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Download PDF (193K) Tropical Medicine and Health Vol. 43 Supplement, 2015, 31–40 doi: 10.2149/tmh.2015-S07 Copyright© 2015 by The Japanese Society of Tropical Medicine 31 3. Review Reports of the Guatemala-Japan Cooperative Project on Onchocerciasis Research and Control 2) A Guatemala-Japan Collaboration Project for Onchocerciasis Research Supported by JICA, Japan* Juan José Orellana Castillo1 and Pedro Antonio Molina2 On July 21 of 1975, an agreement was signed to start ing departments; a collaboration project for the research of onchocerciasis. Huehuetenango, Suchitepequez, Solola, For this project, Japan decided to send researchers to Chimaltenango, Escuintla and Santa Rosa. The total Guatemala to aid Guatemalan staff of technicians in a re- extension is 5,130 km2 including about 390 localities search to combat a disastrous filariasis. This disease was with the population of 343,000 at risk inhabitants of discovered in this country by Dr. Rodolfo Robles in the which an estimated 30,000 are affected by the dis- year 1915 and that is why it is known as Robles disease. ease. This disease exists widely in Africa, but the Guatemalan The Ministry of Health has maintained surveillance disease was considered different from the African oncho- for many years by brigades that make monitoring visits to cerciasis. The disease is caused by the same parasite search oncocercomas among inhabitants and make surgical Onchocerca volvulus and transmitted by different species removal operations of palpable nodules although deeply of blackflies of the genus Simulium. In America, onchocer- located nodules are not palpable. However, it is clear that ciasis has later been found in Mexico, Venezuela, this measure provides only partial solution because the Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil without having satisfactory transmission of the disease is still viable. solution of control to date. Since the time of Dr. Rodolfo Robles, the Ministry of Public Health kept a section responsible for the monitoring of endemic foci of onchocerciasis located in five localitites ONCHOCERCIASIS in the foothills of the Sierra Madre. This section was com- In Guatemala, onchocerciasis is confined to limited posed of technicians who were able to do efficiently the regions of the foothills of piedmonts and is the cause of minor surgical operations to make nodules extraction after eye injuries that can culminate in blindness and severe skin the palpation of the skin. conditions. Onchocerciasis is manifested by subcutaneous On May 18, 1976, this Section was transferred to signs, known as nodules or fibrous tumors, oncocercomas. National Service for Malaria Eradication (SNEM) and one That can appear in different parts of the body, especially in of the brigade teams with two technicians was assigned to the head and chest. work directly with Japanese epidemiologists. The filaria Onchocerca, is a characteristic very thin Dr. Horacio Figueroa Marroquin, a distinguished re- 70 mm long nematode, from where the name “filaria” searcher of Guatemala had been in contact with Dr. Isao comes from. They disperse under the skin to the entire Tada of Kanazawa Medical University, Japan, and invited body to develope. The microfilaríae invade into the anteri- him to Guatemala in 1970 to promote research of oncho- or chamber of the eye and are responsible for the loss of cerciasis. Based on a field report of onchocerciasis in the eye sight. Guatemala proposed by Dr. Tada in 1973, Mr. Junzo Mori, The endemic focis of onchocerciasis are located in the ambassador of Japan recommended to the Ministry of five regions affecting severely coffee farms in the foothills Foreign Affairs, Japan to start an ODA project for the re- of the Sierra Madre mountains. There are seven depart- search of oncocerciasis. The agreement of this project was ments of Guatemala partially affected and none of the signed in 1975 between Japanese International Coopera- municipalities involved have entire onchocerciasis tion Agency (JICA) and The Minister of Public Health and transmission. It is then a disease targeted for the particular Welfare of Guatemala, Dr. Julio Castillo Sinibaldi. circumstances. The foci of oncocercesiasis are located in the follow- 1 Ex-director of SNEM, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Guatemala 2 Former Chief of the Field Operation, SNEM, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Guatemala *Reproduced and translated from JICA “Guatemara-Japan Cooperative on Onchocerciasis Research and Control” Report. 32 Tropical Medicine and Health Vol.43 Supplement, 2015 as El Chilar which belongs to the Municipality of Palin THE PILOT AREA and has unique conditions: It is the only communal farm in For the convenience of approach to the capital city, an the region and is intended for the exclusive benefit of the endemic core was chosen and this core partially covers the indigenous population of ethnic Pocomam. It is a center of municipalities of San Vicente Pacaya, Guanagazapa, Palin, intense agricultural production and all the workers 1,250 Escuintla and Villa Canales. The internal roads of this fo- farmers of both sexes live in the village of Palín and com- cus are unpaved, but were passable by cars. Revenues in mute and round trip. This place, coffee farms, is the mani- the Pilot Area are on the road to Escuintla, through Planta- fest origin of onchocerciasis in the municipality of Palin. tion El Salto, Escuintla and Santa Elena de Barillas Villa The plantations located in the pilot area are between Canales. 