
Schlaglicht Nr. 04/11 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 01. – 21. Februar 2011

1. Der Sturz von Hosni Mubarak demonstrators were the ' generation' […] - that is to say people like us. The truth is that there Nach 18 Tagen anhaltender Proteste erreichten are millions of university educated young Egyptians ägyptische Demonstranten eines ihrer wichtigsten who are unemployed and hungry. […] Ziele: Hosni Mubarak, seit fast 30 Jahren Präsident If cannot deal with its poverty and create a und autokratischer Herrscher des Landes, trat zu- structure of social justice acceptable to the majority, rück. An seiner Stelle hat nun das Militär, das auch the Muslim Brotherhood will inevitably become more vorher Mubaraks wichtigste Stütze war, die Macht powerful." übernommen. Eine Kommission zur Ausarbeitung Ehud Kaufman, GLO 13.02.11 einer neuen Verfassung ist ernannt worden. Men- schenrechtsorganisationen kritisierten jedoch deren Egypt is not Gaza Zusammensetzung aus Mitgliedern des alten Re- "The Egyptians are unlike the Palestinians in the gimes und der Muslimbrüderschaft. , the or Jordan; nor are they In Israel sorgen sich Politiker und Öffentlichkeit in like the Shiites in . This is a proud, modest erster Linie um die Aufrechterhaltung des Friedens- people which has never been in the thrall of religious vertrages mit Ägypten. Das ägyptische Militär ver- fanaticism, despite the Islamic revolutions that have sicherte jedoch, das alle abgeschlossenen Verträge swept the region. Thus, the prospect that Egypt will weiterhin gültig seien. join the so-called axis of evil whose base is Iran is slight. Even if the Muslim Brotherhood rises to pow- A new era in Egypt er under the cover of democratic elections - it is not "Egypt's popular revolution […] herald[s] a new era an organization that can be likened to . Reli- in Middle East history. It's an era in which the people gious enthusiasm does not spawn political develop- demand to be heard and be allowed to help shape ments in Egypt which can be comparable to those their fate […]. A political revolt like this, in which prompted elsewhere in the Arab world." unarmed citizens overthrow a ruler they hate, had Yom-Tov Samia, HAA 07.02.11 never taken place in a an Arab country. […] Now Israel has to get used to Egypt's new rulers. Egypt is not Iran The dramatic change over the border naturally gives "Egypt is a Muslim country with an Islamic scent, rise to fears, but Israel must not interfere in its though unwilling to submit to the totalitarian suffoca- southern neighbor's affairs. Egypt has no conflict tion by religious rulers. […] The Muslim Brotherhood with Israel and must not be presented as an enemy. is not destined to come to power in Cairo. Islam is a […] The revolution in Egypt did not stem from the central part of the life of Egyptians though not the ties with Israel, and Netanyahu would do well to ideal of their political vision. […] The pride that keep quiet and give this neighboring country a Egyptians feel for their country, which burst out in chance to establish a democracy." the revolutionary élan, is a compelling sign that Iran HAA 13.02.11 Editorial as a model and precedent is alien to their national ethos. […] So the Egyptian revolution, hardly violent The Muslim brotherhood waits in the wings at all, is willing to sustain and dignify Islam but not "The Egyptian revolution […] was mainly motivated succumb to its preachers and principles." by the demand of the masses for economic justice. Mordechai Nisan, JED 16.02.11 […] Hope for political stability hangs on the mistaken impression created by the western media that the 1 Israel is out of touch 'popular power' and 'civil rights' is lip service in this "Perceived by many Israeli commentators as a case. They think that by resorting to nice words they movement shifting Egypt toward extremism, the will save themselves and their peoples from the developments of the past few days belie such cha- radical wave threatening to sweep them. They fear racterizations of the protesters’ intentions. that in a year or five years, the al-Tahrir protestors The almost total lack of anti-Israeli and anti- will show up at their own squares and boulevards. At American slogans and placards in the past fortnight this time already, these leaders see the pioneers has been striking, as has been the lack of Islamic walking as though they are the masters of the house content. […] in Paris, London and Berlin. […] In Israel, it has become the norm to view any re- It is very possible that Hosni Mubarak was not an gional development that it has not preordained with ideal leader. It is very possible that the regime in knee-jerk pessimism, if not outright panic, the as- Cairo was corrupt and not enlightened. […] Yet sumption being that disaster is imminent. Yet the Mubarak and his people understood something that events in Cairo and the statements from the Egyp- 100 Obamas will not understand even 50 years from tian military demonstrate something quite different, now: Mubarak and his regime were apparently the and should thus be welcomed. last obstacle in our conflicted world in the face of the Hagai M. Segal, JPO 15.02.11 Islamist