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Thousands Cheer Nixon Upon Bucharest Arrival

■\ \ . =' -' v-- PAGB3 TWENTY FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1969 " A \' UHanrhfHlpr Enm ing iipralJi A v « a g c Daily Nc4 Pn»s Run ■Vir n ie Week Ended The W eather About Town A Mass of requiem for .the Hilliard St. graduated recently 863 for the corresponding week June ts, l»M late William Fri.sble, brother of from a top level management Increase Noled last year. C arlson Story Officers and members of the Cloudy, warm, humid with the Rev. Kenneth J. Friable of course at the U.S. Army Logis­ Waterbury. with 5,186 claims, British American Club will rain tonight and tomorrow. Low St. Bridget Church, will be cele­ tics Management Center, Fort In Idle Claims was the state'leader last week. O n Sunday Film 1 5,459 meet tonight at 7:30 at the brated tomorrow at 8 a.m. at near 70. Sunday's high near 80. Lee, Va. He Is project manag­ It was followed by Hartford clubhouse and proceed to St, Bridget Church., The Mass An 8.6 per cent increase In “ The Paul Carlson Story,” a ] BITUMINOUS Winds 15-25 m.p.h. likely. er for safeguard munitions at with 4,286, Bridgeport with 3,- Hanche$ter— 4 City of Villtne Charm Holmes I Funerai Home, 400 was requested by St. Bridget the Army Munitions Command, unemployment...... lomp^n.sation 899, and New Haven With 3.668. 53-minute color film, will be Main St., to pay respecLs to the Rosary Society. I VOL. LXXXVIII, NO. 258 Dover, N.J. (daims has been reported

" I I I

/ ■ M:

