Annual report 2020 25 years of Legal notice Publisher: ABO Wind AG, Unter den Eichen 7, 65195 Wiesbaden, Contact: Alexander Koffka, Press and Public Relations Phone: +49 (0) 611 267 65-515, Fax: +49 (0) 611 267 65-599,
[email protected] Layout: Claudia Tollkühn Photos: Gabriele Röhle, Leon Tollkühn, Hervé Morand Printing: PRINT POOL GmbH, Taunusstein, printed on recycled paper with mineral oil-free organic printing inks 2 Table of contents Facts & figures 4 Managing Board’s letter to the shareholders 6 The Supervisory Board’s perspective 8 25 years of ABO Wind The early years 11 | Specialisation 16 | Milestones 18 | Internationalisation 20 | 11 Technologies 22 | Transparency 24 | Partnerships 26 | Employees 28 | Successes 30 | ABO Wind AG group management report 32 Consolidated balance sheet 44 Consolidated profit and loss statement 46 Consolidated statement of changes in equity 47 Consolidated cash flow statement 48 Notes to the consolidated financial statements 49 Material shareholdings 58 ABO Wind AG balance sheet 60 ABO Wind AG profit and loss statement 62 Rödl & Partner completed its audit of the 2020 consolidated financial statements of ABO Wind AG on 15 February 2021 with the issue of an unqualified audit opinion. The complete audit opinion can be found on page 58f. of the German version of the Annual Report. 3 Sale of wind and solar energy projects 1,000 MW Turnkey delivery Sale of rights 800 MW 600 MW 400 MW 200 MW 1996-2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020