Inside Memphis

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Inside Memphis v t Newspaper Wilk A OoistrKHn I * The rape of two Booker T. Washington High School students, Sept. 22, on lonely Presidents Island, wos a hot issue all iait wMlt in Judge Ben I. Hooks' division of Criminal Court. The two 21-year-old men charg­ ed with the crime decided to take the big gamble and stand trial. The State, represented by Assist­ ant Attorneys General Clyde Ma­ son and Terry Lafferty, had of­ LeROV VAN JOHNSON fered both defendants 35-year pri­ son term not to go on trial. When the 12-man jury returned its verdict late Saturday evening, one of the defendants, Rufus Flemming Jr., was pronounced a free man — "Not Guilty." Flem­ Here Are Negro History Textbooks ming, formerly employed by RCA and now a grocery store employee, was already at liberty under a $10,000 bond. He was defended by two members of Memphis’ first NAACP Wants In The General Alumni Association interracial law firm, Walter L. of UMoyne College is making final Bailey Jr. and Irving Salky. plans for the annual meeting of the association and a reunion of The other defendant, stock Joe can Negro History (resource ma­ CAN NEORO (for upper elemen­ graduates of all of LeMoyne’s class­ Wilbert Stevenson, of 86 West Mc­ terials for teachers and adminis­ tary and Junior high schools) by es <1898. 1908. 1918, 1928. 1938. 1948 Lemore, didn’t do as well as Flem­ Earl 8chenlck Mlers. trators! by William Loren Katz and 1958). ming. Stevenson, who did not take . I the witness stand, drew a 10-year THE UNFTNISHlfD MARCH: THE NEGRO IN AMERICA: f sentence in the State Penitentiary. The History of the Negro in the Bibliography, by Elizabeth W. Mill­ His court-appointed attorney. Mn. Maxine 8mlth. -executive Rickard and Rotor United States During the Civil er. Walker Gwinn, said he wduld ask secretary of the NAACP branch, War and Reconstruction (for up­ for a new trial and June 10 was said the civil righto unit ixpects per elementary and Junior high A LAYMAN’S GUIDE to Negro History, by Edwin A. Salk set as the date for the motion to immediate replies from the two schools! by Carol F. Drlsko and be heard. boards of education. Edgar A. Toppin THE NEGRO IN MODERN She pointed out that .“thta nec­ TIME OF TRIAL, Time St 'American History Textbooks, - by Flemming. a small young man Irving Sloan. of 1853 South Orleans, testified essary change in books wDl not Ernest R. May. HOPE: Tiie Negro in America, in his own defense. He was at­ Involve burdensome expenses as 1919-1941 (tor upper elementary College President Hollis F Price’s THE GROWTH 0^'MMERICA tired in neat street clothes federal funds are available under and Junior higli schools) by Mil­ annual luncheM for alumni will (for junior high schools! by Re­ throughout the long trial. Steven­ Title I and Title II of the 1965 ton Meltzer and August Meier. start at 1:30 phi. at the close of bekah R. Liebman and Gertrude son. who had been unable to make Elementary and Secondary Edu­ the annual meeting and election bond, wore prison clothes. cation Act to supplement local A. Young. EYEWITNESS: The Negro in Highlighting the luncheon will be school budgets for purchasing American History (for Junior and President Price’s state of the col­ calMroom, supplementary books senior high schools! by William L lege address, a report of financial and library books.’ Kate. gifts to the college from LeMoyne chibs, and the presentation of col­ It took two days to complete The NAACP went so tar as to A PICTORIAL HISTORY of the A HISTORY OF A FREE PEO­ lege plaques end the alumnus of the 12-man panel from prospec- suggest a list of textbooks that Negro In America ifor Junior and PLE (for senior high schools) by the year award. lle jurors already present and tell the story of the Negro. senior high schools i by . Langston Henry W. Bragdon and Samuel P. from 250 more who were called Hughes and Milton Meltwr. DAVIDSON JR. McCutchen. Chosen by the awards commit­ in. Selection of the panel began In the American history cate­ STAMFORD, Conn. —UPI- Oun tee to receive the alumnus of the on Monday of last week Many gory, the NAACP recummertded FROM SLAVERY TO FREE­ 8TORY OP THE NEGRO (for and drug charges against Jackie year award is Mrs. Lillian M Ben­ DOM: A History of American Ne­ of the prospective Jurors were sys­ these textbooks: Robinson Jr., a Vietnam War vet­ bow of Detroit, a 1944 graduate of upper elementary end Junior high groes (for senior high schools) by tematically excluded because they schoolsi by Ama Bonlempo eran «nd son of the baseball great, I eMoyne and now a government DISCOVEPINO AMERICAN John Hope Franklin. said they could not give the de­ were suspended Tuesday after a official in the Mtor