PAGE TWO MANCHESTER EVEmNG HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1969 PAGE THREE off 6% at 37%: and Occidental Stocks Rally^ Petroleum, up 3 at 35. Many Jews MOVIE AUDIENCE Sheinwold on Bndg^ Americans in Vietnam STAR GAXEK^^5 AnalyEta attributed the activi­ ♦ •♦••♦•Guide******* B) C LA Y R. POLLAN ty 'in AT& T to buying and sell­ Gourley Named Chairman ARIiS LIBRA A SERVICE OF FILM-MAKERS DON’T SEARCH HARD Your Daily AcUvity Guid* Finish Week ing by the funds’. They said Na- Freed From AND THEATERS. MAR. 21 FOB A WAT TO LOSE NORTH Immune to Local Law 'f According to tho Start. tomas and Benguet had fallen in ‘ APR. 19 Thest ftfi.ngt app>y to films ■4 K94 Of Drug Advisory Unit S:.’; £ l By HARRY TRIMBORN f \ 7-12-24-34 To develop message for Sunday, 4- 6-19-36^ recent seaslorw and were le- r t if fd after Nov 1.1968 By ALFRED SHEINWOLD <:? 83 lomatic immunities and privi- read words corresponding to numbers Ojn Plus Side Egypt’s Jails The Ixm Angeles Time* 1^45-571^ 48-6S-80-W^ ^hcupdlng. 7 According to leading veteri­ 0 A Q 7 l^ e s for all Americems connect­ W . J. Godfrey Gourley has >l’ ^TAURUS of your 2odiac birth sign, | LargeNblock trading Weis cited THIS S E ^ , / ed with U.S. mllltaiy or civil been named to take over the SCORPIO By PHIL THOMAS By WILLIAM TUOHT narians, there are more ways of K8763 SAKKIN —TJ» mud-caked GI k \ APR. 20 1 Timely 31 Is 61 Your OCT. 23 for the activity in Aetna. in add indicataa the nim was killing a cat than forcing it to agencies in Vietnam at the chatrmanehip of the Manches-'' 32 Weokr»eises 62 Per»onol A P BuHinras Writer The Las Angeles Times AVEST EAST hacking hie way through a Viet­ W M A Y 20 2 Keep NOV. 21 Occlental Petroleum reported aubmittad and approved under time. ter Drug Adrisory Committee. 3 Luck 33Todoy 63 W rop* watch old movies on television. 4 6 5 2 4 8 7 \3(M1.42-71 the Motion Picture Coda namese Jungle hai a t least one 4 Bosic 34 Upset 64 Ties ‘ 10-22-33-52/C. NEW YORK (A P ) — Sliding higher second quarter rvet CAIRO—The number of Egy­ In today’s hand South had at <;? J 9 5 4 <;? AKQ2 It divided these personnel in­ He succeeds Lyman B. Hoops, ^^7^77-93-99 35 Now 65 Porode of Self-Regulation. thing in common with a polished 5 Avoid 64-75-85-8flf<& easily through an importEint Thfe five most-active stocks on ptian Jews still in prison has least three ways of making his to three categories. The first who cited increased responsibil­ GIMINI 6 Char>ges 36 Be 66 Efficient 0 8432 0 95 American official sipping a 37 W ho 67 It SAGITTARIUS tha American Stock Exchange been reduced to airout 90, ac­ gave full diplomatic status to ities as chairman of Manches­ M A Y 2 1 7 Do psychological level, the stock U Suggettad for GENERAL contract, but he m anaged to 4> 102 Jh AQJ95 68 In martini at a Saigon reception- 6 Comes 38 W ith were: Asamera Oil, up 2% at cording to an official source at audlencss. find a fourth way of playing the heads of the military and ter’s Commimlty Development juri 20 9 To 39 BroWse 69 Well market appeared headed for an­ SOUTH diplomatic Immunity, o r at 70 Events MC 31 ^ 1 24%; Four Seasons Nuralng, off the Cairo Rabbinate. » the hand. clvlUan missions and their Action Plan (C-DAP) Agency as 5^15-23-35 10 Travel 40 Fovors S Suggested for MATURE 4 AQ J 103 least a reasonable facsimile. 11 Don't 41 One 71 The 11-13-25-37A ' other steep loss. But It turned 3% at 53%; National General This presents less thrm half E euL dealer. chief deputies. The second and the reason for his resignation. 1^47-56^7 9 10 7 6 Neither is subject to the la'ws 12 Nothinc 42 Of 72 Your 46-58-69 ^ the number in Jail without audiences (parental discre­ third categories also provided 73 In abruptly in midweek and railied warrants, (new), up 1% at 7>4; Both sides vulnerable. Gourley, already a member CANCM 13 Forget 43 Importont CAPRICORN tion advised). 0 K J 10 6 of South Vietnam, no matter 14 Just < 44 U n ^ r 74 Lucky br..ikly the rest of the w ay to Canadian Homestead OlLs, up % charges five months ago. Opening lead — Ten of full diplomatic immunity, but of the 15*month-old drug com­ 'JUNE 21 DEC * 4 what the crime or who the 15 Credit 45 Your 75 W ith f.nlsh the week a 'winner. at 21; and Buttes Gas and Oil, At that time. Grand Rabbi RESTRICTED — Pereont Clubs. with fewer privileges than the mittee. has been sen*ing as H w •'^'■^22 16 For 46 Serve 76 Noture JAN.N. 1? East South West NortI idctim. 17 Busy 47 Or 77 Ones The Dow Jonee industrial av- off % at 27%. HELlm Douek said he believed under 16 not admitted, un­ West held the first trick with highest category. Persons in chairman of Its restn:cturing 3- a- 9-53 78 Status 1-16-29-40/ I * 1 4 Pass 4 4 As a top legal officer in the these lower categories, for ex­ 18 Yourself 48 Advisoble erage, after two days of loss 225 Jews w ere still in Tourah less accompanied by parent the ten of clubs and continued subcommittee. Tlie membership S^54-55-M 1 9 M o y 49 The 79 Plons 5062-76 All Pass Judge Advocate General’s Of­ that saw it close Tuesday at Its Prison—between Cairo, and Hel- with the deuce. South ruffed, ample, did not have the privi­ structure of the drug committee LtO . 2 0 A 5 0 Of 80 Old AQUARIUS or adult guardian. fice at U. S. Militai^ Head­ 21 Womon 51 To 81 Best wan to the north. drew three deplorable rounds of lege of flying the U.S. flag at- JAN. 50 lowest level since Jan. 4. 1967, is being revamped to allow for 22 Fovored 52 Renew 82 Antique Persone under 16 not ad­ quarters here put it: their homes. slid through the 800 level In the Happenings During the Six-Day W ar, in trumps-and ruffed another club. and can then ruff a heart in a wider spectrum of member­ AUG 22 23 Extension 53 Those 83 This EEb' IB ^ ”It is our position that the The t y ^ o l personnel in the 24 To 54 W ho 84 Todoy June 1967, Ein estimated 600 to mitted. This age restriction It’s hard to know what South ship with more representation 0,17-18-27-28 first half-hour of trading dummy. Now he Is sure of 10 25 Those 55 Are 85 Older 14-26-38-49^ 700 Jews — mostly heEids of may be higher in certain hoped to accomplish by this re­ Vietnamese government has no lower categories w as not ;§>'39-73-82-87 5960-70 •3. Wednesday. F o r Teens tricks. from town organizations and 26 Swing 56 Seeking 86 Points grettable line of play. Perhaps civil or- crimhyal JurisdlcUon spelled out in the agreement, VIRGO 27 With 57 Present 87 Shops PISCIS Analy.sts said the 800, like oth­ families—were rounded up and areas. Check theater or When you see a man in such agencies that have contacted 28 Hobbies 58 You 69 Persons Saturday, Aug. 2 it is charitable to suppose that ^ over American military person- a factor which enabled the AUG. 23 fEB '9 er hundred levels on the Dow In­ kept_ in jail on unspecified "sec­ advertising. a hurry to draW' trumps you the drug committee asking to 29 Askif>g 59^Tide 89 Month " nel in Vietnam, regardless of United States to apply its pro­ All town pools open 9:45 a.m.- urity” charges. South had anything at all in begin to wonder if there w as play a role in Its work. SEPT. 22 30 You're 60 Of 90 Friendships M AB 20 dicator', w as "Important psycho­ Printed et a public aervice what has happened.” visions to the Am ericans who 8 p.m. Many of these were cruelly mind. In any case. South even­ Gourley la a native of Ireland 2-32-44-53 20-21-31-431 logically to some because when by this nawsoapci even one bridge player in '§ ) Adverse 0 N c S (? a l Tennis courts supervised 9- tually lost three hearts and was What’s more, he added, this poured into Vietnam during the W. J. Godfrey -Gourley '65-72-81-86 5161-79-841 you penetrate such a level It has ■ treated, they said, during the Noah’s Ark. and is the president and foumter Id noon and 4-8 p.m. down one. immunity applies to U. S. CS- big U.S. buildup. a bearish significance to some first weeks of their captivity. Daily Question of Medical Business Manage- Illlng Junior High—8:15 p.m., After ruffing the second club 5dlian government agencies. As such, it provided the low­ Investors, and you get selling.” They were never breught to As dealer, you hold: Spades, ment, a firm that manages the bert and Sidllvtm Workshop. He Jlmmarkar Production presents South should lead a heart. If It does not, however, apply to liest G I the sam e protection trlai. THEATER TIMF: K-9-4; Hearts. 8-3; Diamonds, bu.dness napeci o( Ax'lora’ is an lncoriK>r;Uor of M:utche«ter By noon that day the DJI w as "Celebration” a musical. Sup­ the opponents defend feebly. employes of private firms under and immunities afforded em­ Since then, GrEiru] Rabbi A-Q-7; a u b s , K-8-T-6-8. practices, allowing them to de- .Memorial Hospital, .and he has off more than 9 points, then port this group—they’re all SCHEDULE South can ruff a heart in dum­ contract to U. S. government ployes in the U. S. Embassy. Douek has been negotiating for What do yoii say? rote more lime to medicin'-. been a public relations director News for Senior Citizens turned, overcame Its loss, and teens and have not only Invest my and then draw trumps. agencies or other U. S. civilians ITie Vietnamese government the release of the incarcerated Answer: Bid one club or pass. He lurs been active in civic for the Unitrel Fund. finished the session with a small ed their time but their money SATURDAY If East takes the first heart ^in Vietnam. has ackowledged the validity By WALLY FORTIN Jews. And many who held for- This is a borderline case, and affairs. He I* a past president He has nl.so biH'n active in Cinema I — Bonnie & Clyde, and returns a low club. South These relatively few Ameri- of the Pentalateral Agreement. mnr» Jh were aided by the some experts would bid, while of the Chamber of C\>inmcree, Ktwanls, Mancheater txxlge of D m r x r r o n more than 11 points In each of $3 a single end J5 a couple. “ j 2:15, 7:00; Cool Hand Luke, ruffs and leads another heart. ^ cans come under the Jurisdic- In 1962 it presented U. S. of­ consulates of their home coun­ others would pass. Most eicperts a choir memb<'r of the So»ith Masons, and the Boy Scouts. Its next two sessions and fin- Teen Center Is closed until 4:10, 9:00. And -If East wins In order to - tion of Vietnamese law, which ficials with a direcUire cir­ With our trip to Rockingham erveryoe*e. With this group, plans , . ^ tries. would bid if some of the sm all United Methodist Chureh. :ind Gourley llro.s with his family U A Theatre — Ice Station return a low club again. South culated within the Ministry of Race Track In Saiem, N.H. be­ will be made to work out a few “P » at 826.59, Sopten.ber. Today, according to the Rab­ cards (particularly in clubs) , lacks such safeguards as trial ho hns been active in the GlI- nt 730 Ki-eney St. compared with a 27.86 point lose ' Sunday, Aug. 3 Zebra, 2:30, 5:30, 8:30. ruffs for the third time. Now : by Jury and habeas corpus. Justice advising the courts of hind us, the gang is already prizes and set up a little kitty binate official, the 90 Jews still were replaced by tens and the week before. It was the first All town pools open 9:45 a.m.- Cinema I —Gone With The South cashes the ace of spades, Vietnam suid government prose­ looking forward to the next one. fiw a couple of surprise trips detained are all Egyptian citi­ nines. “Under Vietnamese law,” tlme the DJI had finished ahead 6 P-n*- Wind, 2:00, 8:00. overtakes the queen with dum­ cutors that so-called "Embassy W>3 sure had a very enjoy- during the Jioejson. Along with zens. Copyright 1960 said an American official, “A since the week ended July 4. Tennis courts supervised 9- , Cinema II —Funny Girl,-2:00, my’s king of spades and draws associated" personnel have com­ able day at the races, even this we will begin to announce The official— in an Interview General Features Corp. U- S. citizen could languish In Hospital Will Participate A rumor was cited by some as noon and 4-8 p.m 8 :00. the last trump with the nine. plete immunity from prose­ though it wasn’t too proBilable the weekly winners, as this wUl in Cairo’s Grand Synagogue, the JadI tor six months or more be­ being partially responsible for Basketball courts open dally Cinerama — Ben Hur, 2:00, South discards his last heart cution by Vietnamese courts. for moj-A of the 90 that attended, bo an organized program open 1_ only one open in the Egyptian fore anybody found out about the market’s sudden turna­ Verplanck pool—6-8 8 : 00. on dum m y’s nine of spades A s a result of both documents, In Study of Rising Costs At the end of the day you could to all' locat senior citizens. Plan ' capital — estimated that, about round.' Senior Life Saving. * East Hartford Drive - In — (since by this time South is out most Americans in Vietnam are tell those who made any money. Joining this group for some ex- 1,000 to 1,200 Jews still remain Vietnamese JurlsdicUon would 2 Weekday Schedides Shoes Of The Fisherman, 10:00; of trumps), and the rest is protected by the legal concept Mnru'hestor Memorial lliwpi' lual efforts o l particlpiitlng ho«- becauae they were ready for tra good times. It starts this The rumor In Wall Street was T0NI8HT ^ apply only in cases involving In Egypt, of some 80,000 who of extraterritoriality, a highly pital personnel. that leading bankj/ planned to All town swimming pools - Where Were You When The easy. Uil. along wlUi 17 other* Con- bed, got tired from walking Thursday morning, lived here 20 years ago. 'such Americans and Viet- lessons—9:45 a.m.-noon. Open Lights Went Out? 8:25. Even If East wins the first explosive term for Orientals nectleul lurs)'ttals, h.ix volmi- Prafessloital organtzatlons aid­ back and forth to the cashier’s I’m beginning to get some r educe their prime Interest rate, SING-A-LONB < » namese or nationals from other swimming 1-8 p.m. Most of these, he said, live East Windsor Drive - In — trick with the Jack of clubs to and others sensitive to Western ing in the pixigrnm will Inelude window. We did have a few suggestions regarding possible curiently nt a record of 8% per (The good soaga) j ) . countries. Vietnamese courts teered to ptrUeipate in ,i thi-ee Tennis courts at Memorial In Cairo and vicinity, and in The Chairman, 10:00; Lady return a trump, South wins and w ith ^ imperialism.” Community Systems Flnglneer- "lucky” people with us; Cts trips, and actually many of ^ «PO>o truth to the rumor that It was Basketball courts ■ at West Cairo’s main streets, has seal.s Women, 10:30; Eve, 8:30. abandons trumps and runs Die xpecially those dn black market of local law or tribunals. It has with lU’eti familie.s (his month while studying at extensive experience in lioapitnj ly a most generous win, and it ptial fa re and to improve ef- easily go overboard on having lower the prime rate. Side, Charter Oak and Keeney for 412 worshipers on the main Mansfield Drlve-In—Coogan’s diamonds. West must follow /Operations. However, most created bitter classes for cen­ southwestern French province of Landes, is intio- I'X'HS nmler the spon.xor.ship of tlie Orjraiii-zation system* researeh, will eotHllK't topped by (ar the rest of the Thgf market sagged a bit, but fleiem yUhrough tlie u*«. of i\ew too, many trips, so w e’ll Just open daily until dark. floor. In addition to a spacious Bluff, 8:46; Eye Of The Cat, suit, and Bast is out of trumps. PAULSEN • Americans have avoided prison turies between so-called modern duced to her host family at a reception held .yes­ for Study in Trance and America. The social hour Mtudt<-H to determine the huepl- groups individual winnings. still finLshed the day with a maimgemeiU Icm>1* .uul lm en have to pick out a tew, and All supervised playgrounds balcony for women. 10:16. South discar(]8 dummy’s last Bemle Bentley on Banjo ’ terms by pay'ng heavy fine*. countries and underdeveloped terday afternoon in the convent of E]asl Catho­ la l’* iIe)Mirtm<>tt4dl prudmllon Here’s one trip some of you gain! was given hy the Manchester Junior Women’s Club. lives spread them out a bit. For you open 9:30 a.m.-noon and 1-4:30 But only about 25 people State Theatre — True Grit, heart on the fourth diamond I Six American civilian now ones. levels, I ’m sure 'Will like. We are plan­ "The rumor patilally was re- lic High School. A t the right is Mrs. Donald Cant­ Ue|)re.sentiiig the cluh were Mrs. William Calhoun The proghim. the first of Its who missed our three-day Penn­ p.m. tend the Friday night and Sat­ 1:45, 4:20, 6:50, 9:26. -are in Vietnamese Jails awalt- It easily bruises national D r R U 'h i^ A Klnlekl. n.pro- ning on t-wo buses to attend iponslble for the market’s HAPPY HOURS well of o2 Dart Hill Rd„ Wapping; in the hack- kind' in the millw), is .xilleil sylvania trip, we’re thinking of Monday, Aug, 4 urday sendees, the official said. ,lng trial on charges from cur- pride, for clearly implicit is the (if 12:5 White St., chairman of the Intermitional Af- feaaor of etasiomlrs al Yale, will Channel 30’s Senior Citizens’ change.” an analyst .said, "but MoodBy tbro Saturday giound. Miss Patricia Cantwell; and in the fore- going around the first week of Williams Building, St. Mary’s The number of Jews has been SUNDAY ft rency manipulation to murder, belief that the local law is In­ laii's Committee; Mis. .lohn Doiigan of i:5 Saiitina "T he Inienfive Remih(irs«'titenl aruUyzeTlie hoN)itt4il’s various ft- Day, at Lake Compounce, In 4 to 7 October, so, start thinking about you also must remember that Church, Park St., 6:30-10 p.m., steadily declining, even though Cinema I — Bonnie & Clyde, 'a U.S. diplomatic official said! ferior to that of the homeland gioimd, Steven Cantwell. Mis.s Marianne is otic of Kx))ertmcnl. ’ and it Iw* Is'en Bristol. This trip will be on GREGORV Manhattanfl— Marttnla Dr. and Mrs. Richard Kyler of 17 Norman St. naimtal and e> a\ aeries of re|>orta was In a very overtoUt condl- mous. ties to leave the country. U A Theatre — Ice Station months. *' and tribunals with them. llon F'utuulutlni (n i R E F ), morning, and end on Friday, Schedule for the week: F'lnnlly. Y ale'* Seltool of E pi­ t.on. Thjit condition made it ripe Waddell Pool, noon-1 p.m.— "In the past the synagogue Zebra, 2:30, 5:30, 8:30. , The overwhelming majority The concept strikes at a fun­ The Htiiily will involve prany Aug. 8. There’s lots of excite­ M onday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 ^ RRIK 64^ — ‘//arry’s Ridinff Ilifih'' demiology lUid I’ublle Health lor a technical rally, with some Women’s Noon-Time Swim. was crowded,” the official said. Cinema I — Gone With The 'Of Americans are shielded from damental function of govern­ iil, hut ment at this affair, including p.m. registration for I>ike Ck>m- Playground will nvaliitn more gi-neral ef- of the large-portfolio nmnugers Wind, 2:00, 8:00. /Vietnamese law by a relatively ment — to provide redrers for tile 'Wily eoHl will he,(he time prizes for blhgo, entemtolnmcnt, (xjunco luid Fenway Park, 1 p.m. Tueoday, Aug. 5 fni'ta of the MttKly and other investors moving in to William Building, St. M ary’s ^ o st of the men of the fam ­ Oinema II —Funny Girl, 2:00, ' STANLEY • brief legal document, known as crimes against its nationals. and amusement rides, plus free to 4 p.m., pinochle toilrnament. ilies have gone abroad, and the 8 :00 . the Pentalateral Agreement of It strikes at a nation’s sover­ hot dogs, soda end clam chow­ Tuwxiay, 8:30 a.m, to 4:30 toko advantage of unduly de- church, Park St., 6:30-10 p.m.. THE tHBwmnr Notes |,ies.4Cd quality stocks.” people feel alone here. I per­ ^ GREEN'S ; 1960, which deals with the legal Once Called ‘Strom’s Man’, р. m,, register for Lake Oom- Cinerama —Ben Hur, 2:00, eignty. In the case of South der for all. PINTO , Inc. drug Informa- Prsak Slaain * Riqgiel Weleli Or, u.s another analyst put It, sonally would like to leave— to 8 : 00 . k, MANCHESTEB ,status of U.S. servicemen and Vietnam, this fuels the Com­ Reservations 'will bo in person pouiice and Fenway Park; open lion center . Inqulries kept “Iba iM tf to Oemeat'' r P A R K A B B ^ "direct hire”-government em- Special event this past week с. arfl playing, TV viewing, "Hlocks had been chopped down anonymous. live with my family In France. East Hartford Drive - In — munist propaganda machine only, and for a comfortable alr- Brotid Street on the 12 playgrounds super­ reading and pool pUiylng or to bargain-basement levels and Rabbi Douek has applied (o r . Shoes Of The Fisherman, 8:26, ■ ployed— citrilians. Masting the South Vietnamese He’s Now Nixon ‘Strongman’ condltloned bus ride the over-all MHS — 8:30-11 a.m. and 1-2:30 EASE W/mOR k. Fboae: 646-2285 ALUMINUM GUTTERS Just visiting. money managers simply decid- an, exit permit but has not re- Where Were You When The ' It takes its name from the government as a "lackey” of vised by the Town Recreation charge will be $1.50 per person. p.m. — Registration of new stu­ DRIVE IN ★ RT 5 Department was a watermelon By STUART II. M M IRY it is Dent wiio will recom­ conwmentlng on the Dem plie- Wednesday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 :.30 1“ begin leaning against the celved an answer from the LlghU Went Out? 10:46. ^ five signatories to the agree­ the United States. Quite a few people mention­ dents enter MHS — must pre­ eating contest. The Los Angele* Times mend to the I’p-sl'lenl which nomenun last wx*ek. , 50 R . p.m , register for lake Oom- wind and accumulate these Egyptian authorities. East Windsor Drive - In — ment— the United States, American officials are sympa­ ed a trip to Fenway Park to sent year-end report card or I'undidates in i-IcclionM should loflior and Material • values.” ‘"The government decides who The Chairman, 8:26, Lady ■ France, Laos, Cambodia and thetic to the South Vietnamese The physical fitncs.s test for WASHINGTON For years " I ’ve b«en In this town Jiwf pouiicc and Fenway Park; have tninscript forwarded prior NEWINGTON Ueniplele Cleanup see the Red Sox In action, and can leave. If they decide against In Cement, 10:15. •Vietnam. It was formulated desire to exercise their sover­ the week w as running bases. bo pholograpli'-d wllli him and long enough lo nxihzo thaUthe open card pUiylng, pool, reail- The market got a further to registration. 6M Hurry Dent was known as Remove Old Guttero $ after looking over the schedule, who' .'liould lx* excluded. press always needs u new per­ Ing, visiting, and TV viewing. boo.t Tiieadiiy wlien the Senate you, you don’t' get a reply. As Manchester, Drive-In — 99 • when there was only a hand- eignty in legal Jurisdiction but Following are the winners. Heavy Gauge While Aluminum I find very few day giuncs, es­ Waddell Pool, non — 1 p.m.— BERLIN TURNPIKE "Strom** Man” — a.s u Demo- to what goes Into their decision, Women. 8 :30, Eve. 10:15. NEXT TO TWO OUrSond GRANTMOOR • ful of U.S. military and clvll- they rule out any change in It Is Dem who will coordi­ sonality lo build up,’//fie raid. Completely Guaranteed Thurwlay, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 a|.iiroved an exten:don of the In­ Business Men’s Swim (over 18). WATERMEIAIN f’ONTEST pecially in September. I have I Just can’t answer.’ Mansfleld Drive-In—(2oogan’s > ian advisers in what was then the current status as long as ecah on Capitol Hill, and later nate all tile While House's re­ W o've had Finch / and then p.m , register for la k e COm- come- tax surcharge for six Wednesday, Aug. 6 Aosdany A.«inrd Bowers: Bill Finnegan. GILTQ EXTiRIORS choeen a gam e against the He said there Is no personal Bluff, 8:45; Eye Of The Cat, J French Indochina. But its pro- the w a r continues. They believe a iwfiublieun in South Carolina, lations with tire Republican Na- Kissinger. AmU/now Harry’s pounce lUMl Fenway Park trips, month#. •Thai helped clear the Wllttlims Building, St. M ary’s Banner Buckley: (1) Susan Fahey; Yankees on 'Thursday, Sept. 25. rancor shown by the average 10:16. > visions have provided a protec- that the United States must and llien as a Replbllcan work­ (ioival Committee, acting ns IJie riding high.” / M 3 - 2 1 7 U open card playing, pool, reod- air a bit," an analyst .said, as Church, Park St., 6:30-10 p.m., Strctassd (2) Karon Gadreau; (3) Frank Now, In order to get decent Ing, visiting and T V viewing. Egyptian toward Cairo’s Jews State Theatre — True Grit, JUve legal umbrella for th6 maintain complete legal con­ ing in GO P orgamziitlon-s giebctween for Nixon arul Rep. Whether Ui6 man of this sea­ the Dow Imlustrliil gained 11.89 I’lNTO , Inc. — drug Information "FUbMP OW” (Color) Duchesneau; (4) Randy Poulin; seats we will register for this Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., today. "There are very, very 1:45, 4:20, 6:50, 9:25. J more than half million Amer- trol over its service men and thiougliout the South. Rog.*rs C. B Morion iR-M d I, son will remain Ihe man fur all (xiliils to make Its best dully center . . . inquiries kept anany- DWSy A t 2:SS aad (51 Billy Eib. trip starting this Monday, Aug. few anti-Semitic fanatics,” he 8:00 P J L ‘ leans now in Vietnam. "direct hire” civilians in the rhairman of Uws National Cbin- Iiollllcal/snjson* In tlie Nixon final day of registering for Like rise since It Jumped 16.08 on mous Green: (II Kenny and Ellen Now Dent, 311. who, they said, 4, and end on Friday, Aug. 8. Compounce luid Fenway Park; said. Good Raaenred Sesto > Tile agreement provides dip­ volatile uncertainties of conflict. was orig.nully named to the miltee. srheip^ sUll remnliu to be April 30, "because .earlier In the Waddell Pool nom—1 p.m ^ Boland; (2) Anne Oowen and We have to register quickly so open card playing, (xx>l, TV ’ .Mexandria has one syna­ Home Mishaps Lead A v o iU U e White Houw! staff Ju.st to plea-w And flivilly. it is Dent who s e ^ week It looked as If the surtax Women’s Noon-Time Swim. Chris Shea; (3) Tammy and that w e can decide on how viewing, reading and visiting; 7 gogue, Eliahau Hanabi, still hFP To Stoonrttnie ^ Sen. Strom Tliurmond iR-S.C ), will monitor the funclloiung/ m n g Oof. f . / cxlen.sion w as oaught In an Im- Second Congregation al NEW YORIC —According 1o Wendy Mltchley; (4) Haley and many want to go, and If there p.m. to to p.m., setback tour­ open.' There are no Jewish has emerged as the No. One the parly to make sure it is pas.s-e and might fall by the Church, 8 p.m., Alateens, open the latest data from the N a ­ Jill Berson; (5) Eric JUlner. will be enough intereet for at nament open to all senior citi­ schools operating, but parents i Black Panthers Find Purrs tune for U»* 1972 election wayfldc, which might result In TWIN ^ ART Highland Park: Boys. Mike political 0)>erative on I’resident n lii/the Fiiliiri* Briclu least one bus. to teens who have a relative or tional Health Survey, eye In­ * PUSHBACK GIANT ACRES Of zens. can send their children to AUDITORIUMS ^ Nixon'.' staff. likely event Nixon d c ' l ^ 1o money getting tighter than It friend with a drinking problem. juries are the leading cause of GALLERY " SfATS * S C R E U J FREL PARKING Hayes; girls. Kathy Ciavedon. The prlue of $7.50 liKludes a French lycees and colleges. EMWNMtlKWReVkaMII Regardless of how much he make the race again. / has been.” Further Information, coll 644- vision impairment In persons L Reap More Than Claws Keeney: (1) Amy Mazzotta; (siv«*n SlioH'<*r box seat itlcket, and oil reser­ There Is even a Jew In the remains "Strom ’.* M an” and Hiirry I hill mlghU^eem a unson Tiwi market corjtlnued tp dniw ‘■‘^niter . . . inquiries kept nnony- under 65. More than 40 per cent By DARYL LEMBKE Although the recent confer­ (2) Tony Barrett; (3) Danny vations must be made in per­ Egyptian government, the offl- SPY THRnj.BR! this is a matter of debate in fliangn* rholce fc^surh a Joix. Miss Mary Fillen FleHtilner of eiicoiinigement from tlw Senate mous. i ’Hie Lm Angelea Times ence here consisted mainly of Damato. son on a first me basis. So, Boy Critical cl'nrsald, though in a fairly Tow accidents In the United Wuflilngton Dent has ver>- M e llo n Friday., analyats said, Waddell Pool, 8-10 p.m. — FAMTASTTO n>EA! I OAKLAND— The Black Pan- speeches lambasting capitalism Nathan Hale: Charlie Russo. coming from li Warkground out­ RlltKhurgli. I'a . was recently If you’re really Interested tn go­ position -inspector for the Cal- much captured the limelight on "with both b'.g iiml small Inves­ Spla.sh Party. ■ther Party, which has often and talking of revolution, Seale Robert.son: (II Ron Santos; side the miupdrenm of Ilepub- honore'l al a bridal shower at ing to see the Red Sox, I’ll tell ro School District. ill.* own. Uranism. Candy Kitchen For 100 Days tors who lu d been on the .Nltle- Thursday, Aug. 7 UNION TO TRAIN I,EADER8 |been accused of reverse rac ism ,,preached In favor of operating (2) Sue Tomlln-son. Ihe liome of Ml>» Deborah you what I'll do. I ’ll collecl only The Egyptian authorities, he Officially Dent Is listed on the Fiirllc^dn (Ills decade, he was Where Quality Candy Is Moiie Fresh Dally llncs getting back Into the ac­ MHS 8:30-11 a.m. and 1- BAL HARBOUR, Fla.— The • is trying to forge a coalition within the existing system to Valley St.; (1) Billy Tedford; Islelli, 20 .Ma'llson St .Mrs the price of the ticket at this said, allow Jews to practice WhiU- House roster us deputy a Soppii-rn D«*mocrnt But when I hixme F'rom Over 2 .sludenLs entering MHS must Labor Studies Center to train • power, with ballots rather than Webster. of .Mis* Islelli, was co-hosteos early part of September. So however, that few Jews seem He spoke of forming a new D Khrllchman, the counsel to left behind. present year-end rejK>rt card or Iguns. Verplanck: Bobby Bowers. tuc I'arty to *U|>|x>rl Sen Barr^' to want to get m arried these union leaders. The center is to political party soon. He said it About 30 gu e ill atlende<| the cosne up with your $3.50 now, SAN DIEGO , Calif. (AP) Waddell: ( l i Jeffrey ^Durant; the I’residenl. GoUtwater in 1964, I rent W't-1 An Indication of .step,sHl-up in- ionvarded prior uncertain go Into operation In Washington This was apparent following event. Iraki, pw Oka* bant mm and you’ll be assured of a seat Not yet, 3, Tommy Buchmanii THE [HniRmnn would be made up of workers Outwardly, working in an along. stltutlonal activity could be seen ivgi.Htrutlon. In September. ."•a recent three-day conference (2i Susan Easley: (31 Miehael Miss >'lr«hlner, daughter uf when the time comes. H ow’s has spqM 100 days now In a hos­ future. of all ethnic backgrounds. As fice t-onverti-d from an In the number of blocks of 10,000 Waddell Pool, rKxm-l p.m. — ^here that had bew called' by lyoBlanc. He threw him wif into hi* new Mr and .Mrs Arthur Kleshlner that? pital bed with rabies. Though Egyptian Arabs have b Color a start, he proposed a national hallway to the Flimt V^ng of SANDWICH MINTS , > hares or more traded on the Business Men’s Swim (over 18). i-the Panthers, to develop a “Uni­ West Side: Girls, Holly Cole; rule with vigor atxl left Tliur of I’tttsburgh. will become the Well now, our Friday night ■shown no enmity toward the A t campaign to decentralize-police th<- White Houw*. he looks like Except for the first six days, New York Stock Exchange Dance to "Something Good.” THEATRE EAST •Black Panther Chairman Bobby .Roberts; (2| Bob Zambrello: South Carollnji •Madison Ht and the Isis players participated with the list hl.s following closely reports con­ drives would be raount^. in 'lay. while he pdnduclM compli­ eomJltlon /la unchung.Hl ir„;L d ttm past week, compared Friday, Aug. 8 Seale calling for a nationwide (3 1 Susan Hayes. At I f* hlgli |K)inl In 1966, Ils* F'lederlck W Islelb. on 8ept following prize winners: Lila sl.ll critical cerning the new fighting at the cities to place decentralization cated political biiidnesH from wilh,2i0 ttw week before. Waddell Pool, noon-l p.m., Mm. . Frl. ItOO^ttlO 'campaign to decentralize police RUNNING BASES party Ix*tx led won 30 snils m 27 at II a m. St HI. I'eter’s Steele, 131; Ted Rlvaixl. 130; Suez Canal. Coming Wed.: “Peter P mb’’ measures on the ballot. Such behind a big walnut de.'k in a T1h‘ once bright-eyed young- Women's Noon-Time Swim, departments. He frequently fix- State Ix*giKla(un>- nrd any- I ’hurch. I'lttaburgh Frank Anderson, 125; Alice How long or how far the ad­ Set. auid Sob. 2:80-5:30-8:80 Bowers: Chester Bigelow. "The Depot” Coffeehouse — They are apprehensive about measures would call for divid­ rUiUered/olUcv. thousand* of wts*re m-ar a miij/rrity liul lm- Uer has lived longer with rabies vance will carry is not sure, but From H ie Screeii Writer of sounded more like a liberal Buckley: Charlie Caruolo. Shorette, 125; James Forde, ^ closed imtll mld-AugiLst. the current Arab-Israell mili­ ing a city into di-xtricts, with tour,*1,1 pas.'-the French door* Itc dve none^hele*' liin anyone else In recorded .‘omc analyislH think it might go politician than a bristling mL’i- Robertson: 7-9 y e a r i i , Tcxl 121; Eva Lutz, 120; M ary' Me* tary escalation — remembering each district Having its own po­ th.*t/iwptiratp hi* office* from history, (kn-tors tny. A Kansa.s to the 860 level on the DJI be­ 8utiirdu.v, Aug. 9 “PXycho"— A IMle of TeiTor! tant. And he vowed, "W e will Irent's-iradenifirk In Ihal (mr Old Namr Krtaknn Conn, 119; Agnes Babineau, the repression that followed the WMlimantle —^23^34^ lice force, controlled by an ■Talaga: 10-13, Skiiipcr Bartlett, lx)y was kept alive for 63 /lays All town pools open 9:45 not fight racism with racism, t/)«c entrance portico to the ly-biilldlng (qs-mtusi wa* exeni 116; Wilbur Mlssler, 114; and fore tunning Into resistance. June 1967, war. Valley St.; 5-7 years. (1) last year. a m.-6 p.m. elected Neighborhood Cbuncil. Iilllding They peer In. try the cmling attention to the nut* and HANTO TOMA8 HE CAA Ann Young, 114. Others note that "price recov- Terror that tears the screams but with solidarity.’’ Jean Lewis, (2 1 David Ryland^ Tonnis Court-s .supervised 9- "It is difflcuU.” said the Rab­ Policemen patrolling the dis­ door,*, hoping to flnxl n *hort* li/rit* of tlie mnrhinery TII.I.A. Giuilemala During Our regular Monday morning The coma shows no sign of 01 ies have been swift In many Like a Junior Chamber of er: 8-10 years, .Mike Car mx»i and 4-8 p.m. binate official, "to have an RI6HTOUTOFYOURTHROATI1 trict would be required to live I'U l. and ever>’ once In a while, It 1* Die m il' and ixrit* lo the recent dedication of en- klU'hon .social has come to rest breiiklV.g, although. Mrs, Mux ea-e.v, and some consolidation of u c tio n Commerce president explaining 11-13 years, (1) Wally t^plk. Teen Center closed until Sep­ Idea what will happen next.” ' within it. when the banging gets ready which ix- will addrvf** himself larg'-'l |H ed to Its orlglruil llanto Tomas ROUTE 6, ROLTON — TEL M9*4332 ed to hear we were closing this otHmed. Occasionally, Tommy'.' Iteganllos.s of what the m ar­ courage. Ind intrigue! police decentralization would OPEN DAILY and HCNDAV till «ll9 F.M. I knew I could count on you! “ f c e there to sleep, wc can deal with Bowers 8; Robertson 3. slowly during the find winter I'.infmenls lo the largely Iwnor de Castilla of early colonial program up for awhile. 7’his.ls tiny chli\ apiHMirtHi to quiver. ket does next wet*k, “we had a Eleanor Parker.. work. times Candy Also Avotlahlr Car Fund Haloing Thanks for not letting me Anthony Quinn him,” Seale said. All other games rained out of the .Nixon Admlntitrallon It ific fx/Hlon* on txnrd* and good, because they must like It. ■'Wv hoiv and believe-he Is ccmple of sunny Re- started again later. Main rea­ Buehmaim. wife of a ix)ultry a broker raid. I used threats at the ous people, our Thursday night D«Mid Janssen Ze b ra ' petition drive, “rhe Panthers MonMM>ii8 1/eavi* tile 4ndudr\. which l.-i afrild inihbran/ son for closing down Is so we lunclH'i- iiv Likeslde. But the Turnover for llie week on the ' Peace and Freedom Party (3on- dancers will continue through t h e C a t ' .sought to place police decentrali­ that the government will de*,-rt W*- will Iry lo make c-rtiiln can fix the machine, as well as iloelois put little stock In these Big Board totaled 70,261,890 I vention to dictate policy and 83 Dpad, l3M^88ill^ , I r,... ,, o p „ f, p J the end of this month. "Som e­ THE SHOES OF A UNrvtRSAl PICTURi sation on the ballot in Oakland It to help bu;ld up foraqgn r36.990 shares the week be- I caucus with veto power over day. Sept. 8. Bee your smiling Thursday night, the "Confeder­ — 2nd HIT — ed to obtain sufficient signa­ soon rains which have lashed But few doubt Iren f* power w-hen (X'- -ibie- suck ss carry Tommy to breaUU’ ssince he (cie The volume was the heav­ ' convention actions. faces then. ated Union” follows on Aug. > Wmm Y m WfeM Clint Eastwood “COOGAN’S BLUFF” tures. South Korea since Wednesday now mg out forerlteune' -for the lap; I'd Into a c6ma stiiril 2.s, iest since the wxx'k ended May C/one also were the references Monday afternoon pinochle 14th. and "The Rogues” return The conference was attended loft 85 persons dead. 15 mt/sing It 1* Is-nl who Witt hs-deral Housing Admlnlslrution four wt*eks after txdng bitten 2. wlien 72.66t(.410 stwm-s were ' at that earlier convention to had 52 players. A very nice for the final dance on Aug. by 2,300 delegatees from across and 12.000 homeless, {lolli r *ald the )>o||ttr,il patronage the and the like amt clawed by a rabid bobcat al ti aded. ^formation of' a separate Black turnout despite the crazy weath­ 28th. Only the Aug. 21st dance EASTHAHTfORO the nation. Most were white t-iday IPf'-'-idenr hftj* to dl/pen-se. Knendu aod (fx-*: alike rrafsu t his hom.v Attempts to got Tom ­ For the week. The Associated |1H1. ( IN -k 'C ■' I Nation In America. Eldridge er. The winners were Andrew remains a question . . . as yet. HELD They included members of the The 12.000 were driven Iroiii It ;» I« nl wtwj will /oordinate Ixrnt'j Bhilli.e.'i, hie cap.'cHy for my to breathe on his own have Pre.ss 60 sto< k averagx' jfalrk'd • Cleaver, Panther Minister of Noske, 708; Ted . Rivard, 705; no band . , . any volunteers?? New Panther Auxiliary called their homes by flash floods and ’•I-— P ri-I'lrn i's -ictlvllie* with hard work «md hs« masSef-y- of failed lll.s mother s*il Please let us know If you are FYiends of the Panthers. landsli'des. Hardest hit area w a* ''I* Houe-e .irrd 8en;»'e Repob- t'di*. 1 ,il oTgamzaflon 8 7 los.- the wet-k before. Today and Sunday: Doors Opeo 1:66. Starta 1:96-4:66-6:46-9:26 ' separatism from the “Mother nan, 674; Gus Gull, 669; Robinu pulls a coupU* of breaths, Init Union activists, church rep­ Hwa< hon in the northern part of lh:«l's about It,” The , New York Slock E.x- willing or know someone who ! Oountry.” has since fled from lo in Campaign 0>mmltl«-e*, One fg hi* eollwsgue* was Carroll, 665; Cls Wilson, 855; Is. TONTTE—let BUN! resentatives a'nd white radicals the country where a landsltde Fresh Fruif Sherbef! He is visited dally by his fath­ change liv.H'x of .some l,2(Xi com­ Please Note: TMa Pregrain the United Slates to escape im- ) Louise Hagenow. 660; May Tlv- Before I go circle Aug. ISth were also present The audience cl.timed 32 live' er or mother aii.l the U ev.Jlar- mon stock' ro."H> 0.80 to 5162, te tor Matore Andleaeaa . . . prisoranent in California. Huey nan, 648; Ann Young, 639; Jen­ on >-our calendars! It’s a » JOHN WAYNE dwindled to fewer than 1,000 dm557aed Aug 2 old K. Ki'vnolds. contpared with a lo.ss of I 76 the P. NeaKon, Panther cofounder Shady Glen’g ■herbets are iDade w.ith fresh fruit juicea. ChexiM from re­ nie Fogarty, 938; Emma Rus­ Wednesday nlght-and watch by the time Seale spoke. The $18,000 doii.ite anniversary o f MAN TO WORK FULi-TIME slay with yhlm \ di^y and Big Boatxl thiring the wi-ek, 857 tion have been raided by po- Jng days of World War II. The ' ------^ ^ 1------'acllv'l'tles of Interest to teensi the sendhig of the first public \ -X aUvhnceiii 759 ilecllAed, and 104 ^ and the F B L many country's 813.6 trillion In/ **" \ Btueherry Hun dee Tim e! '(13-211 ma>' contact Fran Con- HAL WALLIS' t e le g r i^ by Samuel MoFse. eta tt's P ee d ) Saadae Tim e' Lusriouk peiteh Tommy. younge.sl of the wet, unChaiwed The previou.x PROOOCTION A iW ithers have been ImUoted on por(s gave It s surplus of $1 2 ' IN OFFSCT PRESSI^^ Freah) ripe b^ueperrisa poured over p u r iWaurl|r«trr . wuv (Mrs Frank J.). 267 Hack­ c^h lgl event that launched the ahcee on our\owi; freah \peach'lee craajn.| Buchm nuts' three dtilldren. will .^■eek saw 1,340 declines. 23S ad- warious charges and the party 3lectroolc age. On May 24. 184$. blUion. more than double the \ own frooh biuebiwry lea csodm. t opped matack St , 64^6080: Kathl NO EXPERIENCE NECBSSARYI topped Wuh rh«l adupped rrsMi wttii real whipped ereoja. be 3 on Aug. 27. v.inces, an.l 116 unchanged has been accused of criminal Morw tapped out the message 8531 mlUion tn 1M7 Major ex­ Knapp, 643-5756; or Karen Gil­ Cimitny ^rral^ Theiv were. 2 tww highs for acts by a termer Panther who that flashed oyer the 4(X-mlle port g a lu were scored in auto- more, 649-9'275 anytime. t o t a i ky ODOBasssSO It o M IM b I m b m s O k . Stiasvme r « aeaw Xue-ex*'] A I^ Y IN PERSON TO the ear and 1,096 new lows, teatWfd before a U B . Senate Une front Washington to BaJU- mobiles.% copper, nickel aad PuMlabed Dally Except Sundays comp.ire.l with 5 new high.' and MR. RORERT HUItARO and Holidays at 13 Bisaell Street Sugar Big in Brazil SubcoDsnlttee. more. Iron. 727 new lows the week earlier. •tenchmter. Conn. (060401 IH9,000 Visit India Beale himself has been charg­ Tellephoiie 643-2711 SAO PAU IX ) Brazil gruwa The five most-aelive sltx-ks on ed by a Federal Grand Jury 8.MOKE KILLA Jl F IR E M E N IN GUATEMALA IT'S 6-S S h a d i^ S h u . (D aihi}, SioA M , Second ClEisi Post age Paid ei about 82 million tons ol sugar the New York Kxchang artth caasptrlng to Incite a riot •fancheater, Conn ■luring .NEW D E LH I Foreign lour- lu s t** N E W Y O R K -O f the W fire­ GUATEMALA - Guatemala SianthRStn cane a year, harvested from the week weix>: at lost year's Democratic Na- men killed -in the Uine of duty ,TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONR SUBSCRIPTION RATES tsU t< India hi.Ht year tolale'l has 187 4-S O u ^ (tike the 4-H Payable In Advance about 4,250,000 acres.. Cane .American Telepimiu- St Tele- 189.000, lui Increasi- of ^.2 per tloaal Onorenttoo- in the United States last year. Clubs m the United 8tsle

