Old School Opens As a New Centre

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Old School Opens As a New Centre HOME SHOW OPENS FRIDAY Beverley Varcoe 905-727-3154 Highly Qualified to Handle Your TIRES BRAKES Real Estate Needs with Over 20 years of Award Winning service! MAINTENANCE Open Road BMW www.openroadbmw.ca 905-841-0319 Your Community Realty, Aurora 87 Mulock Drive, BROKER, CRES, SRES Newmarket 29 Industry St AURORA www.beverleyvarcoe.com Market Value Appraiser (just east of Yonge St.) I look forward to seeing everyone at the Home Show: Market Place Table P in Arena 1 1-888-295-8714 Aurora’s Independent Community Newspaper Vol. 10 No. 25 905-727-3300 auroran.com FREE Week of April 13, 2010 Aurora wards? No comment Public interest in putting the interest amongst this group pres- ward question on the October 25 ent this evening," said Councillor ballot might be waning, if last Evelyn Buck who chaired the Tuesday's General Committee General Committee meeting. meeting was any indication. "One factor that plays a part in The committee doubled as a meeting attendance is that most Statutory Town Hall Meeting on people have busy lives with many the question, the second step in competing priorities," said Jason Aurora's three-step process to Ballantyne, Aurora's Manager of gauge public interest in council Corporate Communications. pursuing a ward system. "Electoral reform doesn't seem to The meeting was slated to be typically get many people the opportunity for councillors to engaged, not just here in Aurora, They were all there thursday night as the new Aurora Cultural Centre held its official opening. hear directly from residents but elsewhere. I took a cursory The Aurora mayor, Aurora councillors, the riding’s member of parliament, member of provin- either supporting the implemen- look at other jurisdictions where cial parliament, and a representative from Ontario Heritage Trust, all joined together as the tation of a ward system or main- electoral reform has come up for historic Church Street School started a new phase of its 100 plus year life. But editor Ron taining the current "at large" sys- discussion, including the UK, the Wallace has a question about the location and you can find it on Page 4. tem. US, Manitoba and BC. The Not one resident on either shared experience seems to be Auroran photo by David Falconer side of the debate stepped up to one of voter disinterest." the podium despite some atten- The final step of public consul- dees of the previous week's pub- tation will be at a Special General lic meeting on the ward system Committee meeting April 20. Old school opens sitting in the audience. If council decides to put the "I don't see anyone rushing to ward system question on the bal- the microphones, so I think we lot, the required bylaw would as a new centre can assume there is a lack of need to be passed by April 27. After years of development, The grand opening, presided attracted members of Aurora's The Petch House consultation, renovation, and over by Mayor Phyllis Morris and arts, culture, and civic communi- restoration, the Church Street Aurora councillors, Newmarket- ties, and the community at large School officially opened its doors Aurora Member of Parliament Lois all wanting to take in what has may live after all Thursday night. Brown, and MPP Frank Klees, been described as the "jewel in the crown" of Aurora's heritage. Aurora's Petch House may be some wanted to completely restore The Centre's Brevik Hall on the granted a new lease on life after it for office and storage use, and second floor was filled to near- Council voted last week to open up there were also calls to preserve a Horvath gone capacity not just to hear speeches its rebuilding and restoration to section of the building as a public Long-time Town of Aurora it would be premature to comment from dignitaries but to take in the competing bids. monument. Employee Peter Horvath is out of a job. further on the matter. music made by internationally rec- The move to proceed with a "Due to the deteriorated physi- The 19-year Town employee's stint Although a call was placed to ognized pianist Elizabeth Request for Proposal (RFP) comes cal condition of the Petch Log as the Municipality's Manager of Mayor Phyllis Morris, Jason Schumann as she took to the after prolonged debate on the House, the limited available funds Operations Services came to an end Ballantyne, Aurora's Manager of Centre's brand-new showpiece future of the building with some for restoration, the high historical on March 29, he confirmed to The Corporate Communications, said it grand piano. calling for its demolition. significance of the house to Aurora Auroran. would be "inappropriate for the mayor "When you look at today's Others looked to dismantle the and