Circular 0019/2019


Staffing arrangements in Primary Schools for the 2019/20 school year

Introduction The purpose of this circular is to inform all primary school management and staff of the staffing arrangements for primary schools for the 2019/20 school year.

The allocation of teaching posts to schools is contingent on schools complying with the redeployment arrangements in place for the 2019/20 school year.

The redeployment of surplus permanent/CID holding teachers is the mechanism used to fill teaching posts and is key to the ability of the Department to manage within its payroll budget. Boards of Management will not be permitted to commence a recruitment process to fill a teaching vacancy until the Department is satisfied that vacant positions are not required for the redeployment of any remaining surplus permanent/CID holding teachers.

The key points to note are:

 All existing Special Education cluster posts cease at the end of 2018/19 school year and schools should recluster part-time SET hours into full-time shared posts.

 Thursday 21st March 2019 is the key date for schools to:  Notify relevant Panel Operator of any permanent or fixed term vacancy  Notify the Department’s Primary Teacher Allocations Section of new Special Education Teacher cluster arrangements, using Form S.E.T.Cluster2019 (Appendix D)  Return Main Redeployment Panel Application Form (Appendix E) for surplus permanent/CID holding teachers to the Department’s Primary Teacher Allocations Section  Return “CID Declaration Form 19” (Appendix G) in respect of all teachers awarded a CID in or before the 2018/19 school year and a Main Panel Application Form, if applicable, to the Department’s Primary Teacher Allocations Section  Submit completed Staffing Appeals Form (Appendix F) for the April meeting of the Primary Staffing Appeals Board to the Department’s Primary Teacher Allocations Section

 The Main Redeployment Panels will be published after the Easter break with a timeline up to mid-May for schools to appoint teachers from the panels to vacancies


Contents of Circular

This circular is structured as follows and contains the following information:

Section 1: Staffing arrangements for the 2019/20 school year

Section 2: Background detail on the staffing arrangements for the 2019/20 school year

Section 3: Redeployment Arrangements for the 2019/20 school year

Section 4: Primary Staffing Appeals process for the 2019/20 school year

Appendix A: Primary Staffing schedule tables for the 2019/20 school year

Appendix B: Enrolment thresholds for Administrative Principal and Administrative Deputy Principal post for the 2019/20 school year

Appendix C: Updated list of all schools showing the following allocations data for the 2019/20 school year

• NCSE hours allocated to each school • Fulltime posts and hours available for clustering in each school under Special Education Teacher allocation • Permanent EAL allocation for schools with high concentration of pupils that require language support

Appendix D: Form S.E.T.Cluster2019 - Notification of clustered Special Education Teacher posts for the 2019/20 school year

Appendix E: Application Form for Permanent/CID Holding Teachers’ Access to the Main Redeployment Panel for the 2019/20 school year - Main Redeployment Panel Application Form

Appendix F(a-g): Application to the Primary Staffing Appeals Board 2019/20 School Year Part A, Part B, Part C, Part D, Part E, Part F and Part G

Appendix G: “CID Declaration Form 19” in respect of all teachers awarded a CID in or before the 2018/19 school year

Appendix H: Form CIDApp (19/20) – Application for Department sanction for the award to a teacher of a Contract of Indefinite Duration (CID) in the 2019/20 school year under the terms of Circular 0023/2015


Further information/FAQs

Any additional information on the teacher allocation process and also regular updates on progress on clearing redeployment panels will be published on the Department’s website.

The Department has also published an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) document on Redeployment Arrangements at Primary Level for Surplus Permanent and CID Holding Teachers through the Main Panel and an FAQ document on Circular 0019/2019 Staffing Arrangements in Primary Schools for the 2019/20 School Year.


If, after reading this circular and the related FAQ documents, you have queries in relation to the staffing allocation for your school, you may e-mail the queries to [email protected]. Please include the school roll number and school name in the subject line with any email enquiry.

Paraic Joyce Principal Officer Teacher Allocations Section

February 2019


Key Dates & Forms for Completion by Schools in relation to the Teacher Allocation and Redeployment Process 2019/20

Key action Form To Be Completed Date for action to be and Returned to Primary completed Allocations The staffing schedule enrolment tables at Appendix A enables Immediate schools to check their mainstream staffing levels for the 2019/20 school year. The enrolment thresholds in Appendix B enables schools to check if they are entitled to Administrative Principal and/or Administrative Deputy Principal status. Schools must notify their relevant Panel Operator (e.g. Diocesan Thursday, 21st March Secretary, etc.) of any impending permanent and fixed term 2019 vacancy as a consequence of the staffing schedule or any other reason known at this stage. Teachers who plan to retire on or before 31 August 2019 should notify their Board of Management. Subsequent permanent and fixed term vacancies must be notified Within 5 working days by schools to their relevant Panel Operator (e.g. Diocesan of vacancy becoming Secretary etc.) within 5 working days of the vacancy becoming known to the known to the Chairperson or Principal. Chairperson or Principal Appendix C sets out the allocation of SET hours, the fulltime Appendix D: Form S.E.T. Thursday 21st March permanent posts in these hours and the part-time hours available Cluster 2019 2019 for clustering.

All Special Education cluster posts cease at the end of the 2018/19 school year

Schools can now (for the 2019/20 school year) cluster part-time SET hours into new fulltime permanent (25 hour) shared S.E.T. posts with neighbouring schools Schools that have surplus permanent/CID holding teachers should Appendix E: Form MPF Thursday 21st March arrange for the completed Main Redeployment Panel Application 2019 Form(s) (MPF) to be returned to the Department’s Primary Teacher Allocations Section. Schools must return a “CID Declaration Form 19” to the Appendix G: CID Thursday 21st March Primary Teacher Allocations Section notifying the Declaration Form 19 2019 Department of any teacher awarded a CID in or before the 2018/19 school year under the terms of Part A1 or A2 of Circular 0023/2015. The Staffing Appeals Board will be holding its meetings in April, Appendix F: Application to Thursday 21st March June and October. The first meeting will be held in April 2019. the Primary Staffing 2019 Applications for the April meeting must be submitted to Primary Appeals Board 2019/20 Allocations. School Year

The Department is aiming to have the redeployment panels After the Easter break published after the Easter break.


Closing date for schools to submit their application for developing Friday 12th April 2019 post(s) on the basis of their projected enrolments for September 2019. Schools with vacancies have until mid-May to fill their vacancies Mid-May from the Main Redeployment Panels. Thereafter, Panel Officers Date will be advised will be appointed to facilitate the redeployment of surplus when redeployment permanent/CID holding teachers. panels are published Schools must apply to Primary Teacher Allocations Section for Appendix H: Form CIDApp Thursday 21st March Department sanction for any Contract of Indefinite Duration (19/20) 2019 proposed to be awarded from the commencement of the 2019/20 school year under Part A1 or A2 of Circular 0023/2015.


Section 1

Staffing arrangements for the 2019/20 school year

The following are the main elements of the staffing arrangements that will operate in primary schools for the 2019/20 school year:

1. Mainstream Classroom Teaching Posts

The primary staffing schedule will continue to operate on the basis of a general average of 1 classroom teacher for every 26 pupils for the 2019/20 school year. Lower thresholds apply for DEIS Band 1 schools.

The enrolment tables for the operation of the staffing schedule for the 2019/20 school year are listed at Appendix A of this Circular. This enables schools to now check their mainstream staffing levels for the 2019/20 school year.

The enrolment tables at Appendix A include the staffing schedules for DEIS Urban Band 1 schools.

Posts allocated on the basis of the staffing schedule are specifically for mainstream classes and should be deployed accordingly. School authorities are requested to ensure that the number of pupils in any class is kept as low as possible, taking all relevant contextual factors into account (e.g. classroom accommodation, fluctuating enrolment etc.). However, school authorities should, where possible, use their autonomy under the staffing schedule to implement smaller class sizes for junior classes. DEIS Urban Band 1 Vertical schools should implement the recommended 20:1 ratio at junior level and 24:1 at senior level.

Schools that have been contacted by Schools Capital Appraisal Section in relation to issues such as demographic growth in particular areas, appropriate Long Term Projected Staffing (LTPS), recognised status at primary level (ie single stream etc), capacity of school buildings, etc, should manage their enrolments as advised.

2. Administrative Principal and Administrative Deputy Principal

The criteria for the appointment of Administrative Principal and Administrative Deputy Principal posts are based on pupil numbers.

The relevant enrolment thresholds are outlined in Appendix B of this Circular.


3. Developing School Criteria for the 2019/20 School Year

A developing school is defined as a school where the enrolment on 30th September 2019 is projected to exceed the enrolment on 30th September 2018:

i) by a minimum numerical increase (as specified at (a) and (b) below)


ii) by having a stipulated excess of 5 pupils above the required appointment figure

Where a school is expanding the number of intake classes which would generate a new stream, the school must have received prior approval for such expansion from both the school patron and from the Planning and Building Unit of the Department.

Schools that have been contacted by Schools Capital Appraisal Section in relation to issues such as demographic growth in particular areas, appropriate Long Term Projected Staffing (LTPS), recognised status at primary level (ie single stream etc), capacity of school buildings, etc, should manage their enrolments as advised.

(a) For primary schools with a staffing of Principal plus 6 Mainstream Class Teachers or fewer for the 2019/20 school year based on the staffing schedule, the minimum numerical increase in enrolment over the 30th September 2018 enrolment referred to at (i) above is 15 pupils. An average class size in excess of 26 pupils must also apply to such schools seeking a post under this criterion (see exceptions below). This is calculated by applying the number of mainstream posts anticipated for the 2019/20 school year (excluding developing post) to the number of pupils projected to be enrolled in September 2019.

(b) For primary schools with a staffing of Principal plus 7 Mainstream Class Teachers or greater for the 2019/20 school year based on the staffing schedule, the minimum numerical increase in enrolment over the 30th September 2018 enrolment referred to at (i) above is 25 pupils.

Schools must qualify under both criteria at (i) and (ii) above and in the case of such schools, an additional permanent post(s) may be sanctioned provisionally pending the confirmation of the valid enrolment on 30th September 2019. The staffing will be adjusted in the light of the actual valid enrolments on 30th September 2019.

Confirmation of enrolments for staffing purposes should be done via the submission of the National School Annual Census through the Primary Online Database (POD). Schools with a provisionally approved post should ensure that their returns are completed as soon as possible after the census becomes available on 1st October 2019. Schools who have any difficulties completing the census return should contact the POD Helpdesk at 01 889 2311 or [email protected].


Two exceptions exist:

1. Developing schools seeking the appointment of the 2nd mainstream class teacher (P+2)

In such instances, schools projecting a minimum numerical increase on 30th September 2019 of 15 pupils in excess of 30th September 2018 enrolment are not required to meet either the stipulated excess number of 5 pupils on the appointment figure or the stipulated average class size. However, the minimum projected enrolment of 54 pupils must be achieved to secure a 2nd mainstream class teacher on developing school grounds for the 2019/20 school year.

2. Schools seeking the appointment of more than one developing school post

In such instances, schools must meet the requirement of the minimum numerical increase and the stipulated excess number of 5 pupils on the appointment figure for the first developing school post. In the case of each post sought thereafter, the stipulated excess number of 5 pupils on the appointment figure must be met.

Schools should submit a completed application form for an additional teaching post(s) on developing grounds to the Department’s Primary Teacher Allocations Section, [email protected] on or before Friday 12th April 2019. While later applications will also be considered, schools are encouraged to have their applications sent to the Department’s Primary Teacher Allocations Section by this date.

Schools are reminded that in the context of seeking additional resources from the Department on developing school grounds it is very important that the projected enrolment is realistic. The school’s staffing will be adjusted downwards in light of projected enrolment not being achieved on 30th September 2019.

4. Island Schools

One Teacher Island Schools (ie. Principal only) As provided for in Budget 2017, where a primary school is the only school on the island, a second mainstream teacher was allocated to the school with effect from September 2017.

Three Teacher Island Schools (ie. P+2) In the event that a reduction in the pupil numbers of an island school will result in the loss of the third classroom post, the third post may be retained, subject to the total number of pupils in the school being 45 or above and the school being the only primary school on the island.


5. Special Education Teacher Posts (S.E.T. Posts)

The Special Education teaching allocation for each school has been reviewed for the 2019/20 school year.

Appendix C of this circular sets out the special education teaching allocation of hours as notified to each school by the NCSE.

These hours are shown as full-time posts (on the basis of 25 hours being equivalent to 1 teaching post), and the balance of hours and minutes available for clustering into full-time posts with other schools.

All SET clusters will cease at the end of the 2018/19 school year.

Schools should consult Appendix C to check the number of full-time S.E.T. posts and the balance of part time hours in their own school. Schools should use this information to cluster their part-time Special Education hours into full-time permanent S.E.T. posts with neighbouring schools.

Schools with a balance of Special Education hours additional to the full posts now have a period until Thursday 21st March 2019 to enter into a cluster arrangement to achieve a full-time permanent post (25 hours) through sharing arrangements with other neighbouring school(s). The base school in the cluster should submit the Form S.E.T.Cluster2019 (Appendix D) to the Primary Allocations Section.

Following the school led process for clustering of S.E.T. hours, a Department led clustering process will be initiated after Thursday 21st March 2019 for any remaining hours in schools that have not been clustered.

Part-time hours remaining in a school that are not clustered into fulltime posts can only be filled in a temporary capacity.

Schools are reminded that once a S.E.T. cluster has been established it will remain in place until the next review of the Special Education teaching allocation by the N.C.S.E.

Status of S.E.T. Posts

All full-time S.E.T. posts, both full-time in one school and base posts for S.E.T. clusters are permanent posts and should be filled in accordance with the redeployment arrangements.

Part-time hours remaining in a school that are not clustered into fulltime posts can only be filled in a temporary capacity.

Amalgamated and newly established schools which open for the 2019/20 school year

Schools that are newly established or newly amalgamated in the 2019/20 school year will have their Special Education allocation calculated by the N.C.S.E./Special Education Section of the Department.


6. Additional Allocations for Schools with High Concentrations of Pupils that require Language Support (EAL)

The Special Education Teaching allocation model provides that all schools will have a basic allocation to assist pupils who have learning and literacy difficulties, including those arising from English as an Additional Language (EAL) needs.

Additional support is available for schools with high concentrations of pupils that require language support.

Schools that were allocated a permanent language support post(s) (EAL) in the 2018/19 school year will retain this post(s) for the 2019/20 school year. The relevant schools are listed at Appendix C.

The continued requirement for the permanent language support post(s) will be reviewed on a regular basis by the Department, having regard to enrolment trends and the number of pupils requiring language support.

Appeal Process:

See Section 4 for the appeal criterion for additional temporary language support post(s) provided on the basis of appeals to the Primary Staffing Appeals Board.

7. Principal Release Time Posts

Circular 0020/2019 sets out the principal release days for schools with teaching principals for the 2019/20 school year.

Due to the increase of principal release days, all Principal Release Day Clusters in place for the 2018/19 school year will be broken for the 2019/20 school year. Schools now have the opportunity to cluster their Principal Release Days into full-time Principal Release Time Posts for the 2019/20 school year, in accordance with Circular 0020/2019. The application form for Principal Release Time Posts is available at Appendix A of Circular 0020/2019. The closing date for receipt of applications is 30th June 2019.

Schools are reminded that Principal Release Time Posts are fixed-term posts and may not be filled until the Department advises that these posts are not required for teachers on the Main Panel.


Section 2

Background detail in relation to Staffing Arrangements for the 2019/20 school year

1. Redeployment Arrangements

It is important for schools to note that while the main panel is in operation, permanent and fixed term teaching vacancies can only be filled from the relevant main redeployment panel.

Boards of Management are not permitted to commence a recruitment process to fill a permanent or fixed term teaching vacancy in any other manner until the Department is satisfied that vacant positions are not required for the redeployment of any remaining surplus permanent/CID holding teachers on a main panel.

The timing of when teaching vacancies can be filled in any other manner will depend on how quickly surplus permanent/CID holding teachers are redeployed into vacancies. The Department will publish regular panel updates on its website which will inform schools and teachers of progress being made on the redeployment of surplus permanent/CID holding teachers.

2. Filling a permanent vacancy through the Main Redeployment Panel

Schools have the option of using a website, i.e., or as a means of engaging with the Main Redeployment Panel. This can be done by the school using the website as a means to invite teachers on the relevant Main Redeployment Panel to express an interest in a permanent post. See FAQ document on Redeployment Arrangements at Primary Level for Surplus Permanent & CID Holding Teachers – Q 6.3.2.

It remains the case however that all teachers on the main panel must be redeployed before permission is given to fill remaining permanent posts in any other manner or to fill any fixed term teaching vacancies.


Deputy Principal Appointments

Circular 0070/2018 “Leadership and Management in Primary Schools” provides for the appointment of Deputy Principal Posts by open competition for schools with 14 classroom teachers or more in the 2019/20 school year. Such schools with Deputy Principal vacancies for the 2019/20 school year should advertise the post as soon as the vacancy becomes known to the school. If the Deputy Principal is appointed from within the existing school staff, the resultant vacancy must be filled through the published redeployment arrangements. If the Deputy Principal vacancy is filled through external appointment, no vacancy arises for the Panel.

Circular 0070/2018 allows that where no internal applicant applies for the Deputy Principal post in schools with less than 14 classroom teachers, the school may proceed to fill the post through open competition. In this situation, no vacancy arises for the Panel. The Deputy Principal post must be advertised through open competition, so as to avoid overstaffing.

3. CIDs under the terms of Circular 0023/2015

(i) Teachers awarded a CID in or before the 2018/19 school year

A school must complete and return the “CID Declaration Form 19” (Appendix G) to Primary Teacher Allocations Section on or before Thursday 21st March 2019 for each teacher with a CID awarded under the terms of Part A1 or A2 of Circular 0023/2015.

Schools should note that a CID holder remains in their own school as long as there is a vacancy, either permanent or fixed-term available for him/her in the school.

In the event that there is no post available and the CID holder is the most junior surplus permanent/CID holding teacher in the school, a Main Panel Application Form should also be completed and returned to the Department.

(ii) Teachers due to be awarded a CID from the commencement of the 2019/20 school year

Schools are required to apply for Department sanction for the award of a CID in respect of a teacher who is deemed eligible to be awarded a CID for the first time or a CID for additional hours from the commencement of the 2019/20 school year. Circular 0023/2015 sets out the eligibility requirements for a CID.

Schools should note that it is permissible to use a permanent post which is available in the school for the 2019/20 school year as the viable post required for the CID.

Application should be made on Appendix H - Form CIDApp(19/20).


Return completed forms to Primary Teacher Allocations Section by Thursday 21st March 2019.

(iii) Position of a teacher who has been awarded a part-time CID prior to the 2019/20 school year

If the school wish to combine the part-time allocation into a full-time S.E.T. cluster post with that school as the base school, the part-time CID holder may take up the full-time S.E.T. cluster post.

4. Filling a Provisionally Approved Post

Certain posts will be allocated to schools on a provisional basis, and will not be confirmed for the 2019/20 school year until the school confirms that it has achieved projected enrolment for 30th September 2019. These posts are: • a permanent developing school post • a permanent post approved under the staffing appeals criterion for small schools • a permanent post approved under the staffing appeals criterion for alleviating some of the pressure on class sizes at infants level for primary schools that make a significant contribution by absorbing demographic growth • a temporary post approved under the staffing appeals criterion for EAL support

The only circumstance in which the permanent posts listed above can be filled on a permanent basis from 1st September 2019 is if the post is being filled by a permanent/CID holding teacher in the school who is due to be redeployed through the Main Panel but is being retained in one of the posts above. A surplus permanent teacher in the school may opt to defer his/her panel rights to take up a temporary EAL post allocated to the school by the Primary Staffing Appeals Board. If the required enrolment is not achieved, the teacher will be placed back on the Main Panel.

The permanent posts should not be filled on a permanent basis by teachers on the Supplementary Panel unless notified that the post is not required for the redeployment of a permanent/CID holding teacher. Otherwise, schools that are given provisional approval for one of the teaching posts above may only fill these post(s) on a temporary basis up to Friday 25th October 2019.

As early as possible in October, the Department will inform the relevant schools whether this vacancy is required to facilitate the redeployment of a surplus permanent/CID holding teacher on the Main Panel. If the post is required for the redeployment of a teacher, the fixed-term contract must cease on Friday 25th October 2019. It is important that this arrangement is reflected in the terms of the fixed-term contract.

If the post is not required for the redeployment of a surplus permanent teacher, it can be filled at that stage in the following manner: - Where teachers remain on the Supplementary Panel in the school’s panel area, the teacher must be appointed from the Supplementary Panel by the first working day of November. 13

- Where the Supplementary Panel is clear in the school’s panel area, the school will be given permission to proceed to open advertising. - The latest date for filling a permanent post on a permanent basis is Monday 4th November 2019. Thereafter, a permanent post may be filled only on a fixed term basis unless the appointee is a permanent/CID holding teacher from the Main Panel.

It is important to note that schools cannot commence the advertising and recruitment process for these vacancies until the Department has given permission to do so.

These arrangements do not apply to Principal posts which will continue to be filled in the normal manner on a permanent basis.

5. Valid Enrolments

The number of mainstream class teachers appropriate to a school for the 2019/20 school year is determined by reference to the school’s valid enrolment on 30th September 2018. The schedule of enrolment of pupils required for the appointment and retention of mainstream class teachers for the 2019/20 school year is attached at Appendix A.

Only pupils who were validly enrolled on 30th September 2018 are taken into account for the purpose of determining staff numbers. In this regard the terms of Department Circulars 24/02 - Determination of Valid Enrolment in Primary Schools - and 32/03 – Retention of Pupils in Primary Schools - must be adhered to. Schools are reminded that a child must not be allowed to attend or be enrolled in a primary school before the fourth anniversary of his/her birth.

Pupils retained on the school register on 30th September for the purpose of compliance with the Education and Welfare Act, 2000 should not be counted towards valid enrolment for the purpose of determining staff numbers.

It is important to note that valid enrolments are only those pupils that are enrolled on 30th September and who are expected at that stage to continue to be enrolled in the school for the duration of the school year. If there are any short-term enrolments in the school (including pupils from another country that are temporarily enrolled to help improve their standard of English or where it is known that pupils will transfer to another school shortly after 30th September) these pupils cannot be included in the enrolment return from the school.

For those schools with special classes, it is the overall enrolment of a school (students in special classes and students in mainstream classes) that determines the number of mainstream teachers in the school. This is intended to support the inclusion of students from special classes in mainstream classes, as appropriate. Separately, special classes are allocated teaching resources by the National Council for Special Education (NCSE).


Boards of Management and Principal Teachers are reminded about the importance of ensuring the accuracy of enrolment returns to the Department. They have a responsibility to immediately notify the Department of any error or irregularity in their enrolment returns. The Department’s standard policy for cases that involve any deliberate overstatement of enrolments is to refer them to An Garda Síochána.


Section 3

Redeployment Arrangements for the 2019/20 school year

The detailed redeployment arrangements are set out in FAQ format on the Department website.

The redeployment arrangements involve the following:

1. Redeployment process for permanent/CID holding teachers

(i) Each main panel is created for surplus permanent/CID holding teachers in order to ensure that vacancies are offered in the first instance to these teachers.

It is envisaged that the main panels will be published after the Easter break. The latest date by which schools must have filled their vacancies from the main panel will be advised at that stage. Thereafter, Panel Officers will be appointed to facilitate the redeployment of any remaining surplus permanent/CID holding teachers.

(ii) Teaching vacancies must be filled within this timeframe by permanent/CID holding teachers on a main panel in the following order of priority:

a. Permanent vacancies within the panel area (e.g. diocese)

b. Specified-purpose vacancies and fixed-term vacancies within the panel area (e.g. diocese) that are for the duration of the full school year or are sanctioned on or before the first working day of November and are for the duration of the remainder of the school year. In situations where a teacher has been redeployed to a temporary vacancy in a neighbouring school and a permanent post subsequently becomes available in the teacher’s panel area, the Department reserves the right to redeploy the teacher into the permanent post.

(iii) Surplus permanent/CID holding teachers may opt to accept a post outside the 45km radius and this can help reduce the requirement for the operation of the contingency arrangements set out at No. 2 and No. 3 below.

2. Inter-diocesan redeployment

Where the arrangements outlined at No. 1 above do not bring about the redeployment of all surplus permanent/CID holding teachers on a diocesan panel, all posts remaining vacant in schools in adjoining dioceses must be available to those teachers, with the filling of those post(s) to be achieved through inter-diocesan co-operation on a fixed-term basis.


3. Redeployment arrangements for any residual surplus permanent/CID holding teachers

If, following the processes outlined at 1 & 2 above, there are any residual surplus permanent/CID holding teachers, additional arrangements will be required to facilitate their redeployment into vacancies in schools.

These additional arrangements will be used only in those cases where no viable alternative options are available for the redeployment of the remaining surplus permanent/CID holding teachers. The precise arrangements to be used will be determined on a case by case basis in discussions with the relevant education partners and the relevant Patron. The following principles will be used for the operation of these arrangements:

(i) In the first instance the position will be examined on whether any flexibility in the Haddington Road Agreement 2014-2016 in relation to the 45km radius for redeployment can be appropriately applied as a means of redeploying the surplus permanent/CID holding teacher to a school of the same patronage.

(ii) In the second instance the scope for the redeployment of the surplus permanent/CID holding teacher to be achieved on an elective basis will be examined through the teacher applying to be placed on a panel of a different patronage. It will be a matter for the relevant Patron to consent to this application.

(iii) If no other viable option is available then a temporary assignment to a vacancy in a school of a different type of patronage will be made. This temporary assignment will be for the duration of the relevant school year. Any teacher on a temporary assignment in this manner will retain their existing panel rights for the relevant redeployment panel for their original school. Such teachers will not acquire panel rights in respect of the redeployment panel associated with the school of temporary assignment. These teachers will be required to adhere to the requirements of the Board of Management in relation to its obligation to uphold the ethos of the school, consistent with law.

The Department’s approach in relation to the operation of the residual arrangements outlined will be to seek agreement through consensus. In this regard there will be on- going consultation with all the relevant stakeholders in relation to the operation of the redeployment process.


Section 4

Primary Staffing Appeals Board

1. Arrangements for 2019/20 School Year

The Primary Staffing Appeals Board, which operates independently of the Minister and the Department, will review appeals for the 2019/20 school year. The appeals criteria are set out at 4 below.

The first meeting of the Primary Staffing Appeals Board to deal with appeals for the 2019/20 school year will be held in April 2019. Further meetings will be held in June and October 2019.

The closing dates for submission of staffing appeals for the first meeting of the Primary Staffing Appeals Board is Thursday 21st March 2019.

The closing dates for submission of staffing appeals and dates of future meetings will be posted on the Department website in due course.

Please note that closing dates will be strictly adhered to and accordingly, appeals received after a particular closing date will not be considered by the Board at that meeting.

Appeals must be submitted to Primary Teacher Allocations Section, Department of Education and Skills, Cornamaddy, , Co. Westmeath, on the standard application form, clearly stating the criterion under which the appeal is being made. Please mark the envelope “Staffing Appeals”.

The standard application form is available at Appendix F(a) – F(g).

The DEIS status of a school will be taken into account in any appeal application.

2. Ombudsman

In light of amendments to the Ombudsman Act 2012, any school taking the view that the Primary Staffing Appeals Board has not applied the appeals criteria fairly to its appeal may submit a complaint to the Ombudsman.

The role of the Ombudsman in relation to any appeal is to review that the Appeal Board dealt with it fairly and in accordance with the appeals criteria. It is not therefore an avenue for schools to seek additional resources.

The Office of the Ombudsman can be contacted at


3. A Board of Management may appeal only once in a particular case

The Appeals Board’s adjudication will be regarded as a final determination in relation to the post(s) and no further applications to the Appeals Board in respect of the 2019/20 school year shall be considered unless there is change in the circumstances of the school e.g. additional enrolments.

4. Appeals Criteria

The Appeals Board may determine that a departure from the staffing schedule is necessary in the circumstances outlined at (a) to (g) below:

a) Exceptional accommodation difficulty

Where a departure from the staffing schedule is requested to meet exceptional accommodation difficulties. The school must demonstrate to the Board’s satisfaction why an additional teaching post is warranted to meet the exceptional accommodation difficulty.

b) October 2018 enrolment

Where the Appeals Board is satisfied, on the basis of verifiable evidence, that the required pupil numbers were enrolled in September* or October 2018, but due to circumstances outside the control of the school were not enrolled on the 30th September 2018. However, for staffing purposes, a pupil can be included in the enrolment of only one school in any school year**.

*A pupil who leaves the school before 30th September and does not return to the school in the school year will not be eligible for consideration under this criterion.

** In the event that the school in which the pupil was enrolled on 30th September can verify that the pupil did not need to be counted for the appointment or retention of a teacher in that school, the Appeals Board will consider allowing the pupil to be counted as part of the enrolment for staffing purposes in the school to which s/he has transferred.

c) Developing Post based on additional enrolments after 30th September 2019

This criterion applies only to those schools provisionally sanctioned for a developing post(s) which did not reach sufficient enrolments on 30th September 2019 to retain the post. As this criterion relates to verification of actual enrolment on 30th September 2019, the Appeals Board can only consider appeals under this criterion at the October Appeals Board meeting.


Where the Board considers that, in relation to the granting of a post under the developing school criterion, the projected pupil numbers required to retain the post were enrolled or are likely to be enrolled by the last day of term in December 2019, but due to circumstances outside the control of the school were not enrolled as expected on 30th September 2019. Enrolment forms/letters from parents confirming the expected date of enrolment of the pupils must be provided with the appeal.

A post allocated by the Appeals Board under this criterion will be sanctioned on a provisional basis subject to confirmation of the required enrolment being achieved by the last day of term in December 2019. As with Criterion B, a pupil can be included in the enrolment of just one school in any school year.

In the event that the school in which the pupil was enrolled on 30th September 2019 can verify that the pupil did not need to be counted for the appointment or retention of a teacher in that school, the Appeals Board will consider allowing the pupil to be counted as part of the enrolment for staffing purposes in the school to which s/he has transferred. Where the pupil(s) was not enrolled in a school in Ireland on 30th September 2019, a letter from the parents confirming this must be provided with the appeal.

d) EAL support

Where at least 20% of the total enrolment of the school is made up of pupils that require EAL (English as an additional language) support (pupils with less than B1 (Level 3) proficiency), the Board of Management can lodge an appeal for a review of the proposed allocation for pupils requiring EAL support.

Having considered the circumstances outlined by the school and having regard to the high number of pupils requiring EAL support, additional post(s) may be approved to meet the educational needs of such pupils. In considering the level of EAL support in the school, the Appeals Board will consider those pupils in the school with less than B1 (Level 3) proficiency that have received less than 3 years EAL support.

Schools should note that decisions by the Board, based on projected enrolments of EAL pupils, are subject to review after confirmation of 30th September 2019 enrolment. The decision may be revised if projected enrolments do not materialise.

Schools sharing the same campus can make a joint application to the Appeals Board for an EAL post based on the combined EAL enrolment in both schools.

e) Small schools

As part of Budget 2012 measures, the pupil thresholds in small schools were increased. This appeals criterion is applicable to these schools and they may submit an appeal in the following circumstances:

1. Where a school with four classroom teachers or less which is losing a classroom post for the 2019/20 school year provides supported evidence that the enrolment will increase sufficiently by 30th September 2019 to retain the post for the


subsequent school year (i.e. the 2020/21 school year) the Appeals Board can allow the school to retain the mainstream classroom post (MCT).  A threshold of 17 pupils applies for the retention of the existing 2nd MCT (i.e. P + 1).  A threshold of 51 pupils will apply for the retention of the existing 3rd MCT (i.e. P+ 2).  A threshold of 81 pupils will apply for the retention of the existing 4th MCT (i.e. P + 3).  A threshold of 15 pupils applies for the retention of the 2nd MCT (i.e. P + 1) for those schools situated 8km or more from the nearest school of the same type of patronage/language of instruction.  A threshold of 15 pupils applies for the retention of the 2nd MCT (i.e. P + 1) where there will be at least 6 class groupings taught in the school in the 2019/20 school year.


2. Where a school with three classroom teachers or less is not gaining a mainstream classroom post for the 2019/20 school year but can provide evidence that the enrolment will increase sufficiently by 30th September 2019 to gain the additional classroom post for the subsequent school year (i.e. the 2020/21 school year), assuming no change in the staffing schedule the Appeals Board can allow the school to gain a post for the 2019/20 school year.

 A threshold of 18 pupils applies for the appointment of the 2nd MCT (i.e. P+1).  A threshold of 54 pupils will apply for the appointment of the 3rd MCT (i.e. P +2).  A threshold of 84 pupils will apply for the appointment of the 4th MCT (i.e. P + 3).  A threshold of 15 pupils applies for the appointment of the 2nd MCT (i.e. P + 1) for those schools situated 8km or more from the nearest school of the same type of patronage/language of instruction.  A threshold of 15 pupils applies for the appointment of the 2nd MCT (i.e. P + 1) where there will be at least 6 class groupings taught in the school in the 2019/20 school year.

f) School losing 3 or more posts

If a school is losing 3 or more permanent posts, an application can be made to the Staffing Appeals Board with a view to seeking to have a portion of the loss in posts deferred to the 2020/21 school year on the basis that it is impacting in a particularly adverse manner on a school’s overall allocation.

g) Alleviating some of the pressure on class sizes at infants level for schools that make a significant contribution by absorbing demographic growth

This appeals criteria is targeted at schools that are not gaining an additional teaching post under the developing schools criteria but nevertheless make a significant contribution to 21

the provision of school places which assists the response to demographic growth within their area and as a result are under significant pressure on their class sizes at infants’ level. A key indicator in relation to these schools is a significant increase in junior infants’ enrolments.

It is envisaged that these schools will typically be in areas of significant population growth. Each school should note that if it is expanding the number of intake classes which would generate a new stream, the school must have received prior approval for such expansion from both the School Patron and from the Planning and Building Unit of the Department.

Schools that meet the four criteria listed below may submit an appeal to the Appeals Board for an additional teaching post for the 2019/20 school year.

The four criteria to enable an appeal to be submitted are as follows:

1. The school is projecting, on a realistic basis, an increase in its overall enrolments for 30th September 2019 and the level of the projected increase:

a) is sufficient for the school to gain an additional teaching post for the 2020/21 school year (assuming no change in the staffing schedule) b) is insufficient for the school to gain an additional teaching post for the 2019/20 school year under the Developing School Criteria

2. The school had an increase in its overall enrolments in each of the last 2 school years (2018/19 and 2017/18)

3. The school enrolled a minimum of 30 junior infants on 30th September 2017 and the number of junior infants enrolled has increased each year since.

4. That as a result of the increasing enrolment of junior infants, the school is under significant pressure on its class sizes at infants level (junior and/or senior infants).

Each application to the Appeals Board will be considered on its merits. The Appeals Board will assess whether, in its opinion, the school is deploying all of its mainstream classroom teachers in an appropriate manner. The Appeals Board will prioritise those schools that, in its opinion, are under greatest pressure on their class sizes at infants’ level as a result of their increasing enrolments of junior infants. Any posts granted by the Appeals Board will be allocated on a provisional basis pending confirmation of actual enrolments on 30th September 2019.

5. Accuracy of Enrolment Information Submitted as Part of Appeals to the Primary Staffing Appeals Board

Boards of Management and Principal Teachers are reminded about the importance of ensuring the accuracy of enrolment information submitted to the Primary Staffing Appeals Board. The Department’s standard policy for cases that involve any deliberate overstatement of enrolments for the purposes of obtaining any additional resources from the Department is to refer these cases to An Garda Síochána.


Appendix A Schedule of Enrolment of Pupils Governing the Appointment and Retention of Mainstream Class Teachers in Ordinary Schools, Gaelscoileanna and Gaeltacht National Schools for the 2019/20 school year

(The figures required for these purposes are enrolments on 30th September 2018) STAFFING SCHEDULE FOR 2019/20 SCHOOL YEAR Principal plus mainstream Ordinary Schools & Gaeltacht Schools classroom teachers Gaelscoileanna (MCT) as follows: Appointment & Retention Appointment Retention P+1 18 * 18 * 17 P+2 54 ** 54 51 P+3 84 *** 84 81 P+4 113 113 95 P+5 143 143 121 P+6 171 171 152 P+7 176 176 157 P+8 201 201 191 P+9 226 226 226 P+10 251 251 251 P+11 276 276 276 P+12 301 301 301 P+13 326 326 326 P+14 351 351 351 P+15 376 376 376 P+16 401 401 401 P+17 437 437 437 P+18 463 463 463 P+19 489 489 489 P+20 515 515 515 P+21 541 541 541 P+22 567 567 567 P+23 593 593 593 P+24 619 619 619 P+25 645 645 645 P+26 671 671 671 P+27 697 697 697 P+28 723 723 723 P+29 749 749 749 P+30 775 775 775 Note 1: For the 31st MCT and upward, add an additional 26 validly enrolled pupils for Ordinary schools, Gaelscoileanna and Gaeltacht schools. * A threshold of 17 pupils will apply for the retention of the existing 2nd mainstream classroom teacher (i.e. P+1) Separately, a threshold of 15 pupils will apply for the appointment and retention of the 2nd mainstream classroom teacher (i.e. P+1) for those schools situated 8km or more from the nearest school of the same type of patronage/language of instruction. ** A threshold of 51 pupils will apply for the retention of the existing 3rd mainstream classroom teacher (i.e. P+2). *** A threshold of 81 pupils will apply for the retention of the existing 4th mainstream classroom teacher (i.e. P+3).

Schedule of Enrolment of Pupils Governing the Appointment and Retention of Mainstream Class Teachers in DEIS Urban Band 1 National Schools for the 2019/20 school year

(The figures required for these purposes are enrolments on 30th September 2018) Principal plus Schools with Junior Schools with Senior Schools with Vertical mainstream classroom Classes only (20:1) classes only (24:1) classes (22:1) teachers Appointment & Appointment & Appointment & Retention (MCT) as follows: Retention Retention P+1 18 * 18 * 18 * P+2 41 49 45 P+3 61 73 67 P+4 81 97 89 P+5 101 113 111 P+6 116 116 116 P+7 121 145 133 P+8 141 169 155 P+9 161 193 177 P+10 181 217 199 P+11 201 241 221 P+12 221 265 243 P+13 241 289 265 P+14 261 313 287 P+15 281 337 309 P+16 301 361 331 P+17 321 385 353 P+18 341 409 375 P+19 361 433 397 P+20 381 457 419 P+21 401 481 441 P+22 421 505 463 P+23 441 529 485 P+24 461 553 507 P+25 481 577 529 P+26 501 601 551 P+27 521 625 573 P+28 541 649 595 P+29 561 673 617 P+30 581 697 639 * A threshold of 17 pupils will apply for the retention of the existing 2nd mainstream classroom teacher (i.e. P+1). Separately, a threshold of 15 pupils will apply for the appointment and retention of the 2nd mainstream classroom teacher (i.e. P+1) for those schools situated 8km or more from the nearest school of the same type of patronage/language of instruction. Note 1: For the 31st MCT and upward in DEIS Band 1 schools with:  Junior classes only, add an additional 20 validly enrolled pupils;  Senior classes only, add an additional 24 validly enrolled pupils;  Vertical classes, i.e. junior and senior classes, add an additional 22 validly enrolled pupils. Note 2: DEIS Band 1 schools in Gaeltacht areas will be allocated mainstream posts based on either the relevant appointment and retention figures for DEIS Band 1 schools or those for Gaeltacht schools, whichever is the most favourable for the school.

Appendix B

Enrolments required for Administrative Principal status and Administrative Deputy Principal status in Ordinary Schools, Gaelscoileanna and Gaeltacht National Schools for the 2019/20 school year

• The enrolment thresholds for Administrative Principal status are listed in the table below:

School Type Minimum Enrolment on 30th September 2018 Ordinary, Gaelscoileanna, Gaeltacht 176 pupils (113 pupils* if operating a specialist autism unit)

* An additional post to facilitate Administrative Principal status is approved where a school has an enrolment of between 113 and 175 on 30th September 2018 and is operating a specialist autism unit.

• The enrolment thresholds for Administrative Deputy Principal status are listed in the table below:

School Type Minimum Enrolment on 30th September 2018 Ordinary, Gaelscoileanna, Gaeltacht 619 pupils

OR Mainstream schools operating five or No specified enrolment more special classes for children with low incidence special needs

Enrolments required for Administrative Principal status and Administrative Deputy Principal status in DEIS Urban Band 1 and 2 Primary Schools for the 2019/20 school year

• The enrolment thresholds for Administrative Principal status are listed in the table below:

School Type Minimum Enrolment on 30th September 2018 DEIS Band 1 116 pupils (81 pupils** if operating a specialist autism unit) DEIS Band 2*** 143 pupils (113 pupils if operating a specialist autism unit)

** An additional post to facilitate Administrative Principal status is approved where a school has an enrolment of between 81 and 115 on 30th September 2018 and is operating a specialist autism unit.

***An additional post to facilitate Administrative Principal status is approved where a school has an enrolment of between 143 and 175 on 30th September 2018 (between 113 and 175 if operating a specialist autism unit).

