
Micromineralogy of , Burgin Mine East Tintic District


Micromineralogy of Galena Ores, Burgin Mine East Tintic District Utah By ARTHUR S. RADTKE, CHARLES M. TAYLOR, and HAL T. MORRIS



A study of the distribution of a variety of chemical elements in the major and minor of a -rich a?id%inc replacement body


GEOLOGICAL SURVEY William T. Pecora, Director

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price 40 cents (paper cover) CONTENTS

Page and Continued Fage Abstract______-______--____---___ Al and -___-_____. A9 Introduction ______-_____--_-_. 1 . _--____-______-_--_--. 9 Acknowledgments______1 - ______-_--_--_. 9 Purpose and procedure______1 Silver -______11 Mineralogy and chemistry ______2 - ______-___-_--__--_. 11 Galena.______2 and (?)______13 - ______3 ______3 Barite and quartz___-_____---_-_- 13 ___-______--__._. 5 Element distribution._-_____-___-_-_. 13 Lead- or . 8 Summary and conclusions.______._. 16 . _ _ ___-_-___--______. 8 References cited-______17


[All Illustrations are photomicrographs]

FIGURE 1. Chainlike series of polybasite and tetrahedrite inclusions in galena.______A4 2. Large grain of tetrahedrite locked in fine-grained galena.______5 3. Granular intergrowth of jalpaite and galena surrounded and replaced by cerussite.______-__--___-______. 5 4. Mimetite forming along a microfracture in galena.______6 5. Replacement of remnant grains of sphalerite, , and barite by galena,______8 6. Veinlet of late(?) barite containing fragments of pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and galena cutting across quartz. 9 7. Mimetite along contact between galena and barite gangue______10 8. Alteration of galena to cerussite localized along planes______-______-_---_-_-______- 11 9. Fine-grained secondary dispersed in secondary cerussite.-______-___--__-_-_-___-___-__-_- 12 10. Replacement of remnant quartz and segmented barite by galena, which was subsequently altered to cerussite- _ _ 13 11. Alteration of galena to cerussite.______14


TABLE 1. Minerals in the galena ores of the Burgin mine.______A2 2. Chemical and spectrographic analyses of galena ores, Burgin mine. 3 3-7. Analyses of 3. Polybasite-______3 4. Tetrahedrite-______3 5. Jalpaite__--_-_-_____-______-__-_-____-______5 6. Sphalerite_-_-_-_--__-__--______--__-__-______. 8 7. Mimetite______9 in




ABSTRACT sentative of two major varieties of lead ore in the cen­ Analyses of argentiferous galena ores from the Burgin mine, tral part of the main Burgin ore body. Samples of both Utah, by electron microprobe, emission spectograph, and wet were collected by H.T. Morris in November 1965 from chemical method indicate distinctly different amounts of silver the 1,200-foot level of the mine shortly after the main in two general types of galena. Massive coarse-grained galena ore body was first reached on this level. Type 1 ora is contains an average 0.22 percent silver by weight (approxi­ mately 64 ounces per ton), whereas fine-grained galena has less massive coarse-grained galena which forms a lead-rich than 0.04 weight-percent silver (approximately 12 ounces per zone near the f ootwall of the deposit. Type 2 ore is some­ ton). The primary silver minerals dispersed in the in­ what finer grained galena that is intergrown with minor clude polybasite, tetrahedrite, and jalpaite. Secondary silver sphalerite near the hanging wall of the deposit. T^he , including (or ) and jalpaite, are contact between the two types of galena ore is abrupt concentrated in cerussite along fractures. and apparently indicates.either a change in the compo­ INTRODUCTION sition of the ore solutions during deposition or postdepo- The Burgin mine, in the East Tintic district, sitional and recrystallization of part of the ore Utah, has recently become a major source of lead, , body. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS and silver ores in an area that is widely known for rich and extensive replacement deposits (Lovering and The writers thank Mr. Gale Hansen, former mine su­ Morris, 1960, p. 1116-1147; Bush and Cook, 1960, perintendent, and Mr. William M. Shepard, mine geolo­ p. 1507-1540). The principal ore body in the mine, from gist, for permission to sample the ore body of the Bur- which the samples described in this report were taken, gin mine. Dr. Victor Macres, President, Materials is localized in sheared and brecciated rocks near the Analysis Co., generously permitted the use of Model sole of the East Tintic thrust . This ore body is 400 electron-beam microprobe analyzers and other facili­ reported to contain more than 1,250,000 tons of ore with ties at the company laboratories in Palo Alto, Calif. an average content of 10 ounces of silver per ton, 15 PURPOSE AND PROCEDURE percent lead, and 12 percent zinc (Mining Congress Journal, 1961). Several times this amount of lower Examination of the galena ores from the Burgin mine grade ore forms a casing around the high-grade ore was undertaken to (1) study the distribution of silver, body, and other ore bodies, estimated to contain an even (2) identify all ore and minerals, (3) study tex- larger quantity of medium- and low-grade ore, have tural and physical relationships of the minerals, p,nd been discovered nearby. In general, the ores consist of (4) study chemistry and element distribution of the various proportions of argentiferous galena, sphalerite, minerals. pyrite, and minor quantities of other metallic minerals identifications were made by using the com­ in a gangue of rhodochrosite and baritic . bined techniques of electron microprobe analysis, X- These minerals replace brecciated masses of Cambrian ray powder diffraction, and microscopy. The extremely that have been overturned and thrust over small grain size of many of the phases necessitated ex­ argillaceous of Ordovician age. All the Pale­ tensive use of the electron microprobe analyzer. Sample ozoic rocks in the mine area are concealed beneath al­ preparation wais done by Radtke and Taylor in the tered quartz latite lavas of Eocene age that postdate the laboratories of the Materials Analysis Co., Palo Alto, structural events but predate ore deposition. Calif., and the U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, The two ore types described in this report are repre­ Calif. All analytical work was done with Materials Al A2 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY

