Club Directory And
Club Directory and Athletic Record :Pool~.... " 14\~~~~ ~--~~ ' ' lt' ... "~)'.., '• ,,/"-: f HO '~~~~::}::~·~' fp University of ~i¥nesota. De f.!t . p ~ '1 s ~ :l ·;, / 1.::::: rJ vc "'' C ' • ,, h ,_ { _ 1 ---( ! /c-..l 'r <.: f 4 ~" YJ ! \.., (,..,.. I <.... e"' ,...J "" Your Attention, Please This is the first revised edition of the combined University of Minnesota athletic records book and the University of Minnesota "M" Club membership directory. After nearly 12 months of effort and three mailed appeals to the entire "M" membership we finally had about a 65 per cent return on the information forms sent out. We had to do the best we could with available information in complet ing the directory section. This booklet is financed in its entirety by the Department of Physical Education and Athletics as a service to the "M" Club and to news outlets desiring a record of Minnesota's past athletic contests, and is made possible through the co operation and assistance of Ike Armstrong, Director. We remind you that a complete file of "M" members is kept in room 208 Cooke Hall at the University. If you at any time have information which will help keep these files up to date, it will be greatly appreciated. OTIS DYPWICK, Sports Information Director, Handbook Editor. STAFF MEMBERS IKE J. ARMSTRONG, B.S., Director RICHARD J. DoNNELLY, Ph.D., Assistant Director Baseball Edna Gustafson Richard Siebert, B.A., Coach Lorinne Bergman Darlene Marjamaa Basketball John A. Kundla, M.E., Coach Physical Education Glen A. Reed, B.S., Assistant Richard J. Donnelly, Ph.D., Professor Ralph A.
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