• The enrolment thresholds for Administrative Deputy Principal status are listed in the table below:

School Type Minimum Enrolment on 30th September 2018 DEIS Band 1 500 pupils DEIS Band 2 619 pupils OR DEIS Band 1 and 2 schools operating No specified enrolment five or more special classes for children with low incidence special needs

Appendix C - Primary Staffing Circular 2019/20

2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Carlow 00651R Borris Mxd N.S. Borris 71.03 2 21 hours and 2 minutes 0 Carlow 01116A Baile An Chuilinn N.S. Muinebeag 45.93 1 20 hours and 56 minutes 0 Carlow 01215C Newtown Dunleckney Mxd Muinebeag 57.5 2 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Carlow 01415K Rathoe N.S. Rathoe 63 2 13 hours 0 Carlow 02124E Scoil Nais Molaise Old Leighlin 47.53 1 22 hours and 32 minutes 0 Carlow 04077I Scoil Nais Bhride Grange 68.15 2 18 hours and 9 minutes 0 Carlow 09320Q Scoil Nais Mhuire Droimfeigh 24 0 24 hours 0 Carlow 11135K St Marys N.S. Muinebeag 42.1 1 17 hours and 6 minutes 0 Carlow 13105L St Bridgets Monastery Muinebeag 80 3 5 hours 0 Carlow 13507I S N Muire Lourdes Tullow 58.5 2 8 hours and 30 minutes 0 Carlow 13607M St Columbas N.S. Tullow 17.98 0 17 hours and 59 minutes 0 Carlow 14837L S N Peadar Agus Pol Ballon 80.18 3 5 hours and 11 minutes 0 Carlow 16080N S N Phadraig Naofa Patrician Brothers 107.5 4 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Carlow 16938E Fr Cullen Memorial N.S. Tinryland 43 1 18 hours 0 Carlow 17053P Foley Memorial School Carlow 153.5 6 3 hours and 30 minutes 0 Carlow 17096K S N Nmh Fhingin Garryhill 12.98 0 12 hours and 59 minutes 0 Carlow 17127S St. Josephs Ns Hacketstown 85 3 10 hours 0 Carlow 17330P Scoil N Moling-Glynn St. Mullins 25.63 1 38 minutes 0 Carlow 17462J Scoil Nais Mhichil Baile Nua 15.95 0 15 hours and 57 minutes 0 Carlow 17481N St. Brendans N.S. Drummond 8.4 0 8 hours and 24 minutes 0 Carlow 17501Q S N Binn An Choire Binn An Choire 146.5 5 21 hours and 30 minutes 0 Carlow 17514C S N Cluain Na Gall Clonegal 32.5 1 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Carlow 17663T St Patricks N.S. Rathvilly 55.5 2 5 hours and 30 minutes 0 Carlow 17669I S N Treasa Naomha Cill Teagain 34.13 1 9 hours and 8 minutes 0 Carlow 17756D Ballinabranna Mxd N.S. Milford 46.05 1 21 hours and 3 minutes 0 Carlow 17796P Our Lady's N.S. Nurney 25 1 0 Carlow 17994T S N Fhoirtcheirn/Fhinin Midhiseal 50.5 2 30 minutes 0 Carlow 18024N Scoil Muire Gan Smal Ard Aitinn 19.25 0 19 hours and 15 minutes 0 Carlow 18090D S N Cill Damhain Cill Damhain 35 1 10 hours 0 Carlow 18183K Queen Of Universe N.S. Muinebheag 90 3 15 hours 0 Carlow 18363M S N Muire Gan Smal Green Lane 149 5 24 hours 1 Carlow 18424G Scoil Nais Iosef Naofa Carlow 106 4 6 hours 1 Carlow 18510W S.N. Nmh. Padraig Baile Ui Mhurchadha 15.95 0 15 hours and 57 minutes 0 Carlow 18609S S N Fiontain Naofa Rathmore 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Carlow 18615N S N Ceatharlach Green Road 32.65 1 7 hours and 39 minutes 0 Carlow 19477J Holy Family B N.S. Askea 207.5 8 7 hours and 30 minutes 1 Carlow 19478L Holy Family G N.S. Askea 166 6 16 hours 1 Carlow 19784S St. Laserians Mxd Ns Leighlinbridge 58.8 2 8 hours and 48 minutes 0 Carlow 19811S S N Eoghan Ui Thuairisc Bothar Phollerton 130.48 5 5 hours and 29 minutes 0 Carlow 19958C S.N. Naomh Fhiach Graiguecullen 210 8 10 hours 1 Carlow 20295K Carlow ETNS Bestfield 173.5 6 23 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cavan 01356U Kilnaleck Mixed N.S. Kilnaleck 22.5 0 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cavan 05627W Bailieboro Model N.S. Bailieboro 24.25 0 24 hours and 15 minutes 0 Cavan 06998Q St. Patrick's National School Corlough 14.25 0 14 hours and 15 minutes 0 Cavan 08143P S.N. Mhuire Muileann Iarainn 22.5 0 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cavan 08453H S.N. Cruabanai Cruabanai 67.3 2 17 hours and 18 minutes 0 Cavan 08490N St. Clares Primary School Poor Clare Convent 192 7 17 hours 2 Cavan 08948L Milltown N.S. Belturbet 46 1 21 hours 0 Cavan 10146K Corliss N.S. Killeshandra 12.98 0 12 hours and 59 minutes 0 Cavan 11205F Killeshandra N.S. (COI) Killeshandra 17.5 0 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cavan 11409V Ballyconell Central N.S. Ballyconnell 12.55 0 12 hours and 33 minutes 0 Cavan 11517B Cavan 1 N.S. Farnham Street 42.5 1 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cavan 11541V Dromaili S.N. Drumelis 71.78 2 21 hours and 47 minutes 0 Cavan 12099O Billis N.S. New Inn 34.03 1 9 hours and 2 minutes 0 Cavan 12312L Darley N.S. Cootehill 26.5 1 1 hour and 30 minutes 0 Cavan 13203L St Patricks Mxd N.S. Gowna 47.53 1 22 hours and 32 minutes 0 Cavan 13271F Fairgreen N.S. Belturbet 12.55 0 12 hours and 33 minutes 0 Cavan 14073G Castletara N.S. Ballyhaise 52.53 2 2 hours and 32 minutes 0 Cavan 14211P S N Lathrach 2 Kingscourt 43.28 1 18 hours and 17 minutes 0 Cavan 14320U Corlea N.S. Kingscourt 15.53 0 15 hours and 32 minutes 0 Cavan 14336M Searcog I N.S. Shercock 47.75 1 22 hours and 45 minutes 0 Cavan 14399N Kilgarry N.S. Kilgarry 71.88 2 21 hours and 53 minutes 0 Cavan 14732U Scoil Bhride Mountnugent 48 1 23 hours 0 Cavan 15120R Killyconnan N.S. Stradone 27.5 1 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cavan 15452T Kildallon N.S. Ardlougher 17.5 0 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cavan 15502I Killinkere N.S. Virginia 71.55 2 21 hours and 33 minutes 0 Cavan 16057S Convent Of Mercy N.S. Belturbet 55 2 5 hours 0 Cavan 16083T Virginia Mxd N.S. Virginia 130 5 5 hours 0 Cavan 16093W Ballyconnell Mxd N.S. Ballyconnell 52.53 2 2 hours and 32 minutes 1 Cavan 16316Q St Marys N.S. Arva 36.9 1 11 hours and 54 minutes 0 Cavan 16390F Scoil Bhríde Killshandra 30.63 1 5 hours and 38 minutes 0 Cavan 16520P St Mary's N.S. Drung 10 0 10 hours 0 Cavan 16767D Coronea N.S. Arva 12.55 0 12 hours and 33 minutes 0 Cavan 16921K S N Beal Atha Na Neach Ballinagh 68 2 18 hours 0 Cavan 16959M S N Corrabha Glangevlin 14.25 0 14 hours and 15 minutes 0 Cavan 17230L Scoil Naomh Brid Cill Uachtair 42.5 1 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cavan 17240O S.N. Tamhnach Dhuibh Bailieboro 30.5 1 5 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cavan 17326B S.N. Naomh Feidhlim Cavan 120.25 4 20 hours and 15 minutes 0 Cavan 17440W S.N. Naomh Maodhog Cill Na Bheart 32 1 7 hours 0 Cavan 17479D Scoil Mhuire Lacken 35.3 1 10 hours and 18 minutes 0 Cavan 17531C Baile Na Mona Bailieboro 30 1 5 hours 0 Cavan 17601U S.N. Doire Na Ceise An Mhuinchille 28.4 1 3 hours and 24 minutes 0 Cavan 17625L Cnoc An Teampaill Virginia 62.5 2 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cavan 17630E S.N. Maodhog Cnoc Brighde 20.2 0 20 hours and 12 minutes 0 Cavan 17780A Ballyhaise N.S. Cavan 50.08 2 5 minutes 0 Cavan 17990L S.N. Drom Cnamh Drom Cnamh 10 0 10 hours 0

Page 1 of 37 Appendix C - Primary Staffing Circular 2019/20

2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Cavan 18059J Bailieboro N.S. Bailieboro 106.5 4 6 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cavan 18127A S N Mhuire Belturbet 40.08 1 15 hours and 5 minutes 0 Cavan 18340A S N Padraig Lios Bo Duibhe 19.25 0 19 hours and 15 minutes 0 Cavan 18346M S N Greach Rathain Beal Tairbeirt 19.25 0 19 hours and 15 minutes 0 Cavan 18355N Aughadreena N.S. Aughdreena 41 1 16 hours 0 Cavan 18393V S N Cillin Cros Riabhach 28.5 1 3 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cavan 18518P S N Corr Lorgan Cabhan 55.28 2 5 hours and 17 minutes 0 Cavan 18564W S N Leitir Cill Cathlaigh 60.08 2 10 hours and 5 minutes 0 Cavan 18833A S N Lathrach Lathrach 41.58 1 16 hours and 35 minutes 0 Cavan 18857O S N Carraig A Bruis Virginia 58.9 2 8 hours and 54 minutes 0 Cavan 19202Q Drumkilly N.S. Kilnaleck 42.5 1 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cavan 19285A Kill N.S. Cootehill 24.78 0 24 hours and 47 minutes 0 Cavan 19322D Kilmore Central N.S. Kilmore 18.4 0 18 hours and 24 minutes 0 Cavan 19326L Butlersbridge N.S. Cavan 92.5 3 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cavan 19363R Mullahoran Central N.S. Kilcogy 42.5 1 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cavan 19378H S N Bhaile An Airidh Ballynarry 31.05 1 6 hours and 3 minutes 0 Cavan 19418Q Castlerahan Central N.S. Castlerahan 54.5 2 4 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cavan 19432K Crosskeys Central N.S. Crosskeys 40 1 15 hours 0 Cavan 19527V Cabra Central N.S. Cabra 22.23 0 22 hours and 14 minutes 0 Cavan 19568M St. Patrick's Bruskey Carrigans Po 24.78 0 24 hours and 47 minutes 0 Cavan 19596R Crosserlough N.S. Crosserlough 50.5 2 30 minutes 0 Cavan 19608V Mullagh Central N.S. Mullagh 125 5 0 Cavan 19679V S.N. Aodhain Naofa An Babhun Bui 15 0 15 hours 0 Cavan 19871N St Patricks N.S. Killinagh 18.4 0 18 hours and 24 minutes 0 Cavan 19921C Drung No 2 N.S. Drung 12.55 0 12 hours and 33 minutes 0 Cavan 19983B St Clares N.S. Ballyjamesduff 175 7 1 Cavan 20026G Bhreifne Scouts Den 13 0 13 hours 0 Cavan 20134J St Michaels N. S. Stradone 28.18 1 3 hours and 11 minutes 0 Cavan 20172R St Josephs N.S. Kingscourt 112.5 4 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cavan 20277I St. Michaels N.S. Cootehill 104.5 4 4 hours and 30 minutes 0 Clare 02439G S N Mhuire Feakle 21.8 0 21 hours and 48 minutes 0 Clare 03898U Toonagh N.S. Toonagh 43.28 1 18 hours and 17 minutes 0 Clare 03928D Mullach N.S. Mullach 42.5 1 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Clare 04548V Scoil Seanain Naofa Cluainlara 147 5 22 hours 0 Clare 04919H Cratloe N.S. Cratloe 91.65 3 16 hours and 39 minutes 0 Clare 05253H O Callaghans Mills N.S. Ocallaghans Mills 18.4 0 18 hours and 24 minutes 0 Clare 07315N Holy Family Snr Ennis 270 10 20 hours 0 Clare 09390O Rockmount Mixed N.S. Miltown Malbay 22.5 0 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Clare 09425H Rineen N.S. Miltown Malbay 27.85 1 2 hours and 51 minutes 0 Clare 10568N S N Cuibhreann Cill Chaoi 5 0 5 hours 0 Clare 10763L Boston N.S. Tubber 16.8 0 16 hours and 48 minutes 0 Clare 10886E Tubber N.S. Tubber 10 0 10 hours 0 Clare 11234M Clohanbeg N.S. Cree 10 0 10 hours 0 Clare 11714D Bansha N.S. 17.5 0 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Clare 11765U Doonbeg N.S. Doonbeg 12.98 0 12 hours and 59 minutes 0 Clare 11990E Bodyke N.S. Bodyke 19.78 0 19 hours and 47 minutes 0 Clare 12633I Coolmeen N.S. Kilmurray Mcmahon 5 0 5 hours 0 Clare 12848G Doonaha N.S. Kilkee 5 0 5 hours 0 Clare 13379C S N Padraig Nfa Fanoir Ballyvaughan 14.25 0 14 hours and 15 minutes 0 Clare 13418J Ballyea Mixed N.S. Sn Baile Aodha 59 2 9 hours 0 Clare 13625O Kilnamona N.S. Ennis 34 1 9 hours 0 Clare 13730L Clohanes N.S. Mullach 21.48 0 21 hours and 29 minutes 0 Clare 13738E Burrane N.S. Kilrush 23.93 0 23 hours and 56 minutes 0 Clare 13804O S N Na Crannaighe Crannach 10 0 10 hours 0 Clare 13826B Kilmihil N.S. Kilmihil 36.15 1 11 hours and 9 minutes 0 Clare 13870E Kilkishen N.S. Cill Chisin 62.5 2 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Clare 13876Q Moveen N.S. Kilkee 23.5 0 23 hours and 30 minutes 0 Clare 13942D S N Cill Muire Inis 33.93 1 8 hours and 56 minutes 0 Clare 14111L Cross N.S. Kilrush 11.5 0 11 hours and 30 minutes 0 Clare 14468G Kilmaley N.S. Ennis 72.18 2 22 hours and 11 minutes 0 Clare 14571W Tuamgraney N.S. Tuamgraney 37.85 1 12 hours and 51 minutes 0 Clare 14622N Eidhneach N.S. Inis 45 1 20 hours 0 Clare 14830U Barefield Mixed N.S. Ennis 152 6 2 hours 0 Clare 15042A Ennis N.S. Ennis 297 11 22 hours 1 Clare 15221A Annagh N.S. Miltown Malbay 24.25 0 24 hours and 15 minutes 0 Clare 15279I Clooney N.S. Clooney Ns 20 0 20 hours 0 Clare 15301V Kildysart N.S. Ennis Road 67.5 2 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Clare 15350L N.S. Newmarket On Fergus 45.08 1 20 hours and 5 minutes 0 Clare 15370R Killaloe Boys N.S. Killaloe 97.5 3 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Clare 15408Q Connolly N.S. Ennis 20 0 20 hours 0 Clare 15981A Lakyle N.S. Whitegate Via Limerick 20 0 20 hours 0 Clare 16186G Inch N.S. Ennis 32.33 1 7 hours and 20 minutes 0 Clare 16677C Bunscoil Na Mbraithre Ennis 223.28 8 23 hours and 17 minutes 1 Clare 16908S Sixmilebridge N.S. Ennis 261 10 11 hours 0 Clare 16930L Scoil An Sraith S N Tulach Brach 24.03 0 24 hours and 2 minutes 0 Clare 16946D Sn An Phairtin Mixed Parteen 166.9 6 16 hours and 54 minutes 0 Clare 17020A Quilty N.S. Quilty 17.65 0 17 hours and 39 minutes 0 Clare 17026M Clarecastle B N.S. Inis 110.8 4 10 hours and 48 minutes 0 Clare 17246D S N Cluain An Atha Eidhneach 10 0 10 hours 0 Clare 17270A S N Colm Cille Inis Diomain 18.93 0 18 hours and 56 minutes 0 Clare 17517I Doolin Mixed N.S. Ennis 25.2 1 12 minutes 0 Clare 17563P Ogonnelloe N.S. Scariff 50.6 2 36 minutes 0 Clare 17583V S N Cnoc An Ein Inis 115 4 15 hours 0 Clare 17633K S N Eoin Baiste Ballyvaughan 10 0 10 hours 0 Clare 17816S Cooraclare B N.S. Cill Rois 33.18 1 8 hours and 11 minutes 0 Clare 17832Q Kilnaboy N.S. Ennis 33.6 1 8 hours and 36 minutes 0

Page 2 of 37 Appendix C - Primary Staffing Circular 2019/20

2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Clare 17847G S N Aibhistin Naofa Cill Seanaigh 23.6 0 23 hours and 36 minutes 0 Clare 17957N Ennis Convent Inf N.S. Ennis 152.5 6 2 hours and 30 minutes 2 Clare 18032M S N Cluain Muinge Clonmoney 38.93 1 13 hours and 56 minutes 0 Clare 18109V S N Inis Cealtrach Mountshannon 28.18 1 3 hours and 11 minutes 0 Clare 18168O S N An Chrioch An Chrioch 12.98 0 12 hours and 59 minutes 0 Clare 18190H S N Cronain Nfa An Carn Inis 10 0 10 hours 0 Clare 18225A S N Mhuire Miliuc Luimneach 80 3 5 hours 0 Clare 18227E S N Mhuire Corafine Corafine 40.3 1 15 hours and 18 minutes 0 Clare 18327I S N Cnoc Doire Cooraclare 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Clare 18339P Sn Iosef Naofa An Mhaigh 10 0 10 hours 0 Clare 18359V S N Cuan Cill Beathach 23.6 0 23 hours and 36 minutes 0 Clare 18410S S N Liosceanuir Inis 15 0 15 hours 0 Clare 18467B S N Baile An Droichid Obriens Bridge 61.13 2 11 hours and 8 minutes 0 Clare 18526O Ballycar N.S. Newmarket On Fergus 21.9 0 21 hours and 54 minutes 0 Clare 18540I Cluain Draigneach Cluain Draighneach 20.63 0 20 hours and 38 minutes 0 Clare 18541K S N Cathair Aodha Lissycasey 21.48 0 21 hours and 29 minutes 0 Clare 18555V Lissycasey N.S. Ennis 32.5 1 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Clare 18565B S N Ma Sheasta Moyasta 26.9 1 1 hour and 54 minutes 0 Clare 18624O Mercy Convent Killaloe Killaloe 42.2 1 17 hours and 12 minutes 0 Clare 18630J Mixed N.S. Carrigaholt 17.65 0 17 hours and 39 minutes 0 Clare 18639E S N Baile Na Cailli Ennis 25.5 1 30 minutes 0 Clare 18696Q S N Dubh Rath Caislean An Chlar 31.48 1 6 hours and 29 minutes 0 Clare 18720K Miltown Malbay B N.S. Miltown Malbay 34.45 1 9 hours and 27 minutes 0 Clare 18739I St. Senan's N.S. Corrib Drive 80 3 5 hours 0 Clare 18740Q St. John’s School Drumgeely Avenue 14.78 0 14 hours and 47 minutes 0 Clare 18753C Saint Marys N.S. Lahinch 75 3 0 Clare 18768P Forgleann N.S. Forgleann 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Clare 18950E S N Droiman Dudhaire Caher 17.23 0 17 hours and 14 minutes 0 Clare 19043W New Quay N.S. Burren 10 0 10 hours 0 Clare 19274S St. Conaires N.S. Shannon 197.5 7 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Clare 19338S Flagmount Central Ns Flagmount 29.45 1 4 hours and 27 minutes 0 Clare 19366A Scariff Central N.S. Scariff 55.5 2 5 hours and 30 minutes 0 Clare 19386G Labasheeda Central N.S. Labasheeda 21.48 0 21 hours and 29 minutes 0 Clare 19442N Ruan Central Ns Ruan 35 1 10 hours 0 Clare 19551S Inchicronan Central Ns Crusheen 27.5 1 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Clare 19552U Naomh Tola Shannon 113.43 4 13 hours and 26 minutes 0 Clare 19559L Chriost Ri Cloughleigh 148.5 5 23 hours and 30 minutes 1 Clare 19698C St Aidans Ns Smithstown 107.38 4 7 hours and 23 minutes 0 Clare 19700J Lisdoonvarna N S Lisdoonvarna 37.5 1 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Clare 19838P Gael Sc Mhichil Chiosog Inis 114.5 4 14 hours and 30 minutes 0 Clare 19849U Gaelscoil Donncha Rua Sionna 30.5 1 5 hours and 30 minutes 0 Clare 19999Q Gaelscoil Ui Choimin An T-Ionad Oige 15 0 15 hours 0 Clare 20041C Convent of Mercy N.S. Kilrush 166 6 16 hours 0 Clare 20075T St Mochullas N.S. Ennis Road 104.5 4 4 hours and 30 minutes 0 Clare 20078C Sn Realt Na Mara Chapel St 32.5 1 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Clare 20086B Ennis ETNS Gort Road 121 4 21 hours 1 Clare 20127M Scoil Na Maighdine Mhuire Cora Chaithlin 112.5 4 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Clare 20149W N.S. Kilfenora 37.95 1 12 hours and 57 minutes 0 Clare 20245S Ennistymon N.S. Ennistymon 41.58 1 16 hours and 35 minutes 0 Clare 20312H Raheen Wood Steiner N.S. Raheen Road 75 3 0 Clare 20313J Mol An Oige N.S. Ennistymon 85 3 10 hours 0 Clare 20404M Coore National School Mullagh 28.5 1 3 hours and 30 minutes 0 Clare 20434V Scoil Mhichil Cahermurphy 35.4 1 10 hours and 24 minutes 0 Clare 20447H Kilmurry McMahon N.S. Kilmurry McMahon 22 0 22 hours 0 Clare 20452A Broadford & Kilbane N.S. Broadford 60.5 2 10 hours and 30 minutes 0 Clare 20476O Scoil na Mainistreach New Line Rd. 105 4 5 hours 0 00467B N S 95 3 20 hours 0 Cork 00512D Convent N S Midleton 157.5 6 7 hours and 30 minutes 3 Cork 01197D Strawberry Hill B.N.S. Sundays Well 197.5 7 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 01272O S N Chuan Doir Chuan Doir 27.75 1 2 hours and 45 minutes 0 Cork 01687U Dromleigh N S Macroom 32.85 1 7 hours and 51 minutes 0 Cork 01692N Firmount Mixed N S Donoughmore 43.5 1 18 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 01867W Castlelyons B.N.S. 97.5 3 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 02114B S N Baile Ui Ghiblin 87.8 3 12 hours and 48 minutes 0 Cork 02278I Millstreet Convent N S Millstreet 65.5 2 15 hours and 30 minutes 1 Cork 02452V B.N.S. Cloyne 135 5 10 hours 0 Cork 02707F Sundays Well G.N.S. STRAWBERRY HILL 127.5 5 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 02803B N S Banteer 70.5 2 20 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 03704E S N Sean Baile Mor Mallow 30 1 5 hours 0 Cork 04054T Ballindangan Mixed N S Mitchelstown 9.25 0 9 hours and 15 minutes 0 Cork 04118T Leamlara Mixed N S Leamlara 112.5 4 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 04152T S N Cnoc An Bhile Upton 56.5 2 6 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 04186N S N Bhiorainn Berrings 95.5 3 20 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 04230N Scoil Naomh Eoin Ballincurrig 37 1 12 hours 0 Cork 04442F Kyle N S 30.83 1 5 hours and 50 minutes 0 Cork 04578H Ballyvongane Mixed N S Aghina 10 0 10 hours 0 Cork 04953H Ballyhass Mixed N S Cecilstown 85 3 10 hours 0 Cork 05257P Presentation Convent Bandon 120 4 20 hours 0 Cork 05477G Laragh N S Bandon 59.5 2 9 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 05508O St. Columba's Girls N.S. & Facility for Deaf ChildrenDughlas 152.5 6 2 hours and 30 minutes 2 Cork 05565D Trafrask Mixed N S Bantry 16.8 0 16 hours and 48 minutes 0 Cork 05636A Dunmanway Model N S Dunmanway 30.73 1 5 hours and 44 minutes 0 Cork 05656G S N An Ghoilin Sciobairin 18.5 0 18 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 05940D Scoil Ursula Blackrock 115 4 15 hours 0 Cork 06295F Freemount Mixed N S Rathluirc 32.85 1 7 hours and 51 minutes 0 Cork 06342L Vicarstown Mixed N S Vicarstown 38.7 1 13 hours and 42 minutes 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Cork 07006A Ballyclough Mixed N S Mallow 50.08 2 5 minutes 0 Cork 07242M Cloghroe Mixed N S 211 8 11 hours 0 Cork 07651G St. Joseph’s G.N.S. Convent Road 52.95 2 2 hours and 57 minutes 0 Cork 08393P S N Rath Dubh Grenagh 117.9 4 17 hours and 54 minutes 0 Cork 08430S Scoil Naomh Seosamh Skibbereen 85.68 3 10 hours and 41 minutes 0 Cork 08828B Mixed N S Rathcoole 25 1 0 Cork 08972I Castlealack N S Chaislean Na Leacht 31.58 1 6 hours and 35 minutes 0 Cork 09161W Convent Of Mercy Bantry 70 2 20 hours 0 Cork 09537S Ballinadee N S Bandon 65 2 15 hours 0 Cork 09815U Tullaslease Mixed N S Rathluirc 12.98 0 12 hours and 59 minutes 0 Cork 09872J Cloghoola Mixed N S Millstreet 22.33 0 22 hours and 20 minutes 0 Cork 10047I Macroom Convent N S Macroom 118.33 4 18 hours and 20 minutes 1 Cork 10243I S N Achadh Eochaille Enniskean 25.63 1 38 minutes 0 Cork 10499U Kilgariffe N S 17.65 0 17 hours and 39 minutes 0 Cork 10523O Fermoy Adair N S Fermoy 25.3 1 18 minutes 0 Cork 10548H St Brendans N.S. Bantry 18.5 0 18 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 10724B South Abbey Ns Youghal 92.5 3 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 10739O Ballincarriga Mxd N S Dunmanway 29.03 1 4 hours and 2 minutes 0 Cork 10771K N S Bellevue 25.73 1 44 minutes 0 Cork 11236Q Newmarket B.N.S. Newmarket 40.83 1 15 hours and 50 minutes 0 Cork 11245R Sn Cill Mhic Abhaidh Leap 22.33 0 22 hours and 20 minutes 0 Cork 11249C Burnfort N S Mallow 51.78 2 1 hour and 47 minutes 0 Cork 11262R Druimne N S Rathluirc 43.05 1 18 hours and 3 minutes 0 Cork 11337W Kilmagner N S Fermoy 49.85 1 24 hours and 51 minutes 0 Cork 11496T Shandrum National School 55.6 2 5 hours and 36 minutes 0 Cork 11931L S N Ioseph Drinagh 29.13 1 4 hours and 8 minutes 0 Cork 11992I Whitegate Mixed N S Midleton 50 2 0 Cork 12012W St Lukes N S Douglas 76 3 1 hour 0 Cork 12015F Liscarrol N S Mallow 130 5 5 hours 0 Cork 12041G St John The Baptist N S Midleton 120.5 4 20 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 12147W S N An Aird Clonakilty 43 1 18 hours 0 Cork 12169J Templebrady N S Crosshaven 23.5 0 23 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 12203G S N Naomh Antaine Ballinlough 373 14 23 hours 0 Cork 12259K S N Oir Cheann 17.5 0 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 12263B Gogginshill N S Ballinhassig 75 3 0 Cork 12281D Walterstown N S Cobh 82.5 3 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 12292I Canovee Mixed N S Carrigadrohid 88.23 3 13 hours and 14 minutes 0 Cork 12382J Curriglass Ns Curriglass 24.45 0 24 hours and 27 minutes 0 Cork 12383L Union Hall Mixed N S Cork 43.05 1 18 hours and 3 minutes 0 Cork 12395S Rusheen Ns Coachford 26.38 1 1 hour and 23 minutes 0 Cork 12446J S N Gleann Na Huladh Mitchelstown 59.1 2 9 hours and 6 minutes 0 Cork 12447L Baltydaniel N S Mallow 70 2 20 hours 0 Cork 12456M Timoleague N S Bandon 52.48 2 2 hours and 29 minutes 0 Cork 12473M Greenmount Monastery N.S. Greenmount 207.5 8 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 12505W Kilbarry N S Macroom 27.85 1 2 hours and 51 minutes 0 Cork 12598J Ardagh B.N.S. Roscarbery 19.25 0 19 hours and 15 minutes 0 Cork 12676D Clogheen Kerry Pike N.S. Kerry Pike 68.5 2 18 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 12685E Rushnacahara N S Durrns 10 0 10 hours 0 Cork 12967O Inchigeela N S Inchigeela 46.55 1 21 hours and 33 minutes 0 Cork 13031I St Josephs Convent N S Rathluirc 87.5 3 12 hours and 30 minutes 1 Cork 13095L S N An Droma Mhoir Aghaville 46.03 1 21 hours and 2 minutes 0 Cork 13125R Darara Mixed N S Clonakilty 46.45 1 21 hours and 27 minutes 0 Cork 13234W N S Cloughduv 46.25 1 21 hours and 15 minutes 0 Cork 13286S Tirelton N S Mxd Macroom 21.75 0 21 hours and 45 minutes 0 Cork 13375R Scoil Bhride Cros Mhathuna 78.5 3 3 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 13402R Knockraha N S Glantaun 51.78 2 1 hour and 47 minutes 0 Cork 13450F Bunscoil Rinn An Chabhlaigh Cobh 320 12 20 hours 1 Cork 13483U S N Ath Na Lionta Mallow 42 1 17 hours 0 Cork 13512B Scoil Mhuire Lourdes Carrigaline 197.5 7 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 13543M Derrinacahara N S Dunmanway 26.05 1 1 hour and 3 minutes 0 Cork 13647B Castlemartyr N S Castlemartyr 92.5 3 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 13648D St Lukes Mxd N S Mahonys Ave 43.38 1 18 hours and 23 minutes 0 Cork 13661S Dunmanway Convent N S Dunmanway 20.53 0 20 hours and 32 minutes 0 Cork 13662U Dunmanway Convent Inf Dunmanway 29.5 1 4 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 13663W Lower Glanmire N S Glanmire 82.5 3 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 13696O St Vincents Convent N S St. Marys Road 111 4 11 hours 0 Cork 13728B Castletownsend Mxd N S Skibbereen 40.73 1 15 hours and 44 minutes 0 Cork 13747F Riverstown N S Glanmire 313.5 12 13 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 13779S S N Dhrom Athain Mallow 113.43 4 13 hours and 26 minutes 0 Cork 13828F Douglas B.N.S. Douglas 160 6 10 hours 2 Cork 13889C Shanbally N S Rinn Scide 126.5 5 1 hour and 30 minutes 0 Cork 13910N S N Bun An Tsabhairne Crosshaven 42.5 1 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 13976U St Matthias N S Church Road 22.5 0 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 13980L S N B Togher Cork Togher 142.5 5 17 hours and 30 minutes 1 Cork 14000C St Mary's Of The Aisle Bishop Street 240 9 15 hours 1 Cork 14002G Knockaclarig Mxd N S Brosna 16.8 0 16 hours and 48 minutes 0 Cork 14014N S N Baile Deasmumhan Mallow 50 2 0 Cork 14022M Coachford N S Coachford 47.2 1 22 hours and 12 minutes 0 Cork 14052V Kanturk B.N.S. Kanturk 45.08 1 20 hours and 5 minutes 0 Cork 14107U Castletownroche N S Castletownroche 30 1 5 hours 0 Cork 14116V Kilbrittain Mixed N S Kilbrittain 100.35 4 21 minutes 0 Cork 14225D Scoil Bhride Ballydehob 42.85 1 17 hours and 51 minutes 0 Cork 14227H Kilcoe Ns Skibbereen 31.58 1 6 hours and 35 minutes 0 Cork 14303U S N Cleire Oilean Chleire 10 0 10 hours 0 Cork 14430E Derrycreha N S Bantry 10 0 10 hours 0 Cork 14433K N S Skibbereen 80.73 3 5 hours and 44 minutes 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Cork 14726C Kinsale N S Kinsale 50 2 0 Cork 14784Q Dunmanway B.N.S. Dunmanway 32.85 1 7 hours and 51 minutes 0 Cork 14813U Roscarbery Con N S Roscarbery 37.85 1 12 hours and 51 minutes 0 Cork 14816D Scoil Lachtain Naofa Cill Na Martra 36.5 1 11 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 14839P Clondrohid N S Clondrohid 99.5 3 24 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 14993C S N Rae Na Ndoiri Rae Na Ndoiri 16.38 0 16 hours and 23 minutes 0 Cork 15135H Bantry Boys N S Bantry 73.45 2 23 hours and 27 minutes 0 Cork 15140A Ballingree Mxd N S Macroom 23.6 0 23 hours and 36 minutes 0 Cork 15165Q Ballintotas N S Castlemartyr 56.03 2 6 hours and 2 minutes 0 Cork 15346U S N Baile An Mhuirne Carrig An Adhmaid 62.5 2 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 15380U Dromagh Mixed N S Dromagh 15.53 0 15 hours and 32 minutes 0 Cork 15410D Kilcrohane N S Durrus 21.48 0 21 hours and 29 minutes 0 Cork 15484J Glounthaune Mixed N.S. Glounthaune 189 7 14 hours 1 Cork 15516T Clonpriest N S Youghal 59 2 9 hours 0 Cork 15550T Ballyheada N S. Ballinhassig 58.5 2 8 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 15563F Lisheen Mixed N S Skibbereen 37.95 1 12 hours and 57 minutes 0 Cork 15594Q Grange Fermoy N S Fermoy 45.4 1 20 hours and 24 minutes 0 Cork 15597W Macroom B.N.S. Macroom 116 4 16 hours 0 Cork 15646J Coomhola N S Bantry 53.15 2 3 hours and 9 minutes 0 Cork 15701O Bartlemy N S Rathcormac 69.73 2 19 hours and 44 minutes 0 Cork 15718I S N Seosamh Cobh Cobh 168 6 18 hours 0 Cork 15781P Ballintemple N S Crab Lane 99 3 24 hours 0 Cork 15792U Upper Glanmire N S Upper Glanmire 140 5 15 hours 0 Cork 15903D Killavullen N S Mallow 55 2 5 hours 0 Cork 16087E Kealkil N S Bantry 38.5 1 13 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 16109L Scoil Realt Na Mara Ballycotton 35.3 1 10 hours and 18 minutes 0 Cork 16128P Bunscoil Na Toirbhirte Mitchelstown 115 4 15 hours 0 Cork 16159D Mallow Con N S Mallow 90 3 15 hours 0 Cork 16246V Drumclugh N S Bantry 12.55 0 12 hours and 33 minutes 0 Cork 16259H Kilcolman N S Enniskean 24.4 0 24 hours and 24 minutes 0 Cork 16271U Watergrass Hill N S Watergrass Hill 156.9 6 6 hours and 54 minutes 0 Cork 16286K Carrigboy N S Durrus 40.83 1 15 hours and 50 minutes 0 Cork 16335U Rylane N.S. Rylane 26.05 1 1 hour and 3 minutes 0 Cork 16339F S N Iosef Naofa Mardyke 78.25 3 3 hours and 15 minutes 0 Cork 16377N Cobh Convent Cobh 140 5 15 hours 0 Cork 16396R Boherbue N S Boherbue 60.18 2 10 hours and 11 minutes 0 Cork 16648S Ath Treasna G.N.S. Ath Treasna 24.78 0 24 hours and 47 minutes 0 Cork 16680O Scoil Colmcille Blarney St 216.3 8 16 hours and 18 minutes 0 Cork 16681Q Scoil Na Mbraithre Rathluirc 105 4 5 hours 0 Cork 16683U Bishop Murphy Memorial School Fermoy 70 2 20 hours 0 Cork 16684W Scoil Na Mbraithre Midleton 141 5 16 hours 1 Cork 16746S Ballygarvan N S Ballygarvan 167 6 17 hours 0 Cork 16863W Desertserges N S Enniskean 21.9 0 21 hours and 54 minutes 0 Cork 16876I S N Caipin Iniscein 42.1 1 17 hours and 6 minutes 0 Cork 16885J N S Adrigole 12.55 0 12 hours and 33 minutes 0 Cork 16940O Dundar Mhuighe N S Kinsale 79.43 3 4 hours and 26 minutes 0 Cork 16945B Lisgriffin N S Buttevant 16.38 0 16 hours and 23 minutes 0 Cork 16955E S N Na Mona Fliche Macroom 40.08 1 15 hours and 5 minutes 0 Cork 17011W Mocomhog N S Cappaboy 21.05 0 21 hours and 3 minutes 0 Cork 17024I Scoil Na Croise Naofa Mahon 175 7 0 Cork 17045Q St Patricks B.N.S. Ballyhooley Road 243 9 18 hours 0 Cork 17050J S N Naomh Sheamuis Durrus 24.03 0 24 hours and 2 minutes 0 Cork 17079K S N Carraig An Ime Macroom 21.9 0 21 hours and 54 minutes 0 Cork 17087J S N An Chlochair Kanturk 40.63 1 15 hours and 38 minutes 0 Cork 17103E St Marys Convent G Carrigtwohill 137.5 5 12 hours and 30 minutes 1 Cork 17105I Muire Gan Smal C Glasheen 105.5 4 5 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 17112F Ballyhea N S Ballyhea 59.75 2 9 hours and 45 minutes 0 Cork 17152R S N Cnoc Sceach Clanna Caoilte 113 4 13 hours 0 Cork 17156C Scoil Naomh Aine Charleville 72.5 2 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 17168J S N Inis Eoghanain Inis Eoghanan 98.5 3 23 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 17171V S N Cuilinn Ui Caoimh Mala 24.5 0 24 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 17245B Dripsey N S Dripsey 47.5 1 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 17251T Ovens N S Ovens 160.5 6 10 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 17281F Togher N S Dunmanway 47.5 1 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 17297U S N Fearghail Naofa Killeagh 122.5 4 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 17300G Lios Maighir Newmarket 31.15 1 6 hours and 9 minutes 0 Cork 17313P Our Lady Of Lourdes Ballinlough 57.95 2 7 hours and 57 minutes 0 Cork 17323S Monkstown N S Monkstown 77.5 3 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 17324U Scoil Naomh Breandan Cnoc An Chuilinn 14.25 0 14 hours and 15 minutes 0 Cork 17338I S N Cill Bonain Atharlach 52 2 2 hours 0 Cork 17360B S N Mhuire Rath Peacain 128.5 5 3 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 17362F S N Breandan Naofa Rathcool 54.5 2 4 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 17363H Sn Cros Tseain Bun An Tabhairne 90 3 15 hours 0 Cork 17505B S N Cill Ruadhain Glanmire 142.53 5 17 hours and 32 minutes 0 Cork 17515E S N Achadh Bolg Achadh An Chrioste 41.25 1 16 hours and 15 minutes 0 Cork 17527L Scoil Bhrugh Thuinne Churchtown 45.5 1 20 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 17528N S N Naomh Caitriona Connaithe Conna 71.33 2 21 hours and 20 minutes 0 Cork 17533G S N Rathain Mallow 49 1 24 hours 0 Cork 17579H S N Ath Fhada Rostiallain 150 6 0 Cork 17600S S N Na Scairte Leithe Saleen Cloyne 204.2 8 4 hours and 12 minutes 0 Cork 17602W S N Naomh Lachtin Domhnach Mor 61.88 2 11 hours and 53 minutes 0 Cork 17609N Rathcormac N S Rathcormac 187 7 12 hours 0 Cork 17639W Scoil Na Mbraithre Mitchelstown 202.5 8 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 17667E S N Padraig Naofa Whitechurch 144.5 5 19 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 17706L S N An Mhaoilinn Newmarket 21.38 0 21 hours and 23 minutes 0 Cork 17715M S N Rath A Bharraigh Clonakilty 18 0 18 hours 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Cork 17754W S N Naomh Eoin B 185.5 7 10 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 17755B Scoil Naomh Mhuire C Ballincollig 112.5 4 12 hours and 30 minutes 1 Cork 17761T S N Mhuire Araglinn 22.65 0 22 hours and 39 minutes 0 Cork 17763A N.S. Mallow 12.55 0 12 hours and 33 minutes 0 Cork 17765E S N Re Na Scrine Roscarbery 17.65 0 17 hours and 39 minutes 0 Cork 17790D Curraghagalla N S Kilworth 20 0 20 hours 0 Cork 17794L S N An Phairc Youghal 33.38 1 8 hours and 23 minutes 0 Cork 17804L S N Cnoc Na Manach 61.55 2 11 hours and 33 minutes 0 Cork 17823P B.N.S. Glantane 94 3 19 hours 0 Cork 17829E S N Ath An Mhuillinn Rathluirc 47.63 1 22 hours and 38 minutes 0 Cork 17848I S N Mhuire Gleann An Phreachain 92.38 3 17 hours and 23 minutes 0 Cork 17868O Scoil Freastogail Muire Fermoy 140 5 15 hours 1 Cork 17887S S N Naomh Padraig Mallow 140.5 5 15 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 17921P S N Moing Na Miol Clashbee 55 2 5 hours 0 Cork 17950W Shanagarry N S Shanagarry 31 1 6 hours 0 Cork 17955J Muire Gan Smal Cluain Dilleain 25.1 1 6 minutes 0 Cork 17972J S N Cill Mhuire B Lisardagh 80.15 3 5 hours and 9 minutes 0 Cork 17993R Muire Gan Smal B Glasheen 238 9 13 hours 1 Cork 18000W Naomh Mhuire B Carrigtwohill 223.5 8 23 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 18020F S N An Gharrain Upton 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Cork 18128C S N Mhuire Mxd Coisceim 26.9 1 1 hour and 54 minutes 0 Cork 18153B S N Padraig Naofa C Dillons Cross 97.18 3 22 hours and 11 minutes 0 Cork 18154D S N Padraig Naofa Dillons Cross 72.5 2 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 18196T S N Gleannamhain 105 4 5 hours 0 Cork 18217B Scoil Padre Pio N S Churchfield 293 11 18 hours 0 Cork 18246I S N Baile Muine Ballineen 19.35 0 19 hours and 21 minutes 0 Cork 18253F Scoil Naomh Caitriona Model Farm Road 125.5 5 30 minutes 0 Cork 18266O Ballygown Ns Ballygown 61.98 2 11 hours and 59 minutes 0 Cork 18279A St. Mary's N.S. Waterpark 69.75 2 19 hours and 45 minutes 0 Cork 18292P Gaelscoil An Teaghlaigh Naofa Baile Feithean 81.88 3 6 hours and 53 minutes 0 Cork 18296A Dromdhallagh N S Drimoleague 28.18 1 3 hours and 11 minutes 0 Cork 18301N S N Mhuire B Millstreet 23.4 0 23 hours and 24 minutes 0 Cork 18316D S N Fhursa Ladhar 28.6 1 3 hours and 36 minutes 0 Cork 18356P S.N. Barra Naofa Sraid Gillabbey 32.85 1 7 hours and 51 minutes 0 Cork 18377A Iosef Naofa Fermoy 97.5 3 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 18388F Scoil Naomh Micheal Church Road 22.75 0 22 hours and 45 minutes 0 Cork 18422C Scoil Na Nog Gleann Maghair 18 0 18 hours 0 Cork 18428O S N Baile Nora Baile Nora 109.5 4 9 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 18431D Sn Droichead Na Bandan Bandon 102.5 4 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 18444M S N Clogach Cloglach 21.8 0 21 hours and 48 minutes 0 Cork 18461M S N Muire Na Doirini Skibbereen 30.4 1 5 hours and 24 minutes 0 Cork 18468D Scoil Mhuire Caislean Ui Dhonnabhain 33.8 1 8 hours and 48 minutes 0 Cork 18472R Scoil Chaitriona Ballynoe 58.25 2 8 hours and 15 minutes 0 Cork 18475A S N Baile Ui Chroinin Cloyne 10 0 10 hours 0 Cork 18487H S N Naomh Mhuire Fearann 81.43 3 6 hours and 26 minutes 0 Cork 18491V S N Garran An Easaigh Killbrittain 37.95 1 12 hours and 57 minutes 0 Cork 18497K Little Island Ns Little Island 102.5 4 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 18535P St. Johns Girls N S Ballea Rd 136.5 5 11 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 18549D S N Cnoc Na Croighe Cnoc Na Groighe 20.1 0 20 hours and 6 minutes 0 Cork 18563U Scoil Naomh Brid C Eglantine House 138.5 5 13 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 18566D S N Athair Maitiu C An Tochair 125 5 0 Cork 18567F S N Inis Killeagh 85.5 3 10 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 18659K Lisavaird Mxd N S Clonakilty 33.5 1 8 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 18713N S N Fionan Na Reanna Nohoval 62.93 2 12 hours and 56 minutes 0 Cork 18734V Realt Na Maidine Ballyphehane 114 4 14 hours 0 Cork 18786R Scoil Iosagain Farranree 223 8 23 hours 0 Cork 18829J S N Chobh Chionn Tsaile Cionn Tsaile 83.35 3 8 hours and 21 minutes 0 Cork 18883P S N Iosagain Mala 77.5 3 2 hours and 30 minutes 1 Cork 19000E S N An Spioraid Naomh C Curraheen Rd 87.18 3 12 hours and 11 minutes 0 Cork 19224D S N Cillmin Cillmin 69 2 19 hours 0 Cork 19231A S N Barra Naofa Bhuach Beaumount 167.5 6 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 19232C S N Barra Naofa Cailini Beaumont 85.05 3 10 hours and 3 minutes 0 Cork 19249T Barryroe Ns Lislevane 63.9 2 13 hours and 54 minutes 0 Cork 19256Q Scoil Ghobnatan Mallow 320 12 20 hours 1 Cork 19307H Derrinagree N S Derrinagree 57.5 2 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 19342J Scoil Naomh Eoin Baiste Kilbrin 20 0 20 hours 0 Cork 19348V Newcestown N S Newcestown 76.5 3 1 hour and 30 minutes 0 Cork 19351K S N Cill Criodain 109.5 4 9 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 19381T Rathmore N S Baltimore 35.3 1 10 hours and 18 minutes 0 Cork 19404F Sn Mhuire Ballyhooley 71.65 2 21 hours and 39 minutes 0 Cork 19415K Scoil An Athar Tadhg Carraig Na Bhfear 265 10 15 hours 0 Cork 19420D Sn Fhiachna Gleann Garbh 24.83 0 24 hours and 50 minutes 0 Cork 19426P S N Mharcuis B An Gleann 141.5 5 16 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 19427R S N Bhreanndain C An Ghleann 84.5 3 9 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 19501D Cahermore Ns Cahermore Allihies 27.43 1 2 hours and 26 minutes 0 Cork 19507P Scoil Chaitigheirn Na Haorai 45 1 20 hours 0 Cork 19525R Mhichil Naofa Ballinakilla 10 0 10 hours 0 Cork 19526T Sn Cill Dairbhre Kildorrery 63.43 2 13 hours and 26 minutes 0 Cork 19557H Caheragh Ns Caheragh 25 1 0 Cork 19595P St Marys Central School Enniskeane 63.05 2 13 hours and 3 minutes 0 Cork 19637F Scoil Fionnbarra Beal Atha Ghaorthaidh 34.45 1 9 hours and 27 minutes 0 Cork 19672H Scoil Muire Na Ngrast Beal Guala 143 5 18 hours 0 Cork 19714U Mhuire Ar Chnoc Haoine Knocknaheeny 230 9 5 hours 0 Cork 19730S Scoil Oilibheir Ballincollie Road 320 12 20 hours 0 Cork 19761G Dungourney Central N Sc Dungourney 79.95 3 4 hours and 57 minutes 0 Cork 19771J Scoil Barra Innishmore 246 9 21 hours 1

