Üáñ Þñç³Ý, ļ. î³ñÇ, ÃÇõ 1 (32), ÜáÛ»Ùµ»ñ-سñï 2006-2007 New Series, 16th Year issue #1 (32), November-March, 2006-2007 Shoghagat SHOGHAGAT Volume 16 Number 1 Published by Saint Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church 38-65 234 Street, Douglaston, NY 11363 in this issue... Telephone (718) 224-2275 email: [email protected] - My Lord And My God web page: www.stsarkischurch.net - î¿ñë »õ ²ëïáõ³Íë - Among Other Things Rev. Fr. Nareg Terterian, Pastor - Dialogue With The Youth– Number 7 BOARD OF TRUSTEES - Spiritual Journey Dr. Aram Cazazian, Chairman - Tribute To Saint Sarkis Board Of Trustees Antranik Boudakian, Vice-Chairman - Christian Spirituality Edward Barsamian, Vice-Chairman And The Armenian Apostolic Church Dr. Arthur Kubikian, Treasurer - Christmas Celebration At St. Sarkis Church Dr. Louiza Kubikian, Secretary - Clergy Conference Of Three North America Prelacies Gourgen Grigorian Takes Place In California Haigouhi Megerian Dory Shishmanian - Sunday School And The Cub Scouts Of America Ruben Daglyan - Saturday School Fall Festival Daniel Gulbenkian - Joyful Celebration Of Saint Sarkis Day John Megherian - The Chefs Are Back!!! - St. Sarkis Church Young Adults Bible Study Group N.R.A. DELEGATES Shares Thanksgiving Dinner With The Residents Of Dr. Carlo Bayrakdarian Yervant Sarkissian Armenian Old Age Home Dr. Aram Cazazian - Bazaar Of 2006 - Understanding The Mission Of Christ – Bible 101 SHOGHAGAT EDITORS - Young Adults Bible Study Group Rev. Fr. Nareg Terterian - The Garden Of Eden... Edward Barsamian - Armenians Of Manhasset Unite - Letters CONTRIBUTORS - Homage To Archpriest Rev. Fr. Moushegh Gerard Barikian Der Kaloustian’s Fifty Years Of Dedicated Service Arpiné Aroyan - Great Lent: A Biblical Map For Our Journey Of Faith Mary Arslanian - Christmas Eve @ St. Sarkis Diane Boyadjian - Godfather Nora Zohrabian - A Special Divine Liturgy Maria Nercessian Annette Givelekian Janet Vanessian Haig Baghdasarian Vahagn Aseyan Seta Megherian Christine Bedrossian Shoghagat James Mengouchian thanks wholeheartedly the anonymous supporters Annie Terterian who raised $ 800 for the expenses of the current issue DESIGN AND LAYOUT Rev. Fr. Nareg & Annie Terterian Cover The newly painted sanctuary of St. Sarkis PRINTED BY

Graphics, Inc. Media Services 2 November 2006-March 2007

EASTER MESSAGE HIS EMINENCE ARCHBISHOP OSHAGAN CHOLOYAN, PRELAT ARMENIAN APOSTOLIC CHURCH OF AMERICA (EASTERN PRELACY) MY LORD AND MY GOD “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and and splendor of the soul. put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his The Resurrection of Christ is the foundation of side, I will not believe.” (John 20:25) Christian faith. “If Christ has not been raised, then our Thomas was the only apostle who had not seen Je- proclamation has been in vain and your faith has been in sus after His Resurrection, and this is how he answered vain.” (1 Corinthians 15:14). In this powerful form, the the other apostles, who had announced the Lord’s Resur- proclaimed words gave life to all who believed in Christ rection to him. Like the other disciples, Thomas had lived and in their faith died with Christ in order to rise with with , enjoyed His divine presence, especially the Him. As a people, we have not needed in our faith to be performance of the many miracles, and listened to His like the Apostle Thomas. On the contrary, without seeing teaching and foretelling of His suffering, crucifixion, and Christ, we have had faith in Him and worshipped Him as Resurrection (Matthew 16:21, 17:23, 20:19), but still he our Lord and God, as the source of life and the way to did not believe in the Resurrection. He wanted to see with eternal life. his eyes and feel with his hands in order to make tangible “Unless I see the wounds of the nails…” the inexplicably recognized feeling of “faith,” instead of Aren’t there people who say this today? Aren’t there coming to the real essence and reality of faith, and to people who are instruments of evil and want to trouble comprehend the incomprehensible and invisible through our minds, and in the name of “science” proclaim the the logic and illumination of the spirit. miraculous to be false by giving materialistic explanations And when he saw the Lord, and saw His wounds, of faith? They produce nonsense concerning the tomb he cried out, and remains of Jesus. The Apostle Paul rightly predicted “My Lord and My God.” the presence of such men and their destructive deeds and Thomas thought that he had faith in Christ. A faith words: “For the time is coming when people will not put away from doubt, a total faith. And when the time came up with sound doctrine, but having itching ears, they will to bring the faith to the light, to tell the truth and pro- accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own de- claim it, the human mind and experience put him into sires, and will turn away from listening to the truth and temptation and wanted, through present explanation, to wander away to myths.” (2 Timothy 4:3-4) become “scientific.” Be careful, be a thousand times careful that your But faith, whether in our personal understanding Christian virtue not be corrupted by human temptations, and feeling or as abstract reasoning, is much greater than and that your pure faith not be ruined. the scientific approach and evidence. Faith is our perfect The Apostle Thomas wanted to see the Lord with assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things his eyes, and wanted to touch His wounds with his hands. not seen (Hebrews 11:1). Faith is not a kind of chemistry Today, the tempter tries to blind our soul so that we will investigated through scientific foundations and hypoth- not see the truth and act by the strength and motivation eses, but a supernatural virtue, higher and deeper than of our faith. worldly and secular reasoning. This is a grace that nour- The Feast of Christ’s Resurrection must make us ishes us so that we become enriched and strengthened, a rejoice. Our faith must be founded on it and enriched talent that “to all those who have, more will be given; but through it, as it was in the past, so also in the present and from those who have nothing, even what they have will future. be taken away.” (Luke 19:26). For we always proclaimed “My Lord and My God,” Like Thomas, I am sure, today there are many peo- and never departed from Our God, the Risen Christ. ple who profess Christianity. We think that we have faith, A graceful and happy Holy Easter: Christ is risen in the true sense of the word, a faith that keeps our soul from the dead. firm, illuminates our mind, and makes our relationship May your life be filled by the Risen Christ, your days with God close and intimate. On the other hand, we are be given meaning through Him, and may you remain surrounded by temptations. Through the intervention steadfast and firm in your faith. and activity of evil we turn away and depart from the way ARCHBISHOP OSHAGAN opened up for us by Christ, and by doubting and ques- Prelate tioning we fall into the snares that darken the brilliance Holy Easter, 2007

