Linkliste zu den Artikeln über die Aktivitäten des ZFD in Ruanda:

Reflecting on s Past—While Looking Ahead (Wall Street Journal - Monday 7 April 2014 ) - -- Africans are no longer resigned to being hostage to the world's low expectations. We listen to and respect the views of others. But ultimately, we must be responsible for ourselves. In Rwanda, we are relying on universal human values, which include our culture and traditions, to find modern solutions to the unique challenges we faced in terms of justice and reconciliation following the genocide. Read more

Rwanda’s Rebirth (Project Syndicate - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- The practical tasks of reviving a dead economy and rebuilding institutions were daunting, but they would have been impossible had we not begun to root out the ideology that enabled genocide. This was – and continues to be – our great national project Read more

Rwanda to spend $30m fund (East African Business Week - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Money accumulated over nearly two years under the Agaciro Development Fund (AGDF) is being earmarked for expenditure. This Solidarity fund was launched in August 2012 for voluntary contributions by Rwandans and anyone else inclined to support the country. ‘Agaciro’ is a Kinyarwanda word loosely Read more

IMF reviews Rwanda growth path (East African Business Week - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- The latest Policy Support Investment (PSI) for Rwanda, recently approved by the International Monetary Fund, includes new reforms aimed at helping meet set targets for its Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy 2 (EDPRS2). Read more

WOW inspires Rwanda women (East African Business Week - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Many Rwandan women are developing through the training acquired through Women for Women (WOW) International Organization which started operating in the country in 1997. Violet Kabarenzi, the Life Skills and Sponsorship Manager, said in a recent interview with East African Business Week. Read more

Rwanda speeds away from 1994 (East African Business Week - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Twenty years ago, it would have been unthinkable, to predict that today Rwanda’s has one of the fastest growing economies in the East African Community (EAC). Growth is being pegged at 6% to 6.5% in the foreseeable future amidst relatively low inflation. Not too bad considering the general state of the global economy. Read more

Le Burundi commémore les 20 ans de la mort du président Ntaryamira (RFI - Tuesday 8 April 2014 ) --- Il y a 20 ans, le président burundais Cyprien Ntaryamira mourait dans l’attentat qui visait l’avion de son homologue rwandais Juvénal Habyarimana. Le Burundi a choisi ce lundi d’honorer le souvenir de son défunt président, en occultant quelque peu ce qui se passait chez le voisin du nord. Read more

Museveni in for genocide commemoration (New Vision - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- President Yoweri Museveni is in Kigali, Rwanda for the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the genocide in which at least eight-hundred-thousand people were killed. President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya who is also the current Chairman of the East African Community is also in Kigali for the same. Read more

Two foreign U.N. workers killed in Somalia (Reuters - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- A Briton and a Frenchman working for the United Nations were shot dead on Monday at an airport in north-central Somalia, officials said. Read more

---Local News---

----Kwibuka20 News---

Rwanda mourns the dead 20 years after genocide (AFP - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Official mourning, which began three months ago with a flame of remembrance touring towns and villages across the small central African nation, culminates on Monday when the torch arrives at the national genocide memorial. Read more

Rwanda Commemorates 20 Years Since Genocide (AP - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Rwanda is commemorating the 20th anniversary of its devastating genocide in which machete and gunfire attacks killed more than 1 million people. Read more

Rwanda Honors Dead, Celebrates Progress, 20 Years After Genocide (NPR - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- The Rwandan genocide was a murderous campaign of majority Hutus against minority Tutsis, triggered by the killing of the Hutu president but planned with racist ideology for years before. It began on April 7, 1994, and ended three months later with more than 800,000 people killed, the fastest genocid Read more

Génocide rwandais: Revivez les événements commémoratifs des 20 ans du génocide (AFP - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Cet anniversaire représente un important enjeu diplomatique pour Kigali, qui a longtemps bénéficié sur le plan diplomatique du sentiment de culpabilité de la communauté internationale, restée inerte face aux massacres.Read more