Analysis Co. Model 400 two-channel and three-channel tion corrections by Philibert (1963), and the Dmcumb electron-beam microprobe analyzers. and Shields' (1966) overvoltage correction. Mineral textures and physical relationships were MINERALOGY AND CHEMISTRY studied in polished section and, to a lesser extent, in hand specimen and are shown in numerous photomicro­ The first of the two types of ore, designate:! ''type graphs. The polished sections were made by mounting 1," is coarsely crystalline galena with thin coatings of thin wafers of ore in epoxy casting resin set in stainless secondary minerals. The second, designated "type 2," rings. The surfaces selected for study were ground, is massive fine-grained crystalline galena with minor impregnated, and polished following the method de­ amounts of sphalerite and abundant overgrowths of scribed by Taylor and Kadtke (1965). Use of the stain­ secondary minerals. less steel mounting ring and careful sample prepara­ All minerals identified in the ore samples ar°> listed tion resulted in virtually no loss or plucking of galena with their compositions in table 1. and other minerals from the surface, as well as in ex­ TABLE 1. Minerals in the galena ores of the Bur gin mine tremely low relief between galena and quartz. Bulk samples of the galena ores were analyzed by .___.. PbS Sphalerite______ZnS standard wet-chemical and spectrographic techniques. .__... FeS2 The chemical compositions of all minerals were deter­ Chalcopyrite_ _ _ _ _ .______CuFeS, mined with the electron microprobe analyzer. Certain Tetrahedrite- _____._._-_ (Cu, Zn, Ag) 12 (Sb, As) 4 S» aspects studied in detail include chemical zoning within Polybasite- ______(Ag, Cu) 16 Sb2 Sn minerals and element-concentration gradients across Jalpaite. ______CU0 .46 Agj.54 S Silver sulfide* ------Ag2S mineral boundaries. Numerous electron-beam scanning Lead-antimony (EBS) X-ray images illustrate element distribution oxide-carbonate. (Pb-Sb-C-0) f between and within phases. Cerussite. -__--__. PbC03 Instrument geometry for the Materials Analysis Co. Calcite_ __-______. CaCO3 Mimetite. ______Pb5 (As04) 3 Cl Model 400 electron-beam microprobe includes (1) elec­ Hematite. ______Fe2O3 tron incident angle, phi (<£) = 62.5°; (2) X-ray take- Quartz. ___-_____. SiO2 off angle, theta (0) = 33.5°; and (3) geometric factor Barite.. ______BaS04 for absorption corrections is esc (0) -sin(0) =1.6071. Anglesite(?) ______PbS04 *Acanthite or arpentite. Operating potentials (excitation potentials) used in f Precise composition not dptermined. semiquantitative and quantitative analyses were 30 kv (kilovolts), zinc and ; 25 kv, and manga­ Small bulk samples of both type 1 and type 2 ores nese; 20 kv, , , , antimony, lead, were crushed and ground for analysis. Chemical anal­ silver, , and chlorine; 15 kv, ; 7 kv, oxy­ yses for total lead and complete semiquantitative spec- gen. All electron-beam X-ray scanning images were trographic analyses of galena ores are given in table 2. made at 20 kv operating potential except , which GALENA was made at 7 kv. The Ka characteristic lines were used for oxygen, , sulfur, chlorine, calcium, iron, cop­ The coarsely crystalline galena of the type 1 ore con­ per, and zinc; La characteristic lines were used for tains small amounts of dispersed and associated gangue arsenic, , silver, cadmium, antimony, and minerals, including quartz, barite, and calcite. Small ; the Ma characteristic line was used for lead. rounded or oval grains of polybasite, tetrahedrite, and jalpaite are also dispersed through the galena; no acan- Pure-element and compound standards used in the thite or argentine was identified as primary inclusions or quantitative analyses included Fe, Cu, Zn, Ag, Cd, SiO2, as exsolution blebs in the galena, and sphalerite is ex­ NaCl, GaAs, SrSO,, BaSO,, PbCO3, PbS, and . X-ray mass-absorption coefficients were taken from tremely rare. Heinrich (1966) and from unpublished data assembled In contrast to type 1, the fine-grained crystalline by Research, Ltd., Melbourn Boyston Herts, galena of the type 2 ore contains slightly greater . In the reduction of electron microprobe X-ray amounts of quartz, barite, and calcite gangue minerals. intensity data, corrections were made for (1) drift in Minor amounts of pyrite, tetrahedrite, and cl alcopy- the incident electron-beam current; (2) background rite are associated with the gangue minerals, and sphal­ from the continuous spectrum; (3) absorption effects; erite is locally abundant. Compared with the coarse­ and (4) atomic-number effects. Atomic-number and grained type 1 galena, the fine-grained variety is rela­ absorption corrections were taken from tables by tively free of dispersed rounded grains or inclusions Adler and Goldstein (1965), calculated from absorp­ that are commonly attributed to exsolution. Tv most MICROMINERALOGY OF GALENA ORES, BURGIN MINE, EAST TINTIC DISTRICT. UTAH A3 abundant inclusions are tetrahedrite. Jalpaite is minor, TABLE 3. Analyses of polybasite Element » Weight and no polybasite was