tsunami, a predator that is already devour- ing some European states." Hosni and me Eitan Haber, JED 13.02.11 "Anyone who thinks Cairo’s calls for freedom will lead to rapid democratization is dangerously naive. Can Israel refuse to revisit the cornerstone? For starters, Egypt’s military has controlled the na- "Although the military has offered assurances that tion for more than 60 years – long before Mubarak. the country will respect the [peace] treaty [with And outside of his own authoritarian circle, there are Israel], the army’s voice in a democratic Egypt may no political leaders capable of taking the helm im- not be the only one that counts. Unfortunately, the mediately. […] sounds coming from erstwhile civilian leaders are Egypt’s current ruling military triumvirate will remain not reassuring. […] in power – and Tahrir’s mobs will be forced go The question Israel might soon face is whether the home. […] Be assured, the Egyptian military is not provisions of the treaty Egypt could ask to renego- about to surrender full control of Egypt – at least not tiate are worth the costs that Egypt might seek to now." unilaterally impose. Some concessions are not un- R. Chesnoff, JPO 14.02.11 thinkable. […] Welcome or not, the new era will present both pit- Mubarak no friend of Israel falls and opportunities. Israeli diplomacy will have to "We must admit that Egypt’s ousted president, Hosni be flexible and creative to ensure that when its Mubarak, did not have a pro-Israel agenda. […] neighbors break their age-old chains and overthrow Mubarak kept the ties with Israel at the lowest poss- their overseers, it is not at its expense as well. In ible level required to maintain the peace treaty. The this light, however inopportune, Israel may decide bonfire of peace he created was so small that any that the cornerstone of its security must be resur- wind could have extinguished it. […] Had he wanted faced without being removed." it, throughout his presidency President Mubarak M.M. Lieberman, JPO 20.02.11 could move closer, embrace us, speak warmly and leave behind him the kind of legacy that would en- 2. Unruhen in der arabischen Welt sure that the peace treaty is maintained even after he leaves. The fact is that at this time, nothing is In Tunesien und Ägypten haben Volksbewegungen guaranteed any longer in respect to Israel-Egypt die Herrscher bereits gestürzt. Diesen Beispielen ties." folgend gehen in immer mehr arabischen Ländern Nechama Duek, JED 14.02.11 die Menschen auf die Straße und fordern Reformen. Der jordanische König nahm einen Regierungs- My tears for Mubarak wechsel vor, in Bahrain und Jemen wurden Gehälter "All the senior Western leaders […] hurled at us […] erhöht, in Algerien wurde der seit 1992 verhängte a series of nice words – 'democracy,' 'civil rights,' Ausnahmezustand gestoppt während in Libyen and so on. […] Their devotion to 'democracy,' Gaddafi auf die Demonstranten schießen lässt und 2 dabei Tote in steigender Anzahl in Kauf nimmt, um their fight is not with Israel, but with the ayatollahs’ sein Regime zu retten. regime – but can they speak for the poor, the reli- In Israel werden diese Entwicklungen mit großer gious or the residents of remote villages? […] Aufmerksamkeit und zugleich mit viel Skepsis beo- It is too early to say what will be. Is this […] similar bachtet. Die größte Angst besteht dabei vor "demo- to the fall of the former Soviet Union? Political ob- kratischen" Wahlen, die islamistische Regierungen servers are describing the latest chain of events as hervorbringen und die Stabilität in der Region ge- a domino effect, but as we watch each block fall we fährden könnten. could be missing the greater picture." Liat Collins, JPO 20.02.11 A diplomatic revolution "The revolutions in Tunesia and Egypt, the demon- What's in it for Turkey? strations in Iran and Bahrain and the general feeling "One of the less-expected consequences of unrest of an earthquake rumbling across the Middle East in the Middle East is the elevation of Turkey’s role, have thus far conferred a sense of deliverance on making Ankara a potential regional power. […] Israel, as it has managed to escape the spotlight. Now, while the Brotherhood is emerging as a key […] Yet the shock waves in the Middle East actually player in Egyptian politics, the AKP, as an advocate obligate us to quickly rev up our strategic thinking. for this movement, has found an ally in Cairo. The For those same Arab publics that succeeded in same also applies to Tunis, where the local Brother- ousting two dictators, and have not yet uttered their hood has emerged from the shadows since the fall last word, will eventually demand that their new of Tunisia’s dictator. Moreover, if unrest in other governments pursue a vigorous foreign policy – or in Arab countries were to topple more dictatorships, or other words, reexamine their relationship with Israel. at least force them to recognize the opposition, the […] [Israel] would do better, in contrast to its usual AKP would gain additional allies. […] policy, to view the changes in the Middle East as an […] The party will not only continue to break rank opportunity and to preemptively propose a diplomat- with the