Index to Volume 11
INDEX TO VOLUME 11 Pnepanro sv L. S. Relrsonr, Original articles are in bold lace type; abstracts and cross references are in ordinary type. Only minerals described in more or less detail are indexed; titles oI abstracted articles are not repeated when cross indexed under the authors' names. Acanthite, argentite. (Emmons, Bromellite.(Aminoft)........ 135 Stockwell,andJones....... 326 8run,A...... 77 Addition and subtraction rule in Buttgenbach,H...-.. .. 168 geometrical crystallography. Buttgenbachite.(Schoep)....... 216 (Rogers). 303 Ahlfeld.. 168 Cancrinite, high temp. hyilro- Albite, unusual occurence. (Fen- thermal mineral. (Larsen, ner) 255 Foshag)... 300 Alkali-feldspars, thermal expan- Cannizzarite. (Zambonini, De- sion. (K6zu, Saiki). 106 l'iore,Carobbi)...... ...... 194 Allen, E. T. see Wright, F. 8.. 67 Carnotite,Col. (Hess,Foshag). 66 Alling, H. L. Abstracts of recent Carobbi,G. seeZambonini, F.107, 194 pape$ on feldspars.. 105 Celestite.(Hawkins). ........64,165 Alunite, identity with newtonite Chalcopyrrhotite.(Geijer). ... 138 (Foshag). 33 Chalmers, R. M. Geological Maps.[Bookreview] ........ 286 Amblygonite-montebrasite series. Chlorite, a polycomponent sys- (Winchell) 246 tem. (Winchell)..... .. .. 64 Aminofi, G..... l31,2l7 Chloritoid, N. Car. (Stuckey) 186 Argentite and acanthite. (Em- Chromeore, Md. (Shannon).. 16 mons, Stockwell, and Jones) 326 Chrysotile,radiated. (Foshag).. 38 Arsenides of Co, Ni, Fe, oxida- Colloid chemistry, applicationsto tion of. (Walker) . 66 Mineralogy. (Fisher, Simons) Autunite 37 . 65,r24,200 Conichalcite,Nev.(Gillson).. .. 109 Baddeckite 13 Cook,C.W.[Bookreview] ..... 286 Bauldaufite(Mtillbauer). .. M Cooper,R. A. 77 Barroisite (Murgoci) 167 Cornuite, (Flahn). 217 Barysilite, Franklin Furnace. Crawford, A. L. Euhedral oligo- (Shannon,Berman)........ 130 clase,periclinehabit.........239 Bauer, L. H, and Palache, C. Crystal habit, Iactors influencing.
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