noted. percent 2 S______--_ 12-16 TABLE 2. Chemical and spectrographic analyses of galena ores, Sb____ 10-14 Burgin mine As*__ [Spectrographic analyses by Chris Heropoulos. Values in weight percent] Cu 3-4 Ag______65-70 Massive Massive Massive Massive 1 Determinations by electron microprobe semiquantitative coarsely fine-grained coarsely fine-grained analysis. Element crystalline crystalline Element crystalline crystalline 2 Values represent element abundance ranges. galena galena galena galena *Arsenic tested for but not detected «0.03). No other (type 1) (type 2) (type 1) (type 2) elements detected. TETRAHEDRITE Pb* 85.3 75.0 Ba 0.0007 0.2 Si...... 06 2.0 Cd .... .007 .03 Al_ -._-_- .006 .02 Cr ... .00015 .0003 Rounded or oval grains of tetrahedrite are dispersed Fe . . .005 .01 Cu_____-_._- .02 .07 Mg___ ...... 0002 .0007 In .- .. 0 .005 through both types of galena (fig. 1) and also occur Ca--- .005 .01 Ni --- .0005 .0005 Ti...... _._- 0 .007 Sb... .____-_- .5 .03 Mn...... 0015 .0007 ST...... - .005 .01 closely associated with gangue minerals in the fine­ Ag_.. - .2 .15 Zn______. 0 .5 grained type 2 galena. All grains of tetrahedite ana­ lyzed contained small and varying amounts of silver, Determined by chemical gravimetric technique. indicating that the variety in the Burgin ores should be Note: Spectrographic results are reported in percent to the nearest number in the series 1, 0.7, 0.5, 0.3, 0.2, 0.15, 0.1, . . . , which represent approximate midpoints designated as "silver-bearing tetrahedrite." Chemical of interval data on a geometric scale. The assigned interval for semiquantitative results will include the quantitative value about 30 percent of the time. Tested analyses of tetrahedrite dispersed through galena and for but not found in spectrographic analysis: Na, K, P, As, Au, B, Be, Bi, Ce, Co, Eu, Ga, Ge, Hf, Hg, La, Li, Mo, Nb, Pd, Pt, Re, Sc, Sn, Ta, Te, Th, Tl, U, V, of tetrahedrite associated with gangue minerals show W, Y, Yb, Zr. small variations in composition (table 4). A photo­ The two types of galena show distinct differences in micrograph of a relatively large grain of tetrahedrite silver and antimony contents. The fine-grained galena in galena is shown in figure 2. does not contain detectable amounts of either silver or TABLE 4. Analyses of tetrahedrite antimony in the mineral structure. The limit of detec­ [Values, given in weight percent, represent element abundance ranges] tion for both elements in PbS by electron-beam micro- Element ' Dispersed in With gangue Element > Dispersed in With gangue probe analyses is 0.04 percent. In contrast, the coarsely galena in galena galena in galena crystalline galena has an approximate average content S_ 24-28 24-28 Fe- . ... 0.7 0.4 of 0.22+0.02 weight-percent silver and 0.25+0.02 Sb...... _ 16-20 20-26 Ag 1. 1- 1. 3 3. 2- 3. 5 As.. 3.5-5 3- 4 Cu.- --- 35-40 35-40 weight-percent antimony. The value for silver is con­ Cd .5- .6 .6 Zn . ... 6- 6.5 6-6.5 siderably higher than the 0.16 weight-percent reported i Determination by electron microprobe semiquantitative analysis. No other byTaylor (1967) for galena- associated with elements detected. rich silver ores from Republic, Wash. Chemical analyses of tetrahedrite show the ratio of Small increases in both the silver and the antimony antimony to arsenic, in weight percent, to be about content in galena are apparent within 100 microns of 4-6:1. Tetrahedrite dispersed through galena compared polybasite inclusions. Such increases were not found with that associated with gangue contains consistently within corresponding distances from the tetrahedrite in­ higher contents of arsenic and iron, and lower contents clusions. Other elements such as copper, zinc, iron, cad­ of antimony and silver (table 4). Preliminary studies mium, arsenic in tetrahedrite, and copper in polyba­ show that the silver content in individual grains vary site show no concentration in galena near these two randomly up to the limits given in table 4; similar work minerals. was not done for other elements in tetrahedrite. Large POLYBASITE amounts of zinc (6.0^6.5 percent) are present in the The small oval grains of polybasite dispersed in the tetrahedrite and are accompanied by significant massive coarsely crystalline galena of type 1 occur both amounts of cadmium. Of the numerous tetrahedrite singly and as a series of grains in a chainlike or linear analyses listed by Palache, Berman, and Frondel (1944) orientation (fig. 1). The general composition of these none contain cadmium, which ranges to half a percent or more in the Burgin tetrahedrites. grains in the galena host is given in table 3. Tetrahedrite in coarse-grained type 1 galena com­ Polybasite is the antimony-rich end member in the monly occurs in relatively large (20-30 micron) grains. polybasite- isomorphous series. In polished In contrast, tetrahedrite grains in fine-grained type 2 section under reflected light, it is pale brownish gray. galena are much more numerous and much smaller The largest grains observed in the Burgin galenas are (