West on issues such as Sudan and Hamas, ic initiative – one that will make it clear to the Arab but will also have a receptive audience and power to states […] that it is ready to be part of the new reali- support such policies in Cairo and elsewhere. After ty." nearly a decade of disappointment, the AKP’s Tur- HAA 16.02.11 Editorial key is now emerging as a regional power, thanks to the Arab winter of 2011." A big leap for the Israeli psyche Soner Cagaptay, JPO 20.02.11 "While Israel certainly has cause for anxiety, I be- lieve that at this point it has no choice but to bet on Afraid of its own people […] the broadening of democratization in the Arab "When Arab leaders looked at the uprisings in Egypt world. Israel must address its own fears and preju- and Tunisia, they felt the flames of revolution lap- dices rather than hoping for a perpetuation of the ping at their heels. To protect themselves, they status quo, which was unstable to begin with. […] rushed to make preemptive concessions, handing Israel must do its share to convince the Arab world out cash, rolling back subsidy cuts and promising that we are not haughty, arrogant and completely new elections. devoid of respect for Islam and for Arab culture. The Iranian leaders, on the other hand, chose to respond Arab world has good reasons to think that Israel is in precisely the opposite way. Instead of granting incapable of relating respectfully to Arabs, given their people what they might otherwise demand, the settlement construction, expropriation of Palestinian government chose to protect itself by killing even property and other unilateral steps. Our government more of its opponents […]. In short, Iran’s reaction to can start building confidence this very moment by the Arab revolt of 2011 puts the regime’s fears, stopping such acts immediately." along with its objectives, in sharp relief. […] Carlos Strenger, HAA 02.11.11 They vowed to spread their revolution across the Muslim world. Popular uprisings against secular Knock, knock: History calling Arab governments – which have long despised the "What is really happening in Egypt – and Tunisia, Iranian regime – give Tehran hope the ground will Iran, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya and a whole host of be fertile for more Islamic revolution. other countries – is unknown. […] Middle-class Iranians, all living in Tehran, have assured me that 3 So far, however, the young pro-democracy activists sands of soldiers follow him through fire […], he has in the Arab world find more inspiration in the Iranian to make snap decisions, and above all he has to protests of 2009 than in the revolution of 1979." surprise the foe by trickery. […] On the battlefield Frida Ghitis, JPO 16.02.11 there are no rules: This is the dirtiest of life's games. […] America's unique ally The conclusion is not that criminals or religious "The seismic developments […] throughout the Arab fanatics should be appointed chiefs of staff. Howev- Middle East highlight Israel's unique contribution to er, in considering candidates for supreme com- vital US interests. mander, it is necessary above all to look at their The significance of Israel's strategic added-value is ability to win wars, and only then at their personal underlined by uncertain and shifty Arab ideologies, morality […]. A military leader's personal morality is policies, alliances and allegiances, by the increasing important in a civilized country, but victory in battle is vulnerability of pro-US Arab regimes, the intensifying more important." unruly nature of Arab societies, the exacerbation of Gabriel Herman, HAA 11.02.11 Islamic terrorism, the Iranian nuclear threat, the deepening penetration of the Arab Middle East by A targeted assassination Russia and China, the recent erosion of the US "The participants in the public discourse taking place posture of deterrence and the expected US evacua- over this issue must honestly ask themselves tion of Iraq and Afghanistan. Israel's reliability, ca- whether the candidate’s real estate assets are the pability, credibility, stability, democracy and non- essence here. conditional alliance with the US are anomalous in An army chief is appointed and nobody shows any the Middle East." interest in whether he is the most suitable candidate Yoram Ettinger, JED 18.02.11 in terms of skill. Nobody asks for his views on strik- ing Iran’s nuclear program or on negotiations with 3. Ernennung eines neuen General- Syria. Yet the picture of his villa drives everyone stabschefs crazy. […] The entanglement in appointing the army chief does not only embarrass the IDF General Am 14. Februar hat Generalmajor das Staff. The first to be embarrassed is . In Amt des Generalstabschefs der israelischen Armee the bottom line, the defense minister has been de- von seinem Vorgänger über- feated again. […] You saw what Barak did to the nommen. Gantz war allerdings nicht der erste für Labor Party. He just did the same to the IDF. Israel diesen Posten vorgesehene Kandidat. Ursprünglich can manage without one party or another. It would hatte Generalmajor das Amt antreten be hard to carry on without the IDF." sollen. Ihm wird jedoch vorgeworfen, sich