2 3 Shoghagat êáõñµ Ú³ñáõû³Ý ä³ï·³Ù ´³ñÓñ³ßÝáñÑ î. úß³Ï³Ý ²ñù»åÇëÏáåáë âûÉáÛ»³Ý ²é³çÝáñ¹ ²Ù»ñÇϳÛÇ ²ñ»õ»É»³Ý »ÙÇÝ î¾ðê ºô ²êîàô²Ìê §ØÇÝã»õ áñ ·³Ù»ñáõÝ Ñ»ïù»ñÁ ãï»ëݻ٠³Ýáñ Ùó·Ý»Ý Ñá·ÇÇ å³ÛͳéáõÃÇõÝÝ áõ ׳鳷³ÛÃáõÙÁ£ Ó»éù»ñáõÝ Ù¿ç áõ Ù³ïÝ»ñë ã¹Ý»Ù ·³Ù»ñáõÝ ï»Õ»ñÁ »õ øñÇëïáëÇ Û³ñáõÃÇõÝÁ ÑÇÙÝ ¿ ùñÇëïáÝ¿³Ï³Ý Ó»éùë ã¹åóݻ٠³Ýáñ ÏáÕÇݪ ã»Ù ѳõ³ï³ñ¦ (ÚÑ 20.25)£ ѳõ³ïùÇÝ£ §ºÃ¿ øñÇëïáë Û³ñáõÃÇõÝ ³é³Í 㿪 ½áõñ ØdzÛÝ ÂáíÙ³ë ³é³ù»³ÉÝ ¿ñ áñ ã¿ñ ï»ë³Í ÚÇëáõëÁ ¿ Ù»ñ ù³ñá½áõÃÇõÝÁ, ½áõñ ¿ ݳ»õ Ó»ñ ѳõ³ïùÁ¦ (². ³Ýáñ Û³ñáõÃ»Ý¿Ý »ïù, »õ ³Ûëå¿ë ÏÁ å³ï³ë˳ݿñ Îñ 15.14)£ ²Ûëù³Ý ½ûñ»Õ Ï»ñåáí Û³Ûï³ñ³ñáõ³Í ËûëùÁ ÙÇõë ³é³ù»³ÉÝ»ñáõÝ, áñáÝù Çñ»Ý ³õ»ï³Í ¿ÇÝ îÇñáç Ï»³Ýù ïáõ³õ µáÉáñ ³ÝáÝó, áñáÝù øñÇëïáëÇ Ñ³õ³ï³óÇÝ Û³ñáõÃÇõÝÁ£ ÂáíÙ³ë ³É ÙÇõë ³ß³Ï»ñïÝ»ñáõÝ Ñ»ï »õ Çñ»Ýó ѳõ³ïùÇÝ Ù¿ç ٳѳó³Ý øñÇëïáëÇ Ñ»ïª ³Ýáñ ³åñ³Í ¿ñ ÚÇëáõëÇ Ñ»ï, í³Û»É³Í ¿ñ ³Ýáñ ³ëïáõ³Í³ÛÇÝ Ñ»ï Û³ñáõÃÇõÝ ³éÝ»Éáõ ѳٳñ£ àñå¿ë ѳõ³ù³Ï³Ý Ý»ñϳÛáõÃÇõÝÁª ٳݳõ³Ý¹ Ññ³ßùÝ»ñáõ ϳï³ñáõÙÇ ÅáÕáíáõñ¹, Ù»ñ ѳõ³ïùÇÝ Ù¿ç å¿ïù ãáõÝ»ó³Ýù ÂáíÙ³ë ÁÝóóùÇÝ, Éë³Í ¿ñ ³Ýáñ í³ñ¹³å»ïáõÃÇõÝÁ »õ ³é³ù»³ÉÇ ÝÙ³Ý ÁÉɳɣ Àݹѳϳé³ÏÁ, ³é³Ýó ï»ëÝ»Éáõ ·áõß³ÏáõÙÁ Çñ ã³ñã³ñ³ÝùÝ»ñáõÝ, ˳ã»Éáõû³Ý »õ øñÇëïáëÁª ѳõ³ï³óÇÝù ³Ýáñ »õ å³ßï»óÇÝù áñå¿ë Û³ñáõû³Ý (Øï 16.21, 17.23, 20.19), ë³Ï³ÛÝ »õ ³ÛÝå¿ë Ù»ñ î¿ñÁ »õ ²ëïáõ³ÍÁ, áñå¿ë Ï»³ÝùÇ ³ÕµÇõñ »õ ã¿ñ ѳõ³ï³ó³Í ³Ýáñ Û³ñáõû³Ý£ ä¿ïù ¿ñ ³ãùáí Û³õÇï»Ý³Ï³Ý Ï»³ÝùÇ ×³Ùµ³Û£ ï»ëÝ¿ñ, å¿ïù ¿ñ Ó»éùáí ßûß³÷¿ñª ³Ýµ³ó³ïñ»ÉÇ §ØÇÝã»õ áñ ·³Ù»ñáõÝ Ñ»ïù»ñÁ ãï»ëݻ٠»õ...¦£ ׳Ýãóáõ³Í §Ñ³õ³ïù¦ ½·³óáõÙÁ ßûß³÷»ÉÇ ¹³ñÓÝ»Éáõ âϳ±Ý ³Ûëûñ ³Ûëå¿ë ÁëáÕÝ»ñ£ âϳ±Ý ã³ñÇÝ Ñ³Ù³ñ, ÷áË³Ý³Ï »ñóÉáõ ѳõ³ïùÇ µáõÝ ÇëÏ ¿áõû³Ý ·áñÍÇù »ÕáÕ Ù³ñ¹ÇÏ áñáÝù ÙÇïù»ñ ÏÁ åÕïáñ»Ý, »õ ÇëÏáõû³Ý, ³ÝÇٳݳÉÇÝ »õ ³Ýï»ë³Ý»ÉÇÝ ÁÙµéÝ»Éáõ §·Çï³Ï³Ý¦ ³ÝáõÝÇÝ ï³Ï Ññ³ß³ÉÇÝ ëáõï ÏÁ Ñéã³Ï»Ýª ѳٳñ Ñá·ÇÇ ïñ³Ù³µ³Ýáõû³Ùµ »õ Éáõë³õáñáõÙáí£ Ñ³õ³ïùÁ ÝÇõóϳݳóÝ»Éáí£ ÚÇëáõëÇ ·»ñ»½Ù³ÝÁ »õ ºõ »ñµ ï»ë³õ î¿ñÁ, ï»ë³õ ³Ýáñ í¿ñù»ñÁ, ³×ÇõÝÝ»ñÁ ·ïÝ»Éáõ óݹ³µ³ÝáõÃÇõÝÝ»ñ ÏþÁݻݣ äû- ³Õ³Õ³Ï»ó. 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SARKIS CHURCH out the past year to serve the community of St. Sarkis a. Church Services and Sacraments as their pastor. Indeed the year 2006 was a period of Sunday Masses and all religious Holy Days were ob- achievements in spiritual growth as well as the cultural served solemnly according to the rituals and traditions of and social growth in the life of our parish. the Armenian Apostolic Church. During the past year we ST. SARKIS CHURCH AND performed 37 sacraments of Baptism, 8 sacraments of THE ARMENIAN PRELACY Marriage and 17 funeral services. During the past year Our Church continued to grow under the leader- we started a pre-marital counseling program for couples ship of our Prelate His Eminence Archbishop Oshagan who got married in our Church. The goal of the program Choloyan. His Eminence visited our church on various is to sow the seeds of Christian values and the basics of occasions. He celebrated the Holy Mass on September Christian education in the newly formed families. 10, 2006, presided the Church services on Christmas Eve The Choir of St. Sarkis Church conducted by Mae- Jan. 05, 2007, and celebrated the Holy Mass on February stro Raffi Sevadjian continued to enrich our services on 4, 2007 on St. Sarkis Name day. His Eminence presided every Sunday. I personally thank the efforts of every choir over the annual Thanksgiving/Christmas luncheon which member for their commitment. Nevertheless as the pas- hosts the local NYPD and the Fire Department. He also tor of this church I am concerned about the future of our presided at our special banquet honoring the past and the choir. It is urgent for us to recruit and train new members present members of St. Sarakis BOT on Saturday, De- for the choir now rather than hiring professional singers. cember 16, 2006. I share this concern with all the members of our church Our Church was also blessed with the visits of the seeking your assistance. Vicar General of our Prelacy, His Grace Bishop Anoush- I also thank our Deacons and the acolytes who serve avan Tanielian, who visited us on various occasions. He the altar and who are there sometimes from the begin- celebrated his 1st Episcopal Mass on the Feast of St. ning of the service on Sundays and sometimes towards Asdvadzadzin on Sunday, August 13, 2006 as well as on the end. Sometimes the priest becomes both celebrant Sunday, October 1, on the celebration of his Episcopal and deacon. I am engaged in recruiting and training new Ordination. He also participated in our special banquet candidates for the service of the altar. I take this oppor- honoring the past and the present members of St. Sarakis tunity to remind our choir members and altar servers that BOT on Saturday, December 16, 2006. the church is not a stage to show our talents. We are in the VISITING CLERGY church to serve the Lord. Our beloved Der Hayr Archpriest Fr. Moushegh b. Spiritual activities - Bible Study Der Kaloustian, the outreach pastor of the Prelacy, visited Our Bible study group continued to hold meetings our church on various occasions and celebrated the Holy on Tuesday mornings and study the Word of God with Mass on November 12, 2006 (the exact day on which 50 the guidance of Mrs. Alice Alajajian. I thank each and years ago he had been ordained as a priest) as well as on every member of the group for their commitment and December 3, 2006. especially the commitment of Mrs. Alajajian. On February 12, 2006 Rev. Fr. Mesrob Lakissian, The Young Adults Bible study group witnessed a pastor of St. Illumonators Cathedral celebrated his first growth in number and in spiritual maturity. We met al- Badarak. On May 7, 2006, V. Rev. Fr. Massis Zobouyan, most every Tuesday in the past year and studied the Gos- Vicar General of the Prelacy of Syria, celebrated Badarak pel of St. Matthew. We are currently studying the Gos- and delivered the Sermon. pel of St. Luke. We had an “open house,” a factor that PRELACY PROGRAMS increased the number of our members. As an outreach St. Sarkis Church supported all the programs orga- program the group celebrated Thanksgiving with the resi- nized by the Prelacy. Our representatives had an active dents of the New York Armenian Home in Flushing. Six participation at the NRA which was convened on May people of the group met with His Holiness Aram I dur- 17 through May 19 at the host parish, Sts. Vartanantz ing a special gathering with the youth of the U.S. orga- Church in Ridgefield, New Jersey. nized by the Prelacy in Detroit, MI, and they performed Our Church participated in the celebratory banquet the Scripture readings on Christmas Eve. Along with the of His Grace Bishop Anoushavan Tanielian’s Episcopal spiritual nourishment that the study provides, I like to Ordination held on Sunday, October 1, 2006 at the Ter- look at it as a base that prepares potential future leaders race on the Park as well as the celebratory banquet of of our Church. Archpriest Fr. Moushegh Der Kaloustian’s 50th anniver- c. Saturday School sary, also held on December 17, 2006 at the Terrace on Under the leadership of our Director Mrs. Nairy the Park also. Our various auxiliary groups continued to Zohrabian, our Sunday school is equipped with a new support the Armenian Prelacy orphans program for our and efficient staff who themselves are active members republic of Armenia. of the Young Adults Bible Study Group. Our goal is the 4 5 Shoghagat transmission of Christian education to our children ac- of our church. We appeal to our community to consider cording to the traditions of the Armenian Apostolic Or- sponsoring the publication of Shoghagat. We also pub- thodox Church. Therefore we are committed in following lished a weekly bulletin for each Sunday for the past year. the guidelines and curriculum provided by the Prelacy’s Special Booklets were published on the International Cui- Religious Educational Council (AREC). We take this op- sine Fest, June 4th (Church Anniversary), and December portunity to remind the parents of our Sunday school 16th by Dr. Louiza Kubikian. students that your commitment and co-operation are in- During the past year our website www.stsarkisch- deed crucial to the success of our school program. urch.net continued to improve. The bible readings were SPECIAL ACTIVITIES updated almost daily. Also, photos from each event were a. Church Anniversary posted immediately. We had an average of 31 visits per On June 4, 2006 our community celebrated the 16th day and a total of 991 monthly visits in January 2006 as anniversary of our new church and 1st anniversary for my well as an average of 52 visits per day and a total of 1,623 installation as pastor to this church. I would like to thank monthly visits in December 2006. once again all the efforts of the organizers. Vartskernit OUTREACH Gadar. Visiting the sick is a priority on our pastoral mis- b. Summer camp sion. Therefore whenever I heard about the illness of any July 10-14, 3-35 children ages 5-15 gathered here member of our community I visited them either in the as St. Sarkis offered them a “Summer Camp” program, hospital or their homes. The Armenian Home of Flush- sponsored by Mr. Antranig Boudakian and executed by ing was another aspect of our mission and for that reason Mrs. Seta Megherian and a very dedicated staff, members I was there on almost every Friday visiting our elderly without whom camp would not have been possible:, Mr. mothers and fathers and praying with them. Vartan Megherian, Miss. Malvina Shishmanian, Miss Tam- We continued to show respect to the work of the ar Haroutounian, Yeretsgin Annie, Miss Nevair Oranjian, NYPD through our relationship with the 111 Precinct. Mrs. Loucine Megherian, Mrs. Christine Bedrossian, Mr. We celebrated our Thanksgiving/Christmas luncheon Vahram Shishmanian and Mrs. Annette Givelekian. This with them –a yearly traditional event sponsored by Mrs. effective educational and fun program will be implement- Mary Arslanian. I also participated along with His Grace ed over two weeks this summer. Mrs. Marion Boudakian Bishop Anoushavan Tanielian to their annual clergy break- has pledged to sponsor the camp this year, and we are fast held at the City Bank building in Long Island City. committed to finding all the necessary tools to make the Our Sister church, Sp. Hampartsoum in Lachin, summer camp 07 more educational and more fun. Gharapagh continued to be part of our community’s c.The Feast Of Sourp Asdvadzadzin outreach program as we continued to provide our an- August 13, 2006, on the observance of the Feast of nual monetary gift to them. The community of St. Sarkis Assumption of our blessed Mother the holy Virgin Mary, church supported with “Sundays 2nd plate” the victims a group of volunteers along with certain members of our of the attacks against Lebanon last summer as well as the Ladies Guild introduced the tradition of Herisa to our students of Gavar special school in Armenia. community, which was an immediate success. We hope In closing I would like to extend my sincere grati- that this tradition will become one of the permanent tra- tude to our prelate His Eminence Archbishop Oshagan ditions of our church as a manner of maintaining our Choloyan, Our Vicar General His Grace Bishop Anoush- unique cultural identity as well as deepening the sense of avan Tanielian, the BOT members as well as our chairman belonging within our community members. Dr. Cazazian, our auxiliary bodies: the Ladies Guild, the d. Honoring the past choir and the Altar servers, St. Sarkis Suzanne and Hov- On December 16, 2006, the current board had the sep Hagopian Saturday school’s director. Mrs. Zohrabian, wonderful idea to honor past and present members of the staff and the PTA, the Sunday School staff, the Bible St. Sarkis Church BOT. Along to the sentimental value Study Group, the Young Adults Bible Study group, the that the event created, it also became a major fundraiser Senior citizens’ group, Yeraz Dance group, the Basketball through which we were able to paint our church. I thank program, and the Table Tennis Club. Special Thanks to once again all the donors for their generosity and sup- Mardirous, Zaven and Yervant for their dedication. I also port. thank each and every parishioner of St. Sarkis Church for PUBLICATIONS their continued participation. As agreed upon by the members of the BOT to I conclude with the words of our Church Fathers: publish three issues of Shoghagat yearly, we met our goal “Glory to you God, glory to you, for everything Glory to and published three beautiful issues of Shoghagat. Along you. with the improvement of the design and layout of our May God bless you all, publication, we worked hard to improve the content as well. And as you can witness the past 3 issues had several Rev. Fr. Nareg Terterian articles by various members of our church. I believe that Pastor that feature of Shoghagat makes it really the magazine

6 November 2006-March 2007


2-3 December 2006 were marked in my pontifical of renewal. We are living in a new world. Tremendous ministry with my encounter and open dialogue with the changes are taking place in our immediate milieu. The Armenian youth. This Youth Gathering took place Church must be neither indifferent nor reactive. in Detroit and was organized on the occasion of In order to be relevant and reliable, the Church my short visit to the USA. must respond proactively to the imperatives I want to express my deep apprecia- of changing times and circumstances, re- tion to His Eminence Archbishop Osha- maining firmly attached to its own iden- gan Choloyan, Prelate of Easter Dio- tity and vocation. It is vitally important cese, His Eminence Archbishop Khajag that in the Church’s response, the glob- Hagopian, Prelate of Canada and His al and the contextual be interwoven in Eminence Archbishop Moushegh a way that the unity and integrity of Mardirossian, Prelate of Western the Armenian Church are preserved Diocese, for taking this initiative as an intact and solid. essential part of their pastoral respon- 3) Being in dialogue with its en- sibility. My special appreciation is due vironment implies meeting the expec- to those young adults who came from tations and needs of the people and different parts of North America to at- seeking solutions to their problems. tend the youth event. The world today is marked by growing The renewal of the Armenian anxieties and despair. People are caught Church was the core of this gathering. In my dialogue in turmoil; they are in search of meaning and direction. with the youth I touched on a number of issues and iden- They are facing in their daily life ethical, moral and so- tified challenges pertaining to this pertinent theme. By cial questions and dilemmas related to sexual orientation, carefully listening to them, I became more aware of their family, marriage, spiritual life, etc., which require clear expectations as well as of their unwavering dedication to guidance. Our Church cannot remain silent. Globaliza- our Church and its values and traditions. tion has made the inter-dependence of humanity even Upon my return to Antelias, I would like to share more acute and existential. Others’ concerns are our con- succinctly with the Armenian youth of other communi- cerns and the other way round. The Armenian Church ties some of the major perspectives that I conveyed to the must deal with socio-ethical issues with utmost care and youth in Detroit. sensitivity. 1) The renewal of the Armenian Church is an ur- 4) The Church must give priority to the promo- gent necessity. In order to carry on its God-given mis- tion of spiritual values. These values come to us from sion efficiently, our Church is called to keep pace with the the Bible and the Apostolic tradition, from our church changing conditions of modern societies. Therefore, the fathers, from our liturgy and traditions. Those who say question is not why renewal, but rather how renewal? (In that the Armenian Church has no spirituality or gives no my book, Beyond the 1700th Anniversary (2001), I have attention to it are mistaken and misguided. Every church already addressed basic issues concerning the renewal of has its own ways and forms of expressing spirituality. We the Armenian Church). The renewal of our Church will must beware of ‘cheap’ and ‘false’ spiritualities that sur- not be accomplished simply by shortening the liturgy and round us, often with ‘attractive’ forms and expressions. introducing certain adjustments within the church struc- We must stick to our own spirituality which is so rich and tures. This perception must be changed. Renewal is not profound. We must renew our own spirituality by making easy; it is a long, critical and all-embracing process. The it more compatible with new conditions. Church’s total life in its institutional and spiritual, theo- 5) Christian education must occupy a central place logical and liturgical dimensions and manifestation must in the renewal of the Church. By Christian education I do be included in any serious renewal process. not understand only formal education but basically Chris- 2) The Armenian Church must become more re- tian formation that must start in the family. By Christian sponsive to the new realities, concerns and challenges of education I also mean re-Christianization of our people. its specific environment. This is, indeed, a vital feature In a world dominated by secularism and materialism, the

6 7 Shoghagat

Christian values are often pushed to our clergy must be renewed. We need This is only an outline of some the periphery of our life. We have a clergy who are well versed in Ar- major issues, concerns and challenges become nominal Christians. Our menian Church history and theology that must be considered in the renew- Church must take the re-evangelism as well as in contemporary theology; al of our Church. Renewal must be of its people seriously. Our mission- who have a comprehensive knowl- carried on carefully and in an orga- ary outreach must be perceived and edge of the context in which they are nized manner. Holistic and contextu- practiced essentially as an inreach. called to exercise their pastoral minis- al, realistic and pragmatic approaches, True renewal is re-evangelization and try; who, driven by ecumenical vision, in their coherent interconnectedness, transformation of the community of are engaged in dialogue and collabo- must become the driving force and faith. ration with other churches; who are the guiding principle of a credible 6) The reformation of liturgy is courageous enough to take the Gos- renewal. A committee representing an area of particular and immediate pel to our people in response to the the Hierarchical Sees of the Arme- concern. Any attempt to introduce new challenges of modern societies nian Church is already in formation changes in the liturgy – shortening and in faithfulness to the values and to lead the renewal process. the text, changing the language, in- spiritual and theological heritage of The youth are called to play an troducing new prayers, editing the the Armenian Church. Our Church important role in this respect. With texts, etc. – must be made on the in the 21st Century needs a clergy for their perspectives and experiences basis of well-established criteria and the 21st Century. they can significantly contribute to clear guidelines. Arbitrary, superficial 8) We must embark on a kind all efforts aimed at making the Ar- and one-sided approach to the liturgy of renewal process which takes our menian Church a church for the 21st may become counter-productive. The Church beyond its institutional con- century. We must give space to the inner unity, integrity and particularity fines and makes it a dynamic reality in youth in our Church. They are inte- of the Armenian liturgy must be pre- the life of our people. The Armenian gral and vital part of the Church’s life served. Church must become a and witness. I have strong confidence 7) Clergy has a crucial part to church through Christian education, in our youth. play in the renewal of the Armenian pastoral work, social service and liv- ARAM I Church. In order to renew our Church ing spirituality. CATHOLICOS OF CILICIA

