DATE OF NOTICE: February 23, 2021 NOTICE OF FUTURE DECISION DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Development Services Department staff will make a decision to approve, conditionally approve, modify or deny an application for a Site Development Permit (Process 2) for impacts to Environmentally Sensitive Lands from removal of accumulated debris and vegetation on the El Capitan Dam spillway, a City-owned facility. The site is located along the San Diego River at the western end of the El Capitan Reservoir within the El Monte Valley northwest of the community of Alpine in central San Diego County. As a property owner, tenant, or person who has requested notice, you should know that the Development Services Department Staff will make a decision to approve, conditionally approve, modify or deny an application for a Site Development Permit. The application was filed on January 28, 2021. PROJECT NO: 679843 PROJECT NAME: EL CAPITAN DAM SPILLWAY PROJECT TYPE: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, PROCESS TWO APPLICANT: MEGAN HICKEY COMMUNITY PLAN AREA: None COUNCIL DISTRICT: N/A (Not within City Limits) CITY PROJECT MANAGER: Karen Bucey, Development Project Manager PHONE NUMBER/E-MAIL: (619) 446-5049 /
[email protected] The decision by City staff will be made without a public hearing no less than thirty (30) calendar days after the date of mailing the Notice of Future Decision. If you want to receive a "Notice of Decision", you must submit a written request to the City Project Manager listed above no later than ten (10) business days from the mailing date of this Notice. This project is undergoing environmental review.