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Cork 19801P Drimoleague Junior Sch Drimoleague 36.25 1 11 hours and 15 minutes 0 Cork 19833F Gaelscoil Chorain Sraid Na Tra 108.45 4 8 hours and 27 minutes 0 Cork 19839R Gael Scoil Ui Riordain Cul Rua 210 8 10 hours 0 Cork 19851H Gaelscoil De Hide Mainistir Fhearmai 151.5 6 1 hour and 30 minutes 0 Cork 19852J Gaelscoil Ui Riada Baile An Easpaig 93 3 18 hours 0 Cork 19881Q Gaelscoil Carrig Ui Leighinn Carrig Ui Leighinn 168 6 18 hours 0 Cork 19882S Scoil An Athair Tadhg O Murchu Duglas 168.08 6 18 hours and 5 minutes 0 Cork 19886D Gael Scoil Thomais Daibhis Magh Ealla 122.5 4 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 19899M Gaelscoile Cobh Cobh 62.5 2 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 19906G Cork N School Project Grattan Street 105.03 4 5 hours and 2 minutes 0 Cork 19908K Gaelscoil Mhachan Carraig Dubh 140.5 5 15 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 19909M Gaelscoil Peig Sayers Campas Oideachais 90 3 15 hours 0 Cork 19918N Drinagh Mixed Ns Dunmanway 32.85 1 7 hours and 51 minutes 0 Cork 19977G Bandon Boys Ns Bandon 182.5 7 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 19978I Maulatrahane Central Ns Leap 17.65 0 17 hours and 39 minutes 0 Cork 19989N Scoil Mhuire Na Trocaire Cill Na Mullach 119 4 19 hours 0 Cork 19993E Gaelscoil An Ghoirt Alainn Aibhinne Murmont 137.35 5 12 hours and 21 minutes 0 Cork 20001N Gaelscoil Bheanntrai Tigh Warner 57.63 2 7 hours and 38 minutes 0 Cork 20004T Scoil An Croi Ro Naofa Castletownbere 64.33 2 14 hours and 20 minutes 0 Cork 20006A Gaelscoil Mhichil Ui Choileain Sraid Na Scoile 131.83 5 6 hours and 50 minutes 0 Cork 20009G Gaelscoil Dr M Ui Shuilleabhain An Sciobairin 21.8 0 21 hours and 48 minutes 0 Cork 20022V Scoil Na Mbuachailli Cloich Na Coillte 117.5 4 17 hours and 30 minutes 1 Cork 20024C Bun Scoil Muire O'Brien'S Place 198.5 7 23 hours and 30 minutes 1 Cork 20025E Gaelscoil Droichead Na Bandan Cloughmacsimon 57.5 2 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 20036J North Presentation Primary School Gerald Griffin Street 158.5 6 8 hours and 30 minutes 1 Cork 20038N Scoil Aiseiri Chriost Farranree 132.5 5 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 20049S Ringaskiddy Lower Harbour N.S. Ringaskiddy 52.5 2 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 20077A Scoil An Spioraid Naomh (Boys) Bishopstown 165 6 15 hours 0 Cork 20088F Scoil Mhuire N.S. Schull 70.38 2 20 hours and 23 minutes 0 Cork 20105C Star Of The Sea Primary School 175.5 7 30 minutes 1 Cork 20106E Scoil Nioclais Frankfield 336 13 11 hours 1 Cork 20107G Gaelscoil Mhainistir Na Corann Ionad An Phobail 149.28 5 24 hours and 17 minutes 0 Cork 20140E Scoil Mhuire Fatima North Monastery 130 5 5 hours 0 Cork 20151J Gaelscoil Mhuscraí Sean Iochtarach 39.78 1 14 hours and 47 minutes 0 Cork 20182U St Endas Ns Kilnadur 37.5 1 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 20204E Scoil Mhairtin Ns Kilworth 134 5 9 hours 0 Cork 20222G S.N. Cuil Aodha\Barr D'Inse Cuil Aodha 20.1 0 20 hours and 6 minutes 0 Cork 20239A Gaelscoil Ui Drisceoil Dunkettle 128.03 5 3 hours and 2 minutes 0 Cork 20265B Gaelscoil Chionn Tsaile Cappagh 87.5 3 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 20310D Carrigaline ETNS Kilnagleary 223 8 23 hours 1 Cork 20335T Scoil Phadraig Noafa Foxwood 173.5 6 23 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 20336V Midleton ETNS Market Green 221 8 21 hours 0 Cork 20388R Bunscoil Chríost Rí Turners Cross 228 9 3 hours 1 Cork 20389T Scoil Maria Assumpta Ballyphenane 75 3 0 Cork 20399W Scoil Chroi Iosa Blarney 141 5 16 hours 0 Cork 20413N Rochestown ETNS C/o Douglas Hall AFC, Moneygourney 81.5 3 6 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 20435A Scoil Naomh Eltin Kinsale 163 6 13 hours 0 Cork 20440Q Scoil Aonghusa Community N.S. Mallow 65.5 2 15 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 20442U Scoil Chliodhna Community N.S. C/O Carrigtwohill GAA Club 33.5 1 8 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 20477Q St. Patrick's BNS Skibbereen 136.38 5 11 hours and 23 minutes 0 Cork 20493O Canon Sheehan Primary School 57.5 2 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Cork 20497W Scoil Mhuire agus Eoin Mayfield 185 7 10 hours 0 Cork 20500I Gaelscoil Ballincollig Ballincollig 15 0 15 hours 0 Cork 20511N Fermoy ETNS Fermoy Youth Centre 0 0 0 Donegal 01572D S N Naomh Padraig Drumfries P O 39.65 1 14 hours and 39 minutes 0 Donegal 01574H Scoil Naomh Iosaf Ballymangan 15 0 15 hours 0 Donegal 01733B Ardara Mixed N S Ardara 19.78 0 19 hours and 47 minutes 0 Donegal 03294L S N Caiseal Na Gcorr Gort A Choirce 10 0 10 hours 0 Donegal 04809A Scoil An Aingil Choimheadai An Cheididh 14.25 0 14 hours and 15 minutes 0 Donegal 05164I Scoil Naomh Cholmcille Oilean Thorai 5 0 5 hours 0 Donegal 05230S Comhscoil Chonmha S N Convoy 32.5 1 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 07143K Monreagh N S Monreagh 27.5 1 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 07464H Browneknowe N S Brownknowe 21.8 0 21 hours and 48 minutes 0 Donegal 07626H S N An Iorball Riabaigh Baile Ui Ghormain 22.5 0 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 09009Q Rockfield N S Rockfield Ballyshannon 12.98 0 12 hours and 59 minutes 0 Donegal 09660R St Francis Ns Barnesmore 67.5 2 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 09748I Glenmaquin No 2 N S Knockbrack 10 0 10 hours 0 Donegal 10062E Creeslough N S Creeslough 35.5 1 10 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 10595Q Kilbarron N S Kilbarron 29.13 1 4 hours and 8 minutes 0 Donegal 11843O S N Neill Mor Killybegs 65 2 15 hours 0 Donegal 12077E Scoil Naomh Fiachra Illistrin, Letterkenny 224.5 8 24 hours and 30 minutes 1 Donegal 13563S S N Chill Coinnigh Cill Choinnigh 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Donegal 13755E Gartan N S Gartan 20.2 0 20 hours and 12 minutes 0 Donegal 13872I Robertson N S Ballintra 23.93 0 23 hours and 56 minutes 0 Donegal 14194S Scoil Cholmcille An Tearmann 77.5 3 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 14502D Scoil Mhuire B&C Doire Beaga 53.8 2 3 hours and 48 minutes 0 Donegal 14631O Scoil Cholmchille Malin 28.5 1 3 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 14704P Murroe National School Murroe 21.05 0 21 hours and 3 minutes 0 Donegal 14910S Castlefin 1 B.N.S. Castlefin 47.5 1 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 14941G Ray N S Ray 41.3 1 16 hours and 18 minutes 0 Donegal 15170J Cashelshanaghan N S Ballymaleel P O 20.63 0 20 hours and 38 minutes 0 Donegal 15208I S N Na Sraithe Moire Min A Labain 22.55 0 22 hours and 33 minutes 0 Donegal 15532R Croaghross N S Portsalon 16.38 0 16 hours and 23 minutes 0 Donegal 15554E Gortnacart N S Gortnacart 17.23 0 17 hours and 14 minutes 0 Donegal 15627F St Muras N S Burnfoot 78.25 3 3 hours and 15 minutes 0 Donegal 15729N Rathmullen N S Rathmullen 17.55 0 17 hours and 33 minutes 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Donegal 15763N Moville N S Moville 23.6 0 23 hours and 36 minutes 0 Donegal 15770K S N Naomh Naille Na Caologa 55 2 5 hours 0 Donegal 15847T S N Leitir Mhic An Bhaird Leithbhearr 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Donegal 15955W Sn Arainn Mhor I Arainn Mor 17.23 0 17 hours and 14 minutes 0 Donegal 16054M St Patricks N S Murlog 117.5 4 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 16108J Scoil Naomh Treasa C Tiernasligo Clonmany 29.45 1 4 hours and 27 minutes 0 Donegal 16137Q Drumfad N S Ballynashanagh P O 12.98 0 12 hours and 59 minutes 0 Donegal 16138S Raphoe Central N S Raphoe 107.5 4 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 16242N S N Dumhach Beag Dumhach Beag 5 0 5 hours 0 Donegal 16279N Ballyheerin N S Ballyheerin Fanad 10 0 10 hours 0 Donegal 16349I S N An Droim Mor An Droim Mor 155.5 6 5 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 16357H S N Fhionntra Fintra 32 1 7 hours 0 Donegal 16375J Frosses N S Frosses 62.5 2 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 16384K Sn Arainn Mhor Ii Arainn Mhor 7.98 0 7 hours and 59 minutes 0 Donegal 16458N Inver N S Inver 21.48 0 21 hours and 29 minutes 0 Donegal 16471F St Davadogs N S Tamney 18.88 0 18 hours and 53 minutes 0 Donegal 16603T S N An Chillin An Cillin 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Donegal 16608G Killybegs Common N S The Commons 32.75 1 7 hours and 45 minutes 0 Donegal 16611S Glentogher Con N S Carndonagh 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Donegal 16642G St Francis' National School Clonmany 71.5 2 21 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 16664Q Bruckless N S Bruckless 10 0 10 hours 0 Donegal 16671N S N Cnoc Na Naomh Gort A Choirce 37.75 1 12 hours and 45 minutes 0 Donegal 16672P St Patricks N S Lurgybrack 145 5 20 hours 0 Donegal 16763S S N Glasain Craosloch 35 1 10 hours 0 Donegal 16789N St Orans N S Buncrana 115 4 15 hours 0 Donegal 16819T S N Gort An Choirce Leitir Ceanainn 19.25 0 19 hours and 15 minutes 0 Donegal 16820E Scoil Cholmcille Newtowncunningham 115 4 15 hours 0 Donegal 16821G Clochar Padraig Naofa Carndonagh 52.53 2 2 hours and 32 minutes 0 Donegal 16823K Min A Ghabhann N S Lettermacaward 17.65 0 17 hours and 39 minutes 0 Donegal 16829W S N Loch An Iubhair Anagaire 21.48 0 21 hours and 29 minutes 0 Donegal 16836T Naomh Bridhid Glenmakee 45.08 1 20 hours and 5 minutes 0 Donegal 16837V S N Duchoraidh Duchoraidh 14.25 0 14 hours and 15 minutes 0 Donegal 16850N St Garvan's N.S. Drum Halla 31.68 1 6 hours and 41 minutes 0 Donegal 16854V Buncrana N S Buncrana 27.5 1 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 16869L S N An Bhreacaigh Ard A Ratha 21.48 0 21 hours and 29 minutes 0 Donegal 16880W Scoil Naomh Colmchille Craigtown 48 1 23 hours 0 Donegal 16903I S N Fothar Port Na Blaithche 26.15 1 1 hour and 9 minutes 0 Donegal 16995Q S N Naomh Colmchille Drumoghill Ns 29.03 1 4 hours and 2 minutes 0 Donegal 17018N Scoil Phadraig Dobhar 30.2 1 5 hours and 12 minutes 0 Donegal 17035N S N Mhin Teineadh De Ard A Ratha 18.5 0 18 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 17036P S N Naomh Colmchille Killmacrennan 93.13 3 18 hours and 8 minutes 0 Donegal 17040G Sn Naomh Samhthann Drumdoit 33.55 1 8 hours and 33 minutes 0 Donegal 17057A Scoil Phádraig Drumkeen 52.5 2 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 17122I Sn Eadan Fhionnfhaoich Na Gleannta 10 0 10 hours 0 Donegal 17130H Scoil Naomh Dubhthach Machaire Ui Rabhartaigh 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Donegal 17180W S N Na Gcluainte Clonmany 29.25 1 4 hours and 15 minutes 0 Donegal 17241Q S N Domhnach Mor Castlefin 15.95 0 15 hours and 57 minutes 0 Donegal 17260U Scoil an Linbh Íosa Killymard 72.3 2 22 hours and 18 minutes 0 Donegal 17268N Sn An Br M O Cleirigh Creevy 90 3 15 hours 0 Donegal 17328F Scoil Roisin An Clochan Liath 31.15 1 6 hours and 9 minutes 0 Donegal 17447N S N Crannaighe Buidhe Crannog Bui 10 0 10 hours 0 Donegal 17469A Scoil Cuilm Cille Ballindrait 20.63 0 20 hours and 38 minutes 0 Donegal 17503U S N Adhamhnain Luinneach 55 2 5 hours 0 Donegal 17549V S N Ceathru Caol Kerrykeel 34.45 1 9 hours and 27 minutes 0 Donegal 17553M S N Taodhbhog An Clochan 21.8 0 21 hours and 48 minutes 0 Donegal 17564R S N An Choimin Clochan 50 2 0 Donegal 17575W S N Gleann Coimhead Ballybofey 26.05 1 1 hour and 3 minutes 0 Donegal 17598L Sn An Leinbh Iosa Coxtown 37.5 1 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 17607J S N Seiseadh Ui Neill Ballybofey 87.6 3 12 hours and 36 minutes 0 Donegal 17704H S N Fhionnain Baile Chonail 63.5 2 13 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 17716O St Riaghans Ns Drimnacrosh 18.5 0 18 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 17721H Scoil Treasa Naofa Malainn 35.83 1 10 hours and 50 minutes 0 Donegal 17728V S N Talamh Na Coille Talamh Na Coille 231 9 6 hours 0 Donegal 17729A Scoil Naomh Proinnseas Magherabeg 55 2 5 hours 0 Donegal 17822N Scoil Bhrighde Min A Chladhaigh 18.93 0 18 hours and 56 minutes 0 Donegal 17828C Scoil Adhamhnain Rathbhoth 101 4 1 hour 0 Donegal 17831O Sn Dhun Na Ngall The Glebe 31.48 1 6 hours and 29 minutes 0 Donegal 17837D Scoil Mhuire Pettigo 26.9 1 1 hour and 54 minutes 0 Donegal 17945G Scoil Naomh Chaitriona Ballyshannon 55 2 5 hours 0 Donegal 17956L Scoil Cholmcille Naofa Ballylast 22.5 0 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 18007N S N Olibhear Pluinceid Rann Na Feirste 29.35 1 4 hours and 21 minutes 0 Donegal 18052S S N Muire Gan Smal Clochar Loreto 135.5 5 10 hours and 30 minutes 1 Donegal 18058H Scoil Naomh Seosamh Rathdomhnaill 23.6 0 23 hours and 36 minutes 0 Donegal 18076J Sn Muire Gan Smal Leithbhearr 53 2 3 hours 0 Donegal 18086M Dunfanaghy N S Dunfanaghy 20.63 0 20 hours and 38 minutes 0 Donegal 18114O S N Naomh Eighneach Diseart Eighnigh 25.95 1 57 minutes 0 Donegal 18120J Scoil Mhuire Caiseal Ceanndroma 17.98 0 17 hours and 59 minutes 0 Donegal 18129E Scoil Naomh Peadar Mountcharles 53.58 2 3 hours and 35 minutes 0 Donegal 18131O S N Muire Gan Smal Ard Aratha 21.48 0 21 hours and 29 minutes 0 Donegal 18151U S N Mhuire Baile An Ngalloglach 61 2 11 hours 0 Donegal 18172F Gleneely N S Gleann An Fhaoilidh 38.7 1 13 hours and 42 minutes 0 Donegal 18219F Sn Chonaill Machaire Chlochair 27.5 1 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 18241V Scoil Naomh Cholmcille Drumman 45 1 20 hours 0 Donegal 18250W S N Baile Mor Dunfanaghy Po 24.45 0 24 hours and 27 minutes 0 Donegal 18251B S N Rath Meallt Ramelton 15.5 0 15 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 18286U S N Na Hacrai Ailt An Chorrain 42.95 1 17 hours and 57 minutes 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Donegal 18295V S N Min An Aoire An Charraig 10 0 10 hours 0 Donegal 18319J S N Trianta Triantagh 12.98 0 12 hours and 59 minutes 0 Donegal 18371L Scoil Mhuire An Craosloch 28.5 1 3 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 18421A Sn Dun Ceannfhaolaidh Dun Ceannfhaolaidh 50 2 0 Donegal 18446Q Scoil Naomh Mhuire Ceann Mhalanna 19.25 0 19 hours and 15 minutes 0 Donegal 18508M Naomh Adhamhnain Laghey Po 42.2 1 17 hours and 12 minutes 0 Donegal 18517N Scoil Mhuire Dristearnain 67.5 2 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 18520C Scoil Phadraig Rath Seinche 45.3 1 20 hours and 18 minutes 0 Donegal 18605K Scoil Naomh Padraig Boys Carndonagh 85 3 10 hours 0 Donegal 18611F S N Na Carraige Dun Na Ngall 22.98 0 22 hours and 59 minutes 0 Donegal 18625Q Scoil Choilmcille Convent Road 193 7 18 hours 0 Donegal 18652T S N An Chaiseal Gleann Cholmcille 22.5 0 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 18700E S N Baile An Caislean Baile An Chaisleain 10 0 10 hours 0 Donegal 18703K S N Baile An Bhailsig Baile An Bhailsigh 23.6 0 23 hours and 36 minutes 0 Donegal 18710H Sn Na Croise Naofa Dunfanaghy 12.98 0 12 hours and 59 minutes 0 Donegal 18731P Robertson N S Ballybofey P O 18.5 0 18 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 18737E Scoil Bhride Conmhagh 78.5 3 3 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 18766L Scoil Cholmcille Dubhlin Riabach 27.5 1 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 18791K Scoil Cholmcille Droim An Mhaoir 47.5 1 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 18844F Scoil Mhuire Belcruit Kincasslagh 18.93 0 18 hours and 56 minutes 0 Donegal 18874O Killygordan N S Killygordan 10 0 10 hours 0 Donegal 18939Q S N Donaigh Carndonagh 10 0 10 hours 0 Donegal 19009W Craanford N S Craanford 10 0 10 hours 0 Donegal 19089A Killaghtee N S Killaghtee 18.93 0 18 hours and 56 minutes 0 Donegal 19228L S N Naomh Brid Na Dunaibh 35.83 1 10 hours and 50 minutes 0 Donegal 19235I Portlean N S Kilmacrennan 12.98 0 12 hours and 59 minutes 0 Donegal 19252I S N Umlach Umlagh, Carrigart 45.5 1 20 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 19260H S N Cholmcille Baile Na Finne 34.13 1 9 hours and 8 minutes 0 Donegal 19280N Scoil Naomh Brid Muff 62.5 2 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 19310T Scoil Naomh Earnan Baile An Tsratha 45 1 20 hours 0 Donegal 19313C Glenswilly N S Newmills 132.5 5 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 19333I Dooish N S Ballybofey 57.43 2 7 hours and 26 minutes 0 Donegal 19343L S N Dhubhthaigh Anagaire 53.05 2 3 hours and 3 minutes 0 Donegal 19359D S N Naomh Aonghus Bridgend 97.5 3 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 19411C S N Baile Raighin Letterkenny 107.5 4 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 19491D Scoil Mhuire Rathmealltain 77.5 3 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 19518U S N Naomh Blaoithin Sc Naomh Blaoithin 85 3 10 hours 0 Donegal 19614Q Naomh Bodain Culdaff 32.5 1 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 19633U Moyle N.S. Moyle Ns 43.8 1 18 hours and 48 minutes 0 Donegal 19685Q S N Chill Charthaigh Chill Chartha 60.18 2 10 hours and 11 minutes 0 Donegal 19686S St Macartans Central Bundoran 93.5 3 18 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 19756N St Conals Narin 40.4 1 15 hours and 24 minutes 0 Donegal 19912B Scoil Mhuire Glenties 59.85 2 9 hours and 51 minutes 0 Donegal 19927O Scoil Mhuire B & C Stranorlar 170 6 20 hours 0 Donegal 19959E Scoil Naomh Fionan Whitecastle 77.3 3 2 hours and 18 minutes 0 Donegal 19963S Scoil Aodh Rua & Nuala Dun Na Ngall 72.2 2 22 hours and 12 minutes 0 Donegal 19967D Scoil Iosagain Buncrana 281.5 11 6 hours and 30 minutes 1 Donegal 19971R Gaelscoil Adhamhnain Gleann Cearra 109.75 4 9 hours and 45 minutes 0 Donegal 20054L Scoil Eoghain Moville 125 5 0 Donegal 20096E Gaelscoil Na Gceithre Maistri Baile Dun Na Ngall 45.08 1 20 hours and 5 minutes 0 Donegal 20097G Gaelscoil Bhun Crannach Bun Crannach 55 2 5 hours 0 Donegal 20144M Gaelscoil Chois Feabhaill Gaa 34.98 1 9 hours and 59 minutes 0 Donegal 20150H Holy Family National School The Rock 47.5 1 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Donegal 20167B Gaelscoil Eirne Fearainn An Bhaile 40 1 15 hours 0 Donegal 20235P Letterkenny ETNS Ballyraine Halls 145.5 5 20 hours and 30 minutes 1 Donegal 20421M Scoil Chroine An Clochan Liath 100.5 4 30 minutes 0 Dublin 00697S St. Brigids Mxd N.S. Castleknock 240.5 9 15 hours and 30 minutes 1 Dublin 00714P Lucan B.N.S. Lucan 167 6 17 hours 1 Dublin 00729F Clochar Loreto N.S. Grange Road 88 3 13 hours 0 Dublin 00752A Central Senior Mxd. N.S. Marlboro St. 92 3 17 hours 1 Dublin 01170G S.N. Na H-Aille The Naul 37.75 1 12 hours and 45 minutes 0 Dublin 01795A Central Infs. School Marlboro St. 87.5 3 12 hours and 30 minutes 1 Dublin 02872U Sandyford Mxd. N.S. Sandyford 135 5 10 hours 1 Dublin 03359N Ballyroan B.N.S. Ballyroan 164.5 6 14 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 03917V Naomh Padraig B.N.S. Cambridge Road 77.5 3 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 04992R Scoil An Croi Naofa Glasnevin 187.5 7 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 05600C Clochar San Dominic Dunlaoghaire 91.5 3 16 hours and 30 minutes 1 Dublin 05933G Georges Hill Convent Georges Hill 76.5 3 1 hour and 30 minutes 1 Dublin 06200O Booterstown B.N.S. Booterstown 118 4 18 hours 0 Dublin 07546J Goldenbridge Convent Goldenbridge 160 6 10 hours 1 Dublin 09492W Balscadden N.S. Balscadden 110 4 10 hours 0 Dublin 09642P Burrows N S Sutton 65.5 2 15 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 09750S St. Joseph's B.N.S. Terenure 166.5 6 16 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 09932B Stanhope St. Convent Stanhope Street 172.5 6 22 hours and 30 minutes 3 Dublin 10296G Scoil Naomh Mearnog Strand Road 201 8 1 hour 1 Dublin 10494K All Saints N.S. Carysfort Ave 18.4 0 18 hours and 24 minutes 0 Dublin 10653E Chapelizod N.S. Chapelizod 12.98 0 12 hours and 59 minutes 0 Dublin 11525A St Patricks N.S. Drumcondra 164.75 6 14 hours and 45 minutes 0 Dublin 11578V City Quay B.N.S. Gloucester Street South 90 3 15 hours 0 Dublin 11583O St. Andrews N.S. Malahide 83.35 3 8 hours and 21 minutes 0 Dublin 11638N Whitechurch N.S. Whitechurch 92.5 3 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 11873A Rathmichael N.S. Rathmichael 61 2 11 hours 0 Dublin 11894I Scoil Mhuire 15 Gilford Road 67.5 2 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 12014D St Andrews N S Lucan 115.25 4 15 hours and 15 minutes 0 Dublin 12358M Swords Borough N S Swords 25.53 1 32 minutes 0 Dublin 12448N Gardiner Street Convent Gardiner Street 171 6 21 hours 1

