■\ \ . =' -' v-- PAGB3 TWENTY FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1969 " A \' UHanrhfHlpr Enm ing iipralJi A v « a g c Daily Nc4 Pn»s Run ■Vir n ie Week Ended The W eather About Town A Mass of requiem for .the Hilliard St. graduated recently 863 for the corresponding week June ts, l»M late William Fri.sble, brother of from a top level management Increase Noled last year. C arlson Story Officers and members of the Cloudy, warm, humid with the Rev. Kenneth J. Friable of course at the U.S. Army Logis­ Waterbury. with 5,186 claims, British American Club will rain tonight and tomorrow. Low St. Bridget Church, will be cele­ tics Management Center, Fort In Idle Claims was the state'leader last week. O n Sunday Film 1 5,459 meet tonight at 7:30 at the brated tomorrow at 8 a.m. at near 70. Sunday's high near 80. Lee, Va. He Is project manag­ It was followed by Hartford clubhouse and proceed to St, Bridget Church., The Mass An 8.6 per cent increase In “ The Paul Carlson Story,” a ] BITUMINOUS Winds 15-25 m.p.h. likely. er for safeguard munitions at with 4,286, Bridgeport with 3,- Hanche$ter— 4 City of Villtne Charm Holmes I Funerai Home, 400 was requested by St. Bridget the Army Munitions Command, unemployment......lomp^n.sation 899, and New Haven With 3.668. 53-minute color film, will be Main St., to pay respecLs to the Rosary Society. I VOL. LXXXVIII, NO. 258 Dover, N.J. (daims has been reported <for (SIXTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) late Alex Baglesen, a member. Manchester was 13th among shown Sunday at 7:30 p.m. at MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 2. 1969 (Cleeslfled Advertlsbic on Page IS) / PRICE TEN CENTS last week in the Manchester of­ the state's 20 offices. It had been The Rev. Tolly Williamson, CalvatV Church. The event Is ] DRIVEWAYS ' U.S. Army Pfc. Terrence K. fice of the State Labor Depart­ 17th the week befoi‘e. open to the public./ / All adult and teen-age volun­ Nolan, 19, son of Mr. and .Mrs. chaplain at Manchester Memo­ PARKING AREAS • GAS STATIONS ment. The totals were 917 for Dr. Paul Carlson, a medical teers helping with the Man- George J. Nolan, 351 Parker rial Hospital, will conduct a the week ending July 26, com ­ missionary to the Congo, endur­ BASKETRALL COURTS cherter Interfaith Day Camp St., was assigned July 1 to the service Sunday at 8:15 a.m. on Tax Absence Lure pared to 844 for the week end­ ed many weeks of Imprison­ NOW BOOKING — PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW! Special Delivery are reminded to be at South Capital Military Assistance- radio .station WINF. The pro­ HAMILTON-^More/ than 1,- ing July 19. 000 overseas companies operate ment, and was only moments |A11 Work Personally Supervised, We are 100% Iuured.| ITT Will Press United Methodist Churi h Mon­ Command near Saigon, Viet­ gram ,Ls sponsored by the Man­ SAN FRANCISCO (API — Statewide clamis, conversely, out of Bermuda although most away from safety when a bullet day at 9:30 a.m. to welcome the nam, as a member of the in­ chester Council of Churches There were 156 persons •showed a 15.3 per rent decrease, do not even have offices in Ber­ ended his life on a Stanleyville first buslotid of Hartford chil­ telligence section. and the clergy of Mancheester. DEMAIO BROTHERS gi^cE 1020 aboard a non-stop Japan Air down 6,263 from, the previous street as Belgian paratroopers, dren. muda. The firms are lured by CALL 643-7691 or 647-9798 Big Merger Plan Lines Bight from Tokyo to week. The .state total la.st week the island's .stable government, engaged in a giant rescue at- ThousanDs Cheer Nixon Lutz Junior Museum will be San Francisco Friday, but Col. Frank C. Healy of 568B was 34,626. This figure was ,30,-. which levies no income taxes. tempi, filled the sky overhead. closed during August. there were 157 when It made an unscheduled landing in Despite U.S. Suits Anchorage, Alaska. WASHINGTON 4AP) •— De- ceed with mergers in the mean- Shortly before 6 a.m. PDT, spite two government antitrust time." Mrs. Shek Wong Kan-’Vu expanding Inter- ITT took the same course In gave birth to a girl, 29,000 national Telephone & Telegraph April when the department chal- feet above the Pacific. Upon Bucharest Arrival Is pressing ahead with plans to lenged its acquisition of Canteen Mother and baby were re­ annex two more big companies Corp., a Chicago-based food and ported doing fine at Provi­ F crepe paper for to its worldwide financial em- vending company with annual dence Hospital in Anchorage. P’El' sales of more than $322 million. The flight continued on to making flowers m e JusUce Department There has been no ruling on that San Francisco. ► moved Friday to slow ITT’s complaint, C ^ Id o r Dr. Wataru Ishizakl of Ja­ “ the miracle of ◄ Visit Is First WEEKEND SALE growth by challenging the huge j^^^naln st., monchestor!