Town Budget % Hearing ^r« THE WESTFIELD LEADER 8:30 P.M. Tuesday THE UAMNO AND MOSI WUKtV CIICUUTEO WEEKLY NEWSPAPfl IN UNION COUNTY EICHTV*WST VEAR-No. 30 Publl.ked WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1971 Second Class* Postage Paid F.ttrf Tfetmlav at Westfleld. N. J. 28 Pages—10 Cent* Town Employees' Squad Opens Fund Appeal WEA Charges "Bad WMIMMHMfe M^M aaaHMMk4f*]ttYr -*'«• '•"»• •--•'*' ThHie month of MancMarch has teenteen des dfls-- C--' ignated "Give a Hoot . Give a Cheek" month in support of the Assn. at Impasse WcebfieM Rescue Squad fund drive which officially begins today. The Faith" Negotiating sUDCess of this year's drive is im- portsnt due to dramatic increases PKOl'OSED SALARY SCHEDULE FOR TEACHERS 1971-72 On New Contract in the cost of supplies and main- The Westfield Board of Education tenance of equipment, as well as the 'Bachelors Masters Masters Doctors was charged with "bad faith nego- _ to reach wrwment on a new contract with the town of ooct of new equipment. Steps Degree Degree Degree + 3D Degree tjaling" by David Brown, president Wattfekf k»ye iajled, «ccor*« t« • •pokMman lor the WestfieM PuMic 1 $8100 $8900 $9700 $10500 of the Westfield Education Associa- I* the past year, the Squad has tion, following an announcement Jh*fahMl Baatvotat Aaaatfatian, «aclua»ve representative for coUecUve purchased many new and modern 2 8300 9100 9800 10700 «iMiH'far''iheUbwlbiwW'dwpu^ -v 3 8500 9300 10100 10900 Tuesday night on salary oCers pkcfK of first aid equipment; in ad- made to the WE A. A.*ttlM«r,< U* M. •«•», wta acMukd to met ytatetttay after- dition to this, it has added to both 4 8800 U600 10400 11400 •Ml ia pi attaint to tette the im- . • • •' 5 9100 9900 10700 J1900 Mr. Brown said that he would amlbulances the most modern defi- call a session of the delegate assem- Pmkurty the eserjtfte UrrtWors and heart-lung-resuscitat- 6 9400 10250 11200 1240O at ,*a WTM*had directed 7 9750 10600 11700 12S0O bly of the WEA yesterday after- S ort.which aid dramatically in the noon, ar.d a counter report would (Mr aiUhwy to f ife a notice of 8 10100 11050 12200 1340O d:agnoiis and treatment of heart at- bo issued, fcnaaiai fa Trenton Boro Budget 9 10500 11500 12700 13900 tawks and other respiratory disord- The 1971-72 ccrtract between the ia aalary are cited by ers. COM of this special equipment 10 10900 12000 13200 14400 who claim at an board and bargaining agent for 47S exceeds $7,000. "The cost of this 11 11400 12500 13700 14900 twdiers is now under mediation fol- that machine cftntan. Down, But equipment, although high, is tre- 12 11000 13000 14200 1540O and mechanici,.aflnie lowing a declaration of impasse aad n^ndously worthwhile as can be at- 13 12450 13600 14800 16O0O the subsequent appointment by the W flr men jmri af itrvice, tested to by the fact that many resi- 14 13000 14200 15400 16600 state of Joflas Silver. Silver has imtoa IM than ftnft year ••reta- Taxes Up MAYOU DONN A. 8NYDER affkbu> ogena annual fund drive of dents of Westfleld are alive today 15 13S0O • 14800 16000 1720O mot with negotiators, but might be il .t^Jr^^^ern^ -.M«"totoilda - Despite a 13-point WtttffcW Rweue flwad M PfctlieM Wayne Melton, Fiutf Drive only as a direct result of these life •Teachers with no degree shall be paid $200 less thcyi those with the replaced by another state-appointed •SSTST; MMtliTvit "fcofiin the municipal portion of the Ckalroua Ray Wheeler and Capt. David BcHtley observe. savinB devices," a Squad spokes- same years of experience on the Bachelor's level. mediator since he is heavily in- 1W1 man said. The equipment is on dis- '-'ZwiSid ^^ £• "" ^ Councilman Loui* N. $500 longevity increase for teachers with 20 or more years teaching volved with the Newark teachers play in the window of Westfield- j. iiLjiilil J HL» Lmuini nataikt- P*™1* finance chairman, report- in Westfield. strike and was unable to make a Bond Pharmacy at the comer of scheduled session last weekend. in «nf- ww ^'^T^TL •aiyiiannaunced last week the total Broad and Elm Sis. Votfa «TBtoee« rate *1M increaae due to higher Nor has the 1971-72 school *9.7 "To advise people of Westfield as million budget been finalized. Sent ^^ ^*^i«l. f«h«>l and county taxes. In the 1W0 Board Plans Liaison to why we need tticir support so to the Town Council for its decas- He budget, W cents of the 4oMl. tai Mode raM) «f 17.42 was used tor municipal greatly, here are some of the facts: King Observance Waits sion following a 2-1 defeat by vot- Bk»'CM* and I*"*"*™, "but." Mr. Parent ii Our two ambulances cost in excess ers last month, the budget has been With Students, Clergy of 134,000 each and must be replaced and that with quo!