Department of Management &


Core Course = 80 Programme Elective = 20 Open Elective = 06 Total Credits = 100 (grade-I or above)

Semester I 24 Credits Semester II 22 Credits Semester III 27 Credits Semester IV 27 Credits

SCHEDULE OF COURSES SEMESTER I SN COURSE CODE TITLE L P C 1. ADPR-601 Communication and Master communication theory. 4 0 4 2. ADPR-602 Principles of Advertising & PR 4 0 4 3. ADPR-603 Writing for Advertising & PR 2 4 4 4. ADPR-604 Graphics & Production 2 4 4 5. ADPR-605 Presentation & Communication Skills 2 4 4 6. ADPR-606 Adv. And PR Research 4 0 4 7. ADPR-607 Basic of Computer 0 0 0 Total credits 24

SEMESTER II SN COURSE CODE TITLE L P C 1. ADPR-611 & Management 4 0 4 2. ADPR-612 Creativity in Advt. & PR 2 4 4 3. ADPR-613 Advertising & PR Campaign 2 4 4 4. ADPR-614 Advertising & PR Management 4 0 4 5. ADPR-615 Advertising & PR Production 0 8 4 6. ADPR-616 Internship 0 4 2 Total credits 22

SEMESTER III SN COURSE CODE TITLE L P C 1. ADPR-621 Transcreation 2 4 4 2. ADPR-622 Media Laws & Ethics 4 0 4 3. ADPR-623 Consumer & Target Group Behavior 4 0 4 4. ADPR-624 Special Paper-I 2 4 4 5. ADPR-625 Special Paper-II 2 4 4 6. ADPR-626 Special Paper-III 4 0 4 7. ADPR-627 Open Elective-I 3 0 3 (Copy writing) Total credits 27

SEMESTER IV SN COURSE CODE TITLE L P C 1. ADPR-631 & Development Communication 4 0 4 2. ADPR-632 Business Communication 4 0 4 3. ADPR-633 Special Paper-IV 2 4 4 4. ADPR-634 Special Paper-V 2 4 4 5. ADPR-635 Comprehensive Viva 4 0 4 6. ADPR-636 Dissertation 4 0 4 7. ADPR-637 Open Elective-II 3 0 3 (Transcreation) Total credits 27



Each student will be examined in detail by a panel of experts about his/her total understanding & knowledge skills about the subjects during the entire course.

ADPR-636 DISSERTATION Minor Test-I 15 Marks [Minor test (two best) 30% (15% each test)] Minor Test-II 15 Marks (9 Marks from theory and 6 marks from practical) Major Test-III 60 Marks (Major test 60%) Co-curriculum activity 10 Marks Total 100 Marks

Each student will select in consultation with the faculty, in the beginning of the third semester a topic of research. The student should conduct independent study under the supervision of a guide assigned to the student. It is essential in this study the student employs appropriate research methodologies and generate some new information.

Each student will have to submit three typed copies of the research report one week before the commencement of the fourth semester examination.

ADPR-601 COMMUNICATION AND MASS COMMUNICATION THEORY Minor Test-I 15 Marks [Minor test (two best) 30% (15% each test)] Minor Test-II 15 Marks (Major test 60%) Major Test-III 60 Marks Co-curriculum activity 10 Marks Total 100 Marks A) Definition and Concept of Communication Evolution of Communication Elements of Communication Functions of Communication Communication and Socialization B) Forms of Communication a) Intrapersonal Communication Interpersonal Communication Small Group Communication Public Communication Mass Communication b) Non-verbal Communication, Body Language Verbal Communication C) Models of Communication SMR Model SMCR Model Shannon & Weaver Model Laswell’s Model Osgood’s Model Dance’s Model Schramm’s Model Gerbner’s Model Newcomb’s Model Convergent Model Gatekeeping Model D) Theories of Mass Communication Theories of impact of Mass Communication Limitations of Mass Communication Demissification, Demystification, Decentralization Convergence, Future trends in Mass Communication E) of Communication: Newspapers, Magazine, Radio, Television, Films, Books. Note : There will be 8 questions out of which five will have to be answered. All questions will carry equal marks. The students shall have the option to write their answer both in English and Hindi in the theory examinations, assignments and practicals. ADPR-602 Principles of Advertising and PR Minor Test-I 15 Marks [Minor test (two best) 30% (15% each test)] Minor Test-II 15 Marks (Major test 60%) Major Test-III 60 Marks Co-curriculum activity 10 Marks Total 100 Marks

A) Principles of Advertising Advertising : An Introduction :- Concepts and Definition, and development of modern advertising. Role and Reach of Advertising, Classification of Advertising Advertising and Marketing :- Advertising in – Mix, Advertising in Marketing-Mix Promotion in Marketing. Advertising Agencies an Introduction :- Why Advertising Agencies, History and Development of Advertising Agencies, Advertising Departments, Creative Boutiques, Advertising Laws, Ethics and Code of conduct. B) Principles of Pubic Relations Pubic Relations : An Introduction :- Concept and Definition of Pubic Relations, History and Development of PR, Types of Publics, Role and reach of PR, Tools of PR PR Organizations and Consultancies an Introduction :- History and Growth of PR in marketing-mix, and Propaganda, Public Opinion, Liason and Lobbying. Social Responsibility, Ethics & Code of Conduct.