8 , i PAGE POUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESPTER. CONN.. SATURDAY. AUGUST 2, .1969 MANCHEgrEK EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1969 PAGE FIVE flUanrlypBtpr we all win be again, to the race bi which the ordinary wage earner always Second Offer feels like a loser, and In which retired Ettpmns iipral^) people do not even have a chance oC Rejected By / • , i»Tmi.TaHB!D BY THE holding their a m . / j ; i / w ' . HERALD FRINTIHO OO.. INC M . I ' , 1 18 ,BUiell Street / • . • Ironworkers Kuclieiter Conn. Whichever way the argument looks, It ■ . ' f . A GOOD GUESS \ TOQHAS>7. r t a iQDSCMI MERIDEN, Ckum. (AP) __ The twenty-first wedding an BRIEFS \ WALTER R. FERGUSON Is difficult to escape the conclusion that / PubUehera Abodt 1,200 striking Ironworkers liR* >» special symbol The <3erber Scientific Instru- Founded October 1, 188a boosting wage scales In Itself is no t AJllf J , ; i from throughout the sUbe for t But Hlljigard mem Co. of South Windsor has satisfactory answer. .1— Meldrum of Manchester, been awarded a $1.1 mllHon con­ PdbUibed Bveiy Brenlnc Except Sundnye the second time have rejected phoenU Mutual Life Insurance ■ tract to build seven pattern gen- end HoUdaye. Entered at tbe Poet Otflce at Shopping Center Plans Mancbeeter, Conn., aa. Second Clau Has But when you look Into human nature, July Not Wettest a management contract offer. Oo. employe, turned hers Into erntmg systems for Cotnpusize, UaUer. HARTFORD (AP) _ a group The vote here Friday night was ® golden one by winning a you know that such possible common WINDSOR LOCKS (AP) Inc.. Leonla. N.J. The 1276 sys­ nearly 2 to 1 against the pro* mutual fund share with It. tems. which consist of Gerber's StfSSCRIPnoif RATES sense and caution are not going to cool Payable In Adrance Rica^orth»„J^.„f*l_Rican TV All weekends.weexenas, JulyJuiy rainfallralnfaU was far Mrs. Meldrum used her wed- now 1200 stored program control One T ear ...... tSO.OO down the seeking of those who now feel Plans to record for the Krasnow. chairman of anniversary date, July 31. unit and large area model 76 Six Hontba ...... u.60 W h r w i ^ nilUlon neigh- month set back in 1897. In July negotlaUon committee rep- and the tim e of her ceremony, Three Hontba ...... 7.80 themselves behind in the race. Some drafting table, are scheduled (or One Month ...... \j.ao . heart of “*® ™ Inches of rain Connecticut construe- 1:^* P ™ - “» *>er entry In a delivery beginning later thla of the hourly figures sought and achiev­ ® fell in comparison with only 6.7 finns, called the latest re- companywlde contest for em- j'enr. Gerber will jUso deliver a ____ MEMBER OF ed by the skilled trades in some of their *ord J. Howard, presi- inches that fell last month. JecUon "absolutely rldiculoiM.” Ptoyis to guess the date and single 1200 unit under the con- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS R **^® formed Inner 'a»t month's rainfall was Com^Ucut Steel Fhbri- company's sub- Irftct, The Aaaociated Pren la exclualvely entitled recent new contracts indicate clearly to tbe uae of repubUcatlon of all newa dla- Lity Research and Development 21® inches more than the aver- and Erectors Association “idlary, Phoenix Equity Plan- patcbea credited to It or not ntherwlae credit- enough what the human urge Is —" to to Thursday night the month: According to Ihc AssocUUon of General Corporation, would pass ^^In thla paper and alao the local newa p i^ KenneAh Hartings of Coventry Uahed here. try to get out In front of the race, If mat the planned structure will the Weather Bureau, annual Contractors ha've offered In- **** *2 million mark In mutual has assumed ownership of the All rlMta of republlcatlon of apeclal dle- ^ u p y 3% acres in an area '"alnfall was 3.37 inches below creases to $10.68 an hour after salea. Hartford Heller Real patchea nereln are alao reaerred. possible, and run whatever risks that ^ n t ln g on Barbour Street, the normal on July H , but the de- a 3-yoar period, including fringe company entered the mto Agency In Coventry. Hasflnga tony entail of sparking increases in mam tnoroughfare. ficlency was more than made benefits, Krasnow said. in January of The Herald Printing Coimtany Inc., aa- plans to maintain the Heller amnea no financial reaponalDlllty for typo- wages for everybody else and prices of Howard said the shopping cen- remaining 20 days. E arlier this week tentative y*®*'' P ® **^ the $1 million staff under his ownership and srapbical errora appeartn# In advertlaemenu ter will emphasize products and ^ leave a surplus of three agreement on contract terms •"‘trk In sales May 16, and the and other read In* matter In The Mancbeater goods and services for everybody. the agency will maintain Ms Eremn* Herald. services best suited to the neigh- hundredths of an Inch. was reache(J after a 24-hour ** million mark Just ten weeks mombenihlp in Ntsarr. Pur- borhood and Is expected to be was humid. It was bargaining session at State La- *“'**'’• The sale that passed the Sooner or later, everybody tires of chi\se of the Heller agency was SuhKrlber to Loa An*elea Ttanea-WaabbM- In operation by the fall of 1970. coldest July on record bor Department headquarters Iii ** million mark came In at 8:44 made last week. The Hastings lon Poat Newa Ser^ce. the effort to catch up or got ahead, and Among other facilities It will ®*"®® 19®2.The average tempera- Wethersfield. a m. (Xit of over 300 contest IJiJI aervlce dient of N. E. A. Serrlce. Int management became effective Publlahen Repreaentatlvea — The iultua ordinary people begin dealing with the feature a drug store, a branch decrees, 2.8 de- The Ironworkers Union had ®"l*'l®e three other em- yesterday. Matheara Special Acency — New York Chi- s ^ ’ ^ clothing *Tees lower than the normal, aiked for a wage Increase of P'^^ selected July 81. sltuaUon by cutting down on their ca*o. Detroit and Boaton. 25 Mrs. Meldrum has been with per cent over the contract First Hartford ReaKy CSorp, o/ purchasing of goods and services. That K illed in Viet Phoenix Mutual for three years. 1 o n O T k A i period. Under the old contract 625 Parker St, announce rec­ ■MMfBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULA­ She lives on Richmond Dr. TIONS. Is sUU the most effective, indeed the 1 2 0 , 0 0 Alcoholics W a s h i n g t o n (A P )—Army members receive $6.05 per hour ord results (or the first quarter only, means of slowing down an econo­ BRIDGEPORT (AP) — The ^-^*"les E. Ford, son of in direct wages plus fringe bene- ended June 30, 1969. showing a Dlaplay adTerttaln* cloatn* houra: chief of Connecticut's Alcoholism J- Ford, New Britain, fits. MARKETINO MANAGER net profit compared to a loss 8W Monday — 1 p.m. Ividay. my which has begun Uj kid^itself It can and Drug Dependency Division has been killed ki action ______Austin B. Crouchley of 26 For ^eeday — l p.m. Satiuday. Officials of Ironworkers Union (or the first quarter last year. For Wedneaday — l p.m. Monday keep on escalating forever. M there is says alc(^ollam is much more ^ Vietnam war, the De- iceals in Hartford '''®*tmJnster Rd. has been pro- The company had a 6.6 per For Thuraday — 1 p.m. Tueaday. prevalent, In the state than nar­ fenae Department announced a slow down In time, a crash down can Haven were not available for 2?°“ ^ markeUng manager in cent Increase In revenues Fot Friday — 1 p.m. Wedneaday. cotics addlcUon. Friday. Pratt and Whitney Aircraft's Scranton Motors of Rockville broke ground Monday for a new (nclUty on Rt. 83, Vernon From * P-"*' Thuraday. cemment. and a 32 per cent rise In net CSaaalfled deadline — 5 p.m. day before be avoided, and between such slow _____ Turbo-Power and Marine De­ Ernest Shepard told a work­ ‘®K, 1° . u * "f!? ■ vice president of the Sarings Bonk of Manchester earnings before depreciation puMlcatlon, 6 p.m. Friday for Baturdv shop gathering Friday at the Crash Jams Traffic partment. which is handling the finances; Vernon Ma>-or John E Grant; Lawrence A. Scranton presi­ and Moodaiy puMleatloa. downs and new wars we have manag­ snd amortization. University of Bridgeport, "There SAYBROOK (AP) —A small Crouchley, a native of Provi­ dent of Scr^tons; L, Thomas Senmton. vlee president; Christopher Scranton who Is I^aw- ed, for more than 80 years now, to es­ Sloop Readies fence Scr^ton a ron, and Richard Rose, president of the Rockville Area Chamber of Com­ Saturday, August 2 are not leas than 2,000 pec^le truck crashed In an imused dence. R.I., has been with the cape a real depression. One w ay to get dependent on narcotics, 6,000 toll booth a t Ba] Bridge merce. The new facility will be built on a five-acre site and 1s expected to be completeil by The annual report of Caldor, who December. Inc., a regional dtacouht depart­ more nearly even In the Inflationary are classified as drug Connecticut River here Anti-Pollution abusers and 11,000 who experd- ^Hday night and burned, caus- ment store chain with a loca­ race is not to nm so hard. They All Should Live ment with drugs in Ctonnectl- massive traffic Jam. Hudson Cruise Ing administrator two years tion at Burr Corners, has, for ment, Dixon served as asslatnot JOINS KIR.M the fifth consecutive yesr, been cut. State police said the driver, vnnu- /at». —. ago. He Is a member of the The United States war dead In Viet­ secretary. . , of . CNG.. .. i In addition William R Marks Jr., mm of selected aa "nutatandin*" and In comparison, he said, 120,- Jackie W. Payton, 23, of (Juincy, ,, (A P ) The 96- Society of Inmranee Atvoim- to hli n ^ dullea ns corporate Mr amt Mrs William R ' ng na nam last week totaled "o n ly " UO, the b.>lned the Babcock A Wilcox Co, years. driving. aware of pollution in the Hudson Group. vestment and business publica­ Oertaln provlrtona of the Nixon Ad- of ciktonier accounting. The traffic tierup was es­ River, sailed through the foul tion. T h e Caldor report, prepar­ That Is still 110 deaths too many In mlnlstratlon’8 bill to fight crime In the waters of New York Harbor Fri­ A native of East . Hartford, Charges W ithdrawn timated at five to six miles in ONO SECRETARY Dixon is on the board of di­ ed by Jack Jnaaer of Wilton, a war for which the main outcome — nation's capital, coming soon after the A WINTER SHOT REVISITED both directions. day to a welcome at an East was selected from thousands of Justice Departnment’s attempts to ex­ HARTFORD (AP) -Hartford River pier. A Bolton man has been nan)- rectors of the Manchester Kl- that nobody la going to win It — has wonis Club and W ^a member annual reports received by F i­ pand Its wiretapping powers, suggest a authorities have decided not to Folkslnger Pete Seeger, one ed secretary of the Connecticut press a number of charges of U)c Greater Hartfbrd Cham­ nancial World In Its 1968 An­ already been determined. dMurbing concluston; That the )A d- o f the organizers of the project, Natural Gas Oorp. single block of land and since ber of Commerce, the N e v Eng­ nual Report Survey. It was mlnlrtration considers the downgrading against a recaptured escapee led the crew In sea chanteys Robert A. Dixon of Hebron •fFonders of the Universe- that time have drifted apart. ..from the state prison. Strike Back land Gas Association nnih- the chosen (or the award on the Happily, there are some Indications, of traditions designed to protect individ­ and Mayor John V. Lindsay If such a drift is continuing, The decision will enable state American Gas Aasoclatlon. basis of outstanding contsnt, In the new strategy now apparently In ual rights a valid weapon against crime. Connecticut Yankee stood a short watch at the tiller the motion Is so minute that-In authorities to press their He and hla wife have four presentation, design and typo- The most controverkial aspect of the At Mildew as the sleek green vessel moved force for American troop* — to protect LHRR May Have Answer the time that this problem has •Tsphy. proposed new legislation calls for B y A . H , 0 . charges against Arthur DeLoren- up the channel. children. Dixon la active In engaged scientists there has community affairs and Is a themselves and their positions but not ame.-dlng the 1966 Ball Reform Act to zo, 34, of Bridgeport, who es­ By AP Newsfeotures been no way of measuring to caped Thursday from the state FoIk-slnging festivals, Jazi member of the Dolton Repub­ to go out on the usual "search and de­ ^ provide for "preventive detention" of To Continental Drift In politics, where there is determine whether the drift Is civil rights first and liberal leg­ prison (arm at Enfield. What grows Into a powdery or concerts and craft (airs will be lican Town (tommittee, the Bol­ Grand Jury Probe ouspecto accused of certain violent non­ flam e and fire there Is usually stroy" missions — that the casualty rate By im. I. M. LEVITT, lionth of a second It will travel real. The Iase|r retro-reflector islators who placed other Is­ . State charges against him In- down form and thrives In warm held on the Clearwater in the ton Boy Scout Troop Commit­ capital crimes. A Judge might refuse to a story. sues like general advances for next few days as she is pre­ p r o v i d e n c e , R I (A P ) - A can be reduced aome more. about 10 feet. may resolve this problem. elude robbery with violence, temperatures where the humidl- tee and the Bolton Congrega­ release such suspects pending trial if DIRECTOR The hottest exchange we orgeinized labor first. pared for a long cruise up the S|ieclal gram! Jury iwaslon has E ffectively this means that Dr. Julian indicated that to larceny, aggravated assault, es- ty is over 70 per cent? Awlta Onochley tional C?hurch. in his opinion they would pose a danger The Fels Planetarium happened to witness at any been requested to Inveollgnle this laser pulse will beam a determine this drift several Who deserted whom first? cape from prison, theft of an Mildew, of course. Hudson with numerous stops at E ver since the peace talks began In to the community. of The Franklin Institute time during the career of the small towns. the alaylng of a bartender In "pancke of light" toward the sites around the world will have Perhaps what went on behind au^obUe and binding and Catching It early la esaenUal East Hartford company since REAUTV AWARD Paris, the logical first objective has been The Ball Reform Act, the first ma­ 1969 General Assembly tk The Clearwater was built In which (otu* Coventry poheemen One of the experiments Apol­ moon. Actually, If the beam did to be chosen, and measure­ the scenes had a different time­ gagging. iQ preventing permanent dam- 1962. He has served as a senior The Chamber of Commerce jor ball relorm legUiatlon since 1789, place not on either House or South Bristol, , U a reidi- were cluirged with murder the achievement of a cease fire which lo 11 astronauts Armstrong and not spread. It would be 60 inches ments made over several years. table, but what we observed sales engineer and a regional C.'lty Beautiful lOmmIttee Is established a couple of basic principles Senate floor, and not during any age to clothing, linens, paint ca o f a 19th Century Hudsem would end the needless sacrifice of any Aldtin left behind on the lunar in diameter — (or a 60-lnch di­ I f the continents are drifting, in the open -was that the special Jeweler Robbed marketing manager. sponsoring "Beauty Award" Alty, Gen Herbert F, De- for Federal Courts. A suspect accused formal debate. and wood and leather goods. R iver sloop. Funds to build it surface two weeks ago .was a ameter telescope will transmit the amount should be detect­ crusaders (or advanced civil STAMFORD (AP)—Two men A graduate of Tufts Unlver- competition (or local service HlnMme made the request Frl more lives in a war already half end­ of a noncapital offense should be re­ People who live In air-oondi- were raised through foundation Laser Range-Finding Retro-Re­ this Ught to the moon. However, able by this means and the It took place In the corridor rights legislation were the first sUy. he lives here with his wife day to Superior Oourt JudRe leased pending trial, unless authorities removed an estimated $3,000 tioned______houses______shouldn’t scoff at stations. ed. magnitude of the drift deter­ Just outside the Senate Cham­ and private rifts. and five children. John Mullen In East Greenwich believe he might attempt to (lee, and flector (L R R R ). This two-foot even these highly collimated or to (eel that some other liberals worth of diamonds and wedding ji^ople who doiT. beciuse'’*mri- The competition actually be- square laser-light f reflector, mined. Perhaps In a few years ber, and It was between two hadn't worked and voted as Seeger and the Hudson R iver At the same llnie» the Cbven- his ability to pay a bond should not be directed beams spread eo that rings from a Jewelry store coun­ dew can plague air-conditioned Ran In the early summer when Now, although formal agreement on a made up of 100 quartz corner we will know. members of the House who, en­ they might have done. Sloop Singers gave 26 fund-rais­ VERMONT DIVISION t>f Baberlon, Ohio, and is In the Iry ite|mhlt<-nn Town Cbmmit a (actor In his release. The intent of the when the 80-inch beam reaches ter here Friday while the pro­ houses too. It's a good idea to service station managers re- reflectors, is providing on The rapidity with which new countering each other on such ing concerts on the trip down Initial phase of a company wide tee urged the iltscharge or re cease fire seems aa remote aa ever, act was to rectify the existing situation the moon it will be two and a And after the special crusad­ prietor was occupied with cus- make sure the air in closets cir­ Allied Printing Services, celvegrnm. signatlun of Police Chief Harvey there has been aome tacit progress to­ which often discriminated against ers for civil rights felt that culates well. Some authorities Invited to provide landscaping, the motions of the continents. is breathtaking. The laser is "We want to bring tens of Simmons "to restore puMIc con­ Indigent su peels' who could not raise the laser will be beaming to the found themselves in a confron­ other liberals hadn't supported 1, Police said two men entered advise homeowners to keep a announced the opening of Its regular litter sweeping, and Marks, a gradunle of Unl- ward a lowering of the scale of mili­ The laser retro-reflector Is but 10 years old and already it thousands of people to the wa­ fidence" In the tores, ball money. Judges were authorised to moon "tight pancakes" 10 feet tation they might otherwise them very well the civil rights Brant’s Jewelry Store and be- light burning in their closets or second new printing division, lawn mowing, whenever neces­ venSly of Omnectlrut will) a bouncing back to the earth has been developed to the point ter's edge so they can see that tary activity. Evidence of such progress hold only suspects accused of capital in diameter. have avoided, since each prob­ people could then be observed i.gan a discussion with the pro­ to use a drying agent such aa according to John Sommers, Robert A. INzra sary, on their premises. bachelor science degree In AuthorlUrs still sre looking beams of light spotlighting the where critical experiments and ably knew what the other was prietor, Charles Evantoff, who their waterway can be fun,” president. has led to revival. In the past few days, offenses, or convicted suspects awaiting The atomic clock governs the striking back, and casting what calcium chloride. Entry blanks were returni-d chemical engineering, Is parti- for (•atsTence leClalr. a (orritcr measurements are being made. •. was alone. Seeger said. "A fte r that. It will Rd., succeeds Wallace McDon- rentenc ng or appeal because of their moon and the return of these error Involved In this deter­ thinking, anyway. seemed, on the surface, some It’s alao advisable to leave the The new division, located at J(me 17, and the committee la clpnllng In o rive-week session CTOvenIry policeman, who Is of the old . theory that this may have And the laser is only one of be up to each person what he aid, who Is retiring from the light beams will provide inputs mination. It can measure the But there they were face to Shortly thereafter two others 260 College St. In Burlington, now busy srlertlng a winner to at Uiirt>erton prtitr to being'■(zs- Wanted In connection w^th the' potential danger to the commun'ty. a vast number of new and in­ very strange votes against covers off hat boxes, to avoid wants to do about pollutioi]. Un­ post. to be one of those wars which Just fades for one of the moat sophtstlcat- two-way travel time to an ac­ face, giving It to each other. ~ entered the store and apparent­ Vt., was established to meet the be announced Aug. 16. slgned lo the power generation Two apparent condition, encourage the genious developments which measures of special interest to storing garments in tightly til people start to love their riv­ od experiments ever attempted. curacy within five feet In the ly picked the lock on the door growing printing requIremenU Dixon Joined CNG In 1946 and The emitest was aponaoretl In dlvtslon. away, without the benefit of all the Justice Department to precs (or expand­ characterize the Space Age. One of them was a representa­ some other liberals. closed bags and to be careful er, It’s going to be a sewer." The fotir pollcet^n are This reflector lias an array total distance o f ' about 180,000 • at the rear of the counter di*- In the Burlington area. advanced through the com­ (onjunc-tlon with the C'onnecll- ed Judicial power to hold untried sus­ Copyright 1969 tive who has always almost au­ The rough classification, not about putting shoes and clothing liubcock A Wilcox, USA, Is charged In eonnecUoh wtth the diplomatic rites. One way or another, of corner reflectors, which are miles. ,,play case and removed the The Burlington operation will pany's (histomcr Service snd pects for. "preventive" reasons as well General Features Corp. tomatically been ranked as an accurate or fair, to every In­ away when they’re not th«r- cut Petroleum Council which Is a supt>ller of Industrial equlp- death of Jainra J /Ckprto, S3, really simple devices. A corner rings and left The first two be under the supervision of (Customer Accounting depart­ these weekly statistics of young Ameri­ as to insure their trial appearance. Although observatories all-around liberal. The other dividual involved, would label oughly dry. emouraging alrnllar conlests rnrnt, and gtsida (or use In con- who Was found deat'l In a gravel reflector can easily be made by throughout the world' may aim A.followed shortly after, having Donald H. Jackson of Bhel- ments. Prior to hla new appolnt- throughout the state. cana, South Vietnamese, Vietcong, and First, In the District of Columbia, was a representative who has these two kinds of liberals as Once mildew hits—and It will Radio Today aun>sr produliHs |Hl In Sterling, t^onn., June 3 cutting the corner off a box or laser beams at the lunar re­ ^ made no purchiases. bourne, Vt., who has been nam­ where Federal courts' deal with crimes special reason for concentrating ciirll rights liberals on the one —the thing to do is be philosoph­ North Vietnamese dying under their a cube. The effect of the curious flector, the experiments will be Herald f* > A ed general manager. Jackson handled by state and local courts else­ his interest on one particular hand and labor liberals on the ic about It and realize that It WDBC—UM geometry of this corner reflec­ centered in the Catalina Moun­ Suit Dismissed 1:00 Joe Hs*er has a background of over 37 separate banners for their separate where, crimes committed by some sus­ Yesterdays phase of civil rights. other. happens in even the best fam i­ 3:00 Dick McDonough tor Is that no matter where the tains near Tucson, Ariz., using ■ H ARTFO RD (A P )—A suit for 8:00 Ken Griffin years In Uie printing industry. causes are grim and sad, and the lower pects released before trial are on the What was between these two In the 1969 session, the d v ll lies, and then get to work get­ light comes from the corner the 60-lnch telescope operated® 1:00 News. Blgn Off Currently employing 12 people, Increjse—narcotics addicts' who turn to „ $26,000 damages by a man who ting rid of It. WBOH— the number becomes the greater a must return In the same direc­ 25 Years Ago representatives was a mutual rights liberals didn’t think the new dlvliUon of Allied la robbery to support their habits, for ex­ by the Air Force and Universi­ claimed he was . injured by an- 1:00 Matinee tion. Thus, If a laser light beam charge of desertion. The all- they were getting the cooperar For shoes, luggage, leather 4:00 Hartford HlgNIghts shame It seems they all cannot live. ample. ty of Arizona. other prisoner In a cell In the completely equipped with Edward Hutchinson, president around liberal was accusing the Uon and support they should goods: Brush thoroughly; al­ 7:00 New* Is focused on the retro-reflector The uae of laser reflectors N ew Britain Jail was dismissed 7:30 OastlgtU modem printing machinery (or Second, despite the Ball Reform Act. of the Manchester Rotary Club, civil rights liberal of having from the lalMr liberals. In re­ ways do your brushing outside. from the Mt. Palom ar Observa­ to accur(itely measure distance Friday by Superior Court Judge wnc—iMO all types of printing, typesetting some Judg s continue to set high bonds resigns to assume new business taliation, they held their own Wipe the affected surface with a 1:00 News tory, the lunar reflector will re­ is neither new nor confined to deserted the liberal po.sltlon on ^ Arthur Healey. and bindery operaUons. OPPORTUNITIES 1:15 Your Homs Decorator for suspects they consider dangerous, responsibilities in Ckunbridge, votes back from suiport of BoluU(» of mild vinegar or dilut­ turn the beam right back at U.S. laboratories. The Soviet a measure which did not con­ - Healey said Vincent Piasclk, 1:30 Satuida* Matinee Sommers, president of the Slow Down To Catch Up even with little reason to believe they Mt. Palomar. Mass. cern civil rights In particular. some of labor's special meas­ ed alcohol which you've tested 3:00 Monitor Union, France and other coun­ who sued the city and two po- 4:30 News. Weather parent company, said that "The m'ght flee to escape trial.. The Justice ures. ' first on a small corner to make The oldest argument In the economic The objective of this experi­ tries are engaged in this work. But the civil rights liberal 4:X Red Sox vs. Oakland addRion of the Burlington plant Department thur contends the sanction­ 10 Years Ago - Ilceman, had failed ' to sustain sure it won't change color. Dry 7:10 News. Sports. WeathM- ment Is to precisely measure Since the Soviets have landed was accusing the all around lib­ The headed exchange In the to our other two printing plants world Is the argument about which la ing of "preventive detention” might „.the buriden o f proof that the thoroughly and repUuse on shelf. 