EICHTV*WST VEAR-No. 30 Publl.ked WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1971 Second Class* Postage Paid F.ttrf Tfetmlav at Westfleld. N. J. 28 Pages—10 Cent* Town Employees' Squad Opens Fund Appeal WEA Charges "Bad WMIMMHMfe M^M aaaHMMk4f*]ttYr -*'«• '•"»• •--•'*' HiThe month of MancMarch has teenteen des dfls-- C--' ignated "Give a Hoot . . . Give a Cheek" month in support of the Assn. at Impasse WcebfieM Rescue Squad fund drive which officially begins today. The Faith" Negotiating sUDCess of this year's drive is im- portsnt due to dramatic increases PKOl'OSED SALARY SCHEDULE FOR TEACHERS 1971-72 On New Contract in the cost of supplies and main- The Westfield Board of Education tenance of equipment, as well as the 'Bachelors Masters Masters Doctors was charged with "bad faith nego- _ to reach wrwment on a new contract with the town of ooct of new equipment. Steps Degree Degree Degree + 3D Degree tjaling" by David Brown, president Wattfekf k»ye iajled, «ccor*« t« • •pokMman lor the WestfieM PuMic 1 $8100 $8900 $9700 $10500 of the Westfield Education Associa- I* the past year, the Squad has tion, following an announcement Jh*fahMl Baatvotat Aaaatfatian, «aclua»ve representative forcoUecUv e purchased many new and modern 2 8300 9100 9800 10700 «iMiH'far''iheUbwlbiwW'dwpu^ -v 3 8500 9300 10100 10900 Tuesday night on salary oCers pkcfK of first aid equipment; in ad- made to the WE A. A.*ttlM«r,< U* M. •«•», wta acMukd to met ytatetttay after- dition to this, it has added to both 4 8800 U600 10400 11400 •Ml ia pi attaint to tette the im- . • • •' 5 9100 9900 10700 J1900 Mr. Brown said that he would amlbulances the most modern defi- call a session of the delegate assem- Pmkurty the eserjtfte UrrtWors and heart-lung-resuscitat- 6 9400 10250 11200 1240O at ,*a WTM*had directed 7 9750 10600 11700 12S0O bly of the WEA yesterday after- S ort.which aid dramatically in the noon, ar.d a counter report would (Mr aiUhwy to f ife a notice of 8 10100 11050 12200 1340O d:agnoiis and treatment of heart at- bo issued, fcnaaiai fa Trenton Boro Budget 9 10500 11500 12700 13900 tawks and other respiratory disord- The 1971-72 ccrtract between the ia aalary are cited by ers. COM of this special equipment 10 10900 12000 13200 14400 who claim at an board and bargaining agent for 47S exceeds $7,000. "The cost of this 11 11400 12500 13700 14900 twdiers is now under mediation fol- that machine cftntan. Down, But equipment, although high, is tre- 12 11000 13000 14200 1540O and mechanici,.aflnie lowing a declaration of impasse aad n^ndously worthwhile as can be at- 13 12450 13600 14800 16O0O the subsequent appointment by the W flr men jmri af itrvice, tested to by the fact that many resi- 14 13000 14200 15400 16600 state of Joflas Silver. Silver has imtoa IM than ftnft year ••reta- Taxes Up MAYOU DONN A. 8NYDER affkbu> ogena annual fund drive of dents of Westfleld are alive today 15 13S0O • 14800 16000 1720O mot with negotiators, but might be il .t^Jr^^^ern^ -.M«"totoilda - Despite a 13-point WtttffcW Rweue flwad M PfctlieM Wayne Melton, Fiutf Drive only as a direct result of these life •Teachers with no degree shall be paid $200 less thcyi those with the replaced by another state-appointed •SSTST; MMtliTvit "fcofiin the municipal portion of the Ckalroua Ray Wheeler and Capt. David BcHtley observe. savinB devices," a Squad spokes- same years of experience on the Bachelor's level. mediator since he is heavily in- 1W1 man said. The equipment is on dis- '-'ZwiSid ^^ £• "" ^ Councilman Loui* N. $500 longevity increase for teachers with 20 or more years teaching volved with the Newark teachers play in the window of Westfield- j. iiLjiilil J HL» Lmuini nataikt- P*™1* finance chairman, report- in Westfield. strike and was unable to make a Bond Pharmacy at the comer of scheduled session last weekend. in «nf- ww ^'^T^TL •aiyiiannaunced last week the total Broad and Elm Sis. Votfa «TBtoee« rate *1M increaae due to higher Nor has the 1971-72 school *9.7 "To advise people of Westfield as million budget been finalized. Sent ^^ ^*^i«l. f«h«>l and county taxes. In the 1W0 Board Plans Liaison to why we need tticir support so to the Town Council for its decas- He budget, W cents of the 4oMl. tai Mode raM) «f 17.42 was used tormunicipa l greatly, here are some of the facts: King Observance Waits sion following a 2-1 defeat by vot- Bk»'CM* and I*"*"*™, "but." Mr. Parent ii Our two ambulances cost in excess ers last month, the budget has been With Students, Clergy of 134,000 each and must be replaced and that with quo!*1<• saying, "because the bor- the subject of two meetings be- every two to three years; our insur- tween the school board and council, thra* of the <**& council did everything in iU On Calendar Decision r er to Plans to continue communicating class and the student government, ance # equipment squad members which has until Mar. 16 to maka •iida^'^a«aa' ^Bar farce' kat war P°* hold down the municipal No "suitable observance" of the tention, they were ordered sus- rtcZTmaV^n «M>V *c5 ** ^toi»«Me levels we with WestfieM citizens and inform- as the elected representatives of the awJ Uents tollsport*«• •••..- St^fflt Council, saui his^ gmip the first time this year includes school system, the new president eior'S ul)lk! Sill million loan that IM neiTiwiiiy li> id WooUicId High Siilittol, The «cGii» will lie the IIIIIHIUIII segment of n I'lmil hi n lilo of pluys lit he l>'ans))i)i'tulioii, iMiipiiiisi/.cd flint till! 1'idiii' -.-ill thai IIH' acciili'iit oc- trio of flnliiu tSxpt'rlmcntiil fl'hvntri!, a now uddi- Residents who wish to contribute- Social Scu. 2—1-11 curry llio railmail beyond April of alvL-ii this wickciul at West" itiost ])i-e.ssinK problem facing llm I'linvd ulun KiniM'y's car went out (IIIII to lihu iporforniliiK urls 'program nl WuaUlcId High School. •tholr BuggusUuns are enuouweged SporJg ., See. .1—1, 5,(1 to attend, field High School. 1'lieutor Sec. 1-7 Jersey Cental Hulli'oud is tho nctj (ConUnucd oil pjyo -1) oi kme, colliding with lliu putl'ol car, twpt mrnww , mum *, m Union County Park Commission liojis and Marketing AssocialtiQin, ('he cost of AcspiMf auc^ tefl»i p)-o- Aye., rpp&x$y >yas assigned t*> the Mr. Pitt was one of the organi- hibili ve. As a resutt, by 3946 the 2stt Field A'rtirl'kry near Aschaf- zers of the First New Jersey Bank cofmmd&sion- hMd acquired 4,116 To Observe 50th Anniversary and of the Firs* Nation^ Bank of acres of tod, and in 1970, the park PCf. Simone is a Jaundier crew- Scotch Plains. In addition in serv- commission now is responsible for my Board of Directors of the Graduate Union Township Atfolstic Associa- riving overseas. stated that in preparing for the 50tih Scihc&l of Bai-iness, New York Uni- tion, cod is its honorary president. Serving He is a IMS graduate of Westfield vers'!y: past treasurer of the Union year, the Commris&ion will appoint Mr. Pitt is a s^unon fishing en- Pfc. Dmiftft A Jr., 20, 'High School. a special committee of interested Council of the Boy Scouts of Amer- Ithushs't. as well as a g'olf devotee. citizens throughout Umion County to ica; a former director of Ihe Union ; H2 is a m&mber of the Mapiewood coordinate vanious events to be CcU'.Tiy Mental Health Association; Country OXib, Seaview Country planned for the celebration year. fir^t pres-Ider-it of the Exchange O'-ttb, and the Pocono Msaor Inn, Frank M. Pitt, Union, dhaiinman Club of Union, an organizer of the B&njisylvania. RETURNS of Hie First New Jersey Bank, for- Exchange Clubs of Union, Elizabeth, The special events to be plwmd merly t h e First Slate Bank of WesUSieid. ami Trenton; post state daring the year may include an Union, has been named chtainnan president of the New Jersey State ice show, apeoiwi exMuti«a# of the Park Commission's 'GoMen Exchange Clu'bs. throughout the park systan, ath- ConK4«fl«(ol All Y»or Round Swvic* Atwi'ivensary" committee. Mr. Pitt, He founded the Union Township letic events, bend concerts, a native of Gardner, Mfess., receiv- Chamber of Commerce and served ir.ias, and otter spectator and ed a B.S. degree from New Yoi"k as its iijnst ptresidemt for edglht tlcipant aotimtie*. University in 1933. He continued years. He is now a member of (he As a Te&iti oi the mandate of thf his education at the Graduate chamber's Beard of Directors. He citizens of Union Gw*ty, JMU^C -, * Scihool of Business of New York was a director and regiowal treas- Bergen, on Nov. IS, 1W1, iffttinM Aceountontf University. In 19G2, Mr. Pitt was urer of ilie National Conference of the first five meni>ers U the per- graduated from the FinaiKdal Piub- Christians and Jews from 1963 manent UJ-J^OQ Comty Park C*m- X*i Mf»nc

* . Kindengym .is held from 10-10:45 •• :.v,». T •, i t •: Turner is Sometimes Top Sgt a.m. and 2 to 2:45 pjm. every Wed- . »• ' ' P nesday and Thursday. Enrollment >-• for 'spring classes will fcegm on • .:* Sometimes *Father" at Kindergym March 15. .<' .-1 *, I-." .J n» ptat-sfeed athletes soaring iMothers of children in the kinder- Enard in New - ^ ' ' !• on a trampoline in the gym class are its biggest booster*, •.•I VMCA Upper Gym last iMns. Robert Belle of 1032 Prospect TI -i W&H Position ^- cfewty having ttie time St., explains that her son Rodney's cf toir IhvB-tfettinH a kick out of kindergarten teacher recommended Veteran material handling spe- -* ••n VI-» ;" < flirty Witt the kind of jump- kindergym for her son to help him cialist Hams Ertard of 19 Gallowae " V • * J -'1-,J<*n< I" 1 _ ; . ' OO bed* at home, improve coordination and organize has been appointed director ol en- .*:• his small muscles. . " •' .r watching mettiem rejoiced gineering by W&tH Conveyor Sys- t - \> ****r tare findinc an "He's been doing better and best tems Inc. I ' f. for reatlca* energy butk up i ol all he loves to here. That's The New York City firm provides ,' \ ".*• dn mid-wirxer. a gcad combination for a boy liis a wide range oS products and serv- * - ^ 1 -^ 'I age, something he likes ID do that's V•\' Fhytical Director ©ill Tlu-ner ices to major users of gravity and ^.r- •- bcnefitA rf his Kiodergym pro- aiso good for him." power contveyois, overhead chain for 1 ft and A year olds are To Mrs. Louis -Miller of 353 Orenda and trolley conveyers, heft and rol- . --'-tv *" "'-• •* Cii'., it's the perfect "outlet" for ler .syifftems and in-Moor towiiiies. ••;• '/TWM these Wds are realty ktarn- her active son, Scott, 5. A licensed professional engineer, •v, '-1 t- h« ai trtr-oontrol and how to follow "I wish he could icomc every day, Mr. Enard will be responsible for Turner. particulaxy in Ihe wintertime when all W4 H sales engineering, estimat- ' M>:- be doesn't get a chance to work ing, c&ntmcUng engineering and in- y. JumpinK, running, play •'"•^- lag: .bafi, «nd tames-4he kids off Jiis etfce&s energy," she said. field engineering.

. » 16 to do anyfocw—are turned into [Mrs. Marbha Vernb of Kenilwortii Prior'to joining W&H, Mr. Enard .';' ;' ;;i(aontaatim, ability and strength agrees, but thinks kindergym would served for eight years as a pre-schoolers are having he good for her son, Daniel, 4, even engineer oh package handling sys- Kindergym in the spring or summer: tems in ths New York office of Ooe day a week. is the second season Dan- Mathews Conveyor Co. Turner uses to make ny'fl been here -and he most enioys From 1953 to 1962, he was associa- tjfairittnn is a personality that the exercise and being with other ted with Western Electric as senior father image to top chikfren bis age. He's an only en-gineer in the distribution plan- r f • when the claw child and doesn't go to nursery ning, engineering arm of WE's tolc- phpne sales division, .working with school so kiivdergjHTV means all tbe '. . r • * n L ^ I • i I dir< company's materials hamEang .-•'K Fuller Jr. of 531 and warehouse piaiurang groups on '-' ; eight miatic con-veyors M for bulk form products and wastes. Color Silclpaay .y. Gi®flhng, Jennifer worth are among the students en- out to join the group. rolled in kindergym for a second The new W&H executive attended «^!tod the physical director is term AB A suplement to daily mir- Newark College of Engineering, re- gy *.treat tovorite of the children and scry school attendance. ceiving his B.S. degree in mechten- v can-tew one around on his "•Kinderftym helps round out ioal engineering in 1938. He is a he insists they 6bey in- Greg's nursery stehool life," ex- member of both the New York and plained Mrs. Tenrence Wadsworth. New Jersey chapters of the Inter- national Material MJanagetmeait So- —a I i 7i Often he lets the children find out "The youngsters do 'get free play ciety. * *r themselves that Catling to follow at nursery school but this super- h V leads to foiling in what vised training has really boosted his are attempting to do: coordination." r I '''

: wasn't that a good forward "You can't teach coordination in • •-"• .• • -••'• {'-'';>.•<•••?-•'•.;. •'• •- •

tfofi?" the physical director asked IS or 20 minutes in class," admits TRANSFERRED? _ -' r ' t , ,1, -. - ' - h I. * Fuller, 4, as he executed Physical Director TUrner. • *f'" (* ' i' ^ '. • ^ •;""".",'' . , • -*

- - ".""•'"• ""..•'" f -i •- • • '*--'-• guessed Rdbbie. children, the youngsters learn to yov find your next home ' ' ' - •* >i T ,"*! \ ft * t • "

; • * ,- "TBecause your head touched Ihe stop before they 'hit the wall That T in the United • < . '. .-' •'. ..-•••- . k .

;.; •• ':. -^ ,'••;,;.* ...v ' ."'••' . . •.-. • IMt," aakl Turner. (Robbie's next helps coordination. So does catiching 1 * **».•"..I , better. a ball, and a let of the exercises Statri WITHOUT k • - you know why you>e straying we do here." ;!i.^:-: CHARGE. to sido" Turner asked f I from "Kids this age are just learning • * tytahnvorta, 4, of 306 Sun- that they have muscles and don't OBJECTIVES; to help you find •ct Cir m be bounced erratically on know what to do with them. We your next home with a mini- Here's the new look of today! Join the trend to the teach (hem the basics here, tell mum of effort, time and ex- -. • *1B0C9iM»e I'm bending my leg," them to keep trying ait home. That's penie. If you plan to move to a hfiore cofprjFu) vyay of life .,.; one that adds remembered, the when Uie real conditioning comes an unfamiliar city, or |u»t to new emphdsif to your appearance, There in." relocate n«ar your present home, HOMERICA, INC. will '. " qra new rich and deep color tones ... help you find the right house* Jfc- In the right neighborhood, in exciting stripes . . . and the new areal the latest style collars. We MEAT SPECIALS SCOPE* Operation throughout have a wide selection of styles and the United States enables Afttd Trimmed Sirloin Steaks $1.39lb. Homtrica to furnish you with sizes to choose from. Don't wait till tomor- detailed Information on row to get with if today. Visit John Franks fmh Pork Tenderloins $].09lb. houtes which fit your require ments even before your first Shirt Bar on our Main floor. Dress Shirts from $8. Hotel Bock Ribs 79clb. visit to the new areal REMEMBERi Homerlca worki Fr«h Chicken Livers 69c Ib, /• only for YOUI All of their Homemade Cottage Hams 89c Ib. efforts—research, reports and advice — are exclusively on

be h a I f of the prospective i - • • PRODUCE • buyer. They have no connec- * tion with the seller. It is thelf responsibility to guard YOUR - i Interests. U.S. No. 1 Maine Potatoes 5 lbs. 39c • i - •.' About Our Free Fancy Macintosh Apples 2 lbs. 35c For further details, please call ou r Local representative, 90 Day Charge Plan Pearsall and Frankenbach, California Carrots 2pkgs.33c i

Inc.," 115 Elm St., Westfield, i-. * i ",-. 201-232-4700 or call us direct.

JNC QUALITY MEATS 207 E. BROAD ST., WESTFIELD 763 MOUNTAIN AVE 233-1171 OPEN MONDAYS UNTIL 9 P.M. Dldg.—200 Park Ave. SPRINGFIELD 212-011-3111 *,«w 9m I To Res- to 12 noon. Anyone who is already Besides her own fuel jtibe Wteabat- registered fom the canceled: trip of tan earned 30,000 barrels of special Boro Ski Trip Feb. 27 and wishes to go on the diesel fuel for the refueling of (he Alar. 20 trip may do so by calling United States and Canadian soe- Mountainside — The Mountainside t Mr. Moore at 232-8635 or Mr. Gr recently came the reconsideration of a 500- on a non-government ship, the he known until after Humble has of (he Plainfield Camp of Gideons; at the Mountainside Inn, lyear-oM dream. Tlie dream, he said, speaker said, analyzed the mass of technical data Tamaques Cubs Mrs. Bakker, chaplain of its ladies In 1968 Humble Oil & Refining was to sail the top-of-the-worM sea The Manhattan's fuel order of 164, obtained during the first voyage, auxiliary; and Mrs. William J. Le Contact our catering manager Company, an affiliate of Esso Re- lane and pit modern technology 000 barrels of bunker oil went into and a recently completed 6econd Poidevin, former president of the search and Engineering Company, against ship-crashing Arctic ke. the, record books a&. the largest in Awtic voyage. Adopt Indian auxiliary. for further information. The nursing home, only facility of Through the "Save the CW'Mren its kind in Westfield, opened last fall, Federation — American Indian" program and witii the aid of funds raised with tiie candy sale Flack 79 has adopted ait American-Indian AVAILABLE ... rat,w e Irrti boy for the coming year, with whom cubs can exchange letters. FRIDAY His mame is Tommy Bahnimptewa STEAK HOUSE Jr., a nine year old boy of the Hopi Tribe, who lives in Second Motor Family ED ERA L Mesa, Ariz, together with his piar- ents, one brother and four sisters. SA VINGS The Hopi (formerly Moqui) In- dians are believed to be descen- U.S. ROUTE 22. MOUNTAINSIDE, N J. 07092 dants of pre-historic Pueblo Indians. Brick LUNCHEON • COCKTAILS • DINNER HOME HMtVEtHiNT LOU They have always been known as wra peaceful people and it is known thai one of their villages, the Visage of HILLS ICE CREAM were Old ^oartjd, Is the oldest conltkuiaus- 53 ELM ST. ly. ij^ablfed; village in the States, wtoich Village exists WESTFIEIO present form since at least 100-1600 A.D. Most Hopi Indians are short 232-3838 of stature, of pleasant mien and accept and use all the modern con- veniences at their dispostal. They ******* are generally law-abiding and there is* seldom a major crime on the reservation. iNe*an!y all Hopis part-ioijuante in the ceremonies of their own re&ig- Zips Up Spring ion, which teaches peace and good Y will an <±has been handed down the From our winsome collection of centuries by their an-cestors. How- funtime things, Danskin'snew ever, it is estimated that approxi- mately 10 per conl of them inlay full-fashioned ribbed sweater with have accepted the Chnisti'an reli- mock turtle neck, front industrial gion, of which nearly all are Prol- zipper and short sleeves. Color matched to Danskin's wide leg eM'ants, except for five or six fam- ffl® ilies who attend the Roman Catho- pants orshortsforthegirlon lic Church. the go. 100% stretch nylon. 'Pack 79's highlight of the year was ce-leforated Feb. 18 at the West- wood Lounge where cubs and par- ents attended the annual blue-gold dinner. Boys received a variety of ••A- genius-awards for their ingenuity Colors: Navy, Sunflower, in compiling a project out of a hanldful of odds an dends which Grass Green, White they had received at a previous meeting. Dinner was followed by a **>. :< 3-3X, 4-5, 6-6X demonstration of karate in the stylo 5.50 called "Isshinryu Karate." The * t f three demonstrators broke boards •A and were taken home by cubs. 7, 8, 10, 12, 14

On Feb. 20-21 an overnight camp- '/£*> on t was organized at the Washing- ifcl 6.50 ton Rock Girl Scout Council's Blue Heron Damp in Sparta. The next Pack meeting is seho- tfii'led for Mar. 18 at TanraquGS if; School, on'd on Mar. 20, a trip is \) planned to the Boy Scouts Museum at New Brunswick. ^w3S^* Borough Teen Dance The coming of Spring usually inspires most of us to "Fix up" Friday, Mar. 12 !«'• around home. If you have some home improvements or repairs Mountainside — The Mountainside you would like to make, but, a lack of available cash is holding Recreation DcparLmen-1 will hold a you back, see Lincoln Federal Savings. A "budget-wise" Home dance for grades 7 through 9 on J*1 improvement Loan can help you put your plans into action. Friday night, Mnr. 12 in the Decr- ficld School gymnasium from 7:30 For further information visit any of Lincoln Federal Savings' p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Nono below throe conveniently located offices today. gr'atle 7 or above grade 9 will be adm-Utcd to the dance. Any parent who wruld like to cliaperonu tliis will be woluumc.

Librarian Lo On Consumer Ed. A talk on "Consumer Kclufiition" will \m tfivi'n next Wcdiu'sthy at 10 ED ERA L by Mrs. Mni'Murcl Burnes, fcl'crcncc librarian al Wc.slfii'ld Me- THECHIIDREN'SDEPARTMENTSTORE morial Library, in \\\v Watcunk SA V/NG 5 room of Ihi! Muindiwl ImiUlin.n. This is thi1 n.'iiiiliij" bi-mmilhly talk inlfiMidintf thu (HtihlnMi'.s Dcpnrl- tueul Slory llmir. Hwausn of the SCOTCH PLAINS nmisiuit iiik'i'i'st In consiiinci' pi'nd- ' WESTFIELD PLAINFIELD iifl.i, inl'oiualion mid Imylnw. I lie li- 233 E. BROAD ST. WESTFIELD AD 3-1111 Broad at Prospect 127 Park Avanua 361 Park Avonuo brary 1H oxU'iuliiiK an invilinlion lo aiiyoni! iuU-ivslfd in consumer af- OPEN MONDAY NITE 'TIL 9 fairs to atlc-ml tliu meeting. <#-/•> Miss EbSe Farreli OBITUARIES "Bad Faith i is *ifl available •y, Funeral services were held yester- Proceeds frotn tiie last (two iy morning at the Pettit Funeral' (Continued from page 1) ytm-'s suocessfuil fewtinall pro- Home. Rahway. for Miss Elsie Far-1 grams h&ve been used by tiie Boos- i V. Hyron el a HI I Mrs. William kerviek reM. who died Saturday at the West-; SKW»1 blld2&t- Mr- Campbell priat- ters AissocdiaibilOQ to provide nuaoy 11 Convalescent CuMer a oul in his presentation at the exttrta school fedlatit* not da the Tbeo Byron Cleveland, 52. of 732 Mrs. Mary Decney Kervick. 51. of illness. Interment was in Kose-1 PuWic 1"etMinS of lhu board Tues" aad awaRfe to Knoftwood Tor., died Sunday of an 14114 K. Br-cad St. died Friday in Overlook HosoiUl. Summit, a-A«r i Cemetery. Linden. apparent heart a'.tarJt at First Meth- her "We are now discussing the bud- United Church of tfestfield n long illness. She was the wife 0/ Miss Farre.l lived most life in Rahway. but resided at 215get details witb the Town Coun- fund 00 a for while teaching an adult religious | William J. Kerviek. cil in order to give them a clear awards. - dass. He was lh » husi-and of Mrs. A native of Philadephia. Mrs. Prefect St. here for several years L her retirement in 1953. into our financial situation," Audrey Taylor Cleveiand. Kpmick lived in Lcng Branch before iijjbell sa'id, and added: "At mcving (o Wcst-field 19 years ago. She had taught more than 40 years Rahway and -Metuchen High! "»-»-"*; **»•* « cJewdy a prac- Porn in Tylertown. Miss., Mr. • She JwaL s a communicant of Holy k Rh d Mth High Cleveland came here 17 years ago. I ^-jnity heal matter to inform the taxpayers TransporUtion Schools. of our negotiations." We Tvas a product supervisor at' There are no immediate survivors. coordinator fOJ' The board's last offer before im- (ram pace 1) Westifliffhouse Electric Corp** New the Holy Trinity Twigs, volunteer York City, for 30 years. passe included a suggested salary unit at graduated WhUta* of Sheffield, Ala. great-grandchildren. was the hiujtxmd of Mrs. Renee days before holidays. . (Continued'from page 1) , ! (Continued from page 1) ing transportation improvements. magjw cum Laude from Vale Urn- Ba br at. Interment was in Fair-view Ceme- • . • • •••"••; verity and was ordained by the f ial services were held Tues- * » The board also has offered to in-hood .ctfffees and club and or^aman- Apr. 2 to clarify issues in the com- The Mayor's Advisory Committee •Born in Brooklyn, Mr. Babel for- tery. crease the fees paid for special Hebrew Union College in Cincinrwiti, day morning at the First United tion; meMmgs to--wt»c*i they hRd pilint, and that if there should be on Transportation Development is merly lived in Roselle Park. He was L Oh;io. prior to liis coming to .iWeet- t Church with the Rev. Dr. assignments, such as class advisors, been invited by townspeople. , a trial the cott couW be "subetan- headed by Allen Chin of 9 Summit field. he .was U>e Assistant Rabbi sX Clark W. Hunt, senior minister, and a partner in the Century Glove department. heads and coaches. In reiterating the offer made Ct., with John Hancock, Howard Temple Israel, Boston, and .also held t|ie Rev. lames C. .Whittaker, as- Corp., Newark. Mrs. Terry McRae, The actual distribution remains for year when board members Th& hoard olso Is sjiH Cantor, Itogeir Love and (Robert Men- the pulpit of the Community Reform officiating. Interment was Mi'. Bd:at, an Army veteran of Two Sons Killed mutual agreement. An offer has ed the 'willingness to aUend «u«h inf• wiUi the W&stfield .Education doza as members. in Tykrtown, Miss. The Docley Co- World War II, was an ctficer in the been made to increase summer gatihenings, Dr;' Feibush • noted that A«»ociiatkin' on, a contract for next Temple in. Westbuiy,, New, YOJIC, tonial Home was in charge of ar- Watichung Pcwer Squadron and a (Funeral arrangements tor Mrs. school teaching salary to $850. the "mform^Uty of, nti yepr. While the state picks .up the -r He was president of. the; Westbury rengements. j member tf Tempte Emanu:El here. Terry McRae, 21, of 211 North The board has agreed on langu- enffeep have provided an tabforthe mediator now attempt- MinisterVl'Association at)d.'lepturer Surviving also are a son, Robert Scotch Plains Ave., and her two chil- age changes in the "released time!' forum fw interchange of informa- ing ia'resolve ihQ impussp, Malcolm Cast Selected in philosophy. o£ religion, at Queens at home; four daughters, the ftfoees dren, are being made by the Whig- and 'teacher administration liai- tion." He pointed out that it is upSaWhiU was told that a cost of a College. He Is chairman of the com- PauleUe, MicheJe and Shana Babat, ham Funeral Home, Newark. mittee on church-state of the Cen- v. son" articles in the contract. to the members of the community fact-llrwter, should one be applied f Harold Glasser all at home, and Mrs. Gale Meyers IMrs. McKae and her sons, two- Negotiations have been underway to initiate sudi two-way comnuuni- for, would be mutually shared. The For Mar. Play tral Conference of American Ra obls, ir. Israel, an4 a brother, Milton year old Dennis and six-month old since early November. Twelve oation meetings with board mem* WEA;'however, has not applied for a member of the Teacher Education for Harold (Harry) Babat d Westbury, N.Y. John, were among six persons killed meetings have been heW between bers. "I'd like to report at next a facM'inder &t this time. Another Mountainside — Chosen to play Committee of the Union of America! -F f , 67, of North Plainfield, a Services were held at Gray's Fu- when the tear they were riding in the negotiating teams of the board month's meeting that we've been resident at the meeting, ccm^ained Finiaa and his daughter, Steve Pen- Hebrew Congregations, and sewet fonw resident here, avho died Sat- neral Home, 318 E. Broad St., with collided with a truck near Zanes- and the WestfleM Education. Asso- swamped with invitations," he said. about high budget costs, particular- ding er and Suzanne Snell are busy on the National Commission on So* '£ cial Action of the Reform move- ITd^.. at Memorial Hospital, New Rabbi Charles Kroloff officiating. ville, Ohio last Wednesday. ciation. 9ince WEA declared an im- Board members and the schools ly salary items. •rehearsing the leading roles in the ment. He directed the UiAfSC Israel Yortl, were conducted by Rabbi Interment was in Israel Ceme- passe, two sessions have been held with which they will be affiliated musical,.Finian's Rainfcow to be pre- Among the six teacher appoint- Summer Institute in 1968. Cbarti* Krokrff of Temple Emanu- tery, Woodbrulge. with Mr. Silver, the mediator from this ye'ar are: George Plenty, Lin- ments mi^'de during the regular sented at Governor Livingston Re- Uti in Ute Dotftey Colonial the Public Employment Relations coln; Douglas Campbell, Wilson and 'business session of the board was gional High School in Berkeley Hi.s articles have appeared in the V- - Heights today, tomorrow and Satur- Intettpent was in Mount Mrs. M. R, McMeekan Town, Employees Commission, which has been set upGrant; Dr. Harry Kaplan, Jeffer- one for an additional position of an "National Jewish .Monthly" and Cemetery, Iselin. under Public Law 303. day at 8; 15, according to Walter "American Judaism." Rabbi Krolott (Mrs. Eliso B. MoMeetan, 63, died son and Holy Trinity; Mrs. Weiss, in-sebpol suspension teacher. Bruce (Continued from page I) "Our negotiating sessdons by joint the high school and Columbus; Dr, Bo"lh who is the producer and musi- has published severlail booklets in tftmer, a Westfield resident Thursday at Booa Eaton Community C. Eliiott was namtad to the poet cal director. agreement are net open to the pub- Joseph E. Kalbacher, the high school at an- annual rate of $9,300. *He wil] Jewish education. He is secretafy prior to moving four Hospital, Fla, She had lived in West- cent over last year and offered Steve delighted *|>e tehiWren of of the Community pevetownent Oor- ago, was formerly a distritm- field for many years prior to mov- salary raises from 3.1 to 5.1 perlie and we have agreed net to make and FnanMhi; Miss Me Gall, Me* supervise and guide suspended stu- any public announcements or re-Kimley; Mrs. Allen, Roosevelt and the area with liis portrayal of thepcration of Westfield and past presi- the Newark Evening News in ing nine years ago to Boca Raton, cent which, the association said, were dents to permit them^o continue leases without first advising the oth- Washington; William Shepherd, Grinch in the Christmas fantasy, dent of the WeStfiekl Ministei-ium. Union County. where she lived at 777 West Camino less than that granted the town their academic work outside the for- er party," Mr. Campbell said Elm Street; and Dr. Feibush, Tarn- mal school setting and also will as- Hew the 'Grirtch Stole Christmas, He 'Rabbi Kroloff has dono graduate w^ Real. She was the wife of Malcolm representatives. fto WM bom in Now York, was a "This is normal, prudent practice aques and Edison. also appeared in last season's pro- work at 'Brandeis, Columbia and the R. MoMedoan. The impasse was called following sist as an attendance officer work- of W«trieH Hifih School, in negotiations," he continued, "We '"nirect contact U still the first ins through the special services de- ductions tf Inherit the Wind and llie Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In Boca Raton, she was a mem- five sessions totalling about 14 hours Lark. Suzanne was seen as Maria his retirement six years have adhered to this practice, and foremost way to determine partment He Is currently in training as mar- ber of the Booa Baton Art Guildof negotiating between the associa- in last year's production of The a shoe store in West- are no longer negotiating directly what is happening in your- particu- riage counselor at the American and the Deiblby Rand Service League. tion's representatives and the town Other appointments included Mrs. Sound of Music as well as the Little than 30 years, with the Westfield Education ASBO- lar child's class and school," Dr. Joan Bucfcmia'&ter, Roosevelt home Foundation. of Religion and Psy- She had been a member of Uw West- engineer, town administrator and Queen in The Lark., • .,,.,„ , chiatry. Riabbi and Mrs. Kroloff are * member oC the Westfield fjU AiJr' a result.ofltf (^_. , ...iftvH^— ftfeush slated' as he urged; par- e&, -••-•• • ^ • ^ * N.J. 07090. books, equipment and supplies. Au- who 'play the comedy team of tMr. and itifonnabive." DeVlido, Washington part-time li- Wednesday evening, Mar, 24, a sterity is not new to the Westfield Shears and IMr. Robust have siiular •*. Citing other ways of informing brarian; and Mrs. Brencta J. Meek- school budget. Economy budgets couple will present the second .hi the public about the schools, Dr. ings, senior high math teacher cur- credits iwith both appearing in In- were the order before the present the series, "Sex Education in The Feibush said that news releases rently on maternity leiave. herit the Wind, The Lark, and The recession; this year's budget is sim- Home," (parent attitudes any re- Boro Budget - will continue to be sent to the news- Corn is Green. John Eriksen who ply being tightened more drastically. Resolutions , were adopted upon sponsibilities). A fihn "Humlan Re- papers serving Westfield and that will play Buzz Collins made his In a period of unparalleled chal- the retirement of Mrs. Walsh and production" will be shown at this Established 1I6B (Continued from page 1) school information will continue to stage debut as a freshman in Oame- lenge when the forces of change in Mrs. Em% E. Kermafth, senior meeting. be disseminated through PT& and lotand has since been seen in The Mr. Parent explained that the our society have never been more high school teacher, and for re- Wednesday evening, Mar. 31, the PTO newsletters and notices sent Lark and Inherit tine Wind, while total rale this year could not beactive, we are being denied essen- tiring boand members Joseph A. third and final lecture will be giv- home to the parents of children in Gary Green will be remembered for »•• McGroarty, Dr. Solomon Cohen -- -. Nonprofit *nd completely estimated now because tial tools with which to meet these en by a priest on "Sex and Moral- all of our 13 public schools. "Wo his portrayal of 'Morgan Eva its in the school bond issue which was challenges. and Charles R. Mayer. ity," fcheologioal dimensions to hu- Non-sectarian welcome both the public and the The Corn Is Green. Harold Rosen- defeated last month still had not "Further, there is an increasing berg who will be seen as the south- man sexuality. •-'. • been resolved by the municipality press at nil of our public meetings," Bach meeting will be followed by Om of New Jersey's feeling among the leadership of the he added. ern senator who is turned black and because of the increase in theassociation that negotiations are played the Arohibishop in The Lark discussion an da question and an- finest cemeteries — Union County budget. Reportedly failing to come to grips with needs During the past year, the board Boosters and was tlie director of the Chil-swer period. members of the council have criti- through its community informa- AM members of the community and interests of teachers. Central (Continued from page 1) dren's Theater production of the cized the county budget as too high. among those, of course, is adequate tion committee, has made signifi- Grinch. and especially parents,' young miar- cant progress In informing the pub- \ ONE YEAR DEFERRED PAYMENT On the local level. Mr. Parent said remuneration. However, the very pied couples and teachers are in- 1 lic about school matters, Dr. Fei- graphs of all WestAeld High School The chorus being trained by ) one reason for the increase in theminor difference between the pre- vited to attend. 1 bush said. He commended Mr. teams, individual pictures of sen- Albert Dorhout, who is vocal music m ' PLAN, INTEREST-FREE, AVAIL- budget was due to the increase in sent association and board propos- ior footballers, faculty members, I • ? Plenty and his committee, Mrs. director includes Deartna iBorchers, I . bcrough etrip'.oyees' salaries which als in this area are the clearest members of the coaching staff, ath- < Weiss and Dr. Cohen. Susan Con-pad, Ginger Owens, Jeri Squutlsinen Teach J ABLE FOR PRE-NEED BUYERS. Other expenses in the borough have indication that this is not the sole "In ail of our efforts," he sp Hint has worked Thompson, Slevo McSpprin, Richard portunity to test their own temwl- munities following Federated Board hunt) signals will be included as MioSparin, Bill Benson and Ed Sta- advice. While both the beard and in somu way to help alJay the pangs edge by explaining what thoy would well as the team photographs of wick. Hit;, association hnve agreed that n of hur.gor—whether llial hunger bo past football squads. do in im'ngwiary situations present- ed by Mr. Bahr and Mr. Dodge. prolongation of tho present state* of spiriLual, inteMoctual, material or Thu football team's second Mrs. Nalla&ha Ijazar who is doing crisis is ddcler-ious to the operu'tdoii physical—iwill lay n .symbolic gift, sir-flight unbeaten season nnd prom- the choreofiniphy has been n dancer of the system, it was the associa- accompanied by n card giving tho inence as thu No. 1 to am in thoIn aovcral mttsloaLs herself as well Boro Adult School tion who look tho initiative in re-details of their protect, on tho aliflr. stia'to by most newspapers a u tl no appearing on her own TV show. quoM-infi outside assistance from Tht* Ilev. Edward Haydjuk will offer sports writers is expected to gonor- Shu studied dance in Kuropo and Still Has Openings the P.K.H.C. in order to speudily benediction of Hie most blessed flnc- ato a widu Interest in the team's 1ms •appeared with sovwal modern resolve the nuUlandin-g disputes. We rnment. dunce companies, horo *und [abroad. Mountainside — The Mountsins ; performunco In tho coming your. The Recreation Department ndull school very KlronRly fool that the bomrxl Holy Trinity will bo rapresonted Tho dnncers Include Uiunle Shor- i FUNERAL DIRECTORS graduation of slam of tho caliber ( stHl liati oi)M*lnga in nil of tho cl«s- mi«h, Hiticc Mcl^iy, 'Him a Kimi'll fuod btrnkt'L representing MH pas,sll)lo. If iminimimi M\- Vlci'-I'resiilcnt such a . . Molwilf, Skiiip McikHJolin aiiil Lt:o needed fur any cfosH we llio .six l>;iskols (I«IVH1LM1 to the CflC- WIITnilDi 318 Ea»t Broad St., Fred H. Gray, Jr., manager 233-0143 Winning will ninku ewirfi CWiry Kuh- nnt rufdvftd, t-lm conrsn will bo clola PI, .Noi«liborhf>f)(l Afisoclntion 4K>RDi 12 Sprtngflvld Av«., Wtlllam A* DoyU, manager 276-0093 TO BUK OR SELL, USE ler'fj tank i\ formlctritilt; nno, Intl Goi a Critics? by IVODIM 'm\, rm, an, MO, a24 and thi) 10 ycflr unbcMiioii fitronk of tho Wrii?" tour of the fair will introduce vis- and girls seeking picture books or FKwtiMi&U?ly, answers to both of them juveniles. More than two-thirds itors to such countries as West "reading" books. of Westfield residents have library tfeeee questions can be found quite MAYOR DONN A. iWDER hu *ft4 Germany, Israel, Noway, Japan, easily. The Small Business Adminis- In the last few years, with the cards, according to Miss Shirley Mar. 713 «• Girl **ut W«ck i* WetUif Switzerland, India, Mexico, Colum- multiplicity of forms required for Louise Wright, librarian. tration tag many free publications bia, South America, Prance, China, «nd bibliographies covering all as- la U« ptatUm»iitmt Uw jMayer MMC4 Girl Scouts of the USA on Social Security, hospital care and ike «*asta« WidWIi aaMverwrr wtf caUe^ |M» »H cUlsens lo J Poland, and Ireland. Fines for overdue books and other pects of advertising which are U Medicare, many adults visit the li- with WecifieM Girt (SOMU i» Ibelr fffarls U "Improve ike