City. fendants death in the electric HI8TORY (for grades 5 and 6i THE STORY OF THE AMERI- TEACHER8' GUIDE to Amerl- physical testified he was dependent chair. on drugs. A gay reception is planned for Saturday night. May 25 Several of Circuit Court Judge George Dice- the reunion classes will conduct jackson, Tem-Mly' Thinks class parties Friday night, May 24. nro released the younger Robinson H. Countee win address trig UAA. In the custody of the Commission and all alumni of -the college have nl and the MUne Collie gt^. on Adult Probation for treatment. been Invited to attend the morning Au order was entered suspending service at 8econd Congregational Robert Davidson Jr., of Memphis the charges against the youth up Church, Sunday, May 26 Si a graduate of Morehouse Col- p m In the U. A. Ktrkendr to two years during the treatment. e In Atlanta, was featured re­ WA8HINOTON, D. C - The General chairman of reulon ac­ ent Center. ' cently in the Chicago Daily News. A . ■ MT s UB. Oommission on Civil Rights tivity is LeRoy Van Johnson, city The feature dealt with Job oppor­ Young Robinson was arrested Attorney Countee. A I»2( today recommended that the na­ school teacher and church worker. tunities tor Negro college gradu- Feb. 4 less than nine months after ate of Lane CqUflgt also II tional political parties require “In tnu report we sought to de­ By LOUIC CASSELS he returned from Vietnam. He was Reunion class chairmen chosen to M.S. degree tn phvsta fl their 8tote party organizations to termine the extent to which for­ University of Michlaw I afford Negroes full and equal par­ merly un registered Negroes In (Continued On Pare Four) (Continued on Pare Four) Mr Davldton 22. now a business WASHINGTON UPI-The Poor LL.B. deeree from Howa tincipation in every aspect of party the South are now registered to maj<r in the .University of Chicago’s People’s March began moving Tu­ affairs as a condition to the seat­ vote, whether those who are vot­ graduate school of business esday Into its home, a prefabricat­ ing of delegations at the natio­ ing are encountering obstacles be­ ed plywood and plastic city of a Yoi>un< Mr. Davldam U president nal conventions this rummer, cause of their race, what obstacles confront Negro candidates and frames and letan-tos at the toot of the>e uriverslty— of Chicago’s Busl- This was one of several recom­ of the Lincoln Memorial where ness Clutfc. prospective candidates for office mendations the Commission made and the extent of Negro participa­ Martin Luther King Jr. told the His parents, Mr. and Mrs Robert in a report of a study of partici­ tion in political party affairs,” nation in 1963 that “I have a Davidson 8r., are the longtime op­ pation by Negroes in the electoral Taylor explanned. dream” erators of Davidson’s Grill. and political processes in 10 Sou­ thern 8tates since the passage of “While we found that there has The marchers, their ranks to be In the feature article, the Junior the Voting Rights Act of 1965 been an Increase in the number of swelled Thursday by as many as Davklson expresses his feelings registered Negro voters and a 2,000 poor people In caravans from abnrt Job opportunities for college- The report Political Participation corresponding Increase tn the num­ the south, midwest and east, occu­ trained Negroes. "My offers have concluded that despite significant ber of black candidates seeking pied the first 200 shelters their not been Any higher than my white progress In voters registration and public and party office, there are leaden hoped to have built by colleagues at the University of political activity by Negroes since new forms of discrimination and nightfall. Each of theA-trames can Chicago," the- said. passage of the Voting Rights Act new election conthlvancee to pre­ house eight persons. And the lean many problems remain in securing vent Negroes from participating tos, a family of four. The apparent reason for the con­ to the Negroes of the South the fully and freely in the political fusion, he uid, is that the Negroes There are abut 600 marchers In opportunity to participate equally and electoral praReesN,” Taylor get many Job offers because of town now. most of them from Mis­ with white citizens In voting and pointed out. their relative scarcity. sissippi. They spent Monday night political actlvlclty. in church basements, recreation In the'article, Davidson com­ halls end private homes, and plains that Negroes holding Mas­ William L Taylor, Staff Direc­ tor of the Commissionion described moved to the site of “Resurrection ter's degrees are hired as trainees City” as the accommodations the Political Participation report while whltea, wtth equivalent quali­ were completed.
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