, MA | Part-time: 1% undergraduate / 2% graduate 2,605 applied / 1,758 accepted / 315 enrolled [email protected] Commuters: 12% Female: 37% Freshman top 25% high school class: 36% 617.732.2800 Minority: 32% International: 29% Transfer acceptance rate: 51% (453 applicants) Freshman acceptance rate: 84% Tuition: $44,720 Fees: $296 Student/faculty ratio: 11:1 5,625 applied / 4,697 accepted / 883 enrolled Room & board: $13,224 Enrollment: 1,460 undergraduate / 3,247 graduate Transfer acceptance rate: 28% (1,948 applicants) 1385;>@AI#II>>?I)"I89;431@5 Part-time: 5% undergraduate / 66% graduate Enrollment: 3,897 undergraduate / 2,651 graduate Commuters: 46% Female: 82% MASSACHUSETTS MARITIME ACADEMY P Part-time: 4% undergraduate / 13% graduate Minority: 15% International: 3% Buzzards Bay, MA | Female: 66% Minority: 27% International: 10% Tuition: $24,000 Fees: $310 [email protected] Tuition: $27,600 Fees: $870 Room & board: $14,400 800.544.3411 Room & board: $14,240 AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I335;I"I&" Apply by: Rolling Early action: 11/1 Calendar: 4-1-4 1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I335;I" Freshman acceptance rate: 59% MERRIMACK COLLEGE I LONGY SCHOOL OF MUSIC 957 applied / 561 accepted / 332 enrolled OF BARD COLLEGE I North Andover, MA | Transfer acceptance rate: 43% (176 applicants) Cambridge, MA | [email protected] Student/faculty ratio: 15:1 [email protected] 978.837.5000 Enrollment: 1,376 undergraduate / 100 graduate 617.876.0956 Apply by: 2/15 Early action: 11/15 Early decision: 11/15 Part-time: 3% undergraduate / 100% graduate Apply by: Rolling Freshman acceptance rate: 79% Commuters: 5% Female: 12% Tuition: $34,500 Fees: $550 6,314 applied / 4,963 accepted / 794 enrolled Minority: 8% International: 0.5% # Freshman top 25% high school class: 34% Tuition (in/out): $1,480 / $16,534 Fees: $5,794 Transfer acceptance rate: 58% (300 applicants) Room & board: $11,120 MARIAN COURT COLLEGE I Student/faculty ratio: 13:1 1385;>@AI#I>>?I"I-:=4I&"I Swampscott, MA | Enrollment: 2,752 undergraduate / 280 graduate [email protected] MASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL OF LAW AT Part-time: 5% undergraduate / 34% graduate 781.309.5200 ANDOVER I Commuters: 28% Female: 51% Apply by: Rolling Andover, MA | Minority: 12% International: 6% Tuition: $16,200 [email protected] Tuition: $34,615 Fees: $1,600 AA>391B5I1385;>@AI&" 978.681.0800 Room & board: $13,255 MASSACHUSETTS COLLEGE Apply by: Rolling 1385;>@AI#I335;I>>?I)"I-:=4I&" OF ART AND DESIGN P Tuition: $19,500 Fees:  I  MGH INSTITUTE OF HEALTH PROFESSIONS Boston, MA | Boston, MA | [email protected] MASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL [email protected] 617.879.7222 PSYCHOLOGY I 617.726.8439 Apply by: 2/1 Early action: 12/1 Newton, MA | Apply by: Rolling Freshman acceptance rate: 70% [email protected] Tuition: $18,400 Fees: $2,000 1,403 applied / 980 accepted / 367 enrolled 617.327.6777 | 888.664.6777 1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5 Transfer acceptance rate: 64% (361 applicants) Apply by: 1/7 Early action: 11/25 Student/faculty ratio: 10:1 Acceptance rate: 57% MIDDLESEX COMMUNITY COLLEGE P Enrollment: 2,120 undergraduate / 144 graduate 714 applied / 405 accepted / 29 enrolled Lowell, MA | Part-time: 21% undergraduate / 21% graduate Student/faculty ratio: 12:1 [email protected] Commuters: 62% Female: 69% Enrollment: 652 graduate 978.656.3207 | 800.818.3434 Minority: 19% International: 3% Part-time: 27% Apply by: Rolling Tuition (in/out): $1,030 / $19,730 Fees: $9,970 Female: 79% Minority: 18% Freshman acceptance rate: 94% Room & board: $13,000 Tuition: $38,080 Fees: $760 4,995 applied / 4,680 accepted / 2,045 enrolled 1385;>@AI#I&"I #II%=;9=5I" Transfer acceptance rate: 83% (1,458 applicants) Student/faculty ratio: 23:1 MASSACHUSETTS COLLEGE MASSASOIT COMMUNITY COLLEGE P Enrollment: 9,702 OF LIBERAL ARTS P Brockton, MA | Part-time: 63% Commuters: 100% North Adams, MA | 508.588.9100 Female: 57% Minority: 37% International: 1% [email protected] 413.662.5410 | 800.969.6252 Apply by: Rolling Tuition (in/out): $720 / $6,900 Fees: $4,760 Student/faculty ratio: 13:1 AA>391B5I%=;9=5I335;I"I-:=4I&"I Apply by: Rolling Early action: 12/1 Enrollment: 8,272 Freshman acceptance rate: 67% 1,786 applied / 1,200 accepted / 275 enrolled Part-time: 56% Commuters: 100% MONTSERRAT COLLEGE OF ART I Female: 57% Minority: 39% Freshman top 25% high school class: 58% Beverly, MA | Tuition (in/out): $720 / $6,900 Fees: $4,650 Transfer acceptance rate: 92% (262 applicants) [email protected] AA>391B5I%=;9=5I335;I"I)"I-:=4I89;431@5 Student/faculty ratio: 13:1 I 978.921.4242 | 800.836.0487 Enrollment: 1,538 undergraduate / 178 graduate Apply by: Rolling Part-time: 12% undergraduate / 88% graduate MASSBAY COMMUNITY COLLEGE P Student/faculty ratio: 12:1 Commuters: 33% Female: 60% Wellesley Hills, MA | Enrollment: 385 Minority: 18% International: 0.5% [email protected] Commuters: 36% Tuition (in/out): $1,030 / $9,975 Fees: $7,945 781.239.2500 Female: 74% Minority: 50% International: 50% Room & board: $9,638 Apply by: Rolling Tuition: $26,520 Fees: $1,250 1385;>@AI#I335;I&"I Freshman acceptance rate: 100% Room only: $9,300 2,132 applied / 2,132 accepted / 913 enrolled 1385;>@AI&" MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE Transfer acceptance rate: 100% (608 applicants) OF TECHNOLOGY I I Cambridge, MA | Student/faculty ratio: 16:1 Enrollment: 5,377 South Hadley, MA | [email protected] [email protected] 617.253.3400 Part-time: 64% Commuters: 100% Female: 54% Minority: 35% International: 2% 413.538.2023 Apply by: 1/1 Calendar: 4-1-4 Apply by: 1/15 Early decision: 11/15 Freshman acceptance rate: 47%