^FIGURE 1. Chainlike series of polybasite (Pol) and tetrahedrite (Tet) inclusions in galena (Gal). In general, inclusions of these two minerals in galena show no preferred orientation. Magnification X 445. A-D, X- ray scanning images for Sb, Ag, Cu, and Pb in the area outlined in figure 1. The symbols in the lower left-hand corner indicate the element represented by the bright areas of the photograph. Magnification X 650. A5

FIGUEE 2. Large grain of tetrahedrite (Tet) locked in fine-grained galena (Gal). Dark- gray phase is quartz (Qtz) gangue, and dark band along top of figure is mounting resin. Magnification X 330. Chemical data on this large tetrahedrite grain are given in table 4.

JALPAITE of 2:1. From the analysis given in table 5 for copper Minor amounts of primary jalpaite were identified in and silver, and by calculating the atomic ratios and nor­ coarse-grained type 1 galena as small clusters of round malizing the cations to 2.00, the formula for jalpaite grains or inclusions (fig. 3). Although not closely as­ in Burgin ores is Cuo^eAgi^Si.oo or (0.46Cu2S- sociated with tetrahedrite, jalpiate is commonly pres­ 1.54Ag2S). ent in and near areas of significant amounts of tetrahe­ TABLE 5. Analysis of jalpaite drite. (See fig. 4.) The mineral is also secondary in Element Weight percent origin and occurs in small grains (

FIGUEE 3. Granular intergrowth of jalpaite (Jal) and galena (Gal) surrounded and re­ placed by cerussite (Cer). Fine-grained fragments in cerussite are remnant galena (Gal). Magnification X 645.