Note : There will be 8 questions out of which five will have to be answered. All questions will carry each marks. The students shall have the option to write their answers both English and Hindi in the theory examination, assignments and Practicals.

ADPR-603 Writing for Advertising and PR Minor Test-I 15 Marks [Minor test (two best) 30% (15% each test)] Minor Test-II 15 Marks Major Test-III 60 Marks (Major test 60%) Co-curriculum activity 10 Marks Total 100 Marks

A) Fundamental of Writing :- Introduction to creative writing, Lucidity and Directness, Authenticity and Credibility, Authorial Voice, Coherency, Consistency, Transition. B) Structure and Content of Writing :- Preparation for Writing, Importance of Vocabulary, Word play, Introduction, Body, Conclusion, Presentation of ideas, Styles of Writing, Description, Dialogues. C) Writing for Advertising :- Advertising copy, types, functions, Headlines, Body text, Slogans, Scripts for Radio Jingles and TV Commercials. Copy Writing : an introduction :- Writing for Print Ads, Writing Jingles and TV commercials, Writing for other Publicity Materials, Writing for direct mail and directories etc. D) Writing for PR :- Introduction to PR Writing, Persuasion in writing, empathy, writing for specific Audiences, difference between writing for PR and other types of writing, writing for various types of PR material, News release, Backgrounders, Features and Profiles, writing for House Journals, Report Writing.

Note : There will be 8 questions out of which five will have to be answered. All questions will carry each marks. The students shall have the option to write their answers both English and Hindi in the theory examination, assignments and Practicals.

ADPR-604 Graphics and Production Minor Test-I 15 Marks [Minor test (two best) 30% (15% each test)] Minor Test-II 15 Marks (9 Marks from theory and 6 marks from practical) Major Test-III 60 Marks (Major test 60%) Co-curriculum activity 10 Marks Total 100 Marks

A) Concept and Philosophy of Graphics and Production Elements of Design Principles of Design (Design syntax) Type and Type faces Chosing Types in Design Layout Composing Methods Desk Top Publishing Printing Process and Methods Visual Copy Reproduction Color and its Production Aspects Printing Paper Costing and Estimating B) Introduction to various types of print publications :- Leaflets, Brouchers, Posters C) Still Photography : Origin and History Camera Parts and Types of Cameras Photographic techniques – Exposing, Development and Printing. Black and White Photography Colour Photography Special Photograhic Techniques D) Introduction to Audio Visual Production Basics of Audio Recording, Basics of Film Production Techniques Basics of Video Production Techniques, Sound and Slide Productions E) Introduction to Computer Animation

ADPR-605 PRESENTATION AND COMMUNICATION SKILLS Minor Test-I 15 Marks [Minor test (two best) 30% (15% each test)] Minor Test-II 15 Marks (9 Marks from theory and 6 marks from practical) Major Test-III 60 Marks (Major test 60%) Co-curriculum activity 10 Marks Total 100 Marks

A) Communication Skills :- Essentials of Communication Skills Small Group Communication Techniques Group Discussion Public Speaking Techniques Body Language-Verbal and Non-Verbal Interviews-Kinds of interviews-as interview & as interviewer Work shops : Mock Interviews, Group Discussions, JAM (Just a Minute), Dress Codes B) Presentation Skills : Pre-presentation preparation Presentation Skills Post-presentation follow-up Presentation aids : Audio aids, Visual aids, Audio-Visual aids, Printed aids Computer aided presentation Use of power point Meetings, Convening, Preparation, Managing, Post Meeting follow up Organizing Meeting manners Presiding over a meeting Participating in a meeting C) Written Presentation :- Preparation of CV/Resume Official Correspondence Report Writing

Note : There will be 8 questions out of which five will have to be answered. All questions will carry each marks. The students shall have the option to write their answers both English and Hindi in the theory examination, assignments and Practicals.