3,732 applied / 1,747 accepted / 527 enrolled Freshman acceptance rate: 26% I 1,437 applied / 378 accepted / 117 enrolled Freshman top 25% high school class: 84% Boston, MA | Enrollment: 419 undergraduate / 376 graduate Transfer acceptance rate: 45% (300 applicants) [email protected] Part-time: 3% undergraduate / 7% graduate Student/faculty ratio: 10:1 617.373.2200 Enrollment: 2,183 undergraduate / 68 graduate Female: 47% Apply by: 1/1 Early action: 11/1 Early decision: 11/1 Part-time: 1% undergraduate / 46% graduate Tuition: $40,950 Fees: $915 Freshman acceptance rate: 32% Room & board: $12,850 Commuters: 5% Female: 99% 47,364 applied / 15,301 accepted / 2,891 enrolled 1385;>@AI#I Minority: 25% International: 24% Freshman top 25% high school class: 91% Tuition: $42,470 Fees: $186 NEW ENGLAND INSTITUTE OF ART, THE I Student/faculty ratio: 13:1 Room & board: $12,490 Brookline, MA | Enrollment: 19,554 undergraduate / 12,339 graduate 1385;>@AI# 617.739.1700 | 800.903.4425 Part-time: 13% undergraduate / 52% graduate I Apply by: Rolling Female: 52% Newton, MA | Tuition: $12,360 Fees: $96 Tuition: $42,534 Fees: $906 [email protected] AA>391B5I1385;>@A Room & board: $14,050 1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I>>?I"I)" 617.928.4555 NEW ENGLAND LAW | BOSTON I Apply by: Rolling Boston, MA | NORTHERN ESSEX COMMUNITY COLLEGE P Tuition: $29,232 Fees: $1,215 [email protected] Haverhill, MA | Room & board: $12,500 617.422.7210 [email protected] AA>391B5I1385;>@AI# Apply by: 3/15 978.556.3600 MOUNT WACHUSETT Acceptance rate: 87% Apply by: Rolling COMMUNITY COLLEGE P 2,013 applied / 1,758 accepted / 238 enrolled Freshman acceptance rate: 99% Gardner, MA | Transfer acceptance rate: 45% (11 applicants) 2,108 applied / 2,092 accepted / 1,116 enrolled [email protected] Enrollment: 878 Student/faculty ratio: 22:1 978.630.9110 Part-time: 28% Female: 54% Enrollment: 7,352 Apply by: Rolling Minority: 31% International: 1% Part-time: 67% Commuters: 100% Freshman acceptance rate: 97% Tuition: $43,988 Fees: $80 Female: 62% Minority: 43% International: 0.7% 2,054 applied / 1,994 accepted / 516 enrolled I" Tuition (in/out): $750 / $7,980 Fees: $4,650 Transfer acceptance rate: 93% (646 applicants) AA>391B5I%=;9=5I>>?I"I)"I&"I89;431@5I Student/faculty ratio: 16:1 NEW ENGLAND SCHOOL OF ACUPUNCTURE I Enrollment: 4,734 Newton, MA | [email protected] NORTHPOINT BIBLE COLLEGE I Part-time: 58% Commuters: 100% Haverhill, MA | Female: 65% Minority: 26% International: 0.7% 617.558.1788 Apply by: Rolling [email protected] Tuition (in/out): $750 / $12,060 Fees: $5,160 978.478.3431 | 800.356.4014 AA>391B5I335;I>>?I"I)"I&"I89;431@5I Tuition: $465/credit # Apply by: Rolling Tuition: $9,200 Fees: $780 NATIONAL GRADUATE SCHOOL OF QUALITY NEWBURY COLLEGE I Room & board: $7,600 MANAGEMENT I Brookline, MA | 1385;>@AI"I-:=4 Falmouth, MA | [email protected] [email protected] 617.730.7000 I 800.838.2580 Apply by: Rolling Chestnut Hill, MA | [email protected] Apply by: Rolling Freshman acceptance rate: 70% 617.731.7011 | 800.PMC.1357 Tuition: Varies by program. 3,202 applied / 2,243 accepted / 264 enrolled 1385;>@AI#II335;I" Transfer acceptance rate: 60% (133 applicants) Apply by: Rolling Student/faculty ratio: 14:1 Tuition: $25,516 Fees: $664 OF BUSINESS AND Commuters: 60% Room & board: $12,820 FINANCE I Tuition: $28,830 Fees: $1,250 AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#I&" Boston, MA | Room & board: $13,340 QUINCY COLLEGE P [email protected] AA>391B5I1385;>@AI&" 617.951.2350 Quincy, MA | Apply by: Rolling NICHOLS COLLEGE I [email protected] Calendar: 6, 8-week undergraduate terms a year and 8, 5-week Dudley, MA | 617.984.1710 | 800.698.1700 graduate sessions a year [email protected] Apply by: Rolling Student/faculty ratio: 26:1 508.213.2203 | 800.470.3379 Student/faculty ratio: 18:1 Enrollment: 940 undergraduate / 205 graduate Apply by: Rolling Enrollment: 4,576 Part-time: 79% undergraduate / 49% graduate Freshman acceptance rate: 80% Part-time: 62% Commuters: 100% Female: 70% Minority: 23% 2,499 applied / 2,011 accepted / 414 enrolled Female: 68% Minority: 34% International: 8% Tuition: $13,000 Fees: $125 Freshman top 25% high school class: 16% Tuition (in/out): $5,970 / $5,970 Fees: $196 AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#I%=;9=5I"I&" Transfer acceptance rate: 60% (141 applicants) AA>391B5I335;I"I)"I&" Student/faculty ratio: 17:1 P NEW ENGLAND COLLEGE OF OPTOMETRY I Enrollment: 1,281 undergraduate / 178 graduate QUINSIGAMOND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Worcester, MA | Boston, MA | Part-time: 14% undergraduate / 79% graduate [email protected] [email protected] Commuters: 20% Female: 41% 508.854.4260 617.587.5580 Minority: 16% International: 0.7% Apply by: Rolling Apply by: 3/15 Tuition: $32,070 Fees: $300 Freshman acceptance rate: 62% Acceptance rate: 40% Room & board: $12,235 3,823 applied / 2,354 accepted / 1,706 enrolled 830 applied / 333 accepted / 135 enrolled 1385;>@AI#I%=;9=5I335;I&" Student/faculty ratio: 7:1 Transfer acceptance rate: 50% (1,797 applicants) Enrollment: 502 graduate NORTH SHORE COMMUNITY COLLEGE P Student/faculty ratio: 20:1 Part-time: 1% Female: 73% Danvers, MA | Enrollment: 8,583 Minority: 29% International: 28% [email protected] Part-time: 60% Commuters: 100% Tuition: $38,862 Fees: $650 978.762.4188 Female: 57% Minority: 34% International: 0.2% #I Apply by: Rolling Tuition (in/out): $720 / $6,900 Fees: $5,285 Tuition (in/out): $750 / $7,710 Fees: $4,620 AA>391B5I%=;9=5I335;I>>?I"I)"I&"I NEW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY I AA>391B5I%=;9=5I>>?I"I)"I&"I 89;431@5I Boston, MA |  [email protected] 617.585.1101 Apply by: 12/1

