1.2003 (№35) Su-30MKISu-30MKI RUSSO-INDIANRUSSO-INDIAN PROGRAMMEPROGRAMME • RUSSIAN & CIS AIRCRAFT IN INDIA • ANTONOV AN-140: PILOT'S OPINION • CARRIER-BORNE FIGHTERS: WHICH TO CHOOSE AVIASALON Co Flight Research Institute, Zhukovsky, Moscow region, 140182, Russia Phone: + 7 (095) 556 7786, 556 5265 Fax: + 7 (095) 742 8751, 556 5413 E-mail:
[email protected] www.maks.ru 1.2003 (35) CONTENTS Gulf debut. AEROSPACE NEWS WEAPONS Iran's first international FROM RUSSIA & CIS air show marked Precision weapons development: by cooperation with Ukraine and Russia . .58 Military aviation . .4 global tendencies . .33 Industry . .5 Contracts . .7 CIVIL AVIATION Flight safety . .8 Aeroflot: into a new year HOT TOPIC with a new image . .36 From aircraft sales to joint programmes. AIRLINERS Tendencies of Russo-Indian cooperation in aviation . .10 An-140: "People's transport" from Kharkov . .38 IN SERVICE ABROAD MiG Operational Flying Training Syllabus. How Indian Air Force pilots learn to fly MiG fighters . .62 AIR FORCE Deck fighter training begins on land . .20 "An-140 – it's simple, it's reliable, it's safe" – says Aleksandr Akimenkov, test pilot with GosNII GA . .40 INDUSTRY KnAAPO: to lead Sukhoi's COSMONAUTICS production devision . .46 558th Aircraft Repair Plant: Spacecraft launches COMBAT AIRCRAFT quality guaranteed . .48 the Russian Federation performed or contributed to in 2002 . .64 Su-30MKI programme and Sukhoi international cooperation . .22 AVIATION HISTORY Flying radars. From the history of Russian Airborne Early Warning and Control Systems . .66 AERO-ENGINES Engines for trainer and light combat aircraft from Zaporozhye . .50 Choosing the best ship-borne fighter .