Ban says shame still clings to UN over Rwanda genocide (AFP - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Monday that the world body was still wracked by shame over its failure to act against the genocide in Rwanda 20 years ago."Many United Nations personnel and others showed remarkable bravery. But we could have done much more. Read more

Blair: Rwanda needed ‘strong leadership’ after genocide (CNN - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Without “strong leadership,” Rwanda would have been unable to modernize and change at the pace it has in the 20 years since its horrific genocide, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair told CNN’s Fred Pleitgen, in for Christiane Amanpour, on Monday. The country on Monday marked 20 years since nearly 800,000 people were murdered in about 100 days. Read more

Rwanda genocide: UN ashamed, says Ban Ki moon (BBC - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- The UN is still ashamed over its failure to prevent the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, UN chief Ban Ki-moon has said. He was addressing thousands of people in the capital, Kigali, as Rwanda began a week of official mourning to mark the 20th anniversary of the genocide. Read more

Rwanda genocide: 100 days of slaughter (BBC - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- In just 100 days in 1994, some 800,000 people were slaughtered in Rwanda by ethnic Hutu extremists. They were targeting members of the minority Tutsi community, as well as their political opponents, irrespective of their ethnic origin. Read more

Rwanda s children taught of genocide 20 years on (BBC News - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Rwanda is beginning a week of official mourning to mark the 20th anniversary of the countrys genocide, when at least 800,000 people, mostly ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus, died at the hands of extremists. George Alagiah was in the country to report ... Read more

20 Years After, Rwanda Pauses to Recall Carnage (New York Times - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Rwanda on Monday commemorated the 20th anniversary of the genocide there with a fusion of tears, recrimination and regret at the killing of more than 800,000 people in 100 days that shocked the world, redrew regional battle lines and continues to shape the debate over how nations should respond to m Read more

Rwanda’s somber remembrance (Washington Post - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- in images. Read more

Rwandans told never again, 20 years after genocide (Reuters - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- The United Nations chief told a packed stadium of sombre and weeping Rwandans on Monday the world would "never again" let genocide tear their nation apart, at a ceremony marking 20 years since 800,000 people were butchered. Rwandas foreign adventures test West’s patience Read more Weeping Rwandans told never again 20 years after genocide (Reuters - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- The United Nations chief told a packed stadium of sombre and weeping Rwandans on Monday the world would "never again" let genocide tear their nation apart, at a ceremony marking 20 years since 800,000 people were butchered. Read more

Remembering #Rwanda20yrs (Aljazeera - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- The 20th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide is being marked with an online memorial, using the hashtags #Rwanda20yrs and #Kwibuka20. Kwibuka means "remember" in Kinyarwanda, Rwanda’s language. People shared photos from the remembrance ceremony in the capital Kigali, as well as art and photographs of those lost or injured as a result of the 1994 genocide where at least 800,000 people, mostly Rwandan Tutsis, were killed. Read more

Rwandans mark 20th anniversary of genocide (Al Jazeera Africa - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Thousands of Rwandans gathered Monday for a somber remembrance on the 20th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide, when close to a million people were butchered over the course of a 100-day period while the international community stood by Read more

Rwanda commemorates 20th anniversary of genocide (France 24 English - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Rwanda commemorated Monday 20 years since the genocide perpetrated by Hutu extremists left more than 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus dead, with ceremonies taking place against the backdrop of tensions between France and Rwanda. Read more

Live from Kigali: Remembering the Rwandan genocide, 20 years on (France24 - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- A nation remembering the darkest days in its history. Thousands have been attending an emotional ceremony in Rwanda's capital to mark 20 years since the genocide that killed 800,000 people. UN chief Ban Ki-moon said the organisation was ashamed over its failure to prevent the killings Read more