8 November 2006-March 2007 SPIRITUAL JOURNEY ble 101, group Veh Bezdikian and Arpine Aroyan, who Gerard Barikian experienced similar delays at the airport. It felt as if we were whole again and could now partake in the events to come, and partake we did. From liturgical singing to The words you see in bold were the catalyst for my group prayer and conversation we filled our hungry and enriching and spiritually educational trip to Dearborn, empty spiritual bellies. Michigan to experience firsthand our Catholicos Aram The sole purpose for YOUR CHURCH, YOUR Vehapar. I, who for many years found myself on the FUTURE, ENGAGE was to bring Armenian young outside peering in to our church, or any church for that adults together for a relaxed weekend of learning about matter, and was neither capable nor mentally prepared and experiencing what the Armenian Church has to offer, to comprehend the profound impact that weekend was and that my friends is what they accomplished with flying to have on me. My decision to attend this event was an enormous leap outside my YOUR CHURCH, YOUR FUTURE, ENGAGE. “Normal” and often mis- guided way of life. I, who have preached to friends and family alike that a “real” Armenian colors. Imagine if you will a large number of Christian need not attend church regularly to receive Armenians ranging ages from 18 to 35 gathered in one Christ our Lord in their heart and that gatherings such as location to pray, learn, gain spiritual strength and nourish- this were cult like and for lost people. Well, fellow parish- ment, and enjoy the bountiful beauty of being Christian ioners and friends, if I have captured your attention thus Armenians without a single argument, criticism or harsh far then allow me to continue by saying how misguided a word towards one another (which unfortunately we are fool I have been. often and quite infamously noted for doing). To experi- Before I continue about the events of this weekend, ence this type of open communication and spiritual kin- I would like to acknowledge and thank the three prelacies ship with fellow BIBLE 101 brothers and sisters and, under the jurisdiction of the Armenian Catholicosate of of course, our newly found brothers and sisters from all Cilicia for their vision and foresight to make such an event the attending states was something that I shall hold dear possible for our young Armenian adults, who attended and deep within my being. The program of the event from different parts of the USA and Canada. Special included testimonies, lectures, panel discussions, informal thanks to our Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan, Prelate meetings and a musical event. Worship and biblical medi- of the Armenian Apostolic Church of the Eastern USA tations were at the core of this gathering. region, Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate of To conclude this meaningful weekend Catholicos the Armenian Apostolic Church of the Western USA Aram Vehapar delivered a memorable and devout speech region, and the Prelate of Canada, Archbishop Khajag to all of the Armenian young adults, and the meaning Hagopian for their tremendous insight of the Armenian and passion of his words rang sharply in our ears. Our Church and the application of our church in our every- churches in all the states and in all the countries of this day lives. Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan stressed the wide world are and will always be open for spiritual knowl- importance of greater participation of the youth in our edge and faith. To be an Armenian Christian is not only a Church life. Through his biblical meditation, Archbishop privilege and honorary badge but a birth right which we Moushegh Mardirossian laid the emphasis on serving the should show to the world at all times. To remember that spiritual needs of the people. Archbishop Khajag Hago- we as a people embraced and believed in Christ our Lord pian shared the concern of the youth and invited them to and became the first nation to accept Christianity is the take a more active part in the reformation of the church. key that locks us together as brethren. What Catholicos Their connection to the young adults of this event was Aram Vehapar was able to so effortlessly convey to our that of a seasoned rock star to their fans, quite mesmer- young adults is the renewal of faith in our Church and izing and remarkable. our lives. He stated that he could not understand a Chris- Upon arriving at the Hyatt Regency in Dearborn, I tian way of life outside the Church. The Church for us is and my fellow Bible 101 group, Bedig Kalaydjian, Chris- the house of God which has also become the house of tine Bedrossian, and Tamar Harutunian (Unfortunately our people. We must therefore keep the house strong and our Seerelee Der Nareg and Yeretzkkin were separated vivid and ALIVE in our hearts everyday. I humbly thank from us at LaGuardia airport due to regulatory weight Catholicos Aram Vehapar for his words, the Prelates for issues and over booking of the flight) were greeted with their vision and Der Nareg and Saint Sarkis Armenian warm welcomes from the organizing committees. Our Apostolic Church for giving me an opportunity to shed Der Nareg and Yeretzkin with the Grace of God joined light to my eyes and heart to a world and a way of life us the following morning along with others from our Bi- which was once dark and closed.

8 9 Shoghagat

TRIBUTE TO SAINT SARKIS BOARD OF TRUSTEES Dr. Aram Cazazian, Chairman Megerian and the “family album” in jian, daughter-in-law of Hagop Vo- of the Board of Trustees at Saint the shape of a special exhibit of en- skerijian; Mary Arslanian, sister of Sarkis, a man of many talents and larged photos were on display as the Hairo Baghdassarian, and of course an easy smile, has for the last three guests walked in. Reminiscent of the Arpi Bekian, daughter of Archpriest years had a set of problems that just past, this was an indication of the Asoghik Kelejian, Pastor of St. Sarkis won’t go away. “Being chairman is theme of the celebration: “Remem- Church 1962-1991. like running a midsize company with bering and Honoring those who laid Immediately, old acquaintances overhead, payroll, plant maintenance, the foundation of St. Sarkis Church greeted and hugged, genuinely hap- labor relations,” confessed Dr. Ca- and continued to serve until now.” py to see each other after so many zazian, enough to add several worry There were about 180 pres- years. One could feel the warmth, lines to the forehead. But he was all ent that evening with over 35 Board exuberance, memories and friend- smiles on Saturday, December 16, fol- members in attendance. ship shared, that several people had lowing a very enjoyable event at the Among the old Board Mem- tears in their eyes. And everyone was church honoring all past and present bers were George Postian, George so happy to be back and belong once members of the Board of Trustees Petrossian, Arthur Hairabedian, again to the St. Sarkis Church family. of Saint Sarkis. Frank Kabarajian, Dr. Vartkes Placed on each chair was a com- More than 180 guests were Khachadurian, Leon Karibian, Bed- memorative booklet lovingly prepared greeted at the door and immediately ros Givelekian, Manoug Gostanian, by Dr. Louiza Kubikian containing drawn to an exhibit of large photo- Kegham Dirielian, Edward Barsami- the biographies and photos of all 66 graphs. an, Edward Bekian and others. Also, Board of Trustees members, with a “It was a long overdue family some family members of deceased section of old photos from the sixties gathering,” said Dr. Louiza Kubikian Board members were there: Nazeli and seventies. The booklet required a as the memorable evening drew to a De Blasé and Margaret Stark, daugh- lot of detective work in finding family close on Saturday, December 16 and ters of Armen Vartabedian; Haig Gi- members of those who are not alive. the last happy participants were tak- ragossian, son of Vartkes Giragosian; This task was done by Dr. Louiza Ku- ing their leave. Gail D’Onofrio, daughter of George bikian and Diane Boyadjian (daughter As in all family affairs, the Saint Kasparian; Lydia Khatchadourian, of Arthur Hairabedian), each spend- Sarkis “house” was decorated with wife of Khosrof Khatchadourian ing a lot of time contacting everyone, wonderful tapestries provided by the and her daughter; Naida Voskeri- asking them to send their biographies 10 November 2006-March 2007 reg Terterian, light Ceremony in memory of Board current Pas- members who had died. Srpazan Os- tor, Archpriest hagan blessed and lit the first candle Moushegh Der which then became the source of Kalustian, for- light for the other candles. With ev- mer Pastor of eryone standing, Dr. Kubikian read St. Illuminators the name of the deceased and the Cathedral and person who will light the candle in Rev. Fr. Mesrob their memory. If no relatives were Lakissian, cur- present, then past chairmen lit their rent Pastor of candle. Diane Boyadjian took the St. Illuminators. blessed candle and went around the The M.C. of the room as the names were read. The evening was Dr. first person to be remembered was, Arthur Kubiki- of course, Der Asoghik Kelejian with and photos and also to attend the an, who spoke Arpi Bekian lighting his candle. There event. The booklet was finally com- briefly and then introduced Dr. Carlo were 20 in all, and after the ceremony pleted in time (quite an accomplish- Bayrakdarian and John Megerian, was completed, Dr. Cazazian called ment, since some people needed to be contacted several times and coaxed into providing information). The evening started with a prayer by His Eminence Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan. Several clergy were present: Bishop Anoushavan Tanielian, former Pastor of St. Sar- kis Church, 1991-2005, Rev. Fr. Na-

Esq., each relating their good wishes for a moment of silence in memory on this occasion. Der Nareg followed of the departed ones. with his message speaking about the During the dinner break, all future of St. Sarkis Church. board members were asked to go up- Then, Dr. Kubikian asked Dr. stairs to the sanctuary for a formal Aram Cazazian, Chairman of the photo session. The second part of Board of Trustees, to come to the the evening continued with Dr. Aram podium for a very special Candle- Cazazian welcoming everyone back

10 11 Shoghagat to St. Sarkis Church, encouraging Dr. Arthur Kubikian then in- them to become active once again. troduced Bedros Givelekian, former He thanked Edward and Lynn Ja- chairman of the Board for 20 years, mie for producing and donating the much of which was during the very wooden plaque bearing the names difficult years of the church burning of all Board of Trustees members, and the subsequent reconstruction. a plaque which is currently dis- His speech was emotional and senti- played in the ante chamber of the mental, with a recount of those dif- church. Dr. Cazazian asked former ficult years, the people who worked The importance of Christian Board Chairmen to express their with him in the rebuilding of the Spirituality practices such as prayer, sentiments on this occasion. The church, personal memories and virtues, and communion were high- first to speak was Arthur Hairabe- achievements of St. Sarkis Church lighted as well. Referring to a ceiling dian, whose speech was humorous today. He appealed to the generos- section of the Sistine Chapel shown , and sentimental. He was followed ity of those present and his call was the crowd was exposed to the effort by George Postian, who had come answered with more than $15,000 in God puts forth to reach us - His ex- solo because his wife had a terrible pledges and donations from those tended hand and finger - in compari- cold, then Frank Kabarajian, who present. Bishop Anoushavan Tan- son to the laziness shown in Adam’s expressed his thanks and apprecia- ielian spoke briefly before turning hand. Using this example and the tion to the organizers of the event. the microphone to Archbishop Os- passages from John 6.35-59, Rev. Fr. Chairman for many years, Mr. hagan Choloyan who gave his mes- Nareg explained to us how important Kabarajian expressed his joy in see- sage and benediction. it is to practice Christian Spirituality. ing many old friends and quoting In closing, his Eminence The last part of the lecture and pre- Vehapar Karekin, urged all, espe- prayed that God may keep the spirit sentation were regarding the focus of cially the youth to “Arjekavorek tzer of service in all of us and especially Badarak and how followers of Christ orerah” and continue active involve- the youth who will assure the pres- must bear their own cross and follow ment in the Church. Last but not ent and future of our church. the “royal road of the cross”. Next, least, Gaydzag Boyadjian, chairman This concluded the formal the four sections of the Badarak - the for 2 years (2003-2005), thanked all part of the evening and everyone preparation, the synaxis, the Badarak who supported him during his ten- was ready for conversation, dessert, and the conclusion - were explained ure and wished much success to Dr. raffles and dancing. and put into context with first part of Aram Cazazian, the new chairman. the lecture. In conclusion we were all re- minded of the consistency of spiri- CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALITY AND tuality, that there is no gain without THE ARMENIAN APOSTOLIC CHURCH any pain and “no Cross, no Crown”. by Arpiné Aroyan The audience was then invited to ask any questions they may have regard- For over two years the Young group over the last year. The Arme- ing the lecture or related topics. The Adults Bible Study Group has gath- nian Apostolic church’s customs and two most relevant issues brought up ered weekly to discuss Christian spiri- traditions were integrated into the were an interest in the traditions of tuality with the direction and guidance lecture and linked to the message of the Armenian Apostolic Church and of Rev. Fr. Nareg. Selected passages Christian Spirituality. the requests by many for a Badarak from the Bible are read, studied, and The lecture began with the mes- 101 lecture. the messages are discussed amongst sage of God’s Calling to us followed The Young Adults Bible Study the group. Late last fall the group de- by the definition of spirituality and Group had prepared a number of cided to share what they have learned more importantly, Christian Spiritual- tasty dishes for the 100 or so guests and organized an afternoon lecture ity. The crowd was then asked “Who and all donations were later offered to on Sunday, November 19th, 2006. am I?”, “Who ought I become?”, and the Ladies Guild. On behalf of the Rev. Fr. Nareg prepared an en- “How ought I get there?,” questions Young Adults Bible Study Group we lightening lecture on Christian Spiri- which often come to mind when we would like to thank you all for your tuality and the Armenian Apostolic think of our purpose in life. Rev. Fr. attendance and participation in this Church. His presentation summarized Nareg answered those questions quot- enlightening event. Based on the suc- the most vital guidelines for Christian ing passages from the bible such as cess and interest in this lecture, there Spirituality as well as issues and ques- Romans 8.14-16, Matthew 5.48, and will surely be more to come in 2007. tions brought forth by the Bible study Matthew 5.1-10 & 19.16-21.