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Dublin 12755W Place N S 96 Upper Rathmines Rd 110.5 4 10 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 13217W Holy Family N.S. Rathcoole 183 7 8 hours 1 Dublin 13447Q Scoil Mhuire Lucan 153.5 6 3 hours and 30 minutes 1 Dublin 13611D Presentation Convent N.S. Warrenmount 110.5 4 10 hours and 30 minutes 1 Dublin 13612F Presentation Primary School Terenure 150 6 0 Dublin 13815T Howth Rd. Mxd. N.S. Clontarf Road, Clontarf 44.23 1 19 hours and 14 minutes 0 Dublin 14180H Holmpatrick N.S. Holmpatrick 42.53 1 17 hours and 32 minutes 0 Dublin 14463T St. Columbas N.S. Mxd. North Strand 40 1 15 hours 0 Dublin 14556D St. Endas Primary School Whitefriar St 85 3 10 hours 0 Dublin 14586M Carysfort N.S. Convent Road 152.5 6 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 14647G Dalkey N.S. (2) Dalkey 35.73 1 10 hours and 44 minutes 0 Dublin 14717B Rathgar N.S. Rathgar Avenue 36 1 11 hours 0 Dublin 14917J Zion Parish Primary School Bushy Park Road 36.5 1 11 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 14939T Rathfarnham Parish N.S. Washington Lane 96.85 3 21 hours and 51 minutes 0 Dublin 14980Q Glasnevin N.S. Botanic Avenue 31.15 1 6 hours and 9 minutes 0 Dublin 15056L S.N. San Vinseann Cailin North William St 90 3 15 hours 0 Dublin 15132B Harold B.N.S. Dalkey 64.5 2 14 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 15253N St Patricks Girls N.S. Cambridge Road 72.5 2 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 15284B Taney N.S. Sydenham Villas 148.5 5 23 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 15315J St Georges N S Naul Road 212.5 8 12 hours and 30 minutes 3 Dublin 15569R Scoil Moibhi Milverton 31.9 1 6 hours and 54 minutes 0 Dublin 15618E Sandford N S Ranelagh 59.5 2 9 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 15622S St. Patrick's N.S. Chapelizod 67.5 2 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 15625B St. Catherine's West N.S. Donore Avenue 91.8 3 16 hours and 48 minutes 0 Dublin 15650A Corduff N.S. Lusk 53.15 2 3 hours and 9 minutes 0 Dublin 15816I St Vincents Inf Boys North William Street 107.5 4 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 15895H Drumcondra N S Church Avenue 24.3 0 24 hours and 18 minutes 0 Dublin 15995L Star of the Sea N.S. Sandymount 121.5 4 21 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 16177F Lindsay Road N S Lindsay Road 37.5 1 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 16267G Portrane B.N.S. Donabate 190 7 15 hours 0 Dublin 16332O St Patricks Snr Mixed Skerries 123 4 23 hours 0 Dublin 16333Q St Patricks Jnr Mixed Skerries 96.45 3 21 hours and 27 minutes 0 Dublin 16352U St Brigids B.N.S. Foxrock 200.5 8 30 minutes 0 Dublin 16353W St Brigids G.N.S. The Park, Cabinteely 111 4 11 hours 0 Dublin 16461C Caisleain Nua Liamhna Newcastle Lyons 168.5 6 18 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 16567S St. Brigid's Convent N.S. Haddington Road 88 3 13 hours 1 Dublin 16577V St. Brigid's Convent Glasnevin 104.5 4 4 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 16629O Kilternan Church Of Ireland N.S. Kilternan 120.5 4 20 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 16651H St Clares Convent N S Harolds Cross Road 175 7 0 Dublin 16659A St Columbas Con G & I Iona Road 85 3 10 hours 0 Dublin 16675V Scoil Naomh Lucais Hollywood Road, Tyrrelstown 249.5 9 24 hours and 30 minutes 3 Dublin 16695E Scoil Na Mbrathar North Brunswick Street 105 4 5 hours 0 Dublin 16753P St Vincent De Pauls Girls School Griffith Avenue 67.53 2 17 hours and 32 minutes 0 Dublin 16754R St Vincent De Paul Infant School 67 Griffith Avenue 91.5 3 16 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 16759E S.N. Mhuire Na Mbrathar Marino 115 4 15 hours 0 Dublin 16786H St Brigids Primary School The Coombe 141 5 16 hours 1 Dublin 16792C St Brigids Convent N.S. Killester 81 3 6 hours 0 Dublin 16794G St Brigids N.S. Merville Rd 42.5 1 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 16844S Scoil N. Breandan Loughshinny 84.63 3 9 hours and 38 minutes 0 Dublin 16860Q Corpus Christi N.S. Home Farm Road 79.78 3 4 hours and 47 minutes 0 Dublin 16893I S.N. Naomh Lorcan Stillorgan 159 6 9 hours 0 Dublin 16964F Loreto Senior School Loreto College 98 3 23 hours 0 Dublin 16966J Scoil Naisiunta Stratford 1 Zion Road 35 1 10 hours 0 Dublin 16970A St Molaga Senior N.S. Bremore 176 7 1 hour 0 Dublin 16972E S.N. Peadar Agus Pol N Chapel Street 145 5 20 hours 1 Dublin 16983J S.N. Naomh Cillin Bluebell 36.35 1 11 hours and 21 minutes 0 Dublin 16988T Christ The King B.N.S. Cabra 72.5 2 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 16989V Christ The King G.N.S. Cabra 47.5 1 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 17055T S.N. Naomh Mhuire Saggart 248.5 9 23 hours and 30 minutes 4 Dublin 17083B S.N. Muire Gan Smal B Inchicore 180 7 5 hours 1 Dublin 17104G St Francis Junior National School Priorswood 105 4 5 hours 0 Dublin 17110B Naomh Lorcan O Tuathail Plas Seibhil 95 3 20 hours 0 Dublin 17148D S.N. Eoin Baisde G Sen Seafield Road 87.5 3 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 17210F Clochar Lughaidh Cailin Williams Park 203 8 3 hours 0 Dublin 17211H Clochar Lughaidh Naoidh Williams Park 115 4 15 hours 1 Dublin 17279S Scoil Muire Haddington Road 109.5 4 9 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 17318C Scoil An Leinbh Iosa B Larkhill 102.5 4 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 17355I Muire Na Dea Coirle G Mourne Road 55 2 5 hours 0 Dublin 17356K Muire Na Dea Coirle Inf Mourne Road 99.5 3 24 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 17367P Mary, Help of Christians G.N.S. Navan Road 112.5 4 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 17459U Christ The King I G Cabra 35 1 10 hours 0 Dublin 17464N Fionnbarra Naofa Cabra West 104 4 4 hours 0 Dublin 17465P Dominican Convent Girls Cabra 73 2 23 hours 0 Dublin 17466R St Catherines Infant School Cabra 95 3 20 hours 0 Dublin 17470I St Raphaelas N.S. Upper Kilmacud Road 96.5 3 21 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 17472M Baile Falbach Lusk 59.1 2 9 hours and 6 minutes 0 Dublin 17507F S.N. Padraig Naofa Gleann Cuillin 52.5 2 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 17559B S.N. Mhuire Garristown 80.28 3 5 hours and 17 minutes 1 Dublin 17569E Blessed Oliver N.S. Baile An Ridire 104.95 4 4 hours and 57 minutes 0 Dublin 17595F Cill Coscain The Ward 55 2 5 hours 0 Dublin 17603B Scoil Iosagain Aughavannagh Road 60 2 10 hours 0 Dublin 17683C Loreto Junior School Crumlin Road 117.5 4 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 17730I S.N. Na Lanai Glasa Seafield Avenue 80 3 5 hours 0 Dublin 17732M Scoil Chiarain Ascal Ui Choileain 122.93 4 22 hours and 56 minutes 0 Dublin 17785K San Nioclas Myra Kinsealy 65.5 2 15 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 17820J Brighde Naofa Baile Rothluis 111.1 4 11 hours and 6 minutes 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Dublin 17881G Scoil Ui Chonaill Nth Richmond Street 150.5 6 30 minutes 0 Dublin 17891J Scoil Mhuire Mount Sackville Convent 60 2 10 hours 0 Dublin 17893N Sancta Maria C.B.S. Synge St 48 1 23 hours 0 Dublin 17899C Scoil Carmel Teach Giuise 130 5 5 hours 1 Dublin 17912O S.N. Eoin Bosco Buach Navan Road 184 7 9 hours 0 Dublin 17914S St Oliver Plunkett St. Oliver Plunkett Ns 319 12 19 hours 0 Dublin 17928G Sn N Sailbheastar Nfa Malahide 133 5 8 hours 0 Dublin 17936F S.N. Eoin Baisde B Sin Seafield Rd 131.5 5 6 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 17953F S.N. Bhaile Eamonn Rathfarnham 39.98 1 14 hours and 59 minutes 0 Dublin 17954H Scoil Caoimhin Naofa Mount Merrion 205.5 8 5 hours and 30 minutes 1 Dublin 17961E Lusk Senior N.S. St. Maccullins Lusk 159.25 6 9 hours and 15 minutes 0 Dublin 17970F Our Lady Of Mercy Convent School Rosemount Terrace 75.38 3 23 minutes 0 Dublin 17976R Scoil Assaim B Raheny 125 5 0 Dublin 17977T Scoil Aine C Raheny 97.5 3 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 17978V Naiscoil Ide All Saints Drive 105.6 4 5 hours and 36 minutes 0 Dublin 17979A S.N. Cnoc Ainbhil Lr Kilmacud Rd 129 5 4 hours 0 Dublin 17996A Glen Na Smol N.S. Glen Na Smal 35 1 10 hours 0 Dublin 18038B St Margarets N.S. St. Margarets 47.2 1 22 hours and 12 minutes 0 Dublin 18046A Scoil Bride B Blanchardstown 202.5 8 2 hours and 30 minutes 1 Dublin 18047C Scoil Bride C Blanchardstown 77.5 3 2 hours and 30 minutes 2 Dublin 18080A Scoil Mhuire Mxd Tucketts Lane 151.7 6 1 hour and 42 minutes 0 Dublin 18137D S.N. Naomh Feargal Finglas West 97.5 3 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 18170B Assumption Senior G.N.S. Walkinstown 67.5 2 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 18173H S.N. Briotas Brittas 47.5 1 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 18205R S.N. An Pharoiste Finglas 20.95 0 20 hours and 57 minutes 0 Dublin 18282M Sn Paroiste Maitiu Nfa Cranfield Place 94.78 3 19 hours and 47 minutes 0 Dublin 18323A Scoil Lorcain B Palmerstown 156.5 6 6 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 18324C Scoil Bride C Palmerstown 93.5 3 18 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 18360G Scoil Bhreandain Mc Auley Road 92.5 3 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 18361I S.N. Caitriona C Coolock 65.5 2 15 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 18362K S.N. Caitriona Naionain Coolock 87.5 3 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 18386B Marist National School Clogher Road 117.3 4 17 hours and 18 minutes 1 Dublin 18411U St Marys School Greenhills Road 227.5 9 2 hours and 30 minutes 1 Dublin 18412W S.N.C. Naomh Padraig Donabate 86.25 3 11 hours and 15 minutes 0 Dublin 18451J Scoil Lorcain Cearnog Eaton 115 4 15 hours 0 Dublin 18477E Scoil Na Mbrathar Francis Street 92.5 3 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 18585H S.N. Banrion Na Naingeal 1 Ballyfermot 170 6 20 hours 0 Dublin 18602E Scoil Mhuire Clondalkin 103 4 3 hours 1 Dublin 18623M S.N. Chnuacha Castleknock 75.5 3 30 minutes 0 Dublin 18632N S.N. Eoin Bosco Nai Buac Navan Rd 110 4 10 hours 0 Dublin 18642Q S.N. Naomh Eoin Tower Road 40 1 15 hours 0 Dublin 18646B Springdale N S Springdale Ns 103.33 4 3 hours and 20 minutes 0 Dublin 18647D S N San Treasa The Rise 166 6 16 hours 0 Dublin 18655C Scoil Naomh Seosamh Clondalkin 187.5 7 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 18682F St Canices B.N.S. Finglas 225 9 0 Dublin 18683H St Canices G.N.S. Finglas 117.5 4 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 18726W S N Seosamh Na Mbrathar Fairview 92.5 3 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 18778S S N Naomh Mochta Clonsilla 243 9 18 hours 3 Dublin 18806U Kilternan N S 1 Kilternan 106.5 4 6 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 18817C S N Brighde Cullenswood House 112 4 12 hours 0 Dublin 18843D Bainrion Na N-Aingal 2 Ballyfermot Upper 125 5 0 Dublin 18886V Kill O The Grange N.S. Kill O The Grange 103.5 4 3 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 18910P Bantiarna Na Mbuanna B Baile Munna 120 4 20 hours 0 Dublin 18911R Bantiarna Na Mbuanna G Baile Munna 69.5 2 19 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 18968A St. Malachys B.N.S. Edenmore 145.5 5 20 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 18969C St. Eithnes Senior G.N.S. Edenmore 52.5 2 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 18976W S.N. Cholmille B Swords 230 9 5 hours 1 Dublin 18977B S.N. Cholmcille C Swords 105 4 5 hours 1 Dublin 19001G Ballyboghill N.S. Ballyboghill 62.5 2 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19006Q Eoin Baisde B Sois Seafield Rd 110 4 10 hours 0 Dublin 19007S Eoin Baisde C Naoidh Seafield Road 49.45 1 24 hours and 27 minutes 0 Dublin 19015R St. Josephs G.N.S. Barry Avenue 95.5 3 20 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19037E St. Monicas N.S. Edenmore 47.5 1 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19066L Loreto National School Dalkey 69.03 2 19 hours and 2 minutes 0 Dublin 19114T St Patrick G.N.S Ballyroan 157 6 7 hours 0 Dublin 19177U St Pius X B.N.S. Fortfield Park 238.5 9 13 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19178W St Pius X G.N.S. Fortfield Park 124.3 4 24 hours and 18 minutes 0 Dublin 19197D St Kevins B.N.S. Barry Avenue 114.5 4 14 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19208F Holy Spirit B.N.S. Silloge Rd 196 7 21 hours 0 Dublin 19209H S.N. An Spioraid Naiomh C Sillogue Rd 147 5 22 hours 0 Dublin 19220S Scoil Naomh Ide Clondalkin 100 4 1 Dublin 19221U Scoil Naomh Aine Clondalkin 92.5 3 17 hours and 30 minutes 2 Dublin 19242F Our Lady Of Victories Infant N S Ballymun Road 115.5 4 15 hours and 30 minutes 1 Dublin 19258U Scoil Padraig Naofa B Hollypark 217.5 8 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19259W St. Patricks G.N.S. Foxrock Ave 132 5 7 hours 0 Dublin 19297H Scoil Fhursa Cromcastle Green 142.5 5 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19298J Scoil Nais Ide Cailini Kilmore Road West 73.5 2 23 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19302U S.N. Na Maighdine Muire B Ballymun 85 3 10 hours 0 Dublin 19303W Virgin Mary Girls National School Shangan Road 60 2 10 hours 0 Dublin 19308J St. Brigids B.N.S. Howth Road 174 6 24 hours 0 Dublin 19309L Scoil Neasain Baile Harmain 83.5 3 8 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19314E Scoil Na Maighdine Mhuire Boy Broadford Rise 98 3 23 hours 0 Dublin 19319O St. Olafs N.S. Ballally Drive 156.93 6 6 hours and 56 minutes 0 Dublin 19320W Our Lady Of Good Counsel B.N.S. Johnstown 145 5 20 hours 0 Dublin 19321B Our Lady Good Counsel G.N.S. Johnstown 118 4 18 hours 0 Dublin 19335M Sn Naingeal Coimhdeachta Newtownpark Ave 157.73 6 7 hours and 44 minutes 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Dublin 19374W Our Lady’s Grove Primary School Goatstown Road 186.68 7 11 hours and 41 minutes 0 Dublin 19390U St. Marks Sen. N.S. Springfield 345 13 20 hours 4 Dublin 19393D Mhuire Iosef Junior Verbena Estate 125.5 5 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19395H Scoil Mobhi Bothar Mobhi 77.63 3 2 hours and 38 minutes 0 Dublin 19396J Na Maighdine Muire Girl Ballinteer 74.75 2 24 hours and 45 minutes 0 Dublin 19400U S.N. Glen Na Gcaorach Wyvern 81.5 3 6 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19406J Holy Trinity Sen N.S. Grange Road 211 8 11 hours 0 Dublin 19430G Scoil An Tseachtar Laoch Ballymun Road 92 3 17 hours 0 Dublin 19431I St. Josephs Jnr. Balcurris 120 4 20 hours 0 Dublin 19435Q St. Francis Xavier Junior N.S. Roselawn Road 120 4 20 hours 2 Dublin 19437U Scoil Naithi Baile An Tsaoir 64 2 14 hours 0 Dublin 19438W Scoil Colmcille Senior Wyattville 138.5 5 13 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19446V Scoil Mhuire B.N.S. Grange Road 169.5 6 19 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19454U Darndale N.S. Junior Our Lady Immac Jun NS 121 4 21 hours 0 Dublin 19456B St. Cronan Brackenstown 202.5 8 2 hours and 30 minutes 2 Dublin 19462T Naomh Maolruain Old Bawn 132.5 5 7 hours and 30 minutes 1 Dublin 19463V Naomh Maolruain Senior Old Bawn 197.51 7 22 hours and 31 minutes 0 Dublin 19465C St. Kevins B.N.S Kilnamanagh 135.5 5 10 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19466E St. Kevins G.N.S. Kilnamanagh 87.5 3 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19470S St. Francis Xavier Senior N.S. Coolmine 98.58 3 23 hours and 35 minutes 1 Dublin 19471U St Pauls Junior National School Ayrfield 84.5 3 9 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19472W St Marks Junior N.S. Springfield 290 11 15 hours 4 Dublin 19473B Scoil Bhride Donaghmede 160.5 6 10 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19474D Scoil Colmcille Naofa Knocklyon 271.5 10 21 hours and 30 minutes 1 Dublin 19480V St. Patricks St. Patricks Close 16.8 0 16 hours and 48 minutes 0 Dublin 19489Q S.N. Naomh Finnin Glenties Park 136 5 11 hours 0 Dublin 19490B Scoil Mhuire Ballyboden 128 5 3 hours 0 Dublin 19494J Bishop Galvin N.S. Orwell Park 177 7 2 hours 0 Dublin 19496N Scoil Fhiachra Soisir Beaumont 194 7 19 hours 1 Dublin 19497P Scoil Mhuire Shankill 137 5 12 hours 0 Dublin 19502F Scoil Aenghusa Junior N.S. Balrothery 126 5 1 hour 0 Dublin 19503H Scoil Chronain Sraid Mor 112.5 4 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19505L S.N. Oilibheir Baile An Bhlacaigh 56 2 6 hours 0 Dublin 19509T Scoil Nano Nagle Bawnoge 132 5 7 hours 1 Dublin 19510E Talbot Senior N.S. Bawnoge 165 6 15 hours 0 Dublin 19515O S.N. Naomh Treasa Baile Brigin 163.5 6 13 hours and 30 minutes 1 Dublin 19524P Our Lady Immac. Sen. N.S. Our Lady Immac Sen NS 152 6 2 hours 0 Dublin 19533Q S.N. Muire Agus Iosef Bayside 139.45 5 14 hours and 27 minutes 0 Dublin 19535U Brackenstown Senior N.S. Brackenstown 253 10 3 hours 0 Dublin 19537B St. Attractas Junior N.S. Meadowbrook 126 5 1 hour 0 Dublin 19538D St. Kevins Junior N.S. Newbrook Ave 82.5 3 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19541P Belgard Heights N.S. Cookstown Road, Belgard, 160 6 10 hours 0 Dublin 19542R Esker N S St. Thomas Ns 169 6 19 hours 2 Dublin 19543T Scoil N An Croi Ro Naofa Killinarden 206.5 8 6 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19545A Corduff N S Corduff 113 4 13 hours 2 Dublin 19546C St. Oliver Plunkett N.S. St. Helena's Drive 79.5 3 4 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19549I St. Fintans N.S. St. Fintan N S 123.5 4 23 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19556F Castleview N.S. Castleview 92.5 3 17 hours and 30 minutes 1 Dublin 19565G Scoil Treasa Firhouse Scoil Treasa Ballycullen Ave. 194 7 19 hours 0 Dublin 19566I Our Lady Queen Of Apostles Queen Of Apostles Ns 238 9 13 hours 1 Dublin 19569O Neillstown N.S. St. Peter Apostle Ns 146.5 5 21 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19574H Marley Grange N.S. Divine Word Ns 159.5 6 9 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19575J St Marys Junior N.S. Rowlagh 101.5 4 1 hour and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19576L S.N. Aenghusa Scoil N Aenghusa Sin 141 5 16 hours 0 Dublin 19577N Scoil Iosa Scoil Nais Iosa 69 2 19 hours 0 Dublin 19578P St. Helens Junior N.S. St. Helens Junior N.S. 108.5 4 8 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19582G St. Maelruains N.S. Kilclare Avenue 45.5 1 20 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19583I St Josephs Senior N.S. St. Josephs Senior N.S. 125 5 0 Dublin 19589U Gaelscoil Inse Chor 700-701 An Cuarbhothar Theas 70 2 20 hours 0 Dublin 19601H St Philip The Apostle Junior N.S. Mountview 97.33 3 22 hours and 20 minutes 2 Dublin 19605P Scoil Nais Mhuire Sois Blakestown Way 116.55 4 16 hours and 33 minutes 1 Dublin 19611K Scoil Naomh Colmcille Newbrook Rd 76 3 1 hour 0 Dublin 19612M Dalkey School Project Glenageary Lodge 111.5 4 11 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19613O Scoil Cnoc Mhuire Sin Knockmore Ave 101 4 1 hour 0 Dublin 19617W St Martin De Porres N.S. Aylesbury 202 8 2 hours 1 Dublin 19618B St. Paul's Sen N.S. Ayrfield 102.5 4 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19619D St. Malachy's N.S. Rivermount 84.5 3 9 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19624T Scoil Nais Caitriona Kenure 166 6 16 hours 1 Dublin 19625V S N Realt Na Mara Thomas Hand St 148.5 5 23 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19627C John Paul Ii N.S. Sonesta 202 8 2 hours 0 Dublin 19628E St Fiachras Sen N.S. Beaumont 216.68 8 16 hours and 41 minutes 0 Dublin 19636D St Patricks Senior School Corduff 108.5 4 8 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19641T St Colmcille Jun Ns Wyattville 109 4 9 hours 0 Dublin 19642V St Peter Apostle Sen Ns Neillstown 157.5 6 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19643A St Philips Senior N.S. Mountview 117 4 17 hours 1 Dublin 19644C St Ciarans N.S. Hartstown 235 9 10 hours 3 Dublin 19646G Scoil Santain Bothar Na Habhann Mor 124 4 24 hours 0 Dublin 19647I St Marys Sen N.S. Rowlagh 140 5 15 hours 0 Dublin 19652B An Chroi Ro Naofa Sois Killinarden 130.5 5 5 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19658N Bishop Shanahan Ns Orwell Park 149.5 5 24 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19660A Rush N.S. Rush 260.5 10 10 hours and 30 minutes 1 Dublin 19661C St Gabriels Ns Dominican Campus 167 6 17 hours 0 Dublin 19662E St Michaels Ns Dominican Convent 213.5 8 13 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19663G St Raphaels Ns Dominican Convent 232.5 9 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19668Q St Francis Senior N.S. Priorswood 145 5 20 hours 0 Dublin 19669S Lady Of Good Counsel Ns Mourne Rd 126 5 1 hour 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Dublin 19676P Scoil Aine Naofa Esker 237 9 12 hours 1 Dublin 19693P Queen Of Ireland N.S. Toberburr 43 1 18 hours 0 Dublin 19694R Scoil Mhuire Sin Blakestown 121.5 4 21 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19702N St Thomas Junior N.S. Jobstown 245.5 9 20 hours and 30 minutes 1 Dublin 19707A St Ronans N.S. Deansrath 238.5 9 13 hours and 30 minutes 1 Dublin 19716B St Attractas Senior N.S. Meadowbrook 180 7 5 hours 0 Dublin 19721R Holy Family Junior N.S. Forest Fields 273.5 10 23 hours and 30 minutes 2 Dublin 19723V Queen Of Angels Primary School Wedgewood 128.5 5 3 hours and 30 minutes 1 Dublin 19727G St Marys Central N.S. Belmont Ave 74.13 2 24 hours and 8 minutes 0 Dublin 19742C St Colmcille Senior N.S. Knocklyon 339.5 13 14 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19743E St Bernadettes Junior N.S. Quarryvale 145 5 20 hours 0 Dublin 19755L Sacred Heart N.S. Huntstown 320 12 20 hours 4 Dublin 19762I St Helens Senior N.S. Martello 91 3 16 hours 0 Dublin 19764M Our Lady Of Wayside N.S. Bluebell 85 3 10 hours 0 Dublin 19765O St Thomas Senior N.S. Jobstown 336.5 13 11 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19769W Scoil Thomais Laurel Lodge 170.5 6 20 hours and 30 minutes 4 Dublin 19774P St Josephs Mxd N.S. East Wall 72.5 2 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19775R Scoil Cnoc Mhuire Junior Knockmore Ave 89.65 3 14 hours and 39 minutes 0 Dublin 19777V Gaelscoil Mide Bothar An Ghleantain 67.5 2 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19782O St. Brigids N.S. Brookfield 163.5 6 13 hours and 30 minutes 2 Dublin 19785U St. Bernadettes Senior N.S. Quarryvale 150 6 0 Dublin 19799I Sacred Heart N.S. Sruleen 205 8 5 hours 1 Dublin 19817H St. Marys N.S. Woodview 132.5 5 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19831B Scoil Chaoimhin Sraid Mhaoilbhride 25 1 0 Dublin 19834H St. Aidans N.S. Brookfield 250.5 10 30 minutes 1 Dublin 19837N Drimnagh Castle Cbs N.S. Drimnagh Castle 302 12 2 hours 1 Dublin 19840C Holy Family School Dunedin Park 84.5 3 9 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19845M North Dublin Project Ballymun Road (Behind Esso) 78.5 3 3 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19850F Ladyswell N.S. Ladyswell 216.5 8 16 hours and 30 minutes 3 Dublin 19855P Gaelscoil Chluain Dolcain Bothar Nangor 94.5 3 19 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19865S Divine Mercy Junior N.S. Balgaddy 177.63 7 2 hours and 38 minutes 3 Dublin 19872P Scoil Chaitlin Maude Cnoc Mhuire 152 6 2 hours 0 Dublin 19877C Holy Family Senior N.S. Forest Fields 283 11 8 hours 0 Dublin 19878E Holy Rosary Primary School Old Court Avenue 285 11 10 hours 1 Dublin 19888H St. Annes Mxd N.S. Stonebridge Road 183.5 7 8 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19893A St. Kilians Senior N.S. Castleview 98 3 23 hours 0 Dublin 19896G Scoil Caitriona Na Mbraithre Baggot St 60.18 2 10 hours and 11 minutes 0 Dublin 19898K Gaelscoil An Duinninigh Draighnean 112.4 4 12 hours and 24 minutes 0 Dublin 19901T Booterstown N.S. Cross Ave 36.58 1 11 hours and 35 minutes 0 Dublin 19904C Holy Cross N.S. Upper Kilmacud Road 115.5 4 15 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19907I Gaelscoil Mologa Bothar Chlareville 60 2 10 hours 0 Dublin 19919P St. Davids N.S. Kilmore Road 161 6 11 hours 0 Dublin 19920A St. John Of God N.S. Kilmore Road 65.5 2 15 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19922E Our Ladys N.S. St. Columbanus Road 100 4 0 Dublin 19924I Harolds Cross N.S. Harolds Cross 196 7 21 hours 0 Dublin 19926M Gaelscoil Cholaiste Mhuire 4 Cearnog Pharnell 92.5 3 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19928Q Ranelagh Multi Denom N.S. Ranelagh Road 80.5 3 5 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19929S St Brigids Senior Girls Finglas West 80 3 5 hours 0 Dublin 19933J Scoil Treasa Naofa Petrie Road 90 3 15 hours 0 Dublin 19935N Scoil Eoin Greendale Road 127.5 5 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19938T St Josephs Tivoli Road 91 3 16 hours 0 Dublin 19939V Scoil Naisiunta An Dea Aoire Whitehall Road 113 4 13 hours 0 Dublin 19940G Gaelscoil Naomh Padraig Leamhcan 122.5 4 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19943M St Damiens Ns Beechfield Close 102.5 4 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19945Q Rathfarnham ETNS Loreto Avenue 111.4 4 11 hours and 24 minutes 0 Dublin 19946S Rutland Street N.S. Lower Rutland Street 100.68 4 41 minutes 1 Dublin 19949B Islamic National School 19 Roebuck Road 137.5 5 12 hours and 30 minutes 4 Dublin 19954R North Bay National School Project Greendale Avenue 89.5 3 14 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 19960M St Johns N.S. Ballybrack 92 3 17 hours 0 Dublin 19979K St Kevins N.S. Sallynoggin 97 3 22 hours 0 Dublin 19981U St Marys N.S. Windsor Ave 95 3 20 hours 0 Dublin 19991A Gaelscoil Na Camoige Aras Chronain 68.8 2 18 hours and 48 minutes 0 Dublin 20012S Griffith Barracks N.S. The Old Guardhouse, S.C.R. 84.95 3 9 hours and 57 minutes 0 Dublin 20015B Gaelscoil Baile Munna CDETB Building, Ballymun Road 87 3 12 hours 0 Dublin 20020R Gaelscoil Thaobh Na Coille Beallairmín 107.5 4 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 20029M St Brigids Infant N.S. Wellmount Avenue 101.5 4 1 hour and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 20035H St Gabriels N.S. Cowper Street 120 4 20 hours 0 Dublin 20043G Gaelscoil Chnoc Liamhna Halla Na Ngasoga 61.5 2 11 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 20047O Gaelscoil Bharra Naomh Fionnbarra C.L.G. 83.5 3 8 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 20048Q Gaelscoil Lios Na Nog Aras Cullenswood, 21A Bothar Oakley 72.5 2 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 20052H Gaelscoil Cholmcille Lána Na Cúlóige 67.53 2 17 hours and 32 minutes 0 Dublin 20056P Gaelscoil Phadraig Ascaill Shileann 72.5 2 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 20059V Mother Of Divine Grace Holy Faith Ns 245 9 20 hours 1 Dublin 20060G Monkstown ETNS Kill Avenue, Dun Laoghaire 226.5 9 1 hour and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 20064O Our Lady Of Consolation N.S. Collins Ave East 106.23 4 6 hours and 14 minutes 0 Dublin 20066S Lucan ETNS Willsbrook 120.5 4 20 hours and 30 minutes 1 Dublin 20091R St Peters N.S. Phibsboro 112.5 4 12 hours and 30 minutes 2 Dublin 20092T St.Ultan's Primary School Cherry Orchard Avenue 279.5 11 4 hours and 30 minutes 1 Dublin 20095C Gaelscoil Brian Boroimhe Seanbhaile 136.5 5 11 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 20098I Castleknock ETNS Beechpark Avenue 160 6 10 hours 1 Dublin 20103V John Scottus N.S. Northumberland Road 82 3 7 hours 0 Dublin 20104A St Audoens N.S. Cook Street 128.1 5 3 hours and 6 minutes 0 Dublin 20130B St Patricks N.S. Diswellstown Road 223.5 8 23 hours and 30 minutes 1 Dublin 20131D Dublin 7 ETNS Fitzwilliam Place North 160.5 6 10 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 20137P Mary Mother Of Hope Senior N.S. Littlepace 151.73 6 1 hour and 44 minutes 1 Dublin 20139T Inchicore N.S. Sarsfield Road 124.08 4 24 hours and 5 minutes 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Dublin 20141G The Harold School Eden Road 199 7 24 hours 0 Dublin 20145O Swords ETNS Swords 183.28 7 8 hours and 17 minutes 0 Dublin 20152L North Dublin Muslim N.S. Project C/O St. Josephs School For The Deaf 115.5 4 15 hours and 30 minutes 2 Dublin 20161M Donabate Portrane ETNS Ballisk Common 277.5 11 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 20166W Griffeen Valley ETNS Bewley Way 155.5 6 5 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 20168D Glasnevin ETNS Church Avenue 78.68 3 3 hours and 41 minutes 0 Dublin 20173T St Annes Primary School Fettercairn 276.5 11 1 hour and 30 minutes 1 Dublin 20176C Rush Lusk ETNS Raheny Lane 178 7 3 hours 1 Dublin 20186F Castaheany ETNS Ongar Village 188.5 7 13 hours and 30 minutes 2 Dublin 20187H Divine Mercy Senior N.S. Balgaddy 210 8 10 hours 3 Dublin 20190T Holy Trinity National School Glencairn 190.5 7 15 hours and 30 minutes 1 Dublin 20194E St. John The Evangelist N.S. Adamstown 183 7 8 hours 4 Dublin 20201V Tyrrelstown ETNS Hollywood Road, Tyrrellstown 193 7 18 hours 4 Dublin 20202A Balbriggan ETNS H8A Centrepoint Business Park 182.35 7 7 hours and 21 minutes 1 Dublin 20218P Archbishop Mcquaid N.S. Loughlinstown 64.33 2 14 hours and 20 minutes 0 Dublin 20220C Gaelscoil Ui Earcain C/O W.F.T.R.A. Hall, Bothar Maeliosa 109 4 9 hours 0 Dublin 20223I Gaelscoil Eiscir Riada F/Ch Arus Clg Na Sairsealaigh / Leamhcan 12U Loc 136 5 11 hours 0 Dublin 20231H St Benedict's N.S. Littlepace 237.51 9 12 hours and 31 minutes 3 Dublin 20241K Scoil Choilm Community N.S. Porterstown Road 317 12 17 hours 4 Dublin 20252P Gaelscoil Bhaile Brigín Castlelands 188.5 7 13 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 20268H Adamstown Castle ETNS Adamstown Castle 136 5 11 hours 3 Dublin 20269J Scoil Chormaic Community N.S. Castlelands 237 9 12 hours 1 Dublin 20274C Esker ETNS Esker Lane 205 8 5 hours 3 Dublin 20282B Bracken ETNS Castlelands 217.5 8 17 hours and 30 minutes 3 Dublin 20302E Thornleigh ETNS Applewood Village 137.5 5 12 hours and 30 minutes 2 Dublin 20303G Lucan East ETNS Kishogue Cross 192.5 7 17 hours and 30 minutes 3 Dublin 20304I Belmayne Ns Belmayne North 195 7 20 hours 0 Dublin 20307O Skerries ETNS Kellys Bay 168.5 6 18 hours and 30 minutes 1 Dublin 20308Q Belmayne ETNS Belmayne North 147 5 22 hours 1 Dublin 20334R Gaelscoil Ros Eo St. Maurs GAA 65 2 15 hours 0 Dublin 20338C Holy Child N.S. Larkhill Road 122.5 4 22 hours and 30 minutes 1 Dublin 20348F Holywell ETNS Swords 269.5 10 19 hours and 30 minutes 1 Dublin 20383H Hansfield ETNS Barnwell Road, Hansfield 153 6 3 hours 0 Dublin 20384J Powerstown ETNS Powerstown Road 114 4 14 hours 0 Dublin 20391G De La Salle National School Ballyfermot 112 4 12 hours 0 Dublin 20392I Pelletstown ETNS Ashtown Road, Rathborne 56 2 6 hours 0 Dublin 20394M Gaelscoil An Chuilinn Bóthar Bhaile an Phaoraigh, Baile an Tirialaigh 56.5 2 6 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 20397S St Louise De Marillac Drumfin Rd 183 7 8 hours 0 Dublin 20398U Citywest & Saggart Community N.S. Fortunestown Lane 91 3 16 hours 0 Dublin 20400E Ballinteer ETNS Ballinteer 91 3 16 hours 0 Dublin 20401G Stepaside ETNS Kiltiernan 68.5 2 18 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 20402I City West ETNS City West 149.5 5 24 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 20411J Firhouse ETNS Ballycullen Drive 74.5 2 24 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 20412L Gaelscoil Na Giúise Céide Bhaile Uí Chuilinn 26 1 1 hour 0 Dublin 20422O Scoil Aoife Community N.S. Tallaght 41 1 16 hours 0 Dublin 20426W Lucan Community N.S. Tor an Ri Walk, Balgaddy Road, Lucan 56 2 6 hours 0 Dublin 20441S Shellybanks ETNS Sandymount 43.5 1 18 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 20445D Malahide/Portmarnock ETNS Malahide Road, Kinsealy 63.5 2 13 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 20450T Assumption Junior School Walkinstown 165 6 15 hours 1 Dublin 20453C Broome Bridge ETNS Bannow Road, Cabra 18.5 0 18 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 20463F Holy Spirit Junior Primary School Limekiln Lane 112.5 4 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 20464H Holy Spirit Senior Primary School Limekiln Lane 150.53 6 32 minutes 0 Dublin 20468P St. Dominic’s N.S. Mountain Park 168 6 18 hours 0 Dublin 20486R Grace Park ETNS C/O Glasnevin ETNS, Griffith Avenue Extension 31 1 6 hours 0 Dublin 20487T Gaelscoil na Fuinseoige Halla Chnocán an Imill 21 0 21 hours 0 Dublin 20488V Scoil Úna Naofa Armagh Road 229.85 9 4 hours and 51 minutes 0 Dublin 20494Q Riverview ETNS Limekiln Road 34 1 9 hours 0 Dublin 20501K Dublin South City ETNS c/o Griffith Barracks ETNS 10 0 10 hours 0 Dublin 20502M Scoil Sinead N.S Patrician College Campus, Deanstown Road 10 0 10 hours 0 Dublin 20503O Dun Laoghaire ETNS Dun Laoghaire 15 0 15 hours 0 Dublin 20507W St. Laurence O’ Toole’s N.S. Seville Place 122.5 4 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 20509D Lusk Junior NS St Maccullins Chapel Road 159.25 6 9 hours and 15 minutes 1 Dublin 17214N St Vincent's Primary School Glasnevin 137.5 5 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 17263D S.N. Muire An Sean Baile Sean Bhaile 55 2 5 hours 0 Dublin 19913D St. Josephs N.S. Macroom Road 223 8 23 hours 0 Dublin 20247W Scoil Gráinne Community N.S. Phibblestown 247.5 9 22 hours and 30 minutes 4 Dublin 20281W St. Benedict's & St. Mary's School Grange Park 89.5 3 14 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 20309S Mary Mother Of Hope Junior N.S. Littlepace 145.5 5 20 hours and 30 minutes 2 Dublin 20425U Gaelscoil Sliabh Rua Ballyogan Road, Stepaside 41.5 1 16 hours and 30 minutes 0 Dublin 20429F St James's Primary School Basin Lane 205.5 8 5 hours and 30 minutes 1 Dublin 20430N Canal Way ETNS Basin Lane Upper 72.25 2 22 hours and 15 minutes 0 Dublin 20436C St Mary's Primary School St. Mary's Place, Dorset Street 120.5 4 20 hours and 30 minutes 2 Dublin 20437E St Laurences N.S. Brookstone Road, Baldoyle 155 6 5 hours 0 Galway 01000E Esker N.S. Athenry 39.45 1 14 hours and 27 minutes 0 Galway 01013N Scoil Croi Iosa Presentation Road 97.5 3 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 01328P Kiltormer N.S. Ballinasloe 33.38 1 8 hours and 23 minutes 0 Galway 03607G S N Aindreis Naofa Liathdruim Coill Breac 59 2 9 hours 0 Galway 04506F Scoil Na Ngasur Scoil Na Ngasur 144.5 5 19 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 04515G Scoil An Linbh Iosa St. Francis Street 118.38 4 18 hours and 23 minutes 1 Galway 05754G S N Creachmhaoil Craughwell 155.2 6 5 hours and 12 minutes 0 Galway 06044D S N Cill Cuile Loughrea 43.8 1 18 hours and 48 minutes 0 Galway 06489S S N An Tsaileain 50.28 2 17 minutes 0 Galway 07455G Scoil Mhuire Gan Smal Ballygar 35 1 10 hours 0 Galway 07551C Ballinderreen Mxd N S Ballinderreen 72.4 2 22 hours and 24 minutes 0 Galway 08379V Gortanumera N.S. Ballyshrule 25.73 1 44 minutes 0 Galway 08446K Sn Tullach Ui Chadhain Maigh Cuilinn 35 1 10 hours 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Galway 08512U Iomair N S Killimor 88 3 13 hours 0 Galway 09069L S N An Bhain Mhoir Claregalway 68.68 2 18 hours and 41 minutes 0 Galway 09833W S N Leitirgeis Leitirgeis N.s. 20.63 0 20 hours and 38 minutes 0 Galway 10095T S N Naomh Treasa Killure 26.15 1 1 hour and 9 minutes 0 Galway 10591I S N An Ard Mhoir Carna 32.5 1 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 10675O Ballymana N S Craughwell 46.58 1 21 hours and 35 minutes 0 Galway 10863P S N Na Coille Glaise Ahascragh 45 1 20 hours 0 Galway 11261P Scoil Mhuire An Tuairin 50.6 2 36 minutes 0 Galway 11290W S N Muire Gan Smal Camas 26.58 1 1 hour and 35 minutes 0 Galway 11373D S N Mhuire Turlach Beag 23.18 0 23 hours and 11 minutes 0 Galway 11669B S N Naomh Brid Nead An Iolraidh 34.23 1 9 hours and 14 minutes 0 Galway 12095G S N Naomh Antoine Baile Chonraoi 21.05 0 21 hours and 3 minutes 0 Galway 12106I S N Naomh Padraig An Chloch Bhreac 27.5 1 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 12138V S N Ceathru Na Laithigh Tuam 29.13 1 4 hours and 8 minutes 0 Galway 12250P Scoil Mhuire Primary Sch Dublin Rd. 105 4 5 hours 0 Galway 12339I S N Inis Meadhoin Arainn 5 0 5 hours 0 Galway 12502Q S N Eanna Roundstone 21.9 0 21 hours and 54 minutes 0 Galway 12574S Lurga N S Gort 35 1 10 hours 0 Galway 12606F Crumlin N S Ballyglunin 42 1 17 hours 0 Galway 12706J Sn Sailearna Indreabhan 101.3 4 1 hour and 18 minutes 0 Galway 12782C Bunscoil Naomh Chuana Kilcoona 87.28 3 12 hours and 17 minutes 0 Galway 12946G S N Coilm Cille Ros-A-Mhil 27.5 1 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 12954F S N Bhride Turloughmore 95.5 3 20 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 13365O Scoil Mhuire Oranmore 138 5 13 hours 2 Galway 13415D Sn Tuairini Maigh Cuillin 42.5 1 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 13621G S N Muire Letterfrack 22.98 0 22 hours and 59 minutes 0 Galway 13665D S N An Cillin Ballyshrule 41.35 1 16 hours and 21 minutes 0 Galway 13686L S N Naomh Iosef Cong 45.5 1 20 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 13699U S N Colmcille Lettermore 30.83 1 5 hours and 50 minutes 0 Galway 13821O Scoil Náisiúnta Na Naomh Uile Cleggan 10 0 10 hours 0 Galway 13856K Bushy Park N S Bushy Park 152.5 6 2 hours and 30 minutes 1 Galway 13914V Scoil Naomh Iosef Rathun 113.5 4 13 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 13927H Inishbofin N S Inishbofin 15.53 0 15 hours and 32 minutes 0 Galway 13952G S N Bhride Leitir Caladh 27 1 2 hours 0 Galway 14031N Carnain N.S. Athenry 52.3 2 2 hours and 18 minutes 0 Galway 14273O S N Padraig Naofa Lisin Na Heilte 10 0 10 hours 0 Galway 14278B Scoil Naomh Padraig Knockroon 30.73 1 5 hours and 44 minutes 0 Galway 14294W Brierfield N School Tuam 72.7 2 22 hours and 42 minutes 0 Galway 14377D S N Cill Conaill Cill Conaill 47.5 1 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 14383V S N Padraig Naofa Bealach Liath 59.85 2 9 hours and 51 minutes 0 Galway 14394D S N Cill Fheicin Gort Inse Guaire 40.08 1 15 hours and 5 minutes 0 Galway 14420B S N Naomh Padraig Tully 16.38 0 16 hours and 23 minutes 0 Galway 14421D S N Ard Aird Thiar 17.65 0 17 hours and 39 minutes 0 Galway 14448A Cloughanower N S Ath Chinn 35.5 1 10 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 14590D Ainbhthin Naofa Rosscahill 105.78 4 5 hours and 47 minutes 0 Galway 14642T S N Mhuire Baile Glas 38.5 1 13 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 14712O Sn An Fhairce Clar Chlainne Mhuiris 33.8 1 8 hours and 48 minutes 0 Galway 14724V Scoil Ronain Oilean Tra Bhan 20.63 0 20 hours and 38 minutes 0 Galway 15027E S N Na Heaglaise Atha Eascrach 70 2 20 hours 0 Galway 15071H S N Cillini Dioma Loughrea 41.68 1 16 hours and 41 minutes 0 Galway 15331H S N Baile Nua Maigh Chuilinn 20 0 20 hours 0 Galway 15475I Kilconly N S Kilconly 39.98 1 14 hours and 59 minutes 0 Galway 15523Q S N Naomh Iosef Cinn Mhara 133.53 5 8 hours and 32 minutes 0 Galway 15796F S N Cor An Droma Claregalway 40.4 1 15 hours and 24 minutes 0 Galway 15835M St Brendans N S Loughrea 140 5 15 hours 0 Galway 15900U The Glebe N.S. Aughrim 24.45 0 24 hours and 27 minutes 0 Galway 15958F St. Josephs N.S. Woodford 42.53 1 17 hours and 32 minutes 0 Galway 15997P St Brendan's N.S. The Square 24.78 0 24 hours and 47 minutes 0 Galway 16071M Scoil Chroi Naofa Athenry 110.5 4 10 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 16121B Attymon N S Attymon 22.5 0 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 16293H S N Cill Richill Baile Locha Riabhach 29.13 1 4 hours and 8 minutes 0 Galway 16410I Ballinderry N S Cummer 77.6 3 2 hours and 36 minutes 0 Galway 16464I Castleblakeney N S Castleblakeney 32.85 1 7 hours and 51 minutes 0 Galway 16596C St Feichins N School Abbey 23.6 0 23 hours and 36 minutes 0 Galway 16750J Parochial N S Cearnog Ti Na Cuairte 39.5 1 14 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 16762Q S N Ide Naofa Loughrea 140 5 15 hours 1 Galway 16804G Sn Chlair Na Gaillimhe Baile Clar Na Gaillimhe 125.5 5 30 minutes 0 Galway 16857E S N Naomh Uinseann Cul Arann, Thrloughmore 37.85 1 12 hours and 51 minutes 0 Galway 16936A S N Naomh Padraig Creagmore 92.6 3 17 hours and 36 minutes 0 Galway 16937C S N Fursa Fursa 88.78 3 13 hours and 47 minutes 0 Galway 16943U Niochlas N S An Cladach 331 13 6 hours 1 Galway 16982H S N Ath Eascrach Chuain Beal Atha Na Sluagh 9.25 0 9 hours and 15 minutes 0 Galway 17007I S N Ard Raithin Ard Raithin 38.5 1 13 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 17051L S N Na Fuar Coilleadh Craughwell 39.55 1 14 hours and 33 minutes 0 Galway 17071R S N Baile A Mhoinin Droichead 40 1 15 hours 0 Galway 17095I S N Na Cealltraighe Kinclare 36.5 1 11 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 17118R S N Naomh Fhursa Clarain 47.85 1 22 hours and 51 minutes 0 Galway 17154V S N Breandain Naofa Mullagh Gort Ui Mhaidin 49.1 1 24 hours and 6 minutes 0 Galway 17170T Baile Mor Siol Anmcadha Laurencetown 20.95 0 20 hours and 57 minutes 0 Galway 17197Q S N An Leath Bhaile Tuaim 37 1 12 hours 0 Galway 17198S S N Muire Gan Smal Beal Atha Na Sluagh 207 8 7 hours 0 Galway 17207Q S N Domhnach Padraig Cathair Loisgreain 57.5 2 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 17221K Sn Colmcille An Caislean An Gearr 95 3 20 hours 0 Galway 17242S S N Pairc Na Slinne Magh Glas 35.08 1 10 hours and 5 minutes 0 Galway 17273G S N Baile Na Cille Baile Locha Riach 10 0 10 hours 0 Galway 17280D S N Baile Atha N Riogh Baile Atha N Riogh 75 3 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Galway 17282H Scoil Na Mbraithre Tuam 170 6 20 hours 0 Galway 17289V S N Caomhain Inis Oirthir 10 0 10 hours 0 Galway 17331R S N An Droma Ballinakill 10 0 10 hours 0 Galway 17368R Croi Ronaofa Meascaithe Williamstown 35 1 10 hours 0 Galway 17444H S N Seosamh Naofa An Ceathru Bhan 69.5 2 19 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 17456O S N Ronain Arainn 20 0 20 hours 0 Galway 17463L S N Briocain An Gort Mor 29.55 1 4 hours and 33 minutes 0 Galway 17475S S N Aine Naofa Loch Cutra 31.58 1 6 hours and 35 minutes 0 Galway 17485V S N Padraig Naofa Fothaine 38.9 1 13 hours and 54 minutes 0 Galway 17488E Sn An Aill Bhreach Baile Conaola 16.38 0 16 hours and 23 minutes 0 Galway 17490O S N Lorcain Naofa Tigneatha 32 1 7 hours 0 Galway 17502S S N Naomh Thomais Tobar Pheadar 23.93 0 23 hours and 56 minutes 0 Galway 17506D S N Breandan Naofa Dun Doighre 38.5 1 13 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 17529P S N Iomair Naofa Brackloon Cill Tulcha 25.3 1 18 minutes 0 Galway 17539S S N Cill Cruain Scoil Chill Chruain 28.18 1 3 hours and 11 minutes 0 Galway 17547R S N Breandan Naofa Doire Iubhair 11.8 0 11 hours and 48 minutes 0 Galway 17574U S N Naomh Ciarain Cill Chiarain 15.53 0 15 hours and 32 minutes 0 Galway 17613E S N Caitriona Naofa Eachdruim 60 2 10 hours 0 Galway 17631G Ceathru Na Ngarrdhanta Tuam 49.88 1 24 hours and 53 minutes 0 Galway 17645R S N Cronain Kiltiernan 28.98 1 3 hours and 59 minutes 0 Galway 17647V Muire Na Dea Comhairle Headford 46.5 1 21 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 17648A S N Breandain Naofa Ath Cinn 27.85 1 2 hours and 51 minutes 0 Galway 17655U S N Caladh Na Muc Ros Cathail 35.4 1 10 hours and 24 minutes 0 Galway 17660N S N Naomh Treasa Caiseal 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Galway 17668G S N Na Bhforbacha An Spideal 55.4 2 5 hours and 24 minutes 0 Galway 17689O S N Tir An Fhiaidh Leitir Mor 23.93 0 23 hours and 56 minutes 0 Galway 17759J S N Brighde Mionloch 83 3 8 hours 0 Galway 17760R S N Baile An Leasa Dunmor 18.5 0 18 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 17770U S N Naomh Colmain Muighros 17.65 0 17 hours and 39 minutes 0 Galway 17771W S N Mhuire Lisin Na Coille 262.6 10 12 hours and 36 minutes 0 Galway 17772B S N Brighdhe Naofa Cinn Mara 53.5 2 3 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 17782E S N Bride Naofa Sean Tallamh 272.73 10 22 hours and 44 minutes 1 Galway 17784I S N Padraic Naofa Sraid Lombard 196 7 21 hours 0 Galway 17789S S N Cill Tartain Gort Inse Guaire 46.35 1 21 hours and 21 minutes 0 Galway 17793J S N Padraig Naofa Cloideach 15.95 0 15 hours and 57 minutes 0 Galway 17807R S N Cathair Geal Cathair Geal 38.7 1 13 hours and 42 minutes 0 Galway 17845C Brierhill Ns Brierhill 132.03 5 7 hours and 2 minutes 0 Galway 17863E Scoil Iarlatha Naofa Mionloch 34.13 1 9 hours and 8 minutes 0 Galway 17869Q Dubhros N.S. Dubhros 36.15 1 11 hours and 9 minutes 0 Galway 17870B Scoil Bhreandain Naofa Cluain Fhearta 33.7 1 8 hours and 42 minutes 0 Galway 17877P Scoil Muire Naofa Mionloch 51.5 2 1 hour and 30 minutes 0 Galway 17919F Aibhistin Naofa Cluain Tuaiscirt 32.5 1 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 17922R Cloghans Hill N S Tuam 19.45 0 19 hours and 27 minutes 0 Galway 17934B Scoil Bhride An Cnoc Bhreac 50 2 0 Galway 17980I Scoil Mhuire Ardveevin 36.35 1 11 hours and 21 minutes 0 Galway 18021H Sn An Croi Ro Naofa Beal Clair 80.5 3 5 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 18042P Presentation Convent Tuam 190 7 15 hours 1 Galway 18043R S N Muire Gan Smal Tir Na Neasrach 15.95 0 15 hours and 57 minutes 0 Galway 18089S Scoil Naomh Mhuire An Gharran 54 2 4 hours 0 Galway 18097R Togala Mhuire Cill Tulcha 52.2 2 2 hours and 12 minutes 0 Galway 18111I S N Gort Na Gaoithe Gort Na Gaoithe Tuamard 20 0 20 hours 0 Galway 18112K Scoil Naomh Eanna Bullan 71.13 2 21 hours and 8 minutes 0 Galway 18113M S N Cill Solain Killasolan 8.4 0 8 hours and 24 minutes 0 Galway 18121L S N Mhuire Carna 21.05 0 21 hours and 3 minutes 0 Galway 18125T Scoil Naomh Mhuire An Creagan 66.13 2 16 hours and 8 minutes 0 Galway 18163E Sn N Breandain Eanach Dhuin 50 2 0 Galway 18252D Scoil Mhuire Doire Glinne 12.98 0 12 hours and 59 minutes 0 Galway 18268S S N Cillinin Cilinin 69 2 19 hours 0 Galway 18289D Scoil Naomh Iosef Castlehackett 46.45 1 21 hours and 27 minutes 0 Galway 18309G Scoil Bride Brierfield 12.98 0 12 hours and 59 minutes 0 Galway 18332B Scoil Naomh Padraig Magh Locha 51.5 2 1 hour and 30 minutes 0 Galway 18441G Scoil Naomh Chuan Cill Iomair 17.5 0 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 18460K Sn Baile An Mhuilinn Baile An Mhuillinn 43.38 1 18 hours and 23 minutes 0 Galway 18490T Sn M An Croi Gan Smal Leenane 10 0 10 hours 0 Galway 18514H S N Choilm Chille Baile Na Habhann 102.5 4 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 18572V Glenamaddy Ns Glenamaddy Ns 46.03 1 21 hours and 2 minutes 0 Galway 18581W Scoil Mhuire Corr Na Mona 22.65 0 22 hours and 39 minutes 0 Galway 18608Q S N Muire Gan Smal Cladach Dubh 19.78 0 19 hours and 47 minutes 0 Galway 18634R Scoil Ide Salthill 109.5 4 9 hours and 30 minutes 1 Galway 18636V S N Bheanain Tuam 21.5 0 21 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 18686N S N Gort Na Leime Dunmore 23.18 0 23 hours and 11 minutes 0 Galway 18746F Sn Muine Mhea Athenry 54.23 2 4 hours and 14 minutes 0 Galway 18876S Ballycushion Ns Ballycushion 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Galway 18929N Scoil Naomh Einde Bothar Na Tra 125 5 0 Galway 19225F Scoil Michil Naofa Baile Ban 150 6 1 Galway 19226H Scoil Na Trionoide Naofa Muirbheach 205 8 5 hours 3 Galway 19241D Scoil Náisiúnta Róis Rosary Lane 161.5 6 11 hours and 30 minutes 1 Galway 19275U Barnaderg Central Sch Tuam 50 2 0 Galway 19276W St Colmans Mxd N S Cummer 112.38 4 12 hours and 23 minutes 0 Galway 19283T Ballymacward Central SC Ballinasloe 39.23 1 14 hours and 14 minutes 0 Galway 19290Q Ballyconeely N S Clifden 16.5 0 16 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 19357W Sn Tir Na Cille An Mam 23.6 0 23 hours and 36 minutes 0 Galway 19371Q S N Iognaid Bothar Na Sliogan 205 8 5 hours 0 Galway 19377F Naomh Colman Mac Duaigh Naomh Colman 39.23 1 14 hours and 14 minutes 0 Galway 19380R St Oliver Plunkett Ns Kilkerrin 29.78 1 4 hours and 47 minutes 0 Galway 19388K Clonberne Central Sch Clonberne 67.5 2 17 hours and 30 minutes 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Galway 19391W Garrafrauns Central Sch. Tuam 48.9 1 23 hours and 54 minutes 0 Galway 19401W S N Caitriona Sois Renmore 220.5 8 20 hours and 30 minutes 1 Galway 19449E St Oliver Plunketts Ns Newcastle 77.08 3 2 hours and 5 minutes 0 Galway 19468I Sn Caitriona Sinsear Renmore 222.5 8 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 19506N Cappatagle Central Sch Ballinasloe 54.85 2 4 hours and 51 minutes 0 Galway 19529C Scoil Mhuire Maigh Cuilinn 176.68 7 1 hour and 41 minutes 0 Galway 19544V Kilchreest Central Sch Kilchreest 33.5 1 8 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 19744G Nioclas Naofa Dunmore 79.1 3 4 hours and 6 minutes 0 Galway 19770H Gurteen Central Ns Ballinasloe 21.8 0 21 hours and 48 minutes 0 Galway 19795A Tirellan Heights N S Headford Road 287.5 11 12 hours and 30 minutes 2 Galway 19803T Sn Seamus Naofa Bearna 85.7 3 10 hours and 42 minutes 0 Galway 19818J Creggs Central N S Creegs 36.25 1 11 hours and 15 minutes 0 Galway 19828M Sn Cearn Mor Uaran Mor 100 4 0 Galway 19841E Glinsk N S Castlerea 20 0 20 hours 0 Galway 19858V Gaelscoil Dara Bóthar Bhaile an Locháin 154 6 4 hours 0 Galway 19932H Sn Mhic Dara An Ceathru Rua 105.5 4 5 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 19965W Scoil Mhuire Clarinbridge 102.5 4 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 19969H Sn Ui Cheithearnaigh Ceide Ghearrbhaile 92.5 3 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 19973V Scoil Mhuire Clifden 85 3 10 hours 0 Galway 19994G Gaelscoil Mhic Amhlaigh Lána an Mhuilleora 145.35 5 20 hours and 21 minutes 0 Galway 19996K St Brendans Ns Portumna 125 5 0 Galway 19997M Scoil Bhrige Agus Bhreandain Naofa Corrandulla 120.83 4 20 hours and 50 minutes 0 Galway 19998O Gaelscoil De Hide Oran Mor 107.3 4 7 hours and 18 minutes 0 Galway 20000L Galway ETNS Thomas Hynes Rd. 186.01 7 11 hours and 1 minutes 0 Galway 20040A St Brendans N S Belmont 49.85 1 24 hours and 51 minutes 0 Galway 20042E Scoil An Chroi Naofa Ballinasloe 267.5 10 17 hours and 30 minutes 1 Galway 20061I Gaelscoil Iarfhlatha Community Centre 68.15 2 18 hours and 9 minutes 0 Galway 20108I Knocknacarra Ns Western Distributor Road 222.5 8 22 hours and 30 minutes 1 Galway 20115F Scoil Einne An Spideal 75.65 3 39 minutes 0 Galway 20123E Gaelscoil Riabhach Baile Locha Riach 75 3 0 Galway 20199O Sn Uachtar Ard Oughterard 129.25 5 4 hours and 15 minutes 0 Galway 20210W Scoil Eoin