The Challenge of Sustainable Mobility in Urban Planning and Development in Oslo Metropolitan Area

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The Challenge of Sustainable Mobility in Urban Planning and Development in Oslo Metropolitan Area Petter Næss Teresa Næss Arvid Strand TØI report 1024/2009 The challenge of sustainable mobility in urban planning and development in Oslo Metropolitan Area TØI report 1024/2009 The challenge of sustainable mobility in urban planning and development in Oslo Metropolitan Area Petter Næss Teresa Næss Arvid Strand The Institute of Transport Economics (TOI) holds the exclusive rights to the use of the entire report and its individual sections. Contents of the report may be used for referencing or as a source of information. Quotations or references must be attributed to TOI as the source with specific mention made to the author and report number. Contents must not be altered. For other use, advance permission must be provided by TOI. The report is covered by the terms and conditions specified by the Norwegian Copyright Act. ISSN 0808-1190 ISBN 978-82-480-0987-0 Electronic version Oslo, juli 2009 Title: The challenge of sustainable mobility in urban Tittel: Utfordringen om bærekraftig mobilitet i byplanlegging planning and development in Oslo Metropolitan og byutvikling i Osloregionen Area Author(s): Petter Næss Forfattere: Petter Næss Teresa Næss Teresa Næss Arvid Strand Arvid Strand Date: 07.2009 Dato: 07.2009 TØI report: 1024/2009 TØI rapport: 1024/2009 Pages 126 Sider 126 ISBN Paper: ISBN Papir: ISBN Electronic: 978-82-480-0987-0 ISBN Elektronisk: 978-82-480-0987-0 ISSN 0808-1190 ISSN 0808-1190 Financed by: Volvo Research and Educational Finansieringskilde: Volvo Research and Educational Foundation Foundation Project:3295 - The challenge of sust. mobility in Prosjekt: 3295 - The challenge of sust. mobility in urban planning and dev.: a comarative urban planning and dev.: a comarative study study Project manager: Petter Næss Prosjektleder: Petter Næss Quality manager: Arvid Strand Kvalitetsansvarlig: Arvid Strand Key words: Driving forces Emneord: Arealbruk Land use Byutvikling Sustainability Bærekraft Transport infrastructure diskurser Urban development drivkrefter Transportinfrastruktur Summary: Sammendrag: The theme of this report is how the challenge of sustainable Temaet for denne rapporten er hvordan utfordringen om mobility has been dealt with in urban planning and urban bærekraftig mobilitet er blitt håndtert i byplanleggingen og development in Oslo Metropolitan Area since the 1990s. byutviklingen i Osloregionen siden 1990-årene. Perioden har The period has been characterized by concentrated and vært preget av en konsentrert og kompakt byutvikling, særlig i compact urban development, especially within the Oslo kommune. Dette har bidratt til å redusere veksten i municipality of Oslo. This has contributed to reduce growth biltrafikken. Analyser av utvalgte areal- og transportplaner, in car traffic. Analyses of selected land use and transport strategidokumenter, fagtidsskriftartikler og intervju med sentrale plans and policy documents, professional journal articles aktører viser at det har vært høy grad av enighet om denne and interviews with key actors show that there has been a byutviklingsstrategien. Det er gjort betydelige investeringer både high degree of consensus about this spatial development i kollektiv transport og i vegbygging. Det har vært bred enighet strategy. Considerable investments have been made in om kollektivsatsingen. Utvidelse av vegkapasiteten har vært public transport as well as road development; the former omstridt blant fagfolk, men har hatt bred politisk oppbakking. based on broad consensus. Road capacity increases have been contested among professionals but widely supported by politicians. Language of report: English This report is available only in electronic version. Rapporten utgis kun i elektronisk utgave. Institute of Transport Economics Transportøkonomisk Institutt Gaustadalleen 21, 0349 Oslo, Norway Gaustadalleen 21, 0349 Oslo Telefon 22 57 38 00 - Telefon 22 57 38 00 - Copyright © Transportøkonomisk Institutt Denne publikasjonen er vernet i henhold til Åndsverkloven av 1961 Ved gjengivelse av materiale fra publikasjonen, må fullstendig kilde oppgis * Preface This report presents the results of a study of the ways planners and decision-makers in Oslo Metropoli- tan Area have understood, interpreted, formulated policies and finally acted in relation to transport and land use in a sustainability context during the period since the 1990s. The Oslo case is part of a com- parative study also including the metropolitan areas of Copenhagen in Denmark and Hangzhou in China. The project was funded by Volvo Research and Educational Foundation and was carried out during the period from the winter of 2007 to the summer of 2009. The report has been written by Senior Researcher, Professor, Dr. Ing. Petter Næss, M. Sc. in Political Science and Administration Teresa Næss and Head of Department, Professor, Dr. Ing. Arvid Strand, with the former as main responsible. Strand has been responsible for the quality assurance of the pub- lication. Teresa Næss has written the bulk of chapter 5 and Petter Næss has written the remaining parts of the report. The analysis of actual spatial development was carried out by Petter Næss, who also carried out ana- lyses of relevant plans and policy documents. Arvid Strand and Petter Næss together interviewed rele- vant actors in planning and policy-making and carried out initial analyses of relevant journal articles. Synthesizing analysis of the discourse in journals was carried out by Petter Næss, who also made the initial interpretation of individual interviews. Teresa Næss carried out interview transcripts and made the synthesizing analysis of the interviews. Oslo, July 2009 Institute of Transport Economics Sønneve Ølnes Arvid Strand Deputy Managing Director Head of Department Contents Summary Sammendrag 1 Background and methods ......................................................................................... 1 1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Research questions .......................................................................................................... 3 1.3 An interdisciplinary approach ......................................................................................... 4 1.4 Methods ........................................................................................................................... 5 2 Actual spatial development ....................................................................................... 7 2.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 7 2.2 Population density development ..................................................................................... 7 2.3 Job density development ............................................................................................... 10 2.4 Location of workplaces and residences ......................................................................... 11 2.5 Consequences in terms of motorized travel .................................................................. 16 2.6 Transport infrastructure development ........................................................................... 21 2.7 Concluding remarks ...................................................................................................... 24 3 Investigated land use and transport infrastructure plans ................................... 25 3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 25 3.2 Sustainability as an explicit concept in the investigated plans and policy documents ..................................................................................................................... 25 3.3 Interpretations of sustainability ..................................................................................... 26 3.4 Status of sustainability goals ......................................................................................... 27 3.5 Main sustainability issues addressed ............................................................................. 28 3.6 Policy measures to promote a sustainable urban development ..................................... 29 3.7 Positions on the compact city model ............................................................................. 30 3.8 Assumptions about relationships between land use and transport ................................ 31 3.9 Transport policy priorities ............................................................................................. 32 3.10 Assumptions about influences of transport infrastructure investments on travel ......... 33 3.11 Spatial content of urban development discussed without referring to sustainability .... 34 3.12 Barriers to a sustainable urban development ................................................................ 34 3.13 Growth – an assumed good? ......................................................................................... 35 3.14 Measures for implementation ........................................................................................ 36 3.15 Institutional frameworks ............................................................................................... 37 3.16 Proposals for institutional changes................................................................................ 38 3.17 The role of economic driving forces ............................................................................
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