12 November 2006-March 2007


Nothing can substitute our Ar- tiun,” the Holy Communion. “Gaghant Baba” took time to dance menian “Badarak” Celebration, es- My amazement continued when with the little ones. pecially on January 6 when all our after the service I went down to the Everyone was having a good traditional hymns,“Sharagans,” of church main hall when I found a beau- time in an Armenian Family atmo- our forefathers are performed with tifully decorated room with tables set sphere: eating, watching children their most meaningful and powerful with numerous appetizers and drinks perform, talking, clapping, taking messages and praises to celebrate the to start and a wonderful meal to fol- pictures or singing. At the end of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. low. More than 200 people were pres- program I felt a sense of great satis- I want to share the spiritual up- ent and shared each other’s company faction, gratitude and joy that I was lifting and warmth I felt on Satur- and the delicious dishes prepared by able to experience such a wonderful day January, 6 at St. Sarkis Apostolic the P.T.A. of both schools. In my celebration of our Christmas with Church. With Father Nareg Terterian opinion the “piece de resistance” family and friends. I thank everyone celebrating “Badarak” and Father came when the students all dressed involved in this event the choir, the Moushegh assisting, the church filled up in their Christmas pageant cos- deacons, Der Moushegh, Der Na- to capacity with her faithful parishio- tumes walked into the hall with their reg, the principal of the schools Mrs. ners and resounded with the beauti- lit candles to perform in the program Nairi Zohrabian, the music teacher ful music of the choir and the par- prepared for their “hantes”. Noth- Mrs. Eliza Hampartsoumian, the ticuoation of her numerous deacons. ing could have replaced the beautiful teachers for preparing the students The most amazing and most touch- sight of 40 children singing and re- (not an easy task), the Parent Teacher ing moment was at the conclusion of citing the traditionl Christmas Carols Association of the schools who had mass when the Saturday and Sunday and poems in Armenian. Finally a the success of the Hantes and Lun- School students of St. Sarkis dressed very loud singing of “Gaghant Baba” cheon and festivities of the day. As up in their festive “holiday outfits” brought the grand entrance of a very we say in French “ Chapeau “ to all knelt down for the recitation of the energetic Santa Claus who was danc- involved. I raise my hat to you all and confession led by Der Moushegh and ing to the rhythm of the tune. Besides thank you. participated in taking “ Haghortu- giving out presents to the children,

12 13 Shoghagat

CLERGY CONFERENCE OF THREE NORTH AMERICA PRELACIES TAKES PLACE IN CALIFORNIA - from www.armenianprelacy.org - The annual Sts. Ghevontiantz I, Catholicos of the Great House of and Mrs. Irma Contrera, secretary of commemoration, which precedes Cilicia. Following the welcoming re- the . the Feast of Vartanantz, has become marks by the host parish priest and On Tuesday morning, students a time of renewal, edification, and board of trustees’ representative, the from the Ari Guiragos Minassian reflection for the Armenian Clergy. three Prelates offered their remarks School attended morning church ser- Each year they gather together to and encouragement to the partici- vices and later had the opportunity learn and to pray in an atmosphere pants. to be photographed with the clergy marked with brotherhood and fel- The meeting began with V. Rev. members. In the evening, the eve of lowship. Fr. Muron Aznikian being elected as the Presentation of the Lord to the Continuing a tradition that was Chair and Rev. Fr. Nareg Terterian as Temple, services took place at St. inaugurated several years ago, the Secretary. Over the three-day period, Mary Church in Glendale, with the 2007 clergy conference was a joint pastoral and spiritual concerns were three prelates presiding. Archbishop gathering of the Eastern and Western discussed, as well as issues relating Khajag Hagopian delivered the ser- Prelacies of the United States, and to Christian education. Among the mon. Homenetmen scouts also par- the Prelacy of Canada. The three-day items on the agenda were discussions ticipated. Following the service, the conference was hosted by the West- of topics raised at the Youth Gath- Board of Trustees and Ladies Guild ern Prelacy from February 12 to 14, ering with Catholicos Aram which hosted a reception. under the auspices of Archbishop took place in December. Morning On Wednesday morning, the Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate of and evening church services were an clergymen visited the new Prelacy the Western Prelacy; Archbishop Os- important part of the gathering. building where morning services hagan Choloyan, Prelate of the East- On Monday evening, the eve took place at the Sts. Dertad and ern Prelacy; and Archbishop Khajag of the Feast of St. Ghevont, Holy Chapel, followed by a visit Hagopian, Prelate of Canada. Mass was conducted at Forty Mar- to the Vahan and Anoush Chamlian The main topic of discussion tyrs Church by Bishop Anoushavan School where the students presented was the many challenges facing the Tanielian, Vicar General of the East- a special assembly devoted to Vartan- Armenian Church and Clergy in the ern Prelacy. Requiem service was of- antz. Western world in the 21st century fered for the souls of the departed The conference, which offered and the general theme of “The Zeal clergy who served the three Prelacies. the participants the chance to renew of Clergy.” The conference con- Among those in attendance were their spiritual responsibilities and vened in Ghazarian Hall, adjacent guest clergy members, including Fa- their will to serve our faithful, con- to Forty Church in Orange ther Johanna Ibrahim of the Cop- cluded on Wednesday afternoon and County, with the reading of the letter tic Orthodox Church, Father John the clergy prepared to return to their of blessing from His Holiness Aram Monestera of the Catholic Church, respective communities.

14 November 2006-March 2007


urious title you would say, what is the link? used to belong to the Armenians but now doesn’t and The common ground is to do your duty to on and on and on! ‘Hm!’ I thought, could Sunday School God. Indeed, the Cub Scout Promise is: have something to do with this? To top it all, each time C‘To promise to do my best, to do my duty to God Reverend Only would explain how certain traditions were and Country, to help other people carried out in his Church, Peter would rebuff and explain And to obey the Law of the Pack.’ how the Armenian Church functions! I don’t know who First, let’s start with Sunday School. The time had exactly was giving the lesson, Peter or Reverend Only! come for our son to attend Sun- day School. He started asking too many questions, which we IF YOU ARE SEEKING RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION, were unable to answer properly. THE ST. SARKIS SUNDAY SCHOOL IS THE PLACE TO BE Therefore, in September, Peter started going every Sunday. Week after week, I would We even had a moment of panic. The Reverend was on ask him: “What did you do, what did you learn, how did the Altar along with the boys, explaining various religious it go?” To which, as usual, the answer was: “You know, panels and I proceeded to climb onto the Altar to also the usual Mommy, we colored, had snack and went into see, knowing that women were allowed to be on the Al- Church for Confession and Communion”. Typical! We tar in this Church. Suddenly, Peter’s thundering voice re- rarely get the answers we are eager to hear! sounded “Mommy – WHAT ARE YOU DOING! YOU Peter has been a Cub Scout for the last 3 years and KNOW VERY WELL YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED like all scouts, he is eager to earn various badges and mer- HERE!!!” What a sight! Nine cubs staring at Peter and its. One of the prestigious medals is the Religious one me, stunned and Reverend Only running over saying: which, in our case, is the Saint Gregory medal. In order “No son, it’s OK, we allow women on the Altar.” No to complete the requirements for this medal, Peter needs sooner said, a whole discussion began between the two to complete quite a booklet, explaining the many facets of them as to what we do and they do! This outing was to of the Armenian Church and its traditions. Therefore, last an hour and a half. Needless to say, once all the boys we asked his Sunday School teachers if it would be pos- had left, the Boyadjians stayed behind and spoke at great sible for them to help him complete the booklet. “No length with Reverend Only, who congratulated Peter for problem” was the answer and we understand that they all his knowledge and me for my parish’s Sunday School are working on it. instruction. Like any normal mother, there are times that On December 11th, our Cub Den was meeting I am very proud of my son. But this was the first time I with Reverend Only from the Congregational Church felt like a huge, full-feathered, colored, majestic peacock! in Manhasset. Reverend Only was to discuss the chapter I could have never been more proud of my Peter than I about religion in general, along with the explanation of was then! Imagine, an 8 - and - a 1/2 year old boy explain- God’s representation in his Church and the significance ing to a Holy Man what his religion and traditions are! I of other artifacts present. While walking around the was most impressed. Church, he would ask the boys questions such as: ‘What Therefore, if you are seeking religious instruction, does the Dove represent – what does the Hand coming the St. Sarkis Sunday School is the place to be! And I will out of the clouds represent etc..’. (Bare in mind, 80% of no longer bother my son asking him how the morning our Den is comprised of Catholic boys who have just had went and what he learned. I know he is learning! their first Communion – therefore, they should know all So in conclusion, “Thank you Yeghetzkin Ani Ter- the answers!) Well, little Peter Boyadjian, the only Arme- terian,” “Thank you Mrs. Christine Bedrossian,” “Thank nian in the group, the one who never discusses what he you Miss. Tamar Harutiunian,” “Thank you Mrs. Seta has learned in Sunday School, had his little hand up in the Megherian” and “Thank you Miss Janette Milian”. air, waving, jumping up and down and gave the correct You ladies are doing a wonderful and monumental answer each time! To add to all this, when the question job with children. of Noah’s Ark came up, Peter proceeded to inform the whole group that the Ark landed on Mount Ararat, which

14 15 Shoghagat


n October 28th, after classes, students participated in a fall festival prepared by the Sat- Ourday school PTA, under the leader- ship of Mrs. Tanya Keresdjian. Students gathered anxiously to see various kinds of animals by an in- structor from the Alley Pond Park En- vironmental Center. All the students had a chance to pet and learn about each individual animal under the in- structor’s supervision and guidance. Everyone, including the parents and teachers were very enthusiastic and curious to learn about these interest- ing creatures. The “eeks” and “awe’s” echoed in the church hall throughout the program. At the start of the pro- gram, students formed a big circle; however, when the rabbit hopped out of its cage, the bird participate in something different, dress up in costumes flitted about and iguana slithered towards the children, and have some fun. The school welcomed the students to the circle grew smaller. The excitement in the room grew bring friends from outside of the school to participate as as more animals peeked out to greet everyone. Parents well. Costumes ranged from princesses, Armenian danc- and teachers were constantly holding their children back ers and fairies, to dressing up as animals themselves! The so they wouldn’t get too close. PTA had also set up creative corners. Arts and Crafts Every year, the fall festival gives students a chance to tables were set up where students learned to share and help each other build stick houses and similar projects. What would a festival be with- out music, great food and games? After enjoying their second pizza slices, games like musical chairs and hitting the candy filled-piñata were played. All the games were accom- panied by Armenian music played by Elize Hampartsoumian on the piano. Prizes were handed out to the win- ners of each game. Everyone had a chance to grab a candy-filled grab bag and delicious dessert before they left. Smiles and laughter were com- ing out of every child and adult. The fall festival lasted for about 2 fun-filled hours. It proved to be a successful event and surely next year’s will be a great experience as well.

16 November 2006-March 2007


reg Terterian, then a deacon. “Saint Sarkis church is in great hands,” he concluded as he introduced Der Nareg. Der Nareg reminded all of the first pastor of the church, Der Asoghik Kelejian, and asked all to pray for his soul. He continued by stating that the church has been very active over the past year and thanked all for their continuing contributions. Among these, special thanks were offered to Mr. and Mrs. for their graceful offering of their special Saint Sarkis day helva, thus continuing a long standing tradition. Dikran Tumanian, a young aspiring pianist and musician enchanted all with masterful renditions of Khachadourian’s Saber Dance and Beethoven’s 3rd move- ment “Eroica”. The musical program continued with an impromptu performance of Khachadourian works by Miss Mariam Nersesian . It was Mr. Karnig Nersessian, who introduced the featured part of the program, Saint Sarkis’s own and inter- nationally known Yeraz Dance Group. A selected group of dancers enchanted the audience with traditional and newly choreographed dances, and Ani, one of the lead A cold and sunny day marked the celebration of dancers, was truly inspired dancing a superb “Haralo” Saint Sarkis day on Sunday, February 4, in the Chadrjian The enthusiastic applause was followed by His Emi- hall of the church, immediately following Sunday church nence Surpazan Choloyan and Mr. Der Sarkissian making services. monetary donations towards the new costumes for the The congregation witnessed the beautiful Holy dance group. Badarak celebrated by His Eminence, Archbishop Osha- As the youngest member of the Board of Trust- gan Choloyan, the Prelate. In his sermon, His Eminence ees, Mr. Danny Gulbenkian thanked the Ladies Guild explained the meaning in the Lord’s Prayer of the line, for their efforts for the day and throughout the year. He “give us our daily bread,” and as such we express continued by urging the past of Saint Sarkis should not our need for nourishment. Just as im- portant is our spiritual nourishment in absorbing and living the word of God. A capacity crowd welcomed the Master of Ceremonies of the day, Mr. John Megerian, who in his opening remarks welcomed all and reminisced about the persons who influenced him greatly at Saint Sarkis. Bishop Anoushavan Tanielian, for- mer pastor of Saint Sarkis, and now Vicar General at the prelacy inspired him greatly and remembered serving on the Altar with the present pastor of Saint Sarkis, Rev. Father Der Na- 16 17 Shoghagat

be forgotten and urged members of Dr. Aram Caza- the congregation to share their Saint zian was introduced Sarkis memories. Plain and simple, he as “The nucleus of said, “Share.” our Church,” full- Taking his cue from Danny, time father, dentist, John Megerian introduced Rev. Fa- chairman of the ther Musegh Der Kaloustian as board, humble and one who is part of everyone’s past. with a big heart.” Dr. Baptized by Der Musegh, he used a Cazazian thanked the mixed phrase describing the outcome prelate for his con- as: “Ok turned out Eghadz em”. tinuing support, Der Everyone loves to hear Der Nareg for nurturing Musegh. He seems to know just what and encouraging the to say to make people feel good. He next generation of congratulated Mr. Nersesian and the parishioners. He next dance group, and wished well to the expressed his special Saint Sarkis parish and especially thanks to the Saint Danny Gulbenkian and John Mege- Sarkis Ladies Guild, rian. “Saint Sarkis is in good hands the most active and critical auxiliary ties: rights and responsibilities vis-à- with young people such as these,” of the church, who had covered all vis the Church. First the right to vote, he said and promised to contribute expenses for the day. He continued voice opinions and participate in ac- to the rebuilding of the Saint Sarkis by listing past and upcoming events tivities, and then the responsibilities front steps so that they are complet- at Saint Sarkis, among them the very of support and participation. “I am ed in timely fashion. successful Summer Day Camp and happy to come and meet not only the Bedros Givelekian, long time the International Cuisine Night, with faithful at Saint Sarkis but also all our chairman of the Board of Trustees, 53 cooks representing 17 countries. Armenian brothers and sisters,” re- as usual, needed no introduction. He concluded by mentioning the ferring to guests from other parishes, He shared memories of three contributions of our secretary for including the Armenian Church of former members of the church who many years, Mr. Mardirous Haftvani, the Holy Martyrs. left their mark in the chronicles of his knowledge, and diligence, rain or He concluded an exciting af- Saint Sarkis: Mr. John Alexanian, who shine. ternoon with His congratulations never tired of advising the congrega- It was Der Nareg, the pastor to Saint Sarkis, and wishes for long, tion on church etiquette, Mr. Hagop of our church who introduced the healthy lives to all present to be able Voskeritchian, who initiated the ter- Prelate who is always an exciting and to continue our history, traditions rific Saint Sarkis street Festivals, and inspiring speaker. “How can such a and the work of God. Mr. Hairo Baghdassarian, who with small parish do so much?” started The traditional singing of “Gil- his big voice and big heart was al- His Eminence. When the parish has igia” marked a melodious ending of ways ready to contribute, whenever love and dedication… everything is the day. needed. possible. All members have 2 reali- 18 November 2006-March 2007