7:40 Monitor the earth-m(X)n distance. A pre­ several payloads on the moon, eral of having deserted the Senate corridor merely said 11:00 News. Weather In Connecticut Is Indicative of lerve the dual purpoas of reducing crime This date 10 years ago was attack had occurred or that the Walls, ceilings; Wash down 11:30 Sports Final the cart and which is the horse In an In­ cise measurenjent can then be they may well have a lunar liberal position in the particular out loud what had been visible our continued growth and of our UNLIMITED In the District and rationalizing the often a Sunday; The Herald did not „ city or the policemen were with mild household bleach solu­ 11:30 Other Side of (he Day monitored to see whether It range finder already In opera­ instance of some civil rights, in pantomime for the last three WFOP—1410 ability to offer complete print­ flationary period. Does this or that sec­ arbitrary exirtlng situation. publish. negligent. tion or vinegar—also color test­ 1:00 Dick Hsalherlon changes. If It does change, tion. , ' measures. weeks of the session. ing and mailing services to the tor of the economy promote Inflation by If expond ng the preventive detention Piasclk claimed he had re­ ed—or scrub with mildew-klUlng 3:00 Mike Oresn scientists can speculate on the One fascinating question may Somehow, two representa­ ceived fractured ribs and facial 6:00 Frank Holler biutness community.” grabbing too much for itself? Or does co-eept to some lesser crimes In the cause of the change. solution made especially for 13:00 Gary Girard PART tives who. by all norma] odds Allied's plants In ItonnecUcut GROWING COMPANY be answered as a result of this injuries at the hands of another w iirr—i m District of Columbia seems a small step, The prei’ ise diita on the re­ Quotations painted surfaces. it really have a hard time Just catching experinicnt — that of continen­ and expectations should have Trade Figures man locked In the same cell 1:00 Bpsok Up are equipped to produce both it Involves a major principle. By requir­ lative motion of the eartli luid Washable fabrics: Brush off 1:30 SlretchlM a Buck tal drift. Scientists over the The poor may irSwrit the been perfectly harmonious In with him. Piasclk was incarcer­ 4:30 Robert TVout offset and letterpress printing, up in the mad Inflationary race? ing, the Judge to make what must amount OTTAWA—For the first time dirt, particles. Rinse several moon, and the motion ea*h years have looked at the con- earth, but it would appear that their leelslative voting had ated while being taken to Hart- 6 -----l^rton Mockrldge art and copy services, typeset­ to a pretrial ruling on a suspect's crim­ In three years, Canada In 1968 times and launder. If stain per­ 6 „ Dimension______about Its own center of gravity, tinc'hts and have compared out­ the rich -- or at least the rigid, found discord and enmity be­ o ford State Jail after ■ being ting, business forms, dle-cuttlnf Lately there have been impressive inality, It violates the tradition that the sists, a solution of one pint 6:|i Sports wrlll refine our knowledge con­ lines. They appear to (It to­ respectable and iiafe — will in­ tween them. had a favorable trade balance unable to raise $W bond. 7:B Jack Drssa direct mall advertising and WE ARE EXPANDING IN ALL SIX OF OUR iicccs d must be considered innocent un­ with the United States. The $123 houeehold bleach to one gallon 13:0O C om m ent statistics showing that although organiz­ cerning the moon's size and gether. giving rise to specula­ herit the church. And perhaps the bitterest u. complete mailing services. til proved guilty.. The declslpn to violate shape, variations In the length million surplus sharply reveised water can be used to one gallon ed labor has achieved - certain gains In tion that at one time In the Right Rev. James A. Pike, feelings left by this General Five Appointed “«> PLANTS WHICH WILL REQUIRE ADbITIONAL It can only be uncomfortable for a Judge of the e«iTth day, movements of the 1967 figure, when Canada washable garments. Use sodium past, perhaps 250 million years former Eptlscopal bishop of Assembly were those between HARTFORD (A P )—Gov. John Marine Weather NAMED MANAGER Its dollar Income during the last four cor.acloua of democratic legal traditions. the earth's eorvtlnenLs. With the had a $628 million deficit in Its perborate solutlcm on others and SKILLED MACHINISTS AND MACHINE ago, the continents form ed- a Citllfomla. liberal legislators who placed Dempsey on Friday appointed Kenneth I. (3iaae of 90 Ar- The fact that some Judges routinely vlo- loser retro-refieetor, we may al­ trade with the United States. vinegar on man-made fabrics. WINDSOR LOCKS. Oorai. years, most and sometimes all of this five welfare recipients to the nott Rd. has been i^ipolnted late the tradition by setting unsanctlorv' so be able to test gravitation­ Non-waetuible fabrics: Brush. (API —Ttdez sdll be high along OPERATORS. IF YOU ARE NOT SKILLED gain has been eaten away by Inflation. < Citizens Advisory' Committee of manager, corporate account­ ed high ball Is hardly an argument for al theorlea and, perhaps, ob­ Take at once to dry cleaner, the Connecticut shore today When the man who now gets perhaps writing the Woloted tradition Into law. Welfare, thus setting a prece­ and tell him what the spots are. from 1:30 p.m. at New London ing, In the corporate aocomt- PERHAPS YOU CAN QUAUFY FOR OUR serve gravitational waves. Thus, dent in state history. For If the strains created for the po­ Books-; Dust thoroughly — 3:30 p.m. a t Bridgeport and $15 a week more than he did three years the scientific returns from this By Whitaker The appointment of the five lice and the courts by the Increasing again outdoors. Use mildew'-kUl- Sunday from 2:30 a.m. at New TRAINING SCHOOL WITH A NEW CLASS ago adds himself up at the end of his single experiment may open up women increases the size of the crime rate dramatize the need for more ■ft now body of knowledge. • Ing* chemical on covers. London to 4:15 p.m. at Bridge­ ’ effective law enforcement, they also (tommittee (rom- seven to 12 Closets, Drawers: Put mil­ week, he finds that the cost of every­ Considerable reserux-h has port, STARTING SOON. he'ghten the need for continued atten­ members and marks the first thing from food to taxes has taken all been employed in making this dew-killing chemical beg ’ la Low tide at Old Saybrook to­ tion to traditions designed to protect In­ time that rqiresentatives of the experiment operational. To de­ closet or drawer for several day Is at 9:15 a.m., and tonight that $15 or perhaps more. dividual righu. Overworked police and poor or disadvantaged have days. Wash walls and sides with termine the efirth-moon dis­ at 8;4S. - PUNT LOCATIONS courts that result in unfair treatment been specifically assigned to a tance, Dr. Renne S. Julian, sen­ household bleach solution. Sea water temperature at There seems no reason to doubt the of the guilty may result In unfair treat­ state body. The five will receive Upholstered Furniture and ior sciesitlst of the Hughes A ir­ Bridgeport Is 76. accuracy of such statistics. It can be ment of the Innocent as well. ? no salaries, but are entitled to MaUresses: Brush, then sponge PAIAI H U ( IICARDKNS, FLORIDA craft Co., developed a range­ reimbursement for necessary Sunset today Is at 8:09, and Thus a careful dlatlnctlon tdiould be with upholstery cleaner or dry conceded, we think, that most of the finder system for the Air Force expenses. tunrise Sunday at 5:49. made between measures to Improve the cleaner. Set an electric beater FORT LALDFKDALF, FLORIDA Income Increase Americans have re­ Cambridge Resean-h Labora- The five appointed were: Mrs. Boating weather (or Long Is­ ■structure and meclwnles of the Judicial In front o f a (an to N ow dry land Sound: Winds wtll be ntost- process (also included in the Adminis­ totie*. TTie system components Isabelle Blake of Hartford, a ceived lately has been cancelled out by heat into the article. Leather ly southerly at 10 to 20 knots. In­ MANCIIF.STFR, CONNFCTICl T tration's Washington, D.C.. proposals) are the loser beam ‘and a ce­ strong campaigner during the increases in the cost of living. upholstery may be wiped with creasing to 15 to 20 knots to­ and those which threaten long protected sium timing device or "atomic recent general assembly for Im­ soap and water and dried thor­ night and becoming more south­ -SOI Til WINDSOR. (ONNFCTICIT Individual rights. clock." The operation requires proved and Increased welfare Where the real argument comes, of oughly. easterly at 15 to 2S knots In the For the moment, crime may well be that laser pulses of tncr^lbly services; Mrs. Pauline Davis, even'ng and moot of Sunday. NFRNON.CONNFCTIUT course, is in the remedy. One part of reducej more effectiwly by more po- short duration be beamed at the of New London: Mrs. Msry Bravo of New Haven: Mrs. Ma­ Mostly cloudy, with periods of the argument looks back, and says it lloenien, better trained, paid and equlpt- laser retro-reflector and the RLTLAND.NFRMONT W o r k M o r e Danf(irr o n s rain and thunderabowvrs today, ped, anJ by more courtrooms and Judges round-trip time be accurately tilda Roman of New Britain and could have been predicted, when pres­ tonight and Sunday. to Insure speedy trials and convictions determined by the atomic clock. Add—Cocm. N ew B rief WASHINGTON — Tbe rate of HOST. J . 01 GAM VIstMllty generally one to i ent wage scales were being negotiated, of the guilty, than by glWng the current To underst.and this sj’stem. we ' tngton. I srork injuries in manufacturing COOROWATOR Of three miles.- but tow«Y durtng We will be^ inferyiewing df our Adminisfration Building locaf- that these wage scales themselves would number of poller and Judges new powers mi$st realise that light travels VOUTH URSICEg has been rising over the past to violate todivldual ri^ts to priracy'' with a speed of 186,000 miles a TrMn*fer Upped decade, tbe Bureau of Labor rain or patchy fog. spark additional inflation which would, , BOARO OF lOVCZriON and freedom. .second (or seven times around r o c t i e s t e r , n .t : ( a p ) — StaUatica reports. ‘Ibc Injury Small-craft warnings may be ed at 273 Adams Sfreef, Manchester, Connecticut, Monday in turn, reach back and cancel out the The day may arri\e when the threat the earth In one second). Thus. Xerox Corp. has moved up by frequency rate, tf!e number of required later today. Small craft tag depertmem of Aetna Lsfr' A Casualty thru Friday 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. — Saturday 9 A.M. to 12 Noon. wage increases. of crime grows so serious as to require If the la,ser pulse lasted for one one month tbe date of the trans­ disabling injuries per million should remain cloae to safe reduced protection of indIvKtual Treedom ser'ond, the beam of light would fer of 160 of its top echelon em- employe-hours worked, reached hirbor. Others stwmld keep In Chase, s graduate of Bryant touch with tbe latest advisory OoUcgc. Joined Aetna in 1M2 Other hours by appointment. Telephone 643-2473. Ask for Mr. The other part of the argument looks (or both the law abiding and the crim ­ be 186.000 miles In length. ployca to s new headquarters 14 in 1967. up from U.9 In IM t inal. but condlt'ons are not that bad However, a pulse this long near Stamford, Conn. and 12.9 In 1996. on trcpicsl storm Anna He sras promoted to account- forward, to a consideration of what Paul Kaiser. now. As matters stand today, we would would be of little ralue. even If A company spokesman sudd should happen now, and says It has to feel better If the Justice Department It cxMiId be generated. The F)riday tbe tqznsfer srouM be 47 MILLION CAJU MARRIAGES SET RECORD done by Sept. 2 Instead of OcL I IN E TR O PE OTTAW A — Canadian mar- O K N DAY ^ inevitable that. If higher wage scales alwwed a greater sensitivity to the aig' Hughes scleiitlsts have broken ALL nifk-ance o f plans to give Judge* arnl the secon^ up Into 10 blUlon as previously plsnoed. G E N E VA—Nearly 80 mlUlon rtagea laat year totaled about SUNDAY are now sought and negotiated In order MAL TOOL qnd ENGINEERING COMPANY police queatiomble new powers. If (ear parts. The pulse of light beam­ ; The earlier moving date was of the 150 mllHon private cars 179.000. the moat ever. The dmsen. ha said. bccatHc rooN In the world a rt In the United f AML f 9 PAL to give people a chance to catch up of crime U' Justified, the teinlency to let ed toward the moon Js one ten- n -/ previous record sras I9S.900. la A GULF A WEMTBKN (X »IPAN Y of tbe employea would movs to States. Nearly one-third (47 1967. Tbe 1999 marriaga rats with Inflation, that will give inflation It dilute democracy should be resisted bflltonth of a second in ieogth. . COnasqtlcut by tbe end of Aug­ ARTHUR iRIlt as strenuously as possible. - W A LL With, light traveling at 186.000 mtokm) are In cramped, irmni (or every I.OOO Canadians was Itself another shot In the arm, and off ly populated. Buzope. STRECT JOURNAL nUlea a seccstd. In one ten-bil­ ^That's a Friend of Mine"^ ust. lA; the 1997 rate was LI. PAGE SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 2. 1969 PAGE SEVEN, New Salvation Arm y Head C h u r c h e s Thousands Cheer Nixon Food Prices Sen. Murphy Has Erased Calvary Church St. Bridget Church Emanuel Lutheran Church First Non-British Chief (Assemblies of God) Upon Bucharest Arrival Still Risings Rev. John J. Delaney, Pastor Church and Chestnut Sts. 647 E. Middle Tpke. By JOHN GALE "In Jamaica we have 100,000 His Image as a ^HoofeP Rev. Kenneth J. Friable Rev. C. Henry Anderson, (Cotttinued from Page One) Rev. K. L. Gustafson, The London Observer children between six and 14 who Rev. Harry McBrien Rev. Eric >1. Gothberg, In Europe can pursue tp fulfill­ By RK'HARD BERGilOU; Pastor LONDON—Gen. Erik Wick- have never spent a day in suito stood behind lines of sol­ Experts Say garded os a dowrn-the-Hne sup­ Pastors school. The Salvation A rm y con­ ment their just aspirations (or a ’The Ix»* Angeles Times porter of conservative Repub­ Masse.s at 7, 8, 9:16, 10:30 in berg, 65. the newly elected diers. 9:30 a.m., Sunday School. Bi­ ducts literacy classes. W e have tetter life, free from the (car of (Continued from Page One) licanism. the church. 9:16, and leader of the Salvation Army, - In :ill the 10:30 12:00 8 a.m.. Morning Suffrages. the largest service for the blind Workers, who ordinarily quit 'var or threats of war, in con- He does not explain what this ble classes (or all ages, Nurs­ is Swedish, and the first gen­ a major factor in soaring living years he w.ts a song-and-dance in the auditorium. 9 a.m.. Divine Worship and ttiucUve cooperation with oth­ tvould involve, but he adds that ery through Adult. ^ eral In the gunless army's his­ In the Caribbean . . . we have at 1 p.m. on Saturday, were let man In the movies. George Mur­ Holy Communion. Sermon at ers, near and far. costs. he has military advice to back 10:30 a.m.< Worship. tory not from Britain or the many nations, Hke Haiti, poor­ o ff several hours early to be phy never could join the Church of the Assumption both scrvicea by Pastor' Ander­ him up. He wilj not disclose the 7:30 p.m., Gospel service. British Commonwealth. er than Jamaica, where the an­ able to join in the welcome. " I believe that' if human Prices for meals eaten In res­ Angeic.s Country Club because Adams St. and Thompson Rd. son, "God Watches Over Each name of his m ilitary adviser. Special feature, "The Paul He is tall, bespectacled, with nual income is less than |72 ■Ihe slowdown of the motor­ beings can reach the moon, hu­ taurants are likely to increase of the no-actora-allowed nile Rev. Edward S. Pepin, Pastor of Us.” Nursery (or infants at He Is also a hard-liner on Carlson Story,” S3-minute color a ra.ther old-fashioned courtesy. per family...” cade meant that the early part man beings can reach ap under­ Rev. Ernest J. Coppa 9 only. by more than last year’s 5.2 per But now that Murphy is t matters loosely humped Into film.” On being introduced he gives Com. Charles Davidson, of the program would be set standing with each other on the earth. cent, the forecast said. U. S. .senator, ho hius an honor the “ law and order” category. Masses at 7, 8, 8:16, the hint of a bow from the traveling commissioner, a Scot: back. But a Romanian televi­ ary guest membership at the 10:30 f^ n ter Congregational Church’ “ If we are to make progress As has been the case all year, He particularly admires the Trinity Convenant Church and 11:46 a.m. waist. Y et he is relaxed and "M y preoccupation has been the sion announcer told his audi­ exclusive Golf Club. United Church of Christ in this lifetim e effort, we must meat is a major factor. way hts.longtime friend apd for­ 302 Hackmatack St. quietly confident. His office in missi<»iary service and its needs ence: "The people want to greet Tn other words, the ruling 11 Center St. set the world as it is. a world of “Unless the demand expan­ mer co-worker. Gov. Reajfan, la Rev. Norman E. Swensen, the Salvation Army’s new inter­ in the F ar East and, more re­ President ' Nixon, so we are body at the Country t'Uib now St. Bartholomew’s Church Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, sion tapers off sharply, prices handling the campus unrest Is­ Minister national Headquarters in Lon­ cently, Africa. You may be In­ forced to reduce the speed of different races, of different na­ recognizes Murphy as a senator, Rev. Philip Hussey, Pastor Minister for livestock products are ex­ sue here. don is modest, and his uniform terested to know that practical­ the con'voy.” tions of (different social systems not an actor. Rev. Edward M. l.aRose Rev. Wlnthrnp Nelson .Ir., pected to continue well above He l.s a strong backer of 9:30 a.m.. Worship Service— at first glance Is little different ly all these areas were repre­ Dense croAvds forced the mo­ —the real world, where man’s In recounting this, the .s<'n.i- Assistant Pastor Minister of Christian Education FIRST MAN ON THE MOON Z last year,” the department said. I ’re.sident Nixon’s plan (or an The Rev. LeRoy Benson, ad­ from that of other Salvationists. sented at the High Council, torcade to stop once. The epec- main interests divide men and tor conveys the idea tluit an Possibly lower prices for oth­ Anll-Balllstlc Missile System ministrator for the home (or the His English is perfect, with which means we have top-level tators applauded and shouted many unite them. Important transition has taken 7:30. 9. 10:16 and 11:30 a.m., a.m.. Worship Service. er foods may occur because and, in his view, anyone who aged. Pilgrim Manor in Crom­ the faintest accent. He has been leaders from these qountries. greetings. “Our meetings represent, I place. When he was" elected in will not support the plan Is guil­ Masses. Child care in new wing. they are being produced In larg­ well, will be the guest speaker. MOON STAMP AND MASTER DIE— Postmaster General Winton Blount dis­ In London as chief of staff "Practli^Uy all my sendee Nixon appeared delighted. He am sure, the desire of the R o­ 1964. the (Ir.st of the ntovie col­ ty of “ eapltulallon," er quantities, the report said, Nursery tor pre-school children. played'in Washington yesterday this color rendering of the'“moon” stamp and (second-in-command of the Sal­ has been related to the acquir­ stood up In the cor, hands held man.an people and the desire of ony lo make the blg-llme m Recently. Murphy haa added St. Jam es’ Church St. .lohn’s Polish National but the increase in meat prices the plastic encased master stamp die resting on the artist’s drawing. The mas­ vation Army) for eight years, ing of funds towards the main­ high, a broad grin on his face. the American people that we do partisan politics, a lot of peo­ to his basic speech an ardent Edward J. Reardon, Catholic Church will more than offset this. Church of Christ ter die for the commemorative issue accompanied the Apollo 11 crew on its and came from Germany. He tenance of this vdist missionary Beside him stood the youthful- not allow our differences to pre­ ple scoffed at Ih,- Idea of a for­ defense of the “ mllltnry-lndus- Pastor Rev. Walter A. Hyszko, The wholesale report earlier Lydall and Vernon Sts. was trained in London between enterprise that emfbraces more looking Romanian President, vent a deeper understaniing of mer hiKifer representing fa ll- trial-seienllfic complex.” Rev. Joseph E. Vu>i Pastor moon journey and was especially decontaminated ahead of the normal 21-days 1924 and 1925, 'and his first job In the week noted a drop In the Eugene Brewer, Minister than two-thirds of the world who seemed to be enjoying the oui national point of view.” tomla In the hallowed halls of .-Vecording to Murphy, a pri­ Rev. Thomas Barry to speed the printing of this unusual stamp, th e date of issue is not known. prices paid for cattle, but at was In Scotland. He was In Lon­ population. We have excellent spectacle. Thus Nixon probably set the the Senate. vate piihllc opinion poll, taken Rev. Vincent J. Flynn 8 :30 a.m.. Mass. don again from 1934 to 1939. He that time agriculture econo­ 9 a.m., Bible classes. Japanese, Indian, Indonesian, ' A t times the convoy took on talks today and Sunday Murphy rsmlly will not he :i last .-\prll. shows that he I* re- has four children In Sweden. with C ' aus9.''cu before flyirg on mists cautioned that one f’OLUM BIA COMES HOME— Apollo 11 command module, diihlied Columi^^ia, bv senator, .som.' said, he will only m.irkahly w,-ll known to Cali­ 10 a.m.. Worship. Sermon: Mo.sses at 6, 7, 8, 9, 10:16 South United Methodist Church and other leaders. In Korea we the appearance of a triumphal He Is a good organizer, a to Britain for his final slop and month’s figures might not have be playing the part of a sena­ fornia voters either from the "Christian Radicalism." and 11:30 a.m. Rev. J. Manley Shaw, D. D., have 230 officers, all but 10 procession rather than a visit as the a.stronauts is wheeled out of giant Ail- Force Tran.s)>ort at E llin gton ^ F B Area Churches fine chess player, and some­ a meeting with Prim e Min ster much significance. tor. late-late movies or from the ex- 6 p.m.. Worship. Sermon: Pastor “ Koreans. maseed humanity cheered its in Houston liack home safely after ca ■rvi’'g men on history-making jouiriipy TalcottviUe Congregational thing of an Intellectual. Although Harold Wilson. He returns to Retail meat costs jumped 4.6 There are not many scoffers )x>sure during the lost five “The Problem of Plaquing First Church of Christ, Rev. Carl W. Saunders, Gilead Congregational Church Bolton Congregational Church "In South Africa, Rhodesia, progress, and U.S. and Roma­ Church Hebron one of his favorite and more Wa hington Sunday night. per cent In June over the pre­ now. years ns a srii.itor Doubts.” Scientist Associate Pastor Rev. J. Stanton Conover, Kenya, Zambia, and Ulgenda I nian (lags fluttered in the light United Church of Christ hopeful descriptions is "clean- The first American president vious month. Government and' Mu'phy Is not pitying the Tile |K)ll also sliows that vot- 447 N. Main St. Rev. Gary 8. Cornell, Rev. Herbert O. Kriaey Jr., Minister have been able to condtxd mul­ breese. Rev. Truman O. Ireland, living.” he does net make one to visit a Commurlst country industry ^experts have said a p.tr!: he is the -cn.ilor . rs generally think well of him, Jehovah’s Witnesses Paator ti-racial sendees. . .” But, he At the Arch of Triumph, Ceau- Associate Pastor feel beyond the pale. heavy apl^tite for beef and will­ A Father’s Anguished Decisioir Not only th.il. he's t’alifornia’s •Murphy ad.le.l, md that they Kingdom Hall Pastor 10 a.m., Worship Service. Dr. added, the policy of the Slalva- ” sescu ordered the motorcade 3ince President Franklin D. 10 a.m.. Church Service, Sun­ "I’m not taking over till Sep­ ingness of consumers to pay ,‘nior senator, a.-, a r,'sult of really do not know very much 726 N. Main 8t. 9:30 a.m., Worship Service. Alexander Plante guest tlon Arm y was to "abotaln from stopped and a crowd pressed Roosevelt went to Yalta 24 NEW YORK (API — The case Kee’s son's. Some pails were people like Kee weren’t going to day School and Nursery. 9 and 10:46 a.m.. Morning tember,” he said. " I t ’s not in higher prices tor It have been Repuhllean Thom.is Kilchel's ulKuit hts recoril or what he ha* 10 a.m.. Public - Worship. The Rev. John E. Poet of Bol­ speaker. His topic: "The Prac­ major political issues as dis­ around the presidential car. years ago to meet Stalin, Nixon never even made the courts. missing, presumably already act .ig.iln.st crime, how were the "L o ve ” Is the subject of the Worship. Commls.slon Sunday. order for me to make policy the main factors In the upward defiSit last year, ilonr 9:30 a.m.. Public Bible dis­ Guest minister: The Rev. Wal­ ton, superintendent of the (Con­ tical Christian.” tinct from moral or ethical Nixon got out of the oar, strode and his wife walked briskly fenced. Gray paint had recently |iol;ro lo ilo their jobs? lesson-sermon. The Golden The Rev. Mr. Saunders, preach­ statements. But times change. spiral. That’s why it lodges In the MoVover, Murphy enjoys be­ Ami, fn>m a politician's point course "A Lesson In Man’s L it­ lace WInchell of Broad Brook. necticut East District of the problems. We seek to have no to the side of the street and down the ramn at the airport. been sprayed on a fender but But Kee was adamant. It was Text from I Corinthians 13:1-8, ing. Sermon: "Lamb of God.” We must not lose touch with There were predictions that memory. ing a .saniilor He moves In se of view, that 1.4 the ideal potil* United' Methodist Church, guest St. .lohn’s Episcopal Church In his welcoming remarks, traces of blue showed under­ his son, not theirs, after all. tleness Compared with God.” 13. 10:46 a.m., Infant - Toddler 'the 'unchurched masses,’ As control over thetr poUtical Ide­ shook hands 5vith as many as lect convvany, has gamed at turn to he in, when you nr* St. Francis of Assisi preacher. Nursery not provided. Main and Hillside Ave., Vernon Ceausescu said he recalled with cattle production would increase The name Is different, but this Hut he was In anguish He still 10:30 a.m.. Group discussion The Christian Science Read­ Nursery. Pre-School Class at William Booth (founder of the ologies except In so far as they possible. He was swamped in a neath. 'hie .‘ion’s bike had had least parKiii idinlsslon 'to the satisfaction the meeting he had the last six months a t this year, is the way the father tells it. M'cklnK re cU cllon of the July 16 Watchtower ing Room, open to the public 873 Ellington Rd., Rev. Robert H. Wellner, Rector be Christian and expressing sea of good will. blue fenders. Is "t'U ih" In t\e Senate, the inner Susannah Wesley Hall. First Congregational Church movement) said. We want to but an expected decrease in magazine article "R evivin g the except on holidays, is located ■South Windsor Joseph Belottl, Lay Reader their Christianity In Salvation Returning to his car. Nixon with Nixon two years ago. He Call him Mr. Kec. He was The police told Kee to come His son looks at him different­ reach the yoimg, and we lielleve pork supply waa seen as offset­ circle of poWr-wleUlers who Spirit of Self-Sacrifice.” Ili'V. Gordon B. Wodhams, of Hebron Army ways.” said the frankness of those bron In China and now lives In a down to the station house later ly now. They don’t talk as easily at 749 Main St. The hours are Community Baptist Church this is only possible through stood for a moment waving ting this. help sha|X" thX legislallve des. Pastor Rev. Herbert O. Kelsey Jr., 8 a.m.. Holy Communion. meetings will prevail during residential borough of New us they onee did, Kee under­ .Mor«> .\rrc8 Biimrd 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday An American Baptist Church our own clean-living young Com. Edward Carey, ter­ hack to the ■crowd. As he held to make charges and then left. liny, and Is sUlFln fairly wide Rev. ,lohn E. RIkteraltis, Pastor their talks today and Sunday. York. He haa three children, stands, and It agimlzea him. St. M ary’s Episcopal Church through Saturday. 685 E. Center St. 10 a.m.. .Family Worship Serv­ people ...” ritorial commander. New York; both arms high, there was a One of the boys approached demand ii.s a piirvo-nr of sen.i WASHINGTON About 318.- Assistajit Pastor He stressed the necessity for one of them a son, 11. ” Hul what lan you tto '” he Church and Park Sts. Rev. Walter II. I.oomls, ice, classes, baby-sitting. Six commissioners, members "W e have fiscal concerns, but great roar from the crowd. Kee, He said Kee had better not torial views and \vl.sdom at 000 acre* of the more than 209 9:30 a.m;. Union Service at the "development of friendly re­ Family ties are strong among said. ‘‘How do you explain lo an Rev. George F. Nostrand, Concordia I.sitherah Church Minister of the High Council that chose our main concerns are ahout There was no question that press Charge.s If he didn’t want OOP fimetlons. million In the National Forests .Masses at 5, 6:46, 7:46, 9, Gilead Congregational Church. lations and peaceful coexistence Mariner 7 the Chinese, and so it was with 11-year-old?” > Rector 40 Pitkin St. TalcottviUe Congregational Gen. Wickberg after long de­ people. Slums are ghettos the welcome was organized. But something lo happen to his sun. Close Henalf-wateheX tend t pnitccted by Forest Service (ire 10:15 and 11:30 a.m. Nursery not provided. as ” a safe way of building a cli­ Mr. Kee and his son. Rev. Stephen Price Rev. Joseph E. Bourret, 9:30 a.m.. Worship Hour. Church liberation, Were asked what was where the riots have erupted.' there was no question either Then the ajiartment superin­ He liHiked at his listener luid agree that Murphy Is miKone of fighter* were burned .In 1966. mate ot confidence,” Recently Kee gave the boy a ruUsed his palms aa If In suppli­ Rev. Timothy Carberry Pastor Communion. Gue.st minister, (United Church of Christ) on their minds. I was quoted In Am erica as that the enthusiasm of the Still Sending tendent took Kee aside and said the more dynamic briiln.s\f the Till* compared with 304,106 St. George’s Episcopal Church The .Romanian president said small motorized bike. The law Rev. Ronald Ilaldeman Rev. Ixmis E. Bauer Jr., the Rev. Frederick R. Bruce. .Sacred Heart Church Rev. Tninian O. Ireland, Com. Samuel Hepburn, nai- saying 'God Is In the riots.’ crowd was genuine: No amount If he would drop the matter, he cation. There was no answer. tnidltlnn-lHUind body. He l\ re acre* In 19*7 Rt. 44A, BoMon he hoped the talks wdth Nixon forbids a child to drive on the Assistant Pastor Topic: "Where Is He Going Rt. 30, Vernon Pastor tional commander, U.S.A. (in­ What I really said was ‘God of party exhortation con drag would see that the bike was Rev. Robert W. Ihloff, Vicar will contribute to the Improve­ street, but he can In a park. So 7:30 a.m.. Holy Communion. Now?” Nursery and Kindergar­ Rev. Ralph Kelley, Pastor cluding Mexico and South Viet­ would us© the riots to stab out spontaneous cheerings, Good Photos reas.sembled and returned. ment of relations between the one day the son and some of his Kee left. But he didn’t go 10 a.m.. Holy Communion. 8:30 a.m.. Holy Communion, ten In the Children’s Building. Rev. Richard Bernier, 10 a.m.. Public Worship. nam), said: "William Booth was awake conscience that has been smiles and warm cries of wel­ 8 a.m.. Holy. Communion. United States and Romania. (Continued from Page One) friends took the new bike out to Sermon by the Rev. Mr. Price. Church School and Nursery. Assistant Pastor 100 years ahead of his time, too long asleep. . .’ Getting the come. Immediately^ to the station 10:16 a.m.. Holy Communion. With his' words translated into a park not far pway to try it house. He was troubled. If he Nursery care tor young chil­ 1 n.m., Elcumenicnu Service The Salvation Army Nursery care. Union Congregational Church though he was considered by slum out of the man means get­ The people were brought out terval between pictures was Romanian as he spoke, Nixon out. signed n complaint, the boys dren, and a Walk in the Park Matins. Richard Cardinal Cush­ 661 Main .St. Masses at 7. 8, 9:15, 10:30 and Rockville some people to be off his rock­ ting the man committed to re­ In government trucks, but It Is a 11:45 a.m. began reading from a prepared shortened. They were approached by would know his name. And tor Kindergarten through Grade ing, archbishop of , guest .MaJ. Kenneth Ijince, Second Congregational Church Rev. Paul J. Bowman, Minister er. I’ll tell you the word: A lit­ ligious values.” good bet they would have come 5. Rev. Lyman D. Reed, text (or the first time on the "The time of the start was not some older boys white who where he lived. His son often NO MOMENT WILL preacher. Dr. O. Karl Olonder, Officer In Charge United Church Of Christ tle daft. Now, 100 years later Com. Hubert Scotney, terri­ on foot if they had to. trip. He said, the United States demanded the bike. The son 7 p.m.. Evening Prayer. president of the New England St. Bernard’s Church Asoociate Minister crucial,” a spokeeman said. "It played around the nelghbor- Rt. 44A, Coventry lo and behold, I heard Ex-Vice torial commander, Australta Nixon struck a warm note In rtands ready "to respond (Irmly said no. There wus u fight. One Synod, will assist in the serv­ Sunday, 8 a.m.. Prayer Rockville ho