LJQ AJr Youths Hospitalized nfte/ * Our Special Invasion Patibook Savings Account pro* vldes for 5% Interest from m of deposit to day of with- By Drug Overdoses draw a I without one penny of lost Interest (providing $50 remains on doposlt at the eifd pf the quarter). No mini- Three Uinlon youths were f mum 9. No notice requlrtd far withdrawal. Ideal for all letl lo Overlook IJn.spilal, Summil, savers and particularly thovt who wish to deposit funds Tuosdny nfler sufferhiu apparent for short perlodB of time. ovordosps of drug's. 2 year, 1 /ear and 90 day Savings CerMllcatBS and Reg* They -Jtrp iIo.'H'jvli Mnn1eleom\ 19, ular Passbook Savings Accounts el BO available, Froo Frank Oordmnn, Ul, •'iml n 17-yrar- transfer if your money in elBawhere, c ..1ST A.D COUNCt okl youlh. t ATE HR* ' Co re a More About You The Ilin-p were lnlu'ii ii:lo (.' CARTERET SAVINGS nt -1 II.m. iif.-£ir '1,'U ICnst Norlli Avo. AND LOAN ASSOCIATION by Ity'lrolmen Jolin Whnitlcy ami .Nswatk, Eaet Orange, South Orano.*, Madison, PhllllpBburg Main Ofllco: 060 Brood Stroel, Nowark, N.J.O7102 • 622*8010 U'igitt In N*w Jsrf*y • RiMHirao Ov»r (300,000,000 All eovlnQO am oubjoct to fotjulalioni ol ouporvlsoiy Got ii Gripe? and MI Inauiid up to »2O,O0D by FDLIC. Write the Editor 9m § MAL ISTATE FOt SAlf REAL ESTATE FOi SALE • RIAL ISTATf FOt SAlf • MAI fSTATf KM SAif

-J PEARSALL IOY BROWN, INC. BARRETT & CRAIN LEE K. WARING OANKEI t DANKH, WNJJAM A. CLAIM C. 1. SMITH, HEALTOH — REALTOR AND REALTOR REALTORS 149 ELMUt STtKT 434 16 B. BHOAD STREET Realtor* — Jaaiu AO 3-2S00 233-5555 " Two Colonial Offices" or M«tif»i* FRANKENBACH •m-ect •fenfcer M«JH»1< UrtU« Btrwim 111 Cmmtrmt lilt*. MINIATUfti ESTATE "Ar«» Me»re«catatlr« f«» "it's the Service MOUNTAINSIDI WESTFIELD rte, that counts!" WR HAVE JUST LISTED THIS 232-1800 293-1SO0 1,OVEJ,Y LARGE AND I5X- WYEtS SfEClAi f ftft Moinbrri THEMK.LY WEJX BUILT CAFiS COD ON OVER AN ACRE OF IMMACUUTi CONDITION I MuMIple Ltatluj? Cart PROPERTY IN MOUNTAIN- MICK ft FftAMf MAUTY tCNTAL KOMOMY MINOCD? AREA REPRESENTATIVES FOR i "EXISCUTIVE HOMJ2SBARCH" — AN AFFILIATE OF SJDE. Scotch 1'JalDK Spring be far WIT IN IM9 Fireplace in living room, kl - PREVIEWS, INC., THE WORLD'S FIRST AND FORE- Newer — 3 Bedroom. -1^ bath chen, dining room, two betf- MOST INTERNATIONAL. HEAL ESTATE CL.I5ARINO PENNSYLVANIA STONE Sylit — Ret;, room. Pine Scotch Behind ? FRONT, L O V E Iv V CENTER IN WCSTMHD roomw, tiled bath on 1st floor. HOUSE. ALHO SOLE AREA MEMBERS OP "CLLA" PPl.Pa.lne n^lgrhborhood. Immt- Second floor has two more betf- (OOUNTWY LXVINO ASSOCIATES) A LEADING METRO- HAL].., LAKOE LIVING ROOM HVf MWOOMS dlate posHeHBlon. Auk ing $376. Just li4-'lLir<>il ! This I o V i- I y WITH FIREPLACE, FAMILY rooms. Full basement, 1 cap, h^nit-, wn\ rully itir-fiuiUHiiMuiK POJJTAN-BUmjllBAN 13X13CUT1VB HEFERUAL SERV- CHAtMUMO PANHUO Good lot, tree lined street, h ICE WITH HEADQUARTERS IN N. Y, CITY. SIZED DINING RUOM, GOOD is it )i ;> in wly ])iini l]t*il nvr^n- KAT-1N KITCHEN, TWO BKI)- Scotch Plains. A lot for onjy NFRA hun riHim nmt HIK'-IID If bai )i FAJWUIY ROOM WITH FIRST TIME AD i HOOMS AND BATH ON K3RST MfW USfWO lias hi't'n n-rlurefl **y ftAIHOA» HUTINO living room, fireplace, separa e and tu*ttktutl> dre- jH'U Hlainh\ss ^t^b t•! >ln k, wall ING-TYPE WINDOWS AND Tranaferrcd owner haa juct Hist- uvi'ii, *1»FII wiifchrr, i->Min UT t o|i SEVERAL NEW LISTINGS LOVHY UVINO tOOM dining room, eating space n * • , VrvnUly tmlntvd , . , 1 1 SLATE FLOOR. 42 FT. PINE ed hits attractive 4 bedroom riiti^e ;tml t-^tin^ tipart . New PANELLED RECREATION er CoionUl home (on the Boule- kitchen. Three very nice bemlVi4Miojially li< nilseapofl-—ju^L #/ #/ OI-* DOLLARS WORTH OF COPTHTONi WSHWAtMft dining room (bi>th wllh carpet- home at 937,000. \VO4Ml 114 wailing f-^r SlirlnjA"—AM> \l>V\ SHRUBS AND TREES. EXTRA ing) and modernized kitchen MM* HIM* In S<>otrh Ptnliirt . , . ] i you're a IHKUHII^' buyor — COLONIAL—30 MILE VIEW LOT INCLUDED. INSPECTION RtfUOilATOt AND with tifuhwuBher and dining* rail iinim-i3iMU4y — we*tl sjirhm BY APPOINTMENT, WAU OVfN 1NCUMX0 8j>ace, plus powder room. The Ntl>- urjit^ your pnnnpl ut- lo the IUKU. WtstlleJd, $47,!*00. FOUtftCMOOMI tetti (on. CHOICE MOUNTAINSIDE AREA •lAUTlrmtY lANDSCAMO yard is 76x148 with 2 car de- $64,900. tached erarage. You will love the If you need apace for tho iAIOi IOT setting; so «Jve u» it call for growing children, here it A HOME BUYER'S DftEAM the address and additional plus central location near trans- CONSIDER THE $74, MANY tXTtAS formation. portation A schools, walk FEATURES OF THIS iiis luxurious homo is in per- PftiCIO AT $*S,§00! etation. Four1 bedroom**, conciition. (innio level en* This classic center hall Colonial was literally listed LEE K. WAIINO taathfl, Living roam, over CRISP MODERN trance hall, i>ani*IUjrt family dining* room, modern kitchen. rucini with heumi'd celling and as this od was penned! Beautifully located on the 9 NMHACH i car. Choice locution, HOMMN-LEVELS tiiir, den or botlrooin and Vfc top of Mountainside's Watchung range in choice IMOtOCMtANCH $41,500 Spacious living room, fur- It B. •#*•< •«. HOT Off THf MI$$ I mnl clInlnK room, marvelous Deer Palh-Far View Drive area on % wooded acre 'Ji. 4 lovely bortrouma and CONnOINTIALI 1. Hume <22*17.H pliik hayi llv- with 30 mile view (breathtaking at nightl). House AD J-74W CHARMINO COiONIAl livo baths. Two-ear attached Located In the foothills of love- in At room , , . a. Illic itinipiJrri H^nuttfully set on well S TWIN UU BCOtOOMt For quick sale; alt large rooms family room ... It. M«il*rti kit- is attractive to look at & has superior interior work- ly Mountalnaide 1B thta centrally you go over your finan- pd lot o(T La wren re •VBHDia raoxm air conditioned Hunch. The Hv- In this 4 bedroom, 2hk bath cial affairs with u« In order to with IUIIIHK ttren . - - 4. Avenue In WetitflcltL Many ax* manship (1941) but needs some "touching-up." IVkiATMS home on qutet winding fitreet. Ii (24* Walter Befcftart ., ntf room has raided hearth fire- Entrance hall, living room, determine tiie beat type oC $62,500, There are four bedrooms—2% baths ... 25 pane 1*11 INTftANCI MAU place and panoramic view of rnortKa^e for your neetia, this the deep wooded lot. Other fea dining room, kitchen with eat* Information Is completely con- p , . , If, Two 4f*r . . picture bay window, chair-rail & twin corner cabi- •AY WINDOW ft MVUCI ing space, family room, attach* 7. CoavenleiM't* to iriMMHirtn* tureu are, 3 nice size bedrooms, ed garage. Centrally air con- fidential, We keep tloae t<* tlie IN LOVILY UVINO ROOM 2 full foathtt, a modern kitchen mortgage picture which chang- tion t • . H. lmniwHiitt* |I*- CENTEt HALL COLONIAL nets in dining room . . . thermopane picture win- ditioned. Wide lot, beautifully • . - Ami <»HI1 IIN to nve Hit* with dishwasher and ampte din- landscaped, $47,900. es aim OB t from clay to day, dow In den . . . "bull's eye" gloss, wainscoting, (13x14) DININO ROOM lug space. Then there l« a grade Should you put dawn the leam A Colon hit with a true center . modern 4 bedroom level family room with its own pojiilble cash? Then \vt*'ll re- tin I! 21 ted lontf. SpaciouH Hv- 6 panel (''church & Bible") doors add to Colonial split In Weatfleld. Central a-ir NICUY ARRANOID KITCHfN fireplace, leading to a shaded view that phafte with you. But U\g room wllh flreiilace. forma! conditioning. 2% baths, 2 car (lining; room, family room, small charm. Since this is another first time ad, we hops Kttrasre. Attractively priced in FUU RASIMINT patio, Overfed S car garage. Cf NTM HAIL If you are In a position to pay CLASSIC osaeuBion can be arranged so •II ca«Ji we'll £o over th« pros lirlvsile deti, modern kitchen you'M call soon. upper HO'H, Aasumable low com fXCIUINT CLOUTS and cone on that. In between JEFFIRSONIAN with laundry and a powder mortgage, Call 232-5822 all day you can enjoy the burnt of COIX>NIAU quiet tree ahadpd these two extremes art* many room msike up the Rraeioua firat Sunday or weekdays after 6 ft f TOftAOt Spring, Call today! fttreet, near school, on lot j?E other percentage; may bo you CENTER HALL COLONIAL ilocir plan. Pour twin alzo bt'd- P.M. x 150, LIVINH room (22,6 K 12.5), would be best nerved wltli a rooiiiB Jind two biiths on the 230V - 100 AMP SiRVICt Jireplu.ce, dining room, TV room. $54,900 SITOIHI floor with un open Btalr- RANCH ON QUIET CIRCLE" eating space in kitchen, FIVE mortgage far 70%, paying down 1 )— 3 bedroom coio- Of IN SCRHNID PORCH t ROOM SPUT 8©% cMfth, Maybe more, maybe wny leading to a third floor nhil, and entrance foyor, living bedrooms, 3 baths, recreation leift, Tell us whatever you feel In it tnv Ai MUle loc>Htlon *- bedroom and brith. This is Juat room with fireplace, dining JUNE ltt POStmiON $52,400. room, double garage, Only $64,- will help us to heJp you, re- If you nrr the home for a lurK(± family de- WESTFIELD room, panelled family room, one 500, I membering that ivhut you tell siring a proKtlKO Wcstlield area. yenr old wall to wall carpeting, LARGE IOT In Weflttteid, this spacious 4 u* in completely confidential. | Near all schools. Do call UH for new kitchen, detached 2-car t?a- PRICED AT $37,9001 bedroom, 2 ME bath, 2 car ffaraK If you ilmlre m lururr •••i HMnoLntment to aee thla soon, $47, rflfre, partially finished base- Split level haw much to offer. AUTHINTIC COiONIAl riKtm (Hlth HrepiHre) lit Ink of $62,500. ment, patio, 2 blocks from com- Spacious kitchen has self clean- (him 24xl4.;t |»iy« buy . . * Two munity pool. Mi(t |30'«, princi- ing 0 bnrner range with double Here Is a trim ranch—which truly "hugs the ground/' oven and dlah washer* W/W Qeautlful center halt, 25' llvlnff olhrr twtm brdr«M»mii 4 , , Firnt pals only. Call 233-1861. room, fireplace, dining room 16 Ni»ii thtm bountiful window, 17' science kitchen, dining room with pic- clien, 2 buthB, 27' ground level you more? ; •'" Built 1969, and now the own- tige location. Many extraa in- REALTOR ture window . . . deluxe panelled recreation room rec room1 with bar. Wall to wall cluded, owner* leaving state. #r* are transferred | Quick pos- carpeting . 2-car garage. (39,900. 149 EIMM STRUT Workmanship ft materials in :•£ MIofi. In Wtoatfleld. Centrally with baseboard heat, wood beam ceiling, imitation Call 232-3221. this home would bt hard !ta Hr conditioned, American Stand- FIVE BEDROOM Mambtr Of Th« duplicate at $62,600. \ ard. Th* Honiemaker will like fireplace & chimney (with burner - heater) . . . COLONIAL &1 X ROOM NEAR the l«t floor laundry and tho HOME IN MIME Multiplp e Uiting Syttom WILLIAM A. CLARK * * • - central air conditioning — many other custom de- ALL SCHOOL!* — 1% bathH, 3 /.whole family will relax In thu Wnlleld — MiM bedrooms, Hvin-g room wall to •/1M Boor family room which NORTH SIDE LOCATION Icotch tails throughout . . . neat plot on quiet circular wall carpeting1, fireplace, full A. •-=. ^ -: r «Den» ott the kitchen. Upatalra (IMMEDIATE POSSESSION) dining room, large kitchen, eat- T«M Decker ...... ASS-IMS : tntre are 4 bedrooms with l^ Westfield road. Another "B&C" original - need we ing space, dl»h\vaaher; largo lee Onakev 1M-U4* C. B. SMITH, JR. ' i %*th«, and of course there la a $65,500 112 ELM ST. say more? trees, newly decorated. Prlnci- wr on the let fl, Oood storage. WESTFItLO, N, J. puls only. Call 5 to 9 P.M. and AD 2-3900 .. Full taftstment. Attached Five en m fort Mite brdro weekends, 232-5659. v r»»e, < three nre ovemlflf twhrn) Itl Thrrr full hfltha - . . 'I wo 233-5553 LOOKING COLONIAL" 1ilnt«* (Hpacloutt UVIDIC: ritom HIIA l Mn. IJorU Mntthtemc 9S2-BM3 I- WESTFIELD «trvf>e4 pnrch «i let ui aliow you this cuntom Mn. Joy Browm > bemtty» $37,900 •;' •>•• F Menk: emir* V«J J W. ,". it •. -v ~ ^ Centrally air conditioned In on* of WeetfteM'B newer roRi- Attractive & sturdily built is this 1940 Colonial. The William A. Clark M»l«»e Maol* ...... 70T-5 «tfttt*1 areas. Built 19C4, Thin well-planned interior includes 3 bedrooms— Vh , v, m, IHITU. i: -Miner-hall"Colonial ha» a flrnt FOURTEEN NOUS '* uu/hv/thr>' RANCH ON HEDGE ROW terrace. Heal eood living for the growing family. Fairly priced pnr i>n ofIn thi. n. * The finir bed-1 _ j nt ?57SO0 *iv.—SPLIT LEVEL In n friendly Kanwoou area of younff 5 MMINSICNSt crnler hall t-hnrmer urn nil rnnillleK, Seven rooms including* modern oat-ln Kitchen; aunny tivlBM . * * Thrrr In M MOUNTAINSIDE living- roam; family room; busumenc, uttached gftrugre. Vacrtnt rrermtlua crater for quick occupancy, easy Inapection. And lor that qualtfed eblldrra a** fttm»)- buyer with cn»h a ti% UHBumnme mortguge. flltuateil for Scotch «rr tKi rublnetn in the ul- $49,900 CONTEMPORARY OR COIONIAL? ^»i^* HJffh uitd Urade schools, moilrr» * :;:."T|i«;Plot with Ut* abundance of The choice depend*! on you. We hiive one with 4 BUS, the other 3, ees h&H 6 tllmonHlona and it ftfrfilnce ltt This brand new listing offers an unusual oppor- both with 2% batlvH, family rooms and both centrally air enn- ONIAL of older nature but so comfortable dn4 to be sfcen ftrnt hand to llvlnpC rm»»i nnd ihr illn- dltlonfid. They nvc attractive homeg, each In HH own way. Tho roomy. Four btslroomB: beautiful new Kitchen, lavdtory ani visualize what we mean. lit a huvf lT.IOxll.l^ tunity to own a substantial ranch home at a very Oolf Ed BO aroa home 1B priced ut $64,Iil)0 and the Wychwood list- bath. Fireplace in tiiu ilvinB- room; apaclouw (lining room wjtli ing: at $C3,900. Call u« to Heel bunny bay window. On the vkla JJouicvurd ao convenient ^^.^The location xl* much prized r diMTHtiU permit <»f reasonable price. The nicely kept interior includes Rdvewood Terrace- And the you n It out thr uinny e\- schools und b tat ion. ^ home Uftolf ? It's a big- 3 levul tritN * * . Vet UH tell you or MEMBER NATIONAL ROSTER 3 bedrooms — 2 baths ... 26' living-dining room With a 2G' rec room and lav at a how you* level. The living: room OP REAI/TORa with fireplace . . . 25' playroom (also with fire- K—COLONIAL hldilint behind ftomfe blue spruce^ in country Rood looking ft replace. UTTY L WIIOMAN ureit ol 8cr»tch Plains with a beautiful 110x270 lot. Twenty y* M5,^HMV tititneH itml RM. 2)3-3354 1 thB kitchen; 4 bedrooms, 2 A FOUR BEDROOM nation, paint mid work It could bts Vtry uttructlve. r. ^- • ; jut tire aura In onr illrt-ctory* When this is our first advertisement, may we suggest an bttthB, Jalouaietl porch. LotH of CENTER HALL COLONIAL mnvliiK please vormliler our rcc- elo*et np&ue. Built In lU'tS by uiiiuienilatlaii. ISo fee. early call? • « * • »•**••• .v-V^ well known builder and it * ON CANTERBURY ROAD ^nANCl in quiet aiountuhiflldo area. Custom built with two UruplaccH, unu In thu larB^ living roatn-UinluK room combi- plMter ft IB 4 ***** • « * t • *4 • 4 • • * »• *#»*•»« IN WYCHWOOD Multiple AlWrt H. O. VliiMift nation, the utiiur In the family room beluw. Three b ^ $77,900 !*abllfl "BRAND NEW COLONIAL two butha; two cur garugu; lully air cuuditioncd. ^ 1:* . Coainerclsl y hun un oyc for licnu- —TWO 8TBP npltt level—only two steps from tho ty d 11. Mivk, Uruktr WESTFIELD Uvel to tlic two bedrooms a«d buth, then up to a luvcly third 'if WONDWFUUY ftlCI chnrin anil vrl*|» dratill- level bedroom with Us own bath; elofcolH, dressing- room. 24'x2ii' " * * TMN on^-of-ii ijr'uUo level family room with tlropliice. another In the living* nil tliCMt; adrllmtcN ... In k $47,900 room. Deep wuuded lot un the higher Hide of MountuhiHlile, On fl beautiful in (ton, there U n y< iir*«»ld «tuf-of<- Held, The lot Is Md1fferenl.M the thln-worlil moilrrii kitchen n new kiiK:^ ilr«* floor r*«r ATWOOD REALTY Truly a "builder's bargain" is this spanking new treew are biff, they honne U one* * COLONIAL of tipacio\ja prupDrtlona, Four »c*cont>lm»4*M OAtx llvlnfr room center hall Colonial. The spacious interior includes birdroums; two huths; fifth btsdeoom and another bath on th rd rooms), 3^| baths, A maKntfleent 233-3222 Hour. Own plus offiet\ modern kitchen with llrwl tli>ur launc ry homt'Blean Cor the family who |iiuii-1lril rtM-rvnilon roumt 4 bedrooms — 2'/a baths ... 24' panelled family p riie Ifirurr dtnlitw: room y Di I a convenieni t locat o-rt like tmacti. ?Si> 5uo. + nd Pout Office on LenoK ATC* and lavatory. Hhmlowlawn Drive Is ( n iiretly I*JI3 window room with sliding glass doors to wooded rear yard for all the schools imil tcivvn. One utt u kind «o ace It tuilay. arr litre** full ImtliM find two Plcoty FBEE oBf-mtrcct half Unth* . . . 'truly t« . , , good-sized living room with fireplace & 24 whU-k will ti]>|iiMtl to thf| pane picture window, 20' deluxe kitchen, separate illK4*rli*ilnnl|jiK L*.**uullv* flint- dining room . . . space for recreation in basement. PROFISSIONAl OFFICES Handsome weather shingle exterior framed by THE JOHNSON AGENCY, INC, beautiful copper beech tree on grounds of old ALAN JOHNSTON, INC. Realtor* ]5x ran tLo 11111 1 Peck In AVcNtllold ]u«L a HLone'B t]ir»w FIVE BEDROOM estate. More to tell, may we? Realtors trom tho Po«t Office. Firnl (lour WESTFIELD REALTY 26 Prosp«ct Stri«f i32O30O aulte nvnllnblti April Int. $3fifi CLASSIC COLONIAL p for month inctudoH curpctitiK, (CENTER HAIL) SERVICE AM, POINTS HKLOOATION SBRTIOB l,nulnc B, Jofc ••(*•—232-A3M L. llfcHj air uoiKlltlonliiff. H'u ON A CIRCULAR COURT" Pncum—!t Floremce sp^clilt 1 $54,500 lU'tittor Mcubrr of Wniulrrfiilty MOUNTAINSIDE YOUNG AT HEART L.intliiur 31 e 111 lier Nationwide FINU-A-HOME! lervlcc lae. 1n II it*w North , lo,- TliiH HpuUewt Colunl-il an iiuk't ti , » . Tlivi'r full 0. Urmiil St., $52,800 trei^HluuUid WntHcni Itmul hi K I^nmlly room • . . |U wuofl 1H un Ideal '*lli'Kt Ji rotnu . * . rifrii Mi«Mh-rti fur 11 ynuni? fninlly. There IK a it) nt n^ M|»ii4*e . * « This sturdily buili (1940) "Colonial-in-leveis" is pic- liii'KO UvlnK r«om with jitl nu— ri1 |ior4-li ... A home livo 1>uy wlmliiw nutl wooci- 'li-r tor thi- gvt* turesquely situated on a circular court In Mountain- wltii cornor ruhlnci, newly ri*- II j. BLUE RIBBON side's Wotchung foothills. The attractive Interior 1>iirnlTiK Jlrepiiirc, OlnhiL^ rnnm furh|HlH*fl kltolu'ii with KurznLm i Includes 3 bedrooms (master is 23'xl5' + dressing cmblii^t^ UJHUWIIHIIPV inn! «h o- DUTCH COLONIAL trlr nniK combination (26 x 13.7), with railed hearth fireplace and 232-6300 A rrrt 1t Tor H A Tin1 Realtors picture window, recreation room (25x12,10) with another INtlMmr* REALTORS fireplace, modern eat-in kitchen, plus three bedrooms and Nancy F, Reynolds WESTFIELD REALTY ir,:n imrru 'si, HKMTNTAIXMIIMO "Two Colonial Offieos" hiII«« — two baths. For appointment to tee Olga Graf SERVICE Marie Elsto 115 Elm Slreef Call Florence Rasmusten, eve's 322*8933 43 ELM STREET .... 232-1800 I'llllt Joan Thomas 201-232^4700 232-9500 Wj-tllf, T.Vi-Ulim Nlirilli II Hit 4, 2\)i£-M\\7 Atlca Fifd M, I). HIiilM, Jr, ,., i::iir-i>M1 Onricr fl. Vrnrnm 33n- M.viJi Illhl.'lM-itiiil, UIIU-KIHI Itvllv CliirkHHH, Uia- f'nirick it. .MIII . .. 2:i:-inti ivinti "MIIMIUU^ xrj- b ViMU'r, Xtll-a Myrtle Jenkins nu;pr ortfyi HIM-I\v II. (Inn; 11 liM'J-ltr. lln/il II, Wliril. Carol Momot Jiuiim J, IIIII^MJIU 'J.\t'2-\i\\VJ ..XV£-mf.l n \. llfMiri*. .Ir XI'J-T1I77 Mr*. Alnn Ilruer rAi.\HiJM*; Wnii ii HIM •Mtek IMMIMN —* Mimnt-ln.lilr jn rl hM) rul^nhi f In 11' vHn. I'^nir t>. M * t Itojit-i li. t.«vint Jr.. M. Do Ittfrhl^ tfM I h^E living rcMiMi ^ Ith A, (4. tnir-r-VUr llflorittlnii K«*rvli>n rhVltim'r, (Illli IHl 1 N'liil \\ i\\\ "1UQD CAlll'IOr MMltVICU" 193 South Ave. Fan wood Mr» Until ll lirnrt.,, .Z12.| i-iill i • Ui IMIII'i'i, UH<^M-II ^ nli i;1, t=i»n(t% IM JIIII y I'f'ini ^11 h MEMBERS EvarionF,Peartall 232*6798 Ih'l lin-is IJM lu