36 GUIDE TO NEW ENGLAND COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES | 2015 REGIS COLLEGE I Tuition: $35,200 Fees: $1,030 Freshman top 25% high school class: 42% Weston, MA | Room & board: $13,736 Transfer acceptance rate: 72% (1,220 applicants) 1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I335;I"I&" [email protected] Student/faculty ratio: 11:1 781.768.7000 Enrollment: 5,779 undergraduate / 3,017 graduate SMITH COLLEGE I Part-time: 7% undergraduate / 48% graduate Apply by: 6/1 (Priority: 2/15) Early action: 12/1 Northampton, MA | Commuters: 79% Female: 56% Freshman acceptance rate: 72% [email protected] 2,158 applied / 1,563 accepted / 272 enrolled Minority: 23% International: 16% 413.585.3023 | 800.383.3232 Tuition: $32,530 Fees: $130 Freshman top 25% high school class: 32% Apply by: 1/15 Early decision: 11/15 Transfer acceptance rate: 47% (219 applicants) Room & board: $14,638 Freshman acceptance rate: 43% AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I335;I>>?I" Student/faculty ratio: 13:1 4,403 applied / 1,897 accepted / 643 enrolled I)"I-:=4I&" Enrollment: 1,188 undergraduate / 881 graduate Freshman top 25% high school class: 89% Part-time: 20% undergraduate / 69% graduate Transfer acceptance rate: 33% (311 applicants) I Commuters: 41% Female: 81% Student/faculty ratio: 9:1 Medford, MA | Minority: 30% International: 1% Enrollment: 2,606 undergraduate / 427 graduate Tuition: $35,750 Part-time: 1% undergraduate / 18% graduate 617.627.3170 Room & board: $13,700 Commuters: 5% Female: 98% Apply by: 1/1 Early decision: 11/8 AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#I Minority: 32% International: 13% Freshman acceptance rate: 19% P Tuition: $44,450 Fees: $274 18,419 applied / 3,471 accepted / 1,314 enrolled ROXBURY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Freshman top 25% high school class: 99% Boston, MA | Room & board: $14,950 1385;>@AI#II335; Transfer acceptance rate: 16% (891 applicants) [email protected] Student/faculty ratio: 9:1 617.427.0060 SPRINGFIELD COLLEGE I Enrollment: 5,180 undergraduate / 5,692 graduate Apply by: Rolling Springfi eld, MA | springfi Part-time: 1% undergraduate / 14% graduate Tuition (in/out): $780 / $7,410 Fees: $4,130 admissions@springfi Commuters: 37% Female: 55% AA>391B5I"I&"I + 413.748.3136 | 800.343.1257 Minority: 24% International: 11% Apply by: 4/1 (Priority: 3/1) Early decision: 12/1 SALEM STATE UNIVERSITY P Tuition: $47,596 Fees: $1,047 Salem, MA | Freshman acceptance rate: 70% Room & board: $12,634 2,231 applied / 1,560 accepted / 513 enrolled [email protected] 1385;>@AI#II" Freshman top 25% high school class: 35% 978.542.6200 Transfer acceptance rate: 52% (213 applicants) UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS Apply by: Rolling Early action: 11/15 Student/faculty ratio: 13:1 AMHERST P Freshman acceptance rate: 72% Enrollment: 2,204 undergraduate / 1,082 graduate Amherst, MA | 5,216 applied / 3,739 accepted / 1,087 enrolled Part-time: 3% undergraduate / 18% graduate [email protected] Transfer acceptance rate: 81% (1,595 applicants) Commuters: 15% Female: 56% 413.545.0111 Student/faculty ratio: 15:1 Minority: 15% International: 2% Apply by: 1/15 Early action: 11/1 Enrollment: 7,664 undergraduate / 1,637 graduate Tuition: $32,980 Fees: $475 Freshman acceptance rate: 63% Part-time: 24% undergraduate / 78% graduate Room & board: $11,210 35,868 applied / 22,556 accepted / 4,621 enrolled Commuters: 72% Female: 63% 1385;>@AI#II)"I89;431@5 Freshman top 25% high school class: 69% Minority: 24% International: 4% Transfer acceptance rate: 67% (3,048 applicants) Tuition (in/out): $910 / $7,050 Fees: $7,736 / $7,858 SPRINGFIELD TECHNICAL Student/faculty ratio: 18:1 Room & board: $12,385 COMMUNITY COLLEGE P Enrollment: 22,134 undergraduate / 6,384 graduate 1385;>@AI#I335;I"I)"I&"I89;431@5I Springfi eld, MA | Part-time: 7% undergraduate / 64% graduate [email protected] Commuters: 36% Female: 49% SCHOOL OF THE MUSEUM 413.755.3333 Minority: 18% International: 7% OF FINE ARTS, BOSTON I Apply by: Rolling Tuition (in/out): $1,714 / $9,937 Fees: $11,544 / $18,876 Boston, MA | Freshman acceptance rate: 87% Room & board: $11,457 [email protected] 3,328 applied / 2,884 accepted / 1,505 enrolled AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I335;I>>?I" 617.369.3626 | 800.643.6078 Transfer acceptance rate: 77% (1,081 applicants) I)"I-:=4I&"I89;431@5I Student/faculty ratio: 17:1 Apply by: (Priority: 2/15) Enrollment: 6,792 UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS BOSTON P Freshman acceptance rate: 88% Boston, MA | 552 applied / 483 accepted / 69 enrolled Part-time: 53% Commuters: 100% [email protected] Transfer acceptance rate: 87% (103 applicants) Female: 58% Minority: 46% International: 0.7% 617.287.6000 Graduate acceptance rate: 76% Tuition (in/out): $750 / $7,260 Fees: $4,356 243 applied / 184 accepted / 89 enrolled AA>391B5I"I)"I&"I89;431@5I Apply by: 4/1 (Priority: 3/1) Student/faculty ratio: 9:1 Freshman acceptance rate: 70% STONEHILL COLLEGE I 8,170 applied / 5,709 accepted / 1,413 enrolled Enrollment: 552 undergraduate / 167 graduate Easton, MA | Transfer acceptance rate: 80% (3,459 applicants) Part-time: 27% undergraduate / 5% graduate [email protected] Student/faculty ratio: 15:1 Commuters: 87% Female: 73% 508.565.1373 Enrollment: 12,366 undergraduate / 3,911 graduate Minority: 18% International: 10% Apply by: 1/15 Early action: 11/1 Early decision: 12/1 Part-time: 29% undergraduate / 68% graduate Tuition: $39,068 Fees: $1,280 Freshman acceptance rate: 71% Female: 59% Minority: 36% International: 10% Room & board: $14,850 6,547 applied / 4,643 accepted / 610 enrolled Tuition (in/out): $1,714 / $9,758 Fees: $10,252 / $18,632 1385;>@AI# Freshman top 25% high school class: 69% 1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I>>?I"I)"I&"I SIMMONS COLLEGE I Transfer acceptance rate: 63% (168 applicants) 89;431@5I Student/faculty ratio: 12:1 Boston, MA | UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS [email protected] Enrollment: 2,481 Part-time: 1% Commuters: 10% DARTMOUTH P 617.521.2051 | 800.345.8468 North Dartmouth, MA | Apply by: 2/2 (Priority: 11/3) Early action: 11/3 Female: 62% Minority: 11% International: 0.5% Tuition: $37,426 [email protected] Freshman acceptance rate: 49% 508.999.8605 4,239 applied / 2,076 accepted / 339 enrolled Room & board: $14,290 Apply by: Rolling Early action: 11/15 Freshman top 25% high school class: 61% 1385;>@A Freshman acceptance rate: 75% Transfer acceptance rate: 39% (337 applicants) I 8,119 applied / 6,094 accepted / 1,435 enrolled Student/faculty ratio: 11:1 Boston, MA | Freshman top 25% high school class: 46% Enrollment: 1,732 undergraduate / 2,923 graduate [email protected] Transfer acceptance rate: 87% (1,194 applicants) Part-time: 9% undergraduate / 74% graduate 617.573.8460 | 800.678.3365 Student/faculty ratio: 18:1 Commuters: 42% Female: 92% Apply by: 2/15 Early action: 11/15 Enrollment: 7,437 undergraduate / 1,616 graduate Minority: 19% International: 2% Freshman acceptance rate: 83% Part-time: 14% undergraduate / 57% graduate 9,275 applied / 7,652 accepted / 1,188 enrolled


