Lofer is a small village 42 km south of Salzburg. At Mozart's time this was roughly the distance of a daily coach drive. Therefore, Mozart father and son arrived there on the the first evening of their first Italian journey and spent the night in the building which today hosts the Hotel Post. St. Gilgen The well known tourist-resort in was home to three persons of formative influence on W.A Mozart's life – his grandfather lived & worked there, his mother was born there (Hüttenstein) and his sister Nannerl lived there.


Post Inn / Lofer Former house of the local judge of Lofer Johann Chrysostomus Wenzel von Helmreich zu Brunnfeld. The former court / St. Gilgen The Prince Archbishop of Salzburg, Graf Anton von Harrach, charged Mozart's grandfather Wolfgang Nicolaus Pertl with building the old courthouse, a commission fulfilled between 1719 - 1720. From 1716 - 1724 he held the office of Rechtspfleger (local judge) in St. Gilgen. Mozart's mother, Anna Maria Walburga Pertl, was born there on 25 December 1720. In 1724, her father died and the family moved to Salzburg, where she married Leopold Mozart, a native of Augsburg, in 1747. In 1784, Mozart's beloved sister Maria Anna Ignatia, known as "Nannerl", and her husband move into the house where her mother had been born. "Nannerl" - herself a great musical talent - married a successor to her grandfather's office, the judge Johann Baptist Berchtold zu Sonnenburg. Nannerl lived in St. Gilgen until her husband's death in 1801. On the street side of the memorial house is a relief of Mozart's mother and Nannerl by the sculptor Jakob Gruber, which was unveiled in 1906.

Ischler Straße 15 5340 St. Gilgen Tourismusverband: +43-6227-23 48

Opening Hours 2008 April 29 - November 2 daily from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm

Admission Prices 2008 Adults € 5,-- Children € 2

Mozart Fountain on the Mozartplatz / St. Gilgen The fountain on the Mozartplatz in St. Gilgen shows the young Mozart playing the violin, surrounded by birds spouting water. The fountain, which dates back to 1926, is the work of the Viennese art nouveau sculptor, Karl Wollek. Fountain to Mozart's mother / St. Gilgen In front of the Mozart Memorial House, there is a small, inviting garden with a charming fountain by Toni Schneider Manzell, depicting Mozart's mother as a small girl. Parish Church / St. Gilgen


Of course, the province of Salzburg is appealing, not only because of its impressive landscapes, but also because of the broad cultural life which thrives in the city and state. Whether at the world-famous festival in the City of Salzburg, or during country Harvest Festival celebrations - there are always festivals that will appeal to all your senses and sensibilities. And our extraordinarily beautiful landscapes form a backdrop that couldn't be more perfect. Authentic Mozart related places in the province are City of Salzburg, St. Gilgen and Lofer.

The province of Salzburg is represented by the cultural department in the association European Mozart ways.


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State of Salzburg Cultural Department Franzikanergasse 5A A-5020 Salzburg Tourist information - Province of Salzburg Salzburger Land Tourismus GesmbH. Strategic Planning and Product Development Wiener Bundesstrasse 23 A-5300 bei Salzburg Tel: +43-(0)662-6688-22 Fax: +43-(0)662-6688-66 Tourist Info: +43-(0)662-6688-0 E-mail: [email protected]