JD, DB, Sonny, Sunny, and Holden
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 033 931 TE 001 567 AUTHOR Eucharle, Edward R. TITLE J.E., L.E., Sonny, Sunny, and Eclden. INSTITUTION New Ycrk State English Council, Oswego. Pub Date Eec 6b Note fp. Journal Cit The English Record; v19 n2 F54-8 Eec 1968 EDRS Price EEFS Price MF-$0.25. HC-$0.4C Descriptors American Literature, *Authors, Autotioaraphies, *Characterization (Literature), *English Instruction, literary Analysis, *Novels, Personal Interests, *Short Stcries, Twentieth Century literature Identifiers Catcher in the Rye, *J E Salincer Abstract Several people have tried, unsuccessfully, to learn the facts atcut J. D. Salinger's life.The little iEformaticn available from secondarysources atcut Salinger indicates that "The Catcher in the Rye" has autobiographical elements. Salinger's life parallels Holden's ficticnal adventurer in that Salinger (1)was born and reared through early childhood inNew York City, (2) attended the McEurney Schcol mentioned in "Catcher"and Valley Forge Military Academy, which servedas the prctctype fcr Holden's Fencey Prep,(3) was unconventional, (4) spent time in Maine and hadan incrdinate interest in the Museum cf Natural History,(5) twisted half-truths tc let people relieve what they wanted, (6)was charitable with money,(7) lcved innocence, (8)was both interested in and ccntemEtucus cf the film industry, and (9)desired tc live away from scciety. (MP) I THE It r.... ENGLISH RECORD 1 MN Official Publication of theNew York State English Council Copyright New York State English Council1961 Editor: Robert W. Blake,State University College, Brockport reNAssociate Editor: Robert J. 1 Gemmett, State University College, Brockport ON Associate Editor: Elizabeth J.
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