ADPR-606 ADVERTISING AND PR RESEARCH Minor Test-I 15 Marks [Minor test (two best) 30% (15% each test)] Minor Test-II 15 Marks Major Test-III 60 Marks (Major test 60%) Co-curriculum activity 10 Marks Total 100 Marks

A) Introduction to Research Concept of Research Role, Function and importance of Communication Research B) Methods of Communication Research Census Method, Random Sample Surveys Random Sampling-Questionnaire, Coding tabulation, Data Interpretation Report Writing-Footnotes, Index, Bibliography Observation Methods-Case Studies, Content Analysis C) Research Design D) Statistical Methods in Communication Research Mean, Median, Mode standard derivation, Chi-square Test E) Media Research Media Habits, Impact Studies, Trend Studies F) Exploratory Research : Getting the facts Right Diagnostics Research : Checking out the facts and Getting the options Evaluative Research (copy and concept testing) : recognition Test, Recall Tests, Persuasion Test, Focus Groups, Depth Interviews, Simulated Market Tests. G) PR Research Exploratory Research : Studying Attitudes, Conflicts, Public Opinion Diagnostic Research : Assessing the Opinions and Facts Evaluative Research : Popularity Polls, Public Opinion Survey.

ADPR-607 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Minor Test-I 15 Marks [Minor test (two best) 30% (15% each test)] Minor Test-II 15 Marks (9 Marks from theory and 6 marks from practical) Major Test-III 60 Marks (Major test 60%) Co-curriculum activity 10 Marks Total 100 Marks

Introduction to Computers :- Definitions, Generation, Memories and Classification of Computers Hardware and Software device Application of Computers in various Mass Media :- Newspapers, Magazines, Radio and Television, etc. Introduction to MS-Office, MS-Word :- Special emphasis on MS-Word and Power Point, MS-Word basics, Typing and Editing, Formatting Text, Page Design and layout, Mail Merge and Document Management. Power Point :- Presentation Graphics, Introduction to Power Point, Creating a Presentation and Customizing the Slide Show. Introduction :- Graphics, Multimedia and Animations Introduction :- Page Maker, Corel Draw, DTP and their use in main media application Introduction to Internet :- Definition, Various activities on Internet, Tools and Services on Internet, Browsing the Internet. Every student will attain proficiency in data entry and at least one of the Software Packages of Word Processing. Every student will attain proficiency in data entry and at least one of the Software Packages of Word Processing. Computer Practical ADPR-607 • Each student is required to attain a speed of 25 words per minute for data entry. There will be the qualifying speed for the Practical Exam of Computer Applications. • Proficiency in the use of MS-Office (Word, Power Point), Page Maker and Corel Draw. • The Practical exam will consist of two parts. First part would be qualifying for which there would be no marks. In the second part the students will be required to exhibit their proficiency in the use of MS-Office (Word, Power Point), Page Maker and Corel Draw. Marks would be given for the performance.

SEMESTER-II ADPR-611 Minor Test-I 15 Marks [Minor test (two best) 30% (15% each test)] Minor Test-II 15 Marks Major Test-III 60 Marks (Major test 60%) Co-curriculum activity 10 Marks Total 100 Marks

A) Management Concept and Definition of Management Role of Managers Decision making-By individuals and groups Organizing and Staffing Human Resource Development Planning and Strategic Management Budgeting Leadership Entrepreneurship Managing Small Business and Corporate Management Creating New Ventures Future Treads in Management B) The concept and Philosophy of Marketing Marketing vs Sales Role of Marketing in Organizations and Society Changing Indian Marketing Scenario Marketing Mix-Advertising, , and Public Relations Direct Mail Consumer Behavior , Appraisal and analysis of market, Differentiating and the Marketing offer, The Product Life Cycle. Market Leader, Challenges, Followers and Nichers Market Information System, Market Intelligence, , Sales Reports Organizing, Implementing, Evalutaing and Controlling and Marketing Programme, .

ADPR-612 CREATIVITY IN ADVERTISING & PR Minor Test-I 15 Marks [Minor test (two best) 30% (15% each test)] Minor Test-II 15 Marks (9 Marks from theory and 6 marks from practical) Major Test-III 60 Marks (Major test 60%) Co-curriculum activity 10 Marks Total 100 Marks

A) Creativity in Advertising Creativity : Concept and Definition Creativity and Communication Creativity in Advertising Idea Generation Copy Platform Idea to Copy and Visual Copy Writing Creativity in Layout and Direction Appeals in Advertising Interface of Copy Creativity and Visual Creativity B) Creativity in Public Relations Persuasion : Concept and Practice Motivational Theories and their Relevance in PR Creativity in Writing for PR Creativity in Creativity in Employee Relations Creativity in Community Relations Creativity in Relations with other Publics

Note : There will be 8 questions out of which five will have to be answered. All questions will carry each marks. The students shall have the option to write their answers both English and Hindi in the theory examination, assignments and Practicals.

