IN THE SAME SENTENCE Bringing higher and vocational education together David Gonski AC and Peter Shergold AC MARCH 2021 Publication date March 2021 Contact for enquiries
[email protected] Contents Introduction 3 1. A new tertiary institution 9 2. Careers guidance for all 17 3. Making vocational education and training attractive and accessible to secondary school students 23 4. Improve the level and quality of engagement with industry 31 5. Income -contingent loans for VET 37 Conclusion 40 Endnotes 41 APPENDIX A: Terms of Reference 43 APPENDIX B: Stakeholder consultation 45 APPENDIX C: Abbreviations and acronyms 47 APPENDIX D: Supporting evidence 48 APPENDIX E: Bibliography 56 In the same sentence: Bringing higher and vocational education together 1 Introduction Earlier this year the NSW Government asked us to examine vocational education and training (VET) in NSW. We were asked to provide advice on how the state’s VET system could best address ongoing and emerging skills shortages, paying particular regard to its quality, efciency and structural complexity. It was indicated that we should consider how to integrate secondary, vocational and higher education learning opportunities, how to re-imagine industry engagement and how to improve career advice to support lifelong learning. It was also suggested that we should seek to understand any negative public perceptions of VET. The request refects the NSW Government view considering the context of COVID-19, which that an efective and sustainable VET sector is presents a pressing need for a VET sector crucial for providing the skilled workforce needed equipped to support a strong NSW economy.