h WAt ffTATf FOf SAlf • OWCf f Wt KWT • HfLf WANTfD MORTGAGES Da»<** Hfgkli^lu ; Coinmuiiity Center Sr. Citizen* Plan FEMALE OKAY BY PHONE Pack 73 Dinner \ Holds Flower §how Visit WOMAN t Seoul Pack #73 of Holy k Garden Show on Monday, Mar. Realtor a«#-7«*»-io*« *- :\\ I of your bills inio o . ft. l v iH.jr'-wir.i: up I" Ml Trinity Grammar School under l.ho 22, wfll be sponsored by the West- fur f 1 'II' v;i J yur ;md {Tm'.ian of Joscfli Pryor celc(.:ra1ed ii 11 \\i\ii T**\* lo rchay en u. Registration for the 3971-72 school fieid Senior Citizens. Th\& ahow is Prutrvtet GOLf EDGE llwir Bluf and Gold dinner at Uieyear will be held throughout Uie to be held at the National Guard A MOUMTAIHSIOf tAMCH Jolly Troll Smorgasbord Restaurant.; $54,900 Hi U la Ma Real Emtmt? Co. \\O\ t'AS MKAX Fl'X. month of March for the Pre-School. Armory in Morristown and t b e $49,tt>0 SKJJ f\i;.A\fiX TAX MKAN IHl leave at 10 a.m. /lunch living with a bonus! An Jlrkk trimmed and *=c*t in a qulot MKAN' A IM'SINIOSS t»I^ Y< Jl K OWN. SERVICE Districl Commis-sioner Kozlcwski' immucuUl*' "n;ui ford ? < 'H I! itu- i Ave TV. on the Circle v'.ass, or the Tuesday-Thursday Church, 170 Kim St. i bed roomH and Lwo tiled h«tlis. nn'/lijiM-ly :::.:{ -issn. PL'T if v^n IU'*-\v«-Mfii«*ui. !\. .1, «r.-i-:t: hulf butha, a larwe bright *VHI- Fireplaces in both the living* Cor manufacturer's rep. 232-8393. Cubmaslcr and praised the work of] in Wr«< lU-ld. (!;irwi>cult K<"H-h J-'I;MIIS Scrum) MorlKtitct'M AUu Avullul>K< cass from y:M-<:]:30. Dsy pre- After aitlowin-g time for the the jif If Itchen, ;i HpHriouK living ri tiling* room mill the llntahcd G-38-tf or KumviHuj call 7r»|i-t^L'S. TJ-J KN If Uie den mothers. [ ruom (flrcylaoi), family tflze family room. The? modern kit - y*nt live ir» Mouittn inwMr rail 7S1 - n-12-tr ferences w'-'\ be har.dCed on aviewing of the show exhibits the- dlninc room < 14'), pluw a cosy cheii has dining: space, a ual) « with secretarial aerv- Th:A den molhejs scheduie calls for the bus to arrive yureh, Bonuu features are; an- oven, Luble Lup ran^e and dish- lce and private secretarial tele- ft mCT Akin CAiikirt A received iheir' lii-si come first serve basis. 4 other bedruuni, a hubby room washer. Additional pluses art-: phone answering available. Excel- 1>K\TAI, W LUal ANU rV/UND W service stars—two year star. Bar- back in Westfield by 4 P-m, Admis- plus a family room wlih Kiass* central air conditioning (in- lent for ealea rep. or small buBinew. R The Pre-Schcol program, which Court* to u larjre covc-i-ed pullo, stalled In J 970), a huge ihv'y AD 8*3701. 2-6-tf i* SIISWIM. t t t bara Spato. Kat'hleen Murphy, Irene is primi3rily social and cultural, is sion to the &ow is at a special rate a double B'ura&i*, wall to w:ill douhle garage, economical fan and (-luirrh \vh iheHibl<- Foley; aind year star—(Barbara Hal- for senior citizens. Some tickets are carpeting and fast heat, wall to wall carpeting and i, private air conditioned of- U.lii v-il unfi fall li fully open to about 75 children in six A brand new Hi quick occupancy. fice, ground fiour, new building;. , y til UU III '. ' \ti\i will )»• warmly pin, Ginney Maker. Special recogni- stitl available to the general public IUtiitl for Dingle desk and files. Close Write P.O. i:ox i'22, Wc^lllriil. N. J. ill nn r'litliusiayl U: mcni- tion was given to Lena Hergirth who classes. to Post Office In WVstftHd. Cull Mr. and may be procured from Mr. aad Atwood, 282-T742 or received her five year service star. Anyone interested may call Phyl- Mrs. Walter Coleman. 8KCRKTAH IT—Maintain recoi-ds ant) Indian dances were performed by hi]>H, JSxrel in JiKurett and lis Caruana, Westfield Community CHARLES G. MEIERDIERCK, JR ' Call 233-2700- WANTED Eagle Scouts. FOI SALE Center Pre - School director, Mon- ATM. Assist OO Yor have furniture, china or For AU the News WtMltM HAVE YOV a UK for these? Strong general off ice work, Khnpli* lypinn, R'l ass ware to sell. Call The Turn- day through Thursday from 9:30 to paper fiber hollow tubes, 4" outside no sti-no, Answer phone. 0-day iv Style. 322-702C from 10:30 A.M. until diameter. 8" Inside diameter, some f» to f», no S;it urtiiiyK. & RM. 2-J2-tf • LEGAL NOTICES • 1:30 for an interview appointment. Read the Leader 218 I. MOAD ST 7O'\ aorne 66" long. Could be used State salary expected. Wrhi- WfSTNtlD as rollers, or ae cores for rug: rol- 333. eft re Leadi-r, 5n SKI HOOTS, size 1(1%J , Hojoru polos. ling, or dream up your own use. Khti St. Ciil! 7r,i;-il(iUM aflri- li 1 .M. ADVERTISIMEMT FOft BVEt, You can have as many as you want 2-l1-4t HAISH, 232-SM3 tor only $1.00 each "at the Westfleia HKAI TM IA\— West- BEING REAOVERTISED FOR BIDS Leader, SO Elm St., while they laBt, i\vl(\ nvvix. So e in I *:r- f)l I'll4)llii> miiliir. f)',i JIJ', Used •rroji'ft No,: 7i;:H. Glad to have -you come look a t view it , nooii ccnid i- si lion : Ittplar^nu-nt of KtJHi if s, them. 10-29-tf tlon, 1!T)7 i.r nt'U ri Kmpluyeo Uuilillni; "A," TTrain! MM1 School i for IJiiyn, RIALTO NOMINATID fO« UIIIL ril|l»4V for busy executive • • • " t' M. NI!¥TO\ KjiKlLHh bone clilnn, Mar- Kull ur part time; car and driving uwni-r: state of Xi\v JiMst^y, 10 ACADEMY AWARDS io wo pattern. 8 six-piece Hrparatr m-iih-d |>II)H in) Tor t*ai*h plus oval vegetable tllnh. Saturday and/or evi-ninK but t line LEGAL NOTICES iM" rjwl**il hr-uu1 Iti's uf ivurk anil a Free Llffhttd Parking1 condition. Open stock at will t\e lioxibU*. CnJl day« 1*04-0810; s<*imrau' ovur-ali SIMK'U1 conirui I h\i\ THE GALLERY Of HOMES Sell« for ,1308, I3eut offer, 23a-8G8ti. evunlngs 23*2-H37 8, 3-4 si I'I:IUOH (b) cuvorliiK aU tht* bratu/heK of work and malarial rtMiuireil lo ^mi- j>lot(* t lir1 projtTl will IH* r*i'-(alvc-d In _„TTAK HKT, »C5; ffliiaa ii „, STATE OK NKW JRUSKY ii;** Jti.-ri'iithin Jioom of Ihfc Division %2i wood pulleys, $3,60; dialing dish, HELP WANTED TO: JIA«K- KOWALSKY f«T JiulhiinK :<»<) t Njiititriu'ijou, Divl- NOW SHOWING $25; old badges and medals, ?2 ana Hy virtue of nu Onlt*r of tho Su- Hion of Taxation Htilldlnir, \V*f»t up; blanket chest, $18; child'* swivel MALE perior rourt of N'nw Jrrsi»yf T Sialr anil Willow HLrm-ts, «th tlour, chair, $4; horpe cottars, $12; Mtiall eery DiviHlon, made i>n HIP 11th y Tr«ntt>n( Now JviHt-y os«in, outfI S:IKJ DOUBLE FEATURE MONEY STtETCHII rocking chairs, $;> and up; manic HIGH rAMHRH retired of ^eUrujiry In a civil action wlirrr- elieyt on chest, $45; maple kneehole In NAXCV KOWAiiSKY Is tho plain- T.M. K.T., un ilari'li IS. 11*71 and tiun engineer or plant engineer to act publicly opened and road uhiml. No A lot of house for tho money, and a pretty colonial too! Entrance dt*Hk, $40; modern maple wutih&taniJ, US part Lime representative for 40- tiff anil yim are llu? ilc-l'einlunt, you fG5; maple (lining room aot with ex- firo JHM'f*hy rf*fjulrr answer t lu* hjd will IM* acct'pled after the hour hall thru to kitchen, la rice living room with bay window and year-oM i*n^lneer!nt Hnn opening- 1 tension table, G rush scat chairs, C ojnj>lalnl of t)w phtlniiiV on or ^ptciheiL UIIIH will hr vrvviveti pnt-inecrlni; executives In bo f 11 re Die 1 !*th y floor, There arc 3 bedrooms on the second floor, the rnauter being old dry pirik, $1S5; garden hm*sT $1: north and c-ntral Nosv Jemey* Xu H^rvinc ;m answer on JO Kb A. wdlfnetreea, $3.50; large green glnxH KOliEUT, KSQ ^lulntllT's ntlornry, Tho InforiuaiUm for |tld«lerst Form 12 X 17, 100 amp gftrvict* mid a lot of corpetlnK, included. Wont sales—moderate salary — fcxpensCH— a| of jild. Form of Contract, Plant*, lust long at $37,900. bottle, apple shape, $28; urcht-ry muHt }uu<» car—Interesting — ho urn u'h* carp Stri^rl, Philnfti'lfl, New Jor-Hry, atirans umbrella Ptanrl, $112. flhall in* n iiilort'il against you EIH IH* px;imlm*tl jit the furt shall think r-qullalih- mul Division of UuildiMK" and •OMOW SOME MONEY, THIS IS FOft YOU AHCHIrt'H HKI»AtrrMtllt^ • H4T-J14fft 1 1 Ml liciys MI to deliver prcxjC f civil practice ami proce- Division of llulhlin^ nnd ConKtrut?- NOMINATID FOR 3 ACADiMY AWARDS Scholarship Fund. Yard dure. lloti, lncati^t at thi- nhovc g, Bweaters, ilrppaoH. March fl, HELP WANTED - ii|)on iiaynu-nt i*l* $2."i no for The object of salrt net Ion Is to It to fi, 7 to »; March 10, y to 2. Any uiisiuHM-Hsriil hlrMer, upon r<*- A PAIR AT $42,500 Ahierlcan l>glon Hall, 1003 North obtaiin a j l off ll J>f?- Ave., Westflelrl. MALE OR FEMALE lun;iiiK Kiich Mi-t uriMiiptly ami In One a oharmlnf? center liall colonial on Shadowlawn Dr. 5 bed- tvveou 111<* sjiiil utalittlir ami you, wo oil rnmlll Wn, w 111 l)o refunded his DatcMl: Vih. 2ii, 1H71 paynirMl, ami iniy imnhhlrler UIHHI 20th Centuiy-fpi presents An roomB. beautiful kitchen with butler Hlnlc, den and office on tEAl ISTATE JOKI. A. KO1IRKT, 1 flriit floor, VM hatlm. The othi'r 1H it IUTRP, newer home—i bed- vn r^furiilnu surh i\ sol will he re- NOW ACCEPTING HprlnfT clothing fin* I'liiintirr fumhul J2S.0U- Ingo Preminger rooms, fumliy room with beta inert cfllitiu, and Ktuciy, purfvet SALESMAN 2-25-2* hi #ood ui>~Lo-iluLe, clean condition, The Sluir r^iTves the rl^hl to • condition innUle MIU.1 out a. ml n, joy to own. Frlcinpr hour**: Monciny thru Krltlny We have an OJUMIIIIR for n Ron I Production TCstatc tuUpKimui of proven nblllty, r*'jr*-i any or nil l>l*ls, fl:30 to 11:80: Tuesday unil Wcsdnoa- I-Lu*h hhhh-r must H11 with UIK dny, 1:00 to 2:30. IiKiulries will bo fronted ronflden- of Now JrrHcy, l viHi*m, tlally. Write or cnl! K J*\ Penrflttll. tJ-iiluTi t'minly, [>ix*ki»t # I<*-«!t«-7«, M<1, setMJrlly ID the ann>unt, form Pearsrtll & FrnnkonbaclK Inf., 11B I 1\MM)L\ KKDKltAli HAVIN the t'ontlltIons nro- Color by DE LUXE 1 < 1 <>11 Iti Uu1 iwM riM'l hina fi>r iMddrrn* LOAN ASSOCIATION OF WKST- l r Browse through Elm Street, Westflelil. 2-4-tr B AttiMiUiui of l)Ul(Jartlc-ul:ul> Panavision® THIMiS, drPHKcrH, beds, <)lHhc>s, I'UI'JLI), Ci>niuM ly Wt stllrhl |-'nli-r;il SI ami Ijitfiu Assn^ljaion, n Ui^ti in (he vnuinMin nts an to non- our Full Color drnpts, orlils and ends. Also c;innln« Itltnis i>f <*ni|>l«ynit*nl to lni ohservoil jars. 3D Home St., aillette. (i47-2«(iK. EMPLOY. WANTED tn <>t' tli** WJIH^MI Stntrn cif uml nilitlnium wntrt* ntu-s i<> he pahl Display of Homes , IM:ilnlllY, VH. I: ASTON U. inlpr I ht* runt nu*t. (IIOSN^Ii, Jit., i-l n L, IK'Tomhtnts. Nn liMld^r may wjth/lrn w his hitl MiAM W A+ !;K SAI^B «AVir«HAY — Mov- WINDOW wafthing-, gutters and IMvIl AWinn Writ of Mxts-utlon—Knr ;• from IIOUBO to apartment. Alnny leaders cleaned, wallg and wood- whhhi sixty r Mfirl^mri'il I'ronilwof*. urtunl il:iti- *»f the n|x>nltm Uirrenr, MON. THRU FRIlltf'ttll-lllllllI i H•-I» PATTON 7:00 MASH 9:55 ttema for Halt*. G-K dehumldillor, work cleaned, exterior paintlnp, 1 tabh\ lilnff-ponR table, exercise bar Hy vlvtuu of Lli* nhuvi*-sl;il*"*il wrll J>h.lS\ ItTMKST OK TIIM Fully Insured, AD 2-7392, 4-9-U of rxuctitlmi In ni* dlri'cU'iI I shall TUKAS1MIY and wplB'litu, folti \V, SUN PATTON 1:30 A 6*0 MASH 4:25 & 9:25 H. CLAY FRIEDRICHS, Inc. rtt'ty, th<* :J!KI dny or Murrli AJ)i( it, 41 MontroH* Ave., Fjuuvood. * nl l\vi) nVloik in tho aftrrniifm REALTORS WIKUOW -1 - u l^ltr:\4'll Provincial pofa, bet^u, iiiK-ii; walls mid wood- day. FANWOOD 1 ialu triu-l i>r pav^i-1 IN South ArtBie cMindltton- Call 2a2-13&iK work cleunoil, exterior pnlntliiK . SKt North AVCBHV Pully ln«urc*l. AH 2-7:t!)l!. of Lantl, tt , lylnw snul IHMHP: in ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS *»ifU!liL In Ih*' County AD 3-0065 PA 2-7700 uPirct'K illnlne room net and Htone No, 710S. imitutlon Hreplace. Best offer. Fri- of Union and State or N«w .lernvy: AMPLE PARKING *OTU. day, Kuturdny nnd Suiitlny call '232.- »t u imlnl In I he MI* Unr oT Khirlrtu Jci^i-y Training School, mutant xtxty-thiMM* tvul ami Tnt iiiv:i V 1 IIII:\IKKS CLEAN-UP f)wnr NCHV Jov«*^y* nlne huntlrpdthh of a ll fc • * I «• *•**«*•*»«•< ALKNBURO - EUZAKTH; N. J. !*y> an m^asurotl In ;* noh Kepiinito Hf'iil* il hUls (ui fur onch and collur Hcieanod nut . Oir**t tlon. aloiuv wuUl side of UH1*MI brnncboH i>f wfirlt and n Lulu Wlnin »«...*•••>*'••• Open-Dally 'til 9, Sat. 'til G ovi'v-ull con Iran hid OO Huth Tnyl*^ i • HAMMOND ORGANS street from ILH imp at) O*i* iminch^t* nf work l 1 SHOWS 2 * 7 - 9:00 Ju tilth ' Snttc «i •,• • • • RODGER! ORGANS off U;ika ,, bolli » an North -Ifi* 4 7' l.hp prdjcit M'IH IM* rrci'lyoil in tin* Marlon MIUw-Mcr I4t •«»>«* t • • • Kt'<*cii!l"U iUtom of ilit* Division of A1U1IUU NI> CI.RAIIAVCIC SALK Kast a *ILsl;nic-<" i»f one liuixlrtMl Inrty IM ICI» woman t*i cli> (HOi fi-t'l to n iidlnl: runnlnu ll IMilIilhiK' niifl riui.sirurlh'n, DlvlHl(»-n work. 4-1 34f>. or Tuxfill-Mi 11 ul Id inn, \Vw\ Htnto 4St HniMlln—Knulie—Nniimer h I3 IH' W nnd Willow MKTIN. Slh flni>r, Trtri- - NOW SHOWING - *"•**•! in nnnint, m lm, Nw .liwy . ri«n© llentnl plnn — »12 .K II and 13 yenr r>)d Mlrls (;j> Sy-a!l nftcrnofiiiH, early t ».tl-200(1 f unit weeUomlfl. Call -3:i- IM* K:U(( • feot a In I i>j*r Bt 4h» NttUlple Ll»«lif ftyitem) tient. HP.SL of roforeneew. Uglily Mox -llvr (i>5) r<*^1 1<* tin* pnltil and li" inlniinallon fnr UltldiTW. Komi 22t en re or WostflHd U-rulor, r>'> Him nf UKCINNJNll. nf l:l<1, Tofni ol' Contrnct, I'IIHIH, B11NE9T V. f. HAM-, IN8UH0R ANTIQUES Ht. :J-4-^t einls*os Mr<* riiintnonly Known ns S|>rcill<-atloiis ;inii;\ r ntaiul operators Tnr HAMMI |^l-l-r>, unr tfftriiKe. YounB OWIHTH imiiHforretl. Jackson, N. Y. Flreiilace frnmj , parkH. Must bt* mntnriA, lilon! for Tn-iilon, New* J'Tscy BO* Of M( f OP[*N^ *> 1ft never used, completo. Plroplac« util- siu-rirr family ffroup. Nc> InvcHtrn^nt r*-- 13 CopSi-M inny l'i* ulitalncil »l I he nit 1W»L IN CAk HtAVf HS A real buy «t $3S,H0O. ities In brana nn^l Iron, Hcroens, etc. rtulroilt Apply Union County Park Ivlsi'm Dt" KullMliifi iiiul I'onaliur- LAST 5 TIMES Dutch ovenf tin. HIIIROS In brasfl lion, lociih'il ;il thtr jilmvi- ;H1L1I-I-«K, ill OomralKHlon, Acmii? St., IJll'/nhol h, D.T CTORS and Iron, large ami nmall. Juiffl. bot- Monday lo Friday, !* AM, to 4 J\*\1. [|ion payiiK-nl nf fli.'.On fm- #-att-li Hvt. tles, crockB, Ittntornn, Furniture: Any iinsun-csslii] blihit-r. lip'ni ri'- beiln, olacka, che«ts# pnlntlnRH, irln.Http (unilnK Hiitli wci |M'inn|iily unit In UJIVES Inmps; various asflnrted IteniH, many (,'OOil I'dllilll hill, Will h:- I"' rrfuil(|i-rt :my i>r nil hlds. Southern hotplUHty* Telephen* AD a mi 3*1422 houHo patit mall boxes. Rarh Mitih-r inusi «{i*pi»slt wlih his 264-2200 EDUCATIONAL CONSULTANTS TUTORING M<1, fci'furiiy hi lh»* itniMinit, fnrm iuul siihj(*fi (r> I h<' corHlithnis orn- l Eve* nnd Sunrtny• please call Individual instruction available in Mathematics, History, vidi'd lit tin* Instructions r*M Klddcrs. AIIPTithin i»f hldtli-i-j* l^ part J'MJ- "TIW VHWHr ITM' llaaet U»NH 552! • AUTOS FOR SALE • English/ Economics/ Foreign Languages/ and the Sciences. lurly callnl t«> tho r^i|iilr^in^ni^ SIH Wnrlon Kiniciitun lo rcniilltlonH of rmployinenl lo tie PARTS/ACCESSORIES *>Jisr-rv IM- pnlil MiHli-r tin- rMinrmi. OMWSTIH PAP Elsis Beti - -AD 12-3-tC No hlililrr may withdraw Ills Mil for IMPORTS/SPORTS within **l\iy <«:«*> "'ays iift^r the Kew Jerseyn largeat/oiacst/niccst nrliuil ilatf of th«» rnhm Iliervuf. JlffiOft Ml MEN NEEDED R. II. IJRVXI5T;-, tonrlier of piano. i>i:pA){rMi:xT OK TIIK supplier. Lntost inpl])O(lfi. Cliif-Mlcal nnd pop- ORIVMN BOX OFFICE OR 6-4343 lMFOHTnn AUTO CKNTF3n TllKASl'UY i ular, TjtmsonH In your home. C«fi DIVISION nr Mril-UINO and UtMnd HullroJttt Slufton To drive soml tnifUjr trnll( rs, toral Dorlitn Ilil,, Wtsiitnclil. Cnll AD ^-r>3Jl(i. Mlllburn, New Jersey and over I he mad. BxiHTlem^ uu\ AND I'ONSTIIlM'TinX CUNTCASTWOOD "fir. r.-G-tf f 1 IMINAIJ) A. StU,l-TVAN , MARY PALMER C-18-tf to $1(1.500 pt !' ynir nfdrr wlnut Iruln- DlltKCTOR "KEUVS HERMS Realtor GUITAR 11MJ7 llAMniJ^U* S cyllmior, nuto- rail ^01-S2*;-fl07H# or wrttv AJIVJUU'O nuulo trnnHinl^Hinn, n*t*llnliiK HOIIIH, n/I\ ni'pl., f^rHson lnduHtrlnl r^ntor, l*rlvnte l,i-nnnnm — air ninUltloncc]. JftOO, 37:t-2!nJ;'» after AilmlnlHtratlon BIH^. so, )Hn\W 1, 20 yvnrtt profi'HHiottii) mill fi»r prv- WOODLAND HILLS - SCOTCH PLAINS MIHIHI, New Jprsi-y ( Come See Us! nAKirc SAT- N1TE L/MrMv»C SPECIAL WED. Jack PIloi'lgSBlONAl' COMllil'NITY »n KOLI-lNfJ \VtK)»JSIJ lloaiK- 'lJi MANTI1T puppy, A\\l\ fawn, Biker's 7 innnthH i»U]t ext^ll^iit wulrlultiK, LOBSTER iMl with chllibt-n. i?nU a«:i-r>!»1 L HIGHTSTOWN Mill JI4IINKV IJOMPAXIOX UOC PARCINAT1XU llJlCAS of our l.uHil«r.,T1ilH IK.UHU 1H Untt-ti at SERVICES U NEED COUNTRY CLUB Tit AI M.\<; Clti'll. A ICC mombor ; cla^flt'N since 104 7) an- OPEN SATURDAY * SUNDAY UDW ohoil1*'iK:^ **lnHwe« oppn Walt Mellor-Sat. Nite-Joe lo nil (IORM on TtM'sdjiy, Msireli 1 fi, Mucha. Next Wed. — March I P.M. - 5 P.M. for rPgtaLnitlon uni) Tiu*sdn>\ Maroh MOVING & GENERAL BLDG., CONTRACTING SHANTY PUB T)lrrollon*r Tftki* ILnrltmi.iW. n> H>" Country C Tor bi'KlnnlnK' nf CI;IHS*'M. These Frolic Dance — Two Bands ENTERTAINMENT Si WiimlTftml Av*-. li» Short IIIIIH MIIH', Sculi I will he lu'hl at Uie Ainerlran Lr^loji (hiti. Mnple Ave., Unhuay. KtiuM IHM TRUCKING & MODERNIZING tnry N/ght k I* \ I f M UC >U 1 I 111 I t P*/l I* •»I' Continuous from 8:30. It's the • • ixliir'n' n III" K' »i* tTi Finest Ssifood, Drink & Fun call 233-4500 any lime InloiinniiiiM enl) A!r«. (!ur- big Donee of the Monlh. 1II3NRY 1». TOWNSRIU'D I'I,\NTI,IU\<; AND PATCTTRS SPR- POINT PLEASANT BEACH, NJ. CIAI/TY. AU/ TYI'l-IS MAKONliY Tel: 893-6700 MARY PALMER ALLIED VAN LINES AND nraKiNianiNfj. SI-MJC TSM- AKt: n'KtMlereii. Hll*i-rlan Husky J*l-t)Y]OJ> AND iNSL'HiOD, A!) n-2'137. r-- Realtor \}\\\)Ht a wolf tfi'Jiy mules, f> wei* 1 AVH AR 'J- M**m1u*r Multiple LlNtlnK HIT WeslfieM, N. J. iMii\ri:n impH. -i mules, -o-1 r / lo New \fork 's loveliest show I 205 Sooth Ave. W. !i wcikH old, Hin»tH, wornu-U ami rrtr- • DRIVEWAYS i'3xre! Icn 1 lillliti-i's (ir iii'lH. K«'pp tho liivt'NlmrJil hi your homo Mi hltmil Urn*. Cnl! M1-r»:i!>7. TREE SURGEONS nr MIKIIICHS [inijict'' y nn I ht' "|!n" »Uif with iin AHPUAI.T I'l'AVKn no SCHMIEDE TREE EXPERT CO. I'lllVMWAY or I'AliiCINC AltlOA. HOUSES FOR RENT • REAL ESTATE-RENT • • BUSINESS SERVICES • •"* i. >l4MliM-it Tree* SITVUM* " WI1LIAM A. PARKHURST JD have Rovorul com-* r & SONS, INC. fur reni In Went Hold cU'Hn^ dry tmH(MiH*n(f <| o w M t o w fi 1'riii'tH'iilHj' niMl l'iiN(e> Hint* CVrfUli'd Tr«t* I>3x|ier« 4 -• te • Wi-HtlU'liL l/Jl lr> 7^0 Hl|. flf full Air. lit tlit'lr very IM-NI and vicinity, PrU'i'H uvortiKC* %&-fi t*} ..I /r: Sinn iinr month, IMiMwe eull - we'll AtwnoH, l!Jia-774!i i»f aJCI-Ba^l!. VAU, J4(!HA\ JACK SON - r: Z c C - 1 do nur IniHt Ut liolp- Harriet & Craiii, n.A, iMionion DICNK;N .1 I'A li- I'. A. FliKllM ^ -' HoaHoiH, AD li- i»r H-1RO(V in ANTiW FAIR liKMIN'MM Hlhl.V! huliiH, tnihiirh: HIIOUM ^VMII IH>1 ONI-Y CON'HUIVI'ATION PI5B n-2-tr OI-MNCI • LI-:A IHCUS »*^ / U'ai*-i\ iH'iv fiicMlrrn It 11 Hit>ii III •: <•i- >•• ?• Inn* (UHliwa^lMT, WJIHIIIMK HIJMI 'I'IO KKI'AIKS * UI'TT DTHCOHNTH OX Kully • WANTED TO RENT l(r-m Ity itiMiilli only, Tull :iaa- . UWTUUNRD MISCELLANEOUS U 10-22-tf l ffl 1 l' l\M ri'Hlrlihllul niviirWiilk In iVV, m (in* hllt IH MASOMIV — I'atln — I'lfmtn bus nr trnln, air •MMHIItIrtiM-il, H hi-fU IIANUY IifimrnwuM' imw ll.W I'VMil \ M:. l.ntiilHriLito i\nv- ,/ • - F.j A VARIETY OF GARDENS and ANTIQUES all on one floor! 1 < 'nrpiMil ry ^ - }tnoil up; nf fi 11 /, ifi'iiMH, ;i !»# niiMln n 1 • n111na runirun |>;irt 11 ii ifv— will t\u IIIOHC oihl JOIIH iiliu;, .Mi.nMil.v i-nn( |-(irt, fi«-i- CHII- V- t: 1 h k ( 1 N lH lt n ItM * 1 MH, wtriip . RiirdriiM )ii-i>f i HHh'n- nnoiii'l yr>in I mini llmf y \i\\r IMIM- it.*;'. *';iii ::::i-17^1. :i- l-n uJ ((lly liifll TI 1 n hir-H. Mil if n li]<> Tnr nilrhllo IHIIKI iloen im( hiu<> t hue lo do, ('nh- r 1 l ll-JIMf AI'AH'rMM\ r. rn-nr tnilti Hlnf Inn, jiK* IHIMM H, |(r( I'li'ih MHd ICilM licun. tin I wurlf, Hhelven, rjiillatnr eovei*M, IMCK IP ,\.\l) IM'll.M l>:il StlUVK !•; /Ml Ll II fiM1|ili', II lV I rnrini, iin l lii*nlci*n fun ill nn\ windows >'onr ciir M. i -, **^ -^ • OVER K'li EXHIBITORS • ANflQUES DCALERS, V01Nl. IM'Y (I)«I(H ur niTi'W (tii ll.iriliiii! Ril. I MIA. \X inciiithn nr |wu y^nrn, ll In Union (tniinty, Hnlnnlt coid Mr. 'I*. K Ihtnii'hl, rn1i>rn(ii1i< Nlin/iLUlOSl CK-WFNI1Y MANftfitMENT I'd, " VIIIIUMM i il DIVIH 1 ili'UillH. Write: Ace, I'.O, (lux 1070, ADS PRODUCE t'l Wii TI M\?rs in preparation for their 50th reunion in June. Anyone having in- "Overpopulation is your problem, Ken Armstrong, an award win- formation on class members is ask-too," is the theme of this year's The three candles on the WestMeld New Jersey standards and that ning foreign correspondent, docu- ed to contact Sally Johnson Pease fund-raising appeal for Planned Par- Day Care Center's anniversary cake means we need certified teachers. enthood. The centers have eight ful]-time mentary producer and lecturer pre- (Mrs. Walter) at 1010 Maylflair Way, 1 may burn out soon if the center sents tihe third film in the Y's Men's Piairotiield. On March 1st the letters started doesn't come up with $6,500. teachers and two part-time aides. going out to residents of Westfieid H aJso has over 140 volunteers who Cluib Travel Adventure series when The rjon-denomi national and inter- he narrates "Cambodia" at 8:15 to- and Cranford -and in the next few serve as teacher aides, office staff days they will also go to many racial center is three yeai*s old, butworkers, drivers and food assistants, morrow evening. The program will Homes Burglarized faces serious financial problems. be at 'Roosevelt Junior High School people living in other nearby areas Mrs. Wilson said the centers strive served by the Planned Parenthood "We need $20,000 to run the centers Auditorium, 301 dark St. Four residents told police Friday this year," said Mrs. Mercedes Wil- to help provide each child with a night their homes had been entered. Tri-County League, which has its healthy, full- life. In -this way, she Cajnibodi'a, "Yesterday's Glory- All of the homes involved are with- main office at 234 Park Ave., Plain- son, director, "and so far we've only Today's Reality," is a .timely, ab- raised $13,500." She said the funds added, the family's problems are in two blocks of each other and po-field. minimized and the community bene- sorbing and entertaining ptoture of lice said break-ins appeared related. The letter makes the point that as are needed if the programs for the SE Asia from the bustling icapital of 60 children at 140 Madison Ave. and fits as a whale. In .two of the homes nothing was population soars, so does pollution Fhnom Penh, to silk weaving and soar with it. People today all suffer the Presbyterian Church are to be Tax deductible contributions may rice planting villagers, to the faded taken, but Benjamin Di Fonzo of 86 continued. Cottage PI. and Mrs. Mark R. Cas-from unclean air, dirtied water, de- be sent to the Westfieid Day Care grandeur of Angkor Wat-Cambodia. teriorating housing and education. Center, care of Mrs. D. J. Fennelly, Jt is a colorful and rewarding ex- ner of 131 North Cottage PL both MRS. WILLIAM KIN/1ST "We perform a vital service for reported items stolen. Yet if family planning help were many residents of the Westfieid 1030 Wyandotte Tr., or directly to perience. made available to every family who area," Mrs. Wilson stated. "But w14e 0 Madison Ave. Seven hundred years ago, the wants and needs it, this rapid popu- receive no federal, state or local —Riclmrd Roberts powerful Khmer -Empire—stretiching lation growth could be stopped. Mrs. Kinast aid, We have to depend on private MAYOR DONN A. £NVDER ilgiu a proclamation designating Uie from tfie South China Sea to the Bay Parents to See The Tri-County League maintains contributions." She explained that wc«k «l Ma«". 4-11 Toa«tra»ter*fl Week In observance of the tenth an- of Bengal—dominated SE Asia. Its two clinics, one in Plainfield and one the children's fees are based upon vmary of 4Jw Toastnmiers of Westfieid. Albert J. Wells Jr. and heart was Angkor Wat, a fatbulous in Elizabeth as well as co-operating Heads YW Bd. a family's ability to pay. Conse- Lotvn E. Hottembaek (right) looks on. -complex of magnificent temples and Classes at YM with Elizabeth General Hospital in quently, income from tuition only palaces, of pomp and splendor. How- operating a family planning clinic covers half of the operating budget. ever, the exhausted empire toppled "Oberservation Week at the West- Mrs. William r KEN ARMSTRONG various stages of proficiency rang- Boylan Heads Ave. with their two children, Susan, OIHAMENTAl ESTATE FENCES- WOODEN FENCES-Sluk** mtf Study Costs 80 percent of the total pupil stations ing from beginner to porpoise take •a senior at Westfieid H&h, and John, in a room. Ekfwt Wrav|hMrai RoWnp otter type* -V \ A graduate of the University of place between 3:30 p.m. and « pjn. an eighth grader at Edison. The chairman of the buildings and Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Drug Committee grounds committee said the pro. Michigan, Mr. Armstrong spent 17 Other officers eHeoted are Mrs. EASY TERMS ARRANGED • PHONE FOR FREE ESTIMATE! For Expansion years in television and since 1964 Friday and from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. posed expansion program would only Saturday. Dr. Joseph Boylan was elected Homer Clinch, first vice-president; MAIN OFFKE; 3ai4111*NJ. SHOW 741«4J meet the partial needs of the stu-he has visited Asia annually as spe- Mrs. Thomas B. Richey, Jr., second NO. N J, 4IM114 • STATEN K.U1»44t-tU0 W- /v k —The Union County chairman of the Mayor's Advisory Regional Board of Education has re-dents and leads to a less desirable cial correspondent for the Cleveland •Gymnastic classes may be visited Committee on (Drug Abuse at its vkejpiresideri•At « regular, monthly meeting last has yet been set but is expected to cf South Vietnam, .Thailand, Laos, Schriver; iand treasurer. Charles tary; and Mrs. Herbert Sailer, Jr., day and 10:30 a.m. Saturday and Mayer, treasurer. 446 St. Georges Av«.,Rohway,N.J.0706S >»*«k, ttv* board said it was consid be determined In the next month. Cambodia and Korea, he not only water polo at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, I ;N»ri«g cutting back the addition of The next rgular monthly business has immersed himself in their daily The chairmen of the standing Scuba courses, which are coed, /:ii(Ml*«8room space, such as addl- meeting of the board will be held lives, but has accompanied military committees and their responsibilities ;,;:.ti*t» to'.the gyms. The board is also Tuesday, Mar. 23 at 8 p.m. in the units on lengthy field operations. may be viewed Wednesday at 7 were announced. Public education ; itlidytag the use of less expensive cafeteria of the David Brearley Re- Believing one must experience in p.m., karate courses, also coed on and program resource committee, * *[* y CflMtructlon techniques. gional High School, Kenilworth. order to exiplain, he has also been Monday and Wednesday at 7:30 and •headed by Mrs. Jane Stone, will de- 7"-'^'-' ^he number of new class- According to slightly revised en- frequently under fire and was once 8.30 p.m. Fencing is Tuesday at 8 velop a program to assist parents maybe reduced by reverting rollment projections, the school pop- slightly wounded. Mr. Armstrong p.m. and other interested groups in un- oW functional capacity for ulation in 1976 is expected to be: has lived in Asia a total of nearly Kindergym classes, for pre-school- derstanding and coping with the that is figured on a basis of Arthur L. Johnson, 1,544; David three years since 1961 and is re- ers, are held at 2 p.m. Tuesday and problem of drug abuse and to com- per classroom, rather Brearley, 993; Jonathan Dayton, garded as one of the nation's most Wednesday at 10 a.m. Wednesday pile listings of books, pamphlets, 25, as used in the May, 19701,513; and Governor Livingston, 1,429. informed Asian observers. nnd Thursday. films, and speakers which .could be 1bps with those publicized and/or made available to people'looking for resources for T- -,'- special programs cm drug abuse. The publicity committee, with Mrs. Gleon Magglo as chairman, • i . COLONIAL SPORTS CENTER will alert the community to the problem of drug abuse, publicize semes the activities of ,fche committee, and * i. inform special groups such as the Town Council and mayor, doctors, CLOTHING pharmacists, school officials, clergy- men of matters especially pertain* • • / Ing to their interests. with us r , Finance committee personnel, .V- chaired by Mr. -Mayer, will prepare SARANCE SALE an. operating budget, make contact with organisations and individuals interested in supporting the work of the committee and develop financing Famous Brand Names information to assist the Town Coun- cil in a-ppruprtations. An auditing m r . t committee is co-'chairmened by Jay >:•<• Kochlin and Mrs. Lois Richcy. r - • t The professional staff commiUea mm will develop a proposal or proposals ALL in these areas where staff assistance is needed, to arrange for houEing of such office or offices and supervision m and evaluation ol the efforts. Milton Fa.vh is chairman of this commit- > tee. ,'*^v A research and legislation com- .;•-• SKI CLOTHING mittee! will put together the various :-•:- * >• philosophies and programs using used in the drug aiuso field, de.vo.op &[a;U.i.cs and reports on the extent ot the local problem, discover groups working in this field and evaluate •tlieir Ucnniques and resources and to keep the committee informed of •current trends in local, state, and federal legislation. The chairman ot Ronald B. Read JUS conv.iuute is George Bizink. L.aison will maintain contact with 8 Elm St., Westfieid pLPOiic school premiums in Hie Held In recognition ot his ol drug abuse, be informed about outstanding service, ha 232-1211 and report concerning county, slute will be honored In the March 5 and federal programs operating or issue of Ufa Magazine, in a OPEN DAILY 9:30 to 9 iivnimoie. ?1 lie chairman is Miss two page advertisement devoted Lois McCarthy. to Penn Mutual's Top Club. A community action cummiUcc EXCEPT WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY UNTIL 6 •will develop programs such i\s iito- SCIIGOI recreation nnd ails or other programs I hat would channel inter- He Is one of the best underwriters in the life Insurance est iind make life more worthwhile business a local nian who has earned membership In for those who miyliL ollierwise turn to drug's. Mis. ttnrt Clements i.s tliu Ponn Mutual's Top Club. To achiovo this honor, he developed chairman ot thi.s eoniiniitec. more than a million dollars worth of protection for his clients In addition lo lliu officers and nfer In the past year In so ably demonstrating his understanding chairmen, Mr, Meeker, cmuisuloi', •wus appointed lo serve on liic execu- tive committee. Mr. Uoeluln is t\ and creativity he has merited tho confidence of his clients. ON THE CIRCLE newly appointed wenrljcr of the He Is tops with those he serves—and with us. As we do with DruK Abuse Advisory CominlUeu, •representing'the Town Ccimuil. other Penn Mutual underwriters, wo recommend him 520 SOUTH AVE. W. 233-8420 to you wholeheartedly FREE PARKING THE REAR READ TODAY'S LEADER CLASSIFIED -

i. mum*, Social And Club News of the Week in the Westfield Area

To Be Bride Sing-A-tong Slated p.m. Carole J. Plenty Double Ring Ceremony Unites Michael Kennedy I-'. Edgar Whiiilock wBl conduct a By Fortnightly '• "Sing Along Wdth Whit" Hostesses Becomes Bride To Be Married are Mrs. Walter G. Perry, Mrs. Juliet Head ley, W. L Smith III Husbands and friends are invited Charles L. Seibert, Mre. A. K. to the guest meeting of The Fort- Scott. Miss Marion Scott and Mrs. Of U.N.H. Senior The engagement of Michael R. nightly Group, the evening mem-;V, J. Boor. Miss Juliet Onaig Headley, daugh- I Kennedy, son of Mrs. Elizabeth Ken- bership department of The Worn-1 —— ter of Mr. and Mns. Femer G. \ nedy of 552 Boulevard to Miss Mary Miss Oarole Jane Plenty, daughter Headley at 15 Hawthorn Or... be- an's GM> of Westfield in the club | FOR ALL THE NEWS : Christine R^che has 'been announced house Wednesday, Mar 17, at 8:15 READ THE LEADER of iMr .and Mrs. George A, Plenty came the bride Saturday ti Waiter by 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John of 326 Scotch Plains Ave., became Lewis Smith 1X1, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Eoohe of Bayonne. the bride Feb. 30 of William Vance Smith Jr. of Cmmamiiison. The bride elect was graduated in O'iDonneil, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tae douibie-ring ceremony was per- 1S67 from Holy Family Academy, William O'DoimeU of Bndwell, N.Y. formed by tfte Rev. Charles John- Bayonne. She is a senior now at The two o'clock ceremony was per- son at the Lammgton Presbyterian Jersey City State College. formed in the Community Ohurcfa, Chunoh, Lamwgtim. A reception fol- Mr. Kennedy, Class of 1966 at Durham, N.H. by tfoe Rev. Lawrence lowed at tfie Fiddler's Etbow Coun- Westifield High School, attended ']{. RouiUard. A recdptton followed try Ch*. Memphis State University. He is at the Ramada Iim, Dover, N.H. The bride, escorted by her father, completing active duly in the U.S. Hhe bride, who was escorted toth e iwore an empire satin wedding dress iNavy and is a sonar technician altar by her father, wore a and train eral'aawdered in lace. Her second class. dress of candlelight silk worsted and veil was attached to a satin lace- The wedding Ls planned for Nov. lace with a headpiece of ftowero. trimmed Oameiot cap. She carried 14. Mre. Bruce Repetfco was her sis- tan orchid-centered bouquet of chry- WE santhemums and stephanotis. ter's honor atteodaot. With her —Stevens S drese of deep onohkt crepe, die car- 'Mre. John B. Peach of Cranford, MARY CHRISTINE ROCIiE CAN'T PUT A ried a bouquet of pink spring was her sister's martmon of honor. Welcome Wagon to Have (lowers. Her long iaoe-triinmod dross of bot- Coffee for New Residents Raymond O'Brien served aft beat tle green satin was accented by a Got a Gripe? man. Cabot j, Cameron wfasred bouquet of #>M chrysanthemums. The Welcome Wagon will hoM a •- • - - Mi». OTOonnell, a eradiate of JOSEPH J. KETAHKUS JR. toffee for prospective members Write the Editor The other attendeots, similarly iat 1 p.m., Thursday, Mar. u, at LOVE WotfieM drtwoto and the Unfcv«i»ity loostumed in gold satin were Miss (Karin Eliizabeitii Boyerstedt) of New Ham|ehire, to teaching at the home of Mrs. Charles Norman, Susan Smith, sister of the bride- 1100 Wychwood Rd. The purpose of Berwick Academy, Berwick, Maine. groom; Miss Diane Fakenham and Her huritand, a senior at the Uni- Karin Beyerstedt tiie club is to extend a friendly wel- NEW FURS Miss Roslyn Shapiro, bath of West- come to new people moving into the vwonty of New Hampabire, k an field. •httmui of MairikM Militery School. —Mr.Cutfiheon Wed in Wisconsin area and to help them get acquaint- ON YOUR MIND? MRS WALTER LEWIS SMITH in Best man was William Vitfcert of ed. (Juliet Craig Headley) Cheesequake. Ushers were Kurt Membersfliip to Welcome Wagon is Miss Karen Elizabeth Beyerstedt Knouse of Palmyra, Michael Dugan open to all women who have lived To Wed of Rtverton, and Bradford Smith, (was married to. 30 in St. Paul's in the Westfield area for less than brother of the bridegroom, University Chapel, EMadison, Wise, 12 months. Those interested may call Lnqaqemenl Home Ceremony to Joseph J. Ketarkus Jr., son of r Mrs. Smith was graduated from Mrs. Ray Holvenstot or Mrs. Cyn- the Westfield High School in 1965 and [Mr. and Mn. Ketarkus of Racdno, titia Sohofield for further informa- Jvlngs ofev&uj Joins Miss Horgcm, from Franklin (Ind.) College in 1969.Wise. tion. She also studied at the University The bride ls the daughter of Dr. of Valencia in Spain. She is a grand- and Mrs. FVederick J. Beyeratedt Buy With Confidence size MarkS. Barondess daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.of Melvin Village; N.H., formerly Harry R. Craig of WUfrnington, of Westfield. She and her husband of marriage of Miss Patricia Dela., and of Mrs. Orman T. Head- are students at the University of Aim Hortfan to Mark Steven Baron* ley of Wblfeboro, N.H., and the late Wisconsin land will reside in Madi- deds has been announced by the Rev. Headley. son. r's jtarents, Mr. and Mrs. Jiotin Cakes amoura (Mr. Smith is an alumnus of Glass- J. Hortfan of bawreneevilte. Mr. 'or* tomertiing fo bt th»rlih#d ond LINING SHABBY? Barondfess is the son of Mr. andbore State College. He is a grand- Lftm«mb«red. Let ui mok* youn- son of the late Mr. and Mirs. Waiter Mre. Geraon Barondess of West- Delta Delta Delta fnot cnly will If bt btautiful to b* WE'LL REPPLACE IT fJeM. iL. Smith of Rtverton and of the hold but It will taitt abtoMtly REMODELING - REPAIRING The wedding took place in thelate Mr. and Mrs. Herman W, The Westfdekl Alumnae Chapter of dtllciout. Call Our diamond engagement rings are bride's parents home Feb. 6 with Himonman of Cherry Hill. Delta Delia Delta will meet at Mfltn a\ STORAGE triced In as wide a range as pOMl- family and close friends attending. After a wedding trip to the Virgin 8 p.m. MaiV;h 10 at Mrs. Robert CUSTOM CLEANING sle, from extravagant to economical. Islands, the nchvlyweds will go toMoifoeck's. Mrs. William Bandage n our diamond collection you get the Itte couple will live in Bergen nmrgie's OF Font Bennirtg, Ga., where Mr. Smith, and Mrs. C. I. Scheidecker are co- finest diamond money can buy. County where Mr. Barondess is as- hostesses. sociated with his brother in the res- a second lieutenant in the (National FUkS - CLOTH taurant business. Guard, will report for advanced Mrs. Shirley Wiught, head of the cake WestfieLd Memorial Library, will MAN-MADE "FURS" training. 206 E. BRAOD ST. GAIL ELIZABETH KEEBER present a program, "What's New 249 E. BROAD STREET The rehearsal dinner was given in Books?" for her sister members WESTPIBU), N.J. Virginia S. Rice, 1341 SOUTH AV Opposite Rlalto Theatre by the bridegroom's parents at theand any interested guests they 759-9)11 JEWELERS GailE. Keeber Red Bull Inn, SomerviUe. bring. Plainfleld WESTFIELD • 232-3423 F • Richard Hufft Prior to the wedding, the bride

F To Wed in April T was entertained at a shower given Exchange Vows (by Mrs. William Heffoman and Mrs. .Will'1*' «"- ii---: >* •"• ' Ralph Mater, and at dinner by (Mrs. ..Dr.-and Mrs. Wllla^d H.Kec^r of George "Pakenham, Miss Pakemhahv, —I: Farmii^gton,-Mk3h., formerly of Rog- Mr. and Mrs. Bdfward W. Rice of • ,y.t F • Mrs. Irving Shapiro and Miss er Avenue, Westfield, announce the 924 Boulevard announce the mar-Shapiro. engagement, of, their daughter, .Gail riage/of their ftJaugbteiv Miss Vir- Elizabeth, to Frederick James Wurt- ginia Sears Rice io '-Richard L. emsth of Royal Oak, Mioh. Hufft, son. of John S.. Hutft and the An April wedding is planned. late Mrs. Hufft of Belemont. Calif. Miss Keeber, who attended Jeffer- The bride, a member of the Class For The Best In von, Edison Junior High, and West- of 1964 at Westfield Ilijjh School, Held 'High School, was gnaduated has been employed by Eastern Air- TURN-STYLE (ram Middlesex High School and lines as a flight attendant. She met . r Middlesex County Vocational and her husband in iKurone where he has Technical School Adult Practical Antiques and WEDDING IUITITIIIW 'been for the last two years. end Nursing Program, Woo-dbridge. She IMr. Huffit, a Navy flier in the h working at Beaumont Hospital, Korean war, was formerly associ- Second Hand Royal Oak. ated with his father in the Hiiifft Furniture (Dr. Keeber was with the Standard Advertising Company on the west Aiounm Oil Co. of Now Jersey atff Mates for coast. The couple plans to live in , Bought & Sold many'years. He is automotive de- Miami, Fla. velopment manager for En jay The wedding was performed by the • Chemical Co., Paramins Division, Rov. Earle MoCul!ough in the chapel Estate Sales Managed BAR MITZVAH SouUrfield, Mich. of the Congregational Ohwdi here 1723 E. Second St. Mi*. Wuntsmith, son of Mr. and'before a few close friends. Miss INVITATIONS (Mrs. Frank J. Wurtsmith of Royal Miss Maneia Grant of Atlanta, Ga. Scotch Plains Oak, is a graduate of Shrine High •was maid of honor and Robert Piz- Open 9:30 A.M. to 5 P.M. (Printed or Engraved) School there. He is a student at zella of Plainfied was best man. WHETHER IT Oakland University, Rochester, RAINS OR SHINES... •Mioh., and is also employed at Register With Our Bridal Registry— (Beaumont Hospital. His father is THE ANY-WEATHER COAT affiliated -with Wayne State Univer- Let it rain, let it shine, sity, Detroit. Receive A Free Monogramed you will look Lcautifully groomed in d r Davidow's any-weather coat no matter how Toasting Glass fickle the weatherman may be. (No Obligation) The really now looking geometric BRIDAL GOWNS, INC. tapestry weave in red and white, is dramatized Ly red canvas binding at collar and pockets. - Bridesmaids - Mothers Jeannette's Gift Shop Flower Girls - Proms and Formats $130.00 Headquarter! for Hallmark Cards ond Barridni Candy 227 E. BROAD STREET - CUSTOM DESIGNING - Roar Entrance to Municipal Parking Lot 232-1072 EXCITING NEW 772 CENTRAL AVE. PHONE 654-3383 WESTFIELD, N. J. Open Monday Evenings


• Lemon Custard • Chocolate Cheesecake TIRED • Fresh Banana tike • Choc. Marshmallow Ribbon • Charlie Brownie BLANKETS? • Graham Cracker • Pineapple Upside-Down *. •*•: Cake Wake up your tired blankets with C. 0. Davidow's • Raspberry Sherbet Keller care. Safe, gen lie, woolen mills All Weather • Strawberry Ice Coat Collection cleansing methods remove soil without In sizes 6 to 16 130 E. Broad St. shrinkage or lading. Your blanket is then Westfield carded to ensure warnilh and fluffiness, Open 7 Days a Week moth-proofed and sterilized. Call us. G O 11 A.M. to to P.M. janesmi T dtij. cle Frt. & Sat. Nights 'Til 11 eaning, Ifl. Broad BL 137 Central Avenue, Westfiold 232-4800 232-9636 phone 756-0100 WX-2100 no toll •, Hnllth BOrt HomMnot 8t. wwmm* MM mm*, mwmw, mmm at Mrs Joscph Cara., munity Presfbyiterian Church, Mouii- Maboney, Albert D. Larkin, Har-, for veterans and reported on. the nomemokers Mar. 29-Apr. 2 at Stringer, 12 Kiinbail Circle at 8:90 s, 237 Midwood PI. The club. p.m. odd R. O'Oay, WiWiam A. Olark, \ .success of the card party wihich she Overlook Hospdtail, Summit. is making plans ior Ms annual pro- Participating will be Mesda-mcs A. M, Wayne E. Knouse, j and other chapter members gave, They are provided free by the gressive dinner 'Martin 13. Mrs. Floyd L. Barnett of Ortan- Ithnnus £. Thoisen, C. Fied Sitzfter, Kenneth W. Prorto end John L. Ev- at Lyons Hospital. j N.J. Stiate Depaifbmcnt of Health Mrs. Harrison Watson of 702 E. f ord is chairmian of the program ' William H. Macdooald. Joeepii Da- erisut. Mrs. Harry D. Taylor, ex- Guest speaker was Mrs. Elena and win comprise instruction and Broad St. will J>e hostess to dupli- and Mrs, William C. Ritrel of West- viie, Robeit H. Stiber, end Frank regent, conducted the i Carver. She discussed her trip to class demonstnalii-ons in care of bed cate bridge players at 8:30 tonight. field is chairman of the OerteL There will afco be a slide Advisors to the executive board Russia, patients, work with people, nutri- Couples novice bridge -wiU becommittee. Members, who invite program of arrangements made by tion and special diets. played at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the gussLs, are requested to notify Mrs. members for shows in the past. Homemakers have a great oppor- of Mr. and Mrs. William Ritzel. Mr. William B. Gate, hostess tunity to help the sick, the aged, Arnheim, 751 St. Marks Ave., Mr. The program will open with a chairman, wi* be assisted by lfe»- the disaiUled,' and families with chil- and Mrs. Robert iButler, 226 Jeffer- trio per£omncKl by Mrs. damee UaoAoaM, Vincect P. Mur- dren in their homes. They can aid son Ave. and Mr. arid Mrs. Fred W, U-wLs, violinMt, Mre phy, Harvey T. Brown, and Arman Drapery Special1818 in- raising the level of daily life Deckbar, fi21 Sate PI. Charles Arnmann, cellist, end Mh. E. Becker. these peop&e. Barnett, pianist. Vooai setectknw by Flower* in the Memorial library Htfmemakers are chosen for Duparc and Satire wiU £oikxw by Estimates H DeLONG during March provided by MRS. FLORENCE PERT their abMy to work with many dif- Mrs. T. Widuiii Pahner acconr*(an- Mesdames Jotm Y. May, Becker, ferent types of patients i» many Federation Night ied alt the piano by Mrs. Noel Tip- ton. Plhitip E. McKewwy, William P. Guide posts Aide different situations. Tjhey need to Redhead and Robert S Miner. be sympathetic, sensible, self-dis- Mrs. John O'Mana, pianist, will Yoder" ciplined and to look on tfie' bright Speaker Named perform works by OariwneUi, Cim- rrang«m«nt To Speak Before side of life. arosa and Swanson. The praK»m To D^rnonitrat* AAoking Homemakers also have a fine By Juniors will conclude with two arias from Of Paptr Flow#r« Methodist Women chance for employment in their own "Uioia di Lammerrooor" by Bon- residential areas. In adtiiiion, they The Junior Woman's Club of West- izetld including Anton Bl'lncenst give vital service to those who are cnie Mad Scene) to be sung fay paper flowers wiM be demooitrtaM 331-7111 Mrs. Florence Pert, advusor to field will play hostess March 9 to 'Here Cartel Yoder; A Dorette ^ fiUseveral members of other clubs. Mrs. Allen R. KliUieson, sopnano. Mar. 9 for the :Mnm»>ln 1MI Itulcvord natoatly town Young Adult pervi^l # m agenCy Mrs. J. C. MUiviay will accompany Little VWt OlUb Garden Outo by Mrs. RobMt Group at Marble Collegiate Church, «_ _. -^--n-j. Among gueste expected for this Dutch/' U th» r fh r 'Federation Guest Night will be at the pSano snd Mrs. Bernard L. program Muirhedti at Jtre. Arthur Ton»- New York City, wril speak oa You To register for tiris training, Reiiter of W^lfielt* .nutist, wiU aUoto he preaeWtt by H. Wil-son's, 26C Friar Lane. Co-host CM BI Are Mdtre Titan You George F. Weinheimer Jr., president pjay for the Ardon gl'inceosi num- Uam D&Mg please caU Mrs. Cabrera or Mrs. of the' Now Jersey State federation fa Woman's are Mrs. Eklward Powers w& Mn. Think" Mar. 11 at tfre luncheon of Mair at the Visiting Homemakers ber. Qkib of W«i/i«W p.m. in DomaQd DugamaB, the Women's Society of Christian of of Woman's Oluibs; Miss Jean Porte ,««t Service headquarters by Mar, 19. and Mrs. Russell -MoDonakl, Junior Assisting Mrs. Ritzel with the re- Presby- {Members will attend the Gat^m the Fire* United Methodist Church. freshments are Mrs. Grant M. But-terian OLu9> of New Jersey ATea V meet- Mrs. Pert, a graduate of Birm- state 'board memlbers; lApryl Gra- Attends Conference ham and Diane Zawaltch, Cnanford termore, Mrs. Chanties AndroWs and 'Mr. Deljwtf; >a former dipdomat ing Mar, 11 la Wlatcewu*; Mm. ingham Southern College and a for- Mrs. Walter Mlaenae. to.gftveconifintJtt.lhe-'toreilgn serv- Walter Steg&all will make (he flow- mer school teacher, is a director Jiuninr Woman's Clifo; Susanne Fry Europe '71 Margi Loughead of We&tfie/ld is ice, is ..•:• Mrs. Charles E. Holder, of 530 * * * (Mr, and Mrs. Robert E. Tatnall INC. Farkvdew Ave., a soprano, have joined the Drew University Chorale. of Charleston, W. Va. became par- HEATING AlIT CONDITIONING The 35-voice choms will begin its ents of their second child, Oht^sto- FUK OIL 122 ELM St., 233-2300 376-2222 , td*f annual tour of middle Atlantic $fher Rhodes, an Feb. 4. (He joins a 4JA NORTH AVE. K., WESIflEtO 635-t300 277-2700 354-2523 Johnny Dee & states in March with a program of skster, Jiclia Richardson. Mrs. Tat- ADamt MtU I Steve Morland nall is the. former Sandra Lee Hilse- Buniness E^abHshad \w P. B. McDowell — 19M SUMMIT religious, folk, and popular works CHATHAM • IUIAWTH Hanging from ScarJatiti to Britten Iberg, daughter «rf Mr. and Mrs. and Baeharach. Norris Hilselbert of 630 Lenox Ave.