staatliches Nahum Barnea, JED 28.01.11 Land widerrechtlich für seinen privaten Wohnsitz angeeignet zu haben. Nachdem Generalstaats- The fish stinks from the head anwalt erklärte, dass Galants "Once it became clear to even Barak and Netanya- Ernennung vor dem Obersten Gerichtshof nicht hu […] that Galant’s position was untenable, they standhalten könne, zogen Premierminister Netanya- then first attempted to foist an unworkable solution hu und Verteidigungsminister Barak seine Kandida- on the army in the form of a temporary chief of Gen- tur zurück. Zunächst hieß es dann, es werde für eral Staff rather than ask Ashkenazi to extend his einige Monate einen vorläufigen Generalstabschef term. Belatedly, they came to their senses, but at geben, weil Barak eine Verlängerung von the cost of having Maj.-Gen. Benny Gantz’s promo- Ashkenazis Amtszeit grundsätzlich ablehnt. Schließ- tion being greeted more with a sense of relief that lich wurde die Ernennung von Benny Gantz be- the distractions of the past few months are behind schlossen. us, rather than a feeling that the best man has been chosen for the job. Morality isn't everything Given the irresponsibility shown by our leaders "What in fact do we want from a military leader - that during his appointment process, Gantz bears a he be white as snow in his private life, or that he win heavier burden than most incoming IDF command- battles?[...] To win in battle, a leader needs a rare ers. He needs to quickly impose his leadership on combination of characteristics. A military leader has his battered General Staff colleagues, who have to hack his way to the top; he has to make thou- suffered the collateral damage of the inept chan- 4 geover process, and project his vision for the IDF Vorsitzende der Gewerkschaftsdachverbandes down through the ranks." Histadrut Ofer Eini und der Arbeitgebervertreter Jeff Barak, JPO 13.02.11 Shraga Brosh drohten daraufhin mit einem General- streik. Netanyhu suchte den Kompromiss und ver- The army chief's challenge kündete schließlich mehrere Maßnahmen, um rapi- "The incoming chief of staff is facing a much greater de steigende burden than what his predecessor faced. While Gabi Lebenshaltungskosten auszugleichen. So wurde die Ashkenazi arrived as a savior, nobody is cheering Benzinsteuer zurückgezogen und die Erhöhung des Gantz on. The disputes at the top reduced the status Mindestlohns angekündigt. of the army chief’s office, yet the IDF chief is still the main bolt in our defense work […]. Waiting for our Day of Social Justice In 2011, […] we need a chief of staff […] with fore- "Our government's 'policy' of handing out candies to sight, broad vision, the ability to prioritize, and sound make us feel better worked this time round, too. The judgment; a man who can execute and take deci- prime minister declared a 'benefit package' to help sions. Otherwise, he will be pushed to the side and relieve financial pressure on the public; the Finance someone else will do his thinking for him. […] Ministry rushed within 24 hours to lower gasoline The political leadership needs to look up to him, and prices by 23 agorot; and the public protest that had not the other way around. He needs to help them awakened for a moment ended – until the next out- take risks, make it clear what comes at the expense cry and the next round of treats are handed out. […] of what, and present them with solutions rather than One in every four Israelis lives today in poverty – questions." double the average in the West. […] The level of Alex Fishman, JED 14.02.11 inequality in Israel is one of the highest among de- veloped nations. […] Benny's return to the alfalfa The writing is on the wall: There is no policy here "Gantz has no hidden agenda or worldview that he that promotes social justice. The prime minister and is trying to advance through war. […] The problem finance minister like to talk about how our economy for Gantz will be with the Israeli leadership, which is continuing to grow, unemployment is low and the did not want him until the last minute. […] When GNP is on the rise. When called upon to discuss the politicians find themselves in a weak position before issues of poverty and gaps in equality, they have a elections, two instincts awaken: the economic one much harder time." (to lower taxes ), and the military one. […] Gantz will Tali Nir, HAA 18.02.11 require enormous mental fortitude and precise sta- tesman-like conduct to identify the fine line between Eating the cake and affording it, too carrying out the orders of the elected civilian leader- "If we want to lower prices, we first need to create ship, and maintaining loyalty to those who may try to more wealth – increase production, innovation, use him for their political goals." supply. And if we want to do this, we need to free Amir Oren, HAA 14.02.11 the market, not impose further restrictions on it. One does not need a Nobel Prize in economics to 4. Preissteigerungen und Streik- understand that with higher minimum wages, fewer androhungen people will be employed, and as a result fewer goods will be produced. Das Wirtschaftswachstum in Israel betrug im letzten And in a welfare state like Israel, those without