Rwanda genocide: 20th anniversary brings a nation together to mourn (The Guardian UK - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Sorrowful wails and sobs resounded as thousands of Rwandans packed the country's main sports stadium to mark the 20th anniversary of the beginning of a devastating 100-day genocide. Read more

Rwanda genocide commemorations 20 years on (EuroNews - Sunday 6 April 2014 ) --- On Monday, as Rwanda marks the 20th anniversary of an orgy of ethnic killing in which at least 800,000 of their countrymen died, Belgium is hosting a conference on preventing mass atrocities. The genocide was sparked when a plane carrying the then ... Read more

Rwanda, France Spar on Anniversary of Genocide (Wall Street Journal - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- "No country is powerful enough—even when they think they are—to change the facts," Rwanda's President told the crowd on Monday in an apparent reference to France. Switching to French, he added: "Facts are stubborn." Mr. Kagame didn't directly address the French ambassador's absence, and his government didn't respond to requests for comment on the matter. Read more

Rwanda : pas de "participation directe" de la France au génocide, selon Bernard Kouchner (AFP - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- "Je n'aime pas qu'on emploie le mot "participation", exactement "participation directe" (...). Ça, je crois que ce n'est pas vrai", a déclaré Bernard Kouchner interrogé à Kigali par Radio France Internationale (RFI), estimant les propos de Paul Kagame "malvenus", Read more

Rwanda: les contre vérités d Alain Juppé (Huffington Post - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Tout en n'approuvant pas dans sa totalité l'article à paraitre dans Jeune Afrique reprenant une interview du président Kagame, je suis indigné de lire votre déclaration alors que vous avez été lourdement impliqué dans la tragédie du Rwanda en tant que Ministre des Affaires Etrangères de 1993 à 1995 Read more

Can France and Rwanda ever reconcile over role in genocide? (France 24 - Sunday 6 April 2014 ) --- “It is very surprising that Kagame has gone back to making these accusations, and in such a vivid way, just before the commemorations,” says FRANCE 24s special correspondent Marc Perelman, who interviewed the Rwandan president this week. Read more

"L opération Turquoise au Rwanda était offensive avant d être humanitaire" (France24 - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Un ancien capitaine affirme que le but de la mission de l’armée française au Rwanda en 1994 n’était pas seulement humanitaire, mais offensive. Des accusations que réfutent son commandant de l'époque et l'ancien Premier ministre Edouard Balladur. Read more

Ex French soldier challenges Paris’s version of Rwandan genocide (France 24 English - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- As performers at a ceremony marking the 20th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide enacted some of the horrors of the past in Kigali on Monday, thousands of miles away from the Rwandan capital, an ex-French soldier was also retracing his steps. Read more

Former French FM denies French involvement in Rwanda genocide (RFI - Sunday 6 April 2014 ) - -- Frances former foreign affairs minister Bernard Kouchner denied Rwandan President Paul Kagames charge of French "direct participation" in the 1994 genocide, speaking to RFI in Kigali. But Rwandas foreign minister called on Paris to face up to the ... Read more

RWANDA. "Aucun pays n est assez puissant pour changer les faits" (Le Nouvel Observateur - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Les gens ne peuvent être soudoyés ou forcés de changer leur histoire. Aucun pays n'est assez puissant - même s'il pense l'être - pour changer les faits", a déclaré en anglais le président rwandais. Avant de lancer, en français, "après tout, les faits sont têtus", déclenchant les acclamations Read more

20 Years After, Tears and Regret Over Rwanda’s 100 Days of Carnage (LA Times - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- “We must not be left to utter the words ‘never again,’ again and again,” the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told a crowd packing a soccer stadium in Kigali, the Rwandan capital, acknowledging oft-voiced criticism of the world body for its delays and failings during the 1994 slaughter. Read more