ADPR-613 ADVERTISING & PR CAMPAIGNS Minor Test-I 15 Marks [Minor test (two best) 30% (15% each test)] Minor Test-II 15 Marks (9 Marks from theory and 6 marks from practical) Major Test-III 60 Marks (Major test 60%) Co-curriculum activity 10 Marks Total 100 Marks

A) Ad. Campaigns Introduction to Ad. Campaigns Campaign Planning Appraisal and Analysis for a Campaign Setting Campaign Objectives, Creative Strategy Copy Writing and Art Work Media Structure, Media Options and Media Selection, Budgeting, Evaluation of Campaign B) PR Campaigns Introduction to PR Campaigns Appraisal and Analysis for PR Campaign, Setting Campaign Objectives. Planning and strategies in PR Campaigns Choosing Appropriate PR Tools Budgeting for PR Campaigns, Evaluating PR Campaigns Special Information Campaign, Political Campaigns C) Advertising Media Print Media : News Papers, Magazines Electronic Media : Radio, TV, Films Outdoor Media : Posters, Banners, Hoardings, Wall Writings, etc. Transit Media Media Characteristics : Advantages and Disadvantages of Various Media Media Scene in India – Changing Profile of the Press, Radio and TV in India New & Emerging Media : Internet Advertising, Exhibitions, Road Shows, Special Events etc. D) PR Tools Meetings, Seminars, Workshops, House Journals, Brouchers Pamphlets, Folders and other Publicity Material Media Relations, Press Conferences, Media Briefing and Interviews.

Note : There will be 8 questions out of which five will have to be answered. All questions will carry each marks. The students shall have the option to write their answers both English and Hindi in the theory examination, assignments and Practicals.

ADPR-614 ADVERTISING & PR MANAGEMENT Minor Test-I 15 Marks [Minor test (two best) 30% (15% each test)] Minor Test-II 15 Marks (Major test 60%) Major Test-III 60 Marks Co-curriculum activity 10 Marks Total 100 Marks A) Advertising Agency :- Structure, Function and Role of Ad. Agencies Interface of various Departments of an Ad. Agency Agency – Client Relationship-Client Brief, Account Planning and Handling Functions of an Ad. Department in Corporate Sector, Agency Commission Concept Selection and empanelling of Ad. Agencies Apex Advertising Organizations – AAAI, AC, ABC B) PR Organizations :- Structure, Functions and Role of PR Organizations PR Departments in Private and Public Sectors & NGO. PR Consultancies, Financial PR, Apex PR, Organizations : PRSI, IPRA C) Advertising Budget :- Ad Budget and Overview, Methods of Determining Advertising Appropriation Monitoring and Control of Budget, Production and Cost Analysis. D) PR Budget :- Ad Budget an Introduction, Methods of Determining Advertising Appropriation Monitoring and Control of Budget, Production and Cost Analysis. E) Media Planning :- Introduction to Media Planning Media Class, Vechicles, Options Media measurement Tools : TRP, Average issue Relationship (AIR), Opportunity to See (OTS), Cost Per Thousand (CPT), Gross Impression, Gross Rating Point (GRP) Reach and Frequency, Syndicated Studies – NRS and IRS Media Selection, Media Tariff, Role of Computers in Media Planning, Media Innovations F) Managing PR Tools :- Conducting Press Conferences Conducting Press Tours, Plant Visits etc. Organizing and Participating in Exhibitions, Fairs etc Organizing Special Events Designing and Printing of House Journals, Annual Reports, and other Publicity Material Note : There will be 8 questions out of which five will have to be answered. All questions will carry each marks. The students shall have the option to write their answers both English and Hindi in the theory examination, assignments and Practicals. ADPR-615 ADVERTISING AND PR PRODUCTION Minor Test-I 15 Marks [Minor test (two best) 30% (15% each test)] Minor Test-II 15 Marks (9 Marks from theory and 6 marks from practical) Major Test-III 60 Marks (Major test 60%) Co-curriculum activity 10 Marks Total 100 Marks

Each Student will prepare a portfolio contains the following :-

Ad Production Number Marks

Classified & Classified Display 10 5 Display 5 5 TV Ads. 2 10 Radio Jingles 5 10 Pamphlets & Folders 10 10 Wall Writing & Banner 10 5 Posters 5 5

PR Production Number Marks

News Release 5 10 Backgrounders 5 5 News Letters (one each in Hindi & English) 2 10 (Dummies of at least 8 pages) Institutional Profiles with Mission & Objectives 2 5 Annual Report 2 5 Features 5 5

The Production Portfolio will be submitted by every student within one week of the last theory examination of the 2nd semester.

ADPR-616 INTERNSHIP Minor Test-I 15 Marks [Minor test (two best) 30% (15% each test)] Minor Test-II 15 Marks (Major test 60%) Major Test-III 60 Marks Co-curriculum activity 10 Marks Total 100 Marks

Each student will have to undergo 8 weeks of internship in some media organization (Ad. & PR) after second semester. Students will have to produce a report of their activities during the period on their return from internship

SEMESTER-III ADPR-621 TRANSCREATION Minor Test-I 15 Marks [Minor test (two best) 30% (15% each test)] Minor Test-II 15 Marks (9 Marks from theory and 6 marks from practical) Major Test-III 60 Marks (Major test 60%) Co-curriculum activity 10 Marks Total 100 Marks

A) Qualities of Good Writing Clarity, Brevity, Sincerity, Flow, Readability, Style.