PAGE FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HEftALt), MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1969 PAGE FIFTEEN Help Wanted— Mole 36 Garden— Form- THERE 'lITGHTA BE A LAW BY SHORTEN md WHIPPLK Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale. 72 Housos For Stria 72 Dairy Products 50 Out of Town Wantori— Real Estata 77 Wantad— Roai Estara 77 C AR L ZINSSER offers this M ANCHESTER —Custom built For S a k 75 SIX-ROOM Ranch, garage, ALL CApi for your property SELLING YOUR HOME? For PICKED daily, delicious butter MEKI LITTLE NRBLOTT SXRfiHED AT S u T \NHEK| HEWA6 FlNAlU fOUMD, AMD twelve room estate In Man­ 6-room Raised Ranch. (Stove, and sugar sweet corn, cucum­ chester for far. far less than three bedrooms, fireplace. CLASSIFIED BERBY’S WOBLD COVENTRY — Beautiful small -oithlnn 24 hihours. Avoid red ta(}«. prompt courteous service that COLONIAL BOARD CO. dis(x>sal, dishwasher, two-fire- THE BEACH, MOM BLUBBERED BUCHET5*«- restored to her loving arms Instant service. Hayes Agency, bers, stringbeans, vine ripe to­ replacement coat. Call Carl for Well landscaped. Excellent lo­ places, baths, double ga­ farm, over 8 acres, 5-room gets results. Call Louis Dimock 648-0131 Skilled and unskilled. Excellent wages, full-time, matoes, native apples. Buck- details. Belflore Agency, 647- cation. Assumable 5 ^ i>er cent rage. Hutchins Agency, Real home plus 2 rooms roughed-ln Realty. 649-9623. vou rottekj Hid.— i ‘ll^ mortgage. Mid 20’s. Owner. fioor, heat and insulation u|>- 6 days per week, shift differential. Blue Cross) land Farms, Comer Adams 1413. ADVERTISING tors, 649-5324. and Tolland Tpke. TEACH VOU TO WANDER 643-2666. stairs, modern bath, beautiful CMS, life insurance, paid holidays and other fringe OFF,' - WORRVlNG ME BILL COE has just listed a gra­ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS $14,900 — Attractive 6-room hardwood floors, chicken coop, Ruffles and Bows Pixie Boots benefits. cious seven-room Colonial with COLONIAL—Ten rooms. First 8 AJM. to 4:30 PJM. home 2 'oedrooms, dining 40x24' concrete ‘ floor, 12x15' Household Goods 51 the nicest, most private rear floor consists of large living room, hot water baseboard utility building plus several A progressive and expaiiding company. yard you've ever seen! Double room with fireplace, dining heat, attached garage, Hutch­ other buildings In good shape. SEWING MACmNES - singer COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT., A zone, triple A condition. Too room, modem kitchen with ins Agency, Realtors, 649-SSS4. (x>nd sHe, 65 (>oach trees plus iiitoniatic zig-zag, excelleni 615 Parker Str, Manchester many features to list here. built-ins, den, large fam ily 4:.S6 P.M. DAY BEFORE PUBUCATION many other trees. Over $8,000. condition. Makes buttonholes EARN EXTRA Income with Contact Bill at Belfiore Agen­ room, plus finished rec room Income on produce (>er year. hems, embroiders, etc. Orig­ Deadline for Saturday and Monday is 4:30 p.m. Fridar this 3-famlly home in Vernon, Apply Mrs. E. S. Loftus. cy, 647-1413. in basement. Second floor has Price $33,500. Call F. M Gaal inally over 1300., 8 monthl> i L 4 bedrooms. On one acre fully occupied and a good Agency, 643-2682. payments of 18.50 each or pay- TOM CUNNINGHAM dares wooded lot with 2-car attached YOUR COOPERATION WILL equity builder. Only S'*' VIETNAM $-51 ca.she 522-0931 denier anyone to match this centrally RE APPRECIATED garage. Adjoining land may be DIAL 443-2711 Wolverton Agency, Realtors, SOUTH WINDSOR M AN W ANTED to process cus­ located six-room Colonial at 649-2813. tomer orders In automotive Articles For Sale 45 CUSTOM made draperies, slip acquired. $38,900. Philbrick SIZE EQUALS VALUE $22,900. Neat as a pin with INDAIIOK You don't have to be a warehouse, excellent benefits. covers and i eupholstering. Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. Continuad From Hroceding Page------M ANCHESTER — South End. DON'T MERELY brighten your Tom at the Belfiore Agency, SC>MLPesaiR64T|0H mathematician to size - up Call 289-7906, Budget terms.* EstabU.shed In Immaculate like new Califor­ carpets . . . Blue Lustre 647-1413. L IB E R T Y St.. 2-bedrooms, C CAH^ttlOuntOH the value in this oversized 7- them. .. eliminate . rapid rc- 1945, Days, .524-0154 evenlng.ii. Housos For Sak 72 Housos For S a k 72 nia styled Ranch home on the P 0V »tV 10 PER CENT down to qualified porches, garage, new furnace, most attractive acre plus lot room Colonial. 18 foot ntas- soiling. .Rent electric shanw B49-7590 \ ClWSTtJW buyers on our Best Buy List- older 5-room home, walking we’ve ever seen. Priced In the ter bedroom. 14 foot dining MEAT CUTTERS pooer $1. Paul's Paint & Wall- i 1 Vvi \ MANCHESTER — Six - room ,,.' room, 30 foot first floor fam­ Model Home Furniture Ings! Call any one of the "Can distance to schools', churches, Colonial overlooking Center "ANOTESTi^t: high 20’s. Hayes Agency, 646- paper Supply. • immaculate ily room, etc. Exceptional 3^ROOM HOUSEFUL D o" boys at the Belflore Agen- stores. Job transfer. Terrific 4-bedroom Dutch Colonial on 0131. 1\ 1 Park. 1% baths, two-car * buy at $33,900. Please call Openings now available, for G ARAG E SALE, 806 Center St., cy, 647-1413. buy at $21,900. Kenneith Os- park-like 3 acres with experienced meat cutters 19 PIECES \\ garage, large rooms. Immedi­ pond. JJEW LISTING 514 room 649-5306. Manchester, Saturday and trinsky. Realtor, 043-1333. ate occupancy. Hayes Agen­ garage, work barn. All alumi­ in our Hartford area stores. \$297 JOE LOMBARDO thinks this Ranch with three bedrooms. Company offers, excellent Sunday. Augu.st 2 and 3. Books, cy, 646-0131. num .siding, underground wir­ six-room Cape In the Bowers $25,600. — Five-bedroom' Colo­ Sunny kitchen with dining area working condiitons, good toys, games, dishes, clothes, Interior Designer.^v/anl-s rellnblf- ing. A veritable show place. B & W School area is a terrific value. and built-ins, living room has wages and an excellent free miscellaneous. Inrriily or newlywbds to accept nial, 2 full colored tiled baths, JUST LISTED Bel Air Estate, Vincent A. BARROWS and W ALLACE Co, m. In. U. irRTo^STiwSrSSSw M!H£OLA,N,i. Two full baths, shed dormer, flieplace and wall to wall car­ benefit program. Including delivery of com plete'^del Dh ■ family room, 2-car garage, Im­ Large 3-bedroom Ranch, Bogglni, Realtor, 643-9332. Manchekter Parkade * tree shaded lot, partially fin­ pet, walk-out basement. 150x health and accident insur­ AVAILABLE Immeddately play of Quality Fumittimitbre just mediate occupancy. Meyer Parklike yard. Bower's Manchester A49&S06 ished rec room. Call Joe at the 200’ treed lot. $23,500. Wolver­ ance life insurance and Volkswagen Karmann Ghla, removed to warehou.ses fo^Pub- Agency, Realtor, 643-0609. school district, air-condi- BUCKLEY School — Cape, 8 Belfiore Agency. 647-1413. ton Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. pension plan. For personal convertible parts, 40 h.p. en­ ilc Sale. Modem 3 cornp)t*t^ Land For Sale 71 tloried, appliances, many ex­ rooms, 4 bedrooms, 2 fu ll ______VERNON — 8(>ectal financing interview, please contact gine rebuilt, 1200 miles, ex­ room.s with the $1,000 look. >• Apartments— iFlats— Business Locations M ANCHESTER — 3-famdly, in '-I available. Immaculate ' 7-ro6m TW O-FAM ILY, Just listed by tras. Assumable 5% of, baths, formal dining room, M ANCHESTER— Richard Rd. meat manager. cellent condition, transmission, pc. Convertible living Roo.ii X Tenements *'63 MANCHESTER —Over 30,000 excellent condition, on large Dutch Colonial, city water and For Rent 64 Joe Lombardo, 6-6 duplex, mortgage. modern kitchen, living room recent four-bedroom Colonial. door glass, windshield, radio, 6 pe, bedroom. 5 pc. Dlnettf square feet o f business I land treed lot, convenient to bus c IMt NU, lac sewers. IH baths, 3 bedrooms, FO^ RJR R ROOM apartment, three-car garage, 1% baths PALMER REALTY with fireplace, full shed dorm­ Formal dining room, flre- SMALL wheels and frame. 649-5833. $10 down, you may purch.'i.n*- on main road, house on prop­ and shopping. Income over $5,- den or library, formal dining bedrooms,I r o ^ s , 161 Oak St., BOLTON — Manchester town each side'. Convenient to 643-6321. er, basement completely placed living room, huge fam­ "In the words of Satchel Paige, Mr. President, 'Don't FIRST NATIONAL my room Individually. Im erty. Philbrick Agency, Real­ 500. per year. Philbrick Agen­ room, $10,000 down. 6\ per BELL & HOWELL fully auto­ floor, 28^-0471 line, Rt. 6 and 44-A, large schools, shopping, churches, finished o ff with heat, breeze­ ily room, 2H baths double ga­ look back, somethin' may be gainin' on you!'" MEDIUM mediate delivery or t^p^ tors, 646-4200. cy, Realtor, 646-4200. M ANCHESTER —Centrally lo­ cent mortgage. Many extras. STORES, Inc. matic 8 mm. Model 306G mo­ frontage with building. Ideal bus. Aluminum storms and way, 2-car garage, new alumi­ rage plus many refinements. sinragf cated 6-unlt income profierty. Only $3t,900. Colli- Wagner vie projector, camera, 30 LOCUST SLx - First floor, 4 for garden center, roadside AMSTON Lake — 2 acres, screens. A beautiful Best Buy! num siding, $27,600. Philbrick Call Warren E, Howland, Real­ 50 King St., West Hartford, C AP & C eP Charge Plan> MANCHESTER — Garrison Vacancies never a problem. Realty, 643-9088. 875-3396. LARGE rooms, $135. Sefcurity. 646-2426, buslr)ess, retail outlet, etc. 643- total price $4,000. $100 dowm, Ask for Joe at the Belfiore Agency Realtors, 646-4200. tors, 643-1108. Conn, or 269 Ellington Rd., Ekiat screen, spot lighta, never used, Also our own In.stnnt Credp Colonial, 3 huge bedrooms, Out of Town Out of Town 9-5. 2880. budget terms. Beach priv­ Excellent investment. Mid 40’s. TOLLAND, $4,600 down buys Hartford. death in fam ily, 646-3981. Plan Agency, 647-1413. formal dining room, large ileges, immediate possession. Wolverton Agency, Realtors, LARGE L Ranch. Seven rooms. H E N R Y ST. — Kitchen, dining For S o k 75 For S a k 75 this real sharp 5t4-room Ranch, 149 O AKLAND ST. ~ ^ o MAIN ST., coimer office, 3 front-to-back living room, 849-2813. TWO HIGGINS, 100 per cent Amston Lake Co., 1-537-2847. D R IVE by this elegant (Colonial fireplace. buUt-lns, 1% baths, room, living room on first fireplace, built ■ Ins, bay DISCOUNT FURNITURE rooms, heat and appliances. rooms and lavatory. House b baths, knotty pine rec room, huge recreation room, garage, floor. Second floor consists of dacron, one army 100 per cent at 41 Cone Street, then call RICK MERRITT knows where window, acre treed lot. break­ $85. Security. 646-2426 from 9:5 2-car attached garage. Con­ MANCHESTER — 7 - flOOM NORTH COVENTRY — Imma­ 8247 wool sleeping bags like new, WAREHOUSE Hale Bldg. Call 643-2667. Carl Zinsser at the Belflore trees. $27,900. Hutchins Agen­ four bedrooms, one very large. fast bar. freshly (Minted. Only, EXPERIENCED painters want­ NOW 2 BIG LOCATIONS p.m. Houses For Sole 72 Ca()e, large living room, culate 5^-room Ranch. G«- there is a ten room house on 31 irrt. $12 each; 2-burner Coleman Agency to Inspect. 647-1413. veniently located, $32,000. Jac- cy, Realtors, 649-5324. Two-car garage. $23,900. Phli- $23,000. Colll-Wsgner Realty, ed. Call after 6 p.m., 649-9668. 3580 Main St. HartforO VERNON — Brand new office formal dindng room, fireplace, rage, enclosed breeseway, fire­ eatate-llke grounds with 275’ 2606 2 camp stove never used, $12; quellne-Roberts Agency, 646- brick Agency, Realtors, 646- LOOKING for an apartment? sjiace available at 30 La- M ANCHESTER — Six - rouin place. Fruit trees Immediate of lakefront — yes lakefront 643-9088, 875-3396. 2 wood extension ladders, 20', 522-7249 D R IVE by this large tree shad­ 3339. garage, treed lot, convenient NEW LISTING — Cape Cod 4200. Have many to choose I r o m, FajMte Square. Rent includes Oape ,wjfh garage, beamed occuptmey. Only $22,600. Pasek pro()erty. Call Rick for further Tyitn a ili-imin* style with (form er Fuller Brush bldg. i ed Colonial at 114 Henry St., location, $26,500. Philbrick home, 6 rooms, 3 or 4 bed- BOLTON — Vacant Spllt-tMvel. and a Ihiw tu-d Stitch this M>ft (lair of Salesmen Wanted 36-A and 24', $16 each. 643-5463. $145. up. Paul W. Dougan Real­ ceiling and fireplace tn li'ving Realtors, 289-7476, 742-8243. details at the Belfiore Agency, 175 Pine 81. Maqche.sto’ heat, air-conditioning, wall to then let Carl Zinsser show you CAPE — Modem Mtchen, liv­ Agency, 646-4200. room, 114 baths, jaiousied Three bedrooms, fireplace, ga­ ix'lt fo r that little giil I’lXie boots from fell, tor, 649-458iS. wall cai^ting and draperies. room. Nice secluded yard. Oh ing room with raised hearth 647-1413. then trim with tint Im-I1s IMMEDIATE opening available ' 646-2332 through the Immaculate In­ sun (xjrch, garage, city utili­ rage, l ^ acre lot. Price only hxik! A |>crfcct dress for Will sub-dIVide. Call 872-00'ZO, bus line. Owner transferred fireplace, formal dining room, MANCHESTER —Price reduc­ Lots For Sak 73 BOLTON Lake — Waterfront and satin I'ihhoii! .So. for experienced real estate HOMEMADE stuffed, animals (former Norman's Furr! 118 Main St. Three-room apart­ terior. We defy comparison In ties, $23,900. Philbrick Agency JUST U 8 T E D — A 9-room $21,900. H.M. Frechette, Real­ imilher and dnughlei' to weekdays. and anxious. Assumable mort- three bedrooms, walk-out base­ ed on this a(>aaious 4-bedroom, California style home, 3 bed­ wear when pai Iv-tminn, 2(')(Hi has iiatlein pieees; broker or salesman who 9” tp 12", 60c. 047-9613. Warehouse ment. Heat, hot water, and ap­ the mid-twenties. Belfiore Realtors. 646-4200. COLUM BIA—31,000 square foot estate. The very beat. Call for tors, 647-9993. garage, PIT $138. H.M. Fre­ ment, breezeway, attached ga­ center entrance Colonial In rooms, large enclosed (»rch TWO SEl’AllATK I'AT full directions foi small, desires to affiliate with a 31 corner of Pine & Forest St.si pliances. $125. Security, adults. Agency, 647-1413. wooded lot fronting on Colum­ details. Belflore Agency, 647- medium and lai'Ke sizes 'PICNIC tables, all sizes and 46b MAIN ST. — Store or office, chette, Realtors, b47-9993. rage. Beautifully treed acre with sundeck overlooking lake. C O VEN TR Y — $1,900 down. TE R N S. No. 8'J4C. with progressive organization offer­ Mon.-FrI. 0-9. Snt. 9-C 648-2426, 9 to 5 p.m. preferred tocaUon, convenient MANCHESTER -O versized 8- bia Lake. Call Warren E. How­ 1413. inclusive. .styles. $25 and up delivered. W. $130, includes heat, 646-2426, MANCHESTER —Custom 8- lot. $24,900. Philbrick Agency, to schools, stores and Philbrick Agency, Realtors, Price reduced. Nine-room rnnTiM’.vim; Is in Sizes CAPE — 6% rooms, taste­ room Cafte. Four bedrooms, land. Realtors, 843-1108. lINf 964 Is csiti ttt IKS ss« ing full facilities of a realtor. Zlnker, Wlndsorvlllc Rd,, El FOUR ROOMS furniture, dishes 9-5. room Split, 2 baths, 2-car ga­ 646-4200. Split. Fireplace, fam ily room, 10 to 18, bust H'J4 In 40...... NHM Q U IE T 5-room flat, first floor, Realtors, 646-4200. churches. Assumable mort­ fireplace, all bullt-ins, fam ily ___ EAST H ARTFORD — Just list­ Itrs It IssIsSe nri|.cltu aisiHst We offer you your own desk, fully decorated. Modem kitch­ Size I'J. !U bust . . . 34 Aaae t'abet, .Uaararstrr llnglon, 875-n,397. and linen, garden tools, very garage, no pets, 2 or 3 people. rage, built-in kitchen. Beauti­ gage, owners anxious for quick tot ed. Beautifully restored. ai>a- two-oar garage. Exterior needs yards of 4.'i-,ineh, Nn. 8'JIT and a chance to develop at en, fireplace, rec room in ONE-YEAR old Ranch, ndee room, walk-out patio. Excellent COVENTRY Building HEBRON Must sell. Three- Kvealaa HersM. IIM AVI: good condition. 66 Bllyeu Rd., 843-8810. ful near acre wooded lot with sale. Philbrick Agency, Real­ condlUon. Don't wait. H.M. with lake privileges, 7 minutes clous, gracious Victorian Co­ some work. Only $18,900. H.M. with l•ltnT(^■•U'ln^: is in ni^ASn^lCAH. Si:a VOMk. your own pace. Excellent com­ SCREENED loam, processed 640-6344. walk-out basement. Many sized fireplaoed living room, bedroom Ranch, modern kitch­ Houses For Rent 65 privacy and brook. Hayes ______tors, 646-4200.______Frechette, Realtors, 647-9993. from water. $600. Call F .M. lonial. Bight rooms, 2-car ga­ Frechette, Realtors, 647-9993. Sizes 3 to R yeais. Size 3, mission arrangement with gravel, gravel, uind, stone, SIX-ROOM duplex, 3 children extras. Treed lot. Assumable 15x15 master bedroom, one en with built-lns, 2 full baths, IrisI assw, SSSrsti «tdi til Agency, 646-0131. rage. Newly (Minted and dec­ 1 4 yards o f 4f>-inrh. cost sss this Ns«aw. good earning potential. For an fill. George H. Grlffing Inc FRIGIDAIRB electric stove; maximum. Available Sept. jst. 2'^ ROOM COTTAGE, utilltiiee 6% per cent mortgage. Mid acre tot, garage, rear porch. FOUR-ROOM* Ranch: inoor to MANCHESTER fireplace, first floor family BOLTON -Ijir g e Ranch, four UM SH Is tsiat Ht sssa sst- orated. ,Mr. Coe, Belflore Send -M)r tcHlny for the • appointment to discuss this Andever 742-7888. GE refrigerator, self-defrost­ furnished, country atmos­ 20’s Owner, 643-6520. MANCHESTER — Immediate Asking $29,900. Keith Agency, room or fourth bedroom, bedrooms, two full batha. for­ Itni It iMlaSs Snl'Slstt sudlst $125 per month. Cull 643-4884.' oeiling stone fire p la c e . R^nch, one year young offers CX)VENTRY - Building lot In Agency, 647-1418. new 'fill Ksll and Winter opening, call- Mr. • Werbner, ing; wing back chair; break­ phere, $30. weekly. 742-8161. occupancy. Ten-room older 646-4126, 649-1922. Beamed ceiling, (>aneled walls, (nrtlally finished recreation mal dining room, medem kitch­ Hae Nsnirll, Maararslrr CO M PLETE Ham .nhuck, swan M ANCHESTER — Under con- large fireplaced living room, excellent neighborhood with ICvsalas HsimM, Ills AVI: AI.HUM’ Jarvis Realty Cb;,. 648-1121. fast set, chrome; stair carpet; MANCHESTER — One - bed­ home, fam ily kitchen, hot wa­ attached oversized garage, room with walk-out basement, EAST Hartford —Just listed, en with bullt-lns, 3-car ga­ o r AMKHB AH. NIIW VtlMIl. 350, AG-DC, power supply. stmetion, 3-bedroom Raised beautifully cablneted eat-ln artesian well and septic sys­ newts SUHT1 . . . tu ssss- Lawn-boy lawnmower, gai^en room garden type apartment, ter heat, aluminum siding, 2- MANCHESTER — Two-story (xirch. $15,900. Hayes Agency, well Iandsca(>ed 84 acre lot. ' Seven-room Itolsed Ranch with rage. large lot, near high N.Y. IttiS sss see Ui Il••lt SssicMl Mobile antennas, trl-band Mos­ Ranch, formal dining room, kitchen, dining room, 1V4 tem. Win consider financing. frial assH. MWtK »«S III tools and many other house­ private entrance, ranch type, Our of lown car garage, 2V4 acres. Char- home, two baths, 4-5 bedrooms, 646-0131. Assiunable mortgage. Owners 2-car garage, raised hearth a<-h(Hil. $26,900. Philbrick Agen­ P s n m s l t s s i , Wcsrtlses tm s d large living room, 1>4 baths, baths, 3 bedrooms, one-car ga­ $4,000. Call F. M. Gaal Agency, estt, Ityls asuksc saS tlas. sMI S lS l — 9S4 s lesTl H I W antad— ley 3 clement, monitor scope hold items. 649-3482. $145. per month. Available Im­ Bon Agency, 643-0683. central location. Newer fur­ cy. Realtors, 646-4200. For Rent 66 finished family room, choice rage. In new area of fine 643-2682. anxious. $24,900. Philbrick fireplace. Double closeU, large Male or Female 37 and others. 643-6310. Call after mediately. Paul W. Dougan, nace. Lot of house for $20,500. BEAUTIFUL Split Level, as­ of colors. Sept. 1st occupancy. homes, $31,800. Jacqueline- Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. roofed rear deck. Paneled fsm- 6 . CLEAN. USED refrigerators Realtor, 649-4535. M ANCHESTER — 4-bedroom Hayes Agency, 646-0131. sumable mortgage Shi per ______lly room, fleldstone walls, 3 SCHOOL BUS drivers for East ranges. automatic -vasher.'- $36,opo. Jacqueline - Roberts Cape, completely remodeled, Roberts Agency, 646-3339. ROCKVILLE — 4 rooms with cent, 3 nice bedrooms, ga­ T A pniTITI IM P RflRKRTS BOLTON —Charming 8-room lovely landsca()ed acres. A Windsor. Apply now for Sep­ DARK RICH stone free loam, wlth gudrantee.s. See them at NEW ONE and two-bedroom tie Agency, 646-3339. JUST listed 6-room Colonial Forms For Seda 76 heat, $116. Call 649-2871. lovely first floor family room, rage, large corner tot. Full FOUP. bedrooms, older 7-room JAmUE-LlWh, nucr.rt.lB chimney Cape. Im- rare find. Mr. Coe. Belflore tember. O o^ pay. Leslie Col­ five yards, $16. Sand, gravel, B.D. Penrl'a Appliances 849 luxe garden type apartments front-to-back living room, featuring country size kitehen. AGENCY MANCHESTER — 6 - room price $23,500. Call on this one. home with tots of .Improve­ maculate four bedrooms, 2'-4 Agency, 647-1413. HAM PTON. Conn. Half way lins, 1224 Sullivan Ave., Wap- atone, fill, manure, pool and Main St Call 648-2171 available now. Call Paul ANDOVER — 4-room heated frultwood kitehen, 2 baths, H i baths, garage, pri'vate Ranch, aluminum siding, ga­ Mitten Realty, Realtors, 643- ments too many to mention, baths, beautifully Uindsca|>ed. between Wllllmantlc and Dan­ ping, 644-1467. patio sand. Call 643-9504. W. Dougan. Realtor, 649-4535 apartment, adults. Call 742- formal dining room, one-car treed yard. Low 20's. Keith AMSTON Lake —Immaculate Y O U ’R E HAMMOCK and frame, u.'^ed rage, Immediate occupancy. CSSO. large lot, dead end street, own­ Over one acre site. 160 x Shade and fruit trees, stone ielson, 70 acres, 3000' frontage 7676 for appointment. garage, on large lot in fine Agency 646-4126, 649-1922. 300’ on West Middle Tpke. 3-bedroom, large cottage. Just TOBACCO cloth for sale, suit­ once; flower cart, free pots. Only $17,900. Char-Bon Agen­ er anxious, $21,000. Wolverton walls. Select neighborhood. on two roods, asking $350 (Mr LAR G E 3V4 pooim aipartment. NEW LISTIN G -7-room Cape, near hospital, RC-RB zon­ ste()S from lake. Cool, tree- able for lawns, bushes, trees 643-9143. residential neighborhood, $29,- Minutes to new Route 6. Louis acre, only one third down. Furnished or unfurnished, with cy, 643-0683, 640-4693. JUST LISTED — Three-bed­ with full shed dormer, large Agency Realtors, 649-2313. ed. Presently consisting of shaded tot, $12,600. Fast sale Situatlom Wanfod— 900. Jacqueline-Roberts Agen­ Dimock Realty, 649-9823. Four-s[Mrtment house, sturdy and grass. 872-6587, Route 80, appliances, carpeting and Resort Property room Ranch with fireplace, a 2-family and a single lm(jeratlve. Belflore Agency. INVITED . . . MANCHESTER—Immaculate 4 cy, 646-3339. living room with fireplace, for- MANCHESTER $1,900 down. construction, artesian well, Rockville. Olympic pool. (Children accept­ cathedral ceiling, two-car ga­ fam ily unit. Ideal for pro­ Fam al* 38 Musical Instruments 53 For Rent 67 and 4 duplex. N ear bus line mal dining room, recreation Four-room Colonial. Two-car VERNON — This ^bedroom 647-1413. Ask for Mr. Merritt. new 4-soned heating system, ed. 872-0872 or 526-0994. FOUR-bedroom Ranch, garage, rage. Situated on a wooded fessional or multiple de­ VLUMINUM bHEETS - Used and shopping. Tw o heating room, 1>^ baths, enclosed rear garage. Needs some work but Ranch on 2 gorgeous acres of HARTFORD - $18,200. choice location, benullful W IL L CAR E for Infant or small SPANISH "F-Hole" guitar. LAKESIDE cottage for rent. large lot, full cellar. Can you two-acre tot. Large sundeck off velopment. May be pur­ as printing pistes. .009 thick TH R E E - BEDROOM town- systems, separate driveways. porch, on treed lot, $29,900. who cares at this price. $18,- shade, shows handoome profit, To Gracious Living! child, m y home, day or eve­ Good condition, with case, $40 Put your speed boat in and top this for $19,900. Mitten the kitchen. $23,900. Philbrick chased Individually, 80 x land can be yours. It la an Five-room Ranch, hot water 23x30". 25 cents each or 5 for Excellent value at $22,900. Philbrick Agency, ReaHors, 900. H. M. Frechette, Realtors, asking $20,000, only, one fourth ning. $20. weekly 640-9764. house apartment Includes utili­ go Water skiing too or just Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. 300’ lots. ideal starter or retirement (,,^1. basement, large trees, Ask for Tom, 643-9471. Realty, Realtors, 643-6930. 646-4200. down. Four-bedroom Cs (m , tl. Call 643-2711 ties, appliances, parking, luxury in the sun. Mitten Real­ Hayes Agency, 646-0131.______647-9993. home. It was custom built 12 school, bus line. Hutch- stale highway, oil con­ C private basement and patio. years ago and has plarter Agency. Realtors, iH9-8S24, ty, Realtors, 643-6930. CUSTOM buUt brick homc.Slx HIGHWOOD Drive, better than JACQUEUNE-ROBERTS Situations W onted- Call J.D. Real Estate Asso­ walla and o4l hot water heat. veniences, one acre (orl more, Wanted— To Buy 58 large rooms, fireplace, garage, new, 7-room Colonial with ev­ AGENCY WHEN—-Tomorrow, a n y o n e TO FINISH ciates, 643-5120. MOUNT Snow — Vermont. Owner wants to finance. For VERNON New IJiHIng. vacant, immediate occupancy, Male 39 patio, trees. Highland Park W ANYED — Antique furniture Three-bedroom Chalet. Golf erything, over 2500 sq. ft. of 646-3339 more detalU call Peter F. I-arge new Ranch. Three twln- reduced to $I1,0(X), only 28 par School. Only $24,900. Hutchins graceful living area. Prime lo­ Sunday 2-5 P.M. HIGH SCHOOL groduate will MONTHI.Y PAYMENTS OF glass, pewter, oil palnllugs oi 36 M AIN ST., 2 rooms, heat and and swimming nearby. $75 Orady, Real Ealate, 643-2594. sized bedrooms, butit-ln kitrh cent down. Free brochure. By electricity, $86. monthly. Call Agency, Realtors, 649-5324. cation, top quality and unique apixilntment. Hochberg Farm ON 1968 SEWING MA- othe- antiqiie Hem.- Any weekly. Available now. 648- en. formal dining room, large o4tf*31v6. 649-2866 before 5 p.m. floor plan makes this an out­ WERNON Agency, North Windham, qu.ir'tlly. The Harrisou'.s, U4.J. 0667. M ANCHESTER — Custom 8- HIGHLAND Park Area — Large living room with fireplace, two ertiNE S. 040-6076. 8700, 165 Oakland Street. standing offering. Hayes Agen­ lot. could be divided Into two WHERE ELSE baths, two-car garage, l-argr phone 1-456-9617. WE HAVE tenants waiting for room Split Level, 4 spMcious COTTAGE for rent— Columbia cy 646-0131, evenings Mr. Han building lots. City utllltlew. $10.- Coiild you find a 4-bedroom lot. A real beauty for $32,000 your apartment or house. Call bedrooms, fireplaced living WHERE— 114 Hmry Stroof Dogs— Birds— Pots 41 WANTED - ANTIQUES, used Lake, four rooms, modern dler, 649-7613. 000. Ask lor Mr. Philbrick. Colonial with 2 'i baths, H.M. Frechette, Realtors, 647- furniture, partial or complete Paul W.„JJougan Realtor, 649- facilities, boat. Call 228-3803. room, formal dining room, GROOMING all breeds. Hnr FANTASTIC savings available well designed kitchen, 3 baths, Philbrick Agency. Realtors, wall to wall flre(>l|icc, dls- 0993 Wantad— tool Eitota 77 estates. Call 633-2:100 days. 016- 4535. (xwal, dishwasher, oven and mony Hill. H.C. Chase. Hebron now on all 1969 model Zenith fireplaced fam ily room, 64^4200. 0004 after 7 p.ni. range, city water and sew- SOITH WINDSOR HEIXJNO Your Home, Buying Rd.. Bolton. 648-5427 radios, stereos, and color TV's. plastered walls, on % acres. Wanted To Rent 68 PRICE SLASHED HIGH TR EE D lot In AA zoned era—plus wooded lot for a Home For prom(X efficient WHAT— A Spocious, Gracious We must make room for 1970 HOUSEHOLt' lots — Antiques, FOUR ROOM flat, second floor, Designed for the young execu­ ELBOW ROOM GA1/)RE TWO KITTENS looking for area. Executive and profez- $35,900? Call Jim Florence Nine simeious rooms, four service It B AssiKlste Brok- models now being Introduced. brld-n-brac. clocks, frames, adults. 643-H;«0. M i d d l e a g e working couple, tive. A must see home. $40,- BUY TODAY good home. Call 649-6480 after alonal neighborhood. Over '/4 and find out! 649-5306 or 675- bedrooms, 7 acres with out­ erii. 649-9925. Colonial On A Stop In at our new showroom glassware. We buy estates. Vtl- would like 3 or 4 rooms, pre­ 900. Jacqueline-Roberts Agen­ 6:30 anytime weekends. and service center at 805 Hart­ WB HAVE customers waiting ferably on bt^ line. 648-1012. acre of prime land. Mr. Coe, 6611 building. E le ^ n t Interior. jage Peddler, Auctioneer. 420 cy, 646-3339. We are offering you a hofne FAMII..Y lookli^ for 2-bedr(*>m ford Rd., (Next to 'Gun's). for' the rental of your apart­ Belfiore Agency 647-1413. Floor to celling flre()lsce In Troo-Shodmi Lot AKC Collies, exceptionally Lake St., Bolton. 640-3247 where you ran enjoy living ho4aie In Manchester sres Call Modern TV Service, 643-2205. ment or home. J.D. Real Es­ MANCHESTER — Truly Im­ living room, flre(>laced rvs - beautiful, healthy, sturdy, at a greatly reduced price. AMSTON LAKE — Waterfront B (Sl W Meriden 1-217-4744 Wo also sell Gibson and tate Associates, Inc., 648-5129 Business Property maculate 5-room Ca()e, full ruition room, all Andermin liable and white. 568-4210. This reduction In price will and wooded water views. Em- BARROWS and W A IX A C E Co. Chrysler alr-tomp air-condl- dormer, front-to-back living . Thermo()ane windows and Rooms Without Board 59 LOOKING for anything In, real F^r Sale 70 help offset the high Interest joy Immediately, beaches, Maneherter Pai;knde SELLING YOUR HOL'SK? tiuners. room, baths, enclosed much more Asking $47,500 Como, buy a difloronco in tho way you liva. REGISTERED AKC, small estate rentals — apartments, rales. boating, fishing, winter s(x>rts. Munchc-ster 649-5306 I gui-.riintee In writing a $300 TOE THOMPSON House — Got BUSINESS zone — Stone build­ 649-5306. iii white miniature poodles, (xjrch, oversized garage, deep Ice skating, etc. $10 down. Bud- minimum news(si|>cr advertis­ Room to roam, from the country kitchan to M ILLIONS of rugs have been (age St. centrally located, large homes, multiple dwellings, no ing consisting of four unit grandfather champion $90. fees. Call J. D. Real Estate lot. Immediate occupancy. Low This immaculate 3-bedroom get terms from $795. Amston “'OR discriminating buy- ing program on all 90.ilay ex- the ample attic! cleaned with Blue Lustre. It's aparimdnts. Three house trail­ ** _ ^ . asr* ts Vs a 4t I i w9 m 429-4450. pleasantly furnished rooms, ao’s Wolverton Agency. Real­ split level home Is located er. we have just listed a cen­ B & W cluxlvea. America's finest. Rent electric Associates, Inc., 643-6129. er papidng lots. Excellent in­ Lake Co. 0(>en 7 days. Cot- parking. Call 649-2358 for over­ tors, 649-2813. in Woodhill Heights on a ter chimney, authentic Co- b a r r o w s and W AIJ.ACE Co. IisJly etivrrsgr In mon- than shamfXHier, $1. The Shorwln- come, Philbrick Agency. Real- tagea available. 537-2647. sight and permanent guast FOUR-ROOM apartment, stove, professionally landsca(>ed lot lontal Cape nestled In the hills Maneherter Psrkade one news[ia|>er Priced moderately In the mid-twenties. Wllliams Co. tors,/646-4200. CUTE little kittens need a good rates refrigerator, heat, gas and M ANCHESTER —Large Split. in an area of fine homes. of Glastonbury in a pic- Maneheater 649 5306 ~ I>H JS home, trained. Free. 640-9236. Two baths, fireplace, garage. K E E l’ your carpels beautiful electricity. Adults only. $160. 391 C E N TE R Street, an eight Such extras as wall to wall ^ ^ o g o fty ROOM for rent, gentleman on­ Excellent location. Wall to w ‘ »'»<• “ '» despite constant footsteps of a 59 Holl St. ro^m home with 2-car garage y car(>cling. air-eonditlonlng, nelghborho^^ For appplnt- VERNON hour - bedrorrm „.,vem »ed In Us ,.wn FOR SALE — affcctlomite 3- ly, central location, free park­ wall carpeting. Clean home. 74 busy family. Oct Blue Lustre. located In business II zone. custom dra(>es and 2 full ment call Philbrick Agency. Colonial plus family room. ... , year-old Bassett Hound. Call ing. Hofereneos preferred. Call H.M. Frechette, Realtors. 647- THE WILUAM L BELFIORE AOENOY Rent electric shninpooer, $1. UweUlng could be easily con­ bath.*- add to the many WATERFRONT lot Bolton 646-42pb. living room, flrrplnce. formal * " . after 6, 649-4456. 649-8150 or 643 2693. Fumishud 9993. IMnewootl Furniture. verted for professional or com­ amenities. For an ap(»lnt- Lake. This lot la dry and well dining room^ kitchen with E V E R Y W L I . K L N T I L TO LLAN D 6-roorn ^ m only $32,900 S O L D REALTORS 647-1413 FURNISHED room for gcntlo- Apartmants 63>A mercial occupancy. Robert J. mcnl to insfwct call Doris cleared In good acce|>Uble SCOTTISH Castle — ten rooms, built Cape with m baths full „ „ Krecbelle. Realtors. 647 U N S A Y R E A L T Y Articks For Sak 45 nian, all eonvenloncos, [>ark- Smith, Inc., 963 Main Street. Smith, 649-2519. area. CJ. Morrison Realtor, Boatsand Accassorks 46 ONE-ROOM furnished efficien­ NEW LISTING OF AN OLDER HOME on 45 acres of land, painstak­ dormer, one-car garage, love- csomru- Ing. near bius Hue. Please Call 149-5241. ingly restored 17th century 643-1015. ly wooded tot situated In the fi19-9ir,H SAVE Big! Do you own rug and 640-6914. cy apartment. Apply Marlow's; upholstery cleaning with Blue SCORPION sailboat. In second 867 Main St., Manchester. .MANCHESTER — Prime re­ with the greatest respect for the ultra mbdern home with Its luxury appointments, yet former Grist mill. Waterwheel .lARVIS REALTY CO. hills of Tolland. T, J. Crockett, SOtlTH WINDSOR 9-room W ANTED Farm or old hoUM aea'^on, all flberghiSj ex­ AMSTON iMke Two bed- „ Lustre. Rent electric sham- NICE ROOM for gentleman, call location for sale. Large there are those precious people for whom the charm of an older home more than com­ that generates your own elec­ rooms, large lot. 100 feet from '’Beallor, 875-6279. Raised Ranch, 21-4 baths, 2- with latwl where we rould keep cellent condition. blue and ATTRACTIVE, 3-roOwn- BOLTON New on white .sail, $425. 228-3018 after ed. heated, apartment. Large with water rights. For further market. Woodhrliige SI. Call 640-5062. ty parking. Call H. M. Fre­ Such a home—of a style (when It wAs built) known as a California Bungalow—la now 283 E, Center St.. 643-1121 er sacrifices, $7,500. Amston Hralthwalte Ageney, 649-4593. desirable but not essential. 4 :,30. closets. Private entrances. Information call - Philbrick 54-room Ranch with complete­ "Worry is like a rocking chair — it keaps chette, Realtors. 647-9993. a\milable In an old established neighborhood on delightfully tree-shaded Canabridge Street! iMke Co , 1-537-2647, Open 7 GARAGE SALE CENTRAL, clean nxmi for Parking. Adults. No pels. 643- All on one floor, there's a gracious living room, a spacious dining room. 2 bedrooms, kitchen Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. ly finished basement, big wood­ COVENTRY Restorwl 6- ^ *" ***■’*** days. ed tot 160x300', fine restdenllsl you busy, but it doasn't gat you any- Saturday, Aujr. 2. . gentleman, .separate entrance 4860. , ( . and small den, full basement, an ever-so-pleasant front porch, garage, trees and shrubs. room. 4-bedrm. ixirklng. 0>11 Inv«stm*nt Proparty Of course, as In any older home, theife are things to be done to make It YO U R home, MANCHESTER One owner fireplaces, original wide floor house, 116.600. Manchester whera." gootl condition, $75. 643-5463. 4'» ROOM DUPLEX, I'a baths. lly. Best of condition. Fire­ cu(>sncy, T.J. Crockett, R eal­ Several colonial Items. 619-4256. otherwise It might not be so attractively priced! Shown by appointment—and It will be Ca(>e. Six full rooms inrludlng boards. 2-car garage. 7 acres ares Flruinrlng no (>r»blem Ideal for young singles, male For Sak 70-A Hours 9-5. a pleasure! place in each apartment, three bedrooms, formal din­ Out of Town tor. 643-1577 Bel'Air Real Estate. Vincent 643-7S61 after 4 pm No CLEAN ROOM for gentleman. or female, $185. J. D. Real stoves and refrigerator. Re A. Bogglni Realtor. S43-9312. agenle - Gardan— Farm - EAST HARTFORD all brick 4- ing room, spacious kitchen. GI-A8TONBURY - 50 E. Middle Tpke. Inquire 4 Pearl St. Mrs. De- Estate AssoO. 643 6129. cent wiring and plumbing For Sola 75 family, 4 room.s each' apart­ Owner transferred. $23,500. built 3-bedroom Raised Ranch Dairy ProdMcts 50 Mute.' Cali early. Mid 20;s. Wolve- ROCKV1IJ.E 3 rtxmis, all ment, buiU-tns including air- WALTON W. GRANT. AGENCY Wolverton Agency, Realtors, GLASTONBURY—Hebron area. offers prestige area, unique de­ FIRE AND police radlo-recelv- COHN, tomatoes, cucumbers,. ton Agency. 649(2813. Immaculate 4-bedroom Cape, ROOM for rent, kitchen priv­ utilities. $110 monthly. 649- conditioners, 5 years old. An Lillian Grant — Realtor — 643-1163 649-2813. sign and attractive decor ?r, $35. AC 110-120 o f IH' 12V .squash, heels, 21 Angel St., built 1962. fireplace, aluminum ileges. laundry facilities. 649- 8881. excellei\t Investment. Wolvcr- JUST LISTE D —5-room Ranch, throughout, fireplaced living car. 646 4622. Manchester. NEW LISTING 5-room Cape, aiding, large wooded lot, 122.- M29. ton Agency Realtors, 649-2813 three bedrooms, with eat - In room, formal dining room, 24 with unfinished attic, fireptace, 900. Meyer Agency. Resllor, kitchen, carpeted bath, de­ baths, large eat-ln kitchen, Open House: Sunday, August 3— 2 to 5 P. gjirage. aluminum siding. bn 643-0609 FURNISHED room for-rent, Business Locations tached 2-car garage, full base­ sundeck. fireplaced fam ily gentleman pivferred, eentral- treed lot, $25,900 Philbrick Foi' Rant 64 ment. 100 X 200' private lot. Agency, Realtors. 646-4200. TOLLAND New listing. Own­ room. 2-car garage, on beauti­ ly located, private entrance, Osmer anxious. $21,900. Wol- fully treed lot, $43,900 Jac­ MANl'HESTER Central lo­ er moving out of state Only ample '(larking. 649-6271. Terton Agency, Realtors. 649- ALTON STREET Eight-room queline-Roberts Agency. 646- Brownstone Apartments Open Today cation 5.000 square feet of $21,200 for 5‘-»-rtxim Ranch, 2813. home with "in-law” a(»irtment warehouse apace, small office, basement garage, storms and 3339 In center of Town Three bed­ large lot T J. Crockett. Real­ OakJaad Htreet (Route H3) MaAcheatar Apartmants— Flak— (larking area, reasonable MANCHESHTER — Executive rooms up (sun(K>rch could be VERNON Redecorated 7- terms. Hayes Agency. 646-0131. tor, 875-6279 1 fo 5 P.M. Tanamants 63 ROYAL ARMS 3-4 bedroom Colonial in fine a fourth and the bath: down room Split level, 90x200 Ic4. residential ares. $29,500. Call there are five rooms, living COVENTRY Nice, clean 4 Ideal for In-law sltustlon Sub­ FIVE-ROOM apartment, sec­ SMALL STORE near 100 per J.D. Real Estate Associates. room, dining. m(xlem kitchen, room Ranch, targe paneled liv- stantial cash or owner asolat- Faaturifig: L a iw r 1 and 2 Bedn Apartwenta ond floor, $130, adult family. cent Main Street location. A(v FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT— 66S-SU9. lavatory. Uundo' room and. In Ing room, 2 twirt-sized bed­ ed financing Will aaaume ('athadraJ (eUiace Security and references. Call ply Marlow's, 867 Main Street THE TERESA APARTMENTS 2 B«droom Town House Apartments the rear, additional living rooms. eat-ln Kitchen, year present 6*-. per cent mortgage 643-9285. NEW U S T IN G - a ea n 6-room Heal and Hot Water FOR R E NT OI ssle-461 Main room and bedroom Full base­ 'round home, new furnace. $154 61 monthly- Bel Air Real FEATURING: Hot Point AppI iances including Range, Refrigerator Ca(>e. fireplace in living roian. Hotpoint Range. Refiigeiator, Dishwaalier and DIepowel* M ANCHESTER Suburb Five Slrest^ Building and lot nsxt ment ' throughout. New gas douMe lot Only $12 500 Keith Estate. Vincent A. Bogglni. ONE MAIN STREET and Dishwasher , enclosed (Xirch, city utilities iwom second fliHir t.(iarthient to Post Office Excellent loca­ best, new ^ plumbing, w ir­ Agency. 646-4126 . 649-1922 Realtor 643^9332 Air Conditioeiiiig '' Conn. Natural Gas $23,000. Philbrick Agency Real­ In two-family home. Garage. tion (or any use 646-2426 from ing. etr Thi« home •is tn ex- — ■V Wall-to-«aJl Carpeting wMANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT 4 to S p.m \ Wall-to-Wall Carpating tors. 646-4200 ce(>tidnal condition. Aluminum COLUMBIA LAK E 44-rpom - , ... EAST Hartford Nine-room $121' monthly plus utilities. Raised Ranch, In one of East PriraU BaeenutiU Ai'ulta, preferred. Hayes Agei Full Privata Basamants JUST USTED- 5-5 two family siding, two-car garage, over- Ranch on approximately one sized lot ImmedUte occu- $16,500 Philbrick Agen Hartford's finest residential \ cy 646(0131. \ (;atagaB A n d k bb FURNISHED OFFICE V One and a half Caram^c Tiled Baths ' duplex, ceramic baths, la ^ e area, 4 .bedrooms, frultwood $155. per month living rooms, two-car attached (jancy. Sensibly priced under Realtors. 646-4200 S.MALl, 4 room u(iartment. sec­ For rent on Main St. $65 Excellent Location Convenient to th irty, thousand dollars. T. J kitchen, large fireplaced living Renting From fldO garage, full basement with BOLTON Center . Large four ond door. .Main St., over Security dt<(xi.s|t required Crockett. Realtor. 643-IS77, room, loaded with extras. 1 4 Churches, Buses, and Shopping laundry liook-ups. Beautiful bedroom ranch with extensive bakery at Center, heat includ­ IdiNil for real e.itate or In- baths, plush throughout. $36. Offering the ultimate in modern conveniences grounds. Mid 20'z. Wolverton M ANCHESTER Walk to view to the east 10 rooms In 300 Jacqueline Roberts Agen ed. $95 (UM- month. 649-5781 or suranee office, "^RENTALS AT $205.00 PER MONTH 'Hv^potnir Agency. Realtors, 649-2813. 646-0299. / schools and shopping from this all. 1 4 baths, built-in two car cy. 146 n is ALL ELECTRIC garage Separate tool shed tn ___ 643-9678 CALL MA14CHESTER — Price reduc­ 7-room Cape with sttacbed ga­ the rear that serves many SOUTH WINDSOR 6 io im JD REAL ESTATE ASSO Ci Inc. NEW plush one ami 2-bedrOom ed. Gfight-room Colonial. Ex- rage. Formal dining room, uses. Over an acre of graos Ranch. ' Paneled and beat- ExetaeiTe Realal Ageat— E43-S129 a(>artmenls. wall to wall car­ F IV E —room suite of front Main J. D. REAL ESTATE ASSOC, INC (CeHent area. Needs arork but fireplaced living room. Excel­ PAUL W. DOUGAN, Realtor. pets, dishwasher, appltance.^, I U £ lent condition. $22,900 W'ol-. Fine nrlt^bortyood , Sensibly sd rec room. 2-ear garage Ex- St. offtce.a, too (lercent loca­ Exclusive Leasing Agent 643-5129 price ararranU i t Low, Idw slr-eondlUonlng. Starting at tion near banks, alr-conditlon- tarentlas. H.M. Frechette. rerton Agency, Rcaitota, 669; priced. T J Crockett. Realtor. eeltsot sres $23,900 H a y s s 649-4535 / 643-1577 Agency. 666-0131 $155 per month. Call Paul W ed. .\utomatlc fire sprinkler Ranisora, 647- 96U. Dougan Realtor, 649-45S6. Apply Marlow's, 867 Main St A' ■\\ \ \.: N PAGE' SIXTEEI^ iHanrljPBtpr luptiing ®pral5 \ SATURDAY AUGtjST 2, 1969

