MIDDLE SCHOOL Curriculum Overview Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Grade

Middle school students at SJCS focus on learning to take responsibility for themselves as they relate to others and the world around them as image bearers of God. The middle school program is designed specifically for this age: the transition from childhood to adolescence. The academic classes and extracurricular activities help to provide a smooth transition from the elementary to the secondary school years as well as a gradual shift from dependence to independence. Middle school education exposes students to a variety of ideas and activities as they learn to see God revealed in all of creation and learn to respond to Him. It focuses on teaching students a Love for God, a Desire to Learn, and a Commitment to Serve as students practice discernment and the skills needed to succeed in high school and life in the modern world.

Highlights in Middle School • Middle school mixers and special events • 6th-8th Drama Production • 6th-8th Choir, 5th-8th Concert Band, 7th-8th Jazz Band • Monthly chapels incorporating student leadership • 6th grade multi-day field trip: Local Watershed Tour • 7th grade multi-day field trip: Spiritual Retreat • 8th grade field trip to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, Oregon • All-school Field Day • Student Council • Fine Arts Festival: Visual Art, Creative Writing, Public Speaking, Vocal Music, Instrumental Music • Service Projects • Seasonal Team Sports

CURRICULUM OVERVIEW BIBLE- While Biblical principles are integrated into all areas of education at SJCS, the continuing systematic study of the Bible is critical to the students’ ability to live life God’s way.

Grade 6- Walking with God and His People, Grade 6 (CSI) In sixth grade Bible, students will draw connections between the Old and New Testament through their review study of Jesus’ ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension. Insights will be gained into how to share the gospel message through the examples of Peter, Paul, and others. The curriculum includes a study of Colossians and the letters sent by the apostles to the early church. This is followed by a study of the Book of Revelations and God’s promise of everlasting life with Him.

Grade 7- Walking with God and His People, Grade 7 (CSI) The seventh grade curriculum uses a thematic approach to Biblical study. After a short overview of Old Testament history, Grade 7 concentrates on Old Testament themes. We cover the feasts of Israel (the origin and meaning of each, plus how each feast relates to Christ), followed by a study of Job, the poetry and metaphors used in Proverbs, units on the prophets and on prayer, and end the year with a study of the intertestamental times, including the Maccabees. Each unit is designed to add to the student’s biblical understanding and strengthen his/her walk with God. Methods and materials used include using a study Bible, making Claymation iMovies, group projects, essays, and making a diorama.

Grade 8- Walking with God and His People, Grade 8 (CSI) In eighth grade Bible students examine the New Testament from the birth of Christ through the life of the early church. Students complete a thorough research paper on one New Testament letter. Special attention is given to helping students develop their own ability to search and understand the Bible, and helping them to make personal applications regarding their own lifestyle choices.

MATH- Connected Math Program (Pearson) Middle school math takes the many different strands of math and winds them together in ever increasing levels of complexity. Connected Math Program [CMP] is a coherent problem-centered curriculum that promotes an inquiry-based teaching-learning classroom environment. Important math ideas are identified and the essential understanding of these ideas are embedded in a carefully sequenced set of problems. The curriculum helps students grow in their ability to reason effectively. The CMP was funded by the National Science Foundation and developed for grades 6,7, and 8. It is a complete math curriculum that helps students develop understanding of important concepts, skills, procedures, and ways of thinking and reasoning in number, geometry, measurement, algebra, probability, and statistics. Teachers set up a classroom environment that promotes mathematical discourse around problem solving and reasoning.

The CMP is guided by the following standard: All students should be able to reason and communicate proficiently in mathematics. They should have knowledge of and skill in the use of the vocabulary, forms of representation, materials, tools, techniques, and intellectual methods of the discipline of mathematics, including the ability to define and solve problems with reason, insight, inventiveness, and technical proficiency.

