capacity building & awareness raising a European guide with strategies for the empowerment of sex workers capacity building & awareness raising a European guide with strategies for the empowerment of sex workers INDOORS Support and empowerment of female sex workers and trafficked women working in hidden places This guide is based on contributions from the nine partners of the INDOORS project. It was compiled within the framework of the INDOORS project (January 2011- December 2012), under the coordination of the following organisation: Autres Regards 3, Rue de Bone | 13005 Marseille | France | Tel. +33 (0)4 9142 4290
[email protected] | Editors Licia Brussa, Dennis van Wanrooij | TAMPEP International Foundation | Amsterdam | The Netherlands Text correction Nine | Photos Elena Tubaro | Scienzartambiente | Former Convent of San Francesco Pordenone 2009 Design and layout Brigitte Reinhardt | Hamburg | Germany Print Flyeralarm | Germany This guide was made possible by the INDOORS project, with the financial support of the Daphne III Programme of the European Commission. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission. The Capacity Building and Awareness Raising guide is part of a series of other resources produced by the INDOORS project: • Pictures of a Reality | Sex workers talk about their life and work experiences within the indoor sex work setting in nine European cities