Bulletin 137.Vp

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Bulletin 137.Vp FRMS BULLETIN Autumn 2002 No. 137 Ed i tor: CONTENTS Ar thur Baker All Ed i to rial copy to him at: page STRATFORD 4 Ramsdale Road, NEWS Bramhall, Stockport, Week end intro 26 Cheshire SK7 2QA Com mit tee shakeup 2 Re cord ings of year 27 Tel: 0161 440 8746 Tony Baines 2 Dr John Ev ans 28 [email protected] New Cen tral Re gion 3 Belshazzar’ feast 28 Asst. Ed i tor: Philip Ashton 3 Sir William Walton 28 Reg William son (see back FRMS and you 4 Tech ni cal Fo rum 28 page for ad dress). Sibelius re cord ings 5 Coull Quar tet 29 Ed i to rial dead lines: Next years ‘Week end’ 6 Blowing in the wind 29 Spring is sue - 31st Decem ber Hungariton Records 7 Au tumn is sue - 30th June Danesborough Chorus 7 Scotland Mar keting Man ager: Scot tish Group 30 Ca thy Con nolly (see back LETTERS page). Ad ver tise ments are THE REGIONS avail able from £35.00, de - The Old Days 8 tails from her. Increases in subs. 9 Sus sex Re gion 31 Financial mat ters 10 York shire Re gion 33 Copies are distributed to all Rail ways in mu sic 10 Federation affiliates with THE SOCIETIES additional copies through FEATURES society secretaries. Estimated Hinckley 36 readership is well over 10,000. Mar tinu: his life & works 11 Put ney Mu sic 36 Individual Subscriptions are Martinu: recom. re cord ings 15 Rochdale 37 available at £6.80 for four Overtures and encores 17 Stafford 37 issues. Direct orders and Un fin ished sym pho nies 19 subscriptions for the Bulletin Audio Bulle tin 1. New ray 20 CROSSWORD should be sent to the FRMS Mu sic quo ta tions 22 Treasurer (see back page). Cross word 39 The cover picture is of the BOOK REVIEW Carpet Gardens, Eastbourne, FRMS OFFICERS permission of Eastbourne Oh, My Horses 23 Borough Council. Of fi cers, Board and CD REVIEWS Com mit tees 40 Type set by the edi tor us ing Corel Ventura. Galuppi - so natas 24 Please Note: No ma terial con - Respighi - Belkis etc. 24 tent of this mag a zine may be Schu bert- Pi ano mas ter works 25 re pro duced else where with - out permis sion from the pub - lish ers, Fed er a tion of Re corded Mu sic So ci eties Ltd. Printed by Maxiprint, de - page signers and colour printers, Kettlestring Lane, Clifton Visit the FRMS Website: Moor, York YO30 4XF ISSN 09628150 www.musicweb.uk.net/frms NEWS FRMS COMMITTEE SHAKEUP n February of this year a number of changes John Davies was con firmed as Chair man and Tony occurred to the FRMS Committee, starting Baines, the sec re tary of the City of Stoke on Trent Iwith the unexpected resignation of Allan Child Gramophone Society was co-opted to the as Chairman. This stated as being for “Personal Com mit tee as the new FRMS Sec retary. A short Reasons”. However, Allan has subsequently made por trait of our new Sec retary is given below. the following statement to The Bulletin: Ca thy Connolly also agreed to be Vice “No doubt a lot of peo ple will be won der ing what lies behind my abrupt de par ture from of fice part way through the year. Maybe a few words of ex pla na tion would be help ful. “Very simply I had (and still have) other commitments which made it difficult to give FRMS matters the attention they deserved at that particular time. I therefore felt that it would be better to allow someone else the opportunity to make a more effective contribution. “I am con fi dent that the lead ership of the Feder a tion is in safe hands with John Davies as Chair man, and both he and the rest of the Com mit tee have my full sup port. I am not to tally dis so ci at ing my self from the af fairs of the Fed era tion — I am keep ing a ‘watch ing brief’ on regional developments and am still available to pres ent programmes for So ci eties on an oc casional basis. I also remain Sec retary of Derby Recorded Music Society. Should the oppor tu nity arise in the not too dis tant fu ture I would be pre pared to con sider fur ther in volve ment in FRMS mat ters. “Finally, may I thank Soci etie s and indi vid u als for their sup port dur ing my term of of fice, and John Davies, our new Chairman send my best wishes to all mem bers”. Chair man for the remain ing part of the year. It was At the same time, Pe ter Lerew in di cated that he also agreed to co-opt Keith