LANGUAGE ARTS- Language is a dynamic and rich gift from God intended to be cultivated, celebrated, and applied in order to glorify God. Students in middle school language arts are taught to interpret and discern literature from a uniquely Christian point of view. Biblical principles are encouraged in reading, writing, listening (class read -aloud and in other student presentations), and speaking (presentation of projects, poetry, and classroom discussion).

Grade 6- Writing/Grammar (Easy Grammar – Grade 6); Step Up to Writing Students continue to build a framework of writing skills through studying the parts of speech, multiple purposes of writing, and multiple genres of writing. They continue to build on their prior knowledge of paragraph structure by expanding their paragraphs to include facts from literature and more analysis. Students also become proficient in the writing process: brainstorming, prewriting, writing a first draft, editing, revising, and publishing. Reading – Novel Units, Supplementary Materials Students are exposed to a variety of short stories, poems, plays, novels, and activities in order to develop various skills such as comprehension, vocabulary development, summarization, and critical thinking. Students also practice recognizing and using literary terms. The curriculum includes the Accelerated Reading Program and multiple projects.

Grade 7- Reading- Language of Literature. (McDougal Littell), Novel Units, Supplementary Materials Students build on previous experience by adding comparison and contrast skills. They also learn about new genres of literature including works of nonfiction, folk literature, science fiction, fantasy, and novel. The novel unit includes an in-depth study of one or more novels. Writing/Grammar-Easy Grammar; Step Up to Writing Seventh grade writing emphasizes using textual evidence to support an argument. They continue to improve their sentence structure by focusing on developing their individual voice as a writer and writing for a variety of different audiences. Students write in a variety of formats and focus on how the visual arts can add to their written message. Seventh graders also improve their grammatical skills by increasing their knowledge of paragraph and sentence structure, punctuation, and diagramming.

Grade 8- Literature-Language of Literature. (McDougal Littell); Novel Units Students will continue to develop their skills in reading by doing units in non-fiction, short stories, drama, poetry, and novel. Units focus on teaching students to create quality analysis, while discussing how to be Christian readers and writers in the midst of a non-Christian world. Students read and write in a variety of genres. Writing/Grammar- Sentence Diagramming; Strunk and White’s Elements of Style Eighth grade grammar teaches student to diagram sentences. This ensures students have a complex understanding of the parts of speech. We then study Strunk and White’s Elements of Style, which focuses on proper mechanics and stylistic writing choices. Students analyze past and present writing samples, and seek to hone their writing skills. Students improve their research skills and, combined with literature, use them to analyze the world around them.

HISTORY/GEOGRAPHY/SOCIAL STUDIES- Middle school Social Studies expands a student’s world to include not only the present time, but also major themes and events throughout national and world history. It expands students’ viewpoints to include not only our city and nation, but the cities and nations of the world. Students see how the world is broken by sin but also how it is being restored by God as His Kingdom expands. Students are challenged to see themselves as participants in world history--people whom God is using for His glory.

Grade 6- Journey Across Time: The Early Ages. (Glencoe) Sixth graders begin the year learning about the earliest civilizations. We study the Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations and the impact of these civilizations on the ancient world. Unit two begins with the ancient Greeks and proceeds to the Hellenic Period after Alexander the Great, where we discuss the huge impact Hellenism had on the rest of the world. We also study Early India and Early China, continuing to look at their roles in shaping the world and culture. The rise of the Roman civilization provides us with the opportunity to do a formal debate, while the fall of the empire becomes the topic of a PBL (Project Based Learning) project. In our final unit, the rise of Islam, and throughout the year, we compare the religions of other people to what we believe as Christians today. The 6th grade history material is taught through various group and individual projects, discussions, writing essays, role-playing and acting out historical mini-plays. We also utilize technology resources such as the computer, Internet, and historical DVDs to help the students capture the essence of ancient times.

Grade 7- Journey Across Time (Glencoe) The seventh grade curriculum gives a broad overview of World History from the fall of Rome to the end of World War I. The relationship between citizens and their government is a major theme. Additionally, students are encouraged to appreciate other cultures and to understand how those cultures have shaped our world today. Activities include discussions, note taking, reading, analyzing, making projects and playing games. Special emphasis is given to helping students recognize the beauty and complexity of God’s world and to encourage them to act as God’s image bearers in a broken world.