Rwanda makes great progress 20 years after genocide (LA Times - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Rwanda has made stunning progress since what was one of the 20th century's greatest tragedies, when more than 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus were slaughtered by Hutu extremists. Life expectancy has doubled since 1994 to more than 60 years. Economic growth consistently reaches 8% annually. Read more

Rwanda genocide should simply never have happened (BBC - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Rwanda has begun a week of official mourning to mark the 20th anniversary of the country's genocide. At least 800,000 people, mostly ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus, died at the hands of extremists. Read more

The Worst Thing About the Rwanda Genocide Is That It Was Preventable (Huffington Post - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- The world stands together on April 7 to recall and reflect upon the 20th anniversary of the genocide in Rwanda, where one million Rwandans -- mostly ethnic Tutsis -- were murdered in less than 100 days. What makes the genocide in Rwanda so unspeakable is not only the horror of the genocide itself, but that this genocide was preventable. No one can say that we did not know; we knew, but we did not act. Read more

For many, it s confronting the presence of the past, as Rwandans observer the 20th anniversary of a genocide (PRI - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Some of those packed shoulder-to- shoulder into Kigali's main stadium Monday couldn't help themselves.So reports New Yorker staff writer Philip Gourevitch who stood among the crowd as Rwandans observed the 20th anniversary of the genocide at Kigali's national stadium this morning. Read more

Two Decades After Rwandan Genocide, Has the World Learned its Lesson? (VOA - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Rwanda on Monday is marking 20 years since the1994 genocide, with the hope that lessons learned can help prevent future atrocities. But as many times as the international community has said "never again," a failure to act has continued to cost lives. Read more Twenty years on from Rwanda, what did we learn? (Irish Independent - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Rwanda was characterised by a failure to act on the early signs of genocide. In 1992, two years before the slaughter, the Belgian ambassador in Kigali, the Rwandan capital, warned that the Hutu-led government was planning to exterminate the Tutsi. Read more

20 years after the genocide in Rwanda: lessons learned and unlearned (Reuters - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- ... in the background after escorting the Rwandan genocide flame, known as the "Kwibuka" (Remembering), at the Kicukiro Grounds, as the country prepares to commemorate the 1994 Genocide. Read more

Outrage in France over Rwanda genocide accusations (AFP - Tuesday 8 April 2014 ) --- Top- ranking former French officials on Monday angrily rejected claims of complicity in Rwanda’s genocide, as ceremonies were held in Kigali to mark the 20th anniversary of the massacres. Read more

Rwandan reconciliation difficult 20 years on (Euronews - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- In an interview with Pierre Boisselet, a journalist with the weekly publication Jeune Afrique, (Young Africa) Euronews asked if, 20 years after Rwanda’s genocide, justice has been done.Pierre Boisselet, Jeune Afrique: “Most of the guilty, or at least most of the leaders have been arrested. Read more

Rwandan president blames France at genocide commemorations (France 24 English - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- As Rwanda marked 20 years since the genocide that killed 800,000 people in just over three months, President Paul Kagame reiterated his conviction that France was partly to blame for the slaughter, saying bluntly in French that "facts are facts". Read more

Rwanda : l ambassadeur de France persona non grata aux cérémonies des 20 ans du génocide (AFP - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Les autorités rwandaises ont retiré l'accréditation de l'ambassadeur de France au Kigali, Michel Flesch, aux cérémonies du 20e anniversaire du génocide de 1994 au Rwanda, l'empêchant d'y représenter Paris, a annoncé lundi le diplomate à l'AFP. Read more

Rwanda bans French ambassador from genocide commemorations (RFI - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Frances ambassador to Rwanda said on Monday that he has been barred from attending events marking the 20th anniversary of the genocide, amid a major diplomatic row surrounding Frances controversial role in the events of 1994. Read more

23 Ways Rwandans Look To The Future After The 1994 Genocide (BuzzFeed - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- This month marks the 20th anniversary of the tragic genocide in Rwanda. A group of Rwandan students at the Akilah Institute for Women started an #iamrwanda project to draw attention to how they, and Rwanda, are looking forward to the future. Read more