Pol II Eoghanacht 19.3 0 19 hours and 18 minutes 0 Galway 20211B Claregalway ETNS Cloonbiggen Road 67.5 2 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 20237T Gaelscoil Ui Riada Raithin 96.5 3 21 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 20264W Gaelscoil Na Bhfili Ionad Phobail Gort Inse Guaire 15 0 15 hours 0 Galway 20280U Newtown N.S. Newtown, Abbeyknockmoy 38 1 13 hours 0 Galway 20326S Kilcolgan ETNS Kilcornan 112.5 4 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 20345W Sn Leitir Meallain Leitir Meallain 36.25 1 11 hours and 15 minutes 0 Galway 20350P Merlin Woods Ns Doughiska Road 160.5 6 10 hours and 30 minutes 1 Galway 20410H Knocknacarra ETNS Knocknacarra 46 1 21 hours 0 Galway 20448J Annagh Hills Ns Ballyglunin 33.5 1 8 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 20456I Tuam ETNS Tuam 38.5 1 13 hours and 30 minutes 0 Galway 20462D Galway Steiner N.S. Knocknacarra 20 0 20 hours 0 Galway 20465J Gort N.S. Tubber Road 176.5 7 1 hour and 30 minutes 1 Galway 20491K St. Columba's National School Ballyturin 20.5 0 20 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kerry 00538V Clochar Daingean An Daingean 32.5 1 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kerry 01396J Tulloha National School Kenmare 16.8 0 16 hours and 48 minutes 0 Kerry 01583I Glounaguillagh N.S. Caragh Lake 30.53 1 5 hours and 32 minutes 0 Kerry 02418V Knockaderry N.S. Farranfore 49.75 1 24 hours and 45 minutes 0 Kerry 03132I S N Sliabh A Mhadra Ballyduff 80 3 5 hours 0 Kerry 04062S Listowel Presentation Primary Listowel 92.5 3 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kerry 05348S Scoil Eoin Tahilla 18 0 18 hours 0 Kerry 05970M Scoil Barr Dubh Lios Na Gceann 44.33 1 19 hours and 20 minutes 0 Kerry 06227L Sn Mhaolcheadair Baile Na Ngall 32.5 1 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kerry 07841L Kilgobnet N.S. Beaufort 45.08 1 20 hours and 5 minutes 0 Kerry 07990F Ballyfinane Firies 10 0 10 hours 0 Kerry 08147A Sn An Ghleanna Baile An Sceilg 16.38 0 16 hours and 23 minutes 0 Kerry 08251S Scoil Naomh Micheal Sneem 48.15 1 23 hours and 9 minutes 0 Kerry 08530W Lauragh National School Killarney 12.55 0 12 hours and 33 minutes 0 Kerry 08687J S N Muire Gan Smal Na Corra 16.8 0 16 hours and 48 minutes 0 Kerry 08791E Lissivigeen Mxd N.S. Killarney 79.5 3 4 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kerry 09209B Castledrum N.S. Castlemaine 23.93 0 23 hours and 56 minutes 0 Kerry 09260B S N Lios Teilic Traili 78.68 3 3 hours and 41 minutes 0 Kerry 09302O Glenflesk N.S. Killarney 21.05 0 21 hours and 3 minutes 0 Kerry 09304S Raheen National School Headford 37.2 1 12 hours and 12 minutes 0 Kerry 09708T Scoil Mhuire Cnoc Na Gcaiseal 39.65 1 14 hours and 39 minutes 0 Kerry 09782I Ballymacelligott 1 N.S. Tralee 21.9 0 21 hours and 54 minutes 0 Kerry 09837H Gap Of Dunloe N.S. Beaufort 10 0 10 hours 0 Kerry 09841V S N Bhaile An Chrosaigh Ballyduff 18.5 0 18 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kerry 09878V Aghatubrid N.S. Killarney 30.2 1 5 hours and 12 minutes 0 Kerry 09938N Curranes N.S. Castleisland 42.5 1 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kerry 10014Q Coolick National School Cill Airne 37.85 1 12 hours and 51 minutes 0 Kerry 10049M Loughguitane N.S. Cill Airne 42.05 1 17 hours and 3 minutes 0 Kerry 10050U Scoil Bhríde Scairt Liath 34 1 9 hours 0 Kerry 10239R Crochan Naofa N.S. Cathair Donall 27.5 1 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kerry 10326M Scoil Nuachabhail Gort A Tsleibhe 37.33 1 12 hours and 20 minutes 0 Kerry 10394G Scoil Mhuire B&C Oilean Chiarrai 33.28 1 8 hours and 17 minutes 0 Kerry 10501E Scoil Easa Dhuibhe Lios Tuaithail 26.9 1 1 hour and 54 minutes 0 Kerry 10755M Scoil An Fhirtearaigh Tra Li 23.93 0 23 hours and 56 minutes 0 Kerry 10775S Knockanure N.S. Newtownsands 37.53 1 12 hours and 32 minutes 0 Kerry 10957B S N Mhuire De Lourdes Lixnaw 32.85 1 7 hours and 51 minutes 0 Kerry 11067T S N Naomh Brid Dubhath 92.5 3 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kerry 11248A Sn An Ghleanna An Daingean 12.55 0 12 hours and 33 minutes 0 Kerry 11363A Scoil Atha Na Mblath Killarney 32 1 7 hours 0 Kerry 11405N Faha National School Killarney 100 4 0 Kerry 11419B Scoil Bhreanainn Portmagee 17.5 0 17 hours and 30 minutes 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Kerry 11746Q Castlegregory Mxd N.S. Castlegregory 41.15 1 16 hours and 9 minutes 0 Kerry 12354E Clogher Mxd N.S. Ballymacelligott 17.23 0 17 hours and 14 minutes 0 Kerry 12587E Coolard Mxd N.S. Listowel 81.53 3 6 hours and 32 minutes 0 Kerry 12701W Scoil An Fhaill Mor Caherciveen 17.98 0 17 hours and 59 minutes 0 Kerry 12820H Scoil Realt Na Mara Killorglin 53.05 2 3 hours and 3 minutes 0 Kerry 12832O Scoil Mhuire B Killorglin 162.5 6 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kerry 12875J Douglas National School Killorglin 17.23 0 17 hours and 14 minutes 0 Kerry 13150Q Knockanes Mxd N.S. Headford 46.03 1 21 hours and 2 minutes 0 Kerry 13530D Scoil Mhuire Tobar Mui Doire 245 9 20 hours 1 Kerry 13540G Murhur N.S. Moyvane 27.5 1 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kerry 13615L Scoil Eoin Traili 264.5 10 14 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kerry 14366V Loughfouder N.S. Knocknagoshel 14.25 0 14 hours and 15 minutes 0 Kerry 14767Q Aghacasla N.S. Camp 39.5 1 14 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kerry 14952L Muire Gan Smal Castleisland 92.5 3 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kerry 14987H S N An Chlochan An Clochan 19.35 0 19 hours and 21 minutes 0 Kerry 14998M Lyre A Crompane N.S. Listowel 12.98 0 12 hours and 59 minutes 0 Kerry 15033W S N Treasa Naofa Mxd Cill Floinn 61.55 2 11 hours and 33 minutes 0 Kerry 15592M Sn Ceann Tra Meascaithe Ceanntra 27.5 1 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kerry 15644F Tiernaboul N.S. Killarney 23.5 0 23 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kerry 15878H Derryquay Mxd N.S. Tralee 15.95 0 15 hours and 57 minutes 0 Kerry 15945T Firies Mxd N.S. Killarney 125 5 0 Kerry 15978L Curraheen Mxd N.S. Glenbeigh 24.45 0 24 hours and 27 minutes 0 Kerry 16014A St. Finians An Corain An Corain 51.03 2 1 hour and 2 minutes 0 Kerry 16217O An Bhreac Chluain B Annascaul 55.28 2 5 hours and 17 minutes 0 Kerry 16281A Sn Naomh Gobnait Dun Chaoin 10 0 10 hours 0 Kerry 16456J Scoil Naisiunta Eirc Baile An Mhoraigh 17.23 0 17 hours and 14 minutes 0 Kerry 16703A Scoil Na Mbraithre An Daingean 25 1 0 Kerry 16744O Boheshill Mxd Glencar 21.05 0 21 hours and 3 minutes 0 Kerry 16779K Scoil Caitlin Naofa Cill Mhic A Domhnaigh 12.55 0 12 hours and 33 minutes 0 Kerry 16871V S N An Chroi Naofa Traighli 117.5 4 17 hours and 30 minutes 1 Kerry 16898S S N Breandan Naofa Cathar Ui Mhodhrain 100.51 4 31 minutes 0 Kerry 16917T Naomh Padraig Measc Cathair Leithin 100 4 0 Kerry 17012B S N An Fhossa Killarney 86.5 3 11 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kerry 17072T S N Cill Cruinn Lios Tuathail 65 2 15 hours 0 Kerry 17161S Kiltallagh N.S. Kiltallagh 24.03 0 24 hours and 2 minutes 0 Kerry 17231N S N Cill Cuimin Cill Airne 91.5 3 16 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kerry 17349N S N An Leana Mhoir Beal Atha Longphoirt 27 1 2 hours 0 Kerry 17358O S N Naomh Eirc Ard Fearta 60 2 10 hours 0 Kerry 17365L Two Mile Community National School Killarney 10 0 10 hours 0 Kerry 17646T S N Uaimh Bhreanainn Cill Dubh 92.5 3 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kerry 17710C S N An Chuilleanaig Killarney 100 4 0 Kerry 17744T S N Gniomh Go Leith B Rathmore 45.4 1 20 hours and 24 minutes 0 Kerry 17747C S N Na Srona Rathmore 15.53 0 15 hours and 32 minutes 0 Kerry 17915U Freastogail Mhuire Mxd Killahan 20.63 0 20 hours and 38 minutes 0 Kerry 18039D Na Minteoga N.S. Headford 20.63 0 20 hours and 38 minutes 0 Kerry 18049G Muire Na Mainistreach Muire Na Mainistreach 112.5 4 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kerry 18084I Scoil Mhuire Gan Smal Lixnaw 20 0 20 hours 0 Kerry 18184M S N Cill Luraigh Causeway 25 1 0 Kerry 18214S Cil Conla N.S. Cill Conla 21.9 0 21 hours and 54 minutes 0 Kerry 18233W St Johns Parochial School Ashe Street, Tralee 26.15 1 1 hour and 9 minutes 0 Kerry 18247K S N Mhuire Na Mbraithre Tralee 357.5 14 7 hours and 30 minutes 3 Kerry 18283O Scoil Mhuire Sc Mhuire Brosnach 17.98 0 17 hours and 59 minutes 0 Kerry 18325E Naomh Charthaigh Castleisland 50 2 0 Kerry 18414D S N Gleann Beithe Glenbeigh 36.58 1 11 hours and 35 minutes 0 Kerry 18573A S N Drom Na Coradh Causeway 10 0 10 hours 0 Kerry 18590A Scoil Naomh Erc Ballyheigue 62.83 2 12 hours and 50 minutes 0 Kerry 18665F S N Mainistir O Dtorna Mainistir O Dtorna 59 2 9 hours 0 Kerry 18702I Spa National School Tralee 99 3 24 hours 0 Kerry 18705O Tarbert National School Tarbert 49.55 1 24 hours and 33 minutes 0 Kerry 18756I Fibough National School Caislean Na Mainge 12.55 0 12 hours and 33 minutes 0 Kerry 18759O Cahir National School Kenmare 31 1 6 hours 0 Kerry 18832V Castlemaine N.S. Castlemaine 50.6 2 36 minutes 0 Kerry 18856M Scoil Naomh Iosef Ballyheigue 43.9 1 18 hours and 54 minutes 0 Kerry 19304B S N Cillin Liath Maistir Gaoithe 22.5 0 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kerry 19384C Ardfert Central N.S. Ard Fhearta 81.65 3 6 hours and 39 minutes 0 Kerry 19436S Sn Naomh Mhichil Baile An Sceilg 28.98 1 3 hours and 59 minutes 0 Kerry 19448C S N Realt Na Mara Tuath O Siosta 23.08 0 23 hours and 5 minutes 0 Kerry 19458F Kilgarvan Central Schl Kilgarvan 46.78 1 21 hours and 47 minutes 0 Kerry 19461R Eilin Naofa Lios Eiltin 81.53 3 6 hours and 32 minutes 0 Kerry 19483E S N Dar Earca Ballyhearney 19.25 0 19 hours and 15 minutes 0 Kerry 19487M Holy Cross Primary School New Road 190 7 15 hours 1 Kerry 19492F Sn Oilibhear Naofa Beal Ata Longphuirt 30.73 1 5 hours and 44 minutes 0 Kerry 19512I St. Olivers Ns Ballycasheen 463 18 13 hours 2 Kerry 19536W Holy Family Holy Family Ns 125 5 0 Kerry 19631Q Gaelscoil Mhic Easmainn Rath Ronain 118 4 18 hours 0 Kerry 19659P St. Brendans N.S. Fenit 44.23 1 19 hours and 14 minutes 0 Kerry 19745I Scartaglin New Cent Sc Scairteach A Ghlinne 53.15 2 3 hours and 9 minutes 0 Kerry 19846O Realt Na Maidne Listowel 112.5 4 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kerry 19917L Gaelscoil Naomh Aogain Bothar Luimnigh 84.63 3 9 hours and 38 minutes 0 Kerry 19941I Gaelscoil Faithleann Cill Airne 77.4 3 2 hours and 24 minutes 0 Kerry 19957A Dromclough N.S. Listowel 108.75 4 8 hours and 45 minutes 0 Kerry 19986H S N Eoin Baiste Garrai Na Dtor 56.55 2 6 hours and 33 minutes 0 Kerry 20013U Gaelscoil Lios Tuathail Lios Tuathail 28.93 1 3 hours and 56 minutes 0 Kerry 20111U Holy Family Ns Rathmore 70 2 20 hours 0 Kerry 20112W Caherciveen National School O’Connell Street 62.68 2 12 hours and 41 minutes 0 Kerry 20147S Scoil Mhuire Agus N.Treasa Currow 56.35 2 6 hours and 21 minutes 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Kerry 20158A Tralee ETNS Collis Sandes House 47.5 1 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kerry 20196I Scoil Íosagáin Church Road 86 3 11 hours 0 Kerry 20197K St John's National School Kenmare 154.5 6 4 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kerry 20229U Nagle Rice N.S. Milltown 136.55 5 11 hours and 33 minutes 0 Kerry 20478S Ballyduff National School Ballyduff 65.5 2 15 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kildare 00779U Presentation Convent Maynooth 162 6 12 hours 1 Kildare 01821V S N Rath Mor 107 4 7 hours 0 Kildare 06209J Athy Model N.S. Athy 34.45 1 9 hours and 27 minutes 0 Kildare 07790U Churchtown N.S. Churchtown 51.35 2 1 hour and 21 minutes 0 Kildare 08099P Sallins N.S. Sallins 200.65 8 39 minutes 0 Kildare 09414C St Laurences N.S. Crookstown 102.5 4 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kildare 11893G St. David's N.S Road, Naas 45 1 20 hours 0 Kildare 11976K Clochar Coca Naofa N.S. Kilcock 123.5 4 23 hours and 30 minutes 1 Kildare 12182B St. John's N.S. Monasterevan 20.63 0 20 hours and 38 minutes 0 Kildare 12998C S N Cianog Naofa Tigh Mochua 36.15 1 11 hours and 9 minutes 0 Kildare 13165G Kilberry N.S. Athy 47.5 1 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kildare 13328I St. Patrick's N.S. Newbridge 110 4 10 hours 0 Kildare 13350B Scoil Bride Athgarvan N S 80.5 3 5 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kildare 13819E Primrose Hill N.S. Hazelhatch Rd 36.9 1 11 hours and 54 minutes 0 Kildare 13902O Hewetsons N.S. Clane 26.8 1 1 hour and 48 minutes 0 Kildare 14643V Bigstone National School Ballyraggan 14.25 0 14 hours and 15 minutes 0 Kildare 15040T Mercy Convent Primary School Naas 139.5 5 14 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kildare 15456E Ballyshannon N.S. Ballyshannon 65.5 2 15 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kildare 15769C Monasterevan Convent Monasterevan 81.5 3 6 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kildare 15870O Scoil Chonnla Phadraig Newbridge 176.5 7 1 hour and 30 minutes 0 Kildare 15957D Rathangan B N.S. Rathangan 67.53 2 17 hours and 32 minutes 0 Kildare 16302F St Brigids N.S. Ballysax 75 3 0 Kildare 16345A S N Naomh Brid An Urnaidhe 56.15 2 6 hours and 9 minutes 0 Kildare 16566Q Scoil Brid Main Street 132.5 5 7 hours and 30 minutes 1 Kildare 16617H Ballyadams N S Ballyadams 53.5 2 3 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kildare 16635J Scoil Phádraig B.N.S. Camp 57.5 2 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kildare 16636L Curragh Camp G N.S. Curragh Camp 52.5 2 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kildare 16654N S N Brighde Milltown 53.6 2 3 hours and 36 minutes 0 Kildare 16705E Scoil Phadraig Naofa An Tom Ard 263 10 13 hours 0 Kildare 16706G St Joseph’s National School Kilcock 153 6 3 hours 1 Kildare 16707I Scoil Naisiunta Naomh Pheadar Monasterevan 102.5 4 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kildare 16777G S N Nmh Mhuire Donadea 27.65 1 2 hours and 39 minutes 0 Kildare 16817P Brannoxtown Community NS Brannoxtown 28 1 3 hours 0 Kildare 16845U Rathcoffey N.S. Rathcoffey 72.68 2 22 hours and 41 minutes 0 Kildare 17064U Scoil Padraig Ballylinan 118 4 18 hours 0 Kildare 17254C Scoil Chorbain Naas 175.5 7 30 minutes 0 Kildare 17341U Maynooth B N.S. Maynooth 215 8 15 hours 1 Kildare 17567A Almhaine N.S. Kilmeague 97.5 3 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kildare 17650K S N Ide Kilmeade 65.08 2 15 hours and 5 minutes 0 Kildare 17662R S N Brighde Kill 197.5 7 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kildare 17674B S N Aine Naofa Ard Cloc 90.8 3 15 hours and 48 minutes 0 Kildare 17714K S N Cill Cae Castledermot 35 1 10 hours 0 Kildare 17787O S N Colmcill Naofa Moone 40 1 15 hours 0 Kildare 17872F St Conleths And Marys N.S. Newbridge 130 5 5 hours 0 Kildare 17873H S N Connlaodh Naofa N Newbridge 140.01 5 15 hours and 1 minutes 1 Kildare 17931S S.N. Brighde Ticknevin 40 1 15 hours 0 Kildare 17968S Ursaille Naofa Teach An Da Mhile 109.5 4 9 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kildare 17995V S.N. Oilibhear Plunglead Killina 22.98 0 22 hours and 59 minutes 0 Kildare 18018S Scoil Bhride N.S. Rathangan 78.15 3 3 hours and 9 minutes 0 Kildare 18031K S.N. Bride Crochta Greine 55.28 2 5 hours and 17 minutes 0 Kildare 18055B S.N. Mhuire Eustace 62 2 12 hours 0 Kildare 18063A S.N. Naomh Lorcain Levitstown 20 0 20 hours 0 Kildare 18092H S.N. Baile Mhic Adaim Baile Mhic Adaim 15 0 15 hours 0 Kildare 18093J S.N. Cloch Rinnce Cloch Rinnce 75 3 0 Kildare 18096P S.N. Coill Dubh Naas 85 3 10 hours 0 Kildare 18130M S.N. Padraig Droichead Baile Sean 54.65 2 4 hours and 39 minutes 0 Kildare 18179T S.N. Bride Lackagh 35.95 1 10 hours and 57 minutes 0 Kildare 18287W S.N. Na Maighdine Mhuire Gearr Eiscir 22.98 0 22 hours and 59 minutes 0 Kildare 18288B Scoil Mhichil Naofa Athy 279.5 11 4 hours and 30 minutes 2 Kildare 18378C S.N. Naomh Ioseph Baile Ailbhir 67.5 2 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kildare 18430B S.N. Baile Roibeaird Baile Roibeaird 95 3 20 hours 0 Kildare 18445O S.N. Scoil Treasa Kilshanroe 64.53 2 14 hours and 32 minutes 0 Kildare 18449W S.N. Naomh Connlaedh Mxd Derrinturn 115 4 15 hours 0 Kildare 18515J Prosperous N.S. Naas 159.13 6 9 hours and 8 minutes 0 Kildare 18551N Scoil Na Mainistreac Celbridge 232.5 9 7 hours and 30 minutes 1 Kildare 18644U Straffan N.S. Straffan 103.4 4 3 hours and 24 minutes 0 Kildare 18650P S.N. An Baile Nua Enfield 52.3 2 2 hours and 18 minutes 0 Kildare 18654A Caragh N.S. Naas 193.5 7 18 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kildare 18666H S.N. Tir Mochain Donadea 53.9 2 3 hours and 54 minutes 0 Kildare 18675I S.N. Cill Daingin Kildangan 85 3 10 hours 0 Kildare 19407L Scoil Bhride Leixlip 107.5 4 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kildare 19425N Ballyroe Central N.S. Athy 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Kildare 19452Q S.N. Mhuire Newbridge 217.5 8 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kildare 19459H Scoil Mhuire Green Lane 105.5 4 5 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kildare 19550Q Ballymany Junior N.S. Newbridge 178.5 7 3 hours and 30 minutes 1 Kildare 19597T An Linbh Iosa Ballycane 155 6 5 hours 1 Kildare 19653D San Carlo Junior N.S. Leixlip 100 4 1 Kildare 19675N St Brigids N.S. Kilcullen 240.5 9 15 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kildare 19680G Scoil C.Ui Dhalaigh Leim An Bhradain 104 4 4 hours 0 Kildare 19684O Scoil Eoin Phoil Leim An Bhradain 99.43 3 24 hours and 26 minutes 0 Kildare 19786W Castledermot N.S. Mxd Garterfarm, Athy Road 122.5 4 22 hours and 30 minutes 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Kildare 19794V Aghards N.S. Celbridge 187.9 7 12 hours and 54 minutes 0 Kildare 19796C St. Patrick's B.N.S Clane 208.1 8 8 hours and 6 minutes 0 Kildare 19797E Scoil Naisiunta Bhride Prosperous Road 118 4 18 hours 0 Kildare 19875V San Carlo Senior N.S. Confey 97 3 22 hours 0 Kildare 19897I Gaelscoil Chill Coca Cillcoca 162.5 6 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kildare 19995I North Kildare ETNS Celbridge 105.63 4 5 hours and 38 minutes 0 Kildare 20023A Loiste Herbert 137.8 5 12 hours and 48 minutes 0 Kildare 20058T Scoil Ui Fhiaich Achadh Aoibhinn 134 5 9 hours 0 Kildare 20087D Multi-Denominational N.S. Kilcullen Road 81.65 3 6 hours and 39 minutes 0 Kildare 20114D Scoil Bhríd Old Town 182.5 7 7 hours and 30 minutes 1 Kildare 20159C Gaelscoil Nas Na Riogh Cnoc An Phíobaire 109 4 9 hours 0 Kildare 20177E Newbridge ETNS Green Road 136 5 11 hours 0 Kildare 20192A Gaelscoil Átha Í The Showgrounds 72.5 2 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kildare 20257C St. Patrick's N.S. Hazelhatch Road 158 6 8 hours 2 Kildare 20271T Scoil Na Naomh Uilig Station Road, Newbridge 238 9 13 hours 1 Kildare 20292E Maynooth ETNS Railpark, Celbridge Rd 87.51 3 12 hours and 31 minutes 0 Kildare 20351R Naas Community N.S. Naas 150 6 0 Kildare 20403K Kildare Town ETNS Tower View 85.5 3 10 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kildare 20427B St. Brigid's Primary School Kildare Town 380.5 15 5 hours and 30 minutes 1 Kildare 20428D Gaelscoil Mhic Aodha Radharc an Tuir 23 0 23 hours 0 Kildare 20505S Scoil Mhuire Allenwood National School Allenwood 82.5 3 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kilkenny 00788V Lisdowney N.S. Ballyragget 28.18 1 3 hours and 11 minutes 0 Kilkenny 00796U Scoil Lachtain Freshford 68.5 2 18 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kilkenny 01300Q Danesfort Mixed N.S. Danesfort 17.23 0 17 hours and 14 minutes 0 Kilkenny 05927L Church Hill Mixed N.S. Cuffes Grange 34.25 1 9 hours and 15 minutes 0 Kilkenny 06621P Ringville Mixed N.S. Slieverue 20.2 0 20 hours and 12 minutes 0 Kilkenny 07481H Kilmoganny Mixed N.S. Kilmoganny N S 10 0 10 hours 0 Kilkenny 10835K Castlecomer Convent Castlecomer 35.63 1 10 hours and 38 minutes 0 Kilkenny 12476S Slieverue Mixed N.S. Slieverue 57 2 7 hours 0 Kilkenny 14476F Wandesforde Mixed N.S. Castlecomer 38.8 1 13 hours and 48 minutes 0 Kilkenny 15160G The Rower Mixed N.S. Inistioge 49.98 1 24 hours and 59 minutes 0 Kilkenny 15340I Carigeen N.S. Carigeen 53.8 2 3 hours and 48 minutes 0 Kilkenny 16116I S N Naomh Colmain Clarach Higginstown 50.3 2 18 minutes 0 Kilkenny 16140F Skeaghvastheen N.S. Skeaghvastheen 24.25 0 24 hours and 15 minutes 0 Kilkenny 16204F S N An Moinin Rua Caislean An Chumair 38.7 1 13 hours and 42 minutes 0 Kilkenny 16230G S N Lisnafunchin Castlecomer 17.65 0 17 hours and 39 minutes 0 Kilkenny 16311G Graig Na Manach Buac Graigenamanagh 39.13 1 14 hours and 8 minutes 0 Kilkenny 16406R Bennettsbridge Mixed Bennetsbridge 57.53 2 7 hours and 32 minutes 0 Kilkenny 16430O St. John Of God N.S. Owning 32.75 1 7 hours and 45 minutes 0 Kilkenny 16445E St. Patrick's N.S. Boneyarrow 25 1 0 Kilkenny 16485Q St Brendans Mixed N.S. Hugginstown 33.28 1 8 hours and 17 minutes 0 Kilkenny 16827S Scoil San Lionard Dunnamaggin 36.85 1 11 hours and 51 minutes 0 Kilkenny 16865D Clontubrid Mixed N.S. Freshford 18.4 0 18 hours and 24 minutes 0 Kilkenny 16875G S N Naomh Padraigh Strangmills 70 2 20 hours 0 Kilkenny 17073V S N Cholmcille Inis Teog 53.8 2 3 hours and 48 minutes 0 Kilkenny 17093E S N Bhreandain Naofa Nagh Coillidhe 65 2 15 hours 0 Kilkenny 17108O St Johns Infants N.S. Michael Street 122.5 4 22 hours and 30 minutes 1 Kilkenny 17174E S N Bhrighde Cuan 18.4 0 18 hours and 24 minutes 0 Kilkenny 17200C S N Colmain Conahy 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Kilkenny 17218V Kilkenny Mixed N.S. Comer Road 66.13 2 16 hours and 8 minutes 0 Kilkenny 17222M S N Mhichil Naofa Galmoy 24.78 0 24 hours and 47 minutes 0 Kilkenny 17224Q S N Muire Gan Smal Graigenamanagh 51.25 2 1 hour and 15 minutes 0 Kilkenny 17253A S N Caislean An Cumair Castlecomer 25.63 1 38 minutes 0 Kilkenny 17314R Scoil Naomh Eoin Dea Kilkenny 92.5 3 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kilkenny 17339K S N Naomh Chiarain Cuirt An Phuca 30.63 1 5 hours and 38 minutes 0 Kilkenny 17357M S N Baile An Phiull Piltown 84 3 9 hours 0 Kilkenny 17374M S N Chrion Choill Gathabawn 24.03 0 24 hours and 2 minutes 0 Kilkenny 17471K S N Shean Bhoth New Ross 10 0 10 hours 0 Kilkenny 17566V S N Bhridhe Kells 12.98 0 12 hours and 59 minutes 0 Kilkenny 17589K S N Chiaran Naofa Stoneyford 30.2 1 5 hours and 12 minutes 0 Kilkenny 17590S S N Moin Ruadh Mixed Knocktopher 25.2 1 12 minutes 0 Kilkenny 17628R S N Naomh Padraig Mxd Baile Haol 62.63 2 12 hours and 38 minutes 0 Kilkenny 17675D S N Teampall Loiscithe Burnchurch 47.5 1 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kilkenny 17758H S N Mhlchil Naofa Crosspatrick 18.5 0 18 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kilkenny 17854D S N Padraig Naofa De La Salle 201 8 1 hour 0 Kilkenny 17867M Scoil Iognaid De Ris Stephen Street 90 3 15 hours 0 Kilkenny 17905R S N Tobair Eoin Baisde Johnswell 21.8 0 21 hours and 48 minutes 0 Kilkenny 17911M Colmcille Mixed N.S. Bigwood 10 0 10 hours 0 Kilkenny 18064C S N Muire Bealach Gabhrain 55 2 5 hours 0 Kilkenny 18078N Scoil Bhride Paulstown 85 3 10 hours 0 Kilkenny 18158L S N Seamus Naofa Glenmore Via Waterford 34.78 1 9 hours and 47 minutes 0 Kilkenny 18257N S N Baile An Fhasaigh Ballyfacey 25.2 1 12 minutes 0 Kilkenny 18607O Scoil Naomh Ioseph Clinstown 37 1 12 hours 0 Kilkenny 18643S Holycross N.S. Firoda 54 2 4 hours 0 Kilkenny 18660S S N Shan Nioclas Bearna Na Gaoithe 28.5 1 3 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kilkenny 18670V S N Tulach Ruain Tulach Ruain 30.2 1 5 hours and 12 minutes 0 Kilkenny 18748J Scoil Mholainge Listerlin Mullinavat 25.95 1 57 minutes 0 Kilkenny 19267V Templeorum N.S. Templeorum 15 0 15 hours 0 Kilkenny 19344N St Aidans N.S. Kilmanagh 58.38 2 8 hours and 23 minutes 0 Kilkenny 19626A St Canices Central N.S. Grange Road 223 8 23 hours 0 Kilkenny 19856R Gaelscoil Osrai Loch Bui 122.08 4 22 hours and 5 minutes 0 Kilkenny 19905E Kilkenny School Project Springfields 73.48 2 23 hours and 29 minutes 0 Kilkenny 19925K Scoil Mhuire Presentation Convent 164 6 14 hours 1 Kilkenny 19930D Urlingford N.S. Urlingford 67.5 2 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kilkenny 19944O Goresbridge N.S. Goresbridge 30 1 5 hours 0 Kilkenny 19976E St. Beacons N.S. Mullinavat 55 2 5 hours 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Kilkenny 20011Q St. Johns Senior N.S. Ballybough Street 87.5 3 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kilkenny 20255V Bunscoil Mcauley Rice Kilkenny Rd. 135.5 5 10 hours and 30 minutes 0 Kilkenny 20272V St Mary's Primary School Thomastown 130.58 5 5 hours and 35 minutes 0 Kilkenny 20443W St. Senan’s National School Kilmacow 55.3 2 5 hours and 18 minutes 0 Kilkenny 20492M Scoil Mhuire Mooncoin 105 4 5 hours 0 Kilkenny 20506U Ballyragget N.S. Ballyragget 77.5 3 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Laois 00892Q Shanganamore N S Shanganamore 60 2 10 hours 0 Laois 00895W Ballinakill Mixed N S Ballinakill 22.98 0 22 hours and 59 minutes 0 Laois 07183W St Josephs Girls N.S. Davitt Road 101 4 1 hour 0 Laois 07442U St Josephs N S Borris In Ossory 57.5 2 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Laois 07636K St Fintans N S New Line Road 47.5 1 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Laois 10544W Cosby N S Cosby 23.18 0 23 hours and 11 minutes 0 Laois 12231L Rush Hall Mixed N S Portlaoise 17.65 0 17 hours and 39 minutes 0 Laois 12692B Kiladooley Mixed N S Kiladooley 55.7 2 5 hours and 42 minutes 0 Laois 13173F Paddock N S Paddock 29.88 1 4 hours and 53 minutes 0 Laois 13343E Scoil Bhride Still Brook 30 1 5 hours 0 Laois 13643Q Emo Mixed N S Portlaoise 100.5 4 30 minutes 0 Laois 13741Q Rath Mixed N S Rath 90 3 15 hours 0 Laois 14260F Abbeyleix Sth N S Abbeyleix 45.5 1 20 hours and 30 minutes 0 Laois 14838N Maryboro N S Maryboro 48.48 1 23 hours and 29 minutes 0 Laois 15446B Trummera N S Trummera 12.98 0 12 hours and 59 minutes 0 Laois 15537E S N Baile Finn Baile Finn 82.08 3 7 hours and 5 minutes 0 Laois 15556I Presentation Primary School Station Road 221 8 21 hours 0 Laois 15562D Cloch An Tsionnaigh N S Foxrock 31.05 1 6 hours and 3 minutes 0 Laois 15933M Camross N S Camross 42.85 1 17 hours and 51 minutes 0 Laois 16070K Mountmellick Boys N S Mountmellick 148.5 5 23 hours and 30 minutes 0 Laois 16160L Clonaghadoo N S Clonaghadoo 44.13 1 19 hours and 8 minutes 0 Laois 16667W Tobar An Leinn Raheen 31.05 1 6 hours and 3 minutes 0 Laois 17084D Cill An Iubhair N S Cill An Iubhair 14.25 0 14 hours and 15 minutes 0 Laois 17271C Scoil Mhuire Muigheo Crettyard 14.25 0 14 hours and 15 minutes 0 Laois 17441B Scoil Mhuire Wolfhill 10 0 10 hours 0 Laois 17489G S N Fionntan Naofa Abbeyleix 35 1 10 hours 0 Laois 17493U Rosenallis N S Rosenallis 31.75 1 6 hours and 45 minutes 0 Laois 17555Q Scoil Naomh Abban Crettyard 36.25 1 11 hours and 15 minutes 0 Laois 17557U Scoil Abbain Cillin Maganey 41.68 1 16 hours and 41 minutes 0 Laois 17604D Raithin An Uisce N S Raithin An Uisce 69 2 19 hours 0 Laois 17617M Scoil Chomhgháin Naofa Killeshin 126 5 1 hour 0 Laois 17695J S N Molaise Molaise 22.5 0 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Laois 17883K Muire Naofa Castlecuffe Castlecuffe 50.7 2 42 minutes 0 Laois 18014K The Swan N S Athy 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Laois 18075H Rathdomhnaigh N S Rathdowney 16.8 0 16 hours and 48 minutes 0 Laois 18150S Fraoch Mor N S Fraoch Mor 112.5 4 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Laois 18166K Cluain Eidhneach N S Cluain Eidhneach 30 1 5 hours 0 Laois 18203N Scoil Náisiúnta Cúil an tSúdaire 2 Sandylane 26.8 1 1 hour and 48 minutes 0 Laois 18206T Na Carraige N S Na Carraige 86.5 3 11 hours and 30 minutes 0 Laois 18265M Bhride N S Ard Duach 10 0 10 hours 0 Laois 18294T Barr Na Sruthan N S Barr Na Sruthan 23.5 0 23 hours and 30 minutes 0 Laois 18368W Mhuire Fatima N S Tigh Mochua 72.93 2 22 hours and 56 minutes 0 Laois 18433H Naomh Pius X N S Ballacolla 10 0 10 hours 0 Laois 18513F Naomh Padraig N S Doire Liaim Oig 43.65 1 18 hours and 39 minutes 0 Laois 18532J Ardlios N S Ardlios 27.5 1 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Laois 18641O S N Naomh Eoin Portarlington 120 4 20 hours 0 Laois 18780F S N Naomh Colmcille Aireill 25.63 1 38 minutes 0 Laois 19369G St Pauls N S St Pauls Rectory 19.35 0 19 hours and 21 minutes 0 Laois 19747M Scoil Bhride Ns Portlaoise 381.5 15 6 hours and 30 minutes 1 Laois 19750B Scoil Mhuire Abbeyleix 122.7 4 22 hours and 42 minutes 0 Laois 19791P Cullohill Ns Rathdowney St Tighearnach 37.75 1 12 hours and 45 minutes 0 Laois 20065Q Our Ladys Meadow N.S. Durrow 60 2 10 hours 0 Laois 20071L Scoil Bhride Rathdowney 86 3 11 hours 0 Laois 20081O Gaelscoil Phort Laoise Bóthar Maighéan Rátha 114.08 4 14 hours and 5 minutes 0 Laois 20118L Scoil Bhride Cluain Na Sli 62.5 2 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Laois 20169F Castletown N.S Portlaoise 62.5 2 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Laois 20224K Gaelscoil An Tsli Dala Boiris Mor Ossari 21.48 0 21 hours and 29 minutes 0 Laois 20270R Holy Family Junior School Portlaoise 283 11 8 hours 2 Laois 20347D Portlaoise ETNS Summerhill/Downs 215.5 8 15 hours and 30 minutes 1 Laois 20353V St. Colemans Ns Stradbally 130.43 5 5 hours and 26 minutes 0 Laois 20480F Holy Family Senior School Portlaoise 288.5 11 13 hours and 30 minutes 2 Laois 20485P Faolan Naofa N.S. / Scoil Bhride Ballyroan 68 2 18 hours 0 Leitrim 01125B Leitrim Mxd N S Carrick On Shannon 62.9 2 12 hours and 54 minutes 0 Leitrim 08390J Mastersons N S Manorhamilton 7.98 0 7 hours and 59 minutes 0 Leitrim 08673V The Hunt National School Castle Street 12.98 0 12 hours and 59 minutes 0 Leitrim 09353I Newtowngore N.S. 1 Carrick On Shannon 15.95 0 15 hours and 57 minutes 0 Leitrim 13656C Annaduff Mxd N S Aghamore 61.68 2 11 hours and 41 minutes 0 Leitrim 13908D Ballaghameehan N S Rossinver 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Leitrim 14339S Achad An Measa S N Achadh Easa 53.25 2 3 hours and 15 minutes 0 Leitrim 14898I Drumeela N S Carrigallen Po 14.25 0 14 hours and 15 minutes 0 Leitrim 15116D Ardvarney Mxd N S Dromahair 22.33 0 22 hours and 20 minutes 0 Leitrim 15194A Naomh Caillin Fiodhnach Foxfield 32.28 1 7 hours and 17 minutes 0 Leitrim 15382B Drumlease N S Dromahair 67.5 2 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Leitrim 15960P Gortletteragh Central Fornocht 29.03 1 4 hours and 2 minutes 0 Leitrim 16130C St Josephs N S Killenumery 21.38 0 21 hours and 23 minutes 0 Leitrim 16474L Carrigallen N S Carrigallen 67.93 2 17 hours and 56 minutes 0 Leitrim 16932P S N Achadh Mhaolain Garadice 17.23 0 17 hours and 14 minutes 0 Leitrim 17125O Differeen N S Manorhamilton 19.35 0 19 hours and 21 minutes 0 Leitrim 17206O Glebe N S Largy N S 19.78 0 19 hours and 47 minutes 0 Leitrim 17233R Manorhamilton B.N.S. Scoil San Clar 67.51 2 17 hours and 31 minutes 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Leitrim 18139H S N Naomh Padraig Tearmon Spencer Harbour 17.5 0 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Leitrim 18181G S N Corr Na Gaoithe S N Corr Na Gaoithe 16.8 0 16 hours and 48 minutes 0 Leitrim 18329M S N Naomh Mhuire Leckann 23.6 0 23 hours and 36 minutes 0 Leitrim 18492A S N Naomh Brighid Coill Na Gcros 18.4 0 18 hours and 24 minutes 0 Leitrim 18589P S N Mhic Diarmada Coillte Clochair 10 0 10 hours 0 Leitrim 18741S Faitima N S Cluana 18.4 0 18 hours and 24 minutes 0 Leitrim 19255O St Michaels Ns Glenfarne 25.2 1 12 minutes 0 Leitrim 19360L Drumkeerin Central Ns Drumkeerin Central Sch 30 1 5 hours 0 Leitrim 19365V Achadh Na Sileann Achadh Na Sileann 37.95 1 12 hours and 57 minutes 0 Leitrim 19423J Drumshambo Central Drumshambo 78.2 3 3 hours and 12 minutes 0 Leitrim 19519W St Brids Drumcong Central School 60.08 2 10 hours and 5 minutes 0 Leitrim 19554B Scoil Mhuire Bornacoola 30 1 5 hours 0 Leitrim 19600F S N Naomh Mhuire Drumlea 25.73 1 44 minutes 0 Leitrim 20079E Four Masters Ns Kinlough 106.1 4 6 hours and 6 minutes 0 Leitrim 20203C Mohill Ns Mohill 66 2 16 hours 0 Leitrim 20212D Gaelscoil Liatroma F/Ch Clg Naomh Mhuire 44 1 19 hours 0 Leitrim 20260O Gaelscoil Chluainin Cluainin Ui Ruairc 36 1 11 hours 0 Leitrim 20432R Scoil Mhuire Cara Droma Ruisc 148.5 5 23 hours and 30 minutes 1 Leitrim 20483L Scoil Chlann Naofa Ballinamore 83.88 3 8 hours and 53 minutes 0 Limerick 02007A Croagh National School Rathkeale 26.48 1 1 hour and 29 minutes 0 Limerick 02358G Templeglantine N S Templeglantine 39.5 1 14 hours and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 02813E S N Sheanain Foynes 51.35 2 1 hour and 21 minutes 0 Limerick 04466T Ballymartin N S Croom 36.15 1 11 hours and 9 minutes 0 Limerick 04469C S N Fiodhnach Killmallock 50 2 0 Limerick 06516S Kildimo National School Kildimo 60.5 2 10 hours and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 06539H Knockea National School Ballyneety 115.33 4 15 hours and 20 minutes 0 Limerick 06936R St Johns Convent Cathedral Place 179.5 7 4 hours and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 07117J S N Loch Guir Holy Cross 14.25 0 14 hours and 15 minutes 0 Limerick 07222G Banogue National School Croom 35 1 10 hours 0 Limerick 07317R Glengurt N S Toornafulla 35.5 1 10 hours and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 07857D S N Ailbhe Killinure 75.5 3 30 minutes 0 Limerick 07900B Ballysteen N S Askeaton 32.1 1 7 hours and 6 minutes 0 Limerick 08342V Bohermore N S Ballysimon 21.9 0 21 hours and 54 minutes 0 Limerick 08419H Ardpatrick N S Killmallock 32.38 1 7 hours and 23 minutes 0 Limerick 08572P Bruree National School Bruree 74.5 2 24 hours and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 08926B St Nicholas Church Of Ireland School Adare 60.05 2 10 hours and 3 minutes 0 Limerick 09132P Carnane Mxd N S Fedamore 50.5 2 30 minutes 0 Limerick 09296W Our Ladys Abbey Scoil Na Gcailini 36.5 1 11 hours and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 09306W Croom National School Croom 122.5 4 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 09401Q Monogay National School Newcastlewest 83.03 3 8 hours and 2 minutes 0 Limerick 09702H St James N S Cappagh 45 1 20 hours 0 Limerick 09915B Martinstown N S Killmallock 40.5 1 15 hours and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 09927I Granagh National School Granagh 24.78 0 24 hours and 47 minutes 0 Limerick 10929T Rathkeale N S 2 Rathkeale 10 0 10 hours 0 Limerick 10991B Garrydoolis N S Pallasagreen 25.3 1 18 minutes 0 Limerick 11280T Carrickerry N S Athea 21.48 0 21 hours and 29 minutes 0 Limerick 11307N Ballyguiltenane N S Glin 12.98 0 12 hours and 59 minutes 0 Limerick 11422N Mahoonagh N S Castlemahon 97.5 3 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 11809O S N Cnoch A Deaga Ballylanders 19.35 0 19 hours and 21 minutes 0 Limerick 11955C Coolcappa N S Ardagh 22.5 0 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 12368P S N Naomh Padraig Abbeyfeale 21.48 0 21 hours and 29 minutes 0 Limerick 12613C Glenbrohane N S Garryspillane 37.5 1 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 12631E Pallaskenry N S Pallaskenry N S 94 3 19 hours 0 Limerick 12834S St Michaels 11 Barrington St 64.5 2 14 hours and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 12975N St Josephs Convent Newcastle West 80 3 5 hours 1 Limerick 13026P Kilfinane Convent Primary School Kilfinane 61.88 2 11 hours and 53 minutes 0 Limerick 13459A S N Gallbhaile Galbally 58.58 2 8 hours and 35 minutes 0 Limerick 13790G Bulgaden N S Bulgaden 19.35 0 19 hours and 21 minutes 0 Limerick 14005M Kilteely N S Kilteely 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Limerick 14067L Fedamore N S Fedamore 22.5 0 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 14075K St Molua’s National School Ardagh 37.43 1 12 hours and 26 minutes 0 Limerick 14231V Nicker N S Nicker 68 2 18 hours 0 Limerick 14305B Ballylanders N S Kilmallock 55.6 2 5 hours and 36 minutes 0 Limerick 14409N Scoil Neassain Mungret 305.95 12 5 hours and 57 minutes 1 Limerick 14625T Doon Convent N S Doon 37.5 1 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 15226K Caherline N S Caherline 86.1 3 11 hours and 6 minutes 0 Limerick 15320C St Michaels Ns CBS Grounds 125 5 0 Limerick 15680J Scoil An Spioraid Naomh Roxborough 80 3 5 hours 0 Limerick 15685T Athea N School Athea 80 3 5 hours 0 Limerick 15692Q Bilboa N School Bilboa 64.95 2 14 hours and 57 minutes 0 Limerick 15700M Cloverfield N S Cloverfield 24.78 0 24 hours and 47 minutes 0 Limerick 16118M Donoughmore N S Donoughmore 120 4 20 hours 0 Limerick 16237U Dromtrasna N S Abbeyfeale 51.68 2 1 hour and 41 minutes 0 Limerick 16239B Meenkilly N S Abbeyfeale 25.2 1 12 minutes 0 Limerick 16264A Abbeyfeale B.N.S. 1 Abbeyfeale 70 2 20 hours 0 Limerick 16439J Scoil Na Mbearnan Pallasagreen 32.43 1 7 hours and 26 minutes 0 Limerick 16443A Scoil Padraig Naofa B Dublin Road 146 5 21 hours 0 Limerick 16444C Scoil Padraig Naofa C Dublin Road 95 3 20 hours 0 Limerick 16508C Scoil Athain Lisnagry 88 3 13 hours 0 Limerick 16712B Scoil Naomh Iosaf Adare 49.65 1 24 hours and 39 minutes 0 Limerick 16713D Scoil Na Mbraithre Doon 30.3 1 5 hours and 18 minutes 0 Limerick 16715H St John The Baptist Boys N S Downey Street 62.5 2 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 16764U Kilmeedy N S Kilmeedy 10 0 10 hours 0 Limerick 16896O Scoil Naomh Ide Ath Na Fuinnseoige 16.38 0 16 hours and 23 minutes 0 Limerick 16910F Scoil Iosagain Sraid Seasnain 175 7 0 Limerick 16913L Scoil Na Naoinean Eas Geiphtine 45 1 20 hours 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Limerick 17060M Convent Of Mercy N S Abbeyfeale 40 1 15 hours 0 Limerick 17068F Scoil Sean Tsraide Ath Dara 59 2 9 hours 0 Limerick 17101A Scoil Cre Cumhra Patricks Well 105 4 5 hours 0 Limerick 17138A Scoil Cill Colmain Ard Achadh 53.9 2 3 hours and 54 minutes 0 Limerick 17155A Athlacca N S Athlacca 55.28 2 5 hours and 17 minutes 0 Limerick 17184H Oola National School Oola 79.5 3 4 hours and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 17212J Scoil Nais Cnoc Aine 59 2 9 hours 0 Limerick 17298W Kilbehenny N S Kilbehenny 25 1 0 Limerick 17299B Scoil Mhuire Effin 41.5 1 16 hours and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 17364J Scoil Baile An Aird Baile An Aird 50 2 0 Limerick 17438M Shanagolden N S Shanagolden 75 3 0 Limerick 17487C Scoil Nais Cathaircinnlis 60 2 10 hours 0 Limerick 17593B Scoil Naomh Mhuire Cnoc Ui Coileain 17.23 0 17 hours and 14 minutes 0 Limerick 17737W Our Lady Queen Of Peace School Janesboro 387 15 12 hours 0 Limerick 17738B Scoil Tobar Padraig Tobar Phadraig 90 3 15 hours 0 Limerick 17814O Gearoid Ui Ghriobhtha Loughill 21.8 0 21 hours and 48 minutes 0 Limerick 17871D Scoil Cill Churnain Kilcornan 58.5 2 8 hours and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 17937H Scoil Moin A Lin Castleroy 285.68 11 10 hours and 41 minutes 1 Limerick 17951B Scoil O Curain B Newcastlewest 138.5 5 13 hours and 30 minutes 1 Limerick 17981K S N Gleann Na Gcreabhar Gleann Na Gcreabhar 22.65 0 22 hours and 39 minutes 0 Limerick 18030I Scoil Ailbhe Cathair Ailbhe 58.5 2 8 hours and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 18142T Scoil Cnoc Loinge B Knocklong 60 2 10 hours 0 Limerick 18161A Castleconnell N S Castleconnel 96.1 3 21 hours and 6 minutes 0 Limerick 18177P Scoil Aine Naofa Rath Caola 162.5 6 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 18236F Scoil Naomh Muire Beal Atha Da Thuille 24.88 0 24 hours and 53 minutes 0 Limerick 18260C Scoil Mhuire Beal An Atha 51.35 2 1 hour and 21 minutes 0 Limerick 18367U S N Toinn An Tairbh Cappamore 39.45 1 14 hours and 27 minutes 0 Limerick 18426K Scoil Ide Naofa Raithineach 75.68 3 41 minutes 0 Limerick 18516L S N Lios Na Groi Lisnagry 106.43 4 6 hours and 26 minutes 0 Limerick 18530F Askeaton Senior N.S. Askeaton 50 2 0 Limerick 18600A S N Ma Rua Ma Rua 87.5 3 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 18612H Scoil Mhuire Achadh Lin 67.93 2 17 hours and 56 minutes 0 Limerick 18653V Scoil Naomh Iosef Rathkeale 65.7 2 15 hours and 42 minutes 0 Limerick 18677M Scoil Mathair De Cuar Bothar Theas 178.5 7 3 hours and 30 minutes 1 Limerick 18708U S N Cill Lachtain Newcastlewest 41.58 1 16 hours and 35 minutes 0 Limerick 18717V S N Ciarain Cillfiobhnai 10 0 10 hours 0 Limerick 18872K Scoil Ide Corbally 297.68 11 22 hours and 41 minutes 0 Limerick 18991S J F K Memorial School Ennis Rd 150.5 6 30 minutes 0 Limerick 19272O Sn Naomh Iosef Ballybrown 101.5 4 1 hour and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 19323F S N Beal Atha Grean Kilmallock 65.9 2 15 hours and 54 minutes 0 Limerick 19331E Scoil Chriost Ri B Caherdavin 260 10 10 hours 0 Limerick 19332G Scoil Mhuire Banrion Na Heireann Caherdavin 117.5 4 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 19336O Scoil Phoil Naofa Dooradoyle 256 10 6 hours 1 Limerick 19475F St Brigids Ns Singland 282.5 11 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 19667O Our Lady Of Lourdes N S Rosbrien 207.5 8 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 19800N Milford Grange N School Milford 202 8 2 hours 0 Limerick 19830W Corpus Christi N S Moyross 433 17 8 hours 0 Limerick 19883U Gaelscoil O Doghair Caislean Nua Thiar 71.35 2 21 hours and 21 minutes 0 Limerick 19894C An Mhodh Scoil Ascail Ui Chonaill 202.13 8 2 hours and 8 minutes 0 Limerick 19931F Gaelscoil Sheoirse Clancy 93 3 18 hours 0 Limerick 19934L Limerick School Project O'Connell Avenue 80.8 3 5 hours and 48 minutes 0 Limerick 19952N Hospital N.S. Hospital 135 5 10 hours 0 Limerick 19956V Gaelscoil Sairseal Sraid An Droichid 105.5 4 5 hours and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 19966B St Josephs Drumcollogher 45.93 1 20 hours and 56 minutes 0 Limerick 20018H Presentation Primary School Sexton Street 242.5 9 17 hours and 30 minutes 1 Limerick 20094A Scoil Chriost An Slanaitheoir Baile An Gharrai 55 2 5 hours 0 Limerick 20102T St Fergus Primary School Glin 60 2 10 hours 0 Limerick 20133H Scoil Cussen Bru Na Ndeise 130.5 5 5 hours and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 20148U Gaelscoil Chaladh An Treoigh Chaladh An Treoigh 101 4 1 hour 0 Limerick 20175A Limerick City East ETNS Mungret College 158 6 8 hours 1 Limerick 20181S Gaelscoil An Raithin Dooradoyle Road 112.48 4 12 hours and 29 minutes 0 Limerick 20193C Scoil Mocheallóg Kilmallock 202 8 2 hours 0 Limerick 20233L Scoil Chaitriona Cappamore 52.5 2 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 20405O St Marys N S Island Road 85 3 10 hours 0 Limerick 20459O Le Chéile National School Roxboro Road 198.5 7 23 hours and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 20460W Primary School Ballynanty Road 236.5 9 11 hours and 30 minutes 0 Limerick 20496U Salesian Primary School Fernbank 192.5 7 17 hours and 30 minutes 1 00856M Scoil Naomh Micheal Longford 128 5 3 hours 0 Longford 00860D Forgney N S Moyvore 10 0 10 hours 0 Longford 05115S S N An Leana Mor An Leana Mor 22.5 0 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Longford 07518E S N Cnoc An Mharcaigh Cnoc An Mharcaigh 107.5 4 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Longford 10223C Tashinny N S Tashinny 10 0 10 hours 0 Longford 12136R S N An Ghleanna Glen 16.38 0 16 hours and 23 minutes 0 Longford 12683A St John's National School Battery Rd 34.55 1 9 hours and 33 minutes 0 Longford 12736S Naomh Guasachta N S Bunlahy 20.63 0 20 hours and 38 minutes 0 Longford 12813K St Columbas Mxd N S Cloonagh 10 0 10 hours 0 Longford 13313S St John's Ns Ballinalee Road 10 0 10 hours 0 Longford 13320P Fermoyle Mixed N S Fermoyle 45 1 20 hours 0 Longford 13752V Naomh Padraig N S Muckerstaff 35 1 10 hours 0 Longford 14049J Whitehall N.S. Tarmonbarry 37.5 1 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Longford 14300O Killasonna Mixed N S Killasonna 18.45 0 18 hours and 27 minutes 0 Longford 14386E Stonepark N S Stonepark 115.13 4 15 hours and 8 minutes 0 Longford 14650S Cloontagh Mixed N S Cloontagh 16.8 0 16 hours and 48 minutes 0 Longford 14672F Colehill Mixed N S Colehill 33.93 1 8 hours and 56 minutes 0 Longford 15122V St Bernards Mixed N S 20.2 0 20 hours and 12 minutes 0 Longford 15154L Naomh Dominic N S Caonach 44.55 1 19 hours and 33 minutes 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Longford 16665S St Marys Mixed Ns 100 4 0 Longford 17561L Samhthann N S Ballinalee 67.5 2 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Longford 17644P Scoil Mhuire Aughnagarron 29.78 1 4 hours and 47 minutes 0 Longford 18178R St Josephs Convent Longford 239.5 9 14 hours and 30 minutes 2 Longford 18258P Naomh Earnain N S Kilashee 17.65 0 17 hours and 39 minutes 0 Longford 18259R Scoil Muire Gan Smal Lanesboro 46.78 1 21 hours and 47 minutes 0 Longford 18733T S N Mhuire Cluain De Rath 37.5 1 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Longford 19171I S N Naomh Mhuire Baile Nua An Chaisil 24.25 0 24 hours and 15 minutes 0 Longford 19279F S N Naomh Treasa Clontumpher 121.5 4 21 hours and 30 minutes 0 Longford 19296F S N Naomh Colmcille 36.9 1 11 hours and 54 minutes 0 Longford 19353O St Patricks Ns Longford Dromard 44.55 1 19 hours and 33 minutes 0 Longford 19467G Saint Mels Saint Mels 95.25 3 20 hours and 15 minutes 0 Longford 19753H St Emers St Emers 115 4 15 hours 1 Longford 19975C St Patricks 34.45 1 9 hours and 27 minutes 0 Longford 19987J Scoil Mhuire N S 114.73 4 14 hours and 44 minutes 0 Longford 20083S Gaelscoil An Longfoirt Baile Longfoirt 91.5 3 16 hours and 30 minutes 0 Longford 20101R The Sacred Heart Primary N.S. 74.43 2 24 hours and 26 minutes 0 Longford 20124G St Marys N.S 153 6 3 hours 2 Longford 20128O St Matthews Mixed N.S 193.5 7 18 hours and 30 minutes 1 Louth 00851C Presentation Convent Ballymakenny Road 120 4 20 hours 0 Louth 01434O S N Columcille Tullydonnell 47.75 1 22 hours and 45 minutes 0 Louth 01553W St. Mochta’s National School Louth Village 55 2 5 hours 0 Louth 01554B Baile An Phusta N S Smarmore 61.15 2 11 hours and 9 minutes 0 Louth 02322I St Olivers Ns Carlingford 67.5 2 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Louth 02745N Tallonstown N S Tallonstown 105 4 5 hours 0 Louth 02793B S N Mullach Bui Mullach Bui 22.23 0 22 hours and 14 minutes 0 Louth 03787L Walshestown N S Walshestown 42 1 17 hours 0 Louth 06576N Dromin N S Dromin 25.95 1 57 minutes 0 Louth 11072M S N Naomh Peadar Bolton Street 32.75 1 7 hours and 45 minutes 0 Louth 13670T Dulargy Mixed N S Dulargy 52 2 2 hours 0 Louth 14069P Our Lady Of Mercy S N.S. Dundalk 32.33 1 7 hours and 20 minutes 0 Louth 14207B Sn Chill Sarain Chill Sarain 72.5 2 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Louth 14252G Callystown Mixed N S Callystown 105 4 5 hours 0 Louth 14578N Scoil Naomh Fainche Collan 65 2 15 hours 0 Louth 14651U Castletown Rd Convent Castletown Rd 81 3 6 hours 0 Louth 15101N Knockbridge Mixed N S Knockbridge 102.5 4 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Louth 15259C S N N Maolmhaodhagh C Dundalk 69 2 19 hours 0 Louth 15260K S N N Maolmhaodhagh N Dundalk 78 3 3 hours 1 Louth 15285D Sc Na Gcreagacha Dubha Blackrock 109.5 4 9 hours and 30 minutes 0 Louth 16208N Scoil Náisúnta Termonfeckin 68.18 2 18 hours and 11 minutes 0 Louth 16249E Bellurgan N S Bellurgan 37.75 1 12 hours and 45 minutes 0 Louth 16431Q S N Oilibear Beannaithe Stonetown Lubhadh 26.15 1 1 hour and 9 minutes 0 Louth 16469S St Nicholas Monastery Ns Philip Street 80 3 5 hours 0 Louth 16749B Kilcurley Mixed N S Kilcurley 75.7 3 42 minutes 0 Louth 16760M Dromiskin Mixed N S Dromiskin 65 2 15 hours 0 Louth 17059E Scoil Na Mbraithre Sn Geata An Domhnaigh 160 6 10 hours 0 Louth 17124M Ardee Monastery Ardee 117.5 4 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Louth 17195M C.B.S. Primary Chapel Street 160.5 6 10 hours and 30 minutes 1 Louth 17315T Scoil Dairbhre Mixed Readypenny 42.53 1 17 hours and 32 minutes 0 Louth 17550G Scoil Fhursa Haggardstown 80.5 3 5 hours and 30 minutes 0 Louth 17726R S N Tulach Aluinn Tullyallen 118 4 18 hours 0 Louth 17952D S N Naomh Fhionain Dillonstown 45 1 20 hours 0 Louth 17965M S N Bhride Ard Achaidh 38.7 1 13 hours and 42 minutes 0 Louth 18001B S N Naomh Lorcan Omeath 47.5 1 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Louth 18019U S N Chaoimhin Naofa Philipstown 41.15 1 16 hours and 9 minutes 0 Louth 18034Q S N Mhuire Muchgrange 39.45 1 14 hours and 27 minutes 0 Louth 18045V S N Muire Gan Smal Cartown 89.5 3 14 hours and 30 minutes 0 Louth 18069M Naomh Seosamh Mell 82.63 3 7 hours and 38 minutes 0 Louth 18099V S N Muire Na Trocaire Ardee 55.5 2 5 hours and 30 minutes 0 Louth 18101F S N Muire Pairc Na Rian 46.05 1 21 hours and 3 minutes 0 Louth 18126V S N San Nioclas Tigh Banan 45 1 20 hours 0 Louth 18148I Scoil Bhride Mixed N S Lann Leire 100 4 1 Louth 18186Q Scoil Phadraig Naofa Kilcurry 70 2 20 hours 0 Louth 18312S S N Talamh Na Manach Talamh Na Manach 55 2 5 hours 0 Louth 18347O S N San Nioclas Nicholas St 55 2 5 hours 1 Louth 18382Q Scoil Bhride Siolach 10 0 10 hours 0 Louth 18391R Faughart Community N.S. Fochaird 5 0 5 hours 0 Louth 18471P S N Rath Corr Riverstown 19.25 0 19 hours and 15 minutes 0 Louth 18504E S N N Maolmhaodhagh B Dundalk 75 3 0 Louth 18635T S N Tigh An Iubhair Tigh An Iubhair 77.83 3 2 hours and 50 minutes 0 Louth 19215C Marymount National School Ballsgrove 91 3 16 hours 2 Louth 19223B S N Padraig Baile Ui Ir 69.85 2 19 hours and 51 minutes 0 Louth 19246N S N An Tslanaitheora B Ard Easmuinn 88 3 13 hours 0 Louth 19247P S N An Tslanaitheora C Ard Easmuinn 55.6 2 5 hours and 36 minutes 0 Louth 19479N Rathmullan N S Rathmullen 214.5 8 14 hours and 30 minutes 3 Louth 19598V Muire Na Ngael Ns Bay Estate 194 7 19 hours 0 Louth 19673J St Josephs N S Avenue Road 311 12 11 hours 2 Louth 19678T St Pauls Senior Ns Rathmullen 277.5 11 2 hours and 30 minutes 1 Louth 19740V S N Aonghusa Geata An Domhnaigh 59.55 2 9 hours and 33 minutes 0 Louth 19892V Gaelscoil Dhun Dealgan Muirtheimhne Mor 77 3 2 hours 0 Louth 20146Q Le Cheile ETNS Mornington 131.85 5 6 hours and 51 minutes 0 Louth 20163Q S.N Eoin Baiste Fatima 105.5 4 5 hours and 30 minutes 0 Louth 20171P Ardee ETNS Ardee 65 2 15 hours 0 Louth 20205G St Marys Parish N S Bryanstown 378 15 3 hours 2 Louth 20259G St. Francis National School Rock Road 77.78 3 2 hours and 47 minutes 0 Louth 20294I Aston Village ETNS Dunlin Street 177 7 2 hours 1