Grade 8- The American Journey (Glencoe) Eighth grade history focuses on the development of America as a country. Issues such as “What is freedom?”, and “Freedom for whom?” are dealt with throughout the curriculum. Throughout the year, students should evaluate if their forefathers did make good decisions and if they would have done the same. Students spend a great deal of time studying the social and cultural history of our nation as well as its political and economic history. Students practice discerning history in the light of the Bible in order to understand what their role in history should be as Christians in our modern world.

SCIENCE- Science is the study of God’s world. God’s creation is interesting and beautiful. It is also a world of orderliness, and the world follows the rules God made for it. An important aspect of our Science curriculum is hands-on activities, during which students will “Do, Record, and Report.” The goals of Middle School Science are: 1. To stimulate a lifelong interest in the natural world 2. To promote scientific process skills (observing, communicating, comparing, organizing, relating, inferring, applying) 3. To build critical thinking skills 4. To teach scientific concepts 5. To present the Biblical concept of stewardship 6. To praise God as a result of studying His magnificent creation

Grade 6- Science (CSI) Science centers on the acknowledgement that the world in which we live belongs to God, who created and upholds it. Students are taught that God has put his world under our control and made us its caretakers. Stewardship of God's creation is a great responsibility, and science is an essential tool to learn about God's creation so that we can care for it wisely. Through investigating the scientific method, plants and animals, ecosystems, energy, electricity, oceans, weather, and the watershed students are able to bring restoration and reconciliation to God's creation. In May, we take a multi-day field trip where we explore our local watershed that will include the study of local plants, animals, rivers, streams, wetlands, and ocean. Some of the highlights will include being on board a 90-foot boat to explore the San Francisco Bay, raise steelhead trout in the classroom and release them in their native stream, hike, explore tide pools, and kayak through the Elkhorn Slough.

Grades 7 and 8- Life Science, Physical Science, and Earth Science (CSI) Science for 7th and 8th graders is a two-year curriculum during which time units from Life Science, Physical Science, and Earth Science are studied. The units studied in Life Science include the following: Methods of Science, Cell Theory, Organ Systems, Plant and Animal Reproduction, Human Sexuality, and Heredity. The units in Physical Science are Measurement, Properties of Matter, Atomic Structure, and Acids and Bases. In Earth Science students examine Views of the Earth, Earthquakes, Plate Tectonics, and Oceanography.

MUSIC- Grade 6 Band- Standard of Excellence Book 2 (Kjos) Sixth grade band provides opportunity for students to increase instrument skills. Band is optional. Students without any band experience wishing to join band in Grade 6 are required to take 2-6 months of private instruction to provide the foundational skills missed in Beginning Band. Instruments offered at this level include flute, , , , alto sax, tenor sax, , , baritone, , , , and bells. Instruction includes scales, sight reading, concert etiquette, performance skills, and music theory. Band scores are prepared for winter and spring concert performances.

Grade 7 and 8 Band- Standard of Excellence Book 3 (Kjos) In grades seven and eight, band provides an avenue for challenge and expression to students who have already mastered fundamental skills on concert band instruments. Instruments played in 7-8 Band include flute and piccolo, clarinet, bassoon, bass clarinet, alto sax, tenor sax, bari sax, trumpet, trombone, baritone, French horn, tuba, snare drum, and orchestra bells. Instruction includes scales, sight reading, aural skills, and music theory. Band scores are prepared for winter and spring concert performances.

ART- Grade 6- Art Smart- (Prentice Hall) Art Culture- (Prentice Hall) Art & Man (Scholastic) Sixth grade art emphasizes work with symbols, spatial relationships, organizational concepts, and sequence. The emotional aspect of art is explored. The sixth grader is encouraged to develop creative independence. Mediums used include watercolor, tempera, crayon, India ink, charcoal, printing ink, chalk, paper mache, wire, wood, clay and textiles. The focus of art appreciation is ancient art. Students continue to develop awareness that God is the ultimate artist.

