“Schlaglicht Israel”!

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“Schlaglicht Israel”! Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 3/17 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 1.-15. Februar Die Themen dieser Ausgabe Netanyahu bei Trump ............................................................................................................................................... 1 Räumung von Amona und umstrittenes Reglementierungsgesetz ........................................................................... 4 Wieder Krieg im Gazastreifen? ................................................................................................................................. 6 Medienquerschnitt .................................................................................................................................................... 8 Netanyahu bei Trump ness. He clearly sees who the Middle East good Im Vorfeld der Reise von Regierungschef Benjamin guys and bad guys are. (…) The meeting between Netanyahu nach Washington, dämpfte der neue US- Netanyahu and Trump will put a lock on the past Präsident Donald Trump die Erwartungen in Israel. eight years and usher in a new chapter in the history In einem exklusiven Interview mit der Tageszeitung of our region. (…) The time has come to put pres- Israel Hayom erklärte Trump, dass ein Umzug der sure on these who really sow murder and put world Botschaft von Tel Aviv nach Jerusalem, wie er ihn peace at risk: the various Islamic terrorist organiza- zuvor in Aussicht gestellt hatte, „wohl überlegt“ sein tions, from Hamas to Hezbollah, and dark regimes müsse. Auch bei Israels Bau von Wohnungen für like the Palestinian Authority under President Siedler im besetzten Westjordanland signalisierte Mahmoud Abbas and, of course, the evildoers in Trump, sie seien der Lösungsfindung zwischen Tehran. (…) What's more, the Americans will no Israel und den Palästinensern wenig förderlich. longer see the Jewish hold on Jerusalem and Judea Insgesamt stand Netanyahus Antrittsbesuch beim and Samaria as something to be condemned. (…) neuen Chef im Weißen Haus jedoch unter günstigen Ariel Bolstein, IHY, 01.02.17 Vorzeichen. Nach acht Jahren stark angespannter Beziehungen und offener Antipathie von Seiten des Netanyahu and Trump: A relationship based on früheren US-Präsidenten Barack Obama traf Netan- flattery and groveling yahu diesmal einen Politiker, der gegenüber Israel (…) Netanyahu, who always argued that his murky Hayom erklärte: „Ich habe ihn (Netanyahu) immer relationship with the previous president was not his gemocht.“ fault but Barack Obama’s, will do anything to ensure that the new president looks like his best friend, More than a symbol partner and supporter. (…) But it seems that with (…) For Trump to set a meeting with Netanyahu so Trump, like with Netanyahu, flattery and groveling quickly after taking office carries symbolic meaning generate the opposite outcome. And the closer and for both Israel and its leader, and emphasizes that more loyal the flatterer, the faster he is betrayed and Israel is the superpower's most important ally. (…) A thrown to the dogs. When the Israeli Right rejoiced vast majority of those in Congress see Israel as a after the elections and increased the pressure to key, irreplaceable ally and a partner in the values of expand settlement construction, move the US em- freedom. The American defense establishment sees bassy to Jerusalem, confiscate land, and legalize us similarly. Now the top of the pyramid is joining outposts, Netanyahu told everyone to calm down them, and he is not hampered by ideological blind- and asked them not to present Trump with difficult 1 facts. In other words, let him carry out what he sors that Israeli communities are an obstacle to promised in his own time. (…) The flattery reached peace. (…) Trump and his top advisers have made new heights with Netanyahu’s miserable tweet, in clear that they see no upside to US support for the which he first of all praised himself, but also flattered PLO. (…) The administration’s desire to disengage Trump on the future construction of a wall on the from the PLO is well aligned with Israel’s strategic Mexico border. (…) At the same time, a storm began interests. No good has ever come to Israel from US washing though the world. By signing an executive support for the PLO. (…) order banning the entry of citizens of seven coun- Caroline B. Glick, JPO, 09.02.17 tries defined as infected by terrorism, the Trump administration enraged nearly the entire world, apart First Netanyahu-Trump meeting will focus on from Israel. (…) Almost all governments in the world Iran, not Gaza issued a condemnation. (…) And the Israeli govern- (…) Iran has two bitter enemies in Trump’s cabinet: ment, led by Netanyahu, is silent. (…) It is very Secretary of Defense James Mattis and National tempting to define Netanyahu’s silence in light of the Security Adviser Michael Flynn. They both fought in violence, racism and even anti-Semitism of the new Iraq a decade ago—Mattis as a division commander, administration as an attempt to satisfy Trump with Flynn as a senior intelligence officer. They saw with flattery and support to achieve