Mponey'Hooper DISCOUNT DEPARTMENT STORES SAVINOS Miss Calista Edyth Hooper oty Concord, N. H., became EVERY DAY bride of Allen Richai^ Mroney of Vernon Saturday,,'^emoon, \SUHB Juiy 6, at the K iw Congrega­ IN tional C h u rc h ^ Concord. The bri^'ls the daughter of EVERY Mr. apd Mrs. Laurence E. Hooper of Concord. The bride­ groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. DEPARTMENT ^■"Richard A. Mooney of 33 Sun­ USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN set Ter. i . . . The Rev. SJleven Wardwell of Providence, R. I., performed 1^11% J g - the double-ring ceremony. Dud­ ley Terrill was organist and Girls' Cotton Young Men's Popular Style soloist. The bride was given in mar­ i i s h i o n s * M riage by her father. She wore -a ^ ... ^55^1 ^ ^ ' JEANS full-length gown of silk organza BLOUSES accented with lace, designed with portrait neckline re-em- Regularly broidered with seed pearls, iong $ tapered sieeves coming to 4.97 points at the wrists, bouffant $ skirt, and detachable chapel- length Watteau train edged in matching lace. Her veil of silk illusion was arranged from a Choose from authentic matching headpiece, and she Don't miss out on this great buy of newest-rage bell bottoms. Alt in the latest lively colors. 26-36 , carried a colonial bouquet of Permanent Press 100% Cotton woist, 28-32 length., * rosebuds and daisies. blouses for the little rnist in your JJllss Elaine Heath of Wash­ PciToa photo home. A huge selection of styles to ington, D. C., was maid of hon­ MU. AND MRS. ALLEN RICHARD MOONEY choose from. In W hite ond postels, or. Bridesmaids were Mis.-) sizes 3>6x, 7*14. 45 RPM RECORD JUBILEE!! Kathleen Mooney of Vernon, sister of the bridegroom; Miss Manchester VALUES TO 98‘ EA. Diane Carroll of Providence, Girls' Cotton and Miss Frances Maby of Klttery, Maine. The flower giri Hospital Notes was Susan Lang of Madison, cousin of the bride. VISITINO HOURS Shop early for back-to- The attendants wore full- Intermediate Care Semi- school and get in on our PANTS length gowns fashioned with private, noon-2 p.m., and 4 p.m. terrific savings. These bodices and cuffs of the long 8 p.m.; private room*, 10 a.m.- dresses are actually 5.99 Thousands to choose from. A tremendous 2 p.m., and 4 p.m.-8 p.m. values. You'll have o sleeves accented with floral ap­ selection of 45 RPM records featuring Ameri­ pliques. The honor attendant Pediatric*: Parent* allowed great selection of fabrics and styles to choose from ca's most popular artists. and the flower girl were dressed any time except noon-2 p.m.; including the "Doggie in yellow and the bridesmaids other*, 2 p.m.-8 p.m. Including: The Doors, The Rascals, Dress" with long pointed Otis Redding^ Four Tops, Aretha in green. They carried colonial Self Service: 10 a.m.-2 p.m., collar. Assorted colors, ^bnklin, Bee^,jGees, Supremes, bouquets of dai.sies and rose­ 4 p.m.-8 p.m. sizes 7-14. Don't be late Intensive Care and Coronary Temptations, Jeannie C. Riley, buds. for back to school shop* Tommy James & Shondells and Donald Mooney of Vernon Care: Immediate family only, ping! Permonent Press Cotton and Bonded slacks in m a n y m ore! served as his brother’s best anytime, limited to five min­ stripes, prints ond solids. man. Ushers were Hugh Boyn­ ute*. Maternity: Father*, II a.m.- ton and Michael Bover, both of ’ijJlHizes 3-6x and 7-14. 12:48 p.m., and 6:30 p.m .-8 Providence, and Bemle 8. INGRAHAM p.m.; other*, 3 p.m.-4 p.m., and Hohne of Woodhaven, N.Y. These are 2.19 Values! 0:30 p.m.-8 p.m. These are 1.99 Values! These are Values to 4.79 Mrs. Hooper wore a blue lal- a staff nurse by the Visiting “SOFTEE” Mrs. Ceclle Hlnette, East Hart­ BACKTO- lously low price. Icge, Providence. She is employ­ Nurses Association of Hartford. ford; John I’ hlllp Bauer, East ed as secretary for the Provi­ She Is a 1963 graduate of Man­ TAILORED LUGGAGE \ Hdlfnrd; Edward .1. Broughal, SCHOOL dence District Nursing Asso<-la- chester High School and a 1967 Warelaaise I’oint; Jamo.s E. BY M ONARCH Ladies’ 14” Train Case & 21” Weekender lion. Mr. Mooney, a 1906 grad­ graduate of the University of Women’s ('iunpbell, 107 Cnmpliell Ave., uate of Rockville High Sclux»l, Connecticut School of Nursing. YOUR CHOICE Vermin; Fnincls Carr, 7.56 graduated In June from Bryant Mr. Merrlman Is employed as (lr(d(((m Rd.. Wapping; Ray­ TENNIS SHOES Colk^go where ho majored In a project engineer by Frank mond M. Chare.st, Main St., Rt. business administration. Briscoe Co., Newark. For six .10, Vtrnon; Mrs. Susan J. Cody, year* he served In the U. S. A 17.95 613 Main St.; Alexander J. Army National Quard, Teaneck, Demit no, 43 Dougherty St.; VALUE N.J. He Is a graduate of Fort POftRENT S((udn( K, Farrell, 70 I.eglon Lee (N.J.) High School and the 8 and 16 mm. Movie Pro- Dr., Rockville. YOUR State University of New ifork. Jectora—sound or silent, also Also. William F, Ford, Sum­ Constructed of top cooted Vinyl, laminated to Texon. Peo- CHOICE School of Engineering, In Farm- 36 mm. elide projectors. mit 1)1'., Tolland; Mrs. Joan M, turet: drawboll locks, covered stitched post handles and Ingdale, N.T. tides, 12 Overhsik Dr,; .Tohn ’ quilted tops and bottoms. WELDON DRUG CO. ’The wedding 1* planned for WOMEN'S SHOE Reg. 1.97 - V. hdiano, 207 Spruce SI.; Mrs. LADIES: Colors - Blue, Avocado, Melon, Navy, Pink ’ 767 Main St.—Tel. 643-U21 Dec. 28 in Manchester. Provide, excellent .upport for active Lean A. Jackson, East Hart­ Cosmetic Tote Value 21.95 Sale 14.00 young feet. Feature, o full cu.h- ford; Joseph A. Kowell, 107 ien«d insole. Sizes 5-10. Square Tote Value 23.95 Sale 16.00 Helalnc Rd.; M((rion Llsowskl, -S'*;■ ^ : . 7 179 0(,kland St,; Charles Nich­ 25" Jr. Pullman Value 33.95 Sale 16.00 ols, M Koxcroft Dr.: Antoine D. 27" Pullmcin Value 27.95 Sale 19.00 First to Church on Kundiiy— then to I’aicnl, Old Post Rd.. Tolland; 30" Bus Case Value 32.95 Sale 22 .00 MENS’ TRACK SHOES M i s . .Sophie M Sdkowskl, 109 60" Garment Ba^ Value 34.95 Sale 23 .00 WINNY'S for their Fosl"i SI.. Apt. 3H; Mrs. Rda E. Sii'llh, I3’2 W. Middle Tpko.; MEN’S: Colors - Black, Tawny Brown SUNDAY SPECIAL! Ocoigc F Sylvester Jr.. 110 21" Weekender Value 20.95 Sale 13.00 Bros 1 St.; Alim J, Wilson, 185 (Open Sun. 7 A.M. te 2 P.M.) 25" Two Suiter Value 32.95 Sale 7 7 . 0 0 ^ 44 Uidon SI ; Lcoiiaid Wooil. '25(1 NF.W YORK STYLE Kergnson Rd.