Two Meetings Planned 8*WVIJTA. On Selecting Patterns What size pattern -to buy and how

i • to determine pattern alterations will be the Information presented at 1:15 p.m. Monday afternoon, March 8, and repeated during that evening at 7:45 in the Extension Service auditorium, 300 (North Avenue Bast. (Mrs. Carolyn F. Yuknus, County home economist, will conduct both -••• i meetings. She urges home sewers to get their spring sewing off to a good

7 * "r . * • -IS. In today's world, Red Aves 'Start Iby understanding pattern siz- ing and sEiys that most pattern serves as a reminder that alterations would t>e eliminated if old skills have not perished. the pattern was purchased according »_ to body measurements. Painstaking engraving typical Both meetings are open to the of the opulence of a bygone public free of charge. era — Exotic birds are given added magnificence, flowers . LOSE WEIGHT ACIURS... :i and fruit gain new splendor! - - •'' - IN THREE All in the tradition of the -K-- wIlIKE SfAR-SIRUcli prized bone china from PLACES

*' ' I .

i . Royal Crown Derby "WEIGHT WATCHERS" and NIVIH COSTS lhf MOON Maintenance Plan classes 5-pc. place setting meet weekly ini

I • WESTFIELD- First United

i \ Methodist Church, 1 E. Broad St, (Room 214), Tues- day mornings at 9»30 a.m. and Thursday rtltes at 7i30 p.m. SCOTCH PLAINS-Amer- /one smith ican Legion, 237 Park Ave., Monday nltos at 7i30 p.m. Central Ave, Wesfffield CLARK - United Church of Christ, 830 tako Avo., Thursday nltes at 7i30 p.m.

I AiilUN INFORMATION Phono 219 North Avenue W., Wo.rfield Carol Galluntor 276-3563 328 W. St. George Avenue, Linden Paramui • Morriitown wmrnw Mm*, fmsm/w, m*m i, W«tff ield Teacher Mr. Uogiatf is tfatioMd in Spring YM-YWTour Engaged Benefit Proceeds land at Patuxeot River Navafl Teat r Plans Wedding Center, Wessons Systems Test Di- Engagements Are Announced To Aid Tibetan Girl vision. Will Take Members The international affairs depart- Mir. and S&s. Paid R. Tanner of ment of the Woman's Ckrt> of Wesfc- Mount Lebanon announce the en- Nancy G. Spence To British Isles fiedcl wiH hold its annual benefit gagemei* «f their daughter, Linda Pledges Sorority hridge-Sashion show Mar. 10 at 12:30 p.m. in the clubhouse. Fash- Mangaret, to U.S. Marine St Linda Eichom, a at The answer to the poet's lament, Sengeaot, David W. L&ngkws, an Is Future Bride "Oh to be in England, now that ions will be supplied by Jolee of . __ _ . Haitorock Coliege, Oneooto, N.V. Westfield. (Mr. and Ure, Robert Chaixlalaane has pkxfeed Ai^w On&ua Pi Bor- &ctfc* Plaint—Mr. and Mrs. Syd- spring is here," is being offered to Dwtooutfe, Maes. members of the Westfield YMCA Proceeds will go towards the sup« ority. She is the daughter of Mr. ney p. Speaoe of 2159 Baybeny port of Deke Dolkar, a Tibetan girt An April wedding is and Mrs. Robert Eacttwo, 871 Boul- (Lane, announce the engagenneflt of and YWCA in a tour to -the British Mi» Tanner and her fiance met isHes May ifr-^June 6. the department has sponsored for evard. their daughter, Nancy Gall, to the past four years. Deke is a stu- while Ae taught «t the American James L. Pattan, son of Mr. and Itoe trip, sponsored by the Ladies Sdwal of Kuwait and he was at- dent at St. Mary's School in Kas- Mrs. Elmer R. Pafcton of Chariestoo, t>ay Out Committee and arranged oulie. India. fcaiched to the US entaaeey in IEADCM OASSIFKO- W. Va. by Travetomg of Westfieto, offers an Kuwait. She is now teocMi* in Mrs. Earl H. Thompson, chair- SMAU TYK, MO WSUITS : Miss Spetfce was graduated from to see many of the out man, will be assisted by Mesdames Scotch Plains-tfanwood High School of the way places not usually visited H. Hillitfan Palmer, J. A. Szfland, and ittseived a bachelor of science because of time limitations. Tlie Willard S. Magaihaes, Anthony Te- FUR VALUES degree in medical technology from three weeks will be spent wandering desco, William G. Huxison and Miss Centenary College, Hacfcat&town. She through the charming surroundings Mildred Murphy. DURING now livee in Gceenbelt, Md. and of England, Ireland, Scotland and works for the Washington Hospital Wales. Center in the District of Columbia. Some of the highlights are five days in London visiting the usual —Lorstan Studios Mr, Ration is a candidate for a BARBARA MAKJE GILtLliUN PUanHeld master of business adrnkiistratttm points of interest, Windsor Castle, degree from the Univerafcy of Maty- Hampton Court, The Tower, West- Something ANNIVERSARY LINDA ANNE COSVA6 iaad, College Park. He holds an —Normandy Studio minster Gafoedral, lovely gardens Engagement Told undergraduate degree in mathemat- MARY ANNE SAJUJENT and parks. A&o two special side Good Wm. A Rough Jr., ics foom Hampdec-Sydney (Va.) trips to Cambridge and Wobura Of E. D. Setter Jr. SALE College. Mary Anne Sargent AJbbey or Sadiefcury with its mag- mfioent cathedral and Stonehenge. Medical Student, Ibere will be a drive through the The betrothal of Miss Barbara \ Plans May Wedding CotswoWs region and its villages, Marie GiHikin to Iieut. Eugene Ever Becomes Engaged the scenic route in North Wales, Dwight Seiter Jr. son of Mr, and Mr. and Mrs. Atoert John Stor- through the lake disrict, Mrs. Seiter of 515 Elm St., has tfent Jr., of BK New England Dr. an- also to the Scottish Loch Lomond been announced *>y her parents, 50 Dr. and Mn, John P. Oottae of nounce the engagement of ttjeir historihii c Edinbuiflh Castle and lJf***r • anandd MrMrss - "Ro>^ r M* GiIlikiGiHiknn ooff] ftyetovitte, N.Y., endounoe the en- daughter, Mary Anne, to Thomas I Shakeepeare oountry. In Ireland the 397 Montague Ave.f Scotch Plains, j gagement of IMr daughter, tiada John DiGregom, son of Mir. and traetere willbefiitShake The future bride was a member Anne, to William A. Hough Jr., eoo Mrs. John Unas DiGregorio of Ctoa-1 travelers -will have a medieval tour of the Class of 1967 at Union Oath- annual bring with mm a tapefd message to • Luncheons Attending were Mesdames Wil (Miss -FitzgeralFitzgeraldd -will give the key- the Easter party for 300, olso tarv of Wales01^ °m ^° S*CVC' • Social Ev#nu • Prom* ttam Conroy, Richard P. Dattnvan, note tallc for the seminar, pponsored j Thanksgiving * food " and " clothin Joeheph Engel, F. H. FreHierr, Wil- a •For reservations call Mrs. H. A. • Banquet* by the TNorth Central New Jersey drives. a *•• Halsey, 539 Shacfcamaxon Dr. l .** * m liam Jewett, Spencer Kopecky, Ed Alumnae of RatMfolplvMacon, focus- Ronald Thatcher of 310 Orenda , 'vt Seminari v/ard Mullen, Donald Pearce, Her

ing on th6 significance of creativity Cir. organized the concert witfe the •»:-. *•• — • Meeting* + * . • bert B. Shannon, David D. Swarts, in the world of today. A well-known assistance of A'lpha Sigma Mujvet- Milan J. Turk, Franklin Webster, profesisional painter and director ofierans' fraternity; Alpha p|>i Onic- Travelogue on Portugal Rout* 202-206 North Jr., and Wanda Cuawford, play di 725-2166 SomcrvWe, N. J. the Abingdon Sqoai-e painters, a teo- 0a, national service fraternity and To Be Given at Club rector. operative go*oup of artists in New the college Service Club. Five ]o- Vork Oily, her work has been tjx-1 ca'l hands donated their services. A slide program on Portugal will Mbited widely. The Charles Barzan- be given by Mrs. WilJard S. Mag. sky Galleny of New York City has alhaes at 1 p.m. tomorrow for the National State Bank travel department of the Woman's HENRY LEW/S, Music Director offered her paintings in a number 'iHHllK-t* All of one-man shows. She lias lectured Declares Dividend Club f Westfield in tho clubhouse. extensively at colleges and univer- u , , r Tiie pictures will include many out sities across tho country under the board of directors of The Na- of (he way pi-aces including Mr tonal Staluute Ddt]KBank Fli'/ahpfh i,ac\»* Ji"t. . * f u WESTFIELD FAMILY auspices of the Arts Program of declared a cash dividen> i^iiiaoeind of S ,1 5 napesr MagavtocPorto' ' s s ancestral home near the Association of American Col- share. This dividend will ,bc paid Mrs. Charles E. McCuHough is in •--'•!-:: leges. Mar. is to all stockholders of I charge of tea preceding (he meet- CONCERT A workshop demonstration of the record Fcb, 6. r.-..---.'.- j -.-.*.-.-. -- SUNDAY, .•,•.• creation of a dance will be inter- preted by Mi's. Celli as she works on stage with the dance group. A na- 14.7 Elutcr Street Telephone: GUEST SOLOIST: LOUIS HEMSEY, tive of Finland, she came to this corner of Lenox Ave. and Elmer St. Guitar country on a Fulbright Fellowship VPesifield, N. ]. lo the University of Illinois, where PROGRAM: STRAUSS, "Till Eulenspie- she received her M.A. degree in gel"; RODRIGO, "Concierto de Aron- ::-•< :•-::• dance. Mrs. CeJli taught and per- DR. EUGENE BARRY juez," LOUIS HEMSEY, Guitar; SAINT- • -•... v ">::V> formed at San Diego State Collese Optometrist ..M --. . before coming to Randolph-Macon. SAENS, "Carnival of the Animals"; -. . F-V lull" xv^>:: 3SSS .:•;....>; 1 n - . .. VvV She lias studied in this country under office hours ROSSINI, "William Tell Overture." • - -.- such distaguished performers as Daily 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM TICKETS: $5, $2 (students) at Jane Smith, 137 Central Martha Graham and in Austria and Ave.; Lancaster Ltd., 76 Elm Sr.; Bayberry Gift Shop, •:•:•••*: Eye Examhut/ioti Mo;;, and Thurs.: y*:^ •>.;-/.' •'.*• • :-:-v. 860 Mountain Ave., Mountainside. For informaiton call Germany on a Ford Foundation by appointment 7:oo PM to $:oo VM •Humanities Grant. 233-4890 or 624-8203. Tlie seminar, which runs from 9:31) a.m. to 32:15 p.m., will con- clude with a finished performance toy the dance group, "•Vm Chairman of tho Seminar is Mrs. \V\ Capehaii Harncy of Convent

.'.-.'-••-'. .£.' .<-'•- Station. Serving on her central com- Vr", -" •>*•••••:-:• mm *'.• mittee are Mrs. \f. h. Ensign of Short Hills; Mrs. J. A. Lotl, Mrs. m• 'J- -•

.-" '• -A. W. Driver, and Mrs. It. II. Filer

£/•'•?• :•:;•>:. o£ Westfield; Mrs. W. II. Magatlieu

ri - J 4 ri v i-1 of Basking Ridge; Mrs. J. U. Klop- fer of Summit; Mrs. Aicher Scales Crowning of MorrisLown; Mrs. Hob- crt Tlinyer of Fanwood; and Mrs. Sometimes a boy cares how he looks. •W. It. Ehlcrt, Mrs. Donald E. Har- ris, and 'Mrs. J. H. Di&nmke of His mother always does. Our Stride Chatham. Rite loafer makes them both happy. HKckets may be obtained by writ- ing Mrs. J. R. Klopfur, 1G0 Oak Its classic look—and sturdy con- (Ridge Avenue, Summit, or by call- ing 273-4730. They may also be pur- struction — keeps looking good all chased at tho door of tlie Museum through a boy's active day. And our Theatre the morning of the Seminar. A donation of • $2.50 ($1.00 for stu- expert staff makes sure the shoe dents is requested. fits as well as it looks.


HERITAGE J-OUXAL 82 ELM ST. ADAMS 2-3610 Randal's DECORATORS, INC. 121 Quimby St., Westfiolcl AD 2-1131 HANDI-CHARGE Op«n Monday Ev«n1nQi 889-4777 Open Mon., Wotl., Frl. Evouings 'Til 9 P.M. t, Public To Speak BOWCRAfT To Irish Feis Dr. J. Jia&jrti Muiray, president of Klwuvi (N.Y.) College wiJi ad- At Holy Trinity dress uhminae and pai'ente of stii- dsn.1s at a dinner meeting of fche El- SHOP mira College Cluto of New Jersey The public is invited lo attend the Tuesday, Mar. 9. at the GGen Ridige Irish Feds at Holy Trinity High Courtlry Oluto. His topic, "More School, a St. Patrick's dance March Than Survh-ai," is the theme of 13 from 9 p.-m.-l a.m. Chairmen are his 1970 Pr esktewt's Report to the EM. IMtf Mr. arcd Mrs. Patrick D. Minogue college's principal constituencies. who note that there are still a few Tiie program will began wiith a days left to purchase tickets for the social hour at 6:30 p.m. foJWed party. by dinner at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. George OFF TOP HATS filk'd with flowers are being ma* Jvr the St. Pa trick's A corned beef and cabbage buffet S. Smith of Westfieid, an alumna OHMM March 13 at Jldy Trinity High $dM«l. Members «f tiie eccorat- dinner will be served, draft beer trustee, wiH attend. Ittf emmitter «liown above, left to right, are Metiameft Charles and set ups wiffl be provided. Dance Reservations may be made by NOW 20% Off Core, William Keller, Charles SchneWer »M Chirks Diver. Not music, &ing-a-longs and entertain- calling Mrs. Keith Perkins of Sad- are Mrs dames Charles Month-Hi, E. J, Wi miner ani R. A. Kay. ment will be provided by Dave dle Rdver or Mfcs FeuUne Holbert, Knight and Notesmen. of Glen Ridge. Tickets iriay be obtained from Mrs. Norman Ktid&ck and Mrs. THE HTH ANNUAL SPORTSWEAR SALE of Uic Plainfield Minogue. Smith Coftfefe Club wiH take »Uee March 9 and 19 at Ike American LEADEi ClASSIHf D - LEADER ADS BRING RESULTS LET'S Legion Hatl, Nortfc Av*. ShvwK modeling sweaters are wtie cluUnften, SMALL TYPE, MO BISUITS Mm. C. Cfceiaey McCrackcB, left, and Mrs. Jticliard E. Freeman, SOMETHING Classroom Crisis btfh 9i


•+•... MASTER CHARGE • HANDI-CHAROI • UNI-CARD , r - vacuum cleaners HANDY CHARQE *.r\ e Garden of Paper MASTER CHAROS U..: CLARKTOhL SHOPPING CENTER sewing machines i r i - *' CLARK, N. J. You Can Call Us for Emergency Heating Service 381-7555 IARDLYT. PITERS EH CO. Free Parking • Free Gift Wrapping 244 NORTH AVL WISUIILCN. J. Opposite Railroad Station CLEMENTS BROS., Inc. I # 4 • * 232-2200 9:30 to 8:30 Mon. thru Sat. 232-5723 MUSTER CHARGE UNI-CARD HANDI-CHARGE FUGMANN OIL CO . . 232-5272 J. S. IRVING CO. /.... 233*1492

MeDOWELL'S OIL HEAT, Inc. ... 233-3213 POLING OIL CO .. . . .233-4141 That airy, free look is back in bright crinkle • I • patent This easy-wearing dress pump helps you enjoy that walklng-on-AIr Step feeling. On ^ BUT a heel that looks great with the new lengths. V


. • 233-2500

We urge you tb support its Fund Drive

!*. During the month of March


' -'! . - Send your contribution to Westfield Volunteer Rescue Squad, Inc. In Black, Navy, Bone and White c/o Central Jersey Bank & Trust Co.r 177 E. Broad St., Westfield Crinkle Patent Complete Ltn« of Orthopedic Shoei

• &


:' . ' 0 J. : *h ' Whatever Amount of TIME, SKILL and PATIENCE h required we give It gladly and courteously

163 E. BROAD ST. AD 2-5163 ; ,' and Ewtwwjed oare Center. ' detection, lype and cures of coa- B,r6 Clob The G'ardemaires of YWOA met 205 Bireliwood Ave, Cranford. She MaxweH of Mountainside, wrli be ger.-llaJ defects were Dr. Vitigiiua Charles R. Burk Jr.. of Moun- will show her colored slides, "Wild j hostess for the evening. Monday at the home of Mrs. F. E. Apgar of the 'National Foundation tainside, president of the Westfield Life of Eastern Canada." Robert W. Walker wM lead a Battis, 737 Cartetoa Bid. Mrs.. Ed- of the March of Dimes, a farmer ward E. Srholt W2« hostpss for the Bird Club, announces that Miss Irma Miss Heyer, who is now retired, field trip Mar. 13 to Brigantine February board meeting. Westfield resident, Dr. R. Rottney Heyer, a member, will speak at was formerly assistant to the direc- Wild Life Refuge at the Jersey •Members who signed up lor the HuweJ c! the ped.atrics department 8 p.m. Tuesday, at the Crantord tor of Trailside Nature and Science Shore. flower arrangement course starting of Johns Hopkins University School March 8 a* l'p,m. in- the YWCA are of Medicine; Dr. Orlando J- Miller, a?ked to bring their own- coptai professor of human genetics and ers. This course will be given by development at Columbia; Dr. Rob- Mrs. H. M. Kistner off Gtondste,' ert F. Murray Jr., chief of tin medi- N.Y. cal genetics unit at Howard Uni- v*r&Ay School of Medicine, and Dr. There will be a burlap worthip Ctaude S. Forkner, founder and ex- at 1 p.m. March 10 at the hotne '*'* ecutive director of Medical Pass- Mrs. Sam Sidorakis. 256 Eton' PL pert Foundation. 'Uafortunaldy, tfie Juniors were Accepted by Tuftt not infenmed of tiie week the show6 wu'.d be presented until the dead- R. Brady of 2124 - .!<;>. Uaes for the local -jxapers had passed. 'v -wood Dr., Scotch Plains, has be» The shows appeared last week. accepted for study by #ie

• J ol Therapy at Tufts University/ £ '- " ton. CARL BUBGER LJDA HILTON - • * '.

V- * NEED A USW CAtT Collegians SEE AUTOS KM SAW Kappa Alpha Ttotfa to Feature CI* of Kappa Al- lite name of Elliott J. Smith, 9 Theta will hofd elections at its - \ esttorook Rd. appears on the list y meeting Mar. JO at the Special Events Each Day honor students at Middlesex Coun- J*Kn# of Mrs. E. M. Palmer, 737 ty College, Edison, He is a senior. YOU * * * ^wn Dr. Co-host esse* will * special events at the' 13th at ali tiijiies. Baby sitfjug service. is J.V; Jarrett and M r B. a L. Shaunesy, daughter of DIGIT .v| Anmttl Art Show and Saie of the available gratis: and Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaumesy, 445 Cypher. f rom J to 4 pJn. Topping Hill Rd., has attained dean's W» MoU OvrOvn A program on the dm bti«ht on Xmenu-El; . wUT • feature i i list standing at Didcinson College, Otf&ge campuses wiil be given by varied ph^ees ol art. .• Carlisle, Pa. km ffble. All area ,'Hietes are dor- Lida Hilton1 will give;A graphic * * * CLAHttEft DAY OR dltfjy invited U> attend. :. ^ Bradley A. Little, son of Mr. and POTTHRY SCt'LPT I UK 2:30 pm A resident of West Orange, Mrs. Richard E. Little of 338 Ben- BATIK I* *i ytbe Hulas are CAUMM1M •art bridge Monday evening, Mar. ftlra. Hitoa teaches print-miking at son PI. has been named to the IIBC10TER NOW 2i at Mrs. E. Setter's for the bene- tome, aid &/an inata^eto;.at the dean's list with honors at Nkfrols fit of Pah Hellenic. Livingston' -Art Aasdoiattofi. i The Is Aired College of Business Administration, Museurii and-tfte f^ogg Mu- Dudley, Mass. He is a sophomore sewn at Harvard have i^jme of majoring in business. ' Can you imagine writing ta the * * • ihk ahw.'will of a famous tele vt ion show ey Andrews of 75 No. Cottage tie with- a suggested format for the LI portray one of the insane Newortt fth6iv*4 star and wanftl? Mrs. Anthonyinmates in Bethany CoHege'a pro- the Junior Wom- , of Weiss's "Marat/Sate." iber ot' Aft3ftciated. Antists' of Now an's Club- of Westfieid, did just that. He is a junior. * * * Jersey, New Jersey Water Color Nearly a year ago, Mrs. Greco wrote to NBC's "For Women Only" Karen Danker, daughter of Mr. Society and many other professional and Mrs. A. G. Danker of 501 Clif- organizations. His work iwiH also be program, outlining a series about congenital defects in children. Afl ton St., is a merriber of the Ohio on exhibit. J + •chairman of the Junior's social serv- Wesleyan University Madrigal Sing Monday, March 22 at 8 p.m. will ice department last year, Mrs. ers, a group of 12 students i bo foe time for EvaVyn Dunn, pm- Gretoo had been approached by the a cortcent Sunday at "r. prietor of "Pictures 'n Things" in (March of Dimes Foundation to pro lege. She;is a-junior and a member •Westlield,'' to explain and clemon- mote their cause and tell of the need of Alpha Ohi Omega sorority. fitrate proper picture framing teth- this type of show. Mr. Howard Suzanne Smith Bell' of 816 iBernioe Schaoter, a director and Papush,' producer of the show, was cod Terr, has been named to founder of the Artiste* and Crafts- etiger to help and began research- the dean's.list at Drew University, men's Guild of Cranford, mM give a ing experts for the show's panel. •Madison, for the fall semester. A your sculpture " demonstration Tuesday, Early in January Mr. Papush she is the daughter of Mr. March 23 at 2:30 p.m. She has contacted Mm. Grdco telling her and Mrs. Thornton R. Smith. that the show was ready to be taped * * * taught privately and at adult schools . ;•*••' and requesting several members of in Cranford and linden.. Patricia Kirn has achieved aca- the club for audience participation demic excellence and placed on the From noon to 2 p.m. Mortday after- in the question and answer period. dean's list for the fall quarter at noon, "ke petit. Oate," the show's Aiooompanylng 'Mrs. Greco to New Ohio University, Aithens, Ohio, in the refreshment area, iwiH serve a sand- York were Mesdames Donald Ca- _» of Education. A resident as- wich luncheon at ia nominal charge. cace, James Hammond, Gerard Mc- sistant in Wilson, she was reicently Ketnzie, Hdbert Suydam, Richard Mobdey: wilT ateo feature a two- initiated into Kapipa Delta Pi,.edu- h t h «p*ctel for visitors when two TaM, John Vofow and John Wals- cational honor society. "I i" •- -.1 *~ - * wffl be wfcnitted f or the weer. The five-day stow was taped • * * of Mi, Studwite admibted free In one'all-day ses&on. Wendy E. Brody of 2114 Arrow- 4 M 1 * wood Dr., Scotch Plains, has »K"" - - •' -• ^' - t ' .!"• .'- ' - named to the dean's list School of Boston University. She is OPENING MARCH 7, 1971 a sophomore. * F + * * s (Bonnie Brower, a • freshman at THE GILDED MUSHROOM George Washington University, lias been initiated into Gamma Kappa 1212 South Avenue, West chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta. The (Towne Car Wash Building) • daughter of Mv. and Mrs. Robert C. Brower, 19 Genesee Tr.( she is Wwtfield, Ntw Jersey Phone 654-3770 corresponding secretary and a mem- l)er of tlie executive and standards INSTANT FAME AS A HOSTESS I 'boards. She is also involved in the •-"•1 Fabulous Hors d'Oeuvres University's Program Board work- ing on a symposium for the advance- Entrees To Please All Palates F ment of the American Indian and a symposium on sex education. Desserts, Cookies and Other Nice Things * * * Let Us Help You Entertain Effortlessly Jonathan T. Biwn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Brown of 1121 Family or Guests prospect St. has earned dean's list' Just Heat, Serve — And Bask In Glory! grades at Norwich 'University dur- ing the first semester. He is a mem- •. Imported Cookery Accessories ber of the Class of 1972 at the Ver- For Your Kitchen or As a Gift mont military college. Hours; 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Weekdays Annette Marie Bickel of 6 Thom- as Ct. arid Marc J. Stem of 745 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sundays MaPceUus Dr. were cited for Presi- Closed Mondays dent's Honors at the University of Colorado, Boulder. John T. Scott III of 210 Oanter- •bury Rd. achieved a perfect average at Lehigh College during the fall semester. Other dean's list students at Le- high from Westfield are Jacob i Jr., 101 Roger Ave.; Doug- las R. Frey, 33 Doris Fkwy.; Gary D. Grabel, 48 Tamaques Way; John D. North, 526 St. Marks Ave., and William M. Raff, 472 Otisco Dr. Cuthbert in New The best way to pretty up your kitchen— and your cooking reputation—is with an J & J Position incomparable Glenwoocl gas range. 'Robert A. CuMibert of Westfield Nothing else looks as great, cooks as great has been named a product group di rector in Johnson & Johnson's as a Glenwood. In fact, you'll roast, bake, health care division, it was an- broil, fry, stew, boil, grill, poach, steam, when the name nounced by Edmund G. Vimoiid saute apd simmer your way to culinary of the game Is Jr., vice president of the division. OUR CITY SHORTS Mr. Cutlibort will have* overall re- championship with your family and friends. sponsibility for adhesive bandages-, ARE HOT STUFF So turn on the talented you ... see our tfjsorbent products nnd now disposa- bles. full line of beautiful Glenwood ranges. A native of tyornin, Ohio, Mr. Everyone wants shorts for spring! Madras Is big The low prices will surprise you. see our diamond consultants Cul'hbeft was graduated from Ohio niws too. Winning combination In sheer shirt Universliy. He joined Johnson & teamed with smartly tailored shorts In HQ knows the tastes of Johnson in 1956 as a sales repre- young lovers and ho can show you the sotttngs and sentative in the midwest, and mast opaque polyester/cotton blend. By Summit gems that spoil L-O-V-E. Our diamond collection Is Just right. of Bd$tori, sizes 6 to 16. 9.98 each. Our diamond Consulant Is with It so get with him recently has been serving the health now for the diamond cholco of a lifetime. - cai'o division as marketing services Sportswear, Fashion Third director. frnm 5250 to $1-500. Marquise diamond shown $275. Pfalnfleld and Short Hills Mall Mrs, Cutlibort is tlie former Andn- lizabethtown Gas alitl Stone of Mitfhkmtl Park. Midi. Gu3 gives you a better deal. CHARGE m •UDQET PUN The Culhbeits mul their two chil- MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS 'TIL 9/DAILY 9(30 to 5i30 ELIZABETH METUCHBN PgRTH AMBOY RAHWAY WHBTFIELD FREE SIFT WHAPPINR dren live nt M'U Stevens Ave, ONEETOWNPLWA 4S2MAIN6?, 22OMADKETST. moccN IMELM9T. akeuA PLAINFIELD 756-3100 230-G000 2110-GQW 2B9-5D0U mo aooo 2B9-CQOO JEWELERS AND DELIVERY Those showrooms opon shopping nights and Saturdays. you know Unit property tax SHORT HILLS MALL 376-3100 Ol fur a<™i only In ink tiivlcirf liy Elttnhflthtown Oat. XO9 I. BROAD ST. ADAMS »-O«a» lovJes for schools across Now Jersey WMTFIIUD • N.J. totaled $1.1 billion in 1070, nearly DIAMOND CONSULTANT IS WAITING FOR YOU! three times l;he $410 million raised for schools in 19(107 a" ^^^^ ^"^ ^^r ^^"^ ^fa¥ ^"^ 4 ^"^ ^a' ^r v ^ ^"^ 9, 10-Smifch College Club sports- •Mrs. E. M. P-atoner, 737 Sliadow- of SBfestfieM, home of Mrs.. War- COMING EVENTS wear sale, American Legion !;:->vn Dr. ren S. Prebluda. 181 Lincoln Bd. Hali, Tuesday 9 a.m.-o p.m., 7- •Welcome Wagon coffee for pros-', 31 Mountainside Woman's Club Art Association Plans Annual MARCH 9 p.m., Wednesday 9 a.m.-2 p.m.. pa live members, homo of Mrs. i champagne brunch, 11 a.m. 10—Jtake and Hoe GaixJen Club, j Charles Morman. 1100 Wychwood ; Club birthday kuicheon. APRIL YWCA 32:45 p.m. f f lid. Statewide Exhibition Mar. 22-28 Winck. Scotch Plains. 14—lUika and Hoe Garden dub, 10—Women's Auxiliary. Polish rni-1! 13—Mointaii.s'ck- Wwcomers dinner rvices deparUnent, ! danc". Si'iniTvillc Jnn, 7 p.m. YWCA. 12:45 p.m. The Westfiett Art Association will 1 Selection of work to be shown -will Woman's Club, '50 a.m. versify Club.-ck'ssori fjifhjc-n shew ' 1 I !3—\; wconu":-; C.v.b n;i>yiTS.sive din- 2'j->Ku:n.i:age S:V1L\ Martin Wailberg coiKfcwt its 10th aniual statewide be raade by a jury of professionstty- fr-JWvel department, Woman's Jx'JK-fit, Mayfcir P :..-....*, Wc»t [ Orange, 7:;iO p.m. M 3, Amcricaji Legion auxil- exhibition Mar, 22 to 28 at Uirion recognized artists, who will also CWb. 1 p.m. • ]3—St. Patrick's dance. Holy Trinity -y. Legion hall. College, Cranford, it was announed select the winners wbo will share in •~«PBBSQSA Novice Quartet Con- 10—DessertJbridse-fashic.i shc.v b^n-, today by Irving P, Donaldson of 15 more than $1,300 in prizes. cf;t, itHenuitional effairs depart-; High School auditorium. 9 p.m.- MAY tort, Roosevelt Junior High 1 a.m. 'Bennett PL, president. Ibe putxlic is invited to visit the 8 p.m. ment. Woman's Club, ]2:;H) p.m. '' lit—Rake and Hoe Garden Club, J5—Alu&ic deparUnent, Family Night YWCA, 12:45 p.m. annual exhibition, open toart - exhibit daily from 1 to 5 p.m. and Guest Night, Junior lCMMusi'cal Club of Wes-tfHd. home program, Wo.r.arfs Ciu:.i, 8 p.m. horn in or living in New Jersey, from 7 to 9 p.m. from Mar. 22 to Woman's Club. of -Mrs. Kenneth Slrir.ger, 12 15—American 'home department, JUNE has ootme to be one of the sUte'g Mar. 28. Many of the paintings will f-W«tfieJd Bird C.U&. 205 Birch- Kimball Circle, fl:30 p.m. Woman's Cub, 12:S0 p.m. 9—iRaike and Hoe Garden drub an- major art events. Artists who have be offered for sale. wood Ave., Craraford, 8 p.m. 10-iKappa Alpha Thota, home of 16—Intermediates, clubhouse, 8:15 nual luncheon, PUumF-ield Coun- shown their work in the Westfidd Ibe Weatfield Art Association, one p.m. tiy club. show over the oast 10 years have, of the oldest such groups in New 17—Art dcip-ariment, Woman's Club, •come to r^swesent not only the ar-Jersey, was organized in 1921 by 1 p.m. Federation Slates tistic -talent in New Jersey taut have 15 local art enttansiasU. It now 17—FunLnighlly guest meoLing, club- been rsoognized as outstanding boasts a roemkership of about 250 house, 8:15 p.m. •toieriioan painters. artists and those interested in the 19—'Antiques duparLnrcnt of Wom- Legislative Lunch (Maxwell Simpson, winner of the advtancecnent of tfie arts. BAZAAR an's Club, spring trip to antiques FRANKLIN SCHOOL FOURTH 0RADERS,, Stevea 1981 Best of Show award, is a na- • Beginning in 1963, the statewide show in Princeton, leave from For Club Women Steves Giantz, UCently walch ike erupttM M tkckr m«del tionaUy reocgwized artist and Henry oxhitoatLw bag been held at Union clTibhouse, 9:30 a.m. volcano in claw. The experiment ^elated to tkeir stn4y «f ncki •Crasser, ufoo won second prize for College. 20—Intermediates dinner dance, Six hundred representatives from minerals In science. watancolors in that first show, has "The opportunity to stare in die PlainfieOd Country Club. the Now Jersey state Federation of earned an international reputation. association's contribution- to Ibe ad- 20—Hadassah's 13th annual art show Women's Clubs are expected to at- :Gerald Lubeok, last year's Best of vancement of art and the encourage- and sale, Temple Emanu-El. 'tend itheir annual legislative lunch- Study Leads to Simulated Volcano Shew award winner, has been in- ment of New Jetisey artiets con- 21-2ft—Westifield Art Association lOUi eon at the Holiday Inn, Trenton, Two fourth grade students at placed it on a wooden pkUform. vited tobecom e a member of Al-tinues to be a aounce of pride for annual state art exhibition, Union ftfenday, March 22, at 9:30 a.m. Fnanid'in School constructed an im-When a small amount of ammonium lied Artiste in New Yorit. cur College," commented Dr. Ken* College Campus Center. •Governor William T. Caliill and aginative experiment in relation to dichromate was applied to the (For fchiB year's decade marking neth W. Iversen. president. 22—-Ltierature and drama depart- U.S. Representative John E. Hunt cOass study of rocks and min- model and ignited, a simulated vol- show, some 12,000 imitation* are will head a list off distinguished erals. ment Woman's Club, 1:30 p.m. canic explosion occurred. Flames being sent to New Jersey artiste, 23—Junior Woman's Club general speakers at the nionung session. The Steven Fartostein and Steven * V. candidates running for elective of- year's competition. The purpose of Scotch Plain* — Joseph Rein- <•"&' \ :*' fice. T*ey wJll be voted upon by the the program is to encourage out- sprecht, son of Mr. and Mtre. Stefan ti^ delegates to the annual convention standing young people to" consider Reinsprecht of 2004 V&Hey Ave., re- in Atlantic City, May 11-14. ' careers of service, primarily in csntly was commissioned an army ALSO SELLING CARD RACKS, iFoHsawir.& it foe iuneheson, Mrs. college teaching. lieutena:! upon graduating Weinheimer will be presented to the from the In&uitry officer candidate SHELVING and FIXTURES Senate by Senator Fr-ank McDer- school, Ft. Benning, Ga. mott and the General Assem^ily by Priest to Discuss Lieutenant Rednsprecbt entered Assemblyman Herbert Kiehn. Gal- Israel Before NOW the Army in November 1960. 107 QUIMBY STREET lery seats will ibe reserved for the He is a 1965 graduate of Scotch visiting clufowomen in both bouses At the general meeting of Nation- Plains-Fanuwd High School. His WESTFIELD • 233-7200 for the afternoon session. al Council of Jewish Women, Great- wife, Hope, lived in Columbus, er WestfieM Section, Tuesday, Mar. during his training. V \ Benefit Planned By Bonnie Brae *' '• . ' ' < ;v:-

J . % Farm for Boys V

V..' The Bonnie iBrae Farm for Boys Auxiliary is planning its annual ben- efit ""Back at the Farm Day," May 18 and 19. The 38th annual benefit will be held on the farm grounds in Millirigton. It promises to top the other years in its new ideas and in- L > novations. It is not called a "bridge"

this year, but anyone wanting to F play cards will have tables waiting for them. Mayfair Farms will serve Grade A Sliced Bacon 69c Ib. Choice Bottom Round $1.09 Ib. 1"* V*>" ^ ' an inexpensive picnic lunch. A General Store will house an ar- OUR OWN MELLO CRISP ray of booths with foods, homemade pastries, jams, jellies, flowers and m gifts. There will be a silent auction and an art show sponsored fcy the CHOICE CHOICE CHOICE FRANK'S FAMOUS Somerset Hills Art Association. The Country Crafts booth wiU bring together exhibitors of handi- Top Sirloin Eye Round London Ground crafts such as knitting, needlepoint, crewel, weaving, caning and rush- Roast Roast ing, decoutpage and maorame. The Broil Chuck fashion show will be by Raymond Doop. $1.19 Ib. $1.29 Ib. $1.69 Ib. 3 lbs. $2.69 Bonnie Brae Farm for Boys, sup- ported by private fluids, has been in operation for 56 years. It has FROZEN FOODS helped many disturbed boys who have no place to turn for the secur- NBC tiy and help they need in learning Dulany Broccoli Spears to live meaningfullly hi their com- Dulany Chopped Spinach Mallomars 4 I munities. t * * • • *47e Howard Johnson Chicken Croquettes

Ritz . • * * • • • I " t " t Howard Johnson Shrimp Croquettes ••#*• t*«*t Sausea Shrimp Cocktail, 4-oz Do we need Mint Sandwich 59C Stouffers Macaroni and Cheese .... Stouffers Potatoes au Gratin .| to remind /•>'•

,'-V- Stouffers Noodles Romanoff ......