Commuters: 45% Female: 49% Part-time: 5% Commuters: 3% I Minority: 23% International: 5% Female: 98% Minority: 44% International: 11% Boston, MA | Tuition (in/out): $1,417 / $8,099 Fees: $10,264 / $16,520 Tuition: $44,802 Fees: $276 [email protected] Room & board: $11,069 Room & board: $13,960 617.879.2006 | 800.734.5212 1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I>>?I"I&"I Bachelor’s Apply by: 5/1 (Priority: 3/1) Early action: 12/1 WENTWORTH INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY I Freshman acceptance rate: 73% UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS LOWELL P Boston, MA |   1??;954  1335?B54 5=@>;;54 Lowell, MA | [email protected] Freshman top 25% high school class: 38% [email protected] 617.989.4000 | 800.566.0610 Transfer acceptance rate: 1??;931=BA 978.934.3931 | 800.410.4607 Apply by: (Priority: 3/1) Student/faculty ratio: 12:1 Apply by: 2/15 (Priority: 11/15) Early action: 11/15 Freshman acceptance rate: 57% Enrollment: C=45@7@14C1B5 7@14C1B5 Freshman acceptance rate: 64%  1??;954  1335?B54 5=@>;;54 Part-time: C=45@7@14C1B5 7@14C1B5   1??;954  1335?B54   5=@>;;54 Freshman top 25% high school class: 40% Commuters: 37% Female: 89% Freshman top 25% high school class: 51% Transfer acceptance rate:1??;931=BA Minority: 26% International: 4% Transfer acceptance rate:   1??;931=BA Student/faculty ratio: 17:1 Tuition: $31,675 Fees: $1,155 Student/faculty ratio: 18:1 Enrollment: C=45@7@14C1B5 7@14C1B5 Room & board: $13,600 Enrollment: C=45@7@14C1B5  7@14C1B5 Part-time:C=45@7@14C1B5 7@14C1B5 1385;>@AI#I%=;9=5I"I&" Part-time:C=45@7@14C1B5 7@14C1B5 Commuters: 54% Female: 19% I Commuters: 64% Female: 41% Minority: 18% International: 6% Williamstown, MA | Minority: 23% International: 6% Tuition: $29,320 Fees: $1,445 [email protected] Tuition (in/out): $1,454 / $8,567 Fees: $10,993 / $18,833 Room & board: $12,840 413.597.3131 Room & board: $11,278 AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#I>>?I&" AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I335;I>>?I" Apply by: 1/1 Early decision: 11/15 Calendar: 4-1-4 I&"I WESTERN NEW ENGLAND UNIVERSITY I Freshman acceptance rate: 18% Springfi eld, MA |  1??;954   1335?B54 5=@>;;54 UNIVERSITY OF [email protected] Freshman top 25% high school class: 98% MASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL OF LAW P 413.782.1321 | 800.325.1122 Transfer acceptance rate:1??;931=BA North Dartmouth, MA | Apply by: (Priority: 2/15) Student/faculty ratio: 7:1 [email protected] Freshman acceptance rate: 82% Enrollment: C=45@7@14C1B5 7@14C1B5 508.985.1110  1??;954  1335?B54 5=@>;;54 Part-time: 2% Commuters: 7% Tuition (in/out): $2,072 / $8,100 Fees: $22,106 / $23,770 Freshman top 25% high school class: 44% Female: 51% Minority: 36% International: 7% + I Transfer acceptance rate:1??;931=BA Tuition: $48,030 Fees: $280 Student/faculty ratio: 13:1 Room & board: $12,760 UNIVERSITY OF 1385;>@AI#I89;431@5 MASSACHUSETTS WORCESTER P Enrollment: C=45@7@14C1B5  7@14C1B5 Worcester, MA | Part-time:C=45@7@14C1B5  7@14C1B5 WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC [email protected] Commuters: 35% Female: 44% INSTITUTION I 508.856.2323 Minority: 17% International: 2% Woods Hole, MA | Apply by: 12/15 Early decision: 8/1 Tuition: $31,200 Fees: $2,266 [email protected] Acceptance rate: 19% Room & board: $12,688 508.289.2219 AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I335;I"I   1??;954 1335?B54 5=@>;;54 Apply by: 1/5 )"I&" Enrollment: 1,161 Acceptance rate: 10% Part-time: 9% Female: 60% WESTFIELD STATE UNIVERSITY P 1??;954 1335?B54 5=@>;;54 Minority: 20% International: 15% Westfi eld, MA | www.westfi Student/faculty ratio: 1:1 School of Medicine Tuition (in only): $8,352 Fees: $14,998 admissions@westfi Enrollment: 120 School of Biomedical Sciences 413.572.5218 Female: 55% Minority: 15% International: 25% Tuition (in/out): $2,640/ $9,856 Fees: $4,302 Apply by: 3/1 Tuition: $59,620 Fees: $296 School of Nursing Tuition (in/out): $2,640/ $9,856 Fees: $8,330 Freshman acceptance rate: 75%  #II)"I89;431@5I  1??;954  1335?B54  5=@>;;54 WORCESTER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE I I Freshman top 25% high school class: 22% Worcester, MA | Boston, MA | Transfer acceptance rate:1??;931=BA [email protected] [email protected] Student/faculty ratio: 17:1 508.831.5286 Enrollment: C=45@7@14C1B5 7@14C1B5 617.348.6359 Apply by: 2/1 Calendar: 'C1@B5@ Part-time:C=45@7@14C1B5 7@14C1B5 Apply by:(>;;9=7 Freshman acceptance rate: 52% Commuters: 45% Female: 53% Freshman acceptance rate: 100%  1??;954  1335?B54   5=@>;;54 1??;954 1335?B54 5=@>;;54 Minority: 16% International: 0.5% Freshman top 25% high school class: 91% Tuition (in/out): $970 / $7,050 Fees: $7,724 Transfer acceptance rate:   1??;931=BA Transfer acceptance rate:1??;931=BA Student/faculty ratio: 13:1 Room & board: $9,795 Student/faculty ratio: 14:1 1385;>@AI#I%=;9=5I"I&"I Enrollment: 766 Enrollment: C=45@7@14C1B5  7@14C1B5 Part-time: 96% Commuters: 100% WHEATON COLLEGE I Part-time:C=45@7@14C1B5 7@14C1B5 Female: 96% Minority: 89% Norton, MA | Commuters: 51% Female: 31% Tuition: $7,104 Fees: $20 [email protected] Minority: 15% International: 20% AA>391B5I335;I&" 508.286.8251 | 800.394.6003 Tuition: $43,612 Fees: $610 I Apply by: 1/15 Early action: 11/15 Early decision: 11/15 Room & board: $13,082 1385;>@AI#II335;I>>?I"I)" Wellesley, MA | Freshman acceptance rate: 74% [email protected]  1??;954  1335?B54 5=@>;;54 WORCESTER STATE UNIVERSITY P 781.283.2270 Freshman top 25% high school class: 70% Worcester, MA | Apply by: 1/15 Early decision: 11/1 Transfer acceptance rate:1??;931=BA [email protected] Freshman acceptance rate: 29% Student/faculty ratio: 11:1 508.929.8040 Enrollment: 1,656  1??;954  1335?B54 5=@>;;54 Apply by: 5/1 (Priority: 2/1) Part-time: 1% Commuters: 3% Freshman top 25% high school class: 99% Freshman acceptance rate: 61% Female: 65% Minority: 19% International: 9% Transfer acceptance rate:  1??;931=BA  1??;954  1335?B54  5=@>;;54 Tuition: $46,120 Fees: $303 Student/faculty ratio: 7:1 Transfer acceptance rate: 1??;931=BA Enrollment: 2,474 Room & board: $11,840 Student/faculty ratio: 18:1 1385;>@AI335;

38 GUIDE TO NEW ENGLAND COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES | 2015 5,556 undergraduate / 891 graduate FRANKLIN PIERCE UNIVERSITY I P Part-time: 26% undergraduate / 83% graduate Rindge, NH | Nashua, NH | Commuters: 78% Female: 62% [email protected] [email protected] Minority: 18% International: 1% 603.899.4050 | 800.437.0048 603.578.8908 Tuition (in/out): $970 / $7,050 Fees: $7,587 Apply by: Rolling Apply by: Rolling Room & board: $11,255 Tuition: $29,682 Fees: $2,100 Tuition (in/out): $4,800 / $10,920 Fees: $384 1385;>@AI#I335;I"I)"I&"I Room & board: $12,060 AA>391B5I"I)"I&"I  AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I335;I"I )" NEW ENGLAND COLLEGE I NEW HAMPSHIRE Henniker, NH | GRANITE STATE COLLEGE P [email protected] Concord, NH | 603.428.2223 | 800.521.7642 [email protected] Apply by: (Priority: 4/30) 603.228.3000 | 888.228.3000 Freshman acceptance rate: 90% ANTIOCH UNIVERSITY NEW ENGLAND I Apply by: Rolling Calendar: Trimester 5,723 applied / 5,149 accepted / 388 enrolled Keene, NH | Freshman acceptance rate: 100% Freshman top 25% high school class: 16% [email protected] 267 applied / 267 accepted / 97 enrolled Transfer acceptance rate: 100% (151 applicants) 800.553.8920 Transfer acceptance rate: 100% (576 applicants) Graduate acceptance rate: 95% Apply by: Rolling Student/faculty ratio: 11:1 271 applied / 257 accepted / 188 enrolled Acceptance rate: 78% Enrollment: 1,723 undergraduate / 335 graduate Student/faculty ratio: 12:1 356 applied / 277 accepted / 189 enrolled Part-time: 47% undergraduate / 70% graduate Enrollment: 1,478 undergraduate / 746 graduate Student/faculty ratio: 17:1 Commuters: 100% Part-time: 4% undergraduate / 10% graduate Enrollment: 725 Female: 71% Minority: 6% Commuters: 36% Female: 58% Part-time: 19% Female: 78% Tuition (in/out): $8,550 / $9,150 Fees: $225 Minority: 21% International: 4% Minority: 8% International: 2% AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#I%=;9=5I335;I>>?I" Tuition: $33,300 Fees: $600 #II%=;9=5I" I&" Room & board: $13,126 I AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I335;I"I COLBY-SAWYER COLLEGE GREAT BAY COMMUNITY COLLEGE P )"I&" New London, NH | Portsmouth, NH | [email protected] [email protected] NEW HAMPSHIRE INSTITUTE OF ART I 603.526.3700 | 800.272.1015 603.427.7610 Manchester, NH | Apply by: Rolling Early action: 12/1 Apply by: Rolling [email protected] Freshman acceptance rate: 83% Tuition (in/out): $4,800 / $10,920 Fees: $237 603.836.2589 | 866.241.4918 3,400 applied / 2,826 accepted / 421 enrolled AA>391B5I"I&"I  Apply by: Rolling Early action: 12/8 Transfer acceptance rate: 48% (107 applicants) Freshman acceptance rate: 52% Student/faculty ratio: 14:1 P 553 applied / 290 accepted / 99 enrolled Enrollment: 1,409 Keene, NH | Transfer acceptance rate: 47% (66 applicants) Part-time: 2% Female: 70% [email protected] Enrollment: 418 undergraduate / 55 graduate Minority: 10% International: 12% 603.358.2276 | 800.572.1909 Part-time: 11% undergraduate / 27% graduate Tuition: $38,040 Apply by: 4/1 Commuters: 58% Female: 70% Room & board: $12,750 Freshman acceptance rate: 82% Minority: 13% International: 0.2% AA>391B5I1385;>@A 6,144 applied / 5,026 accepted / 1,258 enrolled Tuition: $21,500 Fees: $1,910 Freshman top 25% high school class: 19% I Room & board: $10,480 COLLEGE OF ST. MARY MAGDALEN, THE Transfer acceptance rate: 65% (465 applicants) 1385;>@AI#I&" Warner, NH | Student/faculty ratio: 16:1 [email protected] Enrollment: 4,804 undergraduate / 119 graduate NHTI, CONCORD’S COMMUNITY COLLEGE P 603.456.2656 | 877.498.1723 Part-time: 5% undergraduate / 67% graduate Concord, NH | Apply by: Rolling Commuters: 45% Female: 58% Minority: 6% [email protected] Tuition: $20,600 Fees: $600 Tuition (in/out): $10,410 / $18,330 Fees: $2,454 603.230.4011 | 800.247.0179 Room & board: $8,000 Room & board: $9,368 Apply by: Rolling AA>391B5I1385;>@A 1385;>@AI#I335;I>>?I"I&"I Student/faculty ratio: 12:1 DANIEL WEBSTER COLLEGE I Enrollment: 4,350 LAKES REGION COMMUNITY COLLEGE P Commuters: 91% Nashua, NH | Laconia, NH | Tuition (in/out): $4,800 / $10,920 Fees: $528 [email protected] [email protected] Room & board: $8,260 603.577.6000 | 800.325.6876 603.524.3207 | 800.357.2992 AA>391B5I%=;9=5I"I)"I&"I89;431@5I Apply by: Rolling Apply by: Rolling Tuition: $15,630 Freshman acceptance rate: 80% Room & board: $10,970 876 applied / 705 accepted / 436 enrolled PLYMOUTH STATE UNIVERSITY P 1385;>@AI#I%=;9=5I"I&" Enrollment: 1,232 Plymouth, NH | Part-time: 63% Commuters: 100% [email protected] I Female: 53% Minority: 5% International: 0.2% 603.535.2234 | 800.842.6900 Hanover, NH | Tuition (in/out): $4,800 / $10,920 Fees: $197 Apply by: (Priority: 4/1) admissions.offi [email protected] AA>391B5I>>?I"I&"I Freshman acceptance rate: 77% 603.646.2875 5,120 applied / 3,967 accepted / 930 enrolled Apply by: 1/1 Early decision: 11/1 Calendar: Quarter MANCHESTER COMMUNITY COLLEGE P Freshman top 25% high school class: 17% Freshman acceptance rate: 10% Manchester, NH | Transfer acceptance rate: 70% (550 applicants) 22,428 applied / 2,337 accepted / 1,117 enrolled [email protected] Student/faculty ratio: 16:1 Freshman top 25% high school class: 98% 603.206.8100 Enrollment: 4,065 undergraduate / 1,172 graduate Transfer acceptance rate: 8% (683 applicants) Apply by: Rolling Part-time: 7% undergraduate / 73% graduate Student/faculty ratio: 8:1 Enrollment: 3,883 Commuters: 48% Female: 52% Enrollment: 4,276 undergraduate / 2,066 graduate Part-time: 77% Commuters: 100% Minority: 9% International: 2% Part-time: 2% undergraduate / 4% graduate Female: 55% Minority: 10% Tuition (in/out): $10,410 / $18,320 Fees: $2,267 Commuters: 12% Female: 47% Tuition (in/out): $4,800 / $10,920 Fees: $336 Room & board: $10,728 Minority: 29% International: 16% AA>391B5I%=;9=5I"I&"I89;431@5I 1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I335;I"I&"I89;431@5 Tuition: $46,764 Fees: $1,344 I Room & board: $13,839 1385;>@AI#I


