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GIPE-003069-Contents.Pdf THE LIFE AND CA.l\IPA.IGNS OF HUGH FIRST VISCOUNT GOUGH FIELD·l\IARSHA.L THE LIFE AND CAMPAIGNS OF . HUGH FIRST VISCOUNT GOUGH FIELD·MARSHAL BY ROBERTS. RAIT FELLOW AND TUTOR OF IIEW COLLEGE, OS:FOBD WITH MAPS AND OTHER ILLUSTRATIONS IN TWO VOLUl\fES VOL. II WESTMINSTER ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE & CO LTD WHITEHALL GARDENS 1903 o:iJ:FORD : HORACE BART PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY CONTENTS VOLUME I PAGE INTRODUCTORY: PARENTAGE Alo, EAJu.y LIFE • 1 BOOK I SPAIN: THE w .AB IN '.mE PENINSULA 27 1. TALAVERA AND BARBOSA, 29 2. CADIZ AND TABIFA . • 62 S. THE CLOSE oP THE· CAMPAIGN m ANDALuSIA. · 90 4. VITTOJUA AND NIVELLE • • 105 BOOK ll IRELAND • 127 1. PuBLIC Lin:, 1814-40 • • 129 2. Hon AND FAMILY 146 BOOK ill CHINA • • 155 1. CANTON. • 157 2. AHoY • , • 200 S. CBUSAN, CmNHAI, AND NINGPO. • 219 4. THE CmNESE AND THE W AB • • 241 5. THE YANo-TSB-XIANG • 256 6. THE TREATY OF NANKING • 276 BOOK IV INDIA : THE M.u!RATTA.S AND THE SiltHS • 295 INTRODUCTORY • 297 1. THE OwALioa C.urPAIGN • sos 2. THE ABn PoLICY OF Sm HuGH GouGH • 542 S. THE Suws AND THE INDIAN 0oVEBNDNT • 558 VI CONTENTS VOLUME II BOOK IV (continued) INDIA: THE MAHRATTAS AND THE SIKHS PAGE 4. :MooDKEE AND FEROZESHAH 1 5. SoBRAON AND THE :tND OF THE FIRST SIKH WAR 40 6. THE RESULTS OF THE SUTLEJ CAMPAIGN 79 7. THE OuTBREAK AT MULTAN • • 121 8. THE GoVERNMENT AND THE ColllliiANDER-IN-CmEF 150 9. ·THE ARMY oF THE PuNJAB • • 167 10. RAMNUOOUR AND THE CHENAB • 181 11. CHILLIANWALLA • 211 12. MuLTAN AND THE IRREGULAR WARFARE • • 245 13. Gu.rERAT. • 256 14. APTER Gu.rERAT • 287 BOOK V CLOSING YEARS • '· •. • 315 1. DoMESTIC LIFE • 317 2. THE :MissioN To THE CRIMEA • 333 3. CoNCLUSION • • 343 APPENDICES A. FEROZESHAH : Sm HARRY SMITH's REPORT • • 365 B. CHILLIANWALLA : GENERAL GILBERT's REPoRT • • 371 SIR CoLIN CAMPBELL's REPORT 374 GENERAL THACKWELL's REPoRT • 380 C. LoRD GouGH's FAREWELL ORDERS TO THE ARMY OF THE PuNJAB , 384 INDEX 0 387 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS VOLUME I 1. HuGH, FmsT VISOOurr GouGH • Frontispiece (From a drawing by Dickinson, 1851) !. HuGH GouGH, AE'l'. !e5 • , To face p. 24 (From a :miniature) S. MAP o:r SPAIN AND PoRTUGAL • • • , 29 (From Mr. Oman's Peninsular War, by arrange- ment with the Delegates of the Clarendon Press) 4. PLAlf o:r THE BATTLE o:r BABROSA • • To face p. 54 5. ToPOGRAPHY o:r CADIZ • • , 60 6. CoLONEL SKERRE'l"l"s NOTE TO CoLONEL GouGH • . , 81 7. ToPOGRAPHY oF TARIFA • , 88 8. FzELD-M.A.BsHAL Sm P ATRICX GBANT 15!! 9. AssAULT ox CANTON, 1\ln 25, 1841. ," 198 10. C.AP'l'URB OP TINGlUI , !!!4 11. C.AP'l'URB o:r CmNHAI ,. !SO 1!!. CmNEBE CARICATURES , 242 (Reproduced from Voyages of the Nemesis) 1s. MEDAL STRUCX BY THE CHINESE !47 14. C.AP'l'URE o:r CR.APOo ," !66 15. C.AP'l'URE OP CHINJtEANG:roO , 274 16. THE FoRT o:r GwALioB • , SH (From a pen and ink drawing, 1843) 17. THE STATE o:r GwALioB • , 816 18. BATTLE 01!' MAH.lBAJPORE , SS!! 19. THE PuN.TAB AND SuRROUNDING DisTRICTS , 559 viii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS VOLUME II 1. HuGH, FIBST VIscouNT GouGH , Frontispiece (From a painting ,by Sir Francis Grant, P.RA.) 2. BATTLE oF MoonKEE • • To face p. 8 S. FIELD-MAllSHAL Sm FREDERicKHAINES,G.C.B. , 14 (From a painting by the Hon. J obn Collier) 4. BATTLE OF FERozESHAI:i: • so 5. BATTLE oF SoBRAON " 62 . 