^ .<*:.•.:-.-:-;,- m God to help Swonson TV Chicken Dinner .•/,' us? Swamon TV Turkey Dinner SPECIAL!

i:i y • '-• ••'.: No. Because God, divine MILK .?*•*? Love, is always ready to help. What we have to do is pray with an be offered such an opportunity understanding of His 99c Gallon love and guiding care. Flemington furs. MINK • SABLE- Mau,l,MI.Ml BEAVER -BROADTAIL • SEAL and You will hear some outstanding examples FRESH PRODUCE •» W*j-VVijLD AND EXCITING TUN FURS" ;? of practical, effective Bettor coffee a millionaire's prayer m a talk by IWmCEMNTED LOW, LOW CLEARANCE PRICES from $78 John Richard C. Kenyon money emit buy! Sweet California Carrots • * * • 4 4 * t E?'/J^ of The Christian Science 2 bags 25c Board of Lectureship. sP'n«h bag 25c TOWN & COUNTRY WINTER FASHIONS The subject of his talk 2 lbs. $1.79 is "Where Do We Look a hug* group of cloth coats, suits, ensembles, jumpsuits, ponchos, Celery bunch 25c i, »u#d«t and fine fur hats at special value prices you won't believe. for Guidance?" It's a refreshing and entirely FINAL CLEARANCE PRICED from $38 to $488 logical view of prayer. s&S -v,» Christian Science lecture FRIDAY, MARCH 5 ing ton AT 8:30 P.M. SUPERMARKET SPRING ST., FLEMINGTON, NEW JERSEY"? EDISON JUNIOR HIGH Plenty Parking 856 MOUNTAIN AVE. the World's Urges! Srwctali$t$ \n Hue furs / SCHOOL No Meters — Shop Mountainside Area Opp. National Bank, Mountalnsld 1YOAY TO b.P.M.-* .WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY RAHWAY AVE. AT GROVE ST. MJti WE**** ^ flW

' •

\ \ , . i ".


• >*\-"


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YOU CAN SHOP AT A&S WOODBRIDGE MONDAYS THROUGH SATURDAYS FROM 10 A.M. TO 9:30 PM. wpsmtw Schiffer Joins paper). The group reijiiiburses him Wilson Students witih money earned from the sale of Brokerage Firm the newspaper. J-luntoon, •Paiy-L1 & Co., tfnc, a Go to Press Among the areas covered in Uie MIO: t brokerage class piib-ication art current evems, Ltd. signed graphics 'Fifth grade students in Robert editorials, opinion -pSAs. enterUiin- firm drilling in FHA. VA. con veil- man's class at Wilson School toavc • Fine Art Reproductions residential mortgage loans I ment, puzzles, creative writing and initialed a school newspaper. Enter- interviews. • Original Oil Paintings and in con: i* property loans, an-noun- prising members of the c'ass, Nancy • Water co I oft ced ':oday HJVE! Robert F. Schiilfer of Bagetell, Richard Bagger, Mary Lee Weslficid has joined -the firm as Donshue, Peter Jonscher, Ken Vo- To Honor Insurance assi-Uani 'to th? president. He -was per, M^ary Beth Vott and Abbie Company Salesman FRAME SHOP fonr.s«\y a partner in Goodibody & Sleiner, studied issues of a nows- Co. 1 here Is an A rt to Good I ranting •papsp pof3ilished by Mr. Lipman's Scotch Plains — Joseph Hyman of Fori Av«. & Wetrficld Av«., Scotch Maine Mr. Schitfer. a .native of Detroit, 1966-67 class and decided to do bhe ?208 Paff PL, will be honored by the 322-1244 Mich., is a graduate of Brown •Uni- same. Equitable life Assurance Society of versity. Providence, R.I. He resides The newspaper is a completely the United States at its four day with 'his wife and three Children. self-sui^XMting enterprise. Students National Leaders Conference to be so'A 1«6 copies of the first issue held at Las Vegas, Nev. Mr. Hy- when it was released in January. man's attendance si based on his Charging fofteen cents a copy, the service to policyholders and his class realized a profit of |6 on this sales record for the year of 19?0. issue. Students hooe .to Gell double This will be the third consecutive the amount of copies of the next year that Mr. Hymfln has qualified issue. fby writing a mi'llion of production. He is a -member of the Howard C. k r Mr. Litunan serves as advisor, proofreader and financial backer Petith Agency of Short Hills. 1 <

WOMEN'S SHOE COU£010H ••?*• LEARNING TO "FORAGE** — AH ed Ira* he acquire* *• New Gyisea while e*4a« aaihrsetUgtcal re- search is shown U tMtdeaU by Assistant Preietwr Mark Dersiatrelch (left) ef UvlaguU* CtUefe, He «•< FDGMANN Livingston sophomore Peter *ra»» (right) ef Bertag Lake Heights have feveloeed an HSMMUII oellege course in Mentirying au ceHeetlig **hte wU plants. Rutgers CeUege sevhemen Joseph Bird (ceater) ef Washington D.C. Is e*e ef the M stiieeati earellei. tTOAAOB Slick Patent Kid •*?

•Wo1-:, •-..'•' "Foraging" - New Course of Study 4»H Club Forming &$• New Dog Club th« nicest patent uocummmv 'Union County has another 4-H <•.• For Jersey University Students? y«t, kidskin takes the shine Club formiitg-a Dog Club. This to new depth. Not like club held its first meeting :£ It's bound to happen. Some anttiropolofioal perspective, team- £sso other patents at all. Kidskin ^:-y>. Ifcursday at the Union County 441 young man home from college is ing how to find and prepare edibile glve» new meaning to the Office, 30 North Ave., East, Anyone going to be asked what he's study- plants can give a student insight interested in joining may catl the mommmma smooth and shin/. Into the everyday food-gathering ing. When he answers "ftwafling," 4-H Office at 2334386. ISSOHIAT WHITTIBLD lie's going to be greeted witti a rounds of primitive peoples, insight Available in Bone Kid, # blank stare. that would be bard to get any other Whit* Kid or way. f. The student will be one of the Slack Patent. $25.95 Donrttreich pointed out in the /iJ&s roughly 80 young women and menfirst class, the Lereape Indians wbo enrolled in a new course in ttie originally lived in New Jersey were awlhropology department at Living- so intimately involved with sub- If you can't shop Sunday fry Mon., ston College of Rutgers. .Officially sistence activities that ley named titled "College Course in Foraging," the months of (heir lunar year after lues., Wed., Thurs., Fi or Sat.! (<' it is aimed basically at teaching them. students how to identify, cWlect March was Shad Month, because and even cook edibta wild plants. that was the most important fish Assistant Professor of Anthropo- caught at that time. It seems some- * . -•/ • logy Mark Dornstreich and Living- how appropriate that m the forth- >.-* i -•• , ston student Peter Brann jointly coming Shad Month, a Oass of mod- developed the unusual course. Ifiey em New Jerseyans will begin to :i spend Saturdays learning about the :-<*'>•. believe it is the first of its kind to J >. 'i natural foods with which the Indi- be offered to undergraduates by any ana were so familiar. American college. It will involve n fe:*:''. >!•'."' weekly twoJiour lecture session and an all day field trip practically fa every week. Mwnford Wins Dornstreich beoame deeply in- terested in the anthropological as- Firm Promotion '.:Vv •• ' - »•'/•..'•' . -•- DAYS S *VJ t -^ • - » •' ' - • pects of food gathering while col- ;:••:•• :^:.-, lecting information for hre doctoral Rcbert E. Mumford, a former disseriaUon among the Gadio Enga \\*sMta&, has been appointed assis tant general counsel for Allied Che- people in the East Sepfik District of mical- Corporation. He will have r-e- P-RITI OF the Territory of New Guinea. He spon*:bility {or th& legal affairs of has wfftten papers on New Guinea the company's five operating di- :•*-*• .-:•• horticulture and grasslands. : visions located in Monistawn. '•V'.-V;--- Because of the unexpectedly Jarige Mr, Murnford graduated; from Col- i. ' '. • • size of the class, Damstreich, has had to p'Jan several field trips each gate University where he was a •J 1' ' * member of Phi Beta Kappa. Ho ROUTE 22 * * Saturday. They will be led by bota- nists and blo'o?is!s who are ex- graduated from Harvard Law BLUI STAR SHOPPING CINTM perts in identifying plants in the School and was a member of its i •<: Northeast. Dornstreich wiH super* Legal'Aid Bureau. Admitted to the Uprn l»nllj- Mil vise the individual projects eicpec- New York Bar in 1933, Mr. Mum- Mte 'III tf ford "was assuciated with the law $.W:* • •-:•:•: • •• tcd of each student and co-ord'Snote the course. finm at Scr.'ioner & -Miller in New York City and joined General Chem- QUtMBY it CENTRAL, WESTFIELD • 233-5678 Best k"C\vn of the fieM trip lead- 1"-L Corr?>any in 1942, then a sub- ers is EusM Gibborjs, whose boohs, l'\l sidary of Allied Chemical. "Stalking the Wi'.d Asparagus," r > "Stalking tlhe Blue-Eyed Scallop" Active in local affairs, Mr. Mum- and "Stalking the Healthful Herbs" ford h?s served as president of the hav« become bibles for ths growing West Fields chapter, Sons of the arniy of Americans who are inter- American -Revolution, and president ested in gathering wild food as a of the Men's Garden Club of West- Professional Pride of I hobby iieltt. He has been chairman of the Gibbons has agreed to lecture and scientific advisory committee of the More? ; to lead 10 of the field trips. Also New York City Selective Service workmanship combined 1 among the trip leaders will be Nor-Headquarters since its inception in BLUE man Dill of Delaware State College, 1936 and is a director of the Canal author of "Ediblo Plants and Sur- Society of New Jersey. with Modern Profes- vival." A number of botanists from (Mr. and Mrs. Mumford, formerly U.S.D.A. GOV'T INSPECTED WHOLE RIBBON the Rutgers faculty will also serve Ci\ Westfie-M, now live in Tqwksbury as field trip leaders and lecturers. Township in Hunterdon County. CLEANERS sional Equipment has Dornstreich hopes to arrange op- /& portunities for the field trips to re- turn to nearby homes where stu- American Indian LAUNDERER& made Blue Ribbon one dents will have the opportunity to cook what they have gathered. Lore is Discussed "When we visited Eusll Gibbons Customs and ways of living of of the most outstanding at his home to talk about the course the American Indian were vividly he fed us a dolicious meal of wild described to Tamaques School stu- edibles, but I got to feeling a bit dents when Chief Pete Warbonnet QUARTERED qucsy 'afterwards," Dorn&treich visited the school. During an as- quality Dry Cleaners and jokingly tad the first class. "I sembly program, the Chief shared WITH don't know if that had anything to stories and related historical events LEGS BACKS Launderers in the Na- what I of his people. CHICKEN figure G'ibbons can teach us to Students learned about the cloth- cook ami, if necessary. Dill can ing, food, hunting, burials and edu- WITH cure us with wild herbs." cation of the American Indian. The BREASTS WINGS tion. Although the new course sounds PARTS chief displayed many of the arts like fun, it also has serious academ- and crafts created by his people HOT OR SWEET ic purposes. and described the creative ways in "There are at least five reasons which they used the materials I can think of for teaching this kind found in their surroundings. In ad- ITALIAN SAUSAGE lb. of course," Dorstrcich said. dition, he noted that trading with Call BLUE RIBBON'S First, he explained, there are the white man gave Indians access some students who sec practical lo other inventive materials. CUP AND SAVE THESE VALUABLE COUPONS Custom Drapery, Rug and Upholstery Department economic benefits for Ihemsolves in Chief Warbonnct demonstrated knowing about wild foods, Tlicre is the Indian sign language nnd laught 789-1250 FOR FREE ESTIMATES ennrmotis amount of food growing students several words and phras- SHOP-RITE COUPON wiki ant! going to waste, and they es. At the conclusion of the pro- *Your Assurance of The Best in Custom Drapery Service. Careful Cleaning, ; wart to know how to harvest it. gram, children sot spellbound as Second, the course will provide ONE JAR Hand Pressing, Length & Evenness Guaranteed. Removal & Installation by our lie performed an 1 nd kin FREE knowledge of basic botany and can dressed in colorful costume. Expert Drapery Installers. .servo as an introduction to plants SHOP-RITE and nature. Third, among some slu- *Brlng bock the frosh, rich beauty of your rugs and furniture with our professional > dcnlx Him- is an interest in tlv; NEED A USED CAR? ELLY cleaning service. All work performed in your home. | SLM'Viviil rjiicsLion—can man survive SEE AUTOS FOR SALE COUPON jwilli some comfort in a Natural iKi-tting, itway from Lhc nupenuurk- LEARN ON GARMENTS •'Thcrc's n nuirveluus sense of BROUGHT IN setf-MilTieii'iicy to' hu giiiiwd in ELECTROLYSIS SHOP-RITE COUPON BEFORE 12 NOON knowing you can livr> off the land toward the purchoio of if you hiivu to," Doiuslrcich cuni- the KREE way ON DRY CLEANING & SHIRT LAUNDERING >.. Rownrdlnjr curoor in THIS $1,00 or more in our menls. p*nnanont hair removal NO EXTRA CHARGE SATURDAY AKO no hurrlor. COUPON A nmrlli licnrfil lies in the "gour- Full or part llmo. FRESH PRODUCE AT REGULAR PRICES ONLY BEFORE 11 A.M. met" finalities of wild wliblu plnnl.s. Day or 13vo. Mon. Woinon* WORTH 1 Coma, write or pliona for DEPT. Thuy can brighten n horing dit-t itl uny ttlio|i-llh<> und simultaneously SITVC n.s tin n.s-

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impor 25°/c0 to 50% formal beauty plus easy care

Great values in table fashions for your home ... for wedding and sfiower gifts . . . hostess gifts!

Elegant sheer patterns to use alone or with a white or colored liner. Some quantities limited. •*•'•'. r ' v ^ save 50% sheer pattern 'elegante' tablecloths from spain . t > Featured sketch. Soft lemon yellow, wedgwoocl blue or white. Fine-fexfured polyester-ond-cotton with leaf motif, , n « beautiful new tablecloths 65x 84" oblong or oval, reg. 29.50, 14.75 65x124" oblong, reg. 49.50, 24.75 18x18" napkin, reg. 2.00, LOO • 65x104" oblong or oval, reg, 39.50, 19.75 65x142" oblong, rog. 59.50, 29.75 from Switzerland and Spain 9 save 40% 'alpine daisy tablecloths from Switzerland • all fully machine washable Sketched in lower circle. Dainty pastel embroidery on .sheer white polyester with scalloped edgo. 69x 90" oblong or oval, reg. 65.00, 38,95 69x126" oblong, reg. 95.00, 56.95 18x18" napkin, rog. 3.00, 1.80 • all fully machine dryable 69x108" oblong or oval, reg. 80.00, 47.95

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i Sketched in Upper circlo. Richly embroidered plume and flower design on fine polyoslor wilh scallop trim, White on white. • with soil-releasing finish 70x126" oblonrj, reg. 69.60, 51.95 18x18" napkin, reg, 2.50, 1.80 70x 90" oblong or oval, reg. 49.50, 36.95 j

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9 nlflhts — Men., Wed., Frl., 9.30 a.m. lo 9,00 p.m.. Monfclnlr, Newark open 2 nights - Wad., Fri., 9.30 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. • Othor days 9,30 to 5.30. It *, m nwnn* <#JA m Hmlth ummrmm WffTHflD ifADM yyift niaike a /wmal p to a Consumer Federation LEGISLATORS , I DO, I DO, BU tion ol this iptan on Wedaiosday eve- of America report. M£MKI ning. Mar. 10. in the Town Council The Consuiner Federation of Sere is a list of senators, congress- MATIONAi NCWSFAPtt ASSOCIATION I JUST THOUGHT M/ Chacniber, ai 8 p.m. I aak all ipeople Ameritsa also reprote "F.T.C. gets men, state senators, assemblymen you DOMY who would Ji'ke to see some Jorm of 9.O00 complain-'ts a year, investigiates and freeholders who represent the Second Clu& j>oaU#e paid at Woetfield, N, J. IF WE ATE OUT ONC area covered by The Westfield PubJJahed Thursday* fit Wentfleld, New Jert^y, by Lhe WeBt- LIKE IN A WUILE WE COUl puallc intpatfiwn 4ransporaiion to iewer bhan 1,OM, and files fewer leader Printing and Publishing Cum pan v. An independent 1 come, and give sitppoil, and some tlian 300 suits. Consumers shouldn't Leader. Save it for future reference. COOKING. SAVE oi 'tlicvr Oivn liiindting on -tlie subject. stand in line waiting f-or F.T.C. to Phe party affiliation of eacb office Official Paner for tb» Town of Weetfleld *ud Borough of bolder *s denoted by R (Republican) : |6,00 per year Jn advance, JACK R. D.K2.ZQ act. The Administration's trick irig- fier bill i& deceptive. or D (Democrat) following the indi- Office; 60 Elm Street, West field. N. J. 038 Raymond St. vidual's name. Tel. Z32-*407 — 232-4408 Member The names of the local mayors Quality "Weeklies of Now Jersey Rescue Squad Appeal and Borough and Town Councils l New Jersey Press AHHGPi&tion National Editorial Association Editor, Leader; Friendly Attitude are listed. WALTER X LEE Publisher A shatter-ing crasb fills the silent GAIL W. TRIlfBLB - Editor nigfotr-nfchen silence! Off in the dis- Builds Business stamce the -wail of the Rescue Squad UNITED §TATE8 SENATORS Clifford P. CSN, , 1128 Bryant siren can be detected. TSiese volun- By teer men and women, who give Uieir St., Rahway 07065, FU8-2052 THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1971 Ronald J. Oriick, ACE CM (home); 202 CA4-3121 (Wash- time and eilfont so freely and un- Small B*wi»€*i selfishly, are once again on the job. ington office). A broken hack, a badly 'fractured Learning the niames of ywir HarriMM A. WUHanu Jr. (D) Help the Helpers 'limb, these are all handled expertly steady customers and accompany- 231 Elizabeth Ave., Westfield 07099 •with the most u>p-to-pe backboard, ful "Good -Morning/' can be worth Senators may also be reached at Tinvnons splint. Jteeves stretcher thousands of dollars a year to thethe Senate Office Building Wash- paign of the West field Rescue Squad — a dedicated group and plastic inflatable splints are owner of a e-mail neightoorhood ington, D.C. 20515, of volunteers which needs your help this month so it can commonly used. Oov«ied warmly store. lie ready to help you 24 hours a day all year round. and with encouraging and reassur- Naturally, however, it is impor- Probably among the best-trained and best-equipped ing words the patients are quickJy tant to get the name and its pro- UNITED 8TATEI taken to a local Clink or Hospital. nunciation right. If you are not REPRESENTATIVES fir* aid units in New Jersey, the Westfield Rescue Squad Almost daily emcrgnecy ca£es such sure you can pronounce it correctly Mn. Fltreftce Price Dwyer (It), 3N his reached this achievement because Westfield residents and age to setitle fox less witih some- Really—is this at*Ui« to-much?? as these are handled with fast and il is tetter to stick to the "Good Verona Ave., Eliiabeth 07208, EL have, throughout the years, demonstrated their faith in thing that is a necessity lor the Should the WeatfWld Board of efficent icare. Morning," and, of course, "Have a 0362 (home); Suite 202, 40 Somer- LETTERS TO THE health and welfare of everyone. •Education fail to take this action, 'Not only does the 'Rescue Squad good day" or "Have a good even- set St. Plafafield «7M0, 754-6696 th# food deeds and service through contributions. ing," when they leave. . * • - : - EDITOR The situation is not impossible- a simple administrative move, then assist the town people in emergen- (office) 12tfi DM. With new sopntittcated equipment coating, in some wells could be dug for such emer- aU 4ha* can be said are the last cies but aleo transport* patients to If parent* come in wdth their CwfreumtB may alw be ctaef, in the thousands of dollar*, the squad needs the gency use as this situation warrant- •words Christ spoke from the cross, land from the hoepM, homes, clin- small rftildren-, you will find it es- al tte HNM Office Bulltfaf, ed, better protection for the areas "iFtatJier forgive them, for they know ics and even, far above toe call of pecially worthwhile to team their , D.C. mis financial aid of all residents so ttiis community might bene- All lettm W ike tetter names and ftbo to pay BpecM at- fit from the moat modem of flnt aid squads. War • •Igaatura a«4 • street tfliat are our water sources, plans not what they do." duty, transports patients to and from for new watersheds, stopping of the CHARLES R MORRISON out of stete points. tention to 4hem, (You will find it 1 addrew. makes you feel good, too.) Give "Be wte — 0ve a ftoot — give a check is the 1971 No amjn»*M w ilfW ii.-discriminate use of salts on the 207 N. Scotch Plains Ave. These dedicated men and women NEW JERSEY STATE SENATE (hem a wntaft #ft if yt>u can. Their Fruk X. McDerin«U, 118 Pros* be directed together to the sources Tf wool 'us desired ask any college ma in tarn their highest standard of • dttct, patriotism and service BO that they can become happy few minutes white you help an poet St., Summit 07901 t that can effect improvement, for and many high schools about the in- equipment. The Westfield Rescue older person to make up her mind UNION COUNTY FREEHOLDERS i|l*l mourceful citizens. Membership is open to all girls Draft Law our sake, but especially for the sake creasing demand for courses deal- Squad is now making their single or to find the right cfhange. tidward H. Tiller, Director, (R) of our children. ing in the 90craI sciences. Part of request for funds for 1971, iDon't from 7 through 17 years of age — girls who accept the If a customer seems to invite it, 603 Locust Ave., Garwood 1- - \ (Editor, Leader; (his social consciousness necessarily daisy. Send your check today and be Girt Scout Promise and Laws. The total membership in the MRS. JOHN SOHUVART there's seldom ©my harm, and of-ffaller E, Ulrica (R) 98 Cotonii •As of mid-1971 the draft law will 40 (Manitou Circle deals with the subjugation of 25 mil- thankful we have the opportunity to Blvd., Rahway Gilt Scouts is nearly 4 million. Ttys includes 3.25 million expire. Many people will aay "good lion black people in this country by support these indispensable valun- ten rmich good to come from estab- lishing a . Casual friendship. Don't, tfJUiam Magulre (R), 20 Populal and 670,000 adults. Since 1912, there have been about riddance," simply because an un- the dominant white society. For too T«rr., Clark limited supply of ttnaftees provides long whttes have refused to grant however, become too involved. And a members — 24 millon girls and 7 million adults. Dr. King Tribute DEAN L. OAKiLSON, M.D. if a customer one day lets slip Donald Dunne 555 Colonial ^^TGhrtataiM is over — they think. But they are wrong. We termination is now. being beaten and killed by white there is enyithing else he would ing of what it could be to be a black double your fun. 1*41 bet the mother •Ave. SAMUEL L. TUCKER JR. southerners, to the peaceful, to the like, or to point out a special bar- 1 pay1 one of the cost* of Christinas all through the year — man in America ... to have & share in that TV commencial who is al- Ward 2 TO "*^; non-violent plea for their rightful tigher prices required to cover the losses from shoplift- 407 South Chestnut St. in the society ... not simply to ways asking her kids, "Who wants gain you nrcay have. But don't press Jay F. Rochlln 357 Hedge Roy bound to result in the most stringent protective measures subject although everywhere I've white America ... the clarity of his people who left school and direct * # * gained faith in you and your store. Louis Parent 1467 Wood acres Or and in the apprehension of a substantial percentage of the been this past month, friend's -homes, message . . . the morality of his their attention to what we as a Four years old aaid a fcoy friend! The Small Business Administra- William O. Van Blarcom (R) 284 club meetings, stores, doctor's office, t -•/ light-fingered crooks who think they can get away with stance made white America see nation can do to promote a nation I tell you for the little tots of today tion has an excellent booMet en- Meeting House La. • supermarkets, especially supermar- how it had corrupted the American thriving on racial peace and har-life is a real mouse race. No wonder tittled, "Pleasing Your Boss, The Peter M. Simmons (R) 1570 Brook* committing an offense against, not only the merchant, but kets where bottled water was at a dream . . . see its hypocrisy and mony. Needless to stay it will not by the time they reach tlie grand Customer" which can- be secured side Rd. every consumer's pocket book. premium, the question of the safety its failings as perhaps no other black be an easy road to such a goal, but old age of 96 months (figure the by writing, to this column or con-John E, Hcchlle (R) 34G Old Grove of the water by Westfield residents man before him. And he sparked a •Westfiald may be ajble to take that years out for yourself) they are tacting your local SBA Office. Hd. was very much in doubt. .dream in large numbers of white difficult step forward by making its in tlie market for a face-lifting job. McCAMEY, TEXAS, NEWS: "It is one thing to observe After calling the Water Co. and Americans, particularly young white •* * * citizens more aiware of the disgrace- •P.S. For those who Itave no com- that common criminals and thugs characteristically exhibit the Board of Health and being told Americans. He wiped the scales ful situation of m-any (most) blacks h from their eyes, so they might look puter, the answer to the above is contempt for the law. It is another matter when a report the water is safe to drink I read in in America today. the paper that a spokesman for the afresh at the country they celebrat- H years, compiled by the U.S. Office of Education notes that the ad- Elizabethtown Water Co. which ed in statement and song, whose -Westfield has remained relatively ministrations of several of our largest institutions of learn- treats 80 million gallons of Karitan Hag they saluted and fought under, •free from any sort of major racial ing have apparently thumbed their noses at laws passed •River water daily at its main plant and infused in them a new sense of conflict, yet it has boiled all around tins country's potential if it simply by Congress stipulating that federal funds and grants to in Bound 'Brook, stated extra chlo- us, To -hide in the belief that it shall rine was being added to the water to •lived its creed to the spirit as well remain so may be a disasterous solf- For The Consumer students and faculty members are to be cut off if those destroy typhoid and other dangerous as the letter. deception. The time to take con- students and faculty members participate in riots or other germs. This treatment is to'conlinuo To these people, black and white. structive action is now. By the Consumers League of N.J. Illegal behavior. ... The record shows that only 86 institu- until the quality of the raw water Dr. King is father of 4he revolution I leave you with one final thought: How lo Get Your Money Rack: tions out of 2,600 receiving federal funds took any action improves. Along with the germs it . . . and defender of the faith. We may presently bo passing The Consumer Federation of seems that road suits also were in through the calm before the store. at all in cutting off funds from those who engaged in riots There have been eloquent black America advocates a class action Hie water aad added to the "cupful preachers before—many' of thurn— It is an uneasy feeling. bill proposed by Senator Joseph or major disruptions. . . . Unfortunately, the act did not of chemicals'* Lisle. Mumuries of a one in particular, in whom 1 have UliaiTABD B. MAXWELL III Tydings nnd Congressman Bdl> Eck- specify penalties for disobeying the federal assistance pro- few years ago, bottled water and Hit; highest respect. Bishop William Universily of Virginia hardt., Oilier gromns in fa>vot' of such visions. Maybe it is time for Congress to add a criminal gamrnn globulin shots came back, Milton Smith, prelate of the Eighth CharloUesvIUo, Virginia a law int'ludo Notlonnt Coimtil of At our homo three of my children penalty to apply to those who fail to abide by the mandate '.District of the African Methodist 655 Btnch Ave. Senior Citizens, WaUonnl Farmers WHERE YOU GET •wen* il! with intentional complaints. •ISpiscopaJ ZIon- Church. Thorn have Union, iNationnl Grange, •XJnltccl Westfield ™ •- * * of the people as to how taxpayer funds to institutions of I again began to puncluiso bottled iboen ninny black leaders who have Auto Workers, United Sloe (workers 'higher' learning are to be spent. Clearly, the people o£ water -which is pretty ewpL-nsive for spoken out agalnsl Wio injustices in of America, and many more. *•-•;:! this country do not want their money to assist lawbreakers, n family of soveti. Kvcn if it is safe society—many of them. Thorn have Intra-Town Busing "•'&} MORE tlie taste is so foul 1 couldn't drink Through sucli legislation, n group and it it time for such wishes to be respected." 'been blacks who aroused Hit black •Editor, Lender; of ooiLsumens could win a easo in it and couldn't expect my children icKinmunily to strike out ayyitist the lo. Although the extra chlorine was iMany, many thiijika for p toiu-t. Cunaumers •would he mblc to degradations iind Injustices they niy letter .scvc-ral weeks back iv- recover the pi'ici* of shoddy goods, FOR YOUR MONEY! necessary to kill the germs-, I be- liavo suffered—-muny of them, There TOWANDA, PA., KBVIEW: "Every American city, lieve Unit individuals wore nffected U-ordinfj Irttstes running ilio trwiln worthies.? prfxlit't'ls, mid 4*luiso 3 surreptitious individual who feeds his ego by marring or others quite a I>H. Tim fi'ijfhk'nlnn accomplishments. •part of Lhe whole im^.s i.s Unit this occurred 'HIMM then. I hnve raceivud rttpnirH, prko-ffxli)^ con- I ilufaclhg anything that gives pleasure and a sense of well- 'Hid Dr. KitiLj si amis npnrl. 1Ii> mfiny vttvy fuvomibli; oomincnis sup- , lii'juriww cffcrls IVum hnz- FIRST FEDERAL happen av.ain ;nni ;u{:iii], ,'is long did all ilusc things . jHirlinif OHS plan. I wpuko tK-'toro the |>ro(lnrd.s, h I dilv n crodit being to others. Ho seems to gloan vicarious pleasure by as Uifj'i* ai'f.* .KiMir-siMtill Ihnws anil Town Council ntid wivi nskwl hy huivy rninsloniiK. ?.1iH (lu* cojrMtm- liwiiuf ftiitii i" Imtnnii J^ , IlL'^iil Inlci'cwl. rales, ux- stealthily destroying what little of beauty there is in the Ut prcsniL tlie plan lu Dm SAVINGS i-v ibc ul Hut mercy of nature h> do- •without. nhniuloniuLC his christum clinics over iitrhllu rates for 1 world. Public buildings, monuments, schools seem to be iiH'i1*.1 on |iiir!tinj( mul tide whiMhri' hu t!r';-* ;i tl'ifJi! drink |irin(.*i|)U\s . . . mid ho- did .some- 1'DIHII.H, airliiio tielcctH, H(j, WESTFIELD 'd hy fin'incr Mayor tin* special turgots of the vandals. Whim reading of such df WMU'I? My rcvlin.^s an- tlidl n thing i.'ke . . . lie l:iid rl(nwn lii.s Jih> The Nlxou AdMilnlstniLliH] has In I'm* Ui*i Mlofs. cimy. 'J'his wm r Hpuclul honor. of )HIHOH, cHtlmuLad iruvol titnu bu- mont^y. -in tlio rust, ~ i? r ' -

Service. Guild to Equip yearo they have REPORT FROM TRENTON Prof. Natiiaa cites the interest been involved in various community and cooperation of various stale in- projects including summer day camp stitutions a.nd agencies in providing Therapy Room programs for the emotionally dis- Union County Seaaie volunteer subjects and the state turbed, college scholarships for de- 142 Heafejr Ailcohol Beverage Control Commis- The Guild for Jewish Children will serving and needy students, and sion which has provided alcoholic IRIIiiR donate funds for equipping an oc- financial assistance for special serv- beverages used in the study. cupalional therapy room at ChU- WiL'h. the rflapporUonment com- legislators f.-om engaging The psychologist, a native of Si. dren's Spe-ciaiized Hospi'ial, accord- A tea for guild memibers, guests mission performing Ks decejHitel my oliier type o£ gakful occu- Louis wlio now lives in Princeton, ing to Robert Ardrey, director of and hospital personnel witt follow task of drawing up new legislative pation during their terms of of- is assisted in the project by his adminislration. the March dedication. districts for New Jersey, I fice. research coordinator, Dr. H, Augus- it as alftogdta1 appropriate to make tus Taylor of Highland Park, an as- A formal present at ion and dedica- I sinoerety beilieve surfa steps tion has been scheduled for Mar. 20 fundament! dianges. in the nature M tee in tfce best interests of sistant professor of psychology in of the state legislature itself. More the Graduate School; Mrs. Mary at the hospital. Mrs. Herbert Buch- progressive legislation and the peo- £-ller of West Orange, guild presi- Dermott to Speak specificaJiy, I $m propoeiflg the ple of this state. Tb*. best way of Garruilh, of Aiexapteia, La., head creation of a urticamenal nurse; Dr. Robert Allbahary of deni, will make the presentation and To Chamber Meeting guaranteeing that bins' wiM re- unveil a plaque in memory of So- ture. ceive ' the prepw sctitwy and Rocky HiM, cliindeal director, and The one-house system has four staff nurses and seven grad- -phie Cooper I-evy, charter member Westfield Area Charriber of Com- before a vote- wou4d be and past president. merce I adust rial DivLsioa Chairman well for a number of ye^rs creation of g &Mme tefiU- uate students. bra ska. There is no good 'Funds for equipping the recently- Gene Slrouss of Vulcan Materials, £ adequate staff aad phy- '***&£ Clark, has announced tbe next meet- why a one^iouse legislature - * < School. the Boat Astwre," "Story of the Two at the r*cent nwrthdy meet- Now he and three other volun- "We're loofcing at ttree of the Or they'll urge you to look solid foundaiion upon which nowfced tM (Mr. and Mn. mt*W His project is supported by funds Brothers" and "We Shall Over- the auxiliary members and teers are being v^tched round-Hie- fcey vantetoles of ohronte ateohol- 1 before you leap. And than to build a securities port- Wythe of 330 Htjlside Ave. witt lend from the Naliomal Center for the come/ "Lift Every Voice and Sing" their property for. the storage of in Mm home. elopk by staff mongers of the Al- ism." P«rf- Nathian saye, "drink- cross you up with he who folio, tife Insurance is a gilt- Morash, hn^pitoMty chairman Prevention and Control of Alcohol- was sung toy sixth grade boys and hesitates is lost. Confusion, edged investment. In many items, and site for the cohdl Behavior' Researdi Labora- ing behav»ior, sod'al behavior, and girls. aiu| W oonimittee preparted the tory, a new unit at Rutgers headed mood." The pfeychotogists are ism, a unit of the National Intsti- confusion. more and diversified ways y agenda. In-service educa- than most people realise. Co-diainmn for this event > by Peter E. Nathan, professor of ing to chart more accurately then "Board in Miniature" was the Psychology in the Graduate School, ever before the reasons why people However/ I firmly believe Mns. Thomas F, KemeHy and tne«ne di^cuesing the functions of that there is no other side of And if you contact me ot r WOOD, WALKER & CO, Clarence Oldfard, ^ chair- the Center: How it came to be, The four are ttia first ot several | ***..?»*Wl the coin to an adage like — 121 Prospect St., Westfield, groups of subjects which will be ob- during the N. J. I'll be glad to show men are: Pick tip and deposit, Mre, 'what it does, and where it's going. the subjects are confined to Mambtn don't put all your eggs in Charles Brown; sc^up, Mn. 9tofltey : Fennelly, fund campaign ohair- served over the next three years in one basket. At least not in you how it can work for you. to Or call 232-1400. Rest as- P. Clark and Mns. Prwly H.\ti man, urgently reminded everyone Nathan's Uruvereity Heights labor- NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE these uncertain times. atory. The initial group, which be- ^ are sured, you won't be "skin- thaf the Westfield Day Oare Center gan Jan. 25, remain for about I »WP *«**. M™Mual *««• put 1800 ning an eel by rhe tail," <}esperot«ly in need of $6,000 to And that brings this Provi- a month. upon them in order to elicit thear re- dent Mutual agent to his which/ Brewer's Dictionary '420,000 goal. Mrs. Jesse T. . r • , actions. nominating chairman, an* (For much ot that toe, except for ^ach volunteer, Prof. Nathan 203 Elm Wtitfield, N. J, Insurance-counselling adage of Phrase and Fable informs me, means doing things the nounced the following : * ijiiif ments enforced "dry" periods, the volun- saySi is aware oE for the day: Nothing else p re- OPEN MONDAY EVENINGS wrong way. Q uiominatiniii g committee. Mrs. teers will be permitted to drink as qujre£j ^ has the flexibility to cope Jr., Mrs. M. D. much alcohol as they want, paying the st|wty 7 - 9 P.M. Mrs. Charles P. Wood- tor it with pok&s they earn, Prof. Nathan refers to his kifoor- Hood and.Wtre, .Bach man earns a point when I atory 'as. a "controlled enviroo- ... Shervywd. he presses a work button at the meat," one whidi permits a more |>erBons wfco would like to do- console a certain number of times, intimate look at subjects than field ia>te'irticieiv for the garage sale In turn, a certain number of points study, and he notes that by creat- may 'watact - Mrs. Chwies Brown witt buy a certain quantity of afceo- ,jng reaHife sitiiaUons-the bar, & M ChWft'Hood. hoi The ratio of presses to points recreation room, and the concept of drinks is worked out by compu- workuig—the psychologists are able ter to approximate the amount of to say that the behavior they see in MIOHAHIi HAHOVIC alcohol he- could bfay "on t h e| the laboratory is pretty much the tetters" 16 Editor same as they would observe on the. DeadUoe Friday S P.M. When he presses the drink but-1 ^ide. . at the. console the equivolent | The taboi1ak>ry is not pr|manly roh'flbiilitative amt Prof. Natli'an ae- leofe itihe volunteers Careifully, making sure they are in good health an'd have not yet decided to stop dnlnking. Fuel OilMaA Burner Service "It would be unethical," 'the psy- chologist says, "to give alcohol- to SEE WHAT YOUR EYES DO FOR YOl AND WHAT THE RESCUE SQUAD DOES FOR WESTFIELD

We urge you to have the foresight to SUPPORT ITS FUND DRIVE • i » - THIS MONTH

See me for fa your State Farm Send your contribution to Westfield Volunteer Rescue Squad, Inc. money tree... Heating Equipment Installed c/o Central Jersey Bank & Trust Co., 177 E. Broad St., Westfield an up-to*daLo life insurance policy from Slate Farm Life, Low cost prnicction,from Ihe company with a long reputation for value. See me now, and gel a good tlnnggron*- ing with n money Irco that'll fit your needs nnd budget exactly! * Clemewte Bias. CHARLES W. 480 NORTH AV& PAST • WESTFIELD, N.J, 07091 • 232-2200 COSENZA ROBERT E. BRUNNER, OPTICIAN 232-81 FUEL OIL ftfitf BURN1R SERVICE 2 ELM ST. L WESTFIELD ROBERT F. DAY, OPTICIAN 233-3288 HEATING EQUIPMENT INSTALLED 233-9100 State Farm Ufa Insurance Company JAMES HAGEN, OPTICIAN 232-9506 Homo Office: Bloomingion, HKnois RAYMOND E. WHEELER, OPTICIAN 233-5512