York Region and to significant But due to the fact Mr. Horvath is or anyone else on staff to speak publi- music, art, and literature, what house for heritage material to local interest in saving it; staff rec- seeking counsel on the issue, he said cally about an internal staff matter." Please see page 17 incorporate into existing buildings, Please see page 20 2 - THE AURORAN, Week of April 13, 2010 COMING EVENTS CONTINUING 1.30 p.m. weekly. looking for volunteers to assist with the activities in its Currently on display at the Colleen Abbott Gallery, * * * * Adult Day Program. The positions call for a commitment located on the second floor of the Aurora Public Library, The York Regional Police Male Chorus is looking for of a few hours a week at its Aurora location. Various is an exhibit of paintings by Aurora’s Philippa Hajdu. The new members. You do not have to be a police officer nor times are available. Call Christine at 905-713-3494. paintings are selections from the artist’s self-portrait are you required to read music to volunteer. The group * * * * series and her novel series inspired by the works of rehearses Monday evenings between 7.30 and 9.30 p.m. Every Wednesday from 6.30 to 8 p.m. the Pioneer James Lee Burke and Janet Evanovitch. This exhibit will For further information, contact the chorus supervisor at Club for boys and girls, age three to Grade 4 and the run through May 30. 905-727-9676 or the coordinator of volunteer services Junior High Club for boys and girls, Grades 5 to 8, will be * * * * for YRP at 905-830-0303, extension 6717. held at the Aurora Cornerstone Church, 390 Industrial A selection of landscape works from the collection of * * * * Parkway South. For more information call 905-841-8884. Albert Chiarandini will be on display at the Aurora Aurora’s Air Cadets meet every Tuesday night at * * * * Cultural Centre starting Saturday, April 10th. Cardinal Carter School from 6.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m., and A drop-in centre will operate every Wednesday at the Chiarandini, born in Udine, Italy, in 1915 was a prolific offer a program for 12 years and older boys and girls. Community Bible Church on Bathurst Street just south of painter until his death in December 2007. The display will * * * * Henderson from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information e- continue until May 1 Aurora Opera Children’s Chorus welcomes treble mail Judy Hoffmann jhoffmann@sympatico.ca. * * * * voices. It is a choir dedicated to nurturing and providing * * * * Alateen meets every Sunday at 8 p.m. at St. Andrew's opportunities for children to express their musical abili- Scottish Country Dancing on Tuesday evenings at Presbyterian Church, corner of Victoria and Mosley ties. The chorus is open to boys and girls ages 5-17. 8.15 p.m. at the Aurora Heights Public School and on Streets. Al-Anon meets every Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the Contact the general director at keepsinging@rogers.com Friday mornings at St. Andrews' Presbyterian Church Aurora United Church on Yonge Street. For more infor- * * * * beginning at 10.30 a.m. No partners are needed and mation go to al-anon.alateen.on.ca. Community Home Assistance to Seniors (CHATS) is Please see page 22 * * * * The Aurora Garden & Horticultural Society meets on the fourth Wednesday of every month at 8 p.m. at the Royal Canadian Legion, 105 Industrial Parkway North in Aurora. Visitors are welcome for only $2. For more infor- mation call Ray at 905-727-6168. On May 26th, Master Gardener from Brantford, Nancy Lee-Colibaba, will speak on Gardening for Health. * * * * York Highlands Chorus is an award-winning a cappel- la Sweet Adelines chorus, a group of women who gather Tuesday evenings at the Old Firehall, Newmarket, to sing, share in the harmony of friendship and learn the barbershop art form. York Highlands is always looking for new women who share the love of a cappella music. Call Karen at 905-726-2113 or Vikki at informa- tion@yorkhighlands.com. * * * * The Upper Canada Chordsmen, Aurora-Newmarket’s award winning chorus, is looking for male singers. The group meets every Wednesday from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Old Firehall, 140 Main Street South, in Newmarket . * * * * The Optimist Club of Aurora meets the first Wednesday of each month at the Aurora Legion. New members are welcome. Call 905-727-5012 for more information. * * * * The Aurora Lions Club meets the second and fourth Thursdays at the Aurora Lions Hall, corner of Mosley and Victoria Streets, Co-ed club welcomes new members. For further information, call 905-727-6079. * * * * Every Thursday, Martha's Table serves home-made soup, sandwiches, and dessert in St.
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