THE CHEFS ARE BACK!!! - By Maria Nercessian -

n February 17, 2007, the St. Sarkis Church There were a total of 18 countries and cities repre- community had the pleasure of once again senting their foods in this year’s menu, each of them spe- Oattending the Annual International Cuisine cial, and each one of them delicious. The countries were: Night. This year was the event’s second year, brought Argentina, Armenia, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Egypt, back after a very successful and fun night last year. This Ethiopia, France, , Greece, Iran, Iraq, Jerusalem, year’s night was better than last, with more countries, Lebanon, Romania, Spain, Syria, Venezuela and the Unit- more music and more food! The event was planned by ed States. Obviously, we had countries from all over the two very hardworking ladies, Dr. Louiza Kubikian and world. It was nice to see such a diverse amount of coun- Mrs. Amy Gostanian. By stepping into the hall, from the tries and foods, and to see how each was represented. To atmosphere you could tell that a lot of effort and thought me, there were some familiar foods, such as those from went into this night, and by the end of the night, no one Armenia and Syria, but there were some foods that I had wanted to leave. The centerpieces on each of the tables never tried, so of course I was eager to try everything. All were absolutely beautiful. Different types of vegetables the foods were delicious, as I had expected, but I had a were hand carved into shapes of different flowers and couple favorites; the vegetable dish call Ghiveci from Bul- then arranged in a type of bouquet. I could only imag- garia; the Albalu Polo from Iran, which is a chicken, sour ine how incredibly difficult and time consuming it was to cherry and rice mix; and the Paella Valenciana from Spain, carve all those flowers. There were 54 chefs this year, all which was great with its mix of seafood and chicken and representing different countries, and of course the music rice. Some of my favorite desserts were the Crème Cara- was played by the popular DJ Allen, who kept everybody mel from France and a new dessert called Galactoburico, dancing and energized. which is a sweet custard-type dish from Greece. All the

18 19 Shoghagat Sayat Nova, which was the highest selling painting of the night. After the auctioning it was time for the raffles and there were some great gifts. Some of the lucky parishio- ners of the church received chocolate gift sets, cooking gift sets and very beautiful jewelry. Thank you to those 54 chefs who displayed their cooking expertise and allowed us to sample delicious foods from all around the world. To everybody who participated in organizing/setting up/ or just being part of the International night, it was a fantastic night filled with so much fun. It’s great to see so many members of the church all together, and I think we should have more nights like this. Maybe we can have an International Song/ Dance night, or even just other types of events where the community can come together and have a good time. I can’t wait till next year and see what the chefs have in store for the next time around! foods from all the different countries were fantastic, and they were all different in their own ways. By the end of dinner, everybody was so stuffed that they had to dance off all they had eaten! There were lines of people dancing to a shourch bar, or a few people dancing solo in the center of a big circle. The only time the dancing stopped was to start the raffles. Decorated on the walls were hand- painted illustrations representations of 15 of the 18 countries being displayed. Every country had a symbol to represent it, with a picture of the national fruit or flower to go along with it. Ani Nercessian did an in- credible job, and these paintings were full of detail and color. Some examples were Ararat Ler with some Pomegran- ates representing Armenia, or a painting of Mount Rushmore to demonstrate the United States. The guests of the night were surprised to hear that these wonderful paintings, were going to be auctioned off with all the proceeds going to the church. Eddie Bars- amian and Karnig Nerces- sian did a great job of en- couraging everyone to buy these paintings and all of the countries were sold, ex- cept for Egypt, which was going to be raffled off. The country of Georgia had a beautiful depiction of 20 November 2006-March 2007

20 21 Shoghagat ST. SARKIS CHURCH BAZAAR OF 2006 YOUNG ADULTS BIBLE STUDY By Mary Arslanian The Ladies Guild of St. Sarkis GROUP SHARES THANKSGIVING Church in Douglaston held its annual Bazaar on November 12, DINNER WITH THE RESIDENTS Of 2006. It was a great success thanks ARMENIAN OLD AGE HOME to the hard work of its members By Annette Givelekian and chairlady Mrs. Anoush Dire- lian. There was entertainment for children in the “children corner,” which included face painting, cup- On November 26, 2006, a group God? Are we trying to be fruitful cade decorating, balloon blowing, of us from Bible Studies 101 decided and share God’s love and wisdom, twisting and gadgets to buy. At the to visit the Armenian Old Age Home or are we too self-consumed to care food lovers corner the ladies had in Flushing, NY. Daniel Gulbenkian about others? Do we make time for prepared delicious ethnic foods donated turkeys for the staff to pre- God in our lives? such as taboule, hommos, kebbe, pare a wonderful Thanksgiving feast We should also consider how falafel, sarma, beurag, manteh and for the residents. respectful we are to our bodies that different wraps, such as children As we helped serve dinner to the God gave us. Do we feed our bod- and louleh kebab. residents we got to get to know them ies with the right nutrients? What A raffle was held not for the ben- better. During the meal they shared about the nutrients for our hearts efit of the guild but to support a their memories and stories with us. It and minds? While man cannot live school for handicapped children was amazing to see how some of the on bread alone, we must learn how in Armenia. Mr. Jirair Der Sarkis- older residents, who were close to a we can give our soul the proper nu- sian had donated a beautiful rug century old, did not really look their trients through God’s love. for the raffle which brought in a age. They had a great outlook on life Do we make enough time to en- comfortable sum for the school. and a great spirit. When asked for joy our families and let them know Mr. Kourken Gregorian was the their secret to a long life, one resident how important they are to us? Do winner of the raffle. told me her faith. She has a great re- we cherish the small moments in life Everyone present was having fun lationship with God. Family is also or are we too focused on the next big eating, talking with friends, buying very important, as we saw a lot of thing? My sister’s motto is that the or just looking around. A job well family members there to share this best things in life are not things. If done. Congratulations! special time with their loved ones. you think about it, God, love, fam- During our visit, some of the ily, friendship, trust, faith, they are SAINT SARKIS residents were quick to approach us, all free. They cannot be bought nor MEMBERSHIP while some needed a little bit of time can you put a price tag on them. The to warm up. But by the end of our beauty of trees and flowers, the sea- visit, we were all friends. Christine sons, all these gifts God gave to us It costs only $200.00 a year per Marcarian’s grandfather Mr. Toros to enjoy family to become members of the Hatchoyan, went up on stage and I don’t claim to know the an- Saint Sarkis Parish. sang a few songs. We had another swer to all of these questions, but resident who recited a poem. An- the journey to finding them can be Not only will you enjoy a spiritual other resident who was new to the interesting and rewarding. As I left tie to the church, but there are home played some wonderful pieces the Old Age Home, I thought about other tangible benefits of mem- of music on the piano. some of the memories the residents bership. Special rates for Saint Besides spending a great after- shared with me and wondered what Sarkis facilities rental and dis- noon with those who are wiser than my memories would consist of. This me, I walked away with some life counts for the basketball program led me to think about what can we registration are only some of the lessons. Specifically, I pondered the do today to make for an even better benefits. Those wishing to join importance of what we do with our tomorrow? I pray to God for the lives while we are on this earth. Are wisdom to figure it out. or get additional information on we truly trying to be the best Chris- church activities, please call the tians we can be? How strong is our Church office at 718-224-2275. faith and how close do we feel to 22 November 2006-March 2007 UNDERSTANDING ter participating in Christmas Bada- rak or carpooling to see a genocide THE MISSION OF CHRIST – BIBLE 101 documentary in the city, these young By Janet Vanessian adults have become active members within their Church and their com- munity. So why read the Bible? We, as It is eight-thirty on Tuesday members to reflect about each pas- Christians, are called to the profes- evening as the last of the late-comers sage, speak openly and ask questions sion of Christianity. This belief gov- shuffle into the classroom. Students in an effort to understand the life and erns our way of life in our thoughts take their seats at the table and pre- mission of Jesus Christ. Who is God and in our actions. The life of Jesus pare to open their book. We all rise to us? What does it mean to be a re- Christ epitomizes these beliefs, and as our teacher leads us in an opening sponsible Christian? Do we need to the Bible elucidates the foundation prayer. read the Bible or come to Church ev- of our beliefs. Trying to be perfect This is not your average night ery Sunday? Questions such as these at the “profession” of Christianity in- class. This is no ordinary group of regarding our Faith, our customs and volves knowledge through education young adults. There are no prereq- the presence of God are brought and spiritual guidance. The Bible, uisites or restrictions to attend these forth in this open but intimate fo- our Church and our Pastor provide meetings. Membership in this group rum. this for all of us. requires only a desire to understand But simply reading about His Bible 101, the Young Adults Bi- the mission of Christ and become mission is not enough for this group. ble Study Group, meets every Tuesday closer to God. This is Bible 101, the Bible 101 has had its share of field evening at eight thirty in Pagoumian Young Adults Bible Study Group. trips and has been involved in a num- Hall. Bibles, and sometimes even re- Established in Fall 2005, each ber of social Church events. Wheth- freshments, are provided. Spend an week, Bible 101, led by Rev. Fr. Nareg er visiting with the residents at the evening with us and you’ll find your- Terterian, embarks on a spiritual and Armenian Old Age Home in Flush- self coming back every week. At historical journey into understand- ing, gathering together for a meal af- least that’s what happened to me. ing the mission of Christ as revealed through the Bible, particularly the YOUNG ADULTS New Testament. In January 2006, Bible 101 revis- BIBLE STUDY GROUP ited the Gospel of Matthew, from the By Haig Baghdassarian birth of Jesus Christ to His Resur- rection. Their discussions continued Going to Bible studies has been what the Armenians always stood with an explanation of the custom, a great experience for me. Father for. Christianity always goes paral- traditions and significance of Bada- Nareg is an inspiration. He makes lel with the Armenians. We were rak, the Divine Liturgy. We are cur- going to Church and going to Bible the first nation to accept Christian- rently studying the Gospel of Luke. studies a spiritual, yet pleasant expe- ity as our religion and always gave Each class begins with a read- rience. For me to be affiliated with our lives to defend it. I am proud ing of the next chapter within the the church and studying the Bible and thrilled to have Father Nareg Gospel, after which a discussion en- has been a growing, maturing pro- as my spiritual guide, not to forget sues regarding the spiritual revelation cess. Feeling close to God, close to Ani, who with her husband, Father within the text, including an explana- the Armenian Church and the Ar- Nareg, is devoted to the church and tion of historical references and how menian community is a great feel- the youth. we can apply this meaning to our dai- ing; it is the revival of our past and ly lives. Der Nareg encourages the After discovering The Gospel Of St. Matthew ST. SARKIS CHURCH YOUNG ADULTS BIBLE STUDY GROUP (Age 25-40) is learning about the Gospel of St. Luke Now Every Tuesday at PAGOUMIAN HALL, ST. SARKIS CHURCH For more information contact the Pastor

22 23 Shoghagat THE GARDEN OF EDEN... ARMENIA By Vahagn Aseyan

ND THE LORD GOD had planted a garden Another favorite location for the Garden had been in the east, in Eden; … A river watering the Historical Armenia, because both the Tigris and the Eu- garden flowed from Eden; from there it was phrates rise in the mountains there and because Mount separated into four headwaters. The name of Ararat, where Noah’s Ark came to rest, is there. In the Athe first is the Pison; it winds through the entire land of past hundred years since the discovery of ancient civiliza- Havilah, where there is gold. The name of the second tions in modern Iraq, scholars have leaned toward the Ti- river is the Gihon; it winds through the entire land of gris-Euphrates valley in general, and to the sites of south- Cush. The name of the third river is the Tigris; it runs ern Sumer, about 150 miles north of the present head along the east side of Asshur. And the fourth river is the of the Persian Gulf, in particular. Satellite photos reveal Euphrates.” (Genesis 2:8 -14). two dry riverbeds flowing toward the Persian Gulf near But where are the Pison and the Gihon now? And where the Tigris and Euphrates also terminate. While this where, if indeed it existed as a geographically specific accounts for four easterly flowing rivers, this information place, was the Garden of Eden? Theologians, historians, disregards the traditional interpretation of Genesis that ordinary inquisitive people and men of science have tried the Garden was at the source of the rivers. for centuries to figure it out. Eden has been located in as Other literalists point out that the world of Eden’s many diverse areas as has lost Atlantis. Some early Chris- time was destroyed during Noah’s Flood and it is there- tian fathers and late classical authors suggested it could fore impossible to place the Garden anywhere in post- lie in Mongolia or India or Ethiopia. They based their flood geography. There is also an attempt to tie this with theories quite sensibly on the known antiquity of those the mysterious sunken land of Atlantis mentioned by regions, and on the notion that the mysterious Pison and Plato. Gihon were to be associated with those other two great Another location that has been mentioned is Sunda- rivers of the ancient world, the Nile and the Ganges. land in the South China Sea. In this theory, the current Ti- 24 November 2006-March 2007 gris and Euphrates rivers would not references to Seven layers of Heaven, are made of unworked dry stone and be the ones referred to in the narra- the 7th being the Garden of Eden, or include numerous T-shaped mono- tive, but rather later rivers named af- Paradise. Just beyond the seventh gate, lithic pillars of limestone that are ter two earlier ones, just as colonists or pass, was the kingdom of Arrata up to 3 m high. Even the topogra- often name features of their new land (Mount Ararat region). By some, the phy of Gobekli Tepe is correct. The after similar features in their home- river Araks has been associated with Bible describes rivers descending land. This idea also resolves the ap- the otherwise unidentified Gihon riv- from Paradise. Gobekli Tepe sits in er. The region today is the fertile crescent between the rivers bound by a large moun- Tigris and Euphrates. The Bible also tain range to the North, mentions mountains surrounding East and South, and Eden. From the brow of Gobekli’s marshlands to the west. hills you can see the Taurus range. The eastern mountain The temple was deliberately covered region has a pass lead- with earth around this time. We may ing in and out of the never know why the hunter-gatherers Eaden region. This fits buried their temple in Eden. Perhaps with the Biblical geogra- they were grieving for their lost inno- phy of Eaden contain- cence. What is unquestionable is the ing marshlands to the discoveries made in Gobekli Tepe are west and the Land of some of the most exciting made any- Nod to the east, outside where in half a century. the Garden. Geographi- The Garden is one of the four cally speaking, it would holy places that the Lord God has on form a “wall” around Earth, the other three being Mount the Garden, conforming Sinai, Mount Zion, and the Mount to the definition of the Ararat. As we know the Lord God put Persian word pairidaeza, the man he had formed in the Garden or Paradise, as a “walled of Eden and then later helped Noah’s garden or park”. Ad- Ark to rest on the Mount Ararat. Ar- ditionally, this location menians are descendants of Japheth would be bound by the (son of Noah), whose family settled four biblical rivers to the in Armenia, and later moved to Bab- West, Southwest, East ylon. Haik, a descendant of Japheth parent problem in the theory that the and Southeast. There is also a Sume- who is said to have been the leader rivers had a common source, which rian story about a mountainous king- of the Armenian people (Nahapet), the current rivers do not. dom accessible from Sumer by river rebelled against the Babylonians and Some people believe that Gar- called Aratta. Recent excavations of returned to the lands of Armenia, den of Eden was somewhere in the Jiroft civilization in the southeast where his ancestors were even before Northeast Africa. Evidence given in highlands of Iran have led prominent the Great flood. support of this includes the facts that Iranian archaeologists to suggest that The Lord God planted human the oldest human remains have been Jiroft was Aratta, although this loca- life twice in Historical Armenia, so found in Africa, and that the Gihon tion is not connected with Sumer. maybe it was God’s sign that this is is usually thought to be a name for In 1963 the world’s oldest the Promised Land for Armenians? the Nile. known stone temple (dated to before And maybe that’s why it was so dif- Another possibility based on ar- 9000 BC) - Gobekli Tepe (“hill with ficult for us to keep and protect our chaeological evidence, is placing the a navel”) was discovered in Histori- land from many invaders, making Garden in north-western Iran. The cal Armenia. The site is located 15 Armenia haven and hell. The Second Garden was located in a vast plain re- km northeast of Urfa (the Old Tes- Book of Enoch, meanwhile, states ferred to in ancient Sumerian texts as tament city of Ur) on the top of a that both Paradise and Hell are ac- Edin (lit. “Plain”, or “Steppe”) east range of limestone-hills that form the commodated in Shehaqim with Hell of the Sahand Mountain, near Tabriz. southeastern extension of the Taurus being located simply “on the northen In the Sumerian texts, an emissary is Mountain. The tell (artificial settle- side.” So let’s eliminate hell and help sent north through “Seven Gates”, ment hill) is 15 m high and 300 m in Armenia to be a place what it was also known as Mountain passes in diameter. The houses or temples are meant to be – Heaven. ancient texts. Hebrew lore includes round megalithic buildings. The walls