em- Quartal 7,8 Prozent. Israel stand damit an fünfter ployment receive government handouts, which will Stelle der am schnellsten wachsenden Wirtschaften require more taxes and therefore higher prices. in der OECD. Diese Zahlen, die von Finanzminister Higher taxes will be imposed on fuel, water, bread, mit Stolz verkündet wurden, können cars and homes. How else can the government pay jedoch nicht über die Unzufriedenheit der Bevölke- for those in need? […] rung über die Wirtschaftspolitik der Regierung hin- For the rich as well as the poor to prosper, more wegtäuschen. Zu heftigen Protesten – auch unter wealth has to be created. The producers of wealth – Ministern - war es gekommen, nachdem Premiermi- the creators of affluence – are the business people, nister und Steinitz zusätzliche manufacturers and inventors, not the union leaders Steuern auf Benzin und Preissteigerungen von and politicians. […] Everyone will benefit – rich and Grundnahrungsmitteln angekündigt hatten. Der 5 poor – if the government takes a step back and are being diverted to satisfy local demand. Tax limits its interference in the market." receipts have risen sharply and the fiscal deficit, but Tal Ben-Shahar, JPO 15.02.11 this is a phenomenon that depends completely on the real estate boom, and on local demand, and No hocus-pocus when that ends, the result is liable to be a fiscal hole "Now Eini wants to negotiate with Netanyahu over that will have to be filled through very severe spend- bringing to a conclusion the labor dispute declared ing cuts. Instead of recognizing this reality, Prime by the union boss. He and his buddies want to see Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insists on talking […] the price of subsidized breads slashed, and the about tax cuts, when he ought to take urgent action minimum wage for the entire public sector in- on the deficit." creased. Eini, Brosh and Buchbut demand all these Avi Temkin, GLO 16.02.11 additional benefits without a concomitant cut to the state budget. In other words, a sort of hocus-pocus, Terrific growth figures don't tell the full story in which something is created out of nothing. If that "Much of the seemingly splendid growth, on closer happens we will shortly find ourselves returning to inspection, was fueled by increased local spending – the great budget deficits of the 1980s and the hyper- including via greater imports and a further swelling inflation that went with them." of the already engorged real estate bubble. HAA 14.02.11 Editorial The sort of expansion experienced here in recent months isn’t necessarily the healthiest, therefore. It No glass ceiling in Israel indicates rising domestic standards of living and a "The data point to economic growth, the Israeli feverish economy. […] The overall picture features economy is stable, and foreign investment is grow- other worrisome elements, too. Inflation is up by ing. What does this mean for individual citizens? 3.6% for the past year alone. […] Any householder Seemingly nothing. However, one cannot examine stocking up on basic provisions can attest to the government policy only though individual eyes. inflationary spiral, to say nothing of hikes at the Israel is a capitalist country. This means that we gasoline pump, higher water and electricity bills and shall always have poor people, wealthy people, and skyrocketing municipal rates. […] Most importantly, a middle class. A failed capitalist state is one that this is no time for reckless self-satisfaction of the does not afford individuals the opportunity to im- sort that would tempt us to throw caution to the wind prove their economic situation. Yet Israel is not like and disregard common-sense budgetary restric- that. I look around me and despite the complaints tions. Above all, this is the time to stay vigilant, not see people who work hard and are able to make overspend and not foolishly clamor for higher sala- progress. I meet people who were born into poverty ries, which are sure to fan inflationary flames out of yet found their way out of it. […] There is no glass control." ceiling in Israel, and this is so thanks to our econom- JPO 20.02.11 Editorial ic growth." , JED 11.02.11 HAA = JED = Jedioth Ahronoth What exactly are you celebrating, Steinitz? JPO = Jerusalem Post "On the face of it, the announcement […] of the GLO = economic growth figures should be cause for cele- bration, and that indeed was Minister of Finance Yuval Steinitz's reaction. […] However anyone who Veröffentlicht: 22. Februar 2011 reads the whole announcement, and analyses all Verantwortlich: the components of growth in the economy, must reach the conclusion that we are on the way to Dr. Ralf Hexel, Leiter der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung something far from happy. […] Israel What do the growth figures tell us? First of all, that Redaktion: the real estate bubble is still swelling, until the bitter Maike Harel end. […] Meanwhile, the economy's competitiveness Anita Haviv has been eroded, and not just because of exchange rate developments. Exports rose at an annual rate of Homepage: www.fes.org.il 3.7%, while inflation is on the rise, and resources Email: [email protected] 6