I RIVER VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE P Part-time: 24% undergraduate / 17% graduate BRYANT UNIVERSITY Smithfi eld, RI | Claremont, NH | Tuition: $20,400 [email protected] [email protected] Room & board: $9,400 1385;>@A 401.232.6100 | 800.622.7001 603.542.7744 Apply by: 2/2 Early action: 12/1 Early decision: 11/17 Apply by: Rolling UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE P Freshman acceptance rate: 77% Tuition (in/out): $4,800 / $10,920 Fees: $120 Durham, NH | 6,013 applied / 4,603 accepted / 890 enrolled AA>391B5I"I&"I + [email protected] Freshman top 25% high school class: 50% I 603.862.1360 Transfer acceptance rate: 67% (308 applicants) Nashua, NH | Apply by: 2/1 (Priority: 11/15) Early action: 11/15 Student/faculty ratio: 16:1 [email protected] Freshman acceptance rate: 78% Enrollment: 3,287 undergraduate / 167 graduate 17,938 applied / 13,963 accepted / 2,869 enrolled 603.897.8507 | 800.447.4843 Part-time: 3% undergraduate / 54% graduate Transfer acceptance rate: 65% (1,509 applicants) Apply by: Rolling Early action: 11/15 Commuters: 19% Female: 42% Student/faculty ratio: 19:1 Freshman acceptance rate: 51% Minority: 14% International: 7% Enrollment: 12,531 undergraduate / 2,411 graduate 1,613 applied / 816 accepted / 213 enrolled Tuition: $38,199 Fees: $375 Part-time: 4% undergraduate / 47% graduate Transfer acceptance rate: 34% (200 applicants) Room & board: $14,102 Commuters: 42% Student/faculty ratio: 13:1 1385;>@AI#I)"I&" Female: 54% Minority: 8% International: 3% Enrollment: 1,591 undergraduate / 686 graduate Tuition (in/out): $13,670 / $26,650 Fees: $2,882 COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF RHODE ISLAND P Part-time: 44% undergraduate / 77% graduate Room & board: $10,360 Warwick, RI | Commuters: 72% Female: 81% Minority: 11% AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I335;I"I)" [email protected] Tuition: $28,300 Fees: $325 I&"I 401.825.2003 Room & board: $10,940 Apply by: Rolling AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I"I&" UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE AT MANCHESTER P Freshman acceptance rate: 99% 7,094 applied / 7,053 accepted / 3,301 enrolled I Manchester, NH | Transfer acceptance rate: 100% (1,086 applicants) Manchester, NH | Enrollment: 17,699 [email protected] 603.641.4150 Part-time: 69% Commuters: 100% 603.641.7500 | 888.426.7356 Tuition (in/out): $13,350 / $26,070 Fees: $418 Female: 59% Minority: 35% Apply by: 2/1 Early action: 11/15 AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#I)"I + Freshman acceptance rate: 74% Tuition (in/out): $3,624 / $10,256 Fees: $326 3,829 applied / 2,820 accepted / 508 enrolled UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE AA>391B5I>>?I"I)"I-:=4I&"I89;431@5I Freshman top 25% high school class: 58% SCHOOL OF LAW P Transfer acceptance rate: 39% (94 applicants) Concord, NH | JOHNSON & WALES UNIVERSITY I [email protected] Student/faculty ratio: 11:1 Providence, RI | 603.228.9217 Enrollment: 1,923 [email protected] Part-time: 6% Commuters: 10% Apply by: Rolling 401.598.1000 | 800.342.5598 Female: 61% Minority: 8% International: 0.6% Tuition (in/out): $37,100 / $41,100 Fees: $278 Apply by: Rolling Calendar: Trimester Tuition: $35,396 Fees: $13,980 #I Enrollment: 9,173 undergraduate / 702 graduate Room & board: $13,040 P Part-time: 7% undergraduate / 17% graduate 1385;>@AI&" WHITE MOUNTAINS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Berlin, NH | Female: 59% Minority: 27% International: 14% SOUTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE UNIVERSITY I [email protected] Tuition: $28,239 Fees: $300 Manchester, NH | 603.752.1113 | 800.445.4525 Room & board: $10,754 [email protected] Apply by: Rolling AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I335;I>>?I "I)"I&" 603.645.9611 | 800.642.4968 Freshman acceptance rate: 91% Apply by: Rolling Calendar: Calendar differs by program 348 applied / 316 accepted / 207 enrolled MATER ECCLESIAE COLLEGE I Freshman acceptance rate: 79% Transfer acceptance rate: 81% (64 applicants) Greenville, RI | 4,393 applied / 3,486 accepted / 801 enrolled Student/faculty ratio: 8:1 [email protected] Freshman top 25% high school class: 19% Enrollment: 825 401.949.2820 Part-time: 65% Commuters: 100% Transfer acceptance rate: 72% (705 applicants) Apply by: Rolling Female: 64% Minority: 1% Graduate acceptance rate: 99% 1385;>@A 3,351 applied / 3,313 accepted / 2,814 enrolled Tuition (in/out): $7,337 / $14,400 Fees: $372 Student/faculty ratio: 26:1 AA>391B5I"I&"I89;431@5I NEW ENGLAND INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY I Enrollment: 18,072 undergraduate / 10,162 graduate East Greenwich, RI | Part-time: 49% undergraduate / 64% graduate [email protected] Commuters: 32% Female: 60% RHODE ISLAND 401.467.7744 | 800.736.7744 Minority: 8% International: 4% Apply by: Rolling Calendar: Quarter Tuition: $29,274 Fees: $330 Enrollment: 2,860 undergraduate / 73 graduate Room & board: $11,462 Part-time: 16% undergraduate / 45% graduate AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I335;I"I)" Commuters: 100% Female: 31% I-:=4I&" BROWN UNIVERSITY I Minority: 16% International: 4% Providence, RI | I Tuition: $20,775 Fees: $1,455 ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL OF NURSING [email protected] AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#I%=;9=5I335;I>>?I" Nashua, NH | 401.863.2378 [email protected] Apply by: 1/1 Early decision: 11/1 PROVIDENCE COLLEGE I 603.594.2567 | 800.370.3169 Freshman acceptance rate: 9% Providence, RI | Apply by: Rolling 28,919 applied / 2,654 accepted / 1,543 enrolled [email protected] Tuition: $995 Fees: $180 Freshman top 25% high school class: 98% 401.865.2535 | 800.721.6444 Associate + Transfer acceptance rate: 6% (1,769 applicants) Apply by: 1/15 (Priority: 1/15) Early action: 11/1 Student/faculty ratio: 8:1 THOMAS MORE Early decision: 12/1 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS, THE I Enrollment: 6,455 undergraduate / 2,488 graduate Freshman acceptance rate: 60% 9,660 applied / 5,776 accepted / 1,027 enrolled Merrimack, NH | Part-time: 4% undergraduate / 5% graduate Freshman top 25% high school class: 66.5% [email protected] Commuters: 22% Female: 51% Transfer acceptance rate: 49% (212 applicants) 603.880.8308 | 800.880.8308 Minority: 31% International: 17% Tuition: $46,408 Fees: $1,026 Student/faculty ratio: 12:1 Apply by: Rolling Room & board: $11,994 Enrollment: 3,866 undergraduate / 530 graduate Enrollment: 96 1385;>@AI#I Part-time: 0% undergraduate / 65% graduate