^^^ In Friday's suits, the govern­ pan, assisted by his wife, a conglomerate’s plans to take nurse delivered the baby. ment said ITT Is expected to over the Hartford Fire Insur­ & consummate Its merger with Bv U.S. Chief 2 BIG DAYS, FRIDAY SATURDAY ance Co. and the Grinnell Corp. Grinnell about Aug. 5 and then It asked a federal court In .17 T v New Haven, Conn., to Issue tern- Hartford takeover . « . 5 BUCHAREST, Romania about Aug. 15. porary Injunctions to prevent ( AP)—-President Nixon ar- The complaints, noting that ^Bomb’ FitteD both acquisitions, a combined riv^ in this Communist the nation's 200 largest firms (T Oceanic 18’ X 4’ Family Size Pool 9’ X 9’ deal that would add more than capital todn.v to the most now control 61.2 per cent of all $2 billion in assets to ITT’s enthusiiistic welcome of his Paul Dodge • ‘i-year linci waiianly, specially Imniulated loresisi winter i, iji . manufacturing assets, charged About Youth present holdings of more than $4 ITT’s expansion actlvlSes world tour, with thousands • .Solid 4 inch sii ini Inp lail weatliei. billion. shouting “ Nix-on. Nix-on, Pontiac • Steel wall tits into lop and hoiiom • Specially designed coniieclors _ .II . ... a factor in the increasing rail. screwed into uprights lor complete L'mbi'clla Tcnl Responding^to the government concentration. Proves Fake Nix-on!" He told them the s o y s : •Union (arhide cold-clad liners rigidity. ^ 179.9? suits, an ITT spokesman said For example, the government United States is ready to FESTUS, Mo. (API — Bomb , 139.88 k7 " ’ n r made 107 mergers and help set up a Europe “ free 11th biggest industrial corpora­ experts disassembled a device from the fear of war or MANY PONTIAC tion, will fight both "and pro- (See Page Eight) clamped around the neck of a threats of war." DEALERS ARE 19-year-old youth early today/ So great won the outpouring of 2 ' I milled lo inventory on 38.70 hand \o laiii checks. and found it contained only/h Romanians that the motorcade MAKING WILD carrying Nixon and President Spiing-lock tuiKide alniniiuim luine. few pieces of wood, a bal^ry center heiglii 7\ sewn-in lloor Halt Peace Effort Continuing Nieolae Ceausescu was stopped CUIMS AND Plus Kl'tl I ;ig Siivings on nyloii^canvas dooi zips closed, snaps and string. three times en route from the other pools in stock acioss boiiom. 20” X .10” screen rear A 60-year-old high /school Hlr]x>rt to downtown Bucharest. FANTASTIC windtiw has canvas storm (lap. teacher who said he plated it on Nlxiw\ Jefl hla car to shake out- PROMISES >e Fails To Set Gary L. Miller, tol^ p olice it stretcheil hands. niAR(,L ALL was a bomb, and s ^ it would Along the’ route the air rang 4 4 !uiil«-*-ii Your J iiiiiImi .S p ools YOUR PURCHASLS explode if any /attempt was with the shouts of his name (m OUT Choice or M«‘«8 kil .98 .MonofiluiiK-nl Fishing Lint- made to rem ov^lt. Festus Po­ he railed out in Romanian: Talks on Nigeria lice Chief B u ^ Rudisialc said ” Izmg IJve Romanion-Ameri- WE WILL Miller told o f f e r s that a slmi- can friendship” There were MEET ALL KAMPALA, Uganda (API— TTie Pope’s aides did not lir device Ije hod tested on a cries of “ Hoo-rsh” and some K odak Iiistumuti4‘ #121 Pope Patd has apparently tailed immediately confirm plans for a dog had own the dog's heod tossed bouquets nt him The COMPETITION so far to arrange peace t^ks be- meeting. TTie latest report was off.” throngs sraved U S. and Rom a­ Twin Oval Poly PimiI Uaiiipra O iitllt ShetlanD tween the two sid^ in the Nlge- that he planned to devote the The Wicher, identified os Ru­ nian flags. rlan civil war, but the head of last day of his three-day visit pert W Johnson of Festus. was Ceauaesou had welcomed Nix­ AND the Blafran delegation said he here to Roman Catholic ceremo- held /at the Jefferson C3ounty on on hla arrival from i’aklatan WE WILL 14.77 hoped to meet with the pontiff nles. .‘heriffa office. stressing peaceful coexistence V Most p4)pular Insiamalie Camera made. JusI Sweeper Vacuum again today. Augustine Okwu, Biafra’s dip- J?'or Miller, the discovery of ns ” n safe way of building a cH- SERVICE diop m tilm.
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