Chapter 2.4 Rail Network and Operations
I-87 Multimodal Corridor Study RAIL NETWORK AND OPERATIONS Existing Corridor Conditions & Opportunities 2.4. RAIL NETWORK AND OPERATIONS 2.4.1. Rail Network Analysis Areas New York State Railroads An extensive railroad network runs through the I- 87 Corridor study area, supporting both passenger and freight service between New York City, Albany and Montreal, as well as markets east and west of Albany. While the rail network somewhat parallels the highway network and in some ways handles similar transportation functions, there are stark differences in what railroads do, how they operate, and how they have to manage costs. Highways are generally public facilities, owned and operated by public agencies. As such, they are used and shared by both commercial (trucks and buses) and non-commercial users (cars). In addition, the cost of highway maintenance and capital improvements are typically provided for through public funding sources, although some facilities generate revenues through toll collection and user fees (e.g., the NYS Thruway portion of the I-87). In contrast, railroads are generally private facilities owned and operated by private companies. While railroads are also used for the movement of both people and goods, the vast majority of the costs must be borne directly by the users, since public funding is not typically available for operating and maintenance costs. This is particularly true for rail freight operations Most of the railroad rights-of-way and infrastructure in the study area are owned and operated by the freight railroad companies. The freight railroads are privately owned companies that are in business to move goods by rail to earn revenues and make a profit.
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