NORWALK, WHOLE NUMBER General Fornishim Oidertaker
wmjin i^ijfffill'jli iWWW»lWiW>^ ''' ff'",y . •f 9W JiB v :;\?i"*v^'; :A .« s/.ntl y srsyl' J£l i.'iKfiU'jaMi' w.K u _ 1 . V? r?'. ••»<&'] OTSgfoaa 4»$':; "«#$ V ' • V'-/-' f:» ;..-MtfifS3 ^s, os«;oH «JJ ri /i -•£* g &£%!T0tt .I -iws «i«Jj Jffiosfeif- x$ .14 .tp^hS.tx> k j| t&'KfJDSOf ^e«a iii 4POUi7T/ - •'«* *< ii*J Si *#%f^.*^aW$»hi3wJ» t«»» ««r *|tr^R» ';irAT. T.YV lffTTirRI7D -ftA , t hatjT&ix&i eud od.osle jslii/p ftsssa i«S» ei',^i»i,!""JJ» iiA f .••lvllfflDJ'jii t)U NORWALK, «a iftfsfctffcjMfc-.l-l -,& WHOLE NUMBER ifft iff Ml "'ft ' •xBWPipsIs, Savlnjj Mother. ^ The boundary dispute between Mexico and confirm, the sentiments to which I gave ex Those parts of the Secretairy's report tention to' the continujrt, decadwca ol NORWALK GAZETTE, Oostlveaess. pression last year. A comparison between wh^ich relate to oui apa-copat defences and latter ahd the Corresponding tfanarer o^or mEE ,81011 Hmiiflid, The farmer sat in hia easy chair :f> The President's Message. Guatemala which led .this Government to 1 ; VK-'i proffer its friendly counsels to both countries,- the respective amounts of silver dollar cir armament' suggest the gravest reflections. growing commerce to fdteign bottifaiS; Thifr nilltHI, EVEIT TUUM ••••••<. Chronic Dlar- Between tbe lire, and the lamplight's glare; Oilr existing fortifications are notoriously subject is one of the^utmost importance to For Sale Che^p. A Survey of National Interests. has been amicably settled. culation on November 1, 1881 and on No ILL be soldat a Bargain, if apnMed for soon, rbost, Aimdlce, Hit face was ruddy and fall and fair; No change' bks ocburred in bur relations vember 1,1882, shows a slight increase of a inadequate to.
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