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FIGURE 4. Mimetite (Mim) forming along a microfracture in galena (Gal). Large dark areas are quartz (Qtz) gangue. Two large grains of tetrahedrite (Tet) and one small jalpaite (Jal) grain are locked in galena. Note two areas of microintergrowths in galena on right side of photograph. In these areas the darkest phase is mimetite, the lighter gray phase is tetrahedrite, and another gray phase (slightly darker than tetrahedrite) is a lead-antimony oxide or carbonate. Magnifica­ tion x 330. A-K, X-ray scanning images for Si, O, Fe, Cu, Zn, Ag, Pb, S, As, Sb, and Cl in the area outlined in figure 4. The symbols in the lower left-hand corner indicate the element represented by the bright areas of the photograph. Magnification X 400. A8 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY

LEAD-ANTIMONY OXIDE OB CARBONATE The small particle size and interference from carbon and oxygen in cerussite surrounding the mineral pre­ An unknown secondary mineral containing large vented accurate carbon and oxygen analyses. amounts of lead, antimony, and oxygen, plus a signifi­ cant amount of iron, is closely associated with mimetite SPHALERITE in the ore. Although the mineral is present in both types Sphalerite was not observed in the coarse-grained of galena ore, it is much more abundant in the fine­ type 1 ore, but it is abundant as small grains interlocked grained ore. In the massive coarse-grained galena ore, within galena in the fine-grained type 2 ore. Locally, it is it is confined to, and dissemintaed through the cerussite concentrated with quartz and barite, commonly rimmed coatings on galena. In the fine-grained galena ore, too, by galena, which clearly replaces the earlier sphalerite the mineral is confined to, and dispersed in, cerussite (fig. 5). coatings on galena but is also common with mimetite Chemical analyses of sphalerite grains are given in and cerussite along microfractures in the galena (fig. 4) table 6. Numerous analyses were made on sphalerite and as a thin (<1 micron) selvage between quartz grains, and the general discussion on composition of grains and galena. Although the mineral is abundant, it sphalerite given here incorporates data obtained from everywhere is present only as particles 2-4 mircons in all analyses on the samples studied. diameter. Detailed quantitative electron microprobe study indi­ TABLE 6. Analyses of sphalerite cates that the mineral contains approximately 40 per­ Element > Weight Element ' Weight percent " percent" cent lead, 22 percent antimony, 2.2 percent iron, and 0.4 30 -35 0.5-1.0 Zn_...... 60 -70 In...... 02- .3 percent calcium. Sulfur is not present, and wavelength- Fe .. <.02- .07 Cu-_ ...... 09 shift studies on Sk« show no (SCXf2) to be 1 Determinations by electron microprobe semiquantitative analysis. No other elements detected. present near the mineral. Behavior of the mineral under 2 Values represent element abundance ranges. electron bombardment strongly suggests that it is an­ Continuous quantitative analyses for iron, cadmium, hydrous. Since the antimony, lead, iron, and calcium and indium were made along traverses across nu­ contents, when converted to , are considerably less merous sphalerite grains. The concentration of iron in than 100 percent, and the mineral is confined to cerussite most of the sphalerite grains is below the limit of or a system rich in CO3~2 molecule, it seems likely that detection (0.02 percent). The maximum amount found the carbonate, or bicarbonate, is present. If the mineral was 0.07 percent, but the minor concentrations appar­ is a carbonate, a general formula close to the following ently vary widely between grains and even within indi­ would be reasonable on the basis of known data: vidual grains. In all the traverses the cadmium content 3 (Pb,Fe,Ca) CO3 Sb2O3, or varied directly with that of iron, and the maximum 3(Pb,Fe,Ca) (HCO3) 2 -Sb2O3 amount of cadmium found, 1.0 percent, was in the area