B) Basics of Transcreation Hindi to English, English to Hindi Translation of on the spot coverage, letters to editor simple news, rewrites, additions alternations giving headlines, today’s engagement etc.

C) Transcreation of Categorized news : follow-ups, post event coverage, analytical, community grievances. Events : Deaths, Births, Marriages, Crime, Disaster, Epidemics, Seasons and Weather, Natural Calamities, Human Interest stories.

D) Types of Stories :- Legislative bodies, representative bodies, Government, Semi-government, Political event, development. Business, Commerce, Finance, Industry and Agriculture. Arts & Culture, Literature, Entertainment, Science & Technology, Sports, Religion. Interviews and Features.

E) Preparing Press Release and Press Notes, Converting Press Release into News, Reporting Press Conferences.

Team Work Student will prepare and update a daily dairy for news translations. Student will be given assignments for translation for English to Hindi and Vice-versa. News scene, News language and writing skill will be treated as three separate qualities for overall assessment.

Note : There will be 8 questions out of which five will have to be answered. All questions will carry each marks. The students shall have the option to write their answers both English and Hindi in the theory examination, assignments and Practicals. ADPR-622 MEDIA LAWS AND ETHICS Minor Test-I 15 Marks [Minor test (two best) 30% (15% each test)] Minor Test-II 15 Marks Major Test-III 60 Marks (Major test 60%) Co-curriculum activity 10 Marks Total 100 Marks

A) Regulations for Advertising :- Code of ethics for advertising in India by Advertising Council of India. DAVP’s code of advertising The Drugs and Magi Remedies (objectionable advertisements) act Banking and Non-Banking Financial companies and miscellaneous Non-Banking Young person harmful publication act 1986. B) Regulations for Public Relations :- Code of Athens (IPRA code of ethics) Code of professional standard for PR practitioners by PR society of America. C) Print Media Regulations :- Freedom of speech and expressions, Articles 19(a) and 2 reasonable restrictions Right to information Laws for defamation Contempt of Court Contempt of legislation Official secrets act Press and books registration act Copyright act Various wage boards Drugs & Cosmetics Act 1940 Patent and Trade Marks Act Lottery and competition act D) Electronic Media Regulations Convergence Bill Law, Cyber Law Broadcasting code for news for AIR and DD Broadcasting code for advertising for AIR and DD Cable TV regulation act Cinematograph Act Film Censorship Reports of various Committee and commissions dealing with electronic media in India. Rejection of advertisement on specified and unspecified groups.

ADPR-623 CONSUMER AND TARGET GROUP BEHAVIOUR Minor Test-I 15 Marks [Minor test (two best) 30% (15% each test)] Minor Test-II 15 Marks Major Test-III 60 Marks (Major test 60%) Co-curriculum activity 10 Marks Total 100 Marks

A) Consumer Behavior :- Meaning, Scope and its application, Need and Motives, Role of Consumer in Marketing, Types of Consumers, Case Studies. B) Consumer Needs and Motivation :- Personality and Consumer Behaviors, the nature of Consumer attitudes, Strategies of attitude change, Communication and Consumer Behavior, Persuasion, Case Studies. C) Group Dynamics and Consumer Behavior :- Consumer Decision Making, Major Factors influencing Consumer Behavior, Reference Groups, Personal Influence and Opinion, Leadership Process, Case Studies. D) Social Surrounding of Consumer :- The Family, Functions of a family decision making, Family life cycle, Changing Female Consumer, Social Class, Life Style Profiles, Social class mobility, Affluent & non-affluent consumer, Case Studies. E) Consumer Perception :- Its dynamics, Imagery, Influence of culture on consumer behavior, Diffusion of Innovation, Models of buying behaviour-Howard-Sheth, Importance of consumer research. Case Studies.

Note : There will be 8 questions out of which five will have to be answered. All questions will carry each marks. The students shall have the option to write their answers both English and Hindi in the theory examination, assignments and Practicals.

ADPR-624 SPECIAL PAPER-I (Advertising) Minor Test-I 15 Marks [Minor test (two best) 30% (15% each test)] Minor Test-II 15 Marks (9 Marks from theory and 6 marks from practical) Major Test-III 60 Marks (Major test 60%) Co-curriculum activity 10 Marks Total 100 Marks

Practice of Advertising News paper, Magazines Radio, Doordarshan, Film, Internet Transit Media, Other miscellaneous Media Advantages and disadvantages of various media. Characteristics of various Media. Sponsored Programme, road show

Cable Advertising :-Why cable advertising, How cable advertising is important, opportunity for sponsorship, advertising basics and cable TV, Commercial flexibility, Evaluation, Computer general Graphics, Local advertising and commercial messages, Audience Research.