WESTFIELD STORES OPEN MONDAY NIGHTS TIL rm wmifiM* mom, wmmw, mm* 4, im Book Tells Good Things About U. S., Now at Library

Among all the books concerning Proof that it isn't, oivly the wealthy ; of our country U.S. News •who can codloct is a delightful book, A HANDY IIFEIEHCE LIST OF IEUAIU LOCAL FIRMS Wortd Report 'has pnxiuced a "Collecting art on a Shoestring," "Good Things alx>ut the Faxon. Peter Townsend, who has APPLIANCES • AUTO DEALERS # AUTO DEALERS DELICATESSENS Today." Wtsrtfield Memorial boon much in evidence on the air- HfATINO ways recently, is represented by library has ju«i added-H. to (he col- Hom» Baking CONTRACTORS I. % IRVING COMPANY lection and expects to be a popular "Duel of Baffles," about the RAF AUSTER'S AUGUSTINE WESTFIELD Inc. item. in World War H. Another English- Sondwichos For fTwo tx>oks by Paul Samuelson, man, Cyril Nontheote Parkinson, MOTORS known for his "Parkinson's law," On Ordw •i tfofoel prize winning economist, have MOUNTAINSIDE been purchased as memorials to ihas written "The law of Delay." In AuthorlMA 232-0925 'her latest book Barbara Tudhman Joseph D. Davis. They are "Jtead- • CHRYSLER PLUMBING 4 ingfi in Economics" and "Econom- examines our country's association •with China, "Stiliwell and »bhe Amer- • IMPERIAL ' AUTHORIZED Robert Vreat HEATING ics." GENERAL ELECTRIC • PLYMOUTH Salee and Service ican Experience in China, 1911-1945." Charlss Hott*ck«r There are several books on pollu- iliavighurst's "River to the West" Salei A Serrlc* • VALIAJNT IMMMW eMfATS tion, among them Nelson Rockefel- e Residential deails with the Ohio and Brown's • Refrigerator* • DUhwmah*f« Bales and Service DODOS "Where Quail tr ler's ''Our Environment can be • Preecera • Dlipoials • Commsrolal "J&ury my Heart at Wounded Knee," Dial 232-0075 And Service Poure" Saved." Others include Havighuret's with the American Indians. • 'Washers • Diy«ra Dial 233-109S e Iadustrlat JliM "Air Pollution Control"; "Defend- 425 North Av«. C. 113 Quimby $•. The 1971 editions of itiie Fodor High rid«lltjr ft BUrs* 576 North Av«. E. Woitfteld Coll 233-0197 i.- ing the Environment," Sax, and SUPER MARKET Baron's "The Tyranny of Noise." guides to Europe and to India are 233-2121 now here. To aid those interested in 374 Short Drive Mountolmtde Rrtagrapters will enjoy two bocks 143 C. iroad St. WettMd TOWNE by Adorns, "Natural-light Photog- (the popular art of nxacrame is a DOM'S TOYOTA ra|*y" and "Camera and Lens." book by that name, Harvey's "Mac- DELICATESSEN National clvanactoristics of the Eng-rame." New Jersey history forms WESTFIELD OM •the basis for "Timely told Tales of ELM RADIO & TV, INC AUTO SALES "Ths Open Door to lish are discussed by Anthony Glyn • Cholo« Cold Cuts PORTLAND HEATING * in "The British." Japan is subject Woodbridge Township," by Mi's. Hasdqvsrtars for t»e Are* FORD Dorothy F. D, Ludewig, a West- Whirlpool — Kltokss AH — • Homo mad« 8aU4s of Orffey's "-Imperial Tragedy." HftMUtOB •BTODT Ford Ows«rs for • Frosen Foods AIR CONDITIONING field resident. • Fancy Groceries tfatfiUfcentjly illustrated is Big- Wssktrs sV Vrwn Pick CM Over SO Tsars A book of essays, "The Courage "Bandwlcbes Fat Up to Tak* O»tM • Rsaldeatlsft vood'B "N«w Zealand In Colour." • CROWN • Comm«relal The famN "Cheaper by the of Turtles," Hoagland, is now on Color TV, •«• iSdftBS A Authorised Open Pally and Sundays • Custom FUaslM Down" family is silbject for another Uie shelves as is a new baseball Wifou Cloved Mondays Deela-nlBf • CORONA FORD • We do all ev fcx*, Gilbreth's 'Time out for Hap- Ibook, Conigliaro's "Seeing it Sport Isdaas Call 232*8012 : stallatlont _ Satoi Service , piness." An outstanding German Through." Teenagers will find in the 4 Hart Tow Sheet Metal tse» hum* •«l*otloB of Up-to-D+f 1122 South Ave. W. We«tftetd playwright, Zucfcmayer, has written Young People's section Haupt's "The SNOWDEN APPLIANCES THTTNDBRBIRD • MO VINO t CTOtAOt §tA Fart of Myself." Also in cimto- New Seventeen book of Etiquette USED CAR! • FAIRLANU WAWOH FlnaooUs" AmaH Dial Tl RUWUDLL CAPALDO, M«T. tton Is Nolen'e much discussed "The and Young Living." Dry*rs 232.3673 MUG STORES Making <* a Surgeon" and Wall's A number of new fiction titles • Mayta* tr,». Mww* N* 232-3325 HENRY P. TOWNSEND Hsbwashert A plipo«*l» (B«tw«*B Bomarsst * Offors) 319 North Ave. t. Wettfletd biography of "Andrew Carnegie." are being cirouated, including: Ree- • Wast* Kiag • BARON'S 1971 Portland Avo. Scotch PtalM Added to the library's collection man's "The Greatest Enemy"; '"Hie faoutim Cleaner* of book* concerning drags are Mil-Paragon," Knowles; a Lockiridge • Hoover • IQurek* DRUG MOVINO A FACttNQ fcauer's 'Drug Abuse and Addiction" mystery, "iPreaeh no More"; Ann fcefrlreratoH A Fritiert GOODWIN MOTOR INSULATION Fail-bairn's "That man Cartwright"; • Amana STORE end Mann's ".Understanding Drug tadio« A 8ter«o UNION COUNTY 1Jse." Those who repair their own "The Tenth Month," Hobson; D. E. • Grundir CORP. Prescriptions 1 - cam, new or old, wilt foe glad that Stevenson's "The Young Clemen- »*••!•• raeterr Puts MtRCCDES BENZ • SUNKAM VOLKSWAGEN, • Barton'i Candy (he 1971 edition of "Chilton's Auto tina"; and John fijiaine's "The View BALES SERVICB Inc. • lick Room Supplies INSULATION PROBLEMS? 1 from Tower Hill." A.UTROKOMD • Baby Need!' — Coimetle* OPTICIANS Repair Manual' is now available. 232-0416 •SJM aad Bervfts* Free Delivery OsU Opes Every Sunday » A.M. to » P.M. 01 North Av«. W. Wtttftold VOUCSWAOEN man Dally t A.M, to 10 P.M. et. ROBERT F. DAY at ATS.) 232-6680 To Offer Family life Series PrMcrlption Optlcloti lUw i§4 D#e4 Cars * Traafts 243 Fait Broad St. Wostfteld • call To befe> parents in tf>e awesome The Family and Children's So- •tatlos Wiffow — Karsms* Osia* taekf toting them today, the Family ciety is a private non-sectarian LAING MOTOR CAR CO. Bis* St. and Children's Society of Elizabeth agentay whose (concern is helping to DARBY'S DRUG STORE r .-I U offering a Family Life Education maintain and strengthen family life Authortxed I IIM JsVWt F serial. The series will be held in through counseling, foster and WMttMvreoMie m*m itM RAYMOND E. WHEELER the fellowship Hall of the Westmin- child adoption. F>amily Life Educa* STATION RADIO TV CADIUAC Phonvi ADami 2-1198 iMuloNen * Siding Work i '.. ster Prestyterta Church, North tion is a new area through which OPTICIANS :i A Specialty Avenue, Ettssteth at 8 p.m. on thethey help to better serve the com- AND APPLIANCES & Strvlco 339 South Avt. W. Wottf toM O .-. • i • .-[• * five;Tuesday evening in March. munity. Tickets for the series may I*, - • i VOLVO e PvMeri»tteui Fill** The will be conducted by be purchased at the door. Westfield Call 276-3474 I*ATK»T IN COLOR TT Dial 756*2241 sfeUtsf Addrass: e Lcasss DoUcete* JMOM T. Sweeney, executive direc- residents in the iboard of trustees ON DliPLAT AT OUR STORM T1WANY DdUOS IIUOUHM if ! i J i > (I 11 tor of the «ociety 'and will cover are Mrs. James G. Skinner, (Mrs. •TB laRYICI WHAT Wsi 119 E. Fifth MalnfltW Op«n T Days ft W««k 251 & let . Plato ev I hi JMCh topki at Marriage, The Mean- C. R. Waterhouse Jr. and Alfred Hours: Monday 9:00 A.M. to • P.H ; 1; COLOR TELEVISION From t a.nL to It p.«. M - Jnt 0i •"CWWren,- Adolescents and M. Wolin. Qkradayi aid Holidays InoL Dally: »;80 A.M, to 5:80 P.H Family Living. Hoadquonm WTH Pick-Up and D«Uv*rr INSURANCE Dial 233-5512 1 NORRIS CHEVROLET ^•Hfr/-.aweeney s master's degree 232-4660 U> •- 11 tn tocisl wortc was ottained from Dr. Kaplan to Speak 0 Central AVe. WettfleM Untral Avo. (Opp. Qwimby St.) »U emtfc ton. CHARLES W. COSENZA School of Sdcial Service at Oath- To Jefferson PTA CHEVROLET PAINTS University, Washiington, D.C. I' M i •II FLORISTS Before becoming executive director tAn afternoon PTA program at Jef- y • * t ferson School has been scheduled VAN'S of (fee Vtomily and Children's Society AmtkoflMd JAMES RICCARDI ,.,.,.of EUxabeth, Mr. Sweeney was ex by program chairman, Mrs. Joseph DOERRER'S FLOWERS APPLIANCE CO. •ALXI * URYIOB ^ : ecutiv© director of the Family and Delia Badia. Guest speaker, Dr. BARBER SHOPS . Eat 13»» FAINT & WALLPAPER r CbiWreo's Society of Norfolk, Va. Harry Kaplan, will discuss the topic, Major sad Minor Repairs Qrow Oar Owi Flowsrs" 133-+100 ••KTSCB - W»T*U*ATfO» Lars'* BeUotloa of the Washiogton-Virginia "How the Board of Education Flow*n — PUnU — QlfU Osed CAT* aad Trooks MARTIN'S Mr. Sweeney' delivered more Works." telta on family life and re- The meeting will be held on Tues- • KITCBBM AH) Dlql 233-0220 BARBER Dial r- Istod tanks. In 196» he received the • BAMtlAON s day, Mar. 16 at 1:15 in the audi- • WHIRLPOOL Ave» sad Hstttl STYLIST Outstanding Service Award from torium. At this time, proposed nomi- • NORGR WestteM (he Mayor of Norfolk for his out nations for Jefferson PTA officers Am4 Masy OUvf* Our Own "Quartet" — 1.S2I Colors, AU Flnlshte standing contribution agfatr OW SERVICE STATIONS Oldimobile TAILORS INSURANCI WostfMd BOWUNO Solas & Scrvfc* CUSTOM TAILORING • AND ALTERATIONS EUCLID PLANNING TO EAT OUT? 560 North Ave. E. AD 2-7651 FORMAL WEAR RENTALS — 232-4700 WE HAVE OUR OWN STOCK. 1U It Westfleld, New Jersey PERSONALIZED DRT CLEANING CLARK LANES 233-1538 WE SERVE THE BEST! 11,1 Quimby St. Weirtield SERVICE ROTCHFORD PONTIAC, INC, COMPLCTI MOTICTION Art Supply Arthur Wittlw, Prop, Authorised PONTIA-C-TEMPB8T e Wheel Alljnmsnt Just thinking of our delicious Artists' BOWLING FUEL OIL e Wheel Balanclns: Brushes • Oils Sa-lei * Serrlcs i INSURANCE e Motor Tune-tipi meals ddights customm, who 1 Bar e Cooktall Lou«* SIWE1WS CesTas Good Will Used Cars 10 BniHWlok AatomaU* REEL-STRONG FUEL CO. . . e Inspection Work 483 North A**. Plms«ttsrs_ ,, Brake Service —.Road Servlee praist our dinntra and fast DIol 233-34o2 •Fr«« Blttlsf B«nrlo« Fo r —Bovltaff Wwtlelt "Dependable, Friendly Service FIRE PI ok-up * Delivery Mrvice. You'll lik« it htr«l CeatMl ATS» Hothtra WINDSTORM sax-aro* •Fr«« Daytlns Bovlta* tostrvotlM Since 1S26" HOMEOWNERS Call 232*4744 Qvaluad Instruotors AUTOMOBILE • ' MOBILHBAT COMPENSATION 459 North Avt. E. Westffetd • AUTO BODY REPAIRS PAINT * BODY 981-4700 SURETY-BONDS __ •BOP Coal HEATING OILS Coke SICKNESS-ACCIDENT 140 CMfrol Avt\ Clark LIFE A ANNUITIES T4 Wwrtk AT*, SERVICE STATION BODYART Oaiwui* BRIdge 6-0900 COLLISION SHOP V89-188e CAR WASHING 8 North Ave. El. Cruford Qeoree W. Koohera, Prop. mfmmt MOUNTAINSIDE Cumvlete Body * Fcadtr 1 b Auto * Track Reialablas TOWNE Call 233-4430 SERVICE 24 Ilonr TowUi FUGMANN Xear Com*r.Of E. litid ft tint 74 CAR WASH 14 ELM ST. WESTFIELD * T Call 781»-va30 e Brake Service Q 8o«tk Avc. Osrwood OIL COMPANY e Engine Tune-ups In WMtfUM e Radiator Repairs DINER Always ReaaV to Serv« You s Shocks — Mufriers On* of TJalea LAUNDRIES • Regulator dc Generator Serrloe H AJLNUE ••»-/• f?OAP STATION SEVELL'S Cov£'^e Most Rottd Sorvlce — Snow PI owi as; Hodera Inspection Work AUTO BODY CO. Car Waaaas WAXINO * EsfO IVORY LAUNDRY 232-9776 TRIUMPH POLIBHMa Body and Paint Shop AD 26500 & DRY CLEANERS 1121 Rt. 22 Mountalnstdfl AAA • ALA o M.C.A. Road Aid e Complete XAvaderlevfor Famllr MFRCUH Call 233-4050 Bal«e * Qerrloe •we Bpeolallee 24 Hour Towlne LINCOt In fUe Usess Fender Kopulrs — Painting N«xt to Cnlos Conftty Road D«pt Watohdoa* Buraer • cotton rnvs eBame Day SPORTING GOODS Truck Pulnttnff and Repairs 1216 South Av«., W. W«rfletd Basr Bndvet Payment Plaa Berrloe Foreign Car Service LINCOLN MERCURY OB Reqasel CURTAINS, DRAPERIES | Dial 232-5272 13% Call 232-8887 369 SOUTH AVE. E. WESTFIELD Cash A Oanr COLONIAL r 361 South Ave. E. WeitfleW Dleoount for 320 Windsor Avo. Westfleld DRESDEN Dome JUMBO THICK br the Fou4 SPORTS CENTER CURTAINS, INC. JTor Plolc-np e>Bd Dell "Brtirthlsff for tit* Iportsnuus11 Ourtalas, Draperies, BedipreadJ, FURNITURE Call 232-5020 Oomplsu BqotpBitst Fori Eflt. 1040 WESTFIELD Blaakots, Tabloolothit, BheeU, 16 rVmpect St. WettfleW PADS TowelH, "Window Shades, REUPHOLSTERING Opp. Fir» • Golf 1 WESTFIELD AMERICAN Drapery Hardware • Fishing 21IU-1IIXI Export roupholstering only. • Archery 8 2x11-$1.00 514x814 AnMfksm 0 EJM Street BODY WORKS, INC. MOTORS e Skiing Call for appointment to see s AU Other SporM Gremlin R, J. Pompllano, Prop. SAMOSET LAUNDRY AmbriHHador FREDAL DECORATORS fabrics in your home. BKI UBNTALB at the Bsdmhitoa * Teinle Raoaueti COLLISION SPECIALISTS llornot FeaturirtB* SERVICE, INC MXPEUT AUTO BODY Matmlor lie* truss* Jiivolln Cartatss — Llaeis — Bedipr«ad« HERITAGE Ammunition and Iiloeseee WESTFIELD LEADER niaPAIRS CUB to in Made Baloa 6c Uorvlus Berrloe" Dial 233-8420 Blip Covers 4b Draperies DECORATORS, INC. Cash aad Carry Dial 232-7071 232-2456 520 South Ave. W. North Arc. FlslaieM t /-fc . _. . . 50 Elm St. 1130 South Ave. W. Weitfleld 431 North Avo. E. Wostfleld ». * «ei-»r •** WMtliM 889-4777 I PL«u«ei# t*M4e I (On the Circle) Weitf lelc* ir^L •'•'•••" mi i.,a i imiM i. .INMIIIIIIIIHI^~ urn luii. flPimwwrwmi*«u,nM#wt,mmm**,mm*trm WPffFPWI W,9A fMMM, imWilt fMUNF # HP! pm AaiVITIES IN THE CHURCHES OF WESTFIELD AND VICINITY

. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CiilSCH GftOVE 414 £»st Sc«a4 Si. PBESftYTEfclAN CHCTtCH CHURCH WeUtieU. M. i. mi Raritaa Swl, Se«tefc COPE to Begin Scries Sunday SERVICES Rev. Caami Rithart jr. The Rev. Eugeae A. : 232-5^71 the Rev. Jot* C. W. Services: 0:91 -.m. tut 11 a.m. . Jr. FIRST UNITE* MB the Rev, Huffe Liveagood Chrirtiaa Nurture Hear: 9:45 a.m. With Topics on Indochina, Mid-East CHURCH The Rev. p. Thwnai Today, 3:45 p.m., oonfirmatitMi MTheTiam The Rev. Herbert classes 7 and- 8; 8:30 p.m., board of Today, 9: is a.m., morning prayer; The Indochina and Middle Bast programs. During Lent: 7 a.m., holy ^ parish education meeling. 18 a.;m., adult Bible study—Gospel conflicts will be several fan; l p.m., Care-Ring pna-yer/ ly topics open for discussion on jtheir regular Sunday evening pro- Scv. IHMI C. a.m., morning prayer, Monday nion- will Ice celebrated at this serv- training meeting; 8:15 p.m., pas- when the First Baptist Church of gram from 6:15 to 8 while the Sen- 1 through Friday. " ' ice; 9:45 a.m., Sunday school, Bible toral committee meeting. Westfield begins its four-week ser- ior High youths and adu&s partici- a.m., Woman * M»- 9:30 a.m., holy communion, Moo- tetty taoftM; • pm., seoier class and mfijnhanslup CIA&E; 11 Ffiday, 8 p.m., ooffee house for ies of COPE programs starting Sun- pate in the special COPE courses. Sumfay, 9:9» and 11 am., aU de- day through Saturday. a.m., Matin's service; at both serv- youth. day evening. COPE fan acronyma for Creative partments of .the church , S p.m.. Junior Hjgfe Dm- Friday, 7 p^n., Junior Episcopal ices 'the sermon. wiU be delivered Satairitoy, 9:30 a.m., confirmation- In addition, First Baptist members Church members and their guests. meet;' 9:30 and 11 a.m., Young Chunobsnen. by the ftey. Eu$»n« A. B«trwinkel; commissiondng eiass; 8 p.m., "An and Cheir guests will be able to par- Rega*tration forms can be ohftain- services in the sanctuary, Dr. Clark Saturday, 8 a.m., holy cemmunion. the Irturgi&t is Vioar Dennis Bot- Evening for Young Adults." ticipate in open and constructive O is open to ail First Baptist fltetunlay, W a.m., combined choir Sunday, Second Sunday in L*nt, 'W. Hunt, senior minister, will ; C p.m., Gampu* k Ca- toms; 3 p.m., Walifter League meat- Sunday, 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m., debates on such issues as "Man to Probe Eor Enlighten- •preach; he will continue his Lenten 7:45 a.m., holy oommjinioa; 8:45 ing. . . -worship services, the Rev. Julian. and His Environment." "Public ed and rhould be returned to the a.m., morning prayer and 'trialogw, scries of sermons on the general Sunday, 8:43 and 11 a.m., mora- Monday, 6 p.m., P.T.L. round Alexander Jr. will speak, church Dissent," "Communist China" and main office of the First Baptist subject, '"The Verfos of the Gospel," in the Middle"; W«.in.. morn- tafrle discussion in the parish halj. school fifth through 10th grades at "Latin America." Church on Elm Street in Westfield. «g worship, communion service, ing prayer and sermon; 11:30 a.m., dealing this week with ttie verb cantata, "Requiem"—Foure by the Tuesday, 3:45 p.m.. ooftfirmation 9:30 a.m., and three year olds This phase of the COPE program The COPE series starts Mar. 7 "Jlemeirtber"; 6, confirmation holy communion aad aarmon; 10 classes, grades 7 and 8. through second igrade at 11 am ; is being sponsored by the Foreign and continues on- the 14, 21 and 28. Chapel and Chancel Choirs under a.m., J.E.Y.C.; 7 p.m., S.K.Y.C. JAY 1HOMFSON iolassea, Fellowship Room, the direction of Mrs. Donald E. Wednesday, 9 a.m., Day School info* and toddler oare at both Policy Association of New York. ( Tuesday,'8 p.m., administrative Ble«ke, director of music. Tte mm- Monday, 10 a.m., eccieswticttl Chapei; 7:39 p.m., Lenten service; service*; 5:30 p.m., "The Beam" The series will be opened with embroidery class staff prayer meeting; 6:30 p.m., Charles Amerding, a Scotch High board, Fellowship Room. ice will toe conducted by the pastorr 1:30 p.m., churdi council meeting. 'Requiem' Sunday Mayor Proclaims Wednesday, 8 p.m., Lenten Mfks tha Rev. Wittiam K Ctibar, assisted Wednesday, 10:30 a.m., the rec- Juniar, Midriter and Senior Fellow- School social studies teacher, serv- ship; 8 p.m., "What is Christian- "Conversations on Worship." Fel- by the a***]** pt*«\ the Rev.tor's talk; 8 p.m., peventh grade ing as moderator. JCMOVAirS WITNEMU ity?''—a (iiscmeion series of the lowship Room; 6 p.m., ecumeriicb! Robert W. Thatcher. 9:15 a.m.,teachers meeting; 6 p.m., adult At Baptist Church Tile COPE program, which be- Prayer Day churato school otase* lor children teenfrkwatum. Chri*ian faith and life. gins its tenth consecutive year, will affairs commission, Room 209. M. Clai% In observance of World Day of Thursday, . 12:15 p.m., W.S.C.S. Unmask trade 4; 10 am., church r iMonday, 9:30. a.m., 12:30 p.m., 8 On Sunday the Chancel and Ohap- feature an assortment of activities Prayer, to be observed at 1:15 p.m. FIUT CHUACH or omitr enabling all members of the fam- luncheon, social hall; 1:30 .p.m., school classes for 5tti: through 19th p.m., circle meetings;. 8:30 p.m.e, i CJwirs. of the First Baptist tomorrow at the Congregational KtENTW FA, Z-HH ily, regardless of age, to join in a W.S.CS. program, Fellowship Room. grades and adult*; 5:M p.m;, COPE; matter deparbnent Bible enrich- Church, 170 Dkrai St., wili present Church, Mayor Donn A. Snyder has Eat* SnM Frktoy, 7:36 p.m., mn&ry whooi; meaningful experience. Saturday, 7 p.m., Saturday 4 p.m., youth timiimvtoip class. ment program for teatehers and par-Faure's "Requiem" at the morn- issued the following statement: WnUMi 8:90: p.m., service meeting. In addition to tihe Foreign Percy's Supper Cltfb, Social Hall. Monday, a p.m., Senior High ents, ing services of worship, 8:5 and 11 "WHEREAS Friday, Mar. 5, 1971, Sunday, s pm., pufclic Uk en- Tuesday, 8 p.m., Evening Circle o'clock. Members of the choir will "Great Decisions" discussion group, In. Tlearfun* «nd R«t*in«g J*a marks the 85th observance of the meeting. be sokHs4s- are Bonnie Hammer, other topic groups will include World Day of Prayer and offers to GRACE ORTHODOX Tuesday, If aim.. Senior Man's time nature wiH br explored ily" given by W Cmk, Jr.; 4 « "Marriage," "Theology of Faith, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH . towutf; 7:» p.m., Ownl Art So- Wednesday, 3:30 p.m., third and soprano; Batty Kittleson, soprano; the residents of We*tfieki and vicin- at ChrMian Sciehce services Sun- p.m., Watohtower itudy-the title of four grade church School; 3:30 p.m., and DonaM ftleeke, tenor. Guest Hope, Love and Death," and 114» BwUevaN ciety; 8,p,m,, bwnl ot Uuetees; 8 day. ity an opportunity to unite their tbd article to be oenstdered by youOi club for fifth and sixth solpist wlU' b£ Jay Thompson of "Technology and the Future." prayers "with those of the rest of the Robert L. Atw*H p.m., peraomei committee Scriptural seleoiionr in the Jwson- meant of question and answer per- New York City. Musical director Or Homer .1. Tucker, a First Bap- Wednesday, S pm, adult com- ; 7 p.m., youth prayer and world for God's intervention and MJabter senwm on 'Wan" include this vewse ticipatlon .is, "Prwdaiming Good fellowship; 7:4& p.m., adult prayer; •and organist is Evelyn Bleeke. tist Church member and director of Sunday, worship services at 11 mittee. \ helfe in achieving a strong peace from the first chapter of Genesis: News WorW Wide." 8;'!5 p.m., adult fflible study-:30 to 11:45 Meeting House Lane a.m., Divine Liturgy. lands, guest leader. 11 a.m., tradi- tian education, library. tional worship service, with Dr. SCOTCH PLAINS Mountainside, New Jersey Thursday, 1 p.m.. Reader's Circle, Christian -pretfehing on the topic CHURCH OF CHRIST Director of Christian E&icatton: TELEX TV SOUND EAR • TEMPLE ISRAEL Miss Linda G«ul book review by Mrs. Rowland iB. "The Fairness of God"; 5 p.m., (Christian) For Private TV Listening or Hearing Loss OF The Rev. Elmer A. falcott, Jr. •A' Cook, hostess: •Mrs. Emil Mueller of Golden Age Club; 7 p.m., Senior . liBOO R*rita« Bud SCOTCH PLAINS-FANWOOD Minister. Perfect for the whole family. Telex TV Sound Ear enables the hard- 56G Weslfield Avo., ico-hostess: Mrs. (High Fellowship in Westminister Clarence A* Newcrtnb cf-hearing to adjust volume up to their own hearing level without Cllffwood Street Mltititer Thursdays 10 a.m., Christmas Charles M. Pond, Scotcfc Plains •Hall; 7:30 p.m., discussion on. the disturbing others. Put into use without altering basic operation of Friday, 7:30 p.m., Couples, Club. Holy 9pirit in the lounge, Sunday, 9:45 a.m., Bible school, (Workshop. *•# radio or TV set. 15 foot listener cord and 4 foot earset cord allow Phone: 889-1830 Sunday, 10 a.m., morning worship, user to select almost any comfortable viewing position. Earset slips wi* be' conducted by classes for children, young people church school: Grades 1-8, kinder- on easily. May be worn for hours on either ear without discomfort. THE CATHOLIC CHURCH OF Rabbi Simon Potok at'8:30 p.m. ALL SAINTS' EPISCOPAL CHURCH and adults; Ijl a.m., the- Lord's 55» Park Ave., Sceteh Plates Supper (dtaerved each Sunday, Acts garten* nursery, cradle roll; 7 p.m., WRITE JODAY FOR FREE INFORMATION. THE HOLY TICNITY tomorrow at Temple Israel of Sootich The Reverend J«hn R. Nettsoa, 20:7)t; sehnon by the minister: "The Fellowships. TELEX3O54.ExcelstorB!vd., Minneapolis, Minn. 55416 Kt. Rev. Msgr. Cbarles B. Murphy Piaws and; Faiwuod. SubbaU) morn- B.L.S., Pastor ing services begin at 9:30. The Oneg Kec&w Church Aevealed in the Sariptures"; IMonday, 8 p.m., Christian educa- L F Shabbat and Saturday Kiddush will Sunday, Second Sunday in Lent, 7 p.m., youth hour for all ages, in tion meeting. Assistant .Fellowship Hall; 7 p.m., evening 'Wednesday, 9:45 a.m., mothers' Rev. Thomas E. Daly be hosted by Mrs. Peter Fleisch- 8 a.m., the Holy (Eucharist; 10 a.m., HEARING AID CENTERS the Holy Eucharist; 10 a.m., church Worship hour,, sermon topic: "The circle; 4 p.m., confirmation class. RECTORY: 315 First St. -232-8137 mann and Mrs. Sol Gold. 110 CENTRAL AVE. OF CENTRAL JERSEY 61 • PARK AVE. CONVENT; 525 Trinity PI. — 233-3131 iDuring the. week, morning minyans school—Nursery 1-8. Mirages of Hell," sixth in a ten •Monday, 8 p.m., the parish coun- 'weeks series; loyalty Campaign. WESTFIELD, 233-0939 PlAINFIELDr 755-3327 High School — 233-7455 wit! take place tin Sunday, at 9:15, special music will be brought by Grammar School — 233-0484 •Monday, at 7 and Thursday, at 7. ril. To Offer Third Tuesday, 1 p;m., the Afternoon the male- quartet from Hydewood Guild; 8 p.m., vestry meeting. Park Baptist Church. In Lenten Series 'Wednesday, 9 a.m., the Holy Wednesday, 8 -p.m., mid-weok The third in the series of mill- Eucharist. prayer meeting and 'Bible study, week Lenten devotions at Redeemer Thursday, Mar. 11, 9:15 a.m.,iNew Testament, vca^se. by verse Lutheran Church will be hold at morning prayer; 9:30 a.m., Bible study, and topical d&cussions rele- 7:30- p-.fn. Wednesday. The family class; 1 p.m., Al-Auoit meeting. vant to the times. service includes the sermon, "The Fearless Prophet," tcxit Jeremi'ali 2G:1-15, delivered by the Rev. Eu- gene A. Rehwinkel, pastor of Re deemer Church. Ail Wednesday Ambassador Lenten Sarvices will focus attention SERVICES on tine general theme "The Mysti- cal Shadows of Hie Cross"—all Old Testament texts. The Redeemer Day School Chorus will sing "God, My Fnfchcr, Loving Don't let Me" under the direction of David Fellow Graosser. The organist is Mrs. Bette Becker -and the liturfiist, Vic- erchanls: washday ar Dennis Bottoms. • drudgery //A get you down Jarvls will Gain additional customers COPY from newcomer's moving ANY ORIGINAL Let us take that load of laundry off your hands. Chart Letters into your area. We're experts in getting clothes and linens spark- ling clean and bright ... at modest prices. DOOLEY COLONIAL HOME Tla In with AMBASSADOR Newcomer's Welcoming Forms, etc. Service, We personally greet each newcomer and acquaint thorn with your service, merchandise on our now COPIER 556 Wastfield Ave. # AD 3-0255 end reputation. A Funoral Home of homelike atmosphere, completely modern air conditioned, IVORY DRY CLEANERS FOR 25c WRITE OR PHONE FOR PARTICULAR! o'f-street Parking Facilities PHONE AND LAUNDERERS Licensed Staff Also Charles E. Dooby DOOLEY FUNERAL HOME Frank J. Dooley 16 PROSPECT ST. AD 2*5020 318 North Ave. W., Cranford 233-0003 Opposite Fire Headquarter* Carolyn M. Dooley 54 Elm St. Joseph F. Dooley BR 6-0255 1030 SOUTH AVE., WEST—WESTFIELD, NEW JEftSEY 07090 w$r'fj m./W Pail 73 Mark* Church News •In the U.S. Army Hespiia'l at Augs- burg, he was chief of the out pa- tient department and assistant chief Genius Night ister. Rev. L. R. Stanford, of the medical service until 1960. Or. Van Meier joined the staff of He is now an associate attending Genius Night was recently cele- brated at the monthly meeting of 4JK? world board in 1967, after serv- in internal medicine at Muhlenberg ing as its vice president in 1966. He •Hospital, and is chairman of the jCuib Scout Paick #73 of Holy Trinity served as minister of the Congrega- cardiac resusoitation committee. He \ School under the direction tional Church of San Mateo, Calif., is second vke-president of the Plain-! iPryor, OiBbmaster. All iprior to his present 'position. For 12 field Area Medical Association. Dr. i scouts exhibited their genius iyears he was minister of First Con- SiiarreW shares his exj>eaiences as •products which were then judged by gregational Church. Kent, Ohio. a Ohrisiian. several fathers from the audience. From 1937 to 1940, and 1946 to 1961 Chairman Jade Gill advises that Scientific experiments were con- he taught in China under the Oberlin all interested men are urged to ducted by Tod Sawioki and Joseph College organization, Oberlin-in- attend. fiexiton, Webelos. China. During "World War II he was The following awards were also a Navy -chaplain, Dr. Van Meter is given: a graduate of Oberlin College and 7 Scientist award to Webelos Vincent Yale Divinity School, and was Cauiteruoci, Sootit Paley, John Bngel- awarded a doafor of divinity degi*ee Resident Heads iiardt, Josepii Kania, Daniel Kelly, from Defiance College, Defiance, Banners to Highlight Lenten Series Matthew MadDonough, D&vid Pryor, Ohio. Tod Sawidti, Joseph Sexton. Scott SOCIAL STUDIES teacher OavM Cart tfafenU at DR. HERBERT VAN METER Foley and David Pryor also re- at the JMwtlum Dajrtoa ftegiwal Hlfh Srhiil rcieardi as The United Churfch Board of World For the Sunday services in March newspapers and contemporary liter- CM Committee ceived the artist award. put «i the W«rti C^tvra rtttAe*. FiA «te h af Hhraiy facttt- Ministries Is the overseas missionary at the Presbyterian Ohuroh in West- ature and music. Iftey will help to Ihe wolf badge was awarded to tk*. NWh grate «kHlvc hai »r»v«d im be wMh lAMmtag ield there will be a special series establish the setting for the innova- F. T. Himmelem of 14 Oak Tree and relief agency of the two mil- Pass, manager of the new depar- Jeff Kay, Paul MidDanough, Gerard Cmaiy Reg taut High Dtetrict. World Mission lion-member United Church of of banners hung in the sanctuary. tive worshit) services on the theme, Clyne, Gregory Halpin. Created by Julia Floreen, daughter "Christian -Lifestyle/1 which wall ture-ffytatlt Bearings Division plant Christ, of which First Congrega- in Oaa-k, has been appointed chair- The bear badge was awtarded to tional Church of Westfield is a mem- of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schneider examine "Who Am I?", "What Is Joseph Sporto, Kred (Murphy, Mi- Head to Preach of Westfield, these banners speak the Nature of .the Kingdom of God?" man of the General Motors Linden- ber. The world board has some 450 Oiarit Plant City Committee for chael Spliit, John Traynor, Patrick missionary doctors, nurses, teachers, of the need for reconciliation be- and "What Is Involved in Christian Traynor. Guest speaker at the 10:30 service tween man and God and between Decisiorumaking?" In addition, they 1971, it was announced by Oscar A. of (worship Sunday in the First Con- evangelists, agriculturists and social will highlight some d the concerns Lun&n, executive vice president of Gold and silver arrows wen •workers serving in 30 countries. In man and man. Mrs. FJoreen, who ROBBINS & ALUSO i Church, 123 Elmer St., now resides in Suffern, N.Y., origi- of the One Great House of Sharing, General Motors. He succeeds J. J. awarded to Jeff Kay, Paul fflrte Don 1968 Dr. Van Meter went to India Mkhafe, manager of the GM As- ough, Gregory Ha^>in, Pete Gior be Dr. Herbert E. Van Meter, ated these banners for a group of an important opportunity to help the Itil general secretary of the division of to represent the Board at the Cen- sembly Division pJant in Linden, da no, and three silver arrows were tennial Celebration of the denomina- sermons by her pastor and since poor and needy of the world. Mrs. lest year's chairman. awarded to Ed Wimmer. interpretation and personnel of the iien has had many requests by IOCAI AND Ufttod Churtch Board for World Min- tion's Central India 'Mission in Richard Robinson, head of the fine First established by General Mo- • ^ Raipur. • churches to bonrow them. tors in 1935, Pkw* City Committees iftries. Hi* topic will be "An Impos- The quotations used stem partly arts committee, is serving as co- tONOMSTANCI sible Dream?" according to the min- The pitolic is invited. ordinator of this projatt. piayy a vital role in ooordimating from the Bitxle as well as from GM's community activitiee in areas Breitenfeld Guest MOVINO where major corporation facilities Of Rotary Club speaker will be Richard Shar- are located. Hie linden-Clark com- STOtAM , Purim Carnival retit, M T> of Pkmtfield, a epecttiist mittee is one of GO similar groups Robert W. Breitenfeki, Westiieid's in internal medicine. He was the m the United States and Canada. drug abuse worker, was the guest PACMNO valedictorian at the Penpfagton Their responsibilities include stimu- e Feast of Lots, com- 1950, and from the Untvenity of tion support for worthwhile commu- Introduced as a new member was memorating the deliverances of the Pennsylvania School of M«dicino nity activities, providing speakers Robert Laing, new manager of the 213 South Av» Jews from a general massacre in- with an MB. in 1964. He interned for local organizations and com- Westfield office of New Jersey Bell spired by the wicked Haman, will at Muhlenbeng Hospital in lfitt, and munity relations in general. Telephone Co. be celebrated with a carnival for the children of Temple Emanu-El, Westfield, on Sunday, from 1:30 to .> i 3:30 p.m. The holiday, which is traditionally 20% c a joyous occassion, honors Queen

A:. Esther and Mordecai who delivered the Jews from the Persians, and is two famous a reminder that if people of good faith work together for the good of .y -• ' all, evil cannot triumph. - "i •••,'••. . - • - lawn fertilizers *.-. r - - , \ t > *

The Carnival, an annual event at •-••• -1' -• •. '-. •. -.' •' -• the Temple, will feature games, re- Straight fertilizer. Scotts freshments, prizes and a costume TURF BUILDER It America's parade. Costumes, however, are op- favorite fertilizer for devel- tional. Tickets may be purchased at : .:••: r '• ; ; -••< oping thick green lawns. the door. Lunch will be served. y-•- - '—' The Senior Youth Group sets up •:"'_•• r .- Spread it on yevr lawn- in and runs the various 'booths and * .. . ,'

• ' - • . early spring to make your games that make this carnival a ' - •>. -• j. . grass bounce back faster high spot for the young people of .V • + p 11 the Temple. Senior Youth Group >from the rigors of winter. '- t tehairman is' Erica Stern. -• -'.7.} "••••

r-t * - - - Keeps gross greener longer Mrs. Myron Kesselhaut and Mrs. too, thanks to its prolonged George Schlesinger are co-chairmen , feeding action. of the event.