practical goals in the their own eyes Iranians killing American soldiers, future. A more thorough examination reveals a con- intentionally. They have not forgiven the Iranians. cerning suspicion that there is more to it than a dirty (…) When it comes to Iran, these two side with tactic. Netanyahu. (…) He has a golden opportunity here. Sima Kadmon, YED, 07.02.17 He must not succeed too much, however. If he con- vinces Trump to bomb Iran, the immediate Iranian Beautiful Friendship response won’t be on American soil but in Israel, in (…) When Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the form of thousands of rockets that will be arrives in the US capital next week, he will be greet- launched from Lebanon and Syria. In addition, when ed by the most supportive political climate Israel has the war will get more complicated, as wars do, the ever seen in Washington. (…) radical Jewish war opponents in America will point an accusing groups have been unsuccessful in rallying the more finger at Israel. moderate leftist Jewish leadership to their cause. Nahum Barnea, YED, 12.02.17 Case in point is the widespread support Trump’s appointment of David Friedman to serve as his Israel treating Trump stupidly ambassador to Israel is receiving from the communi- Less than a month after taking office, President ty. (…) Given this political climate, Netanyahu must Trump is rapidly back-tracking on his campaign use his meeting with Trump to develop a working promises concerning Israel, including moving the alliance to secure Israel’s long-term strategic inter- American embassy to Jerusalem, approving settle- ests both on issues of joint concern and on issues ment expansion in the West Bank and abandoning that concern Israel alone. The first issue on the the two-state "solution." Why? The inauguration of agenda must be Iran. (…) Then there is Syria. And the Trump (…) was followed by euphoria on the part Russia. (…) Netanyahu must present Trump with a of Israelis in general and a massive display of hubris viable plan to reconstitute US-Russian ties in ex- on the part of the government in Jerusalem. Without change for Russian abandonment of its alliance with giving the administration even the courtesy of wait- Tehran and its cooperation with Iran and Hezbollah ing until the prime minister had met with Trump (…) in Syria.(…) Then there are the Sunnis. For the past politicians such as Naftali Bennett are exacerbating six years, Netanyahu successfully withstood the folly by threatening Netanyahu with violent retri- Obama’s pressure by developing an informal alli- bution if he retreats even one centimeter from those ance with Sunni regimes that share its opposition to premature measures. Such behavior would seriously Iran and to the Muslim Brotherhood. (…) Will Trump annoy even a new president less prickly than Trump, push Israel to make concessions to the PLO or who is notoriously sensitive to perceived slights. (…) won’t he? The short answer is that it doesn’t appear It may be that the PM is trying to divert attention that Trump has the slightest intention of doing so. from what may be an impending indictment for cor- (…) Not only did the administration’s statement not ruption, as well as protecting his right flank. But the reject Israel’s right to build new communities, it re- motive doesn't matter. What matters is that such jected completely the position of Trump’s predeces- behavior is incredibly stupid and counter-productive 2 and is a terrible start for what looked like what was an Israeli diplomatic commitment by publicly ac- going to be an excellent bilateral relationship for the knowledging joint strategic interests and strong next four or eight years. (…) security cooperation in the region. (…) In conclu- Norman Bailey, GLO, 12.02.17 sion, President Trump should carefully craft the U.S.-led third party’s effort in pursuing the trend for Seeing eye to eye an Israeli-Palestinian two-state reality. Peace is still (…). Trump campaigned on setting a different tone possible. (…) The formula of “nothing is agreed until with Israel, promising to upgrade the relationship in everything is agreed”, applied in Camp David 2000 both substance and attitude. (…).The early timing of and the subsequent 2008 Annapolis talks should be the visit seems to reflect its importance for both replaced by the credo “whatever is agreed will be leaders. Even if no major announcements are made, implemented.” the meeting presents an opportunity to demonstrate Gilead Sher and Jonathan Heuberger, TOI, 14.02.17 a new, friendlier mood at the very outset of Trump’s presidency. (…) Trump shares Israel’s concern over Trump will be the arbitrator between Israel's the destabilizing effect of Iranian influence in the petty rivals region. (…) The only conceivable future for the Go- It’s as if we’ve sent our prime minister into the heart lan Heights is under Israeli rule. This simple fact of darkness (…), Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to should be clarified during Netanyahu’s meeting with warn his rivals on the fervent right that Israel Trump. (…) Today it is clear to all that, in any con- shouldn’t get into a confrontation with the new U.S.
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