Internet Advertisement :-Glossary of internet advertisement History and growth of internet, Kinds of internet advertisement, Advantages and disadvantages of Internet advertisement, Traditional advertisement and internet advertisement, New dimensions in internet advertisement.

Note : There will be 8 questions out of which five will have to be answered. All questions will carry each marks. The students shall have the option to write their answers both English and Hindi in the theory examination, assignments and Practicals.

ADPR-624 SPECIAL PAPER-I (Public Relations) Minor Test-I 15 Marks [Minor test (two best) 30% (15% each test)] Minor Test-II 15 Marks (9 Marks from theory and 6 marks from practical) Major Test-III 60 Marks (Major test 60%) Co-curriculum activity 10 Marks Total 100 Marks

Practice of Public Relations

Principles and models of Public Relations Tools of Public Relations Structure and Functions of Commercial Public Relations agencies Planning and Implementations of Public Relations Press release writing and distributions Press conference Institutional Public Relations and International Public Relations Image building and Pressure groups Crisis communication and Pubic issue communication Public Relations and Internet Writing for Press Office Styles Planning and evaluation for PR PR and marketing mix

Note : There will be 8 questions out of which five will have to be answered. All questions will carry each marks. The students shall have the option to write their answers both English and Hindi in the theory examination, assignments and Practicals.

ADPR-625 SPECIAL PAPER-II (Advertising) Minor Test-I 15 Marks [Minor test (two best) 30% (15% each test)] Minor Test-II 15 Marks (9 Marks from theory and 6 marks from practical) Major Test-III 60 Marks (Major test 60%) Co-curriculum activity 10 Marks Total 100 Marks

A) Internet Websites for advertising & Communication E-mail, Browsing, Webpage development Internet governance ICANN, netiquettes, Hypermedia DTP, Video Streaming, Broadband policy & applications SWAN Policy Modes of Internet access and connection New trend

B) Interactive Advertising Definition & Types New methods & media of advertising SMS advertising Unconventional methods of advertising Glossary changing profile of audience Upcoming trends Research on new interactive advertising Instant messaging economics E-commerce In-commerce & blogging Other on-line resource

Note : There will be 8 questions out of which five will have to be answered. All questions will carry each marks. The students shall have the option to write their answers both English and Hindi in the theory examination, assignments and Practicals.

ADPR-625 SPECIAL PAPER-II (Public Relations) Minor Test-I 15 Marks [Minor test (two best) 30% (15% each test)] Minor Test-II 15 Marks (9 Marks from theory and 6 marks from practical) Major Test-III 60 Marks (Major test 60%) Co-curriculum activity 10 Marks Total 100 Marks

A) Internet Websites for advertising and communication E-mail, Browsing Web Page development Internet governance ICANN, netiquettes, Hypermedia DTP, Video Streaming, Broadband policy & applications SWAN Policy Modes of Internet access and connection New trend

B) Interactive Advertising Definition & Types New methods & media of PR Unconventional methods of PR Glossary changing profile of audiences Upcoming trends Research on new interactive PR Instant messaging economics E-commerce In-commerce & blogging Other on-line resource

Note : There will be 8 questions out of which five will have to be answered. All questions will carry each marks. The students shall have the option to write their answers both English and Hindi in the theory examination, assignments and Practicals.

ADPR-626 SPECIAL PAPER-III (Advertising) Case Study in Advertising Minor Test-I 15 Marks [Minor test (two best) 30% (15% each test)] Minor Test-II 15 Marks Major Test-III 60 Marks (Major test 60%) Co-curriculum activity 10 Marks Total 100 Marks

Each student has to do the case study in the field of advertising. The outside expert will evaluate the report.

Each student will have to undergo a case study in consultation with the faculty for deciding the thrust area. Students will have to submit three typed copies of the report of the case study before the commencement of the third semester examination.

ADPR-626 SPECIAL PAPER-III (Public Relations) Case Study in Public Relations Minor Test-I 15 Marks [Minor test (two best) 30% (15% each test)] Minor Test-II 15 Marks Major Test-III 60 Marks (Major test 60%) Co-curriculum activity 10 Marks Total 100 Marks

Each student has to do the case study in the field of Public Relations. The outside expert will evaluate the report.

Each student will have to undergo a case study in consultation with the faculty for deciding the thrust area. Students will have to submit three typed copies of the report of the case study before the commencement of the third semester examination.

SEMESTER-IV ADPR-631 SOCIAL MARKETING & DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATION Minor Test-I 15 Marks [Minor test (two best) 30% (15% each test)] Minor Test-II 15 Marks Major Test-III 60 Marks (Major test 60%) Co-curriculum activity 10 Marks Total 100 Marks

A) Principles of Social Marketing Introduction of social marketing Designing Social Products Distributing Social Packages considerations in social marketing and managing the cost of adoption.