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Louth 20339E Réalt Na Mara School Dundalk 150.5 6 30 minutes 1 Louth 20508B St. Brigid's and St. Patrick's N.S. Bothar Brugha 235 9 10 hours 4 Louth 20349H Scoil Oilibhéir Naofa Ballymakenny 129 5 4 hours 1 Mayo 01676P Ballindine B.N.S. Ballindine 36.05 1 11 hours and 3 minutes 0 Mayo 02912G Scoil Na Gcoillini Miliuc 44.23 1 19 hours and 14 minutes 0 Mayo 04796R Brackloon N S Westport 43.38 1 18 hours and 23 minutes 0 Mayo 05120L Lehinch N S Hollymount 7.98 0 7 hours and 59 minutes 0 Mayo 05756K Burriscarra N S Carnacon 17.23 0 17 hours and 14 minutes 0 Mayo 06852L Garracloon N S Ballina 22.75 0 22 hours and 45 minutes 0 Mayo 07054L Cullens N S Knockduff 122.5 4 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 07075T S N Naomh Feichin An Crois 40.5 1 15 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 07374G Ballintubber N S Claremorris 42.95 1 17 hours and 57 minutes 0 Mayo 08302J Westport 2 N S Westport 23.08 0 23 hours and 5 minutes 0 Mayo 09040K Newtownwhite ETNS Ballysokerry 21.48 0 21 hours and 29 minutes 0 Mayo 11725I Beheymore N S Ballina 87.5 3 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 11834N Cloondaff N S Newport 16.8 0 16 hours and 48 minutes 0 Mayo 12173A Meelickmore N S Claremorris 37.1 1 12 hours and 6 minutes 0 Mayo 12206M S N Naomh Padraig Corrabheagain 87.5 3 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 12350T S N Na Haille Ballinrobe 50 2 0 Mayo 12373I S N Eachleime Beal An Atha 22.33 0 22 hours and 20 minutes 0 Mayo 12467R Craggagh N S Kiltimagh 28.6 1 3 hours and 36 minutes 0 Mayo 12568A Sn Inbhear Barr Na Tra 24.5 0 24 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 12569C S N Ros Dumhach Beal Atha An Fheadha 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Mayo 12792F Saint Michaels N S Church Road 14.25 0 14 hours and 15 minutes 0 Mayo 12808R Shraheen N S Foxford 15.2 0 15 hours and 12 minutes 0 Mayo 12816Q S N Ceathru An Chlochar Ballinrobe 20.2 0 20 hours and 12 minutes 0 Mayo 12936D Cloonlyon N S Charlestown 49 1 24 hours 0 Mayo 12938H S N Tamhnighan Fheadha Charlestown 18.5 0 18 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 13080V Kilmovee In S Ballaghadeerreen 25.2 1 12 minutes 0 Mayo 13145A S N Naomh Colm Cille Westport 66.5 2 16 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 13152U St Josephs N S Derrywash 40.83 1 15 hours and 50 minutes 0 Mayo 13174H St Columbas N.S. Inishturk 5 0 5 hours 0 Mayo 13222P Sn Gleann A Chaisil Bun Na Habhna 30.73 1 5 hours and 44 minutes 0 Mayo 13225V Cormaic Nfa Garranard P O 24.03 0 24 hours and 2 minutes 0 Mayo 13311O St Patricks Ns Clare Island 10 0 10 hours 0 Mayo 13383Q S N An Tsraith Bun Na Habhann 14.25 0 14 hours and 15 minutes 0 Mayo 13389F Sn An Trian Lair Beal Atha Na Muiche 27.33 1 2 hours and 20 minutes 0 Mayo 13444K S N Beal Atha Na Hein Castlebar 25.2 1 12 minutes 0 Mayo 13500R Mount Pleasant N S Ballyglass 30 1 5 hours 0 Mayo 13555T S N Faitche Westport 53.15 2 3 hours and 9 minutes 0 Mayo 13659I Beacan Mixed N S Bekan 55.88 2 5 hours and 53 minutes 0 Mayo 13667H Scoil Naisiúnta Naomh Seosamh Beal An Atha 40.93 1 15 hours and 56 minutes 0 Mayo 13684H Beannchor N S Bangor 32.5 1 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 13758K Templemary N S Templemary Ns 16.38 0 16 hours and 23 minutes 0 Mayo 13773G S N Gort An Eadain Clar Chlainne Mhuiris 18.5 0 18 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 13781F Breaffy N S Castlebar 172.23 6 22 hours and 14 minutes 1 Mayo 13797U Lecanvey N S Westport 18.5 0 18 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 13882L S N Gleann Na Muaidhe Beal An Atha 14.25 0 14 hours and 15 minutes 0 Mayo 14064F S N Coill An Bhaile Westport 17.23 0 17 hours and 14 minutes 0 Mayo 14188A Barnatra N S Ballina 21.9 0 21 hours and 54 minutes 0 Mayo 14193Q S N Dubh Thuama Gaoth Saile 22.5 0 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 14205U S N Mainistir Muigheo Claremorris 45.18 1 20 hours and 11 minutes 0 Mayo 14258S Cill Mhor Iorrais Beal An Mhuirthead 37.5 1 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 14290O Scoil Naomh Brid Ballycastle 24.35 0 24 hours and 21 minutes 0 Mayo 14418O Bofield Mixed N S Attymass 16.38 0 16 hours and 23 minutes 0 Mayo 14497N S N B Curnanool Castlebar 25.3 1 18 minutes 0 Mayo 14534Q Gortjordan N S Kilmaine 12.98 0 12 hours and 59 minutes 0 Mayo 14808E Irishtown N S Claremorris 21.8 0 21 hours and 48 minutes 0 Mayo 14863M Achill Sound Convent Ns Achill Sound 12.98 0 12 hours and 59 minutes 0 Mayo 14873P Dookinella N.S. Keel 10 0 10 hours 0 Mayo 15014S Corclough Ns Corchloch 47.5 1 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 15030Q St Marys N S Aghamore 40 1 15 hours 0 Mayo 15032U S N Muire Gan Smal Ceathru Thaidgh 20.2 0 20 hours and 12 minutes 0 Mayo 15113U S N Sheamais Barnacogue 10 0 10 hours 0 Mayo 15257V Quignamanger N S Ballina 118.5 4 18 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 15539I St Johns Ns Lugboy 30.3 1 5 hours and 18 minutes 0 Mayo 15555G Breafy N S Ballina 79.43 3 4 hours and 26 minutes 0 Mayo 15866A Carrakennedy N S Westport 16.8 0 16 hours and 48 minutes 0 Mayo 15967G Crimlin N S Castlebar 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Mayo 15996N Rathbane N S Bofeenaun 41.35 1 16 hours and 21 minutes 0 Mayo 16021U Lisaniska N S S N Lios An Uisce 31.15 1 6 hours and 9 minutes 0 Mayo 16052I S N Naomh Padraig Saile Gob A Choire 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Mayo 16113C Sn Toin Na Gaoithe Toin Na Gaoithe 22.5 0 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 16122D Knock N S Claremorris 53 2 3 hours 0 Mayo 16170O Cloghans N S Ballina 12.55 0 12 hours and 33 minutes 0 Mayo 16173U Kinaffe N S Swinford 9.25 0 9 hours and 15 minutes 0 Mayo 16269K Killasser N S Swinford 17.5 0 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 16283E S N Pol A Tsomais Beal An Atha 15.53 0 15 hours and 32 minutes 0 Mayo 16289Q St Johns N S Carrowmore 35 1 10 hours 0 Mayo 16379R Valley N S Dugort 20 0 20 hours 0 Mayo 16562I Knockanillo N S Ballina 17.65 0 17 hours and 39 minutes 0 Mayo 16618J Myna N S Westport 50.08 2 5 minutes 0 Mayo 16756V S N Brighde Tuirin 48.8 1 23 hours and 48 minutes 0 Mayo 16780S Culmore N S Swinford 22.5 0 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 16811D Killala N S Killala 20 0 20 hours 0 Mayo 16832L Muirisc Ns Muirisc 17.23 0 17 hours and 14 minutes 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Mayo 16904K S N Lainn Cille Cathair Na Mart 28.18 1 3 hours and 11 minutes 0 Mayo 16911H S N Leath Ardan Beal Atha Na Fheadha 28.18 1 3 hours and 11 minutes 0 Mayo 16984L S N Naomh Sheosamh Shrule 37.85 1 12 hours and 51 minutes 0 Mayo 17039V S N Coill Mor Drummin 16.8 0 16 hours and 48 minutes 0 Mayo 17082W Scoil Chomain Naofa Hollymount 36.5 1 11 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 17098O S N Tighearnain Naofa Via Crossmolina P.O. 26.8 1 1 hour and 48 minutes 0 Mayo 17119T S N B Ball Aluinn Ball Aluinn 92.5 3 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 17129W S N Naomh Padraig Rath Na Mbeach 21.48 0 21 hours and 29 minutes 0 Mayo 17176I S N Realt Na Mara Mulranny 25.2 1 12 minutes 0 Mayo 17209U Cooneal N.S. Cooneal 33.18 1 8 hours and 11 minutes 0 Mayo 17301I S N Teach Caoin Clar Cloinne Mhuiris 29.88 1 4 hours and 53 minutes 0 Mayo 17321O S N An Coill Mhor Newport 27 1 2 hours 0 Mayo 17482P Clogher Ns Clogher Po 20.63 0 20 hours and 38 minutes 0 Mayo 17483R Carraholly N S Cathair Na Mart 36.15 1 11 hours and 9 minutes 0 Mayo 17532E S N Druim Slaod Baile Cruaich 17.65 0 17 hours and 39 minutes 0 Mayo 17562N St Paul’s N.S. Islandeady 43.48 1 18 hours and 29 minutes 0 Mayo 17585C S N Beal Caradh Belcarra 44.5 1 19 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 17615I Sn Naomh Proinnsias An Choill Rua 25.2 1 12 minutes 0 Mayo 17678J S N Fiondalbha Castlebar 12.98 0 12 hours and 59 minutes 0 Mayo 17682A S N Colm Naofa Coggale 16.8 0 16 hours and 48 minutes 0 Mayo 17727T Sn Croi Muire Beal An Mhuirthid 42.5 1 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 17874J Glencorrib N S Glencorrib 24.03 0 24 hours and 2 minutes 0 Mayo 17923T S N Beal An Mhuirthead Beal An Mhuirthead 37.5 1 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 18002D Drumgallagh N S Ballycroy 17.65 0 17 hours and 39 minutes 0 Mayo 18003F S.N. Athract NFA Charlestown 67.5 2 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 18070U Convent Of Mercy N.S. Claremorris 123.5 4 23 hours and 30 minutes 1 Mayo 18082E S N Dumhach Cathair Na Mart 17.5 0 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 18145C Sn Nmh Treasa Kilkelly 16.38 0 16 hours and 23 minutes 0 Mayo 18503C S N Naomh Brid C Oirreamh 26.9 1 1 hour and 54 minutes 0 Mayo 18506I S N Naomh Padraig B Ballina 35 1 10 hours 0 Mayo 18542M S N Naomh Padraig Castlebar 225 9 2 Mayo 18561Q S N Naomh Ioseph Raithini 105 4 5 hours 0 Mayo 18562S S N An Teaghlaigh An Phairc 38.7 1 13 hours and 42 minutes 0 Mayo 18594I S N Achaidh An Ghlaisin Beal An Mhuirthead 17.5 0 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 18694M Convent Of Mercy N S Castlebar 160 6 10 hours 1 Mayo 18712L S N Cnoc Ruscaighe Westport 76.5 3 1 hour and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 18754E Sn Naomh Seosamh Bun An Chorraigh 24.03 0 24 hours and 2 minutes 0 Mayo 18818E S N Naomh Iosaf Leitir 5 0 5 hours 0 Mayo 18848N S N Peadair Agus Pol Straide 29.45 1 4 hours and 27 minutes 0 Mayo 18880J S N Gort Sceiche Annefield 28.18 1 3 hours and 11 minutes 0 Mayo 18922W S N Chluain Luifin Ballinrobe 45.6 1 20 hours and 36 minutes 0 Mayo 19324H S N Teaghlaigh Naofa Sn Teaghlaigh Naofa 33.28 1 8 hours and 17 minutes 0 Mayo 19394F Robeen Central N S Robeen Central N S 25.2 1 12 minutes 0 Mayo 19402B Ballyvary Central N S Ballyvary Central N S 54.98 2 4 hours and 59 minutes 0 Mayo 19451O Newport Central Baile Ui Bhfiachain 107.68 4 7 hours and 41 minutes 0 Mayo 19488O Scoil Naomh Feichin Sn Ath Ti Mheasaigh 21.48 0 21 hours and 29 minutes 0 Mayo 19651W Carracastle Central Ns Carracastle 32 1 7 hours 0 Mayo 19710M Barnacarroll Central Ns Barnacarroll 55.7 2 5 hours and 42 minutes 0 Mayo 19776T Geesala Central School Beal An Atha 22.5 0 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 19798G St Colmans Ns Dernabruck 10 0 10 hours 0 Mayo 19808G Tavrane Central Ns Kilkelly 15.95 0 15 hours and 57 minutes 0 Mayo 19812U Foxford Central Ns Foxford 81.45 3 6 hours and 27 minutes 0 Mayo 19832D Scoil Raifteiri Faiche An Aonaigh 73.05 2 23 hours and 3 minutes 0 Mayo 19903A Kiltimagh Central Kiltimagh 102.5 4 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 19911W St Patricks Central Ns Kilmaine 50.6 2 36 minutes 0 Mayo 19914F Scoil Naisiunta Thola Both Thola 55 2 5 hours 0 Mayo 19915H Claremorris Boys N.S. Kilcolman Road, Claremorris 60 2 10 hours 0 Mayo 19916J St Peters Ns Snugboro 129.38 5 4 hours and 23 minutes 0 Mayo 19951L Swinford Ns Swinford 60.88 2 10 hours and 53 minutes 0 Mayo 19972T S N Uileog De Burca Clar Chlainne Mhuiris 56.03 2 6 hours and 2 minutes 0 Mayo 20037L S N Padraig Naofa Cluain Cearban 77.5 3 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 20046M Gaelscoil Na Cruaiche Sraid Altamount 48.5 1 23 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 20084U Gaelscoil Na Gceithre Maol Aonad 3, Pairc Gno, Bothar Cill Alla 42.53 1 17 hours and 32 minutes 0 Mayo 20089H St. Josephs N. S. Ballinrobe 161.5 6 11 hours and 30 minutes 1 Mayo 20125I Crossmolina N.S. Crossmolina 80 3 5 hours 0 Mayo 20142I Scoil Iosa Ballyhaunis 147.5 5 22 hours and 30 minutes 1 Mayo 20217N Mount Palmer Ns Kincon 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Mayo 20230F Scoil Phadraig Cathair Na Mart 178.15 7 3 hours and 9 minutes 0 Mayo 20256A Sn Thuar Mhic Eadaigh Triarláir,Tuar Mhic Éadaigh 42.5 1 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 20275E S N Croi Iosa Ballina 183 7 8 hours 0 Mayo 20431P Scoil Neifinn Ballina 21 0 21 hours 0 Mayo 20457K Castlebar ETNS Cavendish Place, Hopkins Road 22 0 22 hours 0 Mayo 20499D St. Mary’s N.S. Partry 15 0 15 hours 0 Mayo 20512P Lacken N.S. Carrowmore-Lacken 12.5 0 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Mayo 20513R Kilmurry NS Crossmolina 26.8 1 1 hour and 48 minutes 0 Meath 00883P Aine Naofa N S Navan 100.5 4 30 minutes 0 Meath 00885T Ratoath Junior Ns Ratoath 127 5 2 hours 1 Meath 01309L Stackallen N S Stackallen 67.5 2 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 01421F Kilskyre Mixed N S Kilskyre 32.23 1 7 hours and 14 minutes 0 Meath 02905J S N Naomh Padraig Baile Bacuin 58.9 2 8 hours and 54 minutes 0 Meath 03275H Newtown N S Newtown 34.88 1 9 hours and 53 minutes 0 Meath 04210H Kilmessan Mxd N S Kilmessan 77.08 3 2 hours and 5 minutes 0 Meath 05062A Kells Parochial N S Kells 32.5 1 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 05630L Scoil Mhichil Na Buachailli Scoil Na Mbrathar 126.5 5 1 hour and 30 minutes 0 Meath 07120V Killyon N S Killyon 43.8 1 18 hours and 48 minutes 0 Meath 09238I Ballinlough N S Ballinlough 37.43 1 12 hours and 26 minutes 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Meath 10801Q Drumbarragh N S Drumbarragh 29.78 1 4 hours and 47 minutes 0 Meath 11039O Kilbeg N.S. Kilbeg 31.05 1 6 hours and 3 minutes 0 Meath 11978O Scoil Mhuire Ns Moylagh 26.8 1 1 hour and 48 minutes 0 Meath 12068D Our Lady Of Mercy N.S. Kells 111 4 11 hours 0 Meath 12488C Gilson N.S. Chapel St. 77.5 3 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 12788O Flowerfield N S Trim Rd 17.55 0 17 hours and 33 minutes 0 Meath 12897T Ughtyneill N S Ughtyneill 12.98 0 12 hours and 59 minutes 0 Meath 13775K St Patricks N S Trim 31.58 1 6 hours and 35 minutes 0 Meath 14348T Carrickleck N S Carrickleck N.S. 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Meath 15104T Bride Naofa N S Cannistown 138 5 13 hours 0 Meath 15483H St Louis N S Rathkenny 19.78 0 19 hours and 47 minutes 0 Meath 16067V Scoil Nais Finin Naofa Clonard 22.5 0 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 16100Q Mercy Convent N S Navan 156.5 6 6 hours and 30 minutes 1 Meath 16143L S N Pheadair Agus Phoil Drumconrath 37.75 1 12 hours and 45 minutes 0 Meath 16549Q Scoil Naoimh Pio Knockcommon 39.13 1 14 hours and 8 minutes 0 Meath 16646O St Marys Convent N S Trim 175 7 1 Meath 16655P St Nicholas Primary School Longwood 130 5 5 hours 0 Meath 16722E Scoil Cholmcille Navan Road 160 6 10 hours 0 Meath 16774A Scoil Eoin Báiste Nobber 28.5 1 3 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 16790V S N Naomh Seosamh Dunsany 32.5 1 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 16825O Kilbride National School Clonee 149.5 5 24 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 16991I Carnaross N S Carn Na Ros 51.68 2 1 hour and 41 minutes 0 Meath 17029S S N Naomh Cianain Cushenstown 27.5 1 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 17088L Scoil Ui Ghramhnaigh Ráth Chairn 72.5 2 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 17089N Cluain Maolain N S Cluain Maolain 87.5 3 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 17123K Kilmainham Wood N S Kilmainham Wood 49.5 1 24 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 17162U S N Bhrighde Baile Corr 29.78 1 4 hours and 47 minutes 0 Meath 17175G Bohermeen N S Bohermeen 101.2 4 1 hour and 12 minutes 0 Meath 17203I S N Ultain Naofa Domhnach Padraig 37 1 12 hours 0 Meath 17213L S N Mhuire Ma Nealta 44.55 1 19 hours and 33 minutes 0 Meath 17220I S N Bhrighde Meath Hill 30.2 1 5 hours and 12 minutes 0 Meath 17312N S N Cul An Mhuilinn Culmullen 44.65 1 19 hours and 39 minutes 0 Meath 17480L S N Baile Cheant Baile Cheant 60.3 2 10 hours and 18 minutes 0 Meath 17494W S N An Rath Mhor Rathmore 30 1 5 hours 0 Meath 17513A Kilbride Ns Kilbride 45.5 1 20 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 17520U S N Mhuire Robinstown 60 2 10 hours 0 Meath 17521W S N Colmcille Scrin 62.5 2 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 17560J S N Seosamh Naomtha Dun Doire 42.5 1 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 17623H Scoil Nais Ui Gramhna Athboy 112.5 4 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 17629T S N Padraig Naofa Ard A'Chatha 30 1 5 hours 0 Meath 17652O Scoil Oilibheir Naofa Coillcluana 87.18 3 12 hours and 11 minutes 0 Meath 17705J S N Cros Ban Whitecross 121 4 21 hours 0 Meath 17741N Scoil Nais Aitinn Bhui Beauparc 85.05 3 10 hours and 3 minutes 0 Meath 17742P Scoil Nais Mhuire Naofa Kiltale 25.53 1 32 minutes 0 Meath 17821L St Marys Primary School Enfield 202.5 8 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 17839H S N Bheinn Naofa B Duleek 159 6 9 hours 0 Meath 17840P S N Bheinin Naofa C Duleek 78.5 3 3 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 17856H S N Dun Uabhair Dun Ubhair 55.3 2 5 hours and 18 minutes 0 Meath 17857J S N Aindreis Naofa Curraha 33.6 1 8 hours and 36 minutes 0 Meath 17930Q S N Seachnaill Naofa Dunshaughlin 178 7 3 hours 0 Meath 17946I Scoil Nais Naomh Aine Maio 17.65 0 17 hours and 39 minutes 0 Meath 17947K Scoil Naomh Bride Boardsmill 67.5 2 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 17964K S N Mhuire Naofa Rathfeigh 29.25 1 4 hours and 15 minutes 0 Meath 17969U S N Mhuire An Uaimh 72.5 2 22 hours and 30 minutes 1 Meath 17986U S N Nmh Sheosamh Boyerstown 50.93 2 56 minutes 0 Meath 18016O S N Columbain Baile Iomhair 128 5 3 hours 0 Meath 18037W S N Mhuire Baile Ui Earain 12.55 0 12 hours and 33 minutes 0 Meath 18040L S N Naomh Padraig Slane 75.03 3 2 minutes 0 Meath 18044T S N Naomh Padraig Stamullen 163 6 13 hours 0 Meath 18051Q Coole N.S. Garradice 32.23 1 7 hours and 14 minutes 0 Meath 18106P S N Na Trionoide Naofa Lios Muilinn 109.5 4 9 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 18132Q S N Muire Carlanstown 50 2 0 Meath 18169Q S N Rath Riagain Baile An Bhothair 43.8 1 18 hours and 48 minutes 0 Meath 18174J S N Caitriona Naofa Baile Oirthir 31.8 1 6 hours and 48 minutes 0 Meath 18195R S N Nmh Fionnan Cluain Ailbhe 12.55 0 12 hours and 33 minutes 0 Meath 18344I S N Mhuire Moynalvey 37 1 12 hours 0 Meath 18358T S N Fiach Baile Na Criadh 37.5 1 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 18413B S N Naomh Treasa Bellewstown 35 1 10 hours 0 Meath 18429Q S N Mhuire Cul Ronain 20.2 0 20 hours and 12 minutes 0 Meath 18448U S N Rath Beagain Rath Beagain 101.25 4 1 hour and 15 minutes 0 Meath 18453N S N Mhichil Naofa Cill 35 1 10 hours 0 Meath 18500T S N Naomh Colmcille Cnoc Hanobhar 30.2 1 5 hours and 12 minutes 0 Meath 18762D S N Realt Na Mara (B) Domhnach Cearnaigh 167.51 6 17 hours and 31 minutes 0 Meath 18767N S N Realt Na Mara (C) Domhnach Cearnaigh 88.5 3 13 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 18887A St. Joseph’S National School Kilcock 27.5 1 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 19018A Dangan Mixed N S Dangan 52.5 2 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 19253K Wilkinstown N S Wilkinstown 48 1 23 hours 0 Meath 19292U Castletown N S Navan 42.5 1 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 19300Q Castlejordan Central Ns Castlejordan 42.5 1 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 19476H St Oliver Plunkett Ns Navan 152.5 6 2 hours and 30 minutes 1 Meath 19486K Scoil Nais Deaglain Ashbourne 231 9 6 hours 1 Meath 19671F St Pauls N S Abbeylands 192 7 17 hours 1 Meath 19725C Gaelscoil Eanna Br. Ath Throim 61.5 2 11 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 19768U Scoil Mhuire Ashbourne 151 6 1 hour 0 Meath 19779C Cill Dheaglain 71.78 2 21 hours and 47 minutes 0 Meath 19813W St. Dymphna’s National School Kildalkey 75 3 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Meath 19867W Scoil Na Rithe Dun Seachlainn 75.28 3 17 minutes 0 Meath 20017F Scoil An Spioraid Naoimh Laytown 123.5 4 23 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 20032B Dunboyne Junior N S Dunboyne 143 5 18 hours 1 Meath 20033D Dunboyne Senior N S Dunboyne 187 7 12 hours 0 Meath 20051F Gaelscoil Na Boinne 9 Blackfriary 45.95 1 20 hours and 57 minutes 0 Meath 20082Q Gaelscoil Thulach Na Nog Br. Ruisc, Dun Buinne 90.5 3 15 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 20164S Navan ETNS Old Dan Shaw Centre, Carriage Road 77 3 2 hours 1 Meath 20179I St. Stephen's N.S. Johnstown 259 10 9 hours 1 Meath 20180Q Scoil Naomh Eoin Clonmagadden Valley 143 5 18 hours 1 Meath 20191V St. Peter's National School Maynooth Road 50.6 2 36 minutes 0 Meath 20200T Ratoath Senior N S Ratoath 142.05 5 17 hours and 3 minutes 0 Meath 20215J St. Pauls National School Ratoath 227.5 9 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 20216L Scoil Oilibhéir Naofa Bettystown 145.45 5 20 hours and 27 minutes 1 Meath 20258E Gaelscoil An Bhreadan Feasa Bóthar An Mhuilinn 138.23 5 13 hours and 14 minutes 0 Meath 20352T Ard Rí Community N.S. C/O Navan Rugby Club 64.5 2 14 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 20382F Gaelscoil Na Mí Ashbourne 71.5 2 21 hours and 30 minutes 0 Meath 20396Q Ashbourne ETNS Via Ashbourne Community Centre, Deerpark 141 5 16 hours 0 Meath 20444B Trim ETNS Glebe, Kildalkey Road 23 0 23 hours 0 Monaghan 00359V St. Louis Girls National School Park Road 121.5 4 21 hours and 30 minutes 1 Monaghan 00373P Deravoy National School Deravoy 42.2 1 17 hours and 12 minutes 0 Monaghan 05501A Scoil Naoimh Eanna Killanny 55.73 2 5 hours and 44 minutes 0 Monaghan 06028F Rockcorry N S Rockcorry 17.23 0 17 hours and 14 minutes 0 Monaghan 06117E Doohamlet N S Doohamlet 49 1 24 hours 0 Monaghan 07751K Monaghan Model School Monaghan 37.33 1 12 hours and 20 minutes 0 Monaghan 09186P Scoil Mhuire Machaire Airne 31.05 1 6 hours and 3 minutes 0 Monaghan 10282S Drumacruttin N S Drumacruttin 18.93 0 18 hours and 56 minutes 0 Monaghan 10429W Scoil Mhuire Rockcorry 27.65 1 2 hours and 39 minutes 0 Monaghan 10751E Clontibret N S Clontibret 25.73 1 44 minutes 0 Monaghan 13632L Annalitten N S Annalitten Ns 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Monaghan 13811L Corcreagh N S Corcreagh 10 0 10 hours 0 Monaghan 14071C Drumgossett N S Drumgossett 20 0 20 hours 0 Monaghan 15142E Naomh Micheal Domhnach Maighin 20.95 0 20 hours and 57 minutes 0 Monaghan 15143G Lisdoonan N S Lisdoonan 38.6 1 13 hours and 36 minutes 0 Monaghan 15329U Bun Scoil Louis Naofa Cloughvalley 70 2 20 hours 0 Monaghan 15654I Knockconnon N S Knockconnon 46.35 1 21 hours and 21 minutes 0 Monaghan 16129R Corcaghan N S Corcaghan 24.78 0 24 hours and 47 minutes 0 Monaghan 16202B Castleblayney Convent N.S. Castleblayney 45.5 1 20 hours and 30 minutes 0 Monaghan 16319W Castleblayney Convent Infants N.S. Castleblaney 55 2 5 hours 0 Monaghan 16769H Latnamard N S Latnamard 31.48 1 6 hours and 29 minutes 0 Monaghan 16842O Eanaigh Gheala N S Castleblaney 66.88 2 16 hours and 53 minutes 0 Monaghan 16923O Iorball Sionnaigh N S Urbleshanny 109.4 4 9 hours and 24 minutes 0 Monaghan 16954C Scoil Mhichil Rockwallace 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Monaghan 16968N S N Blaithin Iosa Macaire Cluana 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Monaghan 17099Q St. Joseph’s Boys N.S. Farney Street 117.5 4 17 hours and 30 minutes 1 Monaghan 17126Q Scoil Enda Achadh Na Habhla 27.5 1 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Monaghan 17150N St Marys BNS St Marys Hill 197.5 7 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Monaghan 17686I Scoil Mhuire B Castleblaney 70 2 20 hours 0 Monaghan 17735S St Patricks Ns Broomfield 39.45 1 14 hours and 27 minutes 0 Monaghan 17776J S N Comhghall Coininsi 18.93 0 18 hours and 56 minutes 0 Monaghan 18023L S N Ath Na Bh-Fearcon Ath Na Bh-Fearcon 28.6 1 3 hours and 36 minutes 0 Monaghan 18028V Corr A Chrainn National School Corr A Chrainn 93.13 3 18 hours and 8 minutes 0 Monaghan 18234B Scoil Naomh Padraig Eo-Dhruim 30 1 5 hours 0 Monaghan 18256L Scoil Bhrighde Silverstream 15 0 15 hours 0 Monaghan 18401R Scoil Mhuire Glasloch 25.1 1 6 minutes 0 Monaghan 18482U Mhuire Gransla Leachtgallon 29.45 1 4 hours and 27 minutes 0 Monaghan 18494E St Louis Infant School Park Road 127.5 5 2 hours and 30 minutes 2 Monaghan 18539A Scoil Naomh Mhuire Cluain Tiobraid 52.95 2 2 hours and 57 minutes 0 Monaghan 18820O S N Cholmcille Taithe Bui, Carraig Mhachaire Rois 25 1 0 Monaghan 19036C Scoil Phadraig Garrann 15.1 0 15 hours and 6 minutes 0 Monaghan 19162H Threemilehouse N S Threemilehouse 66.65 2 16 hours and 39 minutes 0 Monaghan 19251G Scoil Naomh Deagha Inniskeen, Dundalk 92.5 3 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Monaghan 19362P St Patricks N S Clara 35.5 1 10 hours and 30 minutes 0 Monaghan 19364T Killeevan Central N S Newbliss 30 1 5 hours 0 Monaghan 19434O Latton N.S. Latton 62.5 2 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Monaghan 19469K Naomh Oliver Plunkett Loch Morn 87.5 3 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Monaghan 19703P Drumcorrin N S Drum 12.55 0 12 hours and 33 minutes 0 Monaghan 19736H Scoil Phadraig Corduff 40.3 1 15 hours and 18 minutes 0 Monaghan 19737J Castleblayney Cent N S Castleblayney 10 0 10 hours 0 Monaghan 19738L St Dympnas Ns Tydavnet 17.98 0 17 hours and 59 minutes 0 Monaghan 19780K Scoil Bride Mullaghrafferty 55.18 2 5 hours and 11 minutes 0 Monaghan 19857T Scoil Rois Carraig Mhachaire Rois 44.25 1 19 hours and 15 minutes 0 Monaghan 19884W Ballybay Central Ns Ballybay 27.5 1 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Monaghan 19936P An Cnoc 101.65 4 1 hour and 39 minutes 0 Monaghan 20055N Gaelscoil Eois BÓTHAR ROS LIATH 17.55 0 17 hours and 33 minutes 0 Monaghan 20067U St Josephs N S Knockatallon 21.5 0 21 hours and 30 minutes 0 Monaghan 20120V Scoil Chroi Ro Naofa Clones 175.5 7 30 minutes 1 Monaghan 20174V Scoil Eanna Ballybay 121 4 21 hours 0 Monaghan 20246U Billis National School Billis 10 0 10 hours 0 Monaghan 20327U Gaelscoil Lorgan Baile Na Lorgan 49.13 1 24 hours and 8 minutes 0 Monaghan 20337A Edenmore Ns Emyvale 70.5 2 20 hours and 30 minutes 0 Offaly 02413L S N Naomh Eoin An Rath 40.4 1 15 hours and 24 minutes 0 Offaly 03220F Mercy Primary School Birr 80 3 5 hours 0 Offaly 07191V S N Seosamh Gortnamona 51.55 2 1 hour and 33 minutes 0 Offaly 07949I S N Osmann Birr 26.8 1 1 hour and 48 minutes 0 Offaly 09191I Geashill 1 N.S. Geashill 77.5 3 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Offaly 10353P Charleville N S Charleville 34.03 1 9 hours and 2 minutes 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Offaly 11203B St Kierans N S Clareen 23.5 0 23 hours and 30 minutes 0 Offaly 12294M St Cronans Mixed N S Banagher 25.2 1 12 minutes 0 Offaly 12343W Shinrone Mixed N S Shinrone 47.5 1 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Offaly 12370C St Brendans Monastery Birr 125 5 0 Offaly 13118U Clara Convent N S Clara 147 5 22 hours 0 Offaly 13191H High St Mixed N S Belmont 26.05 1 1 hour and 3 minutes 0 Offaly 15325M Clonbullogue N S Clonbullogue 50 2 0 Offaly 15395K Mount Bolus N S Mount Bolus 12.55 0 12 hours and 33 minutes 0 Offaly 15638K Edenderry 2 N S Edenderry 22.65 0 22 hours and 39 minutes 0 Offaly 15656M Ballykilmurry N S Ballykilmurry 78.68 3 3 hours and 41 minutes 0 Offaly 15923J Cloneyhurke N S Cloneyhurke 27.5 1 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Offaly 15983E S N Naomh Brogain Brackna 27.65 1 2 hours and 39 minutes 0 Offaly 16013V Edenderry Convent N S St. Mary's Road 133.5 5 8 hours and 30 minutes 1 Offaly 16435B St Ciarans Mixed N S Ballycumber 55 2 5 hours 0 Offaly 16620T Daingean N S Daingean 114 4 14 hours 0 Offaly 16802C Ceann Eitigh N S Ceann Eitigh 49.5 1 24 hours and 30 minutes 0 Offaly 16928B S N Naomh Philomena Tullamore 55.01 2 5 hours and 1 minutes 0 Offaly 16990G S N Naomh Callin Ros Sionnaigh 49.43 1 24 hours and 26 minutes 0 Offaly 17003A S N Seosamh Muine Ghall 26.9 1 1 hour and 54 minutes 0 Offaly 17031F Shinchill N S Shinchill 126.5 5 1 hour and 30 minutes 0 Offaly 17069H S N Muire Naofa Pollach 62.5 2 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Offaly 17188P S N Chiarain Naofa Clonmacnois Ns 25.63 1 38 minutes 0 Offaly 17336E S N Mhuire Bainrioghan Scoil Muire Bainrioghan 31.58 1 6 hours and 35 minutes 0 Offaly 17508H S N Naomh Cholumchille Durrow 81.6 3 6 hours and 36 minutes 0 Offaly 17523D S N Cronain Naofa Drum Ui Cianain 92.28 3 17 hours and 17 minutes 0 Offaly 17540D S N Mhanachain An Tobar 105 4 5 hours 0 Offaly 17616K Naomh Mhuire N S Inis Na Mbreathnach 37.5 1 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Offaly 17637S S N Sheosaimh Naofa Beal Atha Na Gcarr 58.8 2 8 hours and 48 minutes 0 Offaly 17746A Scoil Colmain Naofa Muclach 138.5 5 13 hours and 30 minutes 0 Offaly 17753U S N Chiarain Naofa Breach Choill 21.48 0 21 hours and 29 minutes 0 Offaly 17827A Scoil Phadraig Portarlington 200.5 8 30 minutes 0 Offaly 18057F Scoil Mhuire Tullamore 153.5 6 3 hours and 30 minutes 1 Offaly 18068K S N Peadar Agus Pol Ath An Urchair 14.25 0 14 hours and 15 minutes 0 Offaly 18115Q S N Mhuire Cluain Na Ngamhain 76 3 1 hour 0 Offaly 18157J St Rynaghs N S Banagher 110 4 10 hours 0 Offaly 18267Q Croinchoill N S Croinchill 123.5 4 23 hours and 30 minutes 0 Offaly 18328K S N Phadraig Baile Bhriain 46.25 1 21 hours and 15 minutes 0 Offaly 18331W S N Caoimhin Naofa Cluain Lisc 45.93 1 20 hours and 56 minutes 0 Offaly 18335H S N Mhuire Naofa An Rod 75 3 0 Offaly 18364O S N Muire Bainrion Edenderry 91.5 3 16 hours and 30 minutes 0 Offaly 18399K S N Bhride Baile Bui 22.98 0 22 hours and 59 minutes 0 Offaly 18406E S N Proinsias Naofa Clarach 158.5 6 8 hours and 30 minutes 0 Offaly 18524K S N Naomh Brighde Buach Tullamore 107.5 4 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Offaly 18537T S N Ros Com Rua Ros Cum Rua 14.25 0 14 hours and 15 minutes 0 Offaly 18690E Scoil Bhride An Cruachan 37.85 1 12 hours and 51 minutes 0 Offaly 18777Q S N Lomchluana An Clochan 27.5 1 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Offaly 18795S S N Mhuire Cul An Airne 27.75 1 2 hours and 45 minutes 0 Offaly 18797W S N Naomh Seosamh Arden View 197 7 22 hours 0 Offaly 19354Q St Colmans N S Cappagh 50 2 0 Offaly 19638H Coolderry Central Ns Brosna 28.5 1 3 hours and 30 minutes 0 Offaly 19713S Arden Boys Ns Arden View 95.5 3 20 hours and 30 minutes 0 Offaly 19990V Gaelscoil An Eiscir Riada Cluain Calga 58.7 2 8 hours and 42 minutes 0 Offaly 20068W St Mary's N.S. Cloghan 27.65 1 2 hours and 39 minutes 0 Offaly 20189L Tullamore ETNS Collins Lane 85 3 10 hours 1 Offaly 20267F Scoil Bhride Primary School Edenderry 308.5 12 8 hours and 30 minutes 0 Offaly 20273A S.N. Chartaigh Naofa An Raithean 92.38 3 17 hours and 23 minutes 0 Offaly 20289P St. Cynoc's N.S. Ferbane 80 3 5 hours 0 Offaly 20332N Gaelscoil Eadan Doire F/Ch Club Peile Bhaile Eadan Doire 53.9 2 3 hours and 54 minutes 0 Offaly 20387P Scoil Mhuire & Chormaic Kilcormac 47.5 1 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Offaly 20461B Gaelscoil na Laochra Tullamore Road, Biorra 25 1 0 Roscommon 01086R S N Pol Naofa Castlerea 50 2 0 Roscommon 01607T S.N. Cor Na Fola Athlone 129.38 5 4 hours and 23 minutes 0 Roscommon 01866U Ballyforan Mixed N S Ballinasloe 34.55 1 9 hours and 33 minutes 0 Roscommon 04800F Rooskey N S Carrick On Shannon 42.95 1 17 hours and 57 minutes 0 Roscommon 05220P S N Michil Naofa Woodbrook 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Roscommon 06100K S N Cill Ronain Boyle 10 0 10 hours 0 Roscommon 10967E Threen N S Castlerea 24.88 0 24 hours and 53 minutes 0 Roscommon 11201U S N Naomh Padraig Scrabbagh Ns 15.1 0 15 hours and 6 minutes 0 Roscommon 11242L Cloonbonnif N S Castlerea 12.98 0 12 hours and 59 minutes 0 Roscommon 11466K Lismoil N.S. Curragboy 15.95 0 15 hours and 57 minutes 0 Roscommon 11943S Ballinlough N S Ballinlough 10 0 10 hours 0 Roscommon 12003V S.N. Ronain Caislean Samsain 24.03 0 24 hours and 2 minutes 0 Roscommon 12754U S.N. Cnoc An Samhraidh Ath Luain 140.5 5 15 hours and 30 minutes 1 Roscommon 12964I S N Naomh Seosamh Ballymurray 43.05 1 18 hours and 3 minutes 0 Roscommon 13047A S N Lios A Cuill M Castlerea 45 1 20 hours 0 Roscommon 13198V St Annes Con N.S. Castlerea 47.95 1 22 hours and 57 minutes 0 Roscommon 13262E Clover Hill N.S. Roscommon 33 1 8 hours 0 Roscommon 13498K Cloonfour N.S. Rooskey 7.98 0 7 hours and 59 minutes 0 Roscommon 13757I Tarmon N.S. Castlerea 82.5 3 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Roscommon 13839K Carrick N.S. Curragboy 18.5 0 18 hours and 30 minutes 0 Roscommon 13879W Slatta N.S. S N Slatach 14.25 0 14 hours and 15 minutes 0 Roscommon 13978B S N Naomh Padraig Beal Atha Fearnan 16.38 0 16 hours and 23 minutes 0 Roscommon 14056G Mount Talbot N S Mount Talbot 27 1 2 hours 0 Roscommon 14356S Lisaniskey N S Ballydooley P. O. 38.28 1 13 hours and 17 minutes 0 Roscommon 14684M Aughrim N S Hillstreet 15.53 0 15 hours and 32 minutes 0 Roscommon 14925I S N Naomh Eoin Ballinameen 12.98 0 12 hours and 59 minutes 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Roscommon 14966W Kilteevan N S Roscommon 24.03 0 24 hours and 2 minutes 0 Roscommon 15043C Clochar Na Trocaire Mainistir Na Buille 89.73 3 14 hours and 44 minutes 0 Roscommon 15045G S N Naomh Padraig Beal Atha Na Mbuilli 21.9 0 21 hours and 54 minutes 0 Roscommon 15255R Don N S Ballaghaderreen 27.33 1 2 hours and 20 minutes 0 Roscommon 15308M Athleague N.S. Athleague 23 0 23 hours 0 Roscommon 15413J Brideswell N.S. Athlone 40.5 1 15 hours and 30 minutes 0 Roscommon 15425Q Fairymount N S Fairymount Ns 15.95 0 15 hours and 57 minutes 0 Roscommon 15531P Scoil Mhuire Newtown 53.25 2 3 hours and 15 minutes 0 Roscommon 15543W Tibohine N S Castlerea 26.5 1 1 hour and 30 minutes 0 Roscommon 15545D Castleplunkett N S Castleplunkett 15 0 15 hours 0 Roscommon 15557K Cloonfad N.S. Ballyhaunis 57.5 2 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Roscommon 15584N Grange N S Boyle 20.2 0 20 hours and 12 minutes 0 Roscommon 15614T Taughmaconnell N.S. Teach Mhic Conaill 48.9 1 23 hours and 54 minutes 0 Roscommon 15628H St Josephs B.N.S. Boyle 42.1 1 17 hours and 6 minutes 0 Roscommon 15664L Granlahan G.N.S. Ballinlough 22.75 0 22 hours and 45 minutes 0 Roscommon 15980V Camcloon N.S. Athlone 35.93 1 10 hours and 56 minutes 0 Roscommon 16009H Carrick Mixed N S Ballinlough 55 2 5 hours 0 Roscommon 16034G Tulsk N S Tulsk 45.18 1 20 hours and 11 minutes 0 Roscommon 16127N Gorthaganny N S Carrowbehy Po 50 2 0 Roscommon 16291D Clooncagh N S Strokestown 21.48 0 21 hours and 29 minutes 0 Roscommon 16334S Ballintubber N S Castlerea 50 2 0 Roscommon 16427C Clonown N.S. Athlone 14.25 0 14 hours and 15 minutes 0 Roscommon 16815L S N Naomh Ceitheach Runamoat 37.5 1 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Roscommon 16816N Attyrory N S Ballinasloe 21 0 21 hours 0 Roscommon 17054R S.N. Ard Cianain Druim 36.25 1 11 hours and 15 minutes 0 Roscommon 17100V S N Rath Aradh Roscommon 10 0 10 hours 0 Roscommon 17266J Ballanagare N S Castlerea 32 1 7 hours 0 Roscommon 17329H S N Paroisteach Boyle 16.8 0 16 hours and 48 minutes 0 Roscommon 17353E S N Cill Trostain Strokestown 23.6 0 23 hours and 36 minutes 0 Roscommon 17492S S N Mhuire Kilmurray 10 0 10 hours 0 Roscommon 17571O Kilmore N S Carrick On Shannon 26.48 1 1 hour and 29 minutes 0 Roscommon 17622F S N Lasair Naofa Arigna 16.38 0 16 hours and 23 minutes 0 Roscommon 17709R S N Naomh Mhuire Drumboylan,'Leitrim P O 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Roscommon 17748E S N Padraig Naofa Dungar 22.5 0 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Roscommon 17808T St. Mary's Primary Strokestown 45.5 1 20 hours and 30 minutes 0 Roscommon 17849K S N O Dubhlain Ballagh 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Roscommon 17904P S N Brusna Brusna 32.5 1 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Roscommon 18005J Scoil Mhuire Gan Smal Fiobhach Diseart 17.65 0 17 hours and 39 minutes 0 Roscommon 18012G S N Cruachain Boyle 80 3 5 hours 0 Roscommon 18027T Clooniquin N S Ailfionn 21.48 0 21 hours and 29 minutes 0 Roscommon 18061T Scoil Mhuire Ballyleague 33.28 1 8 hours and 17 minutes 0 Roscommon 18116S Mns Cluain Tuaiscirt Lanesboro 37.1 1 12 hours and 6 minutes 0 Roscommon 18165I Tisrara National School Tigh Srathra 33.7 1 8 hours and 42 minutes 0 Roscommon 18182I Naomh Atrachta Kingsland 19.78 0 19 hours and 47 minutes 0 Roscommon 18194P Ciaran Naofa Fiodharta 32.5 1 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Roscommon 18272J S N Naomh Eoin Lecarrow 11 0 11 hours 0 Roscommon 18395C S.N. Cluain Na Cille Athlone 141 5 16 hours 0 Roscommon 18432F S N Baile Ui Fhidhne Screamog 47.73 1 22 hours and 44 minutes 0 Roscommon 18454P S N Naomh Treasa Carraigin Rua 36.15 1 11 hours and 9 minutes 0 Roscommon 18536R S N Mhuire Lourdes Loch Glinne 29.88 1 4 hours and 53 minutes 0 Roscommon 18571T S N Cnoc An Chrocaire Cnoc An Chrocaire 78 3 3 hours 0 Roscommon 18626S S.N. An Gleann Duibh Kiltoom 58 2 8 hours 0 Roscommon 18729F Ballintleva N.S. Curraghboy 32.43 1 7 hours and 26 minutes 0 Roscommon 18742U Roxboro N S Doireain 98.5 3 23 hours and 30 minutes 0 Roscommon 19257S Strabaggan N S Loch Aillinne 15.53 0 15 hours and 32 minutes 0 Roscommon 19368E S N Naomh Ciaran Scoil Naomh Ciaran 62.83 2 12 hours and 50 minutes 0 Roscommon 19534S Ballybay Central Kiltoom 76 3 1 hour 0 Roscommon 19720P N Micheal Agus Padraig Cootehall 49.5 1 24 hours and 30 minutes 0 Roscommon 19809I Abbeycarton N.S. Elphin 82.5 3 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Roscommon 19815D St Bridgets N.S. Fourmilehouse 46.78 1 21 hours and 47 minutes 0 Roscommon 19980S St Attractas N S Ballaghaderreen 91 3 16 hours 1 Roscommon 20126K Gaelscoil De Hide Pairc An Mhota 60 2 10 hours 0 Roscommon 20498B St Coman’s Wood Primary School Convent Road 310 12 10 hours 2 Sligo 02013S Ballintogher N S Ballintogher 36.15 1 11 hours and 9 minutes 0 Sligo 03924S Owenbeg N S Owenbeg P O 19.25 0 19 hours and 15 minutes 0 Sligo 04487E S N Naithi Naofa Achonry 50 2 0 Sligo 04802J Cloonacool N S Tubbercurry 29.35 1 4 hours and 21 minutes 0 Sligo 09691F Killeenduff N S Killeenduff 15.95 0 15 hours and 57 minutes 0 Sligo 12140I St. Joseph’s N.S. Culleens 10 0 10 hours 0 Sligo 12171T Corballa N S Ballina 31.05 1 6 hours and 3 minutes 0 Sligo 12537M Carn N S Gurteen 30.2 1 5 hours and 12 minutes 0 Sligo 12767G S N Ronain Naofa Cloonloo 38.9 1 13 hours and 54 minutes 0 Sligo 13196R Riverstown 2 N S Riverstown 12.98 0 12 hours and 59 minutes 0 Sligo 13242V Castlerock N S Aclare 17.23 0 17 hours and 14 minutes 0 Sligo 13831R Moylough N S Tubbercurry 28.5 1 3 hours and 30 minutes 0 Sligo 13940W Enniscrone N S Enniscrone 40.5 1 15 hours and 30 minutes 0 Sligo 14051T Stokane Ns Enniscrone 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Sligo 14636B Carraroe N S An Ceathru Rua 113.5 4 13 hours and 30 minutes 0 Sligo 15004P Scoil Asicus Lar Easa 88 3 13 hours 0 Sligo 15217J Ardkeerin N S Riverstown 58.58 2 8 hours and 35 minutes 0 Sligo 15337T S N Mhuire Caislean Geal 17.23 0 17 hours and 14 minutes 0 Sligo 15342M S N Naomh Mhuire Ceis Chorainn 10 0 10 hours 0 Sligo 15378K Rockfield N S Coolaney 52.5 2 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Sligo 15431L Killaville N S Ballymote 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Sligo 15496Q Leaffoney N S Kilglass 10 0 10 hours 0 Sligo 15571E Kilglass N S Enniscrone 25.95 1 57 minutes 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Sligo 16044J Kilross N S Ballintogher 12.98 0 12 hours and 59 minutes 0 Sligo 16136O Cliffoney N S Cliffoney 41.78 1 16 hours and 47 minutes 0 Sligo 16492N Rathlee N S Ballina 22.23 0 22 hours and 14 minutes 0 Sligo 16781U Coolbock N S Riverstown 16.38 0 16 hours and 23 minutes 0 Sligo 16927W S N Naomh Sheosaimh Kilmactrany 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Sligo 17021C S N Padraig Naofa Ballyweelin 62.93 2 12 hours and 56 minutes 0 Sligo 17277O St Edwards N S Ballytivnan 102.5 4 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Sligo 17283J S N Padraig Naofa Geevagh 39.98 1 14 hours and 59 minutes 0 Sligo 17599N S N Baile An Luig Beal Tra 10 0 10 hours 0 Sligo 17641J S N Realt Na Mara Rosses Point 25 1 0 Sligo 17725P S N Bhride Carn 16.38 0 16 hours and 23 minutes 0 Sligo 17774F S N Lissara Naofa Baile Na Carra 30.2 1 5 hours and 12 minutes 0 Sligo 17838F S N Eoin Naofa Baile Easa Dara 89.2 3 14 hours and 12 minutes 0 Sligo 17967Q S N Mullach Rua Gurteen 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Sligo 18029A S N Muire Gan Smal Druimeanna 22.5 0 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Sligo 18053U Sooey N S Sughaidh 54.75 2 4 hours and 45 minutes 0 Sligo 18298E S N Cul Fada Cul Fada 32.75 1 7 hours and 45 minutes 0 Sligo 18334F S N Croc Mionna Baile An Mhota 30.3 1 5 hours and 18 minutes 0 Sligo 18366S S N Aodain Ballintrillick 14.25 0 14 hours and 15 minutes 0 Sligo 18543O S N Clochog Castlebaldwin 30.2 1 5 hours and 12 minutes 0 Sligo 18575E S N Molaoise Grainseach 100 4 0 Sligo 18580U S N Muire Gan Smal Cill Ruis Iochtar 10 0 10 hours 0 Sligo 18592E S N Naomh Iosef Ard Chill 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Sligo 18715R S N Pairc Ard Dromard 25.1 1 6 minutes 0 Sligo 18979F S N Ursula Strandhill Road 137.5 5 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Sligo 19389M Sn Muire Gan Smal Droimban Curraigh 40.83 1 15 hours and 50 minutes 0 Sligo 19392B Scoil Naomh Aodain Scoil Aodain 35.4 1 10 hours and 24 minutes 0 Sligo 19408N Rathcormack N S Rathcormack 70.5 2 20 hours and 30 minutes 0 Sligo 19416M St Pauls Ns Collooney St Pauls Ns 22.65 0 22 hours and 39 minutes 0 Sligo 19495L Carbury Nat Sch The Mall 110 4 10 hours 0 Sligo 19635B Ransboro New Central Strandhill 91.5 3 16 hours and 30 minutes 0 Sligo 19688W Dromore West Central Dromore West 20.95 0 20 hours and 57 minutes 0 Sligo 19826I St Brendans Ns Cartron, Sligo Town 92.5 3 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Sligo 19910U Sligo Project School Abbey Quarter 20.95 0 20 hours and 57 minutes 0 Sligo 19942K St Patricks Ns Coolgagh 54.5 2 4 hours and 30 minutes 0 Sligo 19964U Scoil Mhuire Gan Smal Ballymote 86 3 11 hours 0 Sligo 19974A Scoil Eoin Naofa Sraid An Teampaill 103.5 4 3 hours and 30 minutes 0 Sligo 19985F Our Lady Of Mercy N S Pearse Road 201.5 8 1 hour and 30 minutes 1 Sligo 20019J Holy Family School Tubbercurry 62.5 2 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Sligo 20044I Gaelscoil Chnoc Na Re Bothar Baile Ui Dhugain 65.4 2 15 hours and 24 minutes 0 Sligo 20113B Scoil Croi Naofa Bunninadden 25 1 0 Sligo 20122C Scoil Mhuire Agus Iosaf Collooney 63.05 2 13 hours and 3 minutes 0 Sligo 20385L Our Lady's N.S. Banada 30.3 1 5 hours and 18 minutes 0 Tipperary 00606M Monard N S Monard 32.43 1 7 hours and 26 minutes 0 Tipperary 01285A Tipperary Jnr Bn S Tipperary 62.5 2 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 01569O Ballycahill N S Ballycahill 25.2 1 12 minutes 0 Tipperary 01594N St Johns Roscrea 110 4 10 hours 0 Tipperary 01862M Tipperary G.N.S. St.Michael'S St 65 2 15 hours 0 Tipperary 02237R Dualla N S Dualla 31.05 1 6 hours and 3 minutes 0 Tipperary 02428B Lackamore N S Newport 23.6 0 23 hours and 36 minutes 0 Tipperary 02670I San Isadoir Bothar Leathan 28.5 1 3 hours and 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 04005G S N Naomh Peadar Horse And Jockey 82.28 3 7 hours and 17 minutes 0 Tipperary 04067F Convent Of Mercy Newport 89.33 3 14 hours and 20 minutes 0 Tipperary 04075E Moyglass N S Moyglass 31.38 1 6 hours and 23 minutes 0 Tipperary 04620D Thomastown N S Thomastown 28.93 1 3 hours and 56 minutes 0 Tipperary 05144C New Inn B.N.S. Cashel 15.95 0 15 hours and 57 minutes 0 Tipperary 06658P Kildangan N S Puckane 59 2 9 hours 0 Tipperary 06789H Lisronagh N S Lisronagh 34.88 1 9 hours and 53 minutes 0 Tipperary 07245S Cullen N S Cullen 12.55 0 12 hours and 33 minutes 0 Tipperary 07358I S N Sceichin A Rince An Chuirt Doite 16.38 0 16 hours and 23 minutes 0 Tipperary 09190G Boher N S Boher 90.55 3 15 hours and 33 minutes 0 Tipperary 09432E St Joseph's Primary School Murgasty Road 65 2 15 hours 0 Tipperary 09967U Upper Newtown N S Upper Newtown 25.63 1 38 minutes 0 Tipperary 10120P S N Mhuire Na Trocaire Cahir 80 3 5 hours 1 Tipperary 10533R Ballydrehid N S Cahir 40 1 15 hours 0 Tipperary 11367I Portroe N S Nenagh 54.33 2 4 hours and 20 minutes 0 Tipperary 11384I Gurtagarry N S Toomevara 17.23 0 17 hours and 14 minutes 0 Tipperary 11453B Lisnamrock N S Coalbrook 33.28 1 8 hours and 17 minutes 0 Tipperary 11470B Slieveardagh N S The Commons 22.5 0 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 11605V Rosegreen N S Cnocan An Teampail 53.38 2 3 hours and 23 minutes 0 Tipperary 11872V Clochar Na Toirbhirte Presentation Convent 108 4 8 hours 0 Tipperary 12124K Rear N S Newport 37.1 1 12 hours and 6 minutes 0 Tipperary 12180U Presentation Primary School Clonmel 141 5 16 hours 0 Tipperary 12349L S N Muire Na Naingeal Clochar Na Carthanachta 147.5 5 22 hours and 30 minutes 1 Tipperary 12540B Clonmore N S Templemore 44.33 1 19 hours and 20 minutes 0 Tipperary 13404V Scoil Mhuire Gan Smal New Inn 27 1 2 hours 0 Tipperary 13678M Killurney N S Ballypatrick 17.23 0 17 hours and 14 minutes 0 Tipperary 13847J Hollyford N S Hollyford 12.98 0 12 hours and 59 minutes 0 Tipperary 13867P Roscrea N S No 2 St Cronans N.S. 30 1 5 hours 0 Tipperary 13991Q Birdhill N S Newport 74.5 2 24 hours and 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 14008S S N Bhride Dun Na Sciath 37.5 1 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 14181J Poulicapple N S Callan 32 1 7 hours 0 Tipperary 14426N Knockavilla N S Dundrum 48.8 1 23 hours and 48 minutes 0 Tipperary 14460N Killea N S Templemore 16.38 0 16 hours and 23 minutes 0 Tipperary 14791N Cappawhite N S Cappawhite 46 1 21 hours 0 Tipperary 15008A Shronell N S Lattin 24.35 0 24 hours and 21 minutes 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Tipperary 15157R Mount Bruis N S Mount Bruis 25.5 1 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 15299O Gaile N.S. Holycross 25.3 1 18 minutes 0 Tipperary 15362S S.N. Michil Naofa Mullinahone 51 2 1 hour 0 Tipperary 15560W Ballinree N S Nenagh 46.78 1 21 hours and 47 minutes 0 Tipperary 15696B Silvermines N S Nenagh 24.35 0 24 hours and 21 minutes 0 Tipperary 15778D St Marys N S Nenagh 45 1 20 hours 0 Tipperary 15795D St Marys N S Templemore 24.5 0 24 hours and 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 15970S Ballytarsna N S Cashel 31.5 1 6 hours and 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 16077B Ardfinnan N S Clonmel 125.5 5 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 16111V Killusty N S Fethard 10 0 10 hours 0 Tipperary 16112A St Marys Convent Nenagh 126 5 1 hour 1 Tipperary 16166A Carrig N.S. Birr 26.9 1 1 hour and 54 minutes 0 Tipperary 16211C Two Mile Borris N.S. Thurles 77.5 3 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 16250M Templetuohy N.S. Thurles 45 1 20 hours 0 Tipperary 16276H Carrig N.S. Ballycommon 107.58 4 7 hours and 35 minutes 0 Tipperary 16344V St. Mary's Jnr B.N.S. St. Flannan's St., Nenagh 107.5 4 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 16725K S.N. Mhuire Na Mbraithre Carrick On Suir 75 3 0 Tipperary 16727O Scoil Na Mbraithre Nenagh 147.5 5 22 hours and 30 minutes 1 Tipperary 16728Q St. Mary's N.S. Irishtown 147.5 5 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 16729S St. Peter and Paul N.S. Clonmel 155 6 5 hours 0 Tipperary 16810B Eochaille Ara N.S. Newtown 47.63 1 22 hours and 38 minutes 0 Tipperary 16933R Loch Mor Maigh N.S. Templemore 55.28 2 5 hours and 17 minutes 0 Tipperary 16979S Scoil Colmcille Templemore 83.75 3 8 hours and 45 minutes 0 Tipperary 17114J S N An Ghabhailin Cashel 33.6 1 8 hours and 36 minutes 0 Tipperary 17140K S N Baile Sluagh Thurles 15.53 0 15 hours and 32 minutes 0 Tipperary 17179O S N An Cillin Birr 47.63 1 22 hours and 38 minutes 0 Tipperary 17237C S N Cill Barfhionn Coolbawn 26.9 1 1 hour and 54 minutes 0 Tipperary 17244W S N Naomh Ruadhain Lorrha 10 0 10 hours 0 Tipperary 17276M Scoil Na Mbraithre Tipperary 91 3 16 hours 0 Tipperary 17296S S N Baile Na Hinse Birdhill 52.2 2 2 hours and 12 minutes 0 Tipperary 17332T St Marys Parochial School Clonmel 18.5 0 18 hours and 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 17486A S N Cleireachain Clonmel 66.45 2 16 hours and 27 minutes 0 Tipperary 17498H S N Naomh Sheosamh Toomevara 54.85 2 4 hours and 51 minutes 0 Tipperary 17511T S N Baile An Iubhair Thurles 10 0 10 hours 0 Tipperary 17512V S N Flannain Naofa Rath Chobain 25.1 1 6 minutes 0 Tipperary 17542H S N Rath Chaomhghin Clonmel 27.98 1 2 hours and 59 minutes 0 Tipperary 17543J Cloughjordan N S Cloughjordan 37.5 1 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 17580P S N Gort Na Huaighe Thurles 58.5 2 8 hours and 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 17608L S N Lua Naofa Lorrha 22.33 0 22 hours and 20 minutes 0 Tipperary 17634M Scoil Ailbhe Thurles 140 5 15 hours 0 Tipperary 17640H S N Colmain Naofa Tir Da Glas 21.05 0 21 hours and 3 minutes 0 Tipperary 17653Q Castle Iny N S Luach Magh 15.95 0 15 hours and 57 minutes 0 Tipperary 17665A S N Gleann Guail Thurles 37.5 1 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 17681V S N Na Maighne Thurles 48.48 1 23 hours and 29 minutes 0 Tipperary 17694H S N Chluainin Clonmel 27.5 1 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 17703F S N Ard Croine Nenagh 55.18 2 5 hours and 11 minutes 0 Tipperary 17712G S N Chiarda Naofa Kilkeary 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Tipperary 17731K S N Iosef Naofa Templemore 86.33 3 11 hours and 20 minutes 0 Tipperary 17779P Powerstown N S Clonmel 108.78 4 8 hours and 47 minutes 0 Tipperary 17783G S N Chuirt Doighte Cahir 29.03 1 4 hours and 2 minutes 0 Tipperary 17799V S N Na Haille An Mhoin Ard 45.5 1 20 hours and 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 17850S S N Phadraig Naofa Pairc Na Coille 10 0 10 hours 0 Tipperary 17940T S N Na Mbuachailli Tulach Seasta 62.5 2 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 18062V S N An Grainseach Clonmel 54.5 2 4 hours and 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 18085K Ballyneale N S Carrick On Suir 42.95 1 17 hours and 57 minutes 0 Tipperary 18087O S N Odhran Naofa Baile Na Cloiche 20 0 20 hours 0 Tipperary 18135W Scoil Angela Ursuline Convent 135 5 10 hours 0 Tipperary 18164G S N Buirgheas Nenagh 36.68 1 11 hours and 41 minutes 0 Tipperary 18207V S N Baile An Atha Killaloe 116 4 16 hours 0 Tipperary 18213Q S N Leamhach Thurles 56.5 2 6 hours and 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 18285S S N Cill Chuimin Thurles 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Tipperary 18322V S N An Droma Thurles 26.9 1 1 hour and 54 minutes 0 Tipperary 18326G S N Naomh Padraig Cill Chais 15 0 15 hours 0 Tipperary 18343G S N Chaoimhghin Baile Dhaith 82.58 3 7 hours and 35 minutes 0 Tipperary 18345K S N Iosef Naofa Cor An Bhile 196.35 7 21 hours and 21 minutes 0 Tipperary 18350D S N Na Hinse Thurles 32.5 1 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 18369B S N Cill Ruadhain Nenagh 56.88 2 6 hours and 53 minutes 0 Tipperary 18379E Barnane N S Templemore 36.68 1 11 hours and 41 minutes 0 Tipperary 18396E S N Rath Eilte Thurles 45.88 1 20 hours and 53 minutes 0 Tipperary 18435L Sacred Heart Primary School Newline 85 3 10 hours 0 Tipperary 18443K S N Iosef Naofa Eaglais 15.95 0 15 hours and 57 minutes 0 Tipperary 18459C Scoil Mhuire Cill Mheanman 27.85 1 2 hours and 51 minutes 0 Tipperary 18465U S N Lios An Halla Nenagh 61.98 2 11 hours and 59 minutes 0 Tipperary 18486F S N Cill Siolain Cill Siolain 47.5 1 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 18501V Grangemockler N.S. Carrick On Suir 26 1 1 hour 0 Tipperary 18512D St Francis National School Garryshane 24.45 0 24 hours and 27 minutes 0 Tipperary 18528S Annacarty N S Garryshane, Donohill 28.6 1 3 hours and 36 minutes 0 Tipperary 18538V Scoil Mhuire Caislean Nua 48.38 1 23 hours and 23 minutes 0 Tipperary 18557C S N Teampall Doire Nenagh 36.5 1 11 hours and 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 18582B Ballylooby N S Cahir 39.5 1 14 hours and 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 18716T Cahir B.N.S. Cahir 100 4 0 Tipperary 18775M S N Micheal Naofa Holycross 120 4 20 hours 0 Tipperary 19294B Lisvernane N S Galbally 48.9 1 23 hours and 54 minutes 0 Tipperary 19305D Tankerstown N S Tankerstown 40 1 15 hours 0 Tipperary 19356U Killenaule N S Killenaule 67.5 2 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 19422H Cloughjordan No 1 N S Templemore Road 31.05 1 6 hours and 3 minutes 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Tipperary 19540N Clogheen Central N S Clogheen 15 0 15 hours 0 Tipperary 19640R Scoil Mhuire Lismackin 42.53 1 17 hours and 32 minutes 0 Tipperary 19645E St Oliver Plunketts Ns Heywood Rd 231.75 9 6 hours and 45 minutes 0 Tipperary 19677R Scoil Iosagain Upperchurch Central Ns 47.95 1 22 hours and 57 minutes 0 Tipperary 19689B Bansha N S Bansha 43.05 1 18 hours and 3 minutes 0 Tipperary 19690J Clonoulty Central N S Goolds Cross 51.5 2 1 hour and 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 19692N St John The Baptist Old Road 98.5 3 23 hours and 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 19696V Cashel Deanery Cashel 16.8 0 16 hours and 48 minutes 0 Tipperary 19874T Scoil Na Toirbhirte Presentation Convent N S 122.5 4 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 19879G Naomh Padraig Junior Drangan 15 0 15 hours 0 Tipperary 19880O Naomh Padraig Senior Drangan 22.65 0 22 hours and 39 minutes 0 Tipperary 19937R Gaelscoil Aonach Bothar Naomh Chonlain 67.5 2 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 19968F Gaelscoil Durlas Eile Durlas 60 2 10 hours 0 Tipperary 20007C Gaelscoil Chluain Meala Baile Gaelach 57 2 7 hours 0 Tipperary 20027I Gaelscoil Thiobraid Arann Morgaiste 25 1 0 Tipperary 20062K Scoil Mhuire Borrisokane 65 2 15 hours 0 Tipperary 20085W Gaelscoil Charraig Na Siuire C/O Carrick Utd Football Club 65.18 2 15 hours and 11 minutes 0 Tipperary 20129Q Ballyporeen National School Ballyporeen 20 0 20 hours 0 Tipperary 20155R St John The Baptist Boys School Cashel 182.5 7 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Tipperary 20355C Holy Trinity Ns Rocklow Road 119 4 19 hours 0 Tipperary 20451V Scoil Naomh Cualán Borrisoleigh 72.4 2 22 hours and 24 minutes 0 Tipperary 20467N St Ailbe’s National School Emly 65 2 15 hours 0 Tipperary 20475M Our Lady's N.S. Ballingarry 40 1 15 hours 0 Tipperary 20504Q Rossmore National School Rossmore 52.5 2 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Waterford 01395H Aglish N S Cappoquin 33.6 1 8 hours and 36 minutes 0 Waterford 01711O S N Cill Rosanta Cill Mhic Thomais 37.33 1 12 hours and 20 minutes 0 Waterford 02889O S N An Chlais Mhor Chlais Mor 40.4 1 15 hours and 24 minutes 0 Waterford 05548D Sn Baile Mhic Airt Baile Mhic Airt 19.25 0 19 hours and 15 minutes 0 Waterford 07441S Ballycurrane N S Clashmore 12.55 0 12 hours and 33 minutes 0 Waterford 07737Q Villierstown N S Cappoquin 17.23 0 17 hours and 14 minutes 0 Waterford 11969N Carrickbeg N S Carrick On Suir 52.63 2 2 hours and 38 minutes 0 Waterford 12007G Our Lady Of Good Counsel G.N.S. Ferrybank 70 2 20 hours 0 Waterford 12535I S N Ursula Naofa Ursuline Convent 195 7 20 hours 1 Waterford 13020D Our Lady Of Mercy National School Stradbally 18 0 18 hours 0 Waterford 13635R Ballyduff N S Kilmeaden 75 3 0 Waterford 14164J S N Lios Mor Mochuda Lios Mor 15.95 0 15 hours and 57 minutes 0 Waterford 14568K Killea Boys N S Dunmore East 35 1 10 hours 0 Waterford 14679T S N Baile Builearaigh Baile Builearaigh 75 3 0 Waterford 14989L Passage East N S Passage East 36.53 1 11 hours and 32 minutes 0 Waterford 15046I St Stephens N S Waterford 160.01 6 10 hours and 1 minutes 1 Waterford 15318P Glenbeg N S Dungarvan 56.45 2 6 hours and 27 minutes 0 Waterford 15540Q Ballyduff B 2 N S Ballyduff 49.65 1 24 hours and 39 minutes 0 Waterford 15963V Rathgormack B.N.S. Carrick On Suir 70.48 2 20 hours and 29 minutes 0 Waterford 16732H Scoil Naomh Seosamh Dungarvan 93.5 3 18 hours and 30 minutes 0 Waterford 16748W S N Na Cille Cill Mhic Thomais Fhinn 67.5 2 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Waterford 16818R Sn Na Leanai An Rinn 15 0 15 hours 0 Waterford 16950R S N An Carraig Liath Dungarbhan 32.7 1 7 hours and 42 minutes 0 Waterford 16976M S N Deaglan Portlairge 153.5 6 3 hours and 30 minutes 0 Waterford 17133N S N An Baile Nua Cill Mhic Thomais Fhinn 40 1 15 hours 0 Waterford 17159I S N An Garrain Bhain Dungarbhain 61 2 11 hours 0 Waterford 17295Q S N Na Rinne An Rinn 31.8 1 6 hours and 48 minutes 0 Waterford 17351A S N Naomh Mhuire Baile Mhic Gonair 230.03 9 5 hours and 2 minutes 0 Waterford 17522B Knokanore N S Knockanore 26.05 1 1 hour and 3 minutes 0 Waterford 17525H Dunmore East Convent Ns Dunmore East 25.2 1 12 minutes 0 Waterford 17535K Fionnabhair N S Fionnabhair 65.5 2 15 hours and 30 minutes 0 Waterford 17536M S N Dun Aill Tramor 30.1 1 5 hours and 6 minutes 0 Waterford 17570M S N Na Bhfiodh Cill Mhic Thomais 25 1 0 Waterford 17643N S N Cill Bhriain Ballinamult 10 0 10 hours 0 Waterford 17997C St Marys N S Grange Grange 17.55 0 17 hours and 33 minutes 0 Waterford 18048E S N Naomh Deaglan Ard Mor 52 2 2 hours 0 Waterford 18077L S N Cnoc Machan Bun Machan 18.5 0 18 hours and 30 minutes 0 Waterford 18094L S N Dun Na Mainistreach Dungarbhan 139.4 5 14 hours and 24 minutes 0 Waterford 18108T Whitechurch N S Ceapach Ceapach 25.95 1 57 minutes 0 Waterford 18167M S N Aine Nfa Seafield Bonmahon 21.8 0 21 hours and 48 minutes 0 Waterford 18235D S N Muire An Port Mor Portlairge 112.5 4 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Waterford 18318H S N Naomh Parthalan Cionn Saile Beag 35.4 1 10 hours and 24 minutes 0 Waterford 18321T S N Muire Magh Deilge Ceapach 21 0 21 hours 0 Waterford 18380M S N Faiche Liag Portlairge 52.85 2 2 hours and 51 minutes 0 Waterford 18462O Scoil Lorcain BNS Ballytruckle 164.5 6 14 hours and 30 minutes 1 Waterford 18488J Scoil Naomh Gobnait Cul Na Smear 41.5 1 16 hours and 30 minutes 0 Waterford 18509O An Teaghlaigh Naofa Clochar Na Trocaire 87.5 3 12 hours and 30 minutes 1 Waterford 18681D Christ Church N S Lower Newtown 77.5 3 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Waterford 18689T Our Lady Of Mercy Senior P.S. Military Road 120 4 20 hours 0 Waterford 18779U St. Mary's N.S. Touraneena Ballinamult 27.33 1 2 hours and 20 minutes 0 Waterford 18793O Sc Naomh Eoin Le Dia Passage Road 59.13 2 9 hours and 8 minutes 0 Waterford 19345P Ballymacarberry N S Clonmel 66.5 2 16 hours and 30 minutes 0 Waterford 19443P Clonea Ns Carrick On Suir 36.58 1 11 hours and 35 minutes 0 Waterford 19511G St Saviours Ns Ballybeg 169 6 19 hours 0 Waterford 19616U Scoil Mhuire Tallow 91.5 3 16 hours and 30 minutes 0 Waterford 19629G Holy Cross School Ballycarnane 229.13 9 4 hours and 8 minutes 0 Waterford 19726E Stradbally C. Of Ire. N.S. Stradbally 15.48 0 15 hours and 29 minutes 0 Waterford 19814B Scoil Gharbáin Clais Na Lachan 73.05 2 23 hours and 3 minutes 0 Waterford 19853L Gaelscoil Phort Lairge Baile Mhic Gonair 52.33 2 2 hours and 20 minutes 0 Waterford 19885B Gealscoil Philib Barun Teach Realt Na Mara 53 2 3 hours 0 Waterford 19947U Mount Sion Cbs Mount Sion 162.5 6 12 hours and 30 minutes 1 Waterford 19953P St Marys N.S. Dungarvan 124 4 24 hours 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Waterford 19955T Presentation Primary School Slievekeale Road 158.5 6 8 hours and 30 minutes 1 Waterford 19970P Portlaw N.S. Portlaw 100.5 4 30 minutes 0 Waterford 20050D Gaelscoil Na Ndeise Bothar Grasta De 103.5 4 3 hours and 30 minutes 0 Waterford 20076V Bun Scoil Bhothar Na Naomh Lismore 124 4 24 hours 0 Waterford 20116H Glor Na Mara Ns Tramore 189 7 14 hours 0 Waterford 20143K Waterpark N S Park Road 63.28 2 13 hours and 17 minutes 0 Waterford 20157V Bunscoil Gleann Sidheain Cappoquin 60 2 10 hours 0 Waterford 20160K Waterford ETNS Carrickphierish Road 113.5 4 13 hours and 30 minutes 0 Waterford 20170N Scoil Choill Mhic Thomaisin Kilmacthomas 47.5 1 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Waterford 20219R St Pauls B.N.S. Lisduggan 154 6 4 hours 0 Waterford 20261Q Newtown School Newtown 42 1 17 hours 0 Waterford 20446F Tramore ETNS Tramore 23.5 0 23 hours and 30 minutes 0 Westmeath 00934G Presentation Convent (Jnr) 113 4 13 hours 2 Westmeath 00941D S N Bhride Emper 15.95 0 15 hours and 57 minutes 0 Westmeath 01731U Mixed N S Ballynacargy 30 1 5 hours 0 Westmeath 02263S Crowenstown N S Crowenstown 30.83 1 5 hours and 50 minutes 0 Westmeath 03936C S N An Chuil An Chuil 27.5 1 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Westmeath 05513H Mixed N S Castlepollard 72.5 2 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Westmeath 05916G St Annes National School Tyrrellpass 40.3 1 15 hours and 18 minutes 0 Westmeath 07722D St Peters N S Snr Athlone 54 2 4 hours 0 Westmeath 08037Q Tang N S Tang 42 1 17 hours 0 Westmeath 08100U S N Phadraig Baile Eamainn 35 1 10 hours 0 Westmeath 10857U Castlepollard Paroc.N S Castlepollard 12 0 12 hours 0 Westmeath 13571R Mixed N.S. Drumraney 25.73 1 44 minutes 0 Westmeath 14450K St Feighans Mxd N S Fore 27.65 1 2 hours and 39 minutes 0 Westmeath 15291V Streamstown Mixed N S Streamstown 51.88 2 1 hour and 53 minutes 0 Westmeath 15307K Dalystown N S Dalystown 28.5 1 3 hours and 30 minutes 0 Westmeath 15512L St. Brigid's P.S. Station Road 90 3 15 hours 0 Westmeath 16092U Athlone N.S. Unit 5 Arcadia Centre, Arcadia 47.5 1 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Westmeath 16304J N S Milltownpass 47.5 1 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Westmeath 16340N Ballinagore Mixed N S Ballinagore 15 0 15 hours 0 Westmeath 16639R Sn Deaghan O Ceallaigh Athlone 73 2 23 hours 0 Westmeath 16838A St. Colmcille's N.S. Gainstown 105 4 5 hours 0 Westmeath 16868J Baile Na Gceallach N S 42.5 1 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Westmeath 16914N Baile Coireil N S Baile Coireil 47.53 1 22 hours and 32 minutes 0 Westmeath 16961W Kilcumeragh N S Kilcumeragh 52.4 2 2 hours and 24 minutes 0 Westmeath 17025K S N Na Ndun Mullingar 64.95 2 14 hours and 57 minutes 0 Westmeath 17102C Cluain Buinne N.S. Cluain Buinne 45 1 20 hours 0 Westmeath 17167H Bl Oliver Plunkett N S 71 2 21 hours 0 Westmeath 17182D Mhichil Naofa N S Castletown-Geoghegan 25.63 1 38 minutes 0 Westmeath 17189R Rath Eoghan N S Rath Eoghan 26.05 1 1 hour and 3 minutes 0 Westmeath 17236A Boher N S Boher 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Westmeath 17290G N.S. Dysart 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Westmeath 17327D Curraghmore N S Curraghmore 93.5 3 18 hours and 30 minutes 0 Westmeath 17432A Magh Mora N S Moyvore 12.55 0 12 hours and 33 minutes 0 Westmeath 17606H Naomh Micheal N S Castletown-Finea 21.48 0 21 hours and 29 minutes 0 Westmeath 17708P Sc. Ciarain Lower Warren 63.15 2 13 hours and 9 minutes 0 Westmeath 17743R Naomh Muire N S Fiodh An Atha 10.95 0 10 hours and 57 minutes 0 Westmeath 17806P Cill Cleithe N S Cill Cleithe 30.2 1 5 hours and 12 minutes 0 Westmeath 17882I S N Aodha Naofa 12.98 0 12 hours and 59 minutes 0 Westmeath 17903N Corr Na Madadh N.S. Corr Na Madadh 115 4 15 hours 0 Westmeath 17932U Odhran Naofa N S Sonna 42.9 1 17 hours and 54 minutes 0 Westmeath 17991N Eoin Naofa N S Ballymore 38.7 1 13 hours and 42 minutes 0 Westmeath 18036U Diarmada N S Castlepollard 30.3 1 5 hours and 18 minutes 0 Westmeath 18193N S N Naomh Fiontan Lismacaffrey 28.18 1 3 hours and 11 minutes 0 Westmeath 18212O Scoil Na Maighdine Mhuire P.O.Box 8 134.5 5 9 hours and 30 minutes 0 Westmeath 18262G Lochan An Bhealaigh N S Lochan An Bhealaigh 19.25 0 19 hours and 15 minutes 0 Westmeath 18381O Scoil Na Mbraithre Mullingar 197 7 22 hours 0 Westmeath 18405C S N Phoil Naofa Athlone 122 4 22 hours 2 Westmeath 18484B Mhuire N S Rath Airne 49.03 1 24 hours and 2 minutes 0 Westmeath 18505G Naomh Clar N.S. Tober Clar 87.35 3 12 hours and 21 minutes 0 Westmeath 18533L Scoil Mhuire Teach Munna 52.25 2 2 hours and 15 minutes 0 Westmeath 18591C Naomh Tomas N S 17.23 0 17 hours and 14 minutes 0 Westmeath 18598Q Earnain Mxd N S Dealbhna Mor 43.7 1 18 hours and 42 minutes 0 Westmeath 18640M Naomh Iosef N S Rath Ghuaire 90 3 15 hours 0 Westmeath 18679Q An Ghrianan N S Moate 105.55 4 5 hours and 33 minutes 0 Westmeath 18744B S.N. Na Naomh Uile Mullingar 42.1 1 17 hours and 6 minutes 0 Westmeath 18764H Ard Na Gcraith N S Ard Na Gcraith 43.7 1 18 hours and 42 minutes 0 Westmeath 18812P Loch An Ghair N.S. Loch An Chair 47.5 1 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Westmeath 18864L S.N. An Cusan An Cuasan 157.5 6 7 hours and 30 minutes 1 Westmeath 19008U Scoil Phadraig Baile An Mhuileann 22.98 0 22 hours and 59 minutes 0 Westmeath 19205W Naomh Tola N.S. Coill Uailleach 71 2 21 hours 0 Westmeath 19350I S.N. Chruimin Naofa Muilte Farannain 68 2 18 hours 0 Westmeath 19607T Kilpatrick N.S. Mullingar 90.5 3 15 hours and 30 minutes 0 Westmeath 19632S Ballinahown N.S. Athlone 25.63 1 38 minutes 0 Westmeath 19650U Scoil Cholmain Naofa Bellview 182 7 7 hours 0 Westmeath 19848S St. Etchens 188 7 13 hours 0 Westmeath 19948W Sc. Na Gceithre Maistri Lios Uí Mhulláin 195 7 20 hours 0 Westmeath 20002P Gaelscoil An Mhuilinn An Muileann Cearr 85 3 10 hours 0 Westmeath 20063M Scoil An Chlochair Cill Bheagan Kilbeggan 71.35 2 21 hours and 21 minutes 0 Westmeath 20073P St. Mary's N.S. Gracepark Rd 268.5 10 18 hours and 30 minutes 2 Westmeath 20188J Mullingar ETNS Rathgowan 270.5 10 20 hours and 30 minutes 3 Westmeath 20238V Gaelscoil An Choillin Coilin Mor 27.23 1 2 hours and 14 minutes 0 Westmeath 20439I Scoil Chroi Naofa Rochfordbridge 85.38 3 10 hours and 23 minutes 0 Wexford 01840C St Canice S Convent Rosbercon 92.5 3 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wexford 03633H S N Bun Cloidi B Bun Cloidi 137 5 12 hours 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Wexford 05070W S N Baile Muirne Ballymurn 32.23 1 7 hours and 14 minutes 0 Wexford 06959G Clonroche N S Clonroche 40 1 15 hours 0 Wexford 08221J St Senans National Sch Templeshannon 271 10 21 hours 0 Wexford 09184L Shielbeggan Convent Shielbeggan 19.78 0 19 hours and 47 minutes 0 Wexford 10780L Ballyoughter N S Ballyoughter 18.5 0 18 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wexford 11361T Faythe Convent St John Of Gods Convent 163.5 6 13 hours and 30 minutes 1 Wexford 11380A Caime N S Caime 76.85 3 1 hour and 51 minutes 0 Wexford 11986N Convent Of Mercy Pairc An Chinneideach 162.5 6 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wexford 12741L Marshalstown N S Marshalstown 67 2 17 hours 0 Wexford 12841P St Patricks N S Ballyroebuck Ns 29.78 1 4 hours and 47 minutes 0 Wexford 13299E Glanbrian N S Glanbrian 17.98 0 17 hours and 59 minutes 0 Wexford 13335F Court N S Court 65.8 2 15 hours and 48 minutes 0 Wexford 13999J Kilnamanagh N S Kilnamanagh 12.55 0 12 hours and 33 minutes 0 Wexford 14254K S N Mhuire Danescastle 75.38 3 23 minutes 0 Wexford 14492D Curracloe N S Curracloe 38.7 1 13 hours and 42 minutes 0 Wexford 14668O Ballaghkeene N S Ballaghkeene 53.5 2 3 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wexford 14777T Kilmyshall N S Kilmyshall 45.83 1 20 hours and 50 minutes 0 Wexford 14900P Gusserane N S Gusserane 30 1 5 hours 0 Wexford 14903V St Josephs N S Kilmuckridge 77.5 3 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wexford 14909K St Leonards N S Ballycullane 39.45 1 14 hours and 27 minutes 0 Wexford 15177A Carrigduff Nat School Carrigduff 22.65 0 22 hours and 39 minutes 0 Wexford 15354T Camolin N S Camolin 30 1 5 hours 0 Wexford 15367F Riverchapel N S Riverchapel 230.5 9 5 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wexford 15407O Sn Baile Thomais Baile Thomais 25.95 1 57 minutes 0 Wexford 15419V Oulart N S Oulart 40.2 1 15 hours and 12 minutes 0 Wexford 15420G Ballycanew N S Ballycanew N S 103.5 4 3 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wexford 15937U Monaseed N S Monaseed 26.8 1 1 hour and 48 minutes 0 Wexford 15940J Tombrack N S Tombrack 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Wexford 15948C Clologue N S Clologue 25 1 0 Wexford 15962T Ballindaggin N S Ballindaggin 65 2 15 hours 0 Wexford 16023B Rathgarogue N S Rathgarogue 68.9 2 18 hours and 54 minutes 0 Wexford 16072O Newbawn N S Sacred Heart N.S. 72.5 2 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wexford 16145P Loreto Primary School Gorey 257.5 10 7 hours and 30 minutes 1 Wexford 16409A St Marys N S Ballygarrett 65.93 2 15 hours and 56 minutes 0 Wexford 16605A Kilrane N S Kilrane 163 6 13 hours 0 Wexford 16673R S N Baile Cuisin Cushentown Ns 76.03 3 1 hour and 2 minutes 0 Wexford 16828U S N Bearna Na H-Aille Oylegate 70 2 20 hours 0 Wexford 16833N S N Cill T-Sile Killane 46 1 21 hours 0 Wexford 16841M S N Nmh Brighde Blackwater 49.03 1 24 hours and 2 minutes 0 Wexford 16879O S N Clochar Mhuire Rosslare 72.5 2 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wexford 16992K Clongeen Mxd N S Clongeen 42.5 1 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wexford 17005E S N An Gleanna Glynn 75.5 3 30 minutes 0 Wexford 17017L S N Phadraig Crossabeg 52.75 2 2 hours and 45 minutes 0 Wexford 17117P S N Cul Greine Coolgreany 35.5 1 10 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wexford 17194K S N Baile Ui Coileain Ballycullane 27.33 1 2 hours and 20 minutes 0 Wexford 17217T Scoil Na Mbraithre Christian Brothers School 70 2 20 hours 0 Wexford 17235V S N Chaomhain Torrchoill Gorey 65 2 15 hours 0 Wexford 17354G S N Padraig Craanford 43.55 1 18 hours and 33 minutes 0 Wexford 17373K S N Clochar Mhuire St Johns Road 106.5 4 6 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wexford 17443F S N Fionntain 72 2 22 hours 0 Wexford 17450C S N Mhaodhoig Poll Fothair 62.5 2 12 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wexford 17510R S N Treasa Nfa Ballyellis 40.83 1 15 hours and 50 minutes 0 Wexford 17519M S N Caislean Dochraill Ballycarney 20.2 0 20 hours and 12 minutes 0 Wexford 17526J S N Abbain Adamstown 40 1 15 hours 0 Wexford 17554O S N Nmh Seosaimh Baile Miota 59 2 9 hours 0 Wexford 17610V S N Baile Fada Ballyfad 10 0 10 hours 0 Wexford 17612C St Garvans Ns Carrowreigh 32.65 1 7 hours and 39 minutes 0 Wexford 17638U S N Nmh Seosaimh Dunard 30 1 5 hours 0 Wexford 17656W S N Olibheir Beannuithe Duncannon 29 1 4 hours 0 Wexford 17707N S N Rath An Iubhair Rath An Iubhair 47.5 1 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wexford 17734Q S N Gallbhaile Ballyhogue 18.5 0 18 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wexford 17768K Scoil Ghormáin Naofa Castletown 64.95 2 14 hours and 57 minutes 0 Wexford 17769M S N Mhuire Tagoat 40 1 15 hours 0 Wexford 17800D S N Seosamh Nfa Bree 70.5 2 20 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wexford 17812K St Marys N S Parnell Avenue 40.08 1 15 hours and 5 minutes 0 Wexford 17841R Sn Mhuire Ballyhogue 20.63 0 20 hours and 38 minutes 0 Wexford 17858L S N Coill An Iarainn Kilanerin 40.5 1 15 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wexford 17913Q S N Mhuire Baile Bearna 85 3 10 hours 0 Wexford 18010C Davidstown Primary School Davidstown 28.6 1 3 hours and 36 minutes 0 Wexford 18133S Fionntain Nfa N S Magh Glas 53 2 3 hours 0 Wexford 18191J S N Raithin Raheen 44.98 1 19 hours and 59 minutes 0 Wexford 18280I Scoil Naomh Ioseph Gorey 165.5 6 15 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wexford 18308E S N Moin Na Gcaor Monageer 42.7 1 17 hours and 42 minutes 0 Wexford 18315B S N Padraig Nfa Cul Mochudha 41.15 1 16 hours and 9 minutes 0 Wexford 18336J Boolavogue N S Boolavogue 52.73 2 2 hours and 44 minutes 0 Wexford 18387D S N Catriona Nfa Ballyhack 27.33 1 2 hours and 20 minutes 0 Wexford 18558E S N Baile An Phiarsaigh Drinagh 69.75 2 19 hours and 45 minutes 0 Wexford 18684J S N Bhaile Mhuirne Murrintown 84 3 9 hours 0 Wexford 18687P Ballyduff N S Ballyduff 42.95 1 17 hours and 57 minutes 0 Wexford 18707S Castlebridge N S Castlebridge 105 4 5 hours 0 Wexford 18714P St Edans N S Ferns 24.03 0 24 hours and 2 minutes 0 Wexford 18824W St Iberius N S Davitt Road 37 1 12 hours 0 Wexford 18839M S N Na Scrine Skreen 45 1 20 hours 0 Wexford 19317K Rathangan N S Rathangan 83.5 3 8 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wexford 19352M Sc Nais Realta Na Mara An Chill Mhor 167.5 6 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wexford 19419S Gorey Central School Gorey 110 4 10 hours 0