FIGURE 5. Replacement of remnant grains of sphalerite (Sph), quartz (Qtz), and barite (Bar) by galena (Gal). Note alteration of galena to cerussite (Cer) near center of fig­ ure. The mineralogy and chemistry of micro- intergrowth areas in galena, outlined in the figure, are shown in detail in figures 4, 4A- K, and 11, UA-K. Mimetite formed along microfractures is present in both outlined areas. Magnification X 80. MICROMINERALOGY OF GALENA ORES, BURGIN MINE, EAST TINTIC DISTRICT, UTAH A9 containing 0.07 percent iron. In contrast, the distribu­ site ( ? ) , and calcite as a coating or overgrowth on galena. tion and abundance of indium in sphalerite does not Commonly, it fills minor voids between the quartz or correspond to that of iron or cadmium. The highest barite grains and the galena (fig. 7), as well as the mi- indium content found was 0.3 percent, and the average crofractures within galena (fig. 4). Other secondary is estimated to be 0.04 percent. Other elements specifi­ minerals commonly associated elsewhere with mimetite, cally tested for in sphalerite but not found include silver, such as , , and wulf enite, were , , , gallium, and . not identified. Their absence may reflect the general low Of particular interest is the cathodoluminescence of abundance of iron, zinc, , and copper in the the sphalerite in the Burgin ores, which is apparently galena ores. The general low abundance of mimetite in dependent on the minor element content. Under high- the ore also doubtless reflects the low concentration of energy electron bombardment, the cadmium-bearing arsenic in the Burgin galena ores. sphalerite emits radiation in the visible spectrum range A complete chemical analysis of mimetite in the Bur- that apparently varies with the concentration of cad­ gin ores is given in table 7. mium in the following way: (1) >0.08 percent Cd, faint yellow white; (2) 0.05-0.07 percent Cd, faint greenish TABLE 7. Analysis of mimetite Element ' yellow; (3) 0.03-0.05 percent Cd, pale blue; (4) <0.03 percent percent Cd, pale red. Pb. 69 ±2 . 4± . 1 Since the iron content varies directly with the cad­ 15 ±1 mium content, these color variations may also reflect 2. 8± .2 13 ±2 small differences in the abundance of iron. Other ele­ ments considered to influence cathodoluminescence in Total______100.2 i Determinations by electron microprobe quantitative sphalerite, such as manganese, may affect it. However, analysis. No other elements detected. if present, such elements occur in amounts below the limit of detection in the samples studied. CEBUSSITE Large amounts of cerussite are present in both types PYBITE AND CHALCOPYBITE of ore, both as surface coatings and along fractures and Rare grains of both pyrite and chalcopyrite are cleavage directions in galena. The cerussite commonly present in the fine-grained type 2 ore, but are absent in contains intergrowths of mimetite, jalpaite, secondary the coarsely crystalline type 1 ore. Both minerals com­ silver sulfide, secondary lead-antimony oxide or carbon­ monly occur in grains less than 10 microns in length. ate, and minor amounts of hematite, calcite and angle- (See fig. 6.) No complete chemical analyses were made site^). The typical alteration of galena to cerussite on these phases. along galena cleavage planes is shown in figure 8. Even MIMETITE in areas where this alteration is massive and virtually Mimetite in small amounts was also identified in type complete, numerous small inclusions of remnant galena 2 ore. It occurs with cerussite, minor amounts of angle- remain. Although minor amounts of anglesite may be

FIGURE 6. Veinlet of late(?) barite (Bar) containing fragments of pyrite (Py), chal­ copyrite (Cpy), sphalerite (Sph), and galena (Gal) cutting across quartz (Qtz). Note tiny inclusions of tetrahedrite (Tet) and sphaler­ ite in galena fragments, and cerussite (Cer) along margin of veinlet. Magnification X 330. A10 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY

7. Mimetite (Mim) along contact between galena (Gal) and barite (Bar) gangue. Small amounts of cerus- site (Cer) are also present. Small white grains in mime- tite are remnant galena grains. Magnification X 1,290. Gal A-F, X-ray scanning images for Cl, As, O, Ba, Pb, and S in the area outlined in figure 7. The symbols in the lower left-hand corner indicate the element represented by the bright areas of the photograph. Magnification X 1,500.


present with cerussite, no typical intermediate zone of No primary argentite (or acanthite) was identified lead sulphate was observed between the lead carbonate with the galena either as an individual intergrown min­ and the lead sulfide. eral or in dispersed rounded exsolution-type grains. SILVER SULFIDE HEMATITE Large amounts of argentite or acanthite of secondary or origin containing minor amounts of cop­ Minor amounts of hematite are present with cerus­ per (0.5-0.8 weight-percent Cu) are admixed with, and site in areas of extensive alteration of galena to the lead dispersed through, cerussite (fig. 9). The extremely carbonate. The low abudance and erratic distribution small size of individual silver sulfide grains (

FIGURE 8. Alteration of galena (Gal) to cerussite (Cer) localized along cleavage planes. Note remnant galena grains in cerus­ site. Small black spots are micropits pro­ duced in sample preparation. Magnification X 80. A12 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY



CALCITE AND ANGLESITE(P) near the polybasite inclusions, silver occurs as a small but definite concentration. Argentite, commonly re­ Minor amounts of both calcite and anglesite(?) are ported to be intergrown with, or dispersed in, "silver- present with cerussite in both types of ore in areas bearing galena," was not identified in the galena of the where alteration of galena to cerussite is relatively com­ samples studied. Jalpaite and argentite (or acanthite) plete. The calcite is commonly associated with mime- of supergene or secondary origin apparently formed tite and anglesite( ?). As previously noted, anglesite is with cerussite. This is particularly evident in figure 9 not concentrated along galena-cerussite contacts. and in the X-ray scanning images for silver, sulfur, and BARITE AND QUARTZ lead distributions in figure 9A-E. A minimum of 50 percent of the total silver in the samples studied was Small amounts of barite and quartz form the gangue represented by this latter occurrence. minerals in fine-grained type 2 ore. Only a few scattered Antimony. The distribution and concentration of grains of each were recognized in coarse-grained type 1 antimony in primary minerals in the ore is similar to ore. Both minerals are dispersed through galena, and that of silver with antimony concentrated in polybasite textural evidence clearly shows replacement of the early and tetrahedrite and in coarse-grained galena. The dis­ gangue minerals by galena (figs. 5, 10). The elongated tribution of antimony, silver, copper, and lead between and segmented appearance of barite crystals shown in polybasite and tetrahedrite locked in galena are shown figure 10 is common in the fine-grained ore. Barite gen­ in X-ray scanning images (fig. 1A-D). erally occurs with quartz, although the reverse is not During oxidation and alteration of galena, antimony necessarily true. is concentrated in the secondary lead-antimony oxide or Small veinlets of barite cutting galena and quartz carbonate phase in cerussite. No antimony is present in suggest a second generation of late postore bariite. These the cerussite itself, with the limit of detection for an­ veinlets commonly contain numerous fragmental in­ timony in lead carbonate of 0.04 percent. clusions of early sulfide minerals (fig. 6). Copper. The minor amount of copper in primary sulfide ores is closely associated with silver and anti­ ELEMENT DISTRIBUTION mony in polybasite and tetrahedrite, and associated Electron-beam scanning techniques allow graphic with silver in jalpaite. Only trace amounts of chalcopy- portrayal of the distribution of many key elements in rite were observed, and no simple sulfides of copper were the galena ores. These EBS X-ray scanning images are recognized. The paucity of secondary or supergene presented throughout the report. copper minerals reflects the apparent general low abun­ Silver. In the primary minerals silver is present in dance of copper compared with lead in the ore body. polybasite jalpaite, and tetrahedrite, although in tetra- Jalpaite, the silver , was the only second­ hedrite the silver content is far below the 17-19 percent ary copper mineral identified. The concentration of cop­ apparent maximum level for freibergite. The two types per in sulfosalt minerals in galena is shown in X-ray of galena contain different amounts of silver. In areas scanning images (figs. W, 4Z>, 11Z>).

FIGURE 9. Fine-grained secondary silver sulfide (Arg) dispersed in secondary cerussite (Cer). Note argentite or acanthite concentrated in narrow zone between galena (Gal) and inclusion-free cerussite. Black areas are micropits in cerussite. Magnifica­ tion X 160. A-C, X-ray scanning images for Ag, S, and Pb in the area outlined in figure 9, Magnifica­ tion X 240. D and E, X-ray scanning images for Ag and S at high magnification, showing typical fine­ grained (<2 microns) silver sulfide dispersed through the lead carbonate matrix. Magnification X 1,300. FIGURE 10. Replacement of remanant quartz (Qtz) and segmented barite (Bar) by galena (Gal), which was subsequently altered to cerussite (Cer). Small white grains in cerussite are remnant galena and Gal secondary silver sulfide (Arg). Magnification X 80.

