National Commission on Technology, Automation, and Economic Progress
IlOCIIMP N1' R F SUMP. VT 003 962 ED 023 803 Technology and the American Economy.Volume I. Progress, Washington, DC. National Commission on Technology,Automation and Economic Pub Date Feb 66 Note -124p. Printing Office, Washington,DC. 20402 (GPO Available from-Superintendentof Documents, US. Government Y3T22 -2122/I, $.75) EDRS Price MF -S050 HC NotAvailable from EDRS. *Employment, Federal Legislation,Health Needs, HumanResources, Income, Descriptors ..*Economic Progress, Demography, *National Programs,Planning Commissions, Individc.;31 Needs, Job Trafnihg,Labor Market, National Technology, Unemployment,Urban Environment, *Public Policy, Skill Obsolescence,*Technological Advancement, Working Hours Welfare Problems, Work Environment , and define Public Law 88-444.askedthe Commission toidentify, assess, describe, specificlegislativeand aspectsoftechnological change andtorecommend should be taken byfederal, state, and localgovernments. administrative steps which coming decade.Their The Commission was to concernitself for 1 year with the (2)Creating an examinationcovered(1)The Pace ofTechnological Change, Change--Employment andIncome, and (3)Technology Environment for Adfustment lo (1) a programof and Unmet Human andCommunity Needs.Recommendations included in which the governmentwould be an "employerof last public service employment security resort" for hard coreunemployed, (2) an incomefloor to guarantee economic education for persons indisadvantaged environments, of families, (3) compensatory (5) a shift in the (4) the creation of anational computerized fob-manmatching system, services from the statesto theiederal goYernment, (6). administration of employment families stranded in the permanent extensionof experimental relocationassistance for of social accounts tomake possible declining areas, (7)exploratiOn of a system (8) assessment of therelative costs andbenefits of alternativepolicy decisions, and of national goals andevaluation of ournational performance in continuous study VT 005 794-VT005 relation to such goals.AppendNes are VT 003960, VT 003 961, 797.
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