BIRTHS YE.STERDAY: A Ten eyelet ti«. heavy STRUFFEL BUNS d o i. 55‘ (laiigldi r to Mr. and Mrs. Ran­ duty sole and rubber (While They I.aHt) dall Toop. Clustonhury: a toe-guard for woar- ability. Controsting WE .SERVE COFFEE AND DONl'TS danghler to Mr. and Mrs Paul saddio strip# trim. (:AK E S f o r AlJ. (M'CASIONS—PHONE 619-7470 Somoza, '22 Philip Rd FANTASTIC TOOL SALE! Siios 7-12. HAKE DISCHARC.ED YES'rERDAY V YOUR CHOICE ^ WINNY'S SHOP .Mrs. June C. KIcaro, 16 Laurel 519 MAIN ST.. MANCIIE.S’rER—"A T THE CENTER SI.. WappiiiK; Mrs. Helen T lloiirN Sun. 7 a.m. 7 p.m. — ’PhiirN till 9 pin /.Ingle. '26 Elm SI.. Wapping; PAPER MATE “98” (CLOSEO MONDAYS) Charles 1,. tlordon. 8'20 Tolland Tpke ; Kennelh C (.iixidwlii Si . South Windsor; John E. Hama. 183 Thomp.son Rd.; Pa­ tricia Tremano. Andover; Lor- : $ ■ ,iy 0 tiieseckle. Coventry. Also. Richard A Yvon. South '“^ 1 GOING ON V\C\TI0N? Windsor; De.sra O. Heath. Cov Values to 75 each entry; .lasim 1. Clifford. 26 2 Why not keep pate with your homo Salem Rd ; Albert Adams. 186 7 . 1 PERFORATED WAUBOARO e PEG BOARD Dependable skip-free writing. Uncondi­ tionally guaranteed. A lot moro pon for a Pine 81 . Mrs. .Marie Clremmo, HOOKS I? BENCH lEVEl • 6 COLOR ROUS OF PVC town hy having your Manoho.slor Kvo- 811 K .Middle Tpke.; James IV TAPE 6 FOLDING RUlEe 6 STEEt TAPEe 16 or liltlo U^s money. MeShorry, 1 4 I B Sycamore HAMMER 8 ADJUSTABLE WRENCH 06 SUP JOINT nin«j; HoraH mailotl lo yoii oaoh ilay? Lane; Mrs Edith B Dillon. UI PLIERS IJpt DRIUSETe7IN I HOLESAWeDRAIN O'ak PI . Mr.s Maigarel J CLEANER 10 pc , DRIVE SOCKETe | 8 pc HEX KEY Oiizdzickl. 5.5 Wells St.: Albert |1 WRENCH SET E Palmer. 757 Main St Fill in iho application hclow anti mail Also,' M i's . 'Etnlnp—M'. Small. Huhtard Dr . RFD 3, Vernon; it to The lloraltl a lonji with your chock! •Mrs. Ella M Qulsh. 61 Wash­ ington SI- . .Mrs Julia E. Sweet * weeks: $1.2(1 I iminth $2 (U) ;i months: $7 80 119 Roherl D r. Wapping: Mrs. (all (uad subscripKous are p.(y.ible ui ,ulv((m-el Doris 1, I ’acpe, South Windsor: R.iyipoml .1 Hale, East Hanip- Ion; Mi.s I'arol Anne Lewie. 53 KldrUlgi- Si , Robert I. San Name ford. .8 . L.inrel St. .Mso. .Mrs, Dana White and son. Broad Brook: Mrs Pan- Home Address letle l< SchqfteUi ami .son, Ver­ non (l.iidcn Apts . Rockville: .Ills l.eonmd SIrn and son. 119 W .ishinglon SI : Mi s Richard Mailing Address Molloy and daiightei, 367 Smith SI. Wapping; M rs . Stephen Kershaw and son. Hartford: l\'. I ■ ...V ...... ' . ^ Mrs Beverly D Lawton, Cov­ en! rv, .Mi'-s Thomas .MyHugh Old -on. '^10 Regan Rd Rock­ ville Mrs Jack Wdlaixi and

