Vol. Xxvi Boston, Saturday, September 18, 1869 No. 1
LIGHT fWM. WHITE * CO.,1 ($3.00 PER ANNUM,! VOL. XXVI I Publishers and Proprietors. I BOSTON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1869 I In Advance. I NO. 1. of temper, was also undergoing a transformation. them, after tlie most approved fashion of those | sparkling looks doctored tho ImppineHH sho felt. i hhnHclf to vtondfi and drink, nnd ate and drank To indicate bow this was coming about, wo have days. < । Among tho domestics, too, from the head cook | voraciously. f' • . ' 1 .»____ . I _____ __ a _ ’ 1 „1.; - /• - It VIVI. -1 $. V .. — _ — _ — ... t... t»t — L___ ' « <■ yet a third important personage to introduce be Hubert Blighe,therefore, went carolingtlirougli and butler down, there was not a particle of “ Wliy, how hungry you must be!" remarked fore the render. This was a very remarkable, the woods abont his duties, making them at times jealousy experienced. Even Mistress Abigail, one of those present; . : ' . • ACCREDITED MANIFESTATIONS. pretty-looking servant-maid, whose name was ring again with his cheery vo'ce. In fact,he was, the lady’s inaid—a lady on a small scale herself “Am I? Well, so would you bo if you’d had Bessy Brooks, and with whom the head-keeper as the saying is, ns " happy. .,.'j v<»y is long.” —even she had a smile for the' lovers; and when, my walk to-night! if you’d bad my work to-night! . HADDON HALL. had fallen deeply in love for more than a twelve It was not to last, however. ' ■ in some stolen walk, the stalwart keeper, with eh? Who spoke?" .
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