24 25 Shoghagat with something special with which to remember our country. Thanks to an ARMENIANS OF MANHASSET anonymous donor, we were given a UNITE credit of $500 at the Diocese’s book- By Diane Boyadjian and Narine Petropoulos store to purchase anything we saw fit. Photos by Sandy Petropoulos Our gifts were key chains of the Ar- menian flag, sport sweat wristbands n Friday March 9th, 2007, erous donors. Twenty children (1st and headbands in the colors of our the Manhasset Public School through 6th grades) were marching; flag with Armenia stitched across held a first time event: Inter- we hand sewed sashes of the Ar- them. Onational Night. The PTA had come menian flag for all of us to wear (35 The children representing each to realize that Manhasset is becom- people); printed white T-shirts with nation entered the auditorium behind ing a ‘melting pot’ of cultures; thus, Armenia written across for all of us; their country’s flag, marching to the twenty-seven nations were represent- made a color handout pamphlet in Olympic hymn. Our 20 Armenian ed, each under their own flag. which read the history of Armenia, boys and girls marched proud and tall

behind our flag, which actually came The purpose of the night was geography, points of interest and sim- from Armenia. Once the parade was to make the school children aware of ple phrases with the English transla- over, each country had 10 minutes all the different backgrounds and to tions. On the trifold next to our table, to perform on stage. We asked the teach them a little about each country. we had written the alphabet along Nercessians if Yeraz Dance Group During the first part of the program, with the English equivalency, a list of could do something for us. Without each child was given a ‘passport’ in 15 internationally known Armenians hesitation, they agreed and promised which all the 27 countries were men- (from pop stars to literary masters), a a memorable program, which they tioned. They had to go from booth map of Armenia, all decorated with delivered! What an amazing ten min- to booth to collect each country’s flag “Manranekartutiun”. On the table, utes! Those 15 young men and wom- sticker. At the same time, they would we had musical instruments, tum- en deserve all our credits of praise. gather information regarding each bouk and doudouk, Khatchkars, an- They were eager and excited to show country and enjoy a tasting of tradi- tique handmade jewelry and the food the Manhasset community who we tional foods. The second part of the we prepared (Simit, Nazook, Cheese are as Armenians. They certainly did! evening was the entertainment, either Beureks, Yalanchi Dolmas) served To sum up this wonderful eve- musical or dancing presentations. with Pomegranate juice. The piece de ning, all the Armenians of Manhasset Twelve young working Ar- resistance was a painting of Noah’s found a renewed pride in our nation’s menian mothers stepped up to the Arch with the animals descending culture and tradition, while bringing plate to organize the representation from Mount Ararat, which Mrs. Ani forth awareness to the ‘odars’ of who of Armenia. This monstrous event, Nercessian especially painted for us. we are as Armenians. attended by more than 500 people, Although we had quite an elaborate We would like to give special proved to us that regardless from booth, we wanted something more. thanks to our anonymous donor, which branch of the Church we be- Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Garnik and Mr. and Mrs. Nercessian, Mrs. Lena longed to, we were working for one Ani Nercessian, three beautiful tradi- Oranjian and to Yeraz Dance group cause: Armenia’s representation to tional Armenian dresses were loaned for all their time, support and gener- the ‘odars’. for three of the mothers to wear! osity. We had no given budget; no one Once the children had tasted our Thank you all for making this was reimbursing us for any expenses. food, collected information and their event especially memorable. We had to rely on ourselves and gen- flags, we wanted to send them off 26 letters November 2006-March 2007

          Friends of Saint Sarkis Church 234th Street Douglaston, NY 11363

Dear Friends,

Thank you very much for the donations to Gavar Special School that totaled $1,230. We understand that funds were donated as well as a rug raffle that was sponsored by the Lady’s Guild.

Your donation will be held by the Lots of Sun Foundation in Support of Gavar Special School. The funds will be combined with other donations to replace the roof and to install a heating system for the school. The expected cost of the roof project is $85,000 and the heating system will cost over $100,000 so it will be some time until enough money has been collected. Please know that at any time, you are welcome to view the accounts of Gavar Special School and the Lots of Sun Foundation. We greatly appreciate your trust in us and will do everything in our power to ensure you are properly informed about how and when your donation will be used to improve special needs education in the Gegharkunik Region.

As you know, there are over 650 special needs children in Gegharkunik who receive no education at all and our goal is to create a school in which ever child can have access to special needs education. There is a long road left to reach that goal but we specifically would like to thank Mary Arslanian, the Kalustian Family, the Manuelian Family, the Arakelian Family, Roupen Torosian, Dikran Krikorian, Krikor Marcarian and Jirair Dersarkissian as you have helped to make the road shorter. Your kindness is a true gift to the wonderful children of Gavar Special School and will directly benefit their future!

We consider you all part of the Gavar Special School community. On your next visit to Armenia, we hope you will come visit us in Gavar and meet Mr. Arevshatyan, Gavar Special School’s Director, and the children, staff and volunteers. If you have any questions or concerns, please be sure to contact us as you can find all of our contact information at http://www.GavarSpecialSchool.org.


Jason Sprague Peace Corps Volunteer Lots of Sun Foundation Board Member

26 27 Shoghagat HOMAGE TO ARCHPRIEST REV. FR. MOUSHEGH DER KALOUSTIAN’S FIFTY YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE he 50th anniversary of the ordination of behalf of the religious council of the Eastern Prelacy Archpriest Fr. Moushegh Der Kaloustian was Rev. Fr. Nareg Terterian, pastor of St. Sarkis Church in honored at a reception and dinner on Sunday, Douglaston, NY congratulated Der Moushegh, acknowl- December 17, 2006, under the auspices of His edging that his service of 50 years should be an example TEminence Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan, Prelate of the to the young generation of priests. Eastern Prelacy. The Key note speaker of the day was His Grace On that morning Der Moushegh officiated over the Bishop Anoushavan Tanielian, Vicar General of the Divine Liturgy at St. Illuminator’s Cathedral. In the af- Eastern Prelacy. In his remarks Serpazan said; “Just as ternoon more than 170 people were gathered from New any average person knows about the Empire State Build- York, New Jersey, Philadelphia, ing before they visit NYC, we had Chicago, Worcester, Connecticut heard so many things about Der and California at the Terrace on Moushegh long before our first the Park in Flushing Meadows, visit to NYC, and just like the New York, to pay their homage Empire State Building is the giant to a person who had served them among the giants Der Moushegh as pastor, become their friend and is one of our best priests… He is family member or touched their one of the best because he has al- lives in some other way. ways been ready to serve. Today The event opened with the after 50 years of service and after Prelate’s invocation, followed by being retired for a second time he the American and the Armenian remains always ready to serve.” National Anthems performed by The artistic program of the Hasmig Mekhanajian. The open- day included a solo dance from ing remarks were delivered by Ani Matevossyan (a member of Natalie Kaprielian who, quoting St. Sarkis Church Yeraz Dance Vahan Tekeyan’s Inch Menats group) and three beautiful songs (What has Left) said that the performed by Hasmig Meykhana- impact of the service that Der jian and dedicated to Der Moush- Moushegh rendered to our com- Der Moushegh celebrated the Divine Liturgy at St. egh. On behalf of Der Moush- munities in the Eastern US is what Sarkis Church on November 12, 2006. Fifty years egh’s family his daughter Shoghig has left from this journey of 50 ago, on this day Der Moushegh was ordained as a Hunt congratulated her father years. She also introduced Honor- married priest. and thanked everyone for their able Judge Sarkis Teshoian, from presence. Worcester, MA who served as the MC of the Event. In The event reached its peak when the Prelate, Arch- his remarks Judge Teshoian presented Der Moushegh’s bishop Oshagan Choloyan read the encyclical of His Ho- brief biography and described the service of 50 years as a liness Aram I addressed to Der Moushegh on this special life of passion, compassion and commitment. On behalf occasion, praising his service to the Armenian Church. of the organizing committee Rev. Fr. Mesrob Lakissian, Then the Prelate delivered his message of the day as he chairman and the pastor of St. Illuminator’s Cathedral, said, “In Der Moushegh we have known the man who is congratulated Der Moushegh on this event and thanked always ready to serve, a man who has an utmost respect the members of the committee Mrs. Araxie Andonian, to his superiors and a man who is extremely loyal to the Anayis Cholakian and Armine Bardizbanian, who had teachings and the traditions of the Armenian Apostolic done a wonderful job with this event. On behalf of Der Church.” The Prelate then presented Der Moushegh with Moushegh’s grandchildren, his grandson Mr. Adam Hunt a gold watch. from Chicago conveyed his love to his Medz-Baba. In his “Thank you” remarks Archpriest Fr. Moush- Judge Teshoian acknowledged the receipt of let- egh Der Kaloustian remembered the first morning service ters from several members of the Cilician Brotherhood that he performed the day following his ordination. He in Antelias and from Rev. Clergy serving the Armenian quoted the opening words of the service “O Lord, open communities in the US in praise of Der Moushegh. On my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise” (Psalm