"v T Save $3 15,000 sq ft (60 lbs) reg. 13.95 10.9$ CBMC Breakfast Seve $2 10,000 sq ft (40 lbs) reg. 9.95 7.95 This Saturday ssi ' S«ve $1.10 5,000 iq ft (20 lbs) reg. 5.45 4.35 The Christian Business Men's Com- Combination fertilizer mittee of Central Jersey will hold r.v a breakfast meeting at 8 p.m. Sat- SCs 7*1 ; HALTS PLUS combine* the urday at Howard Johnson's EesUu- full greening power of dant, Route 22, North Flainfield. — . — — • i ... Scotfs Turf Builder with pos- i. .. : itive crabgrass prevention. / . --' < • Spread it on your lawn in If vourchild a late winter or early spring, is buying - i and it forms an invisible ' • barrier that knocks off crab- lots of model / grass at it sprout*. While, airplane glue- , .; your, fertilized lawn grows ,;'' , :. t,K i c k e r,• sturdier and ask to see • greenc. the airplanes! the p roof Save $3 5,000 sq ft (22 lbs) reg. 14.95 11.95 Save $1.60 2,500 sq ft (11 lbs) reg. 7.95 6.35 24 MONTHS 30 MONTHS 38 MONTHS • . . . • Clue sniffing ii discussed on page

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CALL MEMBER rrDBRAL DKP0SIT IHBURAHOB CORPORATION ADams 3-0662-3 4 ,mmtt, (4 Re- search. Ue Department of Civil Artist to Exhibit j Radio Astronomy and Space engineers in the field. Engineering and the University's 135 Attend ! Probes. There will be observing in During the early years, he de- Research Cour.ciJ. National Academy ; ibe dome rooms of the Sperry O.v signed and constructed, from .- . '.^crvaiory Llivr L-JCM lecture. scratch, the basic equipment tor Pack Dinner ,..* .\omii Mol (>; ^ s.,de:,s in lht v,;.] studying freezing soil systems. (lKli::wl al"vdKcri csi.irss w:'.: bo pc-r^r.s There was no commercial source of More lliiin 135 Cubs, parents and ;r h .t ion i • • i ' i the kind of equipment he needed, siblings celebrated Pack 673's mid- \) Ne.v jrt*^ i.i a La^ie enrcr. •• * course of'c'rod icsrfal'i at Hie although he was able to adapt .s-.a.son Blue and Gold dinner re- Some background >n ta- some components to his needs. cc-nily at the WeM'Wucd. "Indians" Li* h • tor.cxy is reco:r.rr.cnd£d for ail His next task was to develop from WesLiifld's licy Scout, unit per- '"• 1 '> ' - I ** i.-aiir.s. draw- (.'.hars planning Lo enroll in the methods, using the equipment, that formed. / iirii.-.'.s irom coursL1. according tu Patrick J. , J I *_ *_- t • L . f would give him reliable informa- Cub Master Bruce Darnall and !-'-•'••' <-' White o. Mcunlcinside, director of Pack Chairman Basil Bourque in- tion. : flit Observatory and professor of "It's useless to freeze a soil sam- troduced guests and pack loaders re- i astronomy. ple from all sides by simply pfiac- sponsible for the season. Advance- Plan Advanced Ivrrcl'mcr.l i^ limited to 35 stu- ing it in a freezing chamber," Dr. ment Chairman William B rower Rogi.^ration deadline is Mar. Jiandkds said, "llh/at's not the way presented a variety of awards to Astronomy Class soil freezes in nature." tooys and one adull. Ir.siruc'ors for the Advanced As- • He explained that he had to sim- •Among the visitors were Mr. and An advanced astrcnomy course \ troncmy course include: Edward ulate the location, and position of (he •Mr?. Joel B. Langhollz, principals ;.-;;i \iV o'.Vrrd id i»n Col\ew» ( Pearson cf 311 Scotch Plains Ave.. sodl, (soii moisture conditions, the and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie S. Bec-ny, I Mar. 8 al 8 p.m. The eight-j Cornelius Arnold of Cranford, position of the groundwater table, representing the PTA of Jefferson course at the William Miilerj Charles Crans of Linden, Henry School which sixmsors the pack. and the temperature conditions (hat Sp'.-ny Observatory is sponsored by I Medwin of Livingston, Paul Hodge prevail from the water tiaWe up- 'Badges for achievement were pre- Amafjur Inc. o, Clark. Ar.hur Cacella of East sented to the following boys: Bear- ward. Topics to h* covered in {he courss ! Brunswick, John Baumann of 681 Ml this time he was also develop- Bruce Underbill, Mark Osenga (with include Time and Celestial Coordi- ing the theoretical basis for his re- arrow point), John Dimitry, Dan!nates. Telescopes and Accessor^ Dorian Rd., and Ray Lahey of search, and testing the validity of CLINTON C. ROY Cassidy, Tom • Bryant, Jim Belcher, Force;-; in the Uni- Chatham, all members of AAI. Mr. his educated bunches. Does water Dave Gigon; wolf—Mike Buonanno, verse. Sperriroscopy, Peculiar SLar3, White will serve as moderator. move up from the water table as Tom Delia Badia, Plul Kwaswek, liquid or vapor, or a combination of C. Roy Joins iMike Scaciferot Dcug Thompson, the two? Ifcrough patient effort, he Ed Wittel, Gary Ackerman, Gary! was able to determine that most of Worlzel, Mike Kiernan; wolf arrow the water moved as a liquid ftton. Local Realtor point*—Harry Bourque (gold, sil- The role of heiat transfer was one The .appointment of Clinton C. verl' Robert Fanelli (S«ld. silver*, key to his conclusions. Roy as insurance manager of H.-Mike Buommn<>. Tom Delia Badia, E d wittel; "If you have a soil that diffuses Clay Friedrichs Inc.Inc.,. Fanwood. has! sportsman - Basil less heat, then less heat is trans- been announced Toy the firm's vice Bourque, Carl Selert and Chi-is Cot- ferred. By reducing heat transfer, president, Henry C. Friedrichs Jr. ty; naturalist—Basil Bourque; den- you reduce moisture transfer. If A 1S68 graduate of West Virginia ner—Phil Kwasck, oJhn Dimitiy, you reduce moisture transfer, you Wceleyan College, he holds a B.A. Davo Gigon, Bill Donahue; assistant form less ioe under the pavement, degree with a major in economics denner — Doug Thompson, John and you have less trouble on the and a minor in (busines administra- Byrnes, Dan Sullivan, Chris CoLty. road in winter and spring. tion. Prior to his appointment, lie A one-year service pin was given But, how do you modify the ca- was with the Liberty Mutual Insur- Mrs. Baribara Belcher. STUDYING FREEZING — Dr. tAlfteilri E. Junlkta, Asfem civil Mfftieer, adjwti the micrometers pacity of soil to diffuse heat? That ance Company, in Ihe Morristown Five den mothers were compli- VISIT US Barbara Tonkinson, also a Weslcyan lyn Oscnga, Mrs. Barbara Belcher, Applies Old Rules to New Roads but hi^nvay snow removal makes osity of soil. graduate, and he is the father of Mrs. Ann Brower and Mrs. Madge the problem worse. The snow is an "If the particles are larger, and one son. Wittel. Overall arrangements were AND insulating layer that prevents heat the adr spaces consequently }arger, directed by Mrs. Winifred Cordasco. you retiuce the ease with which At present, Mr. Roy is living in A road broken by frost action is weights involved require the pro- loss from under the pavement. And, Morris Plains and plans to move to Upcoming events for 'the Cubs in- FINE SERVICE a sure sign that someone broke an vision of a strong even surface. it's importawt to prevent that heat heat moves through the mass of clude a Swimonama Mar. 13 and fill under the pavement." •the Famvood area in the near fu- old natural law, The Second Law of Travel surfaces are built on soil loss.". ture. handcraftcd model car racing at a Thermodynamics. materials Dr. Jumikis has devoted The consequences of frost action He also pointed out the impor- "Pinxiwood Oeitay" during the Mar. BREAKFAST According to the law, heat nwves years of patient research to under- incCrude local heaving and pave- of packing the soil during 25 Pack meeting. from a higher energy level to a standing the properties and perfor- ment breaks, and the often morel1"0** construction: LUNCHEON lower one. Moisture migrates ac- mances of soil materials. How do serious variation in soil moisture. "Soil compaction on roads should Trinity Honor cording to tire same law. If road they perfoim under a load? How Tins variation may affect the be emphasized. Such work must be DINNER builders make it possible for mois- are they affected by water and strength of the soil, especially dur- supervised more rigorousiy than Westfield Students ture to move upward to where it temperature? ing a thaw, after ttie frost has left ever before if we want to reduce Students Listed Attain Honor Hanking Coffee And Platters can freeze right under a pavement, He points out that freezing and the ground. frost effects and improve road per- ice pressure can break the road thawing are bad for travel sur- The ultimate result of this loss formance." Si&ter Anne Bernadette, Holy Warren S. Goff of 2.'i7 Munsee surflace. faces. Freezing causes heaving; of strength is the "spring breakup" Dr. Jumikis* studies on freezing Trinity High School principal, has Way is on the high honor roll at Full Course Meals Dr. Alfreds R. Jumikis of thawing reduces the capacity of on roads built with improper soil. action have attracted many gnad- announced tha'-t the following stu- Newark Atsulemy, Livingston, for the Rutgers University College of soil to bear a load. Such surfaces Dr. Junvikis knew his problem uaie students from this country, dents have distinguished themselves maintaining an A- average, or bet- TRY OUR Engineering recently summarized are subjected to wide variations of was to figure cut Hie intricate re- Can-ada and elsewhere. Many of academically fpr the first term: ter, during the last marking period PASTRIES - PIES - CAKES 20 years of research applying the cMmate. Part of the problem is that - Seniors who made first honors at the school. , lationships between heat and mois- them have learned of his work from ALL BAKING DONE ON PREMISES Second Law of Thermodynamics to it's not always economically possi- ture in the soil, and to learn what two books published by the Rutgers were Edwand Anthus, Aim Bau- On the honor roll for maintaining ble to support roads down fro a civu'l enginreerting,' and particularly other factors influenced those rela- Univ-ensity Press: "Frost Penetra- mann, Gail Flemm, William Guth- a B- average, or better aro Anthony U.S. RT. 22 MOUNTAINSIDE to transportation surfaces. frosit-ifree depth, as a building is tionships. But, it's one thing to kn»w tion Prohlems in Highway lein, Linda K-oer, Jean Kilsheiincr, J. Angleton of 2liO Walnut St. and Modern Craraapwlatjion-, whether supported on footings. what you want to find out, and it's neering" (1955) and "Thermal Soil Patricia Lutz, Maiy C. Shugruc and 'Richard 11. Long of 953 Wyandotte AT MILL LANE 233-0774 highway, nail or air, depends on ">Rrortonigeti freezing followed by another thin® to create the meted Mechanics" (19G9). Elizabeth Sicvers. Seniors making Trl. creating surfaces permitting high- spring thaws in far northern re- of gathering the knowledge, he Support for1 Dr. Jumikis1 research second honors were Kevin Cunning- gions, and alternate freezing explained, ham, Frances 'Donnelly, Robert speed operation. Even if airplanes was provided by three consecuibive Grausam, Jane Kiernan, .Jonn Mor- are on the ground onfiy when taking thawing in more temperate areas (Much of his early work con'cen- grants from the National Science an and Ridiard Starkweather. off or landing, the speeds and create problems for engineers. tnated on developing laboratory mo-1 Foundation, and grants from the MEN'S SHOP Juniors Who made first honors were KaUiryn Brown, Mary Griffin-, Melissa Hess, Laura Kling, Denise Loach and Eileen McGrath. Junior Robert Aubrecht made second hon- ors. O U SophonVorcs who achieved first honors were Lorella Kiel, Kalh- ui leen McDonough and Brian Me- O Ui i J Sweeney. -i; WESIFBI Frcsluiicn wjio ochiuvud first O \i- * honors wore Eileen McDonough, Patricia MeGralh, Daniel Mullin, Barbara Van Anutm and Cynthia Ylagan. Froshm'an Mary Kroncko t m*ado second honors. o Protect Your Property With Insurance X Miller Joins in O Protect Your Family By Supporting Merck & Co. to Merck Chemical Da vision lias ap- pointed Richard S. Miller of We&l- field as manager of sales training, The WESTFIELD RESCUE SQUAD according to an annoncemenl by John T. Rilcy, vice president, ani- mal health and feed products. Miller had been sales training di- rector for SeaUcst Foods where he Like Insurance—You Never Know When You Will Need It established the sales training func- F " ' tion. Prior to that, he had served Scaliest in various sales and salos management positions, advancing We urge you to help keep the from branch to district to divisional • levels. Miller received his A.13. degree ; Westfield Volunteer Rescue Squad in marketing from Cornell Univer- sity, Ithaca, N.Y. lie is a member always ready and able to help of the National Society of Sales Training Directors and of the Am- erican Sociclyy of Training and De- by contributing to its Fund Drive velopment. i . Miller resides at Itfi Pair Hill Dr., during the month of March with his wife ami Lwo children. Ac- tive in civic affairs, hu and his wife are presently co-chairmen of the innovative worship commit lee os- Send your contribution to Westfield Volunteer Rescue Squad, Inc. Kiblished by the Presbyterian Church in Wostl'iuid lo develop ne\v c/o Central Jersey Bank & Trust Co., 177 E. Broad St., Westfield and creative approaches lo worship HERE'S LOOKING AT YOU! services. He also is a member of the Joint Civic Commillee and is on You owe it to yourself to look confident and crisp when the weather the board of governors lor the Cor- would wilt a lesser man. This new blazer with three seatlonecl, flap-over patch nell Club of Union County. THE WESTFIELD ASSOCIATION OF pockets with inverted pleats and bi-swing, belted back supplies the confidence, Cap I. lioisliiic Serving The fabric of 55% Dacron* polyester, 45% wool assures the crispness. INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENTS Al JMiu (in AIJ In many smashing colors . . . including Holiday Red. Scotch Plans — I'.S. Air Knm1 By P.D.M. and STANLEY BLACKER BARRETT & PARKER, INC. THE DUGHI AGENCY OiipUiin Worth \V. litiisluro Jr.. son of Mr. iiml Alr.s. W. W. liui^liin-, from $70.00 BRAUNSDORF ASSOCIATES, INC. 1170 COUJHT lui.. is on duly tit 1'lui Plain Back from $65.00 RUSSELL FREEMAN AGENCY Oil. AH. VMnmii. Oapt.'iin U()i.-,inrr, ,-tji K-i:i I'Juui- *l>u EDWARD A. CAMILLO H. CLAY FRIEDRICHS tom nirci'iifl cniunniiHi'r. is ji.^wn- cil lo u unit (i!1 the r.icifk1 Air Korr- DANKER & DANKER, INC. WM. W, HANNA AGENCY t'S. Ho )iiTvi(jii>ly M'l-vi'd ;il .Mmin- lain Iloiiu1 Al-Ti, ld::lni. r Free Parking In Our Own Lot S. M. KOOKOGEY & SON Thf c;ipl;iiii is ;i tuwj. ;'r;i.ln;ilc ul I'tiiluii ftotmi1 i|,a.' IM;;li Srhuol ;IIM) 1 WYA rrct'ivi'd lii.s I',S. [fc^riM nmt nun- 138 CENTRAL AVE. mission In l!n;7 Lruni lln- U.S. Air BROTHKRS 232-2700-2701 His wifi\ \'ar.i*y, i>; Hit ; nf Mr. ;nul Mrs. ('. K. Tullh-, in'- Hugger RJHS Announces Honor Roll Lori A. De Kellie A. JeweM Students Visit NBC Studios Liada J. Enes Samuel Judd David A. £(W:ing Pati*icia Kellogg A field trip to <** National Broad of Codce^tnaHioii, which wtas rceutts of Che second marking ; Jaiii-a Jenjzelsks Susan P. G-araiirant Todd Kessler casting Compaey ifl New York Oty m& can be seen on television to- ehow a total of 276 students Katiiryn A. Kamins Patricia Gentina was reoemtiy rawte by Mpwanl Hud- day. pooeevelt Jr. Jfigfc on the honor Kativy >J. Kaufmatm Mary V. GiadfeMer1 Amhy KraoU son and Arthur VBce and their sixth Included in the tour was a view of £rtafifuishd honor aaaedemic Jeff Katie Elizabeth A. Gutai Jean M. grade classes of Jefferson School. ihe NBC news room, the world's Te be eflfoiHfitf in the dislin- Amy B. Lewis Robert A. Hoot on Stacey Ijaj*sen NBC JS located in tfce ROA fluk- lai-«est news gathering organiza- honor group a student must Jennifer J. i-und Charles E. Jarrett Jane G Lou^h ing, where the st*»*e«it* r«ceivetf a tion, Viideo Tape Boom and Studio a grade of "A" in all his Grace M. Mann Peter I. KarniJis Mary E. JUuidy guixlad Um 'fiebind H» Scenes" 6B, tte home of the Tonight sfrow, academic subjects and no Beth H. Manater Ann L. KiUough Bnian Lynn of television and radio. a modern televieion studio equipped below "B" in any minor sub- Kegiinia Oil Paul B. Kimmell Elizabeth Mammen Peacock DttfMti-e, t k e with tiw' newest techn4c»l flad'Jities. let*, To be enroled in the honor Katihleen Pedersen Delvin A. liadl^y Maud C. Markson oaior sU*a» im ti ft look at the gaUtea days a student must obtain grades Edward Potter Daviid MaoPherson P&ter Marshal! was a hdgtt^it/ TWs riudio once programming w@s shown "A" or "B" in aH subjects Suaan J. RjoberCs Janet L. Mahan Elizabeth Meynand as ****** of A^uno To«- sowul eifecls denxwelration major or manor. Kathy L. Rubin Marigo N. Miarkos Leslie L. McRobhie anl the VAr*Bm propK. Tbe students Stephen Saunters Kevin C. McGann Da Dorothy M. Bowe Dor line C. Sterling I^oo J. Shannon Uaurie Borden Lori K. Sbefcm Pamela L. Rusch Jcaa R Werahaw Anthony L. Bruges ROACH'S IMCOGRES8 K life ta Jaft 1 dreary Jtequctine Wiest B. Sunon Peter Sciwtt far lah American cockraach MRiler nMf hy Kutgen Eli£e H. Oanooa OhartoE S. Sohramm Iioyd Zucfcer Cotfnne CSemente D. Smith Whea ike UghU fo ««t, *» befins crawliag *9 ** Constance Sdbome Arthur Sc*w*rtz (Mi, **4 w|»rm>a< fa eh atk Graae U>ri A- Svrintfle John Seiders ' • during aaylight Y Ortdy K. Cummin I^m M. 1tioma« \Viiliatri Shupe frank P. Apeseche tb A. Davis : Paula R. Singer Jaw Bekfcer P. Dynham SaBy J( Tmtie Jennifer C/Yjates Shaun K. Smith Charies H. BeU Shawn M FreUe MeHs&a Stemmler Survival of the Cockroach- Jeffrey D. Bojian Su*an C. Gannon HONOK ROUi Kenneth Sullivan . Pmit ChMeneen Stephen L. Greek Uridsey SUtman Lym v# uinK|t Edwerd J. Griffin Stephen Sworen A Modern Success Story Jay P. Derr•'.- Catherine J. Hake MichaelAlien Margeret M. Tafanla Gretcben DietteHA Hinkfley Carolyn J. Lisa Tate Jeanne W. FenR D. Hoover Suzanne Katherine L. Tegen If survival is a virture, then very find what mfakes an occasional n«i CNeries L. QadtA John E. Howell DeKa Baoao Jatnes Thomas ^ few organisms can miatJch the cock- conformist go on feedihg even after Valerie C. lawas EUixabeth Hutchison Kim A. Thomas roach, says a Rutgers entomologist the lights go On. CreJf E. ffeuc SiMan R. Hytleman t: Wendy S. Valerie Toenes who is researching the reasons bc- "I'm an optimlslt about the pass! en w«U mov« OavW C Hoes Barbara M. Irlon Rust • Berfrivan Barbara Tiilkiski WUam A. Hoknan Pamela Kaczynsid hincJ ttie^r dur^wlaty. "' .. bJMties for corttroi despite the very Steven Huttoad •Michael V. TYirner 'The cockroach is one of nature's great adaptiaWlity of these insects,* Etabeth H. James Brian M. Kelly V*lerte Htofecr Jodi L. Waters Deborah L. Kraft Robert J. Knott outstamKng success stories," days he says. ' . Nancy G. Bootte Mary A. Whitcombe 4 Aim ftf. Krakom Ann B. Kuelling g Doug WilHams Doiwld J. Siitiherland, research pro- 'With better organization and Lain V, Una Nancy lowvnstein Peter Wolfson fessor of entomology «t the College measures, there's no Veasgn why r ••' Arr*y S: BuCord AMfce* MadletcfiJe Ridurd H. MasHn Lorn L. Buaino Sandra D, Yeariey at Agriculture and Environmental these and other insect pests can't ALLIED A ICaHene H Maseey lisa A. Mjrtus Science. become rare in our cities. But we - t EHaahetfc . Jayne B. Young EMaabetti UcOonrHck Yvonne G. Mayer need to know more about their phy- . Clartc "Fossil records Show that they •;*> 1 • A( > '2 Jonathan E. Mayo have survived in *heir present form siology and behavilor before truly J . . >- C, dark mm C. Odentark Wiliram E. Merrick Aid to Private for over 100 million years without effective control can be obtained," Tara A. Multaney Sharon C. Culver Erwal C. nviaawi Oanotyo XianmingB School§ Discussed dignifixjant evolutionary change, Dlkaf E Pratduda Robert J. Ott • w >;£> DDU^W B. PoHitt Lance Ouneo ionger than man or almost any flaul D. Reitty HkfaMlBaifla ; The. Home and School Association other insect. AMI E. Rjppe Carol L. Beeves of Holy Trinity Eiementary School Wl HONOftFOQO STAMTS M- A , •. baibart K. Dean :. Seyre Francirne Saunder met recently to hear brief mes- "Also, their number seems to Kim R. Schundier Hekfi W«tterich have increased over the last fralf- GENUINE MILK FED SHOULDER VIAL CHOPS 89c Ib. ^. Sokm Stace^ Draper fcages from Msgr. Charles Murphy, Karen A. Shields pastor, and Sister Michael Marie. cectury, mainly because of central Steven R. Sirota Dartce C. Badtmtan heating. They can flourish and mul- ITALIAN HOT OR SWEET HOMfMADE SAUSAGE .... 6?c1b. Mark Tonmtonis BcteWut Following the business portion of Naftc E. Wood Ann Stoane • the meeting, the special topic of tiply in the warmth provided by L. Bpatein pipes inside walls." WILSON'S BACON ; . ;.:,...... \ Ib. pkg. 49e Ruth A. ZuKner AHen D. Snyder Starwi J. Farfcas discussion was "Catiiolic Education John SuHebarger Donna A. GiahnaWs -Survival or Demise," which dealt Dr. Sutherland's particular inter- MIIK..... 95c Gallon Katherine A. gur E. . GUdenteeve •with what the federal, state and est is the cockroach's resistance to • • + Mary E. IViltmki Carol Gtfteaberg local governments can supply in the cancer—much stronger thfon that of • All Kinds of Provision** Home madt Polish Cloude Von Reestfen SMrfey J, G*h way of aid to non-public schools. man. Aaron R. JtatfateU Majorie Wieseman The discussion was coin ducted by and Hungarian Kiribati and Scropplt. . >'• Michael Gtanti "Using chemicals, it's possible to Linda A. Wooster Mrs.- Nete Patnatide, community re- ***V-'£? ". i' cause a type of tumor in the cock- lations chairman. HONOR ROLL Ann HariMugh roach," he says, "but their defense OUR WHOLESALE MEATS - Fourquartm choice or prime Drew Harris Tickets were on sale for the Irish mechanism is astonishingly good. r • •' w-m • • Charlei HanahaH Few-tor be held Mar. 13. Refresh- Their blood cells wiali off the af- We will cut to your wishts all Sttaksr Club Sttakt and Roasts Bcftnch Leslie A. Kshoft UsaC. HiCtanan ments were served by Mr. and Mrs. fected area and stop its growth. Paid R. Bousquet Wendy J. Ho John DeWan, (Mr, and Mrs. John Eventuality the tumor shrinks away ^ 75t1b. MoGuire and Air. and Mrs. Charles Valerie N. N. Brtanton J«ah M. . Holfrmn > „ and dies." Gregg BOUermore Adele Uoflftneyer Diver. MA5TIR CHAROI OR OUR OWN CHARGE K&thy J. Chapman Srnerron L. Holvenstot In these studies he is using the large American cockroach, one of B«K» HoeUer Ann L. Cohen AwJrew HJbsch GOT A GRIPKT "" F. Marianne G. Oomby Kathryn L. Huff WRITE THE EDITOR two species common to New Jersey. VOGEL CARUSO FARM ASSOC. VL is about 1^ inches long and i - breeds at a rate of two generations 125 WASHINGTON VALLEY RD. WARREN, N. J. a year. More numerous—and- hard- Open Thurt. A Fri. Evvnlngt Until 9 - Sunday* 10 A.M. Jo 4 P.M. • memo to advertisers er to control—is the German cock- roach (about %-Jndi long), which has six generations a yeiar and can thus more easily develop resis- tance to insecticides. 'Dr Suitherl'aird believes ih'at the ma&tet internal rhythms of the cockroach WESTFIELD STUDIOS may furrash a possible means of ••Xj".v;.." • control. CENTRAL AVE 232-0239 -•-:,• *-,- - 'Many have had the unpleasant experience of switching on, the kit-

•^:^* -• J • ?.••.-' • . ! dhen light at midnight and Watch- C , '•T - " . | • r ' ing the cockroaches scuttle for cov- ; **; er. What we need is some way to modify their feeding rhythms so ;-:'v '' that they WJH come out during the .'' f. * • daytime and face the extermina- \- tor;"

?>;• • Dr. Sutherland's situdies of the *•: *' -' feeding and activity rhythms of Days thru cockroaches dhow that both are

:->••' f.l - • . - closely related and begin shortly after darkness falls. He hopes to 1 , • j F f I:. VE! VE! Three Join Local Chamber of Commerce Robert Siegel, membership chair- man of the Westfield Area Chamber of Commerce, has announced that Close Out! Entire Line three applications for membership were approved at the fooard of di- rector's meeting at the Chamber of- WOLLENSAK TAPE RECORDERS fice, 2&0 East Broad St., Fob. 10. These are Brand Travel Service, 55 Elm St. Dr. George H. Jones, DDS, 450 West Broad St. and Newspaper POLAROID Circulation Service, Inc. of 1449 Harltan Rd., Clark. #320 # 350 • •$119 rtuniiles Visit Symphony #330 Color II Sixth graders at Wilson School two seemingly equal advertising opportunities available, how would spent an afternoon recently at the #340 268 Flash Gun you dtoide which was to carry your sales messages? Symphony Hall In Newark where they saw "FMesla Mexicans." The W» ftave a suggestion-take a few minutes to find out lust how seemingly program featured songs, dunces ant] V eqMsl they really are. . .puppetry about Mexico. Students r hj , 4 BOLEX MOVIE CAMERAS were accompanied by their teachers, AsJc questions-how big Is their circulation audience? Where do readers Mrs. Jean Ward and Jean De- live? How much do they pay? And others. Pkjnquc, and class mothers Mrs. Reduced Thomas Calalon and -Mrs. Harry Low Prices Then fsk for proof! Perley, # • • I t i Ask to see a copy of their latest report from the Audit Bureau of Circulations^ SPECIAL $110 Equal opportunities? Be ABC-sure! A. A MANY OTHER ITEMS AT LOW. LOW PRICES THE WESTFIELD LEADER Alcoholics Anonymous Drinking Problem? ALSO-ONE ONLY-1969 REBEL SST WrlU Tht AtKttt Bureau of Circulation* Is a self-regulatory atioofatton of over 4,000 idverlfseri, atfvortfefng Show Room Condition i and publishers, and i& recognized as a bureau Qf attndarda for the print media Industry. P.O. BOM 121, Or Telephone Many Extras. Hurry — Won't Latt, 942-191S 1700 im mm**, iwmtw, mmm h m nmuc 0CH0OL CALENDAR - 1970,1971 . 6* i WILLIAMS NURSERY ** be **enaine4 ftigfa , June 524 SPRINGFIELD AVE WESTFIELD Fritoy, Gtost OPEN 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M OPPOSITE ECHO LAKE COUNTRY CLUB 232-4076 nor* HIM 4m ire *mm gad ta, ft* mi\[ km at

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fk '' '• r**w at tixm Monday, Apr, 19 Monday, May 31 Wednesday, Jupe day ni School for

Friday, Jiae 9 w ifceif "ipecW" Aft* gra* la a If number at mow dayv escfiji «*a», tt» first, MM fey would be fturtfay, Jufl* »t \_, Help «l Tnuum*** Fifth fi«de sttidanU at Tanw- education program, auidepts ques are eoopwatft* in a the children m running, service project under the supervi- roping a bftU ai^d throwing a ball sion of tiw*r, Miss Barters amontf ottier aptivito. The one to W«err arid Mri. Barbara Goettaer. prte srtuation often results in musvu- and in cooperation with Mr*. Rita tar imprpvement and coordinatiion. O'Connor, teacher of the trainabJe fW\ fiiadert alto report to Mrs. 0'Cpnner's room wten^yer there ie 'In preparation ' for' the project, a fixe driii to lend a hsnd. In addi- Mre. QrOpipror yjtfed t*e fifOi (ten, Mr«V Q'<3o«iiK>r'« grow are in- to explain sotpe of, the dtf- to aoy fifth $raide program that toce her stu&nU. miflbt appeal to them. The Syst*hVf i* mod ip tt» SirthAty« «re . never forgotten. TAKE JUST ONE MINUTE AND READ THIS ADV.! to aftleV tt^t aid) fifthpaeh child pe»c«*v«« a huge bundle • » gtade # knows w**ch child irf original birthday greetings de- he Wit he helping. Oo With Spring just around fh* corner, w« ar« starting th« Mat^fi dtp, the fifth gr^en return to signed espec^y for inm* AW egree •Ctooi at 12:30 p.m. to aaaet Mrs. the program U enipyi^ble and ti with fht NggMt Pr«-$«a»on Salt wt hav* •vr had. s children in.the - W« hav« fust takm «n a lin. of CHARMGLOW GAS GRILLS and will sfll »h#m for 15% OFF th« list price to anyone with a coupon until April lsf> — (THIS IS WHERE WE PULL THE PLUG) The following items will be offered for the next 14 pays at SAVINGS up to 80% GARDEN INSECTICIDES •Everyone laughed when ttiey come out with !&• television. . .;/'•*. •'.;.*.. t*j '. : A box that eqyld ,tho*r pictures from 3,000 CHARCOAL LIGHTER - V* Gal. Milesoway?Absurd. ; '' " - • • ' But everyone realty cracked up when we cam* : : 1S oz. AEROSOL SPECTRACIDE Reg. 98c, with coupon 75c outwith the Volkswagen^'-- '-- - - - . • A car with its engine la the back? Its trunk hi' For Rose & Flower Spray CHARCOAL BRIX - Jumbo Pak 9ti* front? And its radiator in neither the front nor. • - - Self Starting (heback? ' . .'•••• v:.^: •_•..::::•; ..: Reg. $1,90, with coupon 99c Reg. 79c, with coupon 50c It even looked like a |ok* — Bur time marched off, *V|:"/:" • WRITERS AT Tamaqnes School take notes as Mrs. the telev)sidn^lTtkii>d^T'''rvr' i:; v'1 u-'' •*"":"' Susan Bond, popular atttli»resi and local resident, discusses "How The Volkswagen accf|j»roj?fRuj^ C'Jn- to Write a Book" on her recent visit to tfielr classroom. ' . ••

People liked the idea of a^ar"thctf didn't drink' • ELECTRIC BUG LITES gas like water. Or oil like' wqter. Or, for that mat* Author Visits Tamaques Classes RAID ROSE & FLOWER SPRAY No fumes or poisonous spray — light attracts insect and electricity kills it Some strange people ^venJiktd the; idep that Mrs. Susan Bond—local authoress itiiatJiqns of i\\e artist—Sally Manipn. 20 oz. Aerosol Can ::::: it wai strange looking. -^ v of four published children's books, | Many of the children are writing Reg. $29.95, with coupon $15.95 In fact, Detroit cor moUrt'fiow like the idea of mother of five dwldnen and teacher their own books. Reg. $1.75, with coupon 99c Limited Quantity a Volkswagen so rjiudh ihat they decided tomiake of creative dramlatics at Kent Pi, their own. ' <:<•-. ";*"•.:- '. School, spoke to the fifth grade Dr. Davis Named classes of Miss Barbar Woerz, Mrs. And fyan with p\\ thft$e-i>e¥^'rs arqund#. NJIA Chairman Mrs. Barbara GoeUner and Joseph b a the fate qf Ihe tiug is still sejsure. , , • I This is the first year for altof tfie oihert. Hawkins at Tamaques Sdiool on Dr. Warren M. Dayds, superinten- GARDEN HOSE W'h^23'4f re-rur>s. .• "How to-Wnite a Book." ARhough dent, Union County Regional Hign Nylon Reinforced — Extra Heavy jher most recent jwWlitation is "Elc-Soliool District No. 1, has been RAID ANT & ROACH KILLER fish," - Mrs." Bond spoke primarily namey ohairj^an of the advisory %" x 50 ft. Reg. $12.95 - $8.00 mom mi m lie. of her t>ook "Eric the Red-Tern- committee of the New Jersey In 15 oz. Aerosol Con %" x 50 ft. Reg. $10.95 - $6.50 1124-1134 South Av*ny«, pered Viking." For her presents- tersphokstic Association. W x 75 ft. Reg. $14.00 - $9.00 AUTHOHIZCO tion, slie brought the dummy to Dr. Davtrs, a resident of Berkeley Ploinlitld OULCR oliass and several original itlus- Heiglrts, is the Union County repre- Reg. $1.49, with coupon 89c WITH COUPON sentiative on the comirattee which is made up of four superintendents, * - nine prinoqMls, a vice^principal, seven athletic directors and two parochial school representatives. RAID RAT & MOUSE KILLER The commftltee advises the asso- 4 large Bait Bags ciation concerning all proposals for RAID MOTH PROOFER legislation Which are to come be- 11 oz. Aerosol Can 1 Ib. Reg. $1.75, with coupon $1.00 fore the executive committee tor Pick action. Reg. $1.49, with coupon 89c 2 oz. pkg. Reg. 95c, w. coupon 50c Completes OSC Faftwood — Army Second Lieut. Ciennnie Solomon Jr., 23, Whose LAWN SPRINKLERS parents Pive at 49 Trenton Ave.. ALL BRASS HEAD - NELSON'S BEST. Fan-wood, on Jan. 21, completed a Automatic Full Circle, Reg. $9.95 nine-week infiantry officer basic RAID FLYING INSECT SPRAY advice in it for course at the U.S. Army Infantry with coupon $7.00 • • • " -. • w • • - School, Ft. Benning, Gia. Half to Full Circle, Reg. $12.50 Lieutenant Solomon is a 19G6 grad- 12 oz. Aerosol Can He's a Pro! Someone who uate of Scotch Plains-Pan wood High with coupon $8.00 can help you with your School artd received a bachelor of Mist Sprinkler, Reg. $2.50 science degree in 197 from Central Reg. $1.49, with coupon 89c with coupon $1.00 present and future Stole University at Wilberforco, financial needs Ohio. quickly and g^vo you adyioe that ANIMATED BIRD FEEDERS makes " WEEDONE - BRUSH KILLER with 6 ft. Metpl Pole One Pint Cpn and sense". Reg. $2,19, with coupon $1.75 Reg. $1.00-NOW $7.50

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r '- Phon* AD 3-1492 COMPANY Ml •OUTH AVl.,Wt*T WJHtlltlO, viw FIRST SINCE 1812 "Building Headquarters" CUMIIUR • MIM.WOHK • MAHON'i NO LIMIT ON ITEMS WHILE SUPPLY LASTS • U 4 HOW ARE , IMWW A Devil Cagers Take Round One Devil Swimmers Sunk Of State Basketball Tourney In Two Crucial Meets