700 and 1,100 meters from the sea level. The local work- The pilot area measured approximately 236 km2 and force is insufficient and accept laborers from whole the re- had 5,700 inhabitants. The main crop of the region was gion, including troopers from other departments. In 26 coffee and subsidiary activities were for corn and beans. localities they accept 353 laborers from nearby locations Following administrative districts are involved. and 358 more from distant places. An unknown number of temporary crews come from distant regions of the Repub- Area lic. Localities Population House (km2) The people of the county of San Vicente Pacaya is the Department of Escuintla epicenter for the activities of the pilot area, located 1,500 San V. Pacaya 39 6,413 1,317 142 meters above the sea level and from there the same 500 la- Palin 9 403 2,015 33 borers go to work in the farms and 107 other travel through Guanagazapa 9 129 423 3 different places, including center of Escuintla and the capi- Escuintla 5 79 303 18 tal city of Guatemala. Department of Guatemala In the plantation San Jose Guachipilín located adja- Villa Canales 6 416 85 68 cent to Chilar they hire external laborers for cutting coffee. From November to January, the number of women in- crease in the activities of the coffee harvest and the rest of These five municipalities with endemic onchocercia- the year, only men work there. sis are situated on the slope of Pacaya volcano, which has The temporary laborers reach at the pilot area for cof- countless rivulets down to the Pacific slope, where the val- fee cultivation: ley of Amatitlan and Canyon of Palin are located on the 19% from Jan. to March for slashing and composting, west, and the coffee areas are in the slopes of San Vicente 33% from Apr. to Nov. to clean seedbeds, reseeding Pacaya, Escuintla and Villa Canales to the south. The in- and desuckering and 48% from Nov. to Jan. to cut the side of Pilot Area was with intense human subsistence and coffee. commercial mobility and 49 locations received internal mi- In coffee workers, 59% are male adults, 20% are adult gration in the region: women, 13% are boys and 8% are girls. The origin of the laborers in 1977 was: Finca Hamburgo: 1,104 coming Locality population rate from Tutuapa, San Miguel, Tejutla, San Jose Ojotenán, De- San Vicente Pacaya 22 641 30.4% mocracy, San Pedro Necta, Colotenango, Huehuetenango Palin 21 1,110 52.6% and Joyabaj Cubulco. Finca La Suiza: 609 laborers from Escuintla 1 23 1.2% Cubulco and Coban; Finca San Nicolas: 453 laborers come Guanagazapa 3 36 1.7% from Tutuapa, San Miguel and Tejutla. Villa Canales 2 34 1.6% Other smaller farms like La Providencia, Terranova, Santa Eulalia, El Camaron, Puerta de Oro, Berlin, Total 5 municipalities 49 1,844 87.5% Coyolito, Santa Fe and Peña Blanca received 350 troopers from Jalapa, Ixhuatán, San Juan Sacatepequez and sur- These data may vary in different years, but the above rounding areas. The recruiters are people trusted by the figure was a result of survey in the 1979 to establish refer- farmers and their remittances usually repeated every year. ences. During the four months from May to Aug. there was These contractors make commitments with several owners an average of 600 traveling people internally for the labor of other farms, so many of the same workers spend in dif- issues. ferent farms and in the activities of coffee, sugar cane and Within this area there is a large space of crops known cotton. In reference sources, only Sibaja of Yepocapa is the J.J.O. Castillo and P.A. Molina 33 onchocerciasis area in all registered sources. About 15% of ENTOMOLOGY** these workers will also work in the farms of Chiapas of Dr. Kikuo Matsuo May 76–May 77, Aug. 79–Dec.79 Mexico. Dr. Takao Okazawa Jul. 76–Oct. 78, Jan. 80–Sep. 80 The Pacaya area is the second endemic focus of the Dr. Osamu Onishi Jul. 76–Jul. 77 country with epidemiological importance. From its gush Dr. Ikuo Tanaka May 77 many springs of inclined flanks fast flowing streams and Dr. Ikuo Tanaka May 77–Jun. 78 tributaries flow into Lake Amatitlán or Michatoya River. Dr. Ogata Kazuki Jun. 77–Jan. 78 The inhabitants of the area are mostly farmers of Ladino Dr.
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    151 AA BA 152 A AA A AA AA AA A AA BA 153 BA SC A AA BA AA A A AA AA AA A 154 AA BA AA CA AA AA BA AA DA EA FA GA HA AA IA OA PA QA RA SA JA KA LA MA NA TA UA VA WA 155 III. CONTEXTUALIZACIÓN a) Contexto Político de Santa Lucía Cotzumalguapa: el pasado y el presente Santa Lucía Cotzumalguapa es un municipio ubicado al Sur de Guatemala, en el departamento de Escuintla. Cuenta con una población de 180.097 habitantes y una extensión territorial de 432 Km; y se encuentra una altura entre 380 y 2.770 pies sobre el nivel del mar y a 34 Km. de la cabecera departamental. Mapal Santa Lucía Cotzumalguapa, Departamento de Escuintla Municipios de este departamento l. Escuintla 2. Santa Lucía Cotzumal2uapa 3. La Democracia 4. Siquinalá 5. Masagua 6. Tiquisate 7. La Gomera 8. Guanagazapa 9. San José 10. Iztapa 11. Palín 12. San Vicente Pacaya 13. Nueva Concepción. La jurisdicción municipal de Santa Lucía Cotzumalguapa comprende a las siguientes aldeas: La Libertad, El Bilbao, Pantaleoncito, Las Delicias, Brisas del Río, Sultanita I, Sultanita II, Paraíso I, Paraíso II, El Manantial, La Sultanita, La Adelina, Vista Linda I, Vista Linda II, La Joyita, Obregón, Los Olivos, El relicario, Jordania, Santiaguito, El Progreso, El Triunfo, Buenos Aires y 8 de Febrero. En el área urbana residen aproximadamente 70,000 habitantes y en área rural 50,000; calculándose que hay un 28% de población indígena, conformado principalmente por trabajadores temporales 156 AA 157 los cuales, según la CEH fueron sujetos a controles y procesos de vigilancia muy estrictos.
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