B) Strategies of Social Marketing Role of social marketing in changing public behavior Social marketing environment Identifying the Role of Research Organizing & Implementing social programme Managing service delivery Monitoring and evaluating social marketing programmes.

C) Development Communication Development concept & meaning Development, Social Change, Modernization Westernization and Sanskritisation, Theories of development : Social Theory, Political Theory, Economical Theory. Models of development : Western, Eastern, Gandhism & Schumacher’s Sustainability in Development Religion and Development Human Right and Development Characteristic features of developing societies Indices of development Human development reports (UNESCO)

D) Role Role of Govt. public sector companies, NGO’s national and international bodies in development. Sponsored development programme (state govt., central govt. and world bodies) IRDP, ERRP, TDP, ANTODOYO, and DPEP, review of various extension programmes.

E) Role of different media in the process of development. India experience of development communication Etowah project, Nilokheri Project, chhatera experiment of HT, IBVE of Udaya vani, SITE, KHEDA TV experiment, community newspaper.

F) Major social issues in development Family Planning Women and Child Development Literacy Rural Problems Urban Problems Environment Population Poverty Unemployment Human Rights

G) Planning and Documentation Planning for development projects covering the basic steps involved in plans/project information, planning, survey, plan administration management, coordination and evaluation thereof. Documentation & official communication Setting up of an NGO Rules & regulations pertaining to setting up of an NGO Funding agencies procedures and rules To get funds from foreign and Indian funding agencies.

Note : There will be 8 questions out of which five will have to be answered. All questions will carry each marks. The students shall have the option to write their answers both English and Hindi in the theory examination, assignments and Practicals.

ADPR-632 Administrative and Business Communication Minor Test-I 15 Marks [Minor test (two best) 30% (15% each test)] Minor Test-II 15 Marks (9 Marks from theory and 6 marks from practical) Major Test-III 60 Marks (Major test 60%) Co-curriculum activity 10 Marks Total 100 Marks

A) Business Communication Principles of Business Communication Non-verbal communication in Business Listening and Fast reading Presentation Structure, Strategy and delivery Meeting, Introduction, Negotiations Written Communication-Letter, Minutes, Memo, Short, Long Reports Press Release Handling information sources Annual Reports, Financial Reports Chairman’s Speech

B) Government Communication Need for Govt. Communication Govt. Media Setup (Ministry of I & B) Basic Principles of Govt. Publicity Operation of Govt. Publicity Operation of Govt. Publicity Publicity Campaigns for Plans, Projects and Programmes Govt. Image Building, Lobbying Information service of State Govt. and Public Sectors Advertising and Publicity policy of Govt. of India.

ADPR-633 Special Paper-IV (Advertising) Tools & Techniques of Communication Minor Test-I 15 Marks [Minor test (two best) 30% (15% each test)] Minor Test-II 15 Marks (9 Marks from theory and 6 marks from practical) Major Test-III 60 Marks (Major test 60%) Co-curriculum activity 10 Marks Total 100 Marks

A) Advertising Techniques : Print Production Fundamentals of Writing, Structure & Content of Writing, Writing for an advertisement. Elements of Writing, Copy Writing Elements of Design, Principles of Design, Types Faces, Layout Colour Scheme B) Audio Visual Tools Video as an audio-Visual Tool for advertising Kinds of ads Stages of production Script writing C) Advertising Visuals Tools Camera as a advertising tool Photo Communication Uses of photo in ads Photo ads, Photo features, Photo in Print, Photos in TV Copy-Writing, Writing for Radio & TV Brouchers, Pamplets, Booklets, Banners, Packaging etc. D) Audio & Video Production Using camera, exposure, handling camera, picture making basics, composing picture, Practical lightening Audio techniques, supporting the nuke, controlling dynamics, organizing, background editing. Production techniques, Shooting people, Shooting, Techniques and discussions, Intermixing techniques, Shooting demonstration. Development of PR, Present Status and Future, PR in India

Note : There will be 8 questions out of which five will have to be answered. All questions will carry each marks. The students shall have the option to write their answers both English and Hindi in the theory examination, assignments and Practicals.