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2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Wexford 19528A Ramsgrange Central N S Ramsgrange 29.35 1 4 hours and 21 minutes 0 Wexford 19604N Scoil Mhuire Horeswood 110 4 10 hours 0 Wexford 19739N Scoil Mhuire Coolcotts Scoil Mhuire 335 13 10 hours 0 Wexford 19741A Scoil Mhuire Broadway 60 2 10 hours 0 Wexford 19890R Naomh Maodhog N.S. Ferns 85.5 3 10 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wexford 20003R St Aidans Parish School Enniscorthy 440.5 17 15 hours and 30 minutes 1 Wexford 20008E Gaelscoil Loch Garman Uisce An Easpaig 58.7 2 8 hours and 42 minutes 0 Wexford 20057R Gaelscoil Inis Corthaidh Inis Corthaidh 67.63 2 17 hours and 38 minutes 0 Wexford 20165U Gaelscoil Mhoshiolog An Chraobhach 65 2 15 hours 0 Wexford 20214H Gorey ETNS Kilnahue Lane 222.5 8 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wexford 20333P Wexford ETNS Whitemill 57.5 2 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wexford 20458M New Ross ETNS Barrett's Park 15 0 15 hours 0 Wexford 20481H Bunscoil Nic Amhlaidh New Ross 154.5 6 4 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wexford 20482J Bunscoil Ris New Ross 158.5 6 8 hours and 30 minutes 1 Wicklow 00973Q Grange Con N.S. Grange 14.25 0 14 hours and 15 minutes 0 Wicklow 00977B Ballyconnell N.S. Ballyconnell 55 2 5 hours 0 Wicklow 00984V Glenealy 1 N.S. Glenealy 53.9 2 3 hours and 54 minutes 0 Wicklow 01782O S N Naomh Padraig Bearna Chle 23.4 0 23 hours and 24 minutes 0 Wicklow 06176U Blessington 1 N.S. Blessington 34.25 1 9 hours and 15 minutes 0 Wicklow 07246U St Philomena's Ravenswell 132.5 5 7 hours and 30 minutes 1 Wicklow 09760V Powerscourt N.S. Powerscourt 17.98 0 17 hours and 59 minutes 0 Wicklow 10111O Lacken Mxd N.S. Lacken 47.63 1 22 hours and 38 minutes 0 Wicklow 10131U Moin An Bhealaigh N.S. Moin An Bhealaigh 35 1 10 hours 0 Wicklow 10683N Kilbride N.S. Manor Kilbride 35 1 10 hours 0 Wicklow 11372B Brittas Bay Mxd N.S. Brittas Bay 59.5 2 9 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wicklow 11649S Nuns Cross N.S. Nuns Cross 57.5 2 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wicklow 12413R Donaghmore N.S. Donaghmore 10 0 10 hours 0 Wicklow 12529N St. Saviours N.S. Rathdrum 48.48 1 23 hours and 29 minutes 0 Wicklow 12554M St. Patrick’s N.S. Greystones 125.5 5 30 minutes 0 Wicklow 12688K Kiltegan N.S. Kiltegan 10 0 10 hours 0 Wicklow 13224T Ballintemple N.S. Ballintemple 18.08 0 18 hours and 5 minutes 0 Wicklow 13246G Moneystown N.S. Moneystown 48.8 1 23 hours and 48 minutes 0 Wicklow 13597M St Andrews N.S. Bray 118 4 18 hours 0 Wicklow 13679O Delgany N.S. Delgany 97.38 3 22 hours and 23 minutes 0 Wicklow 14045B Carysfort Mxd N.S. Carysfort 80.8 3 5 hours and 48 minutes 0 Wicklow 14269A Jonathan Swift N.S. Dunlavin 13.4 0 13 hours and 24 minutes 0 Wicklow 14398L Wicklow 2 N.S. Wicklow 100 4 0 Wicklow 14829M Scoil San Eoin Redcross 15 0 15 hours 0 Wicklow 14972R Main Street N.S. Carnew 18.93 0 18 hours and 56 minutes 0 Wicklow 15359G Shillelagh No 1 N.S. Shillelagh 22.5 0 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wicklow 15676S Padraig Naofa B N.S. St. Patrick's Road 132.5 5 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wicklow 16027J S.N. Muire Stratford On Slaney 21.8 0 21 hours and 48 minutes 0 Wicklow 16573N St. Brigid's Convent G Greystones 152 6 2 hours 0 Wicklow 16634H St Laurences N.S. Roundwood 82.95 3 7 hours and 57 minutes 0 Wicklow 16872A Cronan Naofa N.S. Bray 285 11 10 hours 0 Wicklow 16924Q Caomhin Naofa N.S. Glean Da Loch 64.5 2 14 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wicklow 17091A S.N. Muire Blessington 119.5 4 19 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wicklow 17181B St. Josephs N.S. Templerainey 213 8 13 hours 0 Wicklow 17223O S.N. Muire Is Gearard Enniskerry 54.88 2 4 hours and 53 minutes 0 Wicklow 17228B Clochar Muire N.S. Rathdrum 42.5 1 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wicklow 17265H Rathdrum B.N.S. Rathdrum 75 3 0 Wicklow 17304O Annacurra N.S. Annacurra 52.1 2 2 hours and 6 minutes 0 Wicklow 17500O S N Muire Mxd Barndarrig 29.5 1 4 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wicklow 17537O Scoil Padraig Naofa Bray 188 7 13 hours 1 Wicklow 17576B Scoil An Choroin Mhuire Wicklow Town 150.5 6 30 minutes 0 Wicklow 17720F Scoil Naomh Caoimhghin Greystones 148.5 5 23 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wicklow 17810G Sn Nicolais Naofa Dunluain 81.4 3 6 hours and 24 minutes 0 Wicklow 17826V Scoil na Coróine Mhuire Ashford 117.5 4 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wicklow 17907V Crossbridge N.S. Crossbridge 18.4 0 18 hours and 24 minutes 0 Wicklow 17920N Donard N.S. Donard 42.5 1 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wicklow 18033O Kilcommon N.S. Kilcommon 24.25 0 24 hours and 15 minutes 0 Wicklow 18054W Hollywood N.S. Hollywood 36.38 1 11 hours and 23 minutes 0 Wicklow 18118W Coolfancy N.S. Cul Fhasaigh 32.5 1 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wicklow 18198A Padraig Naofa N.S. Avoca 70.6 2 20 hours and 36 minutes 0 Wicklow 18242A Carnew N.S. Carnew 122.5 4 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wicklow 18357R S N Padraig Naofa Curtlestown 29.45 1 4 hours and 27 minutes 0 Wicklow 18365Q Kilmacanogue N.S. Kilmacanogue 77.4 3 2 hours and 24 minutes 0 Wicklow 18434J Rathcoyle N.S. Rathcoyle 17.55 0 17 hours and 33 minutes 0 Wicklow 18464S Naomh Peadar N.S. Bray 110.35 4 10 hours and 21 minutes 0 Wicklow 18470N Naomh Brid N.S. Cnoc An Eanaigh 22.65 0 22 hours and 39 minutes 0 Wicklow 18473T An Chroi Ro Naofa N.S. Aughrim 125 5 0 Wicklow 18489L Tinahely N.S. Tinahely 30.95 1 5 hours and 57 minutes 0 Wicklow 18502A S N Naomh Brid Talbotstown 39.55 1 14 hours and 33 minutes 0 Wicklow 19339U Stratford Lodge N.S. Baltinglass 33.7 1 8 hours and 42 minutes 0 Wicklow 19573F St Laurences N.S. St. Laurences N.S. 231 9 6 hours 0 Wicklow 19584K Scoil Chualann Bothar Vevay 84 3 9 hours 0 Wicklow 19734D St Francis N.S. Newcastle 42.5 1 17 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wicklow 19748O Scoil Mhuire Na Naird Shillelagh 27.5 1 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wicklow 19754J Bray School Project N.S. Killarney Rd 97.5 3 22 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wicklow 20016D Gaelscoil Ui Cheadaigh 4 Prince Of Wales Terrace 50 2 0 Wicklow 20039P Scoil Naomh Iosaf Baltinglass 140 5 15 hours 0 Wicklow 20045K Gaelscoil Chill Mhantain Bothar Marlton 69.98 2 19 hours and 59 minutes 0 Wicklow 20080M Gaelscoil An Inbhir Mhoir Fernbank Park 152.5 6 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wicklow 20110S St Mary's Senior N.S Blessington 152.5 6 2 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wicklow 20178G Wicklow ETNS Hawkstown Road 248.5 9 23 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wicklow 20208M St. Coen's National School Wicklow Town 116 4 16 hours 0