Grade 7- Art Smart- (Prentice Hall) Art Culture- (Prentice Hall) Art & Man (Scholastic) The seventh grade art student understands that God is sovereign over all creation, including design, color, shape, and form. Students work with symbols and concepts in design, expressing emotion through his/her work using exaggeration, omission, inclusion, and treatment of visual symbols. Use of the elements and principles of design is more formal and complex than during the elementary grades. Art History in seventh grade covers ancient art through the Renaissance. Mediums used include watercolor, tempera, India ink, linoleum blocks, charcoal, wire, and styrofoam, textiles, scratch board, chalk, and oil pastel.

Grade 8- Art Smart- (Prentice Hall) Art Culture- (Prentice Hall) Art & Man (Scholastic) The eighth grade art student works with art materials with ease, has a good general knowledge of all art media and is able to produce pleasing design with the materials and elements of art. The eighth grade student learns to use the formal elements of art in a more complex way than in the seventh grade. The curriculum will be the same as grade seven with the following additions: plaster relief work, a unit on design, and a unit on perspective drawing. Art history in eighth grade will cover Impressionism through Post Modern Art. The sovereignty of God in all aspects of art will be emphasized throughout the entire curriculum.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION- Grade 6- Physical Education 6-8 (CSI) Physical Education in sixth grade introduces students to team sports education. They learn various team sports and also explore other sports they may not be familiar with. Students are also required to know the rules of the sports and be tested on these rules. Teamwork and fair play is stressed throughout the activities. Students work on different areas of fitness that are cardiovascular endurance, speed, strength and flexibility. They are tested on these areas through the Presidential Physical Fitness Challenge.

Grade 7- Physical Education 6-8 (CSI) Physical Education in seventh grade focuses on developing sports skills and team sports competition. Students work on different areas of fitness through the Presidential Physical Fitness Challenge. They learn various team sports and also explore other activities they may not be familiar with. Students are also required to know the rules of the sports and be tested on these rules. Positive attitude and responsibility for their actions are emphasized.

Grade 8- Physical Education 6-8 (CSI) Physical Education in eighth grade focuses on mastering sports skills and using those skills in team sports. Students work on different areas of fitness through the Presidential Physical Fitness Challenge. They learn various team sports and also explore other activities they may not be familiar with. Students are also required to know the rules of the sports and be tested on these rules. Students are encouraged to have a positive attitude, display teamwork, and show responsibility for their actions.

EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Sports- Sports offer students the ability to use their talents and abilities in competition against other schools. Seasonal team sports are offered to students in sixth through eighth grade. SJCS is a member of BACSAL (Bay Area Christian School Athletic League). At SJCS we offer flag football, softball, basketball, volleyball, soccer, and track for both girls and boys. Teamwork, fair play, and sportsmanship are highly emphasized in our programs.

Drama- Students have the opportunity for participation in the middle school drama and participation in one or more speaking events of the Fine Arts Festival.

Middle School Choir- MIddle School Choir provides an extra-curricular opportunity for students interested in developing their vocal skills. Choir students participate in the annual Christmas Concert, and Spring "Concert on the Green." There is an opportunity for all students to perform as soloists or ensemble singers in the Fine Arts Festival. MS Choir is open to any interested middle school student. Grades are based on attendance and positive participation.

Jazz Band- Jazz Band provides the highest level of performance opportunity at San Jose Christian School. This select group of musicians is chosen on the basis of each person’s musical competence on his/her instrument. Instruments include alto sax, tenor sax, baritone sax, trumpet, trombone, (remove electric guitar) electric bass, (advanced), drum set, and auxiliary percussion. Tryouts are required for Jazz Band and are held in the first two weeks of the school year. Students practice before school two days per week. Jazz Band performs three concerts during the school year: winter concert, jazz show, and the spring concert.