ADPR-633 Special Paper-IV (Public Relations) Tools & Techniques of Communication Minor Test-I 15 Marks [Minor test (two best) 30% (15% each test)] Minor Test-II 15 Marks (9 Marks from theory and 6 marks from practical) Major Test-III 60 Marks (Major test 60%) Co-curriculum activity 10 Marks Total 100 Marks

A) PR Tools : Audio Visual Tools Video as an audio-visual tool of PR Documentary : Stages of Production, How to produce documentary Script writing for : Newspapers, Radio, TV, Documentary, Video Clipping Films as a tool of PR, Script writing, News reader script, impact of films. B) PR Visual Tools Camera as a PR tool, Photo Communication, Uses of Photo in PR News Photo, Photo features, Photo in Print, TV Caption Writing, Writing for the house journal Designing for house journal, Printing & production of HJ, Brouchers, Pamphlets, Booklets. C) Exhibition, Traditional and Extension Media Exhibition, its types, Planning an exhibition, Developing theme, Story writing Display techniques, Captions, type selection Traditional Media, Its meaning, types, advantages & Role Folk Theatre, Folk dances, folk sayings, Folk legends/lures, Symbols/Motifs/Designs Traditional media in electronic media, Ramlila, Raslila, etc., Outdoor media Hoarding/Site traffic measurement, Poster, Transportation Media, Neon signs, Direct mail. D) Other tools of PR E) Speeches for different occasions, Professional Interviews, Conferences, Business Letter, Types of Business letter, Writing techniques & Guidelines & letter writing, application and related correspondence. F) Media Relations Building and maintaining coordinal relationships with the media, organizing press conferences, press briefings, visit & interviews, periodical get-together, Accountability, Social Audit.

Note : There will be 8 questions out of which five will have to be answered. All questions will carry each marks. The students shall have the option to write their answers both English and Hindi in the theory examination, assignments and Practicals. ADPR-634 Special Paper-V (Advertising) Web Advertising Minor Test-I 15 Marks [Minor test (two best) 30% (15% each test)] Minor Test-II 15 Marks (9 Marks from theory and 6 marks from practical) Major Test-III 60 Marks (Major test 60%) Co-curriculum activity 10 Marks Total 100 Marks

A) History of Web sites, History of Web browsers viz., Netscape navigator, Microsoft’s Internet explorer, Endure Pro etc., Concept and definition of websites, Web portal and search engines, categories of website. Usage of Plug-ins, active control, Script, Appleys and server pages.

B) Definition and concept of corporate websites, History of corporate websites. Types of corporate websites, Objectives of corporate websites, Technological aspects of corporate websites. Vanity publishing. Audiences and accessibility of the corporate websites, Identifying and audiences, Creating site accessible. Usage of multiple languages. Inserting feedback forms, Images, Animation.

C) Internet as advertising medium comparisons with other media. Types of , Web advertisements. Classified advertisements Banner, E-mail advertising, E-mail news letters, Promoting a website On-line stories, Web , Creative community on-line.

D) Introduction of Internet, Internet IP address, Domain names, E-mail address, Service provided by Internet WWW etc. components of Internet, Web browser. History of advertising on Internet, Elements of Web advertising, Tools for measuring. Effectiveness of advertising on the Internet. Types of advertising on the Internet.

E) Concept of banner advertising, Importance of banner advertising, Creating interactivity in banners. Using forms of FAQ’s and FAB’s. Role of CTR’s in banner. Advertising Push broadcasting, History of push broadcasting. Direct & Indirect advertising. Relation of web advertising with marketing of using CRTC’s and CPT’s.

Note : There will be 8 questions out of which five will have to be answered. All questions will carry each marks. The students shall have the option to write their answers both English and Hindi in the theory examination, assignments and Practicals.

ADPR-634 Special Paper-V (Pubic Relations) E-Public Relations Minor Test-I 15 Marks [Minor test (two best) 30% (15% each test)] Minor Test-II 15 Marks (9 Marks from theory and 6 marks from practical) Major Test-III 60 Marks (Major test 60%) Co-curriculum activity 10 Marks Total 100 Marks

A) Concept and definition of e-PR, Perspective of PR, Categories of e-PR, Offline e-PR, Action e-PR, e-concept and definition of interactive e-PR.

B) Internal e-PR, Publication of House Journal on NET, e-PR strategies, Factoring e-PR, Types of audiences. Significance of e-PR over advertising. Concepts and definition of action e-PR, Elements of e-PR.

C) Concept of e-PR activity, Application of e-PR in industrial and organized sector. Process of making e-PR interaction. Adding FAQ and QAB’s to the website. Concepts and definitions of e-PR research, Research Tools, Search engines like YAHOO, Google, Alta, Vista, Mamma etc.

D) Introduction of Internet, Internet IP address, Domain names, E-mail address, Service provided by Internet WWW etc. components of Internet, Web browser. History of advertising on Internet, Elements of Web advertising Tools for measuring effectiveness of advertising on the internet. Types of advertising on the Internet.

E) Concept of banner advertising, Importance of banner advertising, Creating interactivity in banners. Using forms of FAQ’s and FAB’s. Role of CTR’s in banner. Advertising Push broadcasting, History of push broadcasting. Direct & Indirect advertising. Relation of web advertising with marketing of using CRTC’s and CPM’s.

Note : There will be 8 questions out of which five will have to be answered. All questions will carry each marks. The students shall have the option to write their answers both English and Hindi in the theory examination, assignments and Practicals.