Page 36 of 37 Appendix C - Primary Staffing Circular 2019/20

2019/20 Special 2019/20 Education 2019/20 2019/20 NCSE allocation of additional Teaching Fulltime permanent special education teaching permanent allocation posts in the Special hours that are available for allocation for County Roll No. School name Address of hours as Education Teaching clustering with other schools schools with a notified by allocation of hours (section 1.5 of Circular high NCSE in (25 hours = 1 post) 0019/2019) concentration February of EAL pupils 2019 Wicklow 20242M Blessington ETNS Red Lane 18.08 0 18 hours and 5 minutes 0 Wicklow 20243O Gaelscoil Na Lochanna Blessington 39.25 1 14 hours and 15 minutes 0 Wicklow 20278K Newtownmountkennedy Primary School Netownmountkennedy 170.5 6 20 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wicklow 20300A Greystones ETNS Blacklion 182 7 7 hours 0 Wicklow 20301C Gaelscoil Na Gcloch Liath Greystones 84 3 9 hours 0 Wicklow 20346B Kilcoole Primary School Kilcoole 255 10 5 hours 0 Wicklow 20466L St. Fergal’s National School Ballywaltrim 182.5 7 7 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wicklow 20469R St. Johns Senior School Arklow 153.5 6 3 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wicklow 20470C St Michaels and St Peters Junior School Arklow 170.5 6 20 hours and 30 minutes 0 Wicklow 20473I Greystones Community N. S. Greystones 61 2 11 hours 0

Page 37 of 37

Appendix D Form S.E.T.Cluster2019 Special Education Teacher Post (Shared) 2019/20

School Name of the Base School for this post Roll Number Email Address Phone No

School Address 1 post = 25 hours

Return this form by 21st March 2019 to: Primary Teacher Allocations Section, Department of Education & Skills, Cornamaddy, Athlone, Co. Westmeath N37 X659

Notification of a new full-time permanent post created by clustering Special Education Needs hours

Special Education School Name Roll Number Needs hours in this clustered post

Base School

2nd school

3rd school

Total 25 hours

Any change to this cluster arrangement can only be made if there is a change of Special Education Needs hours for any one of the schools in a future revision of the Special Education Teacher allocation.

Declaration I declare that the above information is correct and that I am in agreement with the proposed cluster arrangements for this post as outlined above.

Roll no.______Date ______Contact No. ______Principal of the base school in the cluster

______Date ______Contact No. ______Chairperson of the base school in the cluster

Roll no.______Date ______Contact No. ______Principal of the 2nd school in the cluster

______Date ______Contact No. ______Chairperson of the 2nd school in the cluster

Roll no.______Date ______Contact No. ______Principal of the 3rd school in the cluster

______Date ______Contact No. ______Chairperson of the 3rd school in the cluster

Appendix E Form MPF

Application Form for Permanent/CID Holding Teachers’ Access to the Main Redeployment Panel for the 2019/20 school year

NOTE: Part 1 of this form must be completed in full by all applicants and for all panels. Applicants must submit a copy of their Teaching Council Registration profile with this application. Part 2 of this form must also be completed by applicants for the Educate Together or An Foras Pátrúnachta National Panels. Part 3 (if applicable) and 4 of the form should be completed by the Chairperson of the Board of Management.

Completed forms should be returned to: Primary Teacher Allocations Section, Department of Education & Skills, Cornamaddy, Athlone, Co. Westmeath by Thursday 21st March 2019.

Roll No.: ______

Part 1 (all applicants to complete Part 1) 1. Panel Details Name of Panel: ______Insert Catholic, Church of Ireland, Educate Together, An Foras Pátrúnachta, Special National Panel Panel Area: ______(For Catholic or Church of Ireland Diocese Panels - insert Name of Diocese/United Diocese, e.g. Catholic Diocese of Cloyne/United Dioceses of Meath & Kildare. For Educate Together, An Foras Pátrúnachta or Special National Panel - leave blank) 2. Teacher & School Details Teacher’s Name: ______PPSN: ______Teaching Council Registration No.: ______(A copy of your Teaching Council Registration profile must be attached)

Postal Address: ______Phone No.: ______E-mail Address: ______Training College: ______School Name & Address: ______Roll No.: ______School Phone No.: ______Chairperson’s Name: ______Contact Address: ______


3. Irish Language

 have a particular interest in being redeployed to a school that operates through the medium of Irish

 you do not have a particular interest in being redeployed to a school that operates through the medium of Irish

4. Teaching in a Special School

 have a particular interest in being redeployed to a special school*

 Tick this box do not have a particular interest in being redeployed to a special school*

(*this relates to special schools which operate under the patronage of your panel operator; the expression of interest does not extend to a special class in an ordinary school)

5. Registration

Primary Qualified

I hold full registration (I am registered without conditions) with the Teaching Council under section 31(5) of the Teaching Council Acts, 2001- 2012, regulation 2 / ‘primary’


I am registered with conditions under section 31(5) and I expect to meet in full the conditions of my registration under Regulation 2/Primary on or before 31 August 2019.

Montessori/Primary/Special Needs Qualified

I hold full registration (I am registered without conditions) with the Teaching Council under section 31(5) of the Teaching Council Acts, 2001-2012, Route 4/Regulation 3/‘Montessori and Other’,


I am registered with conditions under section 31(5) and I expect to meet in full the conditions of my registration under Route 4/Regulation 3/’Montessori and Other’ on or before 31 August 2019.

Teachers automatically registered on establishment of the Teaching Council in 2006

I am registered with the Teaching Council under section 31(2) and 31(3) of the Teaching Council Acts, 2001 - 2012 as ‘Primary / Montessori and Other’ (circle as appropriate) and I am fully qualified having satisfied all shortfalls, if any, identified by the Department of Education and Skills and the Teaching Council.


I am registered with the Teaching Council under section 31(2) and 31(3) of the Teaching Council Acts, 2001 - 2012 as ‘Primary / Montessori and Other’ (circle as appropriate) and I have outstanding shortfalls identified by the Department of Education and Skills and the Teaching Council.



1. I hereby apply to have my name placed on the above named Main Panel.

2. I understand that the information provided on this form will be subject to verification by the Department before my name is passed to the relevant Patron for inclusion on the panel. Accordingly, I understand that completion of this form does not automatically confer panel access and the final decision to admit me to a panel rests with the relevant Patron.

3. I am satisfied that I am the most junior eligible permanent teacher/CID holder in the school / I have volunteered to exchange panel rights with the most junior eligible permanent teacher in the school with the consent of the school Patron (delete as appropriate).

4. I agree to abide by the redeployment arrangements which govern the operation of the main redeployment panel at primary level.

5. I accept that my name will be removed from the Panel if: a. I am not contactable using the details provided on this form b. I fail to respond within three calendar days to any request for interview by a school including any such requests by email c. I refuse to attend for interview within the agreed distance limits d. I fail to respond within three calendar days to any offer of a post from a school including any such offer by email e. I refuse to accept an offer of a post which is within the agreed distance limits

6. I accept that if, at any time, I allow my Teaching Council registration to lapse or if I am removed from the Register for any reason, I will be removed from the Panel and/or my employment will be terminated with the school to which I am redeployed with immediate effect.

7. I accept that any appointment arising from this panel will be subject to the required vetting requirements.

8. I accept that any appointment arising from this panel will be subject to medical screening, where appropriate.

9. I undertake to notify the relevant Panel Operator and submit a completed Panel Update Form (PUF) to the Primary Teacher Allocations Section of the Department when I accept a post for the 2019/20 school year or if I decide to leave the panel for any reason. I understand that if I leave the panel for any reason I cannot be subsequently reinstated.

10. I accept that any appointment from the panel will be conditional on and subject to the terms and conditions set out in the/any letter of offer from the employing school/employer.

I confirm the information that I have provided for this application to be true and accurate.

Signature of Teacher: ______Date: ______



You should only complete Part 2 if you have applied at Part 1 for access to the Educate Together or An Foras Pátrúnachta National Panels. Note 1: Do not complete this section if you are applying for access to a Catholic Diocesan or Church of Ireland/United Diocesan Panel Note 2: Applicants completing this section must also have completed Part 1

1. I am willing to consider the offer of a post outside the 45km limit of my current school. Please circle Yes or No

If you have circled Yes above, please place a tick beside the county/counties below in which you are willing to consider the offer of a post.

Carlow Cavan Clare Cork

Donegal Dublin Galway Kerry

Kildare Kilkenny Laois Leitrim

Limerick Longford Louth Mayo

Meath Monaghan Offaly Roscommon

Sligo Tipperary Waterford Westmeath

Wexford Wicklow

Signature of Teacher: ______Date: ______


Part 3

Ineligibility for Panel Rights (for completion by Chairperson of Board of Management, if relevant)

If the teacher affected by the suppression of a permanent post is ineligible for panel rights, it is vital to notify both the teacher and the Department of the position. Please provide the identity of the teacher affected below.

Teacher’s Name: ______PPSN: ______

Signature of Chairperson: ______Date: ______


Part 4 (for completion by Chairperson)

 I am satisfied that the information in Part 1 and Part 2 or Part 3 of this form, as appropriate, is accurate.

 In relation to Part 1 and Part 2 (if relevant), I hereby approve of the teacher’s application for inclusion on the above named Main Panel as indicated therein by the teacher.

 In relation to Part 3 (if relevant), I confirm that I have informed the teacher identified that his/her post has been suppressed, that he/she is ineligible for panel rights.

Signature of Chairperson: ______Date : ______Phone No.: ______E-mail Address: ______

(the Chairperson’s contact details will be circulated to relevant bodies to facilitate the teacher’s redeployment, if eligible)


Data Protection Privacy Statement

The main purpose for which the Department requires the personal data provided by you is to establish if you are eligible to be placed on the Main Redeployment Panel and your deployment into a school from that Panel.

The personal data provided may be shared with the panel operator of the Main Redeployment Panel to which you apply to be placed on, in order that your name appears on the Main Redeployment Panel list; schools with vacancies to be filled for the 2019/20 school year; and the Teaching Council in respect of the status of your registration. The privacy notice outlining further information in relation to this form can be found at

Full details of the Department’s data protection policy setting out how we will use your personal data as well as information regarding your rights as a data subject are available at Department/Data-Protection/. Details of this policy and privacy notice are also available in hard copy from the address below upon request:

Primary Allocations Department of Education & Skills Cornamaddy Athlone Co. Westmeath N37 X659


Appendix F (a) Application to the Primary Staffing Appeals Board for the 2019/20 School Year

Criterion A – Exceptional Accommodation Difficulties

The Appeals Board will consider applications for mainstream staffing as outlined in Circular 0019/2019, Staffing Arrangements in Primary Schools for the 2019/20 school year.

Part 1 School staffing details. Part 2 Information specific to the particular appeal criterion. Part 3 allows for any further information relevant to the appeal to be submitted.

Part 1

Roll No: ______

School Name: ______

School Address: ______

Contact No: ______

Email address: ______

School Category:  Ordinary  Gaeltacht  Gaelscoil  DEIS Urban Band 1  Other

If “Other” please specify ______


1. Please state the valid enrolment on:

30th September 2017 ______

30th September 2018 ______

30th September 2019* ______

* Use projected figure if before this date

2. State details of staffing posts:

2018/19 2019/20

Post Type No of Posts No of Posts Total Full-Time Teaching Posts including Principal Breakdown of Teaching Posts as follows: Principal Mainstream Class Teacher(s) including developing post(s) S.E.T. post Special Class Teacher (exact category)

EAL Language Support Post Other Teaching Posts (give details)


3. Please state the (projected) enrolment breakdown for each grade for the 2019/20 school year:

Grade No of Pupils

Junior Infants Senior Infants First Class Second Class Third Class Fourth Class Fifth Class Sixth Class Special Class (if any)


4. Please state the (projected) breakdown of class groups per teacher for the 2019/20 school year

Do not include any expected appeal post:

Class Groups No of Pupils



Part 2

Criterion A – Exceptional Accommodation Difficulties

Where a departure from the staffing schedule is requested to meet exceptional accommodation difficulties.

The school must demonstrate to the Board’s satisfaction why an additional teaching post is warranted to meet the exceptional accommodation difficulty. All questions below must be completed.

1. Is the existing accommodation adequate for an additional teacher and class?  Yes

 No

2. Has the Department’s Planning and Building Unit in Tullamore, Co Offaly been contacted by the Board of Management regarding exceptional accommodation difficulties?  Yes

 No

If yes please give details: ______

3. Are there any special circumstances pertaining to your school? If so, please give details below together with any other relevant evidence or comments supporting your application. The details should include issues as appropriate such as classroom size, information on split sites e.g. the distance between split sites if any, what activities require pupils to travel between sites and what route intersects the two sites. Maps and/or building plans may be provided to support the application. ______

4. How will the allocation of an additional teaching post improve any of the above exceptional accommodation difficulties? ______


Part 3

Further Information

Please briefly outline any further details that you feel are relevant to your appeal.


I hereby certify that the details provided are true and correct.

Signature of Principal: ______Date: ______

Signature of Chairperson: ______Date: ______

Contact Phone No: ______Email: ______

Please forward the completed form to:

Secretary Primary Staffing Appeals Board Primary Allocations Section Department of Education & Skills Cornamaddy Athlone Co. Westmeath N37 X659


Appendix F (b) Application to the Primary Staffing Appeals Board for the 2019/20 School Year

Criterion B – Additional Enrolments in October 2018

The Appeals Board will consider applications for mainstream staffing as outlined in Circular 0019/2019, Staffing Arrangements in Primary Schools for the 2019/20 school year.

Part 1 School staffing details. Part 2 Information specific to the particular appeal criterion. Part 3 allows for any further information relevant to the appeal to be submitted.

Part 1

Roll No: ______

School Name: ______

School Address: ______

Contact No: ______

Email address: ______

School Category:  Ordinary  Gaeltacht  Gaelscoil  DEIS Urban Band 1  Other

If “Other” please specify ______


1. Please state the valid enrolment on:

30th September 2017 ______

30th September 2018 ______

30th September 2019* ______

* Use projected figure if before this date

2. State details of staffing posts:

2018/19 2019/20

Post Type No of Posts No of Posts Total Full-Time Teaching Posts including Principal Breakdown of Teaching Posts as follows: Principal Mainstream Class Teacher(s) including developing post(s) S.E.T. post Special Class Teacher (exact category)

EAL Language Support Post Other Teaching Posts (give details)


3. Please state the (projected) enrolment breakdown for each grade for the 2019/20 school year:

Grade No of Pupils

Junior Infants Senior Infants First Class Second Class Third Class Fourth Class Fifth Class Sixth Class Special Class (if any)


4. Please state the (projected) breakdown of class groups per teacher for the 2019/20 school year

Do not include any expected appeal post:

Class Groups No of Pupils



Part 2

Criterion B – Additional Enrolments in October 2018

Where the Board is satisfied, on the basis of verifiable evidence, that the required pupil numbers were enrolled in September or October 2018, but due to circumstances outside the control of the school were not enrolled on the 30th September 2018*. For staffing purposes, a pupil can be included in the enrolment of only one school in any school year**.

The school making the appeal should enclose copies of the school enrolment records showing the precise date of enrolment and date of birth of the pupil(s) in question.

1. Valid enrolment for 30th September 2017 ______

2. Valid enrolment for 30th September 2018 ______

3. Is this less than the number of pupils enrolled earlier in September 2018?

Yes No

If yes, please state the reasons why ______

4. Number of pupils who enrolled in October 2018 (if any): ______

Please state the reasons for pupil enrolment in October 2018 (if any): ______

5. Were all children enrolled over 4 years of age?

 Yes  No

6. Were any pupils retained to repeat classes?

 Yes If yes, please state number retained: ______ No


If “Yes” in respect of 6 above, the terms of Section 5.1 of Primary Circular 11/01 (Retention of Pupils in Primary Schools) may apply in that some or all of the pupils may be discounted for determining eligibility towards valid enrolment.

(5.1 Circular 11/01 - In the event that a school were to continue the practice of enrolling pupils in a repeat class after the 1st September 2001 the Department will discount the pupils in such classes for the purpose of determining the valid enrolment of the school. Capitation and other grants in respect of such pupils shall not be paid.)

7. Please note that if pupil(s):

 That were previously enrolled in another school on 30th September 2018 are being counted as part of this appeal, a letter from the previous school verifying that those pupils were not required to be counted as part of the school’s valid enrolment for the appointment or retention of a teacher must be included with the Appeal.  Were not enrolled in any other school on 30th September 2018, a letter from the child’s parent/guardian stating this should be provided.

Please tick the box if this applies in your case.

* A pupil who leaves the school before 30 September and does not return to the school in the school year will not be eligible for consideration under this criterion.

**In the event that the school in which the pupil was enrolled on the 30 September 2018 can verify that the pupil did not need to be counted for the appointment or retention of a teacher in that school, the Appeal Board will consider allowing the pupil to be counted as part of the enrolment for staffing purposes in the school to which s/he transferred.


Part 3

Further Information

Please briefly outline any further details that you feel are relevant to your appeal.


I hereby certify that the details provided are true and correct.

Signature of Principal: ______Date: ______

Signature of Chairperson: ______Date: ______

Contact Phone Number: ______Email: ______

Please forward the completed form to: Secretary Primary Staffing Appeals Board Primary Allocations Section Department of Education & Skills Cornamaddy Athlone Co. Westmeath N37 X659


Appendix F (c) Application to the Primary Staffing Appeals Board for the 2019/20 School Year

Criterion C – Developing Post based on Additional Enrolments after 30th September 2019 (Note – only considered at October 2019 Appeals Board)

The Appeals Board will consider applications for mainstream staffing as outlined in Circular 0019/2019, Staffing Arrangements in Primary Schools for the 2019/20 school year.

Part 1 School staffing details. Part 2 Information specific to the particular appeal criterion. Part 3 allows for any further information relevant to the appeal to be submitted.

Part 1

Roll No: ______

School Name: ______

School Address: ______

Contact No: ______

Email address: ______

School Category:  Ordinary  Gaeltacht  Gaelscoil  DEIS Urban Band 1  Other

If “Other” please specify ______


1. Please state the valid enrolment on:

30th September 2017 ______

30th September 2018 ______

30th September 2019* ______

* Use projected figure if before this date

2. State details of staffing posts:

2018/19 2019/20

Post Type No of Posts No of Posts Total Full-Time Teaching Posts including Principal Breakdown of Teaching Posts as follows: Principal Mainstream Class Teacher(s) including developing post(s) S.E.T. post Special Class Teacher (exact category)

EAL Language Support Post Other Teaching Posts (give details)


3. Please state the (projected) enrolment breakdown for each grade for the 2019/20 school year:

Grade No of Pupils

Junior Infants Senior Infants First Class Second Class Third Class Fourth Class Fifth Class Sixth Class Special Class (if any)


4. Please state the (projected) breakdown of class groups per teacher for the 2019/20 school year

Do not include any expected appeal post:

Class Groups No of Pupils



Part 2

Criterion C – Developing Post based on Additional Enrolments after 30 September 2019

(For October 2019 Appeals Board Meeting Only)

This criterion applies only to those schools provisionally sanctioned for a developing post(s) which did not reach sufficient enrolments on 30th September 2019 to retain the post. As this criterion relates to verification of actual enrolment on 30th September 2019, the Appeals Board can only consider appeals under this criterion at the October Appeals Board meeting.

Where the Board considers that, in relation to the granting of a post under the developing school criterion, the projected pupil numbers required to retain the post were enrolled or are likely to be enrolled by the last day of term in December 2019, but due to circumstances outside the control of the school were not enrolled as expected on 30th September 2019, it may grant an appeal post.

A post allocated by the Board under this criterion will be sanctioned on a provisional basis subject to confirmation of the required enrolment being achieved by the last day of term in December 2019.

1. Required enrolment on 30th September 2019 for retention of developing post: ______

2. Enrolment achieved on 30th September 2019: ______

3. Why was the required enrolment as projected not achieved on 30th September 2019? ______

4. Provide details of the pupils expected to enrol and reason they were not enrolled in school on 30th September 2019: ______


5. In relation to each pupil who will be enrolled after 30th September and who are being counted as part of this appeal, the documents at (a) and (b) below must be provided:

(a) A letter from the parents / enrolment form stating the expecting date of enrolment of the pupil(s).


(b) A letter from the school(s) where the pupil(s) was previously enrolled in on 30th September 2019 verifying that he/she is not required to be counted as part of the school’s valid enrolment for the appointment or retention of a teacher. For staffing purposes a pupil can be included in the enrolment of just one school in any school year. The Appeals Board will consider allowing the pupil to be counted as part of the enrolment for staffing purposes in the school to which s/he transferred.


A letter from each child’s parent/guardian stating that the child was not enrolled in any other school on 30th September 2019.


Part 3

Further Information

Please briefly outline any further details that you feel are relevant to your appeal.


I hereby certify that the details provided are true and correct.

Signature of Principal: ______Date: ______

Signature of Chairperson: ______Date: ______

Contact Phone No: ______Email: ______

Please forward the completed form to:

Secretary Primary Staffing Appeals Board Primary Allocations Section Department of Education & Skills Cornamaddy Athlone Co. Westmeath N37 X659


Appendix F (d) Application to the Primary Staffing Appeals Board for the 2019/20 School Year

Criterion D – English as an Additional Language (EAL) Teaching Posts

The Appeals Board will consider applications for mainstream staffing as outlined in Circular 0019/2019, Staffing Arrangements in Primary Schools for the 2019/20 school year.

Part 1 School staffing details. Part 2 Information specific to the particular appeal criterion. Part 3 allows for any further information relevant to the appeal to be submitted.

Part 1

Roll No: ______

School Name: ______

School Address: ______

Contact No: ______

Email address: ______

School Category:  Ordinary  Gaeltacht  Gaelscoil  DEIS Urban Band 1  Other

If “Other” please specify ______


1. Please state the valid enrolment on:

30th September 2017 ______

30th September 2018 ______

30th September 2019* ______

* Use projected figure if before this date

2. State details of staffing posts:

2018/19 2019/20

Post Type No of Posts No of Posts Total Full-Time Teaching Posts including Principal Breakdown of Teaching Posts as follows: Principal Mainstream Class Teacher(s) including developing post(s) S.E.T. post Special Class Teacher (exact category)

EAL Language Support Post Other Teaching Posts (give details)


3. Please state the (projected) enrolment breakdown for each grade for the 2019/20 school year:

Grade No of Pupils

Junior Infants Senior Infants First Class Second Class Third Class Fourth Class Fifth Class Sixth Class Special Class (if any)


4. Please state the (projected) breakdown of class groups per teacher for the 2019/20 school year

Do not include any expected appeal post:

Class Groups No of Pupils



Part 2

Criterion D – English as an Additional Language (EAL) Teaching Posts

Where at least 20% of the total enrolment of the school is made up of pupils that require EAL (English as an additional language) support (pupils with less than B1 (Level 3) proficiency), the BOM may lodge an appeal for a review of the proposed allocation for pupils requiring EAL support.

Having considered the circumstances outlined by the school and having regard to the high number of pupils requiring EAL support, additional post(s) may be approved to meet the educational needs of such pupils.

1. Total (projected) number of all validly enrolled pupils (EAL and other pupils) on 30th September 2019:

2. Total (projected) number of validly enrolled pupils on 30th September 2019 with less than B1 (level 3) proficiency who will have received less than 1 year EAL support by 31st August 2019:

3. Total (projected) number of validly enrolled pupils on 30th September 2019 with less than B1 (level 3) proficiency who will have received between 1 and 2 years EAL support by 31st August 2019:

4. Total (projected) number of validly enrolled pupils on 30th September 2019 with less than B1 (level 3) proficiency who will have received more than 2 years but less than 3 years EAL support by 31st August 2019:

5. Number of pupils with less than B1 (level 3) proficiency who (will) have received 3 years or more EAL support by 31st August 2019:

6. If relevant, please explain the reason for claiming EAL support in respect of more pupils for the 2019/20 school year than for the previous school year.



7. Please outline the particular circumstances to support the school’s application for additional post(s) and the manner in which existing teaching posts are being utilised.



Part 3

Further Information

Please briefly outline any further details that you feel are relevant to your appeal.


I hereby certify that the details provided are true and correct.

Signature of Principal: ______Date: ______

Signature of Chairperson: ______Date: ______

Contact Phone No: ______Email: ______

Please forward the completed form to:

Secretary Primary Staffing Appeals Board Primary Allocations Section Department of Education & Skills Cornamaddy Athlone Co. Westmeath N37 X659


Appendix F (e) Application to the Primary Staffing Appeals Board for the 2019/20 School Year

Criterion E – Small Schools

The Appeals Board will consider applications for mainstream staffing as outlined in Circular 0019/2019, Staffing Arrangements in Primary Schools for the 2019/20 school year.

Part 1 School staffing details. Part 2 Information specific to the particular appeal criterion. Part 3 allows for any further information relevant to the appeal to be submitted.

Part 1

Roll No: ______

School Name: ______

School Address: ______

Contact No: ______

Email address: ______

School Category:  Ordinary  Gaeltacht  Gaelscoil  DEIS Urban Band 1  Other

If “Other” please specify ______


1. Please state the valid enrolment on:

30th September 2017 ______

30th September 2018 ______

30th September 2019* ______

* Use projected figure if before this date

2. State details of staffing posts:

2018/19 2019/20

Post Type No of Posts No of Posts Total Full-Time Teaching Posts including Principal Breakdown of Teaching Posts as follows: Principal Mainstream Class Teacher(s) including developing post(s) S.E.T. post Special Class Teacher (exact category)

EAL Language Support Post Other Teaching Posts (give details)


3. Please state the (projected) enrolment breakdown for each grade for the 2019/20 school year:

Grade No of Pupils

Junior Infants Senior Infants First Class Second Class Third Class Fourth Class Fifth Class Sixth Class Special Class (if any)


4. Please state the (projected) breakdown of class groups per teacher for the 2019/20 school year

Do not include any expected appeal post:

Class Groups No of Pupils



Part 2

Criterion E – Small Schools

As part of Budget 2012 measures, the pupil thresholds in small schools were increased. This appeals criterion is applicable to these schools and they may submit an appeal in either of two instances:

1. Where a school with four classroom teachers or less which is losing a classroom post for the 2019/20 school year provides supported evidence that the enrolment will increase sufficiently by 30th September 2019 to retain the post for the subsequent school year (i.e. the 2020/21 school year) the Appeals Board can allow the school to retain the classroom post.


2. Where a school with three classroom teachers or less is not gaining a classroom post for the 2019/20 school year but can provide evidence that it will gain the additional classroom post for the subsequent school year (i.e. the 2020/21 school year), the Appeals Board can allow the school to gain a post for the 2019/20 school year.


3. Where a school that is due to have 1 classroom teacher for the 2019/20 school year based on the current staffing schedule but is projecting an enrolment of at least 15 pupils for 30th September 2019 and has at least 6 class groupings, the Appeals Board can allow the school to gain/retain a post for the 2019/120 school year.

Total (projected) enrolment on 30th September 2019: ______


Part 3

Further Information

Please briefly outline any further details that you feel are relevant to your appeal.


I hereby certify that the details provided are true and correct.

Signature of Principal: ______Date: ______

Signature of Chairperson: ______Date: ______

Contact Phone No: ______Email: ______

Please forward the completed form to:

Secretary Primary Staffing Appeals Board Primary Allocations Section Department of Education & Skills Cornamaddy Athlone Co. Westmeath N37 X659


Appendix F (f) Application to the Primary Staffing Appeals Board for the 2019/20 School Year

Criterion F – School losing 3 or more Posts

The Appeals Board will consider applications for mainstream staffing as outlined in Circular 0019/2019, Staffing Arrangements in Primary Schools for the 2019/20 school year.

Part 1 School staffing details. Part 2 Information specific to the particular appeal criterion. Part 3 allows for any further information relevant to the appeal to be submitted.

Part 1

Roll No: ______

School Name: ______

School Address: ______

Contact No: ______

Email address: ______

School Category:  Ordinary  Gaeltacht  Gaelscoil  DEIS Urban Band 1  Other

If “Other” please specify ______


1. Please state the valid enrolment on:

30th September 2017 ______

30th September 2018 ______

30th September 2019* ______

* Use projected figure if before this date

2. State details of staffing posts:

2018/19 2019/20

Post Type No of Posts No of Posts Total Full-Time Teaching Posts including Principal Breakdown of Teaching Posts as follows: Principal Mainstream Class Teacher(s) including developing post(s) S.E.T. post Special Class Teacher (exact category)

EAL Language Support Post Other Teaching Posts (give details)


3. Please state the (projected) enrolment breakdown for each grade for the 2019/20 school year:

Grade No of Pupils

Junior Infants Senior Infants First Class Second Class Third Class Fourth Class Fifth Class Sixth Class Special Class (if any)


4. Please state the (projected) breakdown of class groups per teacher for the 2019/20 school year

Do not include any expected appeal post:

Class Groups No of Pupils



Part 2

Criterion F – School losing 3 or more Posts

Where a school is losing 3 or more permanent posts, an application can be made to the Staffing Appeals Board with a view to seeking to have a portion of the loss in posts deferred to the 2020/21 school year on the basis that it is impacting in a particularly adverse manner on a school’s overall allocation.

Briefly outline how your school meets the above criterion.



Part 3

Further Information

Please briefly outline any further details that you feel are relevant to your appeal.


I hereby certify that the details provided are true and correct.

Signature of Principal: ______Date: ______

Signature of Chairperson: ______Date: ______

Contact Phone No: ______Email: ______

Please forward the completed form to:

Secretary Primary Staffing Appeals Board Primary Allocations Section Department of Education & Skills Cornamaddy Athlone Co. Westmeath N37 X659


Appendix F (g) Application to the Primary Staffing Appeals Board for the 2019/20 School Year

Criterion G – Alleviating some of the pressure on class sizes at infants level

The Appeals Board will consider applications for mainstream staffing as outlined in Circular 0019/2019, Staffing Arrangements in Primary Schools for the 2019/20 school year.

Part 1 School staffing details. Part 2 Information specific to the particular appeal criterion. Part 3 allows for any further information relevant to the appeal to be submitted.

Part 1

Roll No: ______

School Name: ______

School Address: ______

Contact No: ______

Email address: ______

School Category:  Ordinary  Gaeltacht  Gaelscoil  DEIS Urban Band 1  Other

If “Other” please specify ______


1. Please state the valid enrolment on:

30th September 2017 ______

30th September 2018 ______

30th September 2019* ______

* Use projected figure if before this date

2. State details of staffing posts:

2018/19 2019/20

Post Type No of Posts No of Posts Total Full-Time Teaching Posts including Principal Breakdown of Teaching Posts as follows: Principal Mainstream Class Teacher(s) including developing post(s) S.E.T. post Special Class Teacher (exact category)

EAL Language Support Post Other Teaching Posts (give details)


3. Please state the (projected) enrolment breakdown for each grade for the 2019/20 school year:

Grade No of Pupils

Junior Infants Senior Infants First Class Second Class Third Class Fourth Class Fifth Class Sixth Class Special Class (if any)


4. Please state the (projected) breakdown of class groups per teacher for the 2019/20 school year

Do not include any expected appeal post:

Class Groups No of Pupils



Part 2

Criterion G – Alleviating some of the pressure on class sizes at infants level

This appeals criteria is targeted at schools that are not gaining an additional teaching post under the developing schools criteria but nevertheless make a significant contribution to the provision of school places which assists the response to demographic growth within their area and as a result are under significant pressure on their class sizes at infants level. A key indicator in relation to these schools is a significant increase in junior infants enrolments.

No. of Junior Infants enrolled on 30th September 2017 (must be a minimum of 30 junior infants) No. of Junior Infants enrolled on 30th September 2018 (must be higher than the 30th September 2017 enrolment) Projected no. of Junior Infants enrolled on 30th September 2019 (must be higher than the 30th September 2018 enrolment)

If an additional post is sanctioned by the Appeals Board please state the (projected) breakdown of class groups per teacher for the 2019/20 school year:

Class Groups No of Pupils


Schools are reminded that in the context of seeking additional resources from the Department under this criteria it is very important that the projected enrolment is realistic.


Schools are required to ensure that the number of pupils in any class is kept as low as possible and to use their autonomy, where possible, to implement smaller class sizes for infant classes.

Please state below the key steps your school is taking, in particular for infant classes, in order to comply with this requirement for the 2019/20 school year:



Part 3

Further Information

Please briefly outline any further details that you feel are relevant to your appeal.


I hereby certify that the details provided are true and correct.

Signature of Principal: ______Date: ______

Signature of Chairperson: ______Date: ______

Contact Phone No: ______Email: ______

Please forward the completed form to:

Secretary Primary Staffing Appeals Board Primary Allocations Section Department of Education & Skills Cornamaddy Athlone Co. Westmeath N37 X659


CID Declaration Form 19 Appendix G - Declaration by a school for the 2019/20 school year where a teacher has acquired a CID under Part A1 or A2 of Circular 0023/2015

(CID Declaration Form must be completed for each existing CID holding teacher in the school)

Section 1 - School details School Name and Address Roll No

Section 2 - Please complete in relation to any of the scenarios set out below that apply to your school

(i) Teacher Name/PPSN Teacher awarded a full-time CID in or before the 2018/19 school year under the terms of Part A1 or A2 of Circular 0023/2015 who will be remaining in the school as a consequence of a vacancy (permanent or fixed term) arising from the commencement of the 2019/20 school year Please indicate reason vacancy has arisen and whether it is permanent/fixed term : ______

(ii) Teacher Name/PPSN Teacher awarded a full-time CID in or before the 2018/19 school year under the terms of Part A1 (reduced qualification period) of Circular 0023/2015 and who will be surplus in the school from the commencement of the 2019/20 school year as the school does not have a vacancy, either permanent or temporary, available for the teacher. Please indicate reason teacher is surplus in the school for 2019/20:


Section 3 - Please complete in relation to any of the scenarios set out below that apply to your school

Tick as appropriate I certify that the school has provision within its approved staffing allocation for the 2019/20 school year to retain the teacher named at Section 2(i).

I certify that there is no provision within the staffing allocation of the school for the 2019/20 school year for the teacher named at 2(ii) to be retained in the school and a completed Main Panel application form is attached to this form.

I am satisfied that the above information is correct.

Signature: ______Date ______Chairperson Board of Management

Email address: ______

Return completed form to Primary Allocations, Department Education & Skills, Athlone N37 X659 by 21st March 2019. CID Declaration Form 19

Data Protection Privacy Statement

The main purpose for which the Department requires the personal data provided by you is to establish if there is a vacancy available for you in your current school or if you need to apply to be placed on the Main Redeployment Panel in order to be redeployed to a vacancy in another school.

Full details of the Department’s data protection policy setting out how we will use your personal data as well as information regarding your rights as a data subject are available at Department/Data-Protection/. Details of this policy and privacy notice are also available in hard copy from the address below upon request:

Primary Allocations Department of Education & Skills Cornamaddy Athlone Co. Westmeath N37 X659

Return completed form to Primary Allocations, Department Education & Skills, Athlone N37 X659 by 21st March 2019. FORM CIDApp(19/20)


For The First Time Further (additional hours) Tick as appropriate

PART A – SCHOOL DETAILS Roll Number: Name:


Qualifications: Teaching Council No:

Include all contracts up to the end of 2018/19 school year, funded by the Oireachtas, which this teacher has had with the school. Status – Reason for Contract * Name of teacher that CID Hours per Start Date End Date RPT/ applicant was replacing, if week Fixed Term applicable

* Reason: Staffing schedule gain, Retirement, S.E.T, EAL, Secondment, Career Break, Job Sharing, Other (Please give details)

Please include details of the viable post available for the teacher in the school for the 2019/20 school year Status – RPT/ Reason for Contract * Name of teacher that CID Hours per Start Date End Date Fixed Term/ applicant will replace, if week Permanent applicable

* Reason: Staffing schedule gain, Retirement, S.E.T, EAL, Secondment, Career Break, Other (Please give details)

B.1 of Circular 0023/2015 No. of CID hours sought: Date from which CID is effective:

PART C– TEACHER CERTIFICATION I certify that:  The information stated in this application is true and accurate

Signed ______Date ______Teacher PART D – SCHOOL CERTIFICATION I certify that:  This teacher is eligible for a CID/further CID in the 2019/20 school year under the terms of Circular 0023/2015.  This application is in respect of the continuation for the 2019/20 school year of a post that has been funded from monies provided by the Oireachtas only and the conditions as laid out in Circular 0023/2015 are satisfied in full.  The information stated in this application is true and accurate. I understand that the CID can be revoked at any time if the information provided was falsified.

Signed ______Date ______Signed ______Date ______Principal Chairperson of BOM

Return completed form to Primary Allocations, Department Education & Skills, Athlone N37 X659 by 21st March 2019.

Data Protection Privacy Statement

The main purpose for which the Department requires the personal data provided by you is to establish if you are eligible to be awarded a Contract of Indefinite Duration (CID).

The personal data provided may be shared with your employing school when notifying the school of the outcome of your application.

Full details of the Department’s data protection policy setting out how we will use your personal data as well as information regarding your rights as a data subject are available at Details of this policy and privacy notice are also available in hard copy from the address below upon request:

Primary Allocations Department of Education & Skills Cornamaddy Athlone Co. Westmeath N37 X659