20 Years Later, Rwanda Is Succeeding (Huffington Post - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- This transformation was achieved not only through a venting of the horrors of the genocide -- everyone participated in neighborhood-level courts to tell what happened to them during that time. Read more

Twenty Years After, Rwanda Remembers: A Tribute to My Country (Huffington Post - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- These women are able to accomplish all of this because of their resilience, forgiveness, talent, hard work and most importantly, because they were given an opportunity for a better life -- a life in which they were free to choose what they wanted to do. These women recognized and seized that opportunity, and they are working hard not to let it go. Read more

This Man Murdered Her Baby During Rwanda Genocide, And She Chose To Forgive Him (Huffington Post - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Would you be able to befriend the person who killed your 9-month-old and severed one of your hands with a machete, leaving you for dead? Alice Mukarurinda did just that. She'd been hiding in a swamp with her baby daughter when Emmanuel Ndayisaba and his companions attacked them both during the geno Read more

I saw armed gang murder my family (BBC News - Tuesday 8 April 2014 ) --- I saw armed gang murder my family BBC News Rwanda is holding a week of official mourning to mark the 20th anniversary of the countrys genocide. On 6 April 1994, a plane carrying then-President Juvenal Habyarimana - a Hutu - was shot down, killing everyone on board. Hutu extremists blamed the ... and more Read more

Lessons from Rwanda, 20 years after the genocide (Toronto Star - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Twenty years ago this week, our unwarranted assumptions about genocide were once again shattered. As Schindler’s List projected the liquidation of Krakow on theatre screens around the world, real-time images depicting mass slaughter began pouring in from Rwanda. In a matter of three months, as many Read more

Genocide in Rwanda: Hamilton survivor returns to bury dad (CBC - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Mudahogora is in Rwanda this week to bury her father, whose body was found in December, a short walk from the church hall where he was believed to have burned to death. She left Sunday, on the eve on the 20th anniversary of the genocide that killed more than 800,000 members of Rwanda’s Tutsi minorit Read more

Rwandan genocide survivor tells of three months in mortal fear (DW - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Rwanda is mourning the 800,000 victims of the genocide 20 years ago. The taxi driver Francois Kabagema recounts how he just barely survived the genocide by hiding in the library of the French embassy for weeks. Read more

Widows of the genocide: how Rwanda s women are rebuilding their lives (The Guardian - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Twenty years on, the challenges confronting Rwandas widows have changed. With members approaching old age alone, the association is challenging societal taboos by opening retirement homes. "Our biggest challenge now is that our members, those ... Read more

The international community failed in Rwanda (DW - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Rwanda is mourning the 800,000 victims of the genocide 20 years ago. The international community, which failed disastrously at the time, has only halfheartedly acted on the lessons from this failure, says Andrea Schmidt. Read more

Rwanda mourns victims of genocide (Irish Independent - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Rwanda holds solemn commemorations on Monday for the 20th anniversary of the genocide in which 800 000 people died, a time of intense national grief, but overshadowed by renewed claims France was complicit in the killings. Official mourning. Read more

Genocide in Rwanda: could it happen elsewhere? (Irish Times - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- It was only a brief visit, but even after almost two decades, the stench of death stays in the memory. Closing my eyes, it isn’t hard to visualise again the fetid mess of bones and skulls and rags that filled the small church at Ntarama where 5,000 perished. Outside, the skulls of men, women and chi Read more

Rwanda has overcome genocide. Now it needs to move forward (The Globe and Mail - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- When it was over, the country was wrecked, a wasteland. It is almost impossible today to grasp what Rwanda looked like 20 years ago, after 100 days of genocide. Some 800,000 Tutsis, three-quarters of their total population, lay dead, as did many hundreds of moderate Hutus. Even the survivors suffered beyond belief, including girls and women who had been gang-raped, some deliberately infected with HIV. Read more