40 GUIDE TO NEW ENGLAND COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES | 2015 23% Female: 57% UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND P CHAMPLAIN COLLEGE I Minority: 13% International: 2% Kingston, RI | Burlington, VT | Tuition: $42,385 Fees: $860 [email protected] [email protected] Room & board: $12,750 401.874.7100 802.860.2700 | 800.570.5858 AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#I&" Apply by: 2/1 Early action: 12/1 Apply by: 2/1 Early decision: 11/15 RHODE ISLAND COLLEGE P Freshman acceptance rate: 76% Freshman acceptance rate: 70% Providence, RI |   1??;954  1335?B54  5=@>;;54  1??;954  1335?B54 5=@>;;54 [email protected] Freshman top 25% high school class: 47% Freshman top 25% high school class: 39% 401.456.8234 | 800.669.5760 Transfer acceptance rate: 1??;931=BA Transfer acceptance rate:1??;931=BA Apply by: 3/15 Student/faculty ratio: 16:1 Student/faculty ratio: 14:1 Freshman acceptance rate: 72% Enrollment: C=45@7@14C1B5  7@14C1B5 Enrollment: C=45@7@14C1B5  7@14C1B5   1??;954  1335?B54  5=@>;;54 Part-time:C=45@7@14C1B5  7@14C1B5 Part-time:C=45@7@14C1B5 7@14C1B5 Freshman top 25% high school class: 40% Female: 55% Minority: 18% International: 3% Commuters: 54% Female: 42% Transfer acceptance rate:  1??;931=BA Tuition (in/out): $10,878 / $26,444 Fees: $1,628 Minority: 10% International: 1% Student/faculty ratio: 14:1 Room & board: $11,496 Tuition: $32,800 Fees: $100 Enrollment:  C=45@7@14C1B5  7@14C1B5 1385;>@AI#II"I)"I-:=4I&"I Room & board: $13,750 Part-time: C=45@7@14C1B5 7@14C1B5 AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#I%=;9=5I"I&" Commuters: 85% Female: 68% COLLEGE OF ST. JOSEPH I Minority: 23% International: 0.2% Rutland, VT | Tuition (in/out): $6,530 / $17,228 Fees: $1,072 VERMONT [email protected] Room & board: $10,094 802.776.5286 | 877.270.9998 1385;>@AI#II"I&"I Apply by:(>;;9=7 RHODE ISLAND SCHOOL OF DESIGN I Tuition: $20,600 Fees: $600 Providence, RI | BENNINGTON COLLEGE I Room & board: $9,400 [email protected] Bennington, VT | AA>391B5I1385;>@AI# [email protected] 401.454.6100 | 800.364.7473 COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF VERMONT P Apply by: 2/1 Early decision: 11/1 Calendar: 4-1-4 802.440.4312 | 800.833.6845 Apply by: 1/15 Early action: 1/15 Early decision: 11/15 Montpelier, VT | Freshman acceptance rate: 27% [email protected]  1??;954 1335?B54 5=@>;;54 Calendar: -55:1;;)?@9=7*5@@:*5@< 802.828.2800 | 800.228.6686 Transfer acceptance rate:1??;931=BA Freshman acceptance rate: 65% Apply by: Student/faculty ratio: 9:1   1??;954 1335?B54  5=@>;;54 (>;;9=7 Freshman acceptance rate: 70% Enrollment: C=45@7@14C1B5 7@14C1B5 Freshman top 25% high school class: 75%  1??;954  1335?B54   5=@>;;54 Commuters: 70% Female: 65% Transfer acceptance rate:1??;931=BA Student/faculty ratio: 12:1 Minority: 28% International: 27% Graduate acceptance rate: 96% Enrollment: 6,619 Tuition: $44,284 Fees: $310 1??;954  1335?B54 5=@>;;54 Part-time: 85% Commuters: 100% Room & board: $12,640 Student/faculty ratio: 8:1 Female: 69% Minority: 9% International: 2% 1385;>@AI#I&" Enrollment:C=45@7@14C1B5 7@14C1B5 Part-time:C=45@7@14C1B5 7@14C1B5 Tuition (in/out): $5,736 / $11,472 Fees: $725 ROGER WILLIAMS UNIVERSITY I Commuters: 1% Female: 67% AA>391B5I%=;9=5I335;I"I&"I Bristol, RI | Minority: 13% International: 7% GODDARD COLLEGE I [email protected] Tuition: $46,048 Fees: $610 Plainfi eld, VT | 401.254.3500 | 800.458.7144 Room & board: $13,652 [email protected] Apply by: 2/2 Early action: 11/3 1385;>@AI# 802.454.8311 | 800.906.8312 Freshman acceptance rate: 81% Apply by:(>;;9=7  1??;954   1335?B54   5=@>;;54 BURLINGTON COLLEGE I Freshman acceptance rate: 80% Freshman top 25% high school class: 37% Burlington, VT | 1??;954 1335?B54 5=@>;;54 Transfer acceptance rate:1??;931=BA [email protected] Student/faculty ratio: 7:1 Student/faculty ratio: 14:1 802.862.9616 | 800.862.9616 Enrollment:  C=45@7@14C1B5 7@14C1B5 Enrollment: C=45@7@14C1B5 7@14C1B5 Apply by:(>;;9=7 Part-time:7@14C1B5 Part-time: C=45@7@14C1B5 7@14C1B5 Tuition: $23,546 Fees: $485 Commuters: 100% Female: 69% Commuters: 37% Female: 50% Room & board: $8,100 Minority: 14% International: 1% Minority: 11% International: 5% AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#I"I&" Tuition: $14,738 Fees: $192 Tuition: $29,976 Fees: $1,774 CASTLETON STATE COLLEGE P Room & board:  41G@5A945=3G Room & board: $14,546 Castleton, VT | 1385;>@AI#I335;I"IFB57I&" AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#II%=;9=5I335;I>>?I" I)"IFB57I-:=4I&" [email protected] 802.468.1213 | 800.639.8521 GREEN MOUNTAIN COLLEGE I Poultney, VT | SALVE REGINA UNIVERSITY I Apply by:(>;;9=7 [email protected] Newport, RI | Freshman acceptance rate: 78% [email protected]  1??;954  1335?B54 5=@>;;54 802.287.8000 401.341.2908 | 888.467.2583 Transfer acceptance rate:1??;931=BA Apply by:(>;;9=7 Freshman acceptance rate: 76% Early action: 11/1 Commuters: 50% 1??;954 1335?B54 5=@>;;54 Freshman acceptance rate: 67% Tuition (in/out): $9,768 / $24,432 Fees: $1,004 Transfer acceptance rate:1??;931=BA   1??;954   1335?B54 5=@>;;54 Room & board: $9,414 Enrollment: Freshman top 25% high school class: 30% AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#I&"I  C=45@7@14C1B5  7@14C1B5 Part-time: 4% Commuters: 16% Transfer acceptance rate:1??;931=BA I Female: 58% Minority: 10% International: 3% Student/faculty ratio: 13:1 CENTER FOR CARTOON STUDIES, THE White River Junction, VT | Tuition: $32,594 Fees: $1,142 Enrollment:  C=45@7@14C1B5 7@14C1B5 [email protected] Room & board: $11,492 Part-time:C=45@7@14C1B5 7@14C1B5 802.295.3319 1385;>@AI#I%=;9=5I335;I"I)"I&" Commuters: 42% Female: 68% Apply by: Minority: 11% International: 1% (>;;9=7 Enrollment: 34 Female: 47% Tuition: $35,140 Fees: $550 Tuition: $18,900 Fees: $300 Room & board: $12,860 #I" AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#II335;I&"