Cheffins to the was resign ing as Feder a tion Secre tary, also for Commit tee , where he will continue to look af ter per sonal rea sons; as also did Richard Rance who certain as pects of the Insur ance Scheme. left the Commit tee at the same time. In the last edition of the Bulletin, we reported Consequential Changes the sad death of Dennis Bostock who had been responsible for the Federation’s technical matters After Allan’s res ig nation, John Davies as the for so many years. The vacant position has now Vice-Chair man im me di ately be came act ing been filled by Philip Ashton who has been co-opted Chair man. To en sure con ti nu ity, fol low ing to Committee as Honorary Technical Officer. A con sulta tion with all members of the Com mit tee, short portrait of Philip is given on page 3. he asked Reg William son to act as Secre tary until a per ma nent re place ment could be ap pointed. Tony Baines At the Meet ing of the Com mit tee of 15th April ony Baines, the new Federation Secretary qualified as a teacher in 1959, worked in Tprimary schools in Birmingham and was a Please support our advertisers and quote headmaster from 1971 until his (early) retirement the Bulletin when you contact them. in 1992. At Teachers Training Col lege in 1957, his col lection of exactly 100 LPs was used to set up a 2 NEWS FRMS recorded music so ci ety. This thrived to the extent with Graham Kiteley as its Secretary will cease to of be ing given a grant by the col lege to set up a exist. Tributes are due to Graham for all the hard work he has done in the past. His organisational skills are recognised throughout our movement. Few who were there, could forget the well planned Federation AGM at Kidderminster in 1989. It is good that he is part of the new team. As a first step a day event at the historic Lion Hotel in Shrewsbury is planned for next March, 2003. The 40 affiliates will be advised of the final details in a mailing in September or October. Naturally any other affiliates would be welcome, Mick Birchall will be happy to send the details to any contacting him. Another important point is that it is intended to have similar events all around the region; these are likely to be held in March and October each year, at a price all can afford! If these day events are successful, in 2 or 3 Tony Baines, Federation Secretary years the possibility of a musical weekend will be record li brary, no doubt helped by the fact that the considered. Watch this space. Vice-Prin ci pal was one of its keen est members. In 1974 Tony joined the Shir ley RMS, and Philip Ashton be fore long the So ci ety was ex chang ing pre sent ers hilip Ashton, who is the new Federation with the so ci ety in his na tive Stoke. He also Honorary Technical Officer started his en joyed ex change vis its with so ci et ies at Solihull, Pcareer as an Air Radio Apprentice in the Olton, Newcas tle, Stafford and Stone. Royal Air Force. During his subsequent life in the Tony was a com mit tee member at Shir ley electronics industry he became interested in music befo re mov ing to Redditch in 1981. There, the and Hi Fi. This had started at an early age. away-days took us to Kidderminster, Worces ter and Tewkesbury. Af ter taking early retire ment, he returned to Stoke in 1996 and has been the secre tary of the lo cal so ci ety for the last three years. New FRMS Central Region he Federation is committed to develop the Regional Groups. With that background TGordon Wainwright of the existing West Midlands Regional Group initiated a meeting of interested people who have already played their part in the past, in organising events in the West Midlands, East Midlands and the North Mercia Regions. A priority on the agenda was to consider whether we should combine all these regions into one, whilst still encouraging contacts and activities that neighbouring societies have with each other. This is exactly what was agreed to be done, and means there are now about 40 affiliates within a new Central Region. Gordon Wainwright was appointed Chairman Philip Ashton, Hon. Technical Officer of the new Group. Mick Birchall has agreed to take When he was was about 15 years old he built a on the new job of Central Regional Secretary.
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