Deux rescapés dans un stade envahi par la musique (Le carnet de Colette Braeckman - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- « La France et le Rwanda m’ont tout donné/ ils m’ont aussi tout pris…Vos larmes ont rempli tous les lacs de la région… J’ai débarqué à Charles de Gaulle/victime des dégâts collatéraux/du discours de La Baule» Lorsque le rappeur franco-rwandais Gaël Faye, comme prisonnier d’un rai de lumière, chante sa vie sur le podium dressé [...] Read more

Remembering Rwanda Genocide: 20 Years Later (ABC News - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Mourners gathered to remember the 800,000 people killed between April and June 1994. Read more

Candle flames in Rwanda mark mourning of genocide (Channel News Asia - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Flames from flickering candles passed from person to person, as Rwandans mourned the massacre of nearly a million people 20 years ago in the country's genocide. With soft music and in light rain, thousands crowded the national stadium late on Monday, as President Paul Kagame lit the first candle, b Read more

Rwanda marks 20th anniversary of genocide (News Track India - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- A "Flame of Hope" that will burn until July was also lit by President Paul Kagame at the memorial of the genocide of Gisozi, a hill overlooking the city of Kigali where the remains of 300,000 Tutsi victims of the 1994 genocide are buried. The commemoration is on the theme: Remember, Unite, Renew in honouring the memory of those who perished and offering comfort to survivors of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi. Read more

In Kigali, UN Secretary General Ban Marks 20th Anniversary of Rwandan Genocide Urging Vigilance to Prevent Future Atrocities (eNews Park Forest - Monday 7 April 2014 )--- Twenty years later, the tears still flow,” said Ban Ki-Moon, in an address during a commemoration ceremony in the Rwandan capital, Kigali, at which the UN chief expressed his solidarity with all Rwandans as they continue their “journey of healing.” Read more

US commemorates 20th anniversary of Rwandan genocide (Kuwait News Agency - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- Secretary of State John Kerry reaffirmed US support for the people of Rwanda on Monday, as the country marked 20 years since the start of what he called a "savage and senseless" three-month genocide that left almost a million dead. "As we reflect on one of the most tragic and horrific events in human history, we stand with the Rwandan people and are inspired by their efforts to build a brighter future for their country Read more

Fighting For Rwanda s Justice In France (GPB News - Monday 7 April 2014 ) --- For more than a decade, Dafroza Gauthier and her husband, Alain, have hunted perpetrators of the 1994 Rwandan genocide. More than 800,000 people were killed in the genocide, most of them members of the Tutsi ethnic group. Read more

Rwanda’s willpower is the secret to renewal: Kagame (The New Times - Tuesday 8 April 2014 ) --- President Paul Kagame has paid a glowing tribute to Rwandans for the sacrifices they made as they rebuilt the country from the ruins of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi 20 years ago. The Head of State made the remarks in a historic speech during the commemmoration of the 20th anniversary of the Read more

Kagame joins thousands in Walk to Remember (The New Times - Tuesday 8 April 2014 ) --- President Paul Kagame and First Lady Jeannette yesterday joined thousands of Rwandans and friends of Rwanda in a ‘Walk to Remember’ from Parliament Buildings to Amahoro National Stadium in Remera, Kigali. Read more

World remains indifferent even today, says UN chief (The New Times - Tuesday 8 April 2014 ) --- The United Nations and the African Union have paid glowing tribute to the people and leaders of Rwanda for pulling the country out of the devastation of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, saying the nation offers lessons to the rest of the world.Read more

Mushikiwabo: We knew it would be hard getting along with France (The New Times - Tuesday 8 April 2014 ) --- Foreign Affairs Minister has said the French government was exhibiting “diplomatic malaise” for denying its role in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. Mushikiwabo was briefing the media yesterday shortly after the main event to mark the 20th anniversary of the Genocide. Read more