Student/faculty ratio: 14:1 Apply by: (Priority: 4/1) Early action: 12/15 Early decision: 11/15 JOHNSON STATE COLLEGE P Johnson, VT | Enrollment: 299 Freshman top 25% high school class: 25% [email protected] Part-time: 12% Female: 38% Transfer acceptance rate: 89% (56 applicants) 802.635.1219 | 800.635.2356 Minority: 12% International: 1% Student/faculty ratio: 7:1 Tuition: $26,250 Fees: $2,000 Enrollment: 116 Apply by: Rolling Room & board: $8,000 Part-time: 10% Tuition (in/out): $9,600 / $21,600 Fees: $1,275 AA>391B5I1385;>@AI%=;9=5I335;I>>?I"I&" Commuters: 3% Female: 48% Room & board: $9,414 Tuition: $29,992 Fees: $3,500 AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#I%=;9=5IFB57I&"I NORWICH UNIVERSITY I + Room & board: $8,796 Northfi eld, VT | 1385;>@A LANDMARK COLLEGE I [email protected] Putney, VT | 802.485.2001 | 800.468.6679 UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT P [email protected] Apply by: Rolling Burlington, VT | 802.387.6718 Freshman acceptance rate: 65% [email protected]  1??;954  1335?B54 5=@>;;54 Apply by: (Priority: 12/1) 802.656.3370 Transfer acceptance rate: 50% (313 applicants) Freshman acceptance rate: 86% Apply by: 1/15 Early action: 11/1 Enrollment: 1??;954  1335?B54 5=@>;;54  C=45@7@14C1B5 7@14C1B5 Freshman acceptance rate: 78% Transfer acceptance rate: 96% (139 applicants) Part-time: 4%  1??;954  1335?B54  5=@>;;54 Female: 26% Minority: 15% International: 3% Freshman top 25% high school class: 68% Student/faculty ratio:)BC45=B AB166@1B9> Enrollment: 494 Tuition: $32,812 Fees: $3,937 Transfer acceptance rate: 67% (1,180 applicants) Part-time: 1% Commuters: 3% Room & board: $11,984 Student/faculty ratio: 17:1 1385;>@AI#I"I&" Female: 27% Minority: 14% International: 2% Enrollment: C=45@7@14C1B5  7@14C1B5 Tuition: $49,950 Fees: $130 Part-time: C=45@7@14C1B5 7@14C1B5 SAINT MICHAEL’S COLLEGE I Commuters: 50% Female: 56% Room & board: $10,450 Colchester, VT | AA>391B5I1385;>@AI" Minority: 12% International: 3% [email protected] Tuition (in/out): $14,184 / $35,832 Fees: $2,012 802.654.3000 | 800.762.8000 LYNDON STATE COLLEGE P Room & board: $10,810 Lyndonville, VT | Apply by: 2/1 (Priority: 12/1) Early action: 12/1 1385;>@AI#II>>?I"I)"I&"I [email protected] Freshman acceptance rate: 75% 802.626.6413 | 800.225.1998  1??;954  1335?B54 5=@>;;54 Freshman top 25% high school class: 54% VERMONT COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS I Apply by: Rolling Transfer acceptance rate: 68% (98 applicants) Montpelier, VT | Tuition (in/out): $9,696 / $20,760 Fees: $1,004 Student/faculty ratio: 12:1 [email protected] Room & board: $9,414 Enrollment: 802.828.8535 | 866.934.8232 AA>391B5I1385;>@AI#I&"I +  C=45@7@14C1B5  7@14C1B5 Part-time:C=45@7@14C1B5 7@14C1B5 Apply by: Rolling MARLBORO COLLEGE I Commuters: 4% Female: 57% Acceptance rate: 65% Marlboro, VT | Minority: 9% International: 4% 1??;954  1335?B54 5=@>;;54 [email protected] Tuition: $39,050 Fees: $325 Student/faculty ratio: 5:1 802.258.9236 | 800.343.0049 Room & board: $10,600 Enrollment: 359 Apply by: Rolling Early action: 1/15 Early decision: 11/15 1385;>@AI#I"I)"I&"I89;431@5 Female: 66% Minority: 12% International: 3% Tuition: $20,544 Fees: $1,166 Freshman acceptance rate: 74% I 1??;954 1335?B54 5=@>;;54 SIT GRADUATE INSTITUTE, THE Room & board: $1,275 Transfer acceptance rate: 87% (45 applicants) Brattleboro, VT | # [email protected] Student/faculty ratio: 5:1 VERMONT LAW SCHOOL I Enrollment: 802.257.7751 | 800.336.1616 C=45@7@14C1B5  7@14C1B5 South Royalton, VT | Part-time: Apply by: 5/1 (Priority: 2/24) C=45@7@14C1B5 7@14C1B5 [email protected] Commuters: 12% Female: 53% Minority: 8% Acceptance rate: 95% 1??;954 1335?B54 5=@>;;54 802.831.1239 | 888.277.5985 Tuition: $37,200 Fees: $810 Student/faculty ratio: 11:1 Apply by: Rolling Room & board: $10,280 Enrollment: 382 Tuition: $46,110 Fees: $575 1385;>@AI#I%=;9=5I"I)"I-:=4I&" Part-time: 57% Female: 68% #II%=;9=5I335;I>>?I"I89;431@5 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE I Minority: 15% International: 19% VERMONT TECHNICAL COLLEGE P Middlebury, VT | Tuition: $31,260 Fees: $1,570 Randolph Center, VT | [email protected] Room & board: $8,840 [email protected] 802.443.5000 #I%=;9=5I>>?I)" 802.728.1445 | 800.442.8821 Apply by: 1/1 Early decision: 11/1 Calendar: 4-1-4 SOUTHERN VERMONT COLLEGE I Apply by: Rolling Freshman acceptance rate: 18% Bennington, VT | Freshman acceptance rate: 67%   1??;954  1335?B54 5=@>;;54 1??;954  1335?B54 5=@>;;54 Freshman top 25% high school class: 93% [email protected] Freshman top 25% high school class: 27% *@1=A65@A1??;954 802.447.6300 | 800.378.2782 Student/faculty ratio: 9:1 Apply by: Rolling Transfer acceptance rate: 47% (821 applicants) Enrollment: 2,495 Freshman acceptance rate: 99% Student/faculty ratio: 10:1 Part-time: 1% Commuters: 5% 1??;954 1335?B54 5=@>;;54 Enrollment: 1,545 Female: 51% Minority: 21% International: 11% Transfer acceptance rate: 100% (84 applicants) Part-time: 33% Female: 42% Tuition: $45,637 Fees: $407 Student/faculty ratio: 14:1 Minority: 5% International: 3% Room & board: $13,116 Enrollment: 480 Tuition (in/out): $11,856 / $22,704 Fees: $1,344 1385;>@AI#I Part-time: 6% Female: 62% Room & board: $9,414 Minority: 20% International:  AA>391B5I1385;>@AI%=;9=5I"I)"I&"I NEW ENGLAND CULINARY INSTITUTE I Tuition: $22,370 Fees: $275 Montpelier, VT | Room & board: $10,500 [email protected] AA>391B5I1385;>@AI&" 802.223.6324 Apply by: Rolling STERLING COLLEGE I Craftsbury Common, VT | Calendar:<>=B8@5A945=3G6>;;>E542G1<>=B89=B5@=A89? [email protected] 802.586.7711 | 800.648.3591


Albertus Magnus College, CT ...... 27 Central Connecticut State University, CT ...... 27 Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, MA ...... 34

American International College, MA ...... 31 Central Maine Community College, ME...... 30 Granite State College, NH...... 39

Amherst College, MA ...... 31 Central Maine Medical Center College of Nursing Great Bay Community College, NH ...... 39

Andover Newton Theological School, MA ...... 31 and Health Professions, ME ...... 30 Green Mountain College, VT ...... 41

Anna Maria College, MA ...... 31 Champlain College, VT ...... 41 Greenfi eld Community College, MA ...... 34

Antioch University New England, NH ...... 39 Charter Oak State College, CT ...... 27 Hampshire College, MA ...... 34

Asnuntuck Community College, CT ...... 27 Clark University, MA ...... 33 Hartford Seminary, CT ...... 28

Assumption College, MA ...... 32 Colby College, ME ...... 30 Harvard University, MA ...... 34

Babson College, MA ...... 32 Colby-Sawyer College, NH ...... 39 Heartwood College of Art, ME ...... 30

Bard College at Simon’s Rock, MA ...... 32 College of Our Lady of the Elms, MA ...... 33 Hebrew College, MA ...... 34

Bates College, ME...... 29 College of St. Joseph, VT ...... 41 Hellenic College-Holy Cross Greek

Bay Path University, MA ...... 32 College of St. Mary Magdalen, The, NH...... 39 Orthodox School of Theology, MA ...... 34