6. THEATRE OF THE SUTLEJ CAM:PAIGN • " 78 · 7. THE MuLTAN CAMFAIGN • " 121 8. THE CAVALRY SKIRMisH AT RAMNuooUR • " 188 9. BATTLE OF CmLLIANWALLA " 242 10. THEATRE OF THE PuNJAB CAMFAIGN • " 270 11. BATTLE OF GuJERAT " 28~ 12. FRANcES, FIBST VIscoUNTESS GouGH " 322 " Acknowledgements are due to General Sir Charles Gough for permission to reproduce several maps from his work, The Sikhs and the Sikh Wars; and to Mr. .R. P. Dunn­ Pattison, Lecturer of Magdalen College, who was good enough ·to draw three of the Indian maps. INDEX ABBOTT, Major, ii. 54, 64,114,150, Amoy (continued). 251,253. sanctions expedition to, 207; Abercromby, Sir Ralph, at Porto description of, 209 ; defences of, Rico, i. 20, 21. destroyed, 214; Chinese account Adams, John Quincy, i. 283. of the capture of, 217. Afghanistan, Lord Auckland's Amritsir, Gough inspects defences policy in, L SOo-2, 362; position of, ii. 87. of, 358. · Ancrum, Earl of, i. 5, 7. Afghans, the, i. 359; ii. 153, 167, Anderson, Lieut., murder of, at 172, 252-8, 272, 280, 285. Multan, ii. 121-8, 184. Agnew, Vans,murdered at Multan, ~necdotu of Briti8h and Spanish ii. 121-8, 134. Heroilm at Tarija, in Spai11 Agra., given to the British, i. 804; (Lond. 1812), i. 76. Armyof0bservationat,308,810; Anstruther, Capt., at Tingha.i, Gough's forces assemble at, 228 ; at Chinhai, 228. 816ft',; magazine at, 844,847. Antri Ghat, i. 321, 829. Albuera., i. 62. Ara.njuez, i. 101. Alcala, castle of, besieged, i. 66. Arbuthnot, Jane, dau. of George, ·Alexandria., battle of, i. 21. of Elderslie, marries George ~lgeriru, H.M.S., in First China. Stephens Gough, i. 153. Wa.r, i. 211, 219. - Mr. Archibald, marries Ger­ Algesira.s, Graham lands at, i. 46; trude Gough, i. 151 : Gough reconnoitring parties sent to, writes to, from Hong-Kong, 169; 69 ; Gough describes march to, Gough stays with, at Madras, 69-70. 291; receives letter from Gough Alighur; battle of, i. 804. before Sobra.on, ii. 72 ; Gough Aliwal, battle of, ii. 45 ft'., 352 ; writes to, on the eubject of his . loBBe& at, 46; news of, reaches resignation, 103 • England, 103. Arufka., Gough encamps at, ii. 41, Allahabad, Gough finds the 87th 49. at, ii. 808-9. Ashburnham, Brigadier, ii. 13, 60. Alost, Sir John Doyle wounded at, Asun river, i. 822. i. 18. Attaree, ford of, ii. 57, 78. Amaranthe, Gough'sdescription of Attok, fort of, ii. 151, 153, 172, march to, i. 82-8, 17t, 189, 210, 251 ff. Amiens, Peace of, i. 11, 18, 22. Auckland, Lord, offers Gough com­ Amoy, town and island of, i. 159, mand in China, i. 160, 164; 164, 168,171 ft'.; Sir H. Pottinger statements dispatched to, on 390 INDEX Auckland, Lord (continued). Bombay, troops ordered from, ii. operations in China, 168, 172; 170, 171 ; negligent delay of correspondence of, with Gough, authorities at, 204-5, 247-8; 200-1; instructions of, to Sir column arrives at Gujerat, 269; Wm. Parker, 207; correspon· place of troops from, in the dence of, with Gough, on the battle, 281. Ningpo question, 234 -5 ; views Bonaparte, Joseph, i' 42, 94 ff., of, on expedition to Peking, 106-7, 109ft'. 