By Jeff Golden , capture snd overtake the Mounties. Girl Gymnasts By Susan Khngtr Newark Academy had a two point ' Ddlo-'Russu's three naln\ play put * advantage. The Devil team of de- JV Wrestlers The Westfield Htigh School swim A 23-9 fourth quarter, aggressive W{slifk,ld ah?ad a7Kf Roman's 30 Lose to Princeton Jung. Dennis Tunriek. ConrfniHo and defense and overall play, and some foot jumper -built a 58-54 lead. Mont- team suffered two crushing Kcws Shahnagariaw finished in 3:30.3, a C1 u t c gcte * better the Blue Devil matnien compileled pu-t in his two best relay teams, as the Mcuntics 17-4 in the final five .Mavrugmnis t; 0 12 defeat against Princeton. For ntany the campaign with a 11-2 record. Bruce Van Derven was the only defeaa «tf fiMatrf^w Ceminl. minutes of the corniest. •MA-Glynn () 0 o a first pijace in a relay is twee the with Ae girls this was their first time com- In the Novice Tourney, Westlfieid otilier individual winner as he took team's twly ••teatra recmri, M-l fThe cagers received excellent per- Pfeiffer 7 4 IS peting in a meet. poiitfs as winning an individual ihe 50 yard freestyle in 23.9. Steve •Simmons 4 fl S took second with 80 points, behind event. His strategy put Westfieid formances from Jim Dello-Russo, o The schedule of events was the TourteUJott* defeated teammate Dello-RuBSO 5 7 27o Scotch Plains with 102. Tony Franco, in a second place tie w&h Atokgton Simmons, Tom Pfeiffer and Nov!ai'<*k 0 0 0 uneven parallel bars, the balance Mike Furino, Keith Davis. Pete Pork- Jiruce Oant for the fia-st tone in tfie Eric Rohlman. Dello-iRusso enjoyed Shunian 0 0 High School of Peiitasyivania going Zitch Defeats Heavyweight, Totals 20 14 66 beam, horse vaulting, and floor ex- en, and Chris Campbell all captured diving to finish second with 170.70 his best overall game, including 17 Phillips 0 0 imto the finals, as the menmen. were points, his highest score of the giame points and 11 second half irO.NTCL.Allt ercise. Lynn Shork placed second first place in their respective weight seeded second and third in the 200 G V P classes. Franco (106) escaped and season by over 13 points. points. Simmons proved his rebound- 7 4 1-S on the bars with a 4.50, while Sarah yard medley and the 400 yard free- took down Scotch Plain's Mike Ren- This was the mewnen's third Wins Tie for Grapplcrs ing worth, grabbing 15 bounds, pLay- Col email 2 1 5 Moss placed third in vaulting with style reSay events. loss out of ten meets. The Devils' UlHman t> 0 4 daza in the final minute to pull out ing fine defense and mating an 0 4 In Ihe morning trials the medley 2, a 7:05 layout scjuat. A great per- a 4-2 decision. Furino, wrestling at schedule is empty this week with On occasion, during his poetic •aght point contribution. Sehlanger 1 0 ^ relay team of Frans deJong, Joe the Stiate Championships two weeks crowd fett that Blue Devi* Skip Walker 4 6 13 formance was made by Jane Moloc- (130), quickly dropped his opponent moments, WHS wrestler Jim ZHch MeUdejohn had Sieve Haw pinned iEric Rohlman oontrfcuted to both Wilson, Bill lindlaw and Kent Con- from tomorrow. i Womble « znik wlw placed second on floor ex- to the mat, put him iivto the cradle, drillo swam their fastest time of has said, "Ihe heavyweight can in the 157 pound bout, as Me*fejohn second half rallies, netting 8 of his 24 10 68 200 Medley Relay—W, DeJong, Totals ercise and third on the beam with and floored him at the 1:43 mark 1:44.0 and were only three tenths of either be the hero or the goat," re- bad his man on his bade oontiauoufi- 14 points with clutch outside shoot- ]fl 1G 36 U-3—6S Wilson, L/irvdbw, Condnillo, 1:46.2. a 5:6ft and~3v9fcr«pee*ively. of the first period. Davis (136) anda second behind first place quali- ferring to the fact that, since the ly for the 30 seconds of the taal ing and Tom Pfeiffer delivered an- MonUvlalr 14 9—58 200 Free—1, (Murphy, NA; 2. P-arken (157) each won first place fiers Aibington. Unfortunately this heavyweights wresftle t l> e laat period. But the re* ruled atfainrt. it, other strong game while sharing medals wilh 6-2 and 6-3 victories in Shahmazarian, W; 3. Hull, NA, 1:- niatcjh, the outcome of the whole relay was disqualified in the finals 55.3. and the Devil captain had to seUde •coring honors with 16 points. the finals. Can^jfoell (168) easily reg- wrestling meet can ride on it. for a 10-fl decision. when one swimmer left the start- 200 Individual ftfedley-4. Krizek, The Devils, despite aggressive WHS Cagers Lose 59-55 istered a 6-0 verdict over Scotch ing block before his teammate had Last Friday night, Jim Zitdi was Tfcere was afco a match decided ptay throughout, were unable to Plain's Titn Lepard. The •Westfield- NA; 2. WJlson, W; 3. Powea, NA, the hero. touched the wall. WestfieM'6 free- 2:M.7. by riding time, but that also went capture the pesky Mounties although er's complete control of the match style relay team of deJong, Bob He defeated a very toutfb Rich against the WestficOders. Blue Devil turnovers which have plagued them was reflected in his 4:45 rkiing time. 50 Free—VanDervin, W; 2. Lutz, Cleaves, 2-O, to gain the Weettield Battle to Hillside Team Shahnazarian, Wilson and Ondrillo NA; 3. DeJong, W, 23.fl. Gene Milk (196) and Stove Bark- the last few games also hurt. Sean Kelly had io settle for second swam a second Devil season's best gnapplers a tie < with highSy-rbted man both had third period rever- Diving—a. Uley, N1A; 2. Tourtel- Not until a nine point fourth quar- in the 148 1b. class, after Io&ing a 5-4 time of 3:24.9 that afternoon. This Hunftenkm Central, iB*lfl. The tie sals, but Buriunsn had the neces- lote, W; 3, Cant, W; 191.70. ter spurt were the Devils able to ByJeffGoMen tion, and by game's end, there had heart breaker in the finals. For team finished third in the finals. must be considered an upset for the sary riding advantage to win, 4-8. 100 Butterfly—. Powell, N1A; 2. been a great deal of fouling, push- Kelly, this was his first loss of the Devik, as Central is presently rank- The night started off btoaUy for Die WHS basketball team ended ing and shoving which had gone •Ptataview High School of N.Y. Lindlaw, W; 3. Klinger, W; 58.7. season, as he wound up with a 9-1 won this year's Eastern Champion- ed sixth in the state. WettfieU who the Devils, as they were soundly their regular season on a down note unnoticed. slate. Walt Heiniger (158) also fin- 100 Freestyle 1. Murphy, NA; 2. was eighth in their region, w^ un- Devil Trackmen last week, Soring a 99-55 decision to ships with a total of 30 points. Ah- Shahnaaarran, W; 3. Condrilto, W; beaten in the first four matches. A quick glance at the box score ished second by way of tough 4-2 ington finished second with 20 points doubtedly move up in this Suafey'0 Rich Gottlick (130) ftnaOy got West- Hillside irt a brutal battle at Hill- loss in the finals. -Dan Costello (115) 52.7. ratings. side. indicates Htffctie'e margin of vie- and third was Pennsbury High field on the board with a 44 squea- 400 Free-4. Krizek, NA; 2. Tur- Ihe draw ended Westfield'e sea- Set New Record The Devife were again hurt by a toryy. Paced by Paul Yungrt's », and Chris Shrope (123) each won School of Pennsylvania, with 16 kanin, NA; 3. Ferrj, W; 4:19.9. ker over BiH Merritt. Tlie key to poor otfercive first Half, which saw the Oomefa bad four double figure | consolation round matches to take poiate. son With a very fine 94-3 record. his win was a reversal he mfad* By OttcrmsB 100 BacteslPoke—1. Tomson, N!A; Hunterdon Central finished with a with just one second left in the Westfield ouUcored 35-21. Unable to performances as compared to third place medals. The Newiark Academy meet was 2. Rix, W; 3. Oole, NA, 1:01.5. 14 points by Pfeiffer and Ted Mlav- 10-2-2 slate. second stanza. The WetftieM High Track team generate on offense, the Devils be* In the Hunterdon Central loss, WestfieW's closest match at the 100 Breastroke—1. Wilson, W; 2. tm into stiff competition last SaUir- gan to press their offensive game, raganis. Ffieffer, in fact, did not Ooach Joe Kusar went with liis re- season. Westfteld held a slight lead Zitch went Into his match with •Down 15-3, Tom Tinnesz (141) start for the first time in 19 games Eichorn, W; 3. Baker, NA, 1:06.7. when it travelled to Scotch resulting in many Hillside buckets serves, since moat of the team's for the first seven events but going 400 FreesftyJe Relay — NA, Mur-his work cut out for Wm: his team started a string of four Westfieid from as Coach Joe Cofeman went with High for the Scotch I turnovers and outlet passes. •regulars were preparing for the Jong, Dennis Emrick, CondriUo and phy, Hull, Krizek, Lutz, 3:29.2. was down three points, "i' In the novice relay the' team of ^"d "P throu^i a hard-nosed and Lee ...... p, U. 0 2 ular season record to 9-2. More Sports ' Cwte Petfcy, Bruce Smith, John sometimes sloppy fourth quarter. Rohtmnn ,. 3 •3 9 For Wheaton over a hundred years of experience Skating Clinic ^ The Devil's offensive slowed but Crane .- 04 06 0 between them," adds Gibbons. In a close meet such as this be- and Jim Brown was good SlcGlynn 2 0 4 held a 1543 fourth quarter advan- 4 14 Mountainside — Ward Rau, a "W boast two members with over tween two g"ood teams, Ktrtle things •>t\ enough to snare fourth place with Pfeiffer S 0 2 a 100 years experience between Monday Night Next Page tage, although Hillside could man- Simmons ...... :.,..< fl. 0 2 sophomore, is a member of the make a big difference. Tfce home the time of 6:23. Dello-Russo ,1 0 2 them," adds Gibttons. "Hoke Kjell- •1 age but two field goals. 1970-71 Wheaton College wrestling A two hour ice seating clinic will the best of the track- was foul frequently when McSween 1 •team. The 6-1,-. 235 * pound graduate mark and FVank Mascarich know Totals th9.:'hot'*Lspots"-'ttnd» ho-w-to tfoake t>e held -Moiwiay from 6-8 p.m. at '.x r court """ | of fcrivingston High School has wres- H1WJSVD& the Warinanco Park Ice Sk&ting for the hectic fourth session action. tled in the heavyweight class, at them produce They will lay it all i1. i: - Ctarkson is planning to take Cobb 1 0. 2 on the line. Their discussion wiil be Center, Hostile. 190 pounds, and as low as 177 pounds The progi^am will be conducted Blue Devil scorere from Rlekoi 6 a IS this year for coach George Olson's entirely practical. It will include Group IV dwkmpkftrtip on Feb. lioBBett ... •:...'.: -4 3 id gear and technique as well as the by the Union County Figure Skat- •-r which took place throughout the flbew include Thateiier in the YuTgaT?.f..'-'.'.'.'..''.'.*.****'. s 3 19[varsity Crusaders. when and where of the various ing Club, in cooperation with The game.. In baske&ati, the referees p Exclusively a heavyweight last M Shapiro J> 0 O species. Union County Park Commission, mile, Thompeon in the »0, Ed often can control the tempo and Sohreler 0 o o I year, Rau turned in a respectable and will be sanctioned by the U.S. tea in the high Jump and the mile Hurweltz 0 'Hie be held at the •i.. style oit a game by their foul calls. r 7T MMS record as a freshman. This Figure Skating Association. reky team of Steve Teller, Craig Total* 22 15 5^9 ^son he dodted to cut his fort- J™ *^ Squad BuiMng at In this game, the officials made 19 15 At the conclusion of the clinic, Howes, Al Tavares and Rob Wostfleld ...... 10 1.1 »<* 1. ,, , ._• _,_i.. P „„- j_ B:law . omn Tuesday. few calls despite rough board ac-"Hinside 10 H ball playing weight of 235 pounds I °- * * tihe Unite'd States Figure Skating Meborter. to make the 190 pound class. Once Interested sportsmen are invited fc atten Association basic skating test will he reached that goal, he continued <> <*. Mr, Gibbons stated. "We be given to interested participants down to 177, a loss of an unbeliev- would especially welcome neweom- League Titles ers ne area and certificates will be awarded March 10 Deadline Trinity League able 58 pounds, *° * - New Jersey boasts to tliosc who qualify. Just settling'in at 177 now, Rau N"1 excellent salt water sport fish- For Girl's Softball Rcuihlto — Feb. 20 has his best wrestling ahead of him. ery and these ch&ps can h e 1 p The clinic will ue limited to 100 . . Wdth three weeks to go, the Bul- boys mnd girls of Umion County who *-- pnly s|x days remain to obtaiL n an Q,^ ^ At Stake With the conference meet coming 'strangers' become 'insiders* in a leU and Qre tied for up next week, Rau will try to hurry." Refreshments wrU be serv- are in fourth grade through high : • .K: •ppiioation and register for Uie League lead with records of 3 and in the tournament. 'e^- school. Participants will be placed *- •.' One game remains and the Bul- GirTs Softball L^age of Westfiel 2, and the Hawks and Celtics fol- One of Olson's youngest and most into'groups according to their skat- Whkh is open to girls in gnades 4 low with a record of 2 and 3. lets and Warriors each hold a slim.. . . £ .*..«.- , ing knowledge and ability and in- through 9. Forms may be obtained The Bullets outscored the Hawks one game margin in the East and lnajeitaced teams m his fe years _ SIItl-1flv struction given on levels related to irt.-ti* YWCA, The Piay Ffeir, Sports 32 to 29 on good shootina by Mike Wesw~*t aiv^i,division™s «off ihth*e Tv«Towmn BasketR**i«4.|a- t Wfceaton, the present squad has SKeet SllOOt Sunday the groups, under the guidance of Center and Colonial Sports Center. Mitchell, Fred Voss and Joe Rotel- ball League. suffered from injury as well as 26th { the USFSA. The Warriors The application form and a regis-Ua The Hawks were placed by oe their Jead over eral occasions, seven freshmen A'H those wishing to participate the second place Bucks by edging ducted and sponsored by the Union must register before Monday. The Uvtion fee of $2.50 must be receiv- Caiavano, Richard Hart and Jim tevc in .• * the Hawks 58-49 in a harf fou^it «"«"«> *f County Park Commission, will be first 100 individuals to pick up ap- ed by Mar. 10. McKeon. In the second game, the m eet. Wth no s n- CeUics upset the league-ieading held at plication forms at WarhDanGo Park 20% off •Parents and senior high girls in- the dharptiMoting and rebounding Skeet grounds, off Keniliworth Blvd. Ice Skating Center will partici- Colts 31 to 16. John Donahue. Joe of Rau and team- terested in assisting (managing, Nolan, Billy Root and Tom Rotoosny of Kevin McGann, Bruce Jester, Cranford at 2 p.m. Sunday. pate in the clinic. these lawn favorites coadiing. umpiring) may contact and Hick Bradway. Rick Baldwin, led aUatSc For OottS| the next Jim Boyle, 232-2035 | Steve Smith, Jimmy DeWan, Jlames Hanger Ball, and Quint Mansall Hellander and Stephen Donahue were tough under the boards and during Scotts were in the scoring column. lead the Hawte on offense. Westfield Boy's Baseball Leagues, Inc. OOtf/tAU CMIM 'Hie Bullets held on to first place EarlyBird SALE •OLT Remits — Feb. Zi but were stopped by ta strong defen- Diving Meet Adult Assistance Application The Bullets and Colts registered sive team effort by the Nats 61-43. P.O. Box 156, Westfield their fourth victories of the sea- Riaridy (Wontta) I^ey led the Nats Turf Builder, America's favorite fertilizer for son and remained high for t h e with 29 points, with good support developing thick green lawns. Spread it on league lead. In the highest scoring from Gary Burkhart, Botoby Name Telephone game of the year, the Colts out- The WestXield YMCA and YWCA your lawn in early spring to make your grass siere, Vince Ijally, and Pete Kam-1 in hold the annual house divjng lasted the Hawks 28 to 35. Steve w Address bounce back faster from the rigors of winter. ins. Buddy Robinson, the leagues et on Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the i Smith, Jim DeWan and Steve Kelly me Turf Builder keeps grass greener longer too, top scorer paced the Bullets with Wallace pool. •UM were high scorers for the victori- 1. Previous WBBL Assignments—Last Year ous Colts, while Joe Oalavano, 29 points. Both boys and girls entering must thanks to Us prolonged feeding action. Clean, «oi*r James McKeon and Richard Hill The Bucks held on to second be members of either the Westfield two years ago three years ago lightweight/ easy to handle. placed behind tine Warriors with an YATCA or YWCA. WOODS Relilibct «4.00 elO led the Hawk attack. The Bullets, 2. Any sons now playing? On what team (s) paced by the league-leading scorer impressive 85-31 win over the Roy- Medals will be awarded for first, Save $3 15,000 sq ft (60 lbs) reg. 13.95 10.95 Mike Mitchell's 16 points and help- aOs. Hick Fleming and the Davis second, and third places in each Pates of birtti Any coming up? Save $2 10,000 sq ft (40 lbs) reg. 9.95 7.95 THE c*,m SHOP brothers engineered the Bucks of- ed by Fred Voss and Joe Itoteila, event, Save $1.10 5,000 sq ft (20 lbs) reg. 5.45 4.35 fense. Jim Masters and Keilh Gra- There will be novice events and 3. Where are you emrAoyed? Locally .... Nearby N. J NYC 2S2-174I defeated the Celtics 26 to 17. Billy Tata. 1o Bat. 8*30 A.M.-5 P.M. Root and John Donahue were the ham were leaders for the Royals, both boys and girls who are not Other CloftcA MOM. KVCI, by Ap»olatm**t high men for the Celtics. The Piston's well balanced team members of either team, edged the Supersonics with "The" Events for team members and 4. What is your availability? Weekdays at 5:30 p.m Weekdays Halts Plus. It combines the full greening Bo/le hitting long jumpers over their required dives will IK-: 10 and the tough Supersonic defense. High under, fron-t dive and two optionals; at 6:5 p.«i power of Scotts Turf Builder with positive jumping Jim Reid, Dickie Cham- H-J2, front dive and four oplionals; 9aturday morn Saturday afternoons Sunday morn,.... crabgrass prevention. Spread it on your lawn Passport Photos berlin, ond Rob Biggio were tough 13.17, front dive und five optiorraJs. in late winter or early spring, and it forms an for the Pistons. Glen Uarscn and | En-trius will close at G pm, in the 5. Would you be Interested In working in any of the following areas? invisible barrier that knocks off crabgrass as Tom Digirolomo kept the Somes night of the meet. Manager SelcdJion Publicity Field Maintenance even until the last minute with There will \n: no women's recrea- it sprouts. While your fertilized lawn grows SECOND DAY SERVICE their sliarpshooting. tional swim that evening. Finance-Sponsors Equipment Field Procurement thicker, sturdier and greener. An

lEl-0 for the Heat nut Team Manager Tony League Cia-lD year olds) ALL WESTFIELD Assistant Team Manager .. MusLang Lcuguc (13-10 your olds).. I'lpva, 1*1 lie €lgnrw find smoker** Williiams Nursery Untph'ti Major Lcixgua (10-12 year olds) STORES OPEN MONDAY Division Director Minor Longuu U-» your olds) 524 Springfield Ave., Westfield 7. Please give resume of your bu&ubitll background, if any. Mail to 232-4076 ore NIGHTS TIL 9 Wcfitfieia V. O. liox, 5li, OPPOSITE ECHO IAKE COUNTRY CLUB mmm ! Bzck—WM 1.0. IJfcMd'jr. SV; 2. SV; 2. J. Ksipcrs. CB; 3. H. Camxi- Boys Wrestling Y Hosts B Mariiti. SV: 3. C. Gar;j. SV. ; UIJ, K. MORE SPORTS I Jiutterfly-15.8, i. 'J*. Koeniy. WK: ! 2 J. Bishcff. H; 3. C. f:yrrig£in, S. Sports Deadline Season End§ Team Meet 11-12. Fret — 2«.fi. J. B. Thieso, 336 Bartam «HO d. Mills, 4-2. Priwwe WK; 2. IJ. lirnsl. WK; 3. li. Manley, Tuesday A*D Zitch Defeats 141 Tinnesz (WJ d. Hawkins, 9-5. The Cougars, wianere of the team Westfield's YWCA PovpcUes hes!- sv- 148 Stiefken ' - - 157 Meildejohn (W) d. Haga, 10-2. inated <0ie boys' individual tourna- •which girls fran Somerset Valley iiack—34.4. 1. B., WK; 2. More Sports aiding points, gave him a 6-1 win.168 Byrne (W) d. Madd'aieaa, 6-3. L His 12-3-1 record ties him for the ment as they wailked eway with II and West Ess-x teams took com- - -avid-e, SV: 3. T. Jiupe. WK. 178 Barbiehe (&CM d- Kerr, 6-3. of the 24 -prize medals awarded. mand of Uie to-> positions in most of! BUUL:iiy—:i] 7, I, -u. Koenig, WK: team lead in victories with Meikfle- Hwt. Zitoh (W) d. Cleaves, &-«. 2 jofrn. Boys from -the Cougars received 3 the events. j - J- Derrick, WK; 3. U. litnander, Next Page gold, 6 silver and 2 bron$e medals. Somerset Valley .swimmers cap- ^>- pdb Byrne nt**J»M tod th* Bit H Mown off in the testing 114-stile 15-17 back; and K. Ryan fourth in with the deciding point coming in score the visitors 184. 0°™** *«** (Mympitt AAU teuru mont Suit.^lo* QAjF«h*otJ)r B*lfltof;t SUlei. Seyen others wrr# Prev&ousBy, the WestfieSden have «™»* *•»'<* was Mid in Kenil- near misies, Capot, Native 11-12 butterfly. , -the last few seconds both times. old around to ican og compelt- Puccr, Narfiu*and Demascm Results: Byrne defeated Cnaitford'B Gary ouioSassed Jersey Otty, Ritjgewood, worth on Feb. 27. Senior division Adbury Park, New Bruwwick, | wrediers were, of cMite, &l«o in tion, dunces aro the vxmrxtt '^ ^—— « ' - Individual Medley, 12 and under— Herbster by Just one point, 11-10, in be nunureus. While Middleground, Needles and 1:14.2, 1. D. Koenig, W'E; 2. Paula their previous meeting. Hettaster Seoftdi Plains. in the overall WsstfieM teem one Answering Service I|e«uitfai of this meet This doeint nec«s«rJly ntta Cha4«ui«y wer» stymied by the Bagger, W; 3. P. fiazarnicki, SV. had been undefeated before that •freuatu 13-17-2:37, 1. H. 'Johnson, SV; 2. loss. Kerr has already suffered a are announced M a separate artirie. SEtVINO WKTHELO SINCi 1144 Kevin Kane Star League preeidetit, Jw*c Bumini- K. Eldridge, S; 3. J. 'Bervanfconi, SV. 5-0 defeat from the haiwfe of John point 9-10, Free—13.7, -. G. Benander, 233. PROMPT Van Prumt of Oanford, who bas Of UC Owls , ha i asketl for betp from later 232. 4 1 in filling JVCagcrsLose A nine point «irst quairter spurt sv 2. T. .Koenig, WE; 3. M. Lang- just one loss ttiis season. The Union College Owls wiM ctoee | e* * * Parertts 0&ve W**4iieH a 17^11 lead, and the | ^ 0100 ACCUIATS 4103 their 1970-71 season Satunday when openings as coaches and R WesUieU 111 Hunterdoa Central tl officers of the lpa»ue next appeared to be taking com- COURTEOUS they meet o fed Wiayrare willing to two previous meetings. 106Naylor (H-C) d. Mannino, fl-2. p.m. Jeff GeMea However, the turnover came fast 115 Lttferla (HO d. Mati no, The iineup includes WestWs I to help continue this pta rf ««ca and Brian Kane and furious and the Haiders moved 123 Sato (HO d. Betz, 8-4. Kevin-Kane, best Jumper art* top *« and wioymwt-.|or the to a 95-32 hatftime lead. 130 Gotlliek (W) d, Merrit, 4-3. reboimider of the UC quintet. should coqrt^oytaot Mr.Mr . BirmingBirminghah m by For the aecorid lime in two years, phoriing 332-9914. Much credit must go to Scotch the WHS Junior var*Hy. basketball Plain's full court press, which sty- •i team went down to defeat in the mied the Devils all night. The key Customize Your Car Cuttofn fotfat rourtd tit the Union County to this defense was Ray Schnitzer, YBA Results JV tournament following a great the Raiders' exciting guard who came from beWttd win in the semi, played aupeiib defensively while be- (Tailors) final round, lhto year it was the Rpwlat Sate—7 D«> • —Mar. 4th «o 1«th BXera M The ing heM to 12 points. A lopsided content ww the first Soctoh Plains Raiders who vie- Kkowtng lll>*}- ul New Collrcilon «( l^tin* Pertiape the outstanding player CtiMum Tillnrt-d OuiHii of 1970. BXera overwfielm Hie Boys, limited the Devils in their attempt on the court was John Mertz, who Shnp. Al*> n Qiif)*ti Bcaclr Joe Krakora paced the BXers with I to seize the Unkm County cham Knit Suit*, lltnilkai*, Glove, tic. paced the Raiders with 20 points 20 points and Neil Glenn dropped in pionehip as the Rakfere defeated AH Art Wtk and Unwanted Westfield with 12 key 17 pdiitiU to stay on top as the YBA | Westfield 8047. NOW second half points, including seven entered the last week of the regular Coach Ed Tirone, it was a 'Vfl Shiriilu 1'orKnl 42 session points as Scotch Plains out- season. heartbreaking loss, even more so played and outscored Westfield 21- Wtral Suit (j9 Bucks 37 Trojaai U than last year's 60-47 loss to lin- 14 to open up a 56-46 lead. 55 den. While ladt year's Linden tea In i SALE! Cu-Iom ID A close game interrupted for an WeatfleM Was led by Bob Jester SALE 42 hour when a broken rim stopped had the greater height advantage and Dave Phillips who netted 16 and p!ay went, to the Buck* as the Tro-over the Devils, both Scotch Plains 14 respectively. However, no Devil Dw\'t Mlu TKit Opp*tt»nity. One* In • M •tin*. jans lost their when Ken- and WestlieH were rated evenly Vtt/f Will Will I* MM 1h«ft Wtttfcwtiik played exceptionally well as Scotch SEAT COVERS Sfttciol Offer ihawfatf 10A.M.ta9^.M. ny Friedman was taken out of the matched am) it appeared Westfield Plains forced the Devils to pday CONVERTIBLE Rtai*C«liMr.M.JflfnnhrA^f*lntm«itt, 372-47 (M game for a techdcal foul. G4enn had outplayed the Raiders in the their game. In addition, with two A. VINYL-TRIM AtfW/EVE '4er '126 9mitli went for a dozen pottnte for first half. However, on incredible runner up JV teams in two years, Dress up your car. Custom fit* n 1 Washable, Lqwest pric» anywh fil. the Bucks, most long- range Jump 50.. turnovers committed by - West- TOPS 101 Ctanftrd/NJ. Westfield faces a rosey picture hi FtJLL SET FOR MOST CARS shots. . was the teOHng point in the 13the coming seasons. , VINYL CANT LEAK TOPS 6. ALL CLEAR PLASTIC For Scotch Plains, the win caps Electronically weathtr scaled, custom fit Lowest prict anywhere. 100% Clear, h«avy, No cloth off a perfect season, a 22-0 mark Includes new, lull view window. . Gudrds, r*vtalc upholsttry and the county championship, lite INSTALLATION FREE! ^^ Af Cue lorn fit. L^wtst price •verl Rlaiders have now won two cham- FULL SET FOR MOST CAR51 pionsiWps in the past three years. The team advanced to the final3 the Investment in w.lth a come-from-behind win over INSTALLED * * ' r ' I J Roselle, 82-79. Tine Devils fought FHEE1 back from a 6040 score in the mid- dle of the third period to a 77-77 tie with less than a minute to play. SALE! Your Home on the "Up" Side! Scott Novacek, high scorer with

r ri b L L 26 points, led the Devils in the MUFFLERS fa SHOCK It- ' fourth quarter rally with 13 in the lns;t period. With the score 77-77, it TAIL PIPES An asphalt paved driveway adds much value Jim Gios'ki scored, but Roselle's SILENT MUFFLERS ABSORBERS Jessie Scott sunk a pair of free Ours Last L on get Because They're Better! "DOUBLE ACTION1* Airplane - lype, Eilra strong, All Stttl Construction Smooth riding, Ex Ira Value throws to tie ft up. With two sec- each onds left Novacek scored on a jum- For Qui»t Operation & Longtr Lift. to your property—ytt costs so little, Call us today per from under the backboard, and Installed by axperts while you wait. GUAHANTEED "30,000 milt," HAVE YOURS1NSPECTED FREE NDWl was fouled by Ram Fernando Acos- ««. HEAVY 0UTV.hock*, for an •stimate at YOUR home. ba. Sqott sunk the free throw end As Low As the win was clinched. 50 •cch In the first three quarters Uie Rams tall players blocked ten of INSTALLED WHILE * - , the Devils shots in spite of the fact YOU WAIT that the Rams were cut-rebounding >and out-scoring ifche Devils. The Westfiehfcns refused to give up. In HAMMOND the laat quarter the Devils outscored BRAKES MODEL III I TRACK TAPE the Itas 31 to 16. All Uie Devil sorters scored in double digits and the teamwork shown by them was RE-LINED PLAYERS the reason for their win. ALL 4 WHEELS FOR MOST CARS Contemporary styling surrounds the solid Finest Quality, Bonded Brake Shoes stale amplifier to enhance any vehicle. WESTFIELD FANWOOD STEREO MUSIC AT ITS FINEST OVER ]'\-b. 2G, 107.1 ft Atl Drums Related PLAINFIELD Coonoy fi MOUNTAINSIDE F Rebuild All Wheel Cylinders YEARS Replace Front Wheel Grtase Retainers Installation SCOTCH PLAINS CRANFORD .Tncknon Adjust 5 Bleed All Lines Available. Check Master Cylinder • I CLARK •1'hIIIIipn GARW Allfin

SERVICE Totals 2G lo C7 3COTCH PLAINS HUNDREDS OF I TRACK GnlUa li FREE ESTIMATES Snhnltzor :> FULLY INSURED Onlum *> STEREO TAPK Ali'l'oy ...... 2 itiiyio I.'.'.".".'!!! I!.'!!!!.'.'!! T 0 a CONDITI Obuk 1 0 2 ALL POPULAR ARTISTS LATEST RELEASES Tin-ry -1 lift MARK IV AND A.R.A. TotniH :n is so ESPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR YOUR CAR

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F Installation Available AUTO GLASS Driveways—Curbing — Parking Areas FRONT-END WORK H:-ott Umnii TUNE-UPS t*uii|tiuul 1776 ROUTE 22 SCOTCH PLAINS 'I Opposite Blue Stni Shopping Centor 1/4 Milo Cast ol Sooto PARKHURST -' 1 .JH OPEN DAILY 9 to 0 322-S787 ESTABLISHED SAT. to 6 Closed Sunday CHARGE IT! .,„,/. 102 MILL LANE MOUNTAINSIDE THR0U6H {'.AH (. A H I ' <*,#.* , WMH $, mi Church ager of Quality Weeklies, reported Pinto Named SWI<: Bowling Results 23 Local Boys Quality Weeklies sales were at an all-time high during (ii ]970, up 39 percent over the previous Public Relations Head t •!>,.' MORE SPORTS Si Paul's year, and that 2,621,869 agate iincs John P. P.nlo of 774 Wcsl Pin Up Girls i* :;aiM Mi-ii of adveii-^ing were placed with Si*t»t'. h 11. K.iplist . Tourney Winners Elect Worrali St.. hzs-bpen named (•••,;ii:i:n:ui uf W L S- <-t h 1*1. Mt-i huriiHt tnemiber newspapers. 3:: the pii'olic relations conimiitoo of district iraaldies being held this r.y Twenty three W-ssl-rield wrestlers Walter Worrail. publisher of the weekend. The Highlander's district UK- Solid Waste Industry Council, Three Boroites were medalist* in the first annual News-Record of Moplewood and So. r 1 includes eight teams altogether, Huivlett W Merchants Haudicap a fudera ion of 15 auionuinoiis ski!; - 4t; I Union Counly A.VU Jr. Olympics Ora::ge. was c!ec:ed president i>f Fund Drive Leader W L wide associations of solid w;tsle with the others being: New Provi- J7 wrostM-ng tcurnamcni Saturday at i Quality Weeklies of New Jersey at Wrestle for GL dence, Scotch Plains, South Plain- ?n -i o *.»ii Dr. Robert S. Miner Jr. of West- contractors. Trial David Brearley Regional High | its annual meeting. He succeeds field, Watchung Hills. St. Josephs ;;y 27 field was chairman of the Princeton The eommiUoe will be responsible • <.•-.- '.iS j s School in Keni!worth. They wei'J jMsry Louise Sprague, publisher of Mo in la inside — Mike Sorrentino, of Meluchen and Summit. Berkeley Graduate School effort for the uni-for oarrying o"t puolic relations pol- Mary 1)«-rki»r Dili ;;•( among the 210 boys from county "The Item of Miiiburn^Short Hilis, }. tMntctor of Athletics and Head Heights has beaten all but the first lowns entered in ths meet. who remains as a member ol the versity's annual giving campaign icies for the indusiry. and in im- ;i;'fMb)g Coach for Governor Liv- in I. I liirli tferU»s Jolly TrolU'V 34 which has amiirrassed a fourth con- plementing a broad educ'Jonal pro- two in the regular season du«l- 34 Westfield medalists in the midget executive corn-irattce. fagrton Regional HLgft School, who : Mirlu'le ^rt-;-o 34 secutive total in excess cf $3 mil-gram which includes promotion of match competition. Their district f^. \7%: i I el on I division included Ridvard Lazzaro. Qu-a'lily Weeklies is the national •'• ii tmi&ed by JV coach Dick Mela- matches will be held this Saturday 171; Ij lion. a iww SWIC seal and code of ethics. ArUnir 2S '-;• second, 55 lb.; Carl Seleii, first, 60 advertising representative for 53 t. fMte, announced a winning team at the Governor Livingston High lb.: Tim Tkmesz, first. 75 lb.: K.C.newspapers including the West- AIKO serving on the committee is rmrd of 9:5, with wins against HiKli t-ia-nies: t\ Brnstoii, -03; i'etv School. The 12 winning district Washday Hoff, :(H: 1S1II HiKKlna. JOT, 20S; 1J. KnoKock. first, 80 lb.; Redd Japko, field Leader in 12 northern New SPORTS DEADLINE another Westfield residen:t, John wrasCHng tea me of Clark, South champions will then travel to one Kedd. 20o: C. Miller. :.'^5; W. Rubln- TUESDAY A. U. M-auti cf 7fi8 Wett Broad1 St. w min. I'M; J. ]>auifiM, 214; R. Hruda. first, 85 lb.; Paul Jackson, first, 95 Jersey counties. Ptaafiertd, North Plainfield, St. Jos-of the four regional tournaments lb. Kent Baldwin, second, 1QO lb. J. Mr. Worrall acquired the News- at Metudien (with a 52-0 shut- the following week. March 13, andMeecli 4 0 "A •u Junior division, 13-14 years, Steve Record in 1968 when he formed the ), Summit, Rait way, Hillside. the tci> two wrestlers in each weight Brown, first, 65 lb.; Mike Glantz, Worral Publishing Co. His entire ofHh and Middlesex. Losses class will go to the state champion- Baseball Registration second, 73 lb.; Jerry GottJick, first, business career has been in news- Incurred against the "h\£ ships on Mar. 19-20 at Princeton's ii 79 lb.; Joe Birmingham, second, 85 papers, iirst as a compositor with of Union County—Scotch Jadwin gym. March 6 and 13 Hltfli Series: (iomielhi, iyil*»; Jlury \b.; Chuck Cosenza, first, 91 lb.;the Peterson Evening News, then Plains, Onamford and Westfield, and. Lou K 11K worth, -J 7:4; Mary KmnaiU, Registration for all boys ages 8 look no further Dan Tourtellotte, first, 97 lb.; Boba§ advertising manager of tiie Cit- *be, to New Providence and Frank- through 15 wHl be held at Elm St.Kiningham, third, 103 lb.; Bill Hun- izsn of Morris County for ten years lin Township. Girls' Varsity Slags And Drags School and Jefferson School, 'Mar. ziker, first, 110 lb.; Steve Will, prior to taking over the MapQewood- the varsity team has three Moun- 6 and 13. first, 117 lb.; Chris Harvey, first South Orange paper. He received a for fabulous values tainside wrestlers — Mike Hart. W Kunz 1"> The north side of town will regis- 131 lb. degree in business administration Kmi Kohl and Brian Ruff, and 11 IJHant 41 ter at the Elm St. School end the Intermediate division, David Ten- from Rutgers University, and lives • i Win 2 Games ;;u finpm Berkeley Heights. Team mem- H south side at Jefferson School, Mar. nesz, first, 73 lb.; David Brown, in North Haledon. include one freshman, Todd MOlTlt-t By Jean Valerio Gonnellu > G, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., last names A first, 79 tt>.; John Sekrt, third, 85 at 98 pounds: one soph- Mr. Worral's paper is a charter Bach through M and 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.,lb.; Grant Milk, first, 117 lb.; Glen 1 member of Quality Week-lies, which : pnore, Brian Ruff at ltt lbs.; six The WHS girls' varsity basketball Oret'O Ki'* 40 " team won both tfieir games last Woerdfuli . ; last names N through Z, anil Mar. Kehler, first, 131 lb.; and Brooks was founded 28 years ago. The as- ,. Ju»iort, Kevin Keyes and Kurt El- James 3"-•*> *-% 13, 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Clarke, second, 138 lb. MMcr al 123 MM., Bob Preston at week. They defeated Plainfield 20-3 Hunt -y 4ii sociation offers the economy of Iteg. 25c fast Tuesday, and demolished J.P. lWgA\ ticirrcs: Kd Uibenski. 20S, Registration cards will be avail- scheduling advertising campaigns • tm 1M., Scott ahalieross at 136 lbs., 3!0; Iticlile Kunz, .Vil: Olwirile Ulyth, able at all schools and the Sfcwrt Rich Wood at 157 lbs., and Kevin Stevens of Edison 31-43 last Thurs- 211, 53t>; Konnle Sa-ndoiuuo, 547; Bob in many papers at one time on a Uat-h, SOS; 1-tl NMt-brufrge. 231. 514;Center, Colonial Sport Shop, and at heavyweight; and six day. Both games were played at Bud Urlftivi, 200. 576; Tony tionnella, Jaycees Sponsor one-order, one-invoice, one-ctieck BOBBY PINS home. 205, 23C, «33; Karl Melbei-g, 2«, 06); the Play Fair Mar. 2 until registra- system, strengthened by regional , Stuart Brown at 10ft lbs., Jolm Buldo, 5«7. tion. Sotners at 115 lhs., Ed Cam- Penny Melklejohn led the oagers merchandising and marketing serv- WBBL operation continues to Softball League at 141 lbs., Mike Hart at 148 against Bctistn scoring 12 points. Smart Set ices and long-term rate guarantees. *».< Karl Kobi al 157 »».. and BobWestfield commanded a 6-2 lead ai expand each year. It is most im- The Westfield Jaycee Softball The office is in Upper Montcliair. w portant to attract additional adult Xtttmtrom at 178 tbs. Team co- the end of the first quarter and IViri Aitnorloan Cleutiera 4fl League, a medium pitch league John A. SuHlivan II, advertising Optain* Stuart Brown and Dana went into the lockerroom with a Industrial WeW.&Siip.. 4r> supervision to corvduot the program comprised of ten teams, will be- manager of the Caltfwell Progress lomwi atone with Brian Ruff were 15-4 advantage. Jolly Trolley 37 in a thorough and orderly way. Ongin in May and continue through was elected vice president. Donald R«g. $1.00 i m&Cl 34 the reverse side of the adult appli- tfTt OtrMmas- Tournament chain* Robin Barnett scored 6 of her 9 Rotohford August, with playoffs for the League L. Mulford, executive vice president .Vorrls Chevrolet 5.1 cation on previous page may be and associate publisher of the Mont- Wrestlers with the highest points in the fourth quarter to aid •Hltfh Game: A. I-Mt'hs, 517 championship in August. BABY SCISSORS include Stuart Brown, listed the names and addresses of clair Times and executive vice presi- ttie Devils in capping off the after- friends or neighbors who are inter- Playing fields in Westfield have with a 14-0 dud-meet noon with a 19 point win. Stonehenge already been reserved. There re- dent and secretary of the Verona- ested in the WBBL, and may wish Cedar Grove Times, was re-elected ; Kevin Keyes, 13-1; Dana Against Plainfield Penny and Ro- w to join in some capacity. mains openings for four more Utntn, 12-2; Mike Hart, 114; and,bin shared the slot of high scorer Koppenlioefer teams. Anyone interested may sub-secretary. William M. Litvany, gen- Rlclianlson S Vz eral manager of the BloomfieM In- leott ShtfEcross, KM. It is inter- with 7 points each. BS w'O mit his team's name and 15 man The. JV team routed Edison's JV Miilrottny 27 roster with each player's address dependent Press and the Glen Ridge ctttog to note that Stu Brown and Boston ' 26 Score for Wcsleyan •»•) Paper and secretory-treasurer of the Si ' IQke Hart are also National Honor 17-. Jeanie Lamer led the team with t*etf Kelly CI*J to: Pat Minogue, C/O Barrett & Reg. $1.00 Society members. 8 points. Lois Kelly C!5 Two Westfield swimmers scored Crain, 43 Elm St., prior to Wednes- East Orange Record, Orange Trans- The team's .fin'al games were in a recent meet between day, Mar. 10. cript and West Orange Chronicle, re- • The team overcame several ser- Triangle mains as treasurer. TOENAIL km : handicaps to pile up their played Wednesday against Johnson Amherst and WeMeyan. Swimming There wiil be a team manager's Regional. They were too late for for We&leyan, freshman Steve meeting on Sunday, Mar. 21, at 3 winting record, including being 34 40 The terms of two executive-board Leader deadline. SnmJb.iggrerri Schmddt set a new Wesleyim rec- pm at Joel Bernstein's home, 710 members were extended for another by injuries and lack of an BrookumnH CLIPPER farm system — such as ' ord of 11:02.2 in the 100-yard free- Castlemsn Dr. Softball teams wish- year: William Klaber Jr., editor and Nolia 20 -2-J 2S style event but still finjshect only Ing to join this League are not re-publisher of the West Essex Tribune beginning in seventh grades Register Saturday Helt'inans IS 2-1 *4 1 of many K-12 schools. Those in- Bnldwlns -'0 '-'2 2-a second. Junior Fred Leiberberg quired to be affiliated with a Jay- in Livingston, and Gordon Clover, For Boro Baseball Herrys • 10 HG 22 won the 200-y! Jbt., Jeriy D'AscoH, 141 lbs. and •Spoilers Q4 UN 17 tured second in the 100-yartl free- cee organization will act as spon- Morris County in DenviKe. MtunUlnskfe — Registration for Individual Games: Jtnson, sors of this League. httVyweigJiU Gfi! Smith and Pat Zultuer. -0-'; Aiulersun, 2 style event. Pat Faiella, who is general man- ». . • the Mountainside Little League and Woriardi. Settlers. -'00. r * Senior League will be at the Deer- i* '' ; ;The Berkeley Heights wresting field School, Saturday. J, team, one of 246 teams from Opening day this year is Apr. 24. Uroujhout the state partfcapettng As in years gone by the Little %:(-:in< ;the New Jersey Stale Interschol- League needs he£p in all areas in- ; Reg. $1.39 :; ;-.aitiC' Atfiktic Association tourna- cluding managers, coaches, people i meot, wia compete in one of the 32to take care of the fields, eu:. , i'.-V ; No other Bank SCRIPTO :-i-: BUTANE FUEL s

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