Bay State College, MA ...... 32 College of the Atlantic, ME ...... 30 Holy Apostles College and Seminary, CT ...... 28

Beal College, ME ...... 30 College of the Holy Cross, MA ...... 33 Holyoke Community College, MA ...... 34

Becker College, MA...... 32 Community College of Rhode Island, RI ...... 40 Housatonic Community College, CT ...... 28

Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology, MA ...... 32 Community College of Vermont, VT ...... 41 Hult International Business School, MA ...... 34

Bennington College, VT...... 41 Connecticut College, CT...... 27 Husson University, ME ...... 30

Bentley University, MA ...... 32 Conway School of Landscape Design, MA ...... 33 Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts, ME ...... 30

Berklee College of Music, MA ...... 32 Curry College, MA ...... 33 Johnson & Wales University - Providence, RI ...... 40

Berkshire Community College, MA ...... 32 Daniel Webster College, NH ...... 39 Johnson State College, VT ...... 42

Blessed John XXIII National Seminary, MA ...... 32 Dartmouth College, NH ...... 39 Keene State College, NH ...... 39

Boston Architectural College, MA ...... 32 Dean College, MA ...... 33 Kennebec Valley Community College, ME ...... 30

Boston Baptist College, MA ...... 32 Eastern Connecticut State University, CT ...... 27 Labouré College, MA ...... 34

Boston College, MA ...... 32 Eastern Maine Community College, ME ...... 30 Lakes Region Community College, NH ...... 39

Boston Conservatory, The, MA ...... 32 Eastern Nazarene College, MA ...... 33 Landing School of Boatbuilding and Design, ME ...... 30

Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis, MA...... 32 Emerson College, MA ...... 33 Landmark College, VT...... 42

Boston University, MA ...... 32 Emmanuel College, MA ...... 33 Lasell College, MA ...... 34

Bowdoin College, ME ...... 30 Endicott College, MA ...... 34 Lesley University, MA ...... 35

Brandeis University, MA ...... 33 Episcopal Divinity School, MA ...... 34 Lincoln College of New England, CT ...... 28

Bridgewater State University, MA ...... 33 Fairfi eld University, CT ...... 27 Longy School of Music, MA ...... 35

Bristol Community College, MA ...... 33 FINE Mortuary College, MA...... 34 Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts, CT ...... 28

Brown University, RI ...... 40 Fisher College, MA...... 34 Lyndon State College, VT ...... 42

Bryant University, RI ...... 40 Fitchburg State University, MA ...... 34 Maine College of Art, ME...... 30

Bunker Hill Community College, MA ...... 33 Framingham State University, MA ...... 34 Maine Maritime Academy, ME ...... 30

Burlington College, VT...... 41 Franklin Pierce University, NH ...... 39 Manchester Community College, CT ...... 28

Cambridge College, MA ...... 33 Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering, MA ...... 34 Manchester Community College, NH ...... 39

Cape Cod Community College, MA ...... 33 Gateway Community College, CT ...... 27 Marian Court College, MA ...... 35

Capital Community College, CT ...... 27 Goddard College, VT ...... 41 Marlboro College, VT...... 42

Castleton State College, VT ...... 41 Goodwin College, CT ...... 27 Massachusetts College of Art and Design, MA...... 35

Center for Cartoon Studies, The, VT ...... 41 Gordon College, MA ...... 34 Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, MA...... 35


Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA...... 35 Plymouth State University, NH ...... 39 University of Maine, ME...... 31

Massachusetts Maritime Academy, MA ...... 35 Post University, CT ...... 28 University of Maine at Augusta, ME ...... 31

Massachusetts School of Law at Andover, MA ...... 35 Providence College, RI ...... 40 University of Maine at Farmington, ME ...... 31

Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology, MA ...... 35 Quincy College, MA ...... 36 University of Maine at Fort Kent, ME ...... 31

Massasoit Community College, MA ...... 35 Quinebaug Valley Community College, CT ...... 28 University of Maine at Machias, ME ...... 31

Mass Bay Community College, MA...... 35 Quinnipiac University, CT ...... 28 University of Maine at Presque Isle, ME...... 31

Mater Ecclesiae College, RI ...... 40 Quinsigamond Community College, MA ...... 36 University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA...... 37

MCPHS University, MA ...... 35 Regis College, MA...... 37 University of Massachusetts Boston, MA ...... 37

Merrimack College, MA ...... 35 Rensselaer at Hartford, CT ...... 28 University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, MA ...... 37

MGH Institute of Health Professions, MA...... 35 Rhode Island College, RI ...... 41 University of Massachusetts Lowell, MA ...... 38

Middlebury College, VT ...... 42 Rhode Island School of Design, RI ...... 41 University of Massachusetts School of Law, MA ...... 38

Middlesex Community College, CT...... 28 River Valley Community College, NH ...... 40 University of Massachusetts Worcester, MA ...... 38

Middlesex Community College, MA ...... 35 Rivier University, NH ...... 40 University of New England, ME ...... 31

Mitchell College, CT...... 28 Roger Williams University, RI ...... 41 University of New Hampshire, NH ...... 40

Montserrat College of Art, MA ...... 35 Roxbury Community College, MA ...... 37 University of New Hampshire at Manchester, NH ...... 40

Mount Holyoke College, MA ...... 35 Sacred Heart University, CT ...... 28 University of New Hampshire School of Law, NH ...... 40

Mount Ida College, MA ...... 36 Saint Anselm College, NH...... 40 University of New Haven, CT ...... 29

Mount Wachusett Community College, MA ...... 36 Saint Joseph’s College, ME ...... 30 University of Rhode Island, RI ...... 41

Nashua Community College, NH ...... 39 Saint Michael’s College, VT ...... 42 University of Saint Joseph, CT ...... 29

National Graduate School of Quality Management, MA ...... 34 Salem State University, MA ...... 37 University of Southern Maine, ME ...... 31

Naugatuck Valley Community College, CT ...... 28 Salve Regina University, RI ...... 41 University of Vermont, VT ...... 42

New England Bible College, ME ...... 30 School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA ...... 37 Urban College of Boston, MA ...... 38

New England College, NH ...... 39 Simmons College, MA ...... 37 Vermont College of Fine Arts, VT ...... 42

New England College of Business and Finance, MA ...... 36 SIT Graduate Institute, VT ...... 42 Vermont Law School, VT ...... 42

New England College of Optometry, The, MA ...... 36 Smith College, MA ...... 37 Vermont Technical College, VT ...... 42

New England Conservatory, MA ...... 36 Southern Connecticut State University, CT ...... 28 Washington County Community College, ME ...... 31

New England Culinary Institute, VT ...... 42 Southern Maine Community College, ME ...... 30 Wellesley College, MA ...... 38

New England Institute of Art, The, MA...... 36 Southern New Hampshire University, NH ...... 40 Wentworth Institute of Technology, MA ...... 38

New England Institute of Technology, RI ...... 40 Southern Vermont College, VT ...... 42 Wesleyan University, CT ...... 29

New England Law | Boston, MA ...... 36 Springfi eld College, MA ...... 37 Western Connecticut State University, CT ...... 29

New England School of Acupuncture, MA...... 36 Springfi eld Technical Community College, MA ...... 37 Western New England University, MA ...... 38

New England School of Communications, ME ...... 30 St. Joseph School of Nursing, NH...... 40 Westfi eld State University, MA ...... 38

New Hampshire Institute of Art, NH ...... 39 St. Vincent’s College, CT ...... 29 Wheaton College, MA ...... 38

Newbury College, MA ...... 36 Sterling College, VT ...... 42 Wheelock College, MA ...... 38

NHTI, Concord’s Community College, NH ...... 39 Stonehill College, MA ...... 37 White Mountains Community College, NH ...... 40

Nichols College, MA ...... 36 Suffolk University, MA ...... 37 Williams College, MA ...... 38

North Shore Community College, MA...... 36 Thomas College, ME ...... 30 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, MA ...... 38

Northeastern University, MA ...... 36 Thomas More College of Liberal Arts (The), NH ...... 40 Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA ...... 38

Northern Essex Community College, MA ...... 36 Three Rivers Community College, CT...... 29 Worcester State University, MA ...... 38

Northern Maine Community College, ME ...... 30 Trinity College, CT ...... 29 Yale University, CT ...... 29

Northpoint Bible College, MA ...... 36 Tufts University, MA...... 37 York County Community College, ME ...... 31

Northwestern Connecticut Community College, CT ...... 28 Tunxis Community College, CT ...... 29

Norwalk Community College, CT ...... 28 Unity College, ME ...... 30

Norwich University, VT ...... 42 University of Bridgeport, CT ...... 29

Paier College of Art, CT ...... 28 University of Connecticut, CT...... 29

Pine Manor College, MA...... 36 University of Hartford, CT ...... 29