28 November 2006-March 2007 GREAT LENT: A BIBLICAL MAP FOR OUR JOURNEY OF FAITH By Seta Megherian Despite the snow and ice that vividly and from the heart using spe- had overwhelmed so many the pre- cific passages diretly from the Bible vious day, March 18th proved to to reaffirm his teachings. He began be a success at St. Sarkis Armenian by giving a brief overview of the Six Church. It was a very special day for Sundays of Lent, calling it our “jour- all parishioners to gather once again ney of Faith.” This journey would in Faith and join together for a mid- of course lead us to our ultimate lenten luncheon, as well as listen to Kingdom. “Lent is a reminder of our a very inspirational speaker, Deacon journey. It is a time to repent and Shant Kazanjian. All in all it was a to focus on our path to our ultimate wonderful afternoon. destination.” Directly following Badarak, pa- During this learning part of our that Dn. Shant quoted from the Apos- rishioners were welcomed to Pagou- faithful lives, Lent gives us an oppor- tle St. Paul, which opened a new un- mian Hall where the Ladies Guild tunity to reaffirm our essential beliefs derstanding for many. Although we had prepared a marvelous spread as well as the essentials of Christi- have not seen the glorious Kingdom of our traditional Armenian lenten anity. Deacon Shant spoke so elo- of God, we believe in it because it has specialties. The array of foods was quently about Faith, its meaning and been offered to us by someone trust- scrumptious and so was the beauti- its vital role in our lives as Christians. worthy. It is with this faithful, obedi- fully designed centerpiece filled with Aside from its traditional meaning ant lifestyle that we as Christians can fresh fruits and vegetables. Once of belief, Faith also means to trust. get through this period of repenting again, the Ladies Guild has done an Trust being the biblical definition of and continue to lead our lives as faith- outstanding job gathering us all to- belief, (havadk) he asked the parish- ful and devoted Chritians. gether for a Sunday feast. ioners, “Do you trust God?” He said All in all, Michink turned out to Following the wonderful lun- it was with that trust that we will lead be a very successful afternoon. The cheon, Deacon Shant Kazanjian a Christian life. luncheon was marvelous, and Dn. took the stage. His main focus was “Faith is an assurance of things Shant was powerful and inspirational to remind us of our faithful journey hoped for, the convictions of things to us all. It was a great afternoon for through the time of Lent. He spoke unseen.” This was a powerful point all. 51:15) “Those words” he said “became the compass of 1952 he received the four stages of a tbir (acolyte) and the my life, directing my journey of 50 years in service of our right to wear the ourar (stole) from His Eminence Arch- church.” Then he thanked the Prelate, the Vicar, the Reli- bishop Yeghishe Derderian, who later became Patriarch gious Council, the Organizing committee, his doctor who of Jerusalem. On the advice of both the Patriarch and his cured his cancer, his wife yeretsgin Vartouhie and their parents, he began his studies in the program for married children Garo, Shoghig and Nareg, his family members priests in the Theological Seminary of the Holy See of and everyone who have been part of his journey in the Cilicia in Antelias, Lebanon. past 50 years. In 1955 he and Vartouhie Sarkissian, daughter of The event was concluded with the singing of “Gil- Mr. and Mrs. Mourad Sarkissian, were married. He was igia” and wishing Der Moushegh to meet again at the 60th ordained a married priest by the then Prelate of Lebanon, Anniversary. Archbishop Khoren Paroyan. ARCHPRIEST FR. MOUSHEGH DER KALOUS- In 1957 he was appointed assistant pastor of St. TIAN’S BIO (from www.armenianprelacy.org) Church in Bourj Hammoud, Yenovk Der Kaloustian was born in Beirut, Lebanon Lebanon. In 1959, upon the invitation of the Executive in 1932, the son of Nishan and Satenig Der Kaloustian. Council of the Prelacy, he came to the United States to He was ten years old when the family relocated to the city assume pastoral responsibilities in Racine, Wisconsin. of Jaffa in Palestine, where he attended the St. Kelkhatir Following five years of service to the Racine community, School. Prior to the start of the Arab-Israeli war in 1947, Der Moushegh was appointed pastor of the Holy Trin- the family resettled in Jerusalem, living in the Monastery ity Church in Worcester, Massachusetts. In 1968 he was of St. Hagop. He was admitted to the School of the Holy appointed pastor of St. Illuminator’s Cathedral in New Translators, from where he graduated in 1949. York City, where he served until his retirement in 2000. Born with a love for music, he would attend church Der Moushegh and Yeretzgeen Vartouhi have three with his parents and join in the singing of the Liturgy. In children, Garo, Shoghig, and Nareg. 1950 he began his studies at the Seminary in Jerusalem. In 28 29 Shoghagat CHRISTMAS EVE @ ST. SARKIS By Christine Bedrossian n January 5th, 2007, be part this new tradition. OChristmas Eve Ser- Something else also made it vices were held under the special, and that was Arch- auspices of His Eminence bishop Oshagan expressing Archbishop Oshagan Cho- his happiness at seeing so loyan. This year a new tradi- many young people taking tion was started. Der Na- part in our religious servic- reg saw it fit that the Young es. He also mentioned that Adults Bible Study Group in all his years as Prelate in take part in the services, the U.S., he had never seen and we of course agreed so many young people be and so some of the mem- part in the Christmas Eve bers of the “Bible 101” services. Hopefully this took part in the services. new tradition will continue Each of us read Scriptures in our Church for the years that are read during the ser- to come. vice. It felt very special to GODFATHER By James Mengouchian n Christmas day, tributed among all of the OJanuary 6, 2007, I ar- faithful parishioners of the rived at St. Sarkis Church church. In my family, we early in the morning as bring the water home so usual, to serve on the al- that not only are we blessed tar. Soon after Der Nareg but our homes are as well. began his Holy service, I As my privilege and honor was happily surprised that of Godfather, I held up a I was announced to be the Cross over the Holy Wa- Godfather for the Blessing ter. I noticed during the of the Water. As part of distribution, people were the Christmas service, Der very happy to receive their Nareg and Der Moushegh Holy Water. This to me was began the Blessing of the a never imagined, never to Water. The Blessing of the be forgotten religious cer- Water is an old traditional emony. I am very thankful Armenian ceremony where to the St. Sarkis Armenian water is blessed and dis- Church and God. A SPECIAL DIVINE LITURGY By Annie Terterian n Sunday morning, This unique experience cre- OJanuary 14, 2007, the ated a cozy ambience for pra- congregation of St. Sar- yer and meditation. The lack kis Church gathered at the of curtain for the “altar” area Church main hall not for gave access to all those who coffee hour or for a meeting, were present to see “what goes but to celebrate the Sunday on behind the curtains.” Divine Liturgy there. The A day of prayer that was, reason for this extraordinary according to the words of Mass setting was the joyous our Lord Jesus Christ, “For fact the Sanctuary of our where two or three come to- church was in the process of gether in my name, there am being painted. I with them” (Mt 18:20). 30 November 2006-March 2007 SACRAMENTS BAPTISMS DIANA ARUTYUNYAN, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. RUBEN Godparents were Mr. & Mrs. JOE & THERESA PANCI- & GAYANE ARUTYUNYAN was baptized on October 8, ARELLO. 2006. Her Godparents were Mr. & Mrs. GEVIK & LILIT KHACHATOURIAN. SAMUEL KHACHATRYAN, son of Mr. & Mrs. STYOPA & RAYA KHACHATRYAN was baptized on January 6, 2007. ANETA ARUTYUNYAN, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. RUBEN His Godfather was Mr. KAREN ZATIKYAN. & GAYANE ARUTYUNYAN was baptized on October 8, 2006. Her Godparents were Mr. & Mrs. GEVIK & LILIT KRISTINA KHACHATRYAN, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. SAM- KHACHATOURIAN. UEL & DIANNA KHACHATRYAN was baptized on Janu- ary 6, 2007. Her Godfather was Mr. VILES KARAPETYAN. ISABELLA TAMARA GIMOYAN, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. ZAVEN & LISA GIMOYAN was baptized on October 15, TINA AKSOY, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. ROBERT & KRIS- 2006. Her Godparents were Mr. TIMOTHY KARACSON & TIN AKSOY was baptized on January 6, 2007. Her Godfather Mrs. ANASTASIA TSANGARAS. was Mr. GANER AKSOY.

ANI AVAGYAN, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. WILLIAM & NSHAN PAUL ATAKHANIAN, son of Mr. & Mrs. YOURIK NAZIK AVAGYAN was baptized on December 30, 2006. & PAULA ATAKHANIAN was baptized on March 18, 2007. Her Godparents were Mr. & Mrs. CHARLES & ELAINE His Godparents were Mr. GEVIK ATAKHANIAN & Mrs. BARNES. MARI KESHISHIAN. We congratulate the newly baptized and their parents. EDGAR AVAGYAN, son of Mr. & Mrs. WILLIAM & NA- May the Grace of the Holy Spirit always be with them. ZIK AVAGYAN was baptized on December 30, 2006. His WEDDINGS ROBERT JAMES MARINO Jr. & KATRIN BODYIKOGLU RAFFI MINASSIAN & LISA SANTIAGO were married on were married on November 24, 2006. Best Man and Maid of December 17, 2006. Best Man and Maid of Honor were Mr. Honor were Mr. ANDREW VOSKINARIAN & Mrs. VIC- KARNIK MINASSIAN & Mrs. MEGHAN CAKACCIOLA. TORIA BODYIKOGLU.

We congratulate the newly married couples & wish them a happy life together.

FUNERALS YERVAND KAYAYAN TOUCHIG G. YESSAYAN (January 18, 1930 – November 17, 2006) (March 15, 1921 – Febuary 5, 2007) VRAM BARSAMIAN ZADOUHIE MALEKIAN (April 17, 1910 – November 19, 2006) (January 7, 1921 – February 13, 2007) MARY SAROUKANIAN ARTIN PHILIBOSSIAN (December 11, 1931 – December 11, 2006) (November 18, 1981 – February 15, 2007) SOUREN APRAHAMIAN BARIS PAPOUYAN (August 29, 1922 – December 24, 2006) (January 11, 1929 – February 22, 2007) GEORGE K. MELIKOFF VICTORIA MIRZAYANS (February 28, 1920 – January 5, 2007) (April 17, 1925 – March 11, 2007) GUEORGUI AMBARTSOUMOV ZABEL NAKASHIAN (January 25, 1928 – January 13, 2007) (May 10, 1928 – March 25, 2007) ARFENIA YUZBASHEVA OROMSIME MATEVOSIAN (August 7, 1912 – January 18, 2007) (March 17, 1927 – March 30, 2007) HELEN GAYEAKIAN (January 5, 1922 – Febryary 3, 2007) We extend our condolences to the families & pray that the Almighty Lord bestows repose upon the souls of the deceased.

30 31 Shoghagat


We gratefully acknowledge the receipt of the following donations and thank them wholeheartedly for their generosity. May God Bless You!