257; Afghan policy of, 300. - Napoleon, i. 24, 29, 41, 42, 46, 65, 76, 87, 112, 119; ab­ Badajos, i. 46, 95, 102. dication of, 121 ; at St. Helena, Ballasteros, General, i. 62, 66 fl'., 131. 69, 74, 75, 93. Bordeaux, Gen. Beresford at, i. Ballinamuck, i. 10. 121. Bangalore, i. 144-5, 291. Borton, Capt., ii. 22. Barnard, Lieut.·Col., i. 47, 51. Bourchier, Capt., at Jrulangsu, i. Barrosa, battle of, i. 40, 50 fl'., 90. 210, Bartley, Maj.-Gen., at capture of Boutawallah, Gough's head-quar· Woosung, i. 271-2. ters at, ii. 47, 49, 51. Batavian Republic, the, i. 14. Bowie, Lieut., taken prisoner at Bates, Col., with Gough in the Peshawur, ii. 252; visits Gough's Crimea, ii. 336. camp on parole, 253. Beas river, the, i. 358-9 ; ii. 172, Bremer, Sir Gordon, in First China 175. War, i. 157ft'., 168, 202. Beecher, Major, i. 195. Bright, with Gough at Vejer, i 72. Beguines, Gen., i. 46, 66. Brind, CoL, R.H.A., at Chillian­ Benson, Col., bearer of messages walla, ii. 221, 229. to Gough at Sobraon, ii. 58. Broad, Major, sent to Tarifa, i. 67. Bentinck, Lord Wm., i 116, 117, Broadfoot, Major, political agent 300,306. at Lahore, i. 369, 378, 381 fl'., Berar, i. 303, 304. 389 ; ii. 2, 22, 30, 67. Beresford, Gen., i. 32, 62, 119, 121. Brooke, Brigadier, R.H.A., at Bergen·op-Zoom, i. 18. Moodkee, ii. 5; at Ferozeshah, Bhawal Khan, ii. 137. 18. Bhawalpore, ii. 43, 137-9. Brookes, Col. (24th), ii. 226. Bhryowal, Treaty of, ii. 116. Brown, Lieut.-Col., i. 46-7; at Blake, Gen., i. 75. Barrosa, 49,50; at Tarifa, 66, 77. Blakeney, Major, sells out to hasten Bruce, Capt., R.N., i. 68. Gough's promotion, i. 22. Bunbury, Thos., of Lisnevagh and Blenheim, H.M.S., in First China Moyle, Letitia, dau. of, marries . War, i. 201, 211, 229. George Gough of Woodsdown, Blonde, H.M.S., in First China i. 5. War, i. 210. Bundelcund, Army of Observation Blood, Major, of Bombay column, at, i. 311; restlessness in, 315, ii. 273. 318. Bocca 'l'igris, i. 161, 191. Bunnoo troops, revolt of the, ii. Bolton, Brigadier, ii 5, 6, 12. 171, 178, 214, 254, 262. INDEX 891 Burgos, i. 96, 100, 107. Campbell,Lt.-ColSir Colin (cont.). Burh&mpur, Treaty of (1804), i. 192; delays the start for Runniki. 317. 196; views of, on Sikh position Burrell, Maj.-Gen., i. 163, 183 tr., at Russool, 218 ; at Chillian­ 193. wa.lla, 220 tr. ; at Gujerat, 270 tr.; Busch, Major, i. 47, 54. death of, 817; ability of, recog· Bussean (Basian), i. 389; ii. 44, nized by Gough, 858 ; Report 69n. of, on battle of Chillianwalla Buttevant, co. Cork, Gough in (App. B), 375. · charge of, i.
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