*1<• saying, "because the bor- the subject of two meetings be- every two to three years; our insur- tween the school board and council, thra* of the <**& council did everything in iU On Calendar Decision r er to Plans to continue communicating class and the student government, ance # equipment squad members which has until Mar. 16 to maka •iida^'^a«aa' ^Bar farce' kat war P°* hold down the municipal No "suitable observance" of the tention, they were ordered sus- rtcZTmaV^n «M>V *c5 ** ^toi»«Me levels we with WestfieM citizens and inform- as the elected representatives of the awJ Uents tollsport<Ki cttste wer a decision. There has been somi ing them about the school system students, and to the editor of "Hi's um eaeh year- our gasoline biU bwlhtfay of Dr. Martin Luther King pended. indication that this may come at W awnajM hafrritn M-lO.m and have been able to reduce that figure were outlined by Arthur'M. Fei- Eye," the student newspaper at the ^ of « 500 These Jr' ^s yet been P-anned, George The punishment is no longer an th council's regular session Tues- U •araed between M-tOM ^ "• cents to approximately 43 alone te in e)oce s e bush, chairman of the community hijh school, which Dr. Feibush said ^ a f ^ the expenses we Plenty, presiding at his first meet- issue, as probation has been drop- day night if studies have been com- centa He went on to in as XTX^J.'-I-IIM WTOU nefloti- explain that infonnation committee, at Tuesday "represents. an important imforma- iaM flnd we merltion them only to 6 president of the Board of ped for the students following the p]eted by then. If not, a special ses- •to**?**Wr*** Ptoad *}•(w^-rtc^ijtaTby the coud- night's public meeting of the Board tion channel to the students." enltohten WestfieMers as to the fi- Education, said Tuesday night. serving of their three-day suspen- ^an wiu ^ calicd t0 malce ^e an. dt tl r Wi of Education. The student representation met Final decision will be made by sions, according to Mr. Plenty. nouncement. tht'One- et).H*Jai•'.*•• at 5.S per ,^*«. 2L?^* , the ;' :«H": K.':'r^i-:.•-•• - "Firstty, taoo.OOO war apprapri- Or Feibush said that the board with some questioning fi-om some the school board, however, follow- But the new school board faces Under proposed salary guide, plans to open up some "new two- attending" Tuesday night's session. c ing a report expected in April from other issues. Asked about its plans ^e board would offer $8,100 a year aftd from aurplua tit* year as op- tim rf ^ ,D«etd to $l»,oa» in. 1870. SecowHy, way communication routes" this George Stammer, president of the a calendar committee which for to achieve racial balance in the to first year teachers with a bach- liwta we the^pfroMta«» taed tor estimated >*«• •••..- St^fflt Council, saui his^ gmip the first time this year includes school system, the new president eior'S <iegree, $3,900 to those with lai?sco1lMik||i"^MtvNdaed' ironi 97 For irjstance, he pointed out, the wouSd meet later this month to dds- fferents. The final calendar for said that the new members of the mester's degrees, »9,70O to those the 1971-72 year also is subject to board are being acquainted with with a roaster's degree plus 30 tt »»<.r«e*. Tfck redu^d the' *• board hopes to eslafalU),oafa,n a tret- cuss it, and another asked if repre- ,pfWHat^;''f*r rweryei"' (or unosl- (OO r fciaria.fcri ltattM'wMltat'Mhh (h(h e WrWertt- sentotWeg would be invited from negotiations between the board and the issue at this time and about credits, and $10,500 to those hold- : Wet* taie* from *27,«l to M,TM Held Minitteriuni." •,,••. , the junior high school level. .the Westfield Education Assecia- eight to 10 different plans have been ;ng ctootorate degrees all Program to"- submitted Under state mandate, for i»i. The 4»,ar.t*» .fpMN Tbe Maxlmums are rei(AteA after 15 * !2 1 t a toce must WB Mr-municipal riirpoiai Composition ot the calendar com- ™™ _ ! ; •« »<*» * •* ye*s, with respective thehital in the welfare of the community," by the community information com- Br.i FeUwsh stated, nviltee last year When each board aid sTschoor'wiih one td»K~ asking «» Concerned Parents group for rt\y"i£££ T^MZ^S Community information commit- member adopted a parerrUeaoher that "just plain parents" be in- ts reactiwhon, of a family living- . ^ . tee member, • Hts, Gordon Allen, group and each of the nine board nave a wi(h m 0) mm teach , coinmiitttmen who prom- eluded rather than representatives sex education curriculum jn the ^stfoy toe, "atievw bi«g»r and better ,pro- assisted by Dr.
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