CHRISTMAS AND CALENDAR Sheshedian, Mary Mrs. 100 Dolmaian, Circor M/M 30 DONATIONS Tateosian, Alice Mrs. 100 D’onfrio, Anthony M/M 30 Hairabedian, Arthur M/M 500 Kalikian, Aram M/M 75 Garabedian, Arsen M/M 30 Dalian, Harry M/M 450 Kirkorian, Edward M/M 75 Habeshian, Hratch M/M 30 Baghdassarian, Bagdig & Ani Drs. 300 Kertoyan, Arthemis Mrs. 70 Abajian, Armenouhi Mrs. 25 Givelekian, Bedros M/M 300 Agasian, Garbis M/M 50 Asariana, Sarkis M/M 25 Costellos, Timothy M/M 250 Andreopoulos, Stephen M/M 50 Boudakian-hatem, Zabel Mrs. 25 Karibian, Leon M/M 250 Azarian, Susan Mrs. 50 Candan, Arpi Ms. 25 Kirkorian, Aram Dr. 250 Babaian, Vahik M/M 50 Chorbajian, Edward Mr. 25 Manookian, Anna & Jessica Ms. 250 Basmadjian, Noubar M/M 50 Desteyan, Hripsime Mrs. 25 Milian, Harry M/M 250 Candan, Edward Mr. 50 Galo, Galoust M/M 25 Papazian, Gary M/M 250 Chakirian, Hovan M/M 50 Ghadimian, Armenouhi Mrs. 25 Abdalian, Suzane Mrs. 200 Chitjian, Aroussiag Mrs. 50 Kharaboyan, Vartkess M/M 25 Andrikian, Seda Mrs. 200 Chorbajian, Levon Mr. 50 Krikorian, Krikor M/M 25 Holmquist, Isabella Mrs. 200 Garabedian, Edourad M/M 50 Margesian, Archalous Mrs. 25 Kerestedjian, Seda Mrs. Gregorian, Vartan M/M 50 Sagatelian, Anna Mrs. 25 & Alice Ms. 200 Hamamgian, Gabriel M/M 50 Sagatelian, Anna Mrs. 25 Markarian, Anahid Mrs. 200 Hamamgian, Haig M/M 50 Sookikian, Araxe Miss 25 Mengouchian, Varatkes Mr. 200 Harutunian, Anthony M/M 50 Tutellian, Lillian, Mrs. 25 Arslanian, Edward M/M 150 Ipekgian, Siragan Mr. 50 Vartabedian, Rose Mrs. 25 Garabedian, Angela Mrs. 150 Kalustian, Michael M/M 50 Israelian, Karabid M/M 20 Kallem, Gary M/M 150 Karakaya, Artin M/M 50 Janesian, Harriet Mrs. 20 Gulbenkian, Edward M/M 140 Kasparian, Dirouhie & Kalustian, Varujan M/M 20 Agopian, Berdj M/M 100 Mahtessyan Valodya 50 Kricorian, Manug M/M 20 Alahverdian Hatchik M/M 100 Kasparian, Kevork M/M 50 Masoian, Michael M/M 20 Arakelyan, Lusin Mrs. 100 Kayayan, Ognes M/M 50 Nakashian, Toumas M/M 20 Baklajian, Haig M/M 100 Kevorkian, Leon Dr. 50 Serroen, Thomas M/M 20 Baron, Alex M/M 100 Kozanlian, Madelina Mrs. 50 Shamlian, Leon M/M 20 Barsamian, Edward M/M 100 Mardinian, Sonia Mrs. 50 Demirjian, Hambarsoum Mr. 10 Bezdikian, Ohannes M/M 100 Markarian, Hrachik M/M 50 Julfaian, Vartan Mr. 10 Boyadjian, Kevork Dr. & Mrs. 100 Mengouchian, Jirair M/M 50 Mengouchian, James Mr. 10 Callian, Vernon Mr. 100 Minassian, Antranig M/M 50 Ohanian, Anjel Mrs. 10 Dirielyan, Kegham M/M 100 Minassian, Dikran M/M 50 Garabedian, Hagop M/M 100 Minassian, Vahram M/M 50 GENERAL DONATONS Givelekian, Artin M/M 100 Moschovitis, Peter M/M 50 Anonymous 1,500 Gostanian, Manoug M/M 100 Sagiroglu, Hera Mrs. 50 Anonymous 1,000 Hazarian, Nadia Mrs. 100 Sarkissian, Azad Mrs. And Family 50 Khachatoorian, Mardig Mr. 500 Kabarajian, Dickran M/M 100 Saroyan, Siranoush Ms. 50 Abkarian, Edward M/M 100 Kassabian, Vasken M/M 100 Simonian, Hagop M/M 50 Hazarian, Edward M/M 60 Kerimian, Garbis Mr. 100 Tahan, Arshalus Mrs. 50 Mahserdjian, Raffi M/M 50 Krikorian, Melkon M/M 100 Turbendian, Giragos M/M 50 Norhadian, Edmond Mr. 50 Kubikian, Arthur And Luiza Drs. 100 Turbendian, Marie & Astghig Ms 50 Yaziciyan, Gary M/M 30 Mangikian, Berge M/M 100 Turbendian, Nigol M/M 50 Manukian, Rita Mrs. 100 Turbendian, Tro M/M 50 SHOGHAGAT DONATIONS Mashavejian, Annie Mrs. 100 Voskerijian, Nayda Mrs. 50 Ohannessian, Edward M/M 50 Masoian, Michael M/M 100 Parseghian, Vartuhi Mrs. 45 Nazarian, Vartan M/M 25 Megerian, Hovaness M/M 100 Zobian, Vartouhi Ms. 45 Sagatelian, Anna Mrs. 25 Megerian, Raffi M/M 100 Jamgotchian, Kirkor M/M 40 Habeshian, Hratch M/M 20 Ohannessian, Edward M/M 100 Azarian, Hampik M/M 35 Ozutucuyan, Kinar Miss 100 Kadian, Jack M/M 35 REQUIEM DONATIONS Papazain, Mary And Dorothy Ms.100 Alahverdian , Krikor M/M 30 Abdalian, Suzane Mrs. 500 Sarkissian, Antranig M/M 100 Arkun, Anahit Mrs. 30 Kubikian, Arthur & Luiza Drs. 500 Sarkissian, Bedros Mr. & Family 100 Baklajian, Victoria Mrs. 30 Nercessian, Sarkis M/M & Family 500 32 November 2006-March 2007 Giragosian, Rose Mrs. 350 Handjian, Magdalena Mrs. 50 Bekian, Edward M/M 100 Gorgissian, Hagop Dr. & Mrs. 300 Harutunian, Varouj M/M 50 Bodourian, Selma Ms. 100 Magardician, Karnig Dr. 250 Kazandjian, Setrag M/M 50 Boladian, Edward M/M 100 Ohannessian, Edward M/M 250 Kenderian, Vartouhi Mrs. 50 Marcarian, Kricor M/M 100 Ozutucuyan, Kinar Miss 250 Megerian, Michael Mr. 50 Nercessian, Sarkis M/M 100 Alahverdian, Hatchik M/M 200 Megherian, Khatchig M/M 50 Shishmanian, Mamoug M/M 100 Boyadjian, Gaydzag M/M 200 Melkonian, Artak M/M 50 Zobian, Alice Ms. 100 Sarkissian, Yervant Mr. & Arev Ms 200 Mengouchian, Jirair M/M 50 Gregorian, Gourgen M/M 75 Yaziciyan, Gary & Meline M/M 200 Nazarian, Hovhannes M/M 50 Kubikian, Arthur And Luiza Drs. 75 Zakarian, Nune And Family 200 Ojoorian, Zaroohi Ms. 50 Givelekian, Bedros M/M 60 Babaian, Vahik M/M 150 Serabian, Karekin Mr. 50 Kalikain, Aram M/M 60 Gevorkian, Gourgen M/M 150 Simonian, Arakel M/M 50 Abousham, Asbed M/M 50 Markaryan, Armen And Lily 150 Simonian, Hagop M/M 50 Abrankian, Madelene Mrs. 50 Megerian, Hovaness M/M 150 Takoushian, Henry M/M 50 Aydin, Manug M/M 50 Megerian, Raffi M/M 150 Tashchian, Nazar Mr. 50 Burggraf, Gary M/M 50 Megerian, Toros M/M 150 Telfeyan, Gary M/M 50 Buzantian, Arshag M/M 50 Sarkissian, Azadouhi Mrs. & Family150 Tutuyan, Agop M/M 50 Cazazian, Aram Dr. 50 Stepanian, Kohrick Mrs. & Family 150 Vanessian, Janet Mrs. 50 Dersarkissian, Jirair Mr. 50 Tokatlian, Onnik M/M 150 Kechelian, Hratch Mr. 40 Farsakian, Souren M/M 50 Baklajian, Haig M/M 100 Tananian, Tamara Ms. 40 Kayaian, Berge Mr. 50 Baron, Alex M/M 100 Janessian, Harriette And Family 30 Kevorkian, George M/M 50 Barsamian, Edward M/M 100 Kaloustian, Rosanne Ms. 25 Kozanlian, Madelina Ms. 50 Bedrosian, Ara Mr. 100 Vasilieu, Angelo M/M 25 Kricorian, Manuk M/M 50 Bekian, Edward M/M 100 Abrimian, Mardiros M/M 20 Ohannessian, Edward M/M 50 Boladian, Edward M/M 100 Kalfaian, Krikor M/M 20 Sharoyan, Edward M/M 50 Chakerian, Hovan M/M 100 Tavitian, Arsineh Mrs. 50 Derashteanu, Rodica Mrs. 100 IN LIEU OF FLOWER Tcholakian, Varoujan M/M 50 D’onofrio, Anthony M/M 100 DONATIONS FOR THE LATE, Tumanian, Antranig Mr. 25 Gazal, Avedis Mr. 100 SOUREN APRAHAMIAN Gorgodian, Georgeta Ms. 20 Holmquist, Isabella Mrs. 100 Aprahamian, Hripsime Mrs. 200 Jamgotchian, Sogomon Mr. 100 Alahverdian, Hatchik M/M 100 IN LIEU OF FLOWER Kalustian, Varoujan M/M 100 Marcarian, Kricor M/M 100 DONATIONS FOR THE LATE, Kasparian, Kevork M/M 100 Sharoyan, Edward M/M 100 VICTORIA MIRZAYANTS Krastev, Zahari M/M 100 Sharoyan, Evi Ms. 100 Anonymous 110 Kuzukoglu, Nunik Seta Ms. 100 Shishmanian, Manoug M/M 100 Garabedian, Melcon Dr. & Mrs. 100 Mangikian, Berge M/M 100 Tanal, Vahan M/M 100 Megerian, Hovaness M/M 50 Markaryan, Roza Ms. 100 Nisanyan, Arek M/M 75 Moroukian, Elizabeth Mrs. 50 Mengouchian, Vatkes Mr. 100 Babikian, Lolita Mrs. 50 Caprielian, Ara Dr. & Mrs. 30 Minassian, Noel & Parnakian Fimi 100 Barsamian, Edward M/M 50 Parsehian, Aram Mr. 25 Nazaretian, Mariam Ms. 100 Esayan , Kevork M/M 50 Nigderian, Nerssess M/M 100 Pantikian, Surpuhi Mrs. & IN LIEU OF FLOWER Ohanessian, Sarkis M/M 100 Edward Mr. 50 DONATIONS FOR THE LATE, Ohanian, Anjel Mrs. 100 Yagliyan, Tamar Mrs. 50 TOUCHIG ARSHO YESSAYAN Pilibossian, Torkom M/M 100 Jamgotchian, Kirkor M/M 40 Sarkissian, Yervant Mr. & Arev Ms 300 Sahadian, Nicola M/M 100 Janikian, Arsen M/M 40 Cazazian, Aram Dr. 200 Saroukhanian, Hartoun M/M 100 Alianakian, Hampo M/M 30 Ablian, Sarkis Mr. 100 Hagopian, Khajadour Mr. 75 Asadourian, Cornel M/M 30 Baklajian, Haig M/M 100 Sakar, Gregory M/M 75 Harian, Madlen Ms. 30 Kalustian, Varujan M/M 100 Demirjian, Hamparsoum Mr. 65 Kelekfian, Hirant M/M 30 Kevorkian, Leon Dr. 100 Agasian, Garbis M/M 50 Tavitian, Parseh M/M 30 Kubikian, Arthur And Luiza Drs. 100 Akserian, Flora Ms. 50 Tavitian, Rafi M/M 30 Megerian, Hovaness M/M 100 Atakhanian, Valot M/M 50 Tokatlian, Chake Mrs. 30 Nardone, Ramon M/M 100 Azarian, Susan Mrs. 50 Tokatlian, Nelly Ms. 30 Ohanessian, Sarkis M/M 100 Basmadjian, Noubar M/M 50 Nourikian, Meri Mrs. 25 Saint Sarkis Ladies Guild 100 Basmajian, Osep M/M 50 Wartanian, Nerces M/M 25 Samsonian, Jack M/M 100 Basrlian, Serop M/M 50 Torossian, Ara M/M 100 Chamras, Arpenik Mrs. 50 IN LIEU OF FLOWER Zerdelian, George Mr. & Elmokian, Edmond M/M 50 DONATIONS FOR THE LATE, Richard Mr. 100 Giveleghian, Hovnan M/M 50 VRAM BARSAMIAN Azarian, Susan Mrs. 65 Gulyan Family 50 Andonian, Bergi M/M 100 Alajajian, Karl M/M 50 32 33 Shoghagat Babikian, Lolita Mrs. 50 Zerdelian, Garbis M/M 50 IN MEMORY OF THE LATE, Dirielyan, Kegham M/M 50 Parseghian, Vartuhi Mrs. 40 EUGENIA SANDA DEBESERIAN Etmekjian, Zabel Mrs. 50 Arkun, Anahit Mrs. 30 Yazidjian, Eva Ms. 100 Giveleghian, Hovnan M/M 50 Baghdassarian, Aghavni Mrs. 30 Gostanian, Manoug M/M 50 Givelekian, Bedros M/M 50 Milian, Harry M/M 30 Gostanian, Manoug M/M 50 Zadoyan, Hampo M/M 30 IN MEMORY OF THE LATE, Iradian, Ohan M/M 50 Kalemkiarian, Armen Mr. 25 NUBAR KUBIKIAN Ishkhanian, Armen Rev. Father & Margesian, Arshalus Mrs. 25 Lynch Family 100 Yerestzgin 50 Sagatelian, Anna Mrs. 25 Tumaian, Antranig Mr. 50 Katrandjian, Angele Mrs. 50 Sheshedian, Mary Mrs. 25 Markarian, Anahid Mrs. 50 Tcholakian, Anais Mrs. 25 IN MEMORY OF THE LATE, Megerian, Raffi M/M 50 Harutunian, John M/M 20 ROBERT FROWICK Sarkissian, Azad Mrs. & Family 50 Shamlian, Leon M/M 20 Dr. Kevork & Mrs. Diane Boyadjian 100 Sarkissian, Mourad M/M 50 Semerdjian, Nercess M/M 50 IN MEMORY OF THE LATE, IN MEMORY OF THE LATE, Setrakian, Zarmair M/M 50 SARKIS ANDONIAN MARY SAROUKHANIAN Thomassian, Thomas M/M 50 Kalikian, Aram M/M 60 Nevruzian, Anni Ms. 50 Zerdelian, Dzovig Ms. 50 Bodourian, Selma Ms. 50 Giritlian, Adrine Ms. 20

Ú²Úî²ð²ðàôÂÆôÜ êÇñ»ÉÇ ï³ñ»ó ѳÛñ»ñ áõ Ù³Ûñ»ñ, ÷á˳¹ñ³Ï³Ý ¹Åáõ³ñáõû³Ýó å³ï׳é³õ »Ã¿ ÏÁ ½ñÏáõÇù ÎÇñ³ÏÝûñ»³Û ä³ï³ñ³·¿Ý ϳ٠»Ï»Õ»óõáÛ áñ»õ¿ Ó»éݳñÏ¿, ѳ׻ó¿ù Ñ»é³Ó³ÛÝ»É ·ñ³ë»Ý»³Ïª (718) 224-2275, áñå¿ë½Ç ³å³ÑáíáõÇ Ó»ñ ûñÑÝ»³É Ý»ñϳÛáõÃÇõÝÁ ²ëïáõÍáÛ î³Ý Ù¿ç: Ð᷻ѳݷÇëïÇ Ñ³Ù³ñ ѳ׻ó¿ù Ñ»é³Ó³ÛÝ»É »Ï»Õ»óõáÛ ·ñ³ë»Ý»³Ï ÙÇÝã»õ àôð´²Â Ï¿ëûñ, áñå¿ë½Ç ϳñ»Ý³Ýù ³ÝáõÝÝ»ñÁ ïå»É ÎÇñ³ÏÝûñ»³Û ûñÃÇÏÇÝ Ù¿ç: ºÃ¿ ÑÇõ³Ý¹ å³ñ³·³Û ÙÁ áõÝÇù ï³Ý Ù¿ç ϳ٠ÑÇõ³Ý¹³ÝáóÁ »õ ÏÁ ÷³÷³ùÇù ÐáíÇõÇÝ ³Ûó»ÉáõÃÇõÝÁ, ѳ׻ó¿ù Ñ»é³Ó³ÛÝ»É »Ï»Õ»óõáÛ ·ñ³ë»Ý»³Ï ϳ٠î¿ñ Ðûñ ïáõÝÁ: г׻ó¿ù »Ï»Õ»óõáÛë ·ñ³ë»Ý»³ÏÁ ï»Õ»³Ï å³Ñ»É ѳëó¿Ç ϳ٠ѻé³Ó³ÛÝÇ áñ»õ¿ ÷á÷áËáõÃÇõÝ, áñå¿ë½Ç ϳñ»Ý³Ýù ϳÝáݳõáñ Ï»ñåáí ÃÕóï³ñ³Ï³Ý ³Ù¿Ý ï»ë³ÏÇ ³é³ùáõÙÝ»ñ ϳï³ñ»É »õ Ó»½ ѳÕáñ¹ å³Ñ»É ѳٳÛÝùÇë ³Ýóáõ¹³ñÓ»ñáõÝ: г׻ó¿ù Ù»½ ï»Õ»³Ï å³Ñ»É áñ»õ¿ Ùáé³óáõ٠ϳ٠ëË³É ³ñӳݳ·ñáõÃÇõÝ, áñå¿ë½Ç §ÞàÔ²Î²Â¦Ç Û³çáñ¹ ÃÇõÇÝ Ù¿ç ëñµ³·ñ»Ýù: ANNOUNCEMENT Dear Senior Citizens, If you are unable to attend the Sunday Badarak or any church activity due to transportation, please call the church office at (718) 224-2275. For Requiem Service, please call the church office the latest by FRIDAY noon, so we can include the name in the Sunday Bulletin. Do you have someone who is sick, at home, or in the hospital? Please call the church office or the Pastor’s home for a visit from our Der Hayr Nareg Terterian. Please notify the church office of any change of address and phone number to ensure uninterrupted delivery of your church mailings. Please help us keep our database up to date. Please inform the church office of any errors or omissions to be considered in the next issue of SHOGHAGAT.

I Support SHOGHAGAT! Enclosed is my donation to keep St. Sarkis Church a spiritual and cultural center NAME: ADDRESS:

$ 10 enclosed $ 20 enclosed $ 50 enclosed $ 75 enclosed $ 100 enclosed Other

Kindly send your donations to the church office 38-65 234TH STREET DOUGLASTON, NY 11363

34 The Religious and Executive CouncilsNovember of 2006-March the 2007 Armenian Apostolic Church of America are hosting three Celebratory Banquets (New England, Mid-Atlantic and Mid-West) in honor of our Prelate His Eminence Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of his Ordination

The Parishes of the Mid-Atlantic states will join to celebrate this joyous occasion on Saturday, May 12, 2007


The Marriott at Glenpointe 100 Frank W. Burr Boulevard Teaneck, New Jersey

Cocktail Reception: 7:00 pm Dinner & Program: 8:00 pm

$150.00 per person

For information contact your local parish priest, board of trustees or:

the Prelacy at (212) 689-7810

34 35 CAMP07 COMING AGAIN THIS SUMMER JULY 9-20, 2007 Two weeks of fellowship, education and fun!

St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church Of L.I. NON PROFIT ORG. 38-65 234th Street Douglaston, NY 11363 U.S. POSTAGE PAID Tel:(718)224-2275 Fax:(718)224-8793 FLUSHING, NY www.stsarkischurch.net - [email protected] PERMIT NO. 140