\ daoehler. • 153 Prospect St Rockville

Start Dale ...... stop Date Make ehecks payable (tad mad lo 100 COPIES $9.95 MANCHESTER EV^NINU HERALI.) OFFSET PRINTED c'o Circulalloii Dept / While You Walt manchesteb OPEN SUNDAY - FRIDAY 13 Bis.sell Street PRO.NTO l>RINTER Manchester, Conn, 06040 1007 .Main SI. E. Hurtfunl 111 > '^ iT r 5 '28 0004 9 A.M. -10 P.M I^RTMENT liar Style

lEattri^rater iEopnins AUG. 2 thru AUG. 8 egularly TV Shows 4.97 ‘My Sons’ iv«iy cetprf. 26-36 . Wm Get A Mother U6ILEE!! HOLLYWOOD — (NEA) — Hollywood can he a cruel place, I was there when they ripped off Geoi^e DANormand's bou­ tonniere. This heartless axst took place on the set of “My Three Sons.” It should have been a happy occasion.. Fred MacMurmy and Beverly Garland were getting married. A tramandout laturing Amari- The whole Douglas family was there — Don Grady was Ws father's best man and the kid itcalf, brothers were watching and retha Cole cried and William Dema- im as, tiley, rest put on his best sour face. I an d And Beverly made -a lorvely bride, as she came down the aisles. That was the problem, that camlng-down-the-aiate routine. The playback played beck the wedding march, and Beverly walked down with the slow step ARM all brides cen manage automati­ cally. She was accompenled by George 'DeNormand, who was playing her uncle, th m for the sole putpose of giving the bride aiway. It was a silent bit, and DeNormand wes cast because he looked distinguished. f But he couldn’t menage the slow walk. He would trip, or M a ta l stumble, or faiRer. b a kad “Cut,” said director Fred De- gh X 4 ''. Cordova. I a fabu And they would try agaip. Finally, they took one of the other distinguished-looking ex­ tras—Tony Regsui—and tried him. He got the walk on his first attempt. S It was then that the assist­ ant director went over to where DeNormand was sitting —he had traded places with Re­ > gan—and stripped him of his boutonniere. He pinned it on Regan. R When }Tou watch this show :e next fall on CBS, see if you can spot the first uncle. He’ll Julie Driscoll is among guests on ABC’s “Masters of Pop: Innocence, Anarchy and Soul,” Thursday 9-10 .97 V be sitting in the third row, or octivo looking sheepish. There will ill cu»h- be no flower in his lapel. The addition of Miss Gariand as MacMurray’s wife, and a little girl as her daughter. Is not leading to a oprresponding She’s happy about H, too. She's her and her televlslan husband. MINI-MOTORS subtracUon In the cast. Every­ one of Hollywood’s nicest lodlee “Maybe later,” she mid. SMAU. ENGINE body else In the My Three Sons and a capable actress, and It'a "Fred mys be did the new- SHOES family stays, too. good to see her fitting Into tather ditlck when Don-Grady SPBCIAUBTB “We’ve finally got a larger auch a successful show. She had triplets last year.” - LAWNMbWERS ■ GOLF cast than Peyton Place,” says thinks she’s very lucky. Fred’s real wife, June Haver, producer Edmund Hartmann. ”So many girls tried out for and their twin daughters were SHARPENED "We’re not dreeing anybody— K,” she says. ”I was sfraid all on the set for the wedding! {REPAIRED we’re just getting a wider the heavy dramatic things I’d June said she had “mixed emo­ O P E N lens.” ' done would hurt my chances. tions” watching her husband We Are Not SaUsfled • Hartmann, like everybody When I mat Fred MaoMurray, marry another woman, “but at' Until You Are! hoovy F O R T H E else connected wMh the show, 1 told him H was really, my least I'm glad she's a blonde.” rwbbor had dropped In to watch the story — I’d married a widwer M»-H70S woor- SEASON When the mhiister pronounced ratting wedding. After all, when a with children, I raised them and the words that Uad the knot IMR Middle Turnpike ' trim . show has been g o l^ for 10 now I'm a grandmother.” and Fred kissed Beverly, he DAY AND NIGHT years and the star finally takes Beverly and her real husband. waited until DeCordova said a bride, it’s an event. Fillmore Crank, have two of "Cut” and then quickly turned • PAR 3 "Beverly is right for him,” their own, too. I wandered whe­ to June and said, "Juat acting, • DRIVING RANGg one of the crew said. ther that was in the cards ter June — you know how It la.” : “98” • MINIATURE GOLF • G O CARTS Next Season^ Wrinkled Prunes Tm Spoon Rostnront ELECTRONICS By JEBJC TBDCm The question eras really rhe­ mun-tramsd flames. 'Tbe show LABORATORIES Ftdl-Ttnie Golf Profeeriottal AP TMevMoa-Eadle Writer torical because Keyes already doesn’t go lido pnoduotion imtil on Premlsee at An Times. knpwa how he hopes lo top It. Aug. U but becaum Caine araa L A1 Oayswi, Prs. HOLLYWOOD (AP) — In town Ms lines bad bean taped “Laugfa-In” producer Paul He has some guests In mind 111 BROAD Keyes leaned back In hla chair for cameo appearances In the that day. Uncondi. and said, "Last season we opening show in September that "We're taitroductng a new tag f>an (or a Golf 0 Tron^ opened with Richard Nixon and wiU be ju s t what BaaUUful tins this season—'Wrinkle your STEREO EXIT W fiwn closed with puiy Qraham. Downtown Burbank needs. Tbs prune,’ ” Keyes said. "We did it B ta. n A <0, T albettvm e How're we going to top that?” aiTsngements have not been U nrays today wttb MIcbael ■ II ■ — I ...... made yet Caine. He said one, ‘WwTl wrin­ TAFES NBCa "Laugh-lB." No. 1 In kle your prune.’ WtmVm It the raUngs all year, has added a mean? I don't know, bat it's CUM e D-CRUSHED-BLOCK new-dlmenrion to the nas of fimny.” FOR guest Stan wtth Us eamae Keyes said tbe cameo role L i A v o o d c a ■ ICE shots. ' had always baen In tbs iormaS. CARS n BIMEIX 8T. "We’va alraady got Patar bat lbs Nptrslars didn't bagla PhisB gU-lIM Plant Open SaUsrs and Mlcteal OalM." ontu John Wayne Tara East tram Mala St. Weekdnya-g te g said Kayes, a big. dseply taimail at State T1asitii.i Sondnyatte 1 TV-I man wtth w liiu bair and akmil- (Sea •)

A' M F A C E T W O MANCHESTER EVENING H E R A L D , MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1969 P A G E T O R K B SATURDAY fJO PROGRAM Educational MONDAY JO PROGRAM Mornina TUESDAY JO PROGRAM iZ tH (Zd'ZS-M) btorytNMik Squren 8:80 (81 Petticoat Junction R (Cl (840) Johnny Cash Ahow (C) 1:19 (8) Obi Talk (U) NThot’s My Uoe 1 :8 (3) OIri Talk (C) (8) Trotk ar Caaaaaatae** fC) <8; Ueorfe ol auiigie ( 8 ) FBm (40) Gandlepia Bowliiis 10:00 <31 Mannlx (O) TV (39) FUm (33-89-8) Naan — Weather TV ^ (18) THwl’a My U m (C) Finds hlmeelf caught between (33) At Home with Kitty (C) — Saarto aad FOotare (C) ( 8 ) AI Hams wiU Kitty (C) (8949-49) Nawa — Weather — 12:80 (8l Jonuy ^ue»l (O ( 8 ) Divorce Coart (Cl <20-28^0> Untamed World (8l /tmerican Itandutand girl and ScoUavid Yard decre­ (949) Dream Haase (8-8) Sammer Facos (C) (8 8 ) Dream Hoasr (C) 7:8 (8) Laacer B 1:00 (8> Moby Dick and tke Mlpkty tive. all searching from 1:89 (8) As the World Taras (C) "Ferment and the Catholic 1 :8 (8) As Ike World Tataa (C) <194981 mar Trt4 B (C> Mifbior ' ici loot from muUimilllon dollar (29-3849) Yaa’re Paltiag Me Church" (39338) Yoa’re PatUag Me (9 8 ) M 8 Saaad Slga Oa aad Frayar Oa (C) (19) Delto---- Berne (C) (20> MJm Sanday» August 8 8;H (8) Tawa Crier (Z'i) Hklppy (Cl man who knows its location. . (8-49) Let’s Make a Deal >eBch Choi B tenr el Afre-Amerieaa* (C) Double feature (1) "Love on "Savage Innocents" Roko Thiag (C) Rudolph, wldoarer charged Tkiag (C) and fS^erUL Trisha Nobel. Tani. Anthony Quinn. Peter 0:80 Antiques YM (38-8-89) Days at Oar Uvea with responsibility of ralsng 8 :8 (8) MemcaU at Ceoafert aad (3 9 -8 8 ) Days at Oar Ltvas the Riviera" and (2) "Good The Warner House News Andre Trahon. Luck Charlie" O'loole, Anna May. An £skl- (949) Newlywed Oame fC) hb three daughters. (8 8 ) Nrorlywrd Oamr (C) (80-tU0) Jalla B (D mo hunter’s life U disrupted 7:00 NET Journal (C) 3:89 (8) Oeldlng Ugkt (C) 8:8 (39-33-19) Monday Night at • :U (8) lafinlte Herbaaa (S> Oaidias Llskt (C) (0) II Take* a TkM (10) na«t a( Menr Griftln (U) a missionary whom Elsklmo 8:00 Sounds of Summer (C) (949) Datiag Oame (G) "Khartoum" Charltan Heston ( 8 ) CaaealtaUaB (98) Datbg Oamr (C) (40) I Hpjr classic about lawman who Southern^ Vermont Arts Fes­ and Laurence Olivier, others. 8 :tf (8) Meralog BHIectiaaB Oeaeral Hirapltal (3) The Ltoklrtlrr Straw (C) (r i H*r Doc.) of Hall, as well Miichell, Lloyd Bridges. The Seekers: The Materialists dl fanatical Arab relMous 8 :8 (3) Capt. Kangaroo (39938) Yaa Doo’t Say (C) 4 "Lad: A Dug" '62. Oillie Aports (39-33-39) Yea Dea’ t Soy (C) (49) George of the J a g le as rootate documentlnf what 10:45 (401 Aelencc Fiction Theatre < (949) Oae Life to U ve (39-33-39) Match Oame (20) FUm What’s New (8) Mlk« Doagloa Show (C) but mbalon must be igioffl- (18) Tempa 111 0:80 (8) DarU Day flkaw B (O (221 New Hock Finn (Cl Folk Gnitar cbL H (C) (8 ) DavU Froet Show ( 8 ) Dark Skadaw* (SOi Job Hunk (Cl 11:8# (3) Saturday Spectocnlar (18) Tempo 18 French Chef (8 ) Laave U to Beaver (39938) Near* (C) bull (Cl signer and sportswritcr mar- 4 :8 (18) Faakioas la Sewtag (C). (18) Merv O rlffh (C) "Don’t Count the Cavtdlea" - ry and must adjust to each •Artictudees from Top to Bot­ 8:8 (8) Mayberry BFD (C) 9:18 (3) Hnckleberry Beond Show (3) Basel (C> An eiMuiv on growlnx old. film­ Game of the Week "Baseball tom 4 :8 (39-33-M) Newa (O) 9 :8 (3) Make Boom (or Daddy (13) BamaermMr BoomBeem (C) TfHJav" pri'cedes games. other’s friends and habits. 4 :8 (8) Basel (O) (8) Monday Night Mevb (8 ) FBm ed and directed ^ Lord Snow- Gregory Peck. Lauren Bacall. 8:80 Black Jouraal (C> "Versailles AJfaIr" Jean ( 8 ) My LItUe Margb ^ don mainly in Great Britain. l>ouble feature tba 9:80 A Knife In the Water :00 (3i lluee of liie Week (Cl "Devil DoU'*^ *04. Bryant Hall- Taesday, August 5 ( 8 ) Mike Doagloa ftu w <0) desperate secret agenb race 19:8 (I) Lacy Shaw Batmaa (O ' against time and audden death (393349) It Takes Two (C) yreat and humble thr rich and Diana Ross and The dra Dome. Peter Graves and (or possession of valuable 8 :8 (3) Barke’ * Law George Gobel on GBS’ (K^Ol Westchester Open (Cl I Mlsterogers* Nelghboriumd tKKir. (221 luis Vegas Fight of Week Call to Pleasure B (0) 8:8 (3943-8) Newi (C) (8 ) Moaster* (10) New* t o 3:30 (3l Animal World (Cl CBS’ “The Ed Sullivan (22) Maurice Woodruff Pr»> ) Joyce Chea Cooks (8 ) Film “Mission: Impossible” 8:8 (8) Famfly Affab B New* —Weather News (Cl Island. High Schaol Stage U ; 8 (39398) Fersenaltty (C) aad Npart* 40 (201 Film Soupy Sales. Band 8 :8 (8) I Love Lacy Villa. 11:8 (3) Dick Vaa Dyka Show (C) (181 Deaab thr Meaa^ 12:00 (8) ChUler Theatre |br Favorite ( 8 ) Dick Cavett Show (9) That Shaw (C) ( 8 ) F Traap (C) (8) F Troop (Ml Tiath ar Caaiaqaeaea* (U ) My Faverlto Marltoa ■”n»r Killer*" ‘0A Ifemlnc* ing armchair tour of some of (8-40) Newlywed Game (C) 12:80 (22) Late Show I BEN Ckraaiele n40> Gkoet and M n. Mair ny Steffens and Karin Dor. You FYee Part I 8 :8 (84) Weather —Sports and M r t (G) U : 8 (84-38498) News — Weather (39498) Joapardy (C) New* (80) Premier Theatre Nears ' (C) aad Sports (18) Leave It to Beaver part <€) AnRie Dkklneon. John CN***a- <22>301 Huntley - llrlnkley Re> (8-40) Lawrence Walk Skew I Spectnun (C) < ;« (8 ) Local Nears (8 8 ) BewiteCed Vide*, port (C) 0:00 (8) Uogaa's Heroes (C) "Corvetl K-228" Randolph The Alcoholic American (18) Leave It to Beaver 7 :8 (8) A fltr Diaaer Movie ( 8 ) Sea Boat U : 8 (8) Newa (C) ( 8 ) Bat Ma*ter*ea 8:45 (80) Lacal Nawa Scott portrays CRptaln of ( 8 ) Bat Mastersoa "Ranaom!" Buslneatinan de­ 11:8 (8) M endu Starlight ( 8 ) BaeksUuir with KHty Bro- 7:00 (8) CMar*a WarM <20*n40> Movies I Claepoaiulu 11:8 (3) Search (or Tamerrew Beliylaa* FUm aad Wan Oft 7:80 (8^1 The President Abroad <€> quite his Job and sets out csi 7:99 Adag. King of Alaakaa Seaa (8) Troth at Coaseqoenees (C) l i l t (8) New* d Weather 40 "Bucharcsl" cross-country motorcycle trip (80) News and Sign Off 8:99 Year Drtlar’a TVarth <20-22-301 Adam 12 R in an attempt to find meaning (3) Moment of Meditation and Auto Repalra: Potnta and < Highlights (840) Dating Game <0> of hie existence. R (C) Sign Off Pluga 9:99 NOT Featival RIae' and Fall of Moiart SUNDAY: ’’The Southern Ver­ 19:99 Cold ^ rta g Harbor Loag mont Arts Festival: Famous lalaad High School SUgo Baad Both sets feature a big 19” Arias from Famous Operas,” WEDNESDAY JO PROGRAM 19:89 A Coaveraatloo WHh from Manchester, Vt., 8 p.m. diagonaiiy measured screen, 1 :8 (8) OIri Talk (104 WkiU'ft Mp Liu* SUNDAY JO PROGRAM Tharaday, Angnat 7 on Channel 24... ’’The Ed Sulli­ (9 8 ) Draam Heoae (8040-40) Nrw* — U H P v h f buiit-in and anten­ van Show,*’ Diana Roas and the ( 8 ) Aaa SsUm io . Show 0p*rt* mad Pruturu* ^ ) Nelghbarhaod (111 At Home wttb BMty « * - ed by a hunting accident. nas, up-front controis for Supremes are guests, 8-9 p.m. 7:00 (01 TmrxM (^) 7:00 (30) Agricultnre oa Parade James Stewart. June Allyson. 9:39 What'a New ( 8 ) DIvaree Caart (C) (8048-40) TIm VlrvkilM U’> 7:30 (30) This Is the Life Prank Morgan. Agnes Moore- Klag at Alaakaa Seaa tuning ease and Syivania’s on CBS... "The Chase," fllm 1 8 (I) As the World Tara* <0 (840) Umrr Cmmm Um> Brt4r*\ 7:M (3) Sign On and Prayer. 7:89 Folk OalUr in B (8 9 8 8 ) Yaa’ra PaUtog (18) D*tl» B««m (Cn \ head. 8:99 ABC'a of Boatlag with Marlon Brando an a mod- 8:00 (3) The Christophers (20-82-80) Faith and the Bible new roii-out chassis that Oa (C) 0100 (8) Om 0 Oujr* B <€) \ (8) Davey and Goliath Mh Lave I* a Mmmr Bplead ired (10) M*rv Grttfla (4:» 8:15 (3) Adventures tof Oumby and words which will attempt (C) 0:00 (J) IWveHv NWMBI** (4?L. 8:80 (8) Awake g e«’ Neighborhood 3 :8 (3) OoMIIhm Lbbt Gu(**l* (Tyd^ Ouiririm* nm] Depiirlnri* from Hufhurest 8:89 What a New the American Church, 7:804:80 >) The Oeetor D «vr King (40) Itlblc Story youth today. (C^ Joyce Chea Caoka B trim cabinet. H:43 (840) Issnes and Answers (C) p.m. on ABC . . . "A KnUe in I) DolW Oaaia IM 0) W#4nr*4ny Ntgkl M*. 9:00 (S) .Murine Hoy gelist Billy Graham. from 1/ondon” Wednes­ (40) Naw* MraJIlAr* —UNAP Sunday SM1:45 p.m. Western Hemls(dicrc vs. ELECTRONICS W EDNESDAY: ’Kraft Music called. "Jack Lemmon waa BaBflaa* PBm am4 Wga Off day 9-10 p.m. I !00 (8) Naw* aa4 WAAtkAr — Ma- Europe Meet will be presented Hall from London," with Cyd goaded Into It by hla kids. With on ABC. from Stuttgart. Germany. 277 B R O AD STREET — P H O N E 649-1124 mrAt A# MaBMaHaa aa4 MgA (18) Playhouse 18 naro and hla dance group, Cniarlsse, 0-10 p.m. on NBC. Greer Garaon, we just called.’’ Off ^ a n i Wallla, Bums and "Jungle Jim " Johnny Weiss­ THURSDAY.: "Master of A top comedy writer, Keyes (40) Insight muller. Schreibcr, R odn^ Danger* (98) Uaavrel Biiettol SS!HI 11:15 (SO) Sacred Heart Program (20) ('Urn field. The Rolan Broa. R Pop: Innocence, Anarchy A wrote for Jack Paar on the "To­ 8 :8 (8) Thv LtohlaMar 8 a w <8-49) The F.BJ. (C) (89998) Yae Dae’l Say 11:80 (3) Percepllon I^ndis up study of Dallas Cowboys HnaiB Holler, James Towns­ Make a Difference Where You Sttve! (80^88-80) l U M a^m^ TEXACO (80) Jewish U fa (C> and their coach. Tom Landr>’. end and Tom Palmer. IT DOES FRIDAY: "Seven Days In er a line aa well as any comedi­ <•) h i m Uw U * MMw 9:99 (8) Bee Haw (C) (U) Temp* 10 18:00 (8) We Believe (C> Red Sov Htseball (C) M ay," film of attempted U.S. an—and sound just like Arte Opsn 24 Hoani A D*y Comfort-Aire "Proloilant" Boston vs. Oakland Gueata: Waylon Jennings. (40) Durk 0k*i**n Loretta Lynn. coup by the military, with Burt Johnson or or 4:80 (IS) Ksel*** Im 0*«rlnc (8) Opinionated Man (D (30) Movies -ft INSTANT 4:80 480^8-00# h ow PlrsBlone TIrM (18) News "Double Bunk" British come­ tt9 * n ^ ) Boaiiaia (3) MIsataa ImpaasIMo EARNINGS (80) ^ UMl* 4)nBUty Lins Prodnrta Mi t the ('hr.vNlrr AIrtriiip via (C) 5:00 <8> TBA Guest star Joan OoUina plays Arte Johnson tralked up to her seductive double agent who S A V IM G S (88) Mlk# Dmiffto* akuv Kimiii Air i'nmlllloiuTM lit Brcathtaklngly beautiful view (840) Westekester Open Golf In hb German uniform and of Denmark, Swedcfi and Nor­ U8> New York Yankee Baso- endangers vital IM F project 480) rnmtmmm G«( l RspBirers LicsoM way which adds up to tourist’s bixll C79) My Frtcad Taay B (ra n day of deposit. (U) (18) Mavis • garden.’ He adlibbed the line (80) Ot*ouv*r«( AeMrrtes REM 18:15 (20) Living Word 0:00 (8) The 81st Century (C> JMMtrMM-arTJt F/A fW F (80) M*j*«i«r« Middl* ’Tnlit. W «rt t8:S0'(3) Fnre the Nation 'B9nCnt9Tg9'9~9't.9S9T rin>H9IAI. laSTITOTISB -- (18) Day ol Discovery (C) (20-80) Prank McGee Sunday (tl-39) Ufe Covetdge at Freo- said. 0c8i (40) W*A4lwr MAINTF.NANrK Idcat NUaa’s Arrival at Aa- 0:80 <•) I La v # Iwrp (80) Dawn BIMe Answers Report (88) News •— WeatWr and aad Sports (C) 1:00 (8) Yonr Comronnlty (C) SMrts (C) :IS (49) Mavle at the Week AI . I \ ■ iMi erybody aranta to be on. But we 0:00 (04) WuAllWr 4 i r t i (t0-S8-00) Meet the Press (D 7:80 (8) Gentle Ben (C) • Rice Girl" want to UmR n to the top peo­ N*w i (C l GUARANTEED (8) Way Out (20-8240) Wonderful Worid ol i (8) Mevio Masterplecea (10) it I* B «iv « r 649-6733 (18) Blue Dw»r Color R (C) "The Last Sunset" 'at. Drifter, MANCHESTER ple." . _____ (M) M»rrtat» I0 tb iw * * (40) One Step Beyaad (18) I Spy (C> sought by lawman, vlalta BEST U + I A U L Keye— aald, “Tlieia ware SERVICE ranch of former sareetheart. 09) Btohllghto 4TB F.. Midillr Tunipikp 1:80 (8) Big 8 Theatro 8:00 (8) Bd MOlIvna Show ‘” ’09- Guests: Diana Roes and the Rock Huds^^ Kirk - Douglas. (19) M«mJ*'* Mas* by am- tm ta k r M an rh ratrr True story of major league Supremes. Jolmny Mathis. Dorothy Malone. Joseph Cbt- OLDSMOBILE S do thi* year. We're naughty, bat (40) Mawi pitcher whose career was end­ Henry Mancini. tPetor Gen- ton. (O ^ CAR, (40) 77 ■ (T) Saaday Night MsTlt "Yoor OMwobBR DMritr" - i we’re not dirty- If people warn (0) NaW4 h - % b e "Robbery Roman Style" Ctau- to hear dirty iokaa they can turn kite dla Mold. Adriano Oeiantano. (8) Itewt (88-88) l ^ lght Show Jahaay Renfing Equipment off the TV sat aad teU them to MEMORIAL CORNER STORE Caraaa 512 WEST CENTER ST. - 64S-1511 each other la the lieliig room. FARTV aOOm — ORBETING CARDS — BtAOAaaOfBS — OROGEKIE8 I (99) Naars H i a l a i i — V8AF for Bellcitas F9m aad Has OH "But I thlnfc bacauM of the Brtahhr Bo. T. IffiwTM. COLD CDT8 — FRUITS VXOBTSBlJn I <19> Newa aad SM> Otrl Talk (C) have their American daush- (20) FUm ter's debut In England. Rex (tZ) At Home with Kitty (C) Harrison, Sandra Dee, Joto (80) Divorce Court (C) Saxon. (A40) Dream Uonae (C) (20) Hnatley ^Brinkley Be- 1:S» (S) At the World Tunit (C) l^rt (C) (20>22>SO) You’re Paltiuf Me (8) Trath or ConteqaenOea Thlna medy, singing and dancing (18) Tempo 18 tuned to Twenties, Thirties (40) Dark Shadows and Forties. Guests are Deana (18) Fashions In Sewing (C) Martn, Tommy Tune, Albert (20-22-30) News (C) Brooks and Allison • McKay. • (S) llaxel (C) (8-40) Summer Focus (C) (18) Romper Room “ Prejudice and the Negro" (20) My■■ LitUeLit Margie (18) Ten O’clock News (C) (22) Mike Douglas Sho .Neunv and Sign Off (20) Highway Patrol port (C) (22) Highlights (40) News Headlines — VSAF (C) (M) Local News Bellglous FDm and Sign Off (30) McHafe’s Navy 7:00 ( ) After Dinner Movie (40) News 8 2:30 (3) News ond and Weather — Mo­Mo- 6:06 "The Reluctemt Debutante" ment of Meditation and Sign (40) 77 -Sunset Strip '58. Zany couple decide to Off Michael I’ark.s on cross-country search in the film, “'I’hen Came Bronson," today 9-11 p.m. on NBC. FRIDAY JO PROGRAM 1 :W (8) Girl Talk Millette Relaxes (C> caster, GUbert Roland. (30> FUm (23) At Heme with Kitty (C) 11:00 (3-822.30-40) News —Weather (30) Divorce Court, (C) and Sports (C) (8-40) Dream House (20) Ripcord On ‘Guiding Light’ 1:30 (8) As the World Thras (C) 11:26 (3) Friday Spectacular (20-22-30) You’re Puttlhl Me "House of Strangers" ’49, On (C). Man bjames youiiger b r o t h ^ (840) Let’s Make a Deal (C) for father’s death, vowsw w a ven­ven- NEW YORK (NBA) — When Instruments. "You drive down 3;M (3) Love Is a Many Spiendored geance. Suaan Hayward, Rich­ Millette Alexandier Is seen hy the highway and you can see Thin* (C) ard Conte. Edward O. Robki- (20-22-30) Days of Oar Lives son. .several million people each day the house reverberate. If I (840) Newlywed Game

Ulster 1 Injure

BELFAST, NorU (AP) — More that were injured as > land’s rellgiotis wa to Belfast over the sras the worst vio capital since befon

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