EPBC 2020/8800 - Bussell Highway Duplication Stage 2 Proposal – January 2021 Appendix C: Flora and Vegetation Survey Report (Ecoedge, 2020a) Document No: D21#37247 Page 66 of 70 Detailed and Targeted Flora and Vegetation Survey along Bussell Highway, Hutton Road to Sabina River (32.10 – 43.92 SLK) Updated 2020 Prepared for Main Roads WA December 2020 PO Box 9179, Picton WA 6229 0484 771 825|
[email protected] 1 | Page Review Release Version Origin Review Issue date date approval V1 C. Spencer R. Smith 8/02/2019 V2 R. Smith C. Spencer 27/02/2019 Final D. Brace 1/3/2019 Ecoedge 13/3/2019 Draft Final MRWA Updated 2020 R. Smith & Draft Va D. Brace 18/11/2020 Ecoedge 5/12/2020 C. Spencer Final C. Spencer D. Brace 18/12/2020 Ecoedge 20/12/2020 Draft Va Final Va Main Roads Ecoedge 22/12/2020 Ecoedge 22/12/2020 2 | Page Final Va Executive Summary Ecoedge was engaged by Main Roads Western Australia initially in 2013 to undertake a flora and vegetation survey along Bussell Highway between Hutton Road to the Sabina River (32.10-43.92 SLK). Since then, additional surveys have been undertaken in 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2020. The results of all these surveys have been compiled into this one report. The 2013 survey was a reconnaissance and targeted survey across an approximately 72.4 ha survey area. The 2016 survey was a targeted survey for the priority 3 listed Verticordia attenuata. The 2018 survey was a detailed, reconnaissance and targeted survey. The detailed component sought to assign Gibson et al., (1994) floristic community types to the 2013 vegetation units and thereby determine their formal TEC/PEC conservation status.