FIGURE 10 tea o I % > o A*1 ATT ftl M GO JT KV o

FIGUBE 11. Alteration of galena (Gal) to cerussite (Cer). Note tetrahedrite (Tet) intergrown and locked in galena. Magnification X 645. A-K, X-ray scanning images for Si, O, Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Sb, As, Cd, S, and Cl in the area outlined in figure 11. The symbols in the lower left-hand corner indicate the element represented by the bright areas of the photograph. Magnification X 400. Several minerals not included in the area shown in figure 11 but shown in X-ray scanning images in­ clude mimetite (11B, oxygen, F, lead, H, arsenic, K, chlorine), sphalerite (E, zinc, 7, cadmium), and hematite (B, oxygen, C, iron). Or A16 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY Arsenic. In contrast to antimony, the concentration the sphalerite is virtually iron free. Secondary minerals of arsenic is low in primary galena ores (table 2). No coating the samples and filling fractures cutting across arsenic sulfides or arsenic-rich sulfosalt minerals were them are also virtually iron free. No iron carbonate was identified. Mimetite has formed near contacts between found, although small amounts of the gangue and galena (fig. 7) and along microfractures in hematite were identified locally. Small amounts of galena (fig. 4). X-ray scanning images for arsenic in hematite, closely associated with cerussite, lie just out­ corresponding areas are given in figures 47 and 77?. side the area shown in figure 11. The iron Concentration of arsenic in mimetite associated with is shown in X-ray scanning images for iron (11#) and other secondary minerals suggests some migration of oxygen (115). Figure 6 shows a photomicrograph of arsenic in the ore during oxidation and alteration. pyrite and chalcopyrite in barite. Lead. Galena is the dominant primary lead mineral in the ore and accounts for more than 95 percent of the SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS total lead in the samples studied. No primary lead-bear­ The mineralogy of massive galena ores of the Burgin ing sulfosalt minerals were identified in the galena. The mine in general is deceptively simple, but in detail it pre­ low lead content (<0.04 percent) in tetrahedrite sur­ sents many complexities. Substantial mineralogical dif­ rounded by galena suggests a very limited for ferences exist between the two general types of ore and lead in tetrahedrite. are reflected in chemical analyses of the bulk ore. The In the sections studied, less than 5 percent of the massive coarse-grained type 1 ore is chiefly galena, total lead is in the alteration mineral, cerussite. Altera­ whereas the massive fine-grained type 2 ore, although tion of galena to cerussite with remnant inclusions of dominantly galena, carries significant amounts of galena reflects in situ oxidation of the sulfide ore. The sphalerite. apparent tendency for lead sulfide to alter directly to The oxidation and alteration of galena to cerussite lead carbonate without the formation of lead sulfate along fractures and cleavage directions is well developed suggests that oxidation took place in a slightly to in both types of ore. In contrast, sphalerite, identified alkaline environment with relatively high activity of only in the fine-grained ore, is fresh and unaltered. total carbonate species. (See Eh-pH diagram, Garrels Compared with the apparently limited movement and and Christ, 1965, p. 237, 238.) the lack of zinc enrichment in the ore, silver as a Zinc. The dominant part of the zinc in the primary constituent of the obviously secondary or supergene sulfide ore is present as sphalerite, although tetra­ minerals jalpaite and argentite (or acanthite) is con­ hedrite, relatively rare in the ore, contains significant centrated in, and dispersed through, secondary lead amounts of zinc. Zinc in tetrahedrite and sphalerite are carbonate. Although the amount of silver sulfide-rich shown in X-ray scanning images, figures 47? and 117?, cerussite is small compared with the primary galena in respectively. Secondary zinc minerals such as smith- the samples studies, more than 50 percent of the total sonite and hemimorphite were not identified with cerus­ silver content is in this form. site and mimetite, even in those areas showing intense Much of the silver in the primary sulfide ore is in alteration. The apparent absence of any zinc carbonate grains of polybasite and tetrahedrite and in smaller or zinc sulfate species may be explained by their much amounts of jalpaite dispersed through galena. In many greater solubility relative to the corresponding lead "argentiferous galena" ores the small disseminated in­ species. clusions commonly assumed to be "exsolution argentite" Cadmium and indium. Both cadmium, and indium probably are actually complex sulfosalt minerals. are concentrated in the sphalerite of the Burgin ore The coarsely crystalline "argentiferous galena" con­ body. Significant amounts of cadmium, along with tains detectable amounts of silver in the galena, and large amounts of zinc, are also present in tetrahedrite locally, near the sulfosalt inclusions, there is a notable and reflect the similar geochemical behavior of the two concentration of the element. In contrast, the fine­ elements. The binary , , was grained galena is very low in silver, containing only not identified. Indium was identified in sphalerite only. about one-fifth of the silver found in the coarsely crys­ Analysis of secondary minerals associated with both talline type. The solubility of silver in galena varies types of galena ore shows no concentration of either directly with that of antimony. cadmium or indium. Only minor amounts of zinc-rich tetrahedrite were Iron. Iron is low in abundance in both types of found disseminated through galena. That its occurrence galena ore (table 2). This is reflected mineralogically is only minor is an advantage, for the presence of larger by the very limited amount of pyrite in the ore sample amounts of the mineral would introduce harmful studied. Other iron-bearing minerals, including chal- amounts of zinc and antimony into any lead concentrate copyrite and tetrahedrite, are minor in abundance, and produced by flotation milling. MICROMINERALOGY OF GALENA ORES